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WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COMDAYKEM.QU A. ring B. phone C. telephone D. call A 5. Someone answers the telephone and you say, “Can I. I A. speak to B. talk to C. say to D. tell 6. How do you pronounce the first figure in the number: 071 499 3725.2 A.oh ‘B.nil C. love D. nought > 7. The telephone .......... out of order, Mr Brown did not know wiat to do. A. was B. being C.has been DD. was being 8. Television ......... only for the last sixty years. A. must be existed B. has been exists C. was existed D. has existed (~ 9. He didn’t seem to mind......... TV while he was tryitig to study. A. that they watch B. their watching C. them watching D, them,toswatch 10. When I telephoned the headmaster, his secretary told me to...... on as he was talking to someone. A. wait B. g0 Cx tiold D. carry 11. May I watch the television prograny. we are having lunch ? A. while B. during, between. just 12. 1 looked up their number in the télephone A. guide B.list 6 D. catalogue 13. If he phones, .......... him to by: some potatoes on the way home. A.remember B. recollect C. recall D. remind 14.1 think you'd ......... fora plumber and get it done. A. better-to phone = B. better phone C. rather to phone D. rather have call 15. John is very playing computer games. A. at B.on 66. Fill each‘gap in the sentences with the correct form of the word in capifal letters. 1. Some,parénts worry about their children’s . to computer games. ADDICT 2. They believe that playing games for too long canbe wean 10 their children’s health HARM 3. In particular, parents are afraid of changes in the children’s wee PERSON Gidi thiéu trich doan boi GV. Nguyén Thanh Tit | WWW.FACEBOOK:COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQL WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COMDAYKEM.QU 4, Some parents have frequent ......... with their children about how often and how long they should play these games for. ARGUE 5. There is no proof that computer games are dangerous. SCIENCE « 6. Although the basic .......... is relatively cheap , the computer! games themselves are expensive. EQUIP. 7. Computer game companies employ special .......... to help people who get into difficulties with their games. ADVICE 8. A source cannot be directly processed by the computer until it has been .. “COMPILE 9: Our introductory programming text included a brief ........ of many high-level languages. ” DESCRIBE 10. Did the analyst give the new programmer the necessary to start on the project ? y SPECIFY 11. The time necessary for . usually indicated on the computer printout. EXECUTE 12. The success of the course depends on the ....... of the tutors to help the students in their computer a: AVAILABLE 13. Computers are used in on-line airline RESERVE 14, The memory of a computer) has numerous storage ........ called addresses. i LOCATE 15. The system analyst insistéd/on .......... the junior programmers for the first three months of their work. SUPERVISE 67. Read the passage-and choose the best answer. A new VR (virtual reality) headset for the home user will be in - the shops soon. Théymakers (1) ......... that it will change the way that computer games are played. Unlike the heavy VR headsets that people have been using-in arcades (2) ......... the last few years, the new sets look more like a pair of sunglasses than a fireman’s (3) . A spokesman for the company said, “A lot of people had (4) . with the old headsets. They were (5) heavy that if you wore them (6) more fhan an hour or so, they could cause quite a lot of (7) newsheadsets are very comfortable, and will be perfect for games as well s. i education.” 53 Giéi thiéu trich doan boi GV. Nguyén Thanh Ti — WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQL WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COMDAYKEM.QU Some scientists, however , are (8) ... bout the effects of VR. Child psychologist Brenda Smith explained: “There have (9) .. bee several cases or violence among young children where computer games were to (10) . With VR, we will soon have children who are: At the end of the day we watch a little television .......... going to bed. 56 Gidi thiéu trich doan boi GV. Nguyén Thanh Tit | WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQL WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COMDAYKEM.QU A. before B. then C. upon D. during 7. My phone is out of order, which is a A. hurt B. nuisance C. trouble = Deharm 8. Give her a telephone number to ring ......... she gets lost. SS A.whether —B. unless C.incase —_D. perhaps, 9. If you have any ........ concerning this report please telephone the Planning Office. A. queries. B. requests C. investigations D. wishes 10. The interference on the radio was . by weather-conditions. A. made B. caused C. raised “D. happened 11. Ifyou require any more ....... about the holiday . fase telephone us. A. description B. information C. news D. facts 12. If I were you, ......... phone and tell her youtré going to be late. A.Vd BPI C.rdhave = DI 13. If ........ John, tell him I°ll phone him later, A.yousaw —_B. you’dseen_Ceydu’ll see D. you see 14, Bob says there’s never anything wéith*watching on TV but... hours watching the football. Avhe’dsat — Beheissitting Cohe’ltsit_ Dee sit 15. Don’t try to phone me. By thetime you read this letter, A.Pveleft B.Vilhave left C. I'll leave D. I’m learning 72. Fill each gap in the-sentences with the correct form of the word in capital letters.) ” ~ 1. When you've this book, you should have a basic knowledge of computers and how they work. COMPLETE 2. Microcomputers are usually .......... to operate. SIMPLIFY 3. Companies.often borrow huge sums of money to ....... large-scale projects 4o'computerize their business: FINANCIAL 4, There are many ... institutes that teach computer programming. EDUCATE ing to program is a.......... part of any course in computer science. ey FUNCTION 06 be a good programmer, one must be........... in one’s approach to a — problem. LOGIC 7 On-line equipment is usually to the computer. CONNECT 57 Gi6i thiéu trich doan boi GV. Nguyér Thanh Ti — WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQL WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COMDAYKEM.QU 8. The banking industry has become more and more .. COMPUTER 9. The components of a computer system operate only in ... commands from the control unit. RESPOND “ 10. A programmer .......... What the computer is to do, and without’ the program the computer cannot process the necessary information, ” DECISION TH. Computers have many ......... characteristics that the Jayman_ is unaware of. DISTINGUISH ‘esult in a better 12. The . .. of a new and larger installation will . ROVIDE : service to custgmers. 13. Information sent via a computer is faster than using the sn system of airlines or postal service. EXPRESSION 14. There is a........... difference between an analog computer with a digital one. CONSIDER 15. Due to the advances in computer technology , computer ... faced with a more challenging job. ~.S, DESIGN 73. Choose the best answer. ; 1. We must save ......... money ‘A. which B. whom C.who 0D. whose 3. Tom wants to sell the television ........ boughtlast year. A. which B. it C. that D. he 4, Nowadays computers are used all... the world, A. over B. in . D. through 5. Vm tired of pictures in black and.white. | wish I had a television. y A.coloured —_ B: colours .colour ‘colouring 6. Which sentence is correct ? A. Bell invented telephghe nearly a hundred years ago. B. Bell invented the telephone nearly hundred years ago C. Bell invented the telephone nearly a hundred years ago. D. Bell invented telephone nearly the hundred years ago. . “Hello. Is Mr Smithin 2” “He’s not in this ~ partment. Please dial the same number, but ask for or, _ A.expansion B.extension —C. duration D. continuation 8. He'd rather read books than ......... to the radio. A, listen B.tolisten ~C. listening _D.. listened 9.8 with her?“ “By telephone.” A, Did you get in touch B. How did you get in touch ©. Why did you get in touch —D. Will you get in touch .. his homework, he decided to relax by listening to the radio. A. To complete B. On completion C. Have complete D. Having completed . ourradio setatonce. 62 Gidi thiéu trich doan boi GV. Nguyén Thank Tit | WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQL WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COMDAYKEM.QU A. repair B. repaired C. torepair —_‘D. repairing 12. They. for the software programs they have sold A. should be responsible B. responsible C. should responsible D. should be response 13. When did you have Windows 2000 ..... into your computer 2. install B. installed C. installing —_D. install 14, Public television stations are different from commercial stations........... A, because they receive money differently and different types of shows. B. for money and programs types. © C. because the former receives money and’ has programs differently