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Bl ae CHEMISTRY Improves your Score by at least Pa EEimecc ees Erno CHEMISTRY (cue) 20% MAILY PRACTICE PROBLEM DPP CHAPTERWISE CC06 - CHEMISTRY *© [Total Questions 20 Total Marks 74 © [Attempted Correct po Incorrect Net Score > Cut-off Score 24 Qualifying Score 35 a Success Gap = Net Score — Qualifying Score Net Score = (Correct x 4) — (Incorrect x 1) Bl ae CHEMISTRY Scoring Grid Improves your Score by at least 20% JAILY PRACTICE PROBLEM DPP CHAPTERWISE CCO06 - CHEMISTRY Erno CHEMISTRY (cue) Total Questions 20 Total Marks 74 Attempted Correct Incorrect Net Score Cut-off Score 24 Qualifying Score 35 Success Gap = Net Score — Qualifying Score Net Score = (Correct x 4) — (Incorrect x 1) GP_3368 * Corporate Office : 45, 2nd Floor, Maharishi Dayanand Marg, Comer Market, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi-110017 Tel. :011-49842349 / 49842350 Ds [e] ml ‘Typeset by Disha DTP Team DISHA PUBLICATION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © Copyright Publisher ‘No part ofthis publication may be reproduced in any form without prior permission of the publisher. The author and the ‘publisher do not take any legal responsibilty for any errors or misrepresentations that might have crept in. We have tried and made our best efforts to provide accurate up-to-date information in this book. For further information about books from DISHA, Logon to or email to age No. SOME BASIC CONCEPTS OF CHEMISTRY cca STRUCTURE OF ATOM cs -c8 MIE cussiricarion oF evements AND PERIODICITY IN PROPERTIES co-cu MII cHenicat BONDING AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURE cra -c18 IE states oF marrer c17-c.20 IE tH ernoornamics cnc EQUILIBRIUM 6.25 - C28 HYDROGEN AND s-BLOCK ELEMENTS c.29 - c-92 THE p.-BLOCK ELEMENTS (GROUP 19 AND 14) 39 - 6.96 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY SOME BASIC PRINCIPLES AND TECHNIQUES c-a7 - c-40 HYDROCARBONS coat = cot THE souD stare cos ~ C48 soLuTIONs cp 0-59 ELECTROCHEMISTRY 59 - 6.56 CHEMICAL KINETICS 57 - ¢.60 MEE svtrace cremisray 01 C64 MEET ener prncintes ANDO PROCESSES OF ISOLATION OF ELEMENTS C65 - C60 THE p-BLOCK ELEMENTS (GROUP 15,16,17 AND 18) co o72 THE d- AND f-BLOCK ELEMENTS 6-73 - 6-76 COORDINATION COMPOUNDS e771 c-0 HALOALKANES AND HALOARENES c-01- C84 ALCOHOLS, PHENOLS AND ETHERS C05 - C8 MEET suo eny0es, ketones and carsoxriic acios 09-92 EEE anes 99 - 6.96 BEGET somorecures 97 - €-100 C101 ~ c-104 wise DPP Sheets (1-26) $1 - 5-72 MOCK TEST FULL SYLLABUS 1-12 Disha's Bestseller for JEE Advanced JEE ADVANCED JEE ADVANCED JEE ADVANCED (TSE) + 16 Yrs (2002~2017) (arse) + 16 (200272017) (iTsiee) + 16Yrs (2002-2017) JEE MAIN (AIEEE) JEE MAIN (AIEEE) JEE MAIN (AIEEE) wih FREE ebook with FREE ebook with FREE ebook |PHYSICS da | ary @ha | | watnematics dhe ES Ean >. JEE ADVANCED JEE ADVANCED > JEE ADVANCED @2z= ©2253 €225 <_< LATHEM, 5 FEE Maint Advanced a = a DPP - Daily Practice Problems Date: Start Time End Time : CHEMISTRY §{cco1 ‘SYLLABUS : Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry Max. Marks : 74 (GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS ‘+ The Daly Practice Prablem Sheet contains 20 Questions divided into 5 sections. ‘Section T has 5 MCQs with ONLY 1 Cortect Option, 3 marks for each corect answer and = foreach incorrect answer ‘Section II has 4 MCQs with ONE or MORE THAN ONE Corect options. For each question, marks wil be awarded In one of the follwing categories: Full marks: +4 If only the bubbles) coresponding to all the correct option(s) Is (are) darkened. Partial marks: +1 For darkening a bubble corresponding to each corect option provided NO INCORRECT option is darkened. Zero marks: If nane ofthe bubbles is darkened, Negative marks: ~2 In al other cases. ‘Section IIE has § Single Dgt Integer Answer Type Questions, 3 marks for each Correct Ansier and O marks in all ther cases Section TV has Comprehension/Matching CurmComprehension Type Questions having 5 MCQs with ONLY ONE correct ‘option, 3 marks for each Correct Answer and 0 marks in all oer cases, ‘Section V has 2 Matching Type Questions, 2 mark forthe correct matching of each row and 0 marks in all other cases. ‘You have to evaluate your Response Grids yoursef wih the help of Solutons,, ‘Section I- Straight Objective Type Ol on “This secbn contains 5 mulpechcice questions. Eachquesionas4 (©) 2:3 @ 13 choces() (0) (c) and, ut of which ONLY ONE'scorect 3. Blue vitriol (CuSO, $H,0) is offen. added to swimming 1. 