Volume 107, Issue 3

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August 13 2021 • Volume 107, Issue 3 • nique.


Design by Amanda Wang Student Publications

2 • August 13, 2021 • technique FRESHMAN SURVIVAL GUIDE //WELCOME

The South’s Liveliest College Newspaper

Janat Batra

Taylor Gray
for the past 17+ months has This is why I will not dwell state of darkness, that you still NEWS EDITOR:
JANAT BATRA taught me anything, it’s that too long on how hard Tech can feel some excitement even if it’s Maya Torres
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF the last thing you want to leave be — yes, the academics are rig- accompanied by some anxiety, OPINIONS EDITOR:
college with is regret. When we orous, and yes, the pressure of and that you take see this as
Micah Veillon
If the past three years at Tech were first told to leave campus being on campus surrounded an opportunity to make new
have taught me anything, it is because of some “new virus’’ by so many students succeed- memories and gain new expe-
Hope Williams
to let go of any and all expecta- spreading around, I was a sec- ing when it seems like you are riences (safely) to make up for
tions of what college should be, ond-year. Now, as I head into my drowning can seem immense at the lost time.
and open yourself to everything fourth and final year at Tech, I times. But this incoming class The good news is, once you Emma Ryan
it can be. If Tech was your first still think about the events I sat has already faced much worse, so hit rock bottom, the only place SPORTS EDITOR:
choice, then great — congratu- out on during my last “normal’ feel proud that you are entering you can go is up. I have the ut- Will Fuss
lations! If it wasn’t, like it wasn’t semester on campus and wish I this new phase of life despite all most confidence that if this gen- DESIGN EDITOR:
for me, then that’s also great — had willed myself to go to that of the momentous occasions that eration can live through a pan- Amanda Wang
this is your opportunity to make one birthday party, that last staff have been stolen from you before demic and make it this far, then PHOTO EDITOR:
college what you want it to be. meeting for the Technique or- this — the canceled proms, vir- you will make it at Tech. More Dani Sisson
Take the classes that interest gotten one last pretzel from the tual graduations, unsaid good- than that, you will thrive (not ONLINE EDITOR:
you, go to every organization’s Auntie Anne’s in the old Student byes and so much more. all the time if we’re being hon- Sarah Miller
meeting that piques your inter- Center before it was torn down. Some of you might have faced est, but at least sometimes!). If TECHNOLOGY EDITOR:
est; stick with some, and drop More than that, living more personal tragedy over the you are not yet confident in your Rahul Deshpande
the others you don’t want to through a pandemic for the past past year and a half than ever ability to succeed at Tech, know HEAD COPY EDITOR:
stay involved in. Find a space for 17+ months has also taught me before like losing a loved one, that at the very least, you are re- Madhura Gangal
yourself on campus that you can that even if we do open our- being sick yourself or just living silient, and resilience alone can
call your own, and the friend- selves up to new opportunities in a constant state of anxiety due take you a long way in this world
ships and memories will follow. and try new things, the world to the state of the world, and for and on this campus.
Founded in 1911, the Technique is the
If you close one door, don’t be might have completely different that, I am so sorry. I hope that I would wish you the best of student newspaper of the Georgia In-
afraid to open it back up later. plans and throw everything out coming to Tech will be a shin- luck, but I don’t think you need stitute of Technology and is an official
If living through a pandemic the window. That’s okay, too. ing light for you in this current it. Welcome to Tech! publication of the Georgia Tech Board
of Student Publications. The Technique

The History of the Technique

publishes on Fridays weekly in the fall
and spring and biweekly in the summer.
ADVERTISING: Information can be
found online at nique.net/ads. The dead-
line for reserving ad space is Friday at
The ‘Nique, as we call ourselves, had its humble tion of the Institute in 1961. Of course, we have kept 5 p.m. one week before publication. To
beginnings on Nov. 17, 1911. Apparently, we were up faithful coverage of Tech sporting events, includ- place a reservation, for billing informa-
tion or for any other questions please e-
just as preoccupied back then as we are now with ing the 222–0 whopper of a football victory (the larg-
mail us at ads@nique.net. You may reach
our football rivalry against U[sic]GA — our first issue est college football victory in history) over Cumber- us at (404) 894-2830, Monday through
revolved around an upcoming game against our old land College in 1916. Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
foe (a game that we lost, incidentally) and featured an Today, we are published monthly during the sum-
article by legendary coach John Heisman. mer and weekly during the fall and spring semes- COVERAGE REQUESTS : Requests for
At the time, we were Tech’s second student news- ters, with the exception of “Dead Week,” Finals Week, coverage and tips should be submitted to
paper, preceded by The Georgia Tech. In 1916, the pa- Spring Break and the occasional pandemic. the Editor-in-Chief and/or the relevant
pers merged, and since our name survived, we like to Around 30 students keep our paper running year- section editor.
pride ourselves on being Tech’s longest running stu- round, and of course, we always welcome new writers,
Copyright © 2021, Janat Batra, Editor-
dent newspaper.We have chronicled everything from photographers and editors, so please come check us in-Chief, and the Georgia Tech Board
the first appearance of George P. Burdell on Tech’s out if you are interested. We meet at 7 p.m. on Tues- of Student Publications. No part of this
rosters in 1920 to the peaceful, voluntary desegrega- days in the Flag Building Room 137. paper may be reproduced in any man-
ner without written permission from the