from the latter. D. in the areas of funding and programming 15. That is last year’s telephone directory. It’: S hox.. date now. A. into B. besides C.o D. out 79. A) Match each phrasal verb in information progress science ¥» success communication medicine sition _ knowledge’ technology _ service : RADIO-ELECTRONICS TODAY Much of our (1) 1 the field of space research is due to radio and electronics. Today; radio or more widely electronics, a very young and a very promig 1g (2) «. , has become a powerful tool of progress. It will give usa ‘deeper (3) ......... of the properties of outer space. Radio has already helped man to learn more about the sun’s atmosphere, the atmosphere of any planets, it enables our cosmonauts to locate their @). in spact, and there is radio communication not only between the spaceships*and their home bases, but also between the spaceships themselves, dio is not the only carrier of (5) .. in space. There are infra-red “and ultra-violet radiation, X- and gamma-rays, elementary particles and fields, etc. The time is not so far off when these and other catriers will be used for space (6) ~ a great advance comparable avith scientists’ achievements in putting radio waves at the (7) .......... of ynankind, when he built the first radio receiver. 64 Gidi thiéu trich doan boi GV. Nguyén Thanh Tit | WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQL WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COMDAYKEM.QU There are. many more uses for electronics besides communications. A good deal of (8) ........ made in-space. would not have been possible without electronic computers making thousands upof) > thousands of operations a second. They solve logical problems, supply” information on many aspects of science and (9) .......... , translate from one language into another, automatically control industrial processes, etc. In (10)......... electronic devices help to diagnose the disease anid find the best treatment. QR 81. Fill each gap in the passage with the correct-form of the word in brackets. , DATA FLOW IN DIGITAL COMPUTERS According to a popular (1) (believe), the outstanding characteristic of modern digital computer is its.(2)......... (amaze) speed. Although it is true that the computer ‘operates: swith (3) (electron) swiftness, this is not its (4) .........many) ouitstinding characteristic. It is the automatic sequencing of its intemal (SY......... (operate) that makes the computer something more than just’ king-size adding machine. What would be the use of a machine cdpable of thousands of (6) .. (mathematics) operations per second if it were not automatic ? Could an a (operate) punch the keyboard fast enough to keep the computer supplied with (8)........... (datum)-and to control the internal operations ? Obviously not. The automatic. digital computer must, therefore, (9) ... (content) ‘a memory unit capable of holding large amounts of data and (10) ... (instruct), and thes¢ must be automatically extracted from memory as they are needed. Because computers employ two-state (“on-off”) type of circuits, data and instructions must be handed in binary form. The binary system of notation employs only two symbols, 0 and 1, and (11) ......... (vary) combinations Of-(12) ... (this) symbols are used to represent numerals and letters of the alphabet. Several such representations are shown below: 001001 =9 O10llL=X “H0101=E 001011 =% > Each numeral, letter, etc. is represented by a unique group of six bits (binary digits). There are a total of 64 (13) ........ (differ) six-bit ‘combinations - more than enough to represent all the letters of the SA TACNTT 65 Gi6i thigu trich doan béi GV. N, in Thanh Ti WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQL WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COMDAYKEM.QU alphabet, the numerals from 0 to 9, (14) ........ (punctuate) marks, and, other special symbols. In world practice there is a code now employiny seven-bit groups. Since there are 128 seven-bit combinations, this code handles all the (15) ......... (alphabet) and numeric characters and special symbols and leaves many other combinations to be used for, special control purposes. 