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4 Vocabulary Based questions
5 Fact based questions

COMPREHENSIO Type 3: Inference Questions

Inference refers to the reasoning involved in
N drawing a conclusion or logical judgment on
the basis of circumstantial evidence and prior
Tips on Improving Reading conclusions rather than on the basis of direct
Comprehension (RC) observation. You need to draw conclusions
The most important thing about RC is that relate to the passage. The common
understanding what you read. Being able to mistake committed here is to select an
read fast is also important, but remember answer option that is outside the scope of the
that speed is always secondary to passage. Here again, practice becomes the
understanding. Below are some tips for key.
exam-preparation as well as for general
improvement. Type 4: Author agree/disagree questions
The main types of RC questions and how to These questions are asked in two ways.
approach them are: Either the question setter might give a
statement based on the overall sentiment of
Type 1: Big Picture questions the passage or he might give a statement
These questions are based on the overall based on specific aspects of the passage.
content of the passage and check your overall 1 It tests your ability to comprehend
understanding of the passage. These are minute details. You need to go through
mostly in the following forms: the directions carefully as multiple cases
1 Main Idea/Main point/Central theme
are possible here: he might ask you the
statement the author agrees with, the
2 Structure and Organization
statement the author does not agree with,
3 Tone and Attitude of the author of the
the statement the author does not
disagree with, etc.
4 Title of the passage
Type 5: Fact-based questions
With the right analysis of the passage, you These are the easiest of the lot as these
will be able to answer these questions simply ask you to identify the
without referring to the passage again correct/incorrect facts. 
One can easily find answers to these
Type 2: Detail Questions  questions by analyzing the facts given in the
These are the specific questions. Examples paragraph.
for these question types are as follows:
1 What can be inferred from the passage? Type 6: Vocabulary based questions
2 The author of the passage is most likely to These questions test your vocabulary- the
agree/disagree with the statement. meaning of a word, synonym or the opposite
3 Paraphrase the given line or segment of the word/antonym. The contextual
from the passage meaning of the word has a vital role here.

• Read from a variety of sources: newspapers,
Exam Tips the Internet, novels, magazines.
• Don't rush yourself. It is natural that you • Read across a broad range of topics: sports,
will start a little slowly and then build up business, politics, science etc.
speed as you gain familiarity with the • Read actively. Develop a habit of being very
curious about whatever you're reading!
• Always summarize to yourself the material
• Read all the questions first (if the exam you have just read.
format permits this). This will help you
zero in on the relevant portions when you Solving RC's in Computer Based Tests
start reading the passage. Exams like CAT, NMAT and MAT are now
• Read actively. This means, try to computer based. Those who are concerned
anticipate the next sentence. Reading this about dealing the RCs from the screen
instead of paper, experts suggest them some
way will help you engage with the
ways to handle it. Experts suggest that if you
passage more closely. practice reading more articles and news on
• Make notes to capture the essence of your computer and take notes in your rough
each paragraph within the passage. The paper while reading it, you will be better
first sentence of the paragraph usually equipped.
conveys the main idea or theme of the ‘Focus on comprehending the passage and not
paragraph. on speed reading. You may make a note of
important points as you read on the rough
• Don't try to memorize anything.
paper provided. This will help you answer the
Memorizing consumes time and is not questions faster and minimize the time
very useful. required to browse through a passage every
• Get the overview. After you have read time you answer a question. You have to make
the passage, ask yourself the following full use of the highlight option which is
questions: provided in the computer-based CAT exam.’
(1) What is the passage as a whole trying to
Level 1-Easy
(2) How does each paragraph contribute to
Passage 1: Common Information
the broad message of the passage?
On August 22, 1939, Adolf Hitler
summoned his top military generals to
General Improvement Tips
Obersalzberg, here he delivered a speech
It is a known fact that people with a regular
explaining his plans for war, first with
reading habit do much better in RC tests than
Poland, then with the rest of Europe.
those who don't. Regular reading improves
Despite resistance from those both inside
not just your reading speed, but also the
and outside Germany, Hitler felt
depth of your understanding of an unfamiliar
exceedingly confident that he could defy
passage. The most important thing is to
the will of the international community
cultivate a regular reading habit that you
and conquer vast amounts of land. In his
follow with discipline. Here are some things
speech at Obersalzberg, he laid out
you can do:
• Read for at least 30 minutes a day.

numerous factors he believed would Although Hitler brimmed with confidence
contribute to the success of his war plans. and experienced initial yet widely
Chief among Hitler's sources of confidence expected success in Poland and then in
in Germany's brazen war plans was Denmark, he overlooked important
German military quickness. Hitler said, considerations. In many ways, Hitler
"Our strength lies in our quickness." On made the same mistake Napoleon
the advice of Colonel-General von Bonaparte made years earlier. Hitler
Brauchitsch, Hitler believed Poland could believed he could advance further and
be captured in a few weeks, an conquer Britain, yet, like Napoleon, Hitler
astonishingly short amount of time given did not adequately foresee the
the recent history of trench warfare & the insurmountable barrier posed by Britain's
long history of protracted European island status. Despite the damage inflicted
military engagements that resulted in at the hands of the German Luftwaffe
minimal land gains and high casualty during the Battle of Britain (1940), British
counts. forces eventually won this important
Hitler's confidence in the ability of the battle. Nevertheless, Hitler pressed on
German military to inflict considerable and, in an even more fateful decision that
brutality further strengthened his carried echoes of a Napoleonic tactical
determination to pursue an exceedingly misstep, invaded the USSR where his
ambitious plan of territorial forces suffered the decisive defeat of
aggrandizement. He said, "I shall shoot World War II at Stalingrad in 1943. In the
everyone who utters one word of end, Hitler's reputation in history proved
criticism" and noted that "the goal to be to be as brutal and decisive as the battle
obtained in the war is not that of reaching plans and philosophy he announced at
certain lines but of physically demolishing Obersalzberg.
the opponent." In this vein, Hitler ordered
his military to "be hard, be without mercy, Q1. According to the passage, Hitler's
[and] act more quickly and brutally than confidence in his military strategy stemmed
others…for it scares the others off." Hitler from its:
believed that enemies, not used to this A. Surprise invasions
type of brutality, would surrender B. Emphasis on unconventional warfare
quickly. C. Reliance on air supremacy
In addition to speed and brutality, Hitler D. Swift brutality
believed that, in the end, history would E. Napoleonic overtones
overlook his inhumane conduct. To
support this view, which turned out to be Q2. The author of the passage is primarily
anything but prescient, Hitler invoked a concerned with explaining:
Pollyannaish view of Asian leader Genghis A. The logistics of Hitler's war strategy and
Kahn. In Hitler's eyes, Kahn "sent millions the mechanic s of its failure
of women and children into death B. The philosophy of Hitler's war strategy and
knowingly and with a light heart," yet the world's reaction
"history sees in him only the great C. Why Hitler believed his war plans would
founder of States.” succeed and why they eventually failed

