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Open Mind


Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
after после preposition /ˈɑːftə(r)/ at a later time The afternoon is after
the morning.
April апрель noun [count./ /ˈeɪprəl/ the fourth month of Easter is often in April.
uncount.] the year, between
March and May
arm рука noun [count.] /ɑː(r)m/ one of the two long Your arm is between
parts of your body your shoulder and
with your hands at the hand.
artist художник noun [count.] /ˈɑː(r)tɪst/ someone who makes Esref Armagan is an
paintings artist.
athlete спортсмен noun [count.] /ˈæθliːt/ someone who is good Usain Bolt and Cadel
at sports Evans are athletes.
August август noun [count./ /ˈɔːɡəst/ the eighth month of I go to the beach in
uncount.] the year, between July August.
and September
be an вдохновлять phrase /ˌbi ən to be so successful, or Paralympic® athletes
inspiration to ɪnspəˈreɪʃ(ə)n tə/ to deal with a difficult are an inspiration to
situation so well, that people everywhere.
other people admire
you and want to be
like you
before до, перед preposition /bɪˈfɔː(r)/ earlier than something The morning is before
the afternoon.
begin начинать verb /bɪˈɡɪn/ if a sentence, book A sentence begins
etc begins with a with a capital letter.
particular letter, word
etc, that is the first
one in it
better лучше adverb /ˈbetə(r)/ more satisfactory, When I practise
suitable, pleasant, speaking English with
effective, or of higher a friend it helps me to
quality etc remember better.
big большой adjective /bɪɡ/ large in size Elephants are big
bike велосипед noun [count.] /baɪk/ a bicycle He can ride a bike.
biography биография noun [count.] /baɪˈɒɡrəfi/ a book that someone The biography of the
writes about someone famous painter was
else’s life interesting.
birthday день рождения noun [count.] /ˈbɜː(r)θdeɪ/ the day each year that It’s my birthday
has the same date as tomorrow. I’m going
the one on which you to be 19.
were born
blind слепой adjective /blaɪnd/ unable to see A blind man can’t see.
body тело noun [count.] /ˈbɒdi/ the whole of a person Your arms are part of
or animal including your body.
the head, arms and

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Open Mind

Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
can мочь, уметь modal verb /kæn/ or /kən/ have the ability I can ride a bike.
or means to do
Canada Канада noun /ˈkanədə/ a country in North My teacher is from
America Toronto in Canada.
can’t не мочь, не уметь modal verb /kɑːnt/ not have the ability to They can’t dance the
do something tango.
captain капитан noun [count.] /ˈkæptɪn/ the player who leads a He is the captain of
sports team the football team.
child ребенок noun [count.] /tʃaɪld/ someone’s son or My parents have
daughter of any age got three children
including me.
clear понятный adjective /klɪə(r)/ easy to understand I make tables in my
notebook so the
grammar is clear.
coach тренер noun [count.] /kəʊtʃ/ someone who trains a Jim is the coach of the
sports player or team local football team.
colour цвет noun [count.] /ˈkʌlə(r)/ red, blue, yellow etc ‘Does he use lots
of colours in his
paintings?’ ‘No, he
paints in black and
contraction сокращение, краткая noun [count.] /kənˈtrækʃ(ə)n/ a word made by Using contractions,
форма leaving out a letter or like ‘it’s’, makes your
letters of a word or English sound more
words natural.
cook готовить verb /kʊk/ to prepare food and My mother can cook
heat it so that it is a meal.
ready to eat
count считать verb /kaʊnt/ to say numbers one I can count from one
after another in order to ten in English.
dance танцевать verb /dɑːns/ to move your feet and She dances the tango
your body to music with her boyfriend.
December декабрь noun [count./ /dɪˈsembə(r)/ the twelfth and last Christmas Day is on
uncount.] month of the year, 25th December.
between November
and January
difference разница noun [count./ /ˈdɪfrəns/ something that Can you hear the
uncount.] makes one thing or difference between it
person not the same and eat?
as another thing or
do делать verb /duː/ to take part in an They can do yoga.
draw рисовать verb /drɔː/ to create a picture by He can draw a picture.
making lines with a
pen or pencil
drive управлять verb /draɪv/ to control a vehicle He drives a car.
(автомобилем), ехать so that it moves
(в автомобиле) somewhere
each other друг друга pronoun /iːtʃ ˈʌðə(r)/ used for saying that My friend and I
each person or thing test each other on
does something to the grammar.
other or others

