Martial God Asura

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1. About it
1. Cover
2. Chapters
1. Chapter 1 - Outside disciple
2. Chapter 2 - Beauty elder
3. Chapter 3 - The assessment begins (plus 1)
4. Chapter 4 - More ferocious than the beast (plus 2)
5. Chapter 5 - Qinglong taoist (plus 3)
6. Chapter 6 - Is it him? (plus 4)
7. Chapter 7 - Essence hunting (plus 5)
8. Chapter 8 - Coincidence with chu yue (plus 6)
9. Chapter ~ - Ninth, i testify for him (plus 7)
10. Chapter 10 - Repaying the account (plus 8)
11. Chapter 11 - Self-acceptance (plus 9)
12. Chapter 12 - Ç? role (plus 10)
13. Chapter 13 - Give me pleading for mercy (plus 11)
14. Chapter 14 - Big brother's letter (plus 12)
15. Chapter 15 - Long brother and tiger brother (plus 13)
16. Chapter 16 - Refuse to join
17. Chapter 17 - Acquaintance
18. Chapter 18 - Screaming in the forest (plus 14)
19. Chapter 19 - My name is justice (plus 15)
20. Chapter 20 - Wan gu tomb (plus 16)
21. Chapter 21 - Variety
22. Chapter 22 - Girl wars monster
23. Chapter 23 - No one in the middle (plus 17)
24. Chapter 24 - Do you dare to marry me? (plus 18)
25. Chapter 25 - Fury su mei (plus 19)
26. Chapter 26 - Chu feng is a monk
27. Chapter 27 - Weird spell
28. Chapter 28 - Changing attitude (plus 20)
29. Chapter 29 - Father and son meet (plus 21)
30. Chapter 30 - Enchanting (plus 22)
31. Chapter 31 - Uninvited guest
32. Chapter 32 - I surrender
33. Chapter 33 - Chu feng on chu (plus 23)
34. Chapter 34 - Stunning four (plus 24)
35. Chapter 35 - Xu tianyi (plus 25)
36. Chapter 36 - I am coming to fight
37. Chapter 37 - Shocked the audience
38. Chapter 38 - Famous baili (plus 26)
39. Chapter 39 - Show strength (plus 27)
40. Chapter 40 - I am su meiâ??s heart (plus 28)
41. Chapter 41 - Big trouble
42. Chapter 42 - One enemy hundred
43. Chapter 43 - One killing **** (plus 29)
44. Chapter 44 - The disaster is coming (plus 30)
45. Chapter 45 - Overbearing surou (plus 31)
46. Chapter 46 - Join the wing
47. Chapter 47 - Warm dinner
48. Chapter 48 - Tomb (plus 32)
49. Chapter 49 - Spiritual master (plus 33)
50. Chapter 50 - Master xuan gong (plus 34)
51. Chapter 12 - Ç? role (plus 10)
52. Chapter 40 - I am su meiâ??s heart (plus 28)
53. Chapter 51 - Boundary compass
54. Chapter 52 - Spiritual skill
55. Chapter 53 - Charm map (plus 35)
56. Chapter 54 - Madness called hanako (plus 36)
57. Chapter 55 - Xiaoye is called chu feng (plus 37)
58. Chapter 56 - Dare to approach, kill (plus 38)
59. Chapter 57 - Yukong old man (plus 39)
60. Chapter 58 - Yanjia road is narrow (plus 40)
61. Chapter 59 - Guild wars (plus 41)
62. Chapter 60 - Thunder third style (plus 42)
63. Chapter 61 - Royal air
64. Chapter 62 - Fisherman
65. Chapter 63 - Strange hall (plus 43)
66. Chapter 64 - Burning flames (additional 44)
67. Chapter 65 - Sky price breakthrough
68. Chapter 66 - Practice array
69. Chapter 67 - Backing (plus 45)
70. Chapter 68 - Fear after a while
71. Chapter 69 - Create a myth
72. Chapter 70 - Jealous (plus 46)
73. Chapter 71 - Give me a quiet point (plus 47)
74. Chapter 72 - Abuse, situ yu (plus 48)
75. Chapter 73 - Reminder (plus 49)
76. Chapter 74 - Assessment (plus 50)
77. Chapter 75 - Similar genius
78. Chapter 76 - Abolished, received
79. Chapter 77 - Seeking for mercy
80. Chapter 78 - Talent test
81. Chapter 79 - Amazing discovery (plus 51)
82. Chapter 80 - Peerless wizards
83. Chapter 81 - Insult
84. Chapter 82 - Combat
85. Chapter 83 - Nobody wants to bully me.
86. Chapter 84 - Variety bow (plus 52)
87. Chapter 85 - Crisis
88. Chapter 86 - Mysterious master
89. Chapter 87 - Chu family is difficult
90. Chapter 88 - Dead
91. Chapter 89 - Itâ??s your turn (plus 53)
92. Chapter 90 - Lingwu battle yuanwu
93. Chapter 91 - Unite
94. Chapter 92 - Chu feng's life experience
95. Chapter 93 - Gift
96. Chapter 94 - He de he can
97. Chapter 95 - I am jealous
98. Chapter 96 - Zijin token (plus 54)
99. Chapter 97 - The army is coming (plus 55)
100. Chapter 98 - Pressure on people
101. Chapter 12 - Ç? role (plus 10)
102. Chapter 40 - I am su meiâ??s heart (plus 28)
103. Chapter 89 - Itâ??s your turn (plus 53)
104. Chapter 99 - Reward and punishment
105. Chapter 100 - Killing
106. Chapter 101 - Not good
107. Chapter 102 - Helpers
108. Chapter 103 - Enchantment
109. Chapter 104 - Test
110. Chapter 105 - Gong family background
111. Chapter 12 - Ç? role (plus 10)
112. Chapter 40 - I am su meiâ??s heart (plus 28)
113. Chapter 89 - Itâ??s your turn (plus 53)
114. Chapter 106 - Jieling space (plus 56)
115. Chapter 107 - Unlock the seal (plus 57)
116. Chapter 108 - Two monsters (plus 58)
117. Chapter 109 - I am really amazing.
118. Chapter 110 - Psychic contract
119. Chapter 111 - Wan wenpeng
120. Chapter 112 - Competition facade
121. Chapter 12 - Nj role (plus 10)
122. Chapter 40 - I am su meiâ€s heart (plus 28)
123. Chapter 89 - Itâ€s your turn (plus 53)
124. Chapter 113 - Cheat
125. Chapter 114 - Ancient funeral (plus 59)
126. Chapter 115 - Graveyard level
127. Chapter 116 - Surou mother?
128. Chapter 117 - Land of burial
129. Chapter 118 - Infinite treasure
130. Chapter 119 - No doubt this trip
Ongoing - 2020 - Web Novel - English

Action | Adventure | Drama | Fantasy | Martial Arts |


Martial God Asura Chapter 1: Outside disciple
At night, the moon is hanging high and the stars are a little bit.

But between the stars and rivers, there are nine colors of lightning, which
are particularly dazzling.

"The vision of the heavens is that there will be a deity."

On the mainland of Kyushu, the top of the Imperial City, a gold-clad old
man stood up and looked up at the night sky.

Behind him, there are tens of thousands of masters of the Imperial City,
neatly half-squatting on the ground, seemingly waiting for orders.


Suddenly, the thunder and light condensed and turned into a nine-color
**** thunder. From the nine-day star river, it fell.

In an instant, the night turned white, and the thunder had not yet fallen.
The earth was beginning to rumbling and trembled violently.

But when the nine-color **** thunder, the contact with the mainland did
not cause terrible damage, it disappeared out of thin air.

At the same time, the earth was once again shrouded in the night, and
Bian’s night sky was dimmed a lot, as if some essence had been taken
away, and the calm of the past was restored.

But at this moment, the eyes of the old man are extremely bright, and even
the excited body is shaking. His finger thunder falls: "In Qingzhou, all the
children who come tonight, bring me back to the Imperial City!"

Like a thunderous answer to the sky, tens of thousands of Imperial City
masters went to Qingzhou, vowed to find the gods, used for the dynasty.

Time has passed, and it has been five years since the blink of an eye.
Although people still remember the scene of the year, no one knows what
the dynasty did.

In the mainland of Kyushu, in the territory of Qingzhou, Zongmen is

standing, and Qinglongzong is one of them.

Today, I went to Qinglongzong once a year to recruit my disciples, and the

Qinglong ancestors were crowded with people.

But at this time, the most busy is the outside disciple, and all the
receptions of the sects are on their heads.

Outside disciples are an unpleasant errand. They don’t say that they are in
a low position in Zongmen, and even outsiders look down on them.

The reason is very simple. Anyone who is a foreign disciple has a very
poor qualification. It is difficult to achieve great achievements in life and
is naturally despised.

"Hey, what is your attitude, do you know who I am?" A gorgeous woman,
with a boy, pointed at a teenager and shouted loudly.

"I am sorry, it is late, the squad will be closed, and the two will come again
tomorrow." The young and handsome face is still tender, but there is a
touch of British spirit between the eyebrows.

He is Chu Feng, who is fifteen years old and is one of the tens of
thousands of foreign disciples of Qinglong.

However, as a foreign disciple, this Chu Feng is different from others.

There is no inferiority inferiority. There is no indulgence in self-
destruction. Everyone is not afraid of being afraid and calm.

"Come back tomorrow, when you are an idiot? Where do you let our
mother and son live in this deep mountain?"
"You have to arrange accommodation for me, or I will go to your elders
theory." The woman did not hesitate, but she seized the clothes of Chu

"Chu Fengdi, have you been in trouble?" But at this moment, a sweet voice
suddenly sounded.

Looking at it, a purple girl, is coming, although her mouth is smiling, but
the pair of sharp eyes, but staring at the woman.

When I saw the girl, the woman’s face suddenly changed, and a thick fear

Not because of anything else, only because of the purple robes on the girl,
it is the sign of the inner disciple.

The woman screamed badly, and thought that her identity could be
difficult for the boy in front of her.

I used to think that this young man who looked at the inconspicuous,
actually had a disciple to do the backstage, but that was the existence she
could not afford.

"It's okay, I just asked the little brother about something." The woman
smiled and explained.

The girl first glanced at her and then only said one word: "Roll."

At this moment, the woman's body could not help but tremble, and her
face became iron.

However, she did not hesitate, and took the boy and quickly walked away.
There was still a fall between the panic and the wolf.

Upon seeing it, Chu Feng shook his head helplessly, and then prayed to the
girl next to him: "Thank you Chu Yue Shijie"

"You are polite with me, we are a family." Chu Yue is not happy.
She is right, Chu Feng and she are indeed a family, they are from the same
family, Chu family.

This Chu Yue is the cousin of the Chu Feng Er Bo family, only one year
older than Chu Feng.

However, Chu Yue passed the internal door assessment three years ago and
became an inner disciple. Now he is a master of Lingwu.

"Zongmen rules, always have to comply." Chu Feng smiled brilliantly.

"?" However, looking at such Chu Feng, Chu Yue is a bit of a heart: "Chu
Fengdi, this year's internal door assessment you still do not participate? Is
it, you have not reached the Lingwu triple?"

Chu Feng did not answer, his face still has a smile, no one knows what he

Upon seeing it, Chu Yue took a kit from his waist and put it in the hands of
Chu Feng: "Refining it, maybe it can help you break through the triple."

Chu Feng opened the kit, and suddenly a compelling aura emerged. A
finger-sized, crystal-clear fairy grass was lying in it.

"Chu Yuejie, this is too expensive, I can't." Chu Feng rushed back to Chu

The fairy grass is a sacred medicine for martial arts. It is extremely

precious, and it has endless effects on the martial artists who are within
the spirit of the martial arts.

In order to let them improve quickly, the Chu family will subsidize one of
them every year.

I want to come to Chu Yue, this is also a family subsidy, but Chu Yue did
not enjoy it, but gave him, which makes Chu Feng feel moved, but can not
bear to accept.

"I said to you, you are holding, or not my brother." Chu Yue is not happy.
"Hey, when is Chu Yuejie so generous, and the fairy grasses have to be

"Look, I am also your younger brother. Just recently I will break through
the four spirits of Lingwu. How can Chu Chujie send me this fairy grass?"

A teenager of similar age to Chu Feng came over and wore the costumes
of the inner disciples.

His name is Chu Zhen, also from the Chu family. He joined Qing
Fengzong with Chu Feng five years ago, but as early as two years ago, he
has become an inner disciple.

"Chu Zhen, you have already broken through the three spirits of Lingwu,
successfully condensed the aura, even without this fairy grass can also

"Chu Fengdi has not yet gathered aura, this fairy grass is more important
to him." Chu Yue will immortal grass, forcibly inserted into the hands of
Chu Feng.

"Yeah, you are right, but unfortunately he does not lead you." Chu really
spread his hands and sneered.

"Who said that I don't want it." However, Chu Feng smiled slightly, and
unceremoniously put the fairy grass into his arms, and then said: "Chu
Yuejie, this fairy grass is what I borrowed from you, and later Will double
the return."

"Well, okay." See Chu Feng accept, Chu Yue is a big joy, just casually, did
not think about Chu Feng to her.

"What do you want? This fairy grass is for you, it is a waste." But that Chu
really looks, it is ugly.

Chu Feng smiled and ignored him, but said to Chu Yue: "Chu Yuejie, I will
participate in this year's internal examination."
"Hey, it depends on you? If you can pass the internal door assessment, this
year's family subsidized fairy grass, I will send you." Chu really looked at
Chu Feng with contempt.

"Is this true?" Chu Feng did not believe it.

"Chu Yuejie testified, but if you can't pass it?"

"Then my fairy grass this year will be yours." Chu Feng left this sentence
and continued to invest in the work of the disciples.

"Chu Zhen, we are all family, why are you always in trouble? Chu Feng?"
Chu Yue looked at Chu Zhen unhappy.

"A family? Chu Yuejie, you should know that this Chu Feng is not my Chu

"It is simply a shame for my Chu family to pass the internal door
assessment for five years."

"The whole Chu family, who likes him? You are so good to him, and he
will use his own fairy grass for him." Chu Zhen is very puzzled.

"You are really stubborn." Chu Yue was a little angry, and when he glanced
at him, he walked away.

However, Chu really stood in the place and smiled. He was very happy.
Although he did not get the fairy grass in Chu Yue, he knew that the fairy
grass of Chu Feng this year must be his.

At night, the place where the disciples rested was dark.

After a busy day, everyone was very tired and slept early. Only Chu Feng’s
room was lit with lights.

He sat on the bed and took out the fairy grass that Chu sent him. He
whispered: "I hope this fairy grass can feed you."
Then, Chu Feng closed his eyes and sandwiched the fairy grass between
his palms, pinching out a strange law.

At this moment, the aura in the fairy grass began to flow along the palm of
Chu Feng, flowing into the body, and finally gathered in Dantian.

At the same time, Chu Feng's Dan Tian actually came to chew the sound,
as if something was eating.

If you pass through the skin, you can find that Chu Feng's deep Dan Tian,
??there is a thunderbolt.

This group of lightning is divided into nine colors, each color is like a
thunder behemoth, exudes a terrible atmosphere that does not belong to
this world.
Martial God Asura Chapter 2: Beauty elder
Chu Feng is not a Chu family, but the righteous son of the Chu family.

This led to Chu Feng being squeezed from urinating and being bullied. If
Chu Yuan did not defend it, he would have been driven out of Chu, so Chu
Feng was extremely grateful to Chu Yuan and vowed to become the pride
of Chu Yuan. Winning the light.

Chu Feng, five years ago, is just ten years old and is the best age for

At that time, he was full of expectations for Xiuwu, because he felt that it
was time to prove himself.

But he never imagined that in the month before he entered the

Qinglongzong, a **** of thunder actually smashed his body and entered
his dantian.

At first, Chu Feng thought that this was a fortune, because when he
cultivated martial arts, he made rapid progress, and in just two months he
reached the duality of Lingwu.

This speed is beyond common sense, so that Chu Feng does not dare to tell
anyone about this matter, but hides the strength of silent cultivation.

However, the good times are not long. Just as Chu Feng believes that he
has become a genius, his body has changed.

It is this change that has caused his cultivation to stagnate and is

considered to be a very talented generation.


At this moment, the fairy grass in the hands of Chu Feng is being absorbed
by his dantian.
The speed of refining and chemical production is very fast, and it is far
beyond common sense. Normally, with the strength of Chu Feng, this
Xianling grass needs at least one month of refining.

But now it is only a moment, it has been refining, and Chu Feng is like a
bottomless hole like Dan Tian, ??and finally there is a feeling of being

"Oh." Suddenly, Chu Feng had a ray of light in his hand, and the half of the
fairy grass was instantly dissipated.

At the same time, the dantian in Chu Feng has also undergone earth-
shaking changes.

The nine thunder behemoths were intertwined and rushed, and they were
condensed, eventually turning into a denim.

After the formation of this Dan, a steady stream of aura, from which it
rushed out, such as the tide generally washed Chu Feng's body, and soon
penetrated the whole body.


Chu Feng suddenly opened his eyes, there was a trace of thunder in his
eyes, a kind of joy that could not be spoken, hung on his face.

"Successful, for five years, I Chu Feng finally succeeded." Chu Feng was
so ecstatic, he suddenly jumped from the bed, while walking around the
ground, while looking at his body.

On the way to repairing Wu, the known realms are:

Lingwu, Yuanwu, Xuanwu, Tianwu four realms, each realm is divided into

Lingwu is one of the most important, mainly through the special method
of exercising the body, thus enhancing the strength.
However, when it comes to Lingwu, it is necessary to use the law to
condense the aura. Only if you succeed in condensing the aura into the
dantian, can you really enter the martial arts.

Chu Feng's physical changes, it is impossible to condense the aura,

because the gods in his dantian, like the nine beasts who are hungry, the
aura of Chu Feng condensed, will be swallowed by the gods.

But he was not disheartened, because he found that although the **** of
thunder engulfed the aura, but there is a limit, as long as the incessant
infusion of aura to Dan Tian, ??one day can fill it.

Today, he finally succeeded.

"This feeling is so strong, a steady stream of aura, is running in the body,

as if to break through."

Chu Feng feels incredible. He can't think that Shen Lei will directly
condense into Dan, entrenched in Dantian, and the gods thunder exudes
aura, very rich, simply beyond imagination.

He knows that even if he has been practicing for five years, he can't
condense, such a powerful aura, and the reason why it is so, is because of
the **** mine.

"Oh." But at this moment, Chu Feng's body suddenly became stiff and his
expression changed.

Shen Lei is changing, his power has increased several times in an instant,
and he has once again broken through and entered the four majors of

"Is it hard to come?"

Chu Feng clenched his fists and felt the explosive power in his body. He
felt that it was worth eating in the past five years.

Continuously breaking through the two, this incredible way to strengthen,

finally came back.
Suddenly, he will cast a sharp eye on the direction of the inner door,
whispering: "Chu Zhen, your fairy grass I have to set."

Qinglongzong recruits disciples, only once a year, each time lasting ten

After ten days, the annual internal door assessment will also begin, and
this time, Chu Feng, who has been quiet for five years, finally participated.

The place of assessment is a huge underground palace. There are many

people in the hall of the underground palace.

Most of these people are Lingwu triple, because everyone knows that the
internal door assessment must pass at least Lingwu.

However, there are some disciples of Lingwu who want to come to the
water to fish, such people are there every year, but most of them end in

It is worth mentioning that there are still a small number of people who
are four-minded. They are not mediocrity of cultivation, but some people
are still geniuses.

They deliberately chose to participate in the internal door assessment

when they were four-time in Lingwu. As for the reason, it was for reward.

Lingwu is a triple, it is possible to cultivate martial arts.

Martial arts is a powerful means of attack. It can not only exert its
strength, but also gain the power to exceed the limits of the human body.

For this reason, martial arts is very precious, and there is no such thing as
a wealthy family. This is why the major families have to send their
descendants to the Zongmen.

Because each sect has a large amount of martial arts, and in this Qinglong
sect, as long as you become an inner disciple, you can cultivate martial
However, martial arts also have a hierarchy of grades, ranging from weak
to strong.

In the inner door, you can cultivate the best, and only three martial arts.

However, in the annual internal assessment, the first one who passed the
assessment can get a four-stage martial arts.

Therefore, some people prefer to practice in the outer door and refuse to
enter the inner door, in order to use the four-stage martial arts.

"Look, isn't that Yang Tianyu?"

"Wow, it’s really him. At the age of thirteen, he has reached the level of
Lingwu. It seems that the first of this assessment is none other than him."

In the sea of ??people, a young boy caught the attention of the people. To
be precise, it was a boy.

There are hundreds of thousands of foreign disciples, most of whom are

obscure characters, but some people are the focus of attention. Most of
these people are geniuses, and Yang Tianyu is one of them.

"That may not be, his Yang Tianyu qualification is good, but he is always a
child, it is difficult to win the first."

"Qinglongzong Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, sometimes genius may

not be able to rival the mediocrity, such as the Duan Yuxuan." A foreign
disciple, pointing his finger to an indifferent teenager.

This person is named Duan Yuxuan. He has been in Qinglongzong for six
years. This is an unknown person.

Just a few months ago, he defeated a Lingwu four-door inner disciple.

Since then, he has become a focus of the outer door.

"Quiet." Suddenly, a loud voice sounded.

Looking at it, everyone couldn’t help but see more than a dozen figures on
the high platform of the main hall.

Most of these people are elderly veterans, but they are elders, but the one
who is headed is not only very young, but also a beautiful woman.

The woman's tight-fitting red dress is in the body, and the enchanting
curve is outlined, especially under the skirt, the pair of straight white jade
legs are perfect.

The woman is not only attractive, but also her face is very charming. The
face of the apricot red lips is simply a standard fox face.

And she is the famous elder of Qinglongzong, Surou.

This Surou, but the number one character, entered the Qinglongzong at the
age of ten, entered the inner door at the age of twelve, and became a core
disciple at the age of fifteen.

But just as everyone is optimistic about her and feels that she is expected
to become the first disciple of Qinglongzong, she suddenly became an

For this change, no one knows the inside story, and it is still a mystery, and
people are relished.

"Wow, it is actually Su Rou elder, she is not an inner door elder? How
come to the outer door?" Su Rou appeared, all male disciples have opened
their mouths, and some people even drooled.

Outside the disciples, they are very young, mostly teenagers, and some are
children. For their age, Su Rou is the most attractive and **** woman.

Surou also has no elders' shelves at all, but a smile at the people, gentle

"The assessment rules are very simple. I go in from the door behind me,
and then pass the assessment from the door."
"The only difference is that the first person who passes the assessment can
get a four-stage martial arts, which is not cultivated in the inner door."

“It’s worth mentioning that this year’s first place will receive another
special prize.”

"In a sense, this prize is even more precious than the first two." Speaking
of this, Surou deliberately extended the tone, the temptation of the
atmosphere, filled the entire hall.
Martial God Asura Chapter 3: The assessment
begins (plus 1)
“What is it?” someone asked curiously.

"Don't Sulu Elders have to dedicate themselves?" More shameless, I want

to make a difference.

Although Su Rou is an elder, she is only 20 years old. Compared with the
old antiques in Zongmen, she is more approachable. Because of this, many
people will speak without any scruples.

For everyone's conjecture, Su Rou just smiled and smiled out, sticking out
five slender fingers and saying: "Five plants of fairy grass."

"What? Five sacred grasses?"

"I didn't get it wrong? Is it a fairy grass, or five?" When the words came
out, the hall was in chaos, and everyone could not calm down.

The fairy grass is so precious, even the Chu family can only subsidize one
person per year.

For ordinary people, the fairy grass is even more invaluable, and I have
never seen it.

At present, Qinglong Zong actually took out five plants. For outside
disciples, the temptation is not too big.

But for most people, you can only think about it, because they all know
that the fairy grass is not with them.

But those who are aiming at the first disciples are eager to try and become
more excited.

Seeing that the disciples were so high, Surou also nodded with
satisfaction, and then he waved.
Behind him, there was a sound of "rumbling", and the door that was as
high as a few feet was slowly opening.

"What are you waiting for? Don't you want to pass the assessment?"
Looking at the sluggish disciples, Surou smiled.


For a time, the bursts of cheers resounded constantly, and tens of

thousands of foreign disciples, such as the wild horses, rushed to the gate.

Chu Feng followed the flow of people, all the way forward, and finally
entered a deep cave.

This cave is very vast, but it is very dim and has very low visibility. People
know the danger of lurking and may come at any time.

"Chong, for the sake of four martial arts, for five grasses, rush ~~~"

However, there are always people who want money and don’t want to die.
They know that there is danger, they are still leading the way, they don’t
even return, and such people are still not a minority.


Just a hundred meters ahead, the sound of breaking the wind came from
the front, and countless silver needles came out from the rock wall, and
they shot at the crowd like heavy rain.



For a time, all kinds of screams resounded, and the disciples who were
rushing to the front couldn't catch up. It was already down.

Even so, people are still as before, without the slightest retreat, the
desperate caves rushing deep.
Because they know that this silver needle is powerful, but it will not be
fatal. After all, it is an organ. For the three people of Lingwu, as long as
they are careful, they can completely avoid it.

With the continuous deepening, the number of silver needles is becoming

more and more dense, and people who often play are caught off guard.

In this case, the crowd quickly opened the distance, running in the
forefront is not a generation of fish and water, but Yang Tianyu, Duan
Yuxuan and other masters.

I have to say that Yang Tianyu and Duan Yuxuan and others are indeed

Others need to be careful when walking in the rainy silver needle.

But they are on the ground, and where is the squad, it’s just a few people

Chu Feng has been behind them, trailing in the army of Lingwu, for two

First, I don't want to make a head bird.

Second, his situation is very special, and he does not want to expose his
strength too early.

So he is waiting for an opportunity, one can't see anyone, but he can

surpass everyone's timing.

"Duan Yuxuan, you are so old, you can't run a child, don't you feel

"Hey, little boy, repairing a martial way, regardless of age, only talk about
strength, to speak big, first win me."

After a period of shuttle, the front of the team, only two figures left, that is
Duan Yuxuan and Yang Tianyu.
These two people are all four in spirit, one is excellent in talent, one is
experienced, the two are inseparable, and the smell of gunpowder is
getting more and more

Because they know that the biggest competitor is the other party, as long
as they win the other party, the first reward is theirs.

"Call~." Suddenly, the sound of the wind came from the front.

Looking at the eyes and watching, both of them were shocked, and they
could not help but slow down the pace at the foot, because in the front,
there was a strong fog.

This cave is dark, and with fog, the visibility is even lower, which greatly
increases the difficulty of evading the organization. Even if they are two,
they must be treated with caution.

"good chance."

But when everyone retreated, Chu Feng was stealing joy. He strode
forward and listened to it. The whole person flew away like an arrow from
the string.


At this moment, Duan Yuxuan was concentrating on avoiding the silver

needle, but a black shadow flashed past him, and he did not wait for him to
react. The man was gone.

“Is it an illusion?”

Such a scene made Duan Yuxuan feel amazed and began to think that it
was Yang Tianyu, but when Yang Tianyu was still not far away, he became

Suddenly opened everyone, Chu Feng did not worry, he mentioned the
speed to the extreme.
After a long run, he did not feel exhausted, the aura of the body was
inexhaustible, and it continued to overflow from Dantian.

Not only that, his speed and strength, his sense of hearing and his vision
are far superior to those of the same person, at least far better than that of
Yu Xuan and Yang Tianyu.

For this change, Chu Feng is not too surprised, because this is his special

This special, he has seen it five years ago, and now this special return
gives him a very strong self-confidence, because in front of him, no one
can claim to be a genius.

All the way to fly, Chu Feng finally crossed the array of institutions,
walked out of the deep and dark caves, and came to a wide hall.

At the end of the main hall, there is a stone platform, and there are several
items placed on the high platform. It is the four-stage martial arts and five
sacred grasses.

Seeing these things, Chu Feng was a little excited, but he did not rush to
move forward, but looked at the stone gates on both sides of the main hall.

"The back is the legendary beast?" Chu Feng's mouth twitched a look of

He knows that this assessment has only just begun. What he will face is a
bloodthirsty, cruel and terrifying creature called the beast.

“It’s amazing to see Sulu’s elders coming.”

"I have been here for so many years, and I have seen the disciples who can
pass the customs at this speed for the first time."

A hidden stone room in the underground palace, an elderly elder, staring at

a mess of stones, his eyes filled with shock.
It is not an ordinary stone, but an organ in the underground palace. Only
when the organ is triggered will the stone be confused.

At the moment, the entire stone is in disorder, which explains one thing,
someone has passed the agency.

In the past years, the assessment of the fastest time through the organs
also has an hour, but at this moment, only half an hour has passed.

This change caused everyone's attention. The dozens of elders in the stone
room all gathered together, and they were all surprised.

"It seems that there is an interesting role in this foreign disciple."

Su Roo also came over. She looked at the sloppy stone and nodded with
satisfaction: "In this case, you can't let him pass easily, let me add some
fun to him."

Between the talks, she turned her eyes to the top of the stone, where there
were three round stones embedded in the stone wall.

Suddenly, she smiled awkwardly and took a picture of the three stones.

"Don't touch." Seeing the situation, the elders present were shocked.

However, it was too late, and at the moment three stones were pressed by

"What's wrong? Didn't you tell me, can this stone release the fierce beast?"
Looking at the alarmed look of the elders, Su Rou also realized that it was

"These three stones can indeed release the beast, but they cannot be
triggered at the same time."

"If it is triggered at the same time, all the beasts that are being held will be
"That is thirty second-order beasts, nine third-order beasts, and a fourth-
order beast." When he said this, Li was already pale, and even the voice
was a little trembling.

He has been here for many years and he knows the beast very well.

It is a ferocious and terrible monster, far stronger than the same level of
martial artists.

At the moment, so many beasts are released at the same time, and a killing
is inevitable.

As long as I think that the tens of thousands of disciples in the palace will
be slaughtered by the beasts, he simply can’t continue thinking about it.

"Why don't you remind me early."

At this moment, Surou's face is also a big change. When she is petite, she
turns into a blast. When the stone door opens, she is gone.

"Elder Li, what should I do?" Everyone's eyes are condensed on the elderly

"What can I do? I am not going to rescue." Li Chang-ro screamed and

rushed out.
Martial God Asura Chapter 4: More ferocious
than the beast (plus 2)
Chu Feng has heard about the name of the beast.

It is a kind of monster that can be cultivated. It is divided into nine steps

from weak to strong, and corresponds to the swordsman of Lingwu.

However, it is said that the strength of the third-order beasts can be far
stronger than the three warriors of Lingwu, and even able to compete with
the four masters of Lingwu.

Therefore, even if Chu Feng does not dare to care about it, he knows that
there are organs here, as long as the beast is triggered, it will appear.

Suddenly, a muffled sound came and a stone door holding the beast was

"Strange, I have not yet stepped into the hall, how did the stone door
open?" Chu Feng was surprised.

"Oh..." But then, a total of forty stone doors on either side of the main hall
were opened.

This Chu Feng is dumbfounded, because in those dark stone gates, a pair
of blood red eyes have been opened, and a powerful murderous gas filled
the entire hall.

"I fuck, this is not playing me?" Chu Feng screamed, he clearly heard that
the last level of each assessment is a fierce beast, but now is a situation.

"??~~~" But at the moment, Chu Feng has no time to think too much,
because the dense figure has been pulled out from the stone door and
entered the hall.
He can clearly see that this group of monsters looks like a tiger, but it is
twice as big as a tiger.

The body was black and black, and only the sharp claws and fangs, as well
as a pair of blood-red eyes, were visible.

A total of forty beasts, their appearance is no different, should be the same

variety, but after careful observation, Chu Feng found that their foreheads
have strange lines, obviously that is their mark of the order.

"Wow ?~" Just then, a fierce beast roared and turned his eyes to the high
platform in the depths of the hall.

At the same time, the eyes of all the beasts were cast on the high platform,
and the coveted color was revealed.

"Rely, you are a group of robbers." Seeing, Chu Feng was furious, so how
can he let these beasts enjoy it, and roared and rushed to Gaotai.

"??" and in Chu Feng just entered the hall, it quickly caught the attention
of the beast.

This can be done well, full of forty beasts, and at the same time give up
the fairy grass, all attacked Chu Feng, as if for them, human flesh and
blood is more tempting than the elixir.

"Get out of the way." A second-order beast came on the scene, but Chu
Feng was just a punch, and his head was blown up, and it was completely

But at the same time, a full number of fierce beasts have been besieged,
and that terrible murder is enough to scare a person to tremble.

However, Chu Feng is not afraid. He is as strong as a monkey, and his left
and right jumps are in the group of fierce beasts. Every time he makes a
move, there must be a beast.

At this moment, compared with the cruel beast, Chu Feng is more like a
terrible monster. His body is an indestructible weapon. Even if the beast is
thick and thick, he can't resist him. one strike.

At this moment, Chu Feng can feel that the body is not only the aura of
heaven and earth, but also the nine-color **** thunder that makes him
love and hate. It is this **** mine that gives him such powerful power and
will be his flesh. Perfect forging.

"?" can be when Chu Feng kills the eyes of the red, suddenly there is a
harsh roar behind him.

He turned around and couldn't help but be shocked. A huge beast and
claws were caught on his head.

This giant claw is different from others. It is many times stronger than
other beasts. If it is caught by it, the head must be crushed.

"Hey." Chu Feng subconsciously looked backwards, trying to avoid this

giant claw.

However, the speed of the giant claws was too fast. Although Chu Feng’s
head escaped the attack, it was caught on Chu Feng’s chest.

"Hey~~" The chest was torn out of five **** wounds. The fatal pain made
Chu Feng unable to scream.

"I want to tear you away." However, after the pain, Chu Feng is more

He has seen that the beast that attacked him has four lines on his forehead,
which shows that this is a fourth-order beast.

If you change to others, you must turn around and run, because even if it is
the same realm, the power of the beast is definitely stronger than human

But Chu Feng not only did not escape, but madly rushed to the fierce
beast, his unwilling move, even the fierce beasts without intelligence, is
also a subconscious glimpse.

However, it was the fierce beast's martial arts, and Chu Feng hit a fist on
his forehead.

Unexpected blood spattered, but there was a loud noise like a steel

Even Chu Feng felt a numbness in his fist, as if his fist was not on the head
of the beast, but on the iron wall.


However, Chu Feng’s fist is also a small feat. The fierce sorrow of the
fierce beast has taken a few steps back. Obviously it also feels pain.

"Give me to die."

Seeing his own attack still has a role, Chu Feng also no longer keeps his
hands, picking up his arms, the shadows of the sky began to fly around,
heavy fists like a rainstorm, continuous squatting on the beast.

I have to say that Chu Feng’s explosive power is too strong. Under his
crazy attack, the beast that is several times bigger than him has even
retreated, even wanting to attack his beast, and it is undoubtedly punched.
And kill him alive.

At the end of the day, there were forty beasts, and all of them were hit by
the land. Most of them were in the same place, and the death was
extremely fierce.

Although the body of the fourth-order beast is still intact, the huge head is
also beaten by Chu Feng.

"Whering" Chu Feng at the moment, standing in the pool of blood, gasping
with a big mouth.

After a **** battle, his body had several more shocking wounds, but they
were not fatal. Even in addition to the attack of the fourth-order beast, the
wounds caused by other beasts were just simple skin injuries. Into the

"How strong is my fear of the body?"

This is Chu Feng’s own words. Compared to those beasts, he feels more
like a steel bar.

This body is beyond the limits of humanity, and he once again realizes his

Looking around, Chu Feng jumped to the top of the platform. He didn't
look at it, and he took the martial arts and the fairy grass into his arms.

After doing this, Chu Feng did not open the closed door, but returned to
the road when he came, and walked into the agency.

However, just after Chu Feng left, a stone room that closed the fierce
beast, but walked out more than a dozen figures, headed by Surou.

At this moment, whether it is Surou or the group of elders, their looks are

Although I only saw that Chu Feng was facing the dead fourth-order beast,
he continued to turn his fists.

But as long as I think that so many powerful beasts have been killed by a
teenager, they are still incredible.

"Elder Li, who is that child?" Surou asked.

Elder Li did not answer, but looked at the other elders behind him, but the
elders all made the move of shaking their heads.

"This outstanding disciple, you really don't know what his name is?" Surou
brows slightly wrinkled and unpleasant.

"There are too many outside disciples. If he intends to retain his strength,
we also ....." Li Elder is also helpless.
"Forget it, find out his details as soon as possible, then tell me."

"Also, since he does not want to expose his cultivation, then as he wishes,
don't let him know, we understand his strength." Surou said.

"Follow the orders." Li Chang and others respectfully responded to the

inner door elders, they did not dare to disrespect.

Surou also took a deep look, Chu Feng left the direction, this thoughtfully
walked into the stone room.
Martial God Asura Chapter 5: Qinglong Taoist
(plus 3)
After Surou and others left, the hall fell silent.

After a long time, a rushing tread was heard outside the hall, and a disciple
ran in quickly.

This person is Duan Yuxuan, but at the moment he is quite different from
the one before entering the underground palace.

The hair was messy, sweaty, and gasping with a big mouth, like a madman,
went straight to the high platform and flew away.

"Haha, the first is mys, Yang Tianyu, you are a kid, want to fight with

"When you have been in the outer door for six years, what is it for? I am
telling you that Lao Tzu is the **** one."

Duan Yuxuan ran while cheering, like a demon, his eyes gazing at the high
platform, and he ignored the carcass of the beast in the hall.

"Oh." He jumped up and settled down on the high platform.

But when he smiled and swept his gaze to his feet, he was as dull as a blue

Because on the high platform, it was empty and there was no root hair.

"Rely, what is the situation?"

After a long time, he only came back to God. Only then did he find that the
bottom of the high platform was full of blood, and the bodies of forty
beasts were scattered throughout the hall.

And the death of each beast, it is thrilling, bloody.

This scene, frightened him, actually sat on the high platform and looked
back, only to find that the door to pass the assessment did not open.

"What is going on here?" Duan Yuxuan was a little overwhelmed, and his
thoughts were messy.

"Treading step..." At this moment, Yang Tianyu also ran over, but he just
stopped at the door of the hall and stopped.

Looking at the scene in the hall, and looking at Duan Yuxuan above the
high platform, he was stunned: "This.. This is what you did?"

Duan Yuxuan chuckled and said: "If I said no, do you believe it?"

"Of course, you can't have such a strong strength." Yang Tianyu glanced at
him and walked into the hall to see the body of the beast: "Oh my God,
there is still a fourth-order beast, who is this?" Handwriting?"

The two have been observing for a long time, but they have never been
able to come up with an answer. They can't think of being in the outer door.
Who will have such terrible strength.

At the end of the day, they even suspected that this was the bureau set by
the elders, and that the elders swallowed the first prize.

However, when the army of the three disciples of Lingwu arrived, a

dramatic scene took place.

Everyone thought that Yang Tianyu and Duan Yuxuan killed the fierce
beasts, and the reward for the first place was divided equally between

But the best thing to laugh about is that Yang Tianyu and Duan Yuxuan did
not deny the gaze of the people. It was so inexplicably the first.

The door was opened and the cheers followed. Everyone was very happy,
because as soon as they walked out of the gate, they became inner
disciples and ushered in a new life.
But just as people cheered, a teenager who came out of the underground
palace caught people’s attention.

He was naked, and he was crying. He was full of grievances and cursed:
"Who is **** so wicked, behind me, I don’t say a sap, but I also smashed
clothes, how can I be so perverted?"

For such a scene, people are very surprised, only Chu Feng smiled slightly,
looked at the intact clothes, and quietly left the crowd.

The internal door assessment ended, and the number of participants in the
appraisal was tens of thousands. The number of appraisers was only 2,000,
but this is not a small number.

Entering the inner door, it became a disciple of Qinglongzong, and also

enjoyed superior treatment.

In order to welcome new disciples to join the inner door, the elders also
deliberately engaged in a feast.

On the night sky, the moon is hung high, and the songs and dances in the
inner door are flattened, bringing the atmosphere of joy to the extreme.

However, this feast Chu Feng did not participate, but stayed in his new
mansion, bare upper body, observing his wounds.

The wound is healing and healing very quickly. In this way, it can be
completely healed in a few days, and this kind of resilience is given by the

"What exactly are you? Why choose me?"

This question was not asked by Chu Feng for the first time. He had asked
this question numerous times, but he never got an answer.

He still remembers the night of five years ago, over the Qingzhou, was
shrouded in nine colors.
The sky is as bright as white, the thunder dances like a dragon, the sky is
thundering and roaring, the earth can't stop shaking, people think that the
end of the day, panic, chaos.

But only Chu Feng, who was ten years old, could not help but ran out of
the house and went to an open space.

Even now, he doesn't know why he did it at the beginning, just like there is
a kind of magic that is attracting him to go there.

As for later, he was possessed by the gods.

No one saw that scene, but he knew that the inside of Dantian must be the
sensation of the whole continent.

Although Shenlei gave Chu Feng a strong body, Chu Feng never
understood why such a powerful thing should be attached to his body.

"Forget it, since you don't answer, I will stop asking, anyway, you and me
are already one."

Chu Feng smiled and smiled. It is a blessing that is not a curse. It is a

curse. If this **** is really against him, he cannot resist it with his

What's more, so far, this **** mine is good for him, so he simply does not
think too much.

Chu Feng put on her clothes and turned her eyes to a book on the bed. The
book read four big characters, "Thunder Three."

Picking up the book, Chu Feng flipped through it, this is his first contact
with martial arts, and his mood is somewhat excited.

"Four martial arts, Thunder three styles, created by the Qinglong Taoist."

"Repairing to Dacheng is as fast as thunder and as strong as a martial art."

Looking at the introduction of a few lines, Chu Feng took a sip of cold air
and was shocked: "This is actually the martial arts created by the founding

The Qinglong Taoist is the founding ancestor of the Qinglongzong. It was

the invincible hand of the mainland before the millennium. It has the
ability to fly the sky and the land to reclaim the sea. It is the real master of
repairing Wu.

At that time, the Qinglongzong, led by the Qinglong Taoist, was the first
gate of the Kyushu continent.

The only one that can compete with Qinglongzong is the current hegemon
of the Kyushu continent, the Jiang Dynasty.

However, the good times did not last long. After the death of the Qinglong
Taoist people, Qinglongzong began to decline and soon fell to the top of
the Kyushu mainland.

