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CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support


Not Applicable

Units of Competency

This Assessment Kit addresses the following unit/s of competency:

 CHCCCS015 Provide individual support

Performance Criteria and Aspects of Evidence

See: CHCCCS015

Summary of Assessment Tasks for CHCCCS015

For more detailed information, please read the Assessment Outline for each Assessment Task.
Assessment and Assessment Task Summary
This is a summative assessment tool. You are required to answer
Assessment 1 –
43 Short Answer Questions covering the content of the unit/s.
Written Questions
Responses to the questions are to be completed in your own time; information may be
collected from your workplace. Questions may also be completed during classroom
session however this will be at the discretion of your trainer During the first classroom
session for the unit, your trainer will tell you the date of the assessment submission is
This is a summative assessment tool. You are required to read and understand the Case
Assessment 2
Study scenarios and answer the following questions.
– Case Studies
Responses to the questions are to be completed in your own time; information may be
collected from your workplace. During the first classroom session for the unit, your
trainer will tell you the date of the assessment submission is due. 5 Case Studies
 Case Study 1 – Mr Slade
 Case Study 2 - Stella
 Case Study 3 – Summer Villa Nursing Home
 Case Study 4 – Jessie Bowen
 Case Study 5 - Elizabeth

This is a summative assessment tool. The Assessor will observe your normal work
Assessment 3
practices to ensure that you are meeting all of the requirements listed for this
– Observations
Skills must have been demonstrated in the workplace or in a simulated
environment that reflects workplace conditions.
Your Assessor will use the Observation Checklist in this Assessment Kit You are
required to show competence in each of the areas listed during the workplace visit.
Your Assessor will negotiate a time when they are available to observe you in your place
of work or during your work placement.
Student Assessment Support Information

Please read the following carefully:

 Assessment Outline
◾ Each task has clear, explicit instructions on where, when and how to perform the criteria indicated,
and what evidence must be submitted by when to be successful. The task will indicate how you will
need to prepare, the resources you will need use, how long the task will take and the support that is
 Assessments are to be completed according to the instructions provided in the
assessment document. Your trainer/assessor will go through the instructions with you.
◾ All parts of each assessment (questions and/or tasks) must be answered unless the
individual assessment instructions tell you something different.
◾ Your completed assessment tasks will provide evidence for your assessor to determine
whether you have successfully performed and satisfied all of the requirements to achieve competency.
◾ Ask your Trainer/Assessor for Help- If you are unsure about any aspect of an assessment, ask
your trainer/assessor to explain the requirements.
 Assessment and Student Participation
◾ Assessment tasks should only be completed after the workshop/training related to this
unit/cluster/topic has been completed.
 Group or Team Work:
◾ In some cases, you will be required to work on a project in small groups, and your trainer will
allocate you to a group to work as a team. You may even be allocated a particular role.
◾ If you are working as part of a group, you will still be required to submit your assessment
individually, and your performance will be assessed on an individual basis.
◾ Therefore, you must keep and submit with your assignment a record of the specific contribution you
have made to the project, as well as keep notes of team meetings to include in your final submission.
 Reasonable Adjustment and Student Needs
◾ Please remind your trainer of any special needs you may have.
◾ You will have access to your Trainer/Assessor throughout the program for any educational
support requirements.
◾ Where possible reasonable adjustment to the assessment will be made, provided that does not affect the
validity of the assessment.
 Assessment Submissions
◾ All assignments and projects must be typed in 12 point type on A4 paper
◾ You need to complete, sign and date the Assessment Cover and Assessment Record and attach it to
your assessment submission.
◾ Make sure you keep a photocopy or scanned copy of the submission before handing it in.
◾ If you are unable to submit any assignment by the due date, you need to discuss this with your
trainer/assessor beforehand and obtain an extension of time.
◾ If you do not follow the above rules, you may need to be re-assessed
 Plagiarism
◾ All assessment submissions must be your own work – your own words. All quotes from reference
sources (eg books and websites) must be acknowledged and listed at the end of your assignment.
 Assessment Feedback
◾ After you have completed an assessment, your assessor will give you feedback about your
performance and tell you whether the result is “satisfactory” or “not satisfactory” (that is, your trainer
/assessor considers you need more training and experience).
 Assessment Complaints and Appeals
 If you think the assessment process was flawed, you may appeal against the assessment decision. Please
refer to the Resubmission and Re-assessment Policy on for more information.
 Download the AOT Student Handbook at to ensure you are fully informed
of all relevant AOT policies, procedures and course information prior to your enrolmen
Frequently Asked Questions

Questions Answers
1. Who will assess me? A qualified assessor determines whether you have the required skills and knowledge to be
deemed competent in each of the units.
2. Where will the This will vary depending on the assessment. Assessment may take place in the classroom
assessment take or in the workplace and may be completed in your own time. This information will be
place? included in each assessment task and can be clarified by your trainer/assessor.

3. What is the assessment Complete each assessment task as directed by your trainer/assessor.
process? Once you are satisfied with your assessment and are ready to submit your work: Sign and
date the Student Declaration page and Assessment Cover
Submit the completed task to your facilitator/assessor by the due date.
4. What will be assessed You will be assessed in all areas of the unit of competency to ensure you meet the
and what is the objectives of the unit. Benchmarks will vary depending on the assessment. All
benchmark? evidence requirements will be provided in the Assessment Outline.
5. Do I complete all No. Your facilitator/assessor will direct you to commence an assessment task when it
assessments at once? relates to a unit or cluster topic.
6. What does competent After you have completed all the assessments for a unit (or group of units in some cases),
mean? you will be awarded C (Competent) if the assessor is satisfied you
have provided enough appropriate evidence to meet all criteria.
7. What does not yet NYC (Not Yet Competent) is the term used when you have yet to complete all of the tasks
competent mean? within the unit satisfactorily. If you are deemed Not Yet Competent by your trainer
/assessor and require re-assessment, you will be informed of the process.

