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D- Complete the sentences with somebody, anybody, someone, anyone, something or

anything. You can repeat the words. (7 points)

1- I went shopping, but I didn’t buy _____________.

2- Listen! I have ____________ important to tell you..
3- She needs ____________ to help her.
4- Dinner was huge. I couldn’t eat ___________ else!
5- Don’t let ____________ touch my computer while I’m out.
6- Would_____________ please explain what happened?
7- ______________ called but didn’t leave your name.

E- Underline the correct word or words. (7 points)

1- I like (music / a music).

2- This table is made of (glass / a glass)
3- Just (many / a little / too many / much) milk please.
4- Let’s play (much / a few / too much) songs.
5- Can you get me (many / a little / a few) sugar, please?
6- I have (much / many / any / too much) things to do.
7- I need (an / few / some / many) advice.

F- Write the plural form of the nouns. (3,5 points)

1- Day - __________
2- Glass - __________
3- Sheap - __________
4- Address - ___________
5- Fish - ___________
6- Person - ___________
7- Church - ___________
8- Woman - ___________

G- Put the words in the correct form. (4 points)

1- please / I / stamps / have / can / ten / ? Can I have ten stamps please .
2- to / change / dollars / these / I’d like / pounds / into. __________________________
3- Would / you / to / like / how / pay / ? ______________________________________
4- to get / in / much / it / is / how / ? ________________________________________
5- looking / this / I’m / for / Caras / month's / magazine ________________________

H- Write the past of the verbs below. (5 points)

1- Go - __________. 9- Give - ___________

2- See - _________. 10- Wake up - _________
3- Say - _________
4- Make - _________
5- Think - _________
6- Break - _________
7- Feel - _________
8- Read - _________
I- Complete the sentences with of/in/to/for/at or with. (3 points)

1- This book is full of pictures

2- Are you afraid ____ flying?
3- I don’t agree _____ him
4- He isn’t good ____ French
5- Please ask ____ help if you want.
6- My brother is interested ___ literature.
7- Julie is married ___ Sam.

J- Write the sentences below in the negative. (3 points)

1- He heard a noise in the kitchen.


2- The burglars left at 5:00 o'clock.


3- The police caught the burglars on the next day.


K- Write questions for the answers. (3 points)

1- ________________________________?
A: His parents were in bed.

2- ________________________________?
A: He found two men.

3- ________________________________?
A: This mother kept her wallet in the drawer.


A- Use the words from the box to complete the sentences. (5 points)

Much. Nothing. Something

Everything. The

1- I have ________ to do today. I’d like to be busier.

2- I need to shop for food. There isn’t _____ food left at home.
3- Children who have _________ are often spoiled.
4- Before you go to bed, please feed ______ dog.
5- Would you like _________ to eat?
B- Complete the sentences with a word from the box. Don’t repeat the words! (7 points)

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