Municipal Youth Development Plan (Mydp)

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Region: XII Province: South Cotabato Municipality: Polomolok



Performance Priority Annual
Development Objectives PPAS
Indicator Areas Budget
Concerns 2021 2022 2023

200 college 350 college 500 college Enhanced

Provide access Number of incoming
students are students are students are Polomolok Local
Lack of information on and assistance to and enrolled college
informed and informed and informed and Youth Development Schools and
available college information on students given/able Php 10,000
able to apply able to apply able to apply Office Info-Board barangays
scholarship grants scholarship to access and apply
for for for (Social Media and
opportunities for scholarship grants
scholarships scholarships scholarships Tangible)
Number of youth who Schools
Promote have received Training on Basic barangays with
Youth who lack basic 100 – 200 300 – 400 100 – 200
computer literacy training on basic Computer Skills high number of Php 20,000
computer skills youth youth youth
among the youth knowledge/skills in and Software youth with low
computer PC skills

Youth who lack financial Coordinate with

Provide Number of incoming 200 pupils 350 pupils 500 pupils
capability to buy school NGOs, CSOs, and
assistance by and enrolled elem. given by set given by set given by set Schools and
supplies especially the SK Council to Php 20,000
giving set of pupils given by set of of school of school of school barangays
far-flung areas of the materialize this
school supplies school supplies supplies supplies supplies
Municipality project

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Youth Target
Performance Priority Annual
Development Objectives PPAS
Indicator Areas Budget
Concerns 2021 2022 2023

Provide access
and assistance to
research activities Research Writing
and requirements Seminar –
of the students, Number of schools Workshop for the
Municipal wide, Php 25,000
teachers and engaging their 8 schools are 10 schools 15 schools Students and
schools with low
Lack/inadequate young students and teacher engaging are engaging are engaging Young
to no access in
research avenues for professionals in doing research and and and Professionals
participating in
the students and young activities and participating participating participating
professionals participating in in research in research in research
Utilization of research festivals activities activities activities Municipal Student
competitions Php 15,000
government and competitions Research
available data and Congress for High
information for Schools

Page 2 of 19
Youth Target
Performance Priority Annual
Development Objectives PPAS
Indicator Areas Budget
Concerns 2021 2022 2023

Decrease and
Number of decrease
in the number of
eradicate the
cases and municipal
number of cases Peer Education on
rating of adolescent/
of adolescent/ Adolescent Sexual Php 30,000
teenage pregnancies
teenage and Reproductive
pregnancies Health Session
Barangays and
Number of trained
schools with
Teenage Pregnancy and capacitated Peer Reduced by Reduced by Reduced by
Institutionalize a highest cases of
(301 cases in 2020) Educators 20 % 50 % 80 %
pool/group of teenage
Peer Educators pregnancy
Peer Education
Number of
Increase the Enhancement Php 20,000
participants in ASRH
number of Training Workshop
sessions and number
of sessions
participants in
ASRH sessions

Page 3 of 19
Youth Target
Performance Priority Annual
Development Objectives PPAS
Indicator Areas Budget
Concerns 2021 2022 2023

Number of students
Promote mental 100 youth 200 youth 300 youth Mental Health
and youth
health wellbeing participants participants participants Matters for Youth Municipal wide,
participated in mental
among the youth in 1 session in 1 session in 1 session Session/Forum Schools with
health awareness
highest number
Mental Health forum Php 25,000
of students with
Create a group of 70 mental 100 mental 200 mental Organization of issues on mental
Number of mental
mental health health health health Mental Health health wellbeing
health awareness
youth advocates advocates advocates advocates Advocates
forum conducted

Enhance sports
development to Number of youth Sports Clinic
provide continuing participated in sports 150 youth 200 youth 350 youth Program/
Continuing avenues for
avenues for the activities conducted participants participants participants Polomolok Youth
youth to engage in
youth to in the municipality Sports Tournament Municipal wide Php 150,000
healthy lifestyle thru
participate in Number of sports 4 sports 5 sports 8 sports (Ball Games, In-
sports activities
sports activities to events/activities event event event Door Sports
promote healthy conducted Activities

Page 4 of 19
Youth Target
Performance Priority Annual
Development Objectives PPAS
Indicator Areas Budget
Concerns 2021 2022 2023