D. Hitler's plans and their failure with an eye Q6. According to the passage, why did Hitler
to pre-1900 history believe he could conquer Poland in a few
E. Explaining the source of Hitler's brutality weeks?
and the reasons for its failure A. The inaction of European neighbors
B. The example of Napoleon
Q3. Which of the following best characterizes C. The philosophy of Genghis Kahn
the author's view of the relationship between D. The counsel of a military general
Hitler and Napoleon? E. The small size of Poland
A. Governed with similar styles
B. Fought military conflicts with similar Q7. According to the passage, which of the
ideologies following represents the chronological
C. In general, shared a legacy as overly unfolding of events?
ambitious leaders A. Generals summoned to Obersalzberg;
D. At a high-level, some similarities in Invaded Poland; Invaded Denmark; the Battle
military missteps existed of Britain; Battle at Stalingrad
E. Both suffered final defeats by impetuously B. Generals summoned to Obersalzberg;
charging east Invaded Denmark; Invaded Poland; the Battle
of Britain; Battle at Stalingrad
Q4. According to the passage, what best C. Generals summoned to Obersalzberg;
describes the author's understanding of why Invaded Denmark; Invaded Poland; Battle at
Hitler's military campaign eventually failed? Stalingrad; the Battle of Britain
A. Failed to demoralize opponents D. Generals summoned to Obersalzberg;
B. Overlooked important tactical and Invaded Poland; Invaded Denmark; Battle at
geographic considerations Stalingrad; the Battle of Britain
C. Underestimated international resolve E. Generals summoned to Obersalzberg; the
D. Fell behind technological advancements of Battle of Britain; Invaded Poland; Invaded
European enemies Denmark; Battle at Stalingrad
E. Failed to consolidate initial military and
land gains Passage 2: Common Information
Although websites such as Facebook and
Q5. According to the passage, Hitler's MySpace experienced exponential growth
confidence in the war plans announced at during the middle of the first decade of
Obersalzberg stemmed from all of the the 21st century, some users remain
following EXCEPT: oblivious to the fact that the information
A. The speed of the German military they post online can come back to haunt
B. The brutality of the German military them. First, employers can monitor
C. The plan to stifle dissent employees who maintain a blog, photo
D. The belief that instilling fear weakened diary or website. Employers can look for
enemies controversial employee opinions,
E. The history of overlooking European sensitive information disclosures or
military brutality wildly inappropriate conduct. For
example, a North Carolina newspaper
fired one of its features writers after she
created a blog on which she anonymously

wrote about the idiosyncrasies of her job yourself that may have been posted by
and co-workers. mistake or by a disgruntled former
The second unintended use of information associate. Third, never post blatantly
from social networking websites is offensive material under your name or on
employers who check on prospective our page as, despite the best precautions,
employees. A June 11, 2006 New York this material will likely make its way to
Times article reported that many the wider world. By taking these simple
companies recruiting on college campuses steps, members of the digital world can
use search engines and social networking realize the many benefits of e-community
websites such as MySpace, Xanga and without experiencing some of the
Facebook to conduct background checks. damaging unintended consequences.
Although the use of MySpace or Google to
scrutinize a student’s background is Q1. Based upon the passage, the author
somewhat unsettling to many implies which of the following:
undergraduates, the Times noted that the A. Information obtained unwillingly from the
utilization of Facebook is especially Internet is permissible in court
shocking to students who believe that B. It is impossible to protect yourself from
Facebook is limited to current students unintended uses of information online
and recent alumni. C. Making information available only to
Corporate recruiters and prospective people whom you trust compromises your
employers are not the only people online community
interested in college students’ lives. The D. Even if you restrict who can view your
third unintended use of social networking data, the government may still access it
websites is college administrators who E. Done properly, posting prurient
monitor the Internet—especially information about oneself poses no
Facebook—for student misconduct. For substantial risk
example, a college in Boston’s Back Bay
expelled its student Government Q2. The author implies that users should take
Association President for joining a all of the following actions to protect their
Facebook group highly critical of a online privacy EXCEPT:
campus police sergeant. In addition, A. Know to whom you make your online
fifteen students at a state university in information available
North Carolina faced charges in court for B. Actively hunt for misinformation or
underage drinking because of photos that damaging information posted about you or
appeared on Facebook. under your name
Although more users of websites C. Speak with recruiters to inform them of
such as Facebook are becoming aware of any misinformation published about you
the potential pitfalls of online identities, D. Carefully select and limit who can view
many regular users still fail to take three your electronic profile
basic security precautions. First, only E. Avoid uploading information that would be
make your information available to a exceedingly damaging if it were discovered
specific list of individuals whom you
approve. Second, regularly search for
potentially harmful information about

Q3. The tone of the passage suggests that the B. It provides suggestions to ameliorate the
author's view toward e-community and the previously mentioned problems
digital world can best be described as: C. It summarizes the points of the preceding
A. Largely Pessimistic paragraphs
B. Frustrated D. It offers counter evidence and an
C. Guardedly Optimistic alternative point of view to the claims made
D. Distressed earlier in the passage
E. Strongly Optimistic E. It reconciles conflicting claims

Q4. According to the passage, all of the Passage 3: Common Information

following represent a possible threat to It is difficult to reconcile the ideas of
privacy or an unintended use of data different schools of thought on the
EXCEPT: question of education. Some people
A. Disgruntled past associates posting maintain that pupils of school should
damaging information online concentrate on a narrow range of subjects
B. Colleges or universities disciplining which will benefit them directly in their
students for expressing politically incorrect subsequent careers. Others contend that
or institutionally disowned opinions they should study a wide range of subjects
C. Government officials using online so that they not only have the specialized
information, obtained against one’s will, to knowledge necessary for their chosen
bring legal proceedings careers but also sound general knowledge
D. Potential employers conducting about the world they will have to work
unauthorized and potentially invasive and live in. Supporters of the first theory
background checks via Google or Facebook state that the greatest contributions to
E. Malicious users impersonating one's civilization are made by those who are
identity to commit identity fraud expert in their trade or profession. Those
on the other side say that, unless they
Q5. Primary purpose of the passage is to: have a broad general education, the
A. Explain the growth of the digital world experts will be too narrow in their
through the lens of privacy outlook to have sympathy with their
B. Discuss the risks of the digital world and fellows or a proper sense of responsibility
suggest ways to protect yourself towards humanity as a whole.
C. Evaluate the pros and cons of active
participation in the digital world Q1. What is the passage about?
D. Propose steps Facebook, MySpace, and A. Reconciliation of two different ideas about
Google can take to protect user privacy education
E. Illustrate potential unintended uses of B. Projecting two different ideas about
private information education
C. Career-oriented education
Q6. Which of the following best describes the D. Broad-based education
relationship of the last paragraph to the
remainder of the passage? Q2. According to the passage which one of
A. It offers detailed examples to support the following statements is true about broad
previous assertions general knowledge?

