Homework Simple Present Tense 1

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Name:………………………………………………………. Date:……………………………………………..

Homework (Simple Present Tense)

Affirmative form:

Complete the sentences with the present tense simple, use the verbs in brackets

Completa las oraciones con el presente simple, usa los verbos entre paréntesis

1. My parents often …………..westerns. (watch)

2. They ……………..hungry. (be)
3. Mom ………..all the dirty clothes. (wash)
4. Pablo ……….got a brother. (have)
5. Dad ……………..a new plasma TV. (buy)
6. The boys ………….football. (play)
7. In summer it …………….hot. (be)
8. I …………..good at school. (be)
9. On Fridays we …………..our English lesson. (have)
10. Valentina …………her homework. (do)
11. Richard ……………TV. (watch)
12. I …………..big cities. (like)
13. He ………….in the library. (study)
14. She  ………….to work at 7. (go)
15. Bill and Tom sometimes ……………….to London. (drive)

Negative form:

Complete each sentence with the correct word: do not or does not.

Completa cada oración con la palabra correcta (forma negativa): do not or does not.

1. Tony ……………play tennis any more. He says he is too old.

2. I ……….eat meat.

3. Mark ……………..live with his parents any more. He has his own flat.

4. My brother lives in New York, so we …………….see each other very often.
5. I am sure my new boss …………….like me!

6. I …………….think you should buy those shoes.

7. She……….drink wine

8. We…………study math.

Interrogative form:

Complete each question with the correct word: do or does.

Complete cada pregunta con la palabra correcta: do or does (forma de pregunta y responde a cada
pregunta afirmativamente y negativamente

1. ………you live in a house or a flat?



2. …………she live alone?

3. …………he go to the same college as you?

4. ………..Valentina work at the weekend?

5. …………Jhonny have a girlfriend?

6. …………..she come from Santa Cruz?

7. ……………they eat pizza?

8. …………..we learn English?

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