8. What does Satisfactory means you have successfully completed the assessment task in full.
satisfactory mean?
9. What does not yet Not yet satisfactory means you still have to complete parts of the assessment
satisfactory mean? successfully. If your performance is not satisfactory, you will be advised about any gaps
in your knowledge or skills and given an opportunity to be re-assessed.
10. How do I demonstrate Complete all the assessment tasks in this assessment kit and submit your completed
competency? assessments kit to your facilitator/assessor by the due date.
11. What resources will Refer to the Assessment Outline for each task. Your responses to assessment activities
assist me to complete might be drawn from:
the assessment tasks? ◾ Knowledge gained in your training
◾ Your Student Workbook, Handouts and Assessment Kit
◾ Additional reading and research both within and outside the workplace
◾ Workplace experience or Personal experience
◾ Internet access, your own email address/account and access to a
reliable computer capable of uploading basic files up to 5MB
12. What are some tips ◾ Use a variety of resources to research and compile your responses
that will help me to e.g. reference material, the internet, policies and procedures, etc.
complete my ◾ Ask for clarification from your facilitator/assessor if needed
assessment tasks? ◾ Read each task and question carefully
◾ Keep answers succinct and to the point
◾ Review your work and ensure you have addressed all requirements.
13. What is reasonable Reasonable adjustment is the modification made to an assessment task by a
adjustment? facilitator/assessor when required, to accommodate the diverse needs of students.
Reasonable adjustment can only be made if it does not affect the validity and fairness of
an assessment. Any reasonable adjustment or alternative
tasks will be outlined in the assessment tool.
Assessment Outline

Purpose of the task

To progress towards demonstrating application and competency in the units:
◾ CHCCCS015 Provide individual support
The assessment task will demonstrate the participant’s ability to:
◾ Determine support needs
◾ Provide support services
◾ Monitor support activities
◾ Complete reporting and documentation

Responses to the questions are to be completed in your own time; information may be collected from your
workplace. May also be completed during classroom session however this will be at the discretion of your trainer
Your assessor will provide you a due date: / / _
Assessment task
This unit applies to workers who provide support under direct or indirect supervision in any community services or
health context.
To demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to organise, provide and monitor support services within the limits
established by an individualised plan. The individualised plan refers to the support or service provision plan
developed for the individual accessing the service and may have many different names in different organisations, you
are required to undertake the following:
1. Read all of the questions for this unit of competency before commencing.
2. Answer all the short answer questions for this unit of competency. Keep in mind you are studying a
Nationally Recognised Certificate III unit of competency.
3. Your answers must reflect the depth of knowledge and understanding expected of a person who can work
without supervision and demonstrate a level of judgement and decision-making.
4. All questions and tasks must be true and correct to be assessed as satisfactory.
5. Complete the assessment sign off sheet with your assessor.
Assessment conditions
◾ Answer the following questions – this is an open book assessment
◾ You may ask for clarification on questions but may not ask for assistance with answers
◾ You may type answers and attach it to the assessment cover sheet with questions clearly and correctly
◾ If completing in hand writing, participants must use blue or black ink
◾ No red pen, white out or pencil
Required Resources
◾ Assessment kit
◾ Pen or computer/computer software for completing electronically
◾ Workplace policies and procedures
Assessment Record - AS1 Written Questions CHCCCS015

Student First Name Karamjeet

Student Last Name Kaur
Qualification Details CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support
Unit/s of CHCCCS015 Provide individual support
Competencies in this
Marking Sheet

Questions S NS Questions S NS Questions S NS Questions S NS

1 11 21 31
2 12 22 32
3 13 23 33
4 14 24 34
5 15 25 35
6 16 26 36
7 17 27 37
8 18 28 38
9 19 29 39
10 20 30 40
Assessment Sign-Off AS1 Written Questions

Please make changes as per comments. Also, add your sign and date in all places


Result: Satisfactory All questions satisfactorily completed
(circle one)
Not Satisfactory Resubmission arrangements if NS:
Re-submission date: _/ /
◾ The assessor has given me feedback and Student Signature:
advised me of the result of my assessment.
Student ◾ If the assessment result is not satisfactory, I
Declaration understand that I will be given the
opportunity to be re-assessed. Date: _/ /
◾ I understand that, if I consider the assessment
to be flawed,
Result Transferred to Assessment I may appeal
Cover Sheet Yesagainst
/ the No
assessment decision.
◾ This signature confirms that I have Assessor Name:
conducted a fair, valid and reliable
assessment of this student;
Assessor ◾ I have informed them of the result of the MEERA
Declaration assessment;
◾ I have provided them with feedback
comments above; discussed any gaps in their
knowledge and skills; and (where relevant) I
have advised them that they have the
opportunity to be re-assessed and reminded Assessor
them of the grounds on which they may
appeal against the
assessment decision.

Date: 14/8/21
Assessment Task 1 - Written Questions CHCCCS015

Briefly answer the questions below in the spaces

provided. Multiple choice Tick the correct answer.

True or False Tick the correct answer.

1. Explain in your own words what an individual care plan is

An individualized care plan is the one through which the lifestyle modifications as well as the
medicines which are required for managing the risk factors are identified, the psychological needs
are addressed and the referral is also included. The plan is made available to the patient as well as
the general practitioner or an ongoing provider within the discharge of 48 hours.


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:

2. As an individual support worker are you able to write an individual care plan for your client/resident.
 yes or ☐NO

3. In your own words, how would you explain Person-Centred care?

The person centered care is the manner in which the things and thought and done seeing the people to be
making the use of health as well as the social services as the equal partners within planning, development
as well as monitoring care for making sure that there are met. The same means to put the people as well
as their families at the decisions center and viewing them as the experts. To work alongside the
professionals for obtaining the best outcome.


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:
Student has clear understanding of the topic

4. What are some of the details to ensure an Individual Care plan is accurate?
List 4 details
1. it contains the details regarding medical, physical, social, emotional, lifestyle as well as
spiritual needs of care.
1. manner of wish services are outlined for delivery.
2. contain the information regarding the arrangements of family
3. evidence is provided regarding the care which is wished to be received.


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:
Correct answer
5. A care plan needs to explain what supports and/or services are needed to assist the
individual to achieve his or her personal goals and disability related needs. List 4 examples
of the headings that can assist in supporting your resident/clients needs.
1. Approaching or contacting the manager or the leader of the team for clarity as
well as advising regarding the job role.
1. Peers’ skills, knowledge as well as qualifications within the organization or the
2. Reviewing the policies as well as the guidelines of the organisations so that the
limitations regarding the role as well as the organization can be clarified.
3. Providing access to the community as well as social needs.


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:

6. Discuss in your own words the meaning of Advocacy.

An activity by an individual or the group aiming towards the influencing of the decisions within the
political, economic as well as social institutions is advocacy. It can include the numerous activities
which can be undertaken by the person or the organization which include the media campaigns,
public speaking, commissioning as well as public research.