A. Without it no one would get a job welfare here and hereafter. Nothing is
B. Specialization is incomplete without it said about knowledge and education.
C. It teaches us about different things Thus Jesus Christ spoke much of feeding
D. It broadens one's outlook the hungry, healing the sick, and
converting the sinners: But he never
Q3.Supporters of the first theory would not taught the duty of teaching the ignorant
agree with and increasing scientific knowledge. He
A. experts have contributed most to the himself was not a well-educated man, and
progress in the modern world intellectual pursuits were beyond his
B. students should study a few subjects that horizon. Gautam Buddha also laid stress
will help them in their profession on morality, meditation and asceticism,
C. people with broad general education have but he did not attach great importance to
not contributed much to civilization history, science, art or literature. St.
D. students should not undertake any Ambrose deprecated scientific studies and
specialized work wrote, “To discuss the nature and position
of the earth does not help us in our hope
Q4.'School of thought' can best be explained for life to come”. St. Basil said very frankly
as and foolishly, “It is not a matter of interest
A. groups of people who are schooled to think for us whether the earth is a sphere or a
B. groups of people having different cylinder or disc.” Thomas Carlyle also
perceptions on a particular subject followed the Christian traditions when he
C. groups of people belonging to different declared that he honored only two men
schools and no third: The manual labor and the
D. groups of people whose job is to think religious teacher. He forgot the scientist,
the scholar and the artist. The cynics of
Q5. According to the second school of thought Greece despised education at last.
education will not be very effective, if
students Q1. What have the religious teachers taught
A. do not have a wide general education in the past?
B. have inadequate knowledge of their own A. That man is made up of body only
work B. That man is made up of soul only
C. ignore the study of fine arts C. That man is made up of bubbles
D. concentrates on only a few subjects
D. That man is made up of body and soul
Passage 4: Common Information together
Some religious teachers have taught that
Man is made up of a body and a soul: But Q2. What is food for the soul?
they have been silent about the Intellect. A. Bread
Their followers try to feed the body on B. Virtue
earth and to save soul from perdition C. Vice
after death: But they neglected the claims D. Education
of the mind. Bread for the body and Virtue
for the soul: These are regarded as the
indispensable requisites of human

Q3. The following philosophers occur in the They have left the task of value extraction
passage. But they are not in correct order. mostly to the informal system of garbage
Correct the order collectors and recyclers. Improving on the
(l) Jesus Christ national record of collecting only 80% of
(II) Gautam Buddha waste generated and being able to process
(III) St. Ambrose just 28% of that quantum, requires
(IV) Thomas Carlyle behavior modification among citizens and
(V) St. Basil institutions. But what is more important is
A. I, II, III, IV, V that the municipal bodies put in place an
B. I, III, IV, V, II integrated system to transport and
C. I, II, III, V, IV process what has been segregated at
D. II, I, III, IV, V
The Swachh Bharat programme of the
Centre has focussed too narrowly on
Q4. Intellectual pursuits have been neglected individual action to keep streets clean,
because: without concurrent pressure on State and
(I) They are unnecessary and superfluous municipal authorities to move closer to
(II) They make people dwarf scientific management by the deadline of
(III) They lead people to hell April 2018 set for most places, and arrest
A. Only I is correct the spread of pollution from trash.
B. Only II is correct In the absence of stakeholders at
C. Only III is correct the local body level, recoverable
D. Only I and II are correct resources embedded in discarded
materials are lost due to dumping.
Organic refuse, which forms about 50% of
Passage 5: Common Information all garbage, readily lends itself to the
The collapse of a great wall of garbage in generation of compost or production of
east Delhi’s Ghazipur area, sweeping methane for household use or power
people and vehicles into a nearby canal, is generation. But it is a major opportunity
a stark reminder that India’s neglected lost. Organic waste that could help green
waste management crisis can have deadly cities and feed small and affordable
consequences. household biogas plants is simply being
More than a year after the notification of thrown away. It is also ironic that while
the much-delayed Solid Waste some countries such as Rwanda and
Management Rules, cities and towns are Kenya have introduced stiff penalties for
in no position to comply with its the use of flimsy plastic bags, India is
stipulations, beginning with the doing little to prevent them from drifting
segregation of different kinds of waste at into suburban garbage mountains, rivers,
source and their scientific lakes and the sea, and being ingested by
processing. Neither are urban local cattle feeding on dumped refuse. A new
governments treating the 62 million paradigm is needed, in which bulk waste
tonnes of waste generated annually in the generators take the lead and city
country as a potential resource. managers show demonstrable change in
the way it is processed. There has to be a

shift away from large budgets for A. Mountains of garbage
collection and transport by private B. Negligence of waste management
contractors, to the processing of C. Waste management and clean India.
segregated garbage. As the nodal body for D. Clean India campaign 
the implementation of the new rules, the E. None of these
Central Pollution Control Board should
put out periodic assessments of the Q3. Which of the following statement is/are
preparedness of urban local bodies in the wrong according to the passage?
run-up to the deadline. Without a rigorous I. The Swachh Bharat programme of the
approach, the national problem of merely Centre has focused too much on individual
shifting city trash to the suburbs, out of action to keep streets clean.
sight of those who generate it, will fester II. Organic waste that could help green cities
and choke the landscape. Considering that and feed small and affordable household
waste volumes are officially estimated to biogas plants is simply being thrown away.
grow to 165 million tonnes a year by III. Organic refuse, which forms more than
2030, many more suburbs are bound to be 50% of all garbage, readily lends itself to the
threatened by collapsing or burning generation of compost or production of
trash-mountains. methane for household use or power
Q1. Which among the following is true A. Only I
according to the passage? B. (I) and (III)
A. The national record of collecting more C. Only B
than 80% of waste generated and being able D. Only C
to process just 28% of that quantum requires E. (I) and (II)
behavior modification among citizens and
institutions. Q4. Which of the following country/countries
B. the national record of collecting below introduced stiff penalties for the use of flimsy
80% of waste generated and being able to plastic bags?
process just 28% of that quantum, requires A. Rwanda and Kenya
behavior modification among citizens and B. Kenya and India
institutions C. India
C. the national record of collecting only 80% D. Rwanda
of waste generated and being able to process E. Kenya
less than 28% of that quantum, requires
behavior modification among citizens and Q5. Choose the word, which is MOST
institutions SIMILAR in meaning of the word printed in
D. the national record of collecting only 80% bold as used in the passage. Flimsy
of waste generated and being able to process A. Tough
just 28% of that quantum, requires behavior B. Coarse
modification among citizens and institutions C. Thin
E. all are false D. Lasting
E. Durable
Q2. Which of the following can be the suitable
title for the passage?

Q6. Choose the word, which is MOST incredible population base to increase
OPPOSITE in meaning of the word printed in their army's size and ensured that no
bold as used in the passage. Segregation rogue cities would ally with Cortes. In
A. Isolation order to accomplish this later goal, Aztec
B. Solitude leader Motecuhzoma needed to send
C. Seclusion envoys to neighbouring cities telling their
D. Camaraderie inhabitants about the horrors of Spanish
E. Separateness conquest and the inevitability of Spanish
Level 2-Moderate In addition, the Aztecs should have
exploited the fact that the battle was
Passage 1: Common Information taking place on their territory. No reason
On the surface, the conquest of the Aztec existed for the Aztecs to consent to
empire by Herman Cortes is one of the conventional battle, which heavily
most amazing military accomplishments favoured the Spanish. Motecuhzoma's
in history. With a small fighting force forces should have thought outside the
numbering in the hundreds, Cortes led the box and allowed Cortes into the city, only
Spanish explorers into victory against an to subsequently use hundreds of
Aztec population that many believe thousands of fighters to prevent escape
topped 21 million. In light of such a and proceed in surprise "door-to-door"
seemingly impossible victory, the obvious combat. With this type of battle, the Aztecs
question is: how did a small group of would have largely thwarted Spanish
foreign fighters manage to topple one of technological supremacy. However, in the
the world's strongest, wealthiest and most end, the superior weaponry of the
successful military empires? Spanish, the pent-up resentment of Aztec
Several factors led to Cortes' success. rivals, the failure of Aztec diplomacy, and
First, the Spanish exploited animosity the lack of an unconventional Aztec war
toward the Aztecs among rival groups and plan led to one of the most surprising
convinced thousands of locals to fight. In military outcomes in the past one
one account of a battle, it is recorded that thousand years.
at least 200,000 natives fought with
Cortes. Next, the Spanish possessed
superior military equipment in the form Q1. Which of the following best characterizes
of European cannons, guns, and the main point the author is trying to convey
crossbows, leading to effective and in the passage?
efficient disposal of Aztec defenses. For A. Aztec failure to fight an unconventional
example, Spanish cannons quickly war led to an unnecessary defeat
defeated large Aztec walls that had B. Spanish victory was neither as impressive
protected the empire against big and less nor as surprising as it may first appear
technically advanced armies. C. Resentment toward the Aztecs led to their
Despite the Spanish advantages, the demise
Aztecs probably could have succeeded in D. Herman Cortes masterminded an amazing
defending their capital city of military accomplishment
Tenochtitlan had they leveraged their

