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PIANC-COPEDEC IX, 2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Are Geotextile Encapsulated Sand Elements only Temporary Solutions

in Coastal Engineering?
1 2
Darshana Tharindra Dassanayake , and Hocine Oumeraci

Abstract: Pioneering coastal engineers introduced innovative costal structures with Geotextile
Encapsulated Sand Elements (GESE) about 60 years ago and some of those structures were failed to
survive, but some structures constructed a few decades ago, still performing well. The structures
suffered damages taught us many valuable lessons, which ultimately lead to advancements in GESE
technology, including geotextile manufacturing technology. However, there are serious lapses in
communicating outcomes of recent research studies on their durability to the engineering community
at large. Hence, GESE-structures are still considered as temporary structures by practicing engineers
and owners. This inhibits their applications in large scale projects. This paper attempt to provide an
overview of the present GESE technology, which a special emphasize to Geotextile Sand Containers
Coastal structures with Geotextile Encapsulated Sand Elements (GESE) became increasingly popular
(e.g. Geotextile tubes, Geotextile Sand Containers; GSCs, Geotextile Sand Filled Mattress etc.) in
recent decades. Their applications as submerged, exposed or buried structures are still growing
mainly due to their low costs compared to conventional coastal/marine structures. However, there are
serious lapses in communicating outcomes of recent research studies on their durability to the
engineering community at large. Hence, GESE-structures are still considered as temporary structures
by practicing engineers and owners. This inhibits their applications in large scale projects.
Durable shore protection structures using GESEs can be achieved with proper designs including
appropriate material selections. A broad understanding of the potential failure modes of GESE-
structures and factors governing their durability are crucial for long-term GESE-structures. The use of
improved fabrication and installation methods during construction and comprehensive monitoring and
maintenance plans will maximize the lifespan of these strucutures.
This paper summarises the factors affecting the durability of GESEs applied in shore protection and
their importance, recent successes in producing durable fabrics for GESE, methods to protect GESEs
from different degradation factors and general recommendations for setting up long-term monitoring
and maintenance plans for exposed GESEs. Moreover, the paper provides design guidelines and
outlines possible failure mechanisms of GESE-structures.
Geotextile Encapsulated Sand Elements (GESE) represents a comparatively low cost and
environmentally friendly alternative as compared to “hard” coastal structures made of concrete or rock.
This technology was applied for the first time in 1957 in the Netherlands. Few years later, many
countries implemented this innovative and unconventional method for the construction of coastal
structures. Several experimental and numerical studies were carried out in the last three decades to
investigate the applicability, durability, and performances of GESE-structures. However, there are still
no proper (publised) design guidelines available for the design of GESE-structures for shore
protection. Despite the lack of design guidelines, a range of successful coastal protection structures
using GSCs have been constructed in many parts of the world, especially in Australia, Germany, and
South Africa (Heerten et al., 2000; Restall et al., 2004; Saathof et al., 2007; Bleck and Werth, 2012;
Corbella and Stretch, 2012; Hornsey et al., 2011).
Four groynes constructed in 2001 to stabilise the Maroochydore main beach in Australia that was
severely eroded due to changes in the location of the river mouth is typical example for GESE-

Senior Coastal Engineer, AECOM, UAE,
Prof. Dr.-Ing., Professor, LWI, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany.

PIANC-COPEDEC IX, 2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

structures. This structures were initially built as temporary protection and had to be easily removable,
if they have detrimental effect to the beaches North of the groyne (Hornsey et al., 2011). After 15
years into service, all the groynes in Maroochydore are still functioning well. Figure 1 shows the
timeline of the Limeburners Breakwater in Australia, which was constructed in 2004 using 40 m long
by 12 m circumference geotextile containers to protect a small boat harbour, which is also functioning
well to date.