Number of youth
Municipal HIV/AIDS
participants in
Awareness Forum
HIV/AIDS Awareness
200 youth 250 youth 400 youth
participants participants participants
Vulnerability to Protect the youth HIV/AID Awareness
Municipal wide Php 15,000
HIV/AIDS from acquiring Lecture thru Peer
Number of
10 sessions 15 sessions 25 sessions
forum conducted on
Education Sessions

Discourage the
youth to engage Number of youth
Youth involved in in smoking and participated in
MPSK Oplan Municipal wide,
smoking and drinking drinking liquor advocacy and
100 youth 300 youth 300 youth Baklas and Pulot selected schools Php 10,000
liquor especially in Contribute in campaign activities
Upos Activity and barangays
public Implementing the on anti-smoking and
Mun. Anti- drinking liquor
Smoking Policy


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Youth Target
Performance Priority Annual
Development Objectives PPAS
Indicator 2021 2022 2023 Areas Budget
Number of youth
participants in
campaign caravans Advocacy
to advocate and/or 400 youth 700 youth Campaign
practice less to zero Project for the School
Teach the youth plastic use 1000 youth students to use and
Big volume of single to minimize and/or 4 Municipal 15 caravans personal water barangays Php 10,000
use plastic garbages stop single use Number of campaign wide in nat’l & tumbler in
plastics caravans conducted campaign private high schools
in schools caravans schools

Number of youth 350 youth 500 youth 600-1000 IEC/Seminar
Encourage the attended and youth Caravan on Schools
youth in brgys and participated in Solid Waste and
Lack of youth schools to take campaigns on Solid 10 15 25 Management barangays Php 10,000
awareness and part in solid waste Waste Management awareness awareness awareness Ordinance in
participation in proper management and (SWM) and related campaigns in campaigns in campaigns in schools and
waste segregation and maintaining the activities schools/brgy schools/brgy schools/brgy barangays
disposal cleanliness of the (Earth Day)s

Youth Objectives Performance Target PPAS Priority Annual

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Indicator 2021 2022 2023 Areas Budget

Tree Parenting School

Number of youth and 300 youth 500 youth 600-1000 Project and
Youth involvement in Encourage the barangays actively youth barangays
illegal cutting of trees, youth to conserve involved and that are
kaingin and activities the land and help participating in 3 schools 8 schools 10 schools Municipal Earth not yet Php 30,000
that destroys the in planting more environment-friendly Warriors Camp engaged
environment trees projects and activities 5 barangays 10 brgys 15 brgys in envi-

EIC Campaign
Number of youth in regarding
disaster prone Emergency
communities 500 youth 800 youth 1000 youth Preparedness
participated in basic Municipal Php 10,000
Lack of awareness and Equip the youth emergency response, Organization wide
knowledge and basic with proper DRR preparedness 5 sessions 10 sessions 15 sessions and Team
emergency response, knowledge and and climate change Building Activity
disaster preparedness skills on basic seminar of Municipal Schools
and climate change DRR, emergency Junior Quick and Php 15,000
actions concerns and Number of DRR and Response Barangay
climate change climate change Team/Federatio s
adaptation elated awareness n of JQRTs
conducted Production and
Distribution of
Preparedness Flip

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Youth Target
Performance Priority Annual
Development Objectives PPAS
Indicator 2021 2022 2023 Areas Budget
Empower the Number of youth Linggo ng Kabataan Municipal- Php 200,000
youth to and get participants involved wide
involved in in the youth affairs, 300 400 500-1000 Municipal Youth
municipal/commu events and activities participated participated participated Assembly/Pulong ng
Weak/lack of avenues nity activities in the municipality in the youth in the youth in the youth Katipunan ng
for youth participation community community community Kabataan Php 20,000
and involvement in Harness the spirit activities activities activities
municipal youth of volunteerism Number of youth Youth-led Community Php 20,000
affairs/activities and community volunteers in youth Outreach Activity
service among the activities conducted 40 youth 80 youth 150 youth Far-flung
youth by the municipality volunteers volunteers volunteers Other Related barangays
Encourage and Number of youth 25% 50% 90% Youth Power: Young Schools and
assist the youth to voter registrants increase of increase of increase of Voter’s Registration barangays
register in registered registered registered Campaign with lowest
Unregistered youth COMELEC youth voters youth voters youth voters number of Php 5,000
Voters Online Electoral registration of
Education youth voters
Capacitate the Number of registered 5 registered 10 registered 15-20 Seminar-Workshop on
YOs with basic YOs and YSOs are YOs in YOs in registered Youth-Initiated Project
technical know equipped with Polomolok Polomolok YOs in Development and Php 20,000
how’s of making knowledge and skill are given are given Polomolok Implementation
are given
Lack of youth project proposals, on project seminar- seminar- Municipal-
organizations initiated activity designs development and workshops in workshops in Project Seed/Funding wide
workshops in
projects and project implementation project project Grant Competition Php 50,000
development, development development
implementation and able to and able to
and able to
implement implement
projects projects
Youth Objectives Performance Target PPAS Priority Annual