Even in this Qingzhou territory, it is only a second-class sect, but this

shows the personal strength of Qinglongdao.

The martial arts created by his old man will be the finest in martial arts.

Excited, Chu Feng rushed to read the cultivation method, vowed to

practice this Thunder three.

After a night of sleeplessness, Chu Feng finally understood the cultivation

method of the Thunder.

One type is type, two types are meaning, and three types can be used to
thunder. In general, this Thunder three-style cultivation is extremely
difficult, but Chu Feng wants to try it.

After washing, Chu Feng was not sleepy, so he went to the Wuji Pavilion
in the inner door.

First of all, Wuji Pavilion has facilities to cultivate martial arts. In

addition, because the Thunder can't be exposed, he needs to cultivate a
different martial arts to hide his eyes and ears.

"It's really lively." Into the martial arts pavilion, the eyes suddenly open,
the vast martial arts hall, has been overcrowded.

However, this is also reasonable. After all, more than 2,000 disciples
joined the inner door yesterday. These new disciples, the most wanted to
cultivate, are martial arts.

Wuji Pavilion is divided into six floors, one layer of martial arts, two
layers of two martial arts, three layers of three martial arts, and four or
five layers of martial arts.

Chu Feng all the way up, found that one layer is full of people, the second
floor is much better, as for the third floor, it is already rare.

This is expected. Although the martial arts are different, the power is
different, but the difficulty of cultivation is different.

So many people will start from the beginning, first cultivate a martial arts,
wait until after Dacheng, then choose the second paragraph, and finally
practice the third paragraph.

However, Chu Feng’s goal is very clear, even if it is only used for self-
defense, but he also has to choose the strongest.

"Young people, I advise you not to be so high, the martial arts here is not
for you." Chu Chufeng just stepped into the third floor, an old voice came
into the ear.
Martial God Asura Chapter 6: Is it him? (plus 4)
Looking at the sound, at the door of the third floor, an old man with a
white hair is staring at himself.

Chu Feng knows that this is the elder of the guarding martial arts cabinet.
Don't look at his age, but the strength of the elders is very strong.

“Thank you for reminding the seniors that the younger generation has their
own size.” After Chu Feng’s polite salute, he went in.

"Oh, it’s another arrogant disciple." The elder Sergeant shook his head in

Like the disciples like Chu Feng, he saw more, but most of them ended in
failure, and they lost their way to the fascination, and they ruined the fire
and ruined a good future.

Even so, whenever the elders see new faces, they will remind them in good
faith to avoid more disciples getting into the lost.

Chu Feng turned around on the third floor, and soon chose a favorite
martial arts, and got the registration in front of the elder.

"Are you sure you want to cultivate this illusory palm?" Shouge elder
looked puzzled at Chu Feng.

"Yeah." Chu Feng smiled and nodded.

"Have you seen this introduction of martial arts?" the elders continued to

"Back to the elders, the disciples have seen it." Chu Feng smiled again.

"Then you choose it? This is the whole martial arts pavilion, the most
difficult one to cultivate." The elders said they were puzzled.
"Back to the elders, this is what the disciples want to cultivate." Chu Feng
always has a smile on his face, but his eyes are extremely firm.

"Hey, the young people nowadays are really ignorant." The elder sighed,
but still registered for Chu Feng, and handed the martial arts to Chu Feng
before adding: "Cultivate martial arts, remember to know and retreat."

Chu Feng nodded and accepted. Although the elder had always questioned
Chu Feng, Chu Feng had a good impression on him. He felt that he was a
responsible elder.


But when Chu Feng turned around, a familiar figure passed by him,
actually Duan Yuxuan, and his face was very ugly.

Chu Feng was not familiar with him, so he didn't think much, but when he
was about to leave, he whispered behind him, and he also got the reason
why Duan Yuxuan was depressed.

"That's not Duan Yuxuan. He doesn't have four martial arts skills. How
come he chooses martial arts here? Can you say four martial arts, in Yang

"You still don't know? At the time of the feast last night, the elders of the
inner door reminded them that the four martial arts could not be shared,
and only one person could practice and return it as soon as possible."

"Listen to the elders to say that they are both stupid, and finally clarified
in front of everyone, they are not the first place in the assessment, and that
killed the forty beasts."

"There is still such a thing, why did they both begin to admit it?"

"Hey, who knows this, maybe it's because of the face, but this time they
are both shameful and thrown home."

"Yes, but who is the first one? The outside door seems to have never heard
of such a powerful person?"
"Forty beasts, and there is also a fourth-order beast. I really can't imagine
how fierce the man is?"

Listening to this, Chu Feng smiled and shook his head, then went upstairs,
can't wait to start practicing.

The four floors are like a layer, and they are also very lively. Because most
of the new disciples are still picking martial arts, they are all old disciples.

At first glance, it is not so much a floor, but rather a military field. There
are thousands of people who are practicing in front of the organs and
screaming and killing sounds. It is quite spectacular.

Moreover, in addition to the thousands of organs in the hall, there are

countless secret rooms around, which is also a place of cultivation.

This is a good design, likes to be lively, you can practice together in the
hall, and you can ask each other if you don't understand.

But if you like quiet, you can also choose a secret room to practice alone.
When the stone door is closed, it will isolate everything.

Chu Feng did not join them, but went to the sixth floor. Here, like the third
floor, it is relatively quiet and there are many more places to cultivate.

Chu Feng walked into a secret room. After the stone gate was closed, he
first bowed to the organ pile because he knew that the next pile of organs
would be devastated by him.

The organ pile is made of black iron wood and is extremely strong. As
long as it attacks it, it will automatically evade.

And the speed of dodge will change according to the speed of the other
party's move. Unless the martial arts practice is successful, it is difficult to
hurt it. It is the best tool for practicing martial arts.

"The illusory palm, with the power of the palm of the hand, the enemy is
Chu Feng once again read the cultivation method of the illusory palm, and
this came to the organ pile.

"Oh." He suddenly shot, only to see the two palms into two ghosts, facing
the two points of the organ pile, slap away.

"Oh." But at the moment that I was about to hit, the organ pile swayed
around, and I quickly escaped the attack of Chu Feng.

At this moment, Chu Feng couldn’t help but sighed and said: "It’s a bit

Since then, Chu Feng has stayed in this martial arts hall in addition to
eating and sleeping, and has been practicing.

The Thunder III is created by the founder of Qinglongzong. Although it is

mysterious, it is very difficult to cultivate.

The illusory palm, the reason why it will be called by the elders of the
Guards, is the most difficult martial arts practice in Wuji Pavilion, and
that is not without reason.

However, after a period of cultivation, Chu Feng has gradually understood

the characteristics of the two martial arts.

The Thunder three-style, extremely fierce, fast as thunder, as strong as a

slap, each stroke can take enemy life, overbearing directly.

The illusory palm is the opposite, the virtual and the real alternate, hitting
people by surprise.

Although not as powerful as the Thunder III, it is also very good, and
mysteriously different.

After a full ten days of sleepless nights, Chu Feng finally mastered two
kinds of martial arts.

The illusory palm does not say that Dacheng is also almost the same, but it
is the Thunder three-style, only cultivated to the second style.
But even so, when Chu Feng successfully exhibited the second style, it was
also shocked by its powerful power.

On the third floor of the Wuji Pavilion, or the elder of the garrison, Chu
Feng is returning the illusory palm.

"How, hit the wall?" The elders looked at Chu Feng with some irony, and
his mouth was still proud.

Chu Feng did not answer, but smiled casually, but in the eyes of the elders,
Chu Feng's smile is equal to the default.

"Or go to the first floor, start with a piece of martial arts." Recover the
martial arts, the elders kindly reminded.

"Thank you for the elders." After Chu Feng gave a gift, he left.

"It’s a bit savvy to know the difficulty." Looking at the back of Chu Feng’s
departure, the elders of the squad nodded.

Wuji Pavilion is not open day and night. Whenever sunset, the Wuji
Pavilion will be closed. At this time, all the elders of the sergeant should
check the martial arts and the organs.

"What a big fuss, I have to go see it myself."

"Euyang elders, you must look at this, I have not seen such a powerful
disciple for a long time."

Above the stairs, a middle-aged man is leading a white-haired old man to a

secret room on the sixth floor.

Within the secret room, an indestructible pile of organs was covered with
scars and almost scrapped.

When I saw the organ pile, the white-haired elder's look became extremely
dignified and looked up carefully.
"This is ...." But when he found out that the shallow palm prints, he was

The old-fashioned experience, he can see at a glance that this organ pile
was injured by the illusory palm, but the entire inner door, the disciples
who can practice the illusory palm to this extent, are few and far between.

Moreover, those internal disciples who have achieved success have long
been practicing outside, and have hardly been trained in the Wuji Pavilion.

After a long period of hard work, the elder suddenly burst into the eye and
shocked: "Is it him?"
Martial God Asura Chapter 7: Essence Hunting
(plus 5)
It turned out that this Ouyang elder is the old man registered for Chu Feng.

However, he has another identity, that is the principal of the Wuji Pavilion.

He felt that it was Chu Feng who was ruined by this organ, but he thought
it was wrong if he thought about it.

After all, Chu Feng’s practice of the illusory palm is only ten days. In ten
days, it is impossible to cultivate the illusory palm to this point.

"Eurasian Ouyang, come and see this." Just as he couldn't understand it,
the secret room next door came and called.

This does not matter, Ouyang elders are once again shocked, because the
organs of a secret room have been crushed.

"Thunder three, second."

"This martial art, no one in the inner door is learned." This time, the face
of Eurasia elders became serious.

This Thunder three style is a martial art that can only be cultivated by the
core disciples. Now it appears in the inner door. Most of the explanations
are that there are core disciples who have leaked this martial art to the
inner door.

However, if you think about it, he thinks it is impossible. After all, the
Qinglong sect is law-abiding. If someone dares to divulge martial arts
privately, he can quickly find out that the core disciples should not be
confused to do such a thing.

"Don't you say..." Finally, Elder Ouyang found a chance, and said to the
elders behind him: "Go and invite the elders of Surou."
At the same time, Chu Feng is practicing in his own room.

After an hour of refining, Chu Feng has continuously refining three

Xianling grasses. If this scene is seen by outsiders, it will be stunned.

Because even if you are a master of martial arts, refining a fairy grass, at
least one day, but Chu Feng can not use half an hour.

Moreover, Chu Feng refining the fairy grass, will be absorbed by Dan
Tian, ??there is no waste.

This kind of thing, even the master of repairing Wu can not do it. It is said
that ordinary people refining a fairy grass, which can absorb five tenths of
aura is extremely good.

"It seems that the price to be paid for from you is also great." Even so, Chu
Feng is still somewhat helpless.

After refining the three Xianling grasses, he did not feel the slightest
breakthrough, and even felt that his Dantian was empty.

Can be replaced by ordinary people, if you can completely absorb the aura
of the three Xian Lingcao, you can almost break through from Lingwu to
the five.

This illustrates a problem. Although Shen Lei has given Chu Feng far
more power than ordinary people, but the same, want to improve the
cultivation, Chu Feng also has to pay far more than ordinary people.

Reiki, although Chu Feng can be condensed by law, even if it is practiced

for a few months, it is far less than the aura contained in a fairy grass.

It can be seen that if Chu Feng wants to improve his cultivation, how much
it will cost, this is also a huge problem he will face.

"Hey, is this the so-called advantage?"

Looking at the two fairy grasses on the bed, Chu Feng really wants to
refine them, but he did not do so, because this is what he is going to give
to Chu Yue.

"Chu Yuejie should soon enter the Lingwu Wuzhong, these two Xianling
grass can help her." Hesitant, Chu Feng will pack the fairy grass, then blow
the light to sleep.

The next morning, Chu Feng got up early, and he had two fairy grasses,
and wanted to find Chu Yue.

The inner door is too big. It is said that there are more inner disciples than
outside disciples, and there are 100,000.

The vast palace complex is endless, looking for a person in this place, like
a needle in a haystack.

"Big Brother, you said that we want to join an alliance. After all, the elixir
hunting, people are more powerful."

"It is very difficult to get out of joining the alliance. If the alliance is
difficult in the future, we will be implicated."

"That's also, forget it, or go to the square to sign up." A pair of young men
who looked like brothers passed by Chu Feng, but the words they talked
made Chu Feng happy.

"Two brothers, you just said that the elixir hunting began to register?" Chu
Feng asked.

"Yeah, the time of the elixir hunting is not fixed every year. This year is
indeed earlier than in previous years."

"It looks like you are a new disciple this year? If you want to sign up, just
go with us." The brothers are also enthusiastic.

"Trouble two brothers." Chu Feng smiled politely, he was very happy.

The so-called elixir is an aphrodisiac herb. According to the different

types, the elixir is divided into the following products: middle, top, and
top. The fairy grass in Chu Feng’s arms is a superior medicine.
As for the elixir hunting, it is a kind of welfare for Qinglong Zong against
the inner disciples.

In one part of the Qinglong Mountains, there are a lot of elixir, and this
area is called Lingyao Mountain.

Lingyao Mountain, this is the forbidden place of Qinglongzong, but it will

be opened once a year, and all the inner disciples can sign up.

The reason why it is called the elixir hunting is that the elixir is spiritual,
can escape, runs at a high speed, and has strong aggression. It is very
difficult to pick it up.

Now Chu Feng needs the most elixir, the more the better, and this time the
elixir hunting begins, it is a great news for him.

"This younger brother, it seems that you have not joined the alliance, is it
ready to go hunting alone?" The brothers looked at Chu Feng.

"What is wrong with it?" Chu Feng is somewhat puzzled.

"It doesn't matter, this elixir hunting is not a job for one person. I advise
you to join the alliance as well." The brothers kindly reminded.

The so-called alliance is an organization built by inner disciples. Because

this kind of organization can better draw the relationship between
disciples, Qinglongzong not only does not object to this kind of thing, but
rather encourages it.

"I just entered the inner door and didn't know much about the alliance. I
don't know which alliances in the inner door are more powerful?" Chu
Feng asked curiously.

"Haha, if you ask the right person, our brothers have just investigated the
many alliances of the inner door."

"According to the investigation, there are thousands of inner and outer

leagues, the most powerful of which belong to the Alliance and the Kendo
"The members of the League of Heaven have the most members, and there
are more than 5,000 people. The ones on the other side are written with the
words of the world. They are members of the Alliance."

"The members of the Kendo League are few, but there are at least a
thousand people. The Kendo League is a bit special. If you want to join
them, you must cultivate the martial arts with swords. The ones that carry
the black iron sword are the kendo. Member of the alliance."

"The reason why these two alliances have the strongest power is not only
the large number of people, but the important thing is that the founders of
these two alliances are the big men who have the head and face of my

"The two, who became core disciples ten years ago, are now among the
core disciples, and they support them. Few people dare to move the
Alliance and Kendo League."

"Big brother, what you said is wrong, although the forces of the World
League and Kendo League are very strong, but I think the strongest should
be the wing alliance." Just as his brother said that the picture was painted,
the younger brother had a mouthful of opinions.

"Wing League is really powerful, but their number is too small. The so-
called double fist is difficult for four hands. If there is a real conflict, they
must not be opponents of the League of Heaven and Kendo." Brother
shook his head.

"That may not be the case, although the number of wingmen is small, but
they are all dragons in the people. There is an enemy and a hundred
talents. I think that the alliance between the Heavenly Alliance and the
Kendo League is not necessarily the opponent of the flank." The younger
brother retorted.

"Two, what is the head of this wing?" Seeing the two people arguing
endlessly, Chu Feng is more and more curious.
"This younger brother, you listen to me, this wing alliance is definitely the
myth of my inner door." Seeing, the younger brother grabbed Chu Feng
and began to talk about the spit.
Martial God Asura Chapter 8: Coincidence with
Chu Yue (plus 6)
"Yuanmeng never recruits members, but anyone who is fancyd by them is
a dragon among people."

"Don't look at the wing league, there are only thirty-two people, but among
the inner doors, they are all big names."

"And the squad is extremely concentric, depending on the members of the

hands and feet, dare to move the ally members, no matter who they will

"Two years ago, a third-class sect of Qingzhou was killed because of a

member of the squad, and it was the squad."

"Is it so powerful?" Chu Feng was also surprised to hear this. Although the
third-class sect is far less than the Qinglong sect, it is at least one of the
forces that can destroy it. It is conceivable that the squad is indeed strong.

"Also, don't look at the founders of the League of Heaven and Kendo
League, but compared with the founders of Yimeng, they simply don't

"It is said that the founder of Nayi League entered the inner gate at the age
of eleven and became a core disciple at the age of fourteen. At the age of
sixteen, he was the first disciple of Qinglongzong."

"But unfortunately, he is not in Qinglongzong. He left here when he was

sixteen years old. No one knows where he is going." When talking about
this matter, his brother was quite sorry.

"What is this person called?" Chu Feng was surprised, the core disciple,
that is the key training object of Qinglongzong, each of which can be
described as a repairing talent.
The founder of that wing alliance, at the age of sixteen, is invincible
between the core disciples. What is the man’s success?

"He is called Zhang Tianyi." The younger brother said the name word by

"Zhang Tianyi." Chu Feng wrote down the name because he was qualified
by Chu Feng.

"Right, I heard that the beauty elder Su Luo of my inner door is the first
member of the wing league and one of the strongest of the core disciples."

"And, in addition to Sulu elders, among the core disciples, there are also
many squadrons. Everyone's achievements are not inferior to the founders
of Tianxiameng and Kendo League. Do you say that this squad is not
good?" sermon.

"In this way, this wing league is really powerful. So what are the special
signs of the wingmen members?" Chu Feng became more interested in this

"Wingmen's people are rarely seen, but each of them will wear a medal on
the chest, which is painted with a pair of wings." The younger brother said.

The three people walked and talked, and soon arrived at a crowded square,
where the signing of the elixir was hunting.

In fact, the so-called registration is to write your own name on the banner
of the square, and then extract a token, there is no elder reception.

"This younger brother, tomorrow's elixir hunting begins, presumably you

are going to join the alliance for asylum."

"So I advise you, like the alliance of the wing alliance, don't think about it,
because we can't get in for a lifetime."

"Don't say that the alliance, even the League of Heaven and Kendo League,
are not so good."
"So, if you want to join the alliance, you must polish your eyes." After the
registration, the brothers came together again.

"Also ask the two brothers to give pointers." Seeing this brother is so
enthusiastic, Chu Feng can not bear to boast their face.

"Although too strong alliances can't get in, but they can't choose too weak,
like how good ones are to introduce their own alliances, and never enter.
These alliances can't protect you, they can only be bullied."

"For example, the gimmick that made bamboo everywhere, at first glance,
is a weak alliance, and is deceiving new disciples." During the
conversation, my brother turned his finger to a place, a purple girl.

Looking at the direction he pointed, Chu Feng could not help but because
the purple girl was actually Chu Yue.

"Chu Yuejie." Seeing, Chu Feng shouted excitedly.

Hearing the cries of Chu Feng, Chu Yue also looked back and saw the
same joy after seeing Chu Feng. While waving, he shouted: "Chu Fengdi."

Chu Feng is eager to find Chu Yue, I can't think of meeting here, and
quickly rushed to Chu Yue.

"Oh, it’s over, another fool is being cheated. Let’s talk to him so much. It’s
a white one.” Seeing this, the brothers looked at each other and shook their

"Chu Fengdi, you finally entered the inner door, very good, our sisters can
finally cultivate together." Looking at the purple robes of Chu Feng, Chu
Yue was full of joy, happy to jump up, she is hair Since the heart is happy
for Chu Feng.

"Chu Yuejie, what are you doing?" Looking at the bamboo in the hands of
Chu Yue, Chu Feng was very curious.

"Hey, you still don't know, Brother Chu Wei created an alliance inside the
door, called the Chu League."
"Now the peers of the Chu family are in this Chu League, but even so,
there are still too few people in the Chu League."

"This is not, taking advantage of this year's new disciples to enter the inner
door, I want to draw more people to join the Chu League, to strengthen the
forces. After all, if the development of the Chu League is good, it will be
of great help to the Chu family in the future." Laugh and explain.

Chu Wei in Chu Yuekou is the boss of the younger generation of Chu
family. At the age of 20, he entered the Qinglongzong ten years ago.

However, Chu Feng’s impression of that Chu Wei is not good. When he
was the most bullied, he had Chu Wei.

"Then I will help you together." Although he was disgusted with Chu Wei,
Chu Feng did not want Chu Yue too hard.

"No, I don't really need it. You don't know the situation of the Chu League.
I can do it myself." Chu Yue smiled and refused, and asked with concern:
"For Chu Fengdi, did you sign up for this elixir hunting?"

"Look at this." Chu Feng smiled and took out the token of the elixir

"Hah, great. This time, I can go to catch the grass with Chu Fengdi. I told
you that catching the grass is a wit-and-work, very interesting." When it
comes to the elixir hunting, Chu Yue looks Very much looking forward to.

"Chu Fengdi, I am busy first. You come here to find me at night. I have
something to say to you, I must come."

Seeing a new disciple passing by, Chu Yue hurriedly put a piece of bamboo
into the hands of Chu Feng, and then went to the new disciple to introduce
the things of the Chu League.

See Chu Yue insisted on this, Chu Feng is no longer strong, and on the
bamboo piece, it is the location of the Chu Yue House.
Walking in the square, scanning the crowds, and found that like Chu Yue,
there is a lot of propaganda of their own alliance.

Only a few people pay attention to them. After all, everyone is not a fool.
Unless you really can't join a powerful alliance, few people will choose to
join such a small alliance.

And the so-called Chumeng, only Chu Yue alone in recruiting members,
even the Chu Wei, which created the Chu League, did not appear, it can be
seen that the Chu family is really thinking, and only Chu Yue alone.

In the evening, Chu Feng arrived at the house of Chu Yue, and Chu Yue
was in the house, apparently waiting for someone.

Seeing Chu Feng, Chu Yue carrying his hands, he jumped and ran over.

Don't look at Chu Yue, who is one year older than Chu Feng, but also a girl
in the flower season. Not only looks sweet, but also cheerful and cheerful.

In the Chu family, Chu Yue can be regarded as a living treasure. No matter
how old or small, I like this ghostly gimmick.

When I came to Chu Feng, Chu Yue had a pair of hands and smiled. "Hey,
get it up."

And between the white palms, it was a fairy grass.

Martial God Asura: Ninth, I testify for him (plus
"Chu Yuejie, this...." Chu Feng was speechless.

"This is what this is, this is not what I am giving you, this is the family
subsidy this year." Chu Yue said, while the fairy grass was stuffed into the
hands of Chu Feng.

"If this is the case, I can't even ask for it. You forgot that I still owe you
two fairy grasses." Chu Feng pushed the fairy grass back, and then took a
fairy grass from his arms.

"Chu Fengdi, this fairy grass, you have no refining?" Looking at the
complete fairy grass in Chu Feng's hands, Chu Yue felt that this must be
the one she sent Chu Feng.

"Well, I have already broken through, so I can't use it for the time being,
just to pay you back."

"No, how can I collect your fairy grass, these are yours, you will close up."

"Chu Yuejie, I Chu Feng said that if you return two plants, you will return
two of them. You didn't agree with it at the beginning. Now you are so, it
makes me very difficult."

"But, I sent you the fairy grass, you simply have no use, but give me their
own together, I am not in vain to take advantage of you."

"Chu Yuejie, your mind has led me. In the whole Chu family, except my
father and big brother, it is your best for me. Is this the brother who honors
your success?"

Chu Feng is from the heart of the lungs. When all the Chu family crowded
him, Chu Yue could treat him like this. He was really moved.
Seeing Chu Feng insisted on this, Chu Yue’s face is shy and whispered:

"Chu Fengdi, you really make me very embarrassed, in fact... this fairy
grass is not what I sent you, but Chu Yuyu told me to give it to you."

"My big brother?" Chu Feng could not help.

Chu Lianyu is the birth of Chu Yuan, the eldest brother of Chu Feng.

Nowadays, he is practicing in the first gate of Qingzhou, Lingyunzong. At

the age of seventeen, he is the sixth person of Lingwu. He is the first
person of the young generation of Chu family.

Chu Guyu, although Chu Chufeng is not Chu Yuan’s birth, but he took Chu
Feng as a younger brother, and is one of Chu Feng’s most beloved ones.

"He is afraid that you have a burden on your heart, so you are jealous of
me. You can't say that he gave it to you, but now, I have to tell the truth."
Chu Yue's face is red, and she is really embarrassed.

"Chu Yuejie, even so, I still want to thank you, whether it is yours, but the
feelings of Chu Feng in these years are true, or that sentence, these two
fairy grasses, When the younger brother respects you."

"What's more, you are about to enter the five spirits of Lingwu, this fairy
grass is more important to you, you should not shirk it." Chu Feng still
resolutely put the fairy grass into the hands of Chu Yue.

"That way, Xianling Grass is what I borrowed from you, but I only borrow
one, because I only have one." See Chu Feng insisted on this, Chu Yue bite
his teeth, only a fairy The grass was collected.

In fact, as Chu Feng said, Chu Yue is about to enter the Lingwu Wuzhong,
now is the key period, this fairy grass is really important for her.

"Cheng." Chu Feng smiled.

"To Chu Fengdi, there is a letter from Lonely Rain, ask me to give you."
Chu Yue took a letter from his waist again.
After receiving the letter, Chu Feng felt a touch in his heart. He had not
returned to the Chu family for five years, and he had never seen his eldest
brother and father in five years because he felt that he had no face to see

However, in the past five years, his older brother and father have given
him a letter almost every month, showing how much they miss Chu Feng.

"Well, the letter stayed back and looked again. Come with me soon. Today
is a good day." Chu Yue grabbed Chu Feng's arm and took him to the

But before he got close, Chu Feng’s brows wrinkled slightly. He heard a lot
of familiar voices in the mansion, and those who he didn’t like.

Sure enough, at the moment when the gate of the mansion opened, there
were thirty-two figures in the hall, most of which were familiar faces.
Almost all the Chu family who were practicing in Qinglongzong were

As for the strangers, Chu Feng can also think of their origins, must be
members of the Chu League.

"Everyone is watching, who is coming." Chu Yue shouted happily.

However, when all the people brushed their eyes and looked over, Chu
Feng could feel it, but it was disdain and disgust.

"Hey, who am I? This is not the hero of my Chu family." A teenager came
over to Chu Feng.

His name is Chu Cheng, and he is a brother of Chu. He and Qing Yue
together with Chu Yue, and now is also a four-person.

"Chu Feng, you made a meritorious deed, do you know?" Chu Cheng
pointed to Chu Feng, his eyes were very bad.

"Chu Cheng, what do you say? Today is a big day, don't talk nonsense."
Chu Yue hurriedly spoke.
"What happened to Chu Yue, he did not let me say it?" Chu Cheng took a
look at Chu Yue, and then looked at Chu Feng: "Chu Feng, you did not
know if you made meritorious deeds? You made a great contribution."

"In Qinglong Zong, I have been a foreigner for five years. You have lost all
of my Chu family's face. Now I still have a face to attend the Chumeng
gathering. How thick is your skin?"

"Chu Cheng, you shut me up." Chu Yue was a little angry, but still not
waiting for her to say anything, Chu Feng but caught her.

Chu Feng did not change his face, always with a smile, and smiled lightly:
"You think too much, my Chu Feng is not interested in your party. Today, I
am coming to the account."

"Want to account? What account?" Hearing this, Chu Cheng's face

suddenly changed.

"It’s really funny. A person who was adopted by my Chu family actually
dared to come to the Chu family to ask for accounts. Don’t you know who
used it for these years? Who gave it?”

"That is, really shameless." At the same time, those Chu family members
also began to count Chu Feng.

However, Chu Feng, however, ignores the words of the people, but walks
toward the temple and says:

"A few days ago, someone bet with me, bet that Chu Feng could not pass
the internal door assessment, and said that if he lost, he would give me the
family-subsidized fairy grass this year."

"Chu Zhen, you will not forget this thing?" Chu Feng stopped in front of
Chu Zhen.

Chu really sat in the chair and chewed the fruit in his mouth, but at the
moment his mouth was twitching and his face was very ugly.
Of course, Chu Zhen did not forget the matter of the day. It was because he
was afraid that Chu Feng would mention this matter, and he would stay
here honestly. Otherwise, with his character, he would have come forward
to find Chu Feng’s troubles.

"Chu Feng, you can talk about evidence when you speak." Just then, a
young man next to Chu Zhen spoke up.

Both men and women present at the scene are the same age as Chu Feng,
but this person is the appearance of a young man. He is Chu Wei.

"Chu Wei's big brother said yes, since you said that Chu really bet with
you, then you have to produce evidence, otherwise you are bloody." As a
true brother of Chu, Chu Cheng first shouted.

"Yes, take the evidence, or you don't want to stand up and walk out here
today." After Chu Cheng, almost all the Chu family members in the temple

Even the members of the Chumen are following the shackles. Although
they are not Chu family members, they can also see that Chu Feng’s status
in the Chu family is very low. Even his family members are so disliked
that Chu Feng, they will naturally look down.

"I can testify for Chu Fengdi." But at this time, Chu Yue, who had been
lingering for a long time, suddenly spoke.
Martial God Asura Chapter 10: Repaying the
account (plus 8)
At this moment, the temple was quiet, and everyone’s eyes were cast on
Chu Yue.

"Chu Yue, what do you say? This kind of thing can not be testified."

Chu Wei spoke up, and his eyes contained a strong warning. His meaning
was very clear, that is, let Chu Yue not talk.

"I didn't talk about it. When Chu and I were betting on Chu Feng, I was
there, but Chu Zhendi let me testify."

However, Chu Yue did not fear Chu Wei, but stood by Chu Feng, as if to
suggest that everyone chose to stand on which side.

This time, let alone Chu Zhen, even Chu Cheng Chu Wei, including most
of the Chu family, his face is green.

They couldn't think of it, Chu Yuehui was like Chu Feng, and he was
willing to fight against the Chu family.

In fact, even Chu Feng felt a little surprised. After all, Chu Yue’s move
would offend many people, but in addition to the accident, Chu Feng is
more moved.

"Chu Zhen, are you going to owe it?" Chu Feng continued to exert
pressure. With Chu Yue’s testimony, he did not believe that he really
denied it.

"I..." Chu really looks very ugly, I don't know how to answer.

Xianling grass only subsidizes one family per year. Apart from this strain,
they have no chance to get such a good medicine.
This year's Xian Lingcao has just arrived, Chu is really ready to rely on it
to impact Lingwu four, how can he be willing to let go.

"Oh, even if this is true."

"You and Chu Zhen went to Qinglongzong together. Chu Zhen had already
entered the inner door two years ago, but you have been two years late."

"How, it took so long to enter the inner door, are you still proud? I still
want to knock out Chu really family subsidies." Chu Cheng sneered with
sophistry, as Chu really brother, he naturally will not Let Chu Feng take
away the subsidy of his brother.

"You don't want to tell me these words. What is going on is what your
brother knows best."

"If you want to rely on the account, you can say that Chu Feng can no
longer pursue, but that person has to personally admit that he speaks like
fart, there is no integrity at all." Chu Feng is not refusing.

"You...." When the words came out, Chu was so angry that he couldn’t
refute, because he did not care.

"Haha, joke, repaying? I have said that I have to pay the bill?"

"Chu really fairy grass can give you, but you must admit in the face of
everyone, you are useless waste, it took five years to become a fool of the
inner disciple."

"Everyone said, I am right?" Chu Cheng shouted loudly.

"Yes, Chu Cheng’s big brother said yes."

"Yes, if you want to take the fairy grass, you must admit that you are a
waste. As long as you admit it, we should be rewarded with a flower." And
Chu Cheng’s arm screamed, and the natural response was present.

Chu family, in addition to Chu Yuan, Chu Lianyu and Chu Yue, almost no
one likes Chu Feng, they all want to drive Chu Feng out of Chu.
So as long as it is about Chu Feng, no matter how excessive, they will
support, they just want to make Chu Feng embarrassed.

"Chu Cheng, you should not make trouble unreasonably. This is a private
matter of Chu Zhen and Chu Feng. You are not qualified to interject." Chu
Yue reprimanded.

"We are not qualified, you are qualified? As a sister of Chu really, but to
an outsider, are you still a Chu family?" Chu Cheng's evil bite.

"I am not right about Chu Yue, let alone Chu Feng is not an outsider, he is
also my Chu family."

"He is not a Chu family, you know it, but I can tell you that Chu Zhen is
your younger brother."

"You are quite unreasonable." Chu Yue was shivered by Chu Chengqi's

At this moment, Chu Feng's palm was placed on the shoulder of Chu Yue,
and he was behind him.

At the moment, Chu Feng still has an indifferent smile on his face, but his
eyes have become sharp and faint:

"I only ask, this fairy grass, you give it or not."

"Oh, Chu Feng, don't say that we are difficult for you, but you are really
not qualified to take Chu really fairy grass."

"Let's do it, I will give you a chance. You will learn from Chu. As long as
you can win Chu, you are qualified to take this fairy grass."

"Chu Yue, don't say that I am not reasonable. I will take out my fairy grass
now, as long as Chu Feng can win, this is all his." In the speech, Chu
Cheng will be the fairy grass in his arms. And put it on the table.

At the same time, Chu Cheng made a color to Chu Zhen, Chu Zhen is also
the heart of the gods will put his fairy grass on the table.
"Chu Zhen, you have been in the inner door for two years and have
practiced two kinds of martial arts."

"Chu Chufeng has just entered the inner door. Do you feel shameless when
you discuss with him? You simply can't afford to lose." Chu Yue still felt
uncomfortable for Chu Feng.

"Shut up, there is no copy of your voice here." Chu Cheng pointed to Chu
Yue, full of threats, and then looked up to Chu Feng:

"However, if you lose, you must hand over your fairy grass, do you dare?"

At this moment, everyone's eyes are on Chu Feng, they are waiting for Chu
Feng's answer.

If Chu Feng refuses, they can insult Chu Feng as a coward. If Chu Feng
promises, Chu Zhen will be able to teach Chu Feng.

In any case, Chu Feng has fallen into the Jedi, and they just want to see
how Chu Feng is ugly.

"Why don't you dare." Chu Feng smiled lightly and calmly.

"Well, there is courage, but if you speak well in advance, there is no eye in
your fists. If anyone is hurt, don't blame." Chu Cheng laughed more and

"Don't talk nonsense, you have to call it." Chu Feng took his fairy grass on
the table and then walked toward the center of the hall.

"Chu Fengdi..." Chu Yue took Chu Feng, the flashing eyes, and advised
Chu Feng not to compare with Chu Zhen.

However, Chu Feng smiled and pushed the hand of Chu Yue, only said one
sentence: "Trust me."

When I saw it, Chu Yue couldn’t help but know why. She had an illusion,
as if Chu Feng really had the grasp of winning.
Chu Feng and Chu Zhen went to the center of the main hall. Everyone
gathered around and didn't want to miss the good play of Chu Feng.

"Chu Feng, I think you really have to pay for it."

Chu Zhen, who has been linguistic for a long time, finally smiled on his
face at this moment, but he smiled very hazy.

Previously, Chu Feng forced him to the point where he was so

uncomfortable. At this moment, he had the opportunity to learn Chu Feng,
and naturally he would not stay.

"Oh," Chu Feng smiled slightly, and then said: "This sentence is exactly
what I want to say to you."

"I don't know what to say. I will let you know today how weak you are."

Chu Zhen’s left foot suddenly stepped forward, only listening to the bang,
the whole person was already flying.

He danced with his arms, his fists and shadows fluttered, and his body was
full of compelling breath, such as a wild beast, forced to Chu Feng.
Martial God Asura Chapter 11: Self-acceptance
(plus 9)
"A martial art, a hundred arm fists, have already reached the point of

The temple was exclaimed, and everyone with a clear eye has seen that
Chu is showing a martial art.

Although this hundred-armed boxing is only a piece of martial arts, if it

can be cultivated to the point of Dacheng, it is also very powerful.

In the same level, if there is no corresponding martial arts to compete, it

will certainly be invincible, so people know that Chu Feng has to be

Chu Yue brows wrinkled, quietly stepping forward two steps, trying to
prevent Chu really secretly poisoned hands.

"Chu Yue, watch the battle, you can't stop knowing this rule."

But at this moment, a voice sounded in the ear, looking back, Chu Cheng
was staring at Chu Yue.

Chu Yue screamed badly, she couldn’t think that Chu Cheng would be so
mean, she stared at her secretly.

The more it is, the more representative, the two of them, will not easily let
Chu Feng, which makes her more worried.


The shadow of the sky is almost obscured by Chu Feng’s line of sight, and
the sound of the wind is plunging into him.

Chu Feng can feel that Chu really has a great ability to fight, and he has
not kept his hand. It is obvious that he is really worried.
However, Chu Feng did not fear at all, but stood in the same place, not
flashing away, waiting for his attack.

"Is this Chu Feng stupid? Why not hide?"

"He wants to hide, but can he hide? It is estimated that his strength has not
yet reacted."

"That is, he is a waste of five years in the outer door."

When people saw Chu Feng not hiding, they thought that Chu Feng was
scared by the real power of Chu, and his face showed a smile of gloating.


But at the time of Chu’s approaching, Chu Feng’s big sleeves slammed,
and a strong breath broke out from the body.

The breath rushed over and suddenly made Chu really one of them,
because he was in the breath and felt murderous.


Just as Chu Zhen was stunned by the gods, Chu Feng suddenly hit it with a
palm, and the speed was fast, and it was not waiting for people to react. It
was already on the chest of Chu.

"?" hit a palm, Chu Zhen suddenly felt the blood tumbling, a sharp pain
came from the chest.

"Hey," but he still had too much time to think about it. Chu Feng was
already counting a few palms and hitting them one by one.

"Wow," Chu really shouted, his legs were soft, and he was directly in front
of Chu Feng, and then he was unable to kneel on the ground.

In this scene, the people watching are stunned, because they can’t think of
it anyway. Chu Feng will have such explosive power.

But they don't even know, this is the consequence of Chu Feng's stay, if he
only needs a palm, he can kill Chu.

"You are the four weapons?" Chu Wei opened his mouth, and his eyes
fixed on Chu Feng, full of shock.

"What? Lingwu is four?"

When Chu Wei said this, people finally reacted. You can defeat the three
martial arts without martial arts. This really requires the strength of

However, when the vocabulary of Lingwu is linked to Chu Feng, people

feel incredible and unacceptable.

Not to mention them, even Chu Yue is also a slap in the eyes, a small
mouth slightly raised, his face full of surprise.

Chu Feng did not pay attention to everyone, but walked straight to the
table, collected the three fairy grasses, and then walked to the door.

"You give me a stop, my family learns, you are so heavy, what is your
heart?" But at this moment, a loud drink suddenly sounded.

Looking at it, Chu Cheng has already set off Chu Zhen, but Chu Cheng’s
face is full of anger, and his brother was beaten so badly that he could not
bear it.

"How? At this time, I remembered that I was a Chu family? You didn't
seem to say that before?" Chu Feng smiled lightly, and then said: "What's
more, you said, there is no eye, if anyone is injured, don't Blame, what is
the situation with you now? Can you really lose?"

"Fart, I can't afford to lose? It's obvious that you are deliberately smashing
your hands." Chu really bit his teeth and endured pain, loudly scolding.
As a party, he is very clear that Chu Feng’s palm has already defeated him,
but Chu Feng has repeatedly slammed on him, apparently deliberately,
deliberately embarrassing him.

Listening to him saying this, Chu Feng laughed again: "I Chu Feng has just
entered the four majors of Lingwu, and I don't know much about my own

"And before your martial arts were as strong, I naturally dare not
underestimate the enemy, so I can cope with it."

"Who ever thought that you were a paper tiger, weak enough to be
vulnerable, and I looked at you high."

"You...." Listening to Chu Feng said that Chu really had a pale face and a
sigh of gas, and almost did not spit it out.

Being beaten by a waste in the eyes of everyone, and now being insulted in
public, it is really unbearable for him.

However, if he is not reconciled, he has nothing to say, because the rules

just made were indeed made by his brothers.

"Chu Feng, you don't want to be too arrogant, there is a kind of you and me
to fight." Just then, another Chu family stood up.

"Hey? You want to talk to me too? Yes, bet on the fairy grass, dare?" Chu
Feng stretched out his hand at the man.


Like Chu, this is the Qinglongzong who joined Zhou Feng, but his strength
is not as good as Chu.

If he wants him to fight with Chu Feng, he dares to do it, but if he makes a
bet with Xian Lingcao, he can't really dare.

"What? Who else wants to come out, you can stand up, as long as you are
willing to win the fairy grass."
Chu Feng swept his eyes to everyone, but no one dared to look at Chu
Feng. They were not afraid of Chu Feng, but they did not dare to make bets
with Xian Ling Cao, but they were the root of their lives.

"Chu Feng, don't be too much." Finally, Chu Wei spoke up.

"How? Big Brother Chuwei also wants to talk to me? If I remember

correctly, you should be five years older than me."

"If you don't mind being told to bully, I don't mind trying to try it with
you. Anyway, if I lose, I won't lose it. If I win, I will make a big profit,

Listening to Chu Feng said that although Chu Wei clenched his fists, he
did not say much.

Because Chu Feng said it is right, he is not like Chu Cheng and Chu Zhen,
how do they say that they are similar to Chu Feng.

But he can't. He is not a teenager. At his age, even if he wins Chu Feng, he
will be swearing, so he can't shoot.

Most of the people in the hall bowed their heads. Chu Feng suddenly
smiled. He smiled very happy, but before turning around, he said a word:

"When you leave, send you two sentences, one is self-righteous, the other
is self-inflicted. As for the meaning of this, you can comprehend
yourself." After saying this, Chu Feng broke through the door, chic Leave.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the mansion became very

embarrassing. I wanted to make Chu Feng ugly. This can be done well. I
was insulted by Chu Feng, and I was still in front of a few outsiders. This
really made them feel that there was no face. .

However, the most unacceptable thing is Chu Feng’s strength. I thought

that Chu Feng was the most abolished person in Chu’s family. But now
Chu Feng has entered the Lingwu Four, and has surpassed many people,
which makes them feel very shame.
Chu Feng walked out of the mansion, and this is a cool thing in his heart.
He was almost bullied by these people, and he was bullied by them.

