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The Art Bulletin

ISSN: 0004-3079 (Print) 1559-6478 (Online) Journal homepage:

Digital Art History

Kirk Ambrose

To cite this article: Kirk Ambrose (2015) Digital Art History, The Art Bulletin, 97:3, 245-245, DOI:

To link to this article:

Published online: 23 Sep 2015.

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Download by: [George Mason University] Date: 30 March 2016, At: 01:36
Digital Art History

The online version of the present issue features the first image. Digital humanities initiatives have yielded myriad
digital supplement to a feature article in The Art Bulletin, insights within a variety of disciplines, including the history of
for Halle O’Neal’s essay, “Performing the Jeweled Pagoda art. For this reason, I encourage future contributors to con-
Mandalas.” This animated video (available on our copublisher’s sider how they might take advantage of the possibilities that
website at the journal’s new online platform presents.
demonstrates the sequence of the application of characters
to a Japanese scroll, thereby yielding insights into how the KIRK AMBROSE
building blocks of a text were repurposed to create an Editor-in-Chief
Downloaded by [George Mason University] at 01:36 30 March 2016

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