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Combined Mathematics II – 2000 Advanced Level Examination

❖ Answer six questions only.

(01) (a) A train, 100 metres long, starts from rest at a station 𝐴 and moves with constant acceleration.
Later, it takes 10 seconds to pass a signal post 𝐵. The train is moving with velocity 11 𝑚𝑠 −2
when the rear of the train passes 𝐵. Draw a velocity-time graph for the motion of the train.
Using this graph or otherwise,
(i) find the velocity with which and the time at which the front of the train passed 𝐵.
(ii) find the acceleration of the train and show that the total distance travelled is 302.5 metres,
when the rear of the train is at 𝐵.

(b) Water in the straight river of breadth 𝑑 flows with uniform velocity 𝑢. A man capable of
swimming at a speed 𝑣 relative to the water swims so that he moves right across the river
perpendicular to the bank. Find the time 𝑇 taken by the man to cross the river. Show that the
time he takes to swim a distance 𝑑 parallel to the bank, upstream and back to the starting place
is √𝑣2 .Why should 𝑣 be greater than 𝑢?

(02) (a) A smooth wedge of mass 𝑀 and angle 𝛼 is placed on a fixed smooth plane of inclination 𝛼 to
the horizontal, in such a way that the upper face of the wedge is horizontal; on this horizontal
face is placed a particle of mass 𝑚, and the system is released from rest. Write down the
equations of motion, to determine the accelerations of the particle and the wedge. Prove that
(𝑀+𝑚)𝑔𝑠𝑖𝑛2 𝛼
the acceleration of the particle is of magnitude . What is its direction?
𝑀+𝑚𝑠𝑖𝑛2 𝛼

(b) An engine working at constant power 500 𝑘𝑊 is pulling a train up an incline of 1 in 196
(measured along the track). The total mass of the train with the engine is 2.5 × 105 𝑘𝑔. When,
its speed is 24 𝑘𝑚ℎ−1 the acceleration is 0.2 𝑚𝑠 −2. Find the constant resistance against the
motion of the train, in newtones.
[Take acceleration due to gravity, 𝑔 = 9.8 𝑚𝑠 −2 ]

(03) A particle 𝑃, free to move on the smooth inner surface of a fixed hollow sphere of centre 𝑂 and
internal radius 𝑎 is placed at the lowest point 𝐴 of this surface. It is then projected horizontally
with initial speed √𝑛𝑔𝑎, where 𝑛 > 0.
While the particle is still in contact with the surface, find the reaction on the particle from the
surface, when the angle turned by 𝑂𝑃 is 𝜃.
Show that, if 2 < 𝑛 < 5 the particle 𝑃 will leave the surface with speed √ .
If 𝑃 leaves the surface when it is at a height 2 above the level of 𝑂, show that
(i) 𝑛 = 2 ,

(ii) the path of 𝑃 in the subsequent free motion under gravity passes through 𝐴.

(04) (a) A small smooth sphere 𝐴 of mass 𝑚 moving on a smooth horizontal table with velocity 𝑢
collides directly with another small smooth sphere 𝐵, of equal size and mass 2𝑚, which is at
rest on the table. The coefficient of restitution is 𝑒.
(i) Show that the velocity acquired by 𝐵 is (1 + 𝑒) , and find the impulse 𝐽 between the

(ii) Express the loss of kinetic energy due to the impact in the form 𝐸 = 2 (1 + 𝑒)𝑢.
(iii)If the direction of motion of 𝐴 gers reversed due to the impact, show that 𝑒 > 2 and
𝐸 < 2 𝑚𝑢2

(b) A block of mass 𝑚 on a horizontal platform is at relative rest, while the platform perform
vertical simple harmonic oscillations of amplitude 𝑎 and period 𝑇. Show that, when the
displacement of the platform from its mean position is 𝑥, measured in the upward vertical
4𝜋 2 𝑥
direction, the reaction of the platform on the block is 𝑚 (𝑔 − ).

If 𝑇 = 1𝑠, deduce the greatest amplitude, in metres, so that the block is not thrown off the
[Assume that 𝜋 2  9.8 and that the acceleration due to gravity 𝑔, takes the same value in
𝑚𝑠 −2]

(05) A system of coplanar forces consists of three forces. (measured in newtons) acting respectively
at points specified as follows:
Point Position Vector Force
𝐴 2𝑖 + 5𝑗 𝑃(𝑖 + 3𝑗)
𝐵 4𝑗 −𝑃(2𝑖 + 𝑗)
𝐶 −𝑖 + 𝑗 𝑃(𝑖 − 2𝑗)

Here 𝑖, 𝑗 denote unit vectors along rectangular Cartesian axes 𝑂𝑥, 𝑂𝑦 respectively, the unit of
length being the metre.
Mark these forces, in component form in a representative diagram, indicating the coordinates of
the respectively points of application.
Hence or otherwise, show that the system is equivalent to a couple of moment 10 𝑃𝑁𝑚, and
indicate the sense of the couple.
𝐷 is the point with position vector 2𝑖. The given system of forces can be brought to equilibrium
by introducing three additional forces along the sides of the triangle 𝑂𝐴𝐷, taken in order and
proportional to their lengths. Find these forces in vector form.

(06) (a) A uniform rob 𝐴𝐵 of weight 𝑊 and length 2𝑎 is kept in equilibrium with the end 𝐴 in contact
with a rough vertical wall; it is supported by a light inextensible string of equal length
2𝑎 connecting the other end 𝐵 to a point 𝐶 of the wall, vertically above 𝐴. The rod is inclined
at an angle 𝜃 to the upward vertical and it lies in a vertical and it lies in a vertical place
perpendicular to the wall.
Find the tension in the string and show that 𝜃 ≥ cot −1 ( 3 ) where 𝜇 is the coefficient of

(b) Show, by integration that the distance of the centre of gravity of a uniform solid hemisphere
whose plane base is of radius 𝑎, from the base is .

A uniform solid body is formed by welding together, at coincident bases of radii 𝑎, a

hemisphere and a right circular cone of semi-vertical angle 𝛼. If the body can rest in
equilibrium with any point of the curved surface of the hemisphere in contact with a horizontal
table, find the value of 𝛼.

(07) The adjoining figure represents a framework consisting of five smoothly jointed light rods of
equal length. The framework is smoothly hinged at a fixed point 𝐴, and carries a load 𝑊 at 𝐷; it
is kept in equilibrium in a vertical plane with 𝐴𝐶 horizontal by a force 𝑃 applied at 𝐵 in a direction
parallel to 𝐶𝐴.
Find the magnitude of 𝑃 and the horizontal and vertical components of the reaction at the hinge
𝐴. Deduce the direction of this reaction.
Draw a stress diagram for the framework, using Bow’s Notation. Hence determine the stresses in
all the five rods in terms of 𝑊, distinguishing between tensions and thrusts.

1 5
(08) (a) 𝐴 and 𝐵 are two random events such that 𝑃(𝐴 ∩ 𝐵) = 4 and 𝑃(𝐴) = (A|B′ ) = 12, where 𝐵′

is the complementary event of 𝐵.

(i) 𝑃(B|A)
(ii) 𝑃(𝐵)
(iii)𝑃(A|B) and
(iv) 𝑃(𝐴 ∪ 𝐵).
Are the events 𝐴 and 𝐵 mutually exclusive? Are they independent? Justify your answer in
each case.

(b) “The birth of a boy’ and “The birth of a girl” are assumed to be equally likely and independent
events. In a family of two children, it is given that one child is a boy. Find the probability that
the other child is
(i) also a boy,
(ii) a girl.

(09) The following table gives a grouped frequency distribution of the lifetimes of a random sample
of 200 electric bulbs taken from the output of a particular factory.
Life time (in weeks) Number of bulbs
95-99 10
90-94 14
85-89 16
80-84 21
75-79 35
70-74 41
65-69 38
60-64 15
55-59 7
50-54 3
(a) Estimate, to one decimal place,
(i) the median,
(ii) the lower quartile 𝑄1
(iii)the upper quartile 𝑄2 of these lifetimes.
(b) Evaluate, to one decimal place,
(i) the mean,
(ii) the standard deviation,
(iii) the coefficient of skewness of this distribution.
What is the shape of this distribution?

Combined Mathematics II – 2001 Advanced Level Examination

❖ Answer six questions only.

(01) (a) A stationary police car observes a van travelling past it, with constant velocity 72 𝑘𝑚ℎ−1 .
Ten seconds later the police car starts in pursuit of the van. Moving with constant acceleration
𝑓 𝑚𝑠 −2 for a distance of 200 𝑚, the police car reaches a velocity of 90 𝑘𝑚ℎ−1 which it
maintains until overtaking the van. Sketch velocity-time graphs for the two vehicles on the
same diagram.
Calculate the acceleration 𝑓 of the police car in the first 200 𝑚 of its journey, and the total
time taken by it to overtake the van, calculated from the instant of their first encounter.

(b) A motor-boat whose speed is 𝑢 𝑘𝑚ℎ−1 is to intercept a ship which moves with constant
velocity 𝑣(< 𝑢)𝑘𝑚ℎ−1 in the North-West direction. Initially, the ship is located at a distance
𝑑 𝑘𝑚 north of the motor-boat. Draw a velocity triangle and find the direction in which the
motor-boat should move in order to intercept the ship. Show that the interception takes place
√2 𝑑[√2𝑢2 −𝑣 2 +𝑣]
after a time hours.
2(𝑢2 −𝑣 2 )

(02) (a) A particle of mass 𝑚 slides down a smooth face, of inclination 𝛼 to the horizontal, of a wedge
of mass 𝑀 which is free to move on a smooth horizontal table. Show that the acceleration of
𝑚𝑔 sin 𝛼 cos 𝛼
the wedge is , and find the reaction between the particle and the wedge.
𝑀+𝑚𝑠𝑖𝑛2 𝛼

(b) The greatest speed of a car, of mass 1000 𝑘𝑔, moving on a straight horizontal road, against a
resistance of 400 𝑁 is 144 𝑘𝑚ℎ−1 . Show that the power of its engine is 16 𝑘𝑊.
The car pulls a trailer of mass 600 𝑘𝑔 on the same road against an additional resistance of
200 𝑁. If the engine is working at the same power as before, find the tension on the tow-rope
in newtons, when the speed is 24 𝑘𝑚ℎ−1.

(03) (a) The components of the initial velocity of a particle, projected under gravity from a point 𝑂
are 𝑢, 𝑣 in the directions of horizontal and upward vertical axes 𝑂𝑥, 𝑂𝑦 respectively. Show
that when it has moved a horizontal distance 𝑥 it attains a vertical height
𝑣 𝑔
𝑦 = (𝑢) 𝑥 − (2𝑢2 ) 𝑥 2 .
The particle just clears a vertical wall of height at a horizontal distance a from 𝑂 and has a

range 4𝑎 on the horizontal plane through 𝑂. Determine 𝑢, 𝑣 and show that the direction of
projection makes an angle tan−1 (3) with the horizontal.

(b) Two smooth spheres 𝐴, 𝐵 of equal radii, are moving in opposite directions on a smooth
horizontal table, so as to collide directly. Their masses are 2𝑚, 3𝑚 and their speeds are
7𝑢, 3𝑢 respectively. The coefficient of restitution between the spheres is 𝑒. Show that the
impulse of the collision is of magnitude 12𝑚𝑢(1 + 𝑒).
If the smaller sphere, 𝐴 is brought to rest by the impact determine the value of 𝑒, and show
that 15 of the original kinetic energy is retained in the system.

(04) (a) The 𝑓𝑖𝑔𝑢𝑟𝑒 1 depicts a narrow smooth tube bent in the form of a circle of centre 𝑂 and radius
𝑎 fixed in a vertical plane.
Inside the tube are two particles 𝑃, 𝑄 of masses 𝑚, 3𝑚 respectively connected by a light
inextensible taut string of length 𝜋𝑎. Initially, the system is released from rest, when the
particles are at the opposite ends of the horizontal diameter of the tube and the string occupies
the upper-half of the tube.
If 𝑂𝑃 has turned through an angle 𝜃, at time 𝑡 after release, using the principle of conservation
of energy show that 𝑎𝜃̇ 2 = 𝑔 sin 𝜃 (0 ≤ 𝜃 ≤ 2 ).

Find the force exerted by the tube on the particle 𝑃, at this


𝑓𝑖𝑔𝑢𝑟𝑒 1
(b) A particle of mass 𝑚 hangs in equilibrium, being attached to one end of a light elastic string,
of natural length 𝑙, whose other end is tied to a fixed point 𝑂. If the particle is at a point 𝐶
whose displacement below 𝑂 is 2𝑙 show that the modulus of elasticity of the string is mg.
The particle is now projected vertically downwards from 𝐶, with initial speed √𝑔𝑙. At time 𝑡,
its downward displacement from 𝑂 i𝑠 𝑥. Show that 𝑥̈ + 𝑙 (𝑥 − 2𝑙) = 0, and identify the centre

and the period of the simple harmonic motion of the particle.

Obtain the maximum and the minimum values of 𝑥.

(05) Forces 𝑃, 7𝑃, 8𝑃, 7𝑃, 3𝑃 newtons act along the sides 𝐴𝐵, 𝐶𝐵, 𝐶𝐷, 𝐸𝐷, 𝐹𝐸 respectively, of a
regular hexagon 𝐴𝐵𝐶𝐷𝐸𝐹 of side a metres, in the directions indicated by the order of the letters.
Talking 𝑖 and 𝑗 to be unit vectors in the direction of ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝐴𝐵 and ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝐴𝐸 respectively, express each force
in terms of 𝑖, 𝑗 and 𝑃.
Show that the given system is equivalent to a single resultant force, 𝑅 = 2𝑝(𝑖 + √3𝑗), parallel to
⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ .
What is the magnitude of R?
Show further that the line of action of the resultant passes through the common point of 𝐷𝐸 and
𝐴𝐹.(both produced)
If the system is equivalent to a force 𝑅 acting through the vertex 𝐴 together with a couple, find
the moment of this couple, in magnitude and sense.

(06) (a) A smooth peg is fixed at a point 𝑃 at distance a from a smooth vertical wall. A uniform rod
𝐴𝐵 of length 6𝑎 and weight 𝑊 is in equilibrium resting on the peg with the end 𝐴 in contact
with the wall.
Taking 𝜃 to be the angle made by the rod 𝐴𝐵 with the horizontal draw a triangle of forces,
representing forces acting on the rod. Find the reaction at 𝑃, in terms of 𝑊 and 𝜃.
Show that 3𝑐𝑜𝑠 3 𝜃 = 1.

(b) A frame work consisting of four light rods 𝐴𝐵, 𝐵𝐶, 𝐶𝐷, 𝐵𝐷 is
shown in 𝑓𝑖𝑔𝑢𝑟𝑒 2. It is freely hinged to a vertical wall at 𝐴
and 𝐷. 𝐴 load 500 𝑁 is hung from the joint 𝐶, and 𝐵𝐶 is
horizontal. Draw a stress diagram for the frame work using
Bow’s notation, and hence find the stresses in all the rods,
distinguishing between tensions and thrusts.
(07) Show that the position of the centre of mass of a uniform solid right circular cone of height ℎ is
on its axis at a distance from the vertex.

