Articles of The Day 16th Aug

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August 16, 2021

NIHA DAGIA, THE DIPLOMAT ................................................................................................................................. 2

DR SHAMRAIZ AHMAD, DAILY TIMES .................................................................................................................... 4

DR NAAZIR MAHMOOD, THE NEWS ....................................................................................................................... 7

NAUMAN AHMAD BHATTI, THE NEWS................................................................................................................. 10

DR SHAUKAT ALI & MUHAMMAD ARIF GOHEER & RIDA SEHAR KIANI, THE NEWS .............................................. 13

SAMAR QUDDUS, THE NEWS ............................................................................................................................... 16

SHAHID JAVED BURKI, THE EXPRESS TRIBUNE ..................................................................................................... 18

DR MOONIS AHMAR, THE EXPRESS TRIBUNE ....................................................................................................... 21

MASUD AHMAD KHAN, THE NATION ................................................................................................................... 24

SALEEM QAMAR BUTT, THE NATION ................................................................................................................... 26

NAJM US SAQIB, THE NATION.............................................................................................................................. 28

FARZANA SHAH, THE NATION .............................................................................................................................. 30

SULTAN BARAKAT, ALJAZEERA............................................................................................................................. 33

The Taliban Rides Back to Power in Kabul
Niha Dagia, The Diplomat
That the Taliban is on the cusp Even the Biden administration It would be naive to assume the
of power in Afghanistan may be appeared to be caught off fall was impromptu. A 2018
unsurprising, but the speed of guard. The American BBC report showed that the
the collapse is undoubtedly establishment had deluded Taliban had an active presence
staggering. It appears that as the itself that the Taliban’s military in several districts with about
United States prepared to exit presence was merely intended 15 million people – around half
and the Ashraf Ghani as “leverage” at the negotiating the population – living in areas
government looked towards table, not grasping the fact that controlled by the militant
Pakistan to blame, the armed the armed group was group. For years, the Taliban
group was already planning determined to seize power by were running a parallel, shadow
how it would govern the force. government.
On August 12, a U.S. defense The Taliban were not just
About 10 days ago, the Taliban official cited American cutting deals in Doha; they
claimed its first victory when it intelligence predicting Kabul were also secretly reaching out
overran the regional capital could be overrun in 90 days. to important leaders and
Zaranj in the southwestern That day, the Taliban took over Afghan National Defense and
province of Nimroz. On Badghis, Ghazni, Herat, Security Forces (ANDSF)
Sunday, its fighters entered the Helmand, and Kandahar officials at the village, district,
Presidential Palace in Kabul. provinces. and provincial levels through
family, friends, and tribal ties.
In just over a week, the Taliban The next day, a diplomatic
seized 26 of the country’s 34 source told CNN that an Ghazni governor Daud
provinces, gained control of intelligence report indicated Laghmani, a close aide of
major border crossings, and Kabul could be isolated within Ghani, reportedly welcomed
choked Kabul. Although some 72 hours. Meanwhile, the U.S. the Taliban commander with
areas such as Herat saw intense Embassy in Kabul was told to flowers while another Ghani
fighting with popular militia “destroy sensitive materials as ally and a former deputy
serving alongside the Afghan well as items.” speaker was appointed Kabul
security forces, others such as police chief by the Taliban.
The Taliban were at the gates of
Jalalabad witnessed armed
Kabul city early Sunday and in Afghan journalist Bilal
forces and government officials
the evening Ghani relinquished Sarwary believes much of the
surrender without a shot being
power and flew to Tajikistan collapse is due to a disconnect
with Vice President Amrullah between the Kabul leadership
If the past week is anything to Saleh. Meanwhile, Afghan and battlefield commanders.
go by, Afghanistan’s fall reads Interior Minister Abdul Sattar The U.S. and allied forces’
more like a story of the Afghan Mirzakwal announced a withdrawal, coupled with the
government’s weakness than “peaceful transfer of power” to massive corruption that plagues
the Taliban’s strength. a transitional government. the Afghan government and
security forces, meant the

soldiers were overworked and While Pakistan has taken credit biggest price for all this chaos
deprived of necessities such as for brokering the peace deal will be paid neither by the
food rations. between the U.S. and the Kabul leadership nor the Biden
Taliban and wields some administration. It is Afghan
The division amongst
influence over the armed group, civilians who have been left on
politicians and milking of the
it can hardly be blamed for the the brink of uncertainty once
peace process by the leadership
fact that the Afghan security again.
had a “destructive impact on the
forces largely stepped aside to
psyche of soldiers.” As a result, A United Nations report
make way for the Taliban’s
many soldiers did not want to estimates that nearly 400,000
die for a “corrupt government.” Afghans have been internally
On the other hand, the U.S. displaced since the beginning
A quick look at recent
government’s breathtaking of the year, when the Taliban
developments in Kabul shows
failure to build a cohesive launched offensive against the
that the Ghani government was
fighting force in Afghanistan – Ghani government, 244,000 of
preoccupied with politics; in
despite spending $83 billion on them since May alone. The
the past week alone, as the
training and equipment since U.N. Office for the
Taliban were making rapid
2002 – stands exposed. Coordination of Humanitarian
advances, the Afghan
Affairs has verified that 10,350
leadership was busy trending Emboldened by the decreased
IDPs arrived in Kabul between
hashtags to “sanction Pakistan” footprint of foreign troops and
July 1 and August 12.
while Ghani blamed the exploiting the lack of
country’s deteriorating security leadership in Kabul, the Taliban This is just the beginning of
on the U.S. decision to abruptly have regained the power they what appears to be another
withdraw its troops. were stripped of by the U.S. long conflict.
invasion 20 years ago. But the

A Practical Way to Achieve SDG Goals in Pakistan

Dr Shamraiz Ahmad, Daily Times
When the Millennium making the cities sustainable as SDGs is perceived to be the
Development Goals (MDGs) well as safe. The 12th goal of responsibility of the
were introduced in 2000 by SDG is all about ensuring government only, and secondly
United Nations, the 7th among sustainable production and the available literature provides
the eight main points was consumption patterns. little guidance on using various
purely related to ensuring tools that may help in achieving
All of these goals can be
environmental sustainability. these goals in a practical way.
achieved by adopting such
Since then there has been a lot To this end, life cycle
methodologies in the industries
of hullabaloo about ways to assessment methodology is the
that could assist in maintaining
achieve a sustainable answer, as it allows an effective
a sustainable environment and
environment. Following comparison of products,
this should not be done in a
MDGs, there were Sustainable processes and technologies
separate process but as a part of
Development Goals (SDGs) with the help of which the
the whole product lifecycle
introduced in 2016 in a vow to decision-makers can easily
process. With the contemporary
transform the world into a decide about the one with the
maxim of “doing more and
better place having 17 main least impact on the
better with less” in the
goals. Pakistan in this regard environment. Conducting LCA
industrial sector,
has unanimously approved studies in Pakistan’s industrial
methodologies like Life Cycle
SDGs in 2016 as the ‘National sectors could help to actually
Assessment (LCA) have been
Development Agenda’. target various SDGs that are
the need of the hour. LCA is
Ironically, Pakistan has shown related to environment,
involved in the entire life cycle
a grim performance in production and consumption,
of a product, so as a parallel
achieving MDGs. Therefore, employment creation and
process, it can certainly
now for achieving SDGs, it is others.
contribute to achieving not only
incumbent to set some realistic
required industrial standards Pakistan ranks 129 on the SDG
goals and adapt some efficient
but also international standards. index as per the latest studies.
strategies. SDGs encompass the
We need to be on track and set
‘schemes to achieve a better Even though we can find plenty
some realistic strategies to
and more sustainable future for of articles and discussions on
achieve the 2030 agenda under
all. In this regard, the 9th goal the suggestions to achieve
SDGs for sustainable
of SDGs states that by the year SDGs in Pakistan, we are still
2030 all the industries have to much far behind in applying
foster the process of using them practically. There are two As LCA is there from the very
technology to achieve major reasons for this first step of the lifespan of a
‘sustainable industrialisation’. unfortunate situation in product till the last, from raw
The 11th goal focuses on Pakistan. Firstly, achieving material extraction to the step