E. The myopic vision of the Aztecs led to their Q5. Which of the following best characterizes
unnecessary downfall the author's view about the inevitability of
Aztec demise at the hands of the Spanish?
Q2. The passage is sequentially organized in A. Absolutely Inevitable
which of the following ways? B. Likely Inevitable
A. Introduce an enigma; explain the reasons C. Ambivalent
for the enigma; discuss the inevitability of the D. Likely Not Inevitable
enigma E. Absolutely Not Inevitable
B. Define a problem; explain the sources of
the problem; offer a solution to the problem Q6. The author implies which of the following
C. Introduce a mystery; offer an explanation about the nature of Aztec regional influence
for the mystery; provide an alternative and power?
explanation for the mystery A. Engendered some anger
D. Pose a question; offer an answer to the B. Achieved with a non-traditional military
question; offer an alternative answer to the campaign
question C. Based upon a technologically outdated
E. Define a problem; explain the likelihood of military
the problem; discuss the consequences of the D. Achieved through alliances
problem E. Based upon small yet swift and brutal
military force
Q3. The author implies which of the following
about the Aztec view toward an Q7. The passage implies that which of the
unconventional military confrontation of the following constituted the reason for Cortes'
Spanish? success seeming so impressive?
A. The Aztecs did not consider it A. Utilization of technological supremacy
B. The Aztecs considered it, but rejected it out B. Ability to form a coalition of local tribes to
of beliefs about how battles ought to be fight the Aztecs
fought C. The vast quantities of gold and other
C. The Aztecs considered this, but it was too precious metals obtained in conquest
late D. The large disparity in the size of the Aztec
D. The Aztecs were certain a victory could be and Spanish militaries
achieved via traditional combat
E. The Aztecs felt the geography of Q8. The author's tone can best be described
Tenochtitlan did not favour this strategy as?
A. Frustrated
Q4. According to the passage, all of the B. Angry
following led to Cortes' success EXCEPT: C. Optimistic
A. Advanced crossbows D. Analytical
B. Nimble military force E. Introspective
C. Local Spanish allies
D. Local tribal friction Passage 2: Common Information
E. Quick destruction of Aztec walls The classical realist theory of
international relations has long
dominated both academic institutions and

the American government. Even at the power structure is the realists’ view of the
birth of the nation, early political nation as a unitary actor. Because
thinkers, such as Alexander Hamilton, classical realists see international
promoted a realist view of international relations as a continuing struggle for
relations and sought to influence the dominance, the nation cannot be viewed
actions of the government based on this as a collection of individuals with
perspective. While the classical realist disparate wants, goals, and ideologies.
school of international relations is not The realist view requires the formulation
entirely homogeneous in nature, there are of a national interest, which in its simplest
certain premises that all classical realists terms refers to the nation’s ability to
share. survive, maintain its security, and achieve
The primary principle underlying some level of power relative to its
classical realism is a concern with issues competitors. Realism is not without its
of war and peace. Specifically, classical critics, many of whom challenge the
realists ask, what are the causes of war premise that war is the natural condition
and what are the conditions of peace? The of international relations or that there can
members of the classical realist school be a truly national interest. However, the
mainly attribute war and conflict to what realist school of international relations
is termed the security dilemma. In the continues to shape foreign policy because
absence of any prevailing global of the successes it has had in describing
authority, each nation is required to real world interactions between nations.
address its own security needs. However,
each nation’s quest for security—through Q1.It can be inferred from the passage that
military build-ups, alliances, or territorial members of the classical realist school would
defenses—necessarily unsettles other be LEAST likely to support.
nations. These nations react to feelings of A. an international policy based on building a
insecurity by engaging in their own strong military force to deter threats
aggressive actions, which leads other B. an international policy that seeks to reduce
nations to react similarly, perpetuating threats of war by providing humanitarian aid
the cycle. to potential aggressor countries
It is important to note that for realists, C. a domestic policy that attempts to unify the
unlike idealists or liberal nation’s citizens behind a common cause
internationalists, international conflict is D. a domestic policy that allocates a majority
a necessary consequence of the structural of the country’s budget for defense spending
anarchy that nations find themselves in. E. an international policy based on joining a
Whereas other schools may see common defense contract with other nations
international conflict as the result of evil
dictators, historical chance, flawed socio Q2. Which of the following, if true, would best
political systems, or ignorance of world support the classical realist theory of
affairs, classical realists see war as the international conflict as it is described in the
logical result of a system that by its nature passage?
lacks a true central authority. A. Some countries ruled by dictators maintain
Hand in hand with this view of conflict as peaceful relations with their neighbors.
an inevitable condition of the global

B. Despite the presence of a world However, linking the United States
superpower, many countries continue to economic recovery with its entry into
fight wars with their neighbors. World War II is a prime example of flawed
C. War has existed from the beginning of economic thinking.
recorded history. Supporters of the war benefits economy
D. After the nations of the world form an theory hold that a country at war is a
authoritative world court, wars decrease country with a booming economy.
dramatically. Industry must produce weapons, supplies,
E. Some countries are able to capture food, and clothing for the troops. The
territories from other countries without fear increased production necessitates the
of international consequences. hiring of more people, reducing
Q3.According to the passage, the formation of More employment means more money in
a national interest serves what function in the pockets of citizens, who are then likely
the classical realist theory of war and peace? to go out and spend that money, helping
A. It is a convenience used by theorists to the retail sector of the economy. Retail
describe national interests where none exist. shops experience an increase in business
B. It provides the necessary justification for and may need to hire more workers,
the classical realist view of a continuous further reducing unemployment and
global power struggle. adding to the economic momentum. While
C. It is less important to the theory than is the this scenario sounds good in theory, it
idea of the nation as a unitary actor. does not accurately represent what truly
D. It is a description of the policies used by happens in a war time economy.
world leaders to convince their citizens that In reality, the government can fund a war
war is necessary. in a combination of three ways. It can
E. It is the part of the theory that receives the raise taxes, cut spending on other areas,
most criticism from opponents. or increase the national debt. Each of
these strategies has a negative impact on
Q4. The author most likely regards the the economy. An increase in taxes takes
classical realist theory of international money out of an individual’s hands,
relations with leading to a reduction in consumer
A. general apathy spending. Clearly, there is no net benefit
B. skeptical dismissal to the economy in that case. Cutting
C. veiled disapproval spending in other areas has its costs as
D. glowing approval well, even if they are not as obvious.
E. qualified acceptance Any reduction in government spending
means the imposition of greater burden
Passage 3: Common Information on the benefactors of that government
After the end of World War II, a pervasive, spending. Cutbacks in a particular
but unfortunately fallacious, economic program mean that the people who
perspective took hold. Based on the normally depend on that program now
United States’ successful emergence from must spend more of their money to make
the Depression, the idea that war was up for the government cuts. This also
good for an economy became fashionable. takes money out of consumers’ hands and

