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A Research Proposal
Presented to the
Faculty of School of Teacher Education
College of Sciences, Technology and Communication, Inc.
Sariaya, Quezon

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Technical-vocational Teacher Education
Major in Electrical


Macasaet, Phoebe Jhoana R.

Pamaylaon, Regine A.

The Problem and Its Background of the Study


Electricity is used to power or drives electrical devices equipment, and machines. It becomes

essential in everyday life since the world is relying on modernity, particularly on technologies.

Electricity helps to facilitate the environment and economic development. It has the potential to a

possible cause of the incident in-home and workplace areas, with the increasing number of fire

incidents that cause electrical shortages. According to World Health Organization, (2018) An

estimated 180 000 deaths every year are caused by burns – the vast majority occur in low- and

middle-income countries and non-fatal burn injuries are the leading cause of morbidity.

Despite the vital of power in day-to-day life, electricity is frequently alluded to as a "silent killer"

because it cannot be tasted, seen, listened to, or noticed. It is undetectable. It may be a destroyer of

properties if not handles with regard. Power is undetectable and it is long recognized as a genuine

danger at residential, commercial ranges, educate of learning and other places. (Saba et al, 2014). It

came that electrical shortages become an incident that can cause damage not only in human life but

also in properties. In the Philippines, there is a lot of electrical pose fire that listed, cause of a fire

that may lead to serious damage to people and private properties. According to Occeno, K. (2016).

The obliterating electrical fire-occurrences affect the economy of the nation, and it is basic to reply

to this issue. The purpose of the think about is to decide the beginning of the electrical fire and

suggest conceivable arrangements. The consider looked for to discover out the causes of electrical

fire episodes in Locale VI that can be utilized as a direction for future inquire about and approach

rules significant to avoidance exercises. An expressive strategy of inquiring about; utilizing

recurrence tally and mean was utilized within the think about. Factual Bundle for Social Science was

utilized to produce and analyze the information. The result appeared that the number one cause of

electrical fire episodes in Locale VI was electrical post-fire. Aklan had the most noteworthy rate of

electrical free occurrences caused by a brief circuit. Collectible had the most elevated rate of

electrical free occurrences caused by overheat whereas Iloilo and Negros Occidental had the most

elevated rate of episodes caused by electrical post-fire. The structures included in an electrical fire.

Electrical Post Fire as Cause of Fire Incidents in Region VI, Philippines. JPAIR Multidisciplinary

Research Journal, 24(1).

Electricity may be an unseen, calm, and undetectable source of vitality. The reality that it is

invisible implies we regularly take it for allowed and its characteristic perils are not always

immediately clear. Each year in Nigeria, power murders or genuinely harms a considerable number

of individuals. Most of these wounds happen through the need for knowledge of electrical and its

threats. The Utility Company proceeds to be concerned by youthful adolescents' and the ancient

numbness of electrical security and the consequent chance of individual harm and passing from

electric shock by interfering with power lines and electrical hardware. The larger part of the youthful

people has no thought of the peril they put themselves and others when they carry out these

activities. An expansive portion of any framework establishment is concerned with guaranteeing that

accidents will not happen, or in case they do, their impact will be negligible. The domestic and

laboratory machines most regularly included in electrical fires are electric stoves, [ CITATION Dan14 \l

1033 ]
Statement of the Problem

This study will aim to determine the degree of awareness of the respondents on electrical safety

measures that will serve as the basis for the development of a proposed training program to enhance

the awareness of the electrical technology respondents.  

Specifically, the study will seek to answer the following questions:

1. What is the degree of awareness of respondent’s on safety measures of electrical

technology in terms of?

1.1 personal protective equipment;

1.2 hazards and risk;

1.3 safety procedures; and 

1.4 protocols?

