CH 1

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Chapter 1

1. Introduction
Consumer is the central point in every business. Now-a-days, attracting and satisfying customers is

more difficult than producing the goods. For any product, many brands are available in the market. Every
business unit wants to increase its market share. Now buyers dominate the market. So seller has to make
lot of efforts to attract and to persuade the persons to purchase his products and services. Advertising is an
important means to influence the potential customers. It is an important tool of communication and
promotion. Business units ranging from large multinational corporations to smallretailers increasingly rely
on advertising to sell their products and services. Customers also give importance to advertising whiue
making purchase decisions. Evidence of increasing importance of advertising is clearly reflected from the
increase in advertisement expenditure of almost al business units. Advertising influences consumer
attitudes and buying behaviour. Advertisements increase brand-familiarity, develop brand-image and
help the organisation in increasing its market share.

2. Meaning of Advertising
The term advertising is derived from a Latin word 'adevertere', which means to turn attention
towards a specific thing. The dicionary meaning ofthe word advertising is to announce publicly ortogive
public notice. In other words, it may be interpreted as to attract the attention of the people concerned to a
specific message which has been announced by the advertiser. In this way, advertising is turning the
attention of the people towards products, services, ideas by an identified sponsor.
Advertising is used for communicating business information to the present and prospective
customers. It provides information about the advertising firm, features of its products, qualities, place of
availability of its products, different schemes offered, benefits of using its product, etc. Advertising is
important for both buyers and sellers. It is important for the buyers as they get information regarding
availability of the product, method of using the product and can have wider choice while buying a
product. It is important for the sellers as they can communicate with large number of target audience with
the help of advertising. It is a means of mass communication and a powerful marketing tool.
The simplest meaning of advertisement is that it is a public announcement. In earlier times, to
advertise meant to announce publicly. Some advertisements even today just inform the public, e.g.
classified advertisements give information about sale of second hand vehicles, property, accommodation,
matrimonial, public-notice, tender-notice, situations-vacant, etc. But many ads go beyond
announcements. These are meant to persuade the prospective buyer, to remind the existing buyers, to
remove dissonance of public, to create brand preference, to create brand-loyalty, to neutralise the effect of
ad given by competitor, to create demand, etc. Advertising helps the marketers in selling the goods and
well aware
Services. Firms engaged in selling their products and services throughout the country very are

of the importance of advertising. Advertising plays an important role in promoting sale of goods by
sell the product
It cannot sell.
But advertising
by itself cannot helps
public. It only
audience in
ersuading the target not up to the
products which reminding the old
tormer. ot
poor quality or consumers,

informations about the product, persuading the potential But group of persee
and not at an individual.
is aimed at group of persons
make up target custorners. It i * he
ATVerfising does not
whole general public because whole general public communicalion while personaleda
a. eling s
is mass
Advertising where
all the persons who are potential customers. face
is made

communication. In personal-selling, face

immediate feedback
can be tako a
al In personal selling, the
talks personally with prospective c u s t o m e r s . while in advertiSing immediatef
communicating face
to face, feedba
target audience because salesman is communication
in advertising. Adyerhac
to face
cannot be taken because there is no face s

non-personal way of with the group of target audlenc

the sponsor while piihil.
Advertising is always paid by
Advertising is different from publicity.
audience is not always the co
under the
usually free of cost. In iblicity, message given to target
the message a n d appeal made
control of
has full control over in th
Sponsor. while in case of advertising, sponsor effect. Advertising always has positive effer
advertisement. Publicity can have positive or negative
communication with target audience thr.
Thus, advertising is a paid form of non-personal radio, direct-mail. u
mobile phone, internet, utdoor
such as TV, newspapers, magazines,
displays, etc.
3 . Evolution of Advertising meant merely to annoine
times, to advertise
Advertising is as old as civilisation itself. In earlier
information dates back to ancient Greece ane
to inform. This form of advertising for the transmission of and
Rome. Earlier, signs and symbols were used to carry information well before the development ment of
of printine
The upsurge in advertising came after the development of printing. When prining techniques gt
written words or messages. Another impDortant
pertected, the signs and symbols supported by
were Ant
development at this time was emergence of the pamphlets as an advertising
It was in the later half of the 19th century that mass aduertising, as we know it today, came into
being. Over the years, Indian advertising had many changing faces. The pre-independence ads were
mainly targeted to Britishers in India, the princely families and the rich strata of society. It is only ate-
independence that a new borm middle class received the attention of advertisers. Since this class belonge
to different socio-economic background, so advertisements shifted from luxury products to consume
durable products and convenience goods.
Growth in transportation, communication, mass production led to the growth of advertising, A
are needed to communicate with the large target-audience, to sell mass production. The growth of litera
led to the growth of newspapers and magazines. Increase in income led to growth in radio,TV,telepho
computers, etc. which led to the growth of audio-visual ads in advertising. TV came later in 20th cent
and now it is recognised as the most powerful medium of advertising
Today we are exposed to a larger number of commercial messages than in the past. Newspa
and magazines are full of advertisements. Not only the quantity of ads has
increased, even the qual-
advertisements has improved considerably over the past couple of years. In 2016, expenditu"
advertising was 650 billion US $. In India, expenditure on advertising was T51,365 crore in year ZU"
reflects that huge amount is spent on advertising.
4 . Definitions of Advertising
Some important definitions of advertising are as follows:
Advertising: Meaning. Scope and Functios

(1) According to American Marketing Association, Mdertising is a paicd form of

nonpersoral presentation and promotion of goods, serices or ideas by an identified

(2) According to Philip Kotler, Advertising is non personal form of communication condiucted
through paid media under clear sponsorship
(3) According to Stantorn, Advertising consists of all the activities involued in presenting to a
group. non-personal, oral, writen or visual, openly sponsored message regarding a product
service or idea.
(4) According to Belch, "Advertising is a form of communication used to persuade an audience
(viewers. readers or listeners) to take some action with respect to products, ideas or seruices
(5) According to John A. Shubin, "Advertising is the art of disseminating marketing information
through various media of communication (such as newspapers, magazines, radio etc.) at the
expense of aompanyfor the purpose of increasing (maintaining) effective demand and focilitating
and services."
the sale specific goods
6) According to C.A. Krikpatrick, Advertising is a mass communication of information

intended to persuade buyers so as to maximise the profits."