leaves the economy depressed. Of course, and an increase in the amount of money
a government could go into debt during spent on medicine.
the war, but such a strategy simply means
that at some point in the future, taxes Q3. The passage implies which of the
must be increased or spending decreased. following about a government that funds a
Plus, the interest on the debt must be paid war by increasing the national debt?
as well. A. It is no worse off than it would be funding
a war by cutting spending or increasing taxes.
Q1. The "pervasive…economic perspective" B. The initial costs it incurs are less than with
mentioned in line 1 took hold because: the other two methods, but the future costs
A. observers took the appearance of one are greater.
phenomenon with another to indicate that C. It must increase taxes in order to pay off
one caused the other the interest on the debt.
B. the U.S. would not have emerged from the D. If the government does not increase taxes
Depression had it not entered World War II or decrease spending, its economy will not
C. the booming economy during wartime recover.
created thousands of jobs in the U.S. E. It receives a net benefit to the economy
D. most people /are not trained to think in greater than it would achieve with either of
economic terms the other two methods.
E. economists confused an event that was
necessary for an outcome to occur with one Q4. The second paragraph of the passage
that is merely sufficient to bring about that performs which of the following functions?
outcome A. It describes the common economic
benefits of a wartime economy.
Q2. Which of the following situations best B. It provides the background information
mirrors the effect that cutting spending in necessary to understand the information in
government programs has, as detailed in the the third paragraph.
passage? C. It explains what happened to the United
A. Government cutbacks on public works States’ economy during World War II.
maintenance lead to a deterioration of roads, D. It presents a possible objection to the
which creates more work for private author’s main thesis.
construction firms. E. It helps explain why individuals might hold
B. A decrease in the federal education budget the viewpoint presented in the first
causes certain schools to close, which forces paragraph.
families to send their children to schools that
are farther away. Passage 4: Common Information
C. A federal decrease in unemployment We have inherited the tradition of
payments causes some individuals who secrecy about the budget from Britain
would otherwise remain on unemployment where also the system has been strongly
to seek jobs. attacked by eminent economists and
D. Government cuts in housing subsidies political scientists including Peter Jay. Sir
results in fewer houses being built. Richard Wilson, who was the originating
E. A reduction in the federal spending on food prodigy of nearly every significant growth
safety inspections leads to a rash of illnesses in the British budgeting procedures

during the last two decades, has spoken moral duty to pay.
out about the abuse of budget
confidentiality: ―The problems of long-
term tax policy should surely be debated Q1. How do the British economists and
openly with the facts on the table. In my political scientists react to budget secrecy?
estimation, all governments should have They are
just the same onus to publish their (a) in favor of having a mix of secrecy and
spending policy. openness.
Indeed, this obligation to public (b) indifferent to the budgeting techniques
taxation policy is really essential for the and taxation policies.
control of public expenditure in order to (c) Eminent British economists and political
get realistic taxation implications. scientists have strongly attached the
Realising that democracy flourishes best tradition of budget secrecy.
on the ideologies of open government, (d) advocates of not disclosing in advance the
more and more democracies are having budget contents.
an open public dispute on budget (e) None of these 
suggestions before announcing the
appropriate Bill in the legislature. In the Q2. The author thinks that openness in
United States, the budget is conveyed in a budget is essential as it leads to 
message by the President to the Congress, (a) prevention of tax implications
which comes well in advance of the date (b) People‘s reluctance to accept their moral
when the Bill is introduced in the duties
Congress. (c) exaggerated revelation of the strengths
In Finland, the Parliament and the and weaknesses of economy
people are already conversing in June the (d) making our country on par with Finland
tentative modest suggestions which are to (e) It leads to the control of public
be familiarized in the Finnish Parliament expenditure in order to set realistic taxation
in September. Every budget contains a implications.
cartload of figures in black and white-but
the dark figures represent the myriad Q3. The author seems to be in favour of 
lights and shades of India‘s life, the (a) maintaining secrecy of budget
contrasting tones of poverty and wealth, (b) judicious blend of secrecy and openness
and of bread so dear and flesh and blood (c) transparency in budget proposals
so cheap, the deep tints of adventure and (d) replacement of public constitution by
enterprise and man‘s ageless struggle for secrecy
a brighter morning. The Union budget (e) None of these 
should not be an annual scourge but a
part of presentation of annual accounts of Q4. The secrecy of the budget is maintained
a partnership between the Government by all of the following countries except
and the people. That partnership would (A) Finland
work much better when the ridiculous (B) India
confidentiality is substituted by openness (C) United States
and public consultations, resulting in fair (a) Only A
laws and the people‘s acceptance of their (b) Only B

(c) Only C join it or wish it success and give it their
(d) A and C moral support. In inaugurating the
(e) B and C  communal order of his pattern, there was
a sparkling possibility of a skirmish
arising between groups and classes of our
Q5. Sir Richard Clarke seems to deserve the own people. Experience shows that man
credit for values his possessions even more than his
(a) transformation in the British budgetary life because, in the former, he sees the
techniques. means for perpetuation and survival of his
(b) Maintenance of secrecy of the British descendants even after his body is
budget. reduced to ashes. A new order cannot be
(c) detection of abuse of transparency in proven without fundamentally changing
budget the mind and attitude of men towards
(d) bringing down the tax load on British property and, at some stage or the other,
people. the ―haves have to yield place to the have-
(e) None of these  nots. We have seen, in our time, attempts
to achieve a kind of egalitarian society
Q6. For making the budget realistic, the and the picture of it after it was achieved.
Government should But this was done, by and large, through
(a) refrain from making public the proposed the use of physical force.
provisions before finalization.  In the ultimate analysis, it is difficult, if
(b) discuss it secretly within themselves. not impossible, to say that the instinct to
(c) encourage the public to send in their possess has been rooted out or that, it will
suggestions. not reappear in an even worse form under
(d) An open public debate on budget s different guise. It may even be that like a
proposals should be held before introducing gas kept confined within containers under
the appropriate bill. great pressure, or water held by a big
(e) None of these Directions  dam, once a barrier brakes, the reaction
will one day sweep back with a violence
equal in extent and intensity to what was
Passage 5: Common Information used to establish and maintain the
outward egalitarian form. This obligatory
The work, which Gandhi had taken up, equality contains in its dearest the seed of
was not only achievement of political its own destruction.
freedom but also the establishment of a The root cause of class conflict is
social order based on truth and non- possessiveness or the acquisitive instinct.
violence, unity and peace, equality and So Long as the ideal that is to be achieved
universal brotherhood and maximum is one of securing the maximum material
freedom for all. This unfinished part of his satisfaction, possessiveness is neither
experiment was perhaps even more suppresses nor eliminated but grows on
difficult to achieve than the achievement what it feeds. Nor does it cease to be such
of political freedom. In the political it is possessiveness, still whether it is
struggle, the fight was against a foreign confined to only a few or is shared by
power and all one could do, was either many.