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Open Mind

Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
ear ухо noun [count.] /ɪə(r)/ one of the two parts Your ears are on your
at the sides of your head.
head that you hear
elbow локоть noun [count.] /ˈelbəʊ/ the part in the middle Your elbow is in the
of your arm where it middle of your arm.
example пример noun [count.] /ɪɡˈzɑːmp(ə)l/ something that you I write examples with
mention in order to new grammar in my
show the type of thing notebook.
that you are talking
about and to help
to explain what you
explanation объяснение noun [count.] /ˌekspləˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ a description of how The textbook gives
something works or of an explanation of the
how to do something grammar point.
eye глаз noun [count.] /aɪ/ one of the two body Your eyes are in your
parts in your face that head.
you use to see
famous известный, adjective /ˈfeɪməs/ if someone or Johnny Depp is a
знаменитый something is famous, famous actor.
a lot of people know
their name or have
heard about them
February февраль noun [count./ /ˈfebruəri/ the second month Valentine’s Day is on
uncount.] of the year, between 14th February.
January and March
finger палец noun [count.] /ˈfɪŋɡə(r)/ your fingers are the Your fingers are on
long thin parts on the your hands.
end of your hands
foot ступня noun [count.] /fʊt/ the part of your body These shoes are
at the end of your leg, hurting my feet.
on which you stand
football футбол noun [uncount.] /ˈsɒkə(r)/ a game in which Football is a very
two teams of eleven popular game in
players kick a round Europe.
ball and try to score
form составлять verb /fɔː(r)m/ to make something To form a question use
exist or develop a question word and a
question mark.
Friday пятница noun [count./ /ˈfraɪdeɪ/ the day after Thursday Friday is the day after
uncount.] and before Saturday Thursday.
grammar грамматика noun [uncount.] /ˈɡræmə(r)/ the set of rules that Studying grammar
describe the structure is important when
of a language and learning a language.
control the way that
sentences are formed
guitar гитара noun [count.] /ɡɪˈtɑː(r)/ a musical instrument He can play the guitar.
with six strings
hair волосы noun [uncount.] /heə(r)/ the mass of thin fibres She has got very long
that grows on your hair.

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Open Mind

Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
hand рука noun [count.] /hænd/ the part of your body You use your hand to
at the end of each paint a picture.
arm that you use
for picking up and
holding things
head голова noun [count.] /hed/ the top part of your You think with your
body that has your head.
brain, eyes, mouth etc
in it
here здесь adverb /hɪə(r)/ in or to this place Is Alex here?
house дом noun [count.] /haʊs/ a building for living in, Our house is on this
usually where only one street.
family lives
interested заинтересованный adjective /ˈɪntrəstɪd/ wanting to know I am very interested in
about or take part in salsa music.
January январь noun [count./ /ˈdʒænjuəri/ the first month of the New Year’s Day is on
uncount.] year 1st January.
Japan Япония noun /dʒəˈpan/ a country in East Asia Sushi is a popular dish
in Japan.
Japanese японский язык noun [uncount.] /ˌdʒæpəˈniːz/ the language that People in Japan speak
people speak in Japan Japanese.
July июль noun [count./ /dʒʊˈlaɪ/ the seventh month July is one of the
uncount.] of the year, between hottest months of the
June and August year.
June июнь noun [count./ /dʒuːn/ the sixth month of the I have exams in June.
uncount.] year, between May
and July
knee колено noun [count.] /niː/ the part in the middle Your knee is in the
of your leg where it middle of your leg.
leg нога noun [count.] /leɡ/ one of the two parts You walk with your
of your body to which legs.
your feet are attached
March март noun [count./ /mɑː(r)tʃ/ the third month of Spring starts in March.
uncount.] the year, between
February and April
married женатый, замужняя adjective /ˈmærid/ someone who is My sister is married to
married has been an actor.
formally joined in
marriage with another
May май noun [count./ /meɪ/ the fifth month of the May is a good time to
uncount.] year, between April visit England as the
and June weather is often warm.
meal блюдо noun [count.] /miːl/ the food that you My father can cook a
serve or eat at one meal.
method способ noun [count./ /ˈmeθəd/ a way of doing He has an unusual
uncount.] something, especially method of cooking
a planned or pasta.
established way
Monday понедельник noun [count./ /ˈmʌndeɪ/ the day after Sunday On Mondays, I have
uncount.] and before Tuesday singing lessons.

