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Advance Montessori Education Center of Isabela, Inc.

Maligaya, Tumauini, Isabela


First Quarter H
Learners Module 1

Name: ___________________________________
August 2-6, 2021 S
S.Y. 2021-2022
Grade and Section: ___________________________________

The Kinetic Molecular Theory explains the properties of solids and liquids in terms of intermolecular forces of
attraction and the kinetic energy of the individual particles.


Learning Competency/ies:
At the end of this module, you should be able to:
a. Use the kinetic molecular model to explain properties of liquids and solids.(STEM_GC11IMFIIIa-c-
b. Describe and differentiate the types of intermolecular forces.(STEM_GC11IMFIIIa-c-100)
c. Describe the following properties of liquids, and explain the effect of intermolecular forces on these
properties :surface tension, viscosity, vapor pressure, boiling point, and molar heat of


As you go through this module you will be able to answer the following key questions:
1. Why do solids and liquids behave differently?
2. How is intermolecular forces defined by nature of particles?
3. How do intermolecular forces influence the properties of liquids?
4. How do you describe solids?


I. Kinetic Molecular Theory states that:

1. All matter is made up of tiny particles.

2. These are particles are in constant motion.
3. The speed of particle is proportional to temperature. Increased temperature means greater speed.
4. Solids, liquids, and gases differ in distances between particles, in the freedom of motion of particles, and in the
extent to which the particles interact.

II. Intermolecular Forces

o are attractive forces between molecules or particles in the solid or

liquid states.
o Are relatively weaker than the forces within the molecules forming
bonds (intramolecular forces)
o Intramolecular Forces hold atoms together in a molecule.

Types of Intermolecular Forces of Attraction (IMFA)

The intermolecular forces of attraction in a pure substance are collectively known as Van Der Waals forces.
1. Dipole-dipole
o Dipole-dipole forces exist between polar molecules. One
end of a dipole attracts the oppositely charged end of the
other dipole.
2. Hydrogen Bonding
o It is a special and very strong type of dipole-dipole force
that exists between a hydrogen atom bound to a small and
highly electronegative non-metal atom.
o Hydrogen bond occurs in polar molecules containing H
and any of highly electronegative elements, in particular
Nitrogen (N), Flourine (F), and Oxygen (O).
3. Ion-dipole force
o It acts between an ion (either positive or negative) and a
polar molecule.
o This explains the solubility of ionic compounds in water,
which is polar molecule.
o The ions and the oppositely charged ends of the polar
water molecules overcome the attraction between ions
themselves. Each ion becomes separated and water
molecules cluster around it.
4. London Dispersion Forces
o It is the weakest type of intermolecular force.
o When two non-polar molecules approach each other, an
instantaneous dipole moment forms.
o This force is sometimes called an induced dipole-induce
dipole attraction.

5. Dipole-Induced Dipole Forces

o Interaction between polar and non-polar molecules

 Substances may exist as gas, liquid and solids. The distance between their particles is the major difference between them.
IMFA affects mostly the behavior of the substances. IMFA between molecules is considered as a factor in the non-ideal
behavior of gases.

III. Intermolecular Forces and Properties of Liquids

Liquids do not have a simple or regular structure, but many of their properties can be explained qualitatively by viewing
them at the particulate level.

1. Surface Tension
o It is the measure of the elastic force in the surface of a liquid.
o It is the amount of energy required to stretch or increase the surface of a liquid by a unit area.
o It is manifested as some sort of skin on the surface of a liquid or in a drop of liquid.
o Surface tension allows needles and paper clips to float in water if placed carefully on the surface. It also explains why
drop of water are spherical in shaped.
o These intermolecular forces tend to pull the molecules into the liquid and cause the surface to tighten like an elastic
film or “skin”.
o Molecules within a liquid are pulled in all directions by intermolecular forces.
o Molecules at the surface are pulled downward and sideways by other molecules, not upward away from the surface.
o The liquids that have strong intermolecular forces also have high surface tension.
2. Capillary Action
o Is the tendency of a liquid to rise in a narrow tubes or be drawn into small openings such as those between grains of a
o Capillary action, also known as capillarity, is a result of intermolecular attraction between the liquid and solid materials.
o Two types of forces are involved in capillary action:
Cohesion is the intermolecular attraction between like molecules (the liquid molecules).
Adhesion is an attraction between unlike molecules (such as those in water and in the particles that make up
the glass tube).
These forces also define the shape of the surface of a liquid in a cylindrical container (the meniscus!)
3. Viscosity
o It is defined as the resistance of a liquid to flow.
o It is loosely referred to as the thickness or thinness of a liquid.
o Syrup and oil flow more slowly than water and are thus described as more viscous.
o The viscosity of liquid depends on their intermolecular attraction.
o The stronger the intermolecular force, the higher is the liquid’s viscosity.
o Long-chained substances like oil, have greater intermolecular forces because there are more atoms that can attract one
another, contributing to the substance’s total attractive forces.
4. Vapor pressure
o It is the pressure exerted by its vapor when in equilibrium with liquid or solid.
o When liquid or solid substance is made to evaporate in a closed container, the gas exerts a pressure above the liquid.
o Substance with relatively strong intermolecular forces will have low vapor pressure because the particles will have
difficulty escaping as a gas.
Example: Water has vapor pressure of 0.03 atm and Ethyl Ether has vapor pressure at 0.68 atm
5. Boiling point
o The boiling point of a liquid is the temperature at which its vapor pressure is equal to the external or atmospheric
o Increasing the temperature of a liquid raises the kinetic energy of its molecules, until such point where the energy of
the particle movement exceeds the intermolecular forces that hold them together.
o The liquid molecules then transform to gas and are seen as bubbles that rises to the surface of the liquids and escape to
the atmosphere.
o Then temperature at which a liquid boils under 1 atmospheric pressure (1 atm) is referred to as its normal boiling point.
o At higher altitude, the atmospheric pressure is lower, hence, the boiling point will subsequently decrease.
o The greater intermolecular force, the higher the energy needed to increase the kinetic energy of the molecules to break
the forces.
6. Molar Heat of Vaporization
o Molar Heat of vaporization (ΔHvap) is the amount of heat required to vaporize one mole of substance at its boiling
o The application of heat disrupts the intermolecular forces of attraction of the liquid molecules and allows them to
o Boiling point generally increases as molar heat of vaporization increases.
o The ΔHvap is also determined by the strength of intermolecular forces between molecules.