of manufacturing following the impacts of a product. Industries ‘Green Tax’ culture should be
disposal or recycling stage, in Pakistan are in a dire need of adopted by both the public and
therefore it has a positive a good data-intensive model private sector of Pakistan so
chronic impact by mitigating that can help in pursuing the that methodologies like LCA
the environmental hazards environmental-related goals in can easily be implemented in all
attached with product SDGs and LCA in this regard sectors of industries. The
production. As defined and has all the key features of a private sectors in this regard
explained by the ISO, the major good environmental should not take the taxes as a
focus of LCA has always been management tool. loss of competitiveness. This
on the fact that how a product, would rather help the
Pakistan ranks 129 on the SDG
process, technology or service manufacturers in Pakistan to
index as per the latest studies.
is playing its role in global ensure environmental labeling
We need to be on track and set
warming, acidification, of the consumer products.
some realistic strategies to
resource depletion and others. Environmental labeling may be
achieve the 2030 agenda under
LCA uses tools like ‘Carbon used as a marketing tool for
SDGs for sustainable
Footprint Measurement’, by increasing sale both in national
development. Pakistan is the
assisting in assessing the and export market. Thus, the
5th most vulnerable state to
possible impact of utilization of industries in Pakistan must
climate change, it is high time
water on the ecosystem and provide synergies among
to practically adopt
overall facilitates keeping a various activities to foster the
methodologies that would help
track of greenhouse gas process of adapting LCA as an
control the variables that are
emission. Moreover, the notion essential part of the life span of
provoking climate change and
of ‘handprints’ to reduce or a product being manufactured.
environmental hazards.
prevent the negative impacts In addition, performing and
Pakistan should set new
while creating the positive reporting more LCA studies
revolutionary development
impacts is another feather in the would help develop life cycle
agenda by keeping the stats of
cap of LCA. By considering the inventory databases that are
post-Covid setbacks in the
aforementioned and many such currently not available in
industrial sectors. The
methods and tools LCA Pakistan. The availability of
policymakers need to redefine
provides it becomes incumbent such databases at national level
the strategies associated with
to instill LCA methodology in for various industrial sectors
achieving SDGs, and an array
the industries of Pakistan to can be used for various types of
of thoughtful reforms is needed.
categorically achieve SDGs analyses and policy decisions.
There must be interaction
goals effectively and
among the various goals set In Pakistan, various
efficiently. LCA has been
under SDGs for instance goal stakeholders, such as
following all the international
13 related to climate change is industries, academic
standards and is a holistic
connecting with the 11th and researchers and public
approach in prominently
12th goal which is related to institutions should play their
reducing the environmental
environmental sustainability. active and coordinated role in

making LCA an imperative part ‘regime of mandatory control the environmental

of the entire process and target reporting’ for the industries impacts by adopting LCA in the
the SDGs in a measurable way. where all the stats and data industries of Pakistan which
There should be an active should be publically available will eventually contribute to
‘Regulatory and Industry led on the life cycle environmental achieving SDGs. There must be
Policy’ to normalize LCA as and sustainability impacts of more practical examples of
part of our industries. With the their products, processes and implementation of LCA in
help of various institutions, like technologies. The urgency for various industries of Pakistan to
State Bank, Higher Education environment protection have fruitful results. The
Commission, the Ministry of initiatives under SDGs requires government of Pakistan, all the
Science and Technology, and adopting international regulatory bodies, and the
the Ministry of Industries and standards such as LCA in our private sector should do a
Production, we may assist industries at a fast pace. collective effort to bring forth
industries and academic Moreover, the tree plantation LCA as a mandatory part of
researchers for systematic and drive at the government level is industries for the better future
practical implementation of an appreciable act, however this of our coming generation else
LCA in industries. The alone is not enough. The they would not be able to meet
academic institutions may problem of environmental their needs from the
provide the technical services, degradation is multifaceted that environment.
whereas the government requires to be confronted by
The writer is an assistant
institution may offer the everyone, especially by our
professor at NUST
financial support. In this regard, industries in order to manage it
the Pakistan Bureau of at the root cause level. In a
Statistics should bring a nutshell, we can potentially

The Afghan scramble

Dr Naazir Mahmood, The News
It looks like a story from a As an educationist, I visited punishments, including public
trashy airport thriller – US Afghanistan multiple times and executions, that the Taliban
troops arriving in Afghanistan went to many provinces across imposed with impunity across
to help American diplomatic the country where schools and Afghanistan in the late 1990s
staff and others leave. colleges were receiving modern when they had their primary
Countries are scrambling to textbooks; teachers were happy base in Kandahar.
evacuate their citizens and the to be participating in teacher-
The Taliban have once again
Taliban are advancing rapidly. education programmes that
seized the country’s second
The capital of the Logar international donors and UN
largest city Kandahar and the
province that the Taliban agencies were offering. At the
nearby city of Lashkar Gah.
captured on Aug 13 is just university level, many Afghans
Herat in the west had already
80km from the country’s who had acquired their degrees
fallen to them a week earlier.
capital Kabul. abroad were teaching a young
With more than half of the
generation of bright and
The UN chief is concerned that provincial capitals under their
intelligent boys and girls who
the situation is spinning out of control, it appears to be a matter
were keen to contribute to the
control. Afghan civilians are of weeks before they enter
development of their country.
bracing for devastating Kabul triumphantly. This
The human-rights situation was
consequences as millions of situation should be deeply
also much better than it was
people find themselves under concerning for the rest of the
before 2001 under the ferocious
threat, with hundreds of world. Unfortunately, there are
Taliban rule.
thousands already having left many who love to downplay the
their homes. The foreign troop All these gains are once again suggestion that a catastrophe is
withdrawal after 20 years of in reverse gear – and this in the making. The women of
military operations has reversal is much swifter than Afghanistan – especially the
encouraged the Taliban to anyone could anticipate. Once educated and the young – are
intensify their attacks and again, women will be forced to under imminent threat from the
occupation strategy. The adhere to moral policing set by group.
Afghan people had made some the Taliban. Girls and women
Though the US has sent 3,000
noticeable gains since 2001, of Afghanistan are once again
troops to help evacuate its
when the Taliban were ousted scared as the Taliban in their
diplomatic staff, it does not
from power. These gains were previous regime did not allow
intend to do anything regarding
in multiple fields such as girls over 10 to go out to seek
the impending crisis in
restoration of the education education in schools, colleges
Afghanistan. All talks about
sector from the primary to and universities. Both men and
actively supporting democracy,
higher levels. women remember the brutal
backing human rights groups,

and promoting gender equity the so-called international With dwindling food and
have evaporated in thin air. The community was all against a medical supplies, Afghan
airlift by the US reminds many more forward-looking civilians are facing extreme
of the airlift in 1975 from Najibullah, and whole- food insecurity.
Vietnam. Nearly half a century heartedly supported much more
Critical infrastructure that
later, history is repeating itself; backward-looking and
emerged in the past 20 years is
or is it a broader game plan that conservative religious forces in
crumbling; schools and clinics
we do not comprehend at the the shape of the Mujahideen.
are not functioning; and as
moment? Then, even more – or perhaps
neighbouring countries keep
the most – conservative and
And what is in store for their borders closed, refugees
regressive forces emerged and
Pakistan, when US President have nowhere to go but turn to
wreaked havoc with
Joe Biden prefers to just ignore Kabul which itself is not safe.
Afghanistan and other
this long-term ally? This is a According to UN estimates, in
countries. The emergence of
partner whose military dictators the past month alone civilian
Al-Qaeda, Daesh, Hizbut
from generals Ayub and Yahya loss of life has already crossed
Tahrir, ISIS, the various
to Zia and Musharraf were all a thousand mark, if one just
incarnations of the Taliban and
eager to offer their services. If looks at the reported deaths; the
numerous other extremist
the Taliban capture Kabul in actual number is feared to be
groups, was a logical corollary
September, it will be exactly 25 much more as the details of
of what the ‘international
years since they last entered atrocities are not reaching the
community’ did in the last two
Kabul in September, 1996. outside world.
decades of the 20th century.
Some assessments by analysts
In the past 40 years,
and even ‘strategists’ in Now the same community must
Afghanistan has seen many
Pakistan suggest that the make it clear that power seized
takeovers; and all appeared to
advance of the Taliban to Kabul through military force is
be just makeshift arrangements.
would be beneficial to Pakistan. unacceptable. The most
The outskirts of the country
Just like they suggested in the affected by this tragedy are
have largely remained out of
1980s that the advance of the women and children, and the
Kabul’s writ. If you travel
Mujahideen would be all good world cannot simply look the
across Afghanistan, you
for Pakistan. The Najibullah other way. This conflict has
witness mostly scrubland for
government had also tried to taken a heavy toll on the most
hundreds of miles, interspersed
bring some positive changes to vulnerable in Afghan society.
by villages and towns. Those
Afghan society. The carnage must end now as
villages and towns are now
the people in Afghanistan – and
But the Mujahideen – who were once again witnessing fleeing
in neighbouring countries, for
supported by countries such as civilians carrying the bare
that matter – have paid the
Egypt, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, essentials. Just in recent days,
highest price, all while the
and most of all the UK and US over 100,000 people have fled
Western countries have not
– were loath to it. In the 1980s, to Kabul and are sleeping on
borne the brunt of this conflict.

streets with no food or So far, only Canada has come finances and inspiration to
facilities. up with a plan to settle more move forward.
than 20,000 vulnerable
As most charity institutions and The world community has
Afghans. Some other countries
development organisations failed them and, what to talk of
including Pakistan are also
funded by international donors education and health, these
offering help to journalists and
have already packed their bags people are looking for shelter
media personnel. These are
after repeated attacks on them, anew. The freedoms that they
commendable steps, but this
the displaced are at the mercy should be growing up with have
approach – without a broader
of the elements. Nothing short become a distant dream, the
strategy to counter the Taliban
of an immediate ceasefire will opportunities they longed for
– will further deplete human
stop the fighting. All those have become an illusion. As the
agency and potential in Afghan
smirking or feeling a sense of world abandons them, how can
society which has lost millions
jubilation need to visualize a some people still remain smug?
of its bright young people who
child covered blood and a
could have contributed so much The writer holds a PhD from
mother crying for her son. If we
to the rebuilding of society. the University of Birmingham,
don’t like to see this in our
Now in the third decade of the UK and works in Islamabad.
country, we must oppose this in
21st century, this new
other countries too, especially
generation of Afghans needed
in our neighbours’ homes.