In fact, this is not bullying, Chu Feng is only forced by them, but in any
case, Chu Feng is extremely refreshing.

"Chu Fengdi." But Chu Feng has not yet gone far, and there is a sweet call
behind him, it is Chu Yue.
Martial God Asura Chapter 12: ? role (plus 10)
"Chu Yuejie, how come you came out." Chu Feng asked inexplicably.

Chu Yue was smiling and ran to the front of Chu Feng. With the white jade
hand, he gently punched Chu Feng’s chest and said with joy:

"You kid, I said how you stayed in the outer door so calmly, and caught up
with me for a long time."

Chu Feng's scratched his head: "Chu Yuejie, today is really a trouble for
you, I see you Chu League gathering, but also disappointing."

"It's okay, it's good to let them learn long lessons, and save you from
bullying the whole day."

"For Chu Fengdi, tomorrow, the elixir will hunt us together. It is difficult
for one thing to be caught by oneself."

"Forget it, my relationship with them, you know, even if I am willing to

join the Chumeng, they will not." Chu Feng shook his head.

"Don't worry about it, this matter is handed over to me. In short, you will
come here to find us tomorrow." Chu Yue added a piece of bamboo to Chu
Feng, which is a gathering place of Chu League tomorrow.

"Okay." Seeing that Chu Yue is so persistent, Chu Feng can't bear to refuse.

After comforting Chu Feng, Chu Yue jumped to the house, she was really
happy, because Chu Feng gave her a big surprise today.

The people in the world are respected by strength. At present, Chu Feng
has shown a good strength. She thinks that the Chu family may recognize
Chu Feng.

And Chu family can unite, regardless of each other, is her biggest wish.
"Chu Wei brother, you..." Just arrived in front of the house, Chu Yue found
that the people of the Chu League have already come out.

"?" Chu Cheng and Chu Zhen, awkwardly stunned Chu Yue, and then
quickly left without saying anything.

"Chu Yue, I am not the big brother to say you, today's business, you are too
biased that Chu Feng."

"This is good, let the Chu Feng take away two of the fairy grasses, but let
me wait for him to be humiliated. Now everyone is mad, are you
satisfied?" Chu Wei severely rebuked stand up.

"Chu Wei Brother, when I was wrong, I still can't do it. Then Chu Fengdi is
also a Chu family."

"You see, you have seen the strength of Chu Fengdi. He is not a waste in
your eyes. And we are in need of manpower, so let him join us."

Hearing Chu Yue said that Chu Wei suddenly changed his face, but he just
wanted to open his mouth, but his eyes flashed a strange look, and then he
sighed helplessly:

"Oh, I really served you this girl."

"Well, look at your face, I will give him Chu Feng a chance, you will bring
him with him tomorrow."

"Great, I know that Chu Wei is the best." Chu Yue excitedly jumped up,
laughing very bright.

"Okay, take a break early." Chu Wei shook his head and walked to his

"Chu Wei brother also took a break earlier." Chu Yue smiled and waved to
Chu Wei, watching Chu Wei leave.

Chu Wei promised Chu Feng to join the Chu League, which made Chu Yue
happy, but she did not see, Chu Wei turned, the sinister smile of the mouth.
"Chu Yue Shijie, that is called Chu Feng's hidden deep enough, I have been
in the outer door for so long, I have not heard his name, it seems that he is
the first to go to the inner door assessment."

Just then, a teenager came over. Like Chu Feng, he was a new disciple this
year and joined the members of the League of the League today.

"You are right, Chu Fengdi stayed at the outer door, must be for the reward
of the assessment, do not know that he did not get it." Hearing this, Chu
Yue is also suddenly realized.

"Chu Yue Shijie, you think too much, this year, the outside door can
appear a sly character, the first time I was taken away by that person."

"Your Chu Fengdi said that the strength is not bad, but compared with that
person, it is not influential." The teenager laughed.

“What is the role?” Chu asked curiously.

"That is quite embarrassing, a fourth-order beast, nine third-order beasts,

thirty second-order beasts, but the blink of an eye is all killed by him."

"When the genius disciples of the outer door arrived, they only saw the
dead body of the beasts in the ground. Is this strength, you say no?"

"So powerful?" At this moment, Chu Yue was also shocked by his face.

She is also a person who has experienced internal door assessments. She
knows the power of the agency and knows the terrible beast.

And before everyone can't get there, it's enough to kill so many beasts. She
can imagine how powerful this person is, and that at least Lingwuwu can
do it.

"What is that person called?" In shock, Chu Yue would like to know the
name of this embarrassing character.

"Hey, I want to know who he is."

"But unfortunately, the man deliberately concealed his identity. After
taking the reward, he did not open the gate of the underground palace, but
hid it, so no one knows who he really is." The young man shook his head
and left.

"That man is really strange, so powerful, so low-key, is there any secret

that is ulterior?"

At this moment, Chu Yue became more and more curious about the so-
called sly character.

Because she knows that this is likely to represent, another talented disciple
will rise in the inner door.

"Well." Suddenly, Chu Yue was shocked, because she suddenly thought of
a weird scene.

When Chu Chengchu really left the brothers, he did not go to his house.
The direction of their walking was in the same way as Chu Feng.

At this moment, Chu Yue realized that it was not good, and rushed to catch
up with Chu Feng’s previous departure.

The inner door is very large, and Chu Feng and Chu Yue’s house are
separated by a long distance.

However, Chu Feng did not panic and walked slowly until he came to a
remote and uninhabited place before he stopped.

"Don't be sneaky, come out." Chu Feng turned his eyes to the dark corner
behind him.

"The alertness is good. It seems that I really underestimated your kid." The
voice just fell, and the two familiar figures came out. It was the two
brothers Chu Chengchu.

At this moment, Chu really looks a lot better, but the color of anger is not
reduced at all. He is now even killing Chu Feng’s heart.
"Chu Feng, give you a chance, hand over the three fairy grasses, and then
squat in front of my brother to admit your mistakes, I will spare you
once." Chu Cheng stared at Chu Feng, the words filled with absolute

"Why, are you going to rob me?"

"What about robbing you?"

"The robbery needs strength."

"Strength? I will tell you now, what is strength."

Chu Cheng's figure changed, and a blast of wind was picked up. In the
blink of an eye, he came to Chu Feng's front, his hand was eagle claws,
and he hit Chu Feng throat.

I have to say that Chu Cheng’s strength is several times stronger than Chu,
even in the ranks of Lingwu, it is not weak.

However, he is facing Chu Feng, even the fourth-order beasts can be a slap
in the face.
Martial God Asura Chapter 13: Give me pleading
for mercy (plus 11)
"Hey." Chu Feng's figure flashed to the side, and he escaped Chu Cheng's

At the same time, one foot at a point, suddenly spinning, a whip leg after
the turn turned out.

Seeing the situation, Chu Cheng's face changed slightly, and his body
shape quickly retraced. However, Chu Feng's whip legs are not only fast,
but also difficult to avoid.

Under the hurried, Chu Cheng had to hand over his arms and hardly
blocked the attack of Chu Feng.


"Tread on step..."

In one leg sweep, Chu Cheng was shocked and retired several steps, and
the feeling of numbness between his arms continued to come.

At this moment, Chu Cheng brows slightly wrinkled, he could not think of
it anyway, Chu Feng will have such great strength.

This strength has completely exceeded his expectations, so he has to take

it seriously.

"There are two things, but only by one brute force, after all, it is difficult
to become a big device. I will let you see the power of martial arts."


Chu Cheng number refers to the point of the body points, suddenly burst
into a burst, the clothes actually bulged a lot, the two pairs of fists also
increased a lot.

Moreover, his skin is also changed from white to purple, and it is horrible.

"Enhanced martial arts"

Chu Feng’s eyes are slightly stunned. He can see that Chu Cheng’s use is a
kind of enhanced martial arts.

This kind of martial arts will not change in the number of tricks, but the
personal system will be improved.

To cultivate to a certain level, the fire and water do not invade, the guns
and guns do not enter, the whole body is a weapon.

Seeing Chu Feng's look changed, Chu Cheng suddenly became proud.
Although Chu Feng's strength made him unexpected, he knew that he had
not cultivated martial arts, which is the biggest weakness of Chu Feng.

The martial arts he used to perform was called the body of steel. With this
martial art, he played almost invincible with the same person, so he had
absolute confidence and could defeat Chu Feng.

"Chu Feng, you are begging for mercy now, still..."

But before he could finish his words, Chu Feng’s figure suddenly
disappeared and disappeared.

When Chu Feng appeared again, it was already Chu Cheng’s front, and a
strong punch was constantly magnifying in front of his eyes.

"You are taking it for yourself."

Seeing that Chu Feng still dared to fight with his flesh, Chu Cheng
sneered, and the same punch blasted, and actually rushed to Chu Feng's

The two punches are opposite, and they actually make a sound like a steel

However, after the confrontation, Chu Cheng actually went back a few
more steps, the feeling of sorrow on the fist did not decrease, but then Chu
Feng, did not retreat.

"How can this guy be so strong?"

Chu Cheng finally realized that he was wrong. With the martial arts he
cultivated, almost no one in the same level dared to confront him hard.

But at the moment, Chu Feng not only hard-hitting, but also fully occupied
the upper hand, which made him feel extremely bad.


Suddenly, Chu Feng’s figure slammed forward, hitting the palm of his
hand, and hitting the face of Chu Cheng again.

Chu Cheng, who had the first two lessons, no longer insisted on this, but
aimed at Chu Feng’s wrist and grabbed it.

This time, Chu Cheng also applied martial arts, is a kind of singular
singer, so it is not waiting for Chu Feng to react, he has already grasped
Chu Feng's wrist.


But before he was happy, Chu found that his own smashing hand had been
caught empty, and the palm that had previously gone straight to the door
had disappeared.


Just as he was surprised, a powerful palm was already on his chest.

Chu Feng's palm, the strength is extremely strong, Chu will be enough to
play 10 meters away before falling to the ground, big mouth blood sprayed

This scene, let the stunned Chu really stunned, he could not think of it
anyway, even the soul of Wu Wu, Chu Cheng, will be defeated in the hands
of Chu Feng.

This is beyond his tolerance. After all, Chu Feng in his eyes was a waste
that could not be scrapped.

"How could this be..."

At the moment, Chu Cheng’s face is more shocking than pain.

Because he couldn't figure it out, he couldn't figure out how to catch Chu
Feng's wrist clearly, and how could he be hit by Chu Feng.

"Do you say: He cultivated martial arts?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. It is only ten days when he enters the

inner door. How can he master martial arts?"

Chu Cheng felt that the impossibility of Chu Feng’s exhibition was martial
arts, because within ten days, it was impossible to master a martial art.

But let him know that Chu Feng is not only martial arts, but also the most
powerful martial arts illusion of the inner door. I don't know what he

"Big brother." Just then, Chu really ran over, and he tried to escape when
he helped Chu Cheng.

He is really panicked. As long as he thinks that Chengdu Chu is not an

opponent of Chu Feng, the only thing he wants to do is to escape.

"Two, don't rush to wow."

But at this moment, Chu Feng appeared silently, blocking the way of the

"Chu Feng, what do you want?"

Chu Zhen pretended to be calm, but still could not hide his inner fear.

Because Chu Feng at the moment is completely different from his

impression, it is simply a person, such a change, let him fear.

"I don't want to, give up all the things in you, and give me mercy, I will
spare you." Chu Feng's face is smiling, but this smile is even more

"Chu Feng, don't be too much." Chu Cheng gritted his teeth.

"I am too much? You keep saying that I am a waste, and insulting me in
front of others."

"I still sneaked over and wanted to rob me of teaching me. Now I actually
say that I am excessive?"

"I know, you don't take me as a Chu family, I don't care, because I have
never taken you as a family member."

"However, you insult me ??Chu Feng can, but I dare to treat Chu Yuejie
like this before, I can't bear it, because Chu Yuejie is a family member for
me, I am one of the few people I want to protect. ""

Speaking of this, Chu Feng suddenly turned cold, and then suddenly shot,
only to listen to the "??" two crisp sounds, two loud slaps, they fell on the
face of Chu Cheng and Chu Zhen.

These two slaps were very hard, and they knocked the two of them hard to
the ground, and then Chu Feng slammed into the chest and stepped on
Chu’s chest.

"Isn't your mouth very eloquent? Isn't it very arrogant? Isn't it very dare to
threaten people?"
"Why don't you talk? Say, talk... give me a pleading." Chu Feng spoke, and
there were two slaps on the face of Chu Cheng.

After the two slaps, Chu Cheng printed two red palm prints on each cheek,
and a trace of blood overflowed from the mouth.

"Let me ask for your waste and beg for a dream." Chu Cheng looks very

However, Chu Feng smiled slightly, and then his arms waved, and several
slaps of slaps fell on Chu Cheng’s face.

In this case, Chu Cheng's cheeks quickly swelled up, and Chu Feng
became a pig's head.

"Chu Feng, I am fighting with you." Seeing his brother was beaten like
this, Chu really broke out.

"Rolling" However, Chu Feng is only a big sleeve, a slap in the face will
smash the Chu really on the ground, even the strength of climbing up is

At this moment, Chu Zhen really realized that the gap between him and
Chu Feng was too big. It turned out that he could not stand even a trick of
Chu Feng.

"Chu Feng, if you have something, you will kill me." Chu Cheng looked
fierce and roared.

"Do you think I dare?" Chu Feng said, taking a dagger from Chu's waist
and pointing it at Dan Cheng of Chucheng, saying:

"I only say one number. If you don't ask for mercy, I will abolish your
Dantian and let you not be able to practice martial arts for life."

"You dare!!!" Listening to Chu Feng said that Chu Cheng’s face suddenly
changed, and the previous fierceness was not in the moment. Instead, it
was incomparably frightened.
Like Chu, he has an illusion that Chu Feng in front of him is completely
different from Chu Feng in his memory.

He really can't be sure if Chu Feng will really abolish his Dan Tian, ??will
he really kill him.
Martial God Asura Chapter 14: Big Brother's
letter (plus 12)
Chu Feng smiled, laughing very evil, he lifted the dagger high, faintly spit
out a word



As soon as the voice fell, the dagger in the hands of Chu Feng suddenly

"I'm wrong!!!"

"I was wrong, Chu Fengdi I was wrong, spare me, please... don't abandon
my cultivation, don't..." Chu Cheng screamed wildly, and the voice was
actually crying. .

When he said this, Chu Feng’s movements stopped quietly, and the smiles
looked at Chu Cheng at the moment.

It was discovered that Chu Cheng closed his eyes and two lines of tears
rushed out, and the big mouth was still pleading for mercy.

Not only the expression on the face was hard, but even the body was
shaking, and even the squat was already a wet blockbuster, and a stench
came out.

Chu Feng will still be on the ground with a dagger. He will explore the Chu
Cheng and Chu Zhen, and finally find five subliminal medicines.

After doing this, Chu Feng came to Chu Cheng again. He gently patted
Chu Cheng’s face and said:

"Look at your appearance. Who is the waste? Isn't your heart clear?"
"Ha ha..." After finishing these, Chu Feng laughed, and this was a quiet

After Chu Feng left, Chu Cheng and Chu Zhen also helped each other,
stumbled and disappeared into the night.

But just after they left, a shadow appeared in the darkness. This is actually
Chu Yue.

However, Chu Yue’s sweet cheeks are full of horror.

After a long time, she muttered to herself: "Chu Fengdi, what kind of
person are you, what kind of strength it has."

Suddenly, she closed her eyes and remembered Chu Feng when she was a

No matter how ridiculous people are, they never give up.

No matter how insulted others are, they never give up.

There is always a smile on his face, which makes people feel pitiful,
people feel distressed, and people want to protect Chu Feng.

Finally, Chu Yue opened her eyes and she smiled relieved:

"Maybe, we are all wrong, mistakenly see you as a weak person."

"Maybe, this is really you, you never need to protect others because you
are strong enough to protect others."

At this moment, Chu Feng, has returned to his home, he took three
Xianling grass, and five strains of grass.

Although Lingling Cao is the next elixir, it is also a treasure of Xiuwu.

Chu Feng feels that they will be plundered, enough to make Chu Cheng
and Chu really distressed.
As long as I think of these two daily insults to his brother, the situation
that has just been taught by himself, Chu Feng still feels extremely

"It seems that there is a saying that is quite right. The wicked still need
wicked people to grind. If you want to reason with the wicked, you must
use your fist."

Chu Feng smiled and did not rush to start practicing, but took the letter of
his older brother.

The letter is opened, and the familiar fonts are displayed in front of the
eyes. It is exactly the solitary of Chu.

"Brother, it’s been five years since I entered Qinglongzong, and my

brothers haven’t seen each other for five years."

"After a few more days, I will go to the family's annual family meeting.
This year, the grandfather will withdraw from the family."

"Grandfather's withdrawal also represents the election of the new owner,

and the father will become one of the candidates for the new owner."

"This is a very important day for my father, so I hope that you will be able
to come back this year and join me in cheering up your father."

A few lines of words have already clarified the meaning of the letter. Chu
Feng merged the letter paper and fell into meditation.

Every year, the younger generation of the Chu family will conduct a test to
test the results of the cultivation.

Although the surface is a test, in fact the potential of the younger

generation indirectly determines the status of the elders within the family.

This time, Chu Yuan, who is able to obtain the qualifications for the
family of trust, has an absolute relationship with Chu Youyu in addition to
his personal strength.
Chu Guyu, the younger generation of the Chu family, the only one who
came to Lingyun.

Almost every year, he can win the first place in the family. His potential is
so great that he naturally affects the status of Chu Yuan.

After meditation, Chu Feng found a pen and paper and wrote a letter back
to Chu Lianyu.

The content is very simple. This year's ethnic group will return, because
Chu Feng also wants to contribute to his father's campaign.

He wants to shine in this ethnic ratio, at least to get a good ranking, so that
everyone knows that Chu Yuan's two sons are not mediocre.

In other words, Chu Feng feels that it is time to prove himself.

After writing, Chu Feng refining all three Xianling grasses and five strains
of earth grass.

This time, Chu Feng finally felt the feeling of filling Dantian. According
to his estimation, refining and refining 20 Xianling grasses may lead to

However, the 20 pieces of fairy grass are absolutely high prices, so his
only sustenance, all placed on tomorrow's elixir hunting.

The next morning, the sky was bright, but in a vast square in the north of
Qinglongzong, there were already tens of thousands of people gathered.
This is one of the entrances to the Lingyao Mountain.

Chu Feng carries two parcels, one full of food and the other empty, looking
at the crowd in the Middle East, looking for Chu Yue.

"Chu Fengdi, here."

Familiar sounds, Chu Yue really not far away, full of joy to Chu Feng
However, Chu Yue compared to Chu Feng's reloading, but it is much
simpler, actually only brought a pocket, and the previous costume is no

"Chu Yuejie, do you not bring food? The elixir hunting can be full for ten
days. What do you eat?" Chu Feng is full of puzzles.

"Stupid, don't forget that we are organized. I am only responsible for

pursuing the elixir, carrying the physical activity of food, and of course
giving it to others."

Chu Yue talked, pointing not far away, where the members of the Chu
League are all, Chu Feng saw last night.

Three of them are indeed carrying large packages, which must be food.

"Chu Fengdi, we are hunting for the elixir, there is a clear division of
labor, after entering the mountains will be divided into three groups."

"In each group, there is a special food for transportation, and it is

responsible for engulfing the elixir, and I am responsible for hunting the

"The division of labor is determined by strength, and so is the distribution

of elixir." Chu Yue tells Chu Feng in detail.

Chu Feng also finally hunted the elixir, and had a deep understanding of
the benefits of group hunting and taking medicine.

Before the elixir is unpicked, it has spirituality and can be carried out in an
awkward manner. If there is no absolute strength, it is really difficult to
hunt for the elixir alone.

This is why most of the disciples will choose to join the alliance, because
under their strength, the strength of the team is indeed greater than the

After explaining the method of hunting the elixir, Chu Yue took Chu Feng
and came to the group of Chu Meng.
After approaching, Chu Feng discovered that in fact, today's Chu Meng is
one less than yesterday, the one who is absent is Chu Cheng.

Yesterday Chu Cheng was beaten by Chu Feng, and the whole face turned
into a pig's head. It must have been a faceless person, so he gave up this
rare elixir hunting.

In addition to Chu Cheng, Chu Feng also saw a familiar person, but Chu

However, at this moment, Chu really did not have the arrogance of the
past, and his head was dull and boring, as if he had received a heavy blow,
very depressed.
Martial God Asura Chapter 15: Long brother and
tiger brother (plus 13)
"The last member of the Chu League is in place."

"Welcome everyone together, Chu Feng, brother, applause."


Chu Yue brought Chu Feng to the back and clap his hands while shouting.

Upon seeing it, the members of the Chu League who were not Chu
families also followed the applause and nodded to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng yesterday's strength they saw, no matter how the Chu family
looked at Chu Feng, at least in their hearts has recognized Chu Feng.

However, except for a few people like Chu Yue, those Chu family did not
express anything, and they looked at Chu Feng's eyes very badly.

"Chu Yue, you made no mistakes, since you brought this outsider to join
me Chu Meng? Hurry and let him roll." Chu Wei suddenly angered.

"Yes, I don't welcome him, let him roll." At the same time, other people
shouted loudly.

Their voices are very loud, and they seem to deliberately let everyone hear
the general. In fact, they did attract the attention of the people around

At this moment, Chu Feng's brows were slightly wrinkled. He couldn't

think of it anyway. Chu Wei would welcome him in this form.

Where is this welcome, it is simply deliberately making him ugly, making

him ugly in front of many disciples.
"Chu Wei Brother, what are you doing? Yesterday you didn't say good..."
At this moment, Chu Yue was anxious, and she was a little overwhelmed.

"Chu Yue, give me a shut up, this Chu League I said, I can accept anyone
to join the Chu League, but will never accept him Chu Feng." Chu Wei did
not give Chu Yue a chance to finish.

"Chu Wei, I can't think of you..."

"Well, you don't accept Chu Fengdi, then I also withdraw from the Chu

Chu Yue finally reacted. She knew that she was used by Chu Wei and used
her to make Chu Feng so embarrassed.

"Chu Yue, I am afraid this is not what you said, unless you want to leave
the Chu family, otherwise you can not withdraw from the Chu League."
Chu Wei sneered, seems to have long guessed that Chu Yue will have such
a reaction.

" are..." Chu Yue was gnashing his teeth, but I don't know how to
be good. In desperation, I had to look at Chu Feng: "Chu Fengdi, I...."

"Chu Yuejie, no explanation, I know that this thing does not blame you."
Chu Feng face is very calm, he glanced at the faint road of Chu Wei and

"You Chu Meng does not accept me Chu Feng right? Good, very good,
remember what you said today, I Chu Feng promises that one day, you will
regret what you have done today."

"Hahaha, it’s a joke. Do you really think that you are a big man? We regret
it? Are you also worth making us regret?"

"That is, what do you think you are, it is really shameless."

However, no one puts Chu Feng's words in mind. From their point of view,
Chu Feng is just a waste, because at a very young age, they have already
printed such a mark on Chu Feng.
"It's really lively here." But at this moment, a loud voice suddenly

Looking at it, I saw two teenagers, who are slowly coming.

This is a pair of twin brothers, whose purple robes are very dirty and dirty
to see the oily light.

In particular, both of them have a cane in their hands, and when they chew,
they are constantly making a harsh "bar" sound, which is really annoying.

However, when people saw the two men and the medals above their chests,
they were all shocked.

On the medal, there is a pair of wings engraved, and this is the symbol of
the strongest alliance in the inner door.

"It is a member of the wing alliance, the dragon brother and the tiger
brother." At this moment, many people have recognized these two, and all
kinds of exclamations have been resounding.

The male disciples all showed an admirable look, and the female disciple
screamed again and again, and the pair fell in love with the two, and even
Chu Yue became dignified.

"Chu Yuejie, do you know them?" Chu Feng asked curiously.

"Well, they are called Bailong and Baihu, and I am sixteen years old."

"They went to Qinglong Zong with me, but they passed the internal door
assessment at the age of twelve, and they were the first in the assessment."

"It is said that they have entered the Lingwu Sixth Years a year ago and are
truly genius disciples."

Chu Yue said that these two people, the look is very dignified, it can be
seen that these two people in the heart of Chu Yue, indeed left a very
heavy weight.
"At the age of sixteen, it is the six weapons of Lingwu!"

Listening to Chu Yue said that Chu Feng is also looking back at the
Dragon Brothers and Tigers. He wants to know that his eldest brother Chu
is solitary. At the age of seventeen, he entered the Lingwu Sixth and was
considered a genius.

The two of them were actually a year earlier than the solitary rain of Chu.
It can be seen that the members of the wing league really can't be seen,
and it is no wonder that they will be regarded as mythological

"Dragon... Dragon brothers and brothers, they seem to be coming to us, I..
We.. No one has provoked them?"

Seeing the goal of the Dragon Brothers and Tigers, it is actually here that
everyone in the Chu League has become nervous, and even Chu Wei is no

After all, the names of the brothers are too loud, and even if they remove
the identity of the wing, they still can't hide their light.

Such people are afraid that they will not be offended, because if they
offend them, they are sentenced to death in the inner door.

However, when the dragon brother and the tiger brother approached,
everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief, because they found that the goal
of the dragon brother and tiger brother turned out to be Chu Feng.

"You called Chu Feng?" Bai Long looked at Chu Feng.

"Is there something?" Chu Feng calmly replied.

"Hey?" See Chu Feng should be down, the white tiger's brow can not help
but slightly wrinkle, but also began to look at Chu Feng.

"Great, the original dragon brother and brother really came to Chu Feng."
"Hey, just got into the inner door and offended the dragon brother and
brother, it really deserves it."

"Let him be crazy and see how he died this time."

At this moment, the Chu family’s hearts are all overjoyed. They all want to
hate Chu Feng who offended the big man and then be killed.

I just couldn't think of it. Chu Feng was offended by the dragon brothers
and brothers so quickly, which really made them too excited.

However, when the dragon brothers and brothers said the next sentence,
they were dumbfounded.

"Chu Feng, are you interested in joining the wing league?"

Martial God Asura Chapter 16: Refuse to join
"No, I just seemed to hear them say........"

"Impossible, it must have been wrong."

When the dragon brother and the tiger brother came out, the people
onlookers were shocked, and various complicated emotions appeared on
people's faces.

At this moment, people would rather feel that they have misunderstood
and would not believe that the previous brothers and brothers were true.

Because they can't figure out why the wing alliance wants to recruit Chu
Feng. It is clear that Chu Feng is still being rejected by a small alliance.
How can such a person get the favor of Yimeng?

"Chu Feng, are you willing to join the wing league?"

It seems that everyone knows that Bai Long has emphasized one sentence,
and this time he has increased his tone.

"This.. This is really true, Yimeng is really recruiting the kid."

"Where did the kid come from, what was the invitation of the squad, the
squad is not a genius gathering place, why would you recruit such an
ordinary guy."

"I can't figure out, I really can't figure out, is it anything special about
him? But I really can't see it. Even the little league doesn't welcome him.
How could he be a strong man?"

This time, the crowd completely blasted the pot, everyone's eyes are
condensed on Chu Feng's body, they want to find out the difference of Chu
Feng, can get the favor of the wing alliance.
Just why, they really can't see, this boy is different, but even so, people
still envy Chu Feng.

Wing League, how many disciples are yearning for, but how many
geniuses have been rejected, this is definitely a holy place in the hearts of
inner disciples.

Wing Meng is a dream in the hearts of countless disciples, a dream that

can only be imagined but cannot be realized.

But at this moment, there is a person who has entered such a holy place
and has fulfilled the dream that people cannot realize. This is how people
can not be jealous.

"How is it possible, Chu Feng this guy actually....."

But now, the face is the most ugly, the most unacceptable fact, but it
belongs to the Chu family.

Especially Chu Chuwei, he was like a hammer on his head, the whole head
creaked, confused.

Chu Yue is also like this, she stood beside Chu Feng, slightly with a small
mouth, a pair of beautiful flashes, and stared at Chu Feng with surprise.

For the reaction of everyone, the dragon brother and the younger brother
smiled with satisfaction, and they turned their attention to Chu Feng.

Compared with the onlookers, they are more expecting Chu Feng's
reaction, want to see Chu Feng ecstatic, like Lin Mengjing's reaction.

However, Chu Feng apparently disappointed them. Not only did they not
have the ecstasy of ecstasy, but they did not have a slight mood swing. The
face was calm and watery, and the most surprising thing was the next
sentence Chu Feng said.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I don't want to join any alliance for the
time being." Chu Feng said faintly.
"What, I didn't get it wrong, he refused?"

When Chu Feng’s words came out, the people who had already fried the
pot suddenly boiled to the extreme. The good things that countless people
dreamed of were actually rejected. This is incredible.

In fact, with such an answer, the dragon brother and the tiger brother are
also slightly brows, and their faces are obviously unpleasant.

"Chu Feng, joining my wing alliance, is not harmful to your development

in Qinglongzong. Do you really want to refuse?" Bai Long advised.

"I am sorry." Chu Feng's answer was extremely firm.


The white tiger was a little angry, but not waiting for its attack, he was
blocked by the white dragon standing beside him.

Bai Long once again looked at Chu Feng and said: "Chu Feng, I hope you
can think about it again."

After saying this, Bai Long turned and left, and the white tiger squinted at
Chu Feng, but also strode away.

"That kid really refused the invitation of the wing league, is he not

"Looking at him, I know that it is a girl, and I certainly don’t know the
name of the wing league. Oh, it’s really sad."

"I guess he will definitely want to find a piece of tofu to die after he
understands the strength of the wing."

"I still have to wait for the day? I have offended the wing league. I think
this kid is not far from death."

At this moment, everyone has opened their mouths and the voices of
various arguments have been resounding.
Even Chu Yue, also asked incomprehensible: "Chu Fengdi, do you know
what you just did? That is..."

"I know that it is the mythical organization of the wing, the inner door."

"Know that you still refuse, you...." Chu Yue was completely speechless.

"I won't join an organization I don't know, even if it is a wing league."

Chu Feng smiled, laughing very calmly, regardless of the strange eyes
around, chic into the crowd, as if he really did not put the wing in the eyes.

Chu Yue looked at the place where Chu Feng disappeared. His look was
extremely complicated. After a long time, he whispered: "Chu Fengdi, I
really can't see you."

In fact, Chu Feng was also surprised by the invitation of Yimeng to him,
but it was this kind of accident that made him decisively refuse. After all,
there was a secret hidden in his body that could not be known.

The nine-color **** thunder has almost destroyed the terrible things in the
Kyushu mainland. If it is known, the thing is actually in the Chufeng
Dantian. God knows how the mainland’s strongmen will deal with Chu
Feng, even if it is not possible to open the intestines. .

Shortly after Chu Feng left, in a hidden area outside the square, the dragon
brother and his brother stood there in the twilight, and in front of them,
stood a young girl.

The girl's skin is fair, the eyebrows are apricot eyes, a small mouth, like a
cherry pink, although the face is still tender, but it is already a stunner, it
is definitely a standard beauty billet.

But at this moment, the girl is a little wrinkled, and asked the dragon
brother and brother: "You mean, he refused to join the wing company?"

"Su Mei, sister, we are telling the truth." Long brother and tiger brothers
echoed in unison.
"It is abhorrent, and there are people who dare to refuse the invitation of
me, and he is impatient." The girl's teeth bite, and the beautiful eyes are
full of anger.

"Su Mei's sister, in fact, we don't know where the kid is good, but he is the
two people who "named us" to invite us. If we are not good for him, I am

"Nothing to fear, I will be willing to invite him. It is enough to give him a

face. He dared to refuse. It was just a shameless face."

"If you don't let him taste the bitterness, then what is the majesty of my
wing? This matter will be handed over to you. You can rest assured that
my sister has me there, and I promise you will not have anything."

"Amount... Ok." Faced with this beautiful girl in front of him, the dragon
brother and brother did not dare to have a rebuttal.

"And, I finally said it again, don't call my sister again, my age is not as big
as you are." After the girls took a look at the two, they left.

Long brother and tiger brother quietly looked at the girl away, until the
shadow disappeared completely, and the two talents relieved and sighed.

"This Nizi is too difficult to serve, just take us as a slave." White Tiger
wiped his sweat on his forehead while complaining.

"Forget it, who makes people's family special? Let's not talk about her
family background. It is just the power of her sister inside the door. It is
enough for us to drink a pot." Bai Long smiled.

"Speaking of it, I prefer her sister, at least more gentle than her."

"Gentle? You have never seen her look like a haircut, it is even more
terrible than the Soviet Union."

"Hey, this sister together is called feminine, beauty is there, but I really
didn't find any softness. What do we do now, we really have to deal with
that Chu Feng?"
"Properly give him some warnings, but not too much. After all, except for
the sisters, the one is also open." Here, Bai Long could not help but sigh.

Just yesterday, in the rare gathering of the wing, the two big men were

Moreover, the two also put forward the same request, that is, let the wing
alliance, invite Chu Feng to join.

Although not reluctant, the wing alliance still promised, because the two
are the existence of their inability to offend.
Martial God Asura Chapter 17: acquaintance
Lingyao Mountain is a forbidden place, and the entire mountain is blocked
by layers.

Unless anyone has the ability to fly, if you want to enter this Lingyao
Mountain, you will only enter from the entrance.

There are eight entrances to Lingyao Mountain, and these eight entrances
are guarded by elders. They will only be opened when the elixir is hunting.

At the moment, the entrances to the eight places are open. All the disciples
in the inner door can enter the tokens. Nearly 100,000 disciples have
poured into them from all directions.

"This elixir is really amazing,"

Chu Feng strolls in the Lingyao Mountain, and his eyes are attracted by
the dense trees and dense bushes.

For the first time, he saw that plants that are so beautiful, even the flowers
are much richer than others, and are as intoxicating as the paradise.

"Ground grass?" Suddenly, Chu Feng saw a strange plant.

It is five inches high and has four leaves. It is green and covered with faint
brilliance. It is the best medicine.

"?" can not be approached yet, and the grass of the earth has shrunk and it
has to escape.


Upon seeing it, Chu Feng suddenly jumped, but it was still a slow step.
When he arrived, the earth grass was already sneaked into the ground.
"This thing is really spiritual." Chu Feng laughed, but did not irritable, but
swept his eyes around.

He knew that the grass could escape, but every other distance, he had to
drill the ground and escape, usually in a straight line.

Therefore, Chu Feng feels that it is not difficult to determine the trajectory
of the fledgling grass and to capture at his speed.


At this moment, not far from the fluorescent flash, a strain of grass was
pulled out from the ground, apparently just fled the strain.

However, the grass has just appeared, and suddenly sneaked into the
ground, continue to flee.

Chu Feng was overjoyed. The figure was stretched across several steps,
and then leaped like a rabbit. The hand was in the shape of an eagle claw
and grabbed against an open space ahead.

"Oh." As expected, as Chu Feng expected, just when he was about to land,
the grass was once again pulled out of the soil.

Only this time, Chu Feng's speed is faster than it, and it is not waiting for
it to escape. Chu Feng's big hand has already grasped its branches tightly
and pulled him out of the soil.


When the grass was off the ground, it began to make a harsh sound, and a
strong sense of freedom from the stock continued to come.

However, this kind of break-up only lasted for a while, and it became
weaker and weaker. When the final celestial grass flashed, it began to
shrink, and finally turned into a finger length.

"This thing is really strange."

When the elixir leaves the soil, it loses its spirituality, and without the
spiritual medicine, the volume will become small.

However, after all, this is just to hear that when a five-inch long spirit
grass is really in front of itself, no one will be surprised when it is less
than half an inch from the five deposits.


After conquering the grass, Chu Feng's palms were superimposed, and the
hand-picked method was decided. A strong suction came out from
Dantian. It was just a blink of an eye, and the palms of the palms were

"Hey, this thing is really not enough for you to sew."

Chu Feng smiles bitterly, and the spirit grass is just the next elixir. The
aura contained is several times different than the fairy grass. If you want
to rely on it to feed the gods, you really need a terrible amount.

In desperation, Chu Feng continued to hurry and went straight to the

depths of the forest.

This Lingyao Mountain is divided into inner circumference, middle

circumference and periphery.

The outer side is planted with the lower elixir, the middle is planted with
the middle elixir, and the inner circumference is planted with the elixir.

Chu Feng is the most familiar with the spirit medicine, but he also knows
that the fairy grass is not a good man or a woman before he has

Not only will not be able to see people to escape, but also has a strong
attack power, it is said that a fairy grass, can be compared with the sixth-
order beasts, that is to say, there is no strength of the spirit of the six
weapons, in front of it is not enough to see.
Therefore, the inner circumference is regarded as a restricted area. Few
people dare to enter it. Chu Feng does not intend to hunt down those
terrible guys, so his goal is Zhongwei.

Zhongpin Lingyao Tianling Grass, according to legend, can run fast

against the ground, and has stealth ability, very difficult to capture, but
fortunately there is no lethality.

Although the aura contained is far less than the fairy grass, it is far from
being comparable to the earthly grass, so it is the best goal of Chu Feng.

All the way forward, all the grasses that Chu Feng saw, could not escape
his magic catch, and he was refining on the spot.

When he was at noon, he finally came to Zhongwei, and soon found a

strain of Tianling grass.

However, this day's grass is really powerful, not only the escape route is
unpredictable, but also has a stealth method.

Although stealth can only last for a while, but in this case of hidden time,
it still makes Chu Feng suffer.

Until the sun fell, Chu Feng had encountered at least a dozen strains of
Tianling grass, but did not catch one.

"I don't believe it, I will lose in the hands of a Chinese medicine."

Under the rush of the day, Chu Feng was energetic, but the belly was
already playing drums and had to stop to hungry.

While eating dry food, while forgetting to be teased by the grass, I vowed
to catch the grass and refine it.

"I said, don't come to the middle, this day is not what we can catch."

"Miss, don't worry, I have gradually mastered the escape law of

Tianlingcao, and give me another day, I promise we can catch it."
"One day? One day we can catch a lot of earthworms on the periphery. You
are a waste of our time."

At this moment, Lin Zhong came to a burst of words, Chu Feng can feel at
least ten people, is approaching.

"Oh, it seems that I am not alone in Chu Feng, I have suffered."

Chu Feng chuckled and didn't look up, but ate the dry food in his hand.

"Miss looks at it, it seems to be Chu Feng." But after a somewhat

surprised, but ironic voice, Chu Feng knew that his mother had met an

Looking up and watching, the ten figures are standing staring at

themselves not far away, all of them are familiar faces.

The girl who is headed is called Chu Xue, who is one year younger than
Chu Feng. She is the cousin of Chu Feng.

Although Chu Xue is not as sweet as Chu Yue, but it also has a bit of
beauty, especially her skin is as white as snow, but it is also known as the

However, she and Chu Chengchu are really like them. They don’t like Chu
Feng from childhood, which is a hostile force.

After Chu Xue, there are still nine people standing. Although these people
are all surnamed Chu, they are not strictly Chu family.

They are all descendants of the Chu family. Because their parents have
some status in the Chu family, they were sent to the Qinglongzong
together, but the most ridiculous thing is that even these people are not
looking down on Chu Feng.

"Hey, Chu Feng is really you."

The disgusting voice rang again, and the one who had just spoken was a
tall, thin boy next to Chu Xue.
This person Chu Feng also knows, called Chugao, who likes to stick to
Chu Xue from childhood, is Chu Xue's follower.

However, it is worth mentioning that although Chu Gao was born in the
next generation, but the qualifications are good, and Chu Yue together with
Qinglongzong, now also the four majors.

Among Chu and his party, this is also the strength of Chu Gao, which is
obviously the main force in their group.

However, this kid is very unreliable. From the time he brought Chu Xue
and others into Zhongwei, he knew that he was a good man.
Martial God Asura Chapter 18: Screaming in the
forest (plus 14)
"I said Chu Feng, you can't do it anymore. There is no gain in one day."
Looking at Chu Feng's dry parcel, Chu Xue sneered and sneered.

"Yes, do you add ten people together, and it seems that there is no better
place to go than me?" Chu Feng glanced at it, Chu Xue and others were
equally dry-wrapped, and ridiculed:

"I really can't think of it. Chu Wei thought about it. He actually divided
your ten pustules into one group, and ten pustules also ran to the middle.
Are you coming for an outing, is dry food enough?"

"Fart." Hearing Chu Feng's words, Chu Xue was furious, and the nine
slaves beside him were also unhappy.

Especially Chu Chugao, but also pointed to Chu Feng and shouted: "Don't
dare to disrespect my lady, believe it or not, I will abolish you."

"If you feel that you are OK, you can come and try." Chu Feng stunned
Chu Gao, and then continued to bow down to eat dry food.

"Do you think I dare not?" Chu Gao talked, and then he went to Chu Feng
with imposing manners, and his whirlwinds were raised at his feet. The
large leaves were rolled up, and the strength of Lingwu was fully

But just as Chu Gao was just approaching Chu Feng, Chu Feng suddenly
raised his head, and he had two pairs of eyes and shot two cold awns, such
as the sharp blade, which pierced Chu Gao’s eyes.


At this moment, Chu Gao quickly stopped the pace, and then hurried back
two steps, because when he saw Chu Feng's gaze, he felt something and

This kind of deterrence made Chu Gao feel cold in his back and panic in
his heart. Because of this deterrence, he once felt it, so he knows very well
how terrible people can pose such threats to him.

Although he also feels incredible, after all, Chu Feng is only a four-
pronged, and has just stepped into the inner door, but this deterrent tells
him that he can't fight Chu Feng.


Deeply swallowed, Chu Gao resolutely turned and slid back.

And such a scene is to let Chu Xue and others feel overwhelmed, why have
they returned without returning? This is too shameful!

But if they let them know, Chu Gao was scared back by Chu Feng, they
would feel even more shameful.

"Chu Gao, what's the matter with you?" Chu Xue angered and scolded.

"Miss, I..." Chu Gao did not know how to answer.

"Useless waste."

Looking at Chu Gao’s appearance, Chu Xueqi’s teeth and teeth, but I don’t
know how to be good. In the end, I can only say to Chu Feng:

"Chu Feng, you are really a long-term, forget the time when you were
beaten by Hongfei brother when you were a child?"

