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L Co J
their application
J W PASK, C Eng, Fl Struct E

Published by
The British Constructional Steelwork Association Ltd
Silvertown House,Vincent Square,London, SW1 P 2PJ
Telephone: 01-834 1713

First impressionJULY 1978

serves and representsthe UK constructional steelwork and bridgework industry.
Thepresent Association beganoperations earlyin 1967 by taking over the functions
of eight unincorporated associations, the earliest of which had been formed in
1 905, thus unifyingthem into a more influential Corporate organisation.

Membership of the BCSA is confined to UK industrial organisations substan-

tially engagedin one or moreof the activities of the industry which may be described
as the design, fabrication and erection of constructional steelwork. The activities
of the Association are mainly financed by levies payable by members on a sliding
scale based on their turnover of fabricated steelwork. The membership of the
Association represents more than 85 per cent of the industry's capacity.
Theobjects of the BCSA are:
(a) to promote the efficiency of the constructional steelwork and bridgework
(b) to assist the development of new uses of steel for constructional purposes
(c) to represent members' interests in these matters.

The information in this brochure is providedby theauthorsandisrepro-

ducedin good faith by The British ConstructionalSteelworkAssociation
Limited, who obviously, however, cannot accept responsibility for its
technicalcontent; anyqueryshould therefore be addressed directto the

EJ3 Printed by Bournehall PressLtd.. Weiwyn Garden Cfty andLondon


In this publication we haveattempted to collecttogether data on structural fasteners

and give the kind of basic information on application and design that we find arise
fromeveryday questions from site and drawing office. It is therefore hoped that the
publication will provide guidance to all those engaged in structural engineering
including help to students at Universities and Technical Colleges.
J W Pask has been responsible for the design examples section and R M
Boston for the remaining content.
The current British Standard design codes are based on elastic theory and,
whilst these are being revised for limit state, it is necessaryto use the present codes
in order to complywith existing by-lawsand regulations.Thus we make no apology
for using the elastic theoryin a practical design guide and in anycaseit is anticipated
that the established methods will exist for sometime to come alongside limit state
design after publication of the new Standards.
We appreciatethe help and assistance that has been given by the following
and offer our grateful thanks. It is hoped that any who have been inadvertently
omitted will accept our apologies.
British Constructional Steelwork Association Ltd
British Industrial Fastener Federation
ConsolidatedPneumaticTool CompanyLimited
GKN Bolts & Nuts Limited
Ingersoll RandCompanyLimited
NorbarTorque Tools Limited
Polytechnic of theSouth Bank
RedpathDorman Long Limited
For permission to reproduce extracts from British Standards our particular
thanks are dueto the BritishStandardsInstitution, 2, Park Street, London, W1A2BS,
fromwhom complete Standards can be obtained.
Cooper &Turner,
Glynwed Screws and FasteningsLtd
RedpathDorman Long Limited,
Scunthorpe Branch

1.1 History, definition and advantages 6.1 ShearConnections 18
of structuralfasteners .
1 .2 List of appropriate British Standards 6.2 Theslip factor.. 18
6.3 Tension Connections 19
2 BRITISH STANDARDS FOR BOLTS 6.4 Combined Shearand Tension 19
2.1 Structuralboltstandards 5 6.5 HSFG boltswith countersunk heads
2.2 Strengthgradedesignations 6
2.3 Grades 46 and 88 mechanical BOLTS
propertiesand dimensions 6 7.1 Tightening methods 22
2.4 Grade 46 Manufacturers' recom- 7.1.1. Torquecontrol 22
mendedrange .. 7 7.1.2. Partturn .. 22
2.5 Grade 88 Manufacturers' recom- 7.1 .3. Direct tension indication 22
mended range ..
2.6 Threadtolerancesand lengths 7.2 Toolsfortightening 24
2.7 Ordering procedures 8 7.2.1. Impactwrenches 24
2.8 HSFG bolts: mechanical properties 7.2.2. Pneumatic torque multi-
2.8 HSFG bolts: General grade Pt. 1.. 8 pliers .. 24
2.9 HSFG bolts: Higher grade Pt. 2 8 7.2.3. Manualtorquemult,pliers 24
2.10 HSFG bolts: Higher grade Pt. 3 8 7.2.4. Pneumatictoolsonsite 28
2.11 HSFG bolts:Stresses 9 8 OTHER FASTENERS
2.12 HSFG bolts:dimensions—
Pts. 1 and 2 .. 8.1 Close tolerance and turned barrel
2.13 HSFG bolts:dimensions— bolts .. .. .. 28
Pt.3 .. .. 10 8.2 Interference body interrupted rib
2.14 BS4395Flatroundwashers 10 bolts 28
2.15 BS4395Squaretaperwashers 11 8.3 Weatheringsteel bolts 29
2.16 BS 4395 Nuts — mechanical pro- 8.4 Anchorbolts 29
perties .. .. . . 11
2.17 Masses— BS 4190 and BS 3692 8.5 Blind fasteners 32
boltsand nuts 12 8.6 Boltadaptors 32
2.18 Masses— BS 4395 bolts and nuts 12
2.19 Masses— BS 4395 washers 13 9 DESIGN EXAMPLES
2.20 Massesand dimensions — 9.1 General 33
BS 4320 black washers 13 9.2 Universal Beam Splice 33
9.3 PlateGirderSplice 35
9.4 Brackets with Eccentric Loads in-
4 CHARACTERISTICSANDAPPLICATION cluding worked examples num-
4.1 Grade4'6 black bolts.. 13
9.4.1. .. .. 37
4.2 9.4.2. .. .. 41
Grade8'8hightensilebolts.. 9.4.3. .. .. 42
4.3 High strengthfrictiongrip bolts
4.3.1. Simple theory of friction 9.5 Beam to Column Wind Moment
grip bolting 13 Connection with single curvature
4.3.2. Bolt grades and character- bending inthe endplates . 44
istics . . .. . 14 9.6 Beam to Column Wind Moment
4.3.3. Comparison of the bolt Connection with double curva-
grade properties . 14 turebendingintheendplates 46
4.4 Compositeconnections 14 9.7 Simple Beam to Column Connec-
tion .. .. .. 47
5 DESIGN CRITERIA 9.7.1. .. .. .. 47
5.1 Shear and Tension Connections 9.7.2. .. .. .. 48
using fastenersother than friction 9.7.3. .. .. .. 49
grip bolts .. 14 9.8 Bracing Connection .. 50
5.1 .1. Shear Connections 14
5.1.2. TensionConnections 16 10 REFERENCES .. .. .. 52
5.1.3. Combined Shear and Ten- APPENDIX
sion 16 Tables of shearing and bearing values
5.1 .4. Practicalconsiderations 16 for 46 and 88 grade bolts in grades
5.2 Spacingof boltsand rivets 16 43and50material .. 54

1.1 HISTORY AND DEFINITION OF FASTENERS BS4320:1968 Metal Washers for General
Thescrew thread finds itsorigin in ancient times being a EngineeringPurposesMetric
development of the inclined plane, the simple machine (Note — Washers for HSFG
principle which was probably employed in the con- Bolts are included in BS
struction of Stonehengeand the Pyramids.Archimedes
is usually giventhe credit for being the first to formthe 4395)
inclined plane into a helix and the Archimedes screw
was used in ancient Greece and Egypt to raise water Rivets
from one drainage channel to a higher one. BS4620:1970 Rivetsfor General Engineer-
Over the centuries the nail madefrom wood or metal, ing Purposes
has survived as an excellent way of joining soft materi- StructuralSteel
als like wood together, but early craftsmenfound that a BS4360:1972 Weldable Structural Steels
device that would give better retention was necessary Amendment1: 30/1/76
and so the screw thread and nut were born. Today our Specifications
modern technology depends greatly on the threaded BS449 Part 2: 1969 The use of Structural Steel in
fastener and we have the expression"the nuts and bolts Amendment5 : 31/7/75 Building
of the matter", meaning the basic ingredients of the BS153 Steel GirderBridges
subject of our discussion. The rivet is also of very early Parts1 and 2:1972
origin and when the Industrial Revolution gave rise to Part 1 Materials and Workmanship
the fashioning of iron into machines and structures Part 2 Weighing, Shipping and
ratherthan weapons of war and agricultural implements Erection
of formeryears,the wroughtiron rivetbecamethe prime Part3A: 1972 Loads
fastener in engineering work. Inserted hot into a clear- Part 3B and 4: 1972
ance hole and "tailed", it shrank in length on cooling, Part3B Stresses
drawing the plates intoclose contact whilst the Poussin Part4 Design and Construction
effectensuredthat there was reasonablygood fill of the BS2853:1957 The Design and Testing of
hole. Although mild and high yield steels were later Amendment4 : 30/4/70 Steel Overhead Runway
introduced, the riveting technique changed little, and it Beams
gradually gave way to welding and highstrength friction BS 4604 The Use of High Strength
grip boltingin structural steelwork fromthe early 1 950s. Friction Grip Bolts in Struc-
Today the rivet is rarely used as structural bolting tural Steelwork
requires fewer men in installation, needs less skill, is Parti :1970 GeneralGrade
quieter and eliminates fire risk. Amendment 2:8/12/72
A structural fastener may be defined as "a headed Part 2:1970 Higher Grade (Parallel
and/or threaded component capableof joiningseparate Amendment 2 : 8/1 2/72 Shank)
material elements together such that load can be trans- Part 3:1973 Higher Grade (Waisted
ferred from one component to another". Shank)
The term "bolt" is frequently used in its generic sense
meaning the complete assemblyof bolt, nut and appro- 2 BRITISH STANDARDS FOR BOLTS
Structural bolting is used for assembly both in the BOLT SELECTION CAN BE MADE ARE AS
field and in the shops, but it is in the making of site FOLLOWS:—
connections that the convenience of bolting is most
appreciated. It provides an efficient and economical BS 4190 ISO Metric Black Hexagonal Bolts, Screws
connection which is easily inspected. and Nuts
BS 4933 ISO Metric Black Cup and Countersunk
1.2 APPROPRIATELIST OF BRITISH STANDARDS Head Bolts and Screws with Hexagonal
The following list gives the full references of the Stan- Nuts
dards referred to in the text together with the latest BS 3692 ISO Metric Precision Hexagonal Bolts,
amendmentsat the time of going to press. Screwsand Nuts
Bolts & Nuts BS 4395 High Strength Friction Grip Bolts and
BS 41 90 : 1967 ISO Metric Black Hexagonal AssociatedNuts and Washers
Amendment1: 29/8/7 5 Bolts Screwsand Nuts Part1 General Grade
BS49331973 ISO Metric Black Cup and Part2 HigherGrade
Countersunk Head Bolts and Part3 Higher Grade (Waisted Shank)
Screwswith HexagonalNuts These British Standards were based wherever pos-
BS3692:1967 ISO Metric Precision Hexa- sible on the Recommendations of the International
Amendment1: 30/4/75 gonal Bolts,Screwsand Nuts Organisation for Standardisation (ISO), but in some
BS4395 High Strength Friction Grip respects the Recommendationswere in draftform at the
Bolts and associated Nuts time of writing and the compiling committees were
and Washers obliged to make their own interpretation of some
Part 1: 1969 General Grade dimensions and properties. As the ISO work proceeds
Amendment2:31/1/77 and the Standards for each product are firmly estab-
Part 2: 1969 Higher Grade lished, there are likely to be corresponding changes in
Amendment2 :31/12/76 British Standards although the degree of communica-
Part 3:1973 Higher Grade(Waisted tion and co-operation has been such that any changes
Amendment1 :31/10/75 Shank) are likely to be relatively minor.

2.2 STRENGTH GRADE DESIGNATION For higher tensile products where the yield point is
not clearly defined, the stress at a permanentset limit is
quoted insteadofyield stress.
The continental system of strength grading introduced The single grade numbergivenfor nuts indicates one
with the ISO system is new to fastener users in this tenth of the proof load stress in kgf/mm2 and corres-
country. The strength grade for bolts is given by two ponds with the bolt ultimate strength to which it is
figures separated by a point. The first figure is one tenth matched, e.g. an 8 grade nut is used with an 8'B grade
of the minimum ultimate stress in kgf/mm2. Thesecond bolt. It is permissibleto use a higher strength grade nut
figure is one tenth of the percentage of the ratio of than the matching bolt numberand grade 10'9 boltsare
minimum yield stress to minimum ultimate. supplied with grade 12 nuts since grade 10 does not
Thus "46 grade" means that the minimum ultimate appearin the British Standard series.
stress is 40 kgf/mm2 and the yield stress 60% of this. To minimise risk of thread stripping at high loads,
It follows that the yield stress is obtained by multiplying BS 4395 high strength friction grip bolts are matched
the twofigures together to give 24 kgf/mm2. with nuts one class higher than the bolt.
Grade 4'6 Black Mild Steel and grade 8'8 high tensile Bolts and Nuts — Mechanical Propertiesand Dimensions

BS 4190 Bolt BS 3692 BS4190 Nut BS3692

ISO (M12) M16 M20 (M22) M24 (M27) M30 (M33) M36
Metric coarse threads
Pitch (mm) 1 '74 200 250 250 3'OO 300 3'50 350 400
TensileStressarea (mm2) 843 157 245 303 353 459 561 694 817
Basic effective diameter (Pitch
diameter) (mm) 10863 14701 18376 20376 22051 25051 27727 30727 33402
Grade4.6 Ultimate load kgf 3 375 6 280 9 800
12 120 14 120 18 360 22 400 27 760 32 700
kN 331 616 96'l 1188 138 180 220 272 321
Proof load kgf 1910 3550 5540 6850 7980 10400 12700 15700 18500
kN 187 348 54'3 673 782 102 124 154 181
Grade8.8 Ultimateload kgf 6750 12550 19600 24200 28200 36720 44800 55520 65400
kN 66'2 123 192 238 277 360 439 544 641
Proof load kgf 4910 9140 14300 17600 20500 26700 32700 40400 47500
kN 481 896 140 173 201 262 321 396 466
Length of threads
BS4190 Uptoandinc.125mm 30 38 46 50 54 60 66 72 78
and Overl25mmupto
andinc.200mm 36 44 52 56 60 66 72 78 84
BS 3692 Over 200mm 49 57 65 69 73 79 85 91 97
BS4190 Uptoandinc.125mm 24 30 33 36 40
Max. width acrossflats 19'O 240 300 320 360 41 '0 460 50'O 55'O
Max. width acrosscorners 21'9 277 346 369 41 6 473 531 577 635
Nominal head depth of bolts 8'O 100 13'O 140 150 17'O 190 220 23'O
Nominal depth of nuts 10'O 130 160 180 190 220 240 260 290
Non-preferreddiameters in brackets Information supplied by the British Industrial Fastener Federation
Threads for ISO Metric bolts, screwsand nuts
'M' is the ISO recommendedsymbol for ISO threads
Bolt (externalthread) Nut (internal thread) In practicethe root is
In practicecrests of
rounded and cleared
may be rounded insidethe
max. outline Mm. majordia. specified beyond awidth of

Max. minordia. specified

of root Contour and flank of thread

Axis of bolt


To BS 4190 Grade46 — Metric Coarse Thread

(Standard and short thread lengths) (mm)
Hexagonhead boltsand nuts
Length (mm)
DIA. 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 7075 80 901100 1101120 1301140 150 160 180 200 220 2601300
M12 x x x x xix x x X xx X XIX XIX IX X X X X XIX
M16 0 0 0 0 X0 X0 XO X0 X0 XO X0 X0 XO X X X X X X X X X X

M20 0 010 0 XO xo xo xo xo xo xo xix xlxlx x x x x xix

Hexagon headscrews
Preferred diameters
Length (mm) — Over M24 are M30 and M36
DIA. 70 80H00
25130135140145 50160
M12 I x Ix Ix I x I x i x IX X X X Increments of length
M161 IxIxIxixIxIx x xlx For diametersup to and including M24 incrementsof
M20j IxIxIxIx x xl x Lengthshouldnotbelessthanl0mmupto200mm
x=Standardthread lengths long. Over 200 mm long not lessthan 20 mm and over
300 long notless than 25 mm. For diametersover M24
o=Short thread lengths incrementsof length should not be lessthan 20 mm up
In the range covering two thread lengths, the manu- to 300 mm longand over 300 mm not lessthan 25 mm.
facturers may supply either, unless specified by the
customer. Forfull range see BS41 90.
Information supplied by the British Industrial Fastener Federation


To BS 3692 Grade88 —


Hexagon head boltsand nuts
Length (mm
DIA. 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160
M12 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
M16 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
M20 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
M24 x x x x x x x x x x x x

Hexagon headscrews Increments of length

Length (mm) Up to and including M24 10 mm up to and including
200 mm long.
DIA. 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 70 80 20 mm over 200 mm long
M12 x x x x x x x x x x uptoand including 300 mm
M16 x x x x x x x x x 25 mm over 300 mm long
M20 x x x x x x x x
Over M24 20 mm up to and including
M24 x x 300 mm long
Preferred diameters 25 mm over 300 mm long
Over M24areM30and M36
Forfull rangesee BS 3692.
Information supplied by the British Industrial Fastener Federation