Page 8 of 19
Indicator 2021 2022 2023 Areas Budget
Promote and Number of youth Municipality of Youth Php 400,000
strengthen youth engaged and Summit
participation and participated in youth 150 youth 350 youth 500-1000
engagement in programs and events participants participants youth Moral Recovery (1st
Lack of opportunity for events for the in the municipality participants Year)
the variety of youth to youth in the Servant Leadership Municipality
participate and engage municipality (2nd Year)
in programs and events Youth Empowerment
in the municipality Leadership
Youth Empowerment
Leadership Level Up
(3rd Year)
Promote and Number of youth Php 75,000
Lack of opportunity for strengthen youth engaged and
the variety of youth to participation and participated in youth 100 youth 250 youth 200-300 F’lomolok Youth Day
participate and engage engagement in programs and events participants participants youth Municipality
in programs and events events for the outside the participants
outside the municipality youth outside the municipality
Empower, Number of youth 60 youth 100 youth 200-300 Enhanced and Online
register/accredit, organizations volunteers volunteers youth Local Youth
verify and give properly profiled, volunteers Organizations Php 10,000
recognition to the registered and Registration Program
Unregistered, active youth verified by the LGU 5 youth 8 youth 12 youth (LYORP) Municipal-
unaccredited and organizations thru the Municipal organizations organizations organizations wide
unrecognized youth Youth Development Technical Assistance
organizations and youth Office (MYDO) to YOs YSOs to
serving organizations register/accredit in
NYC-YORP and/or

Page 9 of 19
Youth Target
Performance Priority Annual
Development Objectives PPAS
Indicator 2021 2022 2023 Areas Budget
Empower the Number of youth Linggo ng Kabataan Municipal- Php 200,000
youth to and get participants involved wide
involved in in the youth affairs, 300 400 500-1000 Municipal Youth
municipal/commu events and activities participated participated participated Assembly/Pulong ng
Weak/lack of avenues nity activities in the municipality in the youth in the youth in the youth Katipunan ng
for youth participation community community community Kabataan Php 20,000
and involvement in Harness the spirit activities activities activities
municipal youth of volunteerism Number of youth Youth-led Community Php 20,000
affairs/activities and community volunteers in youth Outreach Activity
service among the activities conducted 40 youth 80 youth 150 youth Far-flung
youth by the municipality volunteers volunteers volunteers Other Related barangays
Encourage and Number of youth 25% 50% 90% Youth Power: Young Schools and
assist the youth to voter registrants increase of increase of increase of Voter’s Registration barangays
register in registered registered registered Campaign with lowest
Unregistered youth COMELEC youth voters youth voters youth voters number of Php 5,000
Voters Online Electoral registration of
Education youth voters
Capacitate the Number of registered 5 registered 10 registered 15-20 Seminar-Workshop on
YOs with basic YOs and YSOs are YOs in YOs in registered Youth-Initiated Project
technical know equipped with Polomolok Polomolok YOs in Development and Php 20,000
how’s of making knowledge and skill are given are given Polomolok Implementation
are given
Lack of youth project proposals, on project seminar- seminar- Municipal-
organizations initiated activity designs development and workshops in workshops in Project Seed/Funding wide
workshops in
projects and project implementation project project Grant Competition Php 50,000
development, development development
implementation and able to and able to
and able to
implement implement
projects projects
Youth Objectives Performance Target PPAS Priority Annual