Afghanistan’s brain drain

Nauman Ahmad Bhatti, The News
The US government has finally from the locals who are also In the aftermath of the US-
decided to pull out its troops looking for a way out. The Soviet war in Afghanistan, a
from Afghanistan by passport offices of Afghanistan total of seven million Afghans
September 11, 2021, nearly two are crowded as people plan were forced to flee. The first
decades after the United States their exit. In an effort to escape ones to leave a racked country
first invaded to oust the an imminent civil war, about are the most resourceful ones.
Taliban. 10,000 citizens seek exit visas They have the financial
every day. Most of them are advantage. Tertiary workers
American President Joe Biden
worried about the Taliban like doctors, engineers,
has shown faith in the Afghan
regime and its horrors in scientists, academics etc have
government for defending its
collective memory of the been usually the first ones to
country from the Taliban. The
situation in the 1990s when the relocate from Afghanistan. The
Afghan people, however, do
Taliban first took over the poorer ones leave once all is
not possess as much faith in
country. They want to leave lost. Well-off refugees have
their government as does
before the Taliban seize historically settled in more
complete control. prosperous countries of the
As a result, Afghanistan is once West, whereas the poorer ones
The finest of professionals are
again on the verge of a severe were accepted by developing
also vacating, leaving behind an
brain drain. Brain drain is when countries like Pakistan and Iran.
utterly barren Afghanistan.
talented professionals
Some say that even Afghan After the Taliban were expelled
consistently depart from a
soldiers have started to take off. by the US in 2001, a ray of hope
country to pursue opportunities
It was reported that more than emerged. Many displaced
abroad. The absence of the
1,000 Afghan soldiers have Afghans returned to their
cream of the nation leaves the
escaped to Tajikistan to avoid country in a hope to change the
country hollow and the
warfare. On the contrary, most course of their future
economy continues to slide
of the soldiers of the Afghan generations. Since 2002, more
downhill. Mass unemployment,
army do not plan on availing than 5.3 million Afghans re-
insurgency and security
that option, as they feel the entered their country. But fate
vacuum are the reasons
country is finally theirs to had planned otherwise. This
millions of Afghans have been
defend against the decades-old rate of return now stands at
forced to abandon their war-
Taliban threat. zero. Since the start of this year,
torn country over different
more than 300,000 Afghans
periods of time. This mass mobility is not novel
have been displaced. This
for Afghans. Their violent
The coming withdrawal from figure is increasing on a daily
history of the past 40 years is
Afghanistan will not only be basis.
filled with such displacements.
that of foreign troops but also

As the Taliban expand their for the West and for countries to deal with the Taliban
ruling territory, a civil war yet nearby. Turkey is seeing one of expansion. This is the very least
again awaits the Afghan soil. the biggest refugee issues, as of what it owes to the Afghan
People in Afghanistan who the number of migrants arriving people. It is barbaric to
believe in democracy, civil there has reached around 1,000 infiltrate a country by force and
liberty and human rights cannot per day. Former ambassador of leave without necessary post-
live under the Taliban. And the Italy to Nato and former withdrawal peace measures.
Taliban will not let them in any national security advisor to the
The arrangement of jobs for the
case, wanting to apply their president of Italy Stefano
Afghan refugees made by
ultraconservative interpretation Stefanini has highlighted: “The
Biden in the Refugee
of religion to their subjects. The brunt will be felt in the
Resettlement Program for
Taliban will likely end neighboring countries:
Afghans is of little use. Locals
women’s education. Artists, Pakistan, Iran, Tajikistan.”
complain that only those will
activists and journalists are Currently, there are around
benefit from this programme
already being persecuted. Their seven million refugees living in
who had already been working
expansion is a threat to the Pakistan and Iran. That is why
on US projects based in
progress the Afghans have Pakistan and Iran have publicly
Afghanistan, while others
made over the last 20 years. announced they will not receive
remain on thin ice.
This is why the departure of any more refugees. These
Afghans from Afghanistan is people are nowhere near With the Taliban spreading
not only a measure for leading leaving their sanctuaries. their rule speedily, it would
better lives but also for saving become extremely difficult for
Those who cannot afford to
their lives. students to continue their
leave via the immigration
education. They will have to
Those leaving Afghanistan process have resorted to illegal
leave the country if they wish to
have long sought asylum in channels for their departure. As
pursue an education. Those
different countries. In most of a result, thousands of refugees
who leave seldom return. A
those countries, they are kept are being detained for illegally
study finds that those who leave
undocumented, thereby leaving crossing the borders of various
their native land for Masters or
them no choice but to do trivial countries.
PhD degrees are the ones least
jobs to earn their living. The
This brain drain is a direct likely to return.
talent is not only leaving the
outcome of yet another failed
country but being wasted as a There has hardly been a time of
US war. Washington should
whole. The jobs of the refugees solace on Afghan soil. That is
have planned an effective exit
seldom match the portfolio why millions of displaced
strategy as opposed to the
previously maintained by the Afghan refugees have not
current hasty and unthoughtful
professionals back at home. returned to their native land.
withdrawal. The US
The pace at which the current
The brain drain in Afghanistan government must support the
expatriation in Afghanistan is
has created a new refugee crisis Afghan government militarily
taking place is alarming. It is

expected that most of the they see in their home country, The writer is an engineer and a
emigrants will never get to see the fewer are the chances of scholar of history and politics.
their hometowns. Returning their return. He can be reached at
immigrants would want to view naumanahmadbhatti@gmail.c
The future of Afghanistan’s
their return as a personal om
people remains unclear, but one
opportunity rather than an
thing is for sure: they are
obligation to their home
needed desperately back home.
country. The less opportunities

Code red for humanity

Dr Shaukat Ali & Muhammad Arif Goheer & Rida Sehar Kiani, The News
The UN’s ‘Intergovernmental incorporated the element of 2030s, keeping in view the
Panel on Climate Change’ socio-economic development higher emission rates and
(IPCC) has launched its Sixth in emission pathways as well. enhanced warming over the last
Assessment Report (AR6), with The report explicitly says that decade. This earlier emergence
the aim to provide a the human influence on the of the 1.5 C threshold has also
comprehensive assessment of planet is ‘unequivocal’ and has been indicated by a recent study
the physical science of climate caused ‘widespread and rapid’ conducted at the GCISC which
change. changes in all the natural has shown that the threshold is
components of the planet. likely to reach Pakistan earlier
The IPCC had previously
than the global emergence time,
published five assessment It has been observed that the
indicating the higher
reports, the last (AR5) in 2013- evidence about human
vulnerability of Pakistan to the
14, with continuous influence over earth systems
adverse impacts of the
improvement in analysis, has strengthened progressively
changing climate.
evidence, reanalysis and since AR5, mainly attributed to
projections. The current report human induced greenhouse The report says that the
– AR6 – is perceived to be the gases emissions leading to increased warming trend has
cornerstone of climate science warmer climates. With the affected all the other
for the years ahead, as it improvements in observations components, due to which the
provides greater confidence, and reanalysis, the report shows global precipitation pattern has
owing to improvement in an alarming warming of 1.09 C also been observed to have
observational capacities and in 2011-2020, compared to pre- altered in previous years. This
developments in the latest industrial level 1850-1900 with has led to a disparity in
generation CMIP6 climate and every year warmer than the precipitation, with some
Earth system models, leading to prior one during 2016-2020. regions receiving precipitation
better understanding and greater than normal while
The ‘bad news’ in the report is
consistency between climate others having faced dry
that the changes are likely to
drivers and all the physical, conditions. Focusing
exacerbate in the future with
chemical and biological particularly on South Asia, it
grander impacts. Previously,
processes of the earth system. has been revealed that the South
the IPCC in its Special Report
Asian monsoon has weakened
Compared to AR5, the model on 1.5 C warming indicated that
in the second half of the 20th
simulations of CMIP6 used in the global 1.5 C threshold is
century, which is attributed
AR6 used a new set of likely to be reached between
primarily to anthropogenic
scenarios, derived from the 2030 and 2050. However, in
aerosol forcing. However, the
Shared Socio-economic AR6 it reports that the limit is
CMIP6 datasets project that
Pathways (SSPs) which likely to reach in the early