Thread Tolerances GRIP BOLTS BS4395
Mechanical properties
Spec'n Toleranceclass General Grade Part 1
Class of fit Bolts & screws Nuts Nominal Tensile Proof Yield Ultimate
Diameter Stress Load Mm. Load Load
BS4190 Free 8g 7H Area (Mm. Shank Mi Mm.
BS3692 Medium 6g 6H Tension)
Threadswill be in accordancewith BS 3643, Part 2 mm mm2 kN kN kN
M12t 843 494 533 696
M16 157 921 997 130
Thread Lengths BS 4190 & BS 3692 M20 245 144 155 203
M22 303 177 192 250
Nominal bolt length Length of thread
M24 358 207 225 292
Uptoandinc.125mm 2d+ 6mm M27 459 234 259 333
Over 125, upto and inc. 200mm +
2d 12mm M30 561 286 313 406
Over200mm 2d+25mm M36 817 418 445 591
See Table ..1 1
d = nominalbolt diameter Minimum elongation afterfracture for all diameters is
Information supplied by the British Industrial Fastener 12% on the test specimen described in Appendix B of
Federation BS4395, Part 1.
Bolts in the diameter range Ml 6 to M27 inclusive, up to tNot recommended Only to be used for the lighter
125 mm nominal length, may alternatively have a type of construction where practical conditions, such
as material thickness, do not warrant the usage of a
shorter thread length equal to 1 d. This option shall not larger size beltthan Ml 2.
apply unless the purchaser in his enquiry and order
states that he requires this shorter thread length. TABLE 2.9
Mechanical properties
TABLE 2.7 Higher Grade Part 2
Nominal Tensile Proof 085 x 115 x Yield Ultimate
OrderingProcedure Diameter Stress Load Proof Load Proof Load Load Load
Area Mm. (Mm. Shank (Max Shank Mm. Mm.
When designating ISO Metric bolts, screws or nuts, the Tension) Tension)
following information should be given :— mm mm1 kN kN kN kN kN
M16 157 1222 1039 1405 1387 1541
1. General product description, e.g. High Tensile or M20 245 1904 1618 2190 216 240
Black, Head Shape, Bolts, Screws or Nuts, as M22 303 2355 2002 2708 366 2695
appropriate. M24 252 2746 2334 316 312 245
M27 459 356 303 409 406 450
2. The letter 'M' before the nominal thread diameter in M30 561 435 370 500 495 550
mm,signifies the product is ISO Metric. M33 694 540 459 621 612 680
5See I able Z.1 1
3. The nominal length in mm, ifapplicable.
Minimum elongation after fracture for all diameters is
4. The number ofthe appropriate British Standard,e.g. 9% on the test specimen described in Appendix B of
BS 4395 Part 2.
6S3692,BS 4190.
TABLE 2.10
5. The strength gradesymbol. HIGH STRENGTH FRICTION
6. Details of the protective coating if required, in Higher Grade Part 3 (Waisted shank)
accordance with the appropriate British Standard, Nominal Tensile Proof Yield Ultimate
e.g. BS 729 Parts1 and 2, BS 3382: Parts 1 -7. Diameter Stress Load Load Load
Areas Mm. Mm. Mm.
mm mm2 kN kN kN
1. Black hexagon head bolts 16 mm diameter, 70 mm M16 123 95•4 1O85 1206
M20 194 1505 1711 1903
long strength Grade 46, galvanised, would be
designated: Black hexagon head bolts Ml 6 x 70 to M22 243 1886 2143 2384
BS 4190, Grade46 galvanisedto BS 729: Part 1. M24 279 2165 2461 2737
M27 369 2863 3255 3620
2. Hexagon head bolts 24 mm diameter, 90 mm long, M30 448 3476 3951 4395
manufactured from steel of strength grade 88, and M33 562 4361 4957 5513
zinc plated with coating of intermediate thickness, See Table .1
would be designated: High Tensile hexagon head Minimum elongation after fracture for all diameters is
bolts M25 x 90 to BS 3692—Grade 88, zinc-plated 9% on the test specimen described in Appendix A of
toBSl7O6:Class B. BS 4395, Part 3.

TABLE 2.11
High Strength Friction Grip Bolt Stresses
For part 1 and 2 bolts, the tensile stress area A5 is
calculatedfromthe formula:

A5 = *(means of effective and minor diameter)2

= -(effectivediameterand minor diameter)2
For part 3 bolts A5 is based on the maximum waist
diameterwhich equals 09 x area of the minimum minor
diameterof class6g thread.
Values in kN/mm2
Dia. M16 M20 I M22 M24 M27 M30 M33 M36
General GradePart 1
ProofStress 587 587 587 587 512 512 512 512
Yield Stress 635 635 635 635 558 558 558 558
Ultimate Stress 827 827 827 827 725 725 725 725
Higher Grade Parts 2 and 3
Proof Stress 776 for all diameters
Yield Stress 882 for all diameters
Ultimate Stress 981 for all diameters
TABLE 2.12
High Strength Friction Grip Bolts and Nuts
BS 4395 Parts 1 and 2 — Dimensions
Addition to
Diameter Pitch Width Depth Thickness Dia. Diamete' Depth Thickness Grip length
Nominal of (Course Across of of of of of of to give
Dia. Unthreaded Pitch Flats Washer Hexagon Cak. Washer Flash Nuts length of

Shank Series) Face Head Head Face
— A Mi
Max. Mm.
Max. Mm.

T Ti

mm mm
1270 1130
1670 1530
mm mm
T 2116

ö4 845
2616 04 1045
mm mm mm
mm mm

955 32 27 2491
mm mm mm
M20 2084 1916 25 32 3100 04 1390 1210 40 32 2975 30 1855 1745 30
M22 2284 2116 25 36 3500 04 1490 1310 44 36 3375 30 1965 1835 34
M24 2484 2316 30 41 4000 05 1590 1410 48 41 3875 40 2265 2135 36
M27 2784 2616 30 46 4500 05 1790 1610 54 46 4375 40 2465 2335 39
M30 3084 2916 35 50 4900 05 2005 1795 60 50 4775 45 2665 2535 42
M33 3400 3200 35 55 5380 0•5 2205 1995 66 55 5255 50 2965 2835 45
M36 3700 3500 40 60 5880 05 2405 21 95 72 60 5775 50 31 80 3020 48
Thread Lengths Not recommendeddiameter in brackets ( )
Nominal length of bolt Length of thread Countersunk head dimensions are to BS4933
Parti Part2 Allows for nut, one flat round washer and sufficient
thread protrusion beyond nut.
Upto and including
125mm 2d+6mm 2d+l2mm
Over 125mmupto
and including 200mm 2d+l2mm 2d+l8mm
Over 200mm 2d 25mm + 2d + 30mm
d= thread diameter
Hexagon Head CountersunkHead
I I 1'
).,' 'I
Pt I
Grip Length
Length CH Generalgrade Pt I
countersunk head

Higher grade Generalgrade Higher grade Pt II
Pill Pt I nut countersunk head
Thesymbol 'M"may be used as an alternativeto "ISOM" on bolt heads

TABLE 2.13
High Strength Friction Grip Bolts and Nuts
BS 4395 Parts3 — Dimensions


df w

-j R rod
approx. Radius
app rox.
Length of 1

Dimensions in millimetres
Nominal Pitch Diameterof Lengthof Radius Transition Diameterof Radiiat end Width Width Thickness Diameterof Thicknessof
size of unthreaded shank under head dia. waist' of waist acrossflats across corners ofhead washer washer
thread shank face
a I r da w R s e k d c
Max. Mm. Max. Mi Max. Mm. Max. Max. Mm. Max. Mm. Max. Mm. Max. Mm. Max.Mm. Max Mm. Max.
M16 20 16•50 1530 490 25O 1.0 0.6 187 12-50 1200 24 14 27 '!6•16 312 2930 1045 955 27 2491 04
M20 25 2084 1916 5•00 350 12 08 232 1570 1520 27 17 32 3100 369 3503 1390 1210 32 29-75 04
M22 25 2284 2116 550 490 12 08 252 17-60 1710 2-8 1-8 36 3500 416 3955 1440 1310 36 3375 O4
M24 30 2484 2316 600 450 12 08 272 1885 1835 34 24 41 1000 473 4520 1590 1410 41 3875 0-5
M27 30 2784 2616 675 525 15 10 308 2165 2115 40 25 46 1500 531 5085 1790 1610 46 43-75 05
M30 3.5 30•84 2916 750 600 1-5 10 338 2385 2335 44 29 50 4900 577 5537 20-05 1745 50 4775 05
M33 35 3400 3200 825 675 15 10 370 26-75 2625 44 29 55 5380 635 6079 2205 1995 55 5255 05
Thecross sectional area of the maximumwaistdiameter equals 090 xarea ofthe minimum minordiameterofclass 6g thread.
All dimensions in millimetres
The Higher Grade Part 2 nutis also used with the Part 3 bolt.

TABLE 2.14
Flat Round Washersfor use with high strength friction grip bolts
Dimensions in millimetres
Nominal Inside Diameter Outside Diameter Thickness
Size B___________ C Dt
Max. Mm. Max. Mm. Max. Mm.
M12 13'8 134 30 29 28 24 115
M16 178 174 37 36 3.4 3'O 14
M20 215 211 44 43 3.7 3.3 175
M22 23'4 23•0 50 485 42 38 19
M24 264 260 56 545 42 38 21
M27 294 290 60 58'5 42 38 225
M30 328 324 66 645 42 38 26
M33 358 354 75 73•5 46 42 29
Thesymbol M appearson the face of all Metric Series Washers.
tWhen required Washers clipped to this dimension.

TABLE 2.15
Square Taper Washersfor use with high strength friction grip bolts
Dimensions in millimetres
Nominal Inside Diameter Overall Mean ThicknessA
Size B SizeC 3and5Taper 8eTap.r
Max. Min
M16 182 174 3810 476 635
M20 21-9 21-1 38-10 476 635
M22 23-8 23-0 4445 4-76 6-35
M24 26-8 26-0 5715 476 635
M27 298 29-0 57-15 476 635
M30 332 32-4 57-15 476 635
M33 36-2 35•4 57-15 4-76 6-35
The symbol 'M' appearson the face of all Metric Series Washers.

30 50 8°

1 Section A A
All chamfers450

TABLE 2.16
High Strength Friction Grip Nuts
BS 4395
Mechanical Properties
Proof Load
Nominal Size General Grade Higher Grade
ofNut Parti Parts2&3
mm kN kN
M12 84-3 —
M16 157 1844
M20 245 288-4
M22 303 356-9
M24 353 4154
M27 459 5400
M30 561 6600
M33 817-0
M36 817

Generalgrade Higher grade

Pan 1 Parts 2 and 3


Black Bolts and Nuts to BS 4190
Precision Bolts and Nuts to BS 3692
Approximate mass in Kilogrammesper 1 000 bolts and nuts (excluding washers)
und:rhead Diameter of bolt in millimetres
mm M6 M8 iiTö M12 M16 M20 (M22) M24 (M27) M30 (M33) M36 M42 M48
25 8•97 187 366 52•5
30 10•1 20•7 391 56.1 113
Sizes shown in brack ets are not preferred.
45 13•4 26•7 484 68•5 137 227
50 145 28.7 51•5 72•9 144 239 294 377
55 156 30•7 546 77•3 153 251 309 395
60 167 327 57•7 81•7 160 264 324 412
65 17•8 34•7 60•8 86•1 168 276 339 429
70 189 367 63•9 90•5 176 288 354 447 621
75 200 38•7 67•0 95•0 184 300 369 464 643
80 21•1 407 70•1 100 192 313 384 481 666
90 44•7 76•3 109 207 337 414 516 710 930 1162
100 487 825 118 223 362 444 550 755 986 1229 1371
110 88•7 127 239 387 474 585 800 1042 1295 1451
120 94•9 136 255 411 504 620 845 1098 1362 1531 2450
130 101 145 270 436 534 654 890 1154 1429 1610 2559
140 107 154 286 460 564 689 935 1210 1495 1690 2670
150 113 163 302 485 594 723 980 1266 1562 1770 2780 3860
160 758 1025 1322 1628 1850 2290 4000
170 1070 1378 1695 1930 2999 4142
180 1434 1762 2009 3220 4280
190 1490 1828 2089 3219 4422
200 2169 3330 4560
Extra per
10mm 2•22 395 6•17 888 15•7 246 300 346 449 560 666 798 108 142
massof nuts 2•32 482 109 15•9 32.9 598 744 104 157 209 279 352 610 924
High Strength Friction Grip Bolts and Nuts to BS 4395, Parts 1 and 2
Approximate mass in Kilogrammesper 1 000 bolts and nuts (excluding washers)
Diameter of bolt in millimetres
under head
mm M12 M16 M20 M22 M24 MV M30 M33 M36
30 70 136
35 74 144
40 79 152 247
45 82 160 260
50 87 168 272 3597 491
55 91 176 285 3746 509
60 95 184 297 389 527
65 100 192 310 404 545
70 104 199 322 419 562
75 207 334 434 580 756
80 215 346 449 598 779
85 223 359 464 615 801 1022 1337
90 231 371 479 633 824 1050 1371
100 508 669 869 1106 1393 1791
110 704 914 1161 1415 1871
120 739 958 1217 1572 1950
130 999 1269 1635 2024
140 1045 1325 1702 2104
150 1089 1380 1769 2184
160 1436 1836 2264
170 1491 1903 2343
180 1970 2423
190 2503
200 2583
Extra per
10mm 8•88 158 247 29•8 35•6 447 556 671 798
Approx. mass
of nuts 264 507 830 1123 1 741 241 •7 2868 4098 5255
• Not recommended


High strength friction grip washers Buildings are designed to BS 449 "The Use of Struc-
To BS 4395 tural Steel in Building" Part 2 Metric Units, whilst
Nominal bridgesare covered by BS 153 "Steel Girder Bridges".
Approximatemass in Kilogrammes per 1 000 Both theseStandardsare basedon the elastic theory, but
FIat 3° 50 8° are currently being revised for limit state design. Never-
Round Square Taper Square Taper Square Taper theless,elastic theory is likely to be used alongside limit
M12 125 32 32 43 limit state for some time to come.
M16 22 51 51 68 High strength friction grip bolts receive selective
M20 328 41 41 54 design treatment in BS 4604, "The Use of High
M22 46 58 58 78 Strength Friction Grip Bolts in Structural Steelwork".
M24 60 102 102 136 Runway beamsare covered by BS 2853 "The Design
and Testing of Steel Overhead Runway Beams".
M27 666 97 97 129
M36 1333 78 78 104 4.1 B54190 46 GRADE BLACK BOLTS
These are general purpose mild steel fasteners which
may be employed economically in lighter structures
TABLE 2.20 MASSES AND DIMENSIONS where loads are moderate. Made to normal tolerances
Black washers to BS 4320 theyare usedin 2 or 3 mm clearanceholesdependent on
diameter and require no special installation technique
beyond tightening with a podger spanner.

In the absenceof controlled prestress, changeof load
on thejointwill be communicatedtothe boltas a change
in stress and where this is of sufficient magnitude or
frequency, bolt failure can result. Black bolts are not
therefore suitable where there is fatigue or stress
reversal, except where this reversal is due to wind.
-s- 4.2 BS3692 88 GRADE PRECISION
All dimensions in mm This strength grade is obtained by hardening and
Nom. Insidedia. di Outside dia. d1 Thickness S Mass tempering medium carbon or alloy steel. The standard
Bolt head and nut size, as used on the black bolt and nut is
Nom.l Max. 1Mm Nom.IMax.l Mi NomMaxtMin in kg
Dia. incorporated but the bolt shank is made to a closer
Normal diameter (Form E) tolerance, if necessary by machining. This precision
enables the bolt to be placed in a close tolerance hole
M6 6-6 70 66 1 25 125 117 1-6 191-3 1.1
drilledto the nominal bolt diameter 015 mm —0mm,
M8 90 94 90 17 17 162 1-6 1-91-3 21 but frequently in steel structures theyare used in clear-
M10 110115 110 21 21 202 20 231-7 4-0
ance holes in the manner of a stronger "black" bolt.
M12 14 14-5 14 24 24 23-2 25 282-2 5•9 Clearly this can only be where slip is permissible and
M16 18 18-5 18 30 30 292 3 3624 11 jointrigidity is not an importantfactor. Wheretheseare of
M20 22 226 22 37 37 358 3 3-6 2-4 17 consequence,88 precision bolts must be used in close
tolerance holes, orfriction grip boltsor rivets chosen.
(M22) 24 246 24 39 39 37-8 3 3-624 18 For the same reason as given in 4.1, 88 grade bolts
M24 26 266 26 44 44 428 4 46 34 32 in clearance holes may not be used in fatigue or stress
(M27) 30 306 30 50 50 48-8 4 46 34 40 reversal conditions, except where this reversal is due
M30 33 33-8 33 545 4 4634 to wind.
(M33) 36 368 36
M36 39 398 39
60 585 5
66 645 5
60 0 50
60 40
4.3.1 A high prestress of approximately 70% of ulti-
Large diameter (Form F) mate load is induced in the shank of friction grip bolts
to bring the adjoining plies into intimate contact. This
M6 enables shear loads to be transferred by friction deve-
M8 9 9•4 9 21 21 202 16 19 13 3.5
M10 11 115 11 24 24 232 2 2-317 5-6 loped between the interfaces and makes for rigid con-
nections highly resistant to movement and fatigue. As
M12 14 145 14 28 28 272 25 2822 91 indicated in Fig. 4.1
185 18
226 22
34 328
39 37-8 3
3 3-624
36 24
20 ThHn
(M22) 24
M24 26
246 24
266 25
(M27) 30 30-6 30
44 428 3
50 48-8 4
56 545 4
55 IN rur-
M30 33 338 33
(M33) 36 36-8 36
M36 39 39B 39
58-5 4
645 5
705 5
46 3•4
JJV? \
platesfrombolt tension
Load Ptransferred
by friction at
• Due to thickness tolerance, mass can vary by as much as 30%. Fig. 4.1

