Interest (Eoi) : Expression of

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Government of People's Republic of Bangladesh

Ministry of Water Resources

Bangladesh Water Development Board
River Management Improvement Project (RMIP), Phase L

Expression of Interest
Implementution of Social
Development Plan

River Management Improvement
Project, Phase -I (Priority Reach)
Simla to Hasnarpara [50 Km)
Telephone: +,980-2-9 5 I I 1 3 5 (l,and Line), + BB() I 7 I I - I B0 2 60 ( l',fohile)
Facsimile number: + 880-2-95I I I36
Eleckonic mail addres s: p de c wp. b w d b @-qnt ai L c o nt
Government of People's Republic of Bangladesh
Ministry of Water Resources
Bangladesh Water Development Board
River Management Improvement Project, Phase-l

Invitation for Expression of Interest


S o cial D ev elopment PIan
River Management fmprovement Project, Phase -f
(Priority Reach) Simla to Hasnarpara (50 Km)
1. The Peoples Republic of Bangladesh has applied for a credit from the
International Development Association (IDA) towards the cost of the River
Bank Improvement Project, Phase -I and it intends to apply part of the
proceeds of this credit to payments under the contract for services ofNGO for
the implementation of Social Development Programs of River Bank
Protection of Brahmaputra River from Simla to Hasnarpara (50 km). In this
regard, Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) intends to procure
the dervices of Non-government Organization for implementing the Social
Development Plan comprising tlree components viz. (i) Income and
Livelihood Restoration, (ii) Gender Mainstreaming and (iii) Public Health.

2. The objectives of the services to implement the Social Development Plan

covering three components as mentioned above aim at enhancing the
overall socioeconomic, livelihoods, gender and health conditions of the
affected households and communities along the Priority section. This
Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) is called to invite applications from
interested, eligible and experienced Non-govemment Organizations QTIGOs),
joint venture of NGOs, having experience of 10 years (in case W at least of
lead organization of fV) in implementing Social Development Plans covering

its three components.
In addition, in order to be eligible, the NGOs should be registered in Social
Welfare Department, or NGO Affairs Bureau of Bangladesh. Similarly the
NGO (at least the lead partner of JV, in case of JV) must have experience in
the following fields:

o Livelihood Restoration and Development

. Facilitation, planning and implementation of sustainable
livelihood development programs in large projects (for a
minimum of 2,000 households)
. Management and distribution of livelihood support grants for
minimum 1,000 households
o Gender Mainstreaming
. Demonstrated evidence of working with women's groups and
enhancement of women's empowerment and participation in
. Setting up of a minimum of 20 women entrepreneurship groups
o Public Health
. Water- and sanitation projects such as water-sealed toilet usage
and hand-wash programs
' Maternal and reproductive health including sustainable training
programs for skilled birth attendants

In addition, the NGO must have at least ten years of working experience in
implementation of social development programs under externally funded
development programs. The NGO will be selected based on (i) Capability of
the NGO, (ii) General and Specific Experience of the NGO and (iii) Key
professionals proposed for the job.

3. The EOIs would be reviewed on the basis of the following:

o Registration of NGO.
. AgeofNGO
r Availability of key professionals.
o Availability of resources.
o Experience of the NGO in similar tasks.
o Experience of the NGO in other works.
. Support services ofthe firm

4. The NGOs may associate with other NGO to enhance their qualifications, and,
if association, should mention whether the association is in the form of 'Joint
venture" or "sub-consultancy". It is preferable to limit the total number of
NGOs in an association including the Lead NGO to 3 (three).

5. An NGO will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the
World Bank's Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants under
IBRD Loans and Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers, January 2011.

6. Expression of Interest Invitation could obtained free of cost during office
hours on all government working days within 14 June 2015 from the Office
of the Project Director, Emergency 2007 Cyclone Recovery and Restoration
Project, Bangladesh Water Development Board, Elite House, Motijheel,
Dhaka. or BWDB website The instructions to applicants,
prescribed formats, evaluation criteria, detail information about project as
well as the indicative Terms of Reference is provided in Annexes along with
the EoI document.

7. Duly completed EoI documents in hard copy should be submitted to the

address mentioned below clearly mentioning the name of the projectin
sealed envelopes at or before 12:00 (Bangladesh Standard Time) hours
of 15 June 2015:

Project Director, ECRRP (BWDB Part)

Office of the Project Director, Emergency 2007 Cyclone Recovery und
Re sto rati o n P r oj e ct, B ang I u de s h lVater D eve lop me nt B o a rd,
Elite House (9th Floor), 54- Motijheel C/A, Dhuka, -1000
Telephone: +880-2-951 I I 3 5 (Land Line), +880-l 7l 1-8A260(h{ohile)
Facsimile number: +880-2-9 5 I I I 36
Electronic mail addre ss: p d e c r rp. b tv d b(iD,g m a i l. co m

If the deadline specified herein falls on a government holiday; the deadline

shall be extended automatically to the next working day at the same hour.

8. Further information can be obtained from above address of BWDB during

office hours in all working days seven days prior to deadline of submission of

Mr. Sarder Sirazul Hoque

Project Director Emergency 2007 Cyclone Recovery and Restoration Project (BWDB
Elite House (8th Floor), 54 Motijheel C/A
Dhaka- 1 000, Bangladesh
Telephone: +880-2-95 I I I 35 (Land Line), +880-17 I I -l 80260(Mobile)
Facsimile number: +8U0-2-951 I 136
Electronic mail address : pdec rp. bwd b(.i! gm a i l. conr


1.1.1 Scope of QuuliJication

BWDB intends to prepare a list of eligible, competent & experienced NGos to

implement the Social Development Plan comprising of three components viz. (i)
Livelihood Restoration and Development, (ii) Gender Mainstreaming and (iii) Public
Health, under River Management Improvement Project (Priority Reach) Phase -I. The
EoI process shall be conducted in an open and transparent process managed by BWDB.

This Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) is called to invite applications from
interested, eligible, and experienced Non-government Organization Q.{GO) or Joint
Venture (JV) NGOs having minimum 10 years of experience (in case of JV, at least of
lead partner of JV) in consulting business.

Applicants intending to file an application in response to this EoI should submit an

Application together with the duly completed EoI document providing ull the
information required therein atthe address mentioned in EoI document within the time
period specified in this EoI Invitation.

