Beginner Word List: Unit Two

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
advert объявление noun [count.] /æd/ abbreviation of There is an ad in the
advertisement (=a paper for cheap DVDs
short film on television
or short article on
radio that is intended
to persuade people to
buy something)
backpack рюкзак noun [count.] /ˈbækˌpæk/ a bag that you carry I carry my books
on your back to university in my
bag сумка noun [count.] /bæɡ/ a container made I’ll put the books in my
of paper, plastic, bag.
or cloth, used for
carrying or storing
behind за, позади preposition /bɪˈhaɪnd/ at the back of The umbrella is behind
someone or the desk.
between между preposition /bɪˈtwiːn/ with someone/ The calculator is
something on each between the mobile
side or end phone and the laptop.
bicycle велосипед noun [count.] /ˈbaɪsɪk(ə)l/ a vehicle with two She rides her bicycle.
wheels that you ride
by pushing pedals
with your feet
book книга noun [count.] /bʊk/ a set of pages held Read page 10 in the
together inside a book.
box коробка noun [count.] /bɒks/ a container with The pens are in the
straight sides, a flat box.
base and sometimes
a lid
bus автобус noun [count.] /bʌs/ a large road vehicle I always go to work by
with a lot of seats that bus.
you pay to travel on,
especially one that
takes you fairly short
distances and stops
calculator калькулятор noun [count.] /ˈkælkjʊˌleɪtə(r)/ a small piece of I use a calculator to do
electronic equipment maths.
used for doing maths
call звонить verb /kɔːl/ to telephone I’ll call you on your
someone mobile phone this
camera фотоаппарат noun [count.] /ˈkæm(ə)rə/ a piece of equipment Take a photo with your
used for taking camera.

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Open Mind

Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
case футляр noun [count.] /keɪs/ a container for She has a case for her
keeping or protecting mobile phone.
chair стул noun [count.] /tʃeə(r)/ a piece of furniture for Sit down on the chair.
one person to sit on
choose выбирать verb /tʃuːz/ to decide which you In this game you have
want from a number to choose a card.
of people or things
delivery доставка noun [count.] /dɪˈlɪv(ə)ri/ the process of Delivery is free in the
bringing goods or town.
letters to a place
desk письменный стол noun [count.] /desk/ a table that you sit at I have a laptop on my
to write or work desk.
draw рисовать verb /drɔː/ to create a picture by I like to draw pictures
making lines with a next to new words.
pen or pencil
DVD DVD-диск noun [count.] /ˌdiː viː ˈdiː/ an object like a Kim has the film on
CD that has a film DVD.
recorded on it
each каждый pronoun /iːtʃ/ used for referring These DVDs are £2
to all the people or each.
things in a group,
especially when
considering every one
eighteen восемнадцать number /ˌeɪˈtiːn/ the number 18 Eighteen is the
number 18.
eighty восемьдесят number /ˈeɪti/ the number 80 Eighty is the number 80.
eleven одиннадцать number /ɪˈlev(ə)n/ the number 11 Eleven is the number
email отправлять по verb /ˈiːmeɪl/ to send a message to Can you email the
электронной почте someone by email (=a photos to me?
system for sending
messages from one
computer to another)
end конец noun [count.] /end/ the final part of a I’m going to learn all
period of time the new words at the
end of the week.
England Англия noun /ˈɪŋglənd/ a country that is I live in London in
part of the United England.
e-reader “ридер”, устройство noun [count.] /ˈiːriːdə(r)/ a piece of electronic I read books on my
для чтения equipment that reads e-reader.
электронных книг information from the
everywhere везде pronoun /ˈevriˌweə(r)/ all the places that I take my mobile
someone visits or phone everywhere
goes to with me.
exchange обменивать verb /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/ a situation in which Let’s exchange our
one person gives vocabulary flashcards
another person and we can test each
something and other.
receives something
else of a similar type
or value in return