During tightening the bolt is subjected to two force ComparisonofProperties

components 4.3.3 Fig. 4.2 shows load/extension curves for bolts
(i) Theinduced axial tension. of the three grades in directtension and gives an indica-
(ii) Part of the torsional force from the wrench tion of theirrelative extensibility, although the difference
applied to the boltviathe nut thread. is not too significant in Fig. 4.3 showing load against
The principal stress compounded from these two nut rotation for samplesfrom the same batch tensioned
forces is at its maximum whentightening is being com- by turning the nut.
pleted; removal of the wrench will reduce the torque Fromcomparison of thefigures it is interestingto note
component stress, and the elastic recovery of the parts the lower ultimate loads obtained by nut rotation as
causesan immediate reduction in axial tension of some against direct tension. This is due to the additional tor-
5%. This is followed by further relaxation of 4% or 5%, sional stress present in the former case and it is easy to
most of which takes place within a few hours. For visualise how a high torsional load from a dry, dirty or
practical purposes, this loss is of no consequencesince rusty thread can exceptionally cause fracture before
it is taken into account in the determination of the slip proof load is achieved. For properly installed fasteners,
factor, but it does illustrate that a bolt is tested to a the reduction in ultimate load is of no practical import-
stress level above that it will experiencein service and it ance since the strength of thejoint is not reduced and it
may be said that if a friction grip bolt does not break in has been shown4 that if direct tension is applied to a
tightening, the likelihood of subsequent failure is bolt after it has been tightened by nut rotation, the
remote.The bolt stress can only be altered appreciably resultant ultimate is the sameas it would have been had
by slipping of the plies orforcing them apart by an equal the bolt been entirely stressed by direct tension only.
tensile load in the direction of the bolt axis. The joint 4.4 COMPOSITE CONNECTIONS
design does not permit this to happen and thusthe bolt
remains in a state of virtually constant tension through- In anyconnection which takes force directlycommuni-
out itsworkinglife. cated to it and contains more than one type of fastener,
Withthe exception of the Higher Grade Part 2 fasten- BS 449 allows only close tolerance bolts and rivets to
ers which may only be used in shear connections, be used together to sharethe load. In all otherconnec-
friction grip bolts may be used in shear or tension, or a tions sufficient fasteners of a single type must be
combination ofboth. employed to transferthe entire force. Bythis rule, where
4.3.2. The three grades are as follows:— welding and friction grip bolts occur in the same coh-
nection the design must be based on taking the load
(i) General Grade Part 1. These account for 95% of entirely by one or other fastener medium. Whichever is
friction grip usage and give a good compromise chosen, it is essential that the welding is completed
of high strength and ductility. Mechanical pro- before the bolts are finally tightened.
pertiesare similar to 88 grade for sizesup to and
including M24. To continue in this grade for 5 DESIGN CRITERIA
larger sizes would mean the use of an alloy 5.1 SHEAR AND TENSION CONNECTIONSUSING
rather than a carbon steel and so the strength is FASTENERS OTHER THAN FRICTION GRIP BOLTS
reduced for sizes over M24 for economy. 5.1.1 SHEAR CONNECTIONS.
(ii) Higher Grade Part 2. The bolt material is 109 The shear force along the plane of the adjoining
grade which means that the ductility is some-
what reduced compared with general grade. The material is assumed to be resistedby the fastenersbear-
limited extensibility could lead to breakage or ingagainstthesides ofthe holes.Thus shearand bearing
strain cracking in the threads fromthe combined strength of the fastener has to be taken into considera-
actionof axial tension and applied torque during tion, along with the bearing strength of the connected
tightening if the bolt were over-stressed.Conse- parts.
quently, BS 4604 Part 2 requirescontrolled tight- If p5 is the allowable fastener shear stress and a the
effective area based on d, the nominal diameterfor bolts
ening within the limits 085 to 1 15 x proofload.
The part turn method would normally stress the or hole diameter for rivets, then the permissible shear
bolt above the upper limit and is not, therefore, load perfastenerin single shear
approved. p5 =p5a
For the same reason of reduced ductility, Part 2
bolts are not permitted in tension but in shear and permissiblebearing load
connections only. =
Pb Pb dt
(iii) Higher Grade Part 3. This bolt has a "waisted"
shank which increases the extensibility which t
where Pb is the allowable bearing stress and the thick-
can take place along the length of the waist, ness of the thinner ply in single shear connections.
ratherthan being restrictedmainly to the topfew Where the bolt material is of a higher grade than 46,
threads as in the case of a parallel shank bolt. the allowable stresses are obtained by multiplying the
This removes the need for tightening within the 46 stresses for tension, shearand bearing by the ratio of
closely controlled limits imposed for the Part 2 the bolt yield stress (or its permanentset limit of 0'2%)
boltand the Part 3 bolt maybe usedin tension as or 07 x its tensilestrength,whicheveris the least,to the
well as shear. 46 yield stress.
Since the minimum shank tension is based on Theallowable stressesfor high tensile steel rivets are
the reduced shank, the Part 3 bolt has little obtained by multiplying the allowable mild steel stress
advantage over General Grade for much of the by the ratio of the high tensile strength of the rivet
range in terms of clamping force. Waisted bolts materialto400 N/mm2.
have good fatigue resistance since the stress Tables 5.1 and 5.2 give allowable stresses in accord-
level in the threads is reduced and it is in con- ance with BS 449. The higher valuesfor close tolerance
nections subject to this loading that the Part 3 and turned bolts may be used, provided the threads are
bolt mayhaveappeal. excludedfromthe grip length (Seealso 8.1).

Fig 4.2


0 1.0 20 3•0 40 5•O 60

Bolt extension—mm
Polytechnic of the South Bank

Fig 4.3

This is not intended to be a

definition of 'snug tight'



Nut Rotation—Revs
Polytechnic of the South Bank

TABLE 5.1 ALLOWABLE STRESSES and substituting the values for p, and Pt for bolts in
IN BOLTS AND RIVETS (N/mm2) clearance holes from Table 5.1 the expressionscan be
Axial simplified to
of Fastener
F, = — 085F1 + 88d2 for 46 grade
Description Tension Shear Bearing
Pt Ps Pb
46 grade in clearance holes 120 80 250
88 grade in clearance holes 281 187 585 and
4'6 grade close tolerance
and turned bolts 120 100 300 F, = — 085F + 2056d2for 88 grade
88 grade close tolerance
and turned bolts 281 234 701 where d is the nominal bolt diameter. Theseexpressions
Mild steel power driven rivets 100 100 300 are plotted in Fig. 5.1 also taking account of the
Mild steel hand driven rivets 80 80 250 separate restrictions on allowable shear and tensile
Thebearingvalues of both the bolt and the connected
TABLE 5.2 ALLOWABLE BEARING STRESSES parts also requireinvestigation.
5.1 .4
Material of Connected Part:
BS 449 does not require any controlled pretensioning
Description of Fastener Grade 43 Grade 5C Grade 55
of boltsdesigned by these rulesand thereforewhenthey
Bolts in clearance holes and are fitted in clearance holes, due allowance should be
hand driven rivets 250 350 400 madeforanyresulting slip.
Close tolerance and turned In any bolt groupit is likely that due to misalignment
bolts and power driven rivets 300 420 480 of holes, no morethan one or twoboltswill initiallytake
N.B. If the edge distance e in the direction of bearing up the imposed load; yielding of the material round the
is lessthan 2d where d is the effective diameterof holes or distortion of the bolts will then take place lead-
the fastener, then the allowable bearing stress is ingto progressivetake up ofthe load by other bolts.
reduced by e If there is anychance of the nut slackening, a locking
2d device must be used.
5.1.2 TENSION CONNECTIONS Therequirementsof BS 449 are summarisedas follows:
(i) Minimum Pitch p = 2d where d is nominal
Thepermissible load per fastenerin directtension
Pt = Pt a, diameteroffastener.
(ii) Maximum Pitch
where Pt is the allowable tensile stress as given in
Table 5.1 and a, the net sectional fastener area. For
boltsand screwed tension rods a, is taken as the tensile
stress area of the threaded part, or the cross-sectional
area of the unthreaded part, whichever is the lesser.
Values of tensile stress areas for metric boltsare given in Direction
Table 2.3. of stress
Where fastenersare subjectedto both shear and tension
the calculated stresses must each be less than the
respectiveallowable stress and

P. Pt
Tension Members CompressionMembers
where f,
and i; are the calculated shear and tensile
stresses and p, and p1 the corresponding allowable
stresses. p, t 32tor 300 mm t
32 or 300 mm
Multiplyingthrough by the area a based on nominal
diameter this expression at limiting condition becomes .
p. l6tor 200 mm p8 l2tor200mm
l_ t
Where is thickness of the thinner outside plate.
In the case of compressionmembers in which forces
are transferredthrough buttingfaces
Introducing the approximation that a/a, = 1 '28
throughout the diameter range i' 4d
af, 128asf*+148 for a distance from the abutting faces equal to 1 times
PS P1 the width of the member.
When fasteners are staggered at equal intervals and
thenF, the gauge does notexceed 75 mm, the values given in
Pt theforegoing may be increasedby 50%.

Fig 5.1

Permissie loads per fastener in combined shear and tension

Grade81$ to BS 3692

iso 190 200 210 220 230 240

100 110 120
140 150
170 180

Grade46toBS 4190
The values given in these charts are
_+ 14

70 8-4 : ;- derived from the expression
P Pt

given in subclause 50d of BS 449: Part 2,

in which is based on the tensile stress
C area and f5 on the nominal diameter of
50 bolt.
Where it can be arrangedforthe threaded
40 portion of the bolt to be kept sufficiently

.4 ,
3f_.____________ remote from the shear plane for the tensile
force to be taken as uniformly distributed
over the unthreaded shank in that plane,
0 a more economical design can be attained.
C The calculations in Example 9.4.1. are
— 10 based on this alternative.

0 18-8 294 3&4424 55-1 97.3 83-3 98

20 30 40 50 80 90

Ft (tension) — 50 70
values in kN
100 110

Tacking fasteners not subject to calculated stress 6.1

shall be placed sothat maximum pitch BS 4604 states that in connections subject only to
p . 32 t or 300 mm shear in the plane of the friction surfaces, the number
orwhere platesare exposed to the weather of friction grip bolts and their disposition shall be such
that the resulting load at any bolt position does not
p l6tor 200 mm exceed the value
In both cases the line of fastenersshall not be a greater
distance apartthan their pitches. Slip Factor Number of proof load
Load Factor effective interfaces> of one bolt
The above requirementsfor tacking fastenersapply to
struts and compression members generally, subjectto The minimum shank tension for Higher Grade Part 2
the stipulations of BS 449 affecting the design and bolts is reduced to "085 x proof load" for the
construction of struts. In tension members composedof reasonsgiven in para. 4.3.2 and the 085 factor must
two flats, angles, channels or tees in contact back-to- be included in the expressionwhenthis grade is used.
back or separated back-to-back by a distance not 6.2 SLIP FACTOR
exceeding the aggregate thickness of the connected
parts, tacking fasteners, with solid distance pieces BS 4604 allows the slip factor to be taken as 045 for
where the parts are separated, shall be provided at a general grade bolts through members whose contact
pitch in line notexceeding 1 000 mm. surfacesare free of paintor anyotherapplied finish, oil,
(iii) Edge Distance dirt, loose rust, loosescale, burrs or otherdefects which
The minimum distance fromthe centre of any hole to would prevent solid seating of the parts or would inter-
the edge of a plate shall be in accordancewith Table 5.3. fere with the development of friction between them.
TABLE 5.3 Tight mill scale is not considereddetrimental.
If anysurfacetreatment is employed,or if higher grade
EDGE DISTANCE OF HOLES bolts are used, the slip test fully described in BS 4604
(See also Table 5.2 for end distance in direction of and outlined in the following should be carried out.
bearing). The testspecimen comprising of a butt joint with two
Diameter of Distance to sheared Distance to rolled, cover plates and usually two boltson each side, is pulled
hole or flame cut edge machine flame cut in a tensile testing machine with instrumentation to
sawnorplanededge measurethe displacement of the plies. The slip load is
mm mm mm defined as the load at which the relative displacement
between the centre plate and a cover plate is at least 01
39 68 62 mm, and theslip factor derivedfrom
36 62 56 =
33 56 50
30 50 44 Slip load
2 x (minimum proofload)x numberofbolts
26 42 36 To allow relaxation to take place, tests should not be
24 38 32 carried out lessthan eighteen hoursafter bolt tightening.
22 34 30 Higher grade boltsgive a lowerslip factor than general
20 30 28 grade in comparative tests although it may still be pos-
sible to justify 045 for clean untreated surfaces. BS
18 28 26 4604 leaves the responsibility with the Engineer to
16 26 24 determine the factor for this grade of bolt from a series
14 24 22 of slip tests. As an example, in one test series2 with
l2orless 22 20 grade 43A specimens,an increaseof 30% in bolttension
Where two or more parts are connected together a gave only 10% increasein slip load. Thisis due to yield-
line of fasteners shall be provided at a distance of not ingof the plies in the contact area around the bolt holes
more than 40 mm + 4t from the nearest edge. In the which is accompanied by a loss of bolt tension caused
case of work not exposed to the weather, this may be by a combination of the in-planetension stress due to
increasedto 1 2t. loading and the compressivestress due to bolt tension.
The effect is aggravated by increasing either of these
6 THE FRICTION GRIP JOINT two stresses, and so any increase in the slip load
As previously explained, the friction grip joint depends obtained by raising either the coefficient offrictionofthe
for its performance on the tightening of high strength faying surfaces or the bolt tension will be less than
bolts to a high preload so that the adjoining members expected by linear extrapolation. The loss is less,
are brought into close contact and the shear load trans- although still significant with grade 50 material.
ferred by friction developed between them. The resist- Illustrations of test equipment and specimens

experimentally determined slip coefficient and T the

ance to slip (P) is expressed by P = i.iT where is an appear on pages 30 and 31.
Much investigation has been done on slip, but fre-
initial bolt preload.Testshave shown that slip resistance quently results have not been published and it is difficult
is mainly provided by interlocking of the surfaceasperi- to collectdata. From what results are available,it is clear
ties in areas of high pressure occurring locally around that shot or grit blasting the surfaces can improve the
the bolt holes; elsewherethere is little pressure exerted factor to a higher figure than 045, whilst paint, gal-
between the plates in properly fitted joints. As external vanising and some primersreduce it.
load is increasedthere is some relatively minor displace- Table 6.1 is compiled from experimentalresults and is
ment of the membersas the surfacesdeform plastically, intended for guidance only, as it remains necessaryto
followed by a sudden slippage as the surface asperities support any assumed value by tests representative of
shear oft, usually arrested as the bolts are brought into practicalassemblyconditions.
bearing. See footnote to 6.1 above.


Friction Grip Joints in Shear — Permissible Bolt Loads
Surface Condition Slip Structures Designed in accordance with BS 449 and
Factor BS4604
Part 1 with GeneralGrade Bolts
GeneralGradeBolts 045slipfactor
Shear valueper interface Maximumexternal tension
Gritorshotblasted 05 Dia. 1-4 load factor 12 load factor 0-6 x proof 05 x proof
ExcI. wind lncl. wind load load
Metal sprayed (aluminium) — after MT 296kN 345kN 553 kN 461 kN
grit orshotblasting 05 M20 46-3 540 864 720
M22 56-9 664 106-2 885
Untreated,complying with BS4604 045 M24 66-5 776 1242 1035
Zinc silicate primer—applied after
M27 75-2 877 140-4 117-0
M30 91-9 1072 1717 1430
grit orshotblasting 04 M36 134-4 1568 2508 2090
Metal sprayed (zinc) —aftergritor 6.3 HSFG BOLTS IN TENSION
The same tightening procedure is required for HSFG
shotblasting 04 bolts irrespective of loading conditions and it may
Galvanised,thenscored by wire appearat first sightthat applied tension in the direction
of the bolt axis is additive to the bolt prestress. How-
brushingor blasting 035 ever, it may be shown3 that the change in bolt load is
Etchprimer —applied aftergritor insignificant until the external force is equal to the
prestess. This is becausethe initial bolt load imparts an
shotblasting 0-3 equal and opposite compressive force in the plies,
which the external tensile force has to relieve before the
Zinc-epoxy primer 03 bolt load can change. Thus increasein bolt load will be
of a very low order dependent on the relative stiffnessof
Vinyltreated 025 thejointand fastenerassemblyuntil the pointis reached
at which the plies begin to part. This occurs when the
Ground ormachinefinish 015 applied load is equal to the boltprestressand anyfurther
Galvanised 015 loading thereafterwill causedirectincreasein boltstress.
Higher grade Part 2 boltsmay not be used in tension
Red leadpaint 005 asmentionedearlier,butothergradesin tension connec-
tionsare designed so that the maximum external tension
is restricted to 06 x proof load, or 05 xproof load
where fatigue conditions are involved. This ensures a
safe margin against the plies parting and that the bolts
TABLE 6.2 remain invirtuallystatic stress.
Bolt Grade Specification and Type of Loading LoadFactor TENSION
BS4395 BS449 Structures Externally applied tension in the direction of the bolt
axis reducesthe pressure between the plies and conse-
General This factor may be reduced 1 .4 quently the ability of the joint to carry shear load by
Grade to 1 2 where wind forces are friction.Theamount depends on the relativestiffness of
Part 1 taken into consideration. the joint and the bolt assemblyand BS 4604 takes this
intoaccount inthe followingexpressionfor the effective
Structuressubject only to clamping force F per bolt position:
Grade static loading 1 4
F mm. shank tension — (1 7 x external tensile load)
The effective clamping action is considered to cease
Part 2 Structures subject to dynamic
loading 1-7 x
when theexternal tensile load reaches 0-6 proofload.
Thesefactors may be SeeTable 6.4 p. 20 and Figures 6.1 and 6.2.
respectivelywhere wind Countersunk headed bolts can be useful where a flush
forces are taken into faceis required,either becausemembersfit closely orfor
consideration. aesthetic reasons. Whilst BS 4395 only covers hexa-
gonal head bolts, countersunk head HSFG are available
Higher This factor may be 1 .4* from manufacturerswith countersink dimensions to BS
Grade reduced to 1 -2 where 4933. Comparative slip tests at Bristol University2
Part 3 wind forces are taken into showed that these headswere equal to hexagonalheads
consideration in performanceand all results recorded gave slip factors
higher than 045. A limited number of tests on cover
•Appropriate increasesshall plates of various widths suggest that the ratios of the
be madetoanylive or net cross sectional area of plates with a countersunk
imposedload that may be hole tothose with a plainhole should be kept larger than
accompanied by dynamic 0-84,butthis isonly necessaryifthe strength ofthe plate
effects. material is such that the yield stress is reached at the
loadto causeslip.