If egalitarianism is to endure, it has to be
based not on the possession of the Q3. According to the passage, which was the
maximum material goods by few or by all unfinished part of Gandhi‘s experiment? 
but on voluntary, enlightened (a) Educating people to avoid class conflict
renunciation of those goods, which cannot (b) Achieving total political freedom for the
be shared by others or can be enjoyed country.
only at the expense of others. This calls (c) Establishment of an egalitarian society.
for substitution of spiritual values for (d) Radically changing the mind and attitude
purely material ones. The paradise of of men towards truth and non-violence.
material satisfaction that is sometimes (e) None of these. 
equated with neither progress these days
spells peace nor progress. Mahatma Q4. According to the passage, true
Gandhi has shown us how the acquisitive egalitarianism will last if. 
instinct inherent in man could be (a) It is thrust upon people.
transmuted by the adoption of the ideals (b) It is based on truth and non-violence.
of trusteeship by those who have for the (c) People inculcate spiritual values along
benefit of all those who have not so, that with material values.
instead of leading to exploitation and (d) Haves and have-nots live together
conflict, it would become a means and peacefully.
incentive for the amelioration and (e) None of these. 
progress of society respectively.
Q5. According to the passage, people
Q1. According to the passage, impartiality ultimately overturn the form of a social
will not survive if  order. 
(a) It is based on voluntary renunciation. (a) Which is based on coercion and
(b) It is achieved by resorting to physical oppression.
forces. (b) Which does not satisfy their basic needs.
(c) Underprivileged people learn to love and (c) Which is based upon conciliation and
are not involved in its establishment. rapprochement.
(d) People‘s outlook towards it is not (d) Which is not congenial to the spiritual
radically changed values of the people.
(e) None of these.  (e) None of these. 

Q2. According to the passage, why does man Q6. According to the passage, the root cause
value his belongings other than his life? of class conflict is. 
(a) He has inherent desire to share his (a) The paradise of material satisfaction
possessions with others. (b) Dominant inherent acquisitive instinct in
(b) He is endowed with the possessive man
instinct. (c) Exploitation of the have-nots by the haves
(c) Only his possessions help him earn love (d) A social order where unprivileged are not
and respect from his descendants. part of the establishment
(d) Through his possessions, he can preserve (e) None of these. 
his name even after his death.
(e) None of these. 

Q7. According to the passage, what does economically and keeping loan evasions
adoption of the ideals of trusteeship mean?  and overhead expenses adequately low.
(a) Equating peace and progress with Microlenders, including Grameen, do this
material satisfaction. by charging colossal interest rates as high
(b) Adoption of the ideal by the ‘haves’ for as 60% or 70%-which is necessary to
the benefit of the society compensate for the risk and attract bank
(c) Voluntary, enlightened renunciation of funding, but loans rates much above the
the possessive instinct by the privileged standard 15% would most likely be
class. attacked as usurious in America.
(d) Substitution of spiritual values by So, the question is whether there is a role
material one by those who live in the for a Third World leader in the world‘s
paradise of material satisfaction. largest economy. America believes that in
(e) None of these.  a few years it will be successful and turn a
profit, thanks to 9 million US households,
Level 3-Difficult untouched by mainstream banks, and 21
Passage 1: Common Information million using the likes of payday loans and
Today, with a Nobel Prize to its credit, pawn shops for financing. But enticing the
Grameen is one of the largest unbanked won‘t be easy. After all, profit
microfinance organizations in the world. has long eluded US microfinanciers and if
It started out providing small sums to it is not lucrative, it is not micro-lending,
underprivileged tycoons in Bangladesh to but charity. When Grameen first went to
help them grow from a survival living to a the US, in the late 1980s, it tripped up.
livelihood. The great discovery its Under Grameen‘s tutelage, banks started
founders made was that even with few microloans to entrepreneurs with a
assets, these entrepreneurs repaid on shocking 30% loss. But Grameen America
time. Grameen and microfinance have says that this time results will be making
since become financial staples of the loans, not training an American bank to
developing world. It‘s approach, distinct do it. More often than not, the borrowers,
from other microfinance, uses the group Grameen finds, in the US already have
lending model. Costs are kept down by jobs(as factory workers for example) or
having borrowers vet one another, tying side business-selling toys, cleaning houses
together their financial fates and etc. the loans from Grameen, by and large,
eliminating expensive loan officers provided a steadier source of funding, but
entirely. The ultimate promise of they don‘t create businesses out of
Grameen is to use business lending as a nothing. But, money isn‘t everything. More
way for people to lift themselves out of importantly for many entrepreneurs,
poverty. group members are tremendous sources
Recently, Grameen has taken on a of support to one another. So even if
different challenge by setting up studies are yet to determine if Grameen is
operations in the US. Money may be tight a clear-cut pathway out of poverty, it still
in the waning recession, but it is still a achieves something useful.
nation 1,00,000 bank branches. Globally,
the occupied microfinance equation Q1. What has adversely affected the success
consists of borrowing reserves of microfinance institutions in the US?

(a) The focus of these institutions is on (a) The conventional that Grameen is
making a profit at any cost instead of being doomed to fail in developed countries
charitable to the needy (b) A comprehensive evaluation of the
(b) American banks engaged in micro- current status of the American economy
lending were the most severely hit during the (c) A brief discussion about the prospects of
recession Grameen and microfinance in the US.
(c) A widespread perception is better suited (d) The role of banks in facilitating micro-
to developing countries lending efforts in developed nations
(d) Their failure to attract those outside the (e) Microfinance efforts are useful in
formal banking system as customers developing countries but are futile in
(e) American‘s are too proud to accept aid developed ones. 
from Third World Countries 
Q5. Why was Grameen America‘s initial US
Q2. Why has Grameen made a second initiative of a flop? 
attempt to launch itself in the US?  (A) Shortage of correct training to Grameen
(a) The willingness of US banks to provide American staffs.
the necessary staff and funds to facilitate the (B) Grameen‘s refusal to adapt their system
spread of micro-finance to meet the needs of the American poor.
(b) The rates of interest on loans in the US (C) It ended up giving loans at half their
are exorbitant, making it easier to recover customary rates of interest 
capital. (a) None 
(c) The realization that a large percentage of (b) only (A)
the American population not reached by (c) Only (A) and (C) 
mainstream banks can be tapped (d) Only (B) 
(d) Recognition of the fact that disbursing (e) Only (C) 
credit in developing countries during the
recession is too risky Q6. Which of the following is a benefit of the
(e) None of these  Grameen system of microfinance?
(a) If a single member is unable to repay a
Q3. According to the author, what has loan, other group members will repay 
enhanced the likelihood of success for (b) Dispensing with the expense of
Grameen America at present?  technology networks to monitor advances
(a) Its success in Bangladesh and other (c) It utilizes the vast bank network already
developing countries existing in a country
(b) Absence of other microfinance (d) Group members can sanction loans and
institutions for competition verify if borrowers have sufficient collateral
(c) The fact that America is currently in the (e) Backing that borrowers receive from
midst of a recession other group members 
(d) It provides loans at nominal rates of
interest ie below 15 percent
(e) None of these  Passage 2: Common Information
Italian super - luxury sports car
Q4. What is the central theme of the passage?  manufacturer Lamborghini has spread its
wings in India. And it has just opened a