The EoI documents submitted by the applicants shall be evaluated on the basis of the
evaluation criteria approved by BWDB. The evaluation ofjoint venture NGOs will be
done on cumulative basis. The shortlisted NGOs will be notified in due course of time
for the submission of Technical and Financial proposals. The Quality Based Selection
(QBS) procedure will be used for final selection of the NGO.

1.1.2 DeJinition of Terms

Unless otherwise specified, the following terms used in this EoI have the following

"Applicant" means a single NGo or theirjoint venture that intends to submit or

submitted completed EoI document as per notice and this EoI document.

"rdq1"' means average annual turnover of the organization.

"Authorized Representative" means an individual authorized by the Applicants as the

duly authorized entity to legally bind the Applicant to the EoI process, is the
authorized signatory to the process, and is the point of contact for BWDB in
connection with the process.

"Bidder" means successful applicant shortlisted by this EoI process and who submits
Technical and Financial proposals in response to the Request for Proposal (RFp).

"EoI" means "Expression of Interest.

"JV" means "Joint Venture".

"Lead Organization" means an entity or Organization that is the authorized leader of

ateam comprising the Lead NGO and its constituents to submit the EoI and perform
the assignment.
means "Re-settlement Action Plan"
means "River Management Improvement Project

"RFP" means "Request for Proposal".

"SDP" means "Social Development Plan".

"T/L" means "Transmission Line".

"TOR" means "Terms of Reference".

"VAT" means "Value Added Tax".

"SNGO" means Social NGO

1. 1.3 Eligible Applicants

1. The EoI process is open to interested, eligible and experienced NGOs or Joint
Ventures (JV), NGOs having minimum 10 years of experience (In case of JV,
at least of lead partner of JV) in business.

2. In order to be eligible, the NGO should be registered in Bangladesh in

accordance with the prevailing rules and should have valid registration, VAT
registration and should have Tax Clearance Certificate for FY 2014 and Income
Tax Submission Certificate for FY 2014 or Income Tax Clearance Certificate
for FY2014.

3. Similarly, the NGOs or joint venture ofNGOs collectively or Lead Partner must
have completed the implementation of Social Development Plan with
followings activities :
livelihood development programs in large projects (at least
2,000 households).
Management and distribution of livelihood support grants for
min 1,000 households
o Genderl4ainstffi?T?",oence
of working with women,s groups and
enhancement of women's empowerment and participation in
. Setting up of a minimum of 20 women entrepreneurship groups
o Public Health
Water- and sanitation projects such as water-sealed toilet usage
and hand-wash programs
Maternal and reproductive health including sustainable training
programs for skilled birth attendants
4. The applicant shall submit Self Declaration mentioning their eligibility, conflict
of interest, receive any punishment while doing consulting business and
litigation history (if any). In case of JV, each individual NGO shall submit Self
Declaration separately or they can submit the Self Deceleration jointly by
signing each members of JV mentioning information requited in Self

5. The Applicants shall have a good professional reputation with demonstrated

competency in successfully conducting Preparation and Implementation of
Resettlement Plan.

6. In case of Joint Venture, the Applicant shall submit Joint Venture Agreement
duly signed & stamped with company seal by each member of JV & clearly
mentioning the name of lead NGO, role and responsibility of each member of
joint venture, name and sample signature of the authorized signatories through
attomey of power. In any case, the NGOs are not allowed to enter into more
than one joint venture.


1.2.1. Clarffication on EoI Documents

A prospective applicant requiring any clarification of this EoI Invitation and ToR may
contact Project Director during office hours in all working days before ten (10) days
prior to the deadline for submission of EoI application at the address hereunder:

Mr. Sarder Sirazul Hoque

Project Director Emergency 2007 Cyclone Recovery and Restoration Project
(BWDB Part)
Elite House (8th Floor), 54 Motijheel C/A
Dhaka- 1 000, Bangladesh.
Telephone - +880-2-95 1 1 135 (Land Line), +880-171 t-1 80260(Mobile)
Facsimile number: +880-2-95 1 1 1 36
Electronic mail address:

1.2.2 Amendment to EoI Documents

At any time prior to the deadline for the submission of the Eol application,
BWDB may amend the EoI, for any reason, whether on its own initiative or in
response to a clarification requested by Applicant. Such amendments can be
downloaded from the website

BWDB shall assume that the information contained in the amendment is taken
into account by the applicant in its application.

1.3.1. Documents for EoI

The completed EoI application to be submitted by Applicants shall comprise the
following documents:

Form Type Description/Content

Form: A General Information Regarding the NGO and Technical &
Financial Capability of the NGO
Form: A-1 Letter of Submission
Form: A-2 Joint Venture lnformation
Form: A-3 Self-Declaration Form
Form: A-4 Commitment to Code of Ethics and Anti-Corruption Policy
Form: A-5 Eligibility Status
Form: A- 6 Identification of the NGO
Form: A-7 Financial Capability of the NGO
Form: B Experiences of the organization in the Last Ten Years
Form: B-1 General experience of the NGO:
oIncome and Livelihood Restoration Programs; Gender
Mainstreaming and Public Health related works in
large extemally funded projects
oEvidence of good program implementation records
from completed and/or ongoing projects
X'orm: B-2 Specific Experience of the Implementation of at least one Job
in each component viz. (1) Livelihood Restoration and
Development, (2) Gender Main Streaming and (3) Public
Health with minimum Service Fee of USD 1.0 Million or
Form: C Details of Proposed Key Professional to be deployed for the
study (Qualification & experience)

1.3.2 Submission of EoI in Joint Venture

The NGOs submitting EoI in joint venture shall furnish Joint Venture Agreement duly
signed & stamped with company seal by each member of JV & clearly mention the
name of lead organization, role and responsibility of each member of joint venture,
name and sample signature of the authorized signatories through attomey of power.

1.3.3 Cost of Preparution of EoI and Liability .

Applicants shall bear all costs associated with preparation and submission of the
completed EoI document. BWDB shall, in no case, be responsible or liable for these
costs, or have any other liability to any Applicant, regardless of the conduct or outcome
of the EoI process. BWDB shall have no obligation to any Applicant to reimburse any
costs incurred in preparing a response to this EoI.
1.3.4 ConJidentiality of the Document

If an Applicant believes that any portion of the submittal is to be treated in confidence,

he/she shall identifo such information clearly in the submittal. BWDB shall make every
effort to treat such documents in confidence as far as possible.


