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1 ActiveServer Cross-Platform Cardholder Authentication

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Frictionless Fraud Prevention with 3D Secure 2

March 2020 - v1.7

Copyright © 2020 GPayments Pty Ltd

1 ActiveServer Cardholder Authentication

Multi-Channel Authentication
for eCommerce
with GPayments’ ActiveServer Solution

Authentication for Web & Mobile Transactions

THE NEED FOR AUTHENTICATION The 3DS protocol has been giving customers
peace of mind for 16 years by providing an
With the ever-increasing trend towards online
extra layer of security in card-not-present
services, there is a greater requirement for
online transactions. GPayments’ ActiveServer
the authentication of users during
leverages the latest improvements from the
transactions and banking activities to:
EMVCo 3DS2 protocol (such as multi-factor
• Reduce the potential for online fraud
authentication and biometrics) to give
• Reduce the cost of processing
merchants the security, which has always
fraudulent transactions
been provided by 3DS, with the additional
• Increase cardholder confidence in benefits of native support for mobile
using online services applications and the new frictionless
• Comply with international regulations authentication flow.
such as PCI-DSS, EMVCo guidelines and
the EU Payment Services Directive
Multi-Channel Authentication for Web & Mobile
In the physical world, these requirements are
With the significant increase in Internet usage
largely overcome and managed. However,
and with a view to capturing new markets,
with online transactions, there is an increasing
most merchants now offer their customers a
need to ensure these goals are met. When
variety of ways to purchase online, including
comparing the physical and virtual worlds,
both traditional browser-based eCommerce
additional authentication is required to prove
and in-app purchases. Recognising the
a user's identity in the virtual world. The
necessity to support new and evolving
development of strategies to address the
payment channels, in addition to traditional
need for increased security for online
PC desktop and browser-based transactions,
authentication has been paramount and has
ActiveServer includes the ability to natively
resulted in the emergence of the 3D Secure
support authentication of app-based
(3DS) protocol for eCommerce.
transactions on mobile and other consumer
connected devices.

Copyright © 2020 GPayments Pty Ltd

2 ActiveServer Cardholder Authentication

Frictionless Flow Non-Payment Authentication

Another key benefit for merchants in 3DS2 is the 3DS2 also supports cardholder verification
introduction of the frictionless flow. While many for non-payment transactions, allowing
rule-based engines have been available in the merchants to verify a cardholder’s identity
market in the past, 3DS is the only protocol to with its issuer, without needing to process
offer issuer-approved authentication for a charge, all within the security of the 3DS
merchant liability shift. The former 3DS required ecosystem. This is useful for scenarios
users to go through an initial sign up process, such as adding a payment card to a digital
remember static passwords, and it utilised the wallet or managing recurring transactions.
invasive challenge screen, which often ended up A new device channel introduced in 3DS2
leading to cart abandonment. 3DS2 offers a is 3DS2 Requestor Initiated (3RI). This
seamless way for cardholders to be authenticated channel allows authentication to be
between the merchant and issuer and the initiated from the merchant’s 3DS
prediction is that in most cases authentication Requestor environment, which is useful
activity will be invisible to the cardholder, leading for managing recurring transactions, or
to a significant increase in conversion rates. checking if a card is still valid.

Copyright © 2020 GPayments Pty Ltd

3 ActiveServer Cardholder Authentication

ActiveServer Features


GPayments’ ActiveServer supports A merchant dashboard, available via the web
all of the major card schemes: administration panel, allows users to quickly gauge key
• American Express statistics and information regarding server performance
• Diners Club International and authentication usage. Multiple merchant profiles
• JCB can also be added to the system and managed through
this panel.
• Mastercard
! UnionPay (Q3 2020)

ActiveServer adheres to Payment
Card Industry (PCI)
recommendations for cardholder
data security. The following
features are built-in to ensure
ongoing PCI-DSS compliance.