2. Based on the results of the study what information campaign materials can be crafted

by researchers to intensify the awareness of the respondents on safety measures of

electrical technology?
Theoretical Framework

According to new research In Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality, the

conscious mind consists of everything inside of our awareness. This is the aspect of our mental
processing that we can think and talk about rationally. The conscious mind includes such things as the
sensations, perceptions, memories, feeling, and fantasies inside of our current awareness. Closely allied
with the conscious mind is the preconscious (or subconscious), which includes the things that we are not
thinking of at the moment but which we can easily draw into conscious awareness. Things that the
conscious mind wants to keep hidden from awareness are repressed into the unconscious mind. While
we are unaware of these feelings, thoughts, urges, and emotions, Freud believed that the unconscious
mind could still influence our behavior. Things that are in the unconscious are only available to the
conscious mind in disguised form. For example, the contents of the unconscious might spill into
awareness in the form of dreams. Freud believed that by analyzing the content of dreams, people could
discover the unconscious influences on their conscious actions. The Iceberg Metaphor. Freud often used
the metaphor of an iceberg to describe the two major aspects of human personality. The tip of the
iceberg that extends above the water represents the conscious mind. As you can see in the image on top,
the conscious mind is just the "tip of the iceberg." Beneath the water is the much larger bulk of the
iceberg, which represents the unconscious. While the conscious and preconscious are important, Freud
believed that they were far less vital than the unconscious. The things that are hidden from awareness,
Freud believed, exerted the greatest influence over our personalities and behaviors. Conscious vs.
Preconscious Differences The conscious mind involves all of the things that you are currently aware of
and thinking about. It is somewhat akin to short-term memory and is limited in terms of capacity. Your
awareness of yourself and the world around you is part of your consciousness. The preconscious mind,
also known as the subconscious mind, includes things that we might not be presently aware of but that
we can pull into conscious awareness when needed. You might not presently be thinking about how to
do long division, but you can access the information and bring it into conscious awareness when you are
faced with a math problem. The preconscious mind is a part of the mind that corresponds to ordinary
memory. These memories are not conscious, but we can retrieve them to conscious awareness at any
time (Cherry, 2020).

We all know that safety consciousness is the most potent factor in the prevention of accidents. Safety
consciousness may be defined as awareness of hazards and alertness to danger.  This has a strong
influence on the actions of an individual because of his desire to remain alive and uninjured.  We need to
develop safety consciousness and make safety a value. Most injuries can be traced to someone’s lack of
safety consciousness.  Usually, but not always, the injured person’s lack of making safety a value may
be the cause.  The frequency of injuries is a good indicator of the safety consciousness of the workers
involved. If an employee takes chances, indulges in unsafe practices, uses an improper tool, or leaves an
open hole unguarded, the employee is not safety-conscious.  Few if any are completely oblivious of their
safety at all times or have no safety consciousness, but many persons manifest it intermittently. Safety
consciousness must be comprehensive.  It must reach every operation, it must be evident at all meetings;
and, most of all, it must be so instilled that all personnel in supervisory positions will set good examples
in safety to the person under them. Setting a good example is a potent factor in reducing accidents and
is proof of the safety consciousness of the supervisor.

Theoretical Paradigm

Input Process

Degree of Awareness on
Electrical Safety Measures
among Electrical
Technology Student

1. Using personal
protective equipment;
Questionnaire Survey for
2. Avoiding hazard and data gathering

3. Following safety
procedure and ;

4. Observing protocol?

Figure 1.
Significance of the Study

This study will help to determine the degree of awareness of Electrical Safety Measure among
electrical technology students. This study is significant to:

Students – This study will help them determine the Awareness of Electrical hazards and
Safety measures in TVL – Electrical Students. This study will evaluate the awareness in
the field they are pursuing. Data gathered will also help the students improve awareness
to perform well, avoid causing incidents, and determining the hazard and risk in the

Teachers – This study will be helpful as their guide to determine the degree of awareness of Electrical
Safety Measures among electrical technology students. Being able to know how far the students know
about electrical safety will be a big help for them to target a topic and instruct a student in their weakest
point. Electrical safety should be thought to the student before conducting an activity.

Curriculum Planner - This study will help them to improve the curriculum guide for the institution and
education probably in the field of Electrical Technology student soon and to the next generation that
need and aiming for a better system of education about Electrical safety.

Future Researchers – This study will help other researchers as their references or related study to their
research paper. It will serve as a guide for them to know about this kind of study and provide ideas on
how they will use it and make it a broad topic in their field.

