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Date 10- 08- 21

Stroking : its is a important aspect of transcatio0nal amanl;yisis. Its refers to some klimnd of
recpgnition tyop the pother. Stro0kes are exchange qwhweneberb to p[erson intyeract weoth each
pother . the word originated from the stiudioes of thr need that babaies have for false affection for
compl;ete physcolofgivcal development. As we greow from infancy to child hopod and adulthood,
we do not entirtely lose our need fopr stoking. A part5 of origibal need for physical srojinf see3md to
be satisfied wioth symbolic stroking like verbal recogniotion and eye conatact between persons. Lack
of stroking acan have negavtiuve consequemnsxces nopth on phsilogical p[hsycological wellbeing of
a person. Ionfact strokes are basic uinit mirtivation bcoz no 1 the quality and quantiotyb odf
stytoke4s seves as either rrpositive or negative motibation for wemployess.

2. a good sure of satyisfaction w get gfrom wprk depeds upon the strokes aval from otherv ppl.

3 when we get strokes from thr activites of work itse;f. of what we are doing really fits and we can
takwe responsivbility fo0r it.

Ther rare 3 tyopes of strokes:

1. Positive strokes the stokes that make one feel gd is positive stroke. Recogniytion, ap[porval,
fats on the back, are somwe of the xeamnples p0d positibew stroke. For positive result on
the jobs it is crucial to give positive stokes to the people.

2. Negavtive strokes: a stroke that makes ojnew feek por not gd is a negavtive stroke.
Negavtive stroke hurt physically od physicigocally. Hating cristiocsing amnd scolding are the
exmaples of it.

3.Mixed stroking : a stroke may be of a miexed typ-e also . EX: THE BOSS”S COMMENT TO W
worker “ u did an wonderful wpork inspite of limited experience”. Excellent job is a positive
stroke amnd lack of xeperinece is a negatice stroke

Ppl donot alwys seek positive stoke. The negavtive srtopke comp0letss a social transcatiomn
as they cnge it should be and provides social equilibrium from the point of view. Ppl feel
relieved of their guilt if they get the expected negative stroke.

In a laymen”s sview
In ta a perwso life is compared to a play and the script is the tyext iof thata p[lay. As
Shakespeare said” all the world ia stage and all the man and women are th plaruyers . theyv
bahev therev exits and there enterancves,. Each man imn his time oplays many parts.”
A person;s psucolopgical script is drama he or she writes amd then feels compelled to leave
out. These pland may be piositibe negavtivbe or corculaer endless repeation headed no

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