Principles of Journalism

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Principles of Journalism:

Gathering Information/Sources:

(1) Verification: Find out if the information is Truth and Accurate

- Use Primary Sources for information like Eye Witnesses and not via via
- Use information from Experts of the respective field when gathering

(2) Objectivity: If the information gathered is bi-polar i.e. has opposite sides of
information then the Journalist must weigh all the information on the spectrum and
decide which one has maximum weightage and truth. Based on that judge what is

Telling Story/Writing Article:

(3) Originality: Creating something new and unique. Not borrow/copy words of
others. Essentially avoid Plagiarism.
(4) Completeness: Tell the Whole story and not just the part of it. Broken or
pieced story can convey different meaning and manipulate the effect of news.
Journalist must gather information from as many sources as possible and analyse
their views toward the information. Argue every bit of information in negative way
to verify and see the negative side of any polar argument.
(5) Transparency: Journalist must tell the sources of information like who they
spoke to and who they not spoke to. This makes it clear in Readers' minds that
opinions of which personalities are not included and which are included. Journalist
should try to name and define the sources for the information.
(6) Fairness: Journalist must avoid Bias for any Polar information and should judge
the information from a neutral point of view whithoud siding with any side
unfairly. Journalist should only provide plain information to the audience and not
to manipulate the audience to think of the story in certain way.

Impact of Journalism:
(7) Restraint:
- Journalists should restraint themselves in publishing the story in hurry.
If wrong/kind of wrong information is published it can hurt someone badly or affect
the society in negative way. For example it is better to not name victims of
certain crime when they are not required to be named to keep their lives unaffected
negatively. Journalists should think about this when publishing and only publish
the plain and simple TRUTH
- Journalist should also show restraint and writing the name of the sources.
Keeping them Anonymous saves them from negative effect and publicity of the story
like Pressure from Politicians or powerful people or inside the organizations

(8) Humanity:
- Journalist should respect subjects of a story. Although journalists are
required to be objective they can still show sympathy to the subjeects. For example
journalists should know that publishing story hurts the family and friends of the
affected subjects of a crime.

(9) Accountability:
- A journalist must be responsible for the story they write. If there are any
mistakes they must admit and correct them and always show responsibility in public
for their writings and not hide.
- A journalist must reveal information which should be known to public but is
being hidden away by those in the power which shows accountability for the
Audience. The audience relies of the journalist for the seeking right information
and what is being done and what is not.
(10) Empowerment:
- A journalist's job is to empower people who are not in power and reduce tha
gap of the power. This makes sure that the power is not abused and overpowered
victim's voice is heard to everyone. The ordinary or less powerful has not very
means to share their information and a journalist should empower them by sharing
the right stories.

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