Such a cone, of semi-vertical angle 15°, rests with its base on a rough horizontal floor. It is tilted
to one side by a light inextensible string attached to its vertex. The string pulls downwards making
an angle 45° with the horizontal, in a vertical plane through the axis of the cone. The edge of the
cone is about to slip on the floor.
When the vertex is vertically above the point of contact of the edge and the floor. Write down
sufficient equations to determine the tension 𝑇 in the string, the normal reaction and the frictional
force. Hence show that
(i) 𝑇 = ;
(ii) the value of the coefficient of friction, is 19 .

(08) (a) Define the probabilities 𝑃(𝐴 ∪ 𝐵), 𝑃(𝐴 ∩ 𝐵) and 𝑃(A|B) in relation to two random events 𝐴
and 𝐵.
Two random events 𝐴, 𝐵 have probabilities 𝑃(𝐴) = 0.6, 𝑃(𝐵) = 0.2 and 𝑃(A|B) = 0.1, for
the events 𝐴 and 𝐵, calculate the probability of
(i) both events occurring,
(ii) exactly one of the events occurring and
(iii)neither of the events occurring.

(b) One of three coins is biassed so that the probability of obtaining a head when it is tossed once
is 𝑝. The other two coins are unbiassed. One of the three coins is chosen at random and tossed
twice. Draw a tree-diagram to show the possible outcomes. If the probability of obtaining
heads on both tosses is 54 , find the value of 𝑝.

For this value of 𝑝, given that heads were in fact, obtained on both tosses, find the probability
that the chosen coin is biassed.

(09) Define the mean 𝑥̅ of a grouped distribution.

By means of the coding 𝑦 = , where 𝑎 is the assumed mean and 𝑐 is a positive constant, show

that 𝑥̅ = 𝑎 + 𝑐𝑦̅.
∑ 𝑓(𝑥−𝑥̅ )2
Starting from the definition 𝜎 2 = ∑𝑓
for the variance, and using the same coding as above,

∑ 𝑓𝑦 2
derive the formula 𝜎 = 𝑐√ ∑𝑓
− 𝑦̅ 2 , for the standard deviation.
The following age-class distribution gives the estimated total population of Sri Lanka for the year
2003, in millions.
Frequency (Number of
Age Class (Years)
people in millions)
0 and more, less than 10 4.2
10 and more, less than 20 3.9
20 and more, less than 30 3.4
30 and more, less than 40 3.2
40 and more, less than 50 2.8
50 and more, less than 60 2.8
60 and more, less than 70 2.5
70 and more, less than 80 1.6
80 and more, less than 90 0.6
Total population 25.0

[Note: The width of each class is 10 years. The number of people older than 90 is negligible.]
Taking 𝑎 = 45 years and 𝑐 = 10 years, the width of each class, and using the above coding
calculate 𝑦, 𝑓𝑦 and 𝑓𝑦 2 for each class.
Hence estimate the mean age and the standard deviation of the population in years, each correct
to one decimal place.

Combined Mathematics II – 2002 Advanced Level Examination

❖ Answer six questions only.

(01) (a) Brakes are applied to a moving train, at time 𝑡 = 0, giving it a uniform retardation. At
𝑡 = 20𝑠 and at 𝑡 = 50𝑠 its displacements from the position of applying brakes are observed
to be 750 𝑚 and 1500 𝑚 respectively. Sketch a velocity-time graph for the motion of the
train, until it comes to rest.
(i) the retardation of the train;
(ii) the velocity of the train at 𝑡 = 50 𝑠
(iii)the value of 𝑡, when the train comes to rest.

(b) A motorcyclist is riding due east with constant speed 𝑉 along a straight level road, and to him
a wind blowing with constant velocity appears to blow from the south. When the cyclist
doubles his speed, without change of direction, the wind appears to blow from the south-east.
Draw velocity triangles for the two situations and find the actual velocity of wind, in
magnitude and direction.

(02) (a) A particle is projected under gravity, with initial velocity 𝑢, making an angle 𝛼 with the
horizontal. After a time 𝑇, it is at a distance 𝑠 from the point of projection, moving at right
angles to the direction of projection.
Show that
(i) 𝑇 = 𝑔 sin 𝛼
(ii) 𝑆 = 𝑔𝑇 2

(b) A train of total mass 300 metric tons is travelling at a constant speed of 54 kilometres per
hour, on a straight level track, and the total resistance to the motion is 50 newtons per metric
ton. Calculate the power of its engine.
The rear coach, of mass 50 metric tons, then gets disconnected, but the tractive force of the
engine is unaltered.
(i) the acceleration of the rest of the train;
(ii) the distance moved by the disconnected coach before coming to rest.
[Assume that the motion of this coach is retarded by the resistance alone.]

(03) (a) The masses of their perfectly elastic smooth spheres 𝐴, 𝐵, 𝐶 of equal radii are
𝑚, 𝑚, 𝑚 respectively where  > 1. They are placed on a smooth horizontal plane, with
their centres in a straight line, in the above order of the letters. Now 𝐵 is projected towards 𝐴
with speed 𝑢, so as to strike 𝐴 directly.
Show that
(i) the speed of 𝐵 after this first collision is (+1) 𝑢 ;

(ii) 𝐵 will not strike 𝐴 again if  ≤ 2 + √5 .

(b) Two masses 3𝑚, 𝑚 are connected by a light inelastic string which passes over a fixed smooth
pulley. The system is at rest with the string taut and the portions of the string not in contact
with the pulley vertical, the larger mass being on the ground and the smaller mass hanging
freely. A third mass 𝑚, falling vertically from rest, through a height ℎ hits the smaller mass
and adheres to it, jerking the whole system into motion with speed 𝑉. Find the value of 𝑉 and
show that
(i) the impulse set up in the string is 5 𝑚𝑢, where 𝑢 = √2𝑔ℎ
ℎ 𝑢
(ii) the larger mass rises to a maximum height 5 , after a time 𝑔 from the instant of the jerk.

(04) (a) A particle 𝑃 is released from rest at a point 𝐴 on the smooth outer surface of a fixed sphere of
centre 𝑂 and radius 𝑎, 𝑂𝐴 making an acute angle 𝛼 with the upward vertical. At time 𝑡, with
𝑃 still on this surface, 𝑂𝑃 makes an angle 𝜃 with the upward vertical. Show that
(i) 𝜃̇ 2 = 𝑎 (cos 𝛼 − cos 𝜃) ;
(ii) the particle will leave the surface when cos 𝜃 = 3 cos 𝛼 .

(b) A particle 𝑃 of mass 𝑚 is tied to the middle point of an elastic string of natural length 2𝑙 and
modulus 𝑚𝑔. The two ends of the string are attached to two fixed points 𝐴, 𝐵 which are at a
distance 4𝑙 apart on a smooth horizontal table. Initially 𝐴, 𝑃, 𝐵 are in a straight line with
𝐴𝑃 = 3𝑙 and 𝑃 is released from rest, in that position. When the particle 𝑃 is at a position such
that 𝐴𝑃 = 2𝑙 + 𝑥 write down the equations of motion, and hence obtain the equation
𝑥̈ + 𝜔2 𝑥 = 0, where 𝜔2 = . Find the centre, amplitude and the period of the simple

harmonic motion of 𝑃.
Find also the maximum speed of the particle and the least time taken to achieve that speed.

(05) (a) Forces of magnitude 4𝑃, 5𝑃, 6𝑃 newtons act respectively along the sides ̅̅̅̅ ̅̅̅̅ , ̅̅̅̅
𝐴𝐵 , 𝐵𝐶 𝐶𝐴 where
𝐴𝐵𝐶 is a triangle, right-angled at 𝐴, with 𝐴𝐵 = 4𝑎 metres and 𝐴𝐶 = 3𝑎 metres. Calculate the
magnitude and direction of the resultant of this system of forces, and find the point where its
line of action meets 𝐴𝐵 (produced if necessary).
A couple of moment 𝑀 in the plane 𝐴𝐵𝐶, is now added to the system so that the line of action
of the resultant of the new system passes through 𝐴. Find the value of 𝑀 and the sense of the

(b) Two uniform smooth spheres, each of radius 𝑎 and weight 𝑊, lie at rest touching each other
inside a fixed smooth hemispherical bowl of radius 𝑏(> 2𝑎). Draw, in a separate diagram, a
triangle of forces representing forces acting on one of the spheres and show that the reaction
between the two spheres is .
(06) (a) Four equal uniform rods weight 𝑊, are freely jointed at their ends to form a square 𝐴𝐵𝐶𝐷.
The square is hung from the joint 𝐴, equilibrium with the square shape being maintained by
a light rod joining the midpoints of the two lower rods 𝐵𝐶, 𝐶𝐷. Calculate the thrust in the light
rod and the reaction at 𝐶.

(b) The figure below depicts a framework consisting of seven light rods 𝐴𝐵, 𝐴𝐸, 𝐵𝐶, 𝐶𝐷, 𝐵𝐷, 𝐵𝐸
and 𝐸𝐷. The framework is in equilibrium in a vertical plane, with the joint 𝐴 smoothly pivoted
to a fixed point. The joint 𝐶 carried a load of 400 newtons and a force 𝑃 newtons, in the
⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ is applied at the joint 𝐸, so that 𝐴𝐵𝐶 is horizontal. 𝐴𝐸 and 𝐵𝐷 are of equal length
direction 𝐵𝐸
𝑎 metres ant the angles are as indicated in the figure.

Find the value of 𝑃 and the horizontal and vertical components of the reaction at the pivot 𝐴.
Hence calculate the stress in each of the rods 𝐴𝐵 and 𝐴𝐸 indication whether it is a tension or
Draw a stress diagram, using Bow’s notation for the joint 𝐶 alone and use it to determine the
stress in each of the rods 𝐵𝐶 and 𝐶𝐷. Indicate, also, whether it is a tension or a thrust.

(07) Show that the centre of mass of a uniform solid hemisphere of radius 𝑎 is at a distance 8 𝑎 from

the base of the hemisphere.

A solid is formed by the removal of a right circular cone of base radius 𝑎 and height 𝑎 from a
uniform solid hemisphere of radius 𝑎. The plane bases of the hemisphere and the cone are
coincident, with 𝑂 as the common centre of both. Find the distance from 𝑂 of the centre of mass
𝐺 of the solid, assuming that the centre of mass of a right circular cone of height ℎ is at a distance
ℎ from the vertex.

The figure shows the vertical cross-section of the above solid resting in equilibrium with a point
on the curved surface in contact with a rough plane inclined at an angle 𝜃 to be horizontal. 𝑂 and
𝐺 are in the same vertical plane through a line of greatest slope of the plane. Given that 𝑂𝐺 is
horizontal, show that 𝜃 = 30°.

If 𝑊 is the weight of the hemisphere, obtain in terms of 𝑊, the values of the fictional force and
the normal reaction at the point of contact.
Find also the smallest possible value of the coefficient of friction between the plane and the solid.

(08) If 𝐴 and 𝐵 are independent events. Show that the pairs of events 𝐴′ , 𝐵 and 𝐴′ , 𝐵′ are also
independent, where “ ′ ”denotes the complement.
(a) A small airplane is equipped with two engines which operate independently of each other. For
a successful flight, at least one of the engines must be working right through the journey. If
the probability of and engine failure is 𝑝 for each of the engines, find in terms of 𝑝, the
probability for a successful flight, taking into consideration engine failures only.
What would be the highest value of 𝑝 if the probability of a safe flight is to be greater
than 0.999999?

(b) The three characteristics 𝐴, 𝐵, 𝐶 can be present in the genes of both male and female adults
but only one of those characteristics is found in any one person. The probabilities of a
1 1 1
randomly chosen adult to have the characteristics 𝐴, 𝐵, 𝐶 are 4 , 2 , 4 respectively.

(09) Further, the colour of the eyes of a child of a parent with above gene characteristics will be either
brown or black and no other colour. The corresponding probabilities for a child’s eyes being
brown in colour for a given set of parents are as given in the table.

Father mother A B C
A 0 0 0
B 1 1
4 2
C 1
0 1
Assuming that the presence of 𝐴, 𝐵, 𝐶 occur independently among parents, and that in the
usual notation 𝑃(𝑥) = ∑𝑖 𝑃(𝑋|𝑌𝑖 )𝑃(𝑌𝑖 ), find the probability that the colour of the eyes of a
randomly chosen child is brown.
It is also known that an adult possessing characteristic 𝐴 will only have black eyes and one
possessing 𝐶 will only have brown eyes, while for an adult having characteristics 𝐵 the
3 1
probability of the eyes being black or brown in colour are 4 , 4 respectively. Calculate the

probability of a child having brown eyes with both parents having black eyes.

Combined Mathematics II – 2003 Advanced Level Examination

❖ Answer six questions only.

(01) (a) A particle, projected vertically upwards with speed 𝑈 from a point 𝑂 on the ground, moves
under the action of gravity alone and falls back to 𝑂 after a time 𝑇. Sketch a velocity-time
graph for the motion of the particle.
Using the velocity-time graph only, show that
(i) the time taken by the particle for the upward motion is the same as the time taken for the
downward motion and is equal to 𝑔 .
1 𝑈2
(ii) the maximum height reached by the particle is 2 .

(iii)if the particle is at the same height at times 𝑡1 and 𝑡2 then 𝑡1 + 𝑡2 = 𝑇.

(b) A ship 𝐴 sailing with uniform velocity 𝑉 in the direction of the North observes a steamboat 𝐵
approaching it from the direction 𝛼 degrees East of North. At the same instant, the ship 𝐴 also
observes another steamboat 𝐶 approaching it from the direction 𝛼 degrees West of South.
Each of the boats 𝐵 and 𝐶 moves with uniform speed 𝑈 in still water, and the boat 𝐵 steers in
the direction ∅ degrees West of South while the boat 𝐶 steers in the direction 𝜃 degrees East
of North. If 0° < 𝜃 < 𝛼 < ∅ < 90° draw in the same diagram, the velocity triangle for 𝐴 and
𝐵 and the velocity triangle for 𝐴 and 𝐶.
Using the diagram, show that
(i) = sin(𝛼−𝜃) = sin(∅−𝛼)
sin 𝛼

(ii) the velocity of 𝐵 relative to 𝐶 is of magnitude 2√𝑈 2 − 𝑉 2 𝑠𝑖𝑛2 𝛼

(02) (a) A particle 𝑃 is projected under gravity with initial speed 𝑈 at an angle, 𝛼2 (< 2 ) with the
horizontal from a point 𝑂 on the ground. If 𝑃 is at a height ℎ (≤ 2𝑔 𝑠𝑖𝑛2 𝛼1 ) above the ground
when it is at horizontal distances 𝑑1 and 𝑑2 from 𝑂, show that 𝑑1 + 𝑑2 = 2𝑔 sin 2𝛼1 and
2ℎ𝑈 2
𝑑1 𝑑2 = 𝑐𝑜𝑠 2 𝛼1 .

Deduce that the particle attains a maximum height after traversing a horizontal distance
𝑂𝐴 = 2𝑔 sin 2𝛼1 from 𝑂.

Another particle 𝑄 is projected under gravity form 𝑂, with the same speed 𝑈 in the vertical
plane through 𝑂𝐴 at an angle 𝛼2 (< ) with the horizontal. If 𝑄 also clears a maximum height

when it is at the same horizontal distance 𝑂𝐴 from 𝑂, find 𝛼1 + 𝛼2 .