82. Unscramble these anagrams. All of them are about the subject of COMPUTER y 2. COMERIPMRCOUT: 4. TOMINOR 6. CRAGSHIP. suitable word or phrase 1. KINGCHA, 3. PFLYPO SCID: 5. LIKETOBY : 83. Fill each gap in the sentences wit! from the box. disk disk drive hard disk keyboard menu microprocessor ‘modem — monitor operating system RAM: RAM (Random Aes ory) _ROM (Read Only Memory) works like a norm: oe | The .... is whefe you place the disks to start the program. shows what you type and the computer's calculations. Avhiat you can actually see. is‘ list of information that lets you choose what to do next. The .i8 used for making hard copies of what you can see. . Information is stored outside the computer on ... Man§.imodern computers have a .........., With which you can move an »w to point at different parts of the screen. is the heart of the computer and controls everything it does. is another term for the programs you use on a computer. . is a device which connects a computer to a telephone line. Se ee = 66 Giéi thiéu trich doan bdi GV. Nguyén Thanh Ti — WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQL WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COMDAYKEM.QU 12. As an alternative to putting information on a floppy disk you can use a. 13. vs. are chips in the computer with permanent instructions , programs which you can’t alter. 14. The ......... is a complex set of instructions which tells the gapuct how to carry different tasks. .. is the facility the computer uses to store programming information temporarily. The bigger this is, the more complicated the tasks the computer can carry out. 15. 84. Choose the best answer. ) 1. Did you see the first ......... of the new Agatha Christie on TV last night? BS A. serial B. series C.episodé story 2. Lwas ill all day yesterday, so just sat a television. A. saw B. watched C-noticed _D. looked at -3. I had a headache after the film because’ I was sitting too close to the television . A. view B, glass, C.window —_D. sereen 4, Did you see that fascinating-Wwildlife program ....... television last night? A.on B. at in D. by 5. Football is very ......... inthe world. Most of the matches are televised. A. likely popular C. pleasing __D.. interested ..10 get through 10 Jackie for days now. Either she’s away or her telephone is out of order A. Ltried <> B. I had tried C.P'm trying D. I've been trying 7. My TV. ..icS» has broken down twice already. A. which I bought only last year Bethat I bought only last year . Which I bought it only last year ‘D. I bought only last year hung up in the middle of our conversation, ....... absolutely B. that C. which D. who 67 Giéi thiéu trich doan bdi GV. Nguyén Thanh Ti — WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/OIDUONGHOAHOCQL WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COMDAYKEM.QU 9. Because of TV, people are bette world than they used to be A. instructed B.educated —C. informed _D. prepared 10. My cousin was nervous about being interviewed on television, b rose to the .......... wonderfully. A. event B. performance C. incident —_D. occas ... receipt of your instructions, 1 immediately sent a telex message to Algeria. . A.In B.On C. With D.By 12. He phoned to tell me that he couldn’t come tonGGiow | because he . to the dentist. .. about what is going on in thes ll. A.was going B.had gone — C. wouldigé”_D. went 13. Can you-......... the BBC World Service on your new radio ? A.-put on B. taken in C. pick up D. get at 14, Although he didn’t actually say he wai . pretty strongly. B. suggest ‘a radio for his birthday he >: mention D. hint and didn’t hear the phone C. submerged D. gripped 85..Fill each gap in the sentences with the correct form of the word in capital letters. \— 1. A computer is very 2. Microcomputers are’ 3. There are car manut POWER . cheaper than mainframes. GENERAL turing plants that are ... operated by robots. uw? COMPLETE, 4. Using a computer to control the payroll will ....... matters for many companies, >” SIMPLE 5. There are: many fields of ........ today that-use computers as tedching tools. EDUCATE: 6. There should be a........... improvement in your computer knowledge. NOTICE “programmer can operate a computer... he has the proper ining. PROVIDE . Many students today are studying to become .......... engineers. ELECTRICITY 68 guyén Thanh Ti WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQL Gi6i thigu trich doan béi GV. WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COMDAYKEM.QU 9. There will probably be a great .... in the consumption of oil in the next century due to the use of computer technology. REDUCE 10. A computer processes .......... prepared items of information. SPECIAL ~~ 11. It takes a lot of inspiration and hard work to come up with\a new . in computer technology. CREATE. 