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Nominal Exchange Rates Real Exchange Rates

85/- for 1 USD (85/- for 1 USD) (5TK 10c)

Appreciation refers to an increase in Appreciation in the U.S. real exchange rate means that U.S.
the value of a currency as measured goods have become more expensive compared to foreign
by the amount of foreign currency it goods, so U.S. net exports fall
can buy.
When $ appreciation, it gets cheaper for US to import and
get more expensive to export. US import rise and export
Depreciation refers to a decrease in Depreciation (fall) in the U.S. real exchange rate means that
the value of a currency as measured U.S. goods have become cheaper relative to foreign goods.
by the amount of foreign currency it
can buy. depreciates, foreign imports get more expensive which
means they fall, and US exports to other countries get
cheaper which means they rise.
The nominal exchange rate is The real exchange rate is a key determinant of how much a
expressed in two ways: country exports and imports
• In units of foreign
currency per one U.S.
• And in units of U.S.
dollars per one unit of
the foreign currency.

The nominal exchange rate is the rate The real exchange rate is the rate at which a person can
at which a person can trade the trade the goods and services of one country for the goods
currency of one country for the and services of another.
currency of another. The real exchange rate depends on the nominal exchange
rate and the prices of goods in the two countries measured
in local currencies.

when the US imports more products from Mexico, they exchange dollars for pesos. This will
increase the demand for pesos, and peso will appreciate. At the same time, the dollar will
when a country's central bank wants to keep the exchange rate in a certain range, and they buy or
sell currencies to keep it in that range.
The Chinese government was well known for buying US dollars to keep the Chinese currency
artificially depreciated. When the US's importing goods from China, the yuan would appreciate.
Then the Chinese government would turn around and buy dollars which kept the exchange rate
about the same. This kept Chinese exports cheap for Americans.

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