Friction Grip Joints in Combined Shear and Tension — Shear Value per Bolt (kN) for various applied tensions.
BS4395 Part 1 HSFG General Grade Bolts
External M16 M20 M22 M24 M27 M30 M36
Tension Exci. mci. ExcI. md. Exci. mci. ExdI. md. Exci. md. Exdi. mci. ExcI. mci.
Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind
0 296 34.5 463 540 569 664 66 5 776 752 877 919 1072 1344 1568
5 268 313 43.5 508 542 632 63 7 74.4 724 846 891 1040 1314 1536
10 241 281 408 476 514 600 610 71 2 700 818 864 1008 1287 1504
15 214 249 380 44.4 48 7 56 8 583 680 672 785 837 976 126 1472
20 186 217 35.3 41 2 460 636 556 648 642 750 809 94.5 1233 144
25 159 186 326 380 432 504 528 616 615 718 782 913 1205 1408
30 132 154 296 348 405 472 501 585 58 7 686 75.5 881 1178 1369
35 104 122 271 316 378 441 47.4 55.3 560 654 727 849 1151 1344
40 7.7 90 244 285 35O 409 446 52 1 53.3 623 700 817 1124 1313
45 50 58 216 253 323 37.7 419 489 506 591 673 785 1096 1281
50 22 26 189 221 296 34.5 392 45.7 478 558 64'3 75.3 1 069 1249
55 162 189 268 313 364 42 5 451 526 618 721 1 042 1217
55.3 0 0
60 134 157 241 281 33.7 39.3 424 484 591 690 1024 1185
65 107 125 214 249 310 36 1 396 463 564 658 98 7 1153
70 80 9.3 186 217 282 330 369 431 536 626 96 1121
75 5.3 61 159 186 25 5 298 342 39.9 509 59.4 93.3 1089
80 25 30 132 154 228 266 315 368 482 562 90 5 1058
85 104 122 200 234 287 33.5 45.4 530 87 8 1026
864 0 0
90 7.7 90 173 202 260 304 427 498 851 99.4
95 50 58 146 iTO 233 272 400 466 823 86 2
100 23 26 118 138 205 239 372 43.5 796 83
105 91 106 178 208 34.5 403 767 879
1062 0 0
110 64 7.5 151 176 318 371 742 866
115 36 4.3 124 145 290 33.9 714 834
120 09 1 .1 96 112 263 307 687 805
1242 0 0
125 69 8 1 236 275 66 771
130 42 4.9 208 243 632 73.9
135 14 1 6 181 21 1 605 707
140 0 0 154 180 57 8 675
145 126 148 551 643
150 9.9 1i6 523 61 1
155 72 84 496 57.9
160 4.5 52 469 548
165 1 7 20 53 516
170 414 484
1717 0 0
175 389 45 2
180 35.9 42
185 332 388
190 305 356
195 278 324
200 25 293
205 223 261
210 196 229
215 169 199
220 141 165
225 114 133
230 87 10•1
235 5.9 69
240 32 38
245 06 08
2508 0 0
The above values in Kn are based on theformula:
slip factor (proofload—li x tension). Ifthe faying surfaces are "trested the slipfactormay be altered in accordance
load factor with paragraph6.2.
Load factor has been taken as 1.4 and where wind loads are Considered12
(providiu9 boltsare adequatewhenwind forces are neglected). The faying
surfaces are assumed to be in accordance with paragraph 3.2.1 of BS
4604: Part 1
Maximum externalapplied tension 06x proofload.

Fig 6.1

H SFG bolts subject to combined

tension aad shear ifl Structures

General grade bolts — BS 4604: Part 1

1.4 load factor

— — — 1.2 load factor

Max external tension

=06x proof load
Slip factor = 0.45




0 20 40 50 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260

Tension combined with shear — kN

7 INSTALLATION OF HIGH STRENGTH underside of the head and load indicator face. On
FRICTION GRIP BOLTS tightening the bolt, the gap reduces as the protrusions
depress(figure7.1)and whenthe specified gap (usually
7.1 040mm/0015") isobtained, the bolttension willnotbe
Bolts may be tightened by three methods. Each aim at lessthan the required minimum. Gapsmaybe measured
achieving at least the minimum specified shank tension. with a feeler gauge but, with a little practice, can be
7.1.1 TORQUE CONTROL judged by eye with sufficient accuracy.
This requires the use of a manual torque wrench or Fig. 7.1
powertool fitted with a torque cut-out which must first Before tightening Aftertightening
be calibrated on a bolt from the job batch using a bolt
loadmeter or similar devicefor determining bolttension.
The procedure in BS 4604 requires the test bolt to be
tightened to a load 10% above minimum shank tension
— -
and the torque setting to obtainthis tension is used for
tightening the bolts in the structure. It will be appre-
ciated that torque can varyvery considerablyfrom bolt
to bolt,depending on a number of factors including the
condition of the threads and nut/washer interface,
amount of lubricant present, etc. Consequently, the
Standard requires the wrench to be recalibrated fre-
t iL_
quently: at least once per shift or more often if required
by the Engineer, for each change of bolt length or
diameter or batch.
7.1.2 PART TURN METHOD Correct position
After assembly of the joint the bolts are given a pre- for feeler gauge.
liminary tightening with a podger spanner or impact
wrench to bring the surfacestogether. This tightening is
intended to comprise of the normal effort that a man
applies to a podger spanner or the point at which a
power wrench commencessolid impacting. A matching
mark is then made on the nut and shank end.
A light hammerand chisel may be used to mark both
elements with a single blow. The nut is then turned
relative to the shank until the required rotation given in
Table 7.1 is achieved and this will give a tension in
excess of the minimum proof load. Since the part turn
method will often give rise to tensions above yield
point, it is not permitted for higher grade Part 2 bolts as
these have relatively reduced ductility and fracture
couldresult from the excess tension.
Part Turn Method
Dia. /
Bolt Grip Length RotationofNut
of Relative to Shank
bolt Not less than Notless than three-
half turn quarterturn
M16 Uptoll5mm —
Assembly of Coronet Load Indicator
M20 Uptoll5mm Overll5to225mm Cooper & Turner
M22 Uptoll5mm Overll5to225mm
M24 Uptol60mm Overl6Oto35Omm
M27 Uptol60mm Overl6Oto35Omm The load indicator may also be fitted under the nut
M30 Uptol60mm Overl6Oto35Omm when more convenient. In this case, a specially
M36 Uptol60mm Overl6Oto35Omm hardened nut facewasher is interposed between it and
the nut and the specified gap to obtain minimum bolt
7.1.3 DIRECT TENSION INDICATION tension is025 mm/0010".
In recentyears the torque control and partturn methods
have largely given way to direct tension indication and
the majority of bolts now installed in the United King-
dom employ one of the load indicating methods which
register load directly rather than relying on intermediate
torque or bolt extension observations.The methods are
outlined in the following but referenceshould be made
to the manufacturer's literaturefor full information.
The 'Coronet'load indicator is a special washer with 'Coronet'
arched protrusions raised on one face. It is normally load indicator
fitted under the standard bolt head with the protrusions Nut face washer
facing the head thus maintaining a gap between the

The component parts of a friction grip bolt assembly The load indicating bolt, shown in Fig. 7.3, or lib bolt
are clearly marked according to the grade as illustrated has a special square head incorporating a triangular
in Figure 7.2.
pad on each corner, but otherwise complies with
Fig. 7.2 Washer types BS 4395 for dimensions and mechanical properties.
Metric Series BS 4395 The pads are designed to yield as the bolt is tightened
General Grade Higher Grade
Part 1 Part 2 and the minimum bolt tension is achieved when the
gaps under the head are reduced to 1 •O mm (0.040").
To allow some margin it is suggested that a 075 mm
(0'030") feeler gauge is used as a "No Go" gauge
and experience will in many cases enable gap closure
Coronet load to be checked visually.
indicator Both the 'Coronet' load indicator and Lib bolt

© systems use standard tools for tightening.

Fig. 7.3

Hardened steel

Bolt head

may be used on bolt head as an alternative to

Recommended average gaps, after tightening, for

difterentconditions and bolt finishes are tabulated in
Load Indicator averagegaps after tightening
B.S. 4395

LOAD INDICATOR General Grade Higher Grade

FITTING Parti Part2
Under bolthead Max. Mm.
Blackfinishbolts 0'40 mm 05Omn 040 mm
All Platings
except spun O40 mm 05O mm 040 mm
galvanised bolts

Spun galvanised 025 mm 035 mm O25 mm

Under nut with
nutface washer
nut face 025 mm 035 mm 025 mm
washer finishes
Load Indicating Bolt GKNBolts & Nuts Ltd.

The Huckbolt is a complete system employing a 7.2.1

different approach.Theboltis replaced by a button head It is important to choose a power tool with adequate
pin with a grooved shank and additional "tail" as capacity to tighten bolts within about 15 seconds.
illustrated in Figure 74. Prolonged impacting causes excessivetool and socket
wear and can sometimescause boltfracture. Tables 7.4
Fig. 7.4 and 7.5 give the recommendations of two manufac-
HUCK HIGH TENSILE FASTENINGSYSTEM turers for the selection of correct tools. Under site
conditions, there is some loss of efficiency due to tool
wear, air losses, higher than expected thread friction
etc., and it is wise in the selection of tools to make a
generous estimateof the total losses. It is not unreason-
ableto allow40% offthe rated ultimate torque to obtain
U. ______ _______ an average"on site" figure on whichto basethechoice
of tool. The wrench manufacturersare always ready to
MAIlFOAl I M .,,,thoSt.A 4
giveadviceand assistance.
The recommendations given in Tables 7.4 and 7.7
Theseboltsare tightened in a given sequence and after are for black self coloured bolts in the normal structural
completion of the collar swaging by the special tool, range.
leaves the pin stressed to not less than the minimum 7.2.2
required. When necessary, satisfactory installation can Pneumatic torque multipliers comprise of an air
be checked with a gauge to suit the required finished motordriving planetarygearsgiving smooth continuous
profile of the collar. output drive, without impacting. Tightening reaction is
The sequence of operations is shown in Figure 7.5. taken by a slotted arm provided with a slave square
Fig. 7.5 which may be fitted with a socket to be located on a
bolt adjacent to the one being tightened, although in
many cases it is sufficient for the reaction arm to bear
upon a beam flange or similar projection.
Manual torque multipliers utilise similar gear boxes
with a multiplication factor of 5 on the models normally
used for structural bolting. Thismeansfor example,that
an operator applying 200 Nm torque inputwill produce
1 Pin is inserted from one 4 As the pull on the pin 1 000 Nm output — which could be sufficient to tighten
side ofworkthroughhole. increases, tool anvil an M27 General Grade bolt. The short depth is useful
Metalcollar isthen placed swagescollar intolocking when there is restricted room for the tightening tool
over the pintail. grooves, and a permanent
lock is formed. along the line of the bolt axis.
Due to their different operating mechanisms, it is
misleading to comparetorque output figures for torque
multipliers and impact wrenches. Comparison is best
made by judging performancein bolt tightening.
Typical Dimensionsof Heavy Duty Sockets for
Power Wrenchesor Manual Torque Multipliers (mm).
Outside Overall
2 The gun is placed over 5 Tool continues to pull, Bolt Across Diameter Length of
the pintail, and the chuck until pin breaks at the Diameter Flats of Socket Standard
jaws grip the pintail breakneck grooves and is C Socket d
grooves. ejected. Tool anvil
disengages from swaged mm mm mm mm
M20 32 57 65
M22 36 65 ..
1"square M24 41 65 ..
drive MV 46 71 ,,
M30 50 71 ..
M33 55 97 ,.
M36 60 97 ..
M20 32 57 90
M22 36 65 ..
No5 M24 41 71 ,,
spiine M27 46 71 ..
3 Tool 6 The full installed fastener. drive M30 50 97 ..
pulls on pin and M33 55 97 .,
starts drawing sheets M36 60 97 ..
together. —
M20 32 115
M22 36 — .,
1k" square M24 41 78 .,
drive M27 46 78 ,,
M33 55 90
Hand wrenches may be satisfactory for tightening the M36 60 97
smaller diameters of bolts, but power tools or torque
multipliers need to be used for sizes M22 and above. Longer socketsare available.



FastenerSize and
Impact Wrench Characteristics
BS 4395HSFG bolt, Pneumatic Ultimate Average Spindle Apçrox. Overall
Wrench Torque onsite Offset Length
General Higher Recommended Torque • Including Spindle Weight
Grad. Grade Socket b Drive
Pt 1 Pt. 2 (lb ft) Nm (lbft)Nm mm mm Kgs

Upto Upto CP61ORP 1 850 1 100 25mmsquare

or (1 350) (810) 52 420 or 104
M22 M20 CP 61ORLP No. 5 spline
M20 M20
to to CP 611 RLP 3 250 1 950 55 395 No. 5 spline 93
M27 M24 (2400) (1 440)

CP 61 2ORLP 4475 2700 56 450 No. 5 spline 153

M27 M24 (3300) (1 980)
to to
M36 M33 CP 0614 5440 3400 60 550 38mm square 143
(4000) (2500)

ConsolidatedPneumatic ToolCo., Ltd.

FastenerSize and
Grade Impact Wrench Characteristics
BS 4395HSFG bolts Pneumatic Approx. Overall
Wrench Rated Average Spindle Length Spindle Weight
General Higher Recommended UltImate Site Offset includIng Drive (without
Grade Grade Torque Torque a Socket b socket)
Pt. 1 Pt 2 Nm (lbft) Nm (lb ft) mm mm Kgs.

Up to Upto 2934A2 1 586 954 56 345 25 mm sq. 84

M24 M22 2934A1 (1158) (700) 56 345 No. 5 spline 84
M24 M24 2940A2 2373 1 424 56 359 25 mm sq. 10
to to (1732) (1040)
M30 M27 2940A1 56 411 No. 5 spline 10
M27 M27 2945A7 2882 1 729 64 476 38 mm sq. 136
to to (2104) (1262)
M30 M30 2945A1 64 449 No. Sspline 1 36
M27 M27 2950A7 3 661 2 197 64 495 38 mm sq. 1 48
to to (2672) (16041
M36 M33 2950A1 64 468 No. 5spline 148

Ingersoll-Rand Co., Ltd.


Fig. 7.6 Pneumatic Torque Multiplier

end of socket.



2 8*" (210 mm)
5 &6 10k" (260 mm)

FastenerSize and
Pneumatic MultiplierCharacteristics
BS 4395HSFG bolts Torque Ultimate Average Approx. overall
multiplier torque on site length Spindle Spindle
General Higher recommended torque over socket offs.t drlv. W.ight
Grade Grade y x z
Pt. 1 Pt 2 Nm (lbft) Nm (lbft) mm mm Kg..

Upto Up to Pneutorque 1 700 1 700 410 54 25 mm square 11

M27 M24 No. 2 (1 250) (1 250)

M24 M22 Pneutorque 3000 2750 500 60 25mm square 147

to to No.5 (2000) (1900)
M30 M27

M27 M27 Pneutorque 3500 3250 500 60 38mmsquare 158

to to No.6 (2500) (2400)
M36 M33

NorbarTorque ToolsLtd.
A photograph of this type of torque multiplierappearson page 31.

Fig. 7.7 Manual torque multiplier





2 8+" (210) 3+ (82)
5 &6 10+" (260) 3+" (89)

Manual torque multiplier
Faatener:i:e and
Torque multiplier characteristics
BS4395 HSFG bolts Torque Ultimate Average Overall Female
multiplier torque onsite length Spindle Input Spindle
General Higher recommended torque over socket offset drive drive W.Ight
Grad. Grade y X
Pt1 Pt 2 Nm(lbft) Nm (lb ft) mm mm w z Kg..

Upto Upto Handtorque 1 700 1 700 148 54 19mm 25mm 48

M27 M24 No. 2 (1 250) (1 250) square square

M24 M22 Handtorque 3000 3000 160 60 19 mm 25 mm 725

to to (2 000) (2 000) square square
M30 M27 No. 5

M27 M27 Handtorque 3500 3500 186 60 19 mm 38mm 8•75

to to (2 500) (2 500) square square
M36 M33 No. 6

NorbarTorque Tools Ltd.



