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Myanmar International Business Academy

Executive Diploma in Business Management Administration

Individual Assignment

Student Name: Lecturer Name:



1.(a) Management and Business administration

(b) Function of the board of directors
2.(a) Type of Authority
(b) The advantage of conducting business as a sole trader
3. Role and Production Manager
4.(a) Marketing and Market Function
(b) The essential element in market research

1.(a)What is management and business administration?


Management has more meanings than administration. It can mean a process by which
resources are combined to achieve the organization's stated purpose. It has the following
functions lead to achieve the given ends. Management can also refer to the seniority structure
of staff members within an organization. Management process include four activities;
1.(b)Discuss the functions of the board of directors.

The board of directors is the most important part of any limited company. The chairman
of the board of directors is the true head of the firm. The minutes of a board meeting embody
resolutions passed by the directors which authorize the managing director and the other
executive directors to perform such acts as are necessary to implement board policies.
Generally, the board of directors are responsible for the following functions:

2.(a)Every organization must have a framework of authority. Explain the types of

authority with examples?

Authority is the right way of commanding subordinates, issuing orders and instructions,
and exacting obedience from the team. Every organization must have a framework of authority
and in modern society the type of authority known as " legal authority". Before considering
legal authority in greater detail, the other two types of pure authority: charismatic authority and
traditional authority.

2.(b)The advantage of conducting business as a sole trader

A sole trader is a form of business that is owned and operated by a single person. One
person provides the permanent finance, and in return, retains full control of the business. The
owner is liable for all the debts and all decisions made. It assumes all the risks with unlimited
liability and is solely responsible for business decision. It means that debts and legal issues of
the business is transferred to the owner. A sole trader makes every decisions of the business
and has complete authority over it. The advantages of sole proprietorship are known as merits
of sole proprietorship. It includes various points for the purpose of understanding the nature of
a particular business of an individual person or entity. The merits of sole proprietorship are

3. Discuss the role and responsibilities of a production manager.

The production Manager is responsible for the entire production process of the
company. He coordinates all activities related to the actual remodeling or construction of jobs.
The production Manager is responsible for completing each job on time, on budget and with a
high level of quality. The Production Manager will represent the company for all production
related items. Complete customer satisfaction is the ultimate goal. The role manager gets much
importance than other executives in on organization. A Manager's Job is very much complex
and requires some special qualities to be a head. These roles fall into three categories:

4. (a) What is marketing and explain marketing function.


Marketing may be defined as an activity that moves finished goods from the point of
production, across the time gaps and the geographical gaps which separate producers from
consumers, into the possession of another party – a wholesaler, a retailer or a final consumer –
in such a way that a profit is achieved as a reward for the manufacturing and marketing effort

(b) Discuss the essential elements in market research.

Market Research
Market research is the process of gathering, analyzing and interpreting information
about a market, a product or service to be offered for sale. It is concerned with finding out, as
accurately as possible, the present and future requirements of the market, but envisage active
stimulation of it.

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