Fast Facts: Editor-in-Chief or from the Board of

Student Publications. The ideas expressed
herein are those of the individual authors
• Circulation: 7,000 papers/week • We want you to join us! and do not necessarily represent the views
of the Board of Student Publications, the

• New issues come out every Friday • Check us out at nique.net

students, staff or faculty of the Georgia
Institute of Technology or the University
System of Georgia. First copy free — for
additional copies call (404) 894-2830


hey freshmen, READ THE NIQUE!

and write for the nique too
and also submit slivers so you can see your words in this fun box
West is best, East is also best, it literally doesn’t matter
Thank you Taylor and Janat for all you do, y’all are amazing!
who wants to take Russian apocalyptic literature?
have a great first week of classes!
can it stop raining please
when concerts make a comeback, I’m begging y’all to put down
your phone and live in the moment PLEASE
can we talk about how stevie nicks isn’t going to shaky knees
anymore and how I bought tickets primarily to just see her
why does Strings (Reprise) - 2020 Remaster by Young the Giant
go so hard but hurt so bad
happy 5 months bby :)
aye-yo, CM Chicken slaps big time though
lemme tell you, eating fries after a year of doing keto is like biting
into heaven
who let me be an editor at this prestigious student newspaper
shoutout to whoever makes the strawberry refreshers at the book-
store starbucks because they are significantly better than the re-
freshers at the Standard starbucks
happpy birthday to everyone with a summer birthday, y’all are
god’s strongest soldiers
can i get a go jackets in the chat
i love you jimmy!
help! I’m trapped in the slivers box!
//RESOURCES FRESHMAN SURVIVAL GUIDE technique • August 13, 2021 3

ship positions.
LIFE STAFF WRITER ter, located in Suite 140 on the
lower level of the Flag Building,
Freshman year can bring con- offers safe spaces for LGBTQIA
fusion and difficulty when adjust- students to understand their
ing to a new environment. Many identities and connect with other
freshmen will need support dur- Queer people on campus. The
ing their first year of college, as Center provides resources and
well as throughout their college programming to educate students,
career. Tech offers several resourc- staff and faculty on LGBTQIA is-
es to provide a helping hand in sues and encourages discussions
these situations. on equity, diversity and inclu-
sion for the Queer community on
Institute Diversity, Equity, and IA centered programming and a
Inclusion (IDEI) is the hub for all collection of literature and DVDs
diversity and inclusion resources for education purposes.
at Tech. This office includes the The Office of Hispanic Initia-
Office of Student Diversity and tives is a part of IDEI’s Center for
Inclusion, Title IX resources and Student Diversity and Inclusion.
ADA enforcement resources. The office provides programming Photo by Taylor Gray Student Publications
IDEI also has resources for stu- and support for Hispanic/Latino The Smithgall Student Services Building, also known as the Flag Building,
dents of color, disabled students, members of the Tech community, houses numerous resources such as the LGBTQIA and Women’s Resource Center.
LGBTQIA students and women. specifically students, prospective
Their office is in the A. French students and their families. Their ACADEMICS reception desk is located in Suite seling Center, located in the Flag
Building, Suite 231. office is in the Center for Student Students seeking academic 273, open Monday through Fri- Building, offers a variety of servic-
The Office of Disability Ser- Diversity and Inclusion in the support and guidance can consult day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. es such as group counseling, drug