(b) The diagram gives a vertical cross-section 𝐴𝐵𝐶 of a wedge of mass 𝑀 with smooth faces 𝐴𝐵
and 𝐴𝐶, inclined at angles ∅ and 𝜃(sin 2∅ > sin 2𝜃) respectively to the horizontal.
Two particle 𝑃 and 𝑄, each of mass 𝑚, slide down along 𝐴𝐵 and 𝐴𝐶 respectively. If the wedge
is fixed, find the accelerations of 𝑃 and 𝑄.
If the wedge is smooth and free to move on a fixed smooth horizontal plane, write down the
equations to determine the acceleration of the wedge and the particles relative to the plane.

𝑚𝑔(sin 2∅−sin 2𝜃)

Show that the wedge moves with an acceleration 2[𝑀+𝑚(𝑠𝑖𝑛2𝜃+𝑠𝑖𝑛2 ∅)] .

When 𝜃 = ∅, show that the wedge moves with uniform velocity and hence or otherwise, find
the accelerations of 𝑃 and 𝑄.

(03) (a) Two smooth spheres 𝑃 and 𝑄 of small radii and of equal mass are at a point 𝐴 of a smooth
horizontal circular groove of small width and of radius 𝑎. At time 𝑡 = 0, the spheres 𝑃 and 𝑄
are projected simultaneously with speeds 𝑈 and 𝑉 respectively along the groove in opposite
directions. At what time 𝑡 will the spheres 𝑃 and 𝑄 first collide?
If, after the collision, 𝑃 and 𝑄 move with speeds 𝑈1 and 𝑉1 respectively along the groove and
if 𝑒(< 1) is the coefficient of restitution between the spheres, write down the equations to
determine 𝑈1 and 𝑉1.
If 𝑈 > 𝑉,
(i) Show that, after the collision, 𝑄 will move in the direction opposite to its earlier direction
of motion.
(ii) and if the two spheres move in opposite directions after the collision, show that
𝑒 > 𝑈+𝑉 .

If 𝑒 satisfies the condition given in (ii), show that 𝑃 and 𝑄 will collide again when
𝑡= .

(b) A particle 𝑃 of mass 𝑚 is supended from a fixed point 𝑂 by a light inelastic string of length
𝑎, initially 𝑃 is at rest with the string taut and an impulse 𝐼 is applied to 𝑃 in a direction
perpendicular to 𝑂𝑃. In the ensuing motion, if 𝑣 is the velocity of 𝑃 and 𝑇 is the tension in
the string when 𝑂𝑃 makes an angle 𝜃 with the downward vertical, show that
𝐼2 𝐼2
𝑣 2 = 𝑚2 − 2𝑔𝑎 + 2𝑔𝑎 cos 𝜃 and 𝑇 = 𝑚𝑎 − 2𝑚𝑔 + 3𝑚𝑔 cos 𝜃

Deduce that,
(i) if the particle describes a complete circle, then 𝐼 > 𝑚√5𝑎𝑔 and
(ii) if the particle leaves circular motion when 𝑂𝑃 makes an acute angle 𝛼 with the upward
𝐼2 2
vertical, then 𝑚√2𝑔𝑎 < 𝐼 < 𝑚√5𝑔𝑎 and cos 𝛼 = 3𝑚2 𝑔𝑎 − 3 .

(04) A particle 𝑃 of mass 𝑚 is attached to the end 𝐴 of an elastic string 𝐴𝐵 of natural length 𝑙 and
modulus of elasticity 4𝑚𝑔, while the end 𝐵 is attached to a fixed point at a height, greater than
2𝑙, above the ground. The particle 𝑃 is held at 𝐵 and released from rest.
Using the principle of conservation of energy,
(i) show that the maximum length of the string is 2𝑙, and
(ii) find the velocity of 𝑃 when the string is just stretched
Let 𝑥(> 𝑙) be the length of the string at time 𝑡. Write down an equation to determine the velocity
𝑥̇ of 𝑃. Show that, that equation yields an equation of the form
4𝑔 𝑙 5𝑙
𝑦̈ + 𝑦 = 0; 𝑦 ≥ − 4 where 𝑦 = 𝑥 − .
𝑙 4

Assuming a solution for 𝑦 in the form 𝑦 = 𝐴 cos 𝜔𝑡 + 𝐵 sin 𝜔𝑡, find the constants 𝑎, 𝑏 and 𝜔.
(iii)determine the maximum value of 𝑦 and thus, obtain the maximum length of the string and
(iv)find the greatest speed of 𝑃.
(05) (a) 𝐴𝐵𝐶𝐷𝐸𝐹 is a regulat hexagon of side 2 metres. Forces of magnitude 4, 3, 2, 5 and 6 newtons
act along the sides 𝐴𝐵, 𝐵𝐶, 𝐶𝐷, 𝐷𝐸 and 𝐸𝐹 respectively, the forces acting in the directions
indicated by the order of the letters. Also, another force 𝑃 of magnitude 𝑃 newtons acts at 𝐹
in the plane of the hexagon, in a direction making an angle 𝜃 with 𝐹𝐶.
(i) Determine 𝑃 and 𝜃 if the system of forces reduces to a couple only and find the magnitude
of the couple.
(ii) If the force 𝑃 acts along 𝐴𝐹 and 𝑃 = 7, show that the system reduces to a single force and
find the point of intersection of its line of action with 𝐴𝐵, produced if necessary.

(b) A thin smooth hemispherical bowl of radius 𝑎 is fixed with its rim uppermost and horizontal.
𝐴 smooth uniform rod 𝐴𝐵 of weight 𝑊 and length 2𝑙(> 2𝑎) rests with the end 𝐴 on the inner
surface of the bowl and a point 𝐶 of the rod in contact with the rim. Indicate the forces acting
on the rod.
By taking moments about 𝐴, show that the reaction 𝑅 at 𝐶 is of magnitude .

Also, obtain another relation between 𝑅 and 𝑊.

Hence, show that the length 𝐶𝐵 is 4 (7𝑙 − √𝑡 2 + 32𝑎2 ).

(06) (a) Five equal uniform rods, each of weight 𝑊 are hinged freely at their ends to form a regular
pentagon 𝐴𝐵𝐶𝐷𝐸. The pentagon is placed in a vertical plane with 𝐶𝐷 resting on a horizontal
plane and the regular pentagonal form is maintained by means of a light rod connecting the
mid points of 𝐵𝐶 and 𝐷𝐸. Indicate the forces acting on the rods 𝐴𝐵 and 𝐵𝐶.
𝜋 2𝜋
Also, prove that the tension in the light rod is (cot 5 + 3 cot )𝑊 .

(b) The framework shown in the diagram consists of seven light rods 𝐴𝐵, 𝐴𝐶, 𝐴𝐷, 𝐴𝐸, 𝐵𝐶, 𝐶𝐷
and 𝐷𝐸. All the rods except 𝐴𝐵, 𝐴𝐸 are of equal length. The framework is in equilibrium in a
vertical plane with two supports at 𝐵 and 𝐸 at the same horizontal level. The joints 𝐴 and
𝐷 carry loads of 5 newtons and 2 newtons respectively. Draw a stress diagram, using Bow’s
notation and determine the stresses in 𝐴𝐵 and 𝐴𝐸, indication whether each stress is a tension
or a thrust.
(07) Show that the centre of gravity 𝐺 of a uniform triangular lamina 𝐴𝐵𝐶 is at the point of intersection
of its medians.
Show also that 𝐺 coincides with the centre of gravity of three particles of equal mass placed at 𝐴,
𝐵 and 𝐶, 𝐴 uniform triangular lamina 𝐴𝐵𝐶, obtuse angled at 𝐶 stands in a vertical plane with the
side 𝐴𝐶 in contact with a horizontal table. Show that the largest weight which if suspended from
1 𝑎2 +3𝑏 2 −𝑐 2
vertex 𝐵 will not overturn the lamina is 3 𝑊 , where 𝑊 is the weight of the triangle and
𝑐 2 −𝑎2 −𝑏 2

𝑎, 𝑏, 𝑐 have their usual meanings.

(08) (a) If 𝐴 and 𝐵 are two random events, define the independence of 𝐴 and 𝐵. Give an expression
for 𝑃(𝐴 ∪ 𝐵), in the usual notation in terms of the probabilities of the events 𝐴, 𝐵 and 𝐴 ∩ 𝐵.
The random variable 𝑋 takes values 0 and 1 only, with equal probability. 𝑌 is another random
variable, also taking values 0 and 1 only with equal probability.
Let the two random events 𝐴 and 𝐵 be defined as follows:
𝐴 ∶ 𝑋 = 0 and 𝐴̅ ∶ 𝑋 = 1
𝐵 ∶ 𝑌 = 0 and 𝐵̅ ∶ 𝑌 = 1
Let 𝑈 = 𝑋 + 𝑌, show that 𝑈 takes values 0, 1 and 2 and express the events 𝑈 = 0, 1, 2 in
terms of 𝐴, 𝐴̅, 𝐵, 𝐵̅ .
Taking 𝐴 and 𝐵 to be independent,
(i) find 𝑃(𝑈 = 𝑟); 𝑟 = 0, 1, 2.
(ii) if 𝑉 = 𝑋𝑌, find the corresponding probabilities of 𝑉.

(b) A certain illness 𝑋 has only one of the two symptoms 𝐴 and 𝐵. It is known that, in the usual
notation, 𝑃(X|𝐴) = 0.2 and 𝑃(X|𝐵) = 0.8.
In a certain population, have symptom 𝐴 and the remaining 60% have symptom 𝐵. Calculate
the probability that a randomly picked person has illness 𝑋.
Also, show that the probability of the symptom 𝐵 being shown, given that a patient is suffering
from the illness 𝑋 is equal to 7 .

Has the presence of illness 𝑋 increased or decreased the probability of the appearance of
symptom 𝐵? Give reasons.

(09) (a) Define the mean, median and mode of a raw data set.

Consider the variance

of a raw data set 𝑥1 , 𝑥2 ,…….𝑥𝑛 ; 𝑁 ≥ 2. The deviation 𝑑𝑖 of the 𝑖 𝑡ℎ observation 𝑥𝑖 from the

mean 𝑥̅ is defined by 𝑑𝑖 = 𝑥𝑖 − 𝑥̅ , 𝑖 = 1 … … . 𝑁.

Show that

(b) The ages in years of five ladies, employed in a certain bank are 𝑥1 , 𝑥2 , 𝑥3 , 𝑥4 and 𝑥5 . Except
for the youngest, each of others is reluctant to disclose her age. However, the youngest one
who is 31 years old reveals that the mean and the median of the ages of the five ladies are 35
and 36 years respectively. If the mode is not equal to the median, show that there are two sets
of values of the ages satisfying the conditions given above.
If the youngest one further reveals that 𝑆 2 , the variance of ages is 5.2 , determine which of
those two sets of ages gives the correct ages, by calculating 𝑆 2 from the values 𝑑𝑖 = 𝑥𝑖 − 𝑥̅ ,
𝑖 = 1, 2 … … . , 5.
Also, calculate coefficient of skewness of the ages.
The age of retirement in their service is 55 years and let 𝑦𝑖 = 55 − 𝑥𝑖 ; 𝑖 = 1, 2, … . .5 be the
remaining period of service in years.
Show that, in the usual notation, 𝑦̅ = 55 − 𝑥̅ .
Show further that the deviation of 𝑦𝑖 from 𝑦̅ is equal to −𝑑𝑖 (𝑖 = 1, 2 … . ,5).
Hence, or otherwise show that the variance of ages and the variance of the remaining periods
of service re equal.
Also, write down the value of the coefficient of skewness of the remaining periods of service.

Combined Mathematics II – 2004 Advanced Level Examination

❖ Answer six questions only.

(01) (a) A particle projected horizontally with speed √2𝑔𝑇, from a height ℎ above the ground, where 𝑇
is a constant, moves under gravity.
Draw separate speed-time graphs for the horizontal and vertical components of the velocity
of the particle.
If the particle is at a distance 2 𝑔𝑇 2 from the point of projection, when it falls to the ground,

show that, using the speed-time graphs, the time taken by the particle to reach the ground is
𝑇, and ℎ = 2 𝑔𝑇 2 .

(b) A motor car of width 𝑤 moves uniformly along a straight road, parallel to the pavement almost
touching it. A pedestrian on the edge of the pavement at a distance 𝑙 ahead of the car begins
to walk uniformly to cross the road. If 𝑣 is the speed of the car and 𝑢 is the speed of the
pedestrian relative to the road, show that the pedestrian can cross the road safely in front of
the car if 𝑢 > 𝑣 sin 𝛼, where 𝛼 = tan−1 ( 𝑙 ).

If 𝑢 = 𝑣 sin 𝛼, show that the pedestrian can cross the road just in front of the car, by walking
relative to the road in a direction making an angle − 𝛼 with the direction of the motion of

the car relative to the road.

(02) The figure represents a vertical cross section of a smooth block of mass 𝑀 with 𝑃𝑄 and 𝑅𝑆
inclined at an angle 𝛼 to the horizontal, and 𝑄𝑅 and 𝑃𝑆 being horizontal. A smooth light inelastic
string passes over two small smooth pulleys at 𝑄 and 𝑅. Two small smooth particles 𝐴 and 𝐶 of
masses 𝑚1 and 𝑚3 respectively are attached to the ends of the string. A third small smooth particle
𝐵 of mass 𝑚2 is attached to the string in between 𝑄 and 𝑅. The block is free to move on a smooth
horizontal plane. Write down equations to determine the acceleration of the block relative to the
plane, the accelerations of the particles relative to the block, and the tensions in the portions 𝐴𝐵
and 𝐵𝐶 of the string.

If mass of the particle 𝐵 is negligible, show that the tensions in the two portions 𝐴𝐵 and 𝐵𝐶 of
the string are the same.
If further the mass of the block is also negligible, show that each of the magnitudes of the reactions
2𝑚1 𝑚2
of the block on 𝐴 and 𝐶 is equal to 𝑚 𝑔 cos 𝛼.
1 +𝑚3

(03) (a) A particle is projected from a point 𝑂 on the ground, with speed 𝑢 at an angle 𝛼 to the
horizontal, under gravity. At the same instant, a vertical screen a perpendicular distance 𝑑
from 𝑂 and at right angles to the vertical plane of motion of the particle, is made to move
away from the particle, in a horizontal direction with uniform speed 𝑣.
If the particle strikes the screen at a height ℎ above the ground, show that 𝑢 cos 𝛼 > 𝑣 and
𝑔𝑑 2 − 2𝑢 sin 𝛼(𝑢 cos 𝛼 − 𝑣)𝑑 + 2ℎ(𝑢 cos 𝛼 − 𝑣)2 = 0 .
Deduce that the particle cannot strike the screen, if 𝑑 > sin 𝛼(𝑢 cos 𝛼 − 𝑣).
(b) A small smooth particle 𝑃 of mass 𝑚 is free to move under gravity in a thin smooth circular
tube of radius 𝑟 and centre 𝑂, fixed in a vertical plane. The particle is projected horizontally
from the lowest point of the tube with speed √3𝑔𝑟 .
Explain why the law of conservation of energy can be applied for the motion of the particle.
If 𝑣 is the speed of the particle when 𝑂𝑃 makes an angle 𝜃 with the downward vertical, show
that 𝑣 2 = 𝑔𝑟(1 + 2 cos 𝜃).
Hence show that the reaction of the tube on the particle changes its direction when
𝜃 = cos −1 (− 3) and find the speed of the particle at that point.