Page 10 of 19
Indicator 2021 2022 2023 Areas Budget
Promote and Number of youth Municipality of Youth Php 400,000
strengthen youth engaged and Summit
participation and participated in youth 150 youth 350 youth 500-1000
engagement in programs and events participants participants youth Moral Recovery (1st
Lack of opportunity for events for the in the municipality participants Year)
the variety of youth to youth in the Servant Leadership Municipality
participate and engage municipality (2nd Year)
in programs and events Youth Empowerment
in the municipality Leadership
Youth Empowerment
Leadership Level Up
(3rd Year)
Promote and Number of youth Php 75,000
Lack of opportunity for strengthen youth engaged and
the variety of youth to participation and participated in youth 100 youth 250 youth 200-300 F’lomolok Youth Day
participate and engage engagement in programs and events participants participants youth Municipality
in programs and events events for the outside the participants
outside the municipality youth outside the municipality
Empower, Number of youth 60 youth 100 youth 200-300 Enhanced and Online
register/accredit, organizations volunteers volunteers youth Local Youth
verify and give properly profiled, volunteers Organizations Php 10,000
recognition to the registered and Registration Program
Unregistered, active youth verified by the LGU 5 youth 8 youth 12 youth (LYORP) Municipal-
unaccredited and organizations thru the Municipal organizations organizations organizations wide
unrecognized youth Youth Development Technical Assistance
organizations and youth Office (MYDO) to YOs YSOs to
serving organizations register/accredit in
NYC-YORP and/or

Page 11 of 19
Youth Target
Performance Priority Annual
Development Objectives PPAS
Indicator 2021 2022 2023 Areas Budget
Enable the youth Number of youth Online Advocacy Municipal- Php 5,000
to access reached with Campaigns and wide
information and information on youth 200 reach in 300 reach 400-600 Information
updates online programs, projects social media reach Dissemination
Limited inadequate about youth and opportunities platforms
information access affairs that they (social media reach) Enhanced Social
portal for youth can participate Media Youth Info-
participation and get involved Board

Strengthen basic Number of youth 100 youth 250 youth 200-300 Culture of Peace Barangay
social, moral and engaged and participants participants youth Training Municipal
cultural value and participated in youth participants
Lack of Cultural to be united in cultural programs Php 10,000
Tolerance terms of different and events
beliefs, tradition,
culture and
Promote and 7 days/ 150 50 youth 150 youth 200 youth
Lack of opportunity for strengthen youth participants participants participants participants
the variety of youth to participation and B.I.T.A.W. Project Municipal- Php 100,000
participate and engage engagement by wide
wherein they enhance enhancing their
their skills and talents. skills and talents.


Page 12 of 19
Youth Target
Performance Priority Annual
Development Objectives PPAS
Indicator Areas Budget
Concerns 2021 2022 2023

Profile and gather

Not profiled/ unrecorded information on Profiling of OSYs
Number of OSYs 100 OSYs 200 OSYs 300 OSYs Barangays with
Out of School Youth OSYs in the and Inclusion in
profiled and recorded profiled and profiled and profiled and highest number –
(OSYs) in the Municipality of Polomolok Youth
in the youth databas recorded recorded recorded of OSYs
municipality Polomolok Database

Lack of awareness and intensified Number of youth
100–200 Seminar on Gender
understanding of the awareness on participated in the 50 youth 100 youth
youth Sensitivity for the Municipal wide Php 30,000
youth on gender gender sensitivity seminar/forum on participants participants
participants Youth
sensitivity issue among the youth gender sensitivity

IP Youth Summit
Number of IP youth
Lack of Indigenous Empower, 100 IP youth
involving and Lectures on the
People youth promote and able to
participating in youth Rights and Roles of
participation and encourage the participate in 200 IP youth 300 IP youth Municipal wide Php 50,000
programs and IP Youth in Nation-
involvement in youth participation of IP youth
activities conducted Building Cultural
programs and activities youth program
by the municipality Exhibits