vices (ODS) is tasked with creat- Chapin Building. Academic Advisement. Advisors The Undergraduate Research and alcohol counseling and Life
ing a more equitable and acces- The Office of Minority Educa- provide information and sup- Opportunities Program (UROP), Skills workshops.
sible educational experience for all tion and Development (OMED) port to help students reach their located in Suite 205 of the CULC, Students can seek psychiat-
members of the Tech community. is concerned with the retention academic and professional goals. is currently operating in hybrid ric care from Stamps Psychiatric
Students can register with ODS and development of minority stu- There are also options for explor- format. UROP provides students Clinic. Students can receive psy-
to receive educational accom- dent groups, specifically Black, atory advising to learn more about an opportunity to begin involve- chiatric evaluations and medica-
modations. ODS offers accom- Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous and a particular program or major. ment in research during their un- tion management from board-
modations for a variety of dis- multiracial students. The office Each major has their own advisor dergraduate experience. UROP certified physicians and care
abilities, including learning and provides tutoring, career guid- or advisors, so check their website provides structured guidance, coordinators through student
intellectual disabilities, chronic ance and support to students to locate the advisor or advisors support resources, incentives and health services. Stamps Health
illnesses and physical disabilities. through initiatives and program- for a particular program and to encouragement to improve the Services is located in the Joseph
Their office is located in the Flag ming such as the Women of Color schedule an advising appoint- students’ research experience. Brown Whitehead Building.
Building. Initiative (WOCI). ment, advising.gatech.edu. Students can also get support
The Women’s Resource Center, WOCI is committed to the Tutoring and academic sup- HEALTH AND WELLBEING and accommodations during dif-
also located in the Flag Building, advancement of women through port is available to all students Students in need of mental ficult times by contacting the
promotes intersectional gender collaborative efforts throughout through the Office of Undergrad- health resources and counsel- Office of the Dean of Students
equity through support resources, the greater city of Atlanta, rec- uate Education (OUE). Services ing, first, must do intake and as- through the Division of Student
collaboration and leadership op- ognizing the contributions of include 1-to-1 tutoring, drop-in sessment through the Center for Life at studentlife.gatech.edu.
portunities for women at Tech. women of color and addressing tutoring and Peer Led Undergrad- Assessment, Referral, and Edu- The Division of Student
The Center hosts programming inequity at the intersection of race uate Study (PLUS). Tutoring ser- cation (CARE), located in the Life also provides resources
including the Women’s Leader- and gender. OMED is a part of vices are located on the 2nd floor Flag Building. and support for students deal-
ship Conference and Women’s the Center for Student Diversity of the CULC. The main office of After the primary assessment, ing with food, housing or fi-
Awareness Month events, where and Inclusion and is located in the academic and tutoring services students may be referred to on or nancial insecurity through
students can participate in leader- Chapin Building. is in Suite 283, and the tutoring off campus resources. The Coun- STAR services.
4 • August 13, 2021 • technique FRESHMAN SURVIVAL GUIDE // GETTING INVOLVED