12. Computer graphic applications are .......... by the size of the s¢reen. RESTRICT 13. The future will bring great.......... in the mechanical devices associated with computer systems. “DEVELOP 14, My calculator is It plays a tune on the hour,” PROGRAM 15. _- was introduced by Gutenberg in Germany in the 1400s, PRINT. 86. Fill cach gap in the passage suitable word from the box. automobiles computers appliancés inventories recorders systems problems educators programs _ communications K Uses OF C COMPUTERS People use computers in a Wide variety of ways. In business, computers track (1) .......... with bar_dédes and scanners, check the credit status of customers, and transfert funds electronically. In homes, tiny computers embedded in the electfonic circuitry of most (2) ........ control the indoor temperature, operate home security systems, tell the time, and turn videocassette” (3) . on and off. Computers in (4) ... regulate the flow of fuel, thereby increasing gas mileage. Computers also entertain, creating digitized sound on stereo (5) .. or computer- animated‘features from a digitally encoded laser disc. Computer (6) suse or applications, exist to aid every level of education, from programs that teach simple addition or sentence construction to advahced calculus. (7) . use computers to track grades and prepare ‘ Could yda.........the Unefora tament, plese 2% . Hello, switchboard ? Can I have an What is Miss Fisher’s .......... number ? Can Hléave a. for-Sarah Grey, please,’ To make a call from a public telephone, lifsthe . . I'm sorry, I can't hear you very well, t Could you give me a The number for ... and insert a coin. SIAN @ a) 89.Fill each gap in the paragraph with the correct form of the __word in brackets. Y 71 Gidi thiéu trich doan boi GV. Nguyén Thanh Tit | WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQL WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COMDAYKEM.QU Computer (1) .........use) can prepare for a viral infection by creating backups of legitimate (2) (origin) software and data files (3) . (regular) so that the computer system can be restored if (4) .. (necessity). A floppy disk with a copy of the operating system software® y can be made and its write-(5) (protect) notch activated so that. no virus can write onto the disk. Viral (6) . (infect) can be prevented by (7) (obtain) software from legitimate sources, using a quarantined computer to test new software, and using the write-protect notches on floppy disks (8) ......... (when) possible. « 90. Fill each gap in the passage with a suitable word from the box. automation science existence research master communication economy _aim At present theré are millions of computers in operation throughout the world. The (1) ........ of hundreds of computing machines, and connected by automatic (2) . lines with industry, supply centres, transport and organs of finance will fundamentally change national economic management. Controlled by cybernetics, industrial enterprises will operate at the most»efficient peak. This, in tum, will effect tremendous (3) ....... of time and resources The comparatively simple methods of (4) . used for some technologies will becéme more and more complicated. As production techniques becortie’ more efficient, they can be more effectively controlled, with.the (5) .. of raising the quality and the quantity of manufactured goods and improving working conditions. Despite the numerous results of (6) .......... into cybernetics, opening dp, breath-taking prospects for science, industry and economics it is still hard to predict the achievements this wonderful (7) .u0May make in the near future, since the pace of technical progress is is exceptionally great and continually increasing. Gi6i thigu trich doan béi GV. N, in Thanh Ti WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQL WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COMDAYKEM.QU The advance in the technical progress is the outcome, primaril; of the talent, inventiveness and the effort of man - this great remaker and (8) ......... of nature. 