(7) According to David Ogilvy,
"Advertising means to develop favourable brand image, to
to increase the profits of organisation in the long run.
enlarge market share and "

and Kath, Advertising is salesmanship without personal
(8) According to Mason
and Wheeler, "Advertising is any form ofpaid, non-personal presentation
(9) According Bay
ideas, goods or services jor the purpose of inducing
people to buy them."
that advertising is non-personal presentation of ideas, goods
From the above definitions it is clear
an identified sponsor
for the purpose of inducing the people to buy them.
or services by
5 . Features of Advertising
ad has to make
Paid Form: Advertisement is never free of cost. The company issuing
(1) can be large or small depending on
to the media used for advertising. The payment
payment Media having wider circulation.
media-circulation, type of media and media-popularity. less
larger amount in comparison to media with
more viewership, more popularity charge
and less popularity. Payment to media also depends upon the
circulation, less viewership
popular-serial then its
time when ad is shown, e.g. if
ad is shown in prime time or alongwith
in newspaper or magazine,
then payment is made on the basis
cost will be more. Ifad is given ad.
case of TV, radio, payment
is made on the basis of time taken by
and in
ofspace taken, communication. Here message is
Non-Personal: In advertising there
is no face to face
(2) not by salesmen but with
the help of mass-media
transmitted to the target-audience of
radio, internet, etc. In advertising a large group
like-television, newspaper, magazine, is
same time. Because
of its non-personal feature, advertising
individuals is contacted at the is made
In personal selling person to person presentation
distinguished from personal selling. mass-media. Advertising is very
contacted through
but in advertising target audience
with large audience because of its non-personal
effective method of communicating not possible and
immediate feedback from audience is
Because of non-personal nature, reactions of target
moulded according to the
message cannot be adjusted
Identified sponsor
advertisement is the
of the
(3) ldentified Sponsor: The sponsor should be known through
means the producer or
seller who advertises the product
advertised message
The receiver of message should be able to id.
In some cases both the brand name and conpany's name
dentify the NdvertISimg
ne souCe o
advertisement, while in other cases, only brand name is mentioned in the ecifie
example. most of the Godrej. Hindustan Unilever and Tata products areadvertiseeTnent thef
brand name as well as company's name whereas others such as Eno, Tide E .
S h a m p o 0 , etc. c a r v the brand name only. So in both cases the spornsor is iclons , S

case. the audience can identify both brand and company. while in the sece.iied. Irn tt
brand can be identified. If in any communication, neither brand nor com second Case, n
identified, then such comnmunication is not an advertisement, even if it Uses y can
uses mass me
(4) Any Form: Advertising is used to create image, preterence tor a company or brandi nedia
any form of presentation can be used. It can be in the torm of
sign, symbol a For this
printed form. commercial on TV/tadio, pamphlet, banner, signboard, sky balloon
(5) Goods, Services or Ideas: Advertisements are to intorm, persuade and
balloons, etcage in
prospective buyers/users about products and services. Most of the
rerni the
ads are for
products or services but sometimes ideas may be advertised. For example,
example, idea ornoting
donation, eye donation, tree plantation, water conservation, national integration. co d
on, communal
harmony, gender equality, etc. are also advertised.
(6) Can be Used by Any Organisation: Advertising can be used by any type of
Advertisements are given by commercial, charitable, political, educationaln
organisations, etc. So, any type of organisation can avail services of advertising.

(7) Speedy Communication: Advertising is the fastest mode of communicating with the taw
audience. This method is faster than personal selling as here intormation can be
lakhs of consumers at one point of time. If the company is to contact thousarnds
passedd to
of consim
through personal selling it will take a long time for the salesmen to contact them. But sumers in caco
case o
advertising, the company can pass on the information to thousands of persons by issuing an
advertisement in newspaper in one day only.
(8) Mass Communication: Mass communication means
communicating with a very large
group of persons at the same time. Media like television, newspaper, magazines, websites
(internet) information to the thousands and lakhs of persons at the same
pass on
Because of mass communication in advertisement, cost of
contacting per person is low.
although in absolute terms it is very costly.
(9) Audio/Visual/Written Advertising Message: Advertising message can be audio, visual.
written combination of two; like audio-visual,
written-visual, etc. In print media like
newspapers, magazines, etc. and in outdoor media like
visual message is given. In radio audio
banners, pamphlets, etc. written and
in message; television audio-visual message is given.
advertising all written, visual, audio-visual, audio
messages can be given.
(10) Advertising is an Art: Advertising is an art because the ng
creative function of adverS
depends upon the creativity of individual who is designing ad. The creation of Copy
includes message designing, appeal aucolous
designing, layout, use of pictures, symbols
Advertising: Meaning. Scope and Functions

illustrations, etc lt is the art of advertising o which the auxres4 or faihure of acdvertising
campaigm depends So advertising is an art

(11) Advertising is not an Exact Science: Saes are affer tel by a number of facteors suuch as
competition. price level. product features, fashion onsumer taste, stage of businesa cycle
stage of product life cycle, effective advertising campaign. brand awarenes6. brand
preference. brand lovalty. media used in acdvertisingg, ete These factors cannot be controliled
like a physical scientist can control his experiments Morerver. principles of acvertising are
notas exact asthe principles of physical science. Hence advertising is not an exact science
(12) An Important Element of Promotion Mix: Advertising is an important element of
promotion mix. alongwith personal selling. sales promotion and publicity Advertising has
been considered as the most effective method of promotion as it creates demand. and
communicates the message to target customers effectively and helps to stirnulate saies
Advertising is a method of mass communication and is most effective elemetn of promotion

(13) Motivates and Inspires: All advertisements carry message which motivates and inspires
customers to purchase a particular product. The print media, audio and video media are used
together by the advertisers to carry the advertiser's message. The advertising message is

persuasive and informative so as to motivate potential customers.

(14) Controlled: The message, time and place of advertising are controlled by the sponsor to
make advertisement effective. The selection of media is carefully done to achieve the desired
results in economical way. The whole process of advertising is controlled and directed by the
sponsor in a way that helps advertiser to achieve pre-determined advertising objectives. In
this regard, advertisement is different from publicity which is not always within the control of
6 . Functions of Advertising
The main function of advertising is to increase the sales of the product by attracting prospective
customers. Advertising creates positive attitude towards the product. Advertising persuades the audience
of the usefulness of the product and makes them feel the need to have the product. Advertising also
persuades them that only the advertised product would satisty them and fulfil their wants. Effective
advertising can make the prospective customer move into shop and buy the product. t not only atracts
new customers but also reminds the old custormers of the product and helps the firm to maintain them. The
functions of advertising can be classified as follows:

(1) Primary Functions,

(2) Secondary Functions and
(3) Social Functions.
6.1 Primary Functions
These functions have direct benefit for advertiser. The main primary functions of advertising are

discussed below:
(1) Creates Demand: Advertising persuades the audience of usefulness of the product
makes them feel the need to have the product. Advertising also persuades prospective
would satisty and fulfil their was

that only advertised
rational and emotional
appeal to the
audience and makes them

to take
realic dvertise
he need
given by LIC urance
that product. For example,
customer feel that ytaking LI
byt policy mal
emotional and rational appeal
and makes the
of his family
policy. The Can
secure his future and future
innovative producte
or Service: In case of cts ltotally Te
(2) Announces for New Product
has to be done, to make peonlo
deal ofadvertising
product in the market), a great benefits to the customer, where it ic e
product. how it works, what are its
demonstration, etc.
uses and
yalable ts
Functions of Advertising

