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Date: 13-

These plans May be positive negative or enless repeation headed nowehere. A scrit is an ongoing
programme developed in early childhood under parental influence wch directs the indv behaviour in
the most important aspect of hid life.” A script complete pp;an of living offering bith struvtures,
structurs of conjunctions, prescriptions and permissions ansd structure wch makes one winner and
loser in life.:

Thus every person has a script. A persons script may resemble a soap opera, a wild adventure a
tradegy ajoyful comedy or a dull play that bores the players and ouput audience to sleep.

Evey person in hisn life time plays 3 basic roles wch are called as the prsecuter the rescuer, and the
victim. These roles can further be classifies as legitameta and iilegitimate.

Legitimate roles: these roles are realistically appropriate to the situation some legitimate roles are

1 a prosecuter: some who sets necessary limits on behaviour or is charged with enforcing a rule

2. a victim: someone who qualifies for a job but has denied the job bcoz of his gender or religion

3. a resuer: somone who helps aperson who is functioning inadequately to bcome rehabilitated self

Illegitimate roles: the roles are said to iilegitimate if they are used like mass and ppl use them for the
purposes of manipulation. These are number

1. A prosecutor: sompone whop sets unnecessary striuct limstb on behaviour or is chrge with
enforving the rules or thus so with sadistic brutality.

2.A victim: somone who doesnot qualify for a job but falsey claims that it is denied to him bcoz of
race gender or religion.

3. a resuer: somone who in the guise of being hrlpful keep others dependent upon him or her.

Evey person from time to time plays the part of prosecuter, rescuer and victim. A person when
confronted with particular situation acts according to his script wch is based on what he aspects
from his life or how he views his life position.

Game analysis:

When ppl fail to get enough strokes at work. They may try a verity of things. One of the most impmt
thinh is that they pkay psychological games. According eric : “ a game is a recurring sets of
transactions often rrpaeations with a concelled motivation a series of mobs with a share of

A psycological game is a set of transaction with three charcaterristic

1. The trancstions seems to reapested

2. They make sense on superficial or social level
3. One or more of the transcations is ulterior

The sets of transcations end with a predictable pay of – a negavtive feeling. These negavtive
feeling genrally reinforces a decision made in childhood about onself or about others.
Psycologicals games prevents ppl and orgn to bcome winners. However ppl still play
psycological games in the orgn bcoz of the following resons:
1. To get strokes: every person wants to have positive strokes on the job. When they are
not in position to these strokes from the others. They try to play pshycological games to
satisfy their need for stroke.
2. To strengthen life positions: games are genally played to strengthen life positions wch
the ppl hold. If pp, hold none ok positions they try to emphasie it through games analysis
a person acts like a loser in order to ein the game.
3. To avoid or control intimacy: some ppl are afraid of openness, countability and
responsility in relationship such ppl genrally play games to avoid or control intimacy bcoz
games generally put distance between ppl.

Types of games: ppl play games with diff degrees intensity from thr socially accepted
relaxed level to the criminal homisite level. Accpding to eric berren foloeing are some of
1 the first degree game is one wch is socially acceptacble in the agent’s circle
2. a second degree game is one from ech no permnent ireedemable damage arises but
wch the player would council from thr public.
3. a third degree game is one wch is played for keeps and wch aims in the surgery, the
court room or the morbs.

Benefitd of transactional analysis:

1. Transcational analysis is an approach towards understanding human behaviour it is
particularly useful in studying interpersonal relationships. The understanding of Ta
can help us in following ways:
a. Improved interpersonal communication: with the help of TA ppl can understand
teir own persona;lity.
b. It can help them undertand y ppl sometimes respind as they do. With the help of
TA a manager can understand WHEN A cross communiactoand and he can
immediately take step to convert it int0o cmplementary tranasacstions
c. Source of psychic energy: the purpose TA is to bring positiuve approach towards
life and hence posistiev actions. A clear change can be brought from negative
feelings to positive feelings such a cagnge from negative attitude to pistive
attutufr is a source of psyhic energy
d. Undertasnding the ego states: with the help of pa manager swill be able to
identify the egon stTES FROm wch both parties are intercating. A better
understding of themslecebs and of other ppl will make them more comfortable,
confident and effective.
4. Motivation : TA helps in changing the managerial style from suitable to the emergent
situation. TA can be applied very successfully in motivation whwere it will help in
satisfying human needs through cimplenmentary tranacstiosn snd positive strokes.
5. Organizational development: john Geward has identifies the role of TA in six areas of
organisatonal development.
1. To amaitian dult trnastion
2. To gv an ok to the natural child
3. To identify and untangle quicly crossed transcayions
4. To minimse destruvtive game plane
5. To maximise encounters
6. To develop supportive systems policies and work environment

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