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"GeneXus 15 JUNIOR Analyst" Certification exam

About multiple choice questions:

- is only one right multiple choice option.
- the right answer selecting the option in the exam sheet.
The- points for each question appear at the beginning of the question.

This exam DOES NOT subtract points for incorrect answers.

Maximum duration of the exam (in minutes):120
Minimum percentage of approval:70
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1) (3.4%)

A GeneXus application is used for managing a pet store. Consider the transaction design and the definition of
the SDTPetBreed structured data type that are shown below. A Data Provider needs to be designed to load a
structure of SDTPetBreed type with the set of breeds (PetBreed), each one with the corresponding number of
pets (Pet) recorded. Select the implementation option you consider correct.

1.1 -

1.2 -

1.3 - None of the above options is correct.

2) (6.9%)

A GeneXus application is used for managing a pet store. Knowing that a pet (Pet) belongs to a breed
(PetBreed), and that many pets can belong to the same breed, determine the transaction design you consider

2.1 -

2.2 -

2.3 -

2.4 - None of the above options is correct.

3) (6.9%)

A GeneXus application is used for managing a pet store. Knowing that a pet (Pet) can eat several types of
food (Food), and that one type of food can be eaten by several pets, indicate the transaction design that you
consider correct.

3.1 -

3.2 -

3.3 -

3.4 - None of the above options is correct.

4) (6.9%)

A GeneXus application is used for managing a pet store. Based on the transaction design shown below, select
the option that you consider correct.

4.1 - Each pet (Pet) has specific care guidelines (SpecialCare) associated with it and which belong exclusively to
this pet.

4.2 - Each pet (Pet) has specific care guidelines (SpecialCare) associated with it. These care guidelines don't
belong exclusively to a single pet, and therefore they can be applied to other pets.

4.3 - The design is not valid. It is not possible to create a two-level transaction without defining the
second-level entity as a transaction by itself.

5) (4.1%)

A GeneXus application is used for managing a pet store. Based on the transaction design shown below, select
the physical table structure that will be created by GeneXus.

5.1 -

5.2 -

5.3 -

5.4 - None of the above options is correct.

6) (3.4%)

A GeneXus application is used for managing a pet store. Consider the table diagram shown below and determine
the extended table of the PETBREED base table.




6.4 - None of the above options is correct.

7) (3.4%)

A GeneXus application is used for managing a pet store. Consider the table diagram shown below and determine
the extended table of the VET base table.

7.1 - VET

7.2 - VET, PET


7.4 - None of the above options is correct.

8) (3.4%)

A GeneXus application is used for managing a pet store. Given the transaction design below, indicate if the
following statement is true or false: “If the record identified as CountryId = 7 is deleted from the COUNTRY
table, all the records associated with this identifier will be deleted from the PETBREED table.”

True False

9) (3.4%)

A GeneXus application is used for managing a pet store. Consider the transaction design shown below. Even if
all services (bath, haircut, walk, etc.) have a cost (ServicePrice), Beagle dogs (PetBreedId = 4) receive a
10% discount in the overall price. Indicate which definition of the PetServicesAmount attribute as a formula
is correct.

9.1 -

9.2 -

10) (5.5%)

A GeneXus application is used for managing a pet store. Even though every pet (Pet) has a primary
veterinarian, a substitute veterinarian needs to be recorded for cases when the primary veterinarian is not
available. Indicate which of the following transaction designs (and of subtype groups if they are included) is
correct to model the above reality.

10.1 -

10.2 -

10.3 -

10.4 - None of the above options is correct.

11) (3.4%)

A GeneXus application is used for managing a pet store. Consider the transaction design and codes that are
displayed below. The procedure should list the pets (Pet) of a certain breed (PetBreed) received in a
parameter. Select the option you consider correct:

11.1 - Both options (Option a and Option b) are equivalent and show the names of the pets that belong to the breed
received in a parameter.

11.2 - Only Option a) meets the request.

11.3 - Only Option b) meets the request.

12) (6.9%)

A GeneXus application is used for managing a pet store. Consider the transaction design shown below. A list
has to be defined to show all the breeds (PetBreed) and, for each one of them, the list of pets (Pet) that
belong to it. All breeds should be included in the list, regardless if they have pets of that breed recorded
or not. Select the implementation option you consider correct to adequately meet the request described.

12.1 -

12.2 -

12.3 -

12.4 - None of the above options is correct.