both annual as well as summer severe consequences to the All the assessments and
monsoon precipitation will adjoining landmasses in terms projections highlighted in the
increase during the 21st of coastal flooding in low-lying report warn of a ‘Red Code’ for
century, with enhanced areas of South Asian regions. humanity showing that robust
interannual variability. Also, The amplified warming of the efforts in reducing GHG
the Himalayan region and Indian Ocean has potential emissions to net zero level by
Tibetan Plateau is projected to consequences over Pakistan in mid-century have become
experience wetter conditions terms of impact over unavoidable to prevent
during the 21st century. precipitation patterns, causing irreversible damages to the
flooding. climate system; this requires
All these variations are
dedication at the national,
attributed to changes in the Additionally, the increase in
regional and global level.
water cycle due to intensified monsoon extremes in the region
warming in the climate system is also found to be associated While Pakistan is already
which affect the water holding with increased droughts in the amongst the top ten most
capacity of the atmosphere and second half of the 21st century affected countries to climate
lead to extreme precipitation, since heavy precipitation will change, these latest findings
flooding and droughts. be followed by prolonged dry highlight a greater risk to the
Moreover, it warns that spells in the region. Such heavy country at all levels associated
dangerous heat stress precipitation events are also with intensified warming viz
thresholds will be crossed more projected to increase over changing monsoon
often across much of Asia – Hindu-Kush Himalayan, precipitation, increasing
especially in the south. Pakistan bearing the potential to cause frequency and intensity of
has already been experiencing flood related disasters in heatwaves and droughts,
recurring heatwaves and an downstream areas. Moreover, extreme precipitation events
increase in frequency over the flooding is likely to exacerbate and rising sea level.
region as indicated by the IPCC due to shrinking glaciers
Given the most affected and
is likely to pose enhanced risk pertaining to amplified
vulnerable country, the report
to the country, threatening the warming. Snow-cover will
intensifies the threats putting
wellbeing of the population. reduce and the snow line will be
Pakistan in a more challenging
elevated. Due to shrinking
The assessment has also found situation than ever for
glacial and snow cover, water
an augmented warming of concerted and swift actions to
availability in Pakistan is likely
oceans and subsequent rise in mitigate climate change and
to be impacted to a larger extent
sea level which, to a greater build resilience. It also calls for
by the end of the century.
extent, has done ‘irreversible the need to enhance scientific
Additionally, the phenomenon
damage’ to earth systems. It has research over the country to
of Elevation Dependent
also been revealed that the dispense support to
Warming has the potential to
Indian Ocean is warming at a policymakers in decision-
further worsen the melting over
faster rate which will have making ,and also to provide
snowclad HKH Mountains.

country-specific research advanced models/ tools The report explicitly demands

materials for future assessment developed with finer resolution global action before it is too late
reports. Though Pakistani over the country to get insight to act.
scientists have contributed to into changes at the micro level.
The writers can be reached at
this assessment report, with two and
lead authors from the GCISC,
there is a need to come up with

The future is digital

Samar Quddus, The News
The global pandemic outbreak, A latest report by UNCTAD on technology. Fortuitously, as
followed by restricted Covid-19 and e-commerce businesses around the world are
movement of people and goods, finds that, while global trade in going through an inflection
compelled companies to goods and services declined point, there is a lot of potential
instantly delve into innovative amidst pandemic, the share of for the digital economy even for
digital solutions by adopting the e-commerce industry in a technologically lagging
tech-driven business and social global retail increased up to 17 country like Pakistan. The
practices. percent in 2020. This trend is digital market is experiencing
most likely to continue an unprecedented increase in
As a result, the world after 2020
throughout the recovery times terms of e-commerce, e-
has become more digitally
from the disease. The report contracts, e-payments and
enabled. In a tele-everything
also suggests that digitalization electronic businesses in a trade
world, people have shifted
of buyers and sellers helped processing chain altogether.
towards the digital more than
reduce the negative impacts of
ever, from e-commerce, to A record 35 percent increase in
lockdown on the economy.
teleconferencing and remote the market size of the e-
working, to paperless records While the e-commerce sector commerce industry has been
and agreements, to digital and digital trade has been observed to be Rs96 billion in
transactions and payments. dominated by developed the first quarter of 2021 as
Together, this has accelerated countries, Covid-19 has also compared to Rs71 billion in the
the ongoing process of global steered up the process in previous year. Furthermore, the
digital transformation, developing countries since last number of online retailers with
particularly in the realm of year, particularly in Asia. For prepayment have increased
business and trade across instance, China’s online retail one-fourth during the last year.
industries. share increased from 19 percent It has been well-reported that
to almost 25 percent. Similarly, digital firms are the ones that
As a post-pandemic new
Thailand witnessed an almost got the most out of the post-
normal, Covid-induced
60 percent increase in Covid scenario, with more than
digitalized events are expected
downloading of online 100 percent growth year-on-
to continue. However, in-
shopping apps in just one week year in the past 12 months. As
person communication and
during March 2020. these companies continue to
physical activities may resume
harness the digital economy,
only to the extent where the Like many developing
this helps most of them expand
businesses can accrue most countries, Pakistan has never
from local to foreign sources of
benefits such as sharing tacit remained good in keeping pace
knowledge or to capture social with the speed and scale of
value. advancement in digital

One of the main factors that innovative e-commerce a defined e-commerce

may trigger advancement in startups from various fields. regulatory structure and data
digital technology and protection policy is needed to
‘Modern problems have
compliance with it is the strengthen the digital economy.
modern solutions’ turns out to
spillover effect of the rapid
be true as swift digitalization Efforts have been made by the
growth in ICT. As the sector
brought with it a number of government to initiate a local e-
outperformed all other export
challenges and limitations. commerce system as well as
service sectors in FY2021 with
While the digital infrastructure provision of internet access to
47 percent remarkable growth,
is at its infancy stage, it has every citizen. Setting up a
the demand of ICT-related
already created a digital divide Universal Service Fund (USF)
sectors including e-commerce
in society. In the Inclusive to extend optic fiber
increased manifold.
Internet Index 2020, Pakistan connectivity is one among
What would have seemed ranked at 76th out of 100 many initiatives the
impossible even a decade ago, countries with only 35 percent government has been taking.
with erratic progress and of population having access to However, progress will remain
sluggish growth towards the the internet. This has magnified lackluster for Pakistan which is
digital market for Pakistan, the gap between the privileged already way behind in
Covid-19 has brought an and the unprivileged, skilled technological advancement
overnight shift towards online and unskilled, urban and rural. until investments are made in
shopping and retailing as well The tech savvy will be ahead of research and innovation.
as online payments. those with limited or no access
Even though the government’s
to digital tools.
Being a country of robust youth policies seem quite promising,
population, the ICT industry Besides, public perception and with new resolutions to set up
has huge potential to grow. The emotions can easily be improved digital infrastructure,
online customer base has been manipulated through online digital skills and widespread
expanding from young misinformation causing connectivity under the Digital
individuals to the sceptical significant social instability, Pakistan Vision, its realization
generation. Today, where disintegration as well as of the existing national digital
households are looking for irrational deliberation and policy is an issue that might not
online solutions to purchase groundless policymaking. yield valuable tangible
basic necessary items, almost What is even more alarming are outcomes yet.
all brick-and-mortar retailers privacy and security related
The writer is pursuing an MPhil
are going digital. On the other issues of free flow of data in the
in development studies at the
hand, young entrepreneurs are country.
Lahore School of Economics.
making efforts to capitalize the
Given the historic surge in
opportunities of the digitized
digital businesses and
economy coming-up with
marketing during Covid times,

