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Migrating from TensorRT 4 to 5

TensorRT 5.0 includes an all new Python API. The python bindings have been entirely
and significant changes and improvements were made. This page highlights some of
these changes and outlines
the steps you can take to migrate your existing Python code to TensorRT 5.

Legacy Compatibility
It is possible to continue using the legacy API by importing the TensorRT legacy
Simply replace ``import tensorrt as trt`` (for example) with ``import
tensorrt.legacy as trt`` in your scripts.
Eventually, legacy support will be dropped, so it is still advisable to migrate to
the new API.

The new API removes the ``infer``, ``parsers``, ``utils``, and ``lite`` submodules.
Instead, all functionality is now included in the top-level ``tensorrt`` module.

Create and Destroy Functions

The new API no longer includes create and destroy functions. Constructors are used
for object creation and
destruction is instead handling by scoping (that is, when an object goes out of
the garbage collecter can free it). It is also possible to destroy objects manually
``del trt_object``. Note that ``del`` only decrements the reference count of the
- it is still up to the garbage collecter to free it. If you really want to free
memory immediately, you can instead
invoke the object's ``__del__`` function.

The above changes apply to the following classes:

| Legacy API | New
| ``G_LOGGER = trt.infer.ConsoleLogger(trt.infer.LogSeverity.WARNING)`` |
``TRT_LOGGER = trt.Logger(trt.Logger.WARNING)`` |
| ``builder = trt.infer.create_infer_builder(logger)`` |
``builder = trt.Builder(logger)`` |
| ``runtime = trt.infer.create_infer_runtime(logger)`` |
``runtime = trt.Runtime(logger)`` |
| ``parser = trt.parsers.caffeparser.create_caffe_parser()`` |
``parser = trt.CaffeParser()`` |
| ``parser = trt.parsers.uffparser.create_uff_parser()`` |
``parser = trt.UffParser()`` |
| ``parser.destroy()`` # Or any other TensorRT object | ``del
parser`` # with ... as ... clauses strongly preferred (see below) |

It is generally advisable to scope objects using ``with ... as ...`` clauses.

TensorRT classes implement ``__exit__`` in such a way that
instances are destroyed immediately. Therefore, unlike the ``del`` operator,
``with ... as ...`` clauses free memory immediately when a TensorRT object goes out
of scope.

For example, building an engine from an ONNX file using ``with ... as ...`` might
look something like this:

import tensorrt as trt

TRT_LOGGER = trt.Logger(trt.Logger.WARNING)
ONNX_MODEL = "mnist.onnx"

def build_engine():
with trt.Builder(TRT_LOGGER) as builder, builder.create_network() as
network, trt.OnnxParser(network, TRT_LOGGER) as parser:
# Configure the builder here.
builder.max_workspace_size = 2**30
# Parse the model to create a network.
with open(ONNX_MODEL, 'rb') as model:
# Build and return the engine. Note that the builder, network and
parser are destroyed when this function returns.
return builder.build_cuda_engine(network)

Data Types
Data types have been given short-hand aliases to better align with naming
conventions established by Python libraries such as NumPy.

| Legacy API | New API |
| ``trt.infer.DataType.FLOAT`` | ``trt.float32`` |
| ``trt.infer.DataType.HALF`` | ``trt.float16`` |
| ``trt.infer.DataType.INT32`` | ``trt.int32`` |
| ``trt.infer.DataType.INT8`` | ``trt.int8`` |

Getters and Setters

Where possible, the new API exposes attributes rather than getters and setters.
Importantly, getters that take an argument, and setters that either take multiple
arguments or
have a return value have been preserved, as these do not correspond directly to a
single object attribute.

In general, attribute and function names align with NumPy naming conventions.
That is, ``shape`` is used in place of ``get_dimensions``, ``dtype`` instead of
``nbytes`` instead of ``size``, ``num`` instead of ``nb`` and so on.

In most cases, it is enough to simply drop the ``get_`` or ``set_`` prefix:

| Legacy API | New API
| ``builder.set_fp16_mode(True)`` | ``builder.fp16_mode = True``
| ``int8_mode = builder.get_int8_mode()`` | ``int8_mode = builder.int8_mode``
| ``builder.set_max_workspace_size(1 << 20)`` | ``builder.max_workspace_size = 1 <<
20`` |

In other cases, you can apply the aforementioned rules:

| Legacy API | New API
| ``num_inputs = network.get_nb_inputs()`` | ``num_inputs =
network.num_inputs`` |
| ``input_shape = network.get_input(0).get_dimensions()`` | ``input_shape =
network.get_input(0).shape`` |
| ``input_type = network.get_input(0).get_type()`` | ``input_type =
network.get_input(0).dtype`` |

:class:`tensorrt.Dims`, :class:`tensorrt.Permutation` Behave Like Iterables

The :class:`tensorrt.Dims` class, and all its subclasses as well as the
class are interchangeable with Python iterables (such as tuples and lists).