1f0.20g chloride ofa certain metal, when dissolved in water es a eee ree Pact Segre area and weated with exess ofARNO,, yields 050g ofAgCL the __COPPET Meta and hot sulphuriacidto give CuSO (aq) and equivalent mass ofthe metals (A= 108, C1=35.5) $0, (g) Ione moe of copper is react with one moe of @ 190 2008 sulphuric acid, then the molecules of SO, (g obtained will (9 4008 @ 30 be 2. nwhat ratio the amounts of H,SO, and H,PO, reat with —_(@)_-30 10° () 6023108 the same amount of NAOH to form normal sats? (© 30*10* (@ 646023108 EEE «9000 2 0000 _3. OOOO ‘Space for Rowgh Work be DP PI C0 4. Themaximum number of molecules are present in (@ 1SLofHiggasatSTP (6) SLofN, gasat STP (© OSgoftyeas ——(@)_ 10 gf O, gas ‘An organic compound whose empirical and molecular formula are same, contains 20% carbon, 6.7% hydrogen, 46.7% nitrogen and the rest oxygen. On heating it yields ammonia, leaving solid residue. The slid residue ives a violet colour wth dilute solution ofalkaine copper sulphate ‘The organic compound is (@ NuLCooNt, (©) HCOONII, (© NILNHCHO (@ NU,CONH, ‘Section il- Multiple Correct Answer Type ‘This secon contains 4 mutpe core answer} ype questions. Each _questonas 4 choices a, (),() and (),outof which ONE OR MORE ire cores ” 6 0.2moloNs,PO,and0.5 mal ofBa(NO,),aremixed in IL of solution, Which ofthe following is! are corroct about this system? (@) 0.2mol ofbarium phosphate precipitate is obtained (©) 0.1 mol ofbarium phosphate precipitates obtained. (©). Motatty of Ba* fons in the resulting solution is 0.2 (@) Molavtics of Na* and NO, ions are 06 and 1.0 respectively 7. 100mLmixtureafCOand CO, ismixed with 30m ofoxygen and sparked in a eudiometer tube. The residual gas afer treatment with aqueous KOH has a volume of 1m which remains unchanged when treated with alkaline Pyogalll all the volumesare under the same conditions, point out the correct option(s) (@) The volume of CO that reacts, is 60 ml. (©) The volume of CO that remains unreacted is 10 mL. (©) Thevolume of0, that remains unreacted is 10m. (@ The volume of CO, that gets absorbed by aqueous KOHL is 90m. 8 Which ofthe following statements are corre fora solution of F,O,havingastrengh of 17 gitre? @ The volume strength of HO, solution is 6 at 1 atmosphere pressure and 273 & temperature (6) Themolarityof given H,O, solution is 0.5 M (©) I mLofthe given H,0, solution wll giveout2.8mLoF (0, at2 atmosphere pressure and 273 K temperature (@ Thenormaityofgiven 1,0, solution is2N. 9. Oml-ofagascoushyrocarbonisexpladcd with 200ml of ‘oxygen. The gaseous product was then allowed tocool and attain room temperature and pressure the volume was then found tobe 180 mL This mixture of gases was then passed ‘hough KOH solution followed by anhydrous CaCl, The resulting gasmeasured 100 mL. The hyrocarbon is @ cay © GH, © Coty @ CH, Section il -Integer Type ‘Thisocionoans 5 quesons,Theanswerieachofthequsions isa singe digtinegrangrgtom 009, 10. A 20cm? mixture of CO, CH and He gases was exploded bbyan electric discharge at room temperature with excess ‘xygen. The volume contraction was found to be 13.0 cm. A further contraction of 14.0 ent oocurred when the residual gas was treated with KOH solution. Find out the ‘value ofthe compesiton of CH, the mixture in terms of volume percentage is Sx. 11, A mixture of HCOOH and H,C,0, is heated with concentrated H,SO,. The gus produced is collected and ‘on treating with KOH solution, the volume of gas dereases by one-sixth, Calculate the molar ratio of the two acids (HCOOH: H,C,0, in the original mixture @ 7. OOOO © i. OOOO: GP_3368 DPP/ CCO4 —A 12, 2.68 10-'mdesofa solution containingan ion A" require 1.61 * 10° moles of MnO, far the oxidation of "to AOS inacid medium, Whats the valueofn? 13. A LOgsample of e,0,solidof5.2% partys dissolved in acid and reduced by heating the solution with zine dust, ‘The resultant solution is cooled and made upto 1000 ml 0.0167 M solution ofan oxidant fr titration. Calelate the ‘numberof electron taken up by the oxidant inthe reation ofthe above titration, 14, Silver (atomic weight = 108 g mot") has a density of 105 em? The number ofsiver atoms on asurficeofarea 10-¥ mean be expressed in scientific notation as y= 10" The value of xis An aliquot of25.0 ml of this solution roquires 17.0 mL of ‘Section IV - Comprehension Type Directions (Qs. 15-9) :Basod un the given paragraphs, Smutipl chcce questons have be answered, Each question has 4 choices), ),() ‘and () out which ONLY ONE is cored. PARAGRAPH! Some reactions ar given in Column | and theirn-fictor and strengths given in Column I Il respectively Cotamnt Coke ‘Came © 98% H,S0,by weight @=18g mL") @ wheor=3—(P) 36N @) 98%1,PO,by weight (density 12emL-") — G@ mficr=1 12M (1 8N,molenlesof HClin 50 mL. Gi) wfacor=2 RL Bequv (9) 250m of NNAOH+ 250mLof1.6MCAOH), _(v) 18. For 9.8% H,SO, given in column I, the only correct ‘combination @ Owe) ©) Ow © (eins) @ HOR 16, For 18 N, molecules of HCI given in column I, the only correct combination is @ aoe © ange (©) aMGin@ @ ana 17. For 9.8% H,PO, given in column I, the only correct combination is © MOQ ©) aay) © ananery @ wow 2.ODODDOOOOO 14. @DQOOOODOOD 18.@OOO _19.©0OO0 Lom PARAGRAPH? From mixture which makes up crude ol, particular hyroearbon ingredient (that is one containing hdyrogen and earbon atoms ‘only) hasbeen isolated. 10 g ofthis liquidare burned in excess of ‘oxygen and the productsare 31.4 g ofcarbon dioxide and 124 gof water 18, ThertioofC: Hin the sbstance ic, the products) format @ tl @ 12 @ 2 oan 19. If webuman equimolar mixture ofthe above hyocarbon and oxygen in a closed ves, then afte the reaction the sascous mixture preset inthe vessel wl consist of @) OO,andH,0 ©) CO; H,0ad0, © CO, H,O and hydrocarbon @ CO, 1,0, hydrocarbon and oxygen B.ODDOOOODOO 15.