• Two Factor Authentication for

administrative personnel
• Truncated PAN storage
• Central application logging TRANSACTION REPORTS
system Detailed transaction reports can be viewed for all
• System audit event logs completed transactions for business or troubleshooting
purposes. Transaction reports can be viewed per
GPAYMENTS’ TESTLABS merchant or for all merchants in the system.
ActiveServer clients will be offered
access to GPayments 3DS2
TestLabs. ActiveServer can connect
to our EMVCo-compliant ACS,
Mobile SDK, and Directory Server
products, to provide end-to-end
test capability of your
implementation. Different access
packages are available to be
customised by our business team
to suit your requirements.

Copyright © 2020 GPayments Pty Ltd

4 ActiveServer Cardholder Authentication


GPayments’ ActiveServer offers easy to THE 3DS1 PROTOCOL
use RESTful APIs based on industry Moving the industry from 3DS1 to 3DS2 is a massive
standards, for merchants to integrate undertaking and even though the incentives are there for both
with their existing systems. Requests the merchant and issuing sides, we anticipate 3DS1 will still be
can be sent and received in JSON operational for years to come. To assist with supporting the
format and the API comes with detailed two protocols in parallel, ActiveServer includes a protocol
documentation and sample code to router, which can be enabled by merchants to allow the
offer a seamless experience. appropriate 3DS flow to be determined for each cardholder. If
the cardholder is enrolled in 3DS2, the ActiveServer
Authentication API authentication flow continues as usual; if not, the merchant
ActiveServer exposes its authentication can choose to continue with their existing 3DS1 flow. This
components to allow merchants to feature will allow full interoperability with GPayments’ MPI
embed API code within their existing solution, ActiveMerchant, as well as existing MPI solutions with
checkout process. This code calls minimal merchant side code changes.
ActiveServer to perform the 3DS
Authentication and return the ROLE BASED USER MANAGEMENT
authentication response. This is a
Predefined Role Management
flexible model, which offers merchants
ActiveServer offers pre-defined roles, allowing separation of
the ability to utilise ActiveServer
duties. Administrator duties can be split between business,
remotely over the Internet from the
system and user admin roles. ActiveServer can also provide
merchant's own network.
access roles to individual merchant entities to manage their

Admin API profiles, or read-only access to view their transaction statistics

and reports.
ActiveServer exposes an API to its
administration services, enabling
system administrators and developers
If deploying GPayments’ ActiveServer as an In-House solution,
to integrate merchant and acquirer
it comes ready for deployment on the cloud straight out-of-
management tasks with existing
the-box and is usable on many platforms including public
infrastructure. The Admin API is
cloud vendors like Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud
particularly useful for merchant
Platform. Load balancing and clustering are all possible, with
aggregators and payment gateways
Docker support also available.
who already maintain and manage
some of the merchant information
required for setting up merchant
profiles, thereby integrating For clients who are current users of our 3DS1 offering,
ActiveServer’s merchant management ActiveMerchant Enterprise, ActiveServer provides a migration
tasks within a merchant’s own system tool to import specific data to ease and streamline your
and significantly reducing upgrade process.
administration overhead.

Copyright © 2020 GPayments Pty Ltd

5 ActiveServer Cardholder Authentication

Additional Core Functionality

GPayments’ ActiveServer comes with the following core features:

• Intelligent Reporting - key business • Easy Product Activation - simple

information available from reporting management of all ActiveServer
functionality provided through the instances deployed via a token-based
administration web application. activation procedure linked to the
organisation’s account with
• Application Server and OS Agnostic -
ability to utilise any popular web
container to launch ActiveServer via a • Multiple 3DS Requestors and
WAR file or deploy as a standalone Merchants - ability to add multiple
application utilising Spring. This 3DS Requestors and merchants to the
extends to all popular operating same ActiveServer instance.
systems including Windows and Linux
• Web-Based Documentation -
based systems.
extensive web-based documentation,
• HSM Agnostic - compatibility with covering ActiveServer’s functionality,
most major general purpose available for all user roles.
Hardware Security Modules for
• Ease of Migration - for existing
encryption, including Thales, Gemalto,
customers, GPayments is available to
AWS KMS, or any PKCS11 compatible
develop a plan and identify the tools
needed for migrating to ActiveServer.
• Database Agnostic - support for
• Settings management - a rich set of
major leading relational database
features allow the customisation of
systems, including Oracle, MySQL,
the ActiveServer administration
MSSQL, Postgres, DB2 and AWS RDS.
interface and server for In-House