Secondary Functions Social Functions

Primary Functions

(1) Creates demand (1) Helpsto improve

boost the morale of
(2) Announces for new product or (1) Helps to of
salesmen and other employees.
service (2) Creates awareness
(3) Promotes new uses of the product
(2) Supports salesmen rural masses among
(4) Informs about changes in product, (3) Reaches customers left by (3) Creates employment
price, placement
salesmen (4) Educates consumers
(5) Helps in understanding the (4) Helps to procure better employees (5) Helps to solve social
(5) Announces location of
usefulness of the product problems
(6) Announces special offer/schemes and stockists and supports them (6) Creates awareness about
(7) Reminds users dangerous diseases
(8) Creates brand preference (7) Helps to circulate importantl
(9) Helps to neutralise competitor's government notifications
advertising (8) Other social functions

(3) Promotes New Uses of the Product: Another way of expanding the consumer base is to
promote new uses of the product Advertising helps to promote new uses of the product, e.a
Milkmaid was originally promoted as a substitute for milk. But later, it was advertised as an
ingredient for making sweet-dishes and as sandwich spread for children.
(4) Informs about Changes in Product, Price, Placement: If the company has made
certain changes with regard to product, price, place like it has introduced new product design
model, changed its price, shifted its retail outlets to some other place or opened new outlets for
sale to public, then it has to inform the public of these changes. Advertising is very helptul in
informing the public about these changes.
(5) Helps Understanding the Usefulness of the Product and Method of Using it
Certain ads give demonstrations of the product (Display-ads). Some ads
give instructions tor
using the product. This helps the customers to clear the doubts and understand the productn
a better manner. So advertising
helps the prospective buyers to understand the uses of tne
product and method of using the product. For example, the ad of food products like Magg
noodles, explains the method of cooking them.
(6) Announces Special Offer/Schemes: Whenever business unit launches any becial

offer/scheme like festival discounts, festival gifts, off-season discounts, stock clearance sales,

etc. then such schemes are intimated to the

general public, and dealers through advertising
Advertising: Meaning. Scope and Functions 9

(7) Reminds Users: For those products which are purchased repeatedly or frequently like soft
drinks, toothpaste, shampoo, shaving blades, etc. reminder-ads are very ettective in
maintaining the existing customers and to remind them of name of company and brand.
(8) Creates Brand Preference: Advertising is very effective in creating brand preterence. In
Comparative-advertising the product of our company is compared with the product of other
competitive firms. It is shown as to how our product is better than other brands. For example.
Ezee detergent ad demonstrates that woollen clothes washed with Ezee do not shrink. Rin
soap ad highlights that clothes washed with Rin are better cleaned than other detergents.
(9) Helpss to Neutralise Effect of Competitors' Advertising: Advertising helps to face
competition more effectively. Advertising neutralises competitors advertising so as to
any loss in market share. If other brands are advertised and we don't advertise our brand, prevent
soon we shall lose our market share. So we have to advertise to neutralise the etfect Or ad
given by rival companies.
6.2 Secondary Functions
In addition to primary functions mentioned above, advertising also performs some secondary
functions. These functions benefit the dealers/salesmen. These functions are as follows:
(1) Helps to Boost the Morale of Salesmen and other Employees: When employees of
the organisation watch advertisement of their own company and its product, they feel very
delighted and their morale goes up. They feel that they are working in an enterprise of high
reputation. Their job is not only secured but they also have bright prospects of promotion.
(2) Supports Salesmen: Advertising provides great support to salesmen. If the brand is
popular, it becomes easy for the salesmen to take entry in the door of prospective customer
and convince him to purchase the product. Advertising has already made the customers
familiar with the product and its uses, so it becomes easy for the salesmen to convince the
buyers and buyers can also rely on the statement made by salesmen of a reputed brand. Thus,
salesmen can sell the products without much efforts if the product is well advertised.
(3) Reaches Customers Left by Salesmen: Some prospective customers might be left by
salesmen either because they were not available at their places or they were living at very far
away places which were difficult to reach or it was very costly to reach there. Advertisement in
newspapers, TV, magazines, etc. helps the firm to contact such left out customers
(4) Helps to Procure Better Employees: Advertising helps the organisation to improve its
institutional image which helps to procure talented and experienced executives, salesmen
and workers, as talented employees prefer to join the reputed company.

(5) Announces Location of Dealers and Stockists and Supports them: To intimate the
public of the location of dealers and stockist and to support dealers, the firm goes in for
advertising. It benefits both customers and dealers. For example, when LG gives its ad in
its local dealers for the convenience
newspaper it also gives address and telephone number of
of consumers and popularity of dealers. It motivates the dealers.
6.3 Social Functions
Ihese functions benefit the society. Main social functions of advertising are as follows:
() Helps to Improve Standard of Living: Advertising helps to increase standard of living
rates. Advertising creates
nasses by providing new and improved products at reasonable

demand for new and improved products and makes the public .
improvement in standard of living.
buy them.
This uetst
(2) Creates Awareness among Rural Masses: Through advertisem.
remote areas, rural areas become aware of latest products and their nent, peers
the latest products. They too
(3) Creates Employment: Ad creates demand. To meet this increased den . start
units are set up. This promotes industrialisation which creates
employmen In
many people are employed in advertising industry. Thus advertising cross
re indust
(4) Educates Consumers: Certain ads intormative and to
educative. s. this
knowledge of public general. For example, ad of water purifier
educates ad adsoyrm ent
repellent edueico ncease
benefits of safe drinking water. Similarly ad of
regarding dangerous fever they can catch by mosquito bite.
(5) Helps Solve Social Problems: Social-advertising
female foeticide, gender helps solve to
injustice, drug-addiction, alcoholism, dowry,
problem of family planning, etc illit Obleng
(6) Creates Awareness about lliteracy, casteismke
Dangerous Diseases: Advertising creates aus
dangerous diseases like polio, AIDS, dengue fever,
ad given by Cancer dehydration, swine flu, etc E abo
Society of India makes the masses aware of
(7) Helps to Circulate early symptoms mple,
Important Government Notifications:
departments helps the government to circulate
various Advertising by Goun ancer.
example, last date for filing Income Tax notifications
Number (PAN), date for Return, last date for getting amona nuent
various informations whichgetting identity card for election, date for pulse
Permanent or
government passes to the general public polio. ete
(8) Other Social through advertisemae the
Functions: Some social ads ment.
blood-donation, communal harmony and national motivate the public
for eye-donas
advertisements like matrimonial ads integration, etc.
7. perform social function. Similarly clasife
of Advertising of Effective
Advertising or
The ultimate Principles
be effective, the objective of advertisement is to induce
advertisement must have right the audience to
media so as to reach buy the
right people at the right time type of message communicatedgoods and services. To
advertisement should be properly and at the lowest through appropriale
will go waste. planned and designed, possible costs. To achieve these goas
According to R.H. otherwise the money
the targeted audience at the right Bushkrick, "The main
principle of spent on advertisement
principles of effective advertising can bewith right message and with effective advertising is that it reachës
divided in right media." The
(a) Features relating to
Consumers following categories: features/essentias
(b) Features
relating to Message
(c) Features
relating to Advertising
Advertising: Meaning. Scope and Functions 11

