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Autumn / Winter 2011


By Tim Kurylowicz we’re proud as punch of our staff, activities where community members
who went the extra mile to make can be safe, celebrate each other
A story about one of our cafes went
the whole thing happen. We also and grow towards the fullness of
global in January when news got out
commend the regulars of our Have life for which they were created.
about the volunteers and regulars
a Chat cafe in Glebe (in partnership Seeing two of Sydney’s ‘poorest’
at the BackShed Cafe raising funds
with the Glebe Area Tenant’s Group communities demonstrating such
to support QLD flood relief. The
and the Wheelie Warriors) for putting rich generosity is what HopeStreet is
story was picked up in newspapers
on an Aussie Day bonanza which all about.
around the country and the world.
raised over $1000 for flood relief
To read the news story, visit www.
We commend our community efforts and insert ‘homeless
members - particularly those who
Our Community Development efforts dig deep for flood victims’ in the
are living homeless at the moment -
in both Glebe and Woolloomooloo search field.
for acting so quickly and with such
are all about creating spaces and
compassion for others in need, and

My Year at HopeStreet

Inside this issue New Faces at HopeStreet

How HopeStreet Hooked Me

T (02) 9358 2388 F (02) 9358 4128 E

At Christmas, we all like to be remembered and to give that are helping people who already experience so much
gifts as a sign of our love and support. We also love disadvantage.
that feeling of warmth and wanting to share by giving to
Did you know that if all our current supporters gave
others who aren’t so fortunate. At HopeStreet, we also
just $2 a day that would increase our income by over
like feeling that love and support, and receiving your
$700,000 per year! Isn’t it amazing the difference just
donations every year is crucial for us because it means
$2 (less than the cost of a cup of coffee) can make
we can continue to give gifts of love and support to our
when it is multiplied? And so we ask you, our faithful
inner city communities.
supporters, please take a moment right now and think
But something very strange happened last year with about what you can afford to give because we can’t
our 2010 Christmas Appeal. To date, we have received afford to let this ministry down. Together we can make
just 15% of the total donations that were given in the a real difference to the lives of people struggling with
previous year’s appeal, and honestly, we don’t know homelessness, poverty and social exclusion.
why. We were confused when we saw the numbers,
So here’s what we need you to do today:
and are keen to understand what happened. Was there
a specific reason that people chose not to support Ask God what he wants you to give and faithfully pledge
HopeStreet in 2010 or was it simply that people were that amount as a one off donation, or If you are able to
just busy and overlooked the opportunity? Please let us give a monthly donation, that would be an even greater
know. help.

It’s not too late to give and we still really need you to dig Just go to the website or fill in the donation slip on the
deep and help us out. We are committed to assisting back page of this Newsletter to make your contribution.
those living on the margins of inner city Sydney and the Donate today and help us to give our fellow Aussies the
last thing we want to do is now scale back programs opportunity for real change this year.

By Amy Junor, excited to keep journeying with the people who make choices to leave
HopeStreet Intern 2010 Imagine community beyond 2010. experiences in the past and move
forward; people who look out for
How can I best describe 2010? A HopeStreet’s projects are unique
each other, who visit each other and
massive learning curve, to say the and gave me the opportunity to
know and understand each other -
least. From the beginning of my meet people from all walks of life.
this is what community should be
internship with HopeStreet until The contrasts were just one of the
my last day, there was rarely a dull great teachers of my internship,
moment. giving me a deeper insight into the 2010 has shown me the power of
complexity, colour and “aliveness” people working together to make
I have found Hopestreet to be a
of these inner city communities. At their neighbourhood a better place
diverse, complex and challenging
times I felt as though I was jumping to live, the ownership that this
group of people who have stretched
in the deep end but overall, the brings, and the empowerment that
my understanding of what it means
people I encountered along the follows. The value of each and every
to serve God and have shown me
way made the past year a real person and their unique contribution
what it really means to love people
pleasure. There was a raw honesty is something that has inspired me
unconditionally. I was inspired by the
about them that was so vibrant and to consider my own contribution
staff at each of the projects I visited,
beautiful. They taught me so many to life and how I respond to what I
like the Women’s Space, Glebe
life lessons and the stories that have experienced at HopeStreet.
Community Development, and
they shared, particularly the stories The things I have heard, seen and
Urban Education. I also got involved
of hope, will remain etched in my learned this past year will stay with
in other bits and pieces including
mind. They are stories of people me. It has definitely changed the
events, churches, fundraising and
who have overcome incredible trials; way I view life.
training days. And I’m especially
I feel blessed to be part of the wonderful HopeStreet community. I have
spent most of my career self employed, running a small advertising
agency. I now enjoy the working experience that HopeStreet offers, being
part of a dedicated and hard working team of people that really want to
help the inner city community.
I enjoy boating, walking and being in nature. When I’m not doing these
activities I like to read. Eva and I have been married for 28 years and she
was instrumental in helping me to reorganise my working life after I retired
from my advertising business.
With anticipation and good will my hope is that I continue to learn and
grow at HopeStreet