dealership in Bengaluru, the IT sold around 22 super - luxury sports cars
(information technology) capital of the in India. "The import duty in India is
country. It has already a dealership in higher than many other counties. We want
Mumbai, the financial capital, and Delhi, to sell more cars in the country but the
the political capital, at a price tag of over import duty in India is high as much as
Rs. 1 Crore. Who will buy a Lamborghini 167 percent. This huge import tax will
car? Rather, what gives the Italian car impact the sales of the super cars in the
maker the confidence to not only drive country," said Automobili Lamborghini
into India but also expand its presence? President and CEO Stephan Winkelman.
The choice of its location for dealership Apart from the high import duty,
gives a clue or two to its game plan, and the late launch of its new model Huracan
also an insight into its prospective into India market was another reason for
customer profile. lower sales this year. The company
While dealership in Mumbai and Delhi are expects to improve the sales next year.
understandable considering the wealth Lamborghini is also considering the
and power that reside in these two possibility of launching its SUV in India by
metros, the choice of Bengaluru to locate 2018. In  April 2012 the company
it new dealership indicates that the Italian showcased its concept SUV at the Beijing
company is betting big on the neo rich Auto Show.
who have sprouted in big numbers in the
wake of an unprecedented growth Q1. Which of the following rationale explains
experienced by this city. If super - luxury the curtailing of Lamborghini car trade in
brand like Lamborghini is sensing an India?
unfolding big opportunity in a New India, (1) The price figure ranges over one crore.
other traditional global luxury car makers (2) Lofty import duty
have turned very ambitious with new (3) Delayed launch of its new model
launches. Despite high import duty A. Only 1
barriers, global luxury car markers B. Only 2
continue to believe that roll out new C. Only 3 and 1
models and ramp up dealership in a bid to D. Only 2 and 3
sustain the appetite of India's super rich E. Only 1 and 2
for expensive cars is only likely to grow.
After the launch of BMW M5, priced
at Rs. 1.35 crore its German rival Q2. What kind of strategy is mentioned in the
Mercedes - Benz launched next - passage about the car selling geographical
generation C- Class, priced at Rs. 40.9 lakh factor?
in New Delhi. The C- Class is one of the A. Launching a new model every six months
most successful products of Merc. in India. will give lots of choices to buyers.
It has so far sold over 20,000 units C- class B. Competitive environment leads to better
in India. Till date, Lamborghini had sold designing of Lamborghini cars.
around 94 sports cars in the country. C. Seeking out well - heeled people who have
It said the high import duty would enormously emerged in Bengaluru. 
impact the company's sales in India, and
2014 might see a lower volume. In 2013, it

D. Mumbai and Delhi are having many rich (3) Regarding car sales competitive
people, so it was easy for the company to environment is ubiquitous in India.
launch their car first here. A. Only 1
E. None of these B. Only 2
C. Only 3
Q3. Which of the following statements is true D. Only 2 and 3
according to the given passage? E. Only 1 and 2
1. Lamborghini in the only company to
flourish better in India when it comes to car Passage 3: Common Information
sales. Women all over the world in general and
2. The new model Huracan's predecessor is Indian women in particular have been
Mercedes' C- class  facing different problems. A recent report
3. Lamborghini proliferates augmentation in titled 'Women and children in India' and a
India. nearly simultaneous report on ‘Indian
4. Mercedes- Benz is an adherent of women their Health and Economic
Lamborghini. productivity' highlight the international
5. None of these importance bring given to the problems of
the Indian women.
Q4. According to the passage what makes the Unfortunately, both the reports fail to
company think that their sales will grow in either convey a fresh understanding of the
the country? issues or to suggest innovative and
(1) The ability of afford high import duties by workable approaches for women’s
Indians who are living in rich metropolitan development. The former is because the
areas. reports restrict themselves to old
(2) The inclination of moneyed people statistics. We are told, for example, that
towards sports car will potentially grow. the ratio of women to men remains below
(3) The luxury car is a stipulated its natural level and that it is related to
requirement or thriving people as it has been other parameters, such as the level of
seen in Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru.  literacy and the availability of primary
A. Only 1 health care.
B. Only 2 The failure to suggest a fresh approach is
C. Only 3 and 1 less understandable given that a variety of
D. Only 2 and 3 approaches to women’s development has
E. Only 2 and 2 been tried out all over the world. In India,
the State has made a strong political and
economic commitment to women. In
Q5. What can be concluded from the passage 1990, the National Commitment to
about the buyers and sellers of Lamborghini Women was established. In 1969 two
cars? major policy documents were released.
(1) People in India have a good preference Ever since the Sixth Five-year plan there
and knowledge about the Lamborghini car. has been a special section on socio-
(2) Buyers are afar of sellers in India, economic programs for women. Poverty
therefore new metropolitan city was opted to alleviation programs have a
launch a new dealership. 30% target for women. Special programs

like Development of women and children D. All the three
in Rural Areas have also been started. E. None of these
These government and other approaches
have had mixed results. For example, Q2. Which of the following is not put forward
certain organization’s approach of using by the author of the passage as a defect of the
bank credit to organize self-employed report?
women has worked well. So did women’s A. They highlight the problems of Indian
literacy programs in Kerala. On the other women
hand, some of the legislated reforms like B. They contain outdated statistical data
dowry prohibition have not worked well. C. The reports have not suggested any new
The issue of whether women should be measures
identified as separate participator in the D. Some of the suggestions in the reports are
development process is also not free from superficial
controversy. In this context, it is E. The reports are not analytical
disappointing to read in one of the reports
that one of the government’s target for Q3. Which of the following is specifically put
1991-95 ought to be to foster “an ethos of forward as a reason for the unequal sex ratio
caring in the community- not to let a in the population?
child go to bed hungry, be subjected to a A. Natural causes
preventable disease or remain without B. Economic development
learning opportunity-this could C. Literacy level and healthcare
not mark the beginning of a social process D. Socio-economic programs
towards a more humane order”. Is the E. Poverty alleviation programs
report saying then, that Indians do not
love their children, as a matter a cultural Q4. Which of the following is FALSE
practice? Both the reports are likely to be according to the passage?
highly influential on opinion leaders and 1. The problem of women in general is
policy makers. It is very unfortunate that attracting attention the world over.
these reports have become superficial and 2. Indian people do not love their children as
do not delve sufficiently deep into the real much as they should.
problems. 3. Right from independence women have
been receiving special attention for
Q1. Which of the following statement (s) is / development.
are correct in the context of the passage in A. Only 1
regard to development schemes? B. Only 2
1. All people are of the opinion that women C. Only 3
should be given special status. D. Only 2 and 3
2. No one feels that women should be given E. Only 1 and 2 
special status.
3. There is no controversy regarding women Q5. Which of the following would correctly
being given special status. reflect the tone of the author of the passage
A. Only 1 to the two reports mentioned in the first
B. Only 2 paragraph?
C. Only 3 A. Biased