(04) (a) A small smooth particle, 𝐴 and a small smooth elastic particle 𝐵 of mass 𝑚 are attached to
the two ends of an inelastic string of length 𝑙 and are at rest on a smooth horizontal plane. The
system now moves with speed 𝑢 in the direction 𝐴𝐵 with the string taut. The particle 𝐵, after
some time, collides with a small smooth elastic particle 𝐶 of mass 𝑀 which is at rest on the
plane. If 𝑒 is the coefficient of restitution between the particles 𝐵 and 𝐶 show that the particle
𝐵 moves with speed 𝑢 after colliding with particle 𝐶 and the particle 𝐴 collides with the
particle 𝐵 after a time 𝑀(1+𝑒)𝑢 from the moment of collision between 𝐵 and 𝐶.

(b) One end of a light elastic string of natural length 𝑙 passing through a small smooth ring of
mass 𝑚 is attached to a point 𝑂, of a ceiling. A particle 𝑃 of mass 𝑀 attached to the other end
of the string hangs in equilibrium, with the ring being held at rest at the point 𝑂. If 2𝑀𝑔 is the
modulus of elasticity of the string, show that the extension of the string in the equilibrium
position is 2 .

The ring, now released from rest at 𝑂, slides vertically downward along the string, under
gravity collides and coalesces with 𝑃. Show that the composite body consisting of the ring
and the particle, will begin to move vertically downward with velocity 𝑀+𝑚 √3𝑔𝑙 .

Write down the equation of motion for the composite body. When 𝑥 is the extension of the
string and show that the composite body performs simple harmonic motion with frequency
√(𝑀+𝑚)𝑙 .

(05) (a) Forces of magnitudes 5, 6, 1 and 2 newtons act along the sides 𝐴𝐵, 𝐶𝐵, 𝐶𝐷 and 𝐴𝐷 in the
directions indicated by the order of letters respectively of a square 𝐴𝐵𝐶𝐷 of side 1𝑚. Find
the magnitude, direction and the line of action of the resultant force.
Another force of magnitude 4√2 newtons acting along 𝐵𝐷, in the direction from 𝐵 to 𝐷, is
added to the system. Show that the system reduces to a couple of magnitude 1𝑁𝑚.

(b) A ladder whose centre of gravity is at a distance 𝑏 from the foot, stands on a rough horizontal
ground and leans in equilibrium against a rough cylindrical pipe of radius 𝑟, fixed on the
ground. The ladder projects beyond the point of contact with the pipe and is perpendicular to
the axis of the pipe. Let  be the angle of friction at both points where friction acts and
2𝛼 (𝑟 cot 𝛼) be the inclination of the ladder to the horizontal. A load of weight equal to that
of the ladder is suspended from a point at a distance 𝑥 measured along the ladder from its
foot. The ladder is in limiting equilibrium at both points where friction acts.
Show that (𝑏 + 𝑥)𝑠𝑖𝑛2 𝛼 cos 2𝛼 = 𝑟 sin  cos  .

(06) (a) 𝐴𝐵, 𝐵𝐶 and 𝐶𝐷 are three uniform rods of equal weight and length, smoothly hinged at 𝐵 and
𝐶. The ends 𝐴 and 𝐷 are hinged to fixed smooth horizontal pins at the same level. The system
hangs in equilibrium. If 𝐴𝐵 and 𝐶𝐷 are inclined at the same angle 𝛼 to the horizontal and 𝛽
is the inclination of the reaction at 𝐴 on 𝐴𝐵 to the horizontal, show that tan 𝛼 = 3 tan 𝛽.


The light framework shown in the diagram lies in a vertical plane and is symmetrical about
the vertical line through 𝐴. The framework rests in equilibrium with supports at 𝐵 and 𝐶 at
the same horizontal level. The angles 𝐷𝐵̂ 𝐴, 𝐷𝐴̂𝐵 and 𝐴𝐷
̂ 𝐸 are 15°, 30° and 60° respectively.
If a load of 10 𝑁 hangs from the point 𝐴, draw a stress diagram using Bow’s notation and
hence show that the rod 𝐶𝐸 has a tension of magnitude 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑐 15° 𝑁.

Determine the stress in each of the other rods indicating whether it is a tension or a thrust.

(07) Show that the centre of gravity of a uniform solid right circular cone of height ℎ is at a distance
ℎ on its axis from the base.
The figure shows what remains of a uniform solid right circular cylinder 𝐴𝐵𝐶𝐷 of height 𝐻 and
base radius 𝑅, after a solid right circular cone 𝐸𝐴𝐵 of height ℎ and base radius 𝑅 is scooped out.
Find the distance of the centre of gravity of the resulting body 𝑆, from 𝐴𝐵.

Hence, show that if the centre of gravity of 𝑆 is at 𝐸, then ℎ = (2 − √2)𝐻.

The body 𝑆 is placed on a rough plane making an angle 𝛼 (< 2 ) with the horizontal the base 𝐷𝐶

being on the plane. The plane is rough enough to prevent 𝑆 from slipping. Assuming that the
centre of gravity of 𝑆 is at 𝐸 , show that 𝑆 will not topple if 𝑅 tan 𝛼 > (√2 − 1)𝐻.

(08) (a) The probability that a randomly selected item is faulty is 𝑃1 . The probability that a defect is
detected in a faulty item is 𝑃2 . Find the probability that the defect is detected in an item
selected at random. (You may assume that the probability of detection a defect in a good item
is 0).
Suppose that three such items are selected at random. Determine the probability that
(i) no defects are detected among the three items.
(ii) the defects are detected in two items.
(iii)the defects are detected at least in two items.
(b) Two forecasters 𝑋 and 𝑌 predict weather independently of each other. The probability that
the forecaster 𝑋 predicts the weather correctly is 𝛼 and the probability that the forecaster 𝑌
predicts the weather correctly is 𝛽. For a given day the forecaster 𝑋 predicted fair weather and
the forecaster 𝑌 predicted bad weather. Find the probability that the forecaster 𝑋 is correct.

(09) (a) The following table gives the information in respect of the monthly wages of 100 employees
in a certain factory:

Monthly Wage (in Rupees) Number of employees

6000 35
10000 30
15000 25
20000 10
Find the mean, the median and the mode of this wage distribution.
Which of these values will be altered if 4 employees work overtime and each increases his
monthly wage by 3750 Rupees? Justify your answers.

Combined Mathematics II – 2005 Advanced Level Examination

❖ Answer six questions only.

(01) (a) A particle 𝐴 dropped from rest at a height ℎ above the ground at time 𝑡 = 0, falls vertically
under gravity. At the same instant another particle 𝐵 is projected vertically upwards from a
point on the ground with velocity 𝑢. Draw the velocity-time graph for the motion of each
particle on the same diagram.
Using the velocity-time graphs, show that the two particles are at the same height from the

ground at time 𝑢 .

(b) A ship sails with uniform velocity having components 𝑢 and 𝑣 eastward and northward
respectively, relative to water. When the ship is at a distance 𝑑 north from a submarine, a
torpedo is fired from the submarine, with the intention of destroying the ship. Assuming that
the torpedo moves uniformly with velocity 𝑤 relative to water, show that if the torpedo strikes
the ship, then 𝑤 > 𝑢 and find the time taken by the torpedo to move from the submarine to
the ship.

(02) (a) Two smooth pulleys 𝐴 and B of masses 𝑀1 and 𝑀2 respectively are fixed to a ceiling with
two vertical light rods. 𝐴 light inelastic string passes round 𝐴, 𝐵 and a movable smooth pulley
𝐶 of mass 𝑀3 with particles of masses 𝑚1 and 𝑚2 attached to the ends of the string as shown
in the figure. The portions of the string not in contact with the pulleys are vertical.
4𝑚1 𝑚2 𝑀3 𝑔
Show that the tension in the string is 4𝑚 and find the force exerted by the
1 𝑚2 +𝑀3 (𝑚1 +𝑚2 )

system on the ceiling.

(b) A particle 𝑃 of mass 𝑚 is attached to a fixed point 𝑂 by a light inextensible string. The particle
held with the string taut and making an angle 𝛼 (< 2 ) with the downward vertical, is given a

velocity 𝑢, perpendicular to the string in the vertical plane through 𝑂𝑃. Assuming that the
particle is in circular motion, write down the equation of conservation of energy for the
particle, by considering the general position where 𝑂𝑃 makes an angle 𝜃 with the downward
Show that the particle describes a circular are until 𝑂𝑃 makes an angle
1 𝑢2
cos−1 [3 (2 cos 𝛼 − 𝑔𝑎)] with the downward vertical and them beings to move freely under

gravity, provided that 𝑔𝑎(3 + 2 cos 𝛼) > 𝑢2 > 2𝑔𝑎 cos 𝛼 .

(03) 𝐴 and 𝐵 are two points on the ground. A particle 𝑃 of mass 𝑚 is projected from the point 𝐴 with
velocity 𝑢(> 0) inclined at an angle 𝛼 (0 < 𝛼 < 2 ) with 𝐴𝐵, in the vertical plane through the

horizontal line 𝐴𝐵. Simultaneously, a second particle 𝑄 of mass 𝑚 is projected from the point
𝐵 with velocity 𝑣(> 0) inclined at an angle 𝛽 (0 < 𝛽 < 2 ) with 𝐵𝐴, in the same vertical plane.

If the two particles collide in mid air, show that 𝑢 sin 𝛼 = 𝑣 sin 𝛽, and that their vertical
components of velocities remain equal until they collide.
If the particle 𝑃 moves horizontally just before collision, deduce that the particle 𝑄 also moves
horizontally at the same instant.
𝑢2 sin 2𝛼
If further, the distance between the points 𝐴 and 𝐵 is and the particles coalesce after the

Show that
(i) 𝑢 cos 𝛼 = 𝑣 cos 𝛽,
(ii) the composite particle begins to move horizontally with velocity (1+) 𝑢 cos 𝛼 and
𝑢2 sin 2𝛼
(iii)the composite particle will fall to the ground at a distance from 𝐴.

Show also that if the mass of the particle 𝑄 is negligible compared to that of 𝑃, the composite
particle falls to the ground at 𝐵, and on the other hand if the mass of the particle 𝑃 is negligible
compared to that of 𝑄, the composite particles fall to the ground at 𝐴.
At what point does the composite particle fall to the ground, if the masses of the particles 𝑃 and
𝑄 are equal? Justify you answer.
(04) (a) A lorry of mass 𝑀 𝑘𝑔, with its engine working at power 𝐻 𝑘𝑊, has a maximum speed
𝑢 𝑚𝑠 −1 on a horizontal road. With the engine working at the same power, the maximum speed
of the lorry up a road of inclination 𝛼 to the horizontal is 𝑣 𝑚𝑠 −1. If the resistance is
unchanged, find the value of 𝐻.

(b) A particle 𝑃 of mass 𝑚 hangs in equilibrium at one end of a light elastic string, of natural
length 𝑙, whose other end is attached to a fixed point. In the vertical equilibrium position, the
extension in the string is 𝑐. Find the modulus of elasticity of the string.
When the particle 𝑃 is at rest in equilibrium, another particle 𝑄, of equal mass, falls from rest
at a height 𝑐 vertically above 𝑃, impinges on 𝑃 and adheres to it. Show that, at time 𝑡 after the
impact, the extension 𝑥 in the string satisfies the equation 𝑥̈ + 𝜔2 (𝑥 − 2𝑐) = 0; where
𝜔2 = 2𝑐.

Find constants 𝑎 and 𝑏 so that 𝑥 = 2𝑐 + 𝑎 cos 𝜔𝑡 + 𝑏 sin 𝜔𝑡.

3𝜋 2𝑐
Hence show that the composite particle comes to instantaneous rest at time 4
√ 𝑔 after the

impact, and find the extension in the string at this instant.

(05) (a) Forces 𝑃, 𝑄, 𝑅, 𝑃, 2𝑃, 3𝑃 newtons act along the sides 𝐴𝐵, 𝐵𝐶, 𝐶𝐷, 𝐷𝐸, 𝐸𝐹, 𝐹𝐴 respectively, of
a coplanar regular hexagon 𝐴𝐵𝐶𝐷𝐸𝐹, of side 2𝑎 metres, in the sense indicated by the order
of the letters.
(i) If the system is equivalent to a couple, find 𝑄 and 𝑅 in terms of 𝑃, and calculate the
moment of the couple.
(ii) If the system is equivalent to a single force along 𝐴𝐷, find 𝑄 and 𝑅 in terms of 𝑃.

(b) A particle 𝐴, of weight 𝑤, resting on a rough horizontal floor is attached to one end of a light
inextensible string wound round a right circular cylinder of radius 𝑎 and weight 𝑊, that rests
on the floor, touching it along a generator through a point 𝐵. The other end of the string is
fastened to the cylinder. The vertical plane though the string is perpendicular to the axis of
the cylinder, passes through the centre of gravity of the cylinder and intersects the floor along
𝐴𝐵, as shown in the figure. The string is just taut and makes an angle 𝛼 with 𝐴𝐵. The floor is
rough enough to prevent the cylinder from moving at 𝐵. A couple of moment 𝐺 is applied to
the cylinder so that the particle is in limiting equilibrium. If 𝜇 is the coefficient of friction
between the particle and the floor, show that the tension in the string is (cos 𝛼+𝜇 sin 𝛼) .

By taking moments about 𝐵, find the value of 𝐺.

(06) (a) 𝐴𝐵 and 𝐵𝐶 are two uniform rods of equal length 2𝑎 and of weights 𝑊 and 2𝑊 respectively.
They are smoothly hinged together at 𝐵 and also hinged at 𝐴 and 𝐶 to a fixed horizontal beam.
The rods are in equilibrium in a vertical plane with 𝐵 below 𝐴𝐶 and 𝐶𝐴̂𝐵 = 𝛼.
(i) Show that the horizontal component of the reaction of the hinge at 𝐵 is 4 𝑊 cot 𝛼 and find

the vertical component of this reaction.

(ii) If further the lines of action of the reactions are 𝐴 and 𝐶 are perpendicular to each other,
show that tan 𝛼 = .


The figure shows a crane composed of four freely jointed light rods 𝐴𝐵, 𝐵𝐶, 𝐶𝐷 and 𝐵𝐷. The
rod 𝐵𝐶 is horizontal, while the rod 𝐵𝐷 is vertical. The crane is fixed to the horizontal ground
at 𝐴 and 𝐷 and there is a load of 1000 𝑁 hanging at 𝐶. Use Bow’s notation to find the forces
in the rods, distinguishing between tensions and thrusts.

(07) Out of a uniform spherical shell, of radius 𝑎, centre 𝑂 and surface density 𝜎, a zone is cut off by
two parallel planes at distances 𝑎 cos 𝛼, 𝑎 cos 𝛽 from 𝑂 (on either side of 𝑂) where 𝑂 < 𝛼 < 𝛽 <
as shown in the figure.