Amanda joined the HopeStreet team in October 2010 as a support worker
with the Employment Training Program.
“Having spent the last 18 years as a swimming coach, working primarily
with people undergoing rehabilitation and people living with a disability, I
feel well equipped for this role and excited about this opportunity.
I feared I was beginning to develop fins and gills as a result of the hours
spent in the water each day so I decided to make the move to land. Whilst
this has been a huge lifestyle change for me, I believe it was the right time
– I was ready for a new challenge. I’m slowly getting to know everyone at
HopeStreet and am finding my new role very enjoyable and fulfilling”.


The Power of Good, a compilation of Australian RECOMMENDED FOR - Anyone who has ever offered to
essays published by McCrindle Research. help for a good cause.

From small acts of charity to selfless acts of kindness, AVAILABLE - Online, just visit
The Power of Good, features seventy short, heart- publications
warming true stories with contributions by prominent
Australians, including comedian Jean Kittson, writer
Peter FitzSimons, news presenter Tracey Spicer, Youth
Off the Streets’ Father Chris Riley, media personality
David Richardson, Wayside Chapel’s Reverend Graham
Long, politician Pru Goward, Pulitzer Prize winner
Geraldine Brooks, and many others. Among the ‘many
others’ you’ll even find a stirring story from HopeStreet’s
own Helen Dwyer. The book is an optimistic look at
what can happen when we look past our own backyards
and offer a helping hand to others.
McCrindle Research has also pledged a
dollar from each book sold to the work of
HopeStreet. Tell your friends!
By Kate Sowden To The Top (an annual bike ride from small area of the city to be forgotten.
Sydney to Mt Kosciusko that raises “Knowledge is power”, as they say,
My interest in HopeStreet began in
vital funds for HopeStreet). and if we can become more aware of
2008 when I met Jo through a mutual
the issues facing Sydney’s homeless
friend. Jo and I hit it off right away The more I learned about HopeStreet
and how long term programs can
and as we opened up about our and the needs of the local area, the
really help, then perhaps together we
lives, I learned about Jo’s connection more I felt compelled to not only
can make a real difference.
to HopeStreet. Jo is married to find out more about the problem
Mike Hercock, the pastor at Imagine of homelessness but to actually do HopeMonth is a concept that I
church. Jo would share their something that could have a positive developed over the dinner table as
HopeStreet stories and it was hard impact. I got involved with the Ride I enjoyed a meal with a group of
not to be inspired by the practical To The Top committee, helping them friends. I felt so convicted to do
nature of their Christianity: the way with fundraising ideas, but still, I something to raise awareness and
they bring community together and wanted to do more... support for the work of HopeStreet
the very real change that the ministry that it seemed as though the whole
One night, while on holidays with Jo
was bringing to the lives of people in city of Sydney should also be
and Mike, the idea of HopeMonth
the inner city. involved!
came to me. Why shouldn’t there be
Another connection that I already a whole month where Sydneysiders And so HopeMonth was born.
had with HopeStreet but had never focus on the issue of homelessness?
really explored was through my Dad, It seems to be an issue that is swept
who is one of the organisers for Ride under the carpet, pushed into a