It is importantthat airtools are maintainedin good con- 8.1 CLOSE TOLERANCE AND TURNED BARREL
dition if problems and time wastage are to be avoided. BOLTS
Most air wrenches require 1 cu metre/mm. (35 Cu ft/ These may be used in connections where slip under
mm.) at a pressure 690 kN/sq.m. (100 lb/ at the load is not permissible. The length of bolt must be
tool for optimum performance.To maintainthis a 20 mm sufficient to exclude the threads from the thickness of
air line from the compressor to the tool is usually the connecting parts required to develop the bearing
required, keeping the line as short as possible. load on the bolt and a washer or washers are needed
If tightening is not completed in the required 15 under the nut to ensure that at least one full pitch in
seconds,check for: addition to the thread runout remains between the nut
face and theunthreadedshank.
Damagedordry boltand nutthreads A close tolerance bolt may be a precision bolt to BS
Poorfitofjointplies 3692 or be faced under head and turned on shank as
allowed for in BS 4190. In either case,the shank dimen-
Bad alignment of holescausing bolttotrap sions are the same for each diameter, the maximum
Insufficient quantityofairsupply being equal to the nominal bolt diameter. Holes are
drilledtothe nominal diameter 015 mm — 0mm.
Anyrestrictionsor leaksin air line Turned barrel bolts are purpose made and are to have
Excessive length of airline the barrel (i.e. the unthreaded shank) at least 2 mm
larger in diameter than threaded portion. Holes are to
Blockageof gauzefilterattool airinlet the same tolerancesas close tolerance bolts.
BS 449 recommends that holes for close tolerance
If tool is sluggish, it may be blown through with and barrel bolts should be drilled in one operation
paraffin to clean and then re-lubricated with light oil through all thicknesses with the adjoining parts firmly
clamped together whenever possible and the holes
finally reamed tosize.
Close tolerance and turned barrel bolts are seldom
used as high strength friction grip bolts will normally
provide a more economical joint to resist slip.
These bolts provide an interesting method of obtaining
full hole fill and are designed for driving into normal
drilled holes, the nibs being slightlytapered to facilitate
this. Mechanical properties are to the American A325
specification and they are fitted with the normal heavy
series ora self locking typenut.
It would be appropriate to design them for shear and
tension using the BS 449 allowable stresses suitably
upgraded for the material strength and based on the
nominal bolt diameter to obtain permissible loads. This
assumes the threads are sufficiently remote from the
shear plane not to have an influence. The interference
fit restrictsslip movement.
Full details can be obtained fromstructural bolt manu-
facturers and availability should be checked before
incorporating in any desigr

Fig.7.8 Impacting HSFG boltsinside Aston Expressway,

Birmingham bridge box Fig. 8.1 InterferenceBody Interrupted Rib Bolts
Cleveland Bridge and EngineeringCo. Ltd. BethlehemSteel Corporation


The increasing use of weathering steel has led to the
production of high strength friction grip bolts made in a
special derivation of Corten weathering steel. The bolts
are available in M20, M24 and M30 diameters and the
material is fully compatible and comparablein weather-
ing properties to Corten structural steel. Thesefasteners
are identical to BS 4395 General Grade in respect of
dimensions and mechanical properties and have an
identifying 'W" marked on the bolt head, nut and
hardened washer as illustrated in Fig. 8.2.

Indented Master Split end

foundation type bolt
Fig. 8.2 bolt Rag bolt
Weathering Steel Bolt and Nut Assembly GKN Bolts & Nuts Ltd. Cooper & Turner
Anchor bolts enable the fastening of steel to concrete Fig. 8.4
or masonry and fall into three main categories.
(1) Those which are used within bolt boxes (tubes)
and have washer plates at the lower end. Fre-
quentlythe fastener is round threaded for a nut
(2) Those which are grouted into preformed holes
with epoxy resin or cement mortar.A number of
various types are available of which the ones
illustrated in Fig. 8.3 are examples.
(3) Those which expand against the sides of a pre-
formed hole on tightening. A number of expand-
ing anchor bolts are on the market of which the
one illustrated ri Fig. 8.4 isan example.
Type (1) is most commonly used for building
stanchions. Methods and design are given in "Anchor-
agesand Holding Down Bolts".'2
Methods of testing structural fixings in concrete and
masonry are covered by BS 5084: 1974 and the
subject isdiscussedin detail by Paterson1 l• Rawlplug Ltd.

Specimens assembled in tensile testing machines for slip gauges

Relative displacementofplates measuredwith

(Courtesy Southampton Polytechnic)

Shows electronic transducersfor monitoring

boltload. Plate displacementwas also
measuredby transducers(notshown).
(Courtesy University ofBristol)

Pneutorque Mutliplier: Separated slip test specimen


Demonstration ofPneutorque Multiplier

(Cooper & Turner)

Specimen plates with grit blasted surfacesseparatedafterslip test.

Notethe very local areasofhighpressurearound the holes showdarkened.
(Courtesy University ofBristol)


There are occasions when it is only possible to gain
accessfromone side of a connection, for instance,when
joining a beam to a square column. The Huck BOM
(Blind, oversized, mechanically locked) fastener com-
prises of a headed pin and sleeve, both of which can be
inserted through an oversized hole. The sleeve has an
integral collar and under the action of the Huck tool as
described earlier, the sleeve is buckled toform a positive
"head" whilst on the other side the collar is swaged
onto the locking grooves as illustrated in Fig. 8.5.


111111 II


Fig. 8.5
Huck BOM Blind Fastener
Brown Brothers EngineeringLtd.
There are a number of forms of bolt adapter, but the
most common type comprises of an eccentric clip,
which when located on the head of a standard bolt, in
effect turns it into a hook bolt which can be used for
suspending fixtures, pipework, cables, structural ele-
ments, etc. from the flanges of all forms of steelwork,
without the need for site welding or drilling.
The adaptersare normally malleableiron castings and
can be used with grade 46 and 88 bolts subject to
Fig. 86
correct torque and loading figures. Henry Lindsay Ltd.

9.1 GENERAL 1668
The prime object of these examples is to illustrate the
design of structural fasteners. The methodsadopted for
analysing the forces in the bolt groups are methods rL.___
c, 1__ ___I
which are commonly used in practice, and their use is
not intended to preclude other suitable methods. The
majority of the examplesare concerned with the design
of bolted connections, and the calculations have been C)
confined to the design of the connecting media only,
i.e. fasteners,endplates,splice plates, etc. The adequacy .7
I', 0

of the main membershas not been investigated.
The design calculations in all casesare in accordance
with BS 449: Part 2, and are based on connected parts
comprising Grade43 material to BS 4360.
It should be noted that where a particular type of
fastenerhas been adopted in a worked example, it is not
intended to implythat this fasteneris moresuitable than
'-1 of
Cross sectional details

anyothertype forthat application. Guidanceconcerning 305X165X54IJB.
the appropriate use of fasteners is given in Subclause
48a of BS 449: Part 2. Quoting from this Subclause: Fig. 9.2
"Where a connection is subject to impact or vibration Bolts/n flange cover PlatesA
orto reversal ofstress(unless such reversal is due solely The force in the bolt groups on each side of the splice
to wind), or where for some special reason — such as
continuityin rigid framing or precision in alignment of 03109
= 2573kN
machinery—slipping of bolts is not permissible, then
rivets, close tolerance bolts, high strength friction grip Subc/ause 1.1 ofBS 4604: Part 1 states:
bolts or welding shall be used. In all other cases bolts
in clearance holes may be used provided that due "ThisPart of this British Standard gives rules for the use
allowance is made for any slippage". in structural steelwork complying with BS 449, Part 2
In Examples 9.4.1, 9.4.3 and 9.7.1 the shear capacity of high strength friction grip bolts of the general grade
of the fastener and the bearing capacity of both the specified in BS 4395, Part 1".
fastener and the connected parts have been fully Therefore, assuming that the faying surfaces comply
with the conditionsset out in paragraph 3.2.1 the slip
investigated, to illustrate the application of the clauses factorto be taken is 0'45.
in BS 449 concerned with fastener design. But in
practice, once the loads on the fastener have been And for static loading the relevant load factor taken
calculated, the adequacy of the detail is usually fromparagraph3.1 .1 is 1 .4
established by referenceto the values in the Appendix. UseM20 Bolts
This approach has been adopted in Examples 9.5,
9.7.2 and 9.7.3. Assuming the use of single flange cover plates, the
allowable single shear value per bolt based on the
9.2 UNIVERSAL BEAM SPLICE expressiongiven in paragraph3.1 .1
Design a splice fora 305 x 165 x 54 UB. The relevant — slip factor x
loadings atthesplice are: —
loadfactor proofload of one bolt.
Applied Bending Moment = 800 kNm
Applied Vertical Shear =
1 800 kN 045 144
Theseforces are induced by static loading.
The following design assumptions are commonly
used, and are suitable for universal beam splices: =463kN
This value can also be obtained by reference to
A Table 6.3 on page 19.
Therefore, the number of bolts required on each side
of the splice, taking into account the additional 5%
required by Subclause27cof BS 449: Part2
— 2573x105 —50—.,ay
0 C
Flange coverplates A
Try single 165 1 5 cover plates.
= 2475cm2
Grossarea =165x15
Fig. 9.1 Minus (2)22 dia. holes=2 x 22t5 x = 660
= 1815cm2
Net area
1. CoverplatesA resistthe applied bending moment.
2. Cover plates B resist the applied vertical shear. The dimension between the centres of area of the
3. The eccentricity of the vertical shear in the web upper and lowercover plates
spliceis equal to the distance between boltgroup = 3109+ 15 = 3259
centreson each side ofthejoint. Therefore,theforce in the cover plates
Design calculations in this example are based on the — 80 =2455KN
use of General GradeHSFG Bolts to BS 4395: Part 1 03259

Checking the lowercover plate for stress Therefore,the loads on the outer bolts are:
2455 x 10 = 1353N/mm2
= _________ Fromvertical shear = = 60 kN Vertical
pt =155N/mm2 Fromthe eccentricbending moment
And consideringthe upper cover plate 126x 102 7OkN Horizontal
= 2455 x 10 = 992 N/mm2
2475 x 102 and the resultantbolt load
= 155 N/mm2, provided that =4(602+702) = 922kN
the beamtopflange has Theallowable double shearvalue for an M20 bolt
adequatelateral restraint. =2x463 =926kN
In order to comply with Subclause 27c of BS 449: Therefore,
Part 2, the flange cover plate must not be less than 5% M20 bolts positioned as shown in Fig. 9.3 are
in excessof theareaofthe beamflange. satisfactory.
As Coverplate area — 165 15 x — 1 08
— Check web coverplates Bforshearandbending
Beamflangearea 1668 x 137
this requirementhas beensatisfied. Grossarea =25x16 =400cm2
Minus(3) 22
single 1 65 x 1 5 platesare satisfactory. dia. holes =3x22x16 =
Net area 2944cm2
The Web Splice Therefore, the maximum shear stress in the cover
Splice fq — 15x180x103 —
— 917N'mm2
Flange cover
P =115N/fl11fl2
In deriving the value of fq above, it should be noted
plates not that the maximumshearstress in a rectangularsection is
showJf equal to 1 5 timesthe averageshearstress,although this
factorignoresthe presenceof bolt holes.

we -
Web cover plates Grossinertia 16x25 =20833cm4
'B' 14OX8X25O
each side of 0 Minusinertia oftheouterholes
0) = 2 x 22 x 1 6 x 9.02
= 5702
L •0
U) Net inertia = 1 5131 cm4
M20 General Grade
H.S.F.G Bolts to 0
0 Modulus 1210cm3
BS4395 Part 1. - I' — 1265x1O =
— /mm 2
Pbt =165N/mm2
Therefore,since maximum bending and shearstresses
1 8OkN 180 kN do not coincide, the web splice detailshown in Fig. 9.3
70 is satisfactory.
It should be noted howeverthat the above web splice
Fig. 9.3 design incorporatesthe use of M20 HSFG Bolts in con-
Check the web splice detail shown in Fig. 9.3. junction with 8 mm thick outerply plates, which con-
Theforces to be used in the design of the web cover travenes the requirements of Clause 3.4 of BS 4604:
plates and the boltson each side ofthe splice are: Part 1, unlesstheapproval oftheengineeris granted.
Vertical Shear 180 kN At joints where neither exposure to the weather nor
Eccentric Bending Moment condensation are present, and where bolts are at close
=180 x 007= 126kNm centres, if the ply thickness is in the region of 80% of
that called for in BS 4604: Part 1, it is frequently found
Considerthe boltgroups in practice that the engineer's approval is readily avail-
l8OkN able, subsequent to a general consideration of the
M20 General Grade requirementsofClause3.4.
H.S.F.G. Bolts to Beam Design
BS4395 : Part1. Applyingtheunitarea In the design ofthe beam consideration should be given
to the presenceof bolt holes at the splice, and splices
should preferablynot belocated atpositions of maximum
Inertiaof boltgroup
=2 = bending moment orshear.
x 9.02 162cm4 Comment
A complete detail of the 305 x 165 54 UB splice is
Modulus given in Fig. 9.5.
Thedesign is basedon the use of M20 General Grade
12-6 = —---=18cm3
HSFG Bolts. This diameter of bolt can be tightened
kNm manually.
If M24 bolts are used, slightlyfewer bolts are neces-
Fig. 9.4 sary, but poweroperated tightening is essential.

It is common practice to refer to the "allowable single Therelevant loadings atthe splice are:
shearvalue"ofHSFG Bolts. Applied Bending Moment = 3 000kNm
This isgenerally accepted license, and this wordingis Applied Vertical Shear = 860 kN
used as an abbreviation of the correct terminology i.e. Theseforces are induced by dynamic loading.
"theallowable frictional shearvalue per single interface The following design assumptions are suitable for
per bolt". splices in welded plate girders subject to dynamic


Web cover plates

140 X8 x 250
side of web.
L; El TJmB
Fig. 9.7
(1) Cover plates A resist the bending forces in the

(2) Cover plates B resist the bending forces in the


(3) Cover plates C resist the vertical shear. The

All bolts are M20 General eccentricity of the vertical shear is equal to the
Grade H.S.F.G Bolts to distance between boltgroupcentreson each side
BS4395 : Part 1. ofthejoint.
Fig. 9.5
Design calculations in this exampleare based on the
Design a splice for the plate girder shown in Fig. 9.6. Higher Grade (parallel shank) HSFG Bolt to BS 4395:
Part 2.
Flange coverplates A

500 Outer cover plate


C (1) 500X25

Pihilt I
U1' 'j'!
200 X
M24 Higher "Inner cover plates
Grade H.S.F.G. (2) 200X30
Bolts to
BS4395 : Part21 Web Web cover plates
not shown

Fig. 9.6 Fig. 9.8

Crosssectional details of the PlateGirder Flangesplice detail

The above flange splice detail has been proportioned UsingM24 bolts
in accordancewith Clause27cof BS 449: Part 2. The allowable single shear value per bolt based on the
The first step in checking the flange cover plates for expressiongiven in paragraph3.1 .1
stress is to calculate the force in the flange plates.
The gross moment of inertia of the plate girder = Jr>< 085proof load ofone bolt.
— ________— 48x1223
________ = 1 890 775cm4 = 085 x 2746
12 12
and the section modulus Therefore,
_1890775 =29089cm3 the number of bolts requiredon each side of the splice,
taking into account the additional 5% required by Sub-
Thebending stress inthe plate girder flanges clause27c
— 1 020
— x 1 05
— —
— 1031 N/mm2 686
29089 = 156
Therefore,the force in each flange plate = Say 16
_1031 x630 X SOOX4OSay1999kN
— The web splice
650 10 Checkthe websplice detail shown in Fig. 9.9.
Grossareaofoutercover plate
=50x25 = 1250
Gross areaofinner cover plates

—2x20x3 1200
Minus(4) 26dia.holes
=4x26x55 =
Net area 1878cm2
Checkthe bottomflange cover plates for stress
— 1 999 x 10 — 1064N',mm 2
Pt =155N/mm2
andconsidering thetop flange cover plates

— 1999x103 —
— 816N',mm 2
245Ox 102
Pc = 1 55 N/mm2, provided that thetop flange has
The understressedcondition ofthe cover plates is due
to the limitations imposedby Subclause27cof BS 449:
Part 2, and the 5 mm steps which occur between Cover plates15 thicl
standard thicknessesof plates and flats. on both sides of the •M22 Higher Grade
webplate. H.S.F.G Bolts to
use the sections shown in Fig. 9.8 for flange cover Fig. 9.9 854395 : Part 2.
platesA. Boltsin web coverplatesB
Themaximumbending stress in the girder web plate
Boltsin flange coverplatesA 1031 x610 = 968
_________ N/mm2
Shear planes occur at X — X and Y — Y. 650
The force in the outer cover plate
968 N/mm2 20 Webplate
19929125 =SaylO2OkN
and in the inner cover plates
1999x120 =Say979kN
Subclause 1.1 ofBS46O4:Part2states:
"This Part of this British Standard gives rulesfor the use
in structural steelwork of high strength frictiongrip bolts,
with parallel shanks, of the higher grade specified in
BS4395: Part 2".
Therefore,for dynamic loading the relevant load factor
taken from paragraph3.1 .1 is 1 7, and the slip factor,the
determination of which is the responsibility of the
engineer, will be taken as 05 for the purpose of this
design example. Bendingstress distribution
Paragraph3.1.2 gives details of the tests to be carried
in the girder webplate.
out by theengineerinthe determinationoftheslipfactor. Fig. 9.10

The applied bending moment induces a force in the The allowable double shearvalue per M22 bolt
girder web plate on each side of the neutral axis = 1177kN
968 610x20 — Therefore, M22 bolts positioned as shown in Fig. 9.9
=2>< 10 are satisfactory.
In accordance with the original assumptions, this is Check web coverplatesCforshearand bending
the force to be used in the design of web cover plates B. =
Grossarea 64 x 30 =
UsingM22 bolts Minus(9)
The allowable double shearvalue per bolt
24dia.holes =9x24x30 = 648
=4 x 2 x 085 x 2355
= 1177kN
Netarea =1272cm2
Therefore, the maximum shear stress in the cover
Therefore,the number of bolts required on each side plates
ofthe splice f = 15x860x103
=50 =Say6 1272x102 =1014N/mm2
Webcoverplates B P 115 N/mm2
— 30 >< 64
— = 65 536 cm4
Grossarea =22x3 =660cm2 Gross inertia
Minus (3)
24dia.holes =3x24x3 =216 Minusinertia of the holes
Netarea =444cm2 = 2 x 24 x 30
Checking the lowercover plates forstress x (7.02+14.02+21.02+28.02) =21168cm4
Net inertia = 44368cm4
f =1331 N/mm2
p= 155 N/mm2
andconsidering the upper cover plates
Modulus=4'68 =1 3865cm3
_688x103 =496 N/mm2
= = 895 N/mm2 ,€bt
1 3865
=155N/mm2 Pbt =165N/mm2
Therefore, the web cover plates B shown in Fig. 9.9 Therefore,since maximum bending and shearstresses
aresatisfactory. do not coincide, the web cover plates C shown in Fig.
Boltsin web coverplatesC 9.9 are satisfactory.
Theforces to be usedin the design of the cover plates Plategirderdesign
and the boltson eachside of thesplice are: In the design of the plate girder consideration should be
Vertical shear =
860 kN given to the presence of bolt holes at the splice, and
Eccentricbending moment 860 x 008 splices should preferably not be located at points of
= 688kNm maximum bending moment orshear.
A complete detail of the splice is given in Fig. 9.12
on page 38.