or WreckStop Express, for stu- NEW IAC MINORS clubs, religious and spiritual
KRISTIN HSU dents to buy select grocery items, While many of us are excited MORGAN WHITTEMORE groups, and many other types of
CONTRIBUTING WRITER assorted beverages and more! to pursue a major at Tech, a mi- NEWS STAFF WRITER organizations.
nor can be just as valuable to our Some serve all of campus, like
To be completely honest, I still RETURN OF LIBRARY BOOKS future. So you’ve moved onto cam- the Student Government Asso-
feel like a junior in high school. To prevent the spread of germs Tech currently has over 70 mi- pus, gotten settled in, made a few ciation, while others just focus on
Due to the ongoing pandemic, during the height of the COV- nors available to undergraduate friends and almost know your way their members.
my junior year was cut short, my ID-19 pandemic, Tech’s Library students, and the Ivan Allen Col- around Tech. The best way to experi-
senior year was entirely virtual went paperless last year. An empty lege of Liberal Arts just launched Now what? Unless you want ence these is to just put your-
and all of a sudden, I’m a fresh- library? That should be illegal. two more: “African Studies” and to spend the next few years holed self out there and join clubs that
man again. This experience may Well, we have good news. The “Latin American and Latinx up in your room studying, it’s interest you.
sound familiar, and it is totally books are back! Studies (LAT).” Minors often time for you to get involved at It’s easier to drop organiza-
normal to feel nervous or anxious This fall, library shelves will be complement a major or allow your new college, and the best tions than join them later in the
for what’s to come. full of more than 30,000 physi- students to explore other areas way to do that is through student year, so don’t be afraid to really
But unlike the uncertainty we cal volumes and over 1.8 million of interest; the “African Studies” organizations. branch out.
were met with this past year, there titles in cold storage at the Library and “LAT” minors both stimulate Tech has over 400 chartered Remember that some organi-
is one thing we know for sure: Service Center. Now we can all go interdisciplinary study, encourag- clubs and organizations on cam- zations will need you to commit
Tech has so much in store for us back to soaking in the comfort- ing students to learn more about pus, each with their own unique to them sooner than later. For
over the next four (or more) years ing, sweet and musky smell of current issues and the global goals and activities. example, students interested in
that not even COVID can take aged books. community. The first step for wading Greek Life are required to register
these things away from us. through this massive pool of for and attend Rush Week.
Here is some exciting news for ECOCOMMONS GRAND OPENING STUDENT CENTER REOPENING groups is to visit Engage @ GT Some organizations will al-
Tech’s rising freshman class to Since we have spent so much The Student Center will soon online, which features a mas- ready list their first meetings on
look forward to in the next few time in quarantine and social dis- be reopening during our time at ter directory of all chartered Engage, but if you don’t want to
years. From recent announce- tancing from others, most of us Tech! Tech’s Student Center is the organizations. spend more time online this year,
ments to long term developments, have started going on more pic- central hub for campus life, pro- The site lets you select certain you can also go to the Student
this list highlights the best part nics, taking walks at local parks/ viding a complete range of social, criteria to narrow your search and Org Fair on Aug. 31 to meet orga-
about being a freshman again. trails and getting more in touch artistic, cultural and recreational provides information about what nization leaders in person.
with nature. activities for the campus commu- each organization does. Most clubs will have tables at
NEW DINING OPTIONS Tech’s EcoCommons, 80 acres nity to enjoy. Once logged in, you can re- the event to tell you about what
Tech Dining recently an- of revitalized greenspace, was cre- The Student Center was first quest to join organizations on En- they do and to recruit people to
nounced a new initiative to ated to reduce stormwater runoff, formally critiqued and evaluated gage, and most organizations will their organization, and there will
produce better quality food and increase biodiversity and support in 2005 and has been through a include how to become further be free food and swag available
improve the overall dining experi- living-learning laboratories on series of renovations since May involved on their page. as well.
ence for students. campus. 2020. This 36-month project They may also have informa- The event starts at 11 a.m. on
Using student input, they Modeling efficiency and sus- is speculated to be complete in tion on whether they require Tech Green and will be a great op-
created a team of top-notch cu- tainability, the construction of Spring 2022. membership dues or if they will portunity to find ways to get in-
linary professionals to focus on the EcoCommons was recently Rising freshmen will soon be be operating online or in person volved on campus.
high-quality entrees, introduce completed in Spring 2021, and a able to enjoy the Student Center this year. Organizations can also The most important thing to
authentic international dishes and new section of the EcoCommons along with upperclassmen who list their events on the site, and do as you try to get involved on
expand vegan/vegetarian options. is now open for all of campus to have been patiently waiting for its events open to all of campus can campus is to read the Technique
Students now have unlim- enjoy. With over ten years of plan- reopening for months. always be seen on the homepage of each week and come to our first
ited meal swipes, so you can en- ning and design, the newest sec- Our senior year of high school Engage. meeting for this year.
joy all-you-care-to-eat dining as tion of the EcoCommons features was challenging and unpredict- The variety of organizations at Of course, you are also wel-
many times as you wish per day. eight acres of more than 600 trees able, but in our next few years Tech is indescribable, but every- come to come to Room 137 of
Brittain, North Avenue and and an abundance of perennials, at Tech, we are guaranteed some one is bound to find something. the Flag Building on Aug. 24 at
West Village will also offer a ferns and grasses — the perfect pretty exciting changes and There are academic and pro- 7 p.m. to join the South’s liveliest
convenience store, WreckStop picnic date or jogging spot! campus reopenings. fessional organizations, social college newspaper.
//SPORTS FRESHMAN SURVIVAL GUIDE technique • August 13, 2021 5