1.4.1 Number of Copies of the EoI Applicution

The Applicant shall submit an original and one (1) extra copy of the completed EOI
document clearly mentioning Original and Copy and name of the project. In the event
of any discrepancy between the original and the copy, the original shall govern.

The Applicant shall submit an electronic copy of the completed EoI application
supplementary to hard copy. Howevet, the evaluation of the EoI document shall only
be done based on the hard copy of the EoI application submitted by the applicant.

1.4.2 Sealing und Marking

The Applicant shall seal the original and copy of the completed EoI in separate
envelopes, duly marking the envelopes as "Original" and "Copy". These envelopes
shall then be sealed in an outer envelope and marked as "Expression of Interest". The
inner as well as outer envelope shall clearly mention the name of assignment. The
envelopes should also clearly indicate the name and address of the Applicant.

The inner and the outer envelopes shall be addressed to:

Mr. Sarder Sirazul Hoque

Project Director Emergency 2007 Cyclone Recovery and Restoration Project
(BWDB Part)
Elite House (8th Floor), 54 Motijheel C/A
Dhaka- 1 000, Bangladesh.
Telephone: +880-2-951 1 I 35 (Land Line), +880-171 1-180260(Mobile)
Facsimile number: +880-2-95 1 1 I 36
Electronic mail address:

1.4.3 Deadline for S ubmission

Duly completed EoI documents should be submitted to the address specified in

Section l.4.2by 12 Noon @SD of 15 June 2015.

The completed EoI application received by BWDB after the deadline shall be
considered late and shall be summarily rejected & returned unopened. If the deadline
specified herein falls on a government holiday the deadline shall be extended
automatically to the next working day at the same hour.

1.4.4 Withdruwal of EoI Application

An Applicant shall not be permitted to withdraw the EoI Application submitted by


The EoI applications received by the due date and within the time specified in
Clause 1.4.3 shall be opened at 13.00 (BST) on 15 June 2015 in the presence of the
applicants or their authorized representative who-so-ever wish to attend. Absence
of the applicants or their authorized representatives, however, shall not obstruct or
prevent the opening process in any way. The Applicant's designated representative
must bring a leffer from the Applicant stating that he/she is authorized to represent the
applicant for the public opening of the EoI application. The Applicants or their
authorized representatives who are present at the time of opening shall sign in a register
evidencing their presence.

During the opening, an authorized official of BWDB will read out the names of the
applicants who have submitted the EoI applications and then will start opening
submitted EoI envelopes.


1.6.1 Eligibility of EoI

BWDB shall carry out evaluation of the EoI applications based on the approved
evaluation criteria. In case of joint venture, the evaluation will be conducted
collectively, for this purpose the relevant figures/numbers of the each members ofjoint
venture shall be added together to arrive at the joint venture's figures/numbers.
Anything not mentioned in this document regarding the EoI shall be governed by the
prevailing rules and regulations of Bangladesh.

The evaluation of EoI documents will be done in two stages (i) Screening of EoI
documents of all NGOs; and (ii) Evaluation of EoI documents of eligible NGOs.

1.6.2 Screening of EOI document

In this stage, a preliminary screening of received EoI document will be done. The
applicant shall be evaluated on'Pass' or'Fail'basis. Each applicant must'pass' each and
every criterion mentioned below; any applicant not complying with any one of these
criteria is disqualified from further evaluation.

Applicants failing to submit basic criteria shall be considered as "Fail" and shall be
disqualified and will not be considered for evaluation. The failing to meet eligibility
criteria by any member ofjoint venture may result the disqualification ofjoint venture

1.6.3 Evaluation of EoI Documents

After fulfilling all the above basic criteria, the EoI documents shall be evaluated based
on approved evaluation criteria.

The shortlisted NGOs will be notified in due course of time for the submission of
Technical and Financial proposals. The Quality Based Selection (QBS) procedure will
be used for final selection of the consultant.

1.6.4 Clurffication during Evuluution by BWDB

During the evaluation, BWDB may request the Applicant for any clarification thatmay
be needed. The Applicant shall furnish the necessary clarifications expeditiously by
post/courier/faxle-mail or by any other rapid means of communication to BWDB at the
address given in Clause - 1.4.2.

Failure to provide information essential to evaluate the Applicant's qualifications, or to

provide timely clarifications or substantiation of the information furnished, BWDB
would be at liberty to declare such application as non-responsive and reject the
particular EoI application.

1.6.5 Rejection of EoI Document of Applicant

BWDB reserves the right to accept or reject any or all EOI proposals with or without
giving any reason whatsoever and is not liable for any losses to applicant due to such

Furnishing of false or wrong information, document or evidence by any firm or joint

venture may result in rejection of the EOI document of the firm or their joint ventures.


All applicants, whether qualified or disqualified in the EoI process, will be notified in
writing indicating the result of qualification. Applicants listed in the short-list shall be
considered as qualified Applicant and shall be invited to participate in the "Request
for Proposal" (RFP) process.


By submitting an EoI in joint venture, the Applicant represents that, if qualified and if
awarded the contract after the RFP process, the Applicant with its constituent members
shallbe jointly responsible to perform the obligations of such contract.


The project description, scope of work and duration of study is given in Appendix - 2.




The EoI document shall be structured in accordance with the outline given in the EoI
forms and must contain accurate and complete information as required by the EoI
application. The EoI Document shall have no interlineations or overwriting, except as
necessary to correct enors made by the Applicant itself. Any such correction must be
initialed by the person authorized to sign the application and stamped with the seal of
the organization.

2.1.1 Ge neral Informutio n

The Applicant shall provide a Letter of Submittal with completed forms as provided in
the Format "Form A to C" in the EOI document. All necessary information shall be
presented to demonstrate the firm/joint venture's capability, experience and
professionals to be deployed for the study.

2.l.2Information Regarding Technical & Financial Capubility of the NGO

Form: A - 1: Letter of EOI Submission

The applicant shall submit the EoI submittal letter stating the joint venture's
arrangements with attachment of necessary document(s). The letter shall be signed by
an authorized representative ofthe lead NGO in the joint venture and shall be stamped
by the NGO's seal. The format of submittal letter is given in Form A-1 of this EoI

In such letter, the applicant shall provide a statement of its willingness and commitment
to abide by all applicable laws, regulations, and other requirements in the execution of
this work, if selected.

f,'orm: A - 2: Joint Venture Information

If the applicant applies EoI in joint venture, then the applicant shall submit the joint
venture information in Form A-2. The association in between the NGOs should be only
in the form of a joint venture. The Joint Venture Agreement and Power of Attorney
must be submitted with the EoI Application.