@®OO 16.O@0OO 17.©0@OO ‘Space for Rough Work ‘Section V - Matrix-Match Type a WOOO ‘ssa qusirs Rens siden henhvaclns wichawbberatted Satnentsnatamn || DO OO laplbaledasA, 8, CandD whores salons nclun Ia lbelodasp,qarsTheansversto ese qustens have io) tobe appropriately bubbiedasilustratedinthe folowing example. thecomect matches areAp,As,Bp,Bs,Cx.Csand (OOOO Daten te crac buted mati wlokia the fellwing 1OOOO) 2, Curt Cotumn it (A) 1 SmoleofCO@) p 33600mtasTP ©) 30g0tH, 4 Teal number ofatoms =45 «8, © 1SmoleofO\) © Weighs 72g ©) mae ofoxygen s. Weighs 328 Total Questions Total Marks Attempted Correct, Incorrect [Cut-off Score Net Score Qualifying Score Success Gap = Net Score — Qualifying Score Net Score = (Correct x 4) — (Incorrect x 1) Space for Rough Work GP_3368, DPP - Daily Practice Problems Dato Start Timm CHEMISTRY (ccoz SYLLABUS: Structure of Atom Max. Marks : 74 Timo : 60 min. (GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS ‘+ The Daly Practice Prablem Sheet contains 20 Questions divided into 5 sections. ‘Section T has 5 MCQs with ONLY 1 Cortect Option, 3 marks for each corect answer and = foreach incorrect answer ‘Section II has 4 MCQs with ONE or MORE THAN ONE Corect options. For each question, marks wil be awarded In one of the follwing categories: Full marks: +4 If only the bubbles) coresponding to all the correct option(s) Is (are) darkened. Partial marks: +1 For darkening a bubble corresponding to each corect option provided NO INCORRECT option is darkened. Zero marks: If nane ofthe bubbles is darkened, Negative marks: ~2 In al other cases. ‘Section IIE has § Single Dgt Integer Answer Type Questions, 3 marks for each Correct Ansier and O marks in all ther cases End Time Section TV has Comprehension/Matching CurmComprehension Type Questions having 5 MCQs with ONLY ONE correct ‘option, 3 marks for each Correct Answer and 0 marks in all oer cases, ‘Section V has 2 Matching Type Questions, 2 mark forthe correct matching of each row and 0 marks in all other cases. ‘You have to evaluate your Response Grids yoursef wih the help of Solutons,, Becton | Straight Objective Type —=«=—«Theradiusofabitofletron, is fivetimes the radius of ‘This secon contin Smulipiecice questions Eachauesionhas4 _fbitof electron, e, calculate the ratio of velocity fetectron oie (a, (0) () and (out of wich ONLY ONE'scorec «\(v) tothe velocity of electron e,(¥) RRL (andi, oh ttc OMV ONE corm 1 OA OES @ 14 Ifthe kinetic energy of an electron is increased fur times, the wavelength of the de-Broglie wave associated with it Ifthe shortest wavelength ofthe spectral line of H-atom in the Lyman series is X, then the longest wavelength of the ‘would become (@) one fourth () halt linein Balmer series of Li?* is (©) fourtimes (@) twotimes x 7 i 2 Anelecton, ,ismoving in the fith stationary tagand —@) KH) FG EO ‘another electron e, is moving in the fourth stationary state, En 1. @©0OO_ 2. OOOO 3. OOOO ‘Space for Rowgh Work 16 ——— —_ DP PRP CC02 4. If we apply potential difference so that an electron is accelerated continuously in @ vacuum tube such that a decrease of 10% occurs in its de-Broglie wavelength, In sucha casethe change observed in kinetic energy ofeletron ‘willbe approximately (@)_adeerease of 11% (©) anincrease of 10% (0) anincrease of 11.1% (2) anincrease of 23.4% 5. Therato ofthe frequency coresponding tothe thir nein Lyman series of hydrogen alomic spectrum to that ofthe frst line in Balmer series of L* spectrum is s 4 3 o} oF oF ‘Section I|- Multiple Correct Answer Type “This sation contin 4 matiplecaec answers} ype queso. Each ‘qstonteas4 cies (2 (0), (ard (9), cut cf wich ONE OR MORE isezecorect 6 Theenergy ofan electron in the first Bohr orbit of H-atom is-136eV. Then, which ofthe following tatement()isfare ‘correct for He"? (@)_ The energy of electron in second Bohr orbit is =136eV (©) The kinetic energy of electron in the 54460V (©). The kinetic energy of electron inthe second orbit is 16 (@ The speed of electron in the second orbit is 219% 106ms" 7. Identify the elements of lowes atomic numbers which have ‘the characteristics listed as below ‘A Eleven electrons B_oneclestron with m,=2 Two electrons with st orbit is oa @ cuts. User @ ave @ anv 8 Tthewave numberof *tineofBalmer series of atoms “then {@)_ wavenumber of ine of yman series of Heo il 108s 3 (©) wavenumber of Mine oflyman series of Heo wll abe 5 ro con) (©) the wavelength of 2"line oftyman series of H-atom is ord (@ thewavelength of 2 line oftyman series of H-atom is Bx 3 ‘According to Bohr’ theory (@) when a roquired amount of energy is supplied to an clectron in an atom it jumps from lower obit to higher bit and remains there (©) when a roquired amount of energy is supplied to an electron in an atom it jumps from lower orbit to higher ‘orbit and remains there for very shot interval oftime and returns back to lower obi, radiating energy (©) the angular momentum ofan electron is proportional toits quantum number, (2. theangular momentum ofan electron is independent ofits quanturm number, n ‘Section Il -Integer Type ThissectoncaniainsS questions. Teanswertoeachofthequessonsisa nge digtintegeengngfom 0108 10. Suppose voc of an parce traveling tna the pucks ofa cope atom sons oariveat aden 10° mee Fhe icles the copper an ives yx 10 Then wha il be thal of? 1, Aneleton has sped of 30.00 em sc accurate upto (001% Whats the ucetintyn locating its aston. 