WILL FUSS Old-Fashioned Hate. The two set a collegiate record for greatest for the NCAA championships, and the baseball team made it as
SPORTS EDITOR schools square off in a number of margin of victory during Heis- and both tennis teams qualified far as the NCAA regionals.
sports, and no matter Tech’s op- man’s tenure with its 222-0 win for the NCAA team champion- Golf finished in the top 15
“I’m a Ramblin’ Wreck from ponent, calls of THWg are sure to over Cumberland in 1916. Bobby ships along with multiple players at their national champion-
Georgia Tech and a hell of an be heard. Dodd oversaw the racial integra- from both the men’s and women’s ship, rounding out a success-
engineer.” The rivalry reaches a boiling tion of Tech sports as athletic di- squads. ful year of Jacket athletics. Tech
So goes the opening line of point at the last football game of rector after his days as coach, and Two women’s track and field looks to continue its tradition of
Tech’s fight song, a tune that stu- the regular season when the two Tech’s football stadium is named athletes headed to their NCAAs, winning in 2021.
dents will hear frequently at sport- teams face off. for him.
ing events on campus. The Technique publishes a spe- Jacket football has produced
Played after scores at foot- cial THWg edition satirizing the NFL talent as well, most notably
ball games and at various times school in Athens and the stadium wide receiver Calvin Johnson,
throughout all games, every is always packed no matter where who was recently inducted into
student soon knows the song the game is played. the Hall of Fame after a nine-year
by heart. First years should be careful career with the Detroit Lions.
The fight song has been a staple not to spoil the weekend, though, McCamish Pavilion may not
of Tech culture since 1905, mak- as it is said that if a first year be among the most well-known
ing it one of the campus’s oldest touches the Wreck then Tech will venues in the country, but the
traditions. lose the rivalry game. home of Tech basketball is rowdy
The “Ramblin’ Wreck” men- The football program is filled during games. Both the men’s and
tioned in the first line of the fight with history, and games have sev- women’s teams play their home
song is one of Tech’s two mascots. eral traditions of their own. Two games there, and the 8600-seat
The Wreck, along with Buzz, the of the more unique ones are the venue regularly fills up for games.
six-foot yellow jacket, can be seen Budweiser song and the dance The main student section sits
throughout campus, and is a cor- known as “the Horse.” behind one of the baskets, typical-
nerstone of game day festivities in During Budweiser, which oc- ly the basket that the away team
the fall. The Wreck is a white and curs after the third quarter, stu- attacks during the second half.
gold 1930 Ford Model A Sport dents alternate and bob up and During free throw attempts, stu-
Coupe, maintained and operated down while the band plays before dents drum on the metal benches,
by Tech’s Ramblin’ Reck club, shouting “go Georgia Tech!” four creating a deafening racket and
and it leads the football team onto times followed by “if you’ve said leading to countless misses from
the field for every home game. Budweiser, you’ve said it all!” the charity stripe.
Buzz runs through the stands of The Horse occurs after the Basketball is one of many
sporting events and joins the Tech game ends, and students dance Tech sports that performed well
faithful in supporting their teams. while the band plays the first verse. last season. Both the men’s and
The identity of Buzz remains a se- During the break between verses, women’s teams made the NCAA
cret while the students inside re- students and band members scat- tournament, with the women’s
main on campus. ter and resume dancing or playing team making it to the Sweet 16
“To Hell With georgia!” is the when the second verse begins. and the men capturing an ACC
refrain constantly heard from The football team is arguably championship.
Jackets fans. Abbreviated THWg, Tech’s most storied program, The volleyball team made the
the phrase is directed at our in- with four national titles and sev- second round at their own NCAA
state rival, the Georgia Bulldogs. eral historic figures to its name. tournament, adding to Tech’s re- Photo by James Messer Student Publications

