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26/9/2020 Simple Past vs.

Present Perfect Practice 1

Simple Past vs. Present Perfect Practice 1

Simple Past Present Perfect

Specified time in past Unspecified time in past
I visited Japan last year. I have visited Japan.
Finished Action Unfinished Action
I went shopping twice last month. I have gone shopping twice this month

Finished Action + for Unfinished Action + for

He lived in Paris for two years. He has lived in London for one year.
*He is no longer in Paris. *He is still in London
Keywords: recently, since, just

Fill in the blanks using the Simple Past (i.e. When did you wake up today?) or the Present
Perfect (i.e. Have you gone skydiving?).

1. What did you eat for dinner last night? (eat/you)

2. Has Mary visited South Africa? (visit/Mary)

3. Did you come to work by subway this morning? (come/you)

4. What did he do last weekend? (do/he)

5. You work for the bank, right? How long have you worked there? (work/you)

6. How long have you lived in your current apartment/house? (live/you)

7. How often did you go swimming when you were a child? (go/you)

8. How many cups of coffee did I drink yesterday? (drink/I)

9. Have they eaten raw fish? (eat/they)

10. Where did you live when you were a student? (live/you)

Check Answers I give up! next practice 1/1

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