Form: A - 3: Self Declaration Statement of NGO

The applicant shall submit a self-declaration statement stating that the NGO (all
members in the joint venture jointly or individually) is not ineligible to participate in
this procurement process, that the NGO does not have any conflict of interest in the
proposed assignment, and that the NGO has not received any punishment while doing
business. The self-declaration letter shall be signed by an authorized person ofthe NGO
and shall be stamped by the company's seal. The format of the self-declaration letter is
given in Form A-3 of this EOI document.

Form: A - 4: Commitment of Code of Ethics and Anti-corruption Policy

The applicant shall submit a statement stating that the NGO shall abide by the code of
ethics and anti-corruption policy. This commitment to abide by code of ethics and anti-
corruption policy shall be presented in Form: A-4 of this EoI document.

X'orm: A - 5: Eligibility Status

The applicant shall fill form A-5 and submit supporting documents to support the
eligibility requirement(s). The supporting documents will be in the form of copies of
registration certificate, Tax and VAT Certificates and Tax Clearance Certificate (if
applicable) etc.
Form: A - 6: Identification of the NGO

The background information of the NGO shall be presented in the prescribed Form A-
6. Necessary documentary evidences should be provided to substantiate the data
contained in the Form ,4-6.

Form: A-7: Financial Capability of the NGO

The financial capability of the NGO shall be presented in prescribed Form: A-7 of this
EoI document. The financial status of the NGO shall be supported with audited reports
for the three preceding fiscal years. The financial capability of the NGO shall not be
considered for evaluation ifnot supported by copies ofaudit reports.

2.1.3 Experience of the NGO in the Lust ten years

The NGO shall present experiences as prescribed in forms B-1 to B-2. The experience
of the NGO shall be supported with evidence/proof in the form of experience
certificates/completion certificates showing the dates of completion of the assignments,
short description of assignment and value of the consulting assignments. The
experience of the NGO without evidence/proof shall not be considered for evaluation.
In addition, only completed projects/assignments will be considered for evaluation.
Ongoing projects/assignments will not be evaluated.

Form: B-1 General experience of the NGO in Social Development Activities


o Income and Livelihood Restoration Programs; Gender Mainstreaming and

Public Health related works in large externally funded projects
o Evidence of good program implementation records from completed andlor
ongoing projects

Form: B-2- SpeciJic Experience of the Consultunt in the last ten yeurs

Implementation of at least one Job in each component viz. (1) Livelihood Restoration
and Development, (2) Gender Main Streaming and (3) Public Health with minimum
Service Fee of USD 1.0 Million or above.

2.1.4 Detuils of Proposed Key Professionul to be deployed for the Study

The details of key professional staff proposed for the study and their experience shall
be presented in prescribed Form C. The professional staff should have minimum five
year of experience. Marks will be given only to the Professionals listed in details of
professional staffs to be deployed for thejob.



[Letterhead paper of the Applicant, by the Lead NGO)

The Project Director

Emergency 2007 Cyclone Recovery and Restoration Project
Bangladesh Water Development Board
Elite House, Motijheel, Dhaka



Being duly authorized to represent and act on behalf of

(hereinafter "the Applicant"), and having reviewed and fully understood all the
information provided in the EoI document, the undersigned hereby applies for
qualification by BWDB as a NGO for the Implementation of Social Development Pan
for River Management Improvement Project (Priority Reach).

1. BWDB and its authorized representatives are hereby authorized to veri$r the
statements, documents, and information submitted in the EoI submitted
2. BWDB and its authorized representatives are authorized to contact any of the
signatories to this letter for any further information.
3. This application is made in the full understanding that "All decisions by BWDB
related to this EoI are final, binding and not sub.ject to review". BWDB shall be
under no obligation to inform the Applicant of the reasons for its decisions or
4. The Applicant hereby provides willingness and commitment to abide by all
applicable laws, regulations, and other requirements in the execution of this
study, if selected for the task.
5. All further communication concerning this EoI application should be addressed
to the following person on behalf of the Applicant fPerson & Designation]
[Company] [Address]
6. The undersigned declares that the statements made and the information
provided in the duly completed EoI application are complete, true and correct.

Signature Name
For and on behalf of Q.{ame of Applicant or Lead Organization ofjoint

FORM: A- 2



1. Lead NGO

2. Partner NGOs



Q{ote: provide duly signed and stamped joint venture agreement and power of
attorney of the signatories by each member in the JV.)


1. Joint Venture Agreement: Yes No

2. Power of attorney ofthe signatory (ies) ofthe Applicants: Yes No



The Project Director

Emergency2}}7 Cyclone Recovery and Restoration Project
Bangladesh Water Development Board
Elite House, Motijheel, Dhaka


Date: .........

We, the undersigned, on behalf of ................ Q.{ame

of NGOs/name of all NGOs of Joint Venture in case of JV) declare that we are legally
eligible to participate in the procurement process of Implementation of Social
Development Plan for River Management Improvement Project (Phase -I) priority

We also declare that we do not have any conflict of interest in the said assignment.

We hereby also declare that we have not received any punishment while doing
consulting business in the last five years.

(If any member of the joint ventures is not eligible to participate in procurement
process or has conflict of interest in the said assignment or has received any
punishment while doing consulting business in the last five years, the same must be
clearly mentioned in this form. Any history of litigation during the last five years shall
also be declared here along with the relevant verdict.)

Signature Name Designation

For and on behalf of (Name of Applicant)

(Note: Each joint venture NGO needs to submit Self Declaration either jointly by
signing or stamped with company seal in self-declaration by each member of JV
or individually together with EOI document,)


Provide the NGOs'commitment to code of ethics and anti- corruption policy and
their mechanism to monitor the adherence to these policies.


Fulfillment of Eligibility Requirements

Description Status Remarks

Valid Registration Certifi cate Yes/No
(of each member of JV, in case
of JV.)

VAT Certificate (of each YesA{o

member of JV, in case of JV.)

