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Criminal Justice Management.

Student's Name.

Institutional Affiliation(s)

Criminal Justice Management.


1. What is performance management, and what is the driving force behind BCI's
performance management approach?
Performance management is a continuous communication process between a senior employee,

such as a supervisor and a regular employee, throughout the year. This supports the

accomplishment of a particular strategic objective that correlates to the organization's

goals[ CITATION Doo15 \l 1033 ]. BCI's performance management approach can be depicted

through the organization's commitment to providing high operational and ethical standards that

contribute to employee performance and job satisfaction. This communication provides the

employees with an interactive platform to express themselves openly and vividly to echo their

communicational needs.

2. What is performance appraisal, and what are the key features BCI wanted in their new

appraisal system?

A performance appraisal is an integral part of a company that tends to carry out regular employee

review based on their performance and their general contribution to the company. It tends to

reevaluate employee's skills and ability to grow or lack based on their contribution to the

organization[ CITATION Ikr16 \l 1033 ]. Among the key features that BCI wanted to add to

their system include implementing the bureau's underlying priorities to incorporate values that

would enhance their employee evaluation performance system.

3. What is the performance appraisal process, and how does BCI's new appraisal system

incorporate those processes?

The performance appraisal process includes evaluation and documenting the employee's

performance, which is aimed at enhancing quality of work being produced and its efficiency.

This process also provides feedback on the total contribution of the employee to the

organization. BCI wanted to integrate its appraisal system through an automated system to

maximize their human resources. Through an automated and organized appraisal process, results

tend to be more accurate and fairer to the employees.

4. How did the question of performance accuracy affect the development of BCI's
automated appraisal system?
Initially, BCI used a traditional method of carrying out employee appraisal, where there were

specific issues of comparison when it came to analyzing information based on past years. This

begged the question of having an automated system online and using a standardized form that

would allow managers to have easier access when inputting periodical updates about employee

performance. All these could be done through remote locations and would also allow room for


5. Why did BCI redesign their performance appraisal system?

BCI had to redesign its performance appraisal system to have a centralized and standardized

platform that would help the HRs and the manager feed employees' information into the system

from their satellite branches in Athens, Bowling Green, Cambridge Richfield, Springfield

Youngstown with their London-based bureau.

6. What does BCI evaluate when they conduct employee appraisals, and why are they
using that approach?
BCI evaluates their employee appraisals by monitoring and evaluating employees' contribution

to the company and how well they thrive in it, and any need to apply any human resource

remedies to improve their productivity levels and work output efficiency. BCI uses this approach

to provide a standardized competency across several job classifications to increase the

employees' potential to achieve the organization's goals.


7. Who is assessing training performance at BCI?

BCI HR is involved in accessing the BCI training performance. They can quickly get and

monitor the employee's skills development, determine what additional training they need, and

check due dates for training and renewal. It simplifies the work in keeping BCI on track.

8. What trends in performance appraisal are affecting BCI's appraisal system?

The technological advancements and the ever-changing human resources methods are among the

essential items or determinants that affect BCI's performance appraisal system. Since the

organization has other satellite branches across the world, technology comes in handy in

providing suitable remedies to sort out the appraisal system's issue. Also, trends in HRs are

recruiting and managing people that play a considerable role in determining trends that affect the

BCI appraisal system[ CITATION Ang17 \l 1033 ].


Angelo, D., & Kevin, M. (2017). Performance appraisal and performance management: 100

years of progress? Journal of Applied Psychology, 421–433.

Dooren, W. V., Bouckaert, G., & Halligan, J. (2015). Performance Management in the Public

Sector. New York: Routledge Publishers.

Ikramullah, M., Prooijen, J.-W. V., Iqbal, M. Z., & Ul-Hassan, F. S. (2016). Effectiveness of

performance appraisal: Developing a conceptual framework using a competing values

approach. Personnel Review, 10-25.

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