Characteristics/Principles/Essentials of
Effective Advertising

Features relating to Consumers Features relating to Message Features relatingto Advertising Copy

Attract Attention and

(1) Know your target audience (1) Understandable
Create Interest
(2)Appropriate media (2) Highlight special features
(3) Repetition in advertisement of the product
(4) Timelines (3) Believable
(4) Memorable and easy to recall
(5) Educational Value
(6) Motivational value
7.1 Features relating to Consumers
For effective advertising, the advertiser must consider following points related to consumers:
(1) Know your Target Audience: Before designing the advertisement the advertiser must
know who are the target audience, i.e. to whom the message is to be delivered. He must know
socio-economic characteristics of target audience viz. income, age, sex, education, culture,
lifestyle, tastes, preferences, personality, etc. Advertisement should be designed keeping in
mind the nature and characteristics of target audience.

(2) Appropriate Media: The advertisement message should be presented through the media
to which target audience have access. For example, if majority of target audience are illiterate,
then message presented in newspapers and magazine will not reach them. So if message of
advertisement does not reach the target-audience, the ad will be totally ineffective.

(3) Repetition in Advertisement: Repetition in advertisement refers to the number of

an advertisement is repeated within a specified period of time. The main purpose of
contact such
repetition is to keep the message alive in the memory of customers and to
customers as could not be contacted in earlier advertisement. The time gap between two
advertisements should be appropriate. If the frequency of advertisement is less then the
customers may not remember the message. If the frequency is more, the audience may lose
interest in the ad and may get irritated and stop giving attention to it.
For example, if ad is
(4) Timelines: Time at which advertisement is shown is equally important.
or when it is holiday because people
given in newspaper, it is better if it is given on Sunday
TV at the time
read newspaper in depth on Sundays. Similarly if advertisement appears on
will be very less as
when most of the customers are not watching it, the effect of advertisement
TV programmes. So the
compared to the time when majority of customers are watching
timing of advertisement should be appropriate.
7.2 Features relatingto Message
message should be
said. The
The impact of advertisement depends on what is said and how it is
message content and
Ich as atracts attention and interest of the target audience. While finalising
ructure, following points should be kept in mind:

(1)Understandable: The language used in advertising should be simple

pronunciation of advertisement should be clear in case of audio, audi
advertisement should be dubbed in different local languages so as to Salar derstand ThThe
Aual ads.
understandable. Message should be clear regarding name of product (btandhe The
appeal made in advertisement. Sometimes ad is attractive, but after watchinoPong
understand the appeal made in ad. Such ads don't serve the
it. Sponsor aernd
mes an
ewers dorn
(2) Highlight Special Features ofthe Product: Advertisementmessage should vertipsing,
unique features of the product. It should say something exclusive about
other brands don't have. Customers should be made to feel that the n out
the adverticod udt vhich
better than competitive products.
(3) Believable: The ad-message should be believable. If message
of any conveys imaginan.
product, people will not take the advertisement seriously.
given in the advertisement. It should not give the Only true factealite
been exaggerated. impression that qualities of prodb
(4) Memorable: The message should be easy to remember and have
easy to recall.
message should be easy to
memorise. Whenever customers
advertisement message should come to their mind and remind go for shonni used in
5) Educational Value: Ad them about the Drod he
should educate the audience
message should aim at educating the people for
whom it is me.roduct
regarding uses of product, method of
using the product, after sales services offered on using it, instructio
the product, place from
can be
purchased, etc. where the no
(6) Motivational Value: It should
create need for the
them to buy the product in the minds of people
product. An advertisement is effective if it and ind
purchase the product. The advertisement should persuades and inspiree e
appeal regarding love, affection, make
7.3 Features comfort, security, safety, pride, etc. emotional or rationona
relating to Advertisement Copy
For effective
attract attention of advertising, advertisement copy should be attractive and
target audience, impress and interesting. It shou
using headlines, colourful persuade
made attractive by the prospective
customers. Print ad can
atractive through effective
models. Audio ad can
pictures, glamorous faces, etc. Visual be
of any film star. For be made attractive ad can be made
making advertisement by using effective and
mind while
designing ad copy:
attractive and popular voice
interesting, following points should also be keptin
(a) Giving demo in ad
copy, i.e. the consumer
(b) Using attractive using the product should be shown.
illustrations, attractive colours.
(c) Providing artistic border
and underlining the
(d) Using question as keywords in the print-ad-copy.
headlines e.g. "Wouldn't
insurance corporation in an ad you wish for a
happy old age?-by
(e) Highlighting the regarding pension plan.

of product or service
attention of the people. in ad copy if
price is low and
Attaching coupons for free literature.
Different ad-copies should be
times in prepared so that
media. Repeating the same ad different
generates monotony andadvertisements can be shown at lifferent
as a result,
target audience avod uhe ad
Advertising: Meaning. Scope and Functions 13

Advertisement copushould be framed keeping in mind the interest and choices of prospective custorners
make the advertisement interesting.
pictures, attractive colours, illustrations, highlighting sales
promotion 0% interest
like ree gift, financing, discount schemes, etc. can be incorporated in the
ad copy. Interesting ads have long lasting effects on the mind of audience.
Note: The topic of Eftective Advertisement Copy has been discussed in detail in the chapter
Creative Aspects of Aduertising'
8 . Expanding Scope ofAdvertising
Advertising has wide scope in marketing. Its scope can be described on the basis of activities
included in advertising. Scope otf advertising is increasing day by day. Now-a-days, there is tremendous
growth in advertising. Earlier because of less growth in transportation and means of communication.
products were manufactured and sold locally. So local level advertisements were given. But later with
industrialisation, nationaland international markets developed. So the need for advertisement was felt a
national and international level. This increased the area of advertising. The scope/area of advertising has
increased due to following factors:
(1) Increase in Ad Functions: Earlier ads were designed to satisfy informative needs of buyers
in the form of public announcements but now advertising functions include building brand
image, brand loyalty and persuading the buyer to purchase the product. Now advertising
performs informative, communicating and persuading functions. Earlier ads for consumers
were only informative in nature. The ads were designed just to inform the customers of
availability of product, name of product and its price. But now ads are designed for
consumers not only to inform, but also to arouse need of the product, create demand,
brand-preference and brand-loyalty, to remove dissonance (dis-satisfaction) and to persuade
the audience to purchase the product. So scope of consumer-advertising has expanded.
(2) Ad for Attracting and Supporting Middlemen and Salesmen: Earlier the need of
advertisement for middlemen and salesmen was not realised as there were very few
manufacturers and the middlemen could be easily attracted. But now to attract efficient
middlemen and salesmen and to support them, advertising is must. For well advertised

product, middlemen and salesmen can be attracted easily.

