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WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COMDAYKEM.QU I DO VAN THAO x a 225 BAL TAP TENG ANH CHUYEN.BE ‘CONG NGHE THONG TIN (DUNG CHO HOC SINH CHUAN BI THITUYEN VAO CAC TRUONG CAO DANG VA BAI HOC) NHA XUAT BAN GIAO DUC - 2000 Gi6i thigu trich doan boi GV. Nguyén Thanli Ti ~~ WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQL WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COMDAYKEM.QU & ia 425/205 - 00 Ma sé “PNK20T0 a) 7 . Gi6i thiéu trich doan boi GV. Nguyén Thanh Tit | WWW.RACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQL WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COMDAYKEM.QU LOINOI DAU AYN Cudn sach nay nim trong b6 sach chuyén dé tiéng Apbigém 5 5 tap, duige bién soan theo tiing chi dé: 262 Bai tap tiéng Anh chuyén dé Bao vé méi fring 225 Bai tap tiéng Anh chuyén dé Cong ngbé thong tin 180 Bai tap tiéng Anh chuyén dé Danh nhan thé gidi p lifng Anh chuyén dé Thé thao” 170 Bai tap tiéng Anh chuyén dé Am»pliae Muc tiéu cia bé sach 1A giup cdc em Boe sinh thuéc khéi lép 10, 11 va 12 viion lén hoe gidi tiéng Anh va chur in bj tét dé thi tuyén vao cde trutng Dai hge, Cao ding. Méi cudn sach duge trinh bay theo.sau phan chinh: ngif phap, tir vuing, dién ti, doc hiéu, viét va dap Fe ggi ¥. Riéng chuyén dé Danh 6i due bd sung phan phu luc vé ti Cac loai hinh bai tap trong méi chuyén dé duge bién soan da dang nham muc dich gitip hoe’ sin! “én tap kigh thie od ban déng thai rén luyén ki nang sii dung tiéng Anh mt céch c6 hiéu qua. Phan dp an ggi ¥ gitp cae em hoc sinh tham khéo va ty danh gia kha nang cia minh trong qué trinh tyhoc. Tuy nhién, trong mot, sé truding hgp cu thé, vin con ¢6 nhim; Phuong 4 An (ra 181 khée c6 thé duge chap nhan. Ching t6i mong rang céc em hoe sinh sé tim duge cée Idi gidi hay va décdaéohon. Véi bé sachchuyén dé nay, ching tai hi vong ring cic em hoc sinh sé edm thay hing tht hon trong hoc tap, tu tin hon v6i kin thie tiéng Anh va hiéu biét xa hdi cia minh, déng thdi dap tng tét cdc yeu cau cia ki thituyén sinh vao Dai hoe va Cao dang mén tiéng Anh. Trong qua trinh bién soan, chdc chin cén nhiéu thiéu sét. Chiing'téi mong nhan duoc nhting ¥ kién dong gép va phé binh xay ~ dyngdua quy thay, ¢6 giao va céc em hoe sinh dé lan tai ban tdi, bd ch-sé dude hoan thién hon. Da Nang ngay 01 thang 6 ném 2000 The gid Gidi thiéu trich doan boi GV. Nguyén Thanh Tit WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQL WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COMDAYKEM.QU MUC LUC Grammar practice Vocabulary practice Cloze practice Reading practice Writing practice Answer key Sach tham khao Gidi thiéu trich doan boi GV. Nguyén Thanh Tit | WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQL WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COMDAYKEM.QU GRAMMAR PRACTICE 1. A) Read the conversation and put the correct au into each gap. Use the contracted form where possible MY COMPUTER'S GONE WRONG! D: Good afternoon; Apple Helpline here. I’m Damian. How ean I help you? a& V: Oh, at last! Hello, Damian. I (1) got a terrible problem with _my computer. It (2) .......... (not) working at all. q | Ds ‘Ok, OK. Tell me your name and your company; name and deseribe what (3) .......... happened. V: My name’s Valerie, Val actually, Valerie Marks. 1 (4) . (not) work for a company. I'm self-employed 1 work at home, and I (5) .. trying to meet an important, line at the moment. This morning | (6) working away happily, when suddenly everything stopped and a message came on the screen. Then the screen went blank. D: Ok Val, (7).......... (not) wor What (8). the message say ? V: [can’t remember exactly, because | (9) .. (not) understand it, but I think it said something about “not enough memory”. D: It’s OK, Val. 1 undeggtand. Tell me, Val, (10) .......... yor switched the computer off. V: No,I(11). (not). It’s still on. D: Fine, Val. Nowdo cxactly what I say. Go to your computer, OK ? Can you see a W in the top right-hand corner ? Click on that W with the moyse. What (12).......... it. say ? Can you read it to me ? Vv: It says “Turn off your computer and then restart it after a few ~ minutesEverything would be OK. See you.” B) Here are some questions about the conversation. The words are mixed up. Put them in the right order and then answer the question. 1."Yatthe is why Apple Helpline ringing ? Because . work for Val does company which ? She . : doing: when computer she her was what stopped ? Gi6i thigu trich doan béi GV. N, in Thanh Ti WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQL WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COMDAYKEM.QU She. ic 4, Val why remember message the can’t? Because .. 