April 2011

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Volume 1 Issue 3 page 1 April 2011

Tbcc Tribune
“Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a real blessing.” -Psalm 127:3-

Words to live by: D I R E C T O R : S c h o o l N e w s

Though no one can go L I S A NAEYC Accreditation Late Night

back and make a brand W I L S O N In the month of
We had our walkthrough with
new start, anyone can April we have late
start from now and NAEYC during February 2011.
T E A C H E R S We are waiting to hear form the night scheduled for you and
make a brand new end- : your family to enjoy. Late
ing. NAEYC academy for official
accreditation. For more infor- night is an opportunity for
A N I S H A H mation on NAEYC please visit parents to go on a ‘date’ and
www.tbcc4me.org or we keep the children ‘late’.
I n s i d e www.naeyc.org. Please sign up in your child’s
t h i s classroom next to the sign in
i s s u e : C H R I S T I N E
. Summer at TBCC and out area. The cost is $30
Master Calendar 1 per child and dinner is pro-
E D N A Our Summer program begins vided. Please bring pajamas,
Monday June 27, 2011. We tennis shoes, and a sleeping
Late Night 1 J A C K I E
will kick off the summer with bag. The next late night:
K A T H Y A jumpers and a petting zoo
Friday April 29th.
Accreditation 1 K E S H A that Friday! Fun in the sun.
Please register for summer Lunch Program
Lunch Program 1
because we fill up fast. Sum- We launched our trial lunch
L I Z mer registration forms were program March 21, 2011
M A R I A distributed to every child’s through April 1, 2011. We
Parent volunteer
1 folder. Please complete, the
Hours N A O M I
will analyze the expenses to
form, pick a t-shirt size, and
operate a lunch program and
1 P A R V I N submit payment to my lock
Things to Do in L.A.
box no later than Friday May
will inform families if it is
U L A feasible for TBCC to provide
27, 2011.
Room Parents 2 Y U R I lunches in the future.

Blog/ Alumni Page 2 P a r e n t N e w s

Fun Fact: Things to do in L.A. Parent Volunteer Hours

Inclusion at TBCC 2 Mars experiences violent  Griffith Observatory: Please remember that every
dust storms which continu- Hike, picnic, planetarium parent is required to volun-
ally change its surface. Visit: www.griffithobs.org teer 10 hours during the
Annual Giving Fund 2 http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/sciencefacts.html
 La Brea Tarpits: regular school year. For
Reflective Parenting Classes Relax, explore, picnic, mu- more info please see your
We will have another reflective parenting seum, and visit Lacma
Master Calendar 2 class soon. Please look out for details via child’s teacher.
email or flyer. Visit: www.tarpits.org
Woman’s  L.A. Zoo:
2 Picnic, see the animals
Visit: www.lazoo.org
P a g e 2 T b c c T r i b u n e

April 2011
SUN MO TUE WE THU FRI SAT S c h e d u l e o f E v e n t s

1 2 April 8, 2011: Closed for

parent/ teacher confer-
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ences
April 15, 2011: Lunch with
your child.
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 April 22, 2011: Closed in
observance of Good Friday
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 April 25, 2011: Closed on
observance of Easter
April 29, 2011: Late Night
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

School Happenings
Blog Page month beginning in Febru- 2010 to June 2011. All
We have a TBCC blog that you ary. If you are interested in families have access to the
can follow by going to being a part of this support master calendar on our
www.tbcc4me.org. Scroll group please contact me via w e b s i t e a t
down on the homepage of the email or telephone. I may www.tbcc4me.org. Please
website located on the right- be able to provide free refer to this calendar to
hand side of the childcare if I have enough help plan for alternate
ho mepage and interest. I would like to childcare during school
click on “TBCC start in February so if you closure days. We invite
Blog”. Our blog features infor- are interested contact me you to be a part of the pro-
mative articles about child de- ASAP. grams and volunteering
velopment topics. Click on the lisa@tbcc4me.org your time at TBCC.
“about us” tab and then click on 310.395.3282 Inclusion at TBCC
Happy Birthday the “alumni page “ sub-tab for Annual Giving Fund We are a school that pro-
more info. We also have a blog motes and welcomes chil-
January Babies! TBCC would like to thank
that you can become a follower
on or blog yourself! For more every teacher and family dren at all levels of devel-
Room Parent for all of the monetary opment. We ask that fami-
information please visit our
We are blessed to have a
website at www.tbcc4me.org support from the generous lies will help to educate
group of wonderful room
and scroll down on the home donations for our Annual Giv- themselves as well as their
parents this year helping to
page and click on the “blog” ing Fund (AGF). This year we
keep TBCC running at its children that all children
icon to become a blog follower, were able to raise funds to
best! Please stay informed are at different levels but
or a blogger yourself! Enjoy.
by reading emails from me, remodel our kitchen in order to
forwarded by your room par- Woman’s Empowerment Group we can help one another by
provide a sanitized area to
ent. If you are not receiving Last year we began a woman’s prepare snacks and hot lunches practicing acceptance and
emails please speak to your support group at TBCC. I have for children in our care. patience. If you have any
child’s teacher so they can had several parents ask for questions or concerns
add you to the classroom Woman’s Empowerment Group Master Calendar
email roster. It is your re- about your child or chil-
to begin again. I would like to We have a Master Calendar
sponsibility to stay informed. have this support group meet on dren in your child’s class-
that outlines the school year
the fourth Wednesday of each beginning in September room, please see Lisa.

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