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1. Introduction
Many distribution networks around the world have limited earth-fault current by a resistor located in
the LV winding neutral point of for example an 132/X kV infeed transformer. LV voltage level (i.e. X
kV) depends on a particular utility and country and can have different value. Some typical values
are 6.3kV, 13.8kV, 20kV and 35kV. Simplified single-line diagram of such distribution network and
the relevant fault points for the LV side low-impedance restricted earth-fault protection function (i.e.
REF) are shown in Figure 1.
Note that for such installations special attention regarding LV side low impedance REF protection
setting and ACT configurations shall be taken. This is even more important if only one single
grounding resistor is used for the entire LV network and at the same time the LV network consist
mainly of cable feeders. Namely the capacitance to ground of such cable network is quite large and
this can cause difficult operating condition for LV REF function in case of internal earth-fault as
described in this document.
132kV BUS

132/X kV




Extensive LV cable

Figure 1: Simplified SLD of the transformer and associated LV network

Note that internal earth-fault location (i.e. F1) and external earth-fault location (i.e. F2) are also
marked in Figure 1.

Based on Document kind

; Application note
Prepared Title
2017-10-23 Zoran Gajic REF function Application in Distribution Network
2017-10-24 Cost Patrick
Resp. (division/department) Document id. Rev. Lang. Page
ABB Power Grids, GA Products 1MRG029011 A en 1/8
File: 1MRG029011_REF function in distribution network.docx; 1.0 Saved Date: 2017-10-24 08:55; Template: TECHNICAL DOCUMENT STANDARD, PORTRAIT.DOTX
The following shall be noted about such networks:
1. Resistor R1 limits the earth-fault current to a value typically in-between 300A to 2000A on
the LV side depending on the practice of a particular utility
2. The entire LV network has only one grounding point via the R1 resistor located in this
transformer secondary winding neutral point
3. The LV network has relatively large capacitance to ground due to extensive use of cable
feeders (common practice for distribution networks within densely populated urban areas or
in industrial installations). As well in many countries cablification of distribution network in
general is becoming quite popular.

2. Theoretical explanation of earth-fault in such network

The REF function is measuring zero sequence currents. Namely IN in the star point and 3Io at the LV
winding terminal side. Zero-sequence currents during an earth fault can be calculated by using
equivalent zero-sequence circuit of the distribution network. The simplified, zero-sequence equivalent
circuit during the internal fault is shown in Figure 2.
Internal Fault
Point F1
LV Busbar

IN_W2/3 Io_Net
3R1 CE



Figure 2: Simplified equivalent circuit for the zero-sequence system during internal single phase-to-ground fault

The simplified, zero-sequence equivalent circuit during the external fault is shown in Figure 3.
External Fault
LV Busbar Point F2

IN_W2/3 Io_Net
3R1 CE



Figure 3: Simplified equivalent circuit for the zero-sequence system during external single phase-to-ground fault

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REF function Application in Distribution Network Application note
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The following symbols are used in above two figures:
1. R1 is the neutral point resistor in the LV winding star point. Note that its value must be
multiplied by three because Io currents and Uo voltages are used in this equivalent circuit.
2. LT is the phase leakage inductance of the 33kV transformer winding.
3. RE is the equivalent resistance in one phase of the LV cable network. Note that it has very
low value.
4. LE is the equivalent reactance in one phase of the LV cable network. Note that it has very
low value.
5. CE is the equivalent capacitance to ground of one phase in the LV cable network. Note that it
has relatively large value.
6. Uo is zero-sequence voltage component at the fault point. Practically its magnitude can be
taken as rated phase-to-ground voltage on the LV side. Note that this voltage will drive the
two zero-sequence current components through their respective branches.
7. _ 2/3 is zero-sequence current component which flows through the transformer LV
winding neutral point and associated resistor during a single-phase-to-ground fault. Note
that this is only one third of total IN current which will be measured through the resistor.
8. _ is zero-sequence current component which flows through the LV cable network
during a single-phase-to-ground fault.

By looking into the equivalent circuits (i.e. above two figures) the following can be concluded:
1) IN_W2 current component will be slightly inductive due to dominant resistance (i.e. R1) in
that circuit branch (i.e. it will lag behind the Uo voltage for several degrees)
2) Io_Net current component will be dominantly capacitive due to dominant capacitance (i.e.
CE) in that circuit branch (i.e. it will lead the Uo voltage for almost 90°)

Conclusion: During an internal earth-fault, the angle between these two zero-sequence current
components will be around 90° or even somewhat bigger (see Figure 2). This can cause problems if
REF function utilizes directional measurement for its operation. Note that for external faults the REF
function will see 180° between two measured zero-sequence current components. The reason is that
IN_W2 component will be measured in both measurement points by the function (see Figure 3) due to
a fact that the fault location (i.e. F2 in Figure 1) will be outside of the protected zone.