(3) Increase in Non-commercial Ads: Now-a-days, various non-commercial ads are issued
For example, ad
by government departments and social organisations for the general public.
on awareness of various social issues,
social problems viz. fatal diseases, female-foeticide,
hazards of fire-crackers in Diwali
drug-addiction, dowry, girl-education, adult-education and
various ads for public notification like last
days, etc. Similarly government departments issue account number, date of pulse
date for filing income tax return, date for getting permanent
have further widened the scope of advertising.
polio drops, etc. So, non-commercial ads
means were available to advertisers for
(4) Growth in Media: Earlier very less media
there is phenomenal growth in media
communicating with target-audience, but now-a-days
means like newspapers, magazines, TV,
internet, neon-sign-boards, mobile phones, social
etc. So now advertisers have wide
choice regarding
networking sites, banners, pamphlets,
It has widened the scope of advertising.
selection of suitable media for effective advertising.
in industrialisation, mechanisation,
(5) Increase in Industrialisation: With the growth ata large scale.
business firms go in for production
transportation, means of communication, are setting up
We now
than in the past. Many multinationals
have more large scale industries
cannot be marketed
large industries. The mass production done by these big companies
mportant activity lhi
advertising has becomne
without advertisement So now

increased the scope of advertising

has increased manifold
(6) Increase in Level of Competition: The level of competition
cannot be popular in the market wit
dny product many brands are available. A company 5o there was less
used to be less,
advertising. Earlier the level of competition competition, there is more need
advertisement. But now due to increase in level
advertising. It has increased the scope of advertising.
(7) Increase in Readership and Viewership: With the growth in literacy, readers
and magazines
increased and now newspapers
ewspapers and magazines has electronics, computers
and increased
advertisements. Similarly with the growth in increased the readersh
ncome, number of TV sets and computers
has increased which
of audio-visual advertising annd
and viewershipof such media. This has led to the growth
increased the scope of advertising
in everybody s lite everydau
0 now the scope of advertising has expanded very vast. It figures
on vehicles, on railwa
full of ads, advertisements in the televisions,
papers, magazines are we see
roadsides, on websites (internet),
etc. Itis
is an
platforms, on bus stand, on our mails, in the sky, on the
in modern economic world. It has
part of our economic and social life. It has done wonders
nregral Now ads are given by
every segment of society. No sphere of life is untouched by advertising.
anected institutions for seeking donations and political parties for seeking vote. Similarly, matrimonial
ads tor seeking life partners, ads for filling up vacant posts by companies, government and employment

agencies are very common.

9 . Structure of Advertising Industry/Groups Involved in Advertising9
of Advertising
Industry/Components of Advertising Industry/Players
Structure of advertising industry includes main groups/components involved in advertising. Main

groups of advertising industry are advertiser, buyer, ad-agency, media, professional bodies, government
middlemen, etc. These are discussed below:
It can be manufacturer
(1) Advertiser: It refers to the sponsor who is issuing advertisement.
advertisement. Advertiser can be
wholesale, retailer, or all of them may join hands to issue
commercial organisation, social organisation, government, political parties, etc. Initially
when advertising industry was in its infancy, only commercial organisations used to issue
advertisements, but with the growth in advertising industry; now advertising is done not only
by commercial organisations but non-commercial organisations such as social organisations
also issue advertisements for eye-donation, tree-plantation, blood donation, awareness
about social problems, diseases, etc. Similarly, political parties issue advertisements to
etc. to attract voters.
highlight their achievements, manifesto, commitments, so as

Government also issues advertisements to inform the public about various notifications,
circulars, etc. Commercial bodies issue ads to inform, persuade and remind the prospective
customers about their goods and services.
(2) Buyers: Buyers can further be classified in three categories:
) Prospective Buyers: These are the persons who are not using the product. But through
advertising they can be convinced of the benefits of the product and can be persuaded to
buy the product; e.g. there may be a person who is not using the perfume, but i
persuaded through advertising, he can start using the perfume.
Advertising: Meaning. Scope and Functions

(i) Buyers of Other Brands: These are the persons who are using the proxuct in qgestieon
but ofa brand that is manufactured byour competitors, e g there is a person who is usirvg

perfume. but he is not using the brand of advertiser

(ii) Buyers of Our Brands: These are the persons who are using the proxuct of addvertise
For these three types of buvers the advertiser may design different aduvertising rmessages, e g

the first category may be convinced to use the product.The second category buyers may be

persuaded to buy our brand by offering them better terms than our competitor The third

category may be maintained or efforts will be made to increase their frequency of purchase
(3) Advertising Agency: Advertising agency is an independent business organisation
specialised in advertising work which undertakes the work of planning. preparing and
executing the advertising campaign for its clients. It is a body of experts who specialise in
advertising. To prepare and place advertising is the primary function of ad-agency
Advertising agencies have specialised knowledge, skills and experiernce which are required to
produce an effective advertising campaign. Ad agency is a specialised organisation which
has skilled writers. artists, market-analysts. researchers, fashion-specilists, media-experts.
etc. These specialists combine their talent to develop effective advertisement for clients of
ad-agency. Advertising agency is an independent business organisation composed of
creative and business people, who develop, prepare and place advertising in appropriate
media for advertisers seeking customers for their goods and services.
The role of advertising agencies has been accepted worldwide. In all types of countries, viz.
developing and developed countries, ad agencies are working for advertisers and media.
Nowadays, dependence on ad agencies is increasing very fast. The number of ad agencies in
India increased from 14 in the year 1939 to about 7,000 big, medium, small size ad-agencies
(total number) in the year 2016.
(4) Media: Television, newspapers and magazines have registered an impressive increase
during the last few years. Internet has emerged as a media of the new millennium. With the
growth rate in literacy in India the number of readers of newspapers and magazines has
registered a significant growth. With the increase in income level and increase in TV channels.
the number of television viewers has increased significantly. In India, now television is
recognised as the most powerful advertising media. With the growth in personal computers
and smart phones, internet advertising is also on the rise.
(5) Professional Bodies: There are professional bodies, representing the three parties related
to advertising, i.e. the advertiser, the advertising agency and the media of advertising. The
Indian Society of Advertisers (ISA) is the representative body of advertisers. The Advertising
Agencies Association of India (AAAl) represents advertising agencies. The Indian Newspaper