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:

7. Explain in your own words the role of the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissions
The role of Aged Care Quality and the Safety Commissions is the protection as well as safety enhancement,
well being and the people’s quality of life by whom the aged care is received. The promote the high quality
care as well as services so that everyone can be safeguarded by whom Australian Government funded
aged care is received.


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:

8. Do all ageing and disability service have a responsibility to provide culturally, linguistically
and spiritually appropriate and flexible aged care (across generalist, multicultural and ethno-
specific service types) to facilitate maximum choice for CALD aged care recipients? Circle your
S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:
9. List 4 concerns that can be raised with the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
the concerns which can be raised are:
 Relating to personal or clinical care.
 Choice of activities
 Discrimination
 Communication or physical environment.


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:

10. What does the abbreviation ACAT mean?

Aged Care Assessment Team


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:

11. Explain in your own words the Individual Support Plan System.
An Individual Support Plan System is the one assisting the people with disability, their families as well
as carers for considering the manner in which they would like their life to now as well as in future and
the strategies that will enable them in working towards the goals.


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:
Good explanation

12. When planning activities for the individual, what are 2 of the thing you need to keep in mind?
 Observations regarding the competencies as well as behaviors
 age and limitations


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:
13. What does access and inclusion mean?
The meaning of access and inclusion is different for the different people. The processes as well as the
outcomes for the access as well as inclusion can’t be perspective and need to take into account the
individuals diverse needs as well as the nature, strengths, priorities as well as resources of the community.
Removing or reducing the barriers for the participation within the activities as well as community’s
functions are the common elements of the access as well as inclusion by ensuring that there is accessibility
of information, services as well as facilities for the people having different disabilities.


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:

14. List three design considerations for people who experience difficulties walking.
 Specific attention is required to be given to the steps as well as the handrail design so that the
adequate support can be ensured and there can be a feeling of ease and confidence when the
steps are negotiated.
 Sitting provision in the areas of waiting, at the counters as well as along the lengthy walkways
so that he fatigue can be reduced.
 Awareness regarding the ramp which might prove to be difficult for certain people, steps as
well as lifts through which the useful alternatives are provided.


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:
Answer reflects student’s concern for the clients

15. To develop trust between yourself and your client/resident name 2 ways that could start this
1. Respecting them and giving them personal space
1. Giving them privacy


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:

16. Individual support workers are encouraged to reflect on those behaviours that may lead to
the crossing of professional boundaries. Discuss what crossing professional boundaries
means to you.
Crossing the professional boundaries happens when a carer is too much involved in a
client's life and care and disrespect their privacy. The part of the pattern or the behavioral
build up between individual as well as the client is the boundary crossing.


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:
Student demonstrates awareness about personal boundaries
17. Is the following statement true or false?
‘Policies assist in defining what must be
 True or ☐ False
S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:

18. What form can a Procedure be produce in?

1. Flowcharts
2. Checklists
3. Written steps of the process


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:
Right answer

19. Name 6 pieces of equipment that can be used to assist your client/resident while aiding with their
1. Bathing and hygiene aids
1. Dressing aids
2. Gait Belts
3. Medication Aids
4. Dining Aids
5. Positioning and safety at bed.


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:

20. What would you do if you discovered the piece of equipment you intended to use is ‘out of order’?
An out of order sign will be put and the staff must be alerted


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:
21. Who’s instruction would you follow to assemble the piece of equipment on purchase?
Tick correct answer
☐ organisations policy and procedures, or
 manufacturer
S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:

22. During the process of gathering information for your supervisor or manager to write the
individual care plan. Would you ask the client’s family or friends for input?
 Yes or ☐ No
S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:

23. There are several aspects to duty of care: Name them.

The different aspects are:
 Legal
 Professional
 Organizational
 Community
 Personal


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:

24. What are your obligations to the client/resident who chooses to take risks?
Always giving due consideration to the capacity of the individual in making the decisions
Considering the reasonable risk
Keeping the documentation to be sufficient.
Familiarizing with the policies of organization.


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:
25. What do you consider are risks if and environment is not well maintained?
1. Infection
4. Moving as well as handling of equipment like the beds, mattresses, trolleys as well as
5. Fall


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:

26. Who do you consider to be at high risk of falls? List 5

1. Older people
1. People having inability of walking.
2. People on wheelchair
3. People suffering from hip fractures.
4. People with leg fractures.


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:

27. What are 4 services included in the Home Care Package?

1. Personal care
1. Social support
2. Nursing care
3. Medication management


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:

28. Some areas to pay particular attention to with cleanliness are;

1. floors
1. Areas of food preparation
2. Walls and fixtures
3. storage areas


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:

29. Complete the table below

Table 4: Stages of Cultural Competency
Stage Name Definition
The characterization of the cultural destructiveness is done
1 Cultural through the attitudes, policies, structures as well as practices in the
Destructiveness system or an organization which are destructive for the cultural

The lack of capacity of the systems as well as the organisations for

2 Cultural responding in an effective manner to the needs, interests as well as
Incapacity preferences of the diverse group which is cultural and linguistic.
Institutional or the systematic biases, practice resulting in
discrimination for hiring as well as promotional.
It is an expressed philosophy to view and treat all the people to be
Characteristics are: policies which are personnel by which the
Cultural assimilation is encouraged.
3 Blindness approaches’ within service delivery as well as supports ignoring the
cultural strengths.
Institutions attitude blaming the customers.

The level of awareness in the systems or the organizations of the

Cultural strength as well as growth areas for responding to the diverse
population which are cultural as well as linguistic.
Characteristics including but are not limited to the system or the
express valuation of the organization through which the high-
4 quality services are delivered as well as supporting to culturally as
well as diverse populations in a linguistic manner.

Systems as well as organizations through which the cultural

5 Cultural competence is exemplified for demonstrating an acceptance as well
Competenc as respect for the cultural differences.
e Mission statement is created for the organization through which
the principles, rationale as well as the values for the cultural as well
as linguistic competence in the organization’s aspects.
Systems as well as organizations holding culture within the high
6 Cultural esteem, using the same a foundation for guiding all the endeavors
Proficiency and the same:
continue in adding the knowledge base within the cultural field as
well as linguistic competence through conducting the research as
well as new treatment development.
S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:
Student has knowledge about the stages of cultural competency

30. Who do you call if you have a medical emergency?

Triple zero (000) is called for the ambulance in case there is medical emergency.


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:
31. Name a situation where you may seek assistance if you are unable to provide appropriate support.
assistance might be seeking for mobility of the person on wheelchair and provision of specific support
like transport.