Others – This study will help other people to have knowledge in this field and most of the information
that has been write in this study will make them inform and aware, they can use it in their everyday
Scope and Limitation

This study is to know the degree of awareness of Electrical Safety Measure among second-year
college major in Electrical Technology in Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teachers Education, and
second-year college in major in Electrical in Technical and Vocational Education and Training students
of College of Science, Technology and Communication Inc. Sariaya Campus in Arellano Subdivision,
Gen. Luna, Maharlika High-way Sariaya Quezon. We focus on this school because we knew that this
school has these students and we want to know the level of awareness they have for this field. It will be
beneficial for them to know the level of awareness of the student and the result may also help the
institution. Student’s awareness in safety measure in this field is very important to pay attention because
they should be aware in everything before conducting n activity and if it fails because of insufficient
awareness will cause incident and trouble. Being aware of the hazard and risks in the field and
environment can help to prevent and avoid the prone to accidents.

Definition of Term

To better understanding, the researchers defined some of the terms in the study that were used in
the research paper.

Awareness - is the state of being conscious of something. More specifically, it is the ability to
directly know and perceive, to feel, or to be cognizant of events. It can classify mindfulness,
comprehension, and apprehension of the student. Self-awareness is important because when we have a
better understanding of ourselves, we can experience ourselves as unique and separate individuals. We
are then empowered to make changes and to build on our areas of strength as well as identify areas
where we would like to make improvements.

Degree - the amount, level, or extent to which something happens or is present.

Hazard – is a source or a situation with the potential for harm in terms of human injury or ill-
health, damage to property, damage to the environment, or a combination of these. A hazard is a
potential for harm or an adverse effect (for example, to people as health effects, to organizations as
property or equipment losses, or the environment).

Sometimes the resulting harm is referred to as the hazard instead of the actual source of the hazard. For
example, the disease tuberculosis (TB) might be called a "hazard" by some but, in general, the TB-
causing bacteria (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) would be considered the "hazard" or "hazardous
biological agent"

PPE - Personal protective equipment is protective clothing, helmets, goggles, or other garments
or equipment designed to protect the wearer's body from injury or infection. The hazards addressed by
protective equipment include physical, electrical, heat, chemicals, biohazards, and airborne particulate
matter. The responsibility of PPE largely falls onto the employer, who will need to provide PPE, ensure
it correctly fits the worker, and provide areas to store PPE, conduct pieces of training on the proper use
of PPE, and regularly inspect the equipment ensuring they are in proper condition.

Risk - is the chance or probability that a person will be harmed or experience an adverse health
effect if exposed to a hazard. It may also apply to situations with property or equipment loss, or harmful
effects on the environment. Risk involves uncertainty about the effects/implications of activity
concerning something that humans value (such as health, well-being, wealth, property, or the

Safety - is the state of being "safe", the condition of being protected from harm or other non-
desirable outcomes. Safety can also refer to the control of recognized hazards to achieve an acceptable
level of risk. Safety-related work practices are employed to prevent electric shock or other injuries
resulting from either direct or indirect electrical contact when work is performed near or on equipment
or circuits which are or may be energized.

Related Literature

Electrical Technology is part of the Technical Vocational Teachers Education and it was an
industrial art. The students are specialized in analyzing signs, electrical symbols and data, interpretation
of technical drawings and plans, maintaining electrical hydraulic tools, installation of electric metallic
tubing, wire ways, and cable trays; installing telephone terminal cabinet, Cable Bridge. Electrical
Technology is designed to prepare the student with entry-level knowledge and manipulative skill for
employment in the Electrical Industry. The student begins with the fundamental of electrical and wiring
of simple circuits and equipment. Emphasis placed on the wiring of more Complex circuits and
Equipment. Safety is stressed as an integral part of each task (Honolulu Community, 2016).