The football rivalry, which be- John Heisman and Bobby Dodd cent athletic success. Buzz runs around the court with a Tech flag dur-
gan in 1893, is known as Clean, are two storied coaches, and Tech Several swimmers qualified ing a Men’s Basketball game against Miami.

NATALIE BOUTWELL inspirational. My advice about the MICAH VEILLON school is on the line, your future lible. It shows us that we can’t do
ASSISTANT LIFE EDITOR rainboots may seem trivial, but it OPINIONS EDITOR career is at stake or your future everything on our own. It shows
relates to a more valuable lesson: plans are ruined. You may not us that we need help in life, and
Whenever anyone asks me success in college (and in life) is Many of you are coming into even fail a test or a class. You may that life is about community and
what advice I have for freshmen, I dependent on working through Georgia Tech as the academic lu- ace everything. For those of you partaking in something outside
always say, “Make sure you have a challenges by learning from minaries of your high schools. in which this is the case, I am still yourself.
good pair of rain boots.” your mistakes and adapting to You were the valedictorians, writing to you. What you will soon realize is
As a freshman living on West whatever situation you may find salutatorians, high honor gradu- You may not have a failing that practically everyone here at
Campus, I quickly learned the yourself in. ates, top ten in the class, AP grade, but you will fail elsewhere. Tech is or has experienced some-
importance of owning a pair of Some people say that college Scholars, etc… Your test scores You may fail to get enough sleep. thing very similar to the pain/
rain boots for navigating rain- will be the best years of your life. are astounding and the amount You may fail to be the friend you failure you are currently living
storms and the inevitable sidewalk Even if this is true, you will still of AP classes you took is absurd. want to be. You might try a new through.
flooding. I remember one day in face many sudden afternoon rain- You were probably the President club and fail. You might fail to At the end of my first semester,
particular during my first fall se- storms that you were not prepared of a few clubs and involved in be consistent with your work out although I drastically failed my
mester when I was attending reci- for, especially at Tech. Maybe many more. schedule. You may fail to get into first test, I finished with an A in
tation in West Village, and right eduroam shuts down right dur- I think you get the sense of the sorority or fraternity you des- that class. I had to seek help, I had
before class ended, it started pour- ing your class registration period what I am saying. You are what perately want to be a part of. to go to study groups, and I had
ing — like a deluge, a torrential or maybe you have issues with makes Georgia Tech great. How- The motif here is that you are to seek guidance from friends to
downpour of rain started falling your roommate or maybe you end ever, I want you to understand growing up. Your days of youthful ultimately succeed.
from the sky. up with three quizzes in one day. something, something myself and bliss are slowly fading away. You Most importantly, however, I
It normally would not have Whatever it may be, you can over- many others failed to understand are entering into the world. You was involved in great communi-
been an issue for me; I actually come it if you learn to wear your our freshman year: you will fail. are beginning to experience life, ties here at Tech.
enjoy rain when I can stay inside rainboots to weather the storms. I am not suggesting that some therefore you will fail, and it will So just know that failure is in-
and study or relax to its soothing Don’t get me wrong: adapting of you haven’t failed before, or be painful. evitable because you are human.
sound. But I had another class in to challenges is often a lot harder that your achievements in high However, it is all going to be It certainly won’t be the last time.
15 minutes in the Swann Build- than simply buying a new pair of school were easy. okay. Life is all about failing, and Keep your head up, keep try-
ing on the complete opposite side rainboots. But there are Tech re- What I am saying is that you failing is good. It means you are ing, get involved, seek help, speak
of campus. I could not wait for sources, professors, advisors and were the beau monde of your high oriented towards something. Per- with your loved ones often, do
the rain to slow if I wanted to be other students who can help you if schools, but Georgia Tech is dif- haps something noble. something meaningful, and real-
on time. you need it. Just don’t be afraid to ferent. Georgia Tech is going to If nothing else, it means you ize that it will all be okay in the
Determined not to miss my reach out and ask. push you to your limit. For some are pursuing something, it means end.
class, I walked out of West Vil- This year’s freshman class has of you, it will reveal limits you you are taking on responsibility. Life is not all about school, and
lage and hiked across the puddled already overcome so much by fin- were not aware you had. Failure shows us that we are fal- here at Tech we often forget that.
campus in my ordinary tennis ishing high school in the midst of I remember receiving my
shoes. By the time I made it to the a global pandemic. I know that first test result at Tech last
Swann Building, my shoes were you have worked to overcome fall and having all of my self
soaked and stayed uncomfortably many difficulties in your own lives esteem destroyed in a mo-
wet for the rest of the day. and have gained a fighting spirit ment. I had made a 44 and was
I remember after that day from those experiences. devastated. I remember the
quickly buying a new pair of I encourage you to keep that thoughts that haunted my brain
bright blue rain boots to avoid spirit and remember to constant- for the next few days.
the mistake of soggy shoes in the ly learn from your past mistakes As my school’s valedictorian,
future. Today, as a senior, I still and to continually adapt to new what will all my former teachers
wear my blue rain boots whenever situations. and classmates think? Am I let-
it rains (and sometimes I deliber- Tech’s motto is “Progress and ting my family down? Am I fit
ately walk through puddles just Service.” Whenever you find to be here at Tech? Am I going
for the fun of it). yourself in a rainstorm, take heart to have to transfer to UGA (God
Everyone has their own in this saying and commit your- forbid!!!)? Some of you will experi-
pieces of advice for college. self to make progress by putting ence the same thing.
Some are practical while others one rainboot in front of the other. You may think that medical
//GETTING AROUND FRESHMAN SURVIVAL GUIDE technique • August 13, 2021 7