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:

32. What action would you take to monitor support activities?:

þ Gather feedback from the person
☐ Gather feedback from family and carers
☐ Make observations
 All of the above
S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:
The marked answer is correct

33. It is important to include your client/resident in discussions about how services are meeting
their needs. Under what circumstances would you have the individual care plan altered?
When a client’s goals, priorities and health changes accordingly changes will be made to the
care plan


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:

34. Written reports you would give to a supervisor would come in the form of
☐ Progress reports
☐ Case notes
☐ Care plans
 All of the above
☐ None of the above
S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:
35. Give 3 examples of when your resident or client deserves privacy.
1. Maintaining the personal information
1. When they are under specialized treatment.
2. Toileting


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:

Student understands the importance of client privacy

36. Who are you able to discuss your client/resident with?

Your team mates
☐ Your next door neighbour
☐ Client
☐ Client/supervisors family
S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:

37. Name 4 examples of certain factors that can contribute to error in judgement causing risk.
1. Inefficiency in maintaining the confidentiality of the policies and procedures.
2. Inefficiency in supervision
3. inadequacy in procedures
4. lack of time


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:
Please see reference and answer correctly

38. Identifying and reporting signs of additional or unmet needs of your clients is a vital part
of being an individual support worker. What sort of out of the ordinary things would you
report and to who?
1. avoiding or absence of involving the professionals needed for the specific health
2. Lack of equipment, medication as well as supplies needed for managing the
3. poor hygiene
4. Theft or the hunger which is constantly reported as well as requests for the food or
the other needs.


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:
Please see reference and answer correctly
39. To avoid litigation, health care providers must comply with established standards of care,
where do the Standards of care arise from?
The standards of care originate from the different sources which are:
 Standards of care- The care which is to be expected by the patient for receiving under
the similar circumstances are dependent upon the professional literature, protocols as
well as expert opinions.
 There is deriving of the standards of nursing practice from the policies and procedures
facility, job descriptions, professional standards as well as the practice scopes, acts of
state nurse practice and the expert nurses providing the information regarding the
reasonable, careful as well as the prudent care.


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:
Please see reference and answer correctly

40. How can documentation a client/residents history assist in meeting the care needs?
Each staff member is allowed for understanding the medical history regarding the individual as well
as any interventions holding relevance to the care as well as support needs under the client
documentation. The use of such history can be done for directing the interventions as well as actions
in future.


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:

41. List 5 of the Don’ts when documenting:

1. The documentation should not lack information
2. Nursing intervention which is done twice can also be resulted through the lack of
3. All the information of the patients, findings are evaluated as well as interventions should not
be missed.
4. The record of the patient should not be altered which is the criminal offense.
5. The substantive statements relating to the prior treatment or the outcomes which are poor
and are presented as the facts.


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:
Some points in this are wrong, please correct it

42. Fill in the Blanks: For confidential information to be released to another person or service,
the client must give consent verbally or in written preferably).


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:

43. Is resident or client information to be kept under lock and key?
 Yes Or ☐ No
S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:


Assessment Outline

Purpose of the task

To progress towards demonstrating application and competency in the unit:
◾ CHCCCS015 Provide individual support
The assessment task will demonstrate the participant’s ability to:
◾ Determine support needs
◾ Provide support services
◾ Monitor support activities
◾ Complete reporting and documentation
Information may be collected at the workplace and completed in own time.
Your assessor will provide you a due date:
Assessment task
To demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to organise, provide and monitor support
services within the limits established by an individualised plan. The individualised plan refers to
the support or service provision plan developed for the individual accessing the service and may
have many different names in different organisations, you are required to undertake the
The participant is required to undertake the following:
◾ Read the Case Studies below.
◾ Answer the questions on each scenario and write your answers on the space
provided. These questions require responses between 2 to 4 sentences long.
◾ If you would prefer you may also type your responses and attach it to this
assessment. Ensure all attachments are clearly labelled with your name, course
name, and unit code.
◾ If you require additional support, you can either refer to your participant workbook or
speak with your assessor directly.
◾ Make sure you keep a copy of your assignment before you hand it in to your trainer.
Assessment conditions
◾ You may ask for clarification on questions but may not ask for assistance with answers
◾ If completing in hand writing participants must use blue or black ink
◾ No red pen, white out or pencil
◾ You may type answers and attach it to the assessment cover sheet with questions
clearly and correctly numbered
Required Resources
◾ Assessment kit and pen
Assessment Record - AS2 Case Studies for CHCCCS015
Student First Name
Student Last Name

Qualification Details CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support

Unit/s of CHCCCS015 Provide individual support

Competencies in this
Marking Sheet

Checklist And Scope Of Submission And

Yes No Comment
Assessment Evidence
In this task, did the student complete:
Case Study 1 – Mr Slade
Case Study 2 - Stella
Case Study 3 – Summer Villa Nursing Home
Case Study 4 – Jessie Bowen
Case Study 5 - Elizabeth
Submission and detailed responses to the
questions for the case studies above that
meets all requirements of this unit?
Assessment Sign-Off AS3 Case Studies


Result: Satisfactory All questions satisfactorily completed

(circle one)
Not Satisfactory Resubmission arrangements if NS:
Re-submission date: _/ /
Student Signature:
◾ The assessor has given me feedback and advised
Student me of the result of my assessment.
Declaration ◾ If the assessment result is not satisfactory, I
understand that I will be given the opportunity Date: _/ /
to be re-assessed.
◾ I understand that, if I consider the assessment
process to be flawed, I may appeal against the
Result Transferred to Assessment Cover Sheet
assessment decision. Yes / No

Assessor Name:
◾ This signature confirms that I have conducted a
fair, valid and reliable assessment of this student;
Assessor ◾ I have informed them of the result of the
assessment; Meera thomson
Declaration ◾ I have provided them with feedback comments
above; discussed any gaps in their knowledge and
skills; and (where relevant) I have advised them Assessor
that they have the opportunity to be re-assessed
and reminded them of the grounds on which they
may appeal against the assessment decision. Signature:

Date; 14/8/21
Assessment Task 2 – Case Studies for CHCCCS015 Case

Study 1 – Mr Slade

Mr Slade is a new resident in the nursing home. The Clinical Nurse, Robyn, was assessing him as
part of his initial Care Plan development. While walking with him to the interview room, she
noticed he was limping and his trouser leg was slightly stained. She asked him about his limp and
its cause. He dismissed her question with ‘Oh, it’s only a scratch from where I caught my leg on
the edge of a cupboard’. Robyn persisted with her enquiries and persuaded Mr Slade to lift his
trouser leg. Here the ‘scratch’ had turned into a weeping ulcer. Appropriate wound management
and referral to the doctor for medication were immediately included in the Care Plan.