HopeMonth is a movement of people Why is this something that Sydneysiders
reinventing the idea of what it is to have should host or attend?
friends over for a meal.
Despite Australia’s strong economy, there
How exactly does the idea work? are still families across the country living in
The idea is simple. You just do what you poverty.
were already going to do - invite a group Two million Australians now live below the
of friends to come over to your place for a poverty line; and each day one in every 200
breakfast, lunch or dinner. You then cook Australians is homeless. Of the 105,000
up a feast (or get someone to cater) but Australians who are homeless right now,
either way, you will enjoy a good meal with half are women and one quarter, children.
friends. The difference is each person you Many live in Sydney’s inner city.
invite makes a donation on the HopeMonth
website to secure their place at your party
and all proceeds go to the inspiring work of
HopeStreet - Urban Compassion.
HopeMonth happens in May every
Hosting a HopeMonth meal is easy. year. We want hundreds of brunches
Think of a group of friends, colleagues or and dinner parties to happen this May
neighbours to invite to your place. Then to raise awareness and much-needed
just go to and follow funds for fellow Aussies doing it tough,
the prompts. Together, we can create hope so tell your friends and start cooking!
at the dinner table.

Follow us on Twitter at



>> Give thanks for number of women coming to the Glebe Bible Study and beginning to form
together as a fellowship group.
>> Pray for our Glebe Church services, for direction and new ideas.
>> Give thanks for conversations, connections and relationships formed in our Cafes each week.
>> Pray for those undergoing medical treatments at present, for the overstretched health care
system - especially in areas of mental health care.
>> Pray that we will always have time for those we minister to within our communities.
>> Pray for the mentor programs that we will be establishing, that God will raise up the volunteers
>> Pray for wisdom and insight for Andrew Dawkins as he commences his new role as
HopeStreet Director (formerly in an Interim role).
>> Pray for the homeless of the city as the cooler months draw closer.
>> Pray for financial support to increase over the next three months.
>> Pray for our HopeStreet Board Chairman, Prof. Cliff Hughes and the Board members in their
strategic leadership role.


Help us continue to bring hope to Sydney’s streets
Donation amounts:
First name
$25 $50 $100

$250 $500 $............... Address

I authorise HopeStreet Urban Compassion to automatically debit my charge
card every month / quarter (tick appropriate) for the amount shown, until Postcode
I revoke this authority in writing to HopeStreet Urban Compassion.
I enclose a cheque/money order made out to HopeStreet Urban Compassion Email address
for the amount shown, or
Please charge the amount to my card Visa / MasterCard

Name on tax receipt

Name of Cardholder

Signature Expiry Date /

Please send this completed coupon to
HOPESTREET 91 Forbes Street
Annual receipts - please send a receipt at the end of the financial year
No receipt required Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
I do not wish to be informed about the continuing work of HopeStreet Or Fax to (02) 9358 4128

Friend us at
COMING UP AT This March marked the received which puts the team in
12th annual Sydney to Mt. a great position to smash last
HOPESTREET Kosciusko ”Ride To The Top”. year’s grand total of $24,000.
We’re so grateful to the bike
May – HopeMonth If you’re as inspired as I am
riders and can’t thank them
Create hope at your dinner by their efforts and wish to
enough for the enormous
table support the cause– just visit
support and awareness they and
HopeMonth is a movement of have raised for HopeStreet over
you can sponsor the team or an
people reinventing the idea of what the years.
individual rider.
it means to have friends over for
As we go to print, the ride had
dinner....The idea is simple. You Thanks team, you’re the best!
just finished and already over
just do what you were already
$18,000 in donations had been
going to do - invite a group of
friends to join you for a meal. You
provide the food (cook it yourself,
or order in!), but each diner makes
a donation on the website to
secure a seat at the table, and all
those dollars you raise support
June to August -
Winter Appeal
Please support our Winter Appeal
this year. Don’t forget all donations
above $2 are tax deductible so if
you get your donation in before 30
June, you won’t have to wait long
to claim part of it back.
28 August – City2Surf
Our City2Surf team is growing
stronger each year and we want
2011 to be our best year yet.
Keep an eye out for registrations
and when you sign up make
sure you build your Everyday
Hero fundraising page and select NEWS FROM THE CHAIR
HopeStreet – Urban Compassion
The Chairman of the
as your charity. We’ll be in touch
HopeStreet Board, Professor
with you once you’ve registered.
Cliff Hughes AO, has just
announced the appointment
Please call 9358 2388 or visit www. of Andrew Dawkins to the for details about role of HopeStreet Director.
these events. Andrew’s permanent
appointment follows his term
as Interim Director.
Congratulations Andrew!

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