12, the energies of two radiation of wavelength 800 nm aa 400 mare Ean epee Theale the vac oe, 13, The work insti ( ofsame metas lied below The numberof meals which will show potsetic eft thn light of 30 nm wavlengi fils on the meta is Meal Li Nak Mg Gu Ag Fe MW (eV) 24.23.2237 48 43 47 63 475 14. Inan atom how many obi) wil have the quanta numbers =3, GP_3368 BPPL C02 — A or Section IV - Comprehension Type Directions (Qs. 15-19): Based upon the gien paragraphs, Small chcce questons have tobe answered, Each quecton has choices), () and (ou of which ONLY ONE is coed. PARAGRAPHLL Directions (Qs. 15-17): By appropriately matching the information given nthe thee columns ofthe following table, give the answer ofthe questions tht follows. [Bohr’s theory successfully explains the hydrogen spectrum. It also explains the spectrum of some other one-lecron system (Hike stem) such as He’ Li, Beef With the help of Bobr’s theory we find ou, Radius ofthe orbit in which the electron is revolving around the nucleus, Energy of electron in an orbits, velocity and wavelength Column ‘Caan ‘Cobar dee? 2 Radius o Be ® AD) Velocity @ @ (Uy Energy «i ® 2 9) Wavelength w © Fxo0529 15, Theonlyecorret combination offormula for theradiusive + Radial distributions may have several peaks, the number incoluma Lis being equal to(n~ 1) @ Owe © «ney + Thecutermost peak is by fr the largest, showing where © 08 @ DO theeletron is mestlikely tobe found. The distance of this 16, “The only crret combination of formula for the velocity peak fom the nucleus is & measure of the radius ofthe sivenincolumnn Lis cxbital ands oughly propertionalto7(although it slightly @ agin) © Mow B>C>N>F (0) N>F>C>B>Be (© F>N>C>Be>B — (d) N>F>B>C>Be 3. Electron affinity depends on 1. Which is nt the correct order for the stated propery. (@) Ba>Sr>Mg:stomicradius @) atomic size (&) F>O>N ist ionization enthalpy ( cdee charge (©) C1>F>Ijelectron affinity (© atomicnumber (@) > Se>Te;electronegativity (atomic sizeand nuclear charge bth EEE + 9000 2 OOOO 3 G00 ‘Space for Rough Work L410. A. DPP/ CC03 4. Following statements regarding the periodic trends of chemical reactivity ofthe alkali metalsand the halogens are given, Which ofthese statements gives the correct picture? (@) Chemical reactivity increases with increase in atomic ‘number down the group in both the alkali metals and halogens (©) In alkali metals the reativity increases but in the halogens it decreases with increase in atomic number down the group, (©) The reactivity decreases in the alkali metals but increases in the hlogens with increase in atomic number down the group (@) Inboththe alkali metas and the halogens the chemical reactivity dereases with increase in atomic number down the group 5. The formation of 0? (g) starting fom O(e)isendothermic ‘by 603 kJ mob !.felecton affinity of (@) is ~141 KI mol, the second electron affinity of oxygen would be (@) 603kimot* (©) -031Imo! (©) —4KImot! @ #44Kbmot! 6 Thevan der WaalsradiiofO,N, Cl, Fand Neinereas inthe order (@) FO.N.Ne,CL (6) NeFO,N,CL (©) FCLO.N,Ne (@ NO, ENaC ‘Section Il- Multiple Correct Answer Type “This secon contains 4 matpecorect answers} ype questions. Each «question has 4 choices (a, 0), (and), oto wich ONEOR MORE ilar caect 7. WAutbau principle and Hund’s rule were not followed (@) Cavwuld have been d-block element with zero dipole moment (&) Zn would have been s-block element rn fern) 2 QB@OO _0.OGOO 1.O©DQDOOODOO 133.0O0OOOOOOOO (©) Ti would have been diamagnetic (@) Fe ion would have S unpaired electrons 8% Choose the correct sttement(s) (@)_ ‘The maximum positive oxidation state shown by any clementis equal tothe total number ofeletrons (sand yin valence shell (©) "Themaximum oxidation state shown by elements ina group is alsoknown as group oxidation number (©) Group oxidation number isthe most common or most stable oxidation state fra particular element (@) All the elements ina group form some compounds in Which they exhibit their group oxidation number. 9. Which ofthe following trends ofelecron afinity are correct? (@ OmS>Se (@) Cl>F>Br (© C>Be1 (@ O>C>N 10, Which ofthe flowing trend of onc radi are correct. (@) F>Nat>Mg (0) AP > Oho Ne © Pestecr@) Hearne ‘Section Il -Integer Type Thissectoncanains 4 questions. Thanswertoeachofthequesbonsis a ‘singe digtintogerengng fom 0109, 11, Howmany period are therein the long formof the periodic ‘able? 12, Whatis the total number of elements in the group IB? 13, What i the numberof elements in the tied period ofthe periodic table? 14, How many elements of the following are eletropostive elements)? Sodium, caleium, oxygen and chlorine 1.