Electrically powered equipment can pose a significant hazard to workers, particularly when
mishandled or not maintained.  Many electrical devices have high voltage or high power requirements,

carrying even more risk. Awareness of Electrical Safety in the workplace is the most important job of
an electrical worker. No matter how much training one has received or how much employers try to
safeguard their workers, Electrical Safety is ultimately the responsibility of the electrical worker. The
human factor associated with electrical accidents can be immeasurable. No one can replace a worker or
loved one that has died or suffered the irreparable consequences of an electrical accident. Humans
should be aware of the environment and the hazard and risks they’re going to encounter in the field.

PPE is equipment that will protect the user against health or safety risks at work. It can include
items such as safety helmets, gloves, eye protection, high-visibility clothing, safety footwear, and safety
harnesses. It also includes respiratory protective equipment (RPE). There are many types of personal
protective equipment designed for specific hazards and exposure. According to Canada's National
Occupational Health & Safety Resource, "PPE is equipment worn by a worker to minimize exposure to
specific occupational hazards. Examples of PPE are respirators, gloves, aprons, fall protection, and full-
body suits, as well as head, eye, and foot protection.
These are hazards that should be completely removed from the workplace. They are core safety issues
such as unsecured cords, worn cabling, or unguarded heights. Physical hazards are hazards that can
cause harm without the worker coming into direct contact with the hazard. Issues such as high noise
levels, extreme temperatures, or radiation fall into this category. Biological hazards are created by
exposure to any biological agents that may result in injury or disease. These will be especially prevalent
when working in the healthcare industries, but should not be ignored in any workplace. Hazards in this
category are factors such as bacteria, bodily fluids, viruses, human or animal waste, or insect bites.
Chemical hazards are hazards created by the handling or exposure of chemical agents. These could be
directly due to the handling of the chemicals, vapors, or fire risk. Ergonomic hazards are risks that may
not cause immediate injury but can cause long-term problems. Incorrect seating or desk heights,
excessive vibrations, regular heavy lifting, or similar issues are possible things to look out for here.
Working environment hazards are mostly mental health issues that may result from factors in the
workplace. Stress due to work demands, harassment, and workplace respect all fit into this category.

The most obvious of the reasons why identifying hazards in the workplace is important. It's
impossible to remove or mitigate something you are unaware of; once the hazards have been identified
they can be handled properly, reducing or eliminating the risk of injury or death.

According to the book, the moral obligation to protect workers who may be exposed to electrical
hazards is fundamental, but there are legal and other factors that require every facility to establish a
comprehensive Electrical Safety Program. Meeting OSHA regulations, reducing insurance costs, and
minimizing downtime and repair costs are additional benefits of Electrical Safety programs. When
electrical faults occur, the electrical system is subjected to both thermal and magnetic forces. These
forces can severely damage equipment and are accompanied by fires, explosions, and severe arcing.
Such violent damage often causes death or severe injury to personnel. Costs of repairs, equipment
replacements, and medical treatment can run into millions of dollars. Loss of production and damaged
goods are also important considerations. Other major factors include the cost of OSHA fines and
litigation. Severe electrical faults may shut down a complete process or assembly plant, sending
hundreds or thousands of workers home for weeks while repairs are being made. It is also possible that
one tragic event could close a plant permanently (ELECTRICAL SAFETY HAZARDS HANDBOOK,
Electrical safety precautions and procedures are specific control measures implemented to
remove electrical hazards and mitigate the risks of electrical accidents and injuries. Safety precautions
for working with electricity depend on the worker’s job instructions and their working environment.
However, the most basic electrical safety precautions include clearly understanding how electricity
works, being able to identify and eliminate electrical hazards such as poor cable management and lack
of proper housekeeping, and wearing the appropriate PPE Escano, C. (2020, October 20).