ANDY BORST do some shopping, whether it’s ANUSH SINGAL West Village might continue to while you pick up lunch from oth-
ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR for groceries, textbooks or an STAFF WRITER host the green lady. Although we er shops present at The Collective
afternoon snack from Insom- don’t have details on the upcom- Food Hall.
It’s that time of year when fall nia Cookies in Tech Square. Whether you are a coffee con- ing fall schedule, we can hope Einstein Bros Bagels is also
semester rolls around, and with The Tech Trolley route even runs noisseur or are simply looking for that this Starbucks will contin- within walking distance of Tech
that, comes an influx of the next to the Midtown MARTA station a way to get through the day, there ue to stay open until 1 a.m. on and offers a standard assortment
generation of jackets. While it’s for students using public trans- are several coffee shops on and the weekdays. Rising Roll and the of coffees. Einstein Bros also sells
certainly an exciting time to move port to commute. around Tech’s campus that can newly opened Whistle Bistro are a Coffee of the Day that allows
away from home and experience On the weekends, the buses provide your caffeine fix, whether enjoyable breakfast spots that also customers to experience flavour-
college for the first time, it can be serve as an excellent way to get you need it at seven in the morn- serve a mean cup of joe. Though ful brews from around the world.
overwhelming to say the least. to Atlantic Station, where you ing or at the start of a long night. you might be paying a premium, As the name implies, the shop also
Finding meals on your own, can shop or watch movies at With the student center still the large assortment of coffees has a good selection of fresh bagels
making new friends and sched- the Regal as a way to unwind out of commission and Tech along with fresh pastries make and smears. Open from 7 a.m. to
uling classes are just some of after a long week. transitioning to new dining op- both these options enticing. 2 p.m., it is a go-to breakfast or
the hurdles we all had to over- As far as shortcuts go, the tions, the possibilities vary from Venturing off of campus, Mid- brunch spot before class.
come upon arriving at the In- biggest and most noticeable is, semesters past. town offers several coffee shops There are also several indepen-
stitute, but none are quite as of course, Tech Green. While the In the center of campus, there close to Tech. LiveWire Coffee dent coffee shops in Midtown,
challenging as trying to find Institute likes to stress not walk- are two main coffee shops. Blue hosts a pop-up cart at the CODA including Urban Grind. With
where your classes are for the first ing through the grass to pre- Donkey, found at Sideways Cafe between nine a.m. and two p.m. its beautiful drinks and cozy in-
time. vent ruts, if you’re in a pinch, on the first floor of Crosland Tuesday to Friday as their debut terior, Urban Grind definitely
If you take it at surface value, walking across the middle of Tech Tower, is open for business from 8 shop is being finished up. They upholds the coffeehouse culture.
campus looks like a confusing Green can save you a solid couple a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays. It of- host a pretty bare-bones menu, It are open all week from 9 a.m.
mess of construction and well of minutes. fers a variety of iced coffees, along but their prices are pretty tempt- to 6 p.m. and host several artis-
worn paths through the grass, Another such shortcut is walk- with several drips and pour-over ing. They also offer several dis- tic events after hours. Due to the
making it extremely difficult to ing around the back of Skiles. brews. Because Blue Donkey’s counts/coupons that are live un- pandemic, it has events on pause
find the best ways to get to class. Most people don’t know about iced coffee selection is premade, til the end of the year on their and only hosts an open poetry
Fortunately though, once this route, but when classes pick you can look forward to fairly website. LiveWire is worth a visit night on Thursdays at 7.30 p.m.
you get the hang of it and know up and the Skiles is backed to quick service during non-peak
some shortcuts, like the ones the brim, it can be a safe bet to hours. However, given the lack of
about to be discussed, it gets use Skiles to try and get around nearby options and Blue Donkey’s
significantly easier. For start- the crowds and make it to class popularity among students, wait
ers, the bus routes are some of on time. times can exceed 20 minutes at
the most useful tools to use to Cutting through Klaus on popular times.
get to your classes. They are the newly painted stairs can Kaldi’s Coffee, which has a
all fairly similar, with some also save you from having to walk strong presence at Emory, will
slight tweaks here and there for around the outskirts of campus be replacing the Starbucks on the
convenience. and provide a direct shot to second floor of Clough Commons
For example, the red and Van Leer, Howey, and the starting this semester. Jackets can
blue bus routes run in oppo- College of Computing building. look forward to a larger menu
site directions to each other, While it can seem over- than Blue Donkey that is also
allowing you to get on no whelming at first trying to more wallet-friendly than Star-
matter which side of the road you navigate the campus, as you go bucks. Unfortunately, Kaldi’s has
ae on. Bus routes also provide you will discover your own yet to release its schedule, but it is
a quick and easy way to get shortcuts to get to where you probable that unlike Starbucks, it
within a 5 minute walk from need to go. Just trust the will not be open until 2 a.m. for
most classes. process and try your best, and that late night grind.
The buses can also be used you will be calling Tech home in no For those bent on getting their
to go further into Midtown and time flat. Starbucks fix, the third floor of
8 • August 13, 2021 • technique FRESHMAN SURVIVAL GUIDE //TRADITIONS