Figure 1: Limeburner's point breakwater, Australia-Timeline (modified from Hornsey et al.,2011)

Aforementioned two project are covered in a few monitoring studies have been carried out in the world
to monitor the long-term performances and to assess the durability of exposed GESEs in coastal
engineering applications (Wishaw et al.,2010; Hornsey et al., 2011). Among the other monitoring
studies, the works of Mr. Angus Jackson and his research team is remarkable. The results are
reported in numerous publications on GSC-reefs in Australia and UAE (Jackson et al., 2002; Jackson
et al., 2004; Jackson et al., 2005; Corbett et al., 2010; Jackson et al., 2012, etc.). Apart from that, Shin
et al.(2002) and Mori (2009) have also documented two monitoring projected conducted in South
Korea and Italy, respectively. Unfortunately, these monitoring projects are focusing on a limited range
of information. Therefore, it is difficult to obtain direct information on the durability of individual
elements or of the entire structure and hence, concrete evidences of long-tem performances of GESE-
structures are yet to reach to practicing engineers.
Earlier coastal and marine structures with GESE were constructed using traditional geotextiles that
were initially developed for drainage and/or filter applications in typical infrastructure projects such as
road and railway constructions. However, geotextiles used in coastal and marine environment must be
able to withstand conditions, which are far more aggressive than those generally prevailing in the
original applications (Hornsey et al., 2011). Even though exposed geotextiles used for the construction
of Geotextile tubes and Geotextile Sand Containers (GSCs) for coastal applications are pushing the
limits of geotextiles with regards to their durability, due to the lack of published guidelines and
standards, engineers were using rather weak fabrics in the past. These weak fabrics that were
exposed to adverse environmental conditions such as waves, sediment laden currents, floating debris,
UV, etc. and sometimes subjected to vandalism, ultimately disintegrate sending a flawed impression to
the engineering community as GESEs are only a temporary solution.
Geotextile manufacturing technology achieved several recent advancements that allow the fabrics to
be engineered with a wide variety of properties and consequently, enabling a tailored design of the
material for specific applications (e.g. introduction of anti-vandalism protection layers, addition of
chemical UV stabilisers, production of composite geotextile materials combining advantages of both
woven and nonwoven materials, etc.). The selection of type of geotextile material as well as type of
seam is crucial for durability of GESEs.
PIANC-COPEDEC IX, 2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Moreover, several earlier structures were constructed based on previous experiences of the designers
rather than based on sound physically based guideline/design formuale. Some of them were proven to
be more successful than anticipated and some did not meet the expectations. The lessons learned
from earlier GESE-structures and understanding of the recent developments in design formulae are
very important to achieve a durable design.
Even if a GESE-structure was designed considering relevant metoceanic and geotechnical design
parameters, durability can still be affected due to installation damages, incidental damages (e.g.
vandalism), UV radiation, abrasion, and marine growth, which are some of the important factors
governing the durability of GESEs installed in coastal/marine environment (Wiśniewski and Oumeraci,
2011). The adverse effect of some of these factors can be mitigated by using advanced geotextile
materials and by following industry’s best practices. However, the execution of comprehensive
monitoring plans and the timely implementation of remedial measures where necessary will
significantly enhance the serviceable life of GESE-structures and consequently reduce the investment
costs. Figure 2 summarises factors influencing the long-term performance of GESE-structures.

Figure 2: Factors influencing long term performances of GESE-structures.

Several authors suggested several formulae for the hydraulic stability of GSC-structures. Among those
works, contributions from Wouters (1998), Pilarczyk (2000), Oumeraci et al. (2002a; 2002b; 2002c;
2003; 2007), Recio (2007), Mori (2008), Oumeraci and Recio (2010), Coghlan et al. (2009), Recio et
al. (2010); Hornsey et al. (2011), Dassanayake (2013) and Dassanayake & Oumeraci (2012a &
2012b) are noteworthy. The existing hydraulic stability formulae can be categorised in the following
three groups:
Group 1: Early GSC-structures were designed using the hydraulic stability formula for rock armour
layers such as Hudson’s formula (1956) or Van der Meer formula (1988). As a result, the required
weight of GSC is determined as a function of the design wave height similar to any other conventional
rubble mound structure (Figure 3a).
Group 2: The Hudson formula does not include explicitly the wave period and contains the empirical
coefficient kD, which is not appropriate for GSC-structures as the response of GSCs to wave loads
basically differs from that of rigid armour units. Therefore, Wouters (1998) proposed a new stability
formula (see equation below) for GSCs based on the Hudson formula and previous experimental data
(e.g. Bouyze and Schram 1990). This new formula was developed explicitly for GSC-structures
(Figure 2b) by introducing a modified stability number (Ns) which accounts for the wave period through
surf similarity parameter ξ0, together with a new empirical coefficient C w as an appropriate substitute
for kD:

PIANC-COPEDEC IX, 2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Ns = = with x 0 = tana / ( Hs / L0 )
( r GSC / rW - 1) × D x0

where D = lc sin a and lc = length of a GSC

Ns = stability number [-],
Hs = incident significant wave height [m],
rW = density of water [kg/m3],
rGSC = density of GSCs [kg/m3],
Cw = empirical parameter derived from the stability number Ns [-],
D = thickness of armour layer [m],
a = slope angle of the structure [°],
L0=g T /(2p) = deep water wave length calculated using the mean wave period [m]

Figure 3: Parameters used in previous hydraulic stability formulae (definition sketches)

Based on extensive small and large scale model tests, Oumeraci et al. (2002a, 2002b, 2003)
confirmed the approach by Wouters (1998) using a modified stability number as a function of the surf
similarity parameter for the GSCs on a slope of a sufficiently high revetment (i.e. without excessive
overtopping). Moreover, another value was proposed for the empirical parameter (Cw = 2.75).
Group 3: The simple stability formulae of Group 2 were developed without considering explicitly the
effect of the deformation of GSCs. Though this effect is implicitly included to some extent in the
empirical parameter Cw, it is necessary to understand the governing underlying failure mechanisms of
GSCs, which basically differ from those of rigid armour units, and to take them into account explicitly in
the stability formulae. One of the remarkable steps in this direction is the development of the first
process-based hydraulic stability formulae for GSC-structures by Recio (2007). As these formulae are
too complex for engineering applications, tentative nomograms based on Recio’s (2007) formulae
were proposed by Recio et al. (2010) for the hydraulic stability of GSC-structures to be used in
feasibility studies (Table 1).
In addition, Hornsey et al. (2011) also proposed design nomograms for the hydraulic stability of GSC-
structures (Table 1), which are limited to two specific GSC geometries. Table 1 provides a summary of
the available hydraulic stability formulae and nomograms for GSC-structures. Hudson’s formula (1956)
for rock structures are provided at the beginning of the table for a comparison.

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Table 1: Available hydraulic stability formulae and nomograms for the design of GSC-

PIANC-COPEDEC IX, 2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Table 1: Available hydraulic stability formulae and nomograms for the design of GSC-
structures cont.

PIANC-COPEDEC IX, 2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil


It is necessary to understand the potential failure mechanisms as it will allow engineers to take
precautionary measures during design and construction phases. According to Eurocode 7 (1995) and
Rock Manual (2007), failure may be defined in terms of exceedance of serviceability or ultimate limit
states. A competent design followed by a comprihensive monitoring programme should cover both of
these states. Due to the flexibility and lower specific gravity of GSCs as compared to rock or concrete
armour units, they behave differently and the established design guidelines for rock or concrete units
are not applicable. Furthermore, the stability of GSC is more complex and GSC-structures show a
number of particular failure modes (Jackson et al., 2006). Figure 4 shows many of the different
potential failure modes (Jackson et al., 2006; Van Steeg and Klein Breteler, 2008; Lawson, 2008;
Oumeraci and Recio, 2010). Most of these failure modes are influenced by the engineering properties
of GSCs which depend on the sand fill ratio, the type of geotextile, etc. (Dassanayake, 2013;
Dassanayake and Oumeraci, 2012a). A sound understanding of the potential failure modes of GSC-
structures are also required for the development of monitoring plans for GSC-structures.

overturning overtopping

Pullout / Sliding or
Incident wave
Caterpillar Mechanism Sliding
Deformation Scour due to

Migration of sand, Rupture, geotextile sand

Excessive Relaxation containers

Scour α α slope angle
sea bed

Figure 4: Potential failure modes of a GSC-revetment (based on Jackson et al., 2006; van Steeg
and Klein Breteler, 2008; Lawson, 2008; Oumeraci and Recio, 2010).

