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First list of irregular verbs (50 verbs)

The first list contains the most common irregular verbs. These are the irregular verbs that you should learn first.

First Form
Present Simple
Past Simple Translation

was /
(to) be (a) fi
(to) become became (a) deveni
(to) begin began (a) începe
(to) break broke (a) rupe
(to) bring brought (a) aduce
(to) buy bought (a) cumpăra
(to) choose chose (a) alege
(to) come came (a) veni
(to) cost cost (a) costa
(to) do did (a) face
(to) draw drew (a) desena
(to) drink drank (a) bea
(a) conduce
(to) drive drove
(to) eat ate (a) mânca
(to) fall fell (a) cădea
(to) feel felt (a) simți
(to) find found (a) găsi
(to) fly flew (a) zbura
(to) forget forgot (a) uita
(to) get got (a) obține
(to) give gave (a) da
(to) go went (a) se duce
(to) have had (a) avea
(to) hear heard (a) auzi
(to) keep kept (a) păstra
(to) know knew (a) ști
(to) leave left (a) pleca
(to) lose lost (a) pierde
(to) make made (a) face
(to) meet met (a) (se) întâlni
(to) pay paid (a) plăti
(to) ride rode (a) merge cu
(to) read read (a) citi
(to) run ran (a) alerga
(to) say said (a) spune
(to) see saw (a) vedea
(to) sell sold (a) vinde
(to) sit sat (a) sta jos
(to) sleep slept (a) dormi
(to) speak spoke (a) vorbi
(to) spend spent (a) cheltui
(a) sta în
(to) stand stood
(to) take took (a) lua
(to) teach taught (a) preda
(to) tell told (a) spune
(to) think thought (a) (se) gândi
(to) wake up woke up (a) (se) trezi
(to) wear wore (a) purta
(to) win won (a) câștiga
(to) write wrote (a) scrie

Second list of irregular verbs (30 verbs)

The second list contains irregular verbs that are also common and important, but that you can learn in a second phase, when you're ready to.

First Form
Present Simple
Past Simple Translation

(to) bite bit (a) mușca

(to) build built (a) construi
(to) cut cut (a) tăia
dreamed /
(to) dream (a) visa
(to) feed fed (a) hrăni
(to) fight fought (a) lupta
(to) forgive forgave (a) ierta
(to) freeze froze (a) îngheța
(to) grow grew (a) crește
(to) hide hid (a) (se) ascunde
(to) hit hit (a) lovi
(to) hold held (a) ține (în brațe)
(to) hurt hurt (a) răni
(to) lay laid (a) pune, (a) așterne
(to) lead led (a) conduce (pe
learned /
(to) learn (a) învăța
(to) lend lent (a) împrumuta (cuiva)
(to) let let (a) lăsa
(to) light lit (a) aprinde
(a) însemna, (a) vrea
(to) mean meant
să zică
(to) put put (a) pune
(to) quit quit (a) renunța
(to) ring rang (a) suna
(a) răsări, (a) (se)
(to) rise rose
(to) set set (a) seta, (a) aranja
(to) shoot shot (a) împușca
(to) sing sang (a) cânta
(to) steal stole (a) fura
(to) swim swam (a) înota
(to) throw threw (a) arunca

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