Show, by integration, that

(i) the mass of the zone is 2𝜋𝑎2 𝜎(cos 𝛼 + cos 𝛽).
(ii) the centre of mass of the zone lies on the axis of symmetry midway between its two ends 𝐴,
𝐵 with the end 𝐴 at a distance 𝑎 cos 𝛼 from 𝑂.
A thin uniform circular disc of the same surface density 𝜎 and radius 𝑎 sin 𝛽 is now fastened
to the larger circular edge of the zone, so that the centre of the disc is at 𝐵. Show that the
composite body can rest in equilibrium with any point of the spherical surface on a horizontal
floor, provided that sin 𝛼 = sin 𝛽√1 − cos 𝛽.

(08) The probability of a certain driver making a parking offence whenever he parks his vehicle in a
city is 𝑝. The probability that he is fined whenever he makes a parking offence is 𝑞.
(a) In a particular day the driver parks his vehicle in the city.
(i) Write down the sample space corresponding to the above situation.
(ii) Draw the tree diagram, and hence obtain the probability of each possible outcome.
(b) In a particular day, the driver parks his vehicle in the city twice.
(i) Draw the tree diagram corresponding to the above situation.
(ii) Find the probability that he is fined on both occasions.
(iii)Find the probability that he is fined only once, given that he makes parking offences on
both occasions.
(iv) Find the probability that he is fined, given that he makes a parking offence only on one

(09) (a) Define the mean and the variance of a set of 𝑛 observations.
Let {𝑥1 , 𝑥2 , … … … 𝑥𝑛 } be a set of 𝑛 observations with the mean 𝑥̅ and the variance 𝜎1 2 .
Let {𝑦1 , 𝑦2 , … … … 𝑦𝑚 } be another set of 𝑚 observations with the mean 𝑦̅ and the variance 𝜎2 2 .
Let 𝑧̅ and 𝜎 2 respectively be the mean and the variance of the combined set of observations.
Show that
𝑛𝑥̅ +𝑚𝑦̅
(i) 𝑧̅ = 𝑛+𝑚

(ii) where 𝑑1 = 𝑥̅ − 𝑧̅,

[Hint : (𝑥 − 𝑧̅ = 𝑥𝑖 − 𝑥̅ + 𝑥̅ − 𝑧̅)]
(iii)𝜎 2 = 𝑛+𝑚 {𝑛(𝜎1 2 + 𝑑1 2 ) + 𝑚(𝜎2 2 + 𝑑2 2 )}, where 𝑑2 = 𝑦̅ − 𝑧̅.
(b) A group of 100 students sat for a certain test paper in mathematics. The pass mark of the test
paper is 30. The distribution of the marks of the candidates who pass, is given in the following

Marks Number of Students

30-34 5
35-39 10
40-44 15
45-49 30
50-54 5
55-59 5

(i) Find the mean and the variance of the distribution of marks of the candidates who pass.
(ii) The mean and the standard deviation of the marks of all 100 students are 38 and 12
Find the mean and the variance of the distribution of marks of the candidates who fail.

Combined Mathematics II – 2006 Advanced Level Examination

❖ Answer six questions only.

(01) (a) A man on a straight road sees a bus starting to move with constant acceleration, from rest at
a bus stop at a certain distance ahead of him. Immediately, he runs after the bus with constant
velocity 𝑈 𝑚𝑠 −1 and just catches it in 𝑇 seconds.
Draw the velocity-time graphs for the man and the bus on the same diagram.
Find, in terms of 𝑈 and 𝑇, the acceleration of the bus and the initial distance of the man from
the bus stop.

(b) Water flows in a river, with constant velocity 𝑈 𝑚𝑠 −1 , between two straight parallel banks
which are 𝑑 metres apart. A boat moving with speed 2𝑈 𝑚𝑠 −1relative to water, is required to
take a straight course from a point 𝐴 on one bank to a point 𝐵 on the other bank and back to
𝐴. ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝐴𝐵 makes a certain acute angle 𝛼 with the upstream direction of the river and the time from
𝐴 to 𝐵 is twice that from 𝐵 to 𝐴.
Draw velocity-triangle for the journey from 𝐴 to 𝐵 and the return journey, and show that
(i) sin 𝛼 = √8 ,
(ii) the velocity of the boat in its journey from 𝐴 to 𝐵, relative to the banks, is of magnitude
𝑈√2 .

Deduce the total time taken by the boat to complete the two journeys.

(02) (a) A smooth wedge of mass 𝑀, rests on a smooth horizontal table. Initially, a particle of mass
𝑚 is gently placed on its face inclined at an angle 𝛼 to the horizontal. Show, using the principle
of conservation of momentum, or otherwise, that when the particle has acquired a velocity 𝑣
𝑚𝑣 cos 𝛼
relative to the wedge, the velocity of the wedge is .

If, at this instant, the particle impinges on an inelastic obstacle fixed to the wedge and comes
to rest relative to the wedge, find the velocity of the wedge and the impulse on the table.

(b) A light inextensible string passes over a smooth fixed pulley. One end of the string carries a
bucket of mass 𝑀 and the other end carries a counterpoise of equal mass. A small ball of mass
𝑚 is dropped vertically so as to strike the horizontal bottom of the bucket with velocity 𝑢. If
𝑒 is the coefficient of restitution, show that the bucket begins to move with velocity
, and find the impulse in the string.

Find also, the time between the first and second impacts of the ball and the bucket.

(03) (a) The figure given below depicts a smooth narrow tube 𝐴𝐵𝐶 bent into the form of a circular are
of centre 𝑂, radius 𝑎 and angle 2(𝜋 − 𝑎), where 𝛼 is an acute angle. The tube is fixed in a
vertical plane with the two open ends 𝐴, 𝐶 uppermost and at the same horizontal level. 𝐴
particle, placed at the lowest point 𝐵 of the tube, is projected with a horizontal velocity 𝑢. The
particle moves through the tube to end 𝐴, then moves freely under gravity as a projectile, and
enters the tube again at the other end 𝐶.
Find the velocity of the particle as it leaves the tube at 𝐴, and show that
𝑢2 = 𝑔𝑎[2(1 + cos 𝛼) + sec 𝛼].
Show further that the greatest height reached by the particle is 2 (cos 𝛼 + sec 𝛼) above 𝑂.

(b) A particle 𝑃 is released from rest at a point 𝐴 on the smooth outer surface of a fixed sphere,
of centre 𝑂 and radius 𝑎, where 𝑂𝐴 makes an acute angle 𝛼 with the upward vertical. Show
that when 𝑂𝑃 makes and angle 𝜃 with the upward vertical, with 𝑃 still on the surface of the
sphere, 𝑎𝜃̇ 2 = 2𝑔(cos 𝛼 − cos 𝜃).
Find the value of 𝜃 at the point where the particle 𝑃 leaves the surface.

(04) (a) An electric train works at power 3000 𝑘𝑊 and maintains a constant speed of 160 𝑘𝑚ℎ−1 , on
a level track. Calculate the resistance to its motion.
The train operates with the same power as before while the resistance to motion remains the
same. Find the acceleration of the train, when travelling at a speed of 60 𝑘𝑚ℎ−1, up a track
of inclination 1 in 70, given that the mass of the train is 450 metric tonnes.
[Take the acceleration due to gravity, 𝑔 = 9.8 𝑚𝑠 −2 ]

(b) An elastic string, of natural length 𝑙 and modulus 𝑚𝑔, is attached to a fixed point 𝑂 on a
smooth horizontal table, at a distance 2𝑙 from one edge. The other end of the string is attached
to a particle 𝑃 of mass 𝑚. A light inelastic string of length 𝑙 joins the particle 𝑃 to a second
particle 𝑄 of mass 𝑚. Initially, with 𝑂𝑃 = 𝑃𝑄 = 𝑙, the particle 𝑄 is placed near the edge of
the table and gently pushed over it, so that the system begins to move from rest. At time 𝑡,
𝑂𝑃 = 𝑙 + 𝑥, the particle 𝑃 remains on the table and the particle 𝑄 is at a depth 𝑥 below the
level of the table. Using the principle of conservation of mechanical energy, or otherwise,
show that 𝑥̇ 2 = 𝜔2 [𝑙 2 − (𝑙 − 𝑥)2 ], where 𝜔2 = 2𝑙.

Find the centre and the amplitude of the resulting simple harmonic motion of 𝑃.
Show that 𝑃 reaches the edge of the table at the instant 𝑡 = 𝜋√2𝑔, and find its speed at this

(05) (a) Forces of magnitude 𝑎𝐹, 𝑏𝐹, 𝑎𝐹, 𝑏𝐹 and 𝑐𝐹 act respectively along the sides 𝐵𝐴, 𝐵𝐶, 𝐷𝐶, 𝐷𝐴
and the diagonal 𝐵𝐷 of a rectangle 𝐴𝐵𝐶𝐷, where 𝑎 = 𝐴𝐵, 𝑏 = 𝐵𝐶 and 𝑐 = 𝐵𝐷, in the
directions specified by the order of letters. Show that the system is equivalent to a single force
and find its magnitude, direction and line of action.
If the magnitude of the force acting 𝐷𝐴 is increase to 2𝑏𝐹 while other forces remain the same
as before, show that the new system is equivalent to a force of magnitude 𝑎𝐹 along 𝐶𝐷.

(b) In the figure given below, 𝐴𝐵𝐶 is a triangular framework constring of three smoothly jointed
light rods 𝐴𝐵, 𝐵𝐶, 𝐶𝐴 where 𝐴𝐵 = 𝐴𝐶 and 𝐵𝐴̂𝐶 = 120°. The framework is in a vertical plane
with 𝐴𝐵 horizontal. It is supported at 𝐴 by a smooth peg, and carries loads of 100 newtons at
𝐵 and 𝑊 newtons at 𝐶.

Draw stress diagram using Bow’s notation, and from it, calculate the stresses in the rods,
distinguishing between tensions and thrusts, and the value of 𝑊.

(06) A uniform ladder 𝐴𝐵 of length 2𝑎 and weight 𝑊 rests with one end 𝐴 on a rough horizontal floor
and the other end 𝐵 against a rough vertical wall, 𝜇 being the coefficient of friction at both ends
of the ladder. The ladder is inclined to the floor at an angle 4 , and a small cat of weight 𝑛𝑊 gently

climbs up the ladder, starting from 𝐴. Show that, in the limiting position of equilibrium of the
ladder, the cat has climbed a distance 𝑛(1+𝜇2) [𝜇 2 (1 + 2𝑛) + 2𝜇(1 + 𝑛) − 1] along the ladder.
Given further that 𝜇 = 2, show that the cat can reach the top of the ladder before the ladder slips,
if 𝑛 < 4.
What happens if 𝑛 = 4 ?

(07) The body shown in the figure consists of a uniform solid hemisphere of centre 𝑂 and radius 𝑎,
and a uniform solid right circular cone of the same density with base radius 𝑎 and height ℎ, rigidly
joined at the common base.
Find by integration, the distances to the centres of mass of the cone and the hemisphere from the
point 𝑂.

|ℎ2 −3𝑎2 |
Hence show that the centre of mass of the composite body is at a distance from 𝑂.

The composite body is placed with the hemispherical surface on a rough horizontal floor so that
its axis of symmetry is vertical. It is slightly displaced from this position of equilibrium so that
the axis of symmetry makes a small angle with the vertical. Show that the body will topple over,
if ℎ > √3𝑎.
What happens if (i) ℎ < √3𝑎 (ii) ℎ = √3𝑎 ?

(08) (a) 𝑋 and 𝑌 are two distinct events in a sample space 𝑆. State clealy what is meant by each of the
following statements.
❖ 𝑋 and 𝑌 are exhaustive events.
❖ 𝑋 and 𝑌 are mutually exclusive events.
❖ 𝑋 and 𝑌 are independent events.
𝐴 and 𝐵 are two exhaustive and mutually exclusive events in 𝑆. If, 𝑃(𝐴) = 5, find 𝑃(𝐵).
𝐴 third event 𝐶 in 𝑆 is such that 𝐴 and 𝐶 are independent and 𝑃(𝐶) = 2.

𝐴̅ and 𝐶̅ denote complementary events of 𝐴 and 𝐶 respectively.

(i) Calculate 𝑃(𝐴 ∩ 𝐶).
(ii) Find 𝑃(𝐴 ∪ 𝐶) and deduce 𝑃(𝐴̅ ∩ 𝐶̅ ).
(iii)Are 𝐴̅ and 𝐶̅ independent? Justify your answer.
𝐴 fourth event 𝐷 in 𝑆 is such that 𝐵 and 𝐷 are mutually exclusive and 𝑃(𝐷) = 5 .

𝐵̅ and 𝐷
̅ denote complementary events of 𝐵 and 𝐷 respectively. Are 𝐵̅ and 𝐷
̅ mutually
Justify your answer.
(b) The probabilities that a government servant goes to work by car, bus or train on a certain day
1 2 1
are , and respectively. The probabilities of his being late for work by these modes of
10 5 2
1 1 3
transport are 5 , 2 and 10 respectively. If he was late on this particular day, using Bayes’

Theorem, calculate the probability that he travelled be train.

(09) (a) Let 𝜇 and 𝜎 denote the mean and standard deviation respectively, of the set of values
{𝑥𝑖 : 𝑖 = 1, 2, … … … 𝑛}.
Find the mean and standard deviation of each of the following sets of values.
(i) {𝑥𝑖 + 𝛼 ∶ 𝑖 = 1, 2, … … … 𝑛}, where 𝛼 is a constant,
(ii) {𝛽𝑥𝑖 + 𝑖 = 1, 2, … … … 𝑛}, where 𝛽 is a constant.
By using the above results, find the mean and standard deviation of the set of values
2𝑥𝑖 + 3: 𝑖 = 1, 2, … … … , 𝑛.

(b) The twelve numbers 3, 6, 9, 12, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 𝑥, 𝑦 have a mode of 6 and a mean of 8.
(i) the values of 𝑥 and 𝑦.
(ii) the median of the above twelve numbers.
When three additional numbers 8 − 𝑘, 8 + 𝑘 are included, the variance of the fifteen numbers
is found to be 12. Find the values of 𝑘.

Combined Mathematics II – 2007 Advanced Level Examination

❖ Answer six questions only.

(01) (a) A train starting from rest moves in a straight track with uniform acceleration 𝑚𝑠 −2 and

acquires a velocity 𝑉 𝑚𝑠 −1 . Then it moves with uniform velocity 𝑉 for a certain interval of
time. Finally, the train moves with uniform retardation 1 𝑚𝑠 −2 , and comes to rest. The total
time taken is one minute and the total distance travelled is 432 metres. Sketch the velocity-
time graph for the motion of the train, and find the value of 𝑉.
Hence, show that the distances travelled in the three stages of motion are in the ratio 3: 2: 1.

(b) A motor boat sights a ship travelling due north with constant velocity 𝑈 𝑘𝑚ℎ−1 . The
coordinates of the ship at the time of sighting are (6𝑑, 2𝑑) with respect to Cartesian axes 𝑂𝑥,
𝑂𝑦 in the east and north directions respectively, where the origin 𝑂 is taken in the boat and
distances are measured in kilometres. The boat immediately begins to move with constant
velocity 𝑉 𝑘𝑚ℎ−1, in a direction making an acute angle 𝛼 north of east, so as to intercept the
ship. Given that 𝛼 = tan−1 (4), sketch the path of the boat relative to the ship.