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Open Mind

Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
fifteen пятнадцать number /ˌfɪfˈtiːn/ the number 15 Fifteen is the number
fifty пятьдесят number /ˈfɪfti/ the number 50 Fifty is the number 50.
flashcard демонстрационная noun [count.] /ˈflæʃˌkɑː(r)d/ a small card printed I’ve got some food
карточка, карточка with words, pictures, flashcards to help me
для изучения и or numbers that helps learn the words.
запоминания слов someone to learn
for sale для продажи phrase /ˌfə(r) ˈseɪl/ available for people The laptop is for sale.
to buy Would you like to buy
forty сорок number /ˈfɔː(r)ti/ the number 40 Forty is the number 40.
fourteen четырнадцать number /ˌfɔː(r)ˈtiːn/ the number 14 Fourteen is the
number 14.
game игра noun [count.] /ɡeɪm/ an activity that you do Let’s play a game.
for fun that has rules,
and that you can win
or lose
in в preposition /ɪn/ inside a container, The pens are in the
room, building, car etc box.
information информация noun [uncount.] /ˌɪnfə(r)ˈmeɪʃ(ə)n/ knowledge or facts There is a lot of
about someone or information on this
something website.
in front of перед preposition /ˌɪn ˈfrʌnt əv/ in a position where The desk is in front of
you can see a the chair.
particular thing when
you look forward
into в preposition /ˈɪntuː/ or /ˈɪntə/ going inside a I’ll type your phone
container or an empty number into my
space mobile phone.
keep хранить verb /kiːp/ to store something in I keep my keys in my
a particular place so handbag.
that you know where
it is
key ключ noun [count.] /kiː/ a small piece of metal You open the door
used for opening or with a key.
locking a door
language язык noun [count.] /ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ/ the particular form of This is the same word
words and speech that in my language.
is used by the people
of a country, area, or
social group
laptop ноутбук, noun [count.] /ˈlæpˌtɒp/ a small computer that This laptop costs
портативный you can carry with you £400.
learn изучать verb /lɜː(r)n/ to gain knowledge I try to learn 20 new
or experience of words every week.
something, for
example by being
letter письмо noun [count.] /ˈletə(r)/ a written symbol that The letter ‘P’.
is used to represent a
sound used in speech

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Open Mind

Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
like нравиться verb /laɪk/ to enjoy doing I like watching English
something, or to films.
feel that someone or
something is pleasant
or attractive
make делать verb /meɪk/ to create or produce I make vocabulary
something by working flashcards.
meaning значение noun [count.] /ˈmiːnɪŋ/ the thing, action, I write the meaning of
feeling, idea etc that new words in English.
a word or words
minute минута noun [count.] /ˈmɪnɪt/ a period of 60 How many words can
seconds. There are 60 you write down in one
minutes in one hour minute?
mobile phone мобильный телефон noun [count.] /ˈməʊbaɪl fəʊn/ a small phone that Can you phone me on
you can carry around my mobile phone?
with you
next to рядомc preposition /ˈnekst tə/ beside or very near The book is next to
to someone or the laptop.
nineteen девятнадцать number /ˌnaɪnˈtiːn/ the number 19 Nineteen is the
number 19.
ninety девяносто number /ˈnaɪnti/ the number 90 Ninety is the number
no нет adverb /nəʊ/ used for giving a ‘Do you take sugar in
negative answer your coffee?’ ‘No, I
to something that don’t.’
someone asks or
offers you
north-east северо-восток noun /ˌnɔː(r)θˈiːst/ the direction that is He lives in Durham,
between north and in the north-east of
east; the part of the England.
country that is in that
notebook записная книжка, noun [count.] /ˈnəʊtˌbʊk/ a book with empty I write new words in
блокнот pages which you use my notebook.
for writing notes
on на preposition /ɒn/ touching a surface or The book is on the
an object desk.
one hundred сто number / wʌn ˈhʌndrəd/ the number 100 One hundred is the
number 100.
only только, всего лишь adverb /ˈəʊnli/ used for emphasising This T-shirt is very
that an amount, cheap, it only costs £5.
number, size, age,
percentage etc is
small or smaller than
on sale в продаже phrase /ɒn ˈseɪl/ available for people The new tablet
to buy computer has just
gone on sale.
out loud вслух phrase /aʊt ˈlaʊd/ in a way that other I always say new words
people can hear out loud.
over более preposition /ˈəʊvə(r)/ more than a particular I have over 50 DVDs at
amount, number, or home.