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Open Mind

Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
month месяц noun [count.] /mʌnθ/ one of the 12 periods There are 12 months
that a year is divided in a year.
into, such as January,
February etc
mouth рот noun [count.] /maʊθ/ the part of your face You eat and speak
below your nose that with your mouth.
you use to eat and
neck шея noun [count.] /nek/ the part of the body Your neck is under
that joins the head to your head.
the rest of the body
negative отрицательный adjective /ˈneɡətɪv/ a negative form or To make a sentence
word expresses ‘no’ negative use ‘not’.
or ‘not’, for example
‘don’t’ or ‘won’t’
nose нос noun [count.] /nəʊz/ the part of your Your nose is under
face above your your eyes.
mouth that you use
for smelling and
November ноябрь noun [count./ /nəʊˈvembə(r)/ the eleventh month In England Bonfire
uncount.] of the year, between Night is on 5th
October and November.
object предмет noun [count.] /ˈɒbdʒekt/ a thing that you can There are lots of
see and touch that is strange objects in the
not alive and is usually modern art gallery.
October октябрь noun [count./ /ɒkˈtəʊbə(r)/ the tenth month of It is often cold and wet
uncount.] the year, between in October.
September and
paint рисовать verb /peɪnt/ to create a picture An artist paints
of something using pictures.
painter художник noun [count.] /ˈpeɪntə(r)/ an artist who paints The painter is
pictures exhibiting his works at
the gallery.
painting картина noun [count.] /ˈpeɪntɪŋ/ a picture made using Monet’s paintings are
paint famous all over the
part часть noun [count.] /pɑː(r)t/ one of the pieces Your legs are part of
or sections that your body.
something consists of
picture картина noun [count.] /ˈpɪktʃə(r)/ a drawing, painting, or Esref Armagan paints
photograph pictures.
play играть verb /pleɪ/ to take part in a sport Can you play the
or game or use a guitar?
musical instrument
plural множественный adjective /ˈplʊərəl/ a plural word or form Many words in English
is used for referring to can be made plural by
more than one person adding an ‘s’.
or thing