Discuss this case study in terms of how data may be collected for a client’s Care Plan.
The data might be collected for the care plan of the client by the way of observation, health survey
will be done. All details regarding the reason of limping problem and weeping ulcer will be written


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:
Please explain how data will be collected

Case Study 2 - Stella

Stella is a hostel resident. She experiences problems with her eyes, and has had eye drops
prescribed by her doctor. Alice, an experienced AIN, was showering Stella recently and she told
Alice that these eye drops were rarely instilled into her eyes. Alice immediately went to the RN,
who confirmed that the prescription had been obtained. Unfortunately, an oversight in recording
the instructions for carers to assist with instilling the eye drops had occurred.

Referring to the chapter on WHS, comment on what documentation has to be completed to

rectify this situation.
There might be inclusion of forms, checklists and the WHS reports and they will be reporting on the
manner of how the same will be performed regarding the safety of Stella.


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:
Wrong answer. Please answer according to the question
Case Study 3 – Summer Villa Nursing Home

In Summer Villa Nursing Home all client records are stored and maintained in the Care Station
of each wing. This is also the case for the Iris Wing where the clients suffering from dementia
are located. To ensure security of documentation, each Care Station is locked. The RN on duty
holds the key to the Care Station. Staff members maintain the clients’ records while within the
Care Station. The Care Station is locked when the carer who was completing documentation
vacates the station to resume other duties.
In this case study, comment on the measures taken to secure client confidentiality and assess
whether these measures meet the standard for storing client records.
The client health records of all types will be covered by the National Privacy Principles. The record of
the client will be kept confidential and is not required to be left anywhere other people might view
the client record’s written details. The health care professionals of the Summer Villa Nursing Home
will only be having the access to such documents. The designing security systems will be done for
recording the access and the databases to the company can become highly valuable.


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:

Case Study 4 – Jessie Bowen

Mrs.. J is a client of your organisation.

When carers noticed an increase in her incontinence, the standard approach was for carers to
enter her room at night and feel her bed to see if she had soiled herself. This was unsatisfactory
for all, and embarrassing for Mrs.. J.
The solution was to use an enuresis (incontinence) pad, which issues an alert if Mrs.. J is incontinent.
This allows for carers only to enter her room when an incident occurs, and if she is incontinent
she is assisted with her toilet and hygiene needs and bedclothes are changed straight away.
It also enabled carers to examine records of alerts.
They could see that a pattern of incontinence developed between 2 and 3 am. Using this
information carers can now assist Mrs.. J to the toilet at 1.30 am and promote Mrs.. J’s
Be aware that Mrs.. J is unsteady on her feet when escorting to the toilet. Is Mrs.. J steady enough to
walk unaccompanied?
Is support from her carer adequate or does she require a wheelie walker for
support? This in turn was recorded on her Care Plan by Gwen Burton RN
1. You are to assess Jessie Bowen’s care plan and recreate one with all possible
variations which may occur within an aspect of your client’s care.
2. Example of Mrs. Bowen’s existing Care Plan is attached at the end of this document
3. Make changes to Mrs. Bowen’s existing Care Plan as required
4. What are your reasons for the changes?
The reasons behind making such changes are that with this the Mrs. Bowen will be able to bring
improvement in her walking and even her soiling issue will also be cured.she will be able to feel
more comfortable.


S NYS Assessor to indicate how this professional judgement was made:

Case Study 5 – Edith

Edith, an 89-year-old widow, had recently been admitted to the dementia unit of a residential
aged-care facility. Edith has been admitted because she was found wandering aimlessly around
her 1,000 hectare property west of Bourke, with no idea of who or where she was. It was
obvious from her disheveled appearance that Edith had been outside for a number of days, and
that she was no longer able to look after herself.
Her past history was obtained from the members of her local community. Edith had been born,
raised, and married in this community, and had lived there all her life. She had been the only girl
in a family of 14 children. Her father had been a farmer and her mother had died following
childbirth when Edith was nine years old. Because she was the only female, she was expected to
take on her mother’s role and look after the family. She had received no formal education and
was illiterate.
Edith had married George, a cattle farmer, when she was 17 years of age. She had given birth to
six children, who had all predeceased her. Throughout her adult life she had worked to subsidise
the farm. During the day she had worked at the local shop, and in the evenings she had served
behind the bar at the local pub. George had died when Edith was 56 years old.
On admission to the Fitzroy Falls Aged-Care Facility, Edith’s medical diagnoses were listed as:
o Korsakoff’s syndrome;
o Congestive cardiac failure;
o Osteoarthritis;
o Traumatic amputation of the first three fingers
of her right hand (three years previously);
o Total deafness in the right ear, and limited
hearing in the left ear;
o Infected sores on both of her lower legs;
o Dehydration and malnutrition; and
o Incontinence of urine
o After examination and assessment the
following data were identified;
o Weight 46kgs; height 174cms;
o Mucous membrane pale; skin turgor
markedly decreased;
o 27 suppurating lesions on the lower legs
(infected insect bites);
o Hearing severely impaired; no hearing aid;
o Vision not impaired when wearing spectacles;
o Incontinent of urine only early in the morning;
o Constant pain in knees, elbows, fingers, and back;
o Unable to button clothes or hold cutlery;
o Refused all food and frequently stated: “I’m not
eating that muck”;
o When offered fluids, stated: “I want a real drink”; and
o Continually wandered and tried to abscond,
stating that she ‘needed to get home to feed the
cattle and dogs’.
To develop the care plan for Edith you need to analyse the collected data and place a priority
rating on each issue requiring intervention.
The most important issue should be placed first in the care plan, followed by the next most
important, then the third, fourth, fifth and so on until all issues are placed in descending order of
importance If each issue is placed on a separate page, the order of priority can readily be
changed to reflect revised assessments.
Using the information you develop here use a blank proforma from the Care plans from the
Fitzroy Falls Aged Care Facility, next page, and fill in the details – keep this care plan as part of
your ongoing assessment.
Table 1: Care Plan
Name: Jessie Bowen Date of birth:
Contact no:+6200994900
Doctor: Gwen Burton RN Doctor’s contact no:
Medicare no: Pension no:

name: Gwen
Burton RN
Care needs:
toilet and
walking and
Goal: to cure the Jessie Bowen’s soiling issue and her problem of walking
Vision Hearing
Aids glasses magnifying Aids hearing aids (
glasses Clean and fit right left ) Adjust
glasses daily volume daily
Able to clean own glasses Check batteries and clean aids
Place objects in range of Gain attention
vision Read aloud - before speaking
letters/documen Speak loudly,
ts Assist to write clearly and
Assist to use telephone directly Allow
extra time for
response Give
Use repetition when difficulty
Other Other
Eye care required Ear care required