3. Evaluation of an actual internal earth-fault in such network

Internal earth-fault in an actual installation was captured by the disturbance recorder in RET650.
Figure 4 shows the entire fault duration. Obviously the fault started as L1-Gnd fault on the LV side
and then after approximately 275ms it has involved into a three-phase fault which was quickly
tripped by 87T function. Main question is why the LV winding REF protection did not operate during
the single- phase-to-ground fault stage?
Figure 5 and Figure 6 zoom-in into the recording part when only the single-phase-to-ground fault
has existed. Figure 7 shows the phasor diagram for LV winding currents during the earth-fault. Note
that current magnitudes in all figures are given in primary amperes.

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Figure 4: Overview of the entire fault duration

Figure 5: Zoom into the instant when single phase-to-ground fault has happened

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Figure 6: RMS value of the currents during single phase-to-ground fault

Figure 7: Phasor diagram for LV currents at t=+0,04s (see Figure 3 or 4 for time scale)

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REF function Application in Distribution Network Application note
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ABB Power Grids, GA Products 1MRG029011 A en 5/8

Figure 8:W2 REF function Diff and Bias current as recorded by RET650

Figure 9: Used settings for W2 REF function (Base current was set to 2187A primary)

From the previous six figures the following can be concluded:

1. The fault started as L1-Gnd fault on the LV side and then after approximately 275ms it
involved into a three-phase fault. After that the fault was tripped quickly by 87T function.
2. IN_W2 magnitude was 858A primary during the entire single-phase-to-ground fault.
3. 3Io_W2 magnitude was 233A during the steady-state part of the single-phase-to-ground
fault. Transiently 3Io_W2 magnitude went up to 384A primary.
4. From captured DR it is obvious that a lot of transients were present in recorded 3Io_W2
current waveform.
5. Recorded Differential and Bias current for W2 REF functions are shown in Figure 8. Diff
current had magnitude of 866A, while the magnitude of Bias current was 933A primary. The
differential current was almost equal to the bias current. Thus the REF function should
operate based on the set operating characteristic.
6. Used settings for W2 REF functions operation are given in Figure 9.
7. The phase angle between IN_W2 and 3Io_W2 phasors was slightly bigger than 90° (see
Figure 7). By using more precise calculation it was concluded that the value of this angle
was 93°, as seen by the REF function in RET650, during this internal earth-fault. This angle
was outside of the set ROA value of 60° (see Figure 9). This was actually the main reason
for missing operation of the W2 REF function.

Conclusion: The LV REF function did not operate because the measured angle between IN_W2
and 3Io_W2 phasors was bigger than the set value of 60° which is the default value for the REF
function. The reasons why this angle had value of 93° is already explained in the Section 2 of this
document. Thus, this captured recording just confirms the previously given theory in this document.

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REF function Application in Distribution Network Application note
Resp. (division/department) Document id. Rev. Lang. Page

ABB Power Grids, GA Products 1MRG029011 A en 6/8

4. Proposed Solution for REF function in RET670/RET650
The directional criterion in REF function is used in order to prevent unwanted operation of the
function during CT saturation when installed in a directly grounded network. Because in this type of
installation the earth fault current is limited by the resistor, the CT saturation is not really a problem.
Thus for all installations where only one grounding resistor is used as only grounding point for the
entire network and the LV network consist mainly of cables the following two actions shall be done
in order to have secure operation of the low-impedance REF function:

1. Set parameter ROA to 90°. However please note that this will still not guaranty the secure
operation of the W2 REF function. Therefore the second point given below is as well
strongly recommended to be implemented in such installations.
2. Trip tripping logic for such REF function shall be arranged in ACT as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10: Proposed trip logic in ACT for W2 REF function

Practically the START signal from the W2 REF function will be allowed to trip if there is no
start of the overcurrent protection on the LV side and no other protection function has
already given a trip signal. The trip will be also blocked by presence of the second
harmonic in the neutral point current. As additional security during switching operations in
the LV network this trip shall be also time delayed for two cycles. Note that above
configuration is given for RET650, but similar configuration shall be arranged even when
RET670 is used.

The above two corrective measures shall ensure proper operation of the low-impedance REF
function for an installation in such type of distribution network.

Title Document kind

REF function Application in Distribution Network Application note
Resp. (division/department) Document id. Rev. Lang. Page

ABB Power Grids, GA Products 1MRG029011 A en 7/8

Rev.ind. Page (P) Description Date
Chapt. (C) Dept./Name
A Document created 2017-10-23

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REF function Application in Distribution Network Application note
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ABB Power Grids, GA Products 1MRG029011 A en 8/8

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