Where previously you would have written code like this:

# Legacy API
dims = network.get_input(0).get_dimensions().to_DimsCHW() # Need to explicitly
convert to DimsCHW.
arr = np.random.randint(5, size=(dims.C(), dims.H(), dims.W())) # Cannot
directly use Dims where iterables are expected.

dims2 = engine.get_binding_dimensions(1).to_DimsCHW()
# Compute volume. This will differ between different subclasses of Dims.
elt_count = dims2.vol() # This will not work for DimsHW or DimsNCHW, for
# Or equivalently,
elt_count = dims2.C() * dims2.H() * dims2.W()

It is now possible to write:


# New API
dims = network.get_input(0).shape # All Dims subclasses behave like iterables,
so we don't care about the exact subclass.
arr = np.random.randint(5, size=dims) # Dims act exactly like any other

dims2 = engine.get_binding_shape(1)
# Compute volume. Works for any iterable, including lists and tuples.
elt_count = trt.volume(dims2)
# Or equivalently,
elt_count = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, dims2)

Lightweight :class:`tensorrt.Weights`
Previously, the :class:`tensorrt.Weights` class would perform deep-copies of any
buffers used to create weights.
To better align with the C++ API, and for the sake of efficiency, the new bindings
no longer create
these deep copies, but instead increment the reference count of the existing
Therefore, modifying the buffer used to create a :class:`tensorrt.Weights` object
will also modify the :class:`tensorrt.Weights` object.

Note that the :class:`tensorrt.ICudaEngine` will still create its own copies of
weights internally.
The above only applies to :class:`tensorrt.Weights` created before engine
construction (when using the Network API, for example).

:class:`tensorrt.Weights` Behave like NumPy Arrays

The :class:`tensorrt.Weights` class is now interchangeable with NumPy arrays.
More concretely, this means that NumPy arrays can be used directly wherever
:class:`tensorrt.Weights` objects are expected - no explicit conversion required.
Furthermore, the API now returns NumPy arrays instead of Weights objects.

:class:`tensorrt.CaffeParser` Returns NumPy Arrays

The ``parse_binary_proto`` function of the :class:`tensorrt.CaffeParser` now
returns NumPy arrays instead of ``BinaryProtoBlob`` objects.

``enqueue`` Is Now ``execute_async``

To better match CUDA naming conventions, :class:`tensorrt.IExecutionContext` 's
``enqueue`` function has been renamed to ``execute_async``.

Keyword Arguments and Default Parameters

All functions and constructors in the new API now use named parameters.
Additionally, they include default arguments where possible to better mirror the C+
+ API.

Where previously, you had to order function parameters correctly:


# Legacy API
context.enqueue(batch_size, bindings, stream.handle, None)

You can now use keyword arguments instead:


# New API
context.execute_async(stream_handle=stream.handle, bindings=bindings,

Serializing and Deserializing Engines

The :class:`tensorrt.IHostMemory` class now implements Python's buffer interface.
This means that serialized engines can be treated like any other Python buffer.

Serializing An Engine

# New API
with open("sample.engine", "wb") as f:

Deserializing An Engine

# New API
with open("sample.engine", "rb") as f, trt.Runtime(TRT_LOGGER) as runtime:
engine = runtime.deserialize_cuda_engine(

Migrating Plugins

Using Pybind11
SWIG-based wrappers are incompatible with TensorRT's pybind11-based bindings. In
order to migrate existing plugins,
you need to write a pybind11-based wrapper for the plugin. Typically, this involves
writing bindings for the plugin itself,
as well as the PluginFactory. For more details, refer to the `fc_plugin_caffe_mnist
guide/index.html#fc_plugin_caffe_mnist>`_ sample.

You can refer to the `Pybind11 User Guide

<>`_ for detailed information on pybind11
Using the Plugin Registry
Alternatively, it is possible to bypass the need for bindings completely by using
the plugin registry. This involves two steps:

1. Build a shared object file for the plugin. Make sure the
``REGISTER_TENSORRT_PLUGIN`` macro is used in the plugin implementation.
2. In python, load the file created above using ``ctypes.CDLL()``

At this point, you can add plugins to your network using the
which can be retrieved with :func:`tensorrt.get_plugin_registry`. For more details,
refer to the `uff_custom_plugin <
developer-guide/index.html#uff_custom_plugin>`_ sample.

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