Speech and language Comprehension issues (For example:

Language/s spoken English inappropriate responses)
Short term
memory loss
Speech disorder/s
Orientate to
correct time
Translate for care
recipient Take time to
Initiate conversation
Use language
cards Use
picture cards
Care needs: toileting at 1:30 am and walking on wheelchair
Goal: help her curing the issue of soiling and walking
Ambulation (walking) Transfers
ambulant (able to walk) independent weight bearing (able
non-ambulant (unable to walk) to stand) non-weight bearing
(unable to stand)
1-staff assist 2-staff assist
hip replacement knee
replacement amputee ( left
right )
Aids walking stickwalking Aids bed rail slide sheet gait
frame wheelchair belt hoist
quad stick standing hoist
wheeled walker Hoist sling type and position of loop
Other Other
Provide direction
Encourage to maintain mobility
Toileting and continence
Care needs: issue of soiling problem
Goal: To cure her toileting problem at mid night
Bladder control continent incontinent catheter (occasionally frequently total
incontinence )
Bladder Toilet (times- midnight between 2-3 am )
management Other
Bowel control continent incontinent constipation colostomy ( occasionally frequently
incontinence )
Bowel high fibre diet encourage fluid intake aperients bowel chart
Continence aids Day Night : 1:30 am
Toileting aids commode urinal uridome kylie bed
pan over-toilet frame Other
Toileting regime independent supervise some assistance/prompt
fully assist Adjust clothing Position on
toilet Encourage self care Clean
perianal area
Showering, dressing and grooming
Care needs: in moving to the bathroom
Goal: To help her in showering properly
Shower and washing

independent supervise some assistance/prompt fully

assist shower bath bed sponge flannel wash
Frequency Preferred time
Adjust water temperature Encourage to optimise self care
Transfer walk to shower wheelchair Other
Showering aids shower chair Other
Toiletries normal soap deodorant aqueous cream moisturiser ( am pm )
Hair care wash in shower wash in bath Preferred days: Wednesday and sunday
Hair care independent supervise some assistance/prompt fully assist
Facial hair wet shave dry shave
Frequency Hair removal
Nail/foot care independent supervise some assistance/prompt fully assist
Podiatry visits
Teeth none some ( upper lower ) all
Cleaning routine
Dentures none partial full ( upper lower ) Night in out
Cleaning routine
Dressing and undressing
independent supervise some assistance/prompt fully assist
callipers splints Other
Cultural dressing
Dressing assistance bra singlet buttons belt zips
stockings socks jewellery make-up shoes
Assist with selecting clothing Other
Pressure area and skin care

Care needs: Nil

Norton Scale Score [ x ] low risk [ ] medium risk [ ] high risk
Pressure relief aids bed cradle sheepskin cushion bedrail/protectors Other
Pressure area Reposition in bed Reposition in chair Frequency
regime special mattress (type ) personal chair
Other/specific orders
Skin care emollient cream to dry skin areas ( daily twice daily )

Eating and drinking

Care needs: helping her in meals
Goal: so as to make her comfortable in eating
independent supervise some assistance/prompt fully assist
right-handed left-handed
Preferred place to eat dining room bedroom Other Kitchen
Type of diet normal soft modified soft (minced) puree
Special diet high fibre diabetic enteral feeding (PEG/NGT)
Special instructions
Aids modified crockery modified cutlery bowl lipped plate
built up cutlery clothing protector Other
independent supervise some assistance/prompt fully assist
right-handed left-handed
Aids modified cup clothing protector
Thickened fluids level 1 level 2 level 3
Type of thickener to be used

Sleep and settling routines

Care needs: to help in having sound sleep
Goal: Allowing her in sleeping
Usual time to rise Usual time to bed Rest time ( am pm )
Preferred sleeping position Pillows required
Sleep Aids massage music hot packs Other
Room light on door open door closed bedrail/protectors Other
Night-time patterns sleeping at 8:00 pm
Other preferences milk before sleeping
(For example: hot
drinks or
Night checks every hour every 2 hours Other
Current medications eye drops ear drops Other See list of medications

independent supervise some assistance/prompt fully assist

pre-packed measureself-administer
Blood sugar level testing independent supervise some assistance/prompt fully assist
Specialised care plans
Refer to specialised [x ] Medications
care plans for
[ ] Pain management [ ] Wound

care [ ] Therapy [ ] Restraint

Completed injury risk Home environment Yes No
assessment forms Client assessment Yes No
Social and human needs/activities
Care needs: helping in getting social
Goal: (expected outcome) she can relieve the mental stress by being friendly with others
Frequency of visit/contact by
family/friends : Religion
Pastoral requirements
Attends place of worship (day/s
) Cultural needs: visiting temple
Employment history
Pets Name/s: Buzo Type/s: Dog
client manages pet requires prompt and assistance in pet care fully
assist pet care Social group/s: friends and family
Preferred activity/games: reading books and chatting with friends
Community care social outings
(Frequency: visiting to
parks ) Requirements
Taxi vouchers Yes No
Domestic needs/activities
independent supervise some assistance/prompt fully assist
Frequency ( daily every 2nd day weekly fortnightly Other )
Requirements Shopping
Emotional support

Care needs: having a friendly behavior
Goal: to make comfortable in meeting the friends
the behavior will play a major role. Efforts will be made to make the friendly behavior of Bowen as
well as happy

Additional comments (For example: special needs, restraint, routines, pain, palliative care,

Terminal care recorded Yes No

Date care plan evaluated (document in progress Signature
Patient care plan
health documentation
Nursing care plan

Fitzroy Falls Aged Care Facility use only

Entered in progress notes Date
Signed Print Name Position title
Review date- 14th june, 2021