Society (lNS) is the representative organisation of newspapers and magazines; the Indian
Broadcasting Society (IBS) represents broadcasting companies. Similarly, Advertising Club
of India, Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI), etc. are also working as professional
bodies in the area of advertising. These organisations and associations protect the interest
and dignity of advertisers, media-owners, ad-agencies and consumers.
(6) Government: Government plays active role in regulating advertising industry. Not only
central government, but even state governments and local governments (municipalities,
panchayats) check and regulate advertising activities of advertisers. Central government
enacted various legislations to regulate the advertising industry. These legislations are
9 I i

g o v e r n m e n i s .

by respecti ctive municipality rCas
implemernted in their
restrictions, C
outdoor ner
several legal
regulate face anl
and protect nOyement
Today laws lo COS
to pass are
orced by the governm
government to chek
m i s l e a d i n g a d v e r t i s e m e n t s .

and stockists T.
retailers se are the

It refers to product i1 the product is
If the well ady
product wel
(7) advertised vertised
the Sometimes, th ber
people c a n buy product.
manufacturer and midd
sell the expense
m i d d l e m e n to bear the
the expenses of adve
i.e. they jointly

of Product somo
1 0 . Advertisability must have
advertised. A product
cannot be
product called its advertisabilit
Every advertised is advertisability. Borden
to be
advertised. The ability of
product l1 all the criteria are r
advertisability of its product.
the product has all the crito
criteria for determining uctis i,
it is rare that a
But in actual practice, advertised. But
But advertisernent
good advertisability. it can be advertisement will be mo advertisri
more criteria
if a product has one or the main features that a r
advertising. Following are
product has more criteria of
advertisable: ne
and Demand Expansion: The
(1) Possibility of Demand Creation oduct shoal.
whose demand can be created or expanded by advertising, In case
readymade garments, shoes, cosmetics, coffee, household durables, fashi
be created and expanded by advertising.
etc. demand can
(2) Brand: Unbranded products cannot be advertised. Branded products have
they can be identified and differentiated from the product of competitors bu hrs tszri
given on packing of product for its identification. Advertising is done for
brand-popularity and brand-preference. The brand can be name, sign, brand-a
prospective customer can identity the branded product as its brand is menti
advertisement and on the product. tione
(3) Wide Market: If a product has wide-market, advertising will be effective.
If on th
hand, it has limited market then personal selling will be more suitable than
greater the market-potential for the product, the more is the adveris
(4) Emotional Buying Motives: f a product has more
advertisability of proue
emotional buying motive, ita
advertisedmore effectively. By makingemotional appeals, potential consumers
have the product. canbearn
(5) Product should have the
Consumers: Quality, Capacity to Give Extra Utility/Satisfacto
Customers at its current
packaging, colour, design of the product should be
price level. If the acco
comparison to other available product can give extra-satistacion
products, then such product has more
(6) Product Differentiation:
If adverisaou
brands, it will have more product of a brand can be differentiated from producto
cannot be differentiated advertisability. Certain products ike flour, prou
etables, puik
On the other
hand, vege
readymade garments can much.
be products like elecic
more effective as appnrodus Droduct
have more differentiated more. Hence,
differentiability. advertising ror
and Functions 17
Advertising: Meaning. Scope

In addition to it, for advertising to be effective, advertising message should be believable,

attractive, memorable and easy to recall. The advertising message should be presented through the media
to which target customers have access. The advertisement should be issued at the appropriate time
Advertisement should be repeated frequently to keep the message alive in the memory of custormers.
Above all, the company should have sufficient funds to support the advertising programme.
11. Advertising as a Tool of Marketing
Advertising is an important tool of marketing. Success of whole marketing programme depends
upon how promotional tools are coordinated with different components of marketing mix. Advertising is
communication link between buyer and seller. It aims at informing, persuading and reminding the target
audience/potential customers about the product of advertiser, place of its availability, its price, its features,
after sales services, sales promotion schemes, etc. Success of marketing of any business unit largely
depends upon successful advertising campaign. In the process of achieving marketing objectives,
business unit uses several promotional tools. Advertising is used as a tool of marketing communication. It
is one of the elements of promotional tools of any business unit. Advertising is the main form of mass
communication. Advertising is a paid form of non-personal communication, transmitted to target
audience through mass-media by an identified sponsor.

M Marketing Mix

Product Place
Promotion Price

| Personal Sales Direct Publicity Interactive/Internet

Advertising Selling Promotion Marketing and Public Marketing

Marketing includes activities like distribution, promotion, financing, storage, risk bearing.
gathering market information, providing after sales services, etc. Marketing mix refers to a set of
controllable marketing tools that the firm uses to achieve desired response from target customers. It
consists of everything that the firm does to promote the demand of its products. Itmainly incudes 4Ps, ie.
product, price, place and promotion. Product includes physical product, services, its design, quality,
features, packaging, branding, after sale services, etc. Price includes price of the product, discount
schemes, credit schemes, etc. Place refers to channels of distribution. It includes storage, transportation,
market coverage, etc. Promotion refers to advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, publicity, direct
marketing, etc. An effective marketing programme blends all the components of marketing mix in a
coordinated manner so as to achieve marketing objectives of the business unit. The inter-relationship of
advertising and marketing is studied under following heads:
1. Advertising and Product
Product is an important element of marketing mix. It includes not only physical product but also
etc. A
services, product features, after sale services, branding, packaging, product positioning, quality,
Orier account of various features of product and their relationship with advertising is discussed below:
() Advertising and Type of Product: Product can be consumer product or industrial
Their number of
product. Consumer products are directly consumed by ultimate consumers.
customers is very large. Here, advertising plays very signfiicant role
in communicating with
masses and creating demand. On

used in industry e


hand, industrial

and machinery,
cts are not dvertsTg
furnace, ulsltra-sound machine
cOnsumed, but
r a y nmachine,

etc. These products are

often very technical in nature
e aduer
and magazines only. Adverti
such products is done in trade journals ing
Stgnificant role in communicating with target customers of industrial lucts does t plar,
Cycle: Product life cycle has
2Advertising and Stage of Product Life various has
thhese stages, marketing cO
n uction, growth, maturitu. decline. During
mmur stages y
iftenent objectives. n introduction stage, products
to the market
are new

done to make the

Her they cation has
hothe prmotional support. So heavy advertising target custor Teed
of product. Hlere, the objective of advertising is mainly to create awaren mers awa
product. In the growth and maturity stage, the objective of advertisina of the ne
Customes to buy and keep buying the advertiser's product. For this, repeatet Dersa
ads uade
to create brand preference and brand image. In the
decline stage, ales decline. Soare shoT

unit reduces advertising expenses.