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Open Mind

Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
pronoun местоимение noun [count.] /ˈprəʊnaʊn/ a word used instead ‘He’ is a pronoun.
of a noun for referring
to a person or
thing that has been
mentioned earlier, for
example ‘she’, ‘they’,
‘that’, and ‘yourself’
remember помнить verb /rɪˈmembə(r)/ to keep a particular I say new grammar
fact in your mind again and again. Then
because it is relevant I remember it.
to what is being
ride ехать верхом verb /raɪd/ to sit on a bicycle and She can ride a bike.
control it as it moves
right правильный adjective /raɪt/ if something is right, it This way of studying is
is correct according to right for me.
the facts
Saturday суббота noun [count./ /ˈsætə(r)deɪ/ the day after Friday Saturday is the day
uncount.] and before Sunday after Friday.
September сентябрь noun [count./ /sepˈtembə(r)/ the ninth month of the September is at the
uncount.] year, between August end of summer.
and October
share делиться, поделиться verb /ʃeə(r)/ to tell someone Share your ideas with
something your classmates.
shoulder плечо noun [count.] /ˈʃəʊldə(r)/ one of the two parts Your shoulder is at the
of your body between top of your arm.
your neck and the top
of your arms
similarity сходство noun [count.] /ˌsɪməˈlærəti/ something that makes Are there similarities
one thing seem like between English
another grammar and
grammar in your
small маленький adjective /smɔːl/ not large in size, It’s a small town in
amount, or number Canada.
sore больной, adjective /sɔː(r)/ painful and I fell over and now my
воспаленный uncomfortable, usually knee is sore.
as a result of an injury,
infection, or too much
special особенный adjective /ˈspeʃ(ə)l/ different from and Van Gogh had a talent
usually better than that was special.
what is normal or
sport спорт noun [count.] /spɔː(r)t/ an activity in which Tennis is a sport.
players or teams
compete against each
stomach желудок noun [count.] /ˈstʌmək/ the soft part at the This short T-shirt won’t
front of your body cover my stomach.
between your chest
and your legs
Sunday воскресение noun [count./ /ˈsʌndeɪ/ the day after Saturday Sunday is the day after
uncount.] and before Monday Saturday.

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Open Mind

Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
survey опрос noun [count.] /ˈsɜː(r)veɪ/ a set of questions The woman was doing
that you ask a large a survey on eating
number of people or habits in our town.
table стол noun [count.] /ˈteɪb(ə)l/ a way of showing The grammar is listed
detailed pieces of in a table.
information, especially
facts or numbers, by
arranging them in
rows and lines across
and down a page
team команда noun [count.] /tiːm/ a group of people My brother plays for
who play a sport or a his university rugby
game against another team.
Thursday четверг noun [count./ /ˈθɜː(r)zdeɪ/ the day after Thursday is the day
uncount.] Wednesday and after Wednesday.
before Friday
today сегодня noun [uncount.] /təˈdeɪ/ this day Today is Friday and
tomorrow will be
toe палец на ноге noun [count.] /təʊ/ one of the five A horse stood on my
individual parts at the foot and now my big
end of your foot toe is sore.
tomorrow завтра noun [uncount.] /təˈmɒrəʊ/ the day after today Let’s do the exercise
at home tonight and
meet tomorrow to
compare our answers.
Tuesday вторник noun [count./ /ˈtjuːzdeɪ/ the day after Tuesday is the day
uncount.] Monday and before after Monday.
Turkey Турция noun /ˈtəːki/ a country in western He is from Istanbul in
Asia and south- Turkey.
eastern Europe
Turkish турок, турчанка adjective /ˈtɜː(r)kɪʃ/ from Turkey A person from Turkey
is Turkish.
unique уникальный adjective /juːˈniːk/ very special, unusual, Picasso had a unique
or good method of painting.
unusual необычный adjective /ʌnˈjuːʒʊəl/ different from other He is left-handed and
people or things has an unusual way of
in a way that is playing the guitar.
interesting, attractive,
or impressive
useful полезный adjective /ˈjuːsf(ə)l/ helpful for doing or I read the textbook
achieving something explanation. I think it’s
verb глагол noun [count.] /vɜː(r)b/ a type of word or ‘Go’ and ‘do’ are
phrase that shows an verbs.
action or a state, for
example ‘run’ and
walk прогулка verb /wɔːk/ to move forwards by I broke my leg and
putting one foot in now I can’t walk.
front of the other
Wednesday среда noun [count./ /ˈwenzdeɪ/ the day after Tuesday Wednesday is the day
uncount.] and before Thursday after Tuesday.

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Open Mind

Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
weekend выходные дни noun [count.] /ˌwiːkˈend/ Saturday and Sunday There is no school at
the weekend.
year год noun [count.] /jɪə(r)/ used about a My year of birth was
particular period of 1987.
time, beginning on 1st
January and ending
on 31st December, or
between the first and
last dates on some
other calendar
yoga йога noun [uncount.] /ˈjəʊɡə/ an activity that They do yoga on
involves doing Mondays.
physical and breathing

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