©0OO@OOOOO ‘Space for Rough Work GP_3368 BPPE C03 A oti ‘Section IV - Comprehension Type Diretions (Qs. 15-18): Based upon the given paragraphs, 4 multiple choice quesionshave tbe answered. Each quesionhas 4 choices (a), (b) (cand), out of which ONLY ONE's core, PARAGRAPH ‘The electronegativity ofan element i a measure of power ofthe clement to attract electron to itself in chemeal compounds tis difficult assign accurate electronegativities to elements, partly because the precise values may vary in different compounds. Our (quantitative estimation of electronegativity is the average of ionization energy andthe electron affinity for an clement nV. It {sknown as Maliken’s scale ‘The trends in eleetronegativity values are similar to those in {nization energies. Various measures of electronegativity have been proposed and bondenerges,Alfed and Rochow' (is bse upon eve nuclear charges. The % age of one character in a bond canbe estimated by fining the ifrences in elecronegativty values of atoms forming the bond. The % age toni character and Aitfrence in electronceativity values ae given below ‘Yngeionic character 2% ars ars a6 Pauingand Mulliken values of electronegativity ae related as X poaing =0336X ten -0615] In the series carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and luring, the lectronegatvty (a) decreases from carbon to forine (©) increases rom carbon to urine (©) remainsconstent (decreases rom carbon to oxygen and then increases 16, "The elecwonegatvty ofthe fllowing elements increases 15. intheorder (@) GN,SiP 0) N,SiCP (©) SLBCN (@ BSLNC PARAGRAPH2 Lattice energy (U) is defined as change in internal energy when ‘one mole of solid is converted into one mole of infinitely 15.@®OO_16.O0OO separated ions inthe gas phase at 0K. ‘The Born-Lande expression for latice energy may be represented NyAZe Ze 0 arto where N, = Avogadto constant A'= Madelung’s constant, which depends upon the geometry ofthe crystal Z and Z are charges on positive and negative ions respectively, ce= charge on electron ‘79 interionic distance ‘n= Aconstant called Born exponent (often assumed fo be ‘qual 09) 5, permitivity of vacuum Inthe above equation frst term deals with attraction between the ; ae ee Fram the aboveit becomes clear tha lattice energy depends upon (@ Theionic charges (The distance between the ions (i) Ceystal structare YT. Choose the correct statement (@) The lattice energy depends upon the reciprocal ofthe distance between the ions 4 Fora postive ion, the lati energy increases asthe size ofthe anion increases. Fora given anion, the lattice eneray inereases with increase inthe sizeof positiveion Forlarge positive ions, the magnitude of late energy ismainly determined bythe sizeof anion. “Thecorrext arrangement of compounds in increasing order oftheir latin energies is (@) TiF,B>Li, (b) Li,>H,>B, (8) ONCland ONO" are isoelectronic. © Hel B @ BPH, (0) O,motcte isnt a a nim waa ERE + 9000 2 OOOO 3 G00 ‘Space for Rough Work be -——— —. DPP/ CC04 4. On changing N, to N,*, the dissociation energy of N-N 8 Which ofthe following have identical bond order? bond.....andon changing 0;t00";the dissociation energy (@)_CN ©) 0; soca Om ator Gp inerenme, decreas Point ou the correct statement(s) amongst the following () decreases, inereases (@)_ Sodium salts are much more soluble than ammonium (©) decreases in both cases ae ( (©) SnClisioniebut SnCl, is covalent Which of the following ions does not involve (@) NH astesser polar character than BF, pe-de bonding? (@) Calcium taorie is more onic than calcium ii ” @ soe © Por Section il - Integer Type ‘Thisectencntans quesons,Theanswerieactotthe questo isa (NOs @ Xcor singe digtnegerangngtom 009, “Section il- Multiple Correct Answer Type 10. “Thisscton contains 4 matipl caret ansners) ype qustens. Each question has 4 choices (a0), (and), oto wsch ONE OR NORE ‘The experimental value ofthe dipole moment of H-X ‘molecule is 1.2 D. The H-X bond length is fam. Ifthe ise cured percent fone character ofthe bond is Sx then what will be the value of? 6 —Inwhich of the following change(s), hybridisation ofthe aaa sane 11, Find outthetotal number of one pir ofelectons in XeOF, © msn omy 12, Hlisacovalent compoundin which small postive charge is = present on H and a small negative charge on I, and the ©) BE +H:S—oH:8 + BF, molecule is represented as 1° 1. The dipole moment (©) 1380; —+4B0 +110 (of His 0.38D and the bond length, H-I is 1.61A°. What faction of charge is present on ? @ 2HClo. HCO +HCIO eee a 13, Find themaximum number of water molecules hat one water 1. Amongst the following, the correct statements) is/are aaa (@) NO has one unpaired electron in the antibonding a aLanCmnaened molecular orbital 114. How many ofthe following compounds violate octet rule? (©) NO*is more stable than 03 (©) OF*ismore paramagneticthan Ne} (@)_Apibond is concentrated along the bond axis. Rrsroxse fon) 13. 3080098009 10. 000 OO eee 12.0@0@0000 14. 