The typical office features a collection of wires, outlets, cables, and other electrical equipment.
Although ever-present and used daily, electrical equipment requires constant awareness of its associated
hazards, as well as training on appropriate use, storage, and maintenance, the Indiana Department of
Labor reminds employers and workers in its Indiana Labor Insider newsletter.
“Improper use of electrical equipment can create overheated equipment, which can lead to fires, shock,
and electrocution,” warns IDOL, which provides some do’s and don’ts regarding certain electrical

Based on the Safety and Health magazine, 2016 the high volume of electrical equipment in a
typical office can expose workers to serious electrical hazards, including shocks, burns, and fire.
Electrical accidents that occur in an office environment are usually a result of faulty or defective
equipment, unsafe installation, or misuse of equipment specifically, extension cords, power strips, and
surge protectors. Many hazards can be prevented. Workplace accidents are a good example.
Comprehensive accident prevention awareness can reduce the frequency of accidents dramatically.
Electricity has become an essential part of our everyday life. It is used to power research equipment,
office equipment, heating and cooling equipment, etc. Electricity can be dangerous, causing shocks,
fires, explosions, or burns. Accidents involving electricity may cause the minor injury or may result in
serious disabling injuries or death. Electricity must be recognized and respected as a serious workplace
hazard. Most injuries involving electricity could have been prevented if unsafe equipment had been
taken out of service or if unsafe work areas and work practices did not exist. To minimize the risk of
injury from electrical sources, it is necessary to assure that electrical "sources" are properly insulated
and grounded, those circuit-protecting devices are utilized, and that safe work practices are followed.
Electrical safety is an integral part of every workplace and needs to be aware and diligently followed
because of electricity’s amazing, yet deadly, qualities. As a firm part of our everyday life, electricity
needs to be handled with care to avoid incidents that can result in serious injury or even death, so it’s
important to know how you can help in a life-threatening situation.

Related Studies

According to new research Assessment of Electrical Safety Beliefs and Practices: A Case Study

The electrical safety beliefs and practices in the Hail region, Saudi Arabia, have been assessed. Based on
legislative recommendations and rules applied in Saudi Arabia, on official statistics regarding the
electricity-caused accidents, and the analysis of more than 200 photos captured in Hail (related to
electrical safety), a questionnaire composed of 36 questions (10 for the respondent's information, 16 for
the home safety culture and 10 for the electrical devices purchasing culture) has been devised and
distributed to residents. 228 responses have been collected and analyzed. Using a scale similar to the one
adopted for a university student GPA calculation, the electrical safety level (ESL) in the Hail region is
0.76 (on a scale of 4 points) which is a very low score and indicates poor electrical safety culture.
Several recommendations involving different competent authorities have been proposed. Future work
will concern the assessment of safety in industrial companies in the Hail region (Boubaker, 2017).

In research from Doan (2016). Human error is found to be a contributing factor in many

investigations of electrical fatalities, injuries, and incidents. The most common corrective action written
in many investigation reports is to increase or improve training. The planned corrective action might be
for management to make sure that each worker has read the procedures and is tested or checked for

In research from Burgess (2019). Since the purpose of clinical neurophysiology testing is to

record the electrical activity of the nervous system and often to electrically stimulate the peripheral or
central nervous system (for evoked potentials, nerve conduction studies, etc.), these tests by their very
nature demand an excellent electrical connection to the patient. This direct electrical connection by
definition puts the patient at increased risk of electrical shock. When patients suffer from other non-
neurological disorders that also require equipment to be attached to or inserted into their body, the
additional and more direct electrical pathways to the heart make them even more vulnerable, especially
when undergoing monitoring in the operating room or intensive care unit. Although we depend on the
hospital's construction and utilities to follow appropriate regulations (the National Electrical Code in the
United States) and on the vendors to sell only safe equipment (approved by the Food and Drug
Administration in the United States), there may exist combinations of equipment and connections that
put the patient at risk of injurious or fatal electrical shock. Regular testing and safe practices, informed
by a scientific understanding of the risks, are the responsibilities of the healthcare providers to protect
the patient from harm from electricity. Burgess, Richard. (2019). Electrical safety. 10.1016/B978-0-444-
64032-1.00005-9. Since the purpose of clinical neurophysiology testing is to record the electrical
activity of the nervous system and often to electrically stimulate the peripheral or central nervous system
(for evoked potentials, nerve conduction studies, etc.), these tests by their very nature demand an
excellent electrical connection to the patient. This direct electrical connection by definition puts the
patient at increased risk of electrical shock. When patients suffer from other non-neurological disorders
that also require equipment to be attached to or inserted into their body, the additional and more direct
electrical pathways to the heart make them even more vulnerable, especially when undergoing
monitoring in the operating room or intensive care unit. Although we depend on the hospital's
construction and utilities to follow appropriate regulations (the National Electrical Code in the United
States) and on the vendors to sell only safe equipment (approved by the Food and Drug Administration
in the United States), there may exist combinations of equipment and connections that put the patient at
risk of injurious or fatal electrical shock. Regular testing and safe practices, informed by a scientific
understanding of the risks, are the responsibilities of the healthcare providers to protect the patient from
harm from electricity.

