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The internet has proven to be an important resource for both business and personal use.

internet has made its way more so into our personal lives as we use it to access the office from
home through vpn connections ,submit school papers ,purchase things we want and need and
also help us catch up with friends and family. Social media is a huge part of the internet and it
draws both individuals and businesses together in ways never seen before. When the internet
first opened up to the public, there were very few recourses that users could access but since
then ,we have seen a blow out of information that can be accessed from the internet.
Information is an integral part of what the internet represents and this is more evident in the 21st
century with the dawn of customization. The internet has found a way to customize views for all
users accessing the internet whereby even news site home screens are different for all users
depending on their preferences. While this seems convenient to most users ,a lot has to be noted
goes into making this possible.
Customization speaks to usability of the internet and customization ensures that the internet
caters to all demographics and therefore drawing more people to it. The masses being drawn to
the internet is not done for fun but mostly for business .The internet may in some cases be the
end all be all that drives business and business decisions. With this in mind ,entities have had to
go to extra lengths to make the internet and more so their websites a great convenience store for

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new and returning users. However ,this convenience comes at a cost and over the years a lot
has has been given up by the online user. While customization increases usability ,it does not

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guarantee privacy. Privacy forms a level of security that you are not being watched as you chat
with your family from across the globe or buy that item online. But that may not be the case .This

is because as users traverse the internet and go through websites, they leave remnants that they
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were there. This usually is a data file with your user details such as location ,ip address, user
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name. These details were initially used to make your website visit better every time but over the
years has been used more for malicious intent than for good. The internet never forgets and this
is because of these remnants we keep dropping every time we are online.
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