91. Fill each ‘gap in the paragraph with the correct fo ™m. of the word in brackets. John Vincent Atanasoff (1903-1995), an American physicist) (i). (bear) in Hamilton, New York, who has been claimed as the (2) (develop) of certain (3) (base) techniques Jater used in the desig: of the first electronic (4) .. (digit) computer, ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer). While (5) .:,.... (teach) at lowa State College, Atanasoff built a simple yacuum-tube (6) . (compute) device that he showed to several people, (7) (include) one of the later builders of ENIAC, but he did riot (8) (success) in marketing his own device. A 1971 lawsuit by an electronics firm against a (9) ....... (rivalry) firm holding the’patent on ENIAC principles, ‘however - on the grounds that Atanasoff’s ideas had (10) (be) used without being credited - led to the (11) ........ (invalidate) of that patent in 1973. 92. Fill each gap in the:passage with a suitable word from the box. : messages sclio' problems attitude questions ability _fnedium quantity students impact ex] losion , “sessions _ experience computers purposes THE ROLE OF COMPUTERS Decker Walker maintains that few people really know how to use well for educational purposes. Seymour Papert, the inventor of Logo‘and author of Mindstorm, argues that the computer is a (2) .......... Of expression and should be used to build a sense of inquiry, to “mess about”, to explore, and to improve thinking skills. He also argues that the iain (3) ......... of computers on learning will not come about through Aeaching students practical applications such as data processing and filing: 2B Giéi thigu trich doan bdi GV. Nguyén Thanh Ti — WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/OIDUONGHOAHOCQL WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COMDAYKEM.QU the real impact will only come when students are taught how to program, because programming requires that they think logically and solve (4), When they learn how to program, “the word is only for very wonderful things to happen.” We are in the midst of an “information explosion”, the-g¢ ieration and availability of an ever-increasing (5) .......... of information‘through the use of the computer. People can participate in this (6) ... at three or four levels of computer knowledge: (a) computer literacy, general knowledge of what computers are used for and some general 7) in using them: (b) computer competence, ability to use the computer as a tool for particular (8) ......... and (c) computer expertise, Knowledge of how computers work and how to program them. A néw’ fourth level is a computer hacker, who is more than an expert - h he spends days and even nights working on games or problems, trarismitting (9) .......... across the country or across oceans, devising ingenious games and ‘software to sell, and/or swapping new software among fellow hackers. In general, the hacker is freewheeling and addictive to thé'¢omputer ferment As educators, we should aim atniaking our (10) ‘omputer- literate at an early age and view comptiter literacy as “a fourth R” or a fundamental skill. Several (11) arise, however. How computer- competent are teachers ? Should‘every teacher be computer-competent ? Should every teacher be at least computer-literate ? Should we expect only'a few teachers in each Cd 2y .. to have the skills to teach students how to use the computer? Should only a few teachers have the skills to use the computer as an ifstructional aid ? A teacher can become computer-literate in a workshop that meets for a few practice (13) . The time spent in training is not critical to the teacher’s (14),.¥...... to use the computer as an integral part of the teaching day; thikey factor is the (15) ...... of the teacher. If the teacher is hesitant about using the computer, many children will pick up on this attitude, Ifthe teacher is enthusiastic, children will learn more eagerly and more easily: According to one educator, a 15-hour workshop laboratory experienge reduces learning anxiety (fear of helplessness in dealing with compuiérs) from above average to below average anxiety and increases interest in computers. Gidi thiéu trich doan boi GV. Nguyén Thanh Tit | WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQL WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COMDAYKEM.QU 93. Fill each gap-in the sentences with the correct form u.The word in capital letters. from an old computer system to a new one can be tit consuming and complicated. CONVERTS, 2. The applications of all the new students were ......... by the computer. PROCESS 3. It took the programmer one week to complete the programs in the new system. 4. Both computer can work on them. 5. When buying a system there is often no : programs. 