If I Were A Billionare

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“If I were a Billionaire”

A giant mansion, a luxurious supercar, a thousand hectare landscape, an island, a trip to

Vegas, that is what most people will say when they have billions of dollars. Other people would
carelessly spend these much amount of money, and unknowingly it would run out immediately.
However, other though kept their billions to a safe, vault, or a bank and not spent it at all having
the anxiety that it would run out if used. Efficiency or using it efficiently would be the best for a
billionaire to do, and I would to it for the greater good.
What if one day, I am a billionaire? I have many plans on spending, keeping, and
preserving it. Firstly, as a renter I want a decent house for me and my family, a car, and the
dream farm of my father. These things are an appreciation gifts for my parents for their
sacrifices for me. I will give them the things that they wanted and if they wanted to travel, I
would lovely to sponsor them. It may be small worth for a billionaire to buy, but for us that were
not used to having such much money, it is a great property investments. Secondly, I would like
to establish my own business which I dreamed of having a cafe and expand it with branches if it
is successful. I want to have this business not only to earn but to let other people my food. I
believed that through food, I could give my love and passion about it. I also wanted to have my
own accounting firm to be able to help other business on their management. Thirdly,
investments are great to preserve and in the future I could get extra income from it. Investing to
stocks is so popular nowadays. A person who invests in this kind of business may not work at
all and your money would double if you choose the right company to invest in. Yes it is a risk but
it is worth it in the long run. Next, help my friends. Next, build a foundation or donate to charities.
Having so much money is not worth it if you will only keep and use for your own benefit. Helping
the community is a great help for a country that poverty is inevitable. Giving free education or
scholarships to the ones who are in need, the one could not afford can be benefited from the
foundation and charity donations. The business that I will establish could give opportunities as
jobs for the community. Another, put funds for my future children. It is important to also plan for
the future for my children if I will have. Money is not stable in the world. My business or my
investment could go bankrupt, it is a possibility. We should expect the unexpected and
education is very important for any person. Lastly, save it on bank if there will be left.
Having billions of money may be a result of winning in a game of chance such us lotto or
casino, being “lucky” and successful in business or even borne with it. Whatever it came from,
the best thing should be done is to use it efficiently and effectively. Not only one person should
be benefited because this much money and will always affect all. Greed will always pull down
the most successful person. He may be a millionaire or a billionaire, greed will destroy his life.
Love for money is so sad that they believe that money could buy happiness. No one really loves
a person who is a billionaire because people only want their money, the greedy people that
surround them. Remember, money will never buy one’s happiness.

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