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Open Mind

Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
own свой, собственный adjective /əʊn/ used for showing that I write a translation of
something belongs to new words in my own
a particular person or language.
thing and not to any
pack пачка, упаковка noun [count.] /pæk/ a set of things such as It’s a pack of 25 CDs.
products wrapped or
tied together
pen ручка noun [count.] /pen/ an object that you use Jack writes with a pen.
for writing or drawing
with ink
person человек noun [count.] /ˈpɜː(r)s(ə)n/ an individual human Emma Watson is a
usually an adult famous person.
picture рисунок, картинка noun [count.] /ˈpɪktʃə(r)/ a drawing, painting, or I like drawing pictures
photograph of new words.
place место noun [count.] /pleɪs/ a particular town, ‘What is your favourite
country, building, place?’ ‘Yorkshire.’
shop etc
pound фунт noun [count.] /paʊnd/ a unit of money used The laptop costs 250
in the UK and several pounds.
other countries. Its
symbol is £
price цена noun [count.] /praɪs/ the amount of money The price of the
that you have to pay camera is £99.
to buy something
room комната noun [count.] /ruːm/ a part of a building The chair is in the
with a floor, walls and room.
a ceiling
sale продажа noun [count.] /seɪl/ an event at which There are good prices
people sell things at the moving sale.
at lower prices than
second секунда noun [count.] /ˈsekənd/ an extremely short How many English
period of time that is words beginning with
one of the 60 parts in ‘s’ can you write down
a minute in 60 seconds?
seventeen семнадцать number /ˌsev(ə)nˈtiːn/ the number 17 Seventeen is the
number 17.
seventy семьдесят number /ˈsev(ə)nti/ the number 70 Seventy is the number
side сторона noun [count.] /saɪd/ either of the flat There is a word on one
surfaces of something side of the card and a
thin, such as a piece picture on the other
of paper or a coin side.
sixteen шестнадцать number /ˌsɪksˈtiːn/ the number 16 Sixteen is the number
sixty шестьдесят number /ˈsɪksti/ the number 60 Sixty is the number 60.
sometimes иногда adverb /ˈsʌmtaɪmz/ on some occasions or I sometimes draw a
in some situations, but picture and sometimes
not always I write the meaning of
the word.

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Open Mind

Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
table стол noun [count.] /ˈteɪb(ə)l/ a piece of furniture I do my homework at
that consists of a flat the kitchen table.
surface held above
the floor, usually by
test тест verb /test/ to find out how much My friend and I test
someone knows, or each other on new
how well they can do vocabulary.
something, by asking
them questions
textbook учебник noun [count.] /ˈteks(t)ˌbʊk/ a book containing I read the unit in my
information about one textbook again to
subject learn the subject.
them их, им pronoun /ðem/ or /ðəm/ used for referring to I make flashcards and I
a particular group of keep them together.
people or things when
they have already
been mentioned or
when it is obvious
which group you are
referring to
thirteen тринадцать number /ˌθɜː(r)ˈtiːn/ the number 13 Thirteen is the number
thirty тридцать number /ˈθɜː(r)ti/ the number 30 Thirty is the number 30.
together вместе adverb /təˈɡeðə(r)/ if you keep, collect, I keep my vocabulary
gather etc things flashcards together.
together, you keep
them in one place or
you collect them into
one place
translation перевод noun [count.] /trænsˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ a word or phrase that I write a translation of
means the same thing new words in my own
as a word or phrase in language.
a different language
twelve двенадцать number /twelv/ the number 12 Twelve is the number
twenty двадцать number /ˈtwenti/ the number 20 Twenty is the number
type печатать, набирать verb /taɪp/ to write something I type new words into
текст на клавиатуре using a keyboard my mobile phone.
umbrella зонт noun [count.] /ʌmˈbrelə/ an object that you An umbrella keeps you
hold over your head dry in the rain.
when it is raining
under под preposition /ˈʌndə(r)/ below or covered by The backpack is under
something the chair.
unit раздел noun [count.] /ˈjuːnɪt/ one of the parts that I have nearly finished
an educational book Unit 2 of this book.
or course of study is
divided into
vocabulary словарный запас noun [count./ /vəʊˈkæbjʊləri/ all the words that a I write words in a
uncount.] person knows notebook and draw
pictures to learn new

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Open Mind

Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
watch карманные часы noun [count.] /wɒtʃ/ a small clock that you You can see the time
carry with you, usually on your watch.
on your wrist
week неделя noun [count.] /wiːk/ the five days from I am studying for a
Monday to Friday, test at the end of the
when most people do week.
win выигрывать verb /wɪn/ to defeat everyone I only like playing
else by being the best games when I win!
or by finishing first in a
word слово noun [count.] /wɜː(r)d/ a single unit of written I know a lot of English
or spoken language words.
write писать verb /raɪt/ to put words on paper I write new words in
or some other surface my notebook.
yes да adverb /jes/ used for telling ‘Do you take milk in
someone that what your tea?’ ‘Yes, I do.’
they have said or
asked is true or

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