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Fall 2020-2021 B Week 14

Selective Listening
A. Video
a. Watch the following video:

You will watch a performance of Ravel’s Boléro. As you listen, answer the following
 Did you notice anything special about the piece?
 Did you like the beginning or the end better?
 Did you think anything changed throughout the piece?
 How did the music make you feel?

b. Now look at the painting on the following link:

 What do you see in the painting?
 Do you see any patterns in the painting?
 What do you think of the colors?
 How does the painting make you feel?
 How do you think the painting is related to the piece of music you listened to?

B. Vocabulary

Study the words below.

abstract (adj) 1abstract ideas exist as thoughts in the mind, and are not related to physical
objects or real events and actions; 2abstract art expresses the artist’s ideas or feelings rather
than showing the exact appearance of people or things | an abstract concept/painting
circuit (n) a closed system | an electrical circuit
deteriorate (v) to make or become worse or inferior in character, quality, value, etc.,
deterioration (n) | the economy deteriorated
diagnose (v) to find out what physical or mental problem someone has by examining them |
diagnosed with cancer
obsessed (adj) unable to stop thinking about something; too interested in or worried about
something, obsession (n), obsessive (adj) | obsessed with money
recover (v) to become fit and healthy again after an illness or injury, recovery (n) | recover
from the flu
symptom (n) any feeling of illness or physical or mental change that is caused by a particular
disease | symptoms of a disease

Fall 2020-2021 B Week 14

Complete the following sentences using the correct forms of the words above.

1. As the company’s financial situation ____________________, many of the directors

began resigning.
2. It takes a long time to fully ____________________ from an operation like this one. You
need to be patient.
3. ____________________ art is not like realistic art; to understand it, you should focus on
the emotions that the piece brings about.
4. The ____________________ of the disease include fever and vomiting.
5. Questions about emotional state, sleep habits, and energy levels help doctors
____________________ depression.
6. A closed ____________________ system is one in which video or other media is
transmitted through connected cables and wires, not through the air.
7. He is so ____________________ with money. It is the only thing he talks about.

Answer the questions as you listen to the lecture.

1. What did Ann work on as a cell biologist?


2. As Ann’s paintings grew in size, they gradually became more


3. Her painting that was inspired by Boléro was a(n) ______________________ of music
into visual language.

4. What does impressionist music aim to produce? (Write one.)


5. Ravel’s Boléro is special because the ______________________ stays the same

throughout the piece.

6. In both Maurice Ravel’s and Ann Adams’ cases, the disease’s ______________________
was Boléro.

7. What does the deterioration of the cells in the frontal cortex lead to?

8. Normally, when the brain is using the language circuit, activities such as
______________________ are switched off. (Write one.)

9. The creativity observed in frontotemporal dementia patients is


Fall 2020-2021 B Week 14

10. Towards the end, even though she could not paint, Ann continued to have the

Fall 2020-2021 B Week 14


Selective Listening

A. Study the following words.

 cosmos (n) the universe, especially when it is thought of as an ordered system
Science changes what we know and how we think about our place in the cosmos.
cosmic (adj) cosmic events/laws
 cure (v) to make a person or an animal healthy again after an illness
Researchers and doctors all over the world are working hard and holding out hope for a
cure for cancer.
 greedy (adj) wanting to have more of something such as food or money than is necessary
or fair
I don’t like her. She is greedy and selfish.
greed (n)
 identify (v) to recognize somebody/something and be able to say who or what they are
Scientists have identified the gene responsible for the disease.
 immortality (n) the state of living or lasting forever
The Greeks believed in the immortality of the soul.
immortal (adj)
 lack (v) If there is a lack of something, there is not enough of it or it does not exist at all.
Despite his lack of experience, he got the job.
lack (n)
 motive (n) a reason for doing something
The police don’t yet know the motive for the murder.

B. Complete the sentences with the words above.

1. Vampires are ____________________ beings that do not age.

2. “Don’t be so ____________________! Share the ice cream with your sister,” said my
3. A company’s main ____________________ is to make more and more profit.
4. There are still many burning questions about the ____________________ that physics and
astronomy are unable to answer.
5. Looking at the size, shape, color, and habitat can help you ____________________ a bird
6. Headlines in popular press have announced that we are very close to finding a
____________________ for Alzheimer’s Disease.
7. I’m sorry I can’t help you because I ____________________ the necessary information to
understand the problem.

Fall 2020-2021 B Week 14

Answer the questions as you listen to the lecture.

1. Lunar calendars were made to follow _______________________.

2. Peoples of the past had no scientific knowledge, so they used

_______________________ to explain the cosmos. (Write one.)

3. True or False?

According to Greek mythology, Selene travels during the day and her brother travels
during the night. _____

4. Underline the correct alternatives to complete the following sentence about the Chinese

The old woman tells Chang’e to drink all of / half of the bottle, and Chang’e drinks all of
/ half of the bottle.

5. According to the Chinese myth, how often do the gods let Houyi visit his wife on the


6. Both of the “Man in the Moon” stories are about a man who is
_______________________ as punishment for doing something wrong.

7. Write two of the physical features that helped identify a werewolf in human form.

_______________________ and _______________________

8. What method was used to treat werewolves in the Middle ages? (Write one.)


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