HOPE WILLIAMS ni, fictitious George P. Burdell Recently Acquired Tech Student) is an opportunity to witness and Chair and fourth-year PUBP.
LIFE EDITOR may have the most impressive list were required to wear their RAT participate in several Tech tradi- “There will be lots of giveaways
of accomplishments. Burdell was Caps and faced hazing if they did tions.The Freshman Cake Race like free food, t-shirts, stickers
RAMBLIN’ WRECK created in 1927 by Tech student not participate. Over time, RAT was first held in 1911 as a cross and more. This year’s T-Night
Tech’s iconic mascot, a 1930 William Edgar Smith. Smith re- has become an acronym standing country race to recruit students to has been redesigned to be highly
Ford Model A Sport Coupe, can ceived 2 enrollment forms and for Recently Acquired Tech Stu- join the team. interactive and engaging, with
often be seen driving around used one to enroll a student named dents, and while freshmen are no Today, freshmen run the new activities and experiences to
campus and is present at sporting George P. Burdell, inspired by his longer required to wear their caps, course to get a cupcake at the end, help engage students at all parts
events. Inspired by Dean Floyd high school principal George P. it is encouraged to fill out and and the top three finishers in each of their Tech journey, from en-
Field’s own 1914 Ford Model T, Butler. Burdell “graduated” in keep your RAT Cap. division win a full cake and get a tering first-years to exiting grad
the modern Ramblin’ Wreck was 1930 with a Bachelors of Science kiss from Mr. and Ms. Georgia students.”The event will begin
purchased by Assistant Dean and went on to receive a Masters SIDEWAYS’ GRAVE Tech during the Homecoming with a festival at 5:30 p.m. in
of Students Jim Dull in 1960 as well. Besides his impressive aca- Sideways was a beloved white football game. The Mini 500, Callaway Plaza. WREK Radio,
for $1,000 from Delta pilot Ted demic accomplishments, Burdell terrier who lived on campus from held since 1969, is an 8 lap tricycle SMILE, the Goldfellas, Ramblin’
Johnson, who later returned the also flew a B-17 bomber in World 1945 until her death in 1947. race around Peters Parking Deck. Reck Club, Chick-Fil-A, Waffle
money in 1984, making the car a War II, was nearly nominated as Sideways walked in a sideways Participating teams consist of 4 House, Multicultural Panhel-
donation. Since 1961, the Wreck Time’s Person of the Year in 2001 direction due to an injury from drivers and a 3 person pit crew lenic Council, Ben and Jerry’s and
has undergone multiple restora- with over 85,000 reader votes and falling out of a car window. She who rotate the front wheel of the more will be present at the event.
tions and been repainted with old was even a member of Mad maga- could be found in classes and at tricycle. The show, beginning at 7:00 p.m.,
gold, a color chosen by former zine’s board of directors from football games, becoming a pop- Finally, the Ramblin’ Wreck will take place at Bobby Dodd
Tech football coach Bobby Dodd. 1969 to 1981. ular figure among the students. Parade is held the morning of Stadium.
The Ramblin’ Reck Club and After her death, Sideways was the Homecoming football game “Students can expect an inter-
elected Reck Driver are now the ANAK buried near Tech Tower, and her and originates from the Old Ford active show filled with competi-
caretakers of the Wreck and over- One of the most secretive tra- grave now features a monument Race, a race from Atlanta to Ath- tions, music, guest speakers and
see its maintenance and presence ditions at Tech, ANAK is an hon- where students place pennies for ens that began in 1929. The Wreck prizes,” McGraw said.
on campus. ors society founded in 1908 which good luck before tests and other Parade replaced the race in 1932 “Some of our participating or-
has played an important role in assignments. after Dean Field decided the race ganizations include Goldrush, the
RAT CAPS the creation of many traditions to Athens was too dangerous. The GT Marching Band, GT Athlet-
All freshmen receive distinctive and contributed to Tech’s history DROWNPROOFING parade has grown to be a fixture ics and GT Cheer. Lastly, students
yellow hats, known as RAT Caps, in many ways. Besides found- In 1940, swim coach Freddy of Homecoming weekend and can look forward to a few ‘celeb-
at convocation. For many decades ing the Technique, Blueprint and Lanoue began teaching a drown- features 4 categories: classic cars, rity’ guest appearances, including
starting in 1915, freshmen (then Student Government Association, proofing class. The goal of the fixed body vehicles, contraptions President Cabrera, Buzz, Coach
referred to as “RATS”, short for ANAK played an important role course was to teach students how and performance groups, first in- Collins and George P. Burdell.”
Recently Acquired Tech Student) in integrating Tech in 1961. Since to survive in water for hours. As troduced in 2019. Preparations for the event
were required to wear their RAT then, ANAK’s members remain part of the training, students had started as far back as February and
Caps and faced hazing if they did anonymous from the time they their wrists bound, would float T-NIGHT part of the planning has included
not participate. Over time, RAT are “tapped” to join until gradu- in the water fully clothed for one To learn more about Tech’s preparing contingency plans
has become an acronym standing ation, when their names are pub- hour and had to retrieve rings at traditions and spirit, students of for the pandemic and following
for Recently Acquired Tech Stu- lished in the Technique. the bottom of the pool using their all years are encouraged to at- health guidelines.
dents, and while freshmen are no teeth. This class, which was man- tend the annual T-Night event on “From communicating with
longer required to wear their caps, RAT CAPS datory for students until 1988, Aug. 28 hosted by the Ramblin’ sponsors and reserving event spac-
it is encouraged to fill out and All freshmen receive distinctive would eventually garner national Reck Club. es to applying for funding and
keep your RAT Cap. yellow hats, known as RAT Caps, attention and is still used to train “T-Night 2021 will be one of deploying marketing campaigns,
at convocation. For many decades U.S. Navy Seals. the largest student-run events in thousands of hours have gone into
GEORGE P. BURDELL starting in 1915, freshmen (then HOMECOMING WEEKEND over a year,” said Andrew Mc- T-Night 2021 to make it the best
Of Tech’s many famous alum- referred to as “RATS”, short for Homecoming, held each fall, Graw, the T-Night Marketing event possible,” McGraw said.

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