Copyright © 2020 GPayments Pty Ltd

6 ActiveServer Cardholder Authentication

Product Implementation Options

1. GPAYMENTS HOSTED SERVICE • Serviced by experts - Save time and

GPayments Hosted Service provides an resources by allowing our team of 3DS2

enterprise level Software as a Service (SaaS) professionals to manage the service for

solution for cardholder authentication. Hosted you, leaving you to focus on your

using one of the world leader’s in cloud business. We will keep the software

services, it features a secure and highly running, up-to-date and cover any support

redundant, multi-tenancy ActiveServer cluster questions you may have.

for all our customers around the globe. With • Reliability and redundancy - Utilising a
PCI compliance and card scheme certification comprehensive cloud based system
managed by our experienced operations health monitoring and diagnostic service,
team, our hosted service is the convenient and system status will always be monitored to
stress free way to implement your 3DS2 ensure maximum availability for your
needs. business. A high availability database
deployment will provide a secure and high
Benefits of the hosted service
performance backend to ensure that your
• Full PCI compliance - All PCI certification
data is always safe.
and maintenance is handled by the
GPayments operations team, reducing the • Easy to manage - Your service can be
scope of your organisation’s investment. managed easily from our client
dashboard, including initial activation,
• Card scheme compliance – Card scheme
viewing your subscription details, usage
certification and compliance programs are
and system status. Access to your
also handled by GPayments, allowing for
ActiveServer instance is also securely
an expedited time to market.
granted via the web-based administration
• Integrate via powerful API - Our panel at your customised sub-domain on
comprehensive, yet simple, Authentication our server for you to perform all
and Administration API’s are RESTful administration tasks.
based and allow you to integrate your
payment services easily with ActiveServer.

If you prefer to implement 3DS2 in-house, ActiveServer has been designed to be easily deployed in
a high availability cluster set up out-of-the-box in your environment. The software and
documentation suite are all available from our website for download or view. Installation and
management packages can also be discussed and tailored to fit your situation as required.

Copyright © 2020 GPayments Pty Ltd

8 ActiveServer Cardholder Authentication


GPayments is a company focused on delivering
authentication products for online transactions
and providing a range of solutions for card
schemes, financial institutions, online service
providers, merchants and cardholders.

With over fifteen years experience, GPayments has

a long history of pioneering and innovation in the
field of eCommerce and security and is recognised
as a leader in authentication solutions. The GPayments is a well respected provider of
strong, long-term relationships we have built with products and services to financial
our loyal, blue chip client base are as a result of institutions throughout Asia Pacific, Europe,
our experience, expertise and record of success. Middle East and North America

As a founding member of Visa International’s 3-D GPayments was a founding member of the
Secure Forum and having worked closely with Visa International 3-D Secure Forum
Mastercard on their Secure Payment Application established November 2000 and a major
protocol, GPayments has an intimate knowledge of contributor to the standard
online authentication and payment security
GPayments partnered with Mastercard in
requirements. It is based on such knowledge and
the development and evolution of its
experience that GPayments produces its quality
products for the banking and payments industry. Secure Payment Application (SPA) protocol
in 2000 and was the provider of the SPA
GPayments has an extensive list of banking clients global test facility for Mastercard
throughout Asia Pacific, Europe, the Middle East International
and North America, where its products have been
implemented. GPayments has also partnered with GPayments’ authentication platform,
key financial sector service providers to implement ActiveAccess, was the chosen solution for
significant bank-grade payment and Mastercard’s Asia Pacific Online
authentication solutions for their clients. Services Authentication Service (MOAS) for 3-D
to clients and partners have included project Secure and multi-factor authentication
management, development, customisation,
GPayments products are certified 3D
implementation, integration, training and ongoing
support. The expertise available through Secure compliant solutions, 3DS 1.0.2 and
GPayments would ensure a successful 3DS 2.1.0, for Mastercard, Visa, American
implementation of your solution. Express, JCB and Diners Club International /

Copyright © 2020 GPayments Pty Ltd

9 ActiveServer & ActiveSDK Cardholder Authentication

3DS SERVER +61 2 9453 5411

Copyright © 2020 GPayments Pty Ltd

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