"I tell you, you better never go back to Chu, or I will let Hongfei brother
beat you even worse."

Hearing Chu Xue’s words, Chu Feng’s hands were suddenly gripped, and
the dry food in his hands was crushed into pieces. A blast of wind swept
through the center of the wind, and Chu Xue and others were blown back
and forth, even the Chugao was difficult. withstand.
Chu Hongfei, who once gave Chu Feng a heavy humiliation, Chu Feng will
never forget, when he was only eight years old, he could not stand up by
the 10-year-old Chu Hongfei, lying half full on the bed. Months.

The most important thing is that after Chu Chuanyu went to find Chu
Hongfei to discuss the statement, he was also beaten by the nose and face.
This incident became a thorn in Chu Feng’s heart. If one does not pull out,
he will feel the pain of the thorn. .

Chu Feng slowly raised his head, a pair of eyes exudes a strong cold, with
an extremely cold voice on Chu Xuedao:

"Chu Xue, you told Chu Hongfei, this year I will return to Chu Feng, let
him give me the preparations for begging for mercy."

"And now, you'd better disappear into my sight right away, otherwise I will
let you regret it for life."

In the usual way, Chu Xue will definitely refute Chu Feng, but now she has
no such guts. At this moment, Chu Feng exudes a breath that makes her
legs soft and the body trembles. She knows this feeling is called fear.

In the end, Chu Xue did not return the mouth, but turned and walked to the
depths of the forest. As for Chu Gao and others, they rushed to keep up,
because like Chu Xue, they could not resist the gas field like Chu Feng.

After Chu Xue and others left, Chu Feng simply cleaned up and continued
on his way.

Because he knows that Chu Hongfei is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Not only
was he able to fight at Chu in the past, but his achievements are second
only to Chu Lianyu.

Chu Hongfei is a Chu family. Apart from Chu Lianyu, the only person who
has entered the first-class sect, and can be admitted to the first-class sect,
has already explained his qualifications for martial arts.
And since Chu Hongfei has never returned to the Chu family since he
entered the Zongmen, no one knows what strength he is.

However, Chu Feng feels that Chu Hongfei is likely to return to the Chu
family this year. After all, his father is also one of the candidates for the

With the qualification of Chu Hongfei, even if it does not reach the six
spirits of Lingwu, it is at least the five spirits of Lingwu. Therefore, Chu
Feng must upgrade its strength as soon as possible, at least to reach the
five spirits.

"Ah, don't touch me~~~~"

But Chu Feng just walked out not far, a sharp shout, it came from the
forest, the voice was actually Chu Xue.

At this moment, Chu Feng’s brows were slightly wrinkled. After a little
hesitation, he flew away in the direction of the sound.

At the same time, in an open space in the forest, an unbearable scene is

taking place.

Nine people, such as Chu Gao, stood trembling sideways, his face covered
with fear, and in the center of the open space, Chu Xue was being teased
by three men.

These three people all have young people in their twenties, and their faces
are extremely cumbersome, but behind them, they all carry a black iron
sword, which is a member of the Kendo League.

"This sister is not afraid, we are not malicious, just want to chat with you."

One of the men with a pockmark is pulling Chu Xue's purple gown, and a
sleeve has been ripped off by him to reveal the white skin.

"Oh, really white, I like this kind of tender girl."

The other two were also in a mess in Chu Xue. They were stunned and had
a large saliva in their mouth.

"Being the same door, you are like this to me, are you not afraid of the
elders to sin against you?" Chu Xue was full of tears, unable to struggle.

"Sister, we are protecting you, the elders praise that we are too late, how
can we punish?"

"That is, following this group of pustules, you will only be more
dangerous, or stay with us. When the end of the hunt, we will give you
some compensation, oh..."

Already on the night, the three people are so lonely that they can meet a
little sheep like Chu Xue at this time, how can they let go.

"Three brothers, please let me go to my family." Chu Gao trembled for



However, the voice just fell, one of the members of the Kendo League,
pulled out the black iron sword behind him, and waved against Chu Gao, a
strong wind flew past Chu Gao.


After the wind, Chu Gao’s leg had a **** wound, and he slammed into the
ground with a bang.

"Lingwu five heavy"

Upon seeing it, the Chu family were frightened and retreated, and they
were able to defeat Chu Gao with a weathered blade. This person must be
the five-pronged repair of Lingwu.
Martial God Asura Chapter 19: My name is justice
(plus 15)
"Now give me a roll, I will spare you a few more ways."

The man will point the cold iron sword to Chu Gao and others, and the
words will kill him.

In the face of threats to life, Chu and others have been shaken, and some
people have begun to make retreats.

Although Chu Xue is their master, the Chu family is as important to them
as they are, but when it comes to their own lives, this choice is actually
very simple.

"You......." Seeing these young people who have been with them since
childhood, the only ones who are obedient, have to abandon themselves at
this time. Chu Xue has an indescribable bitterness in his heart.

She wants to scold, but she is so weak because she knows she is finished.

In Qinglong Zong, she has no power and no power. In the face of such a
person who cannot be offended, even if she is defiled, she can only endure
it. After all, she does not want to die.


But when Chu Xue was desperate, a figure, but like a ghost, jumped out of
the forest and fell to the front of Chu Xue.


After landing, the man shot with lightning, numerous palms and shadows
with murderous murder, and went straight to the three-faced door of
Kendo League.

Sudden changes, the three men of the Kendo League were shocked, and the
toes pointed to the ground and suddenly went backwards.

Looking at the eyes and watching, the three talents discovered that the
attack on them turned out to be a young boy.

But the most surprising thing at the moment is Chu Xue, because she can't
think of it anyway. When those who she trusts choose to abandon her, Chu
Feng will stand up in front of her in spite of safety.

"Who are you? Dare to dare to ruin Laozi's good deeds." The sisal martial
arts member, who was full of pockmarks, pointed at Chu Feng and yelled.

"You still don't know the name of Xiaoye, but you can call me justice."
Chu Feng smiled faintly.

"Justice? I am going to your mother." Mazi male waved the black iron
sword in his hand, and several wind-shaped blades flew over Chu Feng.

Upon seeing it, Chu Feng pushed a single palm and pushed Chu Xue out
with a soft force.

After the body shape quickly dodged, after avoiding the attack, went
straight to the mazi man flying away, a virtual palm is already hit.

"Kid, you are looking for death."

See Chu Feng even dare to counterattack, the other two members of the
Kendo League, are also pulled out of the black iron sword behind, with an
extremely mysterious sword style to Chu Feng.


However, Chu Feng not only did not hide this time, but the move was
changed. The three imaginary palms were simultaneously shot, and they
were intertwined with the three black iron swords.

Three muffled sounds came, and all four were backing a few steps.
However, when Chu Feng’s palms were on the palm of his hand, Chu
Feng’s brows were slightly wrinkled and became extremely dignified.

Because he knows that all three of them are masters of Lingwu Wuzhong,
and the other party has not yet exerted its full strength.

In the same way, the three members of the Kendo League are also
frowning. They have long discovered that Chu Feng is the strength of

However, when a spiritless four-minded devil can shake off the three of
them, it is already a description of the strength of this little devil, and
definitely not to be seen.

"Kids, we don't know each other, you don't have to offend me to be a

sergeant because of these unrelated people."

"Yes, I see that your kid is a bit talented. As long as you know each other,
we can introduce you to the Kendo League and keep your future bright."
See Chu Feng is not so good in the imagination, these three people want to
draw Chu Feng .

And listening to this, Chu Feng has not responded, Chu Xue is an instant

She and Chu Feng have a deep holiday, Chu Feng has no reason to help
her, and at this moment, Kendo League has expelled such conditions, she
is really worried that Chu Feng will leave her.

Although she also knows how much it is ridiculous to see Chu Feng to
protect her, but Chu Feng is her only hope.

"Jiandao League? According to my opinion, the beasts are almost the

same. You want to draw this little master, I am jealous." Chu Fengyi spit a
"You are toasting, not eating and drinking fine wine." Seeing that it is not
humiliating, the three people are furious, and they are attacked by Chu
Feng with the black iron sword.

This time, the three people obviously moved the real thing, the sword has
not yet arrived, the gas has been forced to come, even Chu Feng is also a
small eyes, have to be cautious.

"Look at what you see, don't roll fast, don't affect the young man to
eliminate evil forces."

Chu Feng first yelled at Chu Xue and others. This was a vertical shape.
There were countless palms in the arms swinging, and they went to the
three people.

"It is a illusory palm, be careful."

One of them recognized the martial arts exhibited by Chu Feng. At the
same time, when the sword style changed, the cold light emerged. The
three people actually displayed a kind of formation method, and Chu Feng
was surrounded.

"Chu Feng....."

Looking at Chu Feng and the three masters of Lingwu Wuzhong, Chu
Xue’s heart is extremely complicated. She knows what this represents.
This means that Chu Feng has made sacrifices for her, and this kind of
sacrifice is likely to be lost. life.

"Not yet fast." Just when Chu Xue hesitated, Chu Feng snorted again.

"Miss, let's go." At the same time, the Chu family's people, etc., also came
around and took Chu Xue and walked to the forest.

"Take me off." Chu Xue opened the people with force, and looked at Chu
Feng meaningfully.

Looking at the shadow of the shadow, Chu Feng, Chu Xuebei bite, like a
hard decision.
"Fast roll." Chu Feng once again screamed.

At this moment, Chu Xuejiao could not help but tremble. Two crystal tears
rolled down from the corner of the eye and poured out a "thank you". This
was only drilled into the forest.

"Kids, dare to ruin Laozi, good things, will inevitably abolish you today."

Seeing the fat of the mouth actually slipped away, the three angry anger
burned, Jianfeng turned to force the key, actually had to poison the Chu

"That depends on your strength."

Although Chu Feng has a hard surface, he also feels the pressure. In the
face of three martial artists who are higher than himself, he is really

And these three people are not ordinary people. Let's not say that the black
iron sword in their hands is very powerful. The martial arts they cultivated
have brought the weapon in their hands to the extreme. Together with the
three people, Chu Feng is also difficult to parry.

The main thing is that Chu Feng does not want to expose his own Thunder
three, so he has decided not to entangle with the three.


Thinking of this, Chu Feng swayed a trick, and then leaped and leaped, and
jumped out of the encirclement of the three people.

"Three wastes, there are kinds to catch me." After jumping out, Chu Feng
provoked a smile at the three people, and then jumped into the jungle like
a monkey.

"I want to escape, chase me."

Seeing that Chu Feng escaped, how could the three be let go, followed by
the chase.
However, they still underestimated Chu Feng. Although they used the aura
to the extreme and exhibited their martial arts skills, they still could not
catch up with Chu Feng and always kept a distance.
Martial God Asura Chapter 20: Wan Gu Tomb
(plus 16)
"Fuck, this kid is a monkey reincarnation, how to run so fast."

"This kid is not simple. He has such strength at such a young age. He can
escape from the swordsmanship of my three men. It shows that this talent
is very good."

"Yes, I saw it for the first time. Someone can put the illusory palm to such
a degree. If he continues to grow up, he can't imagine it."

"In this case, today can't let him leave alive, or he will endless troubles."

The more the three people understand the strength of Chu Feng, the more
they are worried, the quiet decision has been made to kill Chu Feng in this
Lingyao Mountain.

"The three guys are so fast that they can't open."

At the same time, Chu Feng is also stunned by the strength of the three
people. Although his strength is far stronger than that of the same level, he
is also unable to control the martial arts who are higher than himself.

Fortunately, the aura in Chu Feng Dantian is very abundant. He believes

that if he runs this way, the three will definitely give up because of lack of
physical strength.

However, Chu Feng also considered another problem. The forces of the
Kendo League are not trivial. If they leave the Lingyao Mountain in the
future, the three people will use the power of the Kendo League to
disadvantage him. It is also a trouble.

Therefore, Chu Feng is hesitating, whether or not to do nothing, and

display the Thunder three styles, the three will be destroyed.
But in the end he still dispelled this idea. After all, it is a big sin to kill the
same door. If it is detected, it may be implicated.


At this moment, Chu Feng’s horror discovery revealed white light


Because the sky is dark, so when this light appears, it looks very dazzling
and very strange.

"this is...."

The light is getting stronger and stronger, and it is already bright in the
middle of the forest, but what is most shocking to Chu Feng is that there
are countless white bones around him.

Large pieces of white bones are densely packed in the forest, like the
ocean, boundless.

And these white bones are very special, not only as jade is generally white,
and each of the white bones is exuding a compelling breath, which is
actually a pressure.

When countless such pressures overlap, Chu Feng feels a sense of

suffocation, his footsteps become extremely heavy, and he has no strength
in his body.

"What is this place?"

Chu Feng was shocked that such a special bone was not owned by ordinary
people. This shows that the masters of these bones must have been masters
of martial arts before their death.

Only after the repair of Wu reached a certain realm, can the bones not be
rotted after death, not only white as jade, but also contain certain pressure,
deterring future generations.
However, Chu Feng can't figure out what to do. Let's not say where so
many masters of martial arts come from. It is beyond common sense that
so many bones appear here.

After all, Ling Yao Shan is a forbidden place. The elders will inspect
almost every day. How can I let so many bones be placed here, regardless

In shock, Chu Feng panicked. The more he thought about it, the more he
felt that he was not feeling right. The more he wanted to feel the coldness
of his back, after all, he was only a fifteen-year-old boy. When he was in
such a gloomy place, he naturally felt it. panic.

"That is...."

Suddenly, Chu Feng’s eyes lit up, and he was shocked to find that there
was a figure in the distance, walking on the bones.

He can see it faintly. It is an old man. The old man must be as neat and
tidy as a snow, wearing a blue robe. The robe is engraved with a gossip,
and on the right hand of the old man, there is a strange The whisk.

The old man smiled and was slowly coming in the direction of Chu Feng,
and he was not moved by the bones around him.

However, what is most shocking to Chu Feng is that the old man's skin is
like jade, and his body is full of faint luster. The unique temperament is
like a fairy.

"Oh my God, is it.... This is the legendary Tomb of the Bone!"

But at this moment, the three men of Kendo League also ran over, but they
had no intention of besieging Chu Feng, but was shocked by the scene in
front of them.

Compared with the panic of Chu Feng, the faces of these three people
clearly wrote two big characters, fear.
"Wan Bian Tomb? What is it?" Chu Feng was in a tight heart, and the name
alone made him feel uneasy.

"Bad boy, you have made us miserable, and brought us here. This tomb is a
Jedi." The maze, the voice was shaking when he spoke.


"Yes, this is the real Jedi, no, this is a legend, a legend in the Lingyao

"It is said that there is a tomb of 10,000 bones, nothingness, no trace, no

trace, and it will appear in the Lingyao Mountain from time to time."

"But here is indeed a place to go. It is said that anyone who has stepped
into this place can't live alive. Even those who can leave alive will become

"I don't think that this horror legend is true. We have stepped into the tomb
of Wanling."

The other two are also terrified, and there is some incoherence between the
words, showing how fearful they are.

"Predecessors, is this really a tomb of the bones?" Chu Feng turned his
eyes to the mysterious old man holding the dust.

The old man, although he could not feel a touch of breath, but from the
outside, Chu Feng also knows how extraordinary he is, presumably must
be within the Qinglong Zong, a certain unfathomable big man is right.

However, what puzzled him was that the old man was clearly watching
himself, but he did not answer it. Instead, he made a strange smile in his

"Hey, who are you talking to?"

"Bad boy, don't pretend to be a ghost."

However, what surprised Chu Feng was that after listening to Chu Feng’s
call to the predecessor, the three faces of Kendo League had instantly
become pale and without a trace of blood.

"I am talking to this predecessor, can't you see it?" Chu Feng pointed to
the mysterious old man standing not far away.

"Which predecessor, your kid, is really looking for death." Mazi man
holding Xuan Tiejian, I want to shoot Chu Feng.

"Don't ignore him, this kid is not right, we will leave here soon." But not
waiting for him to shoot, the other two grabbed his arm and began to run
away from the road he had always been.


But at this moment, there were harsh screams coming from all around, and
the voice was very strange and extremely infiltrating, as if thousands of
undead were screaming and complaining about grievances.

At the same time as this sound began, Chu Feng was shocked to discover
that there were countless green gas floating around the white bones. The
strange sound was coming from this gas.

But what is most disturbing to Chu Feng is that those strange green gas are
floating to Chu Feng and others...
Martial God Asura Chapter 21: Variety

Seeing that the momentum is wrong, the three men of Kendo League will
have to escape when they step forward.


However, they don’t have to run this time. The strange gas in the sky
seems to have found the target and flew away at them at lightning speed.

"Get out of the way"

In the face of such a strange object, the three began to wave the black iron
sword in their hands, but the strange gas was unaffected, and eventually
they got into their brains.


At this moment, the three faces have changed a lot, leaving the black iron
sword in their hands, holding their heads in their hands, and began to
mourn painfully.

Chu Feng can clearly see that the faces of the three people changed from
white to green, from green to purple, first on the ground, and then began to
roll around, showing that it is suffering, how much pain.

However, this painful shouting only lasted for a while, and soon the three
of them lost their breath, and their legs were dead, but their death was very

The face was swollen, the seven holes were bleeding, and both eyes were
protruding. Even the hair began to fall off. How terrible it is to be scary.

But for now, the most terrifying thing for Chu Feng is the strange gas.

After the three people were tortured, the gas that had penetrated into the
head was drilled out of the heads of the three people. At the same time, the
strange gas in all directions was slowly floating toward Chufeng.

"Predecessors, save me."

In panic, Chu Feng turned his gaze to the mysterious old man not far away,
because he found that the strange gas wandered around, but he did not dare
to approach the old man, which mostly explained this strange thing, and he
was jealous of the old man.

However, Chu Feng’s call for help not only failed to cause the sympathy of
the old man, but angered the strange gas around him. At this moment, it
was lightning-like attack on Chu Feng.


Seeing the general trend is not good, Chu Feng figure shape, the stride of
the meteor rushed to the direction of the old man, want to rely on the old
man to escape, but he still underestimated the speed of that strange gas.

Just after a few steps, Chu Feng felt a sharp pain in the brain, as if
something had entered his consciousness and was tearing his brain tissue.


Immediately afterwards, such severe pains continued to increase. Chu

Feng knew that a large amount of strange gas had entered his head. These
things seemed to be swallowing his body and brought unbearable pain.

Under this circumstance, Chu Feng could not persist, and soon fell to the
ground. Like the three men of the previous Kendo League, they began to
roll around and mourn loudly.

In the face of such a scene, the mysterious old man is unmoved, but the
strange smile on his mouth is gradually faded, replaced by a disappointing

But at this moment, Chu Feng suddenly roared, a white ray body spread
out from his head, like a whirlpool, swept open, and instantly blew a few
meters of strange gas to annihilate.

After roaring, Chu Feng fell to the ground with powerlessness, and was
already in a coma, but the white vortex was still slowly rotating around

Under the whirlpool of the ray of light, the strange gas around it is no
longer dare to approach Chu Feng, even the screams of the previous
screams have become much lower, like fear.


For this change, the mysterious old man turned a look, and the color of
surprise appeared in his eyes. Then he saw a big sleeve and a wave, and a
strange wave spread out. All the strange gas was drilled back to the bone.

When the strange gas disappeared, the vortex around Chu Feng slowly
retracted, and finally merged into Chu Feng's brain.

"When I waited for nearly a thousand years, I finally met a talented

person. I hope that you will not let the old man down." The old man was
stunned and slowly floated to the front of Chu Feng.

Then I saw his fingers spread out, pointing to Chu Feng's chest with a
number of points, a few fire-like light bodies, they flew out from their
fingers, have shot into Chu Feng's chest.

But when the light body crossed Chu Feng's clothes, after the body was
integrated into the body, the clothes were intact, but Chu Feng's chest
began to emit a little fluorescence.

The old man stared at Chu Feng quietly, until the fluorescence of Chu
Feng's chest dissipated, and then slowly closed his eyes.
Suddenly, taking the old man as the center, it swept a violent green
hurricane. This hurricane permeated a little bit of brilliance, containing a
terrible pressure, and swallowed the forest.

The most strange thing is that this violent hurricane did not rise, but began
to dive to the ground, and finally completely sink into the land, and the
boundless bones disappeared.

After the violent hurricane, there were no traces of flowers and trees in the
forest, and the night was once again covering the land.

But the only change is Chu Feng, who was unconscious, and the three
members of the Kendo League, who have died.

The breeze smashed, bringing a sense of coolness, and this coolness also
allowed Chu Feng to regain consciousness and slowly opened his eyes.

"Hey, what's the matter, have you just had a dream?"

Chu Feng sat up and looked at the painful head while scanning around. He
found that all the horror scenes dissipated, making him feel that the
previous experience was just a dream.


But when Chu Feng’s gaze swept to the three positions of the Kendo
League, he suddenly stood up and looked at the horrible death of the three
people. He felt that the previous scene must have happened.

"It’s terrible. How can there be such a strange place in this medicine?"

"Wan bone tomb, where did it come from? Where is the mysterious old

Chu Feng was shocked. Until now, when he remembered the previous
scene, he still felt incredible, because everything before him was beyond
his tolerance.

Just then, Chu Feng suddenly heard the treading sound, he knew that
someone was close.

Upon seeing it, Chu Feng’s body shape turned into a forest and fled to the

He must leave because he can't let people know that he has a relationship
with the three of Kendo League, otherwise he will not be able to explain.

I can't say that they entered the legendary Tomb of the Bone, and then they
were killed, but they were unscathed?

This kind of thing is too strange. Do not say that no one believes, even if
some people believe that Chu Feng will become a different kind of
Qinglongzong, so it is necessary to clear the relationship.

Chu Feng rushed all the way, but soon found that he was not right, he felt
that his consciousness became extremely clear, and the wind was far away,
he was able to see the autumn, and this feeling, but there was no.

"Is this spirit medicine mountain aura too strong, and at this moment, the
night is quiet, so people's minds become sensitive?"

Chu Feng wanted to find out why his consciousness became sensitive.
Suddenly, he suddenly stopped his pace, his eyes suddenly became
brighter, and his face was even more shocking.

Because he felt a strange energy fluctuation, although the distance is still

far away, but he is already sure, it is a heavenly grass.
Martial God Asura Chapter 22: Girl wars monster
"This... wouldn't it be an illusion?"

Chu Feng was shocked and able to sense the specific orientation of the
elixir. What this means means, Chu Feng knows it naturally.

If this sensory force is true, it means that he will be like a fish in this
Lingyao Mountain.


Thinking of this, Chu Feng does not hesitate, but goes to the direction of
perception and wants to find out.

The closer he is, the more delightful Chu Feng is, because the fluctuations
of Tianling grass in his mind are getting stronger and stronger, which
indicates that the induction at this moment is not an illusion.

When Chu Feng crossed a piece of grass, a red plant appeared in front of
it, which was the Tianling grass.

Tianling grass is a bit taller than the grass of the earth, and the red
branches are radiantly red, like burning flames, which is especially
beautiful under the night.

"Small things, playing a day for me, I see if you can escape this time."

Seeing Tianlingcao, Chufeng did not stop, but rushed up in the first time.
He condensed the aura with the soles of his feet, and the speed was
instantly doubled. In the blink of an eye, he plunged into the vicinity of

"?" is just that Chu Feng has not yet shot, and that day, Lingcao
disappeared after disappearing.

"Want to run, run off?"

Seeing Tianling grass wants to escape invisibly, Chu Feng’s mouth is a
sneer, stepping forward, grabbing the open space, and only listening to a
scream, a Tianling grass is already held by Chu Feng. In the hands.

Tianling grass was caught by Chu Feng, suddenly appeared in the original
shape, began to break freely, and the force was several times larger than
the grass of the earth, but it was still in vain in the hands of Chu Feng. In
the end, it was only deprived of spirituality and turned into a half. The
long red herb is lying on the palm of Chu.

"It seems that this is definitely not an illusion."

Chu Feng handed the Tianling grass into the parcel, and his heart was
ecstatic. Although he did not know where this strange inductive power
came from, it undoubtedly became Chu Feng, the most powerful snuggle.

"Is it wrong..."

However, after thinking about it, Chu Feng is not hard to think of the
source of this power. After all, this is only after he stepped into the tomb
of the bones, especially those strange gases, the target of attack is the

If it is said that the attack of the strange gas makes Chu Feng's
consciousness become stronger, this is completely true.

"Oh, I sent it to the door again."

But at this moment, suddenly the eyes were bright again, and another
Tianling grass entered the range of his induction.

Under this powerful inductive force, almost no celestial grass can escape
the palm of Chu Feng, and any means of escape are in vain.

Chu Feng stayed up all night, and when it was dawn, it was already
catching dozens of Tianling grasses. This kind of harvest will definitely
make people crazy.
If it is discovered, even if it is robbed in Chu Feng, it is very likely. After
all, in the Lingyao Mountain, there are not a few things that the disciples
rob each other.

However, Chu Feng's inductive power is not limited to Tianling grass.

Even when humans enter a certain range, they will be detected by Chu
Feng, so almost no one can find Chu Feng's whereabouts.

Another day passed, when the night was coming again, Chu Feng’s parcel
was almost filled. This time, Chu Feng did not continue to capture, but
found a secret place to start refining the sky.

Chu Feng's refining speed is absolutely first-class, just two hours, full of a
wrapped Tianling grass, all refining.

And his Dantian is also more and more fulfilling, which makes Chu Feng
feel very happy, although the Tianling grass is not as good as the fairy
grass, but if there is such a quantity to refine and refine every day, it will
not break out in ten days.

From this day on, Chu Feng walked around the middle of Lingyao
Mountain, and hunted the Tianling grass until late at night, and refining all
the celestial grasses that were hunted on the same day. After an hour, they
continue to hunt madly.

In this cycle, on the ninth day when Chu Feng stepped into the grass of
Tianling, there was a rush of water in the dantian, and nine thunder
behemoths changed again. Chu Feng finally broke through to Lingwu

"This power, even in the face of the six people of Lingwu, should be a

Feeling the power of several times, Chu Feng secretly swears, and he has
the strength of Shen Lei, and his strength is far stronger than others.

In particular, the Thunder three styles he mastered, if they are displayed, I

am afraid that even the strongest of Lingwu is not his opponent.
This kind of exaggerated battle is beyond common sense. Although some
talented geniuses can do it, but after all, it is a genius. If this kind of thing
really happens to people around you, I believe everyone will be shocked. .

When the strength is improved, Chu Feng captures the Tianling grass,
which is even simpler. It took only half a day to fill up one of his own
packages, and because the dry food has been eaten almost, another
package has become a Chu. Maple stores tools for elixir. ,

However, at this moment, Chu Feng did not want to be confined to the
Tianling grass. He began to walk inward, and wanted to be a legendary, not
weaker than the sixth-order beast.

"This breath...."

Just after entering the inner circumference, Chu Feng felt two strong, very
strong atmosphere.

A breath is a elixir, but it is full of strong suffocation. It is obviously a

spiritual sage, and the number is very large, and there are nearly one

The other breath is a human being, and it is also extremely powerful. It

should be a master of Lingwu.

At this moment, the two breaths are intertwined. It is obvious that some
people are fighting for the fairy grass, but the breath of the person is not
stable and should be in trouble.

"Who is this, dare to fight so many strains of fairy grass?"

Out of curiosity, Chu Feng decided to look at it, and when he crossed the
layers of trees, he was shocked by the distant scene.

The huge plant of up to three meters is covered with purple thorns, and
there is a **** mouth full of fangs. The body is full of compelling breath.
This is still the fairy grass, it is a monster.
However, compared to these terrible fairy grasses, Chu Feng’s eyes are
condensed on a petite figure, because this figure is not only shuttled in a
large array of nearly one hundred fairy grasses, but also a A veritable

The elegant long hair, the delicate face, the white skin, the fear of danger
also contains a stubborn eyelid, deeply attracted Chu Feng.

This girl is definitely the most beautiful person Chu Feng has ever seen,
but Chu Feng is attracted to her, not only her beauty, but also her age, she
has such strength.

"Be careful."

Suddenly, Chu Feng screamed, because he sensed that at the foot of the
girl, a fairy grass was being ambushed.


The girl did not notice Chu Feng at all, but she was shocked by the sudden
shouting, and she was conscious of her feet and leaped.

And when she had just left the surface, she had a huge fairy grass, and the
claws of the claws were drilled out of the ground.

Such a change made the girl feel scared. If it was not the reminder of the
voice, she would definitely want to suffer a big loss. With a grateful heart,
the girl turned her eyes to Chu Feng.

However, when she saw Chu Feng, the delicate cheeks were instantly stiff,
and she was surprised: "Is it you?"
Martial God Asura Chapter 23: No one in the
middle (plus 17)
"you know me?"

Chu Feng carefully looked at the beautiful girl, looked up three times from
top to bottom, only to find that this girl not only looks beautiful, but also
very young, it looks obviously smaller than him.

Moreover, there is a medal on the chest of the girl. It is actually a winged

person, but even though the girl’s variety has surprised Chu Feng, he does
not know the girl.

"Ghosts know you, hurry up, here is not what you can come." The girl
stunned Chu Feng and continued to invest in the battle of Xian Lingcao. It
seems that she has a lot of grievances against Chu Feng.

Although Chu Feng did not know why this girl was so resentful to her, Chu
Feng had long discovered that the girl was actually surrounded by the fairy
grass, she wanted to escape, but there was no chance at all.

In this way, the girl will be buried here because of physical strength.

As Chu Feng is a man, how can he let such a beautiful girl be swallowed
by these monsters? How can he sit back and face this kind of thing?

Thinking of the **** place, Chu Feng resolutely jumped into it, but when
he first came in, he regretted it a bit. The large monster felt his breath, and
he was attacking him with his claws.

"It seems to be fighting."

Life is hanging in the first line, Chu Feng is no longer reserved, Dantian
aura running, running along the veins, the tip of his toes suddenly, only to
hear a bang, Chu Feng like lightning, vacated.
At the time of the fall, Chu Feng suddenly turned up, and the whirlwind
danced. The whole person was like a humanoid blade, and the scorpion
was inserted into the flowers underneath.


When people fall into the ground, when the land of Chu Feng falls, the
earth is stepped on a cracked pit, a fairy grass, which has been killed by
Chu Feng on the spot and turned into the size of the index finger.

In one breath, the first two forces in the Thunder three styles were
displayed, but only one fairy grass was killed. This made Chu Feng
somewhat surprised. After all, this is his killer, the most powerful martial
art at his eyes.

In order to make a move for this, I was so horrified that a large number of
fairy grasses would die at the foot, but the results at the moment were
somewhat different from those in the imagination.

However, Chu Feng had no time to think about it. Almost at the same time
as landing, he suddenly picked up, because he could feel that there were at
least three Xianling grasses, and he attacked him from behind him.

"You guy, is you looking for death?"

Feeling that the offensive of Xian Lingcao has changed, and the roar of the
far away, the girl knows that Chu Feng must have jumped in.

However, when she turned her gaze to Chu Feng's direction, she could not
help but be shocked, because she couldn't think of it anyway. Chu Feng
could come and go freely in this army of Xian Lingcao, which she is
jealous of.

Even without looking at the offensive of Xian Lingcao, it is possible to

avoid the attack accurately. However, although Wu Feng’s martial arts are
not known, she can also see from the power of the invincible, that is at
least four martial arts.
"This guy has already entered the Lingwu Wuzhong, and mastered the
four-stage martial arts?" The girl was deeply attracted by Chu Feng's

"Be careful on the left." Just in the girl's martial arts, Chu Feng suddenly

Upon seeing it, the girl was shocked. She quickly changed her body shape
and grabbed the palm of her hand to the left. The vines covered with
thorns were caught in the hands.

After the vine was caught, the girl’s palm was forced to grip, and the vine
was crushed, and then the other palm was swung out like a blade. When
the cold light flashed, a fairy grass was lived into two segments. Where is
the palm of the hand, it is simply a blade of iron.

However, after the exact killing of Xian Lingcao, the girl was even more
amazed, because Chu Feng was clearly facing him, how could she see a
fairy grass attack on her left side, no....


At this moment, Chu Feng rushed to the side of the girl like a lightning
bolt. At this moment, he was sweating and his clothes were bloody.

These fairy grasses are too powerful, and the number is too much.
Although Chu Feng has strong inductive ability and masters the
overbearing Thunder three styles, but only Lingwu Wuzhong, he is still
somewhat invincible.

"Hey, if you want to live out, listen to my command." Chu Feng said to the

"Would you like me to listen to you? Dream!" The girl was extremely

"I said that you are still unreasonable? I came in to save you, do you speak
to benefactors?"
"And, haven't you found these fairy grasses very strange? They are not
blind attacks at all, but they are closely coordinated. You can harden them
and they can only use them to exhaust their energy."

"Crap, this is what you said, this girl has already seen it."

Although the mouth is stubborn, but the girl's heart is suddenly realized, if
not Chu Feng reminded, she really did not notice this.

With her strength, it is not difficult to kill the Faerie Herbs, but in the face
of this group of fairy grasses, it seems very weak, there is very little
chance of confrontation, one is she attacked the immortal grass.

"If you don't listen, even if I can leave alive." Chu Feng snorted and left.

"Hey, don't..." and see Chu Feng to go, can scare the girl, Chu Feng's
ability she has seen, so she did not doubt that Chu Feng can successfully
escape, but she can not, so hurry : "I can't listen to you?"

“?” Look at the cute appearance of the girl’s soft clothes, Chu Feng smiled,
and then said: “This is right.”

Seeing that Chu Feng is so proud, the girl is grinning, although her
strength is far above Chu Feng, but she knows that if she wants to get out
of trouble, she really has to rely on Chu Feng.

The two worked hard together. Under the command of Chu Feng, the
strength of the girl was truly exerted. Nearly a hundred Xianling grasses
were only annihilated at half an hour.

After the end of the war, Chu Feng began to clean up the battlefield. This
land of fairy grass, naturally, must have him, although the main force is a
girl, but he is the main brain.

"This guy, did you cultivate Xuan Gong?" Looking at the Chu Feng, who
was full of joy and picked up the fairy grass, sat on the side of the panting
girl, and made a fuss.
Previously, in order to protect himself, Chu Feng has been using four
martial arts techniques. Although the four martial arts skills are strong,
they are also extremely consuming. When ordinary people use them for a
maximum of several times, they will exhaust their spiritual power.

But Chu Feng has been showing it for so long, but at the moment, there is
no feeling of exhaustion, plus he can rely on the strength of Lingwu Wu to
kill the fairy grass equivalent to the sixth-order beast, which explains a
problem. It is Chu Feng who is likely to cultivate Xuan Gong.

Xuan Gong is a mysterious method that can condense more auras and
refine the elixir more quickly, making the aura in Dantian more fulfilling
and fighting strength far stronger than the number of people.

There are only a few of them, and even the Qinglongzong has only a few,
and only the core disciples are trained, and the inner disciples are

And such a precious Xuan Gong, Chu Feng can be repaired, this naturally
makes the girl once again look at Chu Feng, but he does not know, the
reason why Chu Feng's aura is so tyrannical, but it is not a cultivation of
Xuan Gong, It is because of the **** mine in Dantian.

"It seems that you are not only mentally powerful, but also a good aura."
The girl stood up and walked back to Chu Feng with her hands.

"What spiritual power?" Chu Feng a glimpse.

"I still wear garlic. If you don't have the mental power, how can you get an
insight into the offensive of the fairy grass?" The girl looked at Chu Feng.

"You mean, my inductive power?" Chu Feng was shocked, he already knew
what the girl said.

"Inductive power? My god, you actually call mental power for induction,
it is a dumpling." The girl looked at Chu Feng's gaze and became more and
more contemptuous.
"I don't know if it is normal. Do you know what is a man or a woman when
you are born?" Chu Feng snorted and continued to pick up the scattered

"Oh, my temper is not small." The girl smiled sweetly and chased it up.
She smiled and said: "Don't you know that this person with mental
strength, but nothing in the middle?"
Martial God Asura Chapter 24: Do you dare to
marry me? (plus 18)
"Do you seem to know this mentality?"

Chu Feng’s heart is tight, this so-called mental power, he is just mastered,
and does not understand it.

However, he knows that there are no ones who have the spirit of the girl,
and it is probably true, because it is obvious that even this talented girl
does not have this mental power.

Coupled with the girl, his attitude towards this one hundred and eighty-
degree turn, it can be seen that this spiritual power is really a great thing,
the average person absolutely does not.

"That is of course, spiritual power is the gift of heaven, but it is born with
nature, and cannot be cultivated."

"And anyone who has spiritual strength can be described as a dragon

among people. Not only is it very talented in terms of martial arts, but the
insight is even more unique in the world. It is no wonder that my sister
will look at you and let me invite you to join. ”

"Your sister?"

"Forgetting to introduce myself, this girl is called Su Mei, Fang is 14 years

old, and my sister, you must know, she is called Su Rou."

"You are the sister of Surou's elders?" Chu Feng was surprised. The girl in
front of her eyes was pure and sweet, but Sulu was **** and charming.
Although both were stunners, they were obviously not blind.

However, a closer look, Chu Feng is also found, the girl in front of the
eyes and Su Ro really have a little like, but the girl is still young, if it is a
few years, it must be a disaster.
However, Chu Feng is even more surprised that he has no contact with Su
Rou, then how can Su Rou let the wing alliance draw him for no reason, is
it that when the day is assessed, his own strength has already been

Think about it, it is indeed very possible. After all, Su Rou's strength is
unfathomable, and the organs in the palace are heavy. Although he has won
the disciples, it is really difficult to marry the elders.

"I was very surprised? Actually, nothing was shocking. My sister just saw
that you are a personal person, so I want to train you."

"And after my observation, you really have the qualification to join the
Wing League. As a member of the Wing League, I am now officially
inviting you to join the Wing League." So here Su Mei picked up his eyes
and opened the Chu Feng. A very sweet, pure and innocent smile.

At first, Su Mei was extremely disgusted with Chu Feng. The reason was
that Chu Feng refused the invitation of Yimeng, because Chu Feng was the
first person to refuse the invitation of Yimeng in history.

However, when she learned that Chu Feng had the spirit of nothing, she
also knew that Su Rou was looking at Chu Feng, which is naturally

Because, as far as she knows, no one in the entire outer door has the
spiritual power. This spiritual power is like a legend.

In short, all those who have spiritual strength will not be limited in their
future achievements, and they are destined to become a strong person.
Therefore, for talents like Chu Feng, she naturally cannot let go, and she
must not spare any effort.

Looking at Su Mei's sweet smile, Chu Feng knows that this girl wants to
draw him with beauty. To say that it is impossible to face such a stunner,
Chu Feng is not tempted, so he first smiles, and the consequences are
broken. :"I reject."
"You are ruthless." Hearing Chu Feng's words, Su Mei jumped up, the
previous gentle moment was not there, and the teeth pointed at Chu Feng

"Chu Feng, what do you think you are, how many people want to enter my
wing, I will not collect it, now the girl personally invites you, you actually
refused, your head was caught by the door?"

"Even if you have the mental strength, then in the end you are just a five-
pronged spirit. This strength is placed in my wing, and it is simply not

For the evils of Su Mei, Chu Feng is not mad at all, and completely
ignores it. He continues to capture the fairy grass on the ground, but he can
squat with a glimpse of Chu Feng.

He was shocked to discover that, not far away, there was a purple bead that
was as big as a pearl, but it contained a strong aura.

"What is this?" Chu Feng picked up the beads and looked at them

"Wow, no, it's actually a pearl." Seeing the purple beads, Su Mei hurried
over and there was a golden light in his eyes.

"Do you know this thing?" Chu Feng asked curiously.

"Of course I know, this is the best medicine, Lingzhu."

"Hundreds of Xianling grasses, only one can be made into a spiritual bead,
Lingzhu does not need refining, directly swallowed into the abdomen, can
be transformed into aura by Dantian absorption, so the spirit beads and
their precious, a spiritual bead The price is equivalent to one hundred and
two gold."

"I am in the Lingyao Mountain for so many days, for this Lingzhu, I can't
think of getting it when I am ready to leave. It is so lucky." Su Mei said
with great excitement.
"The original thing is the best medicine, can be absorbed without refining,
it is a good thing." Chu Feng smiled, did not put the spirit beads into the
package, but broke into his waist.

"You guy, do you want to swallow it alone?" Seeing, Su Mei yelled.

"Of course, it’s not a single swallow. Wait a minute for the fairy grass. It’s
more than a few."

"You are quailing, these fairy herbs come to me, I am willing to divide you
half is already good, not to mention the fairy grass is only a good
medicine, how can you compare with the best medicine spirit beads?"

"Do not say this, if it weren't for me, you have already been divided by the
fairy grass, and you can stand here and divide the fairy grass with me."


Su Mei's cocky bite bite, but can't help, although Chu Feng's move is very
rogue, but she still wants to pull Chu Feng to join the wing league, so now
she can only endure.

Afterwards, Chu Feng counted a few times. In addition to the pearl of his
waist, a total of seventy-eight species of fairy grasses were harvested. This
is definitely an unimaginable number, and the aura of these fairy grasses is
very rich. It is a fine product, much stronger than Chu Feng’s refining.

Chu Feng only left 30 strains and gave Su Mei 48 strains, because he could
feel that the aura contained in the pearl of his arms must be at least
equivalent to fifty parsnips, even if it was distributed. He is definitely
making a big profit.

However, the accident of Chu Feng is that Su Mei actually only has forty
plants, so that Chu Feng got thirty-eight strains. In fact, Su Mei’s meaning
is very clear. It is in the dark and Chu Feng is 38.

For her behavior, Chu Feng can only be called childish, taking eight
Xianling grass to swear, this can definitely be a defeated behavior, to
know the value of a fairy grass, can also be equivalent to one or two gold.

And one or two gold is equivalent to one hundred and two silver, enough
for an ordinary person, for a lifetime of food and clothing.

"Shantou, what are you doing with me? Don't you look at me?"

After the distribution of Xian Ling Cao, Chu Feng decided to leave Ling
Yao Shan, because the ten-day time limit has arrived, must leave the inner
circumference before dark, just to let Chu Feng accidentally, Su Mei this
gimmick, has been following himself.

To be honest, there is such a thing to walk with yourself, this is a very

pleasant thing, just a walk, met a lot of people.

When those people cast their hatred on Chu Feng, Chu Feng felt
uncomfortable. He felt that Su Mei’s gimmick was deliberately giving
himself hatred.