Global warming: the situation is worse than believed

Shahid Javed Burki, The Express Tribune
This has been an unusual rapidly and dramatically cut any great comparable
summer for many parts of the greenhouse gas emissions. analogues in the last 2 million
world. High temperatures and years or so. It is hard for us to
The panel had a number of
droughts have affected most of predict exactly what will
historians who looked at deep
the American west. There were happen to the Earth’s systems.”
past to see how climate has
widespread fires that burnt The evidence for mankind’s
already affected the Earth and
significant acreage in influence on the climate
the people who live on the
California, Oregon, and system, “once a fiercely
planet. Each of the past four
Washington states. There were debated topic, is now
decades has been successively
also fires in Siberia. Heavy overwhelming”, says the
warmer than the one that came
rains in India’s western states report. What started as a
before it, dating back to 1850.
resulted in floods. There were scientific hypothesis has
Mankind has warmed the
also heavy rains in central become “established fact”. The
climate at a rate without parallel
China which caused destructive report’s 42-page “summary for
since before the fall of the
floods. The ice shield in the policymakers” uses the phrase
Roman Empire. According to
Antarctica began to melt at a “virtually certain” nearly a
the panel’s historians, to find a
faster rate than had been dozen times. The words “high
time when the level of carbon
expected. The reason why these confidence” are repeated more
dioxide in the atmosphere
and other weather events were than a hundred times. The rate
changed this fast and this much,
occurring was provided by the of sea-level rise, the retreat of
we will need to go back 66
latest report issued by a high- ice sheets and glaciers, and the
million years. That was the time
powered panel of scientists that acidity of the oceans are all
dinosaurs walked the Earth.
has been keeping a watch on the described as “unprecedented in
Carbon dioxide in the
way global weather has been the past several thousand
atmosphere has risen to levels
changing. The body, the years”. Even the certainty with
not experienced in 2 million
Intergovernmental Panel on which the panelists presented
Climate Change (IPCC), issued their findings has not caused the
its latest report on August 9, If action is not taken, the skeptics in the world of
2021, describing how human situation will worsen quickly. policymaking to stop resisting
action had altered global “The chances of unknown action. The effort by President
environment at an unknowns become increasingly Joe Biden has not persuaded the
“unprecedented pace”. The large,” said Zeke Hausfather, Republican opposition to
panel provided detailed account director of climate and energy accept his climate agenda.
of how catastrophic at the Breakthrough Institute
Thirty years ago, the same
consequences lie ahead unless and a member of the United
panel had warned that mankind
nations around the globe Nations Panel. “We don’t have

was causing a dangerous areas. Heatwaves have become windier and rainier hurricanes.
greenhouse effect and that if more frequent and hotter. Major hurricanes rated
collective action was not taken Projections show that hot Category 3 or higher have
to slow Earth’s warming, there weather will increase in struck the United States, the
could be “profound intensity through the 21st Caribbean and Central America
consequences” for people and century even if global warming in recent years, seriously
nature alike. The latest report is held to 2.7 degrees damaging coastal properties
was compiled by 234 scientists Fahrenheit above preindustrial and displacing tens of
who used 14,000 studies from levels. Places such as thousands of people. The
around the globe to arrive at Jacobabad in Pakistan’s Sindh tropical Atlantic has seen
their findings. The report was province will become unlivable several Category 5 storms in
released less than three months in a few years. Temperature rise recent years. In Asia,
before the climate summit is resulting in heavy hurricanes called by different
scheduled for November in downpours. The panel says in names have also become more
Scotland. The UN Secretary the report that heavy frequent and destructive.
General called the report’s precipitation events have
What are the policy options for
conclusions “a code red for increased since the 1950s over
the countries in South Asia that
humanity” and said nations most land areas around the
result from the findings of the
needed to find ways to limit world. With more warming, the
UN panel? Experts recognise
global warming as much as experts predict, heavy
that much of the global
possible. The report takes precipitation events will
warming was caused by human
serious issue with the position intensify further, increasing by
action in the more developed
taken by former President 7 per cent for every 1.7 degree
parts of the world. However,
Trump and his political Fahrenheit of warming. For
poor and developing nations
associates who dismissed South Asia, summer monsoons
such as Pakistan are left to deal
global warming as a Chinese bring most of the sub-
with a number of consequences.
hoax perpetrated to set back continent’s annual rainfall.
Among these the most
American economic growth. It These would become heavier
significant is the faster melting
states that there is no remaining and longer in duration, brining
of the glaciers in the mountain
scientific doubt that human destructive floods. On the other
ranges that feed the rivers in the
action was fueling climate end of the weather spectrum,
area. For some decades, the
change. That much is droughts will become drier.
result will be destructive floods
unequivocal. The only Observations show that drought
in the rivers as happened in the
remaining uncertainty was that is increasing across substantial
stretch of land in India’s
the world can gather the will to land areas. Several countries in
Himalayan region. A small dam
prevent darker times. Africa and the Middle East
was destroyed by the fast runoff
have seen reduction in
To help the policymakers in the river and several people
agricultural output because of
along, the UN panel presented were killed. Such incidents are
drying land. Scientists also see
its suggestions for action in four

likely to occur with some water in the rivers later this The tree-growing project
frequency in the future. century. The Bank suggested a launched by the government of
programme it called the Indus Imran Khan would also affect
Some years ago, the World
Cascades. This was to be series climate; Pakistan has allowed
Bank wrote a report on the
of 12 dams to be constructed on deforestation to procced at a
medium-term impact of glacier
the Indus River. Rather than rate at which a good part of the
melting in the Himalayan
allow the fast-melting ice cover country would be turned into a
region from which the Indus
to produce water that would desert. The main point of this
system of rovers get their
flow into the sea, the storages analysis is that the situation –
waters. The main conclusion of
would save the water for which the UN panel has
the work was that fast melting
programmed use. The under- suggested would affect much of
of glaciers would produce fast
construction Dasu dam being the world – has already arrived
runoffs which would be
built by a Chinese company is in Pakistan.
followed by serious shortage of
one dam in this programme.

The matter of sovereignty

Dr Moonis Ahmar, The Express Tribune
When Pakistan emerged as a a double claim: autonomy in Pakistan’s nightmare is
new state on the map of the foreign policy and exclusive submission of its sovereignty to
world 74 years ago, sovereignty competence in internal affairs.” foreign institutions and powers
was not the issue. With the Sovereignty is however who may dictate terms against
passage of time, it appeared that compromised when the state is financial assistance. When 50%
freedom to make and dependent either on global of Pakistan’s GDP is under
implement decisions by the financial institutions for loans foreign debt and in order to pay
state of Pakistan was gradually or relies on financial assistance interest on more than 100
being compromised. Steady from various states. Pakistan’s billion dollars of foreign debt,
economic and military sovereignty predicament is Pakistan has to take more loans
dependence on the West, getting serious with each — something which means
particularly the United States, passing day. Two major sources mortgaging state assets for
made Pakistan incapable to of financial dependence of money. This vicious debt trap is
protect its national interest and Pakistan to meet its budget a major reason behind the
national security from foreign deficit and arrange funds for erosion of our sovereignty.
influence and interference. development are: World Bank,
One can figure out three major
IMF, Asian Development Bank
In 2021, Pakistan is the world’s dimensions of how the
and funds from China under
fifth most populated country sovereignty of Pakistan has
CPEC. Borrowing from the
and the only state in the Muslim been compromised and why the
governments of China, Saudi
world with nuclear weapons, country has not been able to act
Arabia and the UAE also
yet its capability to assert its independently on issues which
deepened Pakistan’s
position and guard its are critical in nature.
vulnerability in resisting
sovereignty from external
foreign pressures First, in real politic, there is no
threats is limited.
such thing as free lunch.
Sovereignty is a double-edged
According to the Penguin Donors always have an upper
sword because it stresses on the
Dictionary of International hand on the recipient state
country’s independence on
Relations, “Sovereignty is often which is the case with Pakistan.
making and implementing
regarded as enabling concept of A country’s sovereignty is
decisions, and on how a state
international relations where fragile and is compromised
has to compromise on its ability
states assert not only ultimate when it is on dole. Economic
to take a stand on issues which
authority within a distinct space comes when the country
runs contrary to the interest of
territorial entity but also assert is strong in its exports, foreign
donor institutions and states.
membership of the exchange reserves, value of its
Seventy-four years after
international community. The currency, per capita income and
gaining independence,
doctrine of sovereignty implies economic growth rate.