(3) Advertising and Product Quality: lf product is of high quality. and its quality is
competitive products then its high quality, good performance, long life, lou ettertha
.will be highlighted in the advertisement. Here, usually rational appeal
eal isis ating
given cost
n the
(4) Advertising and Product Branding: Brand refers to name, term, sign, symhol.
bol used
business unit for identification of its product and to differentiate it from other co by a
products. Advertising helps in developing brand-image and brand-equity tetitive
products cannot be advertised. Advertising makes the brand popular. It creatnded
preference and brand loyalty. Popular brands can be sold easily even at highrand
Advertising creates favourable image for the company's name, brand and
trademark. it h prices
the organisation to earn greater sales volume, higher margins and
competitive-advantan heps
popularise the brand, advertising is must. For unbranded products, advertising is age. To
not dan
(5) Advertising and Product Packaging: Packaging is an one.
important part of marketina mi
although its importance varies with the nature of product. For those
decisions are made at the point of products, where nureh se
purchase or which are sold on self
service hai.
(departmental store), packaging plays a very significant role of
packaging creates favourable first impression of the product. advertising. Attractie
advertising tool by giving information about the name of Packaging also serves as an
date, method of using it, etc. product, its ingredients,
price, expiry
Advertising the
persuades them to buy the product.wrapper/package
customers and attracts the prospective
Use of appropriate
material, design and good amount of information
are the key factors
colours, packaging
while designing the that are kept in mind
package so as to attract the customers.
(6) Advertising and Product Positioning: Product
product in the minds of prospective customers. position refers to rank or position of the
position. People give high rank to the well Advertising helps in improving products
publicity the product position is badly advertised products. If because of some negative
regainingimproving the product position.affected then advertising plays significant role n
2. Advertising and Price
Price refers to the
money that the consumer has to
marketers adopt different pay to purchase a product or service. D rent
pricing policies for their
products. For different price strategies, ypesof
and Functions 19
Advertising: Meanng, Scope

of product is high in comparison to competitive product, then high-status

advertising is done. If the price
etc. used in advertising such high priced products. On the other
appeal, comfort appeal, pride appeal,

hand, if the prices of product are lower in comparison to competitive products, then economy appeal

the lower price of the product is used in advertising.

Advertising and
3. Place here refers to distribution channels, marketing intermediaries viz. distributors, stockists,
etc. These channel members help the marketer in making the product available to
wholesalers, retailers.
brand popularity. Wholesalers, retailers, dealers can be
customer near to his place. Advertising promotes
attracted if brand is popular. Thus, advertising helps the business unit in attracting middlemen for
distributing its product. If the businessunit is distributing its products through intensive distribution, then
mass advertising is done, as number of customers is very large in case of intensive distribution. Advertising
inform the prospective customers about the place of availability of the product/service of the
is also used to
marketers. Some marketers distribute their products directly to the ultimate consumers through
is very useful for brand popularity among the ultimate
marketing. In this case, mass advertising

4. Advertising and Other Promotional Tools

Various promotional tools are used in combination to communicate with the target audience. The
various marketing communication tools are-advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, publicity
with each other, so that clear
direct marketing. For best results, these promotional tools are coordinated
and consistent message can be delivered to target audience. Advertising is a very significant promotional
In case of
tool. Advertising also supports other promotional tools. Advertising is helpful in personal selling.
personal selling, it is easy for the salesmen to sell well-advertised products. Thus, advertising supports
is to inform the target
personal selling. Even in case of sale promotion schemes, advertising required sales promotion. In case of
customers about these sales promotion schemes. Thus, advertising supports
dissonance/dissatisfaction of customers. In case of direct
negative publicity, advertising is used to remove
customers and to create brand familiarity and
marketing, advertising is very useful to attract the ultimate
effective tool of marketing. Thus,
brand popularity. In case of internet marketing, online advertisingis very
advertising supports other promotional tools.
5 . Advertising and Competition
their products. Advertising
Now-a-days, business units face intense competition in marketing
the marketers can
helps the marketers to face competition successfully. Through competitive advertising, brand
show that their products are better than competitive products. Through advertising,
in facing competition effectively.
brand equity, brand preference can be developed, which helps
6 . Advertising and Market Segmentation
Market segmentation refers to sub-dividing the total market on the basis of some homogenous
life style, personality,
characteristics such as income, age, education, sex, occupation, religion, family size,
is done for large/prime segments,
etc. Various market segments may be of different size. More advertising
be different with regard
while less advertising is done for small segments. Different market segments may
media are used. For
to the nature of customers. For various segments, different kinds of advertising
network channel) will be appropriate
example, for market segment consisting of kids, television (cartoon
ad-media. For market segment consisting of elder persons print media (Newspaper,
magazines) is als5o
used besides television media.
of marketing. The success ot
rom above discussion it is clear that advertising is an important tool
marketing plan largely depends upon effective advertising.
12. Recent Trends in Advertising
now business
In comparison to past, units spend vo
(1) Increase in Advertising Budget: has increased manifold. N
Their advertising budget
heavily o n advertising. investment. The business units Croasiies
have started considering ad-expense
Because of increase intan
advertising. in
asset named brand-equity through

increasing media-cost. huge charges ofbrand

ambassadors, etc. business units
are incteasinn

their ad-budget.
Because of technological advancement, man
(2) Emergence of New Media: new types
mobile-phone media, digital
media have emerged. Now online media, signboards,
popularity as ad-media. The on-line adverh ng scialis
networking sites, etc. are gaining communication which was not
it two-way
tho available in
interactive in nature as
effective and has brought novelty to
traditional media. New media is cost
With the advent of FM-broadcasting, radio has
started regaining its past glory as a uertisain.g
To make the ads eye-catching, most
(3) Increasing Celebrity Advertising: the big
advertisers have started using celebrities as their brand ambassadors. These cel
winners of beauty contests, etc. For examnio
filmstars, sportstars, popular models,
manufacturers show popular filmstars and health drinks show sport stars
stars as their
ample, cosnmeteics
their bra
ambassador, etc. These celebrities charge very huge amount of fees which is USiIall
of rupees. The rival companies engage in celebrity ad-wars. If one manufacturer sho Crores
its brand
filmstar then other rival manufacturer also shows another film star as its brand amha
With the change in popularity of celebrity, the brand ambassador is changed.
(4) Technologically Superior Advertisements: Because of technological upgradation
quality of advertisements has improved manifold. In broadcast media, because of hi
quality cameras, better sound systems, computerised editing, etc. the production qualh
TV, radio, video advertising has improved. Now electronic and digital signboards ate
place of traditional signboards. Due to advanced and computerised technology, the qualityo
print advertising has improved significantly. Now, most of the newspapers and magazines
have started giving coloured ads.
(5) Changing Role of Women in Advertising: With the passage of time, the role of
advertising has changed. Earlier, woman was shown as sex-object, as housewife, as motha.
as wife, etc. who was submissive, weak, dependent, diffident (shy). But now, with the increase
in number of professionally educated and financially
independent women who are ke
persons in taking purchase decision in nuclear families, advertisements have started
portraying women as confident, independent, bold, career-oriented persons. The advertise
have started establishing balance among different roles
of woman. She is shown as
responsible and caring mother, as an efficient housewife who is well-versed wit
technologically advanced home gadgets; financially independent, professionaily educal
career conscious, a conftident person, etc. Now
women are also shown in the ads
products which were traditionally dominated by males. Now women are also shown imothesa
of automobiles, investment u
products like mutual funds, real estate, insurance compale iesac