Number of LGBTQ
Promote social 200-300
Instances of and PWD youth able 100 LGBTQ 200 LGBTQ LGBTQ Showcase
acceptance, LGBTQ Php 20,000
discrimination and lack to access and youth youth of Talents
protect their rights youth
of special programs for participate youth Municipal wide
and recognize
the LGBTQ and PWD related activities and 50 PWD 100 PWD PWD Appreciation
their skills and 100-150 Php 15,000
youth events conducted by youth youth Day
talent PWD youth
the municipality

Page 13 of 19
Youth Target
Performance Priority Annual
Development Objectives PPAS
Indicator Areas Budget
Concerns 2021 2022 2023

Number of high schools

Provide opportunity and IS with student
Limited opportunity or for student leaders to leaders given with Municipal Junior
avenue for student leaders to experience local opportunity to experience Officials and
6 schools in
experience taking part in governance and to serve as junior officials 12 schools 15 schools Department Heads Municipal wide Php 50,000
local governance and public public service and and department heads Work Immersion
service hone their potentials counterparts and junior Program
in leadership workers in the

Lack of platforms/avenues to
give recognition, To recognize Number of youth 10 youth 20 youth 30 youth
commendation and deserving youth volunteers, leaders and volunteers volunteers volunteers
Katipunan ng Kabataan
appreciation to performing volunteers in the organizations given Municipal wide Php 30,000
youth volunteers and youth Municipality of award, commendation 3 youth 5 youth 10 youth
organizations in the Polomolok and recognition organizations organizations organizations

Equip and capacitate 5 - Barangay 10 - Barangay 15 - Barangay

Number of Barangay
the SK officials and SKs are SKs are SKs are Capacity Enhancement
Less/lack of Sangguniang Sangguniang Kabataan
render technical capacitated in capacitated in capacitated in Training and Workshop
Kabataan policy formulations capacitated in policy 23 Barangay
assistance in policy and PPAs policy and PPAs policy and PPAs on Youth Plan and
and projects, programs and formulation, project and Sangguniang Php 25,000
formulating CBYD, formulation, formulation, formulation, Policy Formulation for
activities for the youth program development, Kabataan
ABYIP, Action Plan implementation implementation implementation the Sangguniang
constituents implementation and
and Annual SK and and and Kabataan Officials
Budget management managemen management

Number of fresh Government Internship

Less number of young 20 fresh 50 fresh 60-100fresh
Promote government graduates and/or young
professionals in public graduates graduates graduates
service among the professionals in Tupi are Program Orientation on Municipal wide Php 5,000
service or working in the and/or young and/or young and/or young
young peopl employed/working in the Government Service
government professional professional professionals
government service Careers


Page 14 of 19
Youth Target
Performance Priority Annual
Development Objectives PPAS
Indicator 2021 2022 2023
Areas Budget

Number of youth Implementation of

Protect the youth
participated in Anti- 500-1000 KKDAT CAMAPIGN
from the ill effects 300-400 youth 400-500 youth
Illegal Drugs youth Php 15,000
and legal participants participants
Youth involved in Illegal Forum/Campaign participants
consequences of Barangays and
Drug addiction and Number of
illegal drugs Mental Health and schools
activities rehabilitating youth who
Provide assistance Values Restoration
used drugs 10 YWUDS 15 YWUDS Php 20,000
to the rehabilitating 20 YWUDS for Youth Recovering
referred/provided with
youth SDUs Drug Users
10 schools 15 schools Municipal Anti-
Contribute in Number of schools and 5 schools and Insurgency and
and 10 and 15
ensuring the brgys with sustained 5 barangays Rebellion Forum
barangays barangays
Incidents of children and protection and security and protection have Municipal wide,
have have
youth recruited to become welfare of the for the children and insurgency schools in far flung Php 20,00
insurgency insurgency IEC Caravan on
rebels and insurgents children and youth youth from being measures in areas
measures in measures in ELCAC (school,
from rebel and recruited to become their security
their security their security barangay and
insurgent groups rebels and insurgents plan
plan plan municipal-wide)
Number of minors and 200 minors
minors and
youth participated in 70-100 minors and youth
youth Schools and
Decrease the seminar on anti-minor and youth participants
Increasing numbers of participants Seminar/IEC barangays with
number and/or driving policy and road participants
minors who are driving Campaign on Anti- high cases of
prevent accidents safety Php 10,000
and involved in vehicular Minors Driving and minors driving
due to minors who
accidents Road Safety involved in
are driving 2 school/
3 school/ accident
Number of seminars 1 seminar District
conducted seminars


