Speakout Reading and Listening Extra Intermediate Plus Unit 5

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INTERMEDIATE PLUS UNIT 5 1 Work in pairs and discuss.
1 Why do people read science fiction?
2 Do you read or watch science fiction? Why/Why not?

2 Read the reviews of three science fiction novels and

answer the questions.
1 What do the books have in common?
2 Have you read any of them? If not, would you like
to read them?
apocalyptic – describing the end of the world
brand loyalty – when consumers to buy products
from the same company because they trust them
oppressive – using power to be cruel and unfair

Brave New World – Aldous Huxley, 1932

3 Read the reviews again and answer the questions.
Which book(s).
In a future full of pleasure, people are taught from
birth to accept their position in a society that has no 1 is about a future where most people can’t have
unemployment or violent crime. This thought-provoking children?
story follows a number of characters as they try to find 2 shows a world where humans are not in control?
their place in a world without pain. The idea of whether 3 has been made into a successful TV series?
you can really be alive without suffering is central to
the book. It is said that Huxley came up with the idea 4 do we not know why the world is as it is?
during a visit to the United States where he saw how the 5 shows a society where people are organised into
population could be controlled by advertising and people social classes?
organised themselves into groups based on brand loyalty. 6 is a warning about problems we face in society
Many, including myself, consider Huxley’s most famous today?
novel to be required reading for science fiction junkies.
7 is about a future society where there is no
The Handmaid’s Tale – Margaret Atwood, 1985 suffering?
Recently made into a critically-acclaimed TV series, The 8 was inspired by a visit to a country?
Handmaid’s Tale tells the story of a future society where a
majority of the population can’t have children due to an 4 Match the words in bold in the reviews with
unknown apocalyptic event. In this society the women definitions 1–8.
who can have children are reserved for the powerful. 1 without hope or happiness
It’s not the most comforting story and nor should it be. 2 a serious book or article that examines a subject
Offred, the main character, describes in flashbacks how
3 making the reader think seriously about a
this oppressive society came to be. Moments such as when
every woman’s credit card stops working since they are particular subject
no longer allowed bank accounts or to own money are 4 critics think it’s good
especially worrying. Atwood’s treatise is both a warning 5 scenes that shows what happened before the
for the present as well as the future. In my opinion, it’s an events in the story
absolutely essential read for all adult sci fi addicts. 6 damaged very badly
The Road – Cormack McCarthy, 2006 7 the main story
Cormack McCarthy is better known for his western and 8 making you feel less worried or unhappy
crime fiction. However, in The Road he tells a bleak tale
in which the world has been ravaged by an unknown 5 Work in pairs. Can you think of any other books or
disaster, and evil is around every corner. The planet has films with similar themes?
returned to a state of nature, no longer able or willing
to support human life. These environmental issues may 6 5.1 Listen to Mark and Sharon talking about
not be central to the plot but it raises questions about the three books. Tick (ü) the books they like and
what a world that can’t feed and protect its inhabitants cross (x) the ones they don’t like.
would be like. A world increasingly like our own. Great
for teenagers and adults. Mark Sharon
Brave New World
The Handmaid’s Tale
The Road

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7 5.1 Listen again. Find the mistakes and 9 Work in pairs or small groups. Discuss the
correct them. questions.
1 Sharon is reading Brave New World as part of her 1 What genres of fiction do you like? Are there any
book club. that you don’t like?
2 Sharon doesn’t like the style of Brave New World. 2 Do you have a favourite writer? Why do you like
3 Mark didn’t think the characters in Brave New him/her so much?
World were very believable. 3 Have you ever really hated a book? Why?
4 Sharon thought one of the characters in Brave 4 How can novels teach us about the world?
New World was very similar to her. 5 Do you think that it’s important for children to
5 Sharon thinks the world in The Handmaid’s Tale is read? Why?/Why not?
6 Sharon thought The Road was quite positive.
7 Sharon liked the ending of The Road.
8 Mark thinks Sharon enjoyed The Road more than
she thinks.

8 Complete the sentences with adjectives from the

conversation. The first letter of each word is given.
1 I thought the book was g .
I couldn’t put it down.
2 It’s a p read. It changes the
way you see the world.
3 The characters are really c .
They do exactly what I’d do in the same situation.
4 To be honest I found it h - .
I nearly didn’t finish it.
5 He’s a really i writer. His
ideas are so original yet obvious.
6 The characters were all very
o - . They
could have had a lot more depth.

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Speakout Reading and Listening Extra Intermediate Plus Unit 5.indd 13 26/07/18 5:32 PM

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