Assessment Outline

Purpose of the task

To progress towards demonstrating application and competency in the units:
◾ CHCCCS015 Provide individual support
The assessment task will demonstrate the participant’s ability to:
◾ 1. Determine support needs
◾ 2. Provide support services
◾ 3. Monitor support activities
◾ 4. Complete reporting and documentation
Your Assessor will negotiate a time when they are available to observe you in your place of work
or during your work placement or organise a simulated observation.
The assessment task should take approximately 1 hour
Assessment task
The Assessor will observe your normal work practices to ensure that you are meeting all of the
requirements listed in the attached observation checklist.
In order to achieve consistency of performance, evidence should be collected over a set period
of time which is sufficient to include dealings with an appropriate range and variety of
You will be required to check your progress with the trainer/ assessor at the completion of each part of
the assessment before commencing the next.
The trainer/ assessor will inform you of any significant errors or misjudgements throughout the
procedure and give valuable feedback to you for the rectification of the problem.
If the result of the assessment is that you are Not Yet Satisfactory, you may be required to
retake the assessment.
Assessment conditions
Assessment must occur in a real or simulated workplace
Your Assessor will observe the demonstration of your knowledge and skills through normal
work practice, your ability to gather and/or know where to locate production schedules, start-
up checklists, standard operating procedures, work instructions, cleaning schedules as required
and is necessary by the workplace.
You will also be observed on your interaction and communication with other co-workers as is
relevant to the task being undertaken.
If you require additional support, you can either refer to your workbook or speak with your assessor
Workplace-specific considerations:
Assessor to identify any issues specific to the workplace that must be considered during the
assessment, such as:
◾ Ensure suitable arrangements are made for access to workplace
◾ Ensure that the student has reading skills in order to accurately read and interpret
the tasks required in this unit
◾ Consider the student's performance, asking questions during the process.
◾ The workplace task should be completed in about one hour (excluding
preparation and assessor feedback).
◾ Complete the observation checklist for this tasks
◾ The assessment outcomes should be recorded on the observation tool
◾ Ensure access to current workplace policies and procedures and any required
personal protective equipment, and to a checklist or other mechanism for recording
the hazards in line with workplace procedures.
Assessment Record – AS3 Workplace or Simulated Observation CHCCCS015

Student First Name
Student Last Name

Qualification Details CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support

Unit/s of CHCCCS015 Provide individual support

Competencies in this

Observation Checklist

Your assessor will use the form below to record your knowledge, skills and ability to meet the
criteria listed below. The completed checklist will be taken into account by your assessor when
making a decision as to your satisfactory demonstration of competency in this unit.

Circle one Workplace observation / Simulated

Purpose of The purpose of this assessment is to establish that the student has the
Assessment skills, knowledge and attitudes required to provide individual support

Workplace- Assessor to identify any issues specific to the workplace on the day that
specific must be considered during the assessment.
Direct Observation Practical Assessment and Observation Instructions
Tasks and
Skills must have been demonstrated in the workplace or in a simulated
environment that reflects workplace conditions. The following
conditions must be met for this unit:
 use of suitable facilities, equipment and resources, including:
Range of Conditions
 individualised plans and equipment outlined in the plan
 infection control policies and procedures
modelling of standard industry operating conditions and contingencies,
including involvement of real people when using relevant equipment
You are to perform satisfactorily the following parts for this direct observation;
Role Play
Scenario: The Learner works at an aged care centre called Fitzroy Falls Aged Care Facility, where to
help facilitate consistency and relationship building each care worker normally cares and supports
the same people. However, one of the Learner’s colleagues (Michael Davis) has left the
organisation to move inter- state and the Learner is now required to take over the support of one
of the people he worked with named Elizabeth Leicester.
Role Play Instructions: A fellow classmate or colleague is to play the role of Elizabeth Leicester. The
Learner has been introduced to Liz and now the Learner must have a conversation with Liz and try
to build rapport and establish a relationship. The Learner must also discuss the ongoing relevance
of the care plan
with Liz and then finally complete all relevant documentation. The Learner and person who plays
the role of Liz must read the care plan (Appendix A - that follows) and try to act in these roles.
The last time the care plan was revised was three months ago and since then there has been two
areas where Liz may need extra care with that she didn’t have before. One of the other carers
commented that it may be helpful for Liz to have a wheeled walker as she has been having
difficulty with walking since her knee replacement. Liz has also been forgetting to brush her
teeth in the evening and after meals and so may need a reminder for this.
The Learner is to have the introduction meeting with Liz and go through the care plan to assess if
there are other changes that need to be made other than or in addition to the two previously
Throughout the assessment the Learner will be asked questions in conjunction with the role play
and questions that may not relate to the specific situation that he/she is involved in. This is so that
if the role play does not have a specific element that is required to be assessed in, he/she will still
fulfill the criteria.

Part 2:
In order to provide evidence in competently completing this unit you are to use individualised
plans either from the proforma in your learner’s pack or from the place of your employ. You are
to complete these
individualised plans in accordance with the organisations protocols. You are to ensure they are
checked as being correct by your supervisor and have them signed off as being correct You are to
ensure you manage the tasks and the contingencies in your work role so that you provide
evidence you have completed these tasks as outlined in the elements and performance criteria of
this unit.
In order to achieve consistency of performance, evidence should be collected over a set
period of time which is sufficient to include dealings with an appropriate range and variety of
You will be required to check your progress with the trainer/ assessor at the completion of each part
of the assessment before commencing the next.
The trainer/ assessor will inform you of any significant errors or misjudgements throughout the
procedure and give valuable feedback to you for the rectification of the problem.
If the result of the assessment is that you are Not Yet Satisfactory, you may be required to
retake the assessment.
I introduced myself to Liz while saying, ‘Good morning Liz I am John and I will be your carer from today’.
I will make efforts for having conversation with Liz so that information of Liz can be obtained. While
doing the same I will be careful regarding the manner I am presenting myself to Liz like being courteous,
gentle, polite, eye contact, talking on facts, simple as well as the short sentences which will be easy for
her in understanding etc. so that the rapport can be build. I will be discussing with her about her care
plan and will be trying to see if the same is existing and if the same meets her needs or not. If needs are
not met, I will be reporting the same to my supervisor following the policies as well as procedures of the
organization. More importantly on the basis of case scenario, there exists two major areas where help is
wanted by Liz i.e. wheeled walker need for walking as well as require the daily routine so that her ALDs
can be maintained. I will be discussing with Liz regarding the manner I can prepare that for her so that
her needs can be met. Once the information is obtained, the calendar will be prepared by me and the
same will be put on the walls where Liz can clearly view.
I will be having the thorough discussion with Liz and the sort of help needed will be found out and in
case the same are mentioned on the care plan or not. In case I find the information not matching the
care plan, I will be reporting to my supervisor as well as putting the information on the progress role for
the supervisor for updating the care plan as well as other staffs.