9009008009 © Br, (iv) Xe0F, @ sw) HF, ©) OF, ww) Poe ‘Space forKough Work GP_3368, DBPPP CC04 AA ots ‘Section IV - Comprehension Type Directions (Qs. 15-19): Based upon thegien paragraphs, Smut chcce questons have abe answered, Each question has choices (a), (2) and (ou of which ONLY ONE is cored. PARAGRAPILL Column conteins compound and Column IL& Il contain their geometry and shape respectively Catumn Column ‘Catan Compound Geometry Shape © xXer, © Trigonal bipyramidal ©) Tetrahedal x0, (i) Octahedral Octahodral ay xer, (Gi) Teaedral ® Seesaw @) Xe, (iy) _‘Trigona planar (_ Square planar 15. Find suitable combination for Xenon dioxylifluride One can also calculate total no, of bond pairs (n) around central © Mme © Mm@ ‘tom as n= total numberof atoms surrounding the ental atom © aging @ MO® en nena ste combination which has me shape ang TH*® YSEPR notton of molecule canbe writen as AX,Ey eel and Where, A denotes central atom ofthe molecule, geometry ‘X denotes bond pairs on central atom ofthe molecule © wine © Orv E denotes lone pairs on central atom ofthe molecule © Wo) © Ene Ina polarmolecule, the net dipole moment ofthe molecule 22m 17, Incorect combination is 18, VSEPR notation ochlrinetrifuorde molecule is © OO © @vpiine) @) AX, © AX © AXE, @ AXE, 6) (DONG) @ ae MOG & HOW 19, Somemolecules are giventeow PARAGRAPILZ 0, $0. 0 The shapes of molecules canbe predicted by VSEPR theory, = «1 Il hyviization and dpole moment Total nmkerofhybridorbitls The cect ineeasng order of dipole moment of given (Gon the ental atom of ameolecule can be caleulatedby using species is — ‘he following relation @ teem (mete H.= [Total no, of valence lsron pirs(p)3 «(o.oo eae @ met sutrounding the central tom, excluding hydrogen atoms)] 15.®OOO_16.@OOO_17.@0OO_18.O@O0OOO_ 9. ©OOO ‘Space for Rough Work ‘Section V - Matrix-Match Type “Thssetn tin qusten Rens salorens nino coun, hich have beretchod Satenorsin cue re Isbell as AB, Card wheres stonetsin coum rlabeled asp qr ands. Taner these questa have fo be appropatlbubted as iusate inthe follving example. he coet matches ae 9, A, Bp Bs, Cx C-s and D4, he corey bubbled matic wilok lt telling 20, Match the columns. Colum. (A) Hydrogen bonding ®) Dispersion forces © Dipote-dipote force (©) Dipoteindueed Alipoe foes @OOO;B- OOO! DAILY PRACTICE PROBLEM DPP CHAPTERWISE aA (Caumott Depend on temperature Donot depend on temperature P 4 carbon tetrachloride C-@OOO; D- OOOO This type of forces are involved is solidification ofl, All molecular frces involved in solution of HBr in Total Questions 20 [Total Marks 74 Attempted Correct Incorrect Net Score Cut-off Score 24 [Qualifying Score 35 Success Gap = Net Score — Net Score = (Correct x 4) — (Incorrect x 1) Qualifying Score ‘Space for Rough Work GP_3368, DPP - Daily Practice Problems Dato: Start Time End Time : CHEMISTRY (cco SYLLABUS : States of Matter Max. Marks : 74 (GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS ‘+ The Daly Practice Prablem Sheet contains 20 Questions divided into 5 sections. ‘Section T has 6 MCQs with ONLY 1 Corect Option, 3 marks for each corect answer and = foreach incorrect answer ‘Section II has 4 MCQs with ONE or MORE THAN ONE Corect options. For each question, marks wil be awarded In one of the follwing categories: Full marks: +4 IF only the bubbles) coresponding to all the correct option(s) is (are) darkened. Partial marks: +1 For darkening a bubble corresponding to each corect option provided NO INCORRECT option is darkened. Zero marks: If nane ofthe bubbles is darkened, Negative marks: =2 In al other cases. ‘Section IIE has 4 Single Dgt Integer Answer Type Questions, 3 marks for each Correct Answer and O marks in all ther cases Section TV has Comprehension/Matching CurmComprehension Type Questions having 5 MCQs with ONLY ONE correct ‘option, 3 marks for each Correct Answer and 0 marks in all oer cases, ‘Section V has 2 Matching Type Questions, 2 mark forthe correct matching of each row and 0 marks in all other cases. ‘You have to evaluate your Response Grids yoursef wih the help of Solutons,, Section|- Straight Objective Type 2 4 gofN, and36gofozmeareat the same pressure and This secon contains 6 mutplecice questions. Each quesion has 4 temperature. Their volumes willbe related as ices (a. (0) () and (out of wich ONLY ONE's corect 1. IEP. Vand T,arecitical constants, then the value of Rwill be ©) 3Yw, =2V0 @ Ww, =3¥0, © Yn, =4¥0 @ 4x, =3%5 GEM «9000 2. 0000 ‘Space or Rowgh Work f48_-_— A. DPP/ CEO AA perfect gas is found to obey the relation PV'/? constant. Ifthe gas is compressed to half of ts volume at temperature adiabatically the final temperature ofthe gas willbe @ 22 ® 4 © TWF @ 2 4. When CO,(g) is passed over red hot coke it partially gets reluced to CO(a). Upon passing 05 L of CO,(g) over red hhotcoke, the total volume of the gases increase to 700 ml. ‘The compesiton of the gaseous mixture at STP is, (@) CO,=350m1;00=350m1. 