Unfortunately, Pakistan’s unless it is economically weak sovereignty of Pakistan was

economy has remained import- and politically fragile. ‘Operation Gerimino’ of May
driven and devoid of self- Sovereignty of Pakistan is 2, 2011 when US navy seals in
reliance. When Pakistan’s coerced from two sides: two helicopters sneaked into
federal budget is announced, Multilateral financial institutes the territory of Pakistan,
statistics indicate that more and donor states and FATF. reached a compound in the
than two-thirds of revenue is garrison city of Abbottabad,
Second, there is a history of the
consumed for debt-servicing and killed Osama bin Laden,
erosion of Pakistan’s
and for meeting defence who as an international terrorist
sovereignty. Ten years ago,
expenditures. The remaining with a head money of $50
three back-to-back events
one-third is used to pay amount million. Violating the airspace
seriously undermined the
to provinces as it is conditional of Pakistan and launching an
sovereignty of Pakistan. In
according to the 18th operation 200 kilometers inside
January 2011, Raymond Davis,
constitutional amendment. As a the territory of a sovereign
an American CIA contractor,
result, in order to run the country led to an outrage but
was arrested from Lahore on
country’s administration and nothing happened. The third
charges of killing two Pakistani
launch development incident, which exposed
citizens and was sent to prison
programmes, Pakistan has to Pakistan’s sovereignty, took
on judicial remand. The case
borrow from internal and place in November 2011 when
was filed in a court and the trial
external sources. Pakistan’s US forces deployed on Pak-
began. In the meantime, then
total public debt is around $200 Afghan border opened fire on
US secretary of state Hillary
billion which is augmenting Pakistani forces and killed
Clinton approached the
with each passing day. If the more than two dozen soldiers.
Pakistan government for his
IMF dictates enhancing power In retaliation, Pakistan
release but since it was a
and gas tariffs and oil prices temporarily suspended Nato
murder case and Davis had no
and ending subsidies, the supplies but took no concrete
diplomatic immunity it was
outcome is enormous step to prevent similar acts, like
very difficult to release him.
escalation in prices of essential drone attacks on its tribal areas.
But, in March 2011, Davis was
commodities. Sovereignty of
released by staging a drama of Third, in prevailing
Pakistan is compromised when
paying blood money to the heirs circumstances in Afghanistan,
the state is unable to say no on
of the two people killed by him Pakistan has refused to provide
matters detrimental to the
— something that poorly logistical support and bases to
country’s national interests.
reflected on the sovereignty of the US to launch its air
Otherwise, the government
Pakistan which came under operations against the
would have resisted conditions
pressure from Washington to advancing Taliban forces. But
imposed by the FAFT under the
release an American national the US air raids in Afghanistan
cover of controlling money
who was under trial in a murder against Taliban fighters
laundering. No sovereign state
case. The second event which continue to violate air
will accept such conditions
highly undermined the sovereignty of Pakistan. The

government of Prime Minister into pressure from any quarter is granted when its sovereignty
Imran Khan may claim that it is but the reality on the ground is is intact and is not subservient
sovereign and doesn’t come different. Respect of a country to foreign dictates.

Skirmishes between Mizoram and Assam

Masud Ahmad Khan, The Nation
India’s North East comprises demography of the region. dimension to the region which
eight states surrounded by Currently there are over 37 is already engulfed with
China, Myanmar, Bangladesh, insurgent groups in Assam insurgencies. Let us have a look
Bhutan and Nepal. Earlier the fighting the Indian security at the historical perspective of
region was known as the ‘Seven forces for a separate homeland. the issue which led to the
Sister States’ before the Muslims are 34 percent of the killing of 7 Assamese police
inclusion of Sikkim. Its people population against 12 percent in personnel and injuries to over
are different from the main land 1947. The important militant 100.
ethnically, linguistically, groups are United Liberation
The North Eastern region came
religiously, culturally and have Front of Assam (ULFA),
under British rule in 1826. In
been branded as outcastes as a National Democratic Front of
1876, the British demarcated a
result of such differences. The Bodoland (NDFB), Bodo
boundary between Mizoram
area become volatile after the Liberation Tigers (BLT),
and the Cachar plains in Assam.
Indian occupation of Kashmir Adivasi Cobra Force (ACF)
By 1972, Mizoram became a
and in a bid to secure and Muslim United Liberation
union territory and by 1987 a
independence from India, over Tigers of Assam (MULTA).
state. Assam shares a 164
200 militant groups have
The majority population of kilometers border with
become operational in the
Mizoram are Christians and Mizoram but both states contest
region. A large number of
Bru Tribe (a Hindu community) the demarcation. They claim
Indian army formations and
came to Mizoran from former that the other has been
paramilitary forces have been
East Pakistan. The main encroaching on the land.
deployed as well.
insurgent groups struggling for
Nagaland was first state to
North East Assam is the biggest independence here are Mizo
break away from Assam and
state in terms of population and National Front (MNF), Bru
made on autonomous state
shares borders with all states in National Liberation Front
within Assam in 1957. It was
the region. Meghalaya, (BNLF) and Hmar People’s
because of the creation of
Mizoram and Nagaland were Convention Democracy (HPC-
Nagalandthat Mizoram’s
carved out of Assam. The D). In the past, there have been
borders were redrawn. In 1979,
establishments of an oil fierce clashes between the Mizo
a massacre took place in which
refinery in Assam attracted a and Bru tribes. India had been
54 Assam civilians were killed
large number of cheap labor accusing Bangladesh for
by a Naga tribal group. In 1985,
from neighbouring regions and helping ULFA and BODOS.
clashes also took place between
East Pakistan. The arrival of the The recent skirmishes between
the Assamese and Nagas at
Bengalis was taken a major the states of Assam and
Merapani. In October 2020,
factor for altering the Mizoram has given a new
clashes took place between the

Assamese and Mizos twice in a accused by the Mizoram volatile states that are now at
week over the disputed region government of not maintaining war with each other along
and houses on either side were its neutrality as it facilitated the religious lines. The situation
set on fire. In July 2021, the Assamese attack on the Mizo may draw other Christian
Assamese police seized a newly police post. The demand of majority states into the conflict
constructed police post after Mizoram is that the as well. Social alienation,
claiming it was located inside demarcation along the Inner geographical distance, ethnic
their territory. Mizo villages Line notified in 1875 should be divisions and division on
joined their police in an assault accepted as the official border religious lines have made it
on the Assamese police which whereas the Assamese demand difficult for the people of the
resulted in the killing of7 that the demarcation should be North East to identify
Assamese police personnel and done on the agreements made themselves as people of the
injuries to over 100. later. mainland.
The Indian army and CRPF The violence has increased The writer is a retired brigadier
have been deployed at the exponentially since the BJP has and freelance columnist.
disputed site between the two taken over. A new dimension
states. The CRPF has been has been added to the already

Pak-US relations: Bridging the gap

Saleem Qamar Butt, The Nation
I recently read a short paper ‘The United States and Pakistan Pakistani doctors, scientists,
titled ‘The Future of US have had a complex and often academics, and other
Cooperation with Pakistan’, co- disappointing “love-hate” professionals is considered as
authored by General Joseph relationship since 1947—one an increasingly important part
Votel (Ret.) who was severely tested during the 20- of the global community. In my
commander of CENTCOM year US-led intervention in opinion, all these factors
from March 2016 to March Afghanistan.’ It states that stipulated by both the insightful
2019, and Lt. Gen. Michael K. ‘Whatever US strategic veterans are genuine
Nagata (Ret.) who was director concerns may be about the expressions of realpolitik
of strategy for the US National future of Afghanistan, the where the new strategic
Counterterrorism Centre from course and direction of preference for India to
2016 to 2019. I have had the Pakistan’s strategic choices in checkmate the spectacular rise
opportunity to meet General coming years will also matter to of China as well as a resurgent
Votel as senior military and the United States. There are a Russia doesn’t mean dumping
intelligence representative and variety of reasons for this’. As and punishing an old tested
always appreciated his per the given rationale, ally.
professional acumen, sober Pakistan’s nuclear capability,
Pakistan’s strategic nuclear
outlook and mature animosity between India and
capability is the key to its
understanding of Pakistan’s Pakistan with Kashmir being a
survival to prevent any foreign
predicament accentuated due nuclear flashpoint, Pakistan’s
aggression. It focuses primarily
US’ invasion of Afghanistan. potential to act as a bridge due
on deterring Indian uncalled for
Suffice it to say that my hard- to ties with Muslim countries
aggressive overtures, ironically
hitting rebuttal to Afghan like Saudi Arabia, Turkey and
at present under a hardcore RSS
representatives and some others other bordering countries, and
follower like Prime Minister
supporting their malicious the network of relationship in
Modi of BJP. Our American
narratives, spitting Indian an era of “great power
counterparts know very well
venom in Afghan Dari at competition” is viewed as a
that without the resolution of
CENTCOM and other places potential strategic benefit to
the humanitarian and political
was always heard patiently and any of the great powers like the
issue of Kashmir as per UNO
advice taken positively by the USA and China. Lastly, despite
Resolutions, Kashmir will
American counterparts during its significant political and
remain a nuclear flashpoint.
General Votel’s command. economic difficulties,
Hence, the earlier the US plays
Pakistan’s potential as a
The paper was first published a positive role in the UN
growing technology sector with
by the Middle East Institute, Security Council to resolve this
its youthful population and
USA. It is stated in the article, 72-year-old dispute, the better
worldwide diaspora of