Hence, find the value of 𝑉, in terms of 𝑈, and show that the time taken for the interception is

(02) (a) A light inextensible string passes over a light smooth pulley fixed to the ceiling of a lift and
carries particles of masses 𝑚 and 𝐾𝑚(𝐾 > 1) at its ends. The lift is made to move vertically
upwards with constant acceleration 𝐹 and at the same time, the particles are released from
rest. Find the acceleration of each particle relative to the lift, and show that the tension in the
string is (𝑔 + 𝐹).

Find the value of 𝐹 in order that the heavier particle is stationary.

(b) Two small smooth spheres of masses 𝑚 and 2𝑚 are connected by a light inextensible string
of length 2𝑎. The middle point of the string is tied to a fixed horizontal long pin and the two
spheres are held at a distance 2𝑎 apart with the two portions of the string taut and horizontal.
The spheres are now released from rest, simultaneously. Given that the first impact brings the
heavier sphere to rest, find the coefficient of restitution.
Show further that
(i) the second impact brings the lighter sphere to rest,
(ii) the total mechanical energy of the system between the second and the third impacts is
𝑚𝑔𝑎, if the potential energy at the level of the point of impact is zero.

(03) A smooth sphere with centre 𝑂 and radius 𝑎, is fixed on to the horizontal surface of a table. A
smooth particle 𝑃 is placed on the outer surface of the sphere at a point 𝐴 where 𝑂𝐴 makes an
acute angle 𝛼 with the upward vertical. The particle is released from rest.
(i) Show that, when 𝑂𝑃 makes an angle 𝜃 with the upward vertical and the particle is still in
contact with the surface of the sphere 𝑎𝜃̇ 2 = 2𝑔(cos 𝛼 − cos 𝜃).
(ii) Find the magnitude of the reaction between the sphere and the particle,
(iii)Show that the particle leaves the sphere at a height 𝑎 (1 + 3 cos 𝛼) above the surface of the

(iv) Let 𝑑 be the distance of the point where the particle hits the table, from the vertical diameter
of the sphere. Given that cos 𝛼 = 4 find 𝑑.
(04) One end of a light elastic string of natural length 𝑙 is attached to a fixed point 𝑂, while the other
end of the string is attached to a particle of mass 𝑚. When the particle hangs in equilibrium, the
length of the string is 2 . Find the modulus of elasticity of the string.

The particle is pulled a distance 𝑎 vertically down from its equilibrium position, and released
from rest there. The displacement at time 𝑡, of the particle, measured downwards from the
𝑑2 𝑥 2𝑔
equilibrium position is 𝑥. Show that 𝑑𝑡 2 + 𝜔2 𝑥 = 0, where 𝜔2 = , so long as the string is taut.
(i) In the case when 𝑎 < 2 , find the period and the amplitude of the ensuring motion.
(ii) In the case when 𝑎 = 2 + 𝑏, where 𝑏 > 0, show that the time taken for the string to first

𝑙 𝑙
become slack is √2𝑔 (𝜋 − cos −1 (𝑙+2𝑏)).

𝑑2 𝑥
[you may assume that the solution of the equation + 𝜔2 𝑥 = 0 is 𝑥 = 𝐴 cos 𝜔𝑡 + 𝐵 sin 𝜔𝑡
𝑑𝑡 2

where 𝐴 and 𝐵 are constants to be determined.]

(05) (a) 𝐴𝐵𝐶𝐷𝐸𝐹 is a regular hexagon of centre 𝑂 and length of a side 𝑎 metres. Five forces 𝑃, 2𝑃,
3𝑃, 4𝑃, 5𝑃 newtons act along the sides 𝐴𝐵, 𝐵𝐶, 𝐶𝐷, 𝐷𝐸, 𝐸𝐹 respectively, in the directions
indicated by the order of the letters. There new forces 𝑄, 𝑅, 𝑆 newtons acting along the sides
𝐴𝐹, 𝐹𝑂, 𝑂𝐴 respectively, of the triangle 𝐴𝐹𝑂 are added to the system. Find the values of 𝑄,
𝑅, 𝑆 in terms of 𝑃 in order that the combined system is
(i) in equilibrium,
(ii) equivalent to a couple of moment 𝑃𝑎√3 𝑁𝑚 in the sense 𝐴𝐵𝐶.

(b) A uniform rod of length 𝑎 and weight 𝑊 rests in a vertical plane inside a fixed rough
hemispherical bowl of radius 𝑎. The rod is in limiting equilibrium inclined at an angle 𝜃 to
the horizontal, and the coefficient of friction is 𝜇(< √3). Show that the reaction at the lower
𝑊 cos 𝜃
end of the rod is , and find the reaction at the upper end.
Hence, show that tan 𝜃 = .
3−𝜇 2

(06) (a) A rhombus 𝐴𝐵𝐶𝐷 is formed of four equal uniform rods, each of length 2𝑎 and weight 𝑊
freely jointed together at their ends. The rhombus is subtended from the joint 𝐴, and its shape
is maintained by a light rod of length 2𝑎 sin 𝛼 joining the mid-points of 𝐵𝐶 and 𝐶𝐷. Show
that the thrust in the light rod is 4𝑊 tan 𝛼, and find the reaction at the joint 𝐶.
(b) A framework is made up of seven light rods of equal length freely jointed, as shown in the
figure below. 𝐴 and 𝐵 rest on smooth supports and there are loads of 𝑊 − 𝑤 at 𝐷 and 𝑤 at 𝐶.
3𝑊 𝑤
Show that the reaction on the framework at 𝐴 is 𝑃 = − 2.

Given that 𝑊 > 2𝑤, draw a suitable stress diagram using Bow’s notation and find the stresses
in the rods 𝐴𝐸, 𝐷𝐸 and 𝐷𝐶.
Indicate whether they are tensions or thrusts.
Show that the stress in 𝐷𝐶 is independent of 𝑤.

(07) A hollow baseless cone of vertex 𝑂, semi-vertical angle 𝛼 and height is made up of a uniform
thin metal sheet of mass 𝜎 per unit area. Show that its mass is 𝜋𝜎ℎ2 sec 𝛼 tan 𝛼, and find the
position of its centre of mass.
A uniform circular disc, of centre 𝐵 and radius ℎ tan 𝛼, made up of the same type of metal sheet
is now fixed as the base of the above cone. Show that the distance of the centre of mass of the
ℎ( sec 𝛼+tan 𝛼)
composite body from 𝑂 is .
sec 𝛼+tan 𝛼

The composite body is suspended from a point 𝐴 of the rim of the base. If 𝐴𝑂 and 𝐴𝐵 make equal
angles with the downward vertical, show that sin 𝛼 = 3 .

(08) (a) Let 𝐴 and 𝐵 be two events. Define 𝑃(𝐴|𝐵), the conditional probability of 𝐴 given 𝐵.
State the relationship between 𝐴 and 𝐵 when
(i) 𝑃(𝐴|𝐵) = 0
(ii) 𝑝(𝐴|𝐵) = 𝑃(𝐴).

(b) Three friends, Wimal, Nimal and Piyal go to a restaurant to buy lunch packets. Packets of rice
with meat or with fish or with vegetables are available in the restaurant. Wimal, who does not
eat meat, tosses a fair coin to decide whether to buy a packet of rice with fish or vegetables.
Observing this, Nimal also tosses a fair coin to decide between meat and fish. Piyal tosses a
fair coin to decide whether to buy a vegetable packet or a packet of other two kinds. In the l
later case, he tosses the coin again to decide between meat and fish.
Find the probability that
(i) Wimal and Nimal buy the same kind of packets,
(ii) Nimal and Piyal buy the same kind of packets,
(iii)All three buy the same kind of packets,
(iv)Wimal, Nimal and Piyal buy different kinds of packets.

(c) A student sits a multiple choice examination in which each question has 5 possible answers,
out of which only one is correct. If the student knows the answer he selects the correct answer.
Otherwise, he selects one answer at random from the 5 possible answers. Suppose that the
student knows the correct answer to 70% of the questions.
(i) Find the probability that, for a given question, the student selects the correct answer.
(ii) If the student selects the correct answer to a question, find the conditional probability that
he knows the answer.

(09) (a) The speeds of private buses travelling towards Colombo along Galle road were observed to
the nearest kilometre per hour at Kalutara bridge. The data collected are given in the following

Mid-value of the class

15 30 45 60 75 90
Frequency 10 - 25 30 - 10

If the median of the distribution is 49.5 and the mode of the distribution is 55, estimate the
two missing frequencies.
Hence, find the mean and the variance of the distribution.
(b) A set of 12 numbers has mean 4 and standard deviation 2. A second set of 20 numbers has
mean 5 and standard deviation 3. Find the mean and the standard deviation of the combined
set of 32 numbers.

Combined Mathematics II – 2008 Advanced Level Examination

❖ Answer six questions only.
(01) (a) A train normally runs in a straight track at a uniform velocity 𝑉 𝑘𝑚ℎ−1 . Due to a repair ahead
in the track, it slows down to a velocity U 𝑘𝑚ℎ−1 , at a uniform retardation over a distance
𝑑 𝑘𝑚. Next, the train moves with uniform velocity 𝑈 over a distance 2𝑑 𝑘𝑚 of the track under
repair. Then, moving with uniform acceleration over a distance 3𝑑 𝑘𝑚, it regains the velocity
Sketch the velocity-time graph for the motion of the train.
Show that the time lost due to the track repair, as compared with normal running of the train
is hours.

(b) A helicopter, whose speed relative to wind is 𝑣 𝑘𝑚ℎ−1 files around a square track 𝐴𝐵𝐶𝐷 of
side 𝑎 𝑘𝑚, in the sense indicated by the order of the letters. A wind blows with velocity
𝑤(> 𝑣)𝑘𝑚ℎ−1 in a direction making an acute angle 𝜃 with the side 𝐴𝐵. Assuming that no
time is lost in turning round the corners of the track and drawing velocity triangles, show that
the sum of the time taken from 𝐴 to 𝐵 and the of the track and drawing velocity triangles,
show that the sum of the time taken from 𝐴 to 𝐵 and the time taken from 𝐶 to 𝐷 is
2𝑎√𝑣 2 −𝑤 2 𝑠𝑖𝑛2 𝜃
(𝑣 2 −𝑤 2 )

Hence calculate the total time 𝑇 taken for one complete path, and find the value of 𝜃 which
makes 𝑇 a maximum.

(02) (a) A smooth wedge of mass 𝑀 rests on a smooth horizontal table. A particle of mass 𝑚 is placed
on a face of the wedge, of inclination 𝛼 to the horizontal and is projected with velocity 𝑉 up
a line of greatest slope of the face. Show that the magnitude of the acceleration of the wedge
and the magnitude of the acceleration of the particle relative to the wedge are in a constant
Show further that the particle returns to its starting point on the wedge after a time
2𝑉(𝑀+𝑚𝑠𝑖𝑛2 𝛼)
(𝑀+𝑚)𝑔 sin 𝛼

(b) Three small smooth spheres 𝐴, 𝐵, 𝐶 of equal radii and of masses 𝑎, 𝑏, 𝑐 respectively, are placed
separately on a smooth horizontal table, in that order, so that their centres lie on a straight
The sphere 𝐴 is projected with a velocity 𝑢 along the line of centres so as to strike 𝐵 which in
turn strikes 𝐶. The coefficient of restitution for each pair of spheres is 𝑒. Show that 𝐶 moves
(1+𝑒)2 𝑢
off with velocity 𝑏 𝑐 .
(1+ )(1+ )
𝑎 𝑏
Given further that 𝐴 and 𝐵 are brought to rest after the first and second impacts respectively,
find the ratios 𝑎: 𝑏: 𝑐 and express the kinetic energy retained in the system as a fraction of the
original kinetic energy.

(03) A bowl is made up from a fixed smooth spherical shell with centre 𝑂 and radius a by removing
the upper part cut off by the horizontal plane at a distance 4 above 𝑂.

A particle 𝑃 is projected horizontally from the lowest point inside the bowl with speed 𝑢.
(i) Find the speed of the particle and the magnitude of the reaction between the bowl and the
particle, when 𝑂𝑃 makes an angle 𝜃 with the upward vertical.
(ii) Show that the particle will leave the edge of the bowl, provided that 𝑢2 > .

(iii)Show also that, in the subsequent free motion under gravity after the particle leaves the bowl,
will not fall back into the bowl provided that 𝑢2 > .

(04) Two particles 𝑃 and 𝑄 of masses 𝑚 and 3𝑚 respectively, hang together in equilibrium at one end
of a light classic string of natural length 𝑙, extending it to a length 𝑙 + 4𝑎, the other end of the
string being attached to a fixed point 𝑂. The particle 𝑄 suddenly falls off. If the length of the
𝑑2 𝑥 𝑔
string after a time 𝑡 is 𝑙 + 𝑥, obtain the equation + 𝑎 (𝑥 − 𝑎) = 0, for 𝑥 > 0.
𝑑𝑡 2
Given that 𝑥 = 𝑎 + 𝑏 sin 𝜔𝑡 + 𝑐 cos 𝜔𝑡, where 𝜔2 = 𝑎, is the solution of the above equation, find

the values of the constants 𝑏 and 𝑐.

Find the maximum height reached by the particle 𝑃 above the initial position and show that the
𝑎 1
time taken to reach this height is √8 {𝜋 − 𝑎 + 2√2}, where 𝛼 is the acute angle cos−1 (3) .

(05) (a) A uniform solid hemisphere of weight 𝑊 is placed with its curved surface on a rough plane
inclined at an angle 𝛼 to the horizontal. It is in limiting equilibrium with its plane face
horizontal, when a small weight 𝑤 is attached to a point on the circumference of its plane
face. Show that if 𝜇 is the coefficient of friction, then 𝜇 = = tan 𝛼 .

(b) A smooth hollow right circular cylinder 𝐻 of radius 𝑎 is fixed with its axis horizontal. Two
equal smooth uniform right circular cylinders 𝐴 and 𝐵, each of radius 𝑏 (< 2) and weight 𝑊

are placed symmetrically inside 𝐻 so that they are in equilibrium with their axes parallel to
that of 𝐻. Show that the reaction between 𝐴 and 𝐵 is .
Another cylinder 𝐶 equal to each of 𝐴 and 𝐵 is gently placed symmetrically on them, with its
axis parallel to that of 𝐻. Show that equilibrium is possible with 𝐴 and 𝐵 in contact, only if
𝑎 < 𝑏(1 + 2√7).

(06) (a) A rhombus 𝐴𝐵𝐶𝐷 of side 2𝑎 consists of four smoothly jointed equal light rods, and lies on a
smooth horizontal table. The rod 𝐴𝐵 is fixed. The mid-points of the rods 𝐵𝐶 and 𝐶𝐷 are
jointed by a light inextensible string which is kept taut by a couple of moment 𝑀 applied to
the rod 𝐷𝐴 in the plane of the rhombus. If the angle 𝐴𝐵̂ 𝐶 is 2𝜃, show that
(i) the reaction at the joint 𝐶 is parallel to the string, and
(ii) the tension in the string is 𝑎 sin 𝜃 .