banks' ad, etc. Similarly, a notable

the girl child was shown
change is witnessed in the role of a
girl child in du

only as pretty, lovely, cute child, who plays with dolls. 5ut no
child is shown as
confident, career-conscious, determined, intelligent, etc.
Advertising Meaning. Scope and 2\
(6) Change in Stereotyping (Conventions): Ads are changing the conventions. New the
role ofmen, women, childhen, aged persons is changing in aduertisernents Now, advertisers
have started showing women as confident, financially independent, highly educated
inteligent, etc. Women are shown in the ads of such products as were earlier advertised by
males. Similarly, now men are shown in the ads ofdomestic products and child-care products
which were earlier dominated by women. The role of children in advertising is also changing
Now children are shown as opiion-makers in purchase-decisions, career-conscious,
confident, etc. The role of aged persons in advertising has also changed. Earlier they were
shown as financially dependent on children, weak, sick. But now, they are shown as
independent, confident, healthy and strong persons.
(7) More Creativity: Nowadays, advertisers use more creative ideas which are unique, novel
and original. These creative ads arouse the interest of target groups in advertiser's product
Because of increasing professionalisation in advertising, creativity in ads is increasing.
(8) More Use of Emotional Appeals: Now advertisers use emotional appeals in addition to
rational appeals. Emotional appeals help the advertiser in developing emotional bonds with
target customers. Many emotional appeals like affection, pride, comfort, fear, humour, sex.
sorrow, joy, anger, trust, faith, safety, excitement, etc. are given in advertising.
(9) Increase in Non-Commercial Ads: Nowadays, various non-commercial ads are issued
by government departments and social organisations for the general public; like ad on
awareness of various social issues, social problems viz. fatal diseases, female-foeticide.
drug-addiction, dowry, girl-education, adult-education, hazards of fire-crackers in Diwali
days, etc. Similarly, government departments issue various ads for public notification like last
date for fling income tax return, date for getting permanent account number. date of pulse
polio drops, etc. So, non-commercial ads have further widened the scope of advertising.
(10) Increasing Role of Ad-Agencies: Nowadays, dependence on ad-agencies for aduertising
is increasing because of increasing complexities in advertising. Ad-agencies provide wide
specialised services like developing, preparing, placing advertisement in media.
range of
providing services like sales-promotion, market.-research, salesmen training.
package-designing, etc. Now, business units prefer to avail the services of ad-agencies rather
than depending on the internal advertising department.
have seen a significant
(11) Increase in Regional Language Advertising: The recent years
increase in regionalisation of advertising. The Indian advertising scenario
for years had been
last few years, there has
the stronghold oftwo languages-English and Hindi. However, in the
been significant increase in regional language advertising. In India, more than 300 languages
enables economies of scale with
are spoken. Although advertising in Hindi and English
media, regional
regard to communication, but still advertisers cannot ignore regional
channels and regional languages. The states of Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra,
Kerala, Andhra
have emerged as markets where
Pradesh, Karnataka, West Bengal, Assam, etc.
extent. As against the national
regionalisation of communication has occurred to a large the
and are more efficient in reaching
channels, the regional channels are more cost effective now understand
are low. Marketers
target audience. The tariffs charged by regional channels
that a larger chunk of Indian population communicates in
its regional language. Advertising
offer multilingual facilities. Brand ambassadors
agencies today highlight that they
regional language skills are hired for effective regional communication.

(12) Faster Ad-Mortality The shelf life of

advertisement has
reduced iderably
2-3 years some time
omonths as against an average life of
ne ago.
be changed faster to attract atterm
attr Due
competition and media-clutter, ads have to
(13) Increase in Legal Regulations: Government has enacted various lertiel tiono
of consumers viz. Consurne
advertising in order to protect the interest
Indecent sentation of Women Act, Legal Metrology Act,
Code for Commercial Advertising on Television, etc. Ihe main aim of th
Names Protectivn
advertising. Now advertiser, advor
check misleading, deceptive, untruthful
brand ambassador can be held responsible for deceptive advertising. Soi
difficult for advertising agency and advertiser to design advertisements,
Strengths and Weaknesses of Advertising as a Promotional Tool
ional Tool
Effective tool of mass communication
Quick communication
Can reach prospects who cannot be approached by salesme

Provides sufficient knowledge about the product

Effective in introduction
of new products
Creates interest of prospect in the product
Promotes brand-image and brand equity
Most suitable for consumer goods
One-way communication; cannot clear doubts and queries of prospects
Less credibility and trustworthiness
.Needs repetition which involves additional cost
Less flexible thanpersonal selling, cannot adjust the message according to reaction of tarno
audience arge
Not much effective for industrial goods
Less effective during later stages
of product life cycle
.Can not be used for
unbranded products
Proves costly if number of target audience is less.

I. Essay Type Qustions
1.What do you mean by
advertising? Discuss the functions of advertising.
2. What is advertising? What are
the main characteristics of advertising?
3. "Advertising informs people about the features,
be appreciated and welcomed all of price and availability of the product.Hence1
by us." Discuss.
Advertising Meaing. Scope and Functions

4 Define advertising. What are the essentials of an effective advertising

5. State and explain the nature and scope of advertising the
the product." Do you agree with this statement? Give
6. "Advertising sells
functions performed by advertising.
the sales ot product o
[Hint for first part: The main function of advertising is to increase
the product
audience of the usefulness of
attracting prospective buyers. Advertising persuades the Efftective
fulfil their needs/wants.
and convince them that only the advertised product would make them
into the shops and
advertisement is capable of moving the prospective customers
maintains the old
attracts new customers but also reminds and
purchase the product. It not only
customers. For the second part, explain
the functions of advertising.]
Discuss advertising as a tool of marketing
7. What do you mean by advertising?
most important method of marketing communication' Explain.
8. Advertising is the
II.Short Answer Type
1. What do you mean by
features of advertising.
2. Explain the main
functions of advertising.
3. Discuss social
of effective advertising.
4. Explain essentials
of advertising.
5. Discuss the scope
different groups involved
in advertising.
6. Explain
by advertisability of product?
7. What do you mean

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