Page 15 of 19
Youth Target
Performance Priority Annual
Development Objectives PPAS
Indicator 2021 2022 2023
Areas Budget

Provide avenue for

entrepreneurship and
Lack of economic and other economic activity Number of OSYs, teenage
Entrepreneurial/ Go
entrepreneurship opportunities opportunities and to parents and students Municipal-wide,
Negosyo and Skills
and Inadequate access to skills avail free skills training referred or given with free 100 OSYs, 250 OSYs, Barangays with
Training and
training and development for and development such skills training on how to 50 OSYs teenage parents, teenage parents, highest number of Php 30,000
Development with Start-
Out-of-School Youth (OSYs), as in electronics, start up a business and students students OSYs who have no
Up Package in
adolescent parents and even carpentry, SMAW, other economic or income- means of income
partnership with TESDA
students dress making, food generating activities
processing, baking,
beauty care

Promote agricultural
Lack of knowledge, skills and Number of youth Capacity Enhancement Municipal-wide,
enterprise and other 100 youth 200 youth 250-300 youth
interest on agricultural participated in training on Training for 4H Club Barangays with Php 30,000
activities among the participants participants participants
enterprise agricultural enterprise Chapters in Polomolok organized 4H Club
youth sector

Provide opportunities
Youth employed within in the for free skills training
Number of employed young
municipality (local government, for the employed young 150-200 150-200 Skills Training for LGU, Municipal-
people/professionals are 50-100 employed
private sectors, schools, people/professionals in employed young employed young Unskilled Employed based offices/ Php 15,000
able to avail and benefit young people
industry, etc.) as unskilled order to increase the people people Youth Workplace
from skills training
workers economic value of the
works/tasks performed

Promote financial
Number of youth who have
Lack of awareness and literacy and effective 10-30% of youth
knowledge on financial Financial Literacy and
knowledge on financial financial management know how to 35-55% of youth 60-85% of youth
literacy and are able to Management Seminar for Municipal-wide Php 15,000
management and literacy, among the youth manage their know how know how
manage their finances and the Youth
finance savings (students, OSYs and finances
savings well
young professionals)

Page 16 of 19
Financial awareness
Increasing unemployment rate Symposium regarding
and to generate job
and risks of acquiring Decreasing unemployment tips about employment
opportunities for 20% decrease 30% decrease 50% decrease Municipal-wide Php 5,000
depression due to lack of youth Conduct Job fair for the
finances. Youth


Priority Annual
Target PPAS
Youth Areas Budget
Development Objectives
Concerns 2021 2022 2023

Provide assistance to Number of students and

Lack of access to opportunities Enhanced Social Media
students and youth in youth informed and
regarding various student and 50-100 students 150 students and 200 students and Youth Info- Board Local
accessing opportunities given/able to access and Municipal-wide Php 15,000
cultural exchange programs (local and youth youth youth Students Learning
to experience exchange apply for exchange program
and international) Exchange Program
programs opportunities

Promote awareness to Number of youth participants Human Trafficking

Vulnerability of the youth to 100 youth 200 youth 300 youth
the youth on the dangers in awareness forum on Awareness Forum for the Municipal-wide Php 15,000
human trafficking participants participants participants
of human trafficking human trafficking Youth

Page 17 of 19
Provide avenue for the Number of students and
Lack and insufficient awareness
students and youth to young professionals 100 students and 150 students and 150 students and ASEAN Youth Forum
and knowledge of the students
widen their perspective participated in forum on the young young young Enhanced Social Media Municipal-we Php 15,000
and youth about ASEAN
on ASEAN and its updates of ASEAN professionals professionals professionals Youth Info- Board
programs Integration



Approved by: Noted by:


SK Federation President/Chairperson LYDO/ MYDC Secretariat

Attested by:

Page 18 of 19
SKMF Vice President/
MYDC Vice Chairperson


EDUCATION Culture and Arts Representative PYAP President - OSY
Municipal SSG Federation President


Religious Group Representative LGBTQ+ Representative Sports Representative


Indigeneous People Representative

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