Project monitoring generally represents an integral part of life cycle management of key infrastructure
projects. A systematic monitoring programme focussing on structural and environmental factors allows
structures to be regularly evaluated in terms of safety, state and functionality. This practice also
enables timely planning of repair and/or replacement activities (Rock Manual, 2007).
There are several publications addressing the results from previous monitoring programmes related to
GESE-structures. Unfortunately, these monitoring programmes are too site/project specific and not
well-planned, so that it is often difficult to use the results for a new project or to compare the results
among different projects. Despite several publications on the different tools to monitor the
performances and durability issues of coastal structures made of Geotextile tubes and GSCs, the
available literature on monitoring methodologies are still far from providing comprehensive guidelines
for the development of long term monitoring plans for new projects.
A detailed monitoring plan may have diverse advantages such as:
(i) Monitoring may allow us to identify damages at an early stage. Subsequently it is
indispensable for early warning and may also assist in the planning and maintenances to
prevent excessive costs from non-identified failures.
(ii) The new information gathered during the monitoring process will generate learning materials
for the design of future projects (“Learning from failures”).

PIANC-COPEDEC IX, 2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

(iii) A comprehensive design strategy should necessarily include a field monitoring programme to
assist design modifications that might be required in long run (Jackson et al., 2002)
A monitoring plan should cover different stages of a GESE-structure such as monitoring during
construction, short and medium term monitoring and long-term monitoring. A monitoring programme
during construction will mainly consist of the construction supervision, acquisition of “baseline data
set” and the installation of additional geotextile materials (or elements) for monitoring purposes. The
durability of GESEs can be significantly improved by implementing strict quality control during the
fabrication of GESEs and the complying with the best construction practices/techniques.
Short and medium term durability issues such as unwanted opening of inlets, excessive scour,
damages to seams (usually the seams that are closed in the field and the weakest and vulnerable to
fail), mechanical damages (e.g. due to anchors from boats, fishing spears, drifting debris, etc.), etc.
should be inspected in regular intervals. This monitoring plan will be helpful for fast remedial actions
and to avoid complete failures.
Long term monitoring shall cover assessment of the aging of GESE-structures and predict the
remaining serviceable life of the structures, repair works or take preventive measures to safeguard the
structure and collection of data related to the durability of GESEs as a learning exercise. It is
anticipated that detailed systematic monitoring plans will generate the necessary information to
substantially improve the assessment of the durability of exposed GESEs. Therefore, a
comprehensive monitoring programme is essential to ensure an optimum performance of GESE
coastal structures (e.g. geotextile tubes or GSCs) over the entire design life time. A separate budget is
required for the collection of “baseline data set” and for the monitoring programme to ensure that the
latter will be performed regularly and properly by competent personnel.
There are several publications addressing the results from previous monitoring programmes.
Unfortunately, these monitoring programmes are too site/project specific and not well-planned, so that
it is often difficult to use the results for a new project or to compare the results among different
projects. Therefore, Dassanayake et al. (2013) was an attempt to provide tentative guidelines for
designing a comprehensive monitoring plan for GESE-structures. Dassanayake et al. (2013)
summarises the factors affecting the durability of GESEs applied in shore protection and their relative
importance, and general recommendations for setting up long-term monitoring plans for exposed
GESE. However, there are several methods to protect GESEs from different degradation factors and
to enhance their service life. Recent advances in the field of geotextile manufacturing technology allow
the fabrics to be engineered to have a wide variety of properties, enabling a tailored design of the
material for a specific application (e.g. introduction of anti- vandalism protection layers, addition of
chemical UV stabilisers, production of composites geotextile materials combining advantages of both
woven and nonwoven materials, etc.).

Coastal structures with exposed Geotextile Encapsulated Sand Elements; (GESE) became
increasingly popular (e.g. Geotextile tubes, Geotextile Sand Containers; GSCs, etc.) as they are
relatively low cost, sustainable solution for many coastal engineering problems. However, they are
prone to many failure mechanisms and degradation processes. Therefore, a thorough understanding
of the processes associated with the hydraulic stability of GESE-structures and their degradation
processes are required to design long-term coastal structures. However, due to the lack of knowledge
about their hydraulic stability and durability, GESE-structures are still considered as temporary
structures, thus hindering their application in large scale projects. The research studies conducted
during last three decade significantly enhances the understanding of GESE-structures in marine
environment. Moreover, present geotextile manufacturing technology is capable of producing advance
material specifically to use in GESE-structures in marine environment. The next important step is to
develop proper guidelines for the design of GSC-structures on a sound scientific base. These
guidelines should necessarily address the quality controlling during the manufacturing and installation
of GESEs. Finally, these guidelines shall also cover the development of short-term and long-term
monitoring programmes for GESE-structures.

PIANC-COPEDEC IX, 2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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