Record of Observation CHCCCS015

Did the student demonstrate that they can… Yes No Assessor notes, including examples
(tick) (tick) of student responses
Determine support needs
Seek appropriate support for aspects
outside scope of own knowledge, skills or
job role.
Discuss individualised plan with the person
and with family and carers to confirm
Talk to individuals to inform them of their
rights and the complaints procedures.
Work with the person to promote their
independence and rights to make
informed decisions and identify actions
and activities that support the
individualised plan.
Interpret an individualised plan to prepare
for support activities and preferences.
Provide support services
Use individualised plans to provide support to
three individuals.
Interact effectively with individuals in a manner
that establishes rapport, develops and
maintains trust.
Follow organisation policies, protocols and
procedures to support individuals
according to their preferences and
Did the student demonstrate that they can… Yes No Assessor notes, including examples
(tick) (tick) of student responses
Interpret individualised plan and follow
established procedures to assemble
Plan and conduct meetings to show
respect by including the family and/or
carer as part of the support team.
Show an understanding of duty of care and
dignity of risk when providing support.
Use PPE where necessary, manual handling
practices and suitable equipment and
resources to
provide assistance to maintain a safe,
healthy, clean and comfortable
Maintain dignity and privacy by showing
respect to individual differences (eg ensure
doors are closed
Identify instances requiring assistance and seek
help when it is not possible to provide
appropriate support.
Monitor support activities

Follow and maintain required standard of

support in own work (eg show an
understanding of what is required to comply
with legislation, standards
etc—follow mandatory notification
Talk to individual and discuss their support
services and determine if needs are being
met and document what changes are
Discuss with supervisor any aspects of the
individualised plan that might need review.
Meet with an individual and supervisor to
participate in a discussion that supports
and encourages the person’s self-
Complete reporting and documentation

Follow organisation policy and protocols to

ensure confidentiality and privacy of the
person in all dealings (eg collect information
and store securely
as appropriate).
Follow the organisation’s informal and formal
reporting requirements (write a report to the
supervisor outlining your observations).
Report to a supervisor and document an
appropriate response to situations of potential
or actual risk within scope of own role.
Recognise and document signs of
additional or unmet needs of the person.
Complete and maintain all required
documentation according to organisation
policy and protocols.
Follow organisation policy and protocols to
store information.

Assessment Sign-Off - AS3 Observation CHCCCS015

Types of Evidence (Use these codes to identify the types of evidence within the unit)
E1 – Observation E2 – Third Party Evidence E3 – Assignments/Written/ Oral
E4 – Mandatory written E5 – Product Based Methods E6 - Simulation
E7- Recognition of Prior E8 – Professional Discussion E9 - Resume
Learning (RPL)

To perform this unit successfully, you will need to know

and understand; Types of Evidence S / NS
 rationale and processes underpinning E1 S
individualised support planning and delivery:
 basic principles of person-centred practice,
strengths-based practice and active
 documentation and reporting requirements
 roles and responsibilities of different people and E4 S
the communication between them:
 carers and family
 person being supported
 health professionals
 individual workers
 supervisors
 service delivery models in the relevant sector E6 S
 legal and ethical requirements and how these are E6 S
applied in an organisation and individual practice,
 privacy, confidentiality and disclosure
 duty of care
 dignity of risk
 human rights
 discrimination
 mandatory reporting
 work role boundaries – responsibilities
and limitations
 factors that affect people requiring support E1 S
 practices that support skill maintenance E4 S
and development
 indicators of unmet needs and ways of responding E6 S
 risk management considerations and ways to respond E1 S
to identified risks
Assessment The student must show evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in
Feedback elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage
contingencies in the context of the job role.
There must be evidence that the student has:
o used individualised plans as the basis for the support of 3

individuals Comment on the use of individualised plans as the basis for

the support for

Client 1
Student was able to assist in the incontinence of the client by
making changes in the individualized plan and thereby provided

Client 2

Student used the individualized plan to improve the communication

between the client and staff

Client 3

Student altered care plan of a client due to recent changes in the

health condition that required extra support.

Result: The student's overall performance is:

(circle one)
Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Reschedule workplace visit if NS:
Next Visit Date: _/ /
Student Signature:
◾ The assessor has given me feedback and
advised me of the result of my
Student assessment.
Declaration ◾ If the assessment result is not
satisfactory, I understand that I will be Date: _/ /
given the opportunity to be re-
◾ I understand that, if I consider the
assessment process to be flawed, I
may appeal against the assessment
◾ This signature confirms that I have Assessor Name:
conducted a fair, valid and reliable
assessment of this student;
◾ I have informed them of the result of the MEERA THOMSON
Assessor ◾ I have provided them with feedback
Declaration comments above; discussed any gaps in
their knowledge and skills; and (where Assessor Signature:
relevant) I have advised them that they
have the opportunity to be re-assessed
and reminded them of the grounds on DATE:14/8/21
which they may appeal against the
assessment decision.
◾ I confirm that the evidence is
authentic, all performance criteria,
range and essential knowledge
have been met for this unit and the
assessments were conducted under
specified conditions
Result Transferred to Assessment Cover Sheet Yes / No


Student's Name: Karamjeet kaur

Unit: CHCCCS015 - Provide individualised support
Assessor’s Name: MEERA THOMSON
Assessment Date: 14/8/21
Please provide us some feedback on your assessment process.
Information provided on this form is used for evaluation of our assessment systems and
processes. This information is confidential and is not released to any external parties without
your written consent.
Please tick Ö Yes or No for the questions below: Yes No
Did you receive information about the assessment prior to the date? yes
Were the instructions to the assessment clear and easy to understand? yes
Did you understand the purpose of the assessment? yes
Were you advised of the performance criteria? yes
Were you advised of the process of the assessment? yes
Were there any surprises in your assessment? Yes
Did you feel the assessment was fair? yes
Was your assessor professional? yes
Did you feel the assessment was accurate? yes
Were you comfortable with the outcome? yes
Did you receive feedback about your assessment? yes
If you answered no to any of the above questions are you aware of the appeals
Please comment on the best part of this unit:

Please comment on the worst part of this unit:

How can we improve our service to you?

Thank you for your feedback J

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