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Lesson Plan In Health

Grade 8
Quarter IV

I.Objectives: at the end of the lesson the students are expected to

A. Identify the 3 smokes produced by cigarettes smoking
B. Cite reasons why teens start smoking.
C. Discuss and share dangers of cigarette smoking.
II. Subject Matter: Prevention of Substances Use and Abuse
Topic: Dangers of Cigarette Smoking.
Materials: Textbook, Chalk,
IIIi. Procedure:
Why do cigarettes and alcohol considered as gateway drugs?
A. Why do teenagers smoke?
B. Video Clip – How do cigarettes affect the body
C. Discussion
Dangers of cigarette smoking
3 smokes
What is in the cigarette

D. Group Activity 10 minutes

The class will be divided into 4 groups. Let them answer the question. Why do young people
start smoking?
IV. Evauation

1. It is a practice in which a substance is burned and the resulting smoke breathed in to be tasted and
absorbed into the bloodstream.
a. Smoking
b. Alcoholism
c. Drug addiction
d. Suffocation

2. It refers to the smoke that the smoker directly inhales.

a. Mainstream smoke
b. Side stream smoke
c. Third-hand Smoke
d. Gateway drugs

3. Which of the following is a reason why teens start smoking early?

a. Cheap prize
b. Curiosity
c. Health reason
d. Permissive society

4. Which of the following is not a dangers of cigarette smoking?

a. Pneumonia
b. High Blood Pressure
c. Dengue
d. Bad Breath

5. Which of the following is not a dangers of cigarette smoking?

a. Pneumonia
b. High Blood Pressure
c. Dengue
d. Bad Breath

V. Assignment: Prints pictures dipecting the effects of smoking on babies.

Prepared by: Friendell S. Arias

 Cigarettes –Tobacco smoking and its detrimental health effects has been a problem in our
society. May parents may brearthe a sigh of relief if their kids were only smoking cifarettes and
not using illegal drugs or alcohol.What parenrt may not know is that tobacco is more than the
first step towardillicit drug addiction and alcohol abuse. Scientists believe that people wh use
tobacco are more lrikely to experiment with otherr drugs. The main ingredient in tobacco is

 Reasons why people smoke – 1. Peer preasurer; 2. Peerr preasure 3. Media Adverrtisment; 4.

 Reasons Why people do not smoke – 1. Itis unhealthy; 2. make cthes smell and teeth yellowish;
3. it is draining waller; 4. it affects one’s atheletic ability; 5. it affects one’s state of mind; 6. It is a
threat to one’s futures; 7. They value family life

 Implication of smoking on the body - The inhalization of vaporirzed gas into the lungs is a quick
way of delivering drugsr int bloodstream and affects the body within less than a second of the
first inhalation. Smoking is the main riskr factor rof Chronic Obstrucrrtive Pulmonaryr Disease
(COPD). The longerrrr and heavier a person smokes; the higher is the risk of COPD. COPD is
prrogrerssive and irrrrversible; there is no cure.
Risks from smoking; cancer, leukemia, chronic diseases, stroke, blindness, gum infection, aortic
rupture,heart disease, pneumonia, hardening of arteries, hronic lung disease and asthma,
rerduced fertility and hip fracture.

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