M22 Higher Grade H.S.F.G.

Bolts to BS4395 : Part 2.
Fig. 9.11
Applyingtheunitarea method
Inertiaof boltgroup
= 2 (7.02 + 14.02 + 21.02 + 28.02)
= 2940cm4
Modulus= 2940 = 105cm3
Therefore,the loadsonthe outer boltsare:
Fromvertical shear =
Fromtheeccentric bending moment
_688x102 _655kN
— —
105 horizontal
andthe resultantbolt load Endplate
= J(95.62+65.52) 220X35X635
1159kN Fig. 9.13


45 4
_____ 4=--
All boltsare Higher Grade (parallelshank)
H.S.F.G. boltsto BS4395 : Part 2.

=1=T 45.
icff M24 bolts inthe
- Mfl boltsin the flange coverplates
web coverplates

Outer flange
cover plate
I io
[200 5050 200


Inner flange -
cover plates
(2) 200X30X600

Bottom flange -
coverplatesas -
for top flange

t •
.t.p ?'I,
20 Webplate
Hole spacing for-
coverplates B Detail of the plate girder splice

9.4.1 neutral axis is proportional to its distance from that

WORKED EXAMPLE (continued) axis;
Check the design of the bolts and the end plate shown the shear load is shared equally between all the
in Fig. 9.1 3. fasteners;
A recommended method of analysis for this type of the threaded portion of the bolt is kept sufficiently
bracket connection is given on page 36 of Metric remotefrom the shear plane that the tensile force may
Practice for Structural Steelwork which states: be taken as uniformly distributed over the shank in
"In this type of connection the bending moment is that plane;
taken by tension in the fasteners and compression the width of the compression zone is four times the
between the bracket and the face to which it is con- fastener diameter, this giving a reasonable approxi-
nected.Thereaction is taken by shearin the fasteners. mationtoan averagestiff bearingwidth.
The design bases and assumptionsarethat:
Note that within practical limits the moment of
the total tension equals the total compression; resistance is not particularly sensitive to variations of
the tension in anyfastener on the tension side of the thiswidth".

1374 x 0552 = 7584
1044 x 0422 = 4406
728 x 0292 = 2126
398 x 0162 = 645
82 x 0032 = 026
3648x0048x—- 1167 =
z =15954kNm
Theapplied moment
on theconnection = 440 x 0285
= 1254kNm
Therefore, the actual tensile load in the 2 outermost
— 1')7A
= 1080kN
= 540kN/bolt
./mm2 and the actual bearing stressatthe bottomofthe bracket
fb =190x15954
Fig. 9.14 = 1493N/mm2
Calculate the moment of resistance of the connection Endplatedesign
(1) Atensileforcein the2outermost bolts
= x
2 theallowable tensile load per M20 Grade
88 PrecisionBolt.
= 2 x 687
= 1374kN
Allowable tensile values of Grade 88 Precision
Bolts can be obtained by reference to Fig. 5.1
on page 17.
(2) A bearing stress at the bottom of the bracket
1 90N/mm2, this being theallowable bearing
stresspb for Grade43 material
(Clause22 of BS449: Part 2)
Assumethat the neutral axis occurs below the bottom
rowof bolts, asshown in Fig.9.14
T= ____________
1374(1700—5n) l9Ox8Oxn —,vfl -,
600 — n -

Total tension T Total compressionC Fig. 9.15

1374(1700—5n) =76n
600—n Bending moment in the end plate based on the
premiseofsingle curvature bending.
233580—687n =4560n—76n2 = 1080x00533
76n2—5247n+233580=0 = 576kNm

5247 +V[52472—(4x76x233580)] Modulus ofthe end plate
2x76 22 x352 =4492cm3
= 4783
= Say 48 Checking for stress
The bolts have tensile loads proportional to their -—
— 576 x 1 0 I
— ')Q.') MI
— 2
distancefromthe neutral axis.
bc 4492
The bolts have a total tensile value of 2 x 687 Pbc =165N/mm2
= 1374 a leverarmfrom the neutral axis Therefore, the 35mm thick endplateis satisfactory.
— kN acting at
of 600 n Check the M20 Grade 88 PrecisionBofts.
= 600 — 48 Loadsin the outermostbolts.
=552mm Atthe shearplane
The boltvaluesare: Theco-existant loadsare
Leverarmratios Load on group Tension = 540kN
552 552 =1.0 x1374 = 1374 Shear = = 440kN
422 ± 552 = 076 x 1374 = 1044
292 ± 552 =053 x 1374 = 728 and atthethreaded portion ofthe bolt
162± 552 =029 x 1374 = 39•8 Tension = 540 kN
32 552 =006 x 1374 = 82 Shear = Zero
z =3626kN The M20 boltsare used in 22 mm diameter holes,and
C = 76 x 48 = 3648kN consequentlyare checked in accordance with Clause50
Thedifference of 22 kN is due to rounding off and is of BS449: Part 2, using the allowable stressesgiven for
ofno practical significance. "Bolts in clearanceholes"

Subclause50bstates: Therefore,checking for stress

"Theallowable calculated stress in a bolt (other than g
a high strength friction grip bolt) of higher grade than 54•OX1O31719N/mm2
46 shall be that givenin Table 20 multiplied bythe ratio Pt281 N/mm2
of its yield stress (or its stress at the permanentset limit
of 02%) or 07 times its tensile strength, whichever is
the lesser, to 235 N/mm2"; f= 44 x 10 =140ON/mm2
The mechanical properties of steel bolts and screws
can be obtained fromTable 10 of BS 3692. and
p= 187 N/mm2
For Grade 8.8 PrecisionBolts
Stress at permanentset limit of02% = 628 N/mm2
f f 140.0+1719136<
187 281
07 times the tensile strength The bearing stress on the bolt mustalso be investigated
= 07 x 785 = 5495N/mm2 This Stress 5 checked using either the thickness of the
Thereforeallowable stresses are obtained by factoring column flange (31 4 mm) or the thickness of the end
the values given in Table 20 for "Bolts in clearance plate (35 mm)whichever is the lesser.
holes" by 5495 Therefore,the maximum bearingstress on the bolt
235 x 10
Allowable axial tensile stress = 44
31 4 x 20
= 120 x 280'6= Say 281 N/mm2 = 701 N/mm2
Allowable shearstress and the allowable
= 80x5_1871 =Sayl87N/mm2 = 585 N/mm2
Allowable bearing stress (on the bolt) Check the bearing stresseson the connected parts.
- 250 5846= Say585 N/mm2 The bearingstresson the end plate
= _______ = 62'9 N/mm2
These values can also be obtained by reference to
Table 5.1 on page 16.
Checkthethreadedportion ofthebolts Quoting from Subclause50c:
In calculating the axial tensile stress the net area of the "Bearing stresses on connected parts. The calculated
boltas defined in Subclause1 7c isused. bearing stress of a rivetor bolton the parts connected by
For an M20 Precision Bolt, the net area is the tensile it shall not exceedthe value given in Table20A.
stress area given in Table 2.3 on page 6. Where the end distance of a rivet or bolt (i.e. theedge
= 245 mm2 distance in the direction in which it bears) is less than
54Ox 1 0 = 2204 N/mm2 a limit of twice the effective diameterof the rivetor bolt,
Therefore, the allowable bearing stress of that rivet or bolt on the
p= 281 N/mm2 connected partshall be reducedin the ratio of the actual
Thethreaded portionof the bolt was also investigated end distance tothat limit".
earlier in this example, the following values being For "Bolts in clearance holes" bearing on Grade 43
derived:— material,Table 20A gives an allowable bearing stress of
Tensile load/bolt = 540kN 250 N/mm2.
Allowable = 687kN =
The boltend distance in the end plate 35mm
Check the boltsat the shearplane Therefore, the allowable bearing stress on the end
Subclause50a rules that plate
in calculating shear and bearing stressesthe effective = 250 x 35 =2188N/mm2
diameterof a bolt shall be taken as its nominal diameter. 2x20
For M20 PrecisionBolts Thebearing stress on the column flange
Nominal diameter 20mm 44 x 10
= 314>
and the correspondingshank area 20 70'l N/mm2
= 07854 x 202= 314.2 mm2 and as the bolt end distance in the column flange is
Quoting from the design assumptions stated at the
greater than twiceits effective diameter
"the threaded portion of the bolt is kept sufficiently =
the allowable 250 N/mm2
remote from the shearplane that the tensile force may Therefore, M20 Grade 8.8 Precision Bolts to BS 3692
be taken as uniformly distributed over the shank in used in 22mm diameterholes are satisfactory.
that plane" Comments
Therefore, in the calculation of the axial tensile stress, When bolts are designed on the assumption that "the
the shank area of 3142 mm2 is to be used in lieu of the threaded portion of the bolt is to be kept remote from
tensile stress area normally adopted when applying the shear plane", care should be taken to ensure that
Subclause50d. this requirement is achieved in practice.
Quoting Subclause50d: In cases where this requirement cannot be met,
"Combined shear and tension. Rivets and bolts sub- the above design procedure is still applicable except
ject to both shear and axial tension shall be so pro-
portioned that the calculated shear and axial stresses
fs and ft. calculated in accordance with Subclause
50a, do not exceed the respective allowable stresses
in one detail; when checking that

+ -- does not exceed 1 .4,
PS and pt and that the quantity f5
ceed 14"
f does not ex- the value of f1 is to be based on the tensile stress area
of the bolt and not on the shank area.
Ps Pt



Fig. 9.17

Assuming that the neutral axis is below the bottom

row of bolts.
Fig. 9.16
Check the design of the M20 General Grade HSFG — 1 728 (660— 3n) and C
T— 370—n
— 190x80x
2 x 1 000 n76
Bolts shown in Fig. 9.16. Total tensionT = Total compressionC
A suggested method of analysis for this type of high
strength friction grip bolted connection is given in 1728(660—3n) —76n

Example5 on page 38 of Metric Practice for Structural :.114048—5184n =2812n—7'6n2
One of the design assumptions in this method is: :.76n2—3330.4n+114048=0
"the shear load is shared equally between all the 33304 ±V[333O42—(4x76x114048)]
fasteners". Z X 1b
This assumption has the advantage of simplicity for = 37.45
design purposes,but gives conservativeresults. = Say 37
The following calculations are based upon a more The bolts have tensile loads proportional to their
economical approach, which takes account of the distance fromthe neutral axis.
greater available shear values of the fasteners in the The top bolts have a total tensile value of 1 728 kN
boltrows adjacentto the neutral axis, resultingfrom the acting ata leverarm fromthe neutral axisof 370 — n
lower external tensile forces carried by these fasteners. = 370 — 37
Ca/cu/ate the moment of resistance of the connection = 333
usingthe followingvalues: The bolt valuesare:
(1) A tensile force in the 2 bolts of Row A Leverarm ratios Load on group
= 2 x the permissibleexternaltension per M20 333—333=10 x1728 = 1728
General Grade HSFG Bolt. 183÷333=055 x 1728 = 9504
The permissible external tension of a General Grade 33÷333=0lOx1728 = 1728
HSFG Bolt is calculated in accordance with paragraph z =28512kN
3.1.2 of BS 4604: Part 1 which states: C=76 x 37 =2812 kN
"Connections subject only to external tension in the
direction of the bolt axes. In these cases, the maximum The difference of 392 kN is due to rounding off and
permissibleexternal tension on anybolt shall not exceed isof no practical significance.
06 of the proof load of the bolts used, as given in Momentofresistanceofthe connection
Table 2. However, where fatigue conditions are in-
volved, the maximum permissible external tension on 1728 x 0333 = 57.54
any boltshall be limited to 05 of the proofload". 95O4 x 0183 = 1739
Therefore, as the connection is subject to static 1728x0033 = 057
loading, the maximum permissible external tension per
M20 bolt.
2812 xO037x+ =
= 0'6 x boltproofload = 8244kNm
= x06 144 The applied moment on the
= 864kN connection = 200 x 02
This value can also be obtained by reference to = 40OkNm
Tables 6.3 and 6.4 on pages 19 and 20 respectively. Therefore, the actual external tension per bolt in Row
Therefore,the above expression A
2 x thepermissibleexternaltension per M20 = 1728 400
GeneralGradeHSFG Bolt 2 X8244
= 2 x 864 = 41 92kN
= 1728kN perboltin RowB
_9504 400
(2) A bearing stressat the bottomof the bracket 2 8244
= 190 N/mm2 ==23.O6kN

andperbollin RowC 9.4.3

= 1728 40O
2 x--4=4i9kN

— ''
The actual bearing stress at the bottom of the bracket
400 Q')')M/

It should be noted that the maximum external tension

in any bolt
which is less than the permissible external tension of
864kN for an M20 General Grade HSFG Bolt.
Therefore, the requirements of paragraph 3.1 .2 of
BS 4604: Part 1 have been complied with.
Check the allowable shear capacity ofthe bolt group
Paragraph3.1.3 of BS 4604: Part 1 states:
"Connections subjectto external tension in addition
to shear. An externally applied tension in the direction Xl 02X 6554E
ofthe bolt axes reducesthe effective clamping action of bolted to the
a bolt whichhas beentightened to induce shanktension. column flange
To allow for this effect, the permissibleresulting load at
any bolt position, as calculated from the expression in
3.1.1, shall be reduced by substituting forthe proofload Fig. 9.18
of the bolt an effective clamping force obtained by sub-
tracting 1 7 times the applied external tensile load from Check the design of the M24 Grade 8.8 Close
the proof load. Tolerance Bolts shown in Fig. 9.18.
Under this rule, the effective clamping action of a bolt
is considered to cease when the externally applied
tension reaches 06 of its proof load, which is the
maximum permissiblevalue (see 3.1.2 above)".
Assuming that the faying surfaces comply with the
conditionssetout in paragraph3.2.1 the slipfactorto be
taken is 045.
The appropriate load factor for static loading taken
from paragraph 3.1.1 is 1 .4
Therefore,the permissible single shear value per bolt
r00f load — 1 7 x tension)
=-(144--1.7 x41 92) =2338kN
perbollin RowB

=?-(144 17 x 2306) =3369kN

andperbollin RowC Fig. 9.19
Applyingthe unit area method, the polar moment of
=-5144—1•7x419) =440kN inertia of the boltgroup
Therefore, the allowable shear capacity of the bolt = +
Too 'xx Iyy
= 2 (2338 + 3369 + 440) = 202l4kN = +
(4 x 152) (6 x 72)
which is greaterthan the applied end shearof 200 kN.
The distance from the centre of gravity of the group
Therefore, the M20 GeneralGradeHSFG Bolts shown to one of the outermost bolts
in Fig. 9. 16are satisfactory. = v'(lS2+72)
Comments. = 1655cm
It will be noted that in this example H.S.F.G. Bolts Thereforethe modulus of the group
resist static loading. Generally Black Bolts to BS 41 90
or Precision Bolts to BS 3692 used in 2mm clearance — 1194
holes are satisfactory for this type of loading, although 1655
for a variety of practical reasons H.S.F.G. Bolts are
= 721 cm3
often preferred, and also consideration should be This value may also be obtained by reference to
given to Sub-clause 48a of BS 449: Part 2 which page 49 of Metric Practice for Structural Steetwork.
states Thevertical load on the bolt group
where for some special reason — such as = 125kN
continuity in rigid framing or precision in alignment of
machinery — slipping of bolts is not permissible, then and the bending moment
rivets, close tolerance bolts, high strength friction = 125 x 04
grip bolts or welding shall be used = 5OkNm

Therefore, the applied loads on the outermost bolts The bearing capacity of the bolt is calculated using
are: either the thickness of the channel web (122mm) or
From the vertical load the thicknessof the column flange (441mm) whichever
is the lesser.
--s-- Therefore,the allowable bearLng value of the bolt
= 2083kN — 122 x 24
— x 701
Fromthe bending moment
— x 100
= 6935kN The bearing capacity of the connected parts must also
The most severelyloaded boltsare subjectto a resultant be investigated.
force of 80 kN as shown by the vector diagram in
Fig. 9.19. Close tolerance bolts are used in conjunction with
Grade 43 material, and bolt end distances are greater
than t'ice the effective diameterof the bolt.
Check the M24 Grade 8.8 Close ToleranceBolts Under these circumstances the allowable bearing
These bolts are to be checked in accordance with stress on the connected parts permitted by Subclause
Clause50 of BS 449: Part 2, usingthe allowable stresses 50c
given for = 300 N/mm2
"Close tolerance and turned bolts".
It will be recalled from Example 9.4.1 that for Grade The allowable bearing value is also calculated using
8.8 bolts the thickness of the channel web, i.e. the thinner of
Stressat permanentset limit of 02% the connected plies, and
= 628 N/mm2 _122 x 24 x 300
and 07 times the tensile strength
= 07 x 785 =878kN
= 5495N/mm2
Therefore, applying Subclause 50b, the allowable Therefore, the M24 Grade 8.8 Close Tolerance Bolts
stresses are obtained by factoring the values given shown in Fig. 9.18are satisfactory.
in Table 20 for
General Notes
"Closetolerance and turned bolts" by
The dimensions of close tolerance bolts are referredto
Allowableshearstress in Subctause 52cof BS 449: Part 2 which states:
Close tolerance bolts
= 100 x = 23383= say 234 N/mm2 "The dimensions shall conform to those given for
bolts 'faced under the head and turned on shank' in
Allowablebearingstress (on the bolt) BS 4190, orto those givenfor boltsin BS 3692 provided
= 300 x 5955= 70149= say701 N/mm2 that threads are kept clear of connected parts in
accordance with Clause 62".
Grade 8.8 bolts are not included in BS 4190, and
Check the single shearandbearing capacity ofthebolts. consequently M24 Grade8.8 Precision Bolts to BS 3692
will be used.
Subclause 50a rules that in calculating shear and The diameter of the unthreaded shank of Precision
bearing stresses the effective diameter of a bolt shall be Bolts can beobtained fromTable 6 of BS 3692. For M24
taken as its nominal diameter. boltsthe information given is
For M24 bolts
Nominal diameter = 24mm Max. diameter= 240mm
and the corresponding shank area Mm. diameter = 2367mm
= 07854 x 242 Clause 59 of BS 449: Part 2 gives the tolerances of
= 4524mm2 holesfor close tolerance bolts.
Therefore,the allowable single shearvalue per bolt Quoting fromthis clause
"Holes for close tolerance and barrel bolts shall be
_4524 x 234
drilledto a diameterequal to the nominal diameterofthe
shank or barrel subjectto a tolerance of 015 mm and
= 1059kN —0mm".