"Look at you, dare to marry me?" But when Su Mei smiled and said this
sentence, Chu Feng was messy.
Martial God Asura Chapter 25: Fury Su Mei (plus
Chu Feng couldn't think of it completely. This Nizi looked so pure, even so
unruly, how to say it is a little beauty, how can I just say this?

"Hey, why don't you dare?"

However, Chu Feng is not vegetarian. He simply stopped his pace, held his
chin on his hand, and looked up from the top to the bottom, carefully
looking at the stunner.

It was discovered that don't look at Su Mei's age, but the development is
not bad, the front convex back, the curvature is full, it is simply

" dare, I am not married yet, stinking."

Being looked at by such a rogue look as Chu Feng, Su Mei’s face suddenly
couldn’t be hanged. She finally found out that she wanted to play rogue
with Chu Feng. She was still too tender, but when Chu Feng said the next
sentence, she was completely mad.

"Hey, it’s great to not marry, you are really not my dish." Chu Feng smiled
lightly, relieved, and then continued to move forward.

" are ruthless." There was a voice of Su Mei’s fury behind him.

In order to avenge Chu Feng, Su Mei said that he would not go with Chu
Feng, always sticking to Chu Feng, and walked along for Chu Feng to pull
the hatred value.

For Su Mei's behavior, Chu Feng is helpless. On the strength, he is far

from the opponent of Su Mei, not to mention that even if he is stronger
than Su Mei, he can't use force to drive away this little beauty.
In desperation, Chu Feng simply enjoys it, from time to time to appreciate
the beauty of Su Mei, from time to time to tease, make Su Mei often
violently thunder, grab Chu Feng's arm arrogant, a mad hammer against
his back Chu Feng is also scarred all the way.

There seem to be very few people who know Su Mei, but this kind of
beauty is definitely the first person in the inner door. I saw Chu Feng
bullying a beautiful woman like Su Mei. There were countless young men
who went forward and wanted to fight and fight. .

However, in exchange for it, it was a skunk of Su Mei. Even two people
were directly interrupted by the Soviet Union, and when they saw the
medal of the Soviet Union’s chest, almost everyone could only I feel bad

The two went all the way, and everyone who saw them would pay attention
to them. They both became a strange landscape, and when they walked to
the periphery, a large number of people gathered here, which became the
focus of attention.

"Look, it seems to be Chu Feng."

"He seems to follow a person behind him, then .... Isn't that Su Mei?" The
two figures came out from the crowd. It turned out to be a dragon brother
and a tiger brother. These two people are very afraid of Su Mei, so they
have to run away at the moment. .

"White Dragon White Tiger, help me stop the bastard." After the call from
Su Mei, they know that they can't run away.

"Big Brother, what should I do?"

"In this case, I can only do it. I will give Chu Chufeng a bit of pain,
otherwise Su Mei will not let us go."

The two looked at each other and thought of the things that Su Mei had
told them about many days ago. They couldn't help but bite their teeth.
The body shape wanted to intercept the direction of Chu Feng.
Chu Feng had already noticed the two, and when they saw them coming
face to face, and they were not good, they knew that they must be on their

Sure enough, Long brother and tiger brother came to Chu Feng in front of
him, punched out with one fist and one leg, rushed to Chu Feng's abdomen
and legs, and swept over.

These two are all six of Lingwu, even if they do not use martial arts,
strength and speed are also first-class. If you change the first few days,
Chu Feng can't take the attack of two people, but it is not difficult to
change it now. .

"?" Chu Feng did not retreat, but the body shape forward and vertical, one
foot to the ground, the body suddenly swayed, such as the whirlwind
generally passed through the middle of the two.

"This breath, Lingwu five?"

Long brother and tiger brothers have felt the breath of Chu Feng, but
because of this, the two will be shocked, but the spirit of the five spirits,
how can avoid the attack of the two of them, this is totally unreasonable.

At this moment, the two brothers felt that there was no light on their faces.
Even if Chu Feng was a genius, but he was not a mediocrity, how can he
make a Lingwu Wuzhong boy, in the eyes of the public, play with them? ?

When I thought of it, the two of them suddenly made a sigh of relief, and
the moves changed. Several palms were simultaneously shot, and
countless eyes were visible to the naked eye. They began to fly toward
Chufeng. The air palm was so dense that it could hardly be avoided.

"The two guys."

Seeing that the two actually exhibited three martial arts skills, Chu Feng’s
brow furrowed. In the face of this attack, he could not dodge. He had to
blast with martial arts. However, there were many people on the scene, and
Chu Feng’s real shot. His strength will also be exposed.
After thinking about it, Chu Feng bit his teeth and infused the body's aura
into the skin. The body shape turned to the thinnest direction of the palm,
and it was necessary to take the attack.


A few muffled sounds, Chu Feng even in the middle of the three palms,
although a back pain in the back, but did not suffer from internal injuries,
it can be seen that the brothers and brothers of the dragon brother still
managed to stay.

However, in order to act as a actress, Chu Feng is still struggling forward,

and while falling to the ground, he also deliberately bite his lips, and spit
out a blood.

Seeing that Chu Feng was lying on the ground and spit blood, he could
start the dragon brother and tiger brother. Although they wanted to save
their face, they did leave their hands. After all, they did not dare to offend
the people behind Chu Feng.

Despite fear inside, I can see Su Mei catching up. The two are not good at
helping Fu Chufeng. They have to pretend to be a fierce and sinister look.
They point to Chu Feng: "Chu Feng, this is the price of your offense. ""

"Su Mei?!!"

"Is it the birth sister of Su Rou, Su Mei?"

Listening to the word Su Mei, the people onlookers are shocked. The name
Su Mei is no stranger to them. It is simply a genius that no one knows

Legend has it that Su Mei is a peerless beauty. I only came to Qinglong

Zong this year, so few people know her.

However, because Su Mei is very talented, the 14-year-old is already a

seven-year-old Lingwu, and he was accepted as an inner disciple by an
exception. On the day he entered the inner door, he was added to the wing

Compared with the appearance of Su Mei and the logo of her wing on the
chest, people have confirmed her identity. At this moment, the onlookers
have already exploded, because the name of Su Mei is really loud.

"Hey, who is that kid, actually offended Su Mei, I think he is dead."

"I just heard the dragon brother and the tiger brother said, it seems to be
called Chu Feng, look at the appearance should be a girl, I really do not
know the sky is thick."

At this moment, almost everyone felt that Chu Feng was dead. Because of
the existence of Su Rou, Su Mei’s position in the inner door is not low.

Coupled with her beautiful face, she has long been the mate of the genius
of the inner door. Whoever dares to offend her is simply looking for death.

However, when Su Mei came to Chu Feng and looked at Chu Feng, who
was slowly climbing from the ground, and the blood in front of him, it was
a big change.

She turned around in vain, and the two brothers who were behind the
dragon brother and brother were “squatting” and then shouted loudly:
“Whoever let you beat him, look for death?”
Martial God Asura Chapter 26: Chu Feng is a
"I rely on, what is the situation?"

Su Mei’s two slaps were extremely loud. Not only did the dragon brothers
and brothers fight inexplicably, but even the crowds were shocked by her.

Isn’t Su Mei trying to catch Chu Feng? Is Long Brother and Tiger Brother
out of helping Su Mei? What is the situation at the moment, how did Su
Mei fight the dragon brother and brother? And also a look of Chu Feng's
appearance, everyone in the room is completely messy.

"Look at what, look good? Look at your eyes."

At this moment, Su Mei suddenly turned around, the beautiful face was
not cute, a pair of beautiful and shot two cold light, scared the onlookers to

"Hey, you are fine." After threatening the crowd, Su Mei went to Chu

"Nothing, little meaning." Chu Feng stood up and wiped the blood of his
lips with his fingers. A small bite marks also emerged.

" bastard." At this moment, Su Mei suddenly realized that this

kid was beaten to vomit blood, it was just a self-entertainment in acting,
and the performance was so realistic, even she was cheated. Arrived.

At this moment, Su Mei really wanted to rush over and grabbed Chu
Feng's face, but considering that he still wanted to win him, he still
resisted it. He looked back at the dragon brother and said: "Follow me."
Then he quickly walked out of the crowd.

At this moment, the brothers and sisters of the dragon brothers have long
been full of anger, how to say that they are also the celebrities of the inner
door, so that Su Mei was so slap in the face of public, let them face
without face.

However, due to the identity of Su Mei, they did not dare to deal with Su
Mei. Moreover, they are far from being the opponents of Su Mei, and they
can only scream in the end.

When he came to an unmanned open space, Su Mei sighed and then

apologized: "I just apologized, but Chu Feng, the guy, has his special
place, I just knew it, so we can't offend him. ”

In fact, Su Mei wants to tell their brothers that Chu Feng has spiritual
strength and is likely to have cultivated Xuan Gong, but considering that it
is Chu Feng’s privacy, she has no truth to tell.

After listening to Su Mei’s words, the Dragon Brothers and the Tigers
were immersed in contemplation at the same time, and they were able to
make such a savage Sumei optimistic. What happened to Chu Feng?

After the three people left Su Mei, Chu Feng became the focus of
attention, and everyone was guessing the identity of Chu Feng.

For this kind of discussion, Chu Feng was very tired, so after finishing the
clothes, he left the crowd, and he did not want to attract unnecessary

"Chu Wei brother, just..."

At this time, the people out of the crowd of ten people, is Chu Wei and
Chu Zhen and so on, their two parcels are full, can be described as a lot of
harvest, but they are all under the elixir.

And they have all seen it in the scene that just happened, so I am deeply
shocked at this moment.
It seems that Chu Feng was invited by the wing alliance. It is not a
coincidence, but there is indeed an unclear relationship.

"You have also heard that this internal door assessment, there is a monk
who fights forty beasts?" After thinking about it, Chu Wei spoke up.

"Of course I heard that the guy is really amazing. Now it is a hot-hearted
figure inside, but he is so hidden, no one knows who he is." People
mentioned this person, they are full of praise.

"Then, you think, if Yimeng chooses new members, who among the new
disciples will be their invitation?" Chu Wei asked.

"Of course it is that monk." Everyone said in unison.

"Chu Wei big brother, do you mean?" Suddenly, someone reflected it.
After all, the new disciples invited by Yimeng have only one Chu Feng.

However, they asked the Chu Feng, who was impressed, to be associated
with the idol-like monks. They were obviously unacceptable.

So soon someone refused: "Impossible, how could Chu Feng be the


"Don't you really understand Chu Feng? Since you entered Qinglong Zong,
you only know that Chu Feng can't enter the inner door, and who knows
his true strength?"


When Chu Wei said this, people were speechless, because Chu Wei said
that they are all truthful. They looked down on Chu Feng from a young
age. They felt that it was not a kind of Chu family, but they hanged the
title of a young master of Chu, so shameless.

However, apart from humiliating Chu Feng and scorning Chu Feng, no one
really knows Chu Feng.
"I agree with the words of Chu Wei." At this moment, Chu, who had been
silent for a long time, spoke up: "We all underestimated Chu Feng. For this
reason, my brother Chu Cheng has already paid the price. I hope that you
will not have anyone to provoke. Chu Feng, otherwise you will definitely
regret it."

After saying this, Chu Zhen took the lead to leave, and Chu Wei and others
also fell into meditation. In fact, they all know that Chu Cheng did not
participate in the elixir hunting.

After some rushing, Chu Feng finally walked out of Lingyao Mountain and
came to the square at the entrance. At this moment, there are also a large
number of inner disciples.

The harvest of many people is very good. People are talking about the
interesting things happening in Lingyao Mountain. The scene is very

"Chu Fengdi." A familiar voice came, Chu Yue and other groups of people,
looking at themselves not far away.

There are eleven people in the Chu Yue group. Apart from Chu Yue and
two Chu family members, the rest are members of the Chu Meng League.

These members of the Chu League are very polite to Chu Feng, so Chu
Feng is not bad for them. Since they meet, they will naturally say hello.

"Hey, Chu Feng has a good harvest, and even got two full packages."

"Yeah, one person actually got more harvests than us, but it is really
amazing. I don't know if it is a elixir, or to support the face, and weeds,

But Chu Feng was just approaching. The only two Chu family members
looked at Chu Feng’s package and digted hard. They couldn’t believe that
Chu Feng was alone and able to hunt, which is equivalent to the harvest of
eleven of them.
Upon seeing it, Chu Yue wanted to reprimand, but still not waiting for her
to talk, Chu Feng said: "Chu Yuejie, you are about to break through the
five spirits of Lingwu, this is what the younger brother respects you."

When Chu Feng spoke, one hand reached into the parcel, and when his
hand was taken out, a large elixir was caught and all inserted into the arms
of Chu Yue.

"Chu Yuejie, I have to leave beforehand."

Chu Yue was shocked by Chu Feng’s sudden move. When she reacted, Chu
Feng was already far away. She could only see the people around her, all
staring in shock, staring at their arms, and in the eyes. It is full of envy.

Looking down, Chu Yue suddenly stunned, because in her arms, there are
thirteen red-lighted elixir, which is not the next medicine, but the Chinese
medicine medicine Tianling grass.

As long as I think of it, it is very likely that Chu Feng’s parcels are all this
day, and everyone can’t calm down.

Of course, if they are known by them, Chu Feng’s other package can be all
of them. It is estimated that many people have even a dead heart.
Martial God Asura Chapter 27: Weird spell
"Chu Yue, it seems that you are also harvesting well." Chu Wei's voice
sounded, and a group of people also slowly came over.

"This... you went hunting for the sky, but you still caught so much." And
when Chu Wei and others saw the Tianling grass in Chu Yue's arms, they
were equally shocked.

The value of a Tianling grass is equivalent to 20 strains of earthworm

grass, and the thirteen strains of Tianling grass in Chuyuehuai are more
precious than all the harvests of Chuwei and others.

"No, this is not what we caught, but Chu Fengdi sent me." Chu Yue talked,
put these thirteen Tianling grass into his own pocket.

When she made this move, almost everyone was envious of swallowing a
slobber, especially the two who had previously insulted Chu Feng, and
even had a heart to find a piece of tofu.

Because they have just provoked Chu Feng's provocation, it is tantamount

to two shackles holding copper coins, to show off a rich and wealthy
affluent, ridiculous.

"Chu Yue, you mean, this is Chu Feng for you, is it....."

Chu Wei and others were eclipsed. They suddenly remembered the full
package of Chu Feng when they saw Chu Feng.

"Chu Wei big brother, Chu Yue sister, not good, Chu Feng brother him..."

At this moment, Chu Xue, a group of people, hurriedly ran over, and her
face was very ugly.

"Chu Xue, what happened? Is Chu Feng bullying you?"

When I saw the appearance of Chu Xue’s lost soul and the injury on Chu’s
leg, the people of Chu Meng surrounded them and thought that Chu Feng
had bullied Chu Xue and others.

When Chu Xue said that the day passed, everyone was silent.

According to Chu Xue, in order to save her, Chu Feng was besieged by
three masters of the five spirits, and should have fallen into absolute, not
dead or disabled.

But just now, they clearly saw Chu Feng, not only unscathed, but also full
of spring, where is like a wounded person.

And what does this mean? This shows that Chu Feng can, in the face of
three Ling Wu Wu masters undefeated, at least able to retreat.

What kind of strength does Chu Feng have? People simply can't keep
thinking, because the more they think, the more they are scared.

"Chu Yuejie, are you saying that Chu Fengge is okay?" Chu Xue was
excited and asked, and it felt incredible.

"Well, Chu Fengdi is really fine, we just saw him." Chu Yue nodded.

"Great, Chu Fengge is okay, this is really good....?...." Le is very sad, Chu
Xue rushed into the arms of Chu Yue, crying:

"Chu Yuejie, I am wrong, we are all wrong, only you are right, Chu Fengge
is not our enemy, he is the most brave person of my Chu family.... If it is
not Chu Fengge, I This time, oh....."

For such a scene, Chu Yue was very pleased to see that Chu Xue’s
gimmicks really changed his view on Chu Feng.

"It seems that we are indeed looking at the wrong Chu Feng." Chu Wei
sighed, his face was a bit stunned, after learning Chu Xue's experience, in
fact, everyone has a new view of Chu Feng.
And just as all the disciples were evacuating from Lingyao Mountain, a
group of elders, who were formed by the elders, came to Zhongwei of
Yaoling Mountain.

At this moment, Su Rou, the martial arts cabinet, and other internal gates,
as parents, are all gathered here, looking at the bodies of the three
disciples not far away.

However, in their capacity, they can only be on the lookout and have no
right to speak.

Because next to the corpse, a person wearing a white robe is carefully

observing, this is a big man of Qinglongzong, and even the core elders
have to evade three points.

The white robe on this person is very special, engraved with strange spells,
special lines, and this white robe is large, not only covers the person's
clothes, but also covers his face, wrapping the whole person tightly Strict.

"After many years, it finally appeared again." Finally, in the white robe,
there was an old voice.

"Elder Zhuge, what you said...but the tomb of Wanling?" Surou asked.

"What can it besides the tomb of Wanling?"

"You, the elders of the inner door, are too derelict. Every time they are
born after the tomb of the bones, they will come to inform. Do you know
how much you have delayed?"

"It's just a group of rice barrels, all of which are waste. What do you want
to use?" However, Su Rou's question was exchanged for the anger of the
old man in the white robe. Everyone could feel the anger of the big man.

After the reprimanding of "?", the old man in the white robe swung away
and disappeared, and there was no trace of breath.

When he left, everyone was relieved and sighed with relief. In front of that
person, they really couldn’t even breathe, but like Surou’s questioning, not
everyone dared to do it. of.

"This old guy is too much too much. This 10,000-bone tomb is illusory. He
can't even notice the law. How can we know when it will appear!" Su

"The little voice of Shantou, it is not easy for us to invite Qinglongzong to

this. Don't talk about us, even the lord of the lord, we must be respectful to
him. We really can't provoke him." Euyang elders stepped forward to
discourage, deeply afraid of Su Confession of the white robe old man.

"Hey, I see that he joined me as a Qinglongzong is a fake. It is true that the

treasures of the tombs of the bones are true." Su Rou snorted.

"Although the Tomb of the Tomb is probably a treasure, it is only a rumor

after all, but now it is an undeniable fact that anyone who is stepping in
will die."

"The tomb of Wanling has been regarded as a Jedi. The people who have
been in trouble for a long time are heart-wrenching. If the elders of Zhuge
can really solve this tomb, even if the treasure is given to him."

"I am afraid that he does not have the ability." Surou snorted.

"You don't say a word about this gimmick." In the face of the stubborn
Surou, Ouyang elders seem quite helpless: "Right, does Yimeng invite the

"Hey, that kid is really a headache. I listened to Su Mei and said that he
refused the invitation of Yimeng." Chu Feng, Su Luo sighed.

"Hey?" Euyang elders first glimpsed, and immediately smiled and said:
"This kid is really a bit interesting."

Chu Feng returned to the mansion, the first thing to do was to take a
comfortable bath, but just took off his clothes and did not enter the bath,
Chu Feng's face is a big change.

"This...this is..."
Looking at his chest, Chu Feng's eyes flickered and his face became
extremely ugly.

Because there was a strange pattern on his chest, the reason why it is
strange, it is because this pattern is composed of countless spells.

Every spell is like a life, even in the skin of Chu Feng, slowly swimming,
extremely infiltrating.

Chu Feng took a few hard shots on the chest and tried to erase this strange
pattern, but the pattern was like growing on his skin and could not be

Looking at the strange spells that are densely packed and wandering back
and forth in your skin, Chu Feng is very incomparable, but there is nothing
to help.

"It seems that I have not got rid of the curse of the tomb."

Suddenly, Chu Feng smiled relievedly. He knew that this must be a tomb
of Wanling, a souvenir left to him, and no matter whether it was a blessing
or a curse, he was powerless at the moment and could only resign.

Since he has been unable to change, Chu Feng is too lazy to think about it.
He simply did nothing, jumped into the bath and enjoyed the present life.
Martial God Asura Chapter 28: Changing attitude
(plus 20)
Time has passed, and it has been a few days since the blink of an eye.
These days, Chu Feng does not leave the house. Every day, in addition to
studying the third type of Thunder, it is a refining and elixir.

In just a few days, Chu Feng has fallen from the richest man of the day to
a poor ghost, but fortunately his Dantian has been enriched a lot. Chu Feng
estimates that another Lingzhu can be broken again.

However, the elixir hunting is only once a year, and Lingzhu is the best
medicine. If it is not to rely on Su Mei, Chu Feng can find such a big deal,
so he also knows that it is not easy to break through again.

Unconsciously, it was almost the day of the Chu family meeting. On this
day, three acquaintances visited the door.

"Chu Yuejie, Chu Xue, Chu Wei?"

Looking at the three people outside the temple, Chu Feng was somewhat
surprised. It would not be unusual to say that Chu Yue came to visit. I just
didn't expect that Chu Xue and Chu Wei would follow.

"Chu Fengdi, the family will be coming soon, you will go back with us."
Chu Yue said with a smile.

“Hey?” Chu Feng looked at Chu Chuwei and Chu Xue, and hesitated.

"Chu Fengge, go back with us, everyone is waiting for you." Chu Xue is
also open, and there is a strong apology in addition to sincerity.

"Chu Feng, we may have misunderstood before, but in the end we are still
a family, I hope that some things do not go to the heart." Chu Wei is also a
smile, the words are a bit confession.
Chu Feng thought for a moment, or promised: "That's alright."

Chu Feng is not a stingy person, otherwise he will not save Chu Xue on the
same day, not to mention that he is also planning to return to Chu, and he
can chat with Chu Yue on the road, which is not bad.

When I came to the gate of Qinglongzong, the Chu family were waiting
for Chu Feng here. They looked at Chu Feng’s eyes and had no hatred of
the past. Instead, they had a little more awe, and there was some guilt and
awkwardness in awe.

Although it has not yet been determined, many people already know that
Chu Feng is probably the monk who angered the forty beasts and won the
favor of the wing. For such Chu Feng, how dare they offend.

Chu Feng did not think much about this change. In the end, in Chu Feng’s
heart, he also took himself as a member of the Chu family and was able to
get along with his family. Naturally, he also yearned for it.

Although he also knows that the change in their attitude can be exchanged
for their own strength, but what is this, after all, this is the case in the
world, even if it is a family, it must be respected by strength.

In central Qingzhou, there is a small town built on the hill, called the
backing town. The Chu family is the overlord of the mountain town, and it
is in charge of the land resources of dozens of miles.

Right now, in front of the gate of the Chu family, the horse is coming, and
the few boys and girls who are fascinated by the singer are the Chu Feng
and others who returned from Qinglongzong.

"Look, it’s the young ladies of the Chu family who are back,"

"Purple robes, that is the symbol of Qinglong Zong's inner disciple. It's so
powerful, it's really Chu family."

"Yes, the qualification of Xiuwu is the most important. The old Yangtou of
Zhendongtou, raising the silver for the family, let his grandchildren enter
the Qinglongzong, but after entering the Qinglongzong for ten years, only
the repair of Wuwu is And the young master of the Chu family, it is simply
no match."

"Not quite, I heard that there is a young master named Chu Feng in Chu
family. Nowadays, he is also a foreign disciple. Because he has no face to
see people, he has not returned to Chu family for many years."

"You don't know about it. Although Chu Feng is a young master, it is not a
kind of Chu family, but Chu Yuanzhen came back. His qualifications are
not as normal as other young masters."

"Hey, this kind of thing can't be said indiscriminately. If you hear it from
Chu Yuan, it will be bad."

The return of Chu Feng and others led to the crowds of countless
townspeople. For those of them who have no connection with Xiuwu, all
those who cultivated martial arts are the objects of their worship.

"Miss Young Master, you are back."

Entering the courtyard, the Chu people's next people all came together, but
also attracted a lot of Chu family young generation.

The younger generation of Chu family has only entered different sects, so
when they learned that the people of Qinglongzong came back, those other
sects also wanted to see Chu Weichu and others grow up. What is the

"Hey, isn't this Chu Feng, and finally stepped into the Qinglong

A bitter and harsh voice sounded, several boys and girls came over, headed
by a handsome boy.

His name is Chu Xun. He is a disciple of the second-class Zongmen

Qianfengzong. At the age of 18, he has a five-pronged cultivation of
Lingwu. Like most Chu family members, he is also hostile to Chu Feng
from childhood.

"If I remember correctly, you are only 15 years old before you step into the
inner door of Qianfengzong?" Chu Feng chuckled.

"Hey, you are right, but I have been in the inner door for just three years. It
is already a five-pronged spirit. Compared with me, do you also have it?"

"Hey, at the age of ten, I went to Qianfengzong. At the age of eighteen, I

entered the five-year-old spirit. The progress is so slow, so I am so proud,
can you not be a bit too good?"

"Do you look down on me? Do you want to learn from each other?" Chu
searched his face very hard to read, and couldn't wait to learn Chu Feng.

"Teach me, you still don't deserve it." Chu Feng sneaked at him and
walked to the Chu family.

"Mom, who gives him confidence, dare to be so arrogant, the family is

better than him, do not participate, or I will not kill him." Looking at the
back of Chu Feng's departure, Chu Qiqi gnashing his teeth.

"Chu, I advise you not to provoke Chu Feng." At this time, Chu Chengchu
really two brothers came over.

"What do you mean by this? Do you think that I will not be his opponent?"
Chu searched more and more angry.

Seeing that he is so stubborn, Chu Chengchu is too lazy to care for him,
but to go to his own house.

"Two wastes, how can you not be so arrogant in a year?" Chu looked
contemptuously and looked at the two.

"The two of them said it was right. Big Brother also advised you that Chu
Feng is not as weak as you think. Too many of them will not be said. You
will understand it yourself." Chu Wei is also going forward, and he took a
picture of Chu. The shoulders.
After this, Chu Yuechu Xuechu Gao, all said something to Chu, although it
is very concealed, but it is a strong warning.

"This group of guys, in the Qinglongzong to be stupid, Chu Yue will stop,
how even Chu Wei they have become so rude." Looking at the back of Chu
Wei and others, Chu search is somewhat awkward.

"That is, Chu Wei and Chengzhen brothers are not the most annoying Chu
Feng's, and that Chu Xue, what are they?" At the same time, Chu Feng
behind him, but also full of puzzles.

They can't figure out. In the past years, they would insult the Chu Feng.
They did not spare any effort to promote Chu Feng and other people in the
Qinglong Zong incident. How suddenly did they become like individuals?
Martial God Asura Chapter 29: Father and son
meet (plus 21)
In the hall of a Chu family, a middle-aged man and a teenager sat in it.

The young man was dressed in a white robe, and he was very eye-catching,
and he had a unique temperament.

This is the big brother of Chu Feng, the first door of Qingzhou, the inner
disciple of Ling Yunzong, Chu Lianyu.

As for the middle-aged man, it is the father of Chu Yuyu and Chu Feng,
Chu Yuan.

"Hey~" The two are talking, but the closed door is slowly pushed away.

"Whoever let you come in without knocking on the door, get out."

When he talked with his son, there was someone who broke in without
permission. Chu Yuan screamed at the table, but when the door was
completely opened, a thin figure walked in, and Chu Yuan’s angry
expression instantly solidified.

"Hey, father, big brother." Chu Feng scratched his head and smiled at the
hall, the two closest to him.

"My brother is you?" Seeing Chu Feng, Chu Zunyu was overjoyed, and a
few steps came to Chu Feng, and he actually picked up Chu Feng:
"Brother, you are finally back, big brother wants to die."

"Big brother, I miss you too." Chu Feng also clung to Chu Lianyu.

"I haven't seen you for five years. You have grown taller and become more
handsome. You almost can't recognize it." Chu Yuyu carefully looked at
Chu Feng, his eyes filled with joy.

"But there is still no big brother." Chu Feng smiled.

"How old you are, in a few years you will definitely be taller than your
eldest brother." Chu Yuyu loved the head of Chu Chufeng.

"Why didn't you say hello when you came back." Chu Yuan also came
over, his face was filled with ecstasy that could not be concealed.
Although Chu family was not Chu Chu is Chu family, but in Chu Yuan's
heart, Chu Feng is his son. There is no difference between Chu and Lonely

Looking at the purple robes of Chu Feng, Chu Yuan said again: "Is it inside
the door?"

"En" Chu Feng smiled and nodded.

"Well, I said that my Chu Yuan's son is not so wasteful." Chu Yuan laughed
and laughed very happy.

The father and son did not meet for three years, and they couldn’t finish
talking. They talked for half a day and didn’t even eat lunch.

"Chu Yuan, the master of the family, told you to go with the young master
of the rain." In the afternoon, there was a call from the house.

This is the voice of General Manager Zhao. The Chu family’s hero,
although not a Chu family, has a high status in the Chu family, so at this
moment, Chu Feng and other three fathers and sons are out of the house.

"General Zhao, I don't know what my father told us in the past?" Chu Yuan
asked politely.

"It is a matter of exploring the clan association. All the members of the
Chu family have gone." Zhao, the hairy white, smiled.

"It turned out to be like this, lonely rain, maple, let's go." Chu Yuan looked
at the lonely rain and Chu Feng, they had to go to the Chu's conference

"Chu Yuan adults, the master of the family only called you and the young
master of the rain." Just about to leave, they were stopped by the Zhao

"What do you mean by this." Seeing, Chu is so angry that he was furious.

"Oh..." General Zhao also calmly and smiled indifferently: "This is the
meaning of the owner of the family, and the old is just a message."

At this moment, not only Chu is lonely, but Chu Yuan’s face is also very
difficult to read. He said that the family meeting, but only did not call Chu
Feng, the meaning of this is very clear.

"Father, big brother, go on, don't let Grandpa be upset." At this moment,
Chu Feng smiled and opened his mouth. He smiled very calmly, and his
emotions were not affected by the slightest. In Chu family for so many
years, this kind of thing He is used to it.

Looking at Chu Feng like this, Chu Yuan is more like a heart, feel that he
is not a competent father, patted Chu Feng's shoulder:

"Fenger, my father promised you that the next family meeting must have
you." After saying this, Chu Yuan went to the conference hall with Chu

"Lingwu Jiuzhong" Chu Feng was overjoyed. Before Chu Yuan poured a
hint of breath into his body, it was the spirit of Lingwu.

Chu Feng knows what this represents, because in the entire Chu family, in
addition to the older generation of characters, no one has reached the
Lingwu Jiuzhong, so this will be the biggest bargaining chip of Chu Yuan's

Lingwu is nine-fold, and only one step can enter the Yuanwu territory.

Yuan Wujing, the master is no longer an aura, but a force.

A power that is far above the aura, a realm that completely transcends the
spirit of Wu, now the Chu family's homeowner "Chu Yuanba" is only a
heavy one.
At the age of Chu Yuan, Chu Yuan was able to reach the Lingwu Jiuzhong.
It was only a line away from Yuanwujing. Chu Feng really moved him to
be happy.

"Chu Yuan adults, not good!"

At this moment, the sound of the rush of the road rang again and again,
and a big man ran in with a panic.

"Zhang Shu, what happened?" The big man Chu Feng knew that he was a
descendant of the Chu family.

" the young Chu Feng?" Looking at Chu Feng, Zhang Shu’s face
showed a difference in color.

When Chu Feng left the Chu family, he was still a 10-year-old child. The
time of five years changed greatly, but Zhang Shu still faintly recognized
Chu Feng.

"It's me." Chu Feng smiled and nodded.

"Chu Feng young master, not good, after the mountain veins found a fierce
beast." Zhang Shu panic.

"Ferocious beast?" Chu Feng was in a tight heart, and he did not want to
fly to the back hill.

The veins of the Houshan Mountain in Chujia are very important sources
of income for the Chu family, except that the miners in the veins are
mostly ordinary civilians. Even if they have people who are practicing
martial arts, their strength is very low.

The fierce beast, Chu Feng once saw, even the weakest first-order beast, is
not the miners can deal with, so as long as they think that the miners will
encounter fierce beasts, Chu Feng simply can't think too much.

However, when Chu Feng left, the uncle’s mouth was stunned with a sly
"Zhang Shu, I have worked hard." Soon after Chu Feng left, Chu searched
over and handed it to Zhang Shu for some silver.

"Oh, this is all right." Zhang Shushun took the silver two times: "Chu
seeks the young master, the beasts are deep in the back mountain, how did
you lead them to the vicinity of the vein?"

"This is a secret."

"Chu is a good means to find the young master, but the beast seems to be
getting more and more, and one is more scary than one. I think we are
going to follow the past." Think of the few fierce people who have just
seen the veins. The beast, Zhang Shu sweats upright.

"What are you afraid of, the fierce beast in the mountains, the strongest is
only the third order. He is also practicing in the Qinglong dynasty for five
years. If even a few beasts can't cope with it, it would be better to die."

Chu searched for a cold cry, he spent so much effort, just want Chu Feng to
suffer a bit, how could he save him.

"But Chu found the young master, if that Chu Feng really has three long
and two short, Chu Yuan adults pursued it, I am afraid it is not good."
Zhang Shu is somewhat worried.

"Well, let's talk with the past." Chu thought about it. I felt that Zhang Shu
said that it was not unreasonable. Chu Feng died, but if Chu Feng died, he
was found by Chu Yuan. That's not good.

However, Chu Xun and Zhang Shu, who had just entered the back
mountain and had not arrived at the veins, found that Chu Feng was
surrounded by a large group of miners and came to them, and the miners
were still licking a few giants, and a closer look was actually Beast.
Martial God Asura Chapter 30: Enchanting (plus
"Chu finds the young master, you are here too."

"Hey, these fierce beasts are terrible, but fortunately, the young master Chu
Feng arrived in time, otherwise he really couldn't imagine it." Seeing Chu,
several miners ran over with fear.

"Hey?" At this moment, Chu found that there were nine beasts, five first-
order beasts, three second-order beasts, and one third-order beast.

These fierce beasts are nothing to him, but he thinks that Chu Feng should
be unable to cope. Can it be said that Chu Feng has reached the four levels
of Lingwu?

Even if Chu Feng has the strength of Lingwu, it is impossible to solve so

many beasts in such a short period of time.

"Chu, thank you."

Just as Chu was puzzled, Chu Feng smiled at him and smiled. He really
had a bit of gratitude in his smile.

At this moment, Chu search was completely paralyzed. There was a sigh
of relief in the faint heart, and I didn't want to go quickly to the direction
of the vein.

"Master Chu Feng, these are all you killed?" Zhang Shu looked at the beast
that had no breath, and it was incredible.

He clearly heard that Chu Feng is a waste. He has been staying in the
Xiuwu double for many years. Even if he enters the Qinglong Zongmen, he
is at most a trivial, how can he kill so many beasts, and still Fast speed.
"Otherwise?" Chu Feng put away a smile and looked at Zhang Shu, not
only did not have the previous kindness, but the eyes filled with a chill.

"No.. No... Nothing, the small is just asking." Chu Feng looked like this,
Zhang Shu scared back and forth again, a large piece of cold sweat
infiltrated from his forehead.

"Zhang Shu, you have been in Chu for so many years, how old and more

"Remember, as a next person, ask the question, don't ask if you should ask,
do what you should, don't do it.. Best not to do it."

There was something in Chu Feng’s words, which scared that the uncle’s
face was white, and he couldn’t speak for a while, but his body could not
stop shaking.

Seeing him like this, Chu Feng is a sneer, which proves that his mind is

"Master Chu Feng, how do these beasts do, is it necessary to send back to
Chufu?" Dozens of miners gathered around.

"Several beasts in the district, do not have to disturb the people in the
house, these beasts you bring home to eat meat." Chu Feng did not care to
wave his hand, and then went to the Chu family.

"Thank you Master Chu Feng." The miners are extremely ecstatic. The
beast is a strange thing that can be cultivated. Although the skin is hard as
iron, it is delicious. It is said that eating not only strengthens the body, but
also prolongs life. Treasure is a valuable thing.

But such a precious beast, Chu Feng actually gave them, which is how they
can be unhappy, especially when they saw it with their own eyes, Chu Feng
was bare-handed, and after killing all the beasts in the blink of an eye,
these miners were more interested in Chu Feng. It is awe.
Near the vein, Chu searched to the place where the beast was previously
found. After observing the surrounding people, he walked up to a big tree
and jumped up. When he landed, he had a small hole in his hand. Wooden

"The teacher said yes, although this thing can attract the beasts, but the
beast can not find it, it is a good thing to lure the beast."

"But it is possible to attract the beasts in the mountains. In addition to the

spirit beads, the general elixir is really impossible."

During the talk, Chu sought to open the wooden box, but when the wooden
box was opened, Chu’s face suddenly changed, because he was shocked to
find that the wooden box with the pearl was empty.

"How could this be, Lingzhu?" Chu searched and sat on the ground, and his
face was pale without a trace of blood.

Although this wooden box was taught to him by his master, but the
Lingzhu is his father's, that is his father bought a high price, ready to break
through the spirit of the nine, if his father knows, Lingzhu was him Lost, I
will definitely lick his skin.

"Don't say ...." Suddenly, Chu searched for the scene where Chu Feng had
thanked him before, and he understood what he had in a moment, holding
a wooden box and gnashing his teeth: "Chu Feng, I am not finished with

At the same time, Chu Feng has returned to his room, closed the door, he
pulled out an aura of beads from the waist, a corner of the corner of the

"Chu search is thank you, and took such a big circle, it took such a big
twist, just to send me this baby, help me break through the six weapons of
Lingwu, hey, your brother is really interesting."

Chu search can't think of it anyway. Chu Feng has the spiritual power.
Although the wooden box can distort the smell of the beast, it can't
interfere with the spirit of Chu Feng.

When Chu Feng arrived, the first time he found the wooden box that stored
the spirit beads, and concluded that this was a trap for man-made.

On the way down the mountain, after seeing the strange expressions of
Chu and Zhang Shu, Chu Feng was basically sure that the two men joined
forces to make a ghost, but they couldn’t think of it, but they didn’t make
a big loss. .


When the spirit beads entered the abdomen, they instantly turned into a
huge aura, but the huge aura still spread in the future, and it was
swallowed up by the suction in Dantian.

At this moment, Chu Feng seems to be able to hear, and there is a chewing
sound of a hungry wolf in Dantian.

When the sound disappeared, there was a dramatic change in Dantian. The
nine thunder behemoths smashed and changed again.

When everything was back to normal, a resound that was several times
stronger than before was poured out from Dantian and filled the body of
Chu Feng.

"Lingwu six heavy" Chu Feng opened his eyes, his mouth twitched with a
smile of excitement.

If you say that you are a genius when you are fifteen years old, you can
count as a genius. Then, like Chu Feng, in less than two months, you will
break through from Lingwu to the six people of Lingwu. There are only
two words to describe, that is - enchanting!

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it will be the day of the Chu family

This so-called ethnic meeting is not a simple meeting within the Chu
family, but a demonstration of the Chu family to show off their strength.
In the performance of the battlefield in the town, the crowd is full of
people, not only the town's giants come to watch, but also attracts many
nearby forces.

These foreign forces, some are invited to come, some come from the
name, but their purpose is the same, that is to want to see the strength of
the Chu family.

Therefore, when the main members of the Chu family appeared, the heat
of the military field suddenly rose to the boiling point.

"Look, it is the Chu family, Chu Yuanba."

People first turned their attention to the old man who was headed.
Although the old man had been in the middle of the year, he was a bear-
bearing bear, and he followed the wind, especially under the white-browed
swords, and there was a majesty in the faint, daunting. Three points.

This is the grandfather of Chu Feng and others, the Chu family leader Chu
Yuanba, the only one in the Chu family who stepped into the Yuan Wujing.

"After the Chu Yuan tyrants, it is the six sons of the Chu family. Sure
enough, the various instruments are so extraordinary, but they do not know
which new owner will inherit."

"What are you worried about? I heard that today's Chu family will be
elected, and the old man will choose to abdicate, and the new owner will
also choose."

"In this way, today is really a good show."

As long as I think of the highlights of the Chu family meeting today,

people are unable to resist the excitement.
Martial God Asura Chapter 31: uninvited guest
"It’s really lively."

But soon after the members of the Chu family entered the military field,
there were a large number of people, and they came in with great

"It is the Xu family in Lishu Town."

"This Xu family is not in harmony with the Chu family. How dare you
come to the Chu family at this time?"

Many people have recognized the origins of this group of people, but it is
the biggest hostile force of the Chu family, Xu family.

This Xu family is the hegemon of Linzhen. Because of the problem of

competing for resources, there is no contradiction between the Chu family
and the Chu family. Many people think that the Chu family and the Xu
family will have a big battle sooner or later.

At this time, Xu family led so many people to appear, many people's first
thought is that Xu family is to trouble.

"Xu Qiang, today is the day of my Chu family meeting, what do you do?"
See, the boss of Chu family's six sons, Chu Wei's father "Chu Renyi" led a
team of people to greet the past.

"Chu Renyi, why are you so nervous? I just came to make a fun." The man
named Xu Qiang looked at Chu Renyi with contempt, and the gaze did not
put him in his eyes.

This Xu Qiang is also the boss of Xu's children, but unlike Chu Renyi, he
is already the future homeowner of Xu's family, and he is also a master of
Therefore, in his eyes, Chu Renyi is not equal to him at all. In the Chu
family, he is talking to him positively. Only the current owner, Chu

"Xu Qiang, my Chu family will not welcome you to your family." At this
moment, Chu Yuan also went.

"Why, there is no one in the Chu family? The round is up to you to talk to
me." Xu Qiang changed his face, and Lingwu’s nine-fold breath, swept out
without reservation, and forced him to Chu Renyi and others.

At this moment, Chu Renyi’s brows were slightly wrinkled. He was only
able to resist this breath, but at the time of his guilt, Chu Yuan took a step
forward and said coldly: “To deal with this kind of goods.” I am Chu Yuan

At the same time as the voice sounded, Chu Yuan’s body shot a strong
breath, and the breath not only offset Xu’s breath, but also forced the
family to persecute.

The change came too fast, and Xu Qiang did not respond. The people
behind him were already the momentum of Chu Yuan’s body. The
earthquake was regressed one after another. Only Xu Qiang could compete.

"Lingwu Jiuzhong?" Xu Qiang was surprised. He couldn't think of it

anyway. Chu Yuan actually reached the Lingwu Jiuzhong, and this breath
was stronger than him.