(b) The figure below represents a framework of freely jointed light rods with a load 𝑊 at 𝐵, and
it is supported vertically at 𝐴 and 𝐶 at the same level.
The angel 𝐴𝐵̂ 𝐶 is a right and id trisected by 𝐵𝐷 and 𝐵𝐸. The angles 𝐵𝐴̂𝐷 and 𝐵𝐶̂ 𝐸 are each
30° and 𝐵𝐴 = 𝐵𝐶.

Draw a stress diagram, using Bow’s notation.

Hence find the stress in each of the rods 𝐴𝐷, 𝐴𝐵, 𝐷𝐸 and 𝐷𝐵, stating whether it is a tension
or a thrust.

(07) In the figure below, 𝐴𝐵𝐶𝐷 represents a uniform solid body of density 𝜌 in the form of a frustum
of height ℎ, of a right circular cone. The diameters of its circulars plane faces are 𝐴𝐵 = 2𝑎 and
𝐶𝐷 = 2𝑎, where  is a parameter and 0 <  < 1.
Show, by integration, that its mass is 3 𝜌𝜋𝑎2 ℎ(1 +  + 2 ), and that its centre of mass 𝐺 is at a
ℎ (3+2+2 )
distance 4 (1++2 )
from the centre of the smaller face.

Deduce the mass and the position of the centre of mass of a uniform right circular solid cone of
base radius 𝑎 and height ℎ.
A solid body 𝐽 is obtained from the frustum 𝐴𝐵𝐶𝐷 by scooping out a right circular solid cone

𝑉𝐴𝐵 of base radius 𝑎 and height 2. Find the position of the centre of mass 𝐺1 of 𝐽 and verify

that 𝐺1 cannot coincide with 𝑉.

The body 𝐽 is suspended freely from a point of the circumference of the larger face. Show that, in
the position of equilibrium the axis of symmetry of 𝐽 makes an acute angle 𝛽 with the vertical
8𝑎 (2+2+2 )
given by tan 𝛽 = .
ℎ (4+8+52 )

(08) (a) Let 𝐴 and 𝐵 be two events.

Define each of the following statements.
(i) Events 𝐴 and 𝐵 are independents;
(ii) Events 𝐴 and 𝐵 mutually exclusive;
(iii)Events 𝐴 and 𝐵 are exhaustive.
Let the complementary events of 𝐴 and 𝐵 be denoted by 𝐴′ and 𝐵′ respectively.
Show that 𝑃(𝐴 ∩ 𝐵) + 𝑃(𝐴 ∩ 𝐵 ′ ) = 𝑃(𝐴).
1 1 1
Given that 𝑃(𝐴) = 2, 𝑃(𝐵) = 3 and 𝑃(𝐴 ∩ 𝐵 ′ ) = 2, find the value of 𝑃(𝐴′ ∩ 𝐵) and the value

of 𝑃(𝐴′ ∩ 𝐵′).

(b) Let 𝐴 and 𝐵 be two events with 𝑃(𝐵) > 0.

State the connection between the conditional probability of 𝐴 given 𝐵, denoted by 𝑃(𝐴|𝐵)
with 𝑃(𝐴 ∩ 𝐵) and 𝑃(𝐵).
A student goes to school either by bicycle or by bus. The probability that he will arrive early
or on time is 28. The probability that he will arrive late given that he cycled to school, is twice

the probability that he will arrive late given that he travelled by bus. Whenever he travels to
school by bus, the probability that he will arrive early or on time is 4. Find the probability

that, on a randomly chosen day

(i) he cycles to school,
(ii) he will have travelled by bus, given that he arrives late.
(09) The set of 𝑛 numbers {𝑥1 , 𝑥2 , … … . 𝑥𝑛 } with mean 𝑥̅ and standard deviation 𝑆𝑥 is transformed to
the set of 𝑛 numbers {𝑦1 , 𝑦2 , … … . 𝑦𝑛 } by means of the formulae 𝑦𝑖 = 𝑎𝑥𝑖 + 𝑏 for 𝑖 = 1,2, … . 𝑛
where 𝑎 and 𝑏 are constants.
Let the mean and the standard deviation of the set of 𝑛 numbers {𝑦1 , 𝑦2 , … … . 𝑦𝑛 } be 𝑦̅ and
𝑆𝑦 respectively.
Show that
(i) 𝑦̅ = 𝑎𝑥̅ + 𝑏 and
(ii) 𝑆𝑦 = |𝑎|𝑆𝑥 .
The table below shows the means and standard deviations of the marks in Geography and History
obtained by the candidates who sat a certain examination.

Mean Standard deviation

Geography m 12
History 53 s

Suppose that the marks inn each subjects were scaled linearly to have a mean of 50 and a standard
deviation of 15. The original and the scaled marks of particular candidate are shown below.

Original Mark Scaled Mark

Geography 40 40
History 61 56

Find the value of 𝑚 and the value of 𝑠.

The candidates were allowed to apply for re-scrutiny of their answer scripts. After re-scrutiny,
History marks of 0.1% of the total number of candidates who sat for History were changed. The
mean of the History marks of the candidates whose marks were changed increased from 65 to 68.
Find the mean of the marks, after re-scrutiny, of all candidates who sat for History.

Combined Mathematics II – 2009 Advanced Level Examination

❖ Answer six questions only.

(01) (a) A balloon is rising with constant velocity 𝑈, relative to earth. At time 𝑡 = 0, a particle 𝑃 is
projected from the balloon, vertically upwards with velocity 𝑉 relative to the balloon. At time
𝑡 = 𝑡1 another particle 𝑄 is projected from the balloon, vertically upwards, also with velocity
𝑉 relative to the balloon. The two particles 𝑃 and 𝑄 meet at time 𝑡 = 𝑡2 .
Sketch the velocity-time graphs, separately for the motion of
(i) 𝑃 relative to the balloon, during the interval 0 ≤ 𝑡 ≤ 𝑡1 . and
(ii) 𝑄 relative to 𝑃 during the interval 𝑡1 ≤ 𝑡 ≤ 𝑡2 .
𝑉 1
Hence or otherwise show that 𝑡2 = 𝑔 + 2 𝑡1 .
Show further that the velocities of 𝑄 and 𝑃 when the two particles meet are 𝑈 ± 2 𝑔𝑡1


(b) A submarine which travels at a speed 𝑢 𝑘𝑚ℎ−1 sights a ship at a distance 𝑑 𝑘𝑚 in a direction
30° West of South, in the sea. The ship is travelling due North with velocity 𝑣 𝑘𝑚ℎ−1 , where
𝑢 < 𝑣 < 2𝑢.
By considering the motion of the submarine relative to the ship, show that in order to intercept
the ship the submarine may proceed in one of two directions, and find the angle between these
two directions.
𝑑√4𝑢2 −𝑣 2
Show further that the corresponding times differ by hours.
𝑣 2 −𝑢2

(02) (a) The cross-section of a smooth wedge of mass 2𝑚, though its centre of mass, is a triangle
𝐴𝐵𝐶 right-angled at 𝐶. A small smooth pulley is fixed at the vertex 𝐴, the angle 𝐵𝐴̂𝐶 being
60°. A light inextensible string passes over the pulley and has paticles 𝑃 an 𝑄, of masses
3𝑚 and 𝑚 respectively attached to its ends. The wedge is placed on a smooth horizontal table
with the face. 𝐵𝐶 in contact with the table. The particle 𝑄 is held at rest vertically below 𝐴,
in contact with the vertical face 𝐴𝐶 and the particle 𝑃 lying on the inclined face 𝐴𝐵. If 𝑄 is
now set free, show that the acceleration of the wedge is , and find the tension in the string.

(b) A simple pendulum of length 𝑙 hangs at rest with the bob at a height 2𝑙 above a horizontal
floor. A particle of mass equal to that of the bob, strikes the bob horizontally, and subsequently
reaches the floor at a point whose horizontal distance from the initial line of the string is 2. If

the string turns though an acute angle 𝛼 before coming instantaneously to rest, show that the
8 sin −1
coefficient of restitution between the two particles is 𝛼 .
8 sin +1
(03) A particle of mass 𝑚 is attached to one end of a light inelastic string of length 𝑙. The other end of
the string is attached to a fixed point 𝑂, and the particle is in equilibrium under gravity. The
particle is then projected horizontally with speed 𝑢.
(i) Show that the tension in the string when it makes an angle 𝜃 with the downward vertical
through 𝑂 is 𝑚 (3𝑔 cos 𝜃 − 2𝑔 + ).

(ii) Find the least possible value of 𝑢 so that the particle can subsequently reach the horizontal
level of 𝑂.
(iii)When the string first becomes horizontal, it comes into contact with a thin horizontal bar
which is fixed perpendicular to the plane of motion of the string at a distance 2 from 𝑂. Show
that if 2𝑔𝑙 < 𝑢2 < 2 𝑔𝑙 the string, becomes slack before the particle reaches the highest point,
at a height 2 above the level of the bar.

(04) A point 𝑃 moves on the circle 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 = 𝑎2 with uniform speed 𝑎𝜔. If 𝑄 is the foot of the
perpendicular from 𝑃 on the 𝑦-axis, show that 𝑄 executes simple harmonic motion with period

A light spiral spring of natural length 𝑙 is fixed at the lower end with its axis vertical. A particle
of mass 𝑚 placed at the upper end can compress the spring a distance 𝑑(< 𝑙), when it is at rest.
If the same particle is dropped on the upper end of the spring from a height ℎ, show that the
particle will execute a simple harmonic motion with amplitude 𝑎 = √𝑑 2 + 2𝑑ℎ provided
𝑙 ≥ 𝑎 + 𝑑.
3𝜋 𝑑
In this motion, if the particle remains on the spring for at least an interval of time 2
√𝑔, find the

maximum value of (𝑑).

(05) (a) A uniform circular hoop of weight 𝑊 rests on a fixed rough rail which is inclined at an angle
30° to the horizontal. The hoop ant the rails are in the same vertical plane. The hoop is held
in equilibrium by means of a string which leaves the hoop tangentially and is inclined at 30°
to the rail, this angle being measured in the same sense as the angle of inclination of the rail.
Find the tension in the string, and show that the coefficient of friction between the rail and the
hoop is not less than (2 − √3)√2 cos 15° .

(b) 𝐴𝐵𝐶𝐷𝐸𝐹 is a regular hexagon of which each side is of length 𝑎 metres. Forces 𝑃, 3𝑃, 2𝑃 and
4𝑃 newtons act along 𝐵𝐴, 𝐸𝐵, 𝐷𝐸 and 𝐴𝐷 respectively, in directions indicated by the order
of the letters. Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant of the system.
By taking moments about one vertex of the hexagon, also find the line of action of the
What couple in the plane of the hexagon, added to the system would reduce the system to a
single force along ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝐹𝐸 ?

(06) (a) Two smooth uniform rods. 𝐴𝐵, 𝐵𝐶 each of length 2𝑎 and weight 𝑊, are freely hinged at 𝐵,
and are suspended by two light inextensible strings 𝐴𝑂, 𝐶𝑂 each of length 2𝑎, tied to a fixed
point 𝑂, 𝐴 uniform sphere of weight 𝑊 and radius rests in contact with the rods and is

supported by them. Show that in the position of equilibrium, each rod makes with the vertical
an angle 𝜃 given by 𝑐𝑜𝑡 3 𝜃 + cot 𝜃 − 3𝜃 = 0.
Find the only possible value of cot 𝜃, and hence show that the reaction at the hinge 𝐵 is 𝑊.

(b) In the framework of light rods shown in the figure, horizontal and vertical rods are equal in
length and all angles are 90° or 45°. It is in a vertical plane, smoothly pivoted at 𝐴 and
supported at 𝐵 by a force 𝑃 perpendicular to 𝐴𝐵 and is loaded with weights 𝑊 newtons at 𝐶,
𝐷, 𝐸. Find the value of 𝑃 in terms of 𝑊.
Given further that the stress in the rod 𝐶𝐷 is zero, draw a stress diagram, using Bow’s notation
in order to find the stresses in the rods 𝐵𝐷, 𝐵𝐶 and 𝐷𝐸.
Find these stresses and state whether these stresses are tensions or thrusts.

(07) Show that the centre of mass of a uniform circular are of a circle of radius 𝑟 subtending an angle
𝑟 sin 𝛼
2𝛼 at the centre, is at a distance from the centre.

Hence, show that the centre of mass of a uniform circular sector of a circle of radius 𝑎, subtending
2𝑎 sin 𝛼
an angle 2𝛼 at the centre, is at a distance from the centre.
A crescent shaped uniform lamina is bounded by a semicircle with centre 𝑂 and radius 𝑎 and a
circular are subtending an angle at its centre 𝐶 as shown in the figure. Show that the centre of
mass of this lamina is at a distance 𝑘𝑎 from 𝐶, where 𝑘 = 𝜋+6√3 .

Let 𝑀 be the mass of the lamina. The end 𝐴 of a thin uniform straight rod 𝐴𝐷 of length 2𝑎 and
mass 𝑚 is rigidly fixed to the crescent at 𝐴 along the extended line 𝐵𝐴, forming a sickle as shown
in the figure. The sickle is then placed on a horizontal floor with the plane of the lamina vertical
and the semicircle and the free end 𝐷 of the rod touching the floor. If it stays in equilibrium in
this position, show that 𝑀(√3𝑘 − 1) < 4√6𝑚.

(08) (a) Let 𝐴 and 𝐵 be two events with 𝑃(𝐴) > 0.

Define 𝑃(𝐵|𝐴), the conditional probability of 𝐵 given 𝐴.
For three events 𝐴, 𝐵 and 𝐶 show that 𝑃(𝐴 ∩ 𝐵 ∩ 𝐶) = 𝑃(𝐴)𝑃(𝐵|𝐴)𝑃(𝐶|(𝐴 ∩ 𝐵)) provided
𝑃(𝐴) > 0 and 𝑃(𝐴 ∩ 𝐵) > 0.
Let {𝐵1 , 𝐵2 , 𝐵3 } be a partition of a sample space  and let 𝐴 be any event of .
𝑃(𝐵𝑖 )𝑃(𝐴|𝐵𝑖 )
Show that 𝑃(𝐵𝑖 |𝐴) = 𝑃(𝐵 )𝑃(𝐴|𝐵
for 𝑖 = 1,2,3.
1 1 )+𝑃(𝐵2 )𝑃(𝐴|𝐵2 )+𝑃(𝐵3 )𝑃(𝐴|𝐵3 )

(b) Vehicles approaching a crossroad must go in one of the three directions: left right or straight
on. Observations of traffic engineers reveal that of vehicles approaching from the West:
50% turn left, 20% turn right and the rest go straight on. Assuming that the driver of each
vehicle chooses direction independently, find the probability that of the next three vehicles,
approaching the crossroad from the West,
(i) all go straight on,
(ii) all go in the same direction,
(iii)two turn right and one turns left,
(iv) all go in different directions.
If the three consecutive vehicles, all go in the same direction, show that most of the time they
all turn left.
(09) (a) Let the values of a random sample of size 𝑛 taken from a population be 𝑥1 , 𝑥2 , … . . 𝑥𝑛 .

Prove that ; where 𝑥 the sample mean.

The number of printing errors, 𝑥 on each of first 200 pages of a book containing 250 pages
was observed and the following details were found:
The total number of printing errors 920;
the sum of squares of printing errors 5032.
Find the mean and the standard deviation of the number of printing errors per page.
The mean and the standard deviation of the number of printing errors per page in the last 50
pages were found later as 4.4 and 2.2 respectively. Find, using first principles and correct to
two decimal places, the mean and the standard deviation of the number of printing errors per
page, in the book.