for American global stature, mutually beneficial relationship like to be mastered despite
international peace as well as with Pakistan is living without being befooled repeatedly.
for US’ better strategic one. Given unstable borders, a
The hardest and trickiest part
relations with both countries. nuclear standoff with India, the
both the good writers
Pakistan has always provided a continued presence of terrorist
contemplate is to ‘explore the
diplomatic bridge to the US; organisations and the high
possibility of enlisting Pakistan
with China in the 70’s as well potential for all of this to further
cooperation, and that of India,
as with many other Muslim disrupt our interests, there is no
toward some type of partial de-
countries including a peace better alternative’. In their
escalation of tensions along
dialogue with the Afghan opinion, the areas worth
their common borders and, with
Taliban despite continual exploring include ‘the
it, even a slight amelioration of
proxies launched by India from possibility of planning, along
the nuclear weapons threat’. I
Afghan soil with full support of with other like-minded
concur with the positive
US installed puppet Afghan international actors (both state
thinking by both the
governments. and non-state), to manage the
experienced persons that is
consequences of significant
The good veterans of South suggestive of moving past the
political instability and human
Asia acknowledge ‘the sources deceitful narrative of
suffering emerging from
of “weariness and wariness” ‘disappointment’, and urging
Afghanistan, including the
that US policymakers, in both the USA to ‘move beyond
possibility of substantial
Democratic and Republican neuralgias and carefully weigh
refugee flight into Pakistan’;
administrations, often associate the strategic costs of whether
needless to say this is
with strategic discussions on trying to somehow partner with
something that had remained
Pakistan with subsequent US Pakistan is more, or less, than
amiss in the last 20 years
government’s reluctance the cost of failing to do so. We
despite Pakistan consistent
toward undertaking any kind of believe, in the long run, it is
appeal..never too late for a good
strategic interaction or likely to be less costly’.
start, nevertheless. If Pakistan
rapprochement with Pakistan
could make the US and Taliban The writer is a retired senior
because of (mis)perceived
sit on the dialogue table after army officer with experience in
two decades of meaningless international relations, military
The papers conclude that ‘the war, there should be no diplomacy and analysis of geo-
only thing harder than reluctance by the US in talking political and strategic security
establishing a functional and to an old friend who doesn’t issues.

Afghanistan and beyond

Najm us Saqib, The Nation
The desire to remain in power is instead would like India to take President Biden does not regret
perhaps the most dangerous lead. If so, then for how many his decision of the withdrawal.
pursuit in the political history of years are we going to yowl In fact, he has told the Afghan
mankind. It convinces one that about the twenty-year stay of leaders in no uncertain terms ‘to
he is God-sent, the only savior, foreign forces in Afghanistan come together’ and ‘fight for
then it paralyses you before and the eventual US themselves’ as his country has
digging your grave. President withdrawal? already done enough by
Ashraf Ghani is no exception. spending over a trillion dollars,
In international relations,
In the face of an imminent training over 300,000 Afghan
complaints and verbal protests
victory of the Taliban, he is still forces and suffered death and
make you weak and expose
looking for a straw in the sea of injury to thousands of US
your predispositions but by no
violence to keep floating. personnel. There goes the most
means enable you to get the
Stepping down and paving the important guarantor of peace in
desired results. Complaints are
way for a negotiated settlement Afghanistan.
meaningless unless
of the Afghan conflict is not an
countermeasures are strategised Simultaneously, a scapegoat
option for him. Banking on
and implemented. Forget about was required and Pakistan was
America’s verbal support to his
winning an argument on an absolutely not a difficult
Kabul administration, he is
international negotiating table choice. No wonder PM Khan is
counting the days of his glory
if you do not have the capacity convinced that the US sees
while desperately looking for a
to inflict harm or render timely Pakistan as useful only in the
safe exit.
assistance or contribute context of the mess it is leaving
All stakeholders in the Afghan substantially in addressing a behind after twenty years of
conflict have a fair idea why the challenging situation. fighting. The obvious clash of
twenty-year long stay of the US narratives is adding a different
The peace talks between the
forces in Afghanistan kind of chaos to the already
Taliban and the Kabul-
culminated in a not-so- murky situation. To top it all,
nominated Afghan negotiators
responsible withdrawal; why efforts are underway to settle
that began last September have
the US wants President Ghani bilateral scores at every
made no substantial progress.
to continue; why the Afghan opportune time either to evade
Meetings held by various
forces’ salaries and food would the truth, play victim or look
troikas in Doha or elsewhere
be provided by the US; why tall in the eyes of the world.
have only been able to reiterate
securing Kabul airport is more Then there is a barrage of
what is being propagated in the
important than defending allegations being levelled on
past two decades proffering a
Kandahar; or why the US does each other thereby trying to
political solution to the Afghan
not trust Pakistan anymore and efficiently play the blame game
conflict. On the other hand,

to gain some space or stay amicably knowing full well that the Pak-Iran ties did whereby
relevant to one’s standpoint. bullets neither read nor hear. an erstwhile close friend was
lost somewhere in the Afghan
Notwithstanding the ominous Pakistan must have analysed in
transit trade corridors. In the
writing on the wall, all detail what the US had in mind
big swamp of the Afghan
stakeholders are reiterating the with regard to Islamabad’s role
conflict, let us not forget that
pledge to having a political in the latest phase of the Afghan
there is a whole world out there
solution to the Afghan conflict conflict. Islamabad must have
to handle and life does not
while the Taliban are set to weighed its options and the
begin and end with
attack Kabul. In the ever extent to which it could accede
Afghanistan. Just a polite
diminishing space for to Washington’s requests. One
reminder that the United States
negotiating a settlement wonders if the overall future
of America is still the sole
formula, everyone is talking but Pak-US relations were also
superpower of the world and
no one is listening. No one considered especially in the
it’s newly found RSS driven
knows how and when the context of America being the
‘strategic partner’ firmly
desired broad-based largest importer of Pakistani
believes in the philosophy of
government will be placed in goods.
Hindutva. Perhaps, Ashraf
Kabul. On the other hand,
In the next few months, Ghani is not the only one
living in a constant state of
Afghanistan is likely to be hoping against hope.
strategic denial, all concerned
settled one way or the other.
are eagerly awaiting the The writer is a former
However, the recently added
inevitable to happen and see the Ambassador of Pakistan and
frictions in Pak-US ties would
other shoe dropped. No one is author of seven books in three
be there to haunt Islamabad for
ready to concede a point yet languages. He can be reached
a long time. It is hoped that in
everyone is reading out at najmussaqib -
boasting about the strong Sino-
carefully worded statements
Pak ties, the Pakistani
emphasising the need to
visionaries would not let Pak-
address and resolve the conflict
US relations suffer as badly as

Causes of failure within Afghanistan

Farzana Shah, The Nation
The prevailing volatile and during the last two decades the fundamental difference in
strategically critical situation of from the impact of the Afghan policy, not accepting or
Afghanistan is a result of cauldron. Pakistan is also being granting the Taliban’s offer of
nonexistence of blamed for unrest by general amnesty resulted in a
synchronisation of Intra- international media lobbies trust deficit which disrupted the
Afghan Peace Process and the despite the fact that Islamabad political and social process of
withdrawal of the US and has to lose the most if peace in Afghanistan. The
NATO forces. The Afghanistan remains unstable. Taliban were not even included
incomprehensible haste in the Bonn Conference.
Afghan conflict reflects an
displayed by the US, putting
internal power struggle similar No serious efforts were made
aside the lessons learnt from the
to the times during the post- towards establishing an -
sudden abandonment of
USSR withdrawal civil war. inclusive, professional and
Afghanistan in the 90s, has
Since 1979, groups have been merit based armed or security
brought in similar
fighting amongst themselves forces, as well as bureaucracy,
consequences; civil war leading
for the quest of dominance. The for effective governance and
to an influx of fresh wave of
undeniable irony is that are the delivery of basic services.
fighting amongst themselves Carpet-bombing of rural
The rapidly deteriorating law instead of the invaders. The Afghanistan resulting in
and order situation in Afghans today too have to massive collateral damage and
Afghanistan has ushered in a search for the causes of failures further alienated the Afghans.
blame game as well. Afghan from within their own ranks and
Matters were further
government first accused files and shoulder their share of
compounded by wide spread
Pakistan, without putting responsibility of stabilising that
corruption. The Kabul Regime
forward any evidence, of war torn country. No imposed
embezzled much of the $100
providing support to the solution from outside will work
billion aid to the Afghan army
Afghan Taliban and now, the in the future.
and most of it shifted to Dubai
Kabul regime is accusing the
The ineffectiveness of the using the Kabul Bank and direct
US and Pakistan for the current
Afghan Peace Process in flights with millions of dollars
predicament. It would be
ensuring desired peace can be in cash. Soldiers were fighting
factually incorrect to put the
attributed to multiple reasons. the Taliban with no supplies
blame of present imbroglio in
A bulk of the two decade war and resources, while the Kabul
Afghanistan on Pakistan due to
was spent in fighting and elite was enjoying the luxuries
the fact that after Afghanistan,
ignoring Pakistan’s repeated in their Dubai villas. War has
Pakistan was the only country
advice for an all-inclusive served as an enormously
that had suffered the most
political settlement. Apart from