5 The ratio between most probable velocity, mean velocity andrmvelecityis @) V2NBiRN3 DVB -VBIe @ 1:2:3 @ t:N2V5 6 Viral equation ofstate can be writen as fallows to express ‘thecompresibility fact (2), B= @ oc Section Il- Multiple Correct Answer Type “This secon contains 4 mulicecorec arswors) ype questions. Each questinhas 4 coices (a, 0), (cand), otf wich ONE OR MORE. isle corect “Acar rehasavolumeof 10lite when iflated. The revs inflatdtoa presure of atm at IC with air. Ductodrving the temperature of tyre increases to47C, Choose the correct cntions ~ (@) Pressure at this temperatures 23103 atm () 3.1029 Lof er should belt out at 1 atm to restore the treto3atmat dC. 3. @®@OO 4 OOOO 8 @0O@ 9% @OO@ 2.©0OOOOO0OO (©) Pressure thistemperaticis 3.3103. (8 2:10291ofairshould be letoutat atmo restr the bret 3atmata7rc ‘Thevan der Was onsans for HCl are 371.843 KPa and 440 Semnot,Choos the corect optons- (a) Thecrical pressure is 8273 MPa (b) Tecra empertieis 28 8K (©) Thecrta volume is 22am? (@ Thecrital temperatures 324 8K ‘Aas described by van der Woa's eution~ (a) bebwvesimlartoanidcal asin thelitoflargemolar vohimes (6) behaves similar oan ideal gs isin mit of large pressures (©) characterised by ander Wat's cocficient that are dependent on the identity ofthe gas but are independent of the temperaur (@) asthe pressure that slower than the pressure exert by the bane us behaving ideally 10, Solscthe cost statement ofthe following (@) dea gas canbe ici by cooling it to very low temperate and applying ery high presire (b) Helium can be liquefied by cooling it toa characteristic tempest nd eoopresing (© Atordinary temperatures compressed helium gs gst hatedupyhen passd trough an orifice into vac unde adiabatic conditions (@ At ordinary temperatures hydrogen is less compressible than an ideal 3s ‘Section IN- Integer Type “isso ontins 4 queso. heanseriestht he qustesis sinjegtnogeengngam 108 Th. AOL tox contains 41.4 gofa inte of goss, and Ci Tetra resureat 44°C in flasks | 6am. Anais revealed tha the gas mitre has 87% ol Cand 13% tal Find out the valucofx 12, Agasiffisel/ times 5 fast as hydrogen. fits molecular weights 10y What wil bethe value oy? 5. @0OO 6 @OG0OO 7. OOOO W.@®OO 1.0: OOOO! = GP_3368 BPP! CCO5 A ott 13. Therate of diffusion of methane at a given temperature is twice thatofa gas.X Ifthe molecular weight of Xis8 then ‘what will be the value of y? 14. At 400 K, the root mean square (ems) speed of a gas X (molecular weight = 40) is equal tothe mos probable speed ‘of gas ¥ at 0K. Themolocular weightof the gas Vis ‘Section IV - Comprehension Type Directions (Qs. 15-18): Based upon the given paragraphs, 4 multiple chee questions have tobe answered. Each queston as 4 choioes (a), (0) (Can), out of which ONLY ONEis cone, PARAGRAPH. Inthe Figue-1 below, isotherms of CO, at several temperatures near the eitical point are shown. At the critical point (critical state), the distnetion between the liquid and gaseous sates disappears and the density of the gaseous substance is equal to that the liquid state For every gas this occurs at specific values oftemperature and pressure called eritcal temperature and critical pressure respectively. At temperatures and pressures above the critical point value, a gas is said be in a supereriticl state. The supercritical fluid has the density and ability to dissolve other substances similar to values expected for liquids Figure-2depiets the phase diagram of CO,. Various curves inthe diagram show the equilibrium betwoen two phasesand the areas ‘present diferent phases. Thepoint, called triple pont, deseribing the equilibrium between three phases has specific values of temperature and pressure, @QOG@_17.©0OO ‘Space for Rough 15, According toFigure-2 whats thecriical emperatureand pressure of CO,? (@ -42°Cand 10am (6) ~38°Cand 80atm (© 311°Cand753am —(@) 31.1°Cand Latm ‘According toFig,-1, which of the following iscorrect when (CO, is compressed at a temperature corresponding tothe isotherm ABCD? @ © o @ 16. Liquefaction CO, is complete atthe point B Liquefaction of CO, is complete atthe point C ‘Volume of CO, stem remains constant along BC Proportions of liquid and gascous CO, do not change: along BC. PARAGRAPH? The ideal gas equation, PY'= nk is not obeyed by real gases ‘under certain conditions. The deviation fom ideal behaviour vas tributed tothe fic that Pi related 0 Py, by the equation In this “a is a measure of intermolecular interaction between ‘gaseous molecules that gives rise to non-ideal behaviour. Again the volume correction was introduced by taking into account the volume occupied by gaseous molecules and the effective volume is (F/~ nb), where nb represents the volume ‘ceupied by n moles of molecules of eal gas van der Waals equation of real gases is written as kT a) esteem 17. The van der Waals equation for rea gases will reduce to which one of the following forms under conditions of relatively high pressure? @ PY=RI-Pb (©) PY=RT+Pb Rr, e © PI @ B20. -_A —. DPP/ CC05 18. The van der Waals equation for a gas thet has non-zero @)-PV=nRT+nbP (0) P(V=nb)=nRT value of frce of traction between molecules but has the an? ‘molecules to be point masses, will become (©) P¥=nkT @ PronkT Section V - Matrix-Match Type A OOOO ‘insane Zuni Reeser henna clns wishmebberactes Sameer || DO OO larlabledasA, 8, CandD whsras stoners coun ae lbaledapq,ands.Theanswest