Income Tax Clearance YesA{o


Self-Declaration YesA{o

Joint Venture (JV) Agreement YesA.{o

between the JV Partners and
Power of Attorney signed &
sealed by each member of JV,
in case of JV

Experience of NGO not less Yes,A{o

than 10 years (In case of JV, at
least of lead partner of JV)

The organization (must have YesA{o

completed at least one job):

(i) (1) Income and

Livelihood Restoration
Program and (2)
Gender Mainstreaming
and (3) Public Health
related works or
collective of them with
service Fee of at least
USD 1.0 Million, and
(ii) Program
implementation USD 2
million in one
individual project of
above areas



Name of Consultant: Address of NGO :

Telephone number: Year of Establishment:

Fax number: Number of Year of establishment:



Registration: VAT Registration:

Date of Registration: Date of Registration:

Registration No: Date of last renewal: VAT Registration No:

Valid up to:

Name and address of contact person: Name and Designation of Contact Person:

Telephone number (Offi ce):

Telephone number (Residence):



Note: In case of the applicant being joint ventlre, provide similar informationfor
each member in the joint venture separately




Description Amount

Total assets

Total liabilities

Current liabilities

Current assets

Current Credit Resources

Description Fiscal Fiscal Fiscal Fiscal Fiscal Average

Year - 1 Year -2 Year - 3 Year - 4 Year - 5 Annual



{Note: Average annual turnover ofNGO in last five years will be considered for
evaluation. Supporting documents (Audited Report) should be submitted)

Note: Provide similar information for each member in case of joint venture.


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Appendix -L

Evaluation Criteria

Screening and Evaluation of EoI

The evaluation of EoI documents will be done in two stages (i) Screening of EoI
documents of all NGOs; and (ii) Evaluation of EoI document of eligible NGOs

STAGE I: Screening of NGO

In this stage, a preliminary screening of received EoI document will be done. The NGO
shall be evaluated on 'Pass' or 'Fail' basis. Each NGO must 'pass' each and every criterion
mentioned below; any NGO not complying with any one of these criteria is disqualified
from further evaluation. The basic criteria for the eligibility of applicants are as follows:

Eligibility Requirement
I Valid Registration

11 VAT Certificates

111 Income Tax Clearance Certificate year 2014

1V Self Declaration


I I Joint Venture Agreement

Minimum Speci{ic Experience of Organization

Experience of NGO in business not less than 10 years (In case of JV, at least of lead partner of JV)
in implementation of social development programs under externally funded development programs.

Livelihood Restoration and Development

. Facilitation, planning and implementation of sustainable livelihood
development programs in large projects (for a minimum of 2,000 households)
' Management and distribution of livelihood support grants for minimum 1,000
Gender Mainstreaming
. Demonstrated evidence of working with women's groups and enhancement of
women's empowelment and participation in decision-making
. Setti of a minimum of 20 women rshi
o Public Health
. Water- and sanitation projects such as water-sealed toilet usage and hand-
wash programs
. Matemal and reproductive health including sustainable training programs for
skilled birth attendants

STAGE II: Detail Evaluation of EOI Documents

In second stage, the EOI document of eligible NGOs Q'{GOs determined "Pass" in Stage
I), will be fuither evaluated based on (i) Capability of NGO, (ii) General and Specific
Experience of the NGO and (iii) Key Professional proposed for the assignment. The criteria
for detail evaluation are:

1. Capability of the NGO : 15 Marks

2. General & Specific Experience of the NGO(s) in 10 years:
i. General Experience of the NGO: 15 Marks !

ii. Specific Experience of the NGO : 40 Marks I

3. Key professionals proposed for the assignmentn : 30 Marks
Appendix -Z Terms of Reference

Terrns of Reference (ToR) for $ocial NGO {$NGO} Responsible for Planning and
lmplementation of Social Development Plan (SDP)


Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) intends to hire a national NGO experienced in the
management of planning and implementation of social development programs relating to livelihoods,
gender and public health services facilitation. The contributions of the NGO (hereinafter refered to as
Social NGO or SNGO) are sought to coordinate the implementation of the Social Development Program
(SDP) under the River Bank Improvement Project (RMIP). The SDP is an integrated program aiming to
improve livelihoods, address the gender variables of development and expand and improve the protection
of public health. The TOR includes guideline to plan, program, implement and evaluate the activities for
achieving the objectives of the SDP. The SDP is a 4.50 year program of the RMIP to be delivered in
partnership with local NGOs and local administration in specific areas of social development.

To become eligible for undertaking these project activities, the NGO must have a proven capacity to work
on expanding livelihood resources and options, address gender variables equitably, and must possess
professional competence on the organization and effective delivery of public health services to intended
beneficiaries. An imporlant capability feature ofthe SNGOs who candidate forthis work is the professional
capability to measure quantitative and qualitative changes in the total income and livelihood levels of the
affected and resettled populations (e.g. at least one professionally trained micro economist with a master's
degree in economics). The respective NGO must be duly registered with the NGO Affairs Bureau or the
Ministry of Social Welfare, Government of Bangladesh.

More specifically, the interested national NGOs must have experience in: (i) income and livelihood
restoration activities under the circumstances of involuntary resettlement, (ii) preparing, implementing
successfully, and measuring the effects of income and livelihood restoration plans, , especially focused on
the productive use of public lands; (iii) implementation of livelihood development programs for destitute
section of the society in rural Bangladesh, harmed by land loss to floods and erosion; (iv) understanding
and overcoming gender related difficulties met by programs in rural communities; (v) implementing public
health interventions in rural communities exposed frequently to flooding and land erosion and related
diseases; and (vi) running successful haining programs that increase income generating skills and the
management of household needs, organizing such training ideally in partnership with the public sector.

Proposals for delivering such selices will be invited from the short-listed NGOs.


The proposed project (RMIP-1) is the first phase of the three phase RMIP, with each phase spanning about
five years. Phase 1 will include, among others, the following two components'. "Component A: "The
Rehabilitation and Improvement of the Brahmaputra River Embankment Scheme" and "Component B:
"The Implementation of Social and Environmental Management Plans". In turn, Component B consists of:
(a) Resettlement Action Plan (RAP); (b) Social Development Plan (SDP); and (c) Environmental
Management Plan (EMP).