9.5 As bolt rows a and b are equidistant about the centre

BEAM TO COLUMN WIND MOMENT CONNECTION of area of the beam flange, the force taken by each row
= 3456 = 1 728 kN tension
and the tensile load per bolt
— 1728
— =864kN
(2) Due to the axial tensile force of40kN

Weld sizes are

given in Fig 9.25
305 X305X198 UC
The 180 kNm moment
occurs at the column
flange Fig. 9.20
Check the design of the bolts and end plates shown Fig. 9.22
in Fig. 9.20 above. Force H induced in each beamflange
The applied loads are induced by =40 =2OkN
+ +
Dead Imposed Wind Loading 2
Force taken by each row of bolts
The investigation to be in accordance with BS 449: =
Part 2, using the 25% increase in permissible stresses 10 kN tension
and tensile load per bolt
permitted by Clause13 for this loading condition.
The premise of single curvature bending in the end =5kN
plates is to be adopted. Therefore,the totaltensile load per bolt
= 864+ 5 = 91 4kN
Forcesin the boltsat the upper endp/ate
Check the M22 Grade 8.8 Precision Bolts in the upper
(1) Due to the applied moment of 180kNm. end plate.
The allowable tensile load per bolt, including the 25%
increase permitted by Clause1 3
1728 kN = 851 xl25
-a T = 345• kN = 1064kN
Therefore, the boltsare satisfactory.
1728 kN 1L Allowable tensile values of Grade 8.8 Precision Bolts
can be obtained by reference to Fig. 5.1 on page 17.
Endplate design

3456 kN T = 3456 kN

Fig. 9.21
Forces T located at the centres of area of the beam
flanges, as shown in Fig. 9.21, are induced by the
applied moment.
The lever arm of these forces
= 539.5_ 188
= 5207
Therefore, Fig. 9.23
T= O7 = Say3456kN Showing the bending moments in the upper end-

The tensile force in the beam top flange Readingfrom this table, and increasing the values by
=T-f H=3456+20=3656kN the 25% permitted by Clause 1 3
and the bending moment in the end plate ForM22 Bolts
= =
1 828 x 00506 925 kNm The allowable single shear value
Assuming that the tensile forces in the bolts disperse = 71 x 1 25 = 8875kN
at 300 as shown in Fig. 9.23, the full width of the end The allowable bearingvalue ofa 10mmplate
plate is effective in resisting this moment. =55x125 =6875kN
Modulus ofthe end plate = 22 x 3.52 4492 cm3
= Therefore,the allowable bearingvalueof the 31 4 mm
thick column flange
Checking for stress
f 925xlO3.,0,
4492 ,mm 2 =6875 -;-- =21588kN
Pbc= 165 x 125= 2063N/mm2 and of the 35 mm thick end plate, taking into account
the end distance of40 mm shown in Fig.9.20
Therefore, 35mmthick end plates are satisfactory.
Forcesin the boltsat the lower endp/ate = 6875 X 35 X 2 x 40
Dia.of Bolt
It is common practice in a connection of this type to
assumethat the vertical shear is supported entirely on = 35 40
6875 X-1--X 2 >< 22
the end plate adjacent to the compressionflange of the —

Therefore, the vertical shear of 120 kN is carried by
the bolts at the lowerend plate, and the load per bolt Therefore, the bolts are understressed, but are neces-
sary for wind reversal conditions.
= i= 30 kN shear
This loading is applied eccentrically to the end plate
The welding connecting the endplates to the beam

as shown in Fig. 9.24, and it is necessaryto establish

whether tensile forces occur in the bolts. Continuous10mm
fillet welds each
kN side of the flange________
i and around the
jl2O Beam 3656kN root fillets.
Continuous8 mm
—t3-4-.3256 kN fillet welds each
side of the web.
=tR3256 kN
The weld size changes
at the position where
the root joins the web.
35 thick endplate
Reaction _________
= 120 kN
Fig. 9.24
Showing loads and reactions at the lowerend plate.
3256 kN
The root
for a 533X210X109 UB

The compressiveforce in the beam bottomflange with parallel flanges

= 3456— 20 Fig. 9.25
=3256kN showing the weld sizes
The eccentricity of the horizontal reaction on the
stanchion, relative to the centre of the beamflange Check the flange welds
The tensileforce inthe beamtop flange = 3656kN.
e— 35 x 120 = leg length)
3256 Length of 10mmfillet welding (10 mm
=129mm = say2 x the beamflange width
As this falls within the middle third of the bolt =2 x 2107
group, tension is not induced in the bolts. = 421 4
Check the M22 Grade 8.8 PrecisionBolts in the lower Thereforethe load/mmof weld
The load per bolt 30 kN shear
3656 =087kN
421 4
The single shear value of the bolt, and the bearing The allowable load using electrodes to BS 639:
values of the connected parts require investigation. Sections 1 and 2, in conjunction with Grade43 steel
As the design of Grade 88 bolts in clearance holes
is dealt with at length on an allowable stress basis in =08 x 125 = 10kN
Example 9.4.1, in this example information extracted Thevalue of08 was taken fromthe information given
from the table in the Appendix on page 57 is utilized. on page 1 07 of Metric Practicefor Structural Steelwork.

Check the web welds (1) M24 bolts are called for in lieu of M22.
Thebeam end shear = 120 kN (2) Beamend platesare30 mm thick in lieu of 35mm.
Length of8mm fillet welding = 2 x 779 = 1 558
The load/mm of weld Inspection shows that the method of analysis used
in Example 9.5 would result in overstressing of the
— =077kN 30mm endplate, arid consequently the premise of
Theallowable = 064 x 1 25 = 08 kN double curvature bending in the endplate has been
adopted to avoid this condition.
Therefore, the weld sizes shown in Fig. 9.25 are A suggested method of treating prying forces is that
satisfactory. given in the
To avoid the possibility of hydrogen cracking it may be "European Recommendations for the use of High
necessary to preheat the parent metal. In general the Strength Friction Grip Bolts in Structural Steelwork".
requirementsvary according to the carbon equivalent of
the material to be welded.
In the case of welding based on BS 5135: 1974 1828 kNm
"Specification for Metal-arc welding of carbon and /Beam flange
carbon-manganese steels", details of preheat require- 0
ments may be obtained by referenceto Appendix E. kN
1828 kN
The connection detail shown in Fig. 9.20 includes 4
horizontal rows of bolts, each row containing 2 bolts.
If more than 2 bolts are used in one row,the horizontal Fig. 927 '"Endplate
loading applied to that row is no longer shared equally
between all the boltsin the row. The forces actingon the end plate shown in Fig. 9.27
The8 mm fillet welds connecting the beamweb to the are taken from Example9.5.
end plate have been designed to support the entire It will be recalled that in Example9.5 the end plates
end shear of 1 20 kN, although some assistance will be weredesigned on the basis of single curvature bending.
provided by theflange welds.
It is appreciated that the M22 bolt used in this
example is a non-preferred size, but it is a very con-
venient diameter, and moves are afoot to have it
included in BS 4190 and BS 3692 as a preferred size.
1828kN + Q
— —a

3656 kN
Q—.i-- V
— Fig. 9.28
The European Recommendationspermit the assump-
tion that prying forces comprising point loads Q are
developed at positions X and Y on the end plate, as
shown in Fig. 9.28, and that reactive forces Q induced
at positions a and b (acting in the opposite direction to
forces Q at X and Y) maintain equilibrium.
Thereforethe total force at each of locations a and b
= 1828kN -f-Q
The Recommendationspermit any value to be taken
for Q, provided that
(1) Theboltsarecapable ofaccepting the summation
of the forces due to the applied loading and
prying action, i.e. 1828 kN + Q.
(2) Theend plate is capableof resisting the resulting
moments at positions a and b and immediately
adjacent to the beam flange.
305 305 x 198 UC See also the explanatory notes given under "Com-
The 180 kNm moment ments" at the end ofthis example.
occurs at the column Check the boltsand endplates shown in Fig. 9.26
flange. Thefollowingapproach may be used:
Fig. 9.26 The allowable tensile strength of (2) M24 Grade 8.8
Precision Bolts, including the 25% wind allowance
Check the design of the bolts and end plates shown
in Fig. 9.26 above. This connection including the =2x99x125 =2475kN
applied loading is identical to the "Beam to column Thereforethe boltswill be fully utilised if
wind moment connection" in Example 9.5, except in Q= 2475— 1828
twodetails: = 647kN

Designs based on single curvature bending are com-

mensurate with designs based on double curvature
bending in which the prying forces Q are equal to zero.
The results shown in Table 9.1 indicate that designs
2475 kN basedon double curvature bending produce thinnerend
plates than are achieved in the case of designs in-
corporating single curvature bending, although this
economy is only obtained by increasing the tensile
loading in the bolts.
2475 When designing connections for double curvature
bending, consideration should be given to gaps due
1647 kN M24 bolts to fabrication and rolling tolerances etc. which may
26dia.holes exist between the adjoining plies at the positions
._,_L2.59 where prying forces are assumed to occur. Gaps at
rn kNm these positions restrict the development of prying
Fig. 9.29 action.
showing the bending momentsin the end plate

Checking the endplatefor stress 9.7 SIMPLE BEAM TO COLUMN CONNECTIONS

Atthe boltpositions a andb 9.7.1 WORKED EXAMPLE
Bending moment 254X254X73 UC
= 647 x O04
Modulus = [22— (2 x 26)] x 32
= 1028N/mm2
Pbc=n165 x 125
= 2063N/mm2
Adjacent to the beam flange
Bending moment
= (2475 x 00506) — (647 x OO906)
Modulus=r22 x 32
= 33cm3 (2) 90X90X8
angle cleatsX455 Ig
— 666 x 10
tbc 33 Fig. 9.30
= 2018 N/mm2 Check the design of the bolts shown in Fig. 9.30

= 2063N/mm2 above.
The M20 boltsare used in 22 mm diameter holes and
are checked in accordance with Clause 50 of BS 449:
Therefore, the boltsand endplates are satisfactory. Part 2, using the allowable stresses given for
"Bolts in clearanceholes".
Table 9.1 belowcomparesthe bolt and end plate details Bolts connecting the angle cleats to the column flange
of the connections in Examples 9.5 and 9.6, and also The applied load per bolt = = 25 kN
gives the associatedprying forces.
Check the single shear and bearing capacity of the
Example9.5 Example9.6 bolts.
For Grade 4.6 bolts Table 20 gives the following
allowable stresses
35 mm 30 mm Shear =80N/mm2
Endplate thickness
Bearing (on the bolt)= 250 N/mm2
Bolt size M22 M24 Theareas usedfor the calculation ofshearand bearing
stresses in bolts are based on the nominal diameter of
Value of prying the bolt,as stipulated in Subclause50a.
force Q Zero 647kN Therefore,the allowable single shear value per bolt
= 07854 x202 x 80 251 kN
Table 9.1 10

The bearing capacity of the bolt is calculated using 9.7.2 WORKED EXAMPLE
either the thickness of the angle cleats (80mm)
or the thickness of the column flange (1 42mm),
whichever is the lesser.
Therefore,the allowable bearing value of the bolt I 254X254X73UC
— 8 x 20 x 250
— M24 Grade 46 Black
10 Bolts to BS4190
=4OkN in 2mm clearance holes
Bolts connecting the angle cleats to the beam web. (12bolts)
The loads applied to the bolt groupare: 10mm ti
Vertical shear = 250 kN endplate
Bending moment due to the eccentricity of the beam cornmen
end reaction on the column face end of ti 10X1O9 UB
= x 005 example
= 250
Applyingthe unit area method
Inertia of the bolt group
= 2(3.752+11.252+18.752) ontinuouS6 mm fillet
= 98436cm4 welds each side of
— the web
Modulus 98436
1875 Vertical end
= 525cm3 reaction 420 kN (Static)
Therefore,the loads on the outer bolts are: Fig 9.31
From vertical shear
250 = 41 7 kN vertical Check the design of the M24 Grade46 Bolts shown
--s- in Fig. 9.31 above.
From the moment = 125 x 102
525 238 kN horizontal Load per bolt = 4.-= 35 kN
and the resultant load per bolt Bolt end distance is greater than 2d
= V(4172+2382) Thickness of end plate = 100mm
= 48kN Thickness of column flange = 142mm
The double shear and bearing values of the bolts
requireinvestigation. Therefore, by referenceto the table in the Appendix
Theallowable double shearvalue per bolt on page 55.
= 2 >< 251 Allowablesingle shear value per bolt = 36 kN
=502kN Allowablebearing value, based on the minimum ply
The bearing capacity of the bolt is derived using thickness of 10 mm = 60 kN
either the thickness of the beam web (11 6mm) or the Therefore, the bolts are satisfactory.
combined thickness of the connected legs of the angle
cleats (2 x 8mm = 16mm), whichever is the lesser. Check the welding.
Therefore,the allowable bearing value of the bolt In this type of connection the end reaction is
— 116 x 20 x 250 assumed to be supported entirely on the welds con-

= 58kN10 necting the beam web to the end plate. The depth
available to be taken as the depth between root fillets.
The bearing capacities ofthe connected parts mustalso For a 533 x 210 x 109 UB, this dimension
be investigated. = 4765 mm
In this connection Grade 46 bolts in clearance holes Therefore, the load/mm of welding
are used iii conjunction with Grade43 material, and the 420
minimum bolt end distance is 40, i.e. twicethe effective x 4765
diameter of an M20 bolt. = 2044 kN
Under these circumstances the allowable bearing
stress on the connected parts permitted by Subclause The allowable, for 6 mm fillet welds (6 mm = leg
50c length), taken from page 107 of Metric Practice for
= 250 N/mm2 Structural Steelwork
= 048 kN
The allowable bearing stress on the boltspermitted by
Subclause50b Therefore the welding is satisfactory.
also= 250 N/mm2
Therefore, since the bearing capacities of the bolts Comments.
have been checked and found to be satisfactory, it can
be concluded that the bearing capacities of the con- Although the 10 mm thick end plate used in this
nected parts are also satisfactory. example is adequate for stress, (the allowable bearing
value of a 10 mm plate being 60 kN), it is common
Therefore, the M20 Grade 4.6 Black Bolts shown in practice to use a thicker plate to reduce the curvature
Fig. 9.30 are satisfactory. induced by the welding process.

9.7.3 WORKED EXAMPLE Therefore, for a 533 x210x92 UB, the slenderness
254X254X73 Stability cleat 4765
(does not take load) —
= 809
and Pc from Table 1 7a
= 1022 N/mm2
533X210X92 The allowable buckling load
= p.t.B
Thelength B is obtained in this instance by drawing a
3 mm end tangent to the root fillet of the angle seating cleat to
Elearance meet the neutral axis of the beam at 45°. This con-
struction is shown in Figs. 9.33 and 9.34 below.

X90Xl —4--
Vertical end (4) M20 Grade 88
reaction Precision Bolts to Co
156 kN (Static) B53692 in 2 mm 3mm Length CO

clearance holes in gap CO

the vertical leg of - :
the seating cleat. N
// 0
/ Co IC)
Fig. 9.32 CO

Check the design of the connection shown in Fig. 9.32 CO

above. , 450 N

Bolts connecting the seating cleatto the column flange. Fig 9.34 for enlarged
Loadper bolt = —4-—=39OkN
setting out at this position
It is necessaryto investigatethe single shearvalue of Fig. 9.33
the bolt, and the bearing capacity of the connected
Therefore, by reference to the table in the Appendix
on page 56. 3 mm
For M20 Grade 8.8 bolts,
the allowable single shear value = 59 kN 0 mm
Face of
Thicknessof the column flange = 142 mm column
Thicknessof the seating cleat = 100mm
Enddistance in the direction of the loading
= 55 mm> 2d
Therefore, reading from the table, the allowable 150 X9OX1O angle
bearing value of the connected parts based on the
minimum ply thickness of 100 mm seating cleat
= 50 kN Fig. 9,34
the (4) M20 Grade 8.8 Precision Bolts connecting the Length B = 24 ± 52—! = Say 2906mm
seating cleat to the column flange are satisfactory.
Therefore,the allowable buckling load
Check the beam web for buckling.
Apply Subclause28a of BS 449: Part 2. = 1022x10'2x29O6
Theslendernessratio of the web 10
= 3029 kN
where Check the beam web for bearing.
t = web thickness ApplyingSubclause27e, the bearing lengtn 0, at thc
d3 clear depth of web between root junctionof the web and the root fillet, based on a load
fillets. dispersion of 30°, is obtained as shown in Fig. 9.35.