For a given liquid at a certain temperature has high or greater (↑)

↑ IMFA ↑ surface tension ↑ viscosity ↓ vapor pressure ↑ boiling point
Intermolecular forces of attraction the surface tension and viscosity is high while vapor pressure is low
IV. Types and Properties of Solid

Solid can be classified as crystalline or amorphous based on the arrangement of their particles.

1. Crystalline solids
o Have highly regular arrangement of particles
o Have well-defined crystal lattice – is a three-dimensional system of points designating the positions of the components
(ions, atoms, or molecules) that make up a crystal.
Types of crystals
o Metallic Crystals are made of atoms that readily lose electrons to form positive ions (cations), but no atoms in the crystal
would readily gain electrons.
Observed property Inference about the structure

Dense Atoms are packed close together.

High melting point Strong attractive forces hold the atoms in the crystal.

Good electrical conductor Charged particles move through the crystal.

Good heat conductor Particles can move through the crystal.

Malleable and ductile When the crystal is deformed or stress is applied, the attractive forces are
not broken.

Lustrous Light is easily absorbed and emitted back.

o Ionic Crystals are made of ions (cations and anions) These ions form strong electrostatic interactions that hold the crystal
lattice together

Observed property Inference about the structure

Hard Strong attractive forces hold the crystal together.

High melting point Strong attractive forces have to be broken to melt the crystal

Poor electrical conductor No charged particles move through the crystal

in the solid state

Good electrical conductor Mobile charged particles are present in the molten state
in the molten state

Brittle Deformation or shift of particles cause attractive forces to be


o Molecular Crystals are made of atoms, such as in noble gases, or molecules.

Observed property Inference about the structure

Soft Weak attractive forces hold the crystal together.

Low melting point Weak attractive forces are broken when crystals melt

Poor electrical conductor No charged particles move through the crystal

in the solid and molten

Poor heat conductor No particles can move easily throughout the crystal.

Brittle Deformation or shift of particles cause attractive forces to be


o Covalent Network Crystals are made of atoms in which each atom is covalently bonded to its nearest neighbors

Observed property Inference about the structure

Hard Strong attractive forces hold the crystal together.

Very high melting point Strong attractive forces have to be broken in order to melt crystals

Poor electrical conductor No charged particles move through the crystal

in the solid and molten

Poor heat conductor No particles can move easily throughout the crystal.

Brittle Deformation or shift of particles cause attractive forces to be


2. Amorphous solids
o Have considerable disorder in their structure.
o Amorphous solids, such a glass, are formed rapidly that its constituent particle do not have time to align or organize
into a more crystalline lattice.

*The crucial difference between crystalline and amorphous solids is not what they are made of but how they are made,
and more precisely how their structures are arranged.


1. Compare the distances among molecules in the gas, liquid and solid and rank the phases in increasing distance between
2. Describe the characteristic movement of the particles of gas, liquid and solid.
3. How are the molecules of gas, liquid, and solid arranged?
4. Arrange the three phases of matter in order of increasing volume of empty space between its molecules.


Direction: Complete the table by looking at the properties of matter and give their molecular form.

Properties of Matter
Gas Liquid Solid




Motion of Molecules

Movement of Particles
Distances among


Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The boiling point of substance Z is higher than that of substance W. What does this indicate?
a. Substance Z is less viscous than substance W.
b. Substance Z evaporates faster than substance W.
c. Substance W has greater surface tension than substance Z.
d. Substance W has weaker intermolecular forces than substance Z.
Explain your answer.
2. Which of the following properties of a liquid indicates very strong intermolecular forces?
a. Very low viscosity c. Very low boiling point
b. Very low surface tension d. Very low vapor pressure
3. Under which of these conditions will you achieve a fast rate of evaporation?
a. High molecular energy, small surface area
b. High mass, large surface area, high kinetic energy
c. Low kinetic energy, strong molecular forces, large surface area
d. Weak forces between molecules, high kinetic energy, large surface area
4. Which of the following liquids would have the highest viscosity at 25°C?
a. CH3OCH3 c. C2H5OH
b. CH2Cl2 d. HOCH2CH2OH
5. Which of the following would be expected to have the highest vapor pressure at room temperature?
a. Ethanol, boiling point = 78°C c. Water, boiling point = 100°C
b. Methanol, boiling point = 65°C d. Acetone, boiling point = 56°C


Direction: Give at least ten (10) examples of Crystalline and Amorphous Solids.

Crystalline Solid Amorphous Solid

NOTE: For further clarification/s about the lesson, you can contact the teacher at 09354451455.

 PNU Let Reviewer Majorship Physical Science
Chemical Bonds by Prof. Adolfo P. Roque page 151

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Science Teacher Subject Coordinator

Recommending Approval: Approved by:


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