(b) The mean of the marks for pure Mathematics obtained by a group of students in an
examination is 45. These marks are scaled linearly to give a mean of 50 and a standard
deviation of 15. It is also given that the scald mark of 80 corresponds to an original mark of
(i) the linear scale,
(ii) the standard deviation of the original marks,
(iii)the mark which is not changed by the scaling.
Given that the least and the greatest scaled marks are 2 and 92 respectively, find the
corresponding original marks.

Combined Mathematics II – 2010 Advanced Level Examination

❖ Answer six questions only.

(01) (a) A particle 𝑃 of mass 𝑀 is projected at time 𝑡 = 0, vertically upwards under gravity with
velocity 𝑢 from a point on the ground. Three particles 𝑃1 , 𝑃2 and 𝑃3 each of very small mass
𝑚(≪ 𝑀) are projected from the particle 𝑃 horizontally in the same sense with velocities 2𝑣,
𝑢 𝑢 3𝑢
3𝑣 and 6𝑣 relative to the particle 𝑃 at the times 𝑡 = 2𝑔 , 𝑡 = 𝑔 and 𝑡 = 2𝑔 respectively.

Draw the velocity-time graph for the velocity of the particle 𝑃. Show that the velocity-time
graphs for each of the vertical components of the velocities of the particles 𝑃1 , 𝑃2 and
𝑃3 coincide with portions of the velocity-time graph of the particle 𝑃 and identify these
In a separate diagram, draw the velocity-time graphs for each of the horizontal components
of the velocities of the particles 𝑃1 , 𝑃2 and 𝑃3 . Using the velocity-time graphs show that
(i) the four particles reach the ground at the same time 𝑡 = ,

(ii) the three particles 𝑃1 , 𝑃2 and 𝑃3 fall on the ground at the same position.

(b) A man can swim with speed 𝑢 in still water. A river of width 𝑑 flows with speed 𝑣(< 𝑢) relative
to the ground. The man is at a point 𝑃 on the bank of the river and wishes to swim to a point
𝑄 upstream on the other bank of the river and swim back to the point 𝑃. If the banks are straight
and parallel to each other, and 𝑃𝑄 makes an angle 𝛼, (0 < 𝛼 ≤ 2 ) with upstream, drawing the

velocity triangles of relative velocities on the same diagram or otherwise, show that the time taken
by the man to swim to the point 𝑄 and then back to the point 𝑃 is
2𝑑√𝑢2 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑐 2 𝛼−𝑣 2
𝑢2 −𝑣 2

Deduce that
(i) There is no change in the total time taken if the point 𝑄 is downstream of the point 𝑃 and
𝑃𝑄 makes an angle 𝛼, (0 < 𝛼 ≤ 2 ) with downstream.

(ii) the total time is minimum when the point 𝑄 is directly opposite to the point 𝑃 on the other

(02) A light inextensible string of length/ attached to a point 𝑂 on a vertical wall passes over a smooth
pulley fixed at the vertex 𝐴 of the triangular vertical cross section 𝐴𝐵𝐶 of a smooth wedge of
mass 𝑀 through its centre of mass with the face through 𝐵𝐶 placed on a fixed smooth horizontal
floor. A particle 𝑃 of mass 𝑚 is attached to the other end of the string and the string is kept taut
in a vertical plane as shown in the diagram, with 𝑂𝐴 being horizontal.
If 𝐹 is the magnitude of the acceleration of the wedge relative to the floor and 𝑓 is the magnitude
of the acceleration of the particle 𝑃 relative to the wedge, show that 𝑓 = 𝐹. If 𝐴𝐶 is inclined to
the horizontal at an angle 𝛼, write down the equations of motion for the particle 𝑃 along 𝐴𝐶, and
for the system horizontally.
Hence or otherwise, show that the wedge moves towards the wall with an acceleration
𝑚𝑔 sin 𝛼
𝑀+2𝑚(1−cos 𝛼𝛼)

The system is initially at rest with 𝐵 at a horizontal distance 𝑑 from the vertical wall. If 𝑃𝐶 is
2𝑑{𝑀+2𝑚(1−cos 𝛼)}
greater than 𝑑, show that 𝐵 will strike the wall after a time √ with speed
𝑚𝑔 sin 𝛼

2𝑑𝑚𝑔 sin 𝛼
√𝑀+2𝑚(1−cos 𝛼). Show also that, the speed of the particle 𝑃 relative to the floor, just before 𝐵

2 𝑑𝑚𝑔 sin 𝛼(1−cos 𝛼)

strikes the wall, is √ .
𝑀+2𝑚(1−cos 𝛼)

(03) A smooth particle 𝑃 is projected with velocity 𝑢 at an angle 𝛼, (0 < 𝛼 < 2 ) to the horizontal,

under gravity.
The particle 𝑃, at the instance it moves horizontally, strikes another smooth particle 𝑄 of equal
mass at rest hanging from one end of an inextensible string of length 𝑙, the other end of the string
being attached to a point 𝑂 on a horizontal rail. The rail is perpendicular to the vertical plane in
which the path of the particle 𝑃 and 𝑂𝑄 lie. Show that, the horizontal distance between the two
𝑢2 sin 2𝛼
particles 𝑃 and 𝑄 initially is .

If the coefficient of the restitution between the two particles is 𝑒, show that, the particles 𝑃 and
(1−𝑒)𝑢 cos 𝛼 (1+𝑒)𝑢 cos 𝛼
𝑄 begin to move horizontally with velocities and respectively just after the
2 2

When 𝑂𝑄 makes an angle 𝜃 with the downward vertical, write down the component of the
equation of motion of the particle 𝑄 along 𝑂𝑄, and the equation of conservation of mechanical
energy for the particle 𝑄.
Deduce that the particle 𝑄 completes circular motion if 𝑢 cos 𝛼 ≥ .
(3−𝑒)𝑢2 sin 2𝛼
Show that, the horizontal distance travelled by the particle 𝑃 is .

Deduce that if 𝑒 = 3, the particle 𝑃 comes back to the point of projection.

(04) A particle 𝑃 of mass 𝑚 is attached to one end of an elastic string of natural length 𝑙 with the other
end of the string being attached to a fixed point 𝑂 of a ceiling. If  is the modulus of elasticity of
the string, show that, when the particle 𝑃 hangs in equilibrium, the extension 𝑎 of the string is
given by 𝑎 = .

The string is now stretched by a further length 𝑏(> 𝑎) such that 𝑂𝑃 is vertical and equal to
𝑙 + 𝑎 + 𝑏, and the particle 𝑃 is released from rest. When the length of the string is
𝑙 + 𝑎 + 𝑥, where −𝑎 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 𝑏, write down the equation of motion of the particle 𝑃 and show that
𝑥̈ + 𝑎 𝑥 = 0 in the usual notation.

𝑔 𝑔
Assuming that the solution of the above equation is of the form 𝑥 = 𝐴 cos √𝑎 𝑡 + 𝐵 sin √𝑎 𝑡, find

the constants 𝐴 and 𝐵.

𝑎 𝜋
Show that, the particle 𝑃 performs simple harmonic motion for a time √𝑔 ( 2 + 𝛼), where

𝛼 = sin−1 (𝑏) and the velocity of the particle 𝑃 at the time when it leave simple harmonic motion

is √𝑎 (𝑏 2 − 𝑎2 ) upwards.

Show also that, the particle 𝑃 thereafter moves under gravity and will strike the ceiling with non
– zero velocity if 𝑏 > 𝑎√1 + 𝑚𝑔 .

(05) (a) Forces of magnitude 2𝑃, 𝑃, 2𝑃, 3𝑃, 2𝑃 and 𝑃 newtons act along the sides
𝐴𝐵, 𝐵𝐶, 𝐶𝐷, 𝐸𝐷, 𝐸𝐹 and 𝐴𝐹 of a regular hexagon 𝐴𝐵𝐶𝐷𝐸𝐹 of side 2𝑎 metres, in the
directions indicated by the order of the letters.
Prove that the system is equivalent to a resultant force of 2√3𝑃 newtons acting along 𝐴𝐶
together with a couple of magnitude √3𝑃𝑎 newton metres.
If the system is equivalent to a single resultant force, find the point of intersection of the line
of action of this resultant force an 𝐹𝐴 (produced if necessary)
Hence, find the magnitude and the direction of the single force that should be introduced to
the system in order to keep the system in equilibrium.

(b) Two uniform rods 𝐴𝐵 and 𝐵𝐶 of equal length and of weights 𝑊 and 𝑤(𝑊 > 𝑤) respectively
are freely joined at 𝐵. The rods rest in equilibrium in a vertical plane with 𝐴𝐵̂ 𝐶 = 2 and the

ends 𝐴 and 𝐶 on a rough horizontal ground. If 𝜇 is the coefficient of friction between the rods
and the ground, show that the least possible value of 𝜇 is 𝑊+3𝑤 in order to preserve the

If 𝜇 = 𝑊+3𝑤 , prove that the slipping is about to occur at 𝐶 but not at 𝐴.

(06) (a) Four uniform rods 𝐴𝐵, 𝐵𝐶, 𝐶𝐷 and 𝐷𝐸 each of length 2𝑎 are smoothly joined at 𝐵, 𝐶 and 𝐷.
The weight of each of the rods 𝐴𝐵 and 𝐷𝐸 is 2𝑊 and the weight of each of the rods 𝐵𝐶 and
𝐶𝐷 is 𝑊. The rods are suspended in a vertical plane from the points 𝐴 and 𝐸 on the same
horizontal level and the system is in equilibrium with the rods 𝐴𝐵 and 𝐵𝐶 making angles 𝛼
and 𝛽 respectively, with the vertical.
Show that tan 𝛽 = 4 tan 𝛼.
(b) Seven light rods 𝐴𝐵, 𝐵𝐶, 𝐶𝐷, 𝐷𝐸, 𝐸𝐴, 𝐸𝐵 and 𝐵𝐷 of equal length are smoothly jointed at their
ends to form a framework as shown in the figure. The framework is smoothly hinged at 𝐶 and
carries a weight of 10√3 newtons at 𝐴. The framework is held in a vertical plane, with 𝐴𝐶
horizontal, by a horizontal force 𝑃 at 𝐸.
(i) Evaluate the magnitude of the force 𝑃 at 𝐸.
(ii) Find the magnitude and the direction of the reaction at 𝐶.
(iii)Using Bow’s notation, draw a stress diagram for the framework and find the stresses in
all the rods, distinguishing between tensions and thrusts.

(07) Show that the centre of gravity of a uniform solid right circular cone of height ℎ is on its axis of
symmetry at a distance 4 ℎ from the base of the cone.
A mould for a right circular cone with base radius 𝑟 and height ℎ is produced by making a conical
hollow in a uniform solid right circular cylindrical block of radius 𝑅(> 𝑟) and height 𝐻(> ℎ).
The axis of symmetry of the conical hollow coincides with that of the cylindrical block. The
mould made is as shown in the figure. Find the distance to the centre of gravity of the mould from
the diameter 𝑃𝑄.
If 𝑅 = 2𝑟 and the centre of gravity of the mould is at the vertex of the conical hollow,
deduce that ℎ = 2(4 − √14)𝐻.
The mould with 𝑅 = 2𝑟 is suspended from the point 𝑃 and hangs freely in equilibrium. Further,
if 𝐻 = 3𝑟, find the inclination of 𝑃𝑄 with the downward vertical.

(08) Let 𝐴 and 𝐵 be any two events. Let 𝐴′ and 𝐵′ be the complementary events of 𝐴 and 𝐵
Prove that, 𝑃(𝐴 ∩ 𝐵 ′ ) = 𝑃(𝐴) − 𝑃(𝐴 ∩ 𝐵).
Hence, show that 𝑃(𝐴 ∪ 𝐵) = 𝑃(𝐴) + 𝑃(𝐵) − 𝑃(𝐴 ∩ 𝐵).
If 𝐴 and 𝐵 are independent events, show that
(i) 𝐴 and 𝐵′
(ii) 𝐴′ and 𝐵′
are independent.
Past information reveals that the regular batsman 𝑋 or the regular bowler 𝑌 of the Sri Lankan
team has a chance of sustaining an injury prior to an international one-day series. The probability
of 𝑋 sustaining such an injury is 0.2 and that for 𝑌 is 0.1. The injuries may occur independently
of each other. The events 𝑁, 𝐴, 𝐵 and 𝐴𝐵 are defined as follows:
N: neither 𝑋 not 𝑌 sustains an injury.
A: only 𝑋 sustains an injury.
B: only 𝑌 sustains an injury.
AB: 𝑋 and 𝑌 sustain injuries.
Show that, 𝑃(𝑁) = 0.72, 𝑃(𝐴) = 0.18, 𝑃(𝐵) = 0.08 and 𝑃(𝐴𝐵) = 0.02.
The conditional probabilities of Sri Lankan team winning a series, losing a series or ending a
series in a draw for given event 𝑁, 𝐴, 𝐵 or 𝐴𝐵 are shown in the table, where the cell (𝑈, 𝑉) in the
table represents 𝑃(𝑉|𝑈), the conditional probability of 𝑉 given 𝑈.
(i) Drawing an appropriate tree diagram or otherwise, find the probability that the Sri Lankan
team will win the forthcoming series.
(ii) Given that the Sri Lankan team has lost a series, find the conditional probability that 𝑌 had an
injury prior to that series.
Event Result of a series (V)
(U) Win Lose Draw
N 0.9 0.08 0.02
A 0.5 0.4 0.1
B 0.7 0.2 0.1
AB 0.3 0.6 0.1

(09) (a) Let {𝑥1 , 𝑥2 … … 𝑥𝑛 } be a set of 𝑛 observations obtained from a certain study.
Define the mean and the variance of this set of data.
The amount of active ingredient in a certain tablet is supposed to lie between 52𝑚𝑔 and
67𝑚𝑔. The mean and the variance of a random sample of 40 tablets tested for the amount of
active ingredient contained were 58𝑚𝑔 and 3.2 𝑚𝑔2 respectively. It was found when data
were rechecked that the two values 63𝑚𝑔 and 55𝑚𝑔 of two tablets had been erroneously
taken as 65mg and 53mg.
Show that
(i) the mean is not affected due to this error,
(ii) the variance is reduced due to the correction.

(b) A ferry, supposed to transport passengers across the Kelani River at a certain town, is designed
for a maximum tare of 1500𝑘𝑔 approximately. Since it is not safe to exceed this weight limit,
the local authority of the area desires to conduct a survey to find out the weight distribution
of the passengers who are supposed to use this ferry service. A random sample of 200
passengers from this population is taken. The weights of these 200 passengers are given in
the grouped frequency distribution.
(i) Find the mean, median and mode of the weight distribution. The local authority expects
to express the weight limit of the ferry in terms of the maximum number of passengers
who can be transported safely at a time. Based on the above information, find the
maximum number of passengers who can be transported safely at a time.
(ii) Find the standard deviation and the coefficient of skewness of the distribution and obtain
the shape of the distribution.
Class interval
(weight in kg)
0-10 10
10-20 27
20-30 33
30-40 35
40-50 38
50-60 30
60-70 19
70-80 8

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