533X210X92UB a, Comments
The introduction of a packing between the seating
cleatand the beam, increases the allowable bearing and
3 buckling values of the beam web.
For example,
a 10 mm packing would increase the bearing length 0,
see Fig. 935, by 10\/3 = 1732 mm
Face of The allowable bearing load is now
column flange
190x 102 (815±1732)
00 10
= 191 5 kN
The buckling length B, shown in Fig. 9.33, is
increased by 10 mm, and the allowable buckling load
150X90X10 angle 1022x102(2906+10)
seating cleat 10
= 3133kN
Fig. 9.35 In this example, the allowable bearing value of the
seating cleat is not increased, as the full width of the
Bearing length 0 from Fig. 9.35 = 81 5 mm cleat is alreadydeveloped by the detail in Fig. 9.36.
Allowable bearing stress given by Clause22 Thestabilitycleat shown in Fig. 9.32, may be replaced
= 190 N/mm2 by beamweb cleats positioned adjacentto the beam top
Therefore,the allowable bearing load flange.
10 9.8
= 1579kN
Check the beam web forshear M24 Mild Steel (2) 100X75X8 angles.
Rivets to BS4620 The stalk of the UB
Apply Subclause23b. in 2mm clearance
The allowable average shear stress on the gross holes
cutting occurs
section of the web between the angles
= 100 N/mm2 All rivets are
Therefore,the allowable shear load power driven
100x5331 x102
= 543•8 kN
Check the seating cleatfor bearing,
It is common practice to carry outthis investigation at
the rootfillet location.

'02 Web

Fig. 9.37
Check the design of the rivets shown in Fig. 9.37
The allowable stresses to be used are those given in
150 X 90 Xl0 Clause50 of BS 449: Part 2 for
angle seating "Power-driven rivets".
cleat For mild steel rivets Table 20 gives the following
allowable stresses :—
Fig. 9.36 Tension = 100 N/mm2
The 30° load dispersion shown in Fig.9.36, indicates Shear = lOON/mm2
that atthe rootfillet position, the full widthof the seating =
Bearing (on the rivet) 300 N/mm2
cleat is subject to bearing stress.
Rivets connecting the U.B. cuttingto the column flange
Therefore,the allowable bearing load
x x The co-existant applied loads per rivetare:
— 190 10 150
10 300 4
= 285OkN Tension=----x-5- =4OkN
Therefore, the connection shown in Fig. 9.32 is satis- Shear
300 3
= 30 kN

Theareas usedfor the calculation of tensile,shear and Power driven rivets are used in conjunction with
bearing stressesare based on the diameter of the hole, Grade 43 material, and rivet end distances are 55 mm,
as stipulated in Subclause50a. i.e. greater than twicethe effective diameterof the rivet.
M24 rivets are used in 26 mm diameter holes. =
(Twice the effective diameter of the rivet 2 x 26 =
Areaofa 26 mm hole 52 mm).
Under these conditions the allowable bearing stress
= 07854 x 262 on the connected parts permitted by Subclause5Cc
= 5309mm2 = 300 N/mm2
Checking for stress in accordance with Subclause Rivets connecting the (2) 100 x 75 x 8 angles to the
50d. stalk ofthe U.B. cutting.
_30x 10 — ,mm 2 The applied load per rivet
5309 300
p1= 100 N/mm2 --3-
= lOOkN
— 40 x 1 0 — 7.'3 KIt,mm 2 As the-rivetsare in double shear
= 100 N/mm2

f2 x


4= = 1318<14

The bearing stress on the rivetmusta/so be checked.

= 942
p= 100 N/mm2

The bearing stress on the rivet is calculated using

either the thickness of the web of the U.B. cutting
(186 mm) or the combined thickness of the connected
legs ofthe (2) 100 x 75 x 8 angles (16 mm), whichever
Both the connected plies are 31 mm thick. is the lesser,
Therefore the bearing stress on the rivet and—_100 10 x
_30 x 10 = 24C4 N/mm2
26 x314 the allowable
= 367 N/mm2 = 300 N/mm2
and the allowable Connectedparts
= 300 N/mm2 Inspection shows that the actual and allowable
stresseson the connected parts are also 240.4 N/mm2
The bearing stress on the connectedpartsa/so and 300 N/mm2 respectively.
30 x 10 = 367N/mm2 Therefore, the M24 Mild Steel Rivets to BS 4620
26 x314 shown in Fig. 9.37 are satisfactory.

1. "Fundamentals of the use of high tensile bolts in 7. "Specification for Structural Joints using ASTM.
structural connections" P Prynne. Civil Engineering A.325 or A.490 Bolts". American Institute of Steel
and Public Works Review, March and April,1 965. Construction.

2. "Performance of HSFG bolts with countersunk 8. 'Characteristics of HSFG Bolts' C Anderson,

heads" M S G Cullimore and R M Boston. Civil M Phil thesis. Polytechnic of the South Bank.
Engineering and Public Works Review, October,
1972. 9. "Metric Practice for Structural Steelwork", 2nd
Edition. British Constructional Steelwork Associa-
3. "Notes on the load carrying characteristicsof pre- tion.
tensioned bolts— tensioned joints" P J Gill. Jubilee
10. "Steel Designers Manual" 4th Edition. Constrado.
Symposium on High Strength Bolts. Institution of
Structural Engineers, 1 959. Crosby Lockwood Staples.

11. "Fixings in concrete and masonry: an appraisal of

4. "Guide to Design Criteria for Bolted and Riveted
present knowledge," WS Paterson. Technical Note
Joints" J W Fisher and J H A Struik. Fritz Engineer-
51. Construction Industry Research and Information
ingLaboratory, Lehigh University.Wiley. Association.
5. "HSFG bolts — Slip Factors of Protected Faying 12. "The Steel/Concrete Connection". Joint BCSA/
Surfaces" W Black and D S Moss. Report RL 153. Concrete Society Working Party Report.
Transport and Road Research Laboratory, Crow-
thorne, Berks. 13. "European Recommendations for Use of High
Strength Friction Grip Bolts in Structural Steel-
6. "Protection of Steel Faying Surfaces" K Julyan work". European Convention for Constructional
Day. ClRIA Interim Research Report 10. Steelwork.

Shearing and bearing values for
Grade 4.6 and 8.8 bolts

passing through grades 43 and 50 material.


These tables have been extracted from 'Metric Practice for Structural Steelwork", 2nd Edition.



bolt No.of value
shank bolts 80 N/mm2
in mm Thicknessin mm of plate passedthrough

Single Double 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 18 20 22

M12 1 9 18 15 18 21
2 18 36 30 36 42
3 27 54 45 54 63
4 36 72 60 72 84
5 45 90 75 90 105
6 54 109 90 108 126
7 63 127 105 126 147
8 72 145 120 144 168
9 81 163 135 162 189
10 90 181 150 180 210

M16 1 16 32 20 24 28 32 36
2 32 64 40 48 56 64 72
3 48 97 60 72 84 96 108
4 64 129 80 96 112 128 144
5 80 161 100 120 140 160 180
6 97 193 120 144 168 192 216
7 113 225 140 168 196 224 252
8 129 257 160 192 224 256 288
9 145 290 180 216 252 288 324
10 161 322 200 240 280 320 360

M20 1 25 50 25 30 35 40 45 50 60
2 50 101 50 60 70 80 90 100 120
3 75 151 75 90 105 120 135 150 180
4 101 201 100 120 140 160 180 200 240
5 126 251 125 150 175 200 225 250 300
6 151 302 150 180 210 240 270 300 360
7 176 352 175 210 245 280 315 350 420
8 201 402 200 240 280 320 360 400 480
9 226 452 225 270 315 360 405 450 540
10 251 503 250 300 350 400 450 500 600



bolt No. of value
shank bolts 80 N/mm2 —

in mm Thickness in mm of plate passed through

Single Double 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 18 20 22

(M22: 1 30 61 27 33 38 44 49 55 66
2 61 122 65 66 77 88 99 110 732
3 91 182 82 99 115 132 148 165 798
4 122 243 110 132 154 176 198 220 264
5 152 304 137 165 192 220 247 275 330
6 182 365 165 198 231 264 297 330 396
7 213 426 192 231 269 308 346 385 462
8 243 487 220 264 308 352 396 440 528
9 274 547 247 297 346 396 445 495 594
10 304 608 275 330 385 440 495 550 660

M24 1 36 72 30 36 42 48 54 60 72 90
2 72 145 60 72 84 96 108 120 144 180
3 109 217 90 108 126 144 162 180 216 270
4 145 290 120 144 168 192 216 240 288 360
5 181 362 150 180 210 240 270 300 360 450
6 217 434 180 216 252 288 324 360 432 540
7 253 507 210 252 294 336 378 420 504 630
8 290 579 240 288 336 384 432 480 576 720
9 326 651 270 324 378 432 486 540 648 810
10 362 724 300 360 420 480 540 600 720 900

Bearing values printed in light type are less than single shear: Bearing values printed in italic type are equal to or greater than
in these cases, the bearing valuesare the determining factors. double shear: in these cases the shearing values are the
Bearing values printed in bold type are greater than single and
less than double shear, so that in case of: It should be noted that an (M22) bolt is a non-preferred size
(a) single shear, the shearing value is the criterion, but values are included in the above table for the information
(b) doubleshear, the bearing value is the criterion, of thosewishing to adopt this size.
The tabulatedvalues are for bolts in 2 mm clearance holes.



value DIA. OF BOLT
Dia. of 8OO7 785 I
bolt No of 235
shank bolts
in mm 187 N/mm Thickness in mm ofplate passedthrough

Single Double 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 18 20 22

M12 1 21 42 15 18 21 24 27 30 36 45
2 42 85 30 36 42 48 54 60 72 90
3 63 127 45 54 63 72 81 90 108 135
4 85 169 60 72 84 96 108 120 144 180
5 106 211 75 90 105 120 135 150 180 225
6 127 254 90 108 126 144 162 180 216 270
7 148 296 105 126 147 168 189 210 252 315
8 169 338 120 144 168 192 216 240 288 360
9 190 381 135 162 189 216 243 270 324 405
10 211 423 150 180 210 240 270 300 360 450

M16 1 38 75 20 24 28 32 36 40 48 60 72 80
2 75 150 40 48 56 64 72 80 96 120 144 160
3 113 226 60 72 84 96 108 120 144 180 216 240
4 150 301 80 96 112 128 144 160 192 240 288 320
5 188 376 100 120 140 160 180 200 240 300 360 400
6 226 451 120 144 168 192 216 240 288 360 432 480
7 263 526 140 168 196 224 252 280 336 420 504 560
8 301 601 160 192 224 256 288 320 384 480 576 640
9 338 677 180 216 252 288 324 360 432 540 648 720
10 376 752 200 240 280 320 360 400 480 600 720 800

M20 1 59 117 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 75 90 100 110

2 117 235 50 60 70 80 90 100 120 150 180 200 220
3 176 352 75 90 105 120 135 150 180 225 270 300 330
4 235 470 100 120 140 160 180 200 240 300 360 400 440
5 294 587 125 150 175 200 225 250 300 375 450 500 550
6 352 705 150 180 210 240 270 300 360 450 540 600 660
7 411 822 175 210 245 280 315 350 420 525 630 700 770
8 470 940 200 240 280 320 360 400 480 600 720 800 880
9 529 1057 225 270 315 360 405 450 540 675 810 900 990
10 587 1175 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 750 900 1000 1100






Dia.ot 80xO7x785
No.of 235
k 0tS =187 N/mm2 Thickness in mm ofplate passedthrough

Single Double 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 18 20 22

(M22) 1 71 142 27 33 38 44 49 55 66 82 99 110 121

2 142 284 55 66 77 88 99 110 132 165 198 220 242
3 213 426 82 99 115 132 148 165 198 247 297 330 363
4 284 569 110 132 154 176 198 220 264 330 396 440 484
5 355 711 137 165 192 220 247 275 330 412 495 550 605
6 426 852 165 198 231 264 297 330 396 495 594 660 726
7 497 995 192 231 269 308 346 385 462 577 693 770 847
8 569 1137 220 264 308 352 396 440 528 660 792 880 968
9 640 1279 247 297 346 396 445 495 594 742 891 990 1089
10 711 1421 275 330 385 440 495 550 660 825 990 1100 1210

M24 1 85 169 30 36 42 48 54 60 72 90 108 120 132

2 169 338 60 72 84 96 108 120 144 180 216 240 264
3 254 507 90 108 126 144 162 180 216 270 324 360 396
4 338 677 120 144 168 192 216 240 288 360 432 480 528
5 423 846 150 180 210 240 270 300 360 450 540 600 660
6 507 1015 180 216 252 288 324 360 432 540 648 720 792
7 592 1184 210 252 294 336 378 420 504 630 756 840 924
8 677 1353 240 288 336 384 432 480 576 720 864 960 1056
9 761 1522 270 324 378 432 486 540 648 810 972 1080 1188
10 846 1692 300 360 420 480 540 600 720 900 1080 1200 1320

Bearing values printed in light type are less than single shear: Bearing values printed in italic type are equal to or greater than
in these cases, the bearing valuesare the determining factors, double shear: in these cases the shearing values are the
Bearing values printed in bold type are greater than single and
less than double shear, so that in case of: It should be noted that an (M22) bolt is a non-preferred size
(a) single shear, the shearing value is the criterion, but valuesare included in the above table for the information
(b) double shear, the bearing value is the criterion, of those wishing to adopt this size.
The tabulatedvalues are for bolts in 2 mm clearance holes.


Dia.of —80x07x785
bolt No. of 235

shank bolts
in mm =187 N/mm! Thicknessin mm of plate passed through
Single Double 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 18 20 22

M12 1 21 42 21 25 29 34 38 42 50
2 42 84 42 50 59 67 76 84 101
3 63 127 63 76 88 101 113 126 151
4 85 169 84 101 118 134 151 168 202
5 106 211 105 126 147 168 189 210 252
6 127 254 126 151 176 202 227 252 302
7 148 296 147 176 206 235 265 294 353
8 169 338 168 202 235 269 302 336 403
9 190 380 189 227 265 302 340 378 454
10 211 423 210 252 294 336 378 420 504

M16 1 38 75 28 34 39 45 50 56 67 84
2 75 150 56 67 78 90 101 112 134 168
3 113 226 84 101 118 134 151 168 202 252
4 150 301 112 134 157 179 202 224 269 336
5 188 376 140 168 196 224 252 280 336 420
6 226 451 168 202 235 269 302 336 403 504
7 263 526 196 235 274 314 353 392 470 588
8 301 601 224 269 314 358 403 448 538 672
9 338 677 252 302 353 403 454 504 605 756
10 376 752 280 336 393 448 504 560 672 840

M20 1 59 117 35 42 49 56 63 70 84 105 125

2 117 235 70 84 98 112 126 140 168 210 250
3 176 352 105 126 147 168 189 210 252 315 375
4 235 470 140 168 196 224 252 280 336 420 500
5 294 587 175 210 245 280 315 350 420 525 625
6 352 705 210 252 294 336 378 420 504 630 750
7 411 822 245 294 343 392 441 490 588 735 875
8 470 940 280 336 392 448 504 560 672 840 1000
9 529 1057 315 378 441 504 567 630 756 945 1125
10 587 1175 350 420 490 560 630 700 840 1050 1250



Dia. of

bolt No. of 235

shank bolts
=187 N/mm2 Thickness in mm of plate passed through

Single Double 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 20 22

(M22) 1 71 142 38 46 54 62 69 77 92 115 137 154

2 142 284 77 92 108 123 137 154 185 231 277 308
3 238 476 115 137 162 185 208 231 277 346 416 462
4 284 569 154 185 216 246 277 308 370 462 554 616
5 355 711 192 231 269 308 346 385 462 577 693 770
6 426 952 231 277 323 370 416 462 554 693 832 924
7 497 995 269 323 377 431 485 539 647 808 970 1078
8 569 1137 308 370 431 493 554 616 739 924 1109 1232
9 640 1279 346 416 485 554 624 693 832 1040 1247 1386
10 711 1421 385 462 539 616 693 770 924 1155 1386 1540

M24 1 85 169 42 50 59 67 76 84 101 126 151 168 185

2 169 338 84 101 118 134 151 168 202 252 302 336 370
3 254 507 126 151 176 202 227 252 302 378 454 504 554
4 338 677 168 202 235 269 302 336 403 504 605 672 739
5 423 846 210 252 294 336 378 420 504 630 756 840 924
6 507 1015 252 302 353 403 454 504 605 756 907 1008 1109
7 592 1184 294 353 412 470 529 588 706 882 1058 1176 1294
8 677 1353 336 403 470 538 605 672 806 1008 1210 1344 1478
9 761 1522 378 454 529 605 680 756 907 1134 1361 1512 1663
10 846 1692 420 504 588 672 756 840 1008 1260 1512 1680 1848

Bearing values printed in light type are less than single shear: Bearing values printed in italictype are equal to or greater than
in these cases, the bearing values are the determining factors. double shear: in these cases the shearing values are the
Bearing values printed in bold type are greater than single and
less than double shear, so that in case of: It should be noted that an (M22) bolt is a non-preferred size
(a) single shear, the shearing value is the criterion, but values are included in the above table for the information
(b) double shear, the bearing value is the criterion, of those wishing to adopt this size.
The tabulated valuesare for bolts in 2 mm clearance holes.

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