Gabriel Garcia Maruqez

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In the video I saw first of all a house with a variety of books and a nobel by Alfred nobel and a
theater to the rhythm of macondo that told the story of macondo when Colombia became a
macondo that macondo is the fictional town of the novel 100 years of solitude of Gabriel Garcia
Marques when he won the Nobel in 1982. It was a great triumph for Colombia since that is a
national pride and several people spoke about Gabriel Garcia Marques and a lady talked about
going to Stockholm to bring the most significant or cultural or The most representative in
Colombia since Colombia is a country rich in culture and that Colombia is beautiful and that the
true meaning was to understand that Gabriel Garcia Marquez was going to Stockholm with the
best music to represent Colombia and they talked about a fish called Guachupe that Said a lady
who sang talking about the fish and that she said that at first she could not record her music
because she did not accept it and in the end she did it with songs from her land and her race and
she continued singing nd or saying that she sings different songs with her soul and she continued
to sing her story that her mother wanted her children to be cultured and bring good things to
Colombia. Gloria Triana also spoke, a directive that spoke about the nationalist and about Gabriel
Grace Marquez when they went to Stockholm to receive the Nobel Prize. and there appeared
some gentlemen called toto and marca and she talked about how all that celebration was with
festivals and shouts with joy and that she sang and danced in a castle in a dream and she all went
to the Nobel for her trip. the guajira is the myth the land of the indigenous people full of culture
and that she traveled along the Magdalena river and that they had visited 11 municipalities. later
they arrived at the palenque and there were some women dressed for a party telling them what
they were looking for and who they were and they said that they were the singers of the rosary
who were going to look for a blonde and a brunette woman looking for singers. and that the
Magdaelna River was just an illusion of memory and that they had not seen Mompox or any small
town and they came to Mompox and met friends and began to sing. Talawai has already arrived an
instrument called nafer accordion, his singing mother lasts Alejandro his singing mother lasts and
the dances sung that is the true story. Not all vallenato was born from the dance. and they talked
about rafael escalona a vallenatero he is the cradle of macondo to move on to gabriel garcia
marques first you have to talk about rafael escalona a vallenato classic one day they asked gabriel
garcia marquez about what was one hundred years of solitude for and he said one hundred Years
of Solitude is a 350-page vallenato and a musician Pablo Lopez spoke and explained the sounds
like merenge. Neruda, a Chilean poet, also a Nobel Prize winner, said “it is such a great, wonderful
book that the others, even though they are very good, One Hundred Years of Solitude absolutely
surpasses everything else. and Gabriel Garcia Marquez or Gabo had to go to Estocolomo, he had to
dress well and well-mannered if they would not classify him as corrocncho. The conflict occurred
that is why the award was somewhat conroversial since Gabriel García Marquez was a best friend
of fidel cstro Cuban dictator who made the Cuban revolution defeated Baptista in fact Gabriel
García Marquez recommended that he no longer wear military clothing but sportswear Since all
his life he was dressed like this and they talked about the genre of hump harp and maracas and
the joropo is still that expressive genre but under a different clothing and there were some
Colombians who accompanied Gabriel García Marquez to the Nobel of figures of much
admiration . Colombians to a large extent hated themselves because they were ashamed and seek
a Colombian identity and share it riosucio is a municipality in Colombia and there is a legend that
says that if you damage that party you go to hell. and a dancer and another companion spoke
about their reaction when they went to stockholm with gabo in 2 months that process was done
and dances like the yellow butterflies to the rhythm of macondo And those memories revive and
there was one called Carlos who was very demanding with that job and some dancers like Iveth
del Socorro spoke, giving their experience with Clara listening to her that they were from the
Carlos Franco dance school talking about the experience of the Nobel in Sweden Stockholm and
they talked about the time of the trip. and they were talking when they got on the plane and gabo
was whistling and the Swedes would think they would shut up and they were talking about the
zuleta when they got down to Estocolomo they kept whistling and they went to a bar a sailboat
like a hotel the weather was in a 6 or 7 of December they stayed in a hotel boat because it was the
cheapest and they began to remember the black woman did not like the hotel and wanted to go
but the son said that it did not start to snow afterwards and they showed beautiful statues of
Stockholm and showed the palace of the town hall and they perceived themselves thinking it was
a church and the dancers were nervous that if the Swedes were going to like it and the kings were
Carlos XVI Gustavo of Sweden and his wife Silva of Sweden. and toto began to show the dance
raising his hands saying here I am. And the 300 pieces of the Colombian library impressed the
Swedes on December 11, saw them coming in the cold of the polar night, they looked like shrouds
and they listened to mapale. Instead of talking about Pablo Escobar they started talking about the
noble prize and they talked about the head of a cow and they talked when they got on the plane
and Gabo was whistling and the Swedes would think that they would shut up and they would talk
about the Zuleta when they got down to stock they kept whistling and they went to a bar a
sailboat as a hotel the weather was on December 6 or 7 they stayed in a hotel boat because it was
the cheapest and they began to remember the black woman did not like the hotel and wanted to
go but the son said that not after it started to snow and they showed beautiful statues of
stockholm and they showed the city hall palace and they thought it was a church and the dancers
were nervous And if the Swedes were going to like it and the kings were Carlos XVI Gustavo of
Sweden and his wife Silva of Sweden. and toto began to show the dance raising his hands saying
here I am. And the 300 pieces of the Colombian library impressed the Swedes on December 11,
saw them coming in the cold of the polar night, they looked like shrouds and they listened to
mapale. Instead of talking about Pablo Escobar, they started talking about the noble prize and they
talked about the cow's head.

In his service record to the Crown, Núñez has been the first European to discover the Iguazú Falls
and the first to explore the Paraguay River. In his 70 years of life (1488-1558), Álvar Núñez, was
Adelantado del Rey, captain general of the Río de la Plata, but, above all, an adventurer. and the
joropo began to be heard and in stockholm they already knew that and they were seen practicing
with the harp and gabriel garcia marquez only read a story the last trip of the ghost bunque but he
did not say any speech and that macondo is not only a place it is a kind of being and speaking the
photographer officila

then followed the moment of the awarding and there was the royal family the king, the queen and
the royal family and gabriel garcia marquez was seen entering the symphonic music is the music of
respect and sacralized and the sacred and mystical and the Colombian music is daily and folkloric
and he wore black shoes that were not the color of the hem of the pants and that he was very
scared and nervous with such important people. That leaves us the story that marked Colombia
when its best writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez won a Nobel Prize in Literature for his beautiful work
100 Years of Solitude and Colombia would not only have to talk about the period of the violence of
the narcopolitico and the great massacres carried out. by pablo escobra with the medellin cartel if
not now he could talk about when Colombia became a macondo.

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