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New devotee training Program

Strong morning Program - 4:15-9 am

 All temple devotees from any department involved in any service should Join Morning
program to inspire new devotees.
 Late comers must write prescribed Hare Krishna Mahamantras
 No services or planning during morning Program exccept pujaris and cook.everything
should be informed in advance or wait till end of Japa session. Medical or other
emergencies()can be excused.
 Devotees Chant together and go for taking prasadam together and attend Sb class regularly
 All matters should be dealt by devotee in Charge only till training program ends and
devotees are allotted to other dept,Direct communication with new devotees should be
avoided by other temple devotees specially allotting services
 Weekly meeting on progress of Morning program and discussion based on sadhana report
card by devotee in charge with new devotees and monthly meeting with Temple mgt.
 More Stress on improving basic sadhana – chanting 16 mala, 4 regulations & reading SP
Books should be overall Goal of New Devotee Training.

Counseling system – harmony & Cooperation for successful results

 Devotees get instructions from only one person
 No fault finding without following Sandwich Rule
 In charge gives backup to services could not be attended by sick devotee.
 Emotional, physical and mental care for new devotees should be there through
individual meetings every 15 days or whenever needed
 Temple services where other devotees are also involved must be well explained and
both parties should cooperate as and when required.
 Temple mgt must report in charge about any shortcomings and solve it internally
 Temple mgt should always inspire new devotees for continuing in brahmacari ashram
and sincere service through sessions and meetings in presence of incharge.

Whole day Curriculum

4-9 am - Morning Program

7-7:30 am - Breakfast
9-10 am - clean clothes and dry them
10-11:30 Session (weekly 3 days)
Cleaning different areas within temple (weekly 4 days )
11:30-12:30 pm-
12-1 pm- Bath & Prasadam

1-2 pm – Brahmacari class (weekly 4 Days)

Compound Cleaning Washing Utensils (weekly 3

2-3 pm Rest

3-4 pm Read prabhupada books

4-6 pm Class and Co curricular activities
6-7 pm - Sandhya arati
7-7:30 pm - Gita study
7:30 -Prasadam
8 pm - Sp lecture hearing
9 pm -Sleep

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