5. switched computer she has her off 2 No, 2. verb in brackets. Where there is no verb given, BUT, or BECAUSE in each gap. = 1 (watch) . (1) Crime Report on television last (enjoy) . (3) it a lot. The first few scenes (be) (4) rather dull (6). later the programme (become).......... (6) ¥ery interesting. | also (like) (7) the policeman on yesterday’s programme (8) . he (talk) .......... (9) about unusual crimes (10) .....,.a-shte (explain)... (11) everything very clearly. He also (give) .. 2) very good answers to all the questions. 3. Read the following conversat ‘and choose the best answer. Miss Lower: Hello. (1) A. Tt y C. Here _ Dave Young: (2) Mrs Young, please ? A. Can C. Will Miss Lower: (3) A. I sorry Dave Young: What tifte (4) ......... back ? A. is she coming: ¢B. comes she C. she does come Miss Lower: Mnivafiaid (5) ......... A. 1’m not knowing B. I don’t know C. I cannot know Who (6) ........., please ? A. speaks0” B. does speak C. is speaking Dave Young: (7)... her husband, A B.He’s ~ C. She’s Miss'kower: Can she (8) you when she comes back ? Ac phoning B. phoned C. phone Young: No. I'm afraid not. (9) .....0-my office now. ‘A. I leave B. I'm leaving C. Leaving 6 Gidi thiéu trich doan boi GV. Nguyén Thanh Tit | WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQL WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COMDAYKEM.QU Please tell her Paul and I (10) . home at eight. ... tennis tonight. Pll be* A. play B. playing C. are playing Miss Lower: Certainly. Oh, wait a moment, please. I think (11). back now. - A. come B. she comes ~ C. she’s comin 4. Fill each gap with the correct form of the verb: I John: I see you (1) ... i please? Mike: Certainly, it (2) . news. 5 John: Isee your radio (3) ....... got all sorts, GF waves - long, medium, short as well as ultrashort below. ten_ineters. By the way, what (4) .......... these ultrashort waves u: Mike: They (5) .. used for short’ distance broadcasting and , communication, also for television. + John: Well, (6) . shed the radio on? There (7) ... nothing happening. : Pll have a look. Oh, 148) Now I (9) . put it John: That (10) . allright. There (11) .... music | should likesto listen to this evening. Mike: You (12) ‘also got a radio set. | suppose you (13) .. listening to it’evéry day, aren’t you ? John: Oh, Md love t6, but | can’t, 1 (14). usually too busy for that. Mike: It (15) a pitf, there (16) . some very interesting English programs every week. Why not join me and listen to these lessoits together ? They (17) ........ very useful if you want to take up a language. Oh; by all means, I'll try to spare the time to. rite down my telephone number, please, and phone me when you (18) ........ ready to come, .. almost 7 0’ Mike plugged it in the wrong way. ...a good program of John: Mik Gidi thiéu trich doan boi GV. Nguyén Thanh Tit | WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQL WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COMDAYKEM.QU 5. Fill each gap with the correct form of the verb BE, HAVE or DO. Peter: (1)... you know much about computers? Diana : Nota great deal. Peter: I’ve just (2) .......... reading an article about them. They Q). used for all sorts of things. Diana : For accounting systems and things you mean? Peter: Yes, but they (4)... used for other things t00: (5)... You remember when we went to buy our tickets for the’ flight to Greece? ¢ Diana : Yes. aw Peter: The man asked where we wanted to go, thenie typed out the information on a form andwaited for a reply “A few moments later he gave us our tickets. Diana : Of course. His machine must (6) | computer. Peter: That (7)..... ‘been connected to a right. 6. Fill each gap with the correct form of the verb BE, HAVE or bo. & Harvey: By the way, (1) .......... youhear “Carmen” last night ? Smith: My wife (2) . Personally, 1 (3)... not very keen on opera, but she (4) ss... » 80-1 didn’t like to suggest switching to another stations Harvey: What kind of programme (5)........... you like best then ? Smith: Oh, | like a straight play ... 1 find some of the talks interesting too, and I never miss the sporting events. Harvey: You don’t Jisten to the French stations, (6) Smith: I (7), «a. afraid not. 1 (8) . know!(9) ? Harvey: Yes;1 like their programmes very much. It (10) ........ a good practice in ear-training and I understand nearly everything, S¥ou (11) asses lucky. I wish 1 (12) . your gift for languages. you? .. not good at languages, you Gi6i thigu trich doan béi GV. N, in Thanh Ti | WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQL WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COMDAYKEM.QU 7. Fill each gap with the correct form of the verb BE , HAVE or DO. Mike : (1) ........ you see “Othello” on television last night ? Jack : The opera you mean. No, didn’t. I (2) out. Mike: 1 (3) sorry you missed it. I saw it, and quite enjoyed Jack : (4) .. you? I thought you (5) ......... (not) approve of television. Mike: 1 (6) + (not) as a regular thing, but I happened to be round at my sister’s, and she wanted to see it, so I watched it too. Jack : (7) .......... you thotight any more about getting a set? Mike: No, | don’t think I shall , though I (8) .. think about it as you know. What I mostly object to (9) .... the-time it wastes. Jack : It isn’t the television that wastes the time SECO) you. 8. Fill each gap with the correct form. nthe verb BE or HAVE. It) Peter’s first day as,4°management trainee and it felt rather like his first day at school. GeoFge had (2) ......... given the job of showing him round Head Office and 4aswering his questions. * (3) ........ you any idea how-long I'll spend here ?” Peter asked. “About a month, probably,” George replied .”Then they'll send you to one of the shops and you'll get a chance to find out what happens there. Now I'll show you the computer.” Peter (4) ......... heard a lot about computers, but he (5) .....;2.never seen a big one. They entered a large, air-conditioned room. It (6) ... ‘Tapes and discs turned.tound, stopped and turned again. “Tt (7) ike a science fiction film,” Peter thought to himself. “That ( the control unit,” said George, pointing to a grey, mental cabinet, about the size of a large refrigerator. “What (9) . it doing ?” Peter asked. “It 0) . used for various things,” said George. “For instance we use it to run the accounts system.” ‘What, for all the shops, too ?” Peter could hardly believe it. smiled. ” “Every day the shops send us a list of their sales and they (11) all fed into the computer. Then a print-out (12) .......... sent back.” At one end of the room discs and tapes (13) .......... stacked on shelves, all carefully labelled. . very busy. Gi6i thigu trich doan béi GV. N, in Thanh Ti WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQL WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COMDAYKEM.QU . where we store the information,” said George.“ “That (14) 9. Choose the best reply from List B for each question in List 1 List A I. Was there anything good on TV last night ? 2. What was it called ? 3. What was it about ? 4. What was so special about ? 5. Really ? What time was it on? 6. I’m sorry I missed it. Is there going to be another chapee 10 see it? List B A. Itwas all about gorillas: and the way they live B. Cc. D. Yes, there was an interesting nature programme. E. “The Gentle Giant”. F. From seven to eight. 10. Fill each gap in the passage with a suitable possessive adjective or pronoun. REAL PERSONAL SERVICE On (1) last visit to Gondon my wife and I stayed at the Magna Hotel. The Magna be a favorite hotel of (2)... but we hadn’t stayed there for‘over sixteen years. The hotel is famous for (3) seusne Service and We weren’t disappointed. “The porter will show you to (4) .......... room,” the! Receptionist said with a smile and we were shown to a room on thé.first floor. “This is (5) .......... favorite room,” I exclaimed .“T know siti De porter said. “ (6) . is the room with a view, isn’t ite” “That’s qi ” 1 said. “You like milk in (7) .......... tea in. the morning and madany prefers lemon in (8) hat’s right.” my wife said. She me by the sleeve with pleasure when the porter had gone. “Aren't they ainazing! They remember (9).......... preferences afier all these years. cis real personal service.” The next morning at breakfast, we were eaiven raspberry jam with (10) ......... toast instead of orange marmalade. ibn" t there any marmalade ?” 1 asked the waiter. “We never eat raspberry” 10 Gidi thiéu trich doan boi GV. Nguyén Thanh Tit | WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQL WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COMDAYKEM.QU jam in the morning.” “Sorry sir,” the waiter said. “You offered some for breakfast on (11) ........ last visit and it’s been in the computer memory ever since !” &S 11. Choose the best answer . He is interested playing computer games. A. with B. by C.on 2. We are fond istening to music A. offon B. offin C. on/on 3. case of fire, ring up 999. A. On B. In C. With 4. I thought I would sell my own computer, but.«. second thoughts I changed my mind. .......... the whole I think Iwas wise. A. in/in B. on/in C. onl D. in/on 5. She said she was tired sitting in fronbof the computer all day. A. with B. about for D. of 6. Our conference was interrupted ‘telephone calls many times. A. by B. for with D. of 7. She accused the man . breaking her radio. A. for B. of ~ — C. about 8. People all over the world can-get good pictures .. communications satellit A. in/by way of “= B. on/in view of - C.on/by means of D. inv/from 9. He is distinguishe his knowledge of informatics. A. at B, about C. in Dz for 10. The new electrosiic machine proves accurate ........ its calculations. A. in ad B. with C. for D. to 11. He is ariauthority programming languages. A. in y B. about C.on D. for 12. PH Gnake amends 2 YOU wee the damages... YOur B. to/for/to C. to/at/to D. for/for/in Gi6i thigu trich doan bi GV. Ng guyén Thanh Ti ~~ WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQL WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COMDAYKEM.QU 12. Fill each gap with the correct form of the verb BE, HAVE or DO. Sometimes you need a negative form. COMPUTER WONDER-BOY Mr and Mrs Stokes (1)... sitting in the garden Bristol fiome when I arrived to interview them and their fourteen- son Carl, But Carl (2)... working upstairs. “He (3)... his room,” his mother explained. a At the moment Carl (4)........... working on a programme for a new computer game. Computers (5) . . become his whole lifé. In the last year Carl (6) .. earned over 25,000 pounds from writing programmes. A lot of other people (7) . trying to do the samey jowadays, but not many. of them (8) . done as well as Carl. “When (9) : the boy buy the compisier?” | wondered. “We bought it for him eighteen months ago for his birthday,” said Mr Stokes. >We (10) . know what we (11) .. ing. Our son (12) . changed. Eighteen months ago he (13) seen a computer. Now he (14) .. talk about anything else. And-we (15) understand a thing about computers.” “And (16) .. ‘think it’s good for him?” was my next question. “No, we (17) We worry about him,” said Mrs Stokes.” He (18) "have any-dtiier interests now. And he (19) .. done any work for his school exams. It’s often quite a job to make him go to school at all.” Carl's parents (20), understand computers, but Carl certainly (21) ... ove computers,” he said. “I soon got tired of playing games, though Ivlike writing programmes much better. I’ve got three computers now. F bought two more. I (22) earn much at first, but now I (23) .. “ My parents make me put most of it inthe benk.” 13. Choose. the’ best reply from List B for each question in List List A a 2. What’*s your favourite programme ? . Why do you like it? Gi6i thigu trich doan béi GV. N, in Thanh Ti WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQL WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COMDAYKEM.QU = A. Because they’re usually boring. B. Now and again I listen to football commentaries. Gc D. I don’t care for them either. E. F. Do you listen to any sports programmes ? List B 1 like pop music and I like Dave Lee, the presenter. “Pop Songs for Everyone”. Yes, whenever I’m in my father’s car. 14, Write the correct form of the words_ity brackets in the following conversation. Vijay : Vijay Habby speaking. Simi: Hell, Vijay. (It be) Simi Karim heré Vijay: Hello, Sim Simi: I (not do) anything at Vijay: ¥ we do) ‘anything at the rmonigh? (do) my nomesbre. What about you ? moment. In fact, I’m rather Simi: Tacha st this evening. 7. Vijay: You (be) very lucky. 8. ES se / Simi: Sony. I can’t hear you. There (be) a strange noise . Gi6i thiéu trich doan boi GV. Nguyér (Someone play) a record ? 10. : Yes, my sister is. I wy) to write a composition Ts sexevsa Thank Ti — WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQL WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COMDAYKEM.QU and she (play) all her records. 12... 15. Read the passage and fill each gap with a suitabl preposition. * ¥ The computer is the machine that performs tasks, such (1) mathematical calculations or electronic communication, (2) control of a set of instructions called a program. Programs usually reside (3) .-.sseu the computer and are retrieved and processed (4) computer’s electronics, and the program results are stored-or routed to output devices, such as video display monitors or printers. Computers are used to perform a wide variety (5) .......... actiyitiés with reliability, accuracy, and speed. 16. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable tense. Have you ever wondered what exactly you (1) . (do) in ten years? time ? Well, according to computer expert’Tom Vincent, computers (2) sss (Soon be able) to make accurate’ predictions about the future. Professor Vincent, from Cambridge University, (3) \........ (hold) a press conference next week to describe the computer which he calls Computafuture . “This computer can tell us what life (4) ...... (be) like, based on data describing past-events,” explains Professor Vincent. For example, Computafuture canipredict how many people (5).......... (live) in a particular area, or whether there (6) ........ (be) a lot of rain during a particular period. Professor Vincent.also believes that by the year 2050, computers (7) ........1¢(réplace) teachers, and (8) .......... (also do) most of the jobs now being‘done by the police. “Computers are becoming more intelligent all the time,” says Professor Vincent.”Soon they (9) ... (direct) traffie_find (10) (teach) our children. And telling us about the future.” <5" 17. Each. of the following sentences has a mistake. Find and it. his table is not sturdy enough to support a television, and that one

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