B. Critical   At issue in the Western Ghats —
C. Neutral spread over 1,29,037 sq km according to
D. Praiseful the WGEEP estimate and 1,64,280 sq km
E. Appreciative as per the Kasturirangan panel — is the
calculation of what constitutes the
Passage 4: Common Information sensitive core and what activities can be
The catastrophic monsoon floods in carried out there. The entire system is
Kerala and parts of Karnataka have globally acknowledged as a biodiversity
revived the debate on whether political hotspot. But population estimates for the
expediency trumped science. Seven years sensitive zones vary greatly, based on
ago, the Western Ghats Ecology Expert interpretations of the ESZs. In Kerala, for
Panel issued recommendations for the instance, one expert assessment says 39
preservation of the fragile western lakh households are in the ESZs outlined
peninsular region. Madhav Gadgil, who by the WGEEP, but the figure drops
chaired the Union Environment Ministry’s sharply to four lakh households for a
WGEEP, has said the recent havoc in smaller area of zones identified by the
Kerala is a consequence of short-sighted Kasturirangan panel. The goal has to be
policymaking, and warned that Goa may sustainable development for the Ghats as
also be in the line of nature’s fury. The a whole. The role of big hydroelectric
State governments that are mainly dams, built during an era of rising power
responsible for the Western Ghats — demand and deficits, must now be
Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Goa and considered afresh and proposals for new
Maharashtra — must go back to the ones dropped. Other low-impact forms of
drawing table with the reports of both the green energy led by solar power are
Gadgil Committee and the Kasturirangan available. A moratorium on quarrying and
Committee, which was set up to examine mining in the identified sensitive zones, in
the WGEEP report. The task before them Kerala and also other States, is necessary
is to initiate correctives to environmental to assess their environmental impact.
policy decisions. This is not going to be Kerala’s Finance Minister, Thomas Isaac,
easy, given the need to balance human has acknowledged the need to review
development pressures with stronger decisions affecting the environment, in
protection of the Western Ghats ecology. the wake of the floods. Public consultation
The issue of allowing extractive industries on the expert reports that includes
such as quarrying and mining to operate people’s representatives will find
is arguably the most contentious. A way greater resonance now, and help chart a
out could be to create the regulatory sustainable path ahead.
framework that was proposed by the
Gadgil panel, in the form of an apex Q1. Which among the following has been
Western Ghats Ecology Authority and the attributed by the experts as a reason of the
State-level units, under the Environment recent floods in Kerala and Karnataka?
(Protection) Act, and to adopt the zoning A. The states do not have proper system in
system that it proposed. This can keep place of drainage and that is why the rain
incompatible activities out of the water always overflows in these two states.
Ecologically Sensitive Zones (ESZs).

B. The states have no idea how to manage any C. The reservoirs in the vicinity of the area
kind of natural calamity and that is why they will spell the doom for the area since they
cannot tackle any situation however small it will exhaust the groundwater available in the
may be. area.
C. The states should be entrusted with the D. The area will be flooded since the policy
responsibility of protection of environment makers are not bothered about the
in the areas within their jurisdiction. environment until it affects their vote base.
D. The political decision-making strategy has E. The balance between development and
always taken the upper hand as compared to preservation should be there in order to
the real interests of the environment. develop the area properly.
E. None of the above
Q4. Which among the following should be the
Q2. According to the passage, the states objective of all concerned regarding the
affected by the floods should do which among development of the Western Ghats Area?
the following to prevent such incidents in the A. The development plan should be well
future? supported by money and also manpower by
A. The states should devote more funds all the states.
towards the reduction of natural calamities in B. The development plan must be drawn up
the states. correctly at the first place since it will help
B. The states should put in place proper gain an upper hand in the whole process.
warning mechanism so that the government C. The states should take the development of
can get to know the possibility of any natural the Western Ghats region seriously so that
calamity beforehand. the area is actually preserved.
C. The states should plan properly so that D. The Western Ghats Area should be
they can implement the recommendations of preserved properly so that there is
the expert panels regarding the preservation sustainable development of the area.
of the Western Ghats Area. E. The Western Ghats Area should not be
D. The states should not do anything at taken for granted for development work by
present and should only focus on the idea of the states because they are not responsible
going all out in disaster management for this.
E. None of the above Q5. Which among the following should be the
course of action of the government in order
Q3. Which among the following is the main to ensure that the Western Ghats Area is
issue pointed out in the passage in the preserved properly?
implementation of the expert panel reports  I. There should be utilization of various clean
in various states? sources of energy such as the solar power in
A. There is no proper framework depicted in the area
the expert panel reports to regulate the II. There should not be any restriction in
Ecologically Sensitive Zone in the Western mining activities as well as quarrying
Ghat Area. activities in the area
B. There is no issue pertaining to the Western III. There should not be new construction of
Ghat area but the main problem is that the hydroelectric dams in the area from now
governments do not have enough funds. onwards

A. Both I and II that pharmaceuticals ingested by humans
B. Only II but not fully processed by our bodies are
C. Both I and III eventually ending up in the fish we eat.
D. Only I Many ocean pollutants are released
E. All I, II and III into the environment far upstream from
coastlines. Nitrogen-rich fertilizers
Passage 5: Common Information applied by farmers inland, for example,
The oceans are so vast and deep that until end up in local streams, rivers, and
fairly recently, it was widely assumed that groundwater and are eventually
no matter how much trash and chemicals deposited in estuaries, bays, and deltas.
humans dumped into them, the effects These excess nutrients can spawn massive
would be negligible. Proponents of blooms of algae that rob the water of
dumping in the oceans even had a oxygen, leaving areas where little or no
catchphrase: "The solution to pollution is marine life can exist. Scientists have
dilution."  counted some 400 such dead zones
Today, we need look no further around the world.
than the New Jersey-size dead zone that Solid wastes like bags, foam, and
forms each summer in the Mississippi other items dumped into the oceans from
River Delta, or the thousand-mile-wide land or by ships at sea are frequently
swath of decomposing plastic in the consumed, with often fatal effects, by
northern Pacific Ocean to see that this marine mammals, fish, and birds that
"dilution" policy has helped place a once mistake it for food. Discarded fishing nets
flourishing ocean ecosystem on the brink drift for years, ensnaring fish and
of collapse. mammals. In certain regions, ocean
  There is evidence that the oceans currents corral trillions of decomposing
have suffered at the hands of mankind for plastic items and other trash into gigantic,
millennia, as far back as Roman times. But swirling garbage patches. 
recent studies show that degradation,   Pollution is not always physical. In
particularly of shoreline areas, has large bodies of water, sound waves can
accelerated dramatically in the past three carry undiminished for miles. The
centuries as industrial discharge and increased presence of loud or persistent
runoff from farms and coastal cities has sounds from ships, sonar devices, oil rigs,
increased. and even from natural sources like
Pollution is the introduction of earthquakes can disrupt the migration,
harmful contaminants that are outside the communication, hunting, and
norm for a given ecosystem. Common reproduction patterns of many marine
man-made pollutants that reach the ocean animals, particularly aquatic mammals
include pesticides, herbicides, chemical like whales and dolphins.
fertilizers, detergents, oil, sewage,
plastics, and other solids. Many of these Q1. Which of the following is the reason for
pollutants collect at the ocean's depths, degradation of shore lines of oceans as per
where they are consumed by small marine the passage?
organisms and introduced into the global I. Industrial waste
food chain. Scientists are even discovering

II. Migration from coastal cities. migration and communication pattern of
III. Hunting of Aquatic animals. dolphins.
A. Only I III. Solid wastes have fatal effects on marine
B. Only I and II animals.
C. Only III A. Only I
D. Only II and III B. Only II
E. Only I, II and III C. Only II and III
D. All of the above
Q2. Which of the following statement/s E. Either I or III
is/are not true in the context of passage?
I. Marine pollution is the resultant of physical
pollution only.
II. Plastic bags, foams etc. are rarely
consumed by aquatic animals.
III. The earthquakes can disturb lifestyle and
behavior pattern of aquatic mammals. 
A. Only I and III
B. Only III
C. Only II and III
D. Only I and II
E. None of these

3. Which of the following is/are a source of

solid waste?
A. Pesticides
B. Plastics
C. Organic fertilizers
D. Only (A.) and (B.)
E. Only (B.) and (C.)

Q4. As per the passage, how do nitrogen-rich

fertilizers contribute to marine pollution?
A. By releasing chemicals in the water.
B. By absorbing all the oxygen from water,
making it near impossible for any marine life
to dwell.
C. By raising nitrogen levels in the sea.
D. All of the above.
E. None of the above.

Q5. Which of the following is/are true as per

the passage?
I. Dilution is the key to control pollution.
II. Pollution can make changes in the hunting,


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