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EFT relieves a torn rotator cuff in 5 minutes

surgery avoided

Note: This is one of 3,000 articles written prior to the updated Gold Standard

(Official) EFT Tapping Tutorial™. As a result, it is likely outdated. It provides practical uses for EFT
Tapping but you should also explore our newest advancement, Optimal EFT, by reading our free e-
book, The Unseen Therapist™, and/or get help from a Certified EFT Practitioner.

Hi Everyone,

A torn rotator cuff (shoulder injury) can be extraordinarily painful and surgery is often
required to restore freedom to the shoulder area. However, in this case by Utahna Tassie
the problem was completely resolved in 5 minutes. EFT doesn't always work this
astonishingly well but, when it does, it REALLY gets your attention. Note the phrases she
uses and how she points to possible underlying emotional issues. Please consult
physicians on all medical issues.

Hugs, Gary

By Utahna Tassie, LMT, EFT-ADV

About a year ago, right after I started using EFT, a new client came in after being referred by his
friend.  The friend had been in many months before and was impressed by how fast his back injury had
been healed when I used Quantum-Touch on it.  QT was/is great, but as soon as I found EFT, I lost
interest in doing Quantum-Touch.  I found EFT to be more fun and interesting, and I didn't work up a
sweat when applying the technique. 

This guy (let's call him Mike) had torn his LEFT ROTATOR CUFF in a car accident 2 weeks before and
did not want to have the surgery that had been recommended by his doctor.  The first thing that Mike said
when he came in was, "My friend said you have magic hands.  He doesn't know how you did what you did
for him so quickly, and I don't need to know what you do.  In fact, I don't even want to know!  Just
Well, I told him I was using a new technique that I'd learned from a friend in California and it was even
faster and easier than the Quantum-Touch that I had used on his friend's back.  I said that I didn't know if
it would work for him but it had worked better than I expected with everything that I had tried it on so far. 
(And I try EFT on everything!)

His 0-10 pain intensity was a 9.  He was okay as long as he didn't try to move his arm or shoulder in any
way.  From massage school and studying Touch for Health and Kinesiology, I know how important it is to
be hydrated before starting any energy work. So after having the client drink at least a half-cup of water, I
began with the usual, standard "Even though..." set-up phrases and moved on to more creative wording
as I got warmed up and tuned in more thoroughly.  (I generally offer a silent prayer of gratitude and ask
the healing angels for assistance while turning on the Reiki symbols in my hands before I start my client
sessions.)  Tapping on the Karate Chop point of the right hand, the set-up went something like this...  

     "Even though I don't have any idea of how this stuff works, and this gal might be crazy, I allow myself
to trust the process."

       "Even though I don't want to know how this tapping thing works, I choose to learn something new

       "Even though I'm not sure how Tonnie can help me, I desire my  shoulder to be healed easily."

Then the reminder phrases were tapped on the face.  (I just say whatever comes to mind related to the
set-ups we just completed.)

     Eye Brow:  "This not knowing"

     Side of Eye:  "Tonnie might be crazy"

     Under Eye:  "Don't want to know"

     Under Nose:  "Not sure about this silly tapping stuff"

     Chin:  "This not knowing"

     Collar Bone: "This crazy healer"

     Under Arm:  "This weird tapping stuff"

     Top of Head:  "I choose to go with the flow"

I had the client take a deep breath and went on with more set-up phrases on the side of the hand that
were more focused on the remaining pain...then the anger and the resentment, and more forgiveness

     "Even though I have this complete immobility in my left shoulder joint, and it hurts like you-know-what,
I completely accept myself."

       "Even though I have this horrible pain and stiffness in my left shoulder, I completely and profoundly
love and accept myself."

       "Even though I have these toxic emotions stuck in my left shoulder regarding the accident, I forgive
myself and the other driver."

I went on to tap in the reminder phrases on the front of the body.  Two rounds, with the second one being
related to the "remaining pain and stiffness in my shoulder" then we added phrases that included forgiving
God for letting this happen and allowing the healing to be surprisingly easy and fun.

The whole EFT session with Mike took only 5 MINUTES.  I kid you not!  He was flabbergasted and so
was I.  He had complete range of motion (360 degrees) without pain or restriction in about 5 minutes! 

I asked him if he still wanted a massage and he said, "YES!"  So I said that would be great, but we'd go
slow and easy with his left arm and shoulder.  Every time I touched or moved Mike's left arm, he
snickered (pleasantly).  He was kind of giggly during the whole massage.  We were both AMAZED at how
astonishingly easy it was to restore his mobility and comfort!

One more time, I have to say that I AM SO GRATEFUL for the tapping techniques!  I absolutely LOVE
what I do!  How could I ever be satisfied with working a real job? 

Utahna Tassie, LMT, EFT-ADV

Reiki Master-Teacher

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