According to new research Electrical safety awareness among millennials in Chennai, Tamil
Nadu. Electricity has evolved to become one of the basic needs in our day-to-day lives. People are
interested in saving time and lead a peaceful life. It is important to understand that electric appliances
are necessities and they come with the risk of shock. Millennials are aware but yet they are not
efficiently acting to overcome the hazards, overload, and short circuits. The study is done to understand
the safety awareness on electricity among the millennial in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. The study was
focused to understand the knowledge and awareness about the shock-protected sockets used at home.
Data were collected from 82 samples from different households in Chennai. The results suggest that
sockets are risk-prone and need to protect the safety of people, especially children. These must be
checked, replaced on a timely basis to avoid any hazards, overload, and short circuits (Appukuttan &
Amudhan's, 2017).


This chapter will present the research methodology of the study which includes the research
design, research locale, research population, research instrument, data gathering procedures, and
statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

This study will use a descriptive assessment method to determine the level of awareness of safety
procedures among electrical technology students. The researcher will use a quantitative approach to
gather information needed to provide answers to the proponent question

Research Locale

This study will be conducted in the Colleges of Sciences, Technology and Communication
Incorporated (CSTC) in the Schools of Teacher Education (STE) and Technical, Vocational and
Electrical Technology (TVET). The school is one of the private institutions founded by Dr. Nelson D.
Mendoza in 1991. The school was located in the hometown of Sariaya, Quezon.

Research Population

The research population involved 35 respondents selected from Technical-Vocational Education

and Training (TVET) and Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education with a specialization in

Electrical Technology.

Research Instrument
The study will use survey questionnaire in the term of gathering the data information. The
evaluation instrument will be only specific to Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education
major in Electrical Technology and Technical-Vocational Education and Training that taking Electrical
Technology. The survey questionnaire will be developing and presented base on the four variables that
include in their specialization in Electrical Technology. To validating the questionnaire it will be
presented to the committee for their comments approval.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher will use a checklist questionnaire in gathering the data needed for the study. The
researchers will ask the committee of commission of higher education in the department of School of
Teacher and the Department of Technical-Vocational Training Program to conduct a research.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The statistical treatment of data will be used to answer a question no. 1 is the weighted arithmetic
mean (WAM) to identify the competency degree of respondents on each competency indicator. The
WAM on each competency will be rank to determine the degree of the respondents.

WAM= ∑fw


WAM= weighted arithmetic mean

w = weight

f = frequency (number of respondents)

N = number of respondents

Appukuttan, S., & Amudhan’s, A. D. (2017). Electrical safety awareness among millennials in Chennai,
Tamil Nadu. Electrical Safety Awareness among Millennials in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. 2017
International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power and Energy (TAP Energy).

Boubaker, S. (2017). Engineering, Technology and Applied Science Research. Assessment of Electrical
Safety, December, 7–6.

Burgess, R. C. (2019). Clinical Neurophysiology: Basis and Technical Aspects. Handbook of Clinical

Neurology, January, 67–81.

Cherry, K. (2020, January 1). The Role of the Conscious Mind. Https://Www.Verywellmind.Com/.

Doan, D. (2016, March). Human Error and Electrical Safety [Electrical Safety].



Https://Www.Lanl.Gov/Safety/Electrical/Docs/Arc_flash_safety.Pdf. Retrieved May 4, 2021,

Escano, C. (2020, October 20). Electrical Hazards & Electrical Safety. Https://Safetyculture.Com.

Electrical equipment in the office: do’s and don’ts. (2021). Electrical Equipment in the Office: Do’s and
Don’ts, February 21.

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