13) (3.4%)

A GeneXus application is used for managing a pet store. Consider the transaction design shown below. A list
is required to show all the pet breeds (PetBreed) that have more than 10 pets (Pet) recorded. Indicate if the
implementation displayed is a correct (true) solution or not (false).

True False

14) (6.9%)

A GeneXus application is used for managing a pet store. Consider the transaction design shown below. A list
has to be defined to show all the pets (Pet) grouped by breed (PetBreed). Only those breeds that have pets
recorded should be included in the list.

14.1 -

14.2 -

14.3 -

14.4 - None of the above options is correct.

15) (3.4%)

A GeneXus application is used for managing a pet store. Consider the transaction design shown below. The
PetBreed transaction has been configured as a Business Component and the PetBreedId attribute is autonumbered.
A new pet breed (PetBreed) called “American Pit Bull Terrier” has to be added using a Business Component of
PetBreed. Select the implementation option you consider correct.

15.1 -

15.2 -

15.3 - None of the above options is correct.

16) (2.8%)

A GeneXus application is used for managing a pet store. Consider the transaction design shown below. Using a
Business Component of the PetBreed transaction, the record identified as PetBreedId=3 has to be modified. The
new name of the breed must be “Bulldog”. The PetBreed transaction has been configured as a Business
Component. Select the implementation option you consider correct.

16.1 -

16.2 -

16.3 - None of the above options is correct.

17) (4.1%)

A GeneXus application is used for managing a pet store. Consider the transaction design and the web panel
form shown below. A web panel without base table has to be designed to show the names of the pets (PetName) of
Beagle breed (PetBreedId = 1).

Indicate if the implementation displayed is correct (true) or not (false).

True False

18) (4.1%)

A GeneXus application is used for managing a pet store. Consider the transaction design and the web panel
form shown below. A web panel with base table has to be designed to show all the breeds (PetBreed), each one
with the corresponding number of pets recorded. Select the implementation option you consider correct.

18.1 -

18.2 -

18.3 -

18.4 - None of the above options is correct.

19) (3.4%)

A GeneXus application is used for managing a pet store. Consider the transaction design and the web panel
form shown below. A web panel with base table has to be designed to allow selecting a breed (PetBreed) and
show the corresponding pets (Pet) of that breed that have been recorded. Select the implementation option you
consider correct.

19.1 - In addition to the design displayed, adding the code below to the Load event of the web panel is enough:

19.2 - In addition to the design displayed, declaring the rule below is enough: PetBreedId = &PetBreedId;

19.3 - In addition to the design displayed, declaring the condition below in the Conditions property of the grid is

19.4 - None of the above options is correct.

20) (2.8%)

A GeneXus application is used for managing a pet store. Consider the transaction design shown below. The Work
With for Web pattern has been applied to the PetBreed transaction. Deleting breeds from the main screen
generated when the pattern is applied to the PetBreed transaction must not be allowed. Select the
implementation option you consider correct.

20.1 - Edit the WWPetBreed web panel that is automatically generated by the pattern, and manually remove the option
by deleting the &Delete variable from the grid:

20.2 - Edit the pattern instance applied to the PetBreed transaction and edit the corresponding property of the
“modes” node below the Selection group:

20.3 - None of the above options is correct.

21) (2.8%)

A GeneXus application is used for managing a pet store. Consider the transaction design shown below. The Work
With for Web pattern has been applied to the Pet transaction. Later on, a new attribute is added to the Pet
transaction structure to show the pet's photo (PetImage). Indicate if the following statement is true or
false: “Pressing F5 will run the application, and the new attribute will be automatically added to the main
page of the pattern -the page to work with Pets-, which corresponds to the WWPet object generated by the

True False

22) (2.8%)

A GeneXus application is used for managing a pet store. It is managed by GeneXus Server. Indicate if the
following statement is true or false:

“When a Knowledge Base is managed by GeneXus Server with Lock Mode, only one developer can edit a given object
at a time; that is to say, while that developer is working on that object, no other developer can work on it.”

True False

23) (2.8%)

A GeneXus application is managed by GeneXus Server. When a developer wants to send his/her changes to the
server, he/she must perform the action below:

23.1 - Send Knowledge Base to GeneXus Server.

23.2 - Update

23.3 - Commit

23.4 - None of the above options is correct.

24) (2.8%)

Indicate if the following statement is true or false: “If the Work With for Web pattern has been applied to
a transaction, it is not possible to also apply the Work With for SD pattern to the same transaction.”

True False



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