profitable enterprise for them military officials with Pashtuns passing day, his leverage is
and all this is well documented. from Tajikistan, which also diminishing at a rapid rate.
contributed to the failure of the
Ashraf Ghani’s slogan was that One may continue to throw
government forces against the
he was going to sideline all blame on the US, Pakistan,
these corrupt warlords and Iran, Soviets, or elsewhere, but
make a corruption free The Taliban are making peace this rhetoric doesn’t change the
Afghanistan. However, he deals with local community fact that the mess in
utterly failed to deliver on his leaders who are handing over Afghanistan is Afghan-led and
slogan and could not raise an the provincial capitals. Instead Afghan-owned. Among other
army that could fight as a of the Kabul Regime’s things, for example, no one
cohesive force. In the end, he negotiation team in Doha forced Ghani to delay the
had to rely on warlords. He representing them, they are prisoner exchange for six
placed mostly inept individuals representing themselves and months. By now, the talks
at the helms of affairs of their local communities at their would have concluded and the
important institutions like the respective doorsteps. The deal would have taken some
NDS. An institution formed for Tajiks, Uzbeksand Hazaras mutually acceptable shape. He
protecting Afghan security want their own fiefdoms in gambled and the Afghans lost a
interests but later on turned into Afghanistan and so as long as close chance of peace. Only if
an anti-Pakistan entity with they have that, they are happy. Afghans themselves had kept
close ties to intelligence Tribal elders are switching their falsely inflated egos aside
agencies that are hostile to sides, as dictated by their and passionately thought better
Pakistan’s peace and progress. interests and the interests of of their war torn country and its
their respective tribes. protractedly displaced people,
India has emerged as the
this mess would have been
biggest spoiler of peace efforts The US gave Ashraf Ghani two
resolved decades ago.
in Afghanistan. A stable years, 2019 to 1920, to reach a
Afghanistan will serve peace deal with the Taliban. Pakistan, due to it religious,
Pakistan’s core geo-economics Nevertheless, since he was in a ethnic and social linkages with
interests, like railroad. This position of strength due to the Afghanistan, is rightly
connectivity will extend CPEC presence of NATO forces, he concerned about recently
to Central Asia and Pakistan continued to drag his feet and increased levels of violence and
will finally be able to exploit gambled on the premise that US chaos and for obvious reasons.
the full potential of the strategic will not actually leave. To his Nevertheless, it has no
Gwadar port. utter surprise, the remains of favorites, as very candidly
the US and NATO forces would expressed by its political as
The collapse of Kabul’s regime
be off Afghan soil in a month’s well as military leadership
is imminent. President Ghani is
time. The balance of power has repeatedly. It is totally and
acting without any real
now shifted and with every exclusively up to the Afghans
authority in the country.
to decide what path they want
Recently, he replaced top

to tread. Peace in Afghanistan extend full support to Afghans, The writer is a Peshawar based
is a collective responsibility while remaining fully journalist.
and hence the international cognizant of spoilers of peace
community must continue to in Afghanistan.

Can a disaster in Afghanistan be averted?

Sultan Barakat, Aljazeera
Back in April 2021, I argued strong opposition in the region cannot bring peace and
that a full-scale disaster in the to an Islamic emirate, risk prosperity to the country today.
form of a protracted civil war in sparking a conflict if the group
The Taliban put to the test
Afghanistan could still be tries to walk into the capital by
averted, but it would have force – particularly now that However, the irony of the
required two things from the President Ashraf Ghani has Taliban spreading its control so
Taliban. accepted his resignation may be widely and so quickly is that its
imminent. ability to control, secure and,
First, the group had to opt for a
most importantly, supply those
reasonable response to the The speed of the Taliban’s
areas will be tested for the first
surprise announcement by US advance and the lack of
time. The overnight
President Joe Biden of a resistance faced so far have
transformation in the
complete, unconditional come as a surprise to all sides
movement’s responsibilities is
withdrawal of all US troops including the Taliban leaders
huge – from a guerrilla force
from Afghanistan by themselves. But this should not
reliant on what supplies can be
September 11. At the time, the blind anyone to the fact that
offered to it by local
Taliban viewed this as a breach throughout modern history, no
communities it is turning into
of the February 2020 Doha single political, religious or
an authority in control of
Agreement between the group ethnic group, regardless of its
complex urban spaces.
and the US. size, has been able to enjoy full
hegemony and legitimacy The first and most important
Afghanistan: Mapping the
across a piece of land without requirement across the many
advance of the Taliban
reaching a political settlement provinces that have fallen to the
Second, the Taliban had to offer with all other groups. Taliban, particularly those
credible assurances that its where its fighters faced no
The Taliban has made
return to Kabul would lead to a resistance whatsoever such as
electrifying advances precisely
reduction in violence and Paktika, is an acceptable degree
because it has realised that it
would not erode civil rights, in of stability, justice and dignity.
cannot hold and maintain
particular those of women and Disruption to people’s lives by
control based on an exclusive
minority groups. Taliban fighters, driving them
narrative of Pashtun
out of their villages, looting
Then and now, it remains clear nationalism. Rather, local
homes and conducting
that the high level of alliances are being made in the
summary executions will haunt
polarisation among Afghans north with local Uzbek, Tajik,
the movement and fuel years of
and fear of what the Taliban did and other communities.
conflict to come.
during its short rule between Military force was never a
1996 and 2001, as well as the solution in Afghanistan and

The desire to represent the Afghanistan to protect Afghanistan’s traditional

Afghan people comes with the American citizens, as is the warlords: Abdul Rashid
responsibility to govern and United Kingdom, Canada, and Dostum has fled to Uzbekistan,
hold a nation together. This is Germany. Even Qatar, as the Atta Mohammad Noor is
recognised on some level by host of the Taliban Political reported to have left the
Taliban leaders, who have Commission and the intra- country, and Ismail Khan is
issued declarations of amnesty Afghan negotiations, will come under house arrest in Herat.
and ordered fighters to protect under greater pressure With them out of the political
community assets and refrain domestically and scene, the many fragmented
from acts of vengeance in the internationally if those scenes factions in Kabul are now no
recently captured districts. of violence continue to be aired. longer talking in the same
disparate tones. They are doing
In July 2019, the Taliban jointly A chaotic collapse of
their best to cast aside their
declared at the Intra-Afghan Afghanistan’s existing
differences and present a united
Conference in Doha that it is of institutions, including the army,
utmost importance to avoid police and civil service will
civilian casualties, support the leave the Taliban presiding The Taliban should show
displaced, and protect public over a nightmare scenario akin humility in victory and listen
infrastructure. But, as to Iraq and Syria. The group carefully to what settlement is
numerous local reports are will find that many being offered by the
emerging, the movement is intellectuals, investors, and government in the interest of
struggling to prevent cases of people with technical capacities avoiding bloodshed in Kabul, a
abuse and control the behaviour have long left the country to city of 6 million civilians.
of young fighters spurred on by Turkey, the UAE, Pakistan, and Given all that was said earlier,
the spoils of urban centres. India in addition to the there is no escaping forming a
thousands of qualified men and transitional administration that
If the rhetoric of peace from the
women who are being could see the country through
Taliban political leadership
evacuated by the NATO the coming dark days.
continues to be matched with
nations. The Taliban must
the reality of atrocities on the Any transitional government
remember that under such a
ground, the 2020 agreement must be inclusive, respecting all
scenario it will remain under
with the US and any degree of sides, and seeing beyond the
the thumb of Pakistan in
validity it holds will be current presidency. Such an
perpetuity, trapped in the
threatened. inclusive structure is necessary
shadow of its politics with
to legitimise the decision of any
This has already forced the India.
consultative council on
hand of the US to act in support
What should the Taliban do selecting the format and
of the Afghan government and
to avert a disaster? leadership of a new executive
to join in airstrikes against the
governing authority.
Taliban. The US is deploying The Taliban’s rapid advance
thousands of troops to has ousted some of

The Taliban must protect all

state institutions, including the
civil service, and do its very
best to ensure they continue to
function. This is a major lesson
from Iraq and Syria: Any
transitional arrangement should
not undo the armed forces or
civil service.

Finally, to be able to meet the

salary bill for the civil service,
including health and education,
the Taliban must improve its
relationship with the
international community of
donors. It could begin to do so
by protecting their missions
inside the country and making
sure it follows a zero-tolerance
policy against all forms of
human rights abuses, in
particular those directed against
women and girls. And that is
not because the West cares
more about those issues, but
because Islam is based on those

Sultan Barakat is the Director

of the Centre for Conflict and
Humanitarian Studies at the
Doha Institute and Honorary
Professor of Politics at the
University of York

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