The RAP deals with the land acquisition process, compensation, and the population's displacement and
relocation. The responsibilify for the RAP's successful execution is vested in the Implementation NGO
(INGO). The responsibility for SDP's successful execution is vested in the Social NGO (SNGO). The SDP
has three sub-components:(l) Income and Livelihood Restoration Program (ILRP); (2) GenderAction Plan
(GAP) and (3) Public Health Action Plan (PHAP). The present ToR refers to the execution of the SDP by
the SNGO.

OVERALL OBJECTIVES : The objectives of RMIP are to reduce the curent and future adverse impacts
of flood and erosion along the selected section of the Brahmaputra Right bank Embankment (Central BRE
"priorit5r" reach - from Simla to Hasnarpara, approx. 50 km), increase community resilience to flooding,
sustainably resettle the population inhabiting now the right of way or other-wise exposed to risks, and assist
the relocated population to share in the project's benefits and improve its standards of living above the pre-
project levels.

The Project area covers three sub-districts or upazilas: Kazipur (Sirajganj district), Dhunat and Sariakandi
(Bogra district). The Project , includes the equipment of 15 identified areas for becoming residential sites
for the population to be resettled by the project and will require acquisition of 395 ha of land for civil works

The World Bank (WB) and the Government of Bangladesh (GOB) will co-finance the Project. An estimate
4334 households will require relocation from the Project right of way. Nearly two-thirds of these affected
families are currently living on the existing embankment. About half of the households to be displaced
expressed their preference for self-relocation into the existing "host" villages and the rest will move to
proj ect-sponsored resettlement sites.

The SDP is primarily dedicated to the project affected (displaced and resettled) persons. However, it also
includes villages and local communities in host areas within 1 km range from the Central BRE to the
countryside and all destitute households on the riverside along the 50km reach. A particular focus of the
SDP will be on the affected embankment settlers, who are poor and vulnerable. Details of the project
impacts are available in the RAP and SDPs.


Two key objectives ofthe SDP are to (i) mitigate any negative impacts on livelihoods ofthe project affected
persons, and(ii) support the overall social development of the population in the project area related to their
income and livelihood, gender and public health status. The specific objectives for each of the three-sub
component are discussed in the following paragraphs.

Income and Livelihood Restoration: The overall objective of ILRP is to (i) improve, or at least restore
the income and livelihood level of the project affected population, and (ii) enhance the present income and
livelihood situation of the affected persons and the remaining communities on the old embankment and
those living along the existing embankments. Besides mitigating the short-term loss of the affected
populations, this livelihood and income restoration plan takes a systematic approach to identify long-term
opportunities and constraints in a particular subsector.

Gender Mainstreaming: The GAP has three specific objectives to achieve in this project. These are to (i)
maximize women's access to the RMIP project benefits including employment; (ii) mitigate harmful
gendered impacts on affected male and female population, especially health and safety; and (iii) build
capacity of BWDB in gender mainstreaming in the remaining phases of the Program as well as in future
project operations.

Public Health: The overarching and primary objective of the PIIAP is to (i) mitigate possible impacts on
public health due to the construction of the embankment for the project-affected populations (PAPs) and
secondarily, to (ii) improve the public health situation related to key health development indicators such as
reduction in disease burden, maternal and neonatal health, HIV/AIDS and STDs for the project beneficiaries
living along the bank line and embankment, as needed.


The primary focus of the SDP will

be given to the project affected populations in order to foster possible
positive impacts and mitigate negative impacts for them. The target group beneficiaries (TGB) and families
(TGF) of the SDP are the following:

i. Relocated and resettled households: The Priority reach will affect 4334 households who will either
"self-relocate" and/or resettle in project-sponsored resettlement sites along the project alignment from
Simla to Hasnarpara stretching across three upazilas.
ii. Construction workforce: The construction force will mainly be drawn from local communities with a
preference to project affected persons willing to work on the construction site. There will be a vely
limited number of workers from outside the region.
iii. Individuals and households who will experience temporary loss of income due to the civil works:
Businesses and shop owners who will need to relocate or close down operations temporarily due to
civil works.
iv. In-migrant populations: These refer to individuals who are attracted by commercial opportunity and
interact with local residents. Their number is expected to be lirnited as the project is linear along the
bank line and will move with the progress of the construction.

Given the suffering of the population living along the Brahmaputra-Jamuna River due to erosion and
flooding over generations, the RMIP social development plan will take up selected developmental
opportunities and encompass a number of targeted interventions for people living in the project area. Those
proj ect benefi ciaries include :

i. Households remaining on old embankment: Although, they do not live in the right of way of the new
proposed embankment and therefore do not qualifu for resettlement benefits, they live in close vicinity
to these households and require overall development support.
ii. Host villages / communities: A large number of the displaced households will self-relocate into
the pre-existing area villages. As such, villages and local communities within a 2-km strip from the
eroding embankment are also included in the Public Health Action Plan (PHAP).


The SNGO will design social development interventions to be implemented by partnering with local NGOs
selected in consultation with the BWDB. Pafiners of PKSF, members ofNGO forums and community based
organizations having legally representative body will be among the selected partners for each component
or activity. The SNGO will be responsible for planning, designing and implementation oversight of the
SDP covering the following key activities under the three components.

Income and Livelihood Restoration

. Cash assistance to support lost income

r Assistance to re-establish business/enterprises
. Employment in construction site and construction-suppofied sector
r Community managed productive plantation on embankment slopes
e Capacity training in high-value vegetables, livestock, poulhy and fisheries
. Skills training

Gender Mainstreaming

. Women's Participation in Design and Implementation of RMIP

. Employment Opporhmities for women
. Gender-Responsive Resettlement Measures
. Services and Safeguards Against Social and Health Vulnerabilities
o Capacrty Building for Gender Issues Mainskeaming in BWDB

Public Health

r IEC Program on RMlP-related health risks and overall health (e.g. improved hygiene, maternal health)
. Public health staff capacity development on RMlP-related health risks and casualties
o Ensure improved public-health standards in resettlement households (e.g. safe water, sanitation, solar energy supply
and clean cooking stoves)
. Improved public-health standards for HHs remaining on old embankment (e.g. safe water, sanitation and clean
cooking stoves)
o Pesticide poisoning prevention and management
r SBA / Community health worker capacity development
. Road Safety

The area specific social development programs for implementation of ILRP, GAP and PHAP will be developed so as
to fully cover the target groups. Each individual intervention will be implemented with parlnering local NGOs. The
Terms of Reference for partner NGOs will be developed by the SNGO and shared with BWDB and the World Bank
before their mobilization.
Target group beneficiaries (TGBs) of SDP will be selected from the target group families (TGFs) those are
severely affected by RMIP due to temporary loss of income, displacement or other potential risks for the
purpose of the project. They are indicated for each planned interventions in chapters 2to 4. This represents
a brief summary only (for further details, see Appendix in SDP).