"Lingwu Jiuzhong, the Chu family's old five Chu Yuan, has been Lingwu

"It's so powerful, so I will reach the Lingwu Jiuzhong at such a young age.
It seems that the position of the Chu family is not his own." I felt the
breath of Chu Yuan, and I was exclaimed inside and outside the battlefield.

Even Chu Yuanba, who was sitting on the chief stage, had a slight change
in his face, and a color of surprise appeared in his eyes.
"When the five brothers, when to break through." Chu Renyi asked

"Big brother, I also just broke through some time ago." Chu Yuan smiled
back, for his big brother, Chu Yuan has always been very respectful.

"Okay, well, it’s good to break through. It seems that the seat of my Chu
family is not your kid." Chu Ren smiled and patted Chu Yuan’s shoulder.
He was happy from Chu Yuan. .

Although it is reasonable to say that as the boss, he should be the seat of

the owner, but he does not care about it. He only cares about the prosperity
of the Chu family.

"Big brother, I am afraid it is too early to say this." Suddenly, there was
another scent of Lingwu, which came behind Chu Renyi.

Looking back and watching, I don’t know Chu Renyi, even Chu Yuan’s
face can’t help.

Because behind them, a middle-aged man with a white face is slowly

coming, and this is the father of Chu, the father of Chu Hongfei, Chu

"The sixth, you have also entered the Lingwu nine heavy?" Chu Renyi's
face of ecstasy, once again a strong degree.

"Big brother, Lingwu is nine heavy. As for this excitement, your six
brothers and my goal, but that Yuan Wujing." Chu Nanshan smiled lightly,
and all of them exuded a arrogant meaning.

"The Chu family's sixth is actually a martial arts, so it seems that the
position of the Chu family is really difficult to say."

"Oh, it seems that there is a good show today."

Seeing the excitement of the excitement, but those nearby forces, the face
can be difficult to look, Chu family suddenly more than two Lingwu
Jiuzhong master, which represents what they know best.
Even Xu Qiang, who had been arrogant in the past, was frowning at the
moment, and his mouth was twitching, because it was not a good thing for

"The so-called comer is a guest, benevolence, and will invite the family to
the seat." At this moment, a loud and thunderous voice sounded, it turned
out to be Chu Yuanba.

At this moment, Chu Yuanba smiled, and the wrinkles on his face all
laughed. Chu Yuan and Chu Nanshan were his two youngest sons, and at
this age they all entered the Lingwu Jiuzhong, and they entered the
Yuanwujing. Just a matter of time.

This means that he is a successor to the Chu family. How can he be upset?
It is because of this happiness that he will not care about the purpose of Xu
Qiang and others, but invite them to take a seat.

"Hello of the Xu family, please." Seeing his father's words, Chu Renyi did
not say much, so he had to take the family to the upper seat.

Chu Yuan wanted to keep up, but at this time, Chu Nanshan came over and
whispered: "Five brothers, do you guess the father will choose you, or
choose me?"

"You go to ask your father." Chu Yuan glanced at him and walked quickly.

Although he is a brother, Chu Yuan has always been resentful about the
way Chu Nanshan acts. If you ask Chu Yuan that he does not want to be the
seat of the family, then it is definitely not the Chu Nanshan.

"Oh." After Chu Yuan turned around, the smile on the face of Chu Nanshan
instantly converges, and a touch of cold color emerges from his eyes.

However, compared to them, the other three of the Chu family's six
children are candidates, but they are so upset that they are so
uncomfortable with the homeowner's position, but the most depressing one
is the Chu family.
The Chu family is fourth, and there is a spiritual and martial arts. If his
defeated son "Chu Xun" lost his expensive pearl, he is likely to be a
spiritual one at the moment, but also like Chu Yuanhe. Like the Chunan
Mountain, it has made a splash in front of many VIPs.

The more he wants to get angry, the more his teeth gnash his teeth, the
seven smoldering smoke, and secretly decide that after the end of the tribe,
he must reward the defeated son Chu to find a few whip, otherwise it will
be difficult to eliminate his hatred.

"Well, look at my father's gaze, it will kill people. After the end of the
tribe, I will return to Qianfengzong as soon as possible. I must not let my
father catch my shadow."

In a corner outside the military field, Chu Xun was secretly observing his
father's look. He remembered his father's punishment for him that day, and
he couldn't help but touch his own raised eyes. "Chu Feng, this account
must find you."

"Hey, this is not Chu search, what is your face, who is it like this bird?"
But at this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded.

Looking up and watching, Chu searched for a big change, because not far
away, the culprit who beat him to be beaten by his father, is looking at
himself not far away, and his face still has a smile of gloating.
Martial God Asura Chapter 32: I surrender
"Chu Feng, I want to kill you."

Depressed Chu search, after seeing Chu Feng, like the explosives of fire,
the anger that accumulates in the heart broke out instantly.

He exudes the spirit of the five spirits of Lingwu, and does not take into
account the eyes of others. When he talks about Chu Feng, he rushes over
to the past. The kind of momentum, I can't wait to kill Chu Feng.

"Who dares to move my brother."

But Chu was not yet close, and a sigh of anger suddenly came into the ear
curtains. At the same time, a powerful wind rushed to the surface, and he
actually blew his back and almost fell to the ground.

"Chugu rain!"

Looking at the eyes and eyes, Chu was shocked in the heart, because
standing next to Chu Feng, a young man with a clear eyebrows, is Chu
Feng’s eldest brother Chu Lianyu.

At this moment, Chu’s anger was immediately ruined, because he was

familiar with Chu’s rain, but the first person recognized by Chu’s juniors
was not something he could provoke.

"Chu search for you to listen to me, and then dare to shoot my brother, I
will abolish you." Chu Zunyu pointed to Chu to warn.

For such a scene, Chu Feng is warm in his heart. When he was a child,
every time someone bullied him, the first person who stood up to protect
him was his big brother Chu Yuyu, but now it seems that his Big Brother
seems to be more reliable.

"Oh, the momentum of being overbearing, it’s arrogant to see you brothers
for a few years."
Suddenly, a bitter sound sounded and looked back. I saw a few Chu family
juniors coming over, and the one headed by was a white-faced, extremely
insidious teenager.

Seeing this, Chu Feng and Chu Lianyu's face are all changed, and the heart
has stirred up layers of waves.

Although he has not seen it for many years, Chu Feng still recognizes it at
a glance. This is the person who brought their brothers to the ground and
brought them heavy insults, Chu Hongfei.

"Chu Hongfei, you really came back, we also counted the account of the
year." Chu Yuyu said coldly, his eyes faintly raging.

"Hey, I have been in Lingyunzong for a few years, and my temper is long. I
don't think you are the first person of the Chu family. Have you won me?"
Chu Hongfei looked at Chu Lianyu.

"I am the first person of the Chu family, you will know." Chu Yuyu's voice
is getting colder and colder, people can even feel the chill of his body, he
is holding back the anger of the heart.

"Yes, there is ambition, then Chu Feng, you." Chu Hongfei looked at Chu
Feng: "I heard that you have been in the outer door of the second-class sect
of Qinglongzong for five years?"

"How much dull you are, can you stay for five years in that bad place?
Even if you are not a kind of Chu family, but at least the name of my Chu
family, you throw me Chu family, don't feel What?"

"I told you that it is best not to meet me when your brothers are two, or I
will not be able to climb as you did seven years ago."

"And, I tell you, the seat of the Chu family will be my father Chu Nanshan,
because he has my excellent son, Chu Hongfei."

After saying these words, Chu Hongfei took the Chu family to a junior,
and went to the place where the family registered.
Chu Yuyu wanted to say something, but I felt someone pulled his own
clothes and looked back at Chu Feng.

"Big brother, there is no need to say anything about this kind of person. It
is the most direct method to beat him down when the family is compared."
Chu Feng said calmly.

Looking at Chu Feng like this, Chu Zhiyu couldn’t help but feel an
inexplicable feeling in his heart. He always felt that his brother became
different. He said that he was not good, but he was not like the whole
person. They have changed, and some have become unfathomable.

After Chu Yuanba said some guest-speaking rhetoric, the Chu family
juniors finally stepped into the performance of the military field, and the
first feast of this ethnic group began.

Holding the lottery number, Chu Feng took the No. 5 to the bucket, and
when he stepped on the stage, some ironic sounds followed.

"That is Chu Feng. Isn't this kid a five-year foreigner in Qinglongzong,

and finally entered the inner door this year?"

"Even if you enter the inner door, it is waste. Even dare to participate in
the family ratio. I really don't know how to be high."

"Isn't this just the right thing, let him learn some lessons, just let Chu Yuan
know if his son is a waste."

Most of the people who know Chu Feng are Chu family members, and
those who dare to humiliate Chu Feng are people who have some status in
Chu. They not only hope that Chu Feng is ugly, but also hope that Chu
Yuan is ugly.

"Chu Feng is actually you." At this moment, a figure went on the stage.

Looking at this person not far away, Chu Feng was speechless for a while,
turned out to be an old family, Chu Zhen.
However, compared to Chu Feng, Chu really face can be ugly, the mouth
corner twitching, secretly how so unlucky, I met Chu Feng in the first

"Chuzhen, if you remember correctly, this kid seems to have broken

through to the four times in the first two days. It seems that Chu Feng has

The Chu family, who had an unclear situation, saw that Chu Zhen and Chu
Feng had a sneak peek after they confronted each other. They all felt that
Chu really had to deal with Chu Feng, which was simply a piece of cake.

And Chu Zhen brothers, from the urinating do not like Chu Feng, they all
believe that Chu Zhen if the shot will not be merciful, so they are looking
forward to, Chu Feng was maddened.

"I surrender!"

But at this time, Chu Zhen on the fighting platform raised his right hand
and shouted, and even admitted.

"Chuzhen, what do you say about this stinky boy, and you have to give it to
Laozi before you open it?" It was Chu’s father who came from afar.

In the face of his father's stern eyes, Chu Zhen’s expression changed for a
while, but he still bit his teeth and turned and walked down the bucket.

"How is this going?"

This scene, let people stunned and admit defeat? This is a rare scene of the
Chu family, and the person who admits defeat is still Chu, his opponent is
Chu Feng?

How can this be? Is Chu really stupid? Is there a problem with my head?
What is the situation?

The Chu family, who did not know the truth, was speechless for a while.
Although they did not know why Chu really did this, Chu’s actions really
surprised them.
Even the Chu Yuan Pa, the chief seat, was attracted by Chu’s actions. His
brows were slightly wrinkled. From the old eyes, he could see that his old
man was full of fog.

"This game, Chu Fengsheng."

But no matter what, Chu Feng did win, although it made people feel
inexplicable, but Chu Feng did become the first, the first victory.

After the first game, Chu Feng was quickly assigned to another fight, and
when he saw the opponent who had just won the battle, even Chu Feng
could not help but laugh.

Because this is actually Chu really big brother, Chu Cheng.

Chu Cheng at the moment, his face turned white and his lips were blue,
and his heart was dark: our brothers, it was really bad for eight generations
of blood, and they all met this comet.

Although the heart was extremely unhappy, but he had a big loss in the
hands of Chu Feng, he did not want to fight with Chu Feng again. After
thinking about it, he made a move that made the Chu family stunned.

"I surrender!!!"
Martial God Asura Chapter 33: Chu Feng on Chu
(plus 23)
"I rely on, what the **** is this situation?"

This time, it is said that the Chu family, even many outsiders who do not
know Chu Feng, have also turned their attention to Chu Feng.

"Who is the boy, even the opponents continue to admit defeat."

"I don't know. Look at the costumes that should be the inner disciple of
Qinglongzong. In the past, the Chu family did not seem to have seen him."

"It's not simple, it's definitely not simple. If you haven't played it, you will
let your opponents fear. Is this deterrent, will it be in the future?"

Some onlookers began to pay attention to Chu Feng, and they felt that Chu
Feng was probably an amazing guy.

"Hey, what do you think? This is a waste from the Chu family." A Chu man
who hates Chu Feng, said uncomfortable.

"Hey? This brother seems to know the boy?" A big man expressed doubts.

"Of course I know, I am a Chu family, so it is very clear that this kid is a

"Look at it, this kid must have bought a comet brother. In the bluff, I can
guarantee that he will lose in the next game." The Chu family is sure.

"Oh, this brother must have some prejudice against the boy. It’s not that I
said you, you are such a big person, why bother with a child?" Dahan

"What, do you mean that I am smashing him? I am only saying the truth."
Chu family men are angry.
"That way, I will make a bet with you. If you say that the boy will lose in
the end, my silver will be yours. If it is not, hey, you know....." The big
man, A handful of silver was pulled out.

"Gambling is gambling, I am afraid that you will not be able to." Seeing
that someone sent money to the door, how can the Chu family not accept,
refreshed to take out one or two silver.

"I admit defeat." But at this moment, there was another cry from the center
of the theater.

Looking at the eyes, the Chu family could not help but be shocked.
Actually, Chu Feng was in the fight, and the opponent who conceded
defeat was Chu Gao.

"Grandma's, such a wicked door?" The Chu family was speechless for a
while, and he was a little messy.

"Hey, brother, I am sorry that you lost." Seeing the situation, the big man
was not polite, and the smile of the man took the silver in the hands of the

Looking at one or two of his own silver, it was so unpaid, the Chu man was
a bitter pain, and then said: "I dare not gamble again, this time I have three
or two silver."

"Gambling, afraid that you can't be?" Dahan decisively should.

"Hey, this brother, take me one line, I can't gamble that teenager wins."

"Take me one too, I also bet that the teenager won!" At the same time,
some good people around him also came together.

"Come and come, all come, who else? Laozi is accompanying the end
today!" The Chu family was in a hurry, simply took out his own kit, and
there were dozens of two silvers inside, all of which fell out.

With the continuous admittance of Chu Cheng, Chu Zhen, Chu Gao and
others, the audience has become chaotic.
Mo said that the Chu family was shocked, even the outsiders were stunned.
More and more people began to speculate on the identity of Chu Feng.

They have heard of Chu Lianyu and heard of Chu Hongfei. After all, these
two are genius-level teenagers who have entered the first-class sect. But
what is the origin of this Chu Feng?

When people guessed that there was no answer, Chu Feng was quite
helpless. He wanted to show his skills through the family, but he could not
think of such a thing.

When Chu Feng was depressed, a shadow appeared on the platform, and it
was Chu Xue.

"Chu Fengge, congratulations to you for winning four games." Chu Xue
smiled sweetly.

"Chu Xue, you just don't laugh at me." Chu Feng laughed, but soon
realized that it was wrong: "Four times? Ming Ming is only three times,
Chu Xue, you should not..."

Looking at Chu Feng’s sluggish look, Chu Xue naughty smiled and
shouted at the old man under the stage: “I also admit defeat.”


This time, the entire martial arts field was completely sensational. Even
many Chu family juniors who were trying to test it could not help but look
at Chu Feng. The eyes were full of shock.

Although the mind is full of doubts, they don’t even know what is going

Only those who have practiced in Qinglongzong sighed and thanked

themselves for not meeting Chu Feng. Otherwise, they would make the
same choice.

"Haha, brothers thank you so much."

"This brother is really derogatory."

"Xietai, you are definitely the best person I have ever seen!"

At the same time, in a certain place in the audience, a large group of

people surrounded the Chu family, and mercilessly grabbed the silver in
his hand.

The Chu family man looked at his empty kitp, and he even had a crying
heart. He deeply felt that he was pitted.

How do all the Qinglongzong disciples, as long as they meet Chu Feng,
admit defeat, this must be a bit tricky, but he can not figure out, Chu Feng
is giving them much benefit, in order to let them admit defeat.



On a certain countertop, Chu Yue is falling down from the stage. If it is not
for the parents of Chu under the stage to catch her in time, she will be
seriously injured.

"Chu Yue, Qinglong Zong's martial arts is not so good." Chu searched
down from the stage, with a satirical smile on his face.

"Chu, you are just squatting to be higher than me. If I am also a five-
pronged person, I will not be defeated." Chu Yue's face is unwilling.

"It's true, but it's better than you. It's also my skill." Chu searched and

"You....." Chu Yueqi's teeth bite, and there is an incomprehensible

grievance in her heart. She has already reached the peak of Lingwu. If this
family is held a few days later, she is absolutely sure to break through. To
Lingwu Wuzhong, but lose is to lose, and she does not want to argue.

"Chu, if I remember correctly, you seem to be one year older than Chu
Yuejie. As a brother to win the sister, is it worthy of such pride?" Suddenly
a voice sounded.

Looking at it, Chu Yue was overjoyed and saw that Chu Feng was slowly
coming to them under the leadership of a Chu family.

"Chu Feng, is the next opponent you?" Seeing Chu Feng, Chu search is
very excited, because he wants to teach the most is Chu Feng.

"Afraid? I am afraid I can admit defeat!" Chu Feng smiled.

"I am embarrassed, I will not shoot you out today, I will even pull you
clean yesterday." Chu searched for a cold, then jumped over the bucket,
and pointed to Chu Fengdao: "Get me up."

"Chu Fengdi, are you sure?" Chu Yue has some concerns, because she
always feels that Chu search seems to want to kneel down on Chu Feng.

"Do not worry, to deal with this kind of goods, I only need one trick." Chu
Feng smiled slightly, they have to go to the counter.

But at this moment, Chu Yue took Chu Feng’s hand and whispered: “Chu
Fengdi, the first place in the internal examination, is it you?”

Chu Feng was hesitant, but he could look at the eyes of Chu Yue who
longed for the answer, but he couldn’t bear to lie to her. He had nodded,
and then he jumped and flew to the platform.

At this moment, Chu Yue’s expression was instantly solidified, and a pair
of beautiful eyes flickered, and even the heartbeat was accelerated.

Although, in her mind, there is already an answer, but this answer, after
Chu Feng is determined here, will still feel incredible.

She looked up at the imperative Chu search, and picked up a sweet smile
in her mouth. Somehow, she suddenly had a sympathy for Chu Chu.
Martial God Asura Chapter 34: Stunning four
(plus 24)
"I wiped, and finally I have a turn."

The Chu family, seeing Chu Feng’s opponent this time, turned out to be
Chu, and the depression on his face was swept away and replaced with

What is the strength of Chu Xun, he is naturally clear, but it is Ling Wu

Wu, among the Chu family juniors, able to rank in the top five.

And seeing the scene of the previous confrontation between Chu and Chu
Feng, he can also see that the two are not harmonious, Chu will never
admit defeat, so he concluded that this time Chu Feng will be defeated.

"Hey, do you dare to gamble again?" The Chu family yelled at the

"Dare to dare, but do you still have money?" The people who just won the
Chu family men silver, smiled contemptuously.

"Hey, look down on Lao Tzu?" The Chu family man screamed coldly and
took out two Xian Lingcao from his arms: "As long as you dare, Lao Tzu
will accompany you to play."

Looking at the fairy grass in the hands of men, many people on the scene
are speechless. The fairy grass is the best medicine. Each plant can sell
one or two gold, which is equivalent to one hundred and two silver.

Now the Chu family men have taken out two strains in one breath. They
don’t say many people. They don’t have this capital and gamble on him.
It’s just that he can see that he has absolute certainty to win.

So even though many people are blind, they dare not gamble with him,
because such a big bet is something that many people cannot afford to

"Brothers have strength, then I will play with you for the last time." Still
the big man, he actually took out two Xianling grass and photographed it
in front of the Chu family.

"Hey, good Le." Seeing the situation, the Chu family was overjoyed. It was
not the shallowness of this big Hankeng. It is his chance of revenge.

"Look, the show started." Just then, someone shouted.

Looking at the stage again, Chu Xun has launched a fierce attack on Chu


Chu searched to Chu Feng, the two fists danced, legs and feet used
together, a move faster than a stroke, a punch and a punch.

It is not an ordinary attack, but a fierce boxing method. It is a second-stage

martial arts.

Chu Feng swayed from the storm and the attack, secretly admiring, this
Chu can be able to cast the second section to such a field, Chu Yue lost is
not awkward.

It is a pity that this level of martial arts is simply a loophole for him.

Suddenly, Chu Feng suddenly stopped the pace of retreat, no longer

dodging, but quietly waiting for the attack of Chu search.

"Good opportunity." Seeing the situation, Chu Xun thought that Chu Feng
was exposed, and that the single fist was clenched, and the face of Chu
Feng was smashed.

At this moment, those who worried about Chu Feng had a cold sweat for
Chu Feng, and they were afraid that Chu Feng would not be able to attack
this because they could feel that Chu’s strength in finding this punch was
not the same.
However, people who are tired of Chu Feng are ecstatic. They waited for
this moment for a long time. They couldn’t wait to find this punch, and
they would kill Chu Feng alive.

However, in fact, Chu Feng obviously wants to let those people down!


Suddenly, Chu Feng burst into a bang, and a majestic breath erupted from
his body. A boxing was like lightning, and a punch was hit against Chu,
and he blew it out.

"Kang" two punches, actually heard a broken hand bones.

At the same time, Chu searched for a scream, holding his right arm, and
then fell to the stage, painful mourning.

"Lingwu six heavy." At this moment, everyone on the court was shocked.

Even Chu Yuanba could not help but widen his eyes, and his face was full
of horror.

Chu Yuan, who is the father of Chu Feng, stood up fiercely, and his excited
body was shaking.

Because at the moment when Chu Feng shot, almost everyone can feel the
breath of Chu Feng, that is really the true spirit of the six.

"How could this be, Chu Feng is not a waste of Chu family, how could it
have the strength of Lingwu Liu, isn't it the same as Chu Yuyu and Chu
Hongfei?" In the Chu family, the shocked sound is constantly They simply
cannot accept this fact.

"Chu Fengdi, actually........"

In fact, even Chu Yue, Chu Wei, Chu Xue, Chu Cheng, Chu Zhen, Chu
Gao, etc. ... in the Qinglong Zong practitioners, are equally shocked.
Although they know that Chu Feng is extremely powerful, he is able to kill
40 beasts on his own and get the first person to be the first.

But they also only guessed that Chu Feng is the strength of the five spirits
of Lingwu, and never imagined that it would be the six weapons of

Lingwu Liuzhong, in the younger generation, can be counted as a genius,

and Chu Feng is only fifteen years old, fifteen-year-old Lingwu six, this
potential is simply limitless.


Not only the Chu family sighed, the whole performance of the martial arts
came to exclaim, was shocked by the power of Chu Feng.

The Chu family appeared a fifteen-year-old Lingwu Liuzhong. This is

definitely an explosive news. In a sense, Chu Feng’s strength is even more
shocking than Chu Yuyu and Chu Hongfei.

After all, Chu Feng is two years younger than the two of them. In two
years, with the strength of Chu Feng, even if it breaks through the spirit of
the seven, it is not impossible.

"Genius, the true genius, the Chu family actually hides such a genius, it is

"It seems that Chu is not only a successor, but also blue is better than blue.
The achievements in the future will definitely not be limited to this small

The strongest of the various forces, envious of it, watching Chu Feng and
other Chu family juniors, they even look forward to the future of the Chu
family, and such outstanding young people are not owned by their family.

"Brother, it is already this kind of strength." Still in the rain, Chu is still
attracted by the power of Chu Feng, the face of the emergence of joy, can
not hide the smile.
"How is it possible, how could this be, this...this...this is simply..."

However, compared to the shock of others, somewhere in the stands, a Chu

man stunned and sat down on the ground.

At this moment, he finally knows that Chu Xue, Chu Gao, Chu Cheng, Chu
Zhen, why they will admit defeat in succession, because this is not
accidental, but they know in advance that Chu Feng has absolute strength.

"Brother, thank you very much." The big man came over and took the two
fairy grasses unceremoniously.

While looking at his own fairy grass was taken away, the Chu man was
dull, as if he had already lost his mind.

Suddenly, he waved his arm and yelled at his cheeks with two big mouths,
and then whispered: "Stupid."

For his actions, the people around him can understand that although there
are no poor people here, they are not rich and wealthy people. So people
are taken away from two fairy grasses, which is a blow to anyone. .

Comprehension is understood, but no one will sympathize with him. As a

parent of Chu, this is a smashing of the same age. In the eyes of others, he
is called self-respecting and deserving.

Just outside the court, Chu Feng has stepped on another fight platform
because of the strength of Chu Feng.

However, at this moment, Chu Feng’s face is not good-looking, because

the person standing opposite him is actually his big brother, Chu Lianyu.
Martial God Asura Chapter 35: Xu Tianyi (plus
Compared with the battlefield, the two brothers are opposite each other.

Chu Feng's face is a bit ugly, but Chu Yuyu is smiling.

Neither of them spoke, as if they were passing an emotion with their eyes.

Chu Youyu is happy for Chu Feng, Chu Feng can reach the six spirits at
this age, and the qualification is beyond him.

Suddenly, Chu’s solitary mouth was slightly open, and he wanted to turn
his head and talk to the Chu parents.

"I admit defeat." But when these three words sounded, Chu’s smile was
instantly solidified. Although these three words were what he wanted to
say, but now, it is not what he said.

"Brother, you...." Chu Zhiyu looked at Chu Feng, his eyes filled with
grievances. He wanted to leave this opportunity to Chu Feng, but he didn't
want to be taken a step by Chu Feng.

Chu Feng’s face has improved a lot. He calmly walked to the side of Chu’s
rain and smiled. “Don’t mind, I just think that being a disciple of the same
class, you are more suitable to fight with him.”

"Defeat him, wash away the shame of your brother and my brother, kill
him and let him know who is the first person of the Chu family!"

After saying this, Chu Feng took a break from the bucket, but his move
undoubtedly set off another uproar.

Some people think that Chu Feng is telling the righteousness and creating
opportunities for his older brother.
However, some people think that Chu Feng is self-aware and knows that
he is not an opponent of Chu Yuyu and Chu Hongfei, so he will give up.

But no matter how the outsiders guess, Chu’s heart is very clear, the
meaning of his brother’s words.

When Chu Feng admit defeat, this family ratio has already come to an end,
and it is the same as Lingwu Liu. They all went to the first-class
Zongmen’s Chu Zunyu and Chu Hongfei. Without any suspense, they
became the ultimate opponent.

This family ratio is also the most exciting moment. Almost everyone's
eyes are condensed on the two youngsters. Who is the first person of the
Chu family?


The two played against each other, and all kinds of dazzling martial arts
were played by them.

It is a disciple of the first-class sect, not only mastered the martial arts,
but also the first-class combat skills.

When the beautiful moves and the tyrannical winds are flying up and down
in the bucket, the two really present a visual feast for the people.

"Big brother, you must win."

But when more people report to appreciate the attitude, Chu Feng’s heart
only hopes that Chu Lianyu will win.

Because this war is not only for the fame and fortune, but also for Chu
Feng and Chu Lianyu, the shameful mark that was burned by Chu Hongfei
in the past can be erased.


However, when Chu Hongfei made a heavy punch, and Chu Chuanyu’s
mouth vomited blood fell to the stage, all the expectations of Chu Feng
were annihilated.

"Big brother."

Chu Feng went crazy and ran to Chu Lianyu, fearing that his big brother
appeared three long and two short.

When he came to Chu Lianyu, he found that Chu Lianyu looked at him
quietly, and there were two lines of tears in his eyes, in an extremely
embarrassing tone: "Big brother is useless, let you down It is."

After the words, Chu’s eyes closed and he passed out, and when he saw
that his brother’s injury was so heavy, Chu Feng suddenly panicked.

"Oh, I said, when the family is compared, it is best for your brothers not to
meet me, otherwise I will not climb you."

"How, I did not say that?" than Chu Hongfei on the stage, sneer and look at
Chu Feng, the words are full of irony.

"Still, I want to abolish you." Seeing, Chu Feng is like a fierce tiger, and
he will jump to the high platform when he speaks, and compete with Chu

"Fenger lived." But not to wait for Chu Feng to leaping, a powerful hand,
then tightly grasped Chu Feng's shoulder, looking back, turned out to be
his father, Chu Yuan.

"The victory has been set, don't let people see jokes." Chu Yuan's words
are calm, but Chu Feng can see from his gaze, how much Chu Yuan is
angry at the moment.

Indeed, his son, who was beaten into this appearance, which father can not
be angry, but under such circumstances, he must control his emotions.

"Yes, hey, listen to your father's words, or be careful that your father and
your family are missing." Chu Hongfei continued to ridicule.
"Hongfei, I advise you to accumulate morality." Faced with such arrogant
Chu Hongfei, Chu Yuan's face could not help but turn cold.

"Five Bo, what am I saying wrong? The so-called victory of the defeated
king, as a winner insults the loser, this is also my power." Chu Hongfei
disapproved of the road: "To the five Bo, I guess you have been with the
owner The position is lost."

"Don't be angry, you can only blame your two sons for not arguing. If they
can beat me, I am afraid that the position of the homeowner is really

"But unfortunately, the victory now is my Chu Hongfei, not your two sons,
haha........." Chu Hongfei gradually drifted away with a mad laughter.

At this moment, Chu Feng is angry and burns, but he can only bear the
forbearance. Chu Hongfei owes the debts. He will come back soon with the
profit, but he can’t be the present because he can’t destroy the rules of this
tribe. .

Especially in the crucial period when his father was running for the family,
he could not bring any burden to Chu Yuan.

In this way, when the family ended, Chu Hongfei became the victor of the
ethnic ratio, and at the same time became the recognized first person of
the Chu family.

Chu Hongfei and his father Chu Nanshan have become the biggest winners
of this tribe. People feel that after Chu Hongfei won the first place, Chu
Nanshan is more likely to win the position of the owner.

In fact, this is indeed true. Chu Yuanba personally awarded the prize to the
first prize to Chu Hongfei, and also let Chu Hongfei sit next to him and
watch the contents of the next ethnic group. His eyes are full of eyes.

"Chu family juniors, there are some skills, but unfortunately, it is only
limited to the Chu family." But the Chu family announced that the junior
generation than the end of the scene, a satirical voice, but suddenly

Watching and watching, everyone can't help but see a teenager standing
there somewhere in the audience.

The teenager is not only seventeen or eight years old, but his eyes are
extremely sharp. At this moment, he is staring at Chu Hongfei next to Chu
Yuan’s tyranny.

"Who are you? I dare to scatter in my Chu family." Someone asked in a

loud voice.

"I am the inner disciple of the sect of the sect of the sect, the Xu family of
Lishu Town, the son of Xu Qiang, Xu Tianyi."

"In addition, I am not here to scatter wild, just want to talk with the Chu
family's peers, and discuss and ask for advice." Xu Tianyi walked down
from the audience and came to a platform.

"Xu Qiang, you dare to say that you are not coming to trouble, see the
good son you taught." Seeing Xu Tianyi suddenly challenged the Chu
family juniors, the Chu family's elders were extremely unhappy, one by
one pointed the finger Xu Qiang.

"What are you nervous about? I said it very clearly. It’s just a matter of
discussion. It’s not a life and death duel."

"However, if you have no bottom in your heart, I feel that your Chu family
juniors are indeed incompetent and can't beat my child's words. We can
leave here." Xu Qiang smiled faintly.

And when he said this, he would fall into the absolute situation of the Chu
family. If it is not to fight, it will be reduced to a laughing stock in the
future, so there is only one way to choose.
Martial God Asura Chapter 36: I am coming to
"Hongfei, can you be sure?" Chu Yuanba looked at Chu Hongfei.

"Grandpa, this kind of goods, within 10 strokes, I will definitely put it

flat." Chu Hongfei is full of confidence.

"Very good, let's go, let him know the family, the strength of my Chu
family." Chu Yuanba smiled with satisfaction.

"Following the fate" Chu Hongfei walked like a fly, then suddenly jumped,
a beautiful flip, it fell to the platform.

"Xu family waste, see if you can take the young master ten strokes." Chu
Hongfei directly shot, a set of beautiful boxing techniques to spread out,
against the Xu Tianyi violently go.

However, Xu Tianyi did not hide even, and his eyes were full of contempt.
Until Chu Hongfei approached, he stepped forward and raised his hand.


When I hit it, I saw a **** flower floating in the sky. Chu Hongfei, who
used to be as strong as a tiger, was like a broken kite. It flew up and finally
fell to the ground.

One trick, even one trick!

The first person of Chu’s juniors, Chu Hongfei, who is a six-member of

Lingwu, could not stop even a move of the Xu family. This defeat is really

"It's so powerful, the boy named Xu Tianyi is actually a seven-handed

"At this age, you reach this level. After that, you don't want to go against
the sky? This is the real genius."

At this moment, there was a lot of chaos on and off the court. All kinds of
exclamations resounded constantly. People were shocked by the strength
of Xu Tianyi. They were able to defeat Chu Hongfei in one hand, and his
strength was already exposed.

"Is Xu Qiang’s son so talented?"

Chu Yuanba's face was white and his mouth was twitching. Chu Hongfei
not only lost, but also lost so thoroughly. Everyone knows that the Chu
family juniors lost to the juniors, and even one of them couldn't take it.

This makes Chu Yuanba feel that there is no face, an old face is thrown
away, but what is his way, can not blame his grandson talent can not? After
all, he Chu has no roots against the sky.

"Ha ha ha, Chu family juniors are just like this."

Xu Qiang, with a sly smile, led Xu Jiayi and others to go to the platform
where Xu Tianyi was.

"Chu family, but others dare to fight with me?" However, Xu Tianyi did
not care, and swept the contemptuous eyes to the Chu family.

At this moment, although everyone in the Chu family was angry, no one
dared to go forward to fight, because when they knew that they were not
opponents, they still went forward to fight, and they only took their own
insults and made people look flatter.

"Tianyi, forget it, where the Chu family juniors are your opponents, you
will spare them." Xu Qiang laughed, extremely ironic.

"?" sees the purpose of this trip, Xu Tianyi snorted, and he is ready to
follow Xu Qiang to leave.

"I am coming to fight."

But at this moment, a thunderous drink suddenly sounded, and at the same
time, a figure, with an extremely beautiful arc, vacated, and finally fell
steadily on the platform.

"Chu Feng!" And looking at the figure on the stage, everyone was shocked.

"Fenger is back." Chu Yuan was hurriedly shouting, fearing that Chu Feng
would fall like Chu Hongfei.

"It's a shame." And Chu Yuanba's face is more and more iron, he thinks
that Chu Feng's behavior will only make his Chu family's face more
completely lost.

"Kid, can you do it?" Xu Tian looked at Chu Feng with contempt and did
not put him in his eyes.

"Try to know." Chu Feng smiled calmly.

"To fulfill you." Xu Tian was a forward-looking figure, and suddenly a

blast broke out. In the blink of an eye, he came to Chu Feng. He was still
in the palm of his hand. He was aiming at that position. He wanted Chu
Feng to lose. As Chu Hongfei is as miserable.

At this moment, some Chu family members have turned their heads and
can't bear to watch them. They don't feel bad about Chu Feng, but they
don't want to see Chu Feng throwing Chu's family.

"Oh." But people thought that Chu Feng had to be defeated. Chu Feng was
a slight side of his body. He easily escaped the attack of Xu Tianyi, and
then he backed his hand and touched his face. Take it.

"This..." Chu Feng's speed is too fast, and Xu Tian, ??who was
underestimating the enemy, was suddenly shocked. He quickly spread out
the other palm and tried to block Chu Feng.

But when Xu Tianyi’s palm was just about to touch Chu Feng’s palm, Chu
Feng’s palm changed for a while and eventually disappeared.
"Oops, this is actually a profound martial arts." The old-fashioned
experience made Xu Tianyi react, but it was too late, because Chu Feng’s
illusory palm was firmly photographed in Xu Tianyi’s chest. on.


"Treading step..."

A palm hit, Xu Tianyi retired a few steps, a strong force, almost did not let
him fall than the bucket.

"Look, Chu Feng actually hit Xu Tianyi."

"The good means have been cheaper in the hands of Lingwu."

Exclaimed, everyone feels incredible, even those Chu family who hate
Chu Feng, can not help but widen their eyes, the face is full of shock.

That trick defeated Chu Hongfei's palm, not only was Chu Feng escaped,
but Chu Feng a palm, what does this mean? This at least shows the
strength of Chu Feng, far stronger than Chu Hongfei.

It’s said that it’s someone else, even the Chu Yuan Pa that was previously
angry. It’s getting dignified at the moment, and the eyes are full of

"There are some means, but this time I will not stay."

"?" Xu Tianyi suddenly stepped forward, even more than the fighting
platform was trembling by him, the powerful momentum made him come
to Chu Feng again.

With his arms open, the shadows of the sky, and the winds of the air, have
been like a storm pear, flying against the hair.

"Three martial arts."

Everyone was shocked. They already saw that Xu Tianyi was performing
three martial arts exercises, and it was already repaired to Dacheng. Such
martial arts, combined with his strength, could not be resisted by Chu

"It’s just right."

Unexpectedly, in the face of Xu Tianyi's fierce offensive, Chu Feng did not
retreat, his arms shook, and countless palms filled the air.

Every palm of the hand is really incomparable, and when you look at it, it
is like Chu Feng’s body, and there are countless arms growing up. That
kind of momentum is even better than that of Xu Tianyi.

"???" a few fists against the palm, the two have been fighting to a place,
and there is no distinction between the moment.


This time, the crowd is boiling again, if only Chu Feng masters three
martial arts, then it will be.

However, he was able to use the three martial arts to this point, and he did
not know what to do with Xu Tian. He knew that he was only a six-handed
spirit, and his opponent was a martial arts.

"This... Chu Feng actually mastered this martial art." After watching for a
long time, Chu Wei suddenly realized that the shock on his face suddenly
became a bit rich.

"Well, what kind of martial arts is Chu Feng's exhibition?" Suddenly, Chu
Wei's voice sounded an old man's voice. Looking up, it was Chu Yuanba.

Chu Yuanba’s face was also shocked, but he looked at Chu Feng’s gaze, but
he was filled with eyes that longed for answers.
Martial God Asura Chapter 37: Shocked the
As a master of the Yuan Wu Kingdom, Chu Yuanba found that although
Chu Feng is also exhibiting three martial arts, it is much more magical
than that of Xu Tianyi.

According to his experience, such martial arts is extremely difficult to

cultivate, but Chu Feng is obviously repaired to Dacheng, so he is more
shocked, he wants to know what martial arts this is.

"Grandpa, if I didn't guess wrong, Chu Feng's display is the most difficult
martial arts in my Qinglong sect, the imaginary palm." Chu Wei dignified.

"What? It is actually the whole inner door, the most difficult martial arts
to cultivate, I can't think of this kid so powerful!" Chu Yuanba sucked a
cold breath.

"More than my grandfather, this time I checked the inner door, there was a
monk who had forty fierce beasts, and before all the disciples arrived, they
killed all the beasts and took the first prize. ""

"And we guess that this monk is probably Chu Feng." Chu Wei continued
to tell.

After listening to Chu Wei’s words, Chu Yuan’s face changed again, and he
was surprised to say nothing. He was about to turn his attention to Chu
Feng, but his look was completely different.

At this moment, he had an idea in his heart, and perhaps Chu Feng could
really save the face of the Chu family.

Before that, he never thought that the face of Chu family would one day
rely on this child to recover. After all, Chu Feng is not a kind of Chu
family, but Chu Feng is his only hope.

Chu Feng and Xu Tianyi are fighting together, and it is difficult to

distinguish them. The outsiders seem to be equal, but Xu Tianyi, who is in
it, can be depressed.

With his strength, the display of such martial arts, not only can not
suppress Chu Feng, but only tied.

And after multiple rounds, he is already panting, but then Guan Feng has
no change in his face. This product is simply not tired.

"No, this kid is delaying with me, trying to consume my physical

strength." Xu Tianyi felt wrong, secretly said: "It seems that you must
quickly decide."

When I think of it, Xu Tianyi is not sloppy, the move is changed, and the
majestic atmosphere is emitted from the body. The momentum of the
whole person is completely different.

When he shot again, Chu Feng could feel that the feet were violently
shaking than the buckets, and the double fists of Xu Tianyi were covered
with a layer of silver and white, like steel. Invincible atmosphere, the front

"Four martial arts!"

Looking at the power of Xu Tian’s outburst in the field, people’s faces

have changed dramatically. Even the face of the Chu Yuan Pa, which has
just been flat, has changed again.

Four martial arts, that is not the ordinary disciple can cultivate, the whole
force of the military field, so many people, I believe that no one can
master the four martial arts, even the Chu Yuanba.

The reason is very simple. Those who can cultivate four martial arts
practitioners will definitely be the key personnel of Zongmen. The
achievements in the future will never be limited to these small places.
Moreover, the four-stage martial arts is not only difficult to obtain, but the
difficulty of cultivation is even more terrifying. Many people can't
comprehend the righteousness even if they get four martial arts skills.
However, when Xu Tianyi is so old, he will master the four martial arts.

Although he has not fully exerted the power of the four martial arts, he is
already a wizard because he can master this level.

After defeating, Chu Feng was defeated. This is the voice of countless
people, but he also feels that Chu Feng is not defeated because he is not
too weak, but his opponent is too strong.

After all, Chu Feng’s age is still small, and he can use the six strengths of
Lingwu to force Xu Tian to reach this level. He has already explained his
talent. If he is the same age as Xu Tian, ??the winner may be It’s really

Therefore, although people think that Chu Feng is undoubtedly defeated,

but no one has ridiculed Chu Feng's heart, because in their hearts, Chu
Feng is also a genius.


But at this time, Chu Feng actually moved, and put away the full palm of
the hand, in exchange for the road afterimage, such as the wind generally
escaped the attack of Xu Tianyi.


Then the body shape rotates, and the wind is a little bit of thunder and
light, and the sound is stronger than the one that is only one day.

"this is...."

"Oh my God, this is actually a four-stage martial arts. This Chu Feng will
actually have four martial arts skills."
If the previous Xu Tianyi shocked people, then Chu Feng at the moment is
simply making people crazy.

At the age of fifteen, the strength of Lingwu is six, and he still masters
four martial arts. This is simply anti-sky.

Only the most unbelievable, but still behind...

"Zi La La"

Chu Feng's whip leg suddenly pulled out, with a trace of thunder, and
swept away to Xu Tianyi.

"Damn." Xu Tianyi did not dare to neglect, and quickly returned to stop,
because he can feel how strong Chu Feng this whip leg.

What he couldn't think of was that Chu Feng even pulled back the whip leg
in a lightning-fast manner. When he changed his angle, he kicked it out
and kicked at his waist.