6. There is sometimes very little .... different brand-new microcomputers. > 7. Business in different cities often imunicate with each other via their computers. ASSOCIATE . is very important in any servibe dusty. EFFICIENT charge for the ~” ADD be made between two r COMPARE 9. Many ee have taken place in computer technology in the past decade. CHANGE 10. It is possible that by the year-2000 , a well- person will have to have a good knowledge of computer science. EDUCATE 11. The use of computers in» A. frowned B. criticized C. regarded —_D. objected 4. ’m_ phoning’them again because I want to.........«-the arrangements.for tomorrow. A. ensure B. make sure C, make sure of D. take care 5. Don't be ......... . It’s a bad idea to phone them while you're angry. Wait until you've calmed down. sloppy B. spontaneous C.careless —_D. rash 77 Gi6i thigu trich doan béi GV. N, in Thanh Ti WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQL WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QU 6. A friend ] hadn't seen for a long time rang me up, which was a very nice .. ‘A-surprise _B. shock C.wonder _D. astonishment 7. On the computer system at work, information is ........ every hou A.renewed " B. renovated C. updated. done w 8. I couldn’t afford a new computer so I bought a(n) ......... one. ” A. old-fashioned B. second-hand C. outdated —_D. antiquated 9. He changed jobs because he decided that being a computgc programmer wasn’t .. for him. A. right B. suited C. fit ‘D2 convenient 10. I find it difficult to keep my .......... if the television’is on while I’m working. ! A. focus. ~~ B. preoccupation C. dedication D. concentration 1]. There was .......... coverage of the story on alfthe television channels. A.complete B. extensive —_C. total’ D. absolute 12. Computers have had an enormous effect .\..... our daily life. A.on B. in »Csfor D. of 13.8. did he pay for his new computer ?” “About US $550.” A. How high — B. How muc! 14. Do you think Tom enjoys computer games ? A. play B. to ph C.playing —_—D« played 15. Yesterday we did nothing but......... TV. A.watching BB. watched C. to watch D. watch C. How many D. How often 96. Fill each gap in‘the sentences with the correct form of the word in capital letters. 1. In 1960, the second generation of computers was .. DEVELOP, 2. The machinecarries out the .......... which the programmer gives it. F PROCEED 3. Compufter........ is a new field at the university. PROGRAM 4. The-first two steps in your program are not . They are basically different. ~ RELATE n you describe the most important ...... of the computer ? CHARACTER Giéi thiéu trich doan boi GV. Nguyén Thanh Ti — WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/OIDUONGHOAHOCQL WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COMDAYKEM.QU 6. There is no .. for the speed at which a computer performs , arithmetic operations. SUBSTITUTION , 7. Before the computer can do the necessary computations for a problei the number should be .......... to machine code. CONVERT,“ 8. Today’s microcomputers are almost as powerful as yesterday’ s'mini mainly because of man’s creativity .......... with the advancement in chip technology. COMBINE 9. The binary system is on two digits: 0and 1. BASE: 10. In most operations calculations, computers-gan “do the job much faster than man. INVOLVE 11. It is a good approach to .......... the errors in running it with the data, “ CORRECTION 12. The Central ........ Unit is. responsible for exeéuting the programs. » “PROCESS 13. The . of the computer salesman was easured by the number of units he sold. PERFORM 14, . a program is essential Se that other programmes can understand it. DOCUMENT 15, Our math .. explained to us the’principles of binary arithmetic. INSTRUCT 97. Fill each blank in the.sentences with one word or phrase from the box. area code (USj/dialling code (GB) bad line busy (US)/engaged (GB) collect call (US)/transfered charge call (GB) dialing (US)/dialling (GB) enquiries IDD/international direct dialling off the hook out of order outside line person-to-person call (US)/personal call (GB) insert phone book/directory receiver switchboard operator 1. Incoming ’calls to our firm are taken by the ....... , who will ‘put you the ....... you require. i orry to trouble you, I think I must have got the ... ‘orry, I can’t hear you very well, this is a . . “Fean’t get through, their line always seems to be . _SIf you don’t want to be interrupted by any phone calls, you can leave )*the phone .... 79 Gidi thiéu trich doan boi GV. Nguyén Thanh Tit | WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQL

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