ese qusionshae tobe appropriately bubbiedasilustratedinthe folowing example. thecorectmatchesareAp,As,Bp,Bs,Cx,Csand (OOOO 1g, hen the correct bubbled mtx willeok ike the allowing: 1©@OO) 19, T,and 7, are the Boyle's and inversion temperatures respectively fora rel gas, Match the following characterisies with appropriate temperatures, (Column (Gas Characteristics) (Column (Temperature) (A) Attractive intermolecular forces become dominant lover repulsive forces wien pT, (B)_Repulsive forces become dominant a 2COp(g)+3H,00) at 27 Cis~ 1366.5 1 mol! The value of internal energy ‘change forthe above eacton at this temperature wll be @ 136908) ) 136400) © —1e1sK) @ -7s8 7. Onthe basis ofthe fellow graph (PF graph), choose the core sates fe lator 05 ator (202-402 {@)_ ‘The enropy change ithe oval process is e79 {b) Forthe overall posss AH AE (©) Total work done, = 9 {@) Tot wrk=-600.77) & Which of the flowing ae coreet for an isothermal reversible expansion ofan ideal gas 5. @0@OO 6 OOOO 1.©DOOOODOOOO 12.©DQOO@OQOOOO @ ae=0 » © wenernd @ 4 9. Enthapyof atomization of C,H(g)and C;H,(g) are 620and ‘880 klmol respectively. The CC andC— Hbond energies are respectively (@) 80and60 Kimo (b)_80and90 kdmot* (©)_70and90 kdmot"_(d)_100and 80 kimol* ‘Section I - Integer Type ThissectoncanansS questions. Theanswertoeachofthequesbonsis 2 Sng cigtintager eng om 0109, 10. AyH° of hypothetical MgClis—125 kJ mo! and for MgCl, {s-642kImol, The enthalpy ofsprportonaton of MgCl {s—49x, Find the value of, 1, The lattice energy of solid KCL is 181 kcal mot" and the enthalpy of solution of KCI in H,O is 1.0 keal mol" tfthe hydration enthalpies of K* and Cr ions ae in the rato of 2:1 then the enthalpy of hydration of K* is ~20x k cal ‘mot! Findthe value ofx 12, A heated iron block at 127°C loses 300 J of heat to the surroundings which are ata temperature of27 This process 1s 0.05x JK"! Findthe value of, 13, Anintimate mixture of eric aide, Fe,0,,and aluminium, ‘Al, isusedin solid fuel rocks, Calculate the fuel value per ‘gram and fuel value perce of themixture. Heats of formation and densities are as follows H(AL,O,)= 399kealimol; H/Fe,0,)= 199kcalmol Densityof Fe,0,=5.2 glee: Density of Al=2.7 gee. 14, An insulatd container contains 1 mole of liquid, molar volume 100 mL. at 1 ba. When liquid issteepy pressed to 100 bar, volume deereases to 99 mi. Find the value of aH +a 1000 7. @0@OO 8& OOOO % OOOO 11. ©ODOOOOODOO 13.©D@OODOOOOO ‘Space for Rowgh Work GP_3368, BPPE CCO6 AAA eit ‘Section IV - Comprehension Type Directions (Qs. 15-19): Based upon thegien paragraphs, Small chcce questons have ob answered, Each question has choices (a), ), (2) and (out of which ONLY ONE is cored. PARAGRAPH For an ideal gas, four diferent paths A, D(B+C) and DF, fom an inital stat P, VT, toa final tate, VT sshown in the given figure, PVT p P.YaTy E Column T ‘Colum tT ‘Calum TT Path Path presentation Gooerbie @ A (@ Reversible adiabatic expansion followed by ©) Zero reversible heating at constant volume @ Bc (Reversible expansion at constant pressure @ followed by a reversible cooling at constant volume (uy DE Gi) Reversible expansion at constant pressure ® MA m D (iv) Reversible isothermal expansion nk, ne 15. Find combination, which represents the qj, forpath (8) 17, Whats dy for path (D+E)? @ Dens) ©) MER) @ aypains) ©) aMa@ © 00 @ owe © apg @ awe 16. Ge forpath (B+ ©) represented by PARAGRAPH @ ago ©) mS Entropy changes for ideal gas reas follows: © MOO alaoe 6 _Enopychange stems ctenperteand votes gen ®@OOO 6 @@OO 17.@O0@OO ‘Space for Rough Work be24—-——$ Ni DPR C06 pressure wil be (in ealegree) respectively, (Given, C,=494 camel inthis temperaturerange) @ 070099 ©) 099,020 (©) 050,070 @ 07,050 Ie is form moles of an ideal gas from ¥, to ¥; when temperature changes fom 710 7-C, isthe eat apa at constant volume, s (En chmgrintemsctengentcandpenne: 1% Sisto mn mia (cpa) bat an from 300K to 600K at constant pressure the value of Sis = nCln B+ nkin2& (For mmoles es) ASS Gyn © aking (ormmelesot as) 3x2 to —3nin2 isthe molar heat apacty at constant pressure ° .. 18, Theentropy change forexpansion of gofaitogen when (¢)SRh (@ FRm2 heated fom 27°C to 127*Cat constant volume and constant ‘Section V - Matrix-Match Type (OOOO! Theses {ques eae sate hen nto clus wih he loberathed Stumertncdunn @ lerelebaled a6A,B, Cand whereesstatemensin columnllarelabeledas p,q,rands.Theanswastoteseqestonshae OOOO] tobeapropstsybubbedesiustelednteblovogernpetecmecnadescenpacBpba Cres (OOOO Da. tenhecory bled nailing OOOO) 20, Mateh the following: Catuma Cola tL (A) AS uy=0 Pp Adiabatic ¥ ®) Bagg @ ln Te 4g. Reversible Process Perfect gas constant Isothermal process B.@O®QOO _19.OOOD. 20.A- OOOO; B- OOOO: C- OOOO; P- OOOO. DAILY PRACTICE PROBLEM DPP CHAPTERWISE 6 - CHEMISTRY Total Questions | 20 _|Total Marks 74 Attempted Correct, Incorrect [ [Net Score [Cut-off Score [24 _[aualifying Score 35 Success Gap = Net Score — Qualifying Score Net Score = (Correct x 4) — (Incorrect x 1) ‘Space for Rough Work GP_3368,

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