The SNGO will carry out the intended tasks in two phases. The first phase will be to implement all activities
related to mitigating any risk associated with the RMIP construction that must be implemented immediately
before construction can begin such as resettlement (in close collaboration with the INGO), women's
participation in important decisions related to RMIP and health awareness campaigns about RMIP risks.
The second phase will include the implementation of overall social development measures that are unrelated
to the civil works schedule and promote the overall social development in the Project area. The key tasks

i. The SNGO, in close partnership with local NGOs, will also identify capable local NGOs and the
relevant public and private sector entities to implement the SDP.
ii. It will build up the capacity of target group members by promoting their collective self-organization
iii. Review the baseline data on existing livelihood pattern and opportunities, gender and health
iv. Together with local partner NGOs, conduct needs assessment and identifr the potential members of
affected families (TGBs) for bringing them under the SDP
v. Organize regional level workshops on livelihood, gender and health to explore wider linkages
vi. Disclosure campaign and information dissemination among the potential TGBs and their community
on the SDPs in the operation area.
vii. Implement the outlined key activities for livelihood, gender mainstreaming and public health
viii.Monitor the implementation progress and the targets as outlined in the SDP Part IV.
ix. Align and be in close contact with all key stakeholders from PMO to INGO, local administration as
well as local NGOs.

Moreover the following activities will also be under the following heads:

a Implementation Mechanism and Arrangements

a Responsibility for implementation. The SNGO and the INGO are the main two organizations on which
the Project relies for the successful execution of the RAP and the SDP. The present ToR strongly
emphasizes their high distinct and joint responsibility in fully accomplishing these two plans which
are integral to the central and core overall objective of the RBIP. Therefore, the two organizations will
need to interact and cooperate closely throughout their work, both at the leadership level and among their
operational field staff A mechanism of mutual information and regular consultation between the two
respective managers must be set up from the outset.

Technical Execution Plan (TEP) for the SDP. The priority task for the SNGO is to elaborate, based on
the detailed SDP guiding document, its practical time-bound technical execution plan (TEP) for
translating the SDP into a consistent sequence of operational activities tailored to the on-the-ground

physical and social characteristics of each subarea of the embankment &resettlement sites. This plan
should covering the first year of SNGO work and be structured along a quarterly calendar. The plan will
be reviewed and approved by the RBIP Manager and the World Bank, who may also ask comments from
the IPOE. Before the end of each quafter the preliminary plan for the next quafter must be re-examined
and adjusted in light of the previous quarter's lessons and outcomes.

Household Identity Cards (HIC). Another key priority task to be done jointly by SNGO and INGO is
to complete lhe household identity cards ("HIC") developed in basic form during the project preparation
phase for each affected family. The household identity card will then be the basic record to record and
monitor throughout the project implementation the activities for assisting re-settlers in their physical
transfer and in the restoration and improvement of their livelihood levels.

Synchronizing with critical pass for civil works. In designing the TEP, the SNGO must be aware of
the overall critical path of the project and particularly the calendar of civil works for equipping each of
the arrival sites, assisting in readying them for receiving the resettled inhabitants.

Start the work for recovery before - not after - displacement. The key principle that must guide
SNGO work in order to achieve "resettlement with development" is that its work on livelihood and
related issues should start even before the to-be-displaced households have left their current
habitat, and not (as often is mistakenly practiced) only after their arrival at the new site. The SNGO
should have its inputs into the planning for equipping the i5 new resettlement sites with services and
amenities upon which the standards of living of the re-settlers will depend.

Focus on identifying and counteracting re-settlers' possible post-displacement risks. A key principle
of the SNGO's implementation work should be the early identification of unanticipated risks in re-
settlers' recovery processes. In implementing the SDP, the SNGO will have to adjust to the two different
types of resefflement envisaged under RMIP. The welfare of the households that will choose self-
resettlement is no less important for the project than the households resettled by the project itself. Self-
re-settlers, however, may confront diflerent risks in their resettlement than the usual recovery risks that
may emerge for project-resettled households. Assisting the self-re-settlers will require different and
creative intervention patterns by the SNGO, which will have to monitor and assist the self-re-settlers who
will be scattered in the different "host communities" which they may choose. The SNGO should assist
in the smooth integration of self-re-settlers into the social fabric of the host communities and always
monitor the risks of competition for scarce natural resources between hosts and incoming families.

In assisting the self-re-settlers, the SNGO must monitor the potential risks of diverting cash compensation
to dysfunctional uses, resulting in self-relocation among squatters on another segment of the
embankment. The spontaneity element involved in self-resettlement may also trigger the risk that the
number of self-re-settlers in one or another existing "host" community may exceed the carrying capacity
of that community in terms of existing services and physical equipment (e.g. drinking water availability,
number of classrooms, prayer houses, etc.). The SNGO must provide feedback to RMIP, throughout
implementation, about such possible scarcity and propose the necessary adjustment.
Collaboration with state administration and local village councils. The RMIP project policy is to
support, throughout project implementation, the capacity strengthening of state and community
administration at district, sub-district and village levels. The SNGO should be guided by this principle
during its work both at district and at grassroots village levels for implementing its TEP.

Supervision and Reporting (Inception Report, Monthly Implementation Report, Scheme Design, TOR
for Partner NGOs, Completion Report, Post-Evaluation Report).

Accountability and Reporting. The SNGO will submit to RIMP a monthly report on its activities,
accomplishments and potential difficulties. Each report should contain a brief outline of the main tasks
on the SNGO's agenda for the next month. The report for the last month of each quafter should give an
overview on the entire quafter.

It must be noted that the monthly performance repoft should focus not only on "inputs" but mostly
highlight the "progress" made in terms of results and "outputs" (as an example: reporting that 10-15
households have received training for a chicken raising scheme doesn't say how many families have
actually undeftaken such schemes). The zuMP performance assessment will put a premium on
accomplished "outputs" and not just on the delivery of "inputs".

o At the end of each project

year, the SNGO and INGOs will organize a joint-reporting workshop in which
the year's performance should be presented and discussed analytically with the participation of the
project management and other significant participants, to define lessons and priorities for the plan of the
following year.


