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Form: 4‐D Date: 12.11.

Theme: Travelling by train
The aims of the lesson

. Listen to the dialogues and answer the questions.

− Hi, Aylar!
− Hello, Meryem!
− Where do your grandparents live, Aylar?
− They live in Tejen and on Sunday we are going to
visit them.
− How are you going to get there?
− We go there by train.
− How long does it take to get there?
− It takes 3 hours and 20 minutes.
b) − Hi, Nurgozel!
− Hello, Maksat!
− Where are you going next summer?

3.Presenting new theme

In the current difficult conditions of our time, Turkmenistan is confidently promoting human-political
initiatives of historical significance in the international arena in the context of maintaining peace on the
planet, protecting the environment, ensuring economic, energy and food security, and effectively
global threats Guided by a neutral legal status and international obligations, our state advocates the
resolution of all issues by political and diplomatic means, mainly through the United Nations and other
major authoritative organizations. Turkmenistan through concrete deeds confirms that the principles of
neutrality, peacefulness, good neighborliness were and remain the basis of its foreign policy.A
resolution of
the UN General Assembly, on its own, is just an expression of a will or an aspiration. At best, it can point
the right direction and provide a roadmap to go there. It is for the members of the United Nations to
their deeds with the words of the resolution to move toward the intended goal in this case the world
being the goal.

Stonehenge Angliýanyň iň uly syýahatçylyk ýerlerinden biridir. we dünýäniň iň uly syrlaryndan biri.
Taryhdan öňki ýadygärlige her ýyl bir million töweregi adam gelýär we köp sanly alym ömrüni öwrenmek
üçin geçirdi. Stonehenge Angliýanyň günorta günbatarynda, Salisuriýde ýerleşýär. Bu ägirt uly daşlaryň
halkasy. Her daşyň beýikligi 4 metr, ini 2,1 metr. Olaryň hersiniň agramy 25 tonna. Miladydan öňki
3000-2000-nji ýyllar aralygynda gurlan bu gadymy daş tegelek. Kimiň gurandygyny ýa-da sebäbini hiç
kim bilenok. Pikirler köp, ýöne hiç kim takyk bilmeýär. Käbir adamlar meşhur lideriň mazarydy
Stonehengeň töwereginde 300-den gowrak kiçi mazar bar, olarda süňkler we käseler, tabaklar we
pyçaklar ýaly gündelik zatlar bar. Beýlekiler Stonehenge dini mekan hasaplaýarlar. Käbirleri bolsa
Stonehenge ullakan gadymy senenama bolup biler öýdýärler we pasyllaryň geçmegini aýtdylar,
Stonehenge gurulmagynyň sebäbi henizem syr bolup galýar. Stonehengeň syryny açmak üçin her ýyl bu
ýere bir million syýahatçy gelýär.

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