Everything came too fast, and Xu Tianyi hadn’t reacted yet. Chu Feng’s
foot was already kicking in his waist, only listening to “click”, Xu Tianyi
was already flying sideways. It fell to the bottom of the bucket.

"Tianyi" saw the situation, Xu Qiang and others were shocked, and rushed
forward to help.

"Don't move," but Xu Tianyi screamed, and the painful road said: "Broken,
the waist is broken."



The whole audience was shaking, and Xu Tian was defeated. A first-class
disciple, a seven-year-old boy, was defeated, and lost to a teenager who
was at least two years younger than him and was still a six-year-old .

Suddenly, the people in the auditorium all stood up, and the thunderous
applause rang out. Some people even cheered and shouted Chu Feng’s

People really can't control their emotions. A teenager who is only fifteen
years old, but who has the six skills of Lingwu, masters four martial arts,
and defeats the seven opponents of Lingwu, this can no longer be called a
genius. It is simply enchanting.

This battle is really wonderful, although the final fight is only between the
electric and the flint, but still let people see the excitement and

"The Chu family actually has such a enchanting look. It seems that it must
be done with the Chu family in the future."

Some people are already making up their minds, and they must make more
exchanges with the Chu family. Nothing else, just because the Chu family
has a enchanting such as Chu Feng.

Chu, who has such a character, is only a matter of time. At that time, even
if they want to tie up, they can’t get it.

Therefore, many people have taken a fancy to the opportunities in front of

them. I feel that as long as they have a good relationship with the Chu
family, there may be one party in the future who can rely on them.
Martial God Asura Chapter 38: Famous Baili
(plus 26)

Chu Feng jumped from the stage and did not enjoy the applause and
cheers, but walked straight out of the performance field.

Looking at the back of Chu Feng's departure, people are at a loss. Only
Chu Yuanba whispered: "It seems that this little guy has a deep grievance."

After leaving the military field, Chu Feng came to the room of Chu
Lianyu. Chu Hongfei’s punch was very vicious, and it was not easy to beat
Chu’s rain. After two hours of coma, he gradually woke up.

"Brother, what happened outside, how is it so noisy?" Chu Yuyu did not
know what happened in the military field.

"Nothing." Chu Feng smiled very calmly.

"Oh, maybe the six uncles are the owners, they blame me for useless. If I
can win, my father can...." Chu Yuyu blamed himself.

"Lonely rain, better?"

But at this time, Chu Yuanba actually came in, and behind him, he
followed Chu Yuan, Chu Renyi, Chu Nanshan and other people with higher
status in Chu.

"Grandpa, I am fine." Seeing Chu Yuanba, Chu Zhiyu hurriedly sat up and
did not dare to be a little scornful to this grandfather.

"It's okay." Chu Yuanba smirked, and his face showed a rare kindness, and
then he made a look at Chu Nanshan behind him.

Upon seeing it, Chu Nanshan has some awkward words: "Lonely rain, it’s
strange that Hongfei’s child is not measured, but you are also going to the
heart, because now he is hurt, more serious than you."

"What? Chu Hongfei was also injured?" Chu is a bit stunned by the rain.

"Oh.." Chu Nanshan smiled and said nothing, but a meaningful look at Chu

Along the eyes of Chu Nanshan, Chu Lianyu was a glimpse of what he
thought of, and his face suddenly became even more amazed, and at this
time, Chu Yuanba was also open.

"Fenger, thanks to you today, otherwise the face of my Chu family, I really
have to be trampled by his Xu family." Chu Yuanba talked, took out ten
Xiansong grass from his arms and handed it to Chu Feng.

"This..." Seeing the situation, everyone can't help but know the first place
in the family, only to get two Xianling grass to reward, but at this moment
Chu Yuanba actually took out 10, this is a Not a small number.

"Grandpa, what do you mean by this?" Chu Feng is pretending.

"This is what you deserve, accept it. I can comfortably accept it." When he
said this, Chu Yuanba apologized.

Although he is not upset about Chu Feng, he can face the situation that
Chu Feng was bullied by the Chu family. He has never interfered. The
reason is very simple. That is, he does not like Chu Feng in his heart.

But today, if it is not Chu Feng's shot, his Chu family will become a
laughing stock, and it is also due to Chu Feng's shot, which makes the Chu
family face double.

Even just now, there are already a few groups of people who show good
things to the Chu family, and Chu Yuanba also knows that this is all
relying on Chu Feng, which is why it makes Chu Yuanba feel more jealous
of Chu Feng. .

"Fenger." See Chu Feng even hesitated, Chu Yuan quickly advised.
"That would like to thank Grandpa." Chu Feng took over the fairy grass,
but there was no smile on his face.

For Chu Feng’s move, Chu Yuanba didn’t mind, but he was very happy. He
turned and said to Chu Yuan: “The future cultivation subsidies of Maple
are five grasses per year.”

Chu Yuan’s words were out, but he said that even Chu Yuan was deeply
surprised. This kind of treatment has never been seen before. Chu Yuanba
obviously wants to focus on training Chu Feng.

Although Chu Nanshan and others at this moment, his face is very bad, but
he dare not say anything, because in the Chu family, Chu Yuanba is the
sky, even if the new owner is replaced, Chu Yuanba is also the real boss of
the Chu family.

"Talk to your father and son, remember that you must adjust the injury of
the lonely rain. Although you have become a homeowner now, you can't
ignore your family." Chu Yuanba said to Chu Yuan.

"Know the father." Chu Yuan should be.

Chu Yuanba looked at Chu Feng and looked at the cold face of Chu Feng.
Chu Yuan’s sly smile, which led the people to leave.

"Father, look at the attitude of Chu Feng, I am used to him..." Just out of
the courtyard, Chu Nanshan accused Chu Feng.

"Shut up!" However, in exchange for it, it was Chu Yuanba who screamed,
and his face pointed coldly at the crowd, extremely dignified:

"A few of you have listened to me. I don't want to hear it again from now
on. Some people say that Maple is not."

"If I hear it again, no matter who it is, it will be disposed of."

Hearing this, the faces of Chu Nanshan and others have become pale, and
they dare not say more, because they all know that in the future, I am
afraid that I can no longer offend Chu Feng.
"Father, are you a master?" In the room, Chu Feng was full of surprises.

"Yeah, I can win this master position, and thanks to your baby son." Chu
Yuan is also full of smiles: "I can't think of your kid, hidden so deep!"

"Oh." In the face of his father's compliment, Chu Feng laughed very happy.
The reason why he worked so hard is to become Chu Yuan's pride, and
today his wish seems to have been realized.

"Father, younger brother, what is going on here?" Finally, Chu Yuyu, who
was full of fog, spoke up.

Upon seeing it, Chu Yuan first smiled. This will be the act of the martial
arts. It tells the story of Chu Lianyu in detail. It also includes the departure
of Chu Feng, and the Xu family’s people fleeing. The Chu Yuan Pa is
declared in the public by Chu Yuan. The position, as well as the forces of
the parties, show the Chu family and so on...

After learning everything, Chu Lianyu was even more open-minded, and
he couldn’t speak without a word. The look of Chu Feng became very
complicated. He never thought that his brother would be like this. .

But no matter what, as the big brother of Chu Feng, he really feels happy
for Chu Feng, because he knows that his brother no longer needs him to

The family will end, Chu Feng has become a square, the biggest hot topic,
many people know that Chu family has a fifteen-year-old Xiu Wu genius.

Some people even squandered Chu Feng’s smallpox, saying that one foot
will be crushed than the bucket, and a sigh of wind slammed into a myth,
which made some people begin to doubt that this Chu Feng is still not
human, but In any case, Chu Feng is clearly the most eye-catching focus of
this mountain.

Especially in the Chu family, under the pressure of Chu Yuanba, everyone
did not dare to say Chu Feng bad words, but even dare not face the Chu
Feng disrespect, had to have a new understanding and attitude towards Chu

On this day, Chu Feng and others returned to Qinglongzong. At the time of
leaving, he gave a note to Chu Lianyu, so that Chu Yuyu had to wait for
him to leave and then open.

"There is something under your pillow..."

This is the content on the note. Looking at Chu Feng and others who have
already been riding the fast horse, Chu Zhiyu shook his head helplessly,
not knowing what his brother is doing with him.

After returning to the room, he still curiously opened the pillow, but it
didn't matter. The still and calm face of Chu Lianyu suddenly waved,
because under the pillow, there were ten fairy grasses. .

This number is not a big deal for Chu Feng, which has refining two beads,
and dozens of Xianling grasses. However, for Chu Yuyu, this is definitely
a big number.

"Oh.." After the shock, Chu Yuyu suddenly smiled. He looked at the
direction of Qinglongzong and whispered: "It seems that I am a big
brother. I really want to rely on this younger brother in the future."
Martial God Asura Chapter 39: Show strength
(plus 27)
Chu Feng made great contributions to the Chu family. Chu Yuanba should
focus on training Chu Feng. This is what Chu family knows well, so
people's attitude towards Chu Feng has also undergone a qualitative

On the way back to Qinglong Zong, Chu Feng, the juniors who had been
hostile to Chu Feng, also began to take the initiative to close with Chu
Feng, but except Chu Yue, Chu Feng’s attitude towards them can only be
regarded as lukewarm.

Looking at Chu Feng and Chu Yue talking and laughing, there are fights,
many people are envious of Chu Yue, but also regret the original actions of
Chu Feng.

Some people have even ruined their intestines, but they can only regret it,
because the only thing in the world is the regret medicine.

"Chu Yuejie, what do you remember to come to me, my house, you know."

After arriving at Qinglong Zong, Chu Feng only said goodbye to Chu Yue,
and did not care about the feelings of others, and then left and swayed.

Looking at the back of Chu Feng's departure, Chu Wei looks complicated.
He would like to say to Chu Feng: "Chu Fengdi, join the Chumeng, if you
can, the position of this lord is done by you."

But he said no, because he knew that he had no face to say this, and he also
knew that even if he said, Chu Feng would not join.

Because even he feels that Chu Meng does not match Chu Feng, can beat
the Lingwu seven heavy Chu Feng, even if placed in the entire inner door,
it can definitely be regarded as outstanding.
Chu Feng did not go directly to his house, but came to the task collection
office of the inner door.

The inner disciples are relatively free, but many people are willing to stay
in the Zongnei cultivation because the Qinglongzong can provide them
with a large number of cultivation resources.

In addition to the annual elixir hunting, this task collection office can be
said to be the only way for inner disciples to obtain cultivation resources.

As the name suggests, this so-called task collection office is to receive a

variety of tasks, and receive corresponding compensation after

The tasks are light and heavy, small enough to find items for people,
escort, big to hunt monsters, help people fight, as for the reward of the
task, naturally linked to difficulty.

"How are all such simple tasks." Chu Feng stood in the hall of the
receiving office, holding his chin in his hand, scanning back and forth the
various task cards hanging on the task list, but after watching it for a long
time, he did not like it. of.

Because of the thunder in the body, Chu Feng now wants to improve his
cultivation, and the aura he needs is getting bigger and bigger. It is not a
simple plant.

Therefore, Chu Feng put the current goal on the Lingzhu, but after reading
the entire task list, the highest task reward is just a few fairy grasses,
Lingzhu? I just don't have to think about it.

"Hey, it seems that it can only accumulate a lot." Thinking of this, Chu
Feng made a crazy decision, he picked up his shirt, facing the task card on
the task list, a crazy chaos, almost all He was able to get the high-hard task
of Xian Ling Cao, and he was all caught by him.

"I rely on, let's see what the kid is doing, is he crazy?"
"My day, this kid is not coming to trouble?"

Chu Feng’s move undoubtedly attracted people’s attention. In their eyes,

Chu Feng’s age is at most the strength of Lingwu’s four-fold strength. The
difficult task must be completed at least by the spirit of the six weapons. It
is not that he can do it. Yes, so people agree that Chu Feng is not crazy or
is in trouble.

However, the difficult task is limited after all. After the task of getting the
fairy grass is fully taken up, Chu Feng has set his sights on the medium-
difficult task.

If Chu Feng is crazy to pick up the difficult task card, it only causes
people to be onlookers, then Chu Feng will reach out to the medium task
card, but it will bring people hatred.

"Hey! Why are you kid, is it sick?" Suddenly, a loud drink rang.

Chu Feng brows slightly wrinkled, looked at the person who smothered
him, only to find out that he actually met, but he participated in the
internal door assessment with him, and was also strongly optimistic, Duan

At the moment, Duan Yuxuan, his face is also very ugly. He struggled for a
long time, and finally found a favorite task, but he could not think of being
taken by Chu Feng.

If you say that Chu Feng really likes this task, but Chu Feng is obviously
not, so this makes Duan Yuxuan can not bear.

"You are jealous of me?" Chu Feng asked calmly.

"Hey, what are you doing, are you **** sick, thinking that this is your
home? If you have such a task, I think you are just messing up..."

"?" Duan Yuxuan’s words have not been finished, and a loud slap will fall
on his face.
That powerful force, Duan Yuxuan instantly felt the body float, the whole
person flew up, when he fell to the ground, he spoke a big mouth, actually
highlighted three big teeth in one breath.


The crowd of people on the scene was awkward, because just before,
everyone could feel that this unremarkable boy was a six-handed master of
Lingwu, and the atmosphere was so thick and utterly staggering.

Lingwu Liuzhong, although not the strongest in the inner door, but this age
can reach the spirit of the six heavy, it is absolutely eye-popping, to know
that the dragon brothers and brothers in the wing league, is only Lingwu
The weight is only over, and the teenager in front of him is obviously
stronger than the age of the dragon brother.

For everyone's horrified eyes, Chu Feng ignored it, but put a large task
token into the package of his shoulder, pointing to Duan Yuxuan on the

"I will pay attention to it later, how many tasks I want to receive, and how
many tasks I will take.

After saying this, Chu Feng will leave without hesitation. With his current
strength, the seven people of Lingwu are not enough to see in front of him.
Even if they face the master of Lingwu, they can fight with all their

As far as he knows, among the inner doors, the strongest seems to be only
awesome, and there are no more than ten such characters. Therefore, there
are no people in the inner door who are afraid of him.

Moreover, after contacting Su Mei, he no longer worried that people

would doubt his cultivation talent because the body was special.

After all, among the inner doors, there are geniuses like Su Mei. It is
conceivable that there are more talented geniuses in the whole
Qinglongzong, the entire Qingzhou territory, and even the entire Kyushu
mainland. With the talent he now shows, It is not at all doubtful.

Therefore, Chu Feng feels that now that he no longer needs to retain his
strength, at least he will not bow to others.

Because, after experiencing the Chu family meeting, Chu Feng also found
a truth, only strong strength, can people learn to respect themselves, so
from now on, he will not be any more disrespectful to him, A touch of

"Who is this kid, just a terrible momentum, I didn't seem to have heard of
his name before." Looking at the cool back of Chu Feng, people talked
about it.

"I know who he is. He is Chu Feng. He was the one who refused the
invitation of the wing alliance some time ago." At this moment, someone
shouted, and when the words came out, there was another piece in the
crowd. Marvel.

As for Duan Yuxuan, who was lying on the ground, he was afraid after a
while, a Lingwu six-weight, and there are people behind the wing as a
backstage, but he can not offend.
Martial God Asura Chapter 40: I am Su Mei’s
heart (plus 28)
"Give me away, and then dare to block the way of Miss, I will abolish
you." But Chu Feng just walked out of the mission to receive the place,
they heard a sharp girl voice.

"Su Mei?"

Hearing this voice, Chu Feng couldn't help but be surprised. He thought
that it was Su Mei who had any trouble, and he quickly walked in the
direction of the sound.

Sure enough, not far away, Su Mei’s figure was discovered, but at the
moment Su Mei’s side is surrounded by more than a dozen Kendo League

They did not hide their breath, so Chu Feng was able to clearly sense that
the strength of these dozens of people is mostly in the spirit of Wu Wu,
and the strongest is a young man, is the strength of Lingwu six.

It was a tall boy with a white face and a big eyebrow. It was a standard
little white face. At the moment, he was facing the evil smile of Su Mei.
Nima, a member of this group of martial arts, actually played in the
public. .

However, it may be due to the special status of Su Mei, the white-faced

man is very arrogant, so the Su Mei is extremely unhappy, and has a great

Upon seeing it, Chu Feng, who wanted to go to the front, immediately
stopped the pace. Because of the strength of Su Mei, he understood it. It
was the seven weapons of Lingwu. These people dared to entangle Sumei
and simply found death.
However, it is clear that this girl did not want to expose her strength. She
did not take the shot, so Chu Feng simply joined the crowd to watch the
crowd, and smiled in the heart: "I see how long you can bear this

"Su Mei girl, my sword is really like you, can't you give me a chance?"

"Not to mention, in the entire inner door, on the house, on the strength, on
the appearance, in addition to my sword Chen who can match you?"

The white-faced man named Jian Chen was full of affection and white, and
a pair of thieves were aiming at Su Mei, aiming at the seductive place, and
could not help but lick his lips.

"You....." Su Mei's patience has clearly reached the limit, and what she
can't stand most is being entangled.

But when she was about to erupt, she suddenly saw a familiar figure in the
crowd. She suddenly took the opportunity to put away the angry look.
Some embarrassed said to Jian Chen: "Actually, I already have a
sweetheart. ”

"What? You have a sweetheart? Who is it?" And listening to Su Mei's

words, the sword Chen seems to have suffered a huge blow, and suddenly
became excited.

Su Mei is a proud smile, randomly pointing his attention to the crowd,

using the extremely gentle language to say: "Dear, someone bullied me,
you look at it?" And the person she looked at, is It is Chu Feng among the

"I am doing" Chu Feng screamed, he could not think of So Mei found so
soon, and was also put together, Su Mei this is obviously to take him as a

Despite his unhappiness, as a man, how can Chu Feng retreat in the face of
all the condensed eyes, not to mention that he was originally intended to
solve the problem for Su Mei.
"Baby, I just arrived, which **** bullies you, I will help you teach him."
Chu Feng pretending to go out from the crowd, came to Su Mei, he smiled
evilly and made a stunned move.

With a big hand and a wave of wind, he swept through the wind, and
actually brought the delicate little beauty of Sumei into his arms.

This scene can be described as stunned. People are wide open mouths, and
some people even drop their eyes.

Who is Su Mei, the genius in the inner door is no one knows no one, the
famous beauty, although there are not many people who have seen her, but
anyone who has seen her will be fascinated by her beauty. .

Many people even think of her as the goddess in the heart, and those who
have high strength and strong background have directly pursued the
offensive against Su Mei. In fact, this sword is only one of them.

"You...." In the face of so many people being eaten tofu, Su Mei is also
angry with his eyes.

However, considering that he had thought about it, he still resisted the
anger. Not only did he not have an episode, but it was a happy smile. The
bird was in the arms of Chu Feng.

At this moment, Chu Feng can feel that the two groups are softly attached
to the chest, the feeling of comfort, suddenly let him hit a spirit, then
could not help but hold the Soviet Union in the arms a little, enjoy this
Kind of soft.

"Fuck, who are you?"

The goddess of her own is embraced by others in front of her. The

swordsman only feels angry and tempted, and the murderous murder is
already emitted.

"Who am I? I am Su Mei's sweetheart." Chu Feng looked up and said

"You are a trick." Su Mei screamed in her heart, because it was a man who
could hear the meaning of Chu Feng’s words. He meant that Su Mei was
attached to him.

"Mom, Laozi has abolished you." Jianchen finally broke out, pulling out
the black iron sword behind him, and stabbed it against Chu Feng.

"Dear, help me teach him."

However, what makes Chu Feng speechless is that Su Mei, who is a bird,
has pushed him out, and that force is very good. He goes straight to
Jianfeng’s Jianfeng, which is simply cheaper for Chu Feng. Carry out
naked revenge wow.

However, Chu Feng is now what strength, Lingwu seven heavy are not
enough to watch, let alone a Lingwu six heavy?


On the side of Chu Feng's body shape, he escaped the attack of Jian Chen,
and then lifted his leg and directly turned the sword to the individual.

"Kids, you are looking for death", the remaining dozens of members of the
Kendo League, waving the black iron sword in their hands, ruthlessly
slashed Chu Feng.

However, they are the opponents of Chu Feng, just the blink of an eye, a
full dozen people, all of them were beaten by Chu Feng's nose, bruised,
rolled over and mourned on the ground.

"Treading" Chu Feng stepped on the body of Jian Chen, and said with
domineering: "I will harass my baby later, I will kill your full teeth."

Then, Chu Feng smiled and came to Su Mei’s body. He was so rude that he
would put Su Mei in his arms. “Tell one, baby went to my meeting.” Then
he swayed to his house. go with.

"Who is this kid, even with Su Mei....."

Looking at the pictures of the two people who are escaping, when people
question their identity, they can also hear the heartbreaking sound of the

Along the way, Chu Feng was very rude. He held Su Mei in his arms
tightly, ignoring the white eyes that Su Mei had thrown at her, and the
small hand that sneaked his arm.

The idea of ??Chu Feng is like this. Even if I endure the pain, I will take
advantage of you. This is not to take up the white, you take me as the price
of the shield.

"Trick or treat, you are enough."

Just entering the house of Chu Feng, Su Mei pushed a handful of Chu
Feng, and a blast of wind rushed over. Su Mei and his fierce rear legs
swung over to Chu Feng.

"I am going~"

Chu Feng was shocked, because this Su Mei is stronger than him, both in
speed and strength.

This girl is actually a martial arts!

Martial God Asura Chapter 41: big trouble

In the face of such a strong Su Mei, Chu Feng could not escape, but in
desperation, had to display the first style of the Thunder.

When this trend came out, Chu Feng seemed to have turned into a
thunderbolt, and the speed increased several times in a blink of an eye. As
the light flew open, he finally escaped the attack of Su Mei.

"How do you make such a gimmick?"

Chu Feng was shocked. According to his estimation, in the face of the
eight masters of Lingwu, even if they can not win, at least they can also

However, the previous offensive of Su Mei was obviously an ordinary

attack, but forced Chu Feng to have to display the Thunder three styles.
This ace means, which is beyond his imagination.

"Hey, do you think that only you have cultivated Xuan Gong?" Looking at
the surprised Chu Feng, Su Mei disdainfully smashed Chu Feng, and no
longer shot Chu Feng, but sat in the chair of the hall. Picking up an apple,
it’s not a lady’s screaming.

"Xuan Gong, have you cultivated Xuan Gong?" Chu Feng was even more

What is Xuan Gong, he is naturally clear, Xuan Gong is a kind of

exercises, the reason why it is called Xuan Gong, precisely because of his

Mastering the martial arts law can condense the aura. If the qualifications
are good, it is completely possible to break through the Yuan Wu dynasty.
However, only those who master the martial arts martial arts, Yuan Wuyi
is already the end of his cultivation, just like Chu Feng’s grandfather Chu
Yuan. Ba.

Because Yuan Wujing is a brand new realm, what is needed is no longer to

consolidate the aura, but to force Yuan, and Yuan Li also exists between
heaven and earth, but it is not a martial law that can be condensed.

If you want to condense the power, only the cultivation of Xuan Gong, but
Xuan Gong is too precious, too rare, it is said that in the entire
Qinglongzong, there are only a few, and in addition to the elders, only the
core disciples can practice .

But Su Mei is only an inner disciple. How could he cultivate Xuan Gong?

"Is it strange? Even if you have cultivated Xuan Gong, can't this Miss be
able to cultivate?" Su Mei said.

"It turned out that this girl thought that I had cultivated Xuan Gong." Chu
Feng’s heart moved. He only heard the mysterious mystery of Xuan Gong,
but he never saw it, but think about it, his various performances now, and
the rumor People who have passed Xuan Gong are very similar.

"Hey, what is your expression? Don't tell me that you haven't cultivated
Xuan Gong, but because you are talented, you can win with weakness."

"I did not practice Xuan Gong," Chu Feng said.

"Do you really?" Su Mei came over.

"Well." Chu Feng nodded.

Su Mei stared at Chu Feng for a long time, just like looking for the flaws
of Chu Feng's lying, but in the end she was surprised: "It seems that this
spiritual person is really powerful. It has been such a strong man without
practicing Xuan Gong. Have you rehabilitated Xuan Gong?"

"Oh, Xuan Gong that kind of thing, which I can cultivate." Chu Feng shook
his head, if you can, he really wants to see the so-called Xuan Gong.
Especially when I learned that Su Mei was practicing Xuan Gong, I was
able to make progress like this. After I was so strong, he was more
interested in that Xuan Gong.

Looking at the Chu Feng, which shows the color of yearning, Su Mei Liu’s
eyebrows are wrinkled. It seems to be making a difficult decision. After a
while, “I can give you Xuan Gong.”

"Do you really?" Hearing this, Chu Feng looked changed.

"I like to lie to you?" Su Mei is full of dignity.

"What about the cost?"

"The price is to join my wing."

"Why do you want me to join the wing league?"

"Because I want to draw you, now I am in the wing league, wing alliance is
my power to rely on, so I think that your joining, can strengthen this
power. In addition, you have no retreat now."

"What do you mean by this?" Chu Feng felt a little uneasy.

"Don't you know that the sword that you just played is the younger brother
of the martial arts ally?" Su Mei laughed.

"You are a dead girl." Chu Feng suddenly realized that for a long time, this
gimmick was not only used as a shield, but it was just to let him and the
martial arts alliance, and formed a hatred that could not be resolved.

If he said that he had previously played only an ordinary member of the

Kendo League, perhaps the Kendo League would not be too much pursued
because of his strength.

But since Chu Feng is playing the younger brother of the lord, then the
Kendo League will surely pursue the end, because it is not only related to
the face, but also related to family.
"I know that you have the spirit of not afraid of fear, but you have to think
about it, you can not be afraid, but your Chu Yue sister, those of your Chu
family, will they be afraid?" Say again.

"I really look down on you." Chu Feng did not expect that this girl knew
him so much, apparently inspecting his details, so he said: "But my answer
is still that sentence, I refuse. ”

"Chu Feng, you are too proud of it?" Su Mei was a little angry, and was
rejected at the expense of Xuan Gong, which made her intolerable, and the
temper of Missy was instantly attacked.

"This is not a problem of pride and arrogance, but I Chu Feng does not like
others to threaten me, let's go." Chu Feng waved his hand and was so
overcast by this girl. If Chu Feng is not angry, then it is not normal. .

At this time, the gate of Chu Feng’s house was suddenly pushed open, and
then Chu Gao stumbled and ran in.

Seeing Chu Feng, as I saw the savior, shouted: "The young Master Chu
Feng, go to save them, I am afraid I will be too late."

"Chu Gao, what happened?" Seeing, Chu Feng was shocked, because he
looked at Chu Gao's scarred look, apparently suffered a fierce struggle.

"Young Master Chu Wei, Miss Chu Yue...." Chu Gao was full of panic, and
it was already incoherent.

"Catch me in the past!" Hearing the word Chu Yue, Chu Feng was too lazy
to ask, screaming Chu Gao and rushed out.

However, before leaving, Chu Feng glanced at Su Mei, because he felt that
this is mostly the martial arts alliance to come to the door.

“I’m looking for it so soon?” Seeing it, Su Mei also grinned, thinking for a
moment, or followed.

On the way, I learned that Chu Gao, they did not encounter the revenge of
Kendo League, but provoked another alliance.
Shortly before Chu Feng left, Chu Wei and others met a fat man, and the
fat man looked at the beauty of Chu Yue and Chu Xue, and even dubbed
the two in public.

Chu Wei and others smashed the fat man, but they did not think that they
would soon attract a group of masters of martial arts. The original fat man
who only had three martial arts was actually a ally of the alliance. Not
only did he have many people, but also many Master.

Now the Chu family are caught by him, Chu Gao is the only one to run out.

"Wait, the fat man you said, is he called Liu Mang, and his alliance is
called Liu Meng?" Su Mei asked.

"What he called is not known, but his alliance is indeed called Liu Meng."
Chu Gao replied.

At this moment, even Su Mei, who has never been afraid of the sky, is also
slightly wrinkled by Liu Mei, who is extremely dignified to Chu Fengdao:

"Chu Feng, your family is in big trouble!"

Martial God Asura Chapter 42: One enemy
"What is the meaning of this?" Seeing Su Mei's so dignified, Chu Feng
also realized that the group may not be simple.

"If I didn't guess wrong, the fat man is called Liu Mang. Although only
Lingwu's triple repair is done, he is indeed the ally of Liu Meng."

"The Liu Meng is not simple. There are hundreds of members, and there
are two masters of Lingwu and seven. Among the many alliances within
the inner door, at least they can rank in the top ten."

"And Liu Meng is such a waste. The reason why he can recruit so many
people to join, do you know what he is relying on?"


"His grandfather Liu Chengen is the principal of the Qinglong

Zongmenmen penalty section. He is in charge of the internal penalty
system. In addition, Liu Mang is a single biography of Liu Jiajiu, so his
grandfather is extremely fond of him."

"And Liu Mang has such a appeal, naturally because of his relationship
with his grandfather, because in the inner door, all members of Liu Meng,
as long as they do not make trouble in the inner door, almost no mistakes
will be pursued. So this Liu Meng will be so rampant." Su Mei said.

"What do you say to me?" Chu Feng's eyes became dignified.

"This Liu Meng is not something you can provoke, but as long as you join
me, I can help you." Su Mei laughed.

"It's the same person. Nothing is what Chu Feng can't provoke. In addition,
you made a mistake. It's not that Chu Feng wants to provoke him, but he
provokes me Chu Feng."
"As for your kindness, I will take it. This is my family's family affairs. As
a man, I want to deal with it myself." After finishing these, Chu Feng said
to Chu Gao: "Chu Gao, lead the way!"

"Yes," Chu Gao loudly responded, and quickly ran to Liu Meng's direction.

"This guy is really a trick, it is simply not the oil and salt." Looking at the
back of Chu Feng, Su Mei sighed with a small mouth, but hesitated for a
moment, still followed.

Somewhere inside the door, there is a vast mansion, which is the residence
of Liu Mang and the headquarters of Liu Meng.

At the moment, there are hundreds of inside disciples gathered outside Liu
Meng, and the number of onlookers is still increasing, because in front of
Liu Meng’s door, there are more than a dozen inside disciples.

They are covered with flesh and blood, and some people are already
fainting, and these are Chu Wei, Chu Cheng, Chu Zhen, and other Chu

"Look, Liu Meng is demonstrating again, so that the same disciple is

insulted. Is there no one to control?"

"Manage? Who is going to manage? The principal of the internal penalty

section is that Liu Mang’s pro-grandfather, who in the inner door dares to
control him, he is simply the inner bully!"

"Hey, you are all small, if you are heard by the people of the wing, those
people are your end."

"Oh, it’s a pity that the two girls are so cute, I am afraid they will be
ruined by Liu Mang."

Onlookers' disciples, dare to anger, can't speak. Although the strength of

Liu Meng's many alliances in the inner door is not the strongest, his
background is extremely deep.

"Mom, that Liu Mang is killing."

At this moment, Chu Feng three people rushed over and looked at the ****
Chu family, Chu Feng is unable to control his anger, and rushed toward
Liu Meng.

"Standing, Liumeng headquarters, non-Liu Meng people are forbidden to

step in." Seeing someone approaching, a member of the gate guarding Liu
Meng, drunk.

"I am going to your mother." Chu Feng jumped up and kicked the man to
the ground.

Then, Chu Feng picked up his collar and confronted his face with three
consecutive punches. He beat the man with blood and his nose.

Then Chu Feng waved his arm and drove the man like a sandbag. He flew
into the courtyard of Liu Meng in a beautiful arc.

"Liu Meng's people have given me a good listen, and I will release Chu
Chu Chu Xue to me, otherwise I will level you Liu Meng!"

Chu Feng’s voice is like a thunder, but people who are onlookers, even the
people inside Liu Meng’s house, can also hear clearly.

"I rely on, who is that kid? How dare you provoke Liu Meng?"

"I don't know, I have never seen it, but looking at this age, it seems to be a
new disciple this year."

"It’s really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. I dare to challenge
the entire Liu Meng alone. I think he is tired." Many people feel silent
about Chu Feng’s actions and feel that his behavior is the same as death.

Sure enough, when Chu Feng’s words just fell, the door of Liu Meng’s
house suddenly opened, and the hundreds of people rushed out.

These people have stepped into the youth, a personal high horse, the
strength is not weak, the weakest is also the four weapons, and the
strongest is the six.
"Where is the little rabbit, I dare to come to Liu Meng to wild, and give
me abolishment."

One of them, looked at the courtyard, and the Liu Meng member who was
beaten with a snot of his eyes was not nonsense. He rushed over to Chu

"Today, dare to block me, the consequences are conceited."

In the face of hundreds of Liu Meng members, the violent Chu Feng not
only did not retreat in the slightest, but like a mad tiger, jumped into the
army of Liu Meng.

Chu Feng's shot is extremely hot, and everyone who is caught by him is
ashamed of broken bones, but he is unconscious on the spot, and recruits
to see blood, which is unmatched.

In front of him, whether it is the four weapons of Lingwu, or the six

weapons of Lingwu, they can not block his move, and all kinds of
mourning are ringing.

"God, who is this guy, how can it be so powerful."

"It’s terrible. It’s so hot at such a young age, and the bitter murderousness
is so chilling.”

Chu Feng entered Liu Meng, but in the blink of an eye, Liu Meng
collapsed into a military. People were amazed at this. Even some
onlookers were scared and shivering.

The hundreds of young men, who are still fascinating members of Liu
Meng, are simply a group of good little sheep in front of Chu Feng.

Because in front of the tiger, the wolf will become docile, and in the face
of the devil, the wicked will become kind.

"This guy, I still underestimated him."

Su Mei in the corner, watching Chu Feng in the crowd, the opening of the
killing, a pair of beautiful faint flashing, sweet face has long become no
longer calm.

Avoiding the strength, if you are so old, you can be so hot, and it is not
possible for Sumei to do it. After all, their age is still so small.

However, Chu Feng did it. If it wasn’t for the Qinglongzong’s rules, Su
Mei had no doubt that Chu Feng would kill all these people.

It is precisely because of this that Chu Feng’s mind is still sober, and it is
possible to maintain a sober mind in such a violent situation, which further
illustrates the horror of Chu Feng.

It’s still so old, if you grow up in the future, what’s it? At this moment, Su
Mei did have a new understanding of Chu Feng.
Martial God Asura Chapter 43: One killing ****
(plus 29)
"Hey, my two little beauty, see how you resist this time."

In a room in the Liumeng House, a fat man with a pustule and a fat head
was watching the Chu Yue and Chu Xue on the bed.

This is the ally of Liu Meng, the notorious big color demon, Liu Mang.


The hands and feet of Chu Yue and Chu Xue were firmly tied to the bed,
and the mouth was sealed tightly. The eyes were filled with fear, and they
shivered and shivered.

In addition to the three of them, there are still two young people standing
in the room at the moment. These two are the masters of Lingwu and the
strongest, Liu Meng's strongest existence.

It is ridiculous to ask them why they are here. It is because Liu Mang’s
strength is too weak to invade Chu Yue and Chu Xue.

Under the pressure, they had to let the two of them shoot, and Chu Xue and
Chu Yue **** to facilitate Liu Mang to do it.

For this kind of bad thing, they can help Liu Mang, and most of them can
taste the sweetness.

So at the moment, they are not going to leave, but they are ready to watch
the reality show. When Liu Mang finishes, they also taste the taste.


But at this moment, there was another scream of tears outside, and before
that, such screams had already sounded several times.
This made Liu Mang's brow wrinkled and said to the two people: "Go and
see, let them almost do it, don't break the interest of Laozi."

Seeing Liu Mang’s instructions, although the two were not willing, they
had to turn downstairs to stop the members of Liu Meng and continue to
beat the people who committed the crime.

Just walked into the hall, only to hear a loud bang, the door of the house
was actually knocked open, and a figure also flew in.

"this is....."

The man who flew into the hall, the blood of the face, could not see who it
was, but on the clothes, he wrote a Chinese character, which was a member
of Liu Meng.

"Oh shit."

Seeing that their own people were beaten like this, the two men suddenly
became angry. Although Liu Mang is the boss of Liu Meng, in fact, they
are the strongest of Liu Meng.

However, when they walked to the door and saw the scene of the
courtyard, even the two of them were shocked.

At this moment, Liu Meng’s spacious courtyard is surrounded by members

of Liu Meng. Every one of them is full of flesh and blood. Except for the
faint people, they are all rolling in the ground and screaming loudly. It is
very fierce.

Chu Feng is holding a man's collar. Even though the man is constantly
begging for mercy, he is not moving. He suddenly slams out and only
listens to the "click". The man's sternum is broken by hard. .

The man was screaming, fainting on the spot, and like a scarecrow, was
thrown high by Chu Feng, and his voice fell not far away.

In this regard, the hundreds of Liu Meng members who had previously
besieged Chu Feng had been defeated by Chu Feng.
However, from the time he shot to the end, it was only a short moment of
effort. This kind of ending, the onlookers exclaimed.

This is still a young boy, it is a living killing.

"Kid, who are you?"

Suddenly, there was a loud drink at the gate of the mansion, and everyone
was shocked.

Because people can feel that the breath of the two people is the spirit of
the seven, people know that Liu Meng's strongest force has appeared.

If we say that Chu Feng is only a shrimp and crab, then the face is now the
top master, so people are looking forward to, Chu Feng and the two fight,
how will it.

"Who am I, you will remember." Chu Feng slowly turned around and cast
the murderous look on the two.

"This guy...."

When they saw the cold face of Chu Feng and the murderous gaze, the
body could not help but tremble, unable to control one step backwards, an
unstoppable fear spread in the bottom of my heart.


At this moment, Chu Feng suddenly shot, step forward, such as the arrow
from the string, flying up, the whole person turned into a thunder, and
instantly came to the two.

The two had not reacted yet. They only felt the lightning flashing in front
of them, and the blood in the chest rushed, and then the big mouth was
sprayed out, and they were unable to plant on the ground.

"Oh my God, that kind of power is four martial arts!!!"

"That kid is going to have four martial arts skills. How is this possible?"
"I know, I know, he is the champion of this year's internal examination,
killing the forty beasts of forty beasts in an instant."

"How is it possible, how long has the internal door assessment been, how
can he master the four martial arts skills so quickly!!!"

"In addition, his breath is only six spirits, how can he defeat two Lingwu
seven masters with one blow? Is it true that the four-stage martial arts is
so terrible?"

The onlookers completely blasted the pot. If the previous Chu Feng played
against hundreds of people in Liu Meng, it showed his hot means, then
what he showed at this moment is absolute strength.

One that makes people unbelievable, a person who is beyond the reach of
people, and who can achieve this level, is regarded as a true genius.

"It's really ignorant, the world of genius, how can the mediocrity

Su Mei glanced at the people who were shocked by the onlookers, and then
looked at Chu Feng, only to find that Chu Feng has disappeared into the
hall of the mansion.

"Well, this guy is going to provoke a big disaster." Upon seeing it, Su Mei
squatted into the mansion.

"Baby, wait anxious, I will come with you."

Still in that room, Liu Mang had already stripped off his clothes, revealing
his disgusting body.

His eyes looked at Chu Yue and Chu Xue on the bed, shamelessly licking
his lips, excitedly rubbing his hands, and he had to rush to the two people.

"?" can be at this moment, a muffled sound came, and looked at Liu
Mang's face changed greatly, scared the eyes are falling out.
Because he saw the door of the room, he actually came out of the box, and
now he was flying toward him, and the speed, he was already inevitable.


"Oh my God"

A loud bang, the door squatting on Liu Mang's body, hit a crush, and Liu
Mang was hit hard in the corner of the room, dizzy, covered with wood
chips, not shackled.

When he gradually recovered, he was shocked to find that there was one
more person in the room, and he was standing in front of him and staring
at himself.

Although, this is only a teenager, but the squats exude a sense of fear,
especially those eyes, as if permeating the blood red light, it is like a devil.
Martial God Asura Chapter 44: The disaster is
coming (plus 30)
"You, you....who are you?" This can scare Liu Mang. He is constantly
retreating backwards, but now he is in the corner and there is no way to go.

"?" However, Chu Feng did not say that the direct shot, a palm like an
eagle catching, went straight to the lower body of Liu Mang, one hand
seized the life of Liu Mang.

"Say, how many girls have you spoiled?" Chu Feng suddenly smiled and
laughed very strangely.

However, Liu Mang apparently did not respond, see Chu Feng smile,
thought it was a turning point, suddenly came to the momentum, shouted:

"Why do you ask, do you know who I am? If you dare to touch me, I will
kill you!"

"What are you doing, just from today, you can only recollect the
previously ruined girl." Here, Chu Feng's single palm suddenly clenched.

"Chu Feng stopped!" At this moment, Su Mei rushed in and saw Chu
Feng's move, and stopped loudly.

However, it was too late, only to hear the sound of "??", a blood splattered
from the hands of Chu Feng.


And Liu Mang, it is even more like a pig-like roar, his hands licking his
crotch, and then rolling over, may not be able to endure the pain, and soon
passed out.

"Chu Feng, you have caused a big disaster!" Seeing this scene, even Su
Mei can not calm down.
"Bad? He dared to move my family, it was a big disaster!"

"He should have fortunately not touched my Chu Yue sister, otherwise I
will not only break his roots, but his life." Chu Feng snorted, and quickly
walked to Chu Yue and Chu Xue.


When Chu Feng untied the ropes of the two men, Chu Yue and Chu Xue
flew into the arms of Chu Feng at the same time, crying and crying.

If it wasn't for Chu Feng's coming, I am afraid that the innocence of the
two of them would really be ruined by Liu Mang.

After the event, Chu Feng left the Chu family, and this incident quickly
sensationalized the inner door, and more and more people gathered outside
Liu Meng.

Everyone knows that a teenager, hundreds of people in the Liu Meng

League, has singled out Liu Meng, who is not evil, and the boy is called
Chu Feng.

Everyone knows that the name of Chu Feng is destined to be famous in the
inner door, but people do not know whether Chu Feng can live tomorrow.

Because, Chu Feng not only leveled Liu Meng, but also abolished Liu
Mang and broke the root of Liu.

For this kind of thing, as a grandfather of Liu Mang, how can he sit and
watch, Chu Feng is destined to be a big disaster.

Sure enough, just after Liu Mang was abolished, the house where Chu
Feng was located was surrounded by a large number of people.

These are not simple disciples, but the elders of the inner door. Everyone
is a master of the Yuan Wujing, and it is the person at the penalty office.

In the face of these penalty elders, Chu Feng simply could not resist, and
they could only be taken away by them.
"When it is finished, Chu Feng is finished, then Liu Chengen will
definitely want Chu Feng's life."

"Oh, unfortunately, such a genius, just entering the inner door should have
a great future, but it has provoked people who should not be provoked."

At the moment, outside the house of Chufeng, there are also many people
gathered. They all came with Chu Feng, and Chu Feng was taken away by
the punishment. People felt sorry for Chu Feng.

However, no one noticed that Su Mei had been kneeling in the vicinity, and
when he saw the first moment of the appearance of the elders, he turned
and left.

In the place where there are many elders in the inner door, in addition to
the Wuji Pavilion, the penalty office, and the mission collection office,
there is one of the most important places. That is the Grand Court.

This elder pavilion, which is in charge of thousands of elders in the inner

door, is the place where the longest number of elders is the most, and the
principal here is called Surou.

"What, you said that Chu Feng has abolished the life of Liu Mang?"

In a certain hall of the Changle Pavilion, Surou heard the beauty of Su

Mei’s story, and the beautiful face was full of surprise.

"Yes, sister, you must help Chu Feng, otherwise he will be more fierce."
Su Mei pleaded.

"There is a lot of fierceness? With Liu Chengen's old guy's means, it is his
good fortune to let him die."

"This Chu Feng is too impulsive, I can't help him." Su Rou sighed with

"Sister, don't you look at it like this? Chu Feng is killed by people. You
should know, if we can pull him to him, how big is it for my family?" Su
Mei is in a hurry.
"Chu Feng is indeed a personal talent. If it is well cultivated, it will indeed
help me in the future, but he is not worthy of me for him, but with Liu
Chengen turning his face." Su Roo shook his head.

"But, he is a spiritual person. We are looking for such a person for so long.
Isn't it worth your shot?" Su Mei said excitedly.

"What do you say? Say it again?" And listening to this, Su Rou's look
suddenly changed.

"I mean, isn't he worth your shot?"

"No, it is the previous sentence."

"He is a spiritual person."

"Sister, what are you talking about? Chu Feng has spiritual strength? How
do you know?" At this moment, Su Rou excitedly grabbed Su Mei's
shoulders and asked loudly.

"I saw it with my own eyes, don't you know?" Su Mei was also suddenly
changed by Surou, and it was a bit stunned.

"You see? When did you see it?"

Seeing that Su Rou really didn't know, Chu Feng had spiritual powers, and
Su Mei would have said what happened in the elixir hunting, and said to
Su Rou in 1510.

"If you say it is true, then this Chu Feng seems to be really spiritual." Su
Rou slowly closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and when the proud chest
undulating, the calm road: This Chu Feng, must be saved! ”

The penalty office is the place to punish the wrong disciple and the
prisoner. The people who are not here are all Qinglongzong, but anyone
who is detained here cannot escape the punishment.

At this moment, in the most stringent iron prison of the penalty section,
Chu Feng’s hands were buckled by the black iron chain and hung in the air.
In front of him, there are more than a dozen elders of punishment, headed
by an old man with gray hair and sheep.

The old man had a pair of swords and an eyebrow, and the beard was also
rooted up. At first glance, he was a sly character, and he was the principal
of the penalty department, Liu Mang’s grandfather, Liu Chengen.

At the moment, Liu Chengen closed his eyes and said: "Meng Er’s injury
can be cured?"

"Back to the adults, the injury of Mang’s young man has been stable, but
there is no way to fix it..."

"Waste!" Liu Chengen suddenly stood up, the seat underneath was
shattered and shattered, pointing to the elder lady next to him: "At any
cost, you must let Mang's injury heal."

"Yes, yes, the villain must do his best." The elder was frightened and
retreated, and turned and went out.

At this moment, Liu Chengen finally turned the fierce gaze to Chu Feng,
the evil road:

"Cut the life of this kid with me, dig up his glasses, cut off his ear and
nose, and smash his limbs."

"Following the fate" Liu Chengen’s voice just fell, and the elders behind
him were holding various instruments and slowly coming to Chu Feng.

They all have sly colors on their faces, as if they want to unload Chu Feng,
and in fact, they are indeed prepared.

At this time, the heavy black iron gate in the iron prison turned into a
crush, and at the same time, a shadow appeared in front of the door.
Martial God Asura Chapter 45: Overbearing
Surou (plus 31)
Su Rou, she is wearing a white dress at the moment, so she is assembled
with her fox face, which looks different and has a refined temperament.

However, when Su Rou appeared, the look of these penalty elders became

Because this iron prison has been strictly defended, no one can enter the
prison except the person at the penalty office, and Su Rou’s behavior at
this moment is simply powerful.

"Elder Su Rou, this is really a rare guest. I don't know why it is my


Although I saw that Su Rou was not good, but thought of the identity
background of this girl, even Liu Chengen had to smile.

"It's just a little trivial. I want to ask Liu to be a convenient person." Surou
smiled and smiled, and even the old guys who lived a lot of age were too
much to eat.

"The elders of Surou have something to say, I will definitely do my best."

Liu Chengen smiled.

"I want to take this Chu Feng away." Surou smiled.

When he said this, he said that other people, even Liu Chengen, who had
previously smiled, was also a face change.

"Surou, what are you kidding, you know what this Chu Feng did?" Liu
Cheng'en's attitude became fierce.

"No matter what he did, I will take him away today." Surou also put away a
"No, I will put my words here today, even if the king of Laos is coming, I
would like to take this Chu Feng away and send the guest." Liu Chengen
swung his sleeves and turned away to ignore Surou.

"Suerou Elder, please," I saw, several elders who were sentenced, but also
smiled and went to Surou, and wanted to take Surou away.


But not yet close, Surou's body and an invisible breath, the breath of
strong, such as the vortex generally swept open, the moment filled the
entire iron prison.

Almost at the same time as this breath was released, more than a dozen
elders were lying on the ground, and the blood of the big mouth was
sprayed out. Only Liu Chengen could stand in the same place.

At the moment, around Surou, the whirlwind whirls, and the long black
hair of the black hair dances up and down, and the snowy long skirt is
swaying from side to side, as if the fairy is down, but her gaze is
extremely cold.

"I also put the words here today, this Chu Feng you have to put it, you have
to put it!"

"Surou, you don't have to take a shot!"

Upon seeing it, Liu Chengen was also furious, and an equally arrogant
breath broke out and swept through the iron prison.

"Rumble rumble"

At this moment, Chu Feng can hear it, and the roaring roar in all
directions. It can be seen that this sturdy iron prison is shaking violently,
as if it can not resist the breath of the two.

Under this pressure, even the elders of the Yuan Wujing who were on the
ground were also yelling and unbearable.
However, Chu Feng is completely nothing, there is a soft atmosphere
around him, is resisting another tyrannical atmosphere, apparently that Su
Rou is protecting him with breath.

"Liu Chengen, I don't look down on you, I want to compete with me, you
still don't deserve it!"

Suddenly, Surou took a step forward, the jade feet just landed, and a deep
crack spread out like a snake in the road. He rushed on the ground and flew
away to Liu Chengen.



When the crack came to Liu Chengen's front, he suddenly flew out and
slammed into the wall of the black iron. When he landed, his mouth was
sprayed, and a blood was sprayed out.

" have reached this point, why should this strength stay in the
inner door to be an elder?" Liu Chengen stared at Surou, his eyes filled
with shock, because of the strength of Surou, far Beyond his imagination.

"Some things are best not to ask!" Surou stunned Liu Chengen with a
sneak peek, and then the jade hand waved.

Just listening to the "????" sound, the Xuan iron chain on the hand of Chu
Feng was actually cut, and Chu Feng also regained freedom and landed on
the ground.

Although Chu Feng did not know why Su Rou saved him, he still rushed to
the side of Surou, because he knew that at this moment, only the woman's
side is the safest zone.

Chu Feng glanced at the crack on the ground, could not help but **** a
cold breath, to know that the entire iron prison is made of thick black iron,
can step on the black iron on the crack, showing the strength of Su Rou is
How sturdy.
Seeing Chu Feng is not a big problem, Surou is also a smile on the Chu
Feng, actually took Chu Feng's hand and took him out.

Close to watching, Chu Feng found that this Su is really beautiful,

although the beauty of Su Mei is not worse than this Su, but still still
young, there is a layer of young girls.

But this Su is different, she has completely faded the green scorpion, and
the scent of the body is exudes the mature charm, even the body fragrance
is particularly charming.


But at Chu Feng, immersed in a tempting body fragrance, Su Rou suddenly

stopped the pace, and turned back to Liu Chengen in an extremely cold

"Don't think about it, secretly start with Chu Feng, not to think about the
disadvantages of Chu."

"Otherwise, it is not as simple as your grandson's broken life. I will let you
go to the entire Liu family and remove it from Qingzhou."

"Surou, you don't force me, push me hard, no one has a good fruit to eat."
Liu Chengen snarled in anger.

"Hey? If you think you can do it, try it, I will be with you at any time."
Surou suddenly smiled, but the smile was very cold, and no longer ****
with Liu Chengen, but with Chu Feng out of the iron prison.

After Su Rou left, Liu Chengen was like a deflated ball, sitting on the
ground with powerlessness, his face filled with this sluggish look.

After a long time, he smiled bitterly and even burst into tears. He knew
that he had said a big talk before, because his Liu family compared with
Su Rou’s family background, it’s really a shame, not worth mentioning.

Today, this bitter, he can only swallow back in his stomach, destined to
have no chance to go out, because ..... he still does not want to be

In the hall of the Presbyterian Church, Surou is busy making tea...

Chu Feng sat in a chair and cocked his legs, secretly staring at Su Feng's
plump double peaks and rounded hips. When he saw the skirt, the snowy
and slender legs, a fire could not help. Born from the belly.

"Hey, this is really a fairy." Chu Feng sighed in the heart, if anyone can
enjoy this Su-Jade body, it is definitely a rare creation.

Such a hot body, if it can be stripped in front of the eyes, revealing the
perfect white, Chu Feng will feel happy as long as they think about it.

However, he can only think about it, because he knows that this Su Rou is
not simple. It is said that it is the goddess in the minds of countless inner
disciples. Even the core disciples and the core elders have expressed their
enthusiasm for Su Rou’s madness. With.

But so far, no one has succeeded, so this fairy is not something that
ordinary people can surrender and enjoy.
Martial God Asura Chapter 46: Join the wing
"Hey, drink a cup of tea, crushed and shocked!" Surou handed a cup of
fragrant tea to Chu Feng.

"Thank you, Sulu, I am really a little thirsty." Chu Feng took the fragrant
tea and poured it into his mouth. He still asked, "Is there anything else?"


Surou also poured a few cups for Chu Feng. Chu Feng was all drunk, and
after drinking the whole pot of fragrant tea, he wiped his mouth and wiped
his mouth.

Looking at Chu Feng like this, Surou was shocked: "Where is this kid, it is
shocked, obviously thirsty."

But as long as I think that a teenager of this age can face that kind of threat
without fear, this kind of courage, this kind of mentality really makes her
look at each other, and the more she does, the more she feels that she has
saved the right person today.

"Suerou Elder, thank you for your shot today, if not, my Chu Feng's life, I
am afraid it is really over." Chu Feng stood up, sincere thanks.

Although he also guessed that Su Rou rescued her because it wanted to win
over him, but after all, people saved themselves and said that they are not
grateful, it is purely deceiving themselves.

"Thank you, this matter is that Liu Mang is not right first. As an elder of
Qinglongzong, I should protect you, and you are a rare and outstanding

Surou smiled sweetly and then said to Chu Feng: "Since you have
mastered the Thunder three styles, you will hand it in. This martial arts
can never be circulated."
"Amount, Su Rou elders, really do not contradict the Thunder three styles,
I only mastered two styles, the third style has not yet been realized." Chu
Feng will be in the arms of the thunder three styles, but some

Surou took the Thunder three styles and smiled at Chu Feng. "In fact, I
don't want you to say that this Thunder three styles have not yet realized
the third style except for the founder. So the Thunder II has been counted.

"Hey?" Hearing Su Rou said, Chu Feng is a dark hi, because he seems to
feel between the faint, the third type of opportunity, but has not yet fully

However, Chu Feng feels that one day he can fully comprehend, and at that
time, he is not the only one who has the thunder and three styles.

After that, Su Roo talked with Chu Feng again, but all of them were
concerned by the elders' disciples and never mentioned the matter of
pulling Chu Feng.

After leaving the elders, Chu Feng had an evaluation in his heart. Although
Su Rou was so gentler than Su Mei, her heart was much deeper than Su

"Hey, you finally came out." Chu Feng just walked out of the door of the
elders and heard a sweet voice.

Looking sideways, I saw a shadow like a butterfly approaching myself, it

is Surou’s sister, Su Mei.

"This time, thanks to you." Chu Feng smiled, he knows that Su Roo can
shoot, certainly thanks to this girl, at least she went to ventilate the letter.

"Oh, I can't see it, you are still a little conscience, but since you have to
thank you, you can't use your mouth to say it. Do you want to be a bit
"Would you like me to kiss you?"


"Would you like me to hold you?"

"Get it right away!"

"Well, then I have a loss, I am jealous of you."

"Get it right away!"

Su Mei was red-faced by Chu Fengqi. Although he knew Chu Feng was
shameless, he did not expect him to be so shameless. He simply ignored
him and turned away.

Seeing that Su Mei ran away, Chu Feng burst into a smirk, although he
said that he did not dare to play, but this gimmick he still dared.

However, after the smirk, Chu Feng still chased it up, smiled and said:
"How do I join the wing league?"

"Really?" Hearing this, Su Mei suddenly stopped the pace, a pair of watery
eyes, staring at Chu Feng flickering.

"Of course it is true. I owe you a sister. I will return to Chu Feng sooner or
later, and this is not a reward. It is only a matter of satisfaction."

Chu Feng said the truth, although Su Mei has taken into account his
potential, but now he is still nothing.

If this time, instead of helping others, he would have lost his life. People
want to know how to report, Chu Feng is such a person.

He initially refused the dragon brother and brother, worried about his
talent exposure, but now it has been exposed.

Today, the refusal is because I don’t like Su Mei’s threat to him. But now it
seems that with his own strength, it is really impossible to protect Chu Yue
and other family members in this inner door.

Therefore, he feels that joining the wing alliance now is not harmful to
him, and even helps the development of the Chu family.

Because of the faint ambiguity, Chu Feng can feel that the background of
Su Mei and Su Rou is not simple, the so-called Su family is not simple.

A family that can hide Xuan Gong is definitely not an ordinary force, at
least able to compete with Qinglong.

Therefore, he felt that the reason why Su and Su Meimei sisters came to
this Qinglongzong was just to find those who have the ability to draw to
their families.

Just like that Liu Chengen asked Su Rou, why do you have such strength
and stay in the door instead of being a core elder?

That's because the core disciples won't be easily caught, but the inner
disciples are mostly newcomers, and they are more likely to be tempted
and more likely to get together.

After all, their sisters are cultivating their family, and Chu Feng has
decided to join their family.

"You still have some conscience" See Chu Feng really should be down, Su
Mei this sweet smile, to Chu Feng said: "just tomorrow, we have a
mission, you also participate."

"Task? What mission, do you have to participate in so many people?"

Chu Feng said that he is puzzled. According to the quality of the members
of the squad, everyone has the strength to complete the difficult task
independently. How can he still participate?

"Do you think it is the garbage mission of the mission collection office?
Tell you, I will never do the garbage mission. The mission we do is not as
easy as the tasks of the core disciples, so you are better prepared. ”
"In addition, the reward for this task is also very rich, because this reward
is not for others to open, but the mission proceeds are all owned by us." Su
Mei dignified.

"I am going, you will not be a group to rob?" Chu Feng smiled.

"Get out of the way, at noon tomorrow, come here to find me, and don't
wear the costumes of Qinglongzong."

Su Mei handed a piece of paper and a medal to Chu Feng, which said the
place to meet tomorrow, and the medal is the symbol of the wing.
Martial God Asura Chapter 47: Warm dinner
"With this, Kendo League will not find trouble with my family?" Chu
Feng is not worried about himself, he is just worried about Chu Yue.

"This is not necessarily true, because Kendo League is not like Liu Meng,
simply relying on the background of the garbage alliance, they really have
a certain strength."

"However, if they dare to trouble you, my wing will tell them who is the
leader of this inner door."

After saying this, Su Mei will leave and jump away. It is obvious that this
girl is in a good mood.

"Wing League, what kind of strength does it have?" Chu Feng looked at
the medal in his hand, and his heart could not help but a trace of

He can hear from Su Mei’s previous words that Yimeng did not put the
martial arts alliance in his eyes. It is really not easy to see this wing

Later, Chu Feng put on the medal of the wing alliance, he deliberately
strolled around the door for a large circle, as the purpose is to let people
know that he is already a member of the wing alliance, so that Kendo
League does not start with his family.

"Look, isn't that Chu Feng?"

"He is Chu Feng, the boy who will slap Liu Meng and abandon Liu Mang's
second child?"

"It’s him, it’s true, I was there when I was there, and I would never admit
"But, he has not been taken away by the penalty, how could it appear here

"And, look at his chest, isn't the medal a symbol of the wing league? He
has joined the wing league!"

"I have been rejected by the squad in the public, and now I can join the
squad, and escape the penalty of the penalty. How much is the background
of Chu Feng?"

"No wonder, no wonder, no wonder he dared to do such a thing for Liu

Mang. It seems that this Chu Feng is definitely not only so simple, so you
must not offend this person in the future."

Chu Feng walked on the road, and people who knew Chu Feng exclaimed.
These people lamented the strength of Chu Feng and had to ponder the
power behind Chu Feng.

Chu Feng swayed for a long time, and also encountered a lot of Kendo
League people, but no one has shot him, it is clear that the identity of the
wing league has indeed played a lot of role.

When Chu Feng returned to his house, he found that there was still light in
the house. There were several figures flashing in front of the door. He
could distinguish from the breath, that is Chu Wei and others.

"Chu Wei Brother, how are you here?"

Seeing Chu Wei and other people wrapped in gauze, nose and face swollen,
not in their own home, but here, Chu Feng is very puzzled.

"Chu Fengdi, you are finally back, great, you are fine."

"Chu Fengdi, come in, everyone is waiting for you." Seeing Chu Feng, Chu
Wei and others relieved and relieved, not much to say anything, full of
smiles, Chu Feng went to the government.

After opening the gate of the mansion, Chu Feng discovered that Chu Chu
Chu Xue and other Chu family members were there, and even other
members of the Chu League had arrived.

And in the center of the main hall, there is a large table filled with
delicious food, most of which are his favorite.

Later, Chu Feng knew that after he was arrested, Chu Yue and others went
to the elders and wanted to plead for Chu Feng, but he was almost arrested.

Fortunately, Surou arrived, helped them out of trouble, and told them to let
them prepare delicious food, returning to Chu Feng's house waiting for
Chu Feng, Chu Feng will return safely.

This dinner was not the first time Chu Feng had dinner with the Chu
family, but it was the first time to feel the family's warm dinner.

Everyone's feelings for him are from the heart, and they are the most
sincere. Although more of them are grateful to Chu Feng, Chu Feng likes
this kind of sincerity.

The next morning, Chu Feng got up early, and he took out all the task cards
he received yesterday.

Nowadays, it is necessary to perform tasks with Su Mei and others. These

task cards are not too big for him, so they are ready to be sent back.

However, just after going out, Chu Feng saw a figure, but Duan Yuxuan
who competed with him for the task card that day.

At this moment, Chu Feng’s heart was not happy, pointing to Duan Yuxuan
and shouting: “Hey, you stand!”

Hearing this shouting, Duan Yuxuan could not help but tremble, and
looked sideways, his face was even scared.

The matter about Chu Feng has already been spread throughout the inner
door. This Yu Xuan is naturally known, so he is very afraid of Chu Feng.

Especially when thinking about yesterday's business, he once disrespected

Chu Feng, he was more worried that Chu Feng would find him trouble, so
this made him sleepless night last night, and then he was afraid.

Now seeing Chu Feng, he has even softened his legs. Even Liu Mang’s
eggs dare to crush people. He really doesn’t know what Chu Feng will do
to him.

Just as Chu Feng walked to the front of Duan Yuxuan, he even slammed
into the ground and pleaded with grief:

"Chu Feng's big brother, the younger brother has an eye that doesn't know
Taishan. It will only hit you yesterday. Please ask the adults not to
remember the villain, and spare the younger brother once."

"I rely, what is this with you?" Chu Feng silently, then handed his package
to Duan Yuxuan, smiled:

"Die brother, if you don't mind, help me send these back to the mission
collection office?"

"Well? You called me for this?" Duan Yuxuan took over the parcel, and it
was a bit stunned.

"Actually, I mainly want to tell you that there is a task you like, and it is
troublesome." Chu Feng patted Duan Yuxuan's shoulder and then walked
to the end of the joint.

Looking at the Chu Feng that disappeared in the blink of an eye, and then
look at the crowds around them who stared at each other with strange eyes,
Duan Yuxuan whispered: "Nima, this time is big!"

According to the agreement with Su Mei, Chu Feng left the Qinglong
Zong, put on a casual dress, and came to a deserted temple before noon.

Before entering the temple, Chu Feng passed the mental power and sensed
seven people.

After entering the temple, I saw seven young boys and girls. Among the
seven, three were familiar faces, one was Su Mei, and the other two were
dragon brothers and brothers.
However, the other four people Chu Feng did not know, but although the
strength can not be determined, it can be seen from the appearance, these
four people are not ordinary generation.

A pair of boys and girls, who are showing their love and dear, are afraid
that others will not know that they are a relationship.

It is only worth mentioning that the young man actually wore a pink robes,
and there were still blossoming peach blossoms on the top, just like

On the contrary, the girl, wearing a masculine, but that face is a very
woman, although not so eager to Su Mei like this, but it is considered

In addition to the couple, there was a teenager in white, with a handsome

face and a big eyebrow. After seeing Chu Feng, he smiled and nodded. It
was very kind.

The other blue man, on the other hand, was just the opposite. After he saw
Chu Feng, he first looked at Chu Feng with a scornful look. He was cold
and screaming, just like Chu Feng, what a deep hatred.
Martial God Asura Chapter 48: Tomb (plus 32)
"Come here, let me introduce, this is Chu Feng, a new member of my wing
league. Don't look at his young age, but he is not simple." Su Mei smiled
and introduced it.

"Su Mei, how old are you?" The white man came over, and the polite Chu
Feng arched his hand: "In the next day, I heard the name of the Chu
brothers for a long time, and today I saw it is extraordinary."

"Polite" Chu Feng is also a tribute to the tribute. For those who treat each
other with courtesy, Chu Feng has always been courteous.

The boy in the robes of peach blossoms, the girl who looked at the
masculine dress came over, the man said extremely solemnly: "My name
is Ye Taozi, this is my unmarried wife, Zhang Tingzi."

Chu Feng also smiled and arched the two men, but the heart secretly said:
"I go, Ye Taozi, Zhang Tingzi, these two are really a natural pair, the name
of this light is perfect!"

"Chu Feng brothers, welcome you to join the big family of the wing
alliance, the day is still not to be on the mind, in fact, we are both being
....." Long brother and tiger brother came over, sneaked into the room Su
Mei took a look.

"Coughing" saw the situation, Su Mei quickly coughed twice, and looked
at the two like the evil, suddenly scared the two to take back the words

However, Chu Feng, who has a strong observation ability, has long seen
the clues and secretly guessed that it must be what Su Mei’s gimmicks
forced the dragon brother to do.

"Chu Feng, you are a big shelf, I am a good friend to invite you, you
actually refused, how can you?" At this moment, the face of the cold blue
boy opened.
"Jia Yunfeng, you give me a mouthful!" Seeing, Su Mei will have to worry.

"Hey, Su Mei let him finish." But Chu Feng took Su Mei to the back and
smiled at Jia Yunfeng: "What do you want to say? Just say!"

"I want to say that you are not worthy to join the wing alliance." Jia
Yunfeng shouted.

"?" Chu Feng face change, suddenly shot, a illusory palm out of the show,
shot against the chest of Jia Yunfeng.

At this moment, everyone was shocked, because no one could think of Chu
Feng, who had a good face and a good face, would say that it was easy to
do it without any warning.

"Unreal palm?"

However, Jia Yunfeng was not a general generation. He even recognized

the martial arts of Chu Feng’s display. The spirit of the seven spirits was
running, and the backhand banged out. A majestic power broke out. This
guy’s work, It was actually a four-stage martial arts.

Upon seeing it, Chu Feng was slightly surprised, but he did not fear at all.
The move was changed. The Thunder was born in the blink of an eye. He
came to Jia Yunfeng behind him in the blink of an eye, and then he was a
illusory palm, and he took a picture against his back. past.


This palm hit without any accident, then Jia Yunpeng was caught off
guard, and actually fell a shit, wandering on the ground, and also squatted
a few meters away before stopping.

"This guy, a great tool."

Seeing this scene, all the people present, except Su Mei, were shocked and
brightened, especially the dragon brother and brother, and even more
Chu Feng, who remembers them, is a very weak person, at least very weak
in front of their brothers.

But now they find out that they are a big mistake. If even Jia Yunfeng is
far from Chu Feng’s opponent, then their brothers will be even more

This is obviously, Chu Feng has been hiding strength before, the original
fight, obviously let them both.

At this moment, the two of them finally know why Su Mou Ouyang Elders
will strongly recommend Chu Feng to join the wing league, because Chu
Feng does have this qualification.

"Now I know, I don't deserve it?" Chu Feng looked at Jia Yunfeng who
climbed from the ground and sneered.

"You are a bastard!" And Jia Yunfeng just stood up and even screamed to
rush to Chu Feng again.

"?" can be at this moment, but the white scorpion is a flash of body shape,
which appears in front of Jia Yunfeng, blocking him, Shen Sheng:

"The former Chu Feng brothers have already left their feelings, and you
should not be unhappy."

That Jia Yunfeng, obviously some fear of this white, and then think of the
previous Chu Feng offensive, but also a cold cry no longer speak.

"Lingwu eight?!"

Chu Feng is secretly amazed, because he can feel from the previous breath
of Bai Yu, this guy is the same as Su Mei, it is also a martial arts.

"Well, this is not to know each other, the time is tight, let's go faster." At
this moment, Ye Taozi spoke up.

Under his appeal, several people began to walk outside the temple, but Su
Mei came to Chu Feng and smiled:
"You guys are really overbearing. If people don't say anything, they will
hit people directly."

"He asked for it." Chu Feng snorted.

"Well, in fact, I like your temper." Su Mei smiled sweetly, and actually
took a book from his pocket and handed it to Chu Feng.

"What is this?" Chu Feng took over the situation, only to find that the book
is really simple, the old pages are almost broken.

However, when Chu Feng saw several large characters in writing, it was a
bright light, and it actually said: "Primary Xuan Gong, Breathing Law!"

"It turned out to be Xuan Gong, this....."

"You give me a small voice." Seeing, Su Mei quickly hugged Chu Feng's
mouth with his hands, and looked nervously outside the temple, for fear of
being heard by those people.

"Su Mei, you are this...."

"Nothing, I promised you yesterday, as long as you join the wing alliance,
you will give you Xuan Gong practice, but it is to complete the promise."
Su Mei does not matter.

And she said this, it is to make Chu Feng very uncomfortable, yesterday,
their sisters help themselves, has let Chu Feng owe a great human feelings,
no need to take this Xuan Gong as a price.

However, Su Mei did not care about this, which made him very unwilling
to go, whispered: "Taro, thank you!"

"Thank you, hurry up, don't let them see."

"In addition, don't practise the second person, otherwise I will dial your
skin!" Su Mei screamed at Chu Feng with a small fist and ran out.
Looking at this cute and beautiful, and revealing a bit of pure gimmicks,
Chu Feng has a good impression on Sumerton.

Chu Feng and his entourage all the way to the west, riding a fast horse for
two days and two nights, has long been away from the Qinglongzong
territory, which is obviously not a Zongmen mission.

"Su Mei, what are we going to do, go so far, is this too a waste of time?"
Chu Feng whispered, he felt that doing a task, rushing for such a long
time, is a waste of time.

"Speak quietly, we are going to steal the tomb." Su Mei smiled.

"Tomb of the tomb? No, it's so wicked!" Chu Feng looked disdainful.

"What do you know, it is a cemetery of a strong martial arts, not only

possessing a lot of elixir, but also Yuan medicine, even Xuan medicine."

"In addition to these, there will be a lot of Xuan Gong martial arts. It is an
oversized treasure. If you feel that this kind of behavior is very wicked,
you can't go." Su Mei said coldly.

"I was actually the cemetery of the Xuanwu dynasty? Yuan medicine?
Xuan medicine? Xuan Gong martial arts?"

Chu Feng was shocked. The way to cultivate Wu was known as Lingwu,
Yuanwu, Xuanwu and Tianwu.

If you say Yuan Wujing, as long as the qualifications are still achievable,
then Xuanwujing, you must be able to reach the talented genius.

As far as he knows, the lord of Qinglongzong is now only Xuanwujing.

This is definitely the realm of Qingzhou's top powers.

As for the day of the Wujing, it is a realm that can be carried out in an
empty space and travels thousands of miles a day. It has already got rid of
the constraints of the heavens and the earth, and has surpassed the limits
of mankind. It is a realm like a legend.
The strongest of Tianwujing, at least in Qingzhou, has not appeared yet,
but Chu Feng heard that now the hegemon of the Kyushu mainland, the
Jiang dynasty, does have a natural character.
Martial God Asura Chapter 49: Spiritual Master
(Plus 33)
The Jiang dynasty was located in the mainland of Kyushu. Although it did
not interfere with the development of various parties, it was the
recognized hegemon of the Kyushu continent.

Therefore, the forces of all sides of the Kyushu mainland must pay
homage to it every year, otherwise there will be disasters.

And the Jiang dynasty claimed to be a royal family, pretentious, not

everyone has the opportunity to contact them.

Take Qingzhou, only the first Lingyun sect of Qingzhou is qualified to go

to worship the Jiang Dynasty.

As for the tribute, all the sects will hand over the tribute to Ling Yunzong,
and then Ling Yunzong will tribute to the Jiang dynasty.

Therefore, for Chu Feng, the Jiang dynasty was also like a myth, and could
not be touched. In fact, even the strongest of Xuanwujing, he had never
seen it.

The so-called yuan medicine, as well as the mysterious medicine, is

similar to the medicine.

Just like Lingwu Wujing uses elixir, and Yuanwujing practice requires
yuan medicine, Xuanwujing uses Xuan medicine.

Relative to elixir, Yuan medicine and Xuan medicine are rarer and more
precious, especially if the Xuan medicine gets one strain, it can be rich.

Now that there is such a good thing to send to the door, Chu Feng is
naturally very excited, but he also has some doubts, how can such a place
come to them to steal?
"Su Mei, the cemetery of the strong Xuanwu strong, should not be able to
open our strength?" Chu Feng is somewhat worried.

"What do you think, I really think that such news, only we know? The
birth of a cemetery of a basaltic strongman will surely attract the attention
of all parties, there will be many strong people to open."

"As for us, we just have to join in the fun, split the leftovers, Xuan Yao,
Yuan medicine, do not think about it, can get some Lingzhu, we have
already made a big profit." Su Mei explained.

"It turned out to be the case, then where is the graveyard?" Chu Feng

"I heard that it is in the wilderness desert. As for the specific location, no
one knows it, but according to the news, the cemetery will be announced in
the ancient city of the wilderness."

"Of course, this so-called announcement is not announced to everyone.

The person who announced the news will sell the map of the cemetery,
each of the 80 grasses."

"And these 80 grasses, we have 10 out of each, just good!" Su Mei told.

"So expensive? I don't have it!"

"How much time did you not leave me from the last time?"

"I have used it."

"You are a pig wow, it is so wasteful, have you absorbed it?"


Chu Feng is speechless. He can't tell Su Mei. Although I haven't cultivated

Xuan Gong, I have Shen Lei in my body. No matter how many elixir, I can
refine it, and never waste it. It can be absorbed 100%.
"Forget it, you will help me out, but I will pay you back later." Su Mei
looked at Chu Feng, who was crying poorly, and screamed helplessly.

"Hey, thank you very much." Chu Feng sneered, the cemetery of the strong
Xuanwu situation? He is really looking forward to it.

A few people went all the way, finally walked into the wilderness desert
before noon, and soon came to the ancient city of the wilderness.

This ancient wilderness city is extremely ancient. It has been said that it
has a history of thousands of years. The bricks and tiles have been very
worn, as if they were touched hard, they will smash and collapse.

"This is the ancient city of the wilderness, and it is too broken. If the wind
hangs someday, I am afraid it will collapse. So there are so many people
living in such a dilapidated place?"

Looking at the old but huge ancient city, and the rising smoke, Chu Feng
knows that there must be many people living in the ancient city.

It’s just that he can’t figure out how such a dilapidated ancient city can
live in so many people. Such an ancient building may collapse at any time
and should be dangerous.

"What do you know, every brick and tile of this ancient wilderness is
enchanted by the spirits."

"I don't think it is a strong wind. Even if the master of Yuanwujing is

attacking with all strength, it may not be able to damage the bricks and
tiles of this ancient city?"

"So powerful?" Chu Feng was shocked, and immediately asked: "What is
the spiritist? What is the enchantment?"

When he said this, he said that Su Mei looked at his eyes full of surprises,
and even several other people also cast a contemptuous look on him.

"It’s a dumpling." Jia Yunfeng snorted.

"Oh, Chu Feng brothers, this spirit is a special and noble profession, we
can not touch these people." It is that white, laughing and explaining.

"The spiritist masters a force called enchantment, which is indestructible

and is a very powerful defense."

"And the spirits of the martial arts masters are extremely high, each can be
described as a martial arts talent, the strength is very tyrannical, coupled
with their strong insight, and unique enchantment power, almost
invincible in the same realm."

"In addition, because of the uniqueness of the spirits division, each of the
spirits divisions is the object of the forces of all parties."

"Because of the power of the spiritual master, the defensive power of the
sect will be qualitatively leap, and my Qinglong sect will be enshrined
with a high spirit."

"Hey? It is so powerful, why did the white brother say that this spiritual
master is beyond our reach?" Chu Feng curiously asked.

"Haha, that's because everyone in the martial arts can do it, but if you want
to be a spiritualist, you must have spiritual strength."

"And this mental power is nothing in the middle, and ordinary people can't
touch it naturally. This is why the spiritual master is so noble." Bai Yu
continued to explain.

"Is there mental strength?" Hearing this, Chu Feng could not help but look
at Su Mei, he seems to have known why this girl wants to win him.

"What do you think of me? Even if you have the spiritual power, if you
don't have the spirits to teach you how to practice, you can't be a spiritual
master for a lifetime." It seems that Chu Feng is thinking about something,
Su Mei swears.

"The white brother does not say, is my Qinglongzong enshrining a

spiritualist?" Chu Feng smiled.
"You mean the elder of Zhuge? Don't even think about it, the old guy is
very weird, never accepting disciples."

"A young spiritual disciple of Qinglongzong has always wanted to worship

him under the door, practicing the enchantment method, but he was called
a slave for a year, and he has not learned anything yet." Su Mei continued
to fight.

"Indeed, as Su Mei said, the reason why this spiritual master is so noble is
precisely because he is scarce."

"Unless it is a very favorite person, the spirits will not easily teach the
skill, because it is equal to the church alone, to grab their own jobs!"

After explaining this, Bai Yu explained to Chu Feng in a joke tone: "I think
the Chu Feng brothers seem to be very interested in this spiritual master. Is
it because you have mental strength?"

For the question of the day, Chu Feng is not polite, and raises his head and
raises his face. He is proud of his words: "I do have spiritual strength!"

"What?" And Chu Feng said this, except Su Mei, everyone was shocked,
even the white hair that has always been calm, can not be calm.
Martial God Asura Chapter 50: Master Xuan
Gong (plus 34)
"Chu Feng brothers, you said that you have the spirit? This kind of thing
can not be joking!" The face of Bai Yan has become tight, full of doubt in
the tone.

"He is right, he is indeed one of the thousands." At this moment, Su Mei


"Su Mei, is this true?" Almost everyone was shocked by the mouth of Su

"This is exactly why my sister invited him to join the wing league." Su
Mei sighed helplessly. She knew that when Chu Feng’s special ability was
exposed, it would definitely make people look impressive.

At this moment, people can't help but take a sip of coolness. When they
look at Chu Feng again, the gaze is a bit more awe.

Even Jia Yunfeng, who had been disgusted with Chu Feng before, was also
complicated at the moment, apparently regretting the disrespect for Chu

People with mental strength can not only have nothing in the middle, but
even among 100,000 people, there may not be one.

So far in the entire Qinglongzong, there are only two people with spiritual
strength, and there are only three Chu Feng counted today.

Such a person, born with a strong martial arts qualification, has a strong
understanding and a terrible insight, so even if he can't become a spiritual
master, he will achieve great achievements in the field of military
Such characters are often not offended, because they were doomed from
the time of their birth, and that Jia Yunfeng had been so fluent to Chu Feng
before, he was naturally afraid.

"Chu Feng brothers, I have been offended before, but I don't want to be

"To apologize, this time I bought the fairy map of the tomb map, I will be
out for the Chu Feng brothers." Thinking of this, that Jia Yunfeng actually
directly recognized Chu Feng.

For his sudden move, people are surprised, but they can understand,
because even if they are replaced, they will do the same.

"Oh, then thank you Jia brother" and Chu Feng is not polite, readily accept.

Ten Zhu Xian Ling Cao, this is not a small number, some people are
willing to pay for themselves, Chu Feng is naturally willing to accept.

After some chat, a few people finally entered the ancient city of the
wilderness, this moment Chu Feng can vaguely feel that there are many
tyrannical atmosphere in this ancient city.

It can be seen that in this ancient wilderness city, there are many masters
of martial arts, and even Chu Feng has seen many Zongmen disciples
dressed in Zongmen costumes.

Chu Feng was able to recognize from the clothes. They were disciples of
Qian Fengzong. Chu Chu’s Chu search was cultivated in this Qianfeng

"It seems that the news of this cemetery has attracted many people." Chu
Feng exclaimed.

"That is of course, the cemetery news has been leaked, the forces around
the parties are coming, there will be conflicts sooner or later." Su Mei
secretly explained.
"What do you mean, I will send people to Qinglong Zong?" Chu Feng
asked, because Qinglongzong is a closer to this wilderness desert.

"That is of course, the two most recent sects in this wilderness desert are
my Qinglongzong and Qianfengzong. Since Qianfengzong has received the
news, the Qinglongzong will definitely come."

"And, with the means of my Qinglongzong, the sentiment must be the core
disciple and the core elders, and even the elders of Zhuge will be
dispatched." Su Mei said.

"Isn't this going to become a battle for Qinglongzong and Qianfengzong?"

Chu Feng asked.

"So we have to wear casual clothes and dress up as passers-by, in order to

avoid unnecessary conflicts, because at this time, it is the best way to fish
in troubled waters."

"Routing them to open, treasure by them to fight, as long as we can pick

up the broken, it is enough." Su Mei's sweet cheeks are full of smirk, it
turned out that this girl has already made plans.

Looking at the 14-year-old girl, Chu Feng shook her head helplessly. He
can imagine that after Su Mei grew up, his heart will never be worse than
her sister Su.

Because the specific location of the ancient tomb has not yet been
announced, Chu Feng and others can only temporarily stay in this ancient
city, waiting for news.

Within the inn, after Chu Feng closed the door, he couldn’t wait to take
out the Xuan Gong’s “breathing method”.

Xuan Gong is divided into primary, intermediate and advanced. Although

the breath method is only a primary metaphysical work, it is also a value-
for-money and has a miraculous effect.
If not, then Su Mei is also impossible, so old is so powerful, and even Chu
Feng is jealous.

After some reading, Chu Feng also had some understanding of this breath
method, mainly through the natural breathing of the nose, running the aura
at the time of breathing, walking around with the specific meridians, and
finally running through the whole body, which broke out far and strong.
The power of ordinary people.

Although it is easier said than done, it is only for ordinary people. For Chu
Feng, it is not difficult. After almost reading it, I realized the meaning of

This kind of comprehension is not something that Chu Feng has in his life.
Although Chu Feng’s comprehension is extremely high, his mind has
become more sensitive after he has mastered his mental power.


After standing up and breathing a few times, Chu Feng tried to run this

Just running, Chu Feng can feel that the aura of the body, like the rushing
dragon, began to roar in the body, and when this tyrannical aura, according
to a specific vein to swim, Chu Feng's power suddenly increased several

"This strength is so strong." He grasped the fist and felt the aura that was
stronger. Chu Feng was overjoyed.

Chu Feng’s previous strength, because it is stronger than ordinary people,

is because he has hidden thunder in his body, and the quality of Aura is
stronger than others.

The power of this mysterious power is the use of unique techniques that
make the aura change in the body and become stronger than ordinary
Now Chu Feng has both, his strength will be far more than ordinary
people. According to Chu Feng, at this moment, he will fight with Su Mei,
and may not be defeated.

It must be known that Su Mei is a martial arts bastard, and also cultivated
Xuan Gong, and Chu Feng is only a six-pronged spirit, such strength, can
do this step, simply called the sky.

"In this way, this year's core disciples assessment, I can not participate in
it?" Estimated his current strength, Chu Feng more and more excited.

The examination of the core disciples of Qinglongzong is held every year,

and the calculation of this year is approaching.

Compared with the internal door assessment, this core assessment has an
age limit, that is, it must be under 18 years old, otherwise even if the
strength is stronger, the talent is not allowed to participate.

According to Chu Feng, as long as the strength can reach the Lingwu
Eighth, it is possible to participate in the core disciples assessment, and
there is a great chance that it can pass.

The core disciple is the key training object of Qinglongzong. Even the
family of the core disciples will be sheltered by Qinglongzong.

As long as Chu Feng can become a core disciple, it is not only helpful to
his cultivation, but also greatly helps the development of the Chu family.

After thinking of him becoming a core disciple, Chu Yuan and other Chu