The following expert positions would be required for staffing the Team for implementing the SDP. The
SNGO must bring together this multidisciplinary team with necessary expeftise for the delivery of the
services. Table 1 provides the key staff positions while Table2 presents man-month and inputs required.

'l'able 1: Prnl'essional StafTlvith

Qualiflcation and fixpcrience
Position/expertise Qualification and Experience Major Responsibilities
A. Professional Staff
Team Leader/ Social Masters in management, Team management, administration, sfu dy
Development economics or other social design, scheme design, implementation
Specialist sciences with 10 years general planning and operation of livelihood
experience including 5 years programs.
specific experience in similar Effective coordination, planning and
fields. Experience in poverty implementation of livelihoods activities.
interventions and livelihood Management, monitoring and evaluation
development involuntary of livelihoods activities.
Position/expertise Qualification and Experience Maj or Responsibilities
A. Professional Staff
resettlement should be Establishing and maintaining strategic
essential credential for the partnerships and support tlte resource
position. mobilization.
Facilitation of knowledge-sharing and
capacity building.
DTLlLead Livelihood Masters in economics with a Design baseline survey and resource
Development minimun of 5 years practical identification for exploring livelihood
Specialist experience in livelihood development schemes.
development fi eld. Knowledge Information disclosure and motivation of
in micro entrepreneurship potential beneficiaries for bringing them
development, local resource under self-employment schemes using
management, human resource local resources and linking with external
development, and social buyers and markets.
mobilization will be essential. Identifl, training organizations and
negotiate them for partnering in skill
training of the TGBs and mobilize them
in obtaining skill training on production
Prepare business plan and mobilize
trained TGBs on self-employment.
Develop micro-enterprise for livelihood
groups and individuals, mobilize them in
operation, monitor and following up to
ensure effective operation and profit
Design and conduct orientation on
mental and attitudinal preparedness on
accepting a placement.
Mobilize youths on job placements
arranged by the Livelihood Promotion
and Linkage Development Specialist.
Following up performance and
relationships of TGBs with employers
and undertaken tneasures to
improvement ofjob satisfaction by the
Position/expertise Qualification and Experience Maj or Responsibilities
A. Professional Staff
DTLlLead Gender Masters in social science with Gender inclusive study design for
Development 10 years ofpractical baseline and resources identification
Specialist experience as a gender surveys.
Prepare gender strategy for the
specialist in development and
livelihood development plans and
livelihood projects. schemes.
Ensure gender respect in LDS
DTLlLead Public The Lead Health Specialist at the
Physician with MPH or
Health Specialist SONGO will be responsible for the
equivalent degree with at least
effective implementation, coordination
5 years of work experience in
and monitoring of the progress of the
the area ofproject
implementation, coordination
He/She will work closely with the local
and monitoring in rural areas
NGOs, the resettlement INGO, the PMO,
of Bangladesh
local health officials, the otlier lead
Previous experience with specialist for gender and livelihood, the
resettlement and/or design consultants and other relevant
communities dealing with river stakeholders.
erosion and flooding is He/She will be responsible of transparent
preferred and efficient management of the budget
Working experience in allocated to the PHAP
succes sfully coordinating with The effective and responsible
multi-stakeholders and local implementation of planned key
NGOs interventions as per PFIAP:
IEC program related to RMIP
Able to manage, organize and
construction risks and general health
facilitate training to the local
including hand-washing program
NGO staff to implement
Provision or promotion of tube wells,
planned interventions
water-sealed slap latrines, clean cooking
Fluent in English with stoves for the resettlement sites as well
excellent writing and as households remaining on the old
communication skills. embankment
Experienced in report writing.
Capacity building and training for
selected public health staff on possible
diseases and injr-rries related to RMIP
Training of skilled birth attendants and
community health workers within the
resettlement sites and along the old
embankment to better service health
Position/expertise Qualification and Experience Maj or Responsibilities
A. Professional Staff
needs amongst women and children in
the community
The number and overall input of SNGO staff resources are estimated as shown in Table 2.The SONGO
will be employed for a period of 4 years, with intermittent inputs from the professional team, to synchronize
project activities and ensure sustainable income restoration by the affected persons. There will be
monitoring of the activities on a quarterly and yearly basis to see ifthe program is implemented as designed
and the level of benefits accrued by the TGBs. A post evaluation will be canied out after one year of
completion of the SDP in the field.

'lahle ?: Fjli{i{} Tearn (iornposition and Stalf Xntrxrts

Key Positions No. Duration (In years) Total Input (man-month)

SDP Team Leader I 4 24
4:...:tfta////r:,r:,,1.,,.:,:':r,:, 20

DTL/Lead Gender 1 4 20
Development Specialist
/a7L/,'/, .././1,.:;, 1:l:

Total 4 84

Other than the key staff positions for SNGO, there are provisions for hiring field level technical as well as
support staff (e.g., Liaison Officer, Monitoring and documentation officer, Field Coordinator, Community
mobilizer, field assistant/data collector) by the SNGO for SDP operations.


In addition, for local level partner NGOs, separate lump sum provisions have been made to hire specialists
on an intermittent basis (for example, agricultural extension / development specialist, financial investment
analyst, training specialists) as well as community level program facilitators / workers for the delivery of
services and programs. These positions will be further firmed up after the mobilization of the SNGO staff
and further needs assessment in view of the SDP programs.

Please consider adding the following:
Time Schedule for the SNGO

Qualification of the SNGO

Budget and Logistics

The budget in the proposal to be submitted should include all expenses such as (i) staff salary, (ii) office
accommodation, (iii) staff training, (iv) computer/ software, (v) design, development and operation of
automated MIS, (vi) transport and field expenses and (vii) other logistics staff resources for field operation,
data collection, processing and analysis for monitoring and follow up work. The salary and remunerations
rates for the professionals to be engaged for SDP should be at a standard attractive to good and qualified
staff willing to stay at the project site for the delivery of sen'ices. Additional expense claims whatsoever
outside the proposed and negotiated budget will not be entertained. VAT, Income Tax and other charges
admissible will be deducted at source as per GOB laws.

Signature of the Project Dj


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