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The best day of my life, in one of the best restaurants, more

specifically my birthday, about two years ago we went to "El
caldo de gallina", a very well known restaurant in the area,
it is conveniently located on Arenales Avenue, it is very
spacious, quite nice and it is open 24 hours.

We got together the whole family at lunch time to celebrate

this special day, we were all very happy, we were served by
a very kind and very patient girl to serve everyone, because
there were not so big tables for twelve people, so she took
the time to put three tables together to make room for all of
us, we ordered practically the same, because we all eat
only chicken.

We ordered 11 portions of "Chicharron de pollo a la Jack"

they are pieces of fried chicken breaded with french fries,
but as always one of the family wanted to do something
different and ordered a "Lomo saltado" but he added his
extra touch, he asked for extra onion, most of the family
hates onion so many of them annoyed him but everyone
understood that they were his preference.

We were all very happy with our food and drinking our
favorite soda which is Inca Kola, but as always the different
cousin asked for a Coca-Cola, but well, the best of the
whole lunch was that the restaurant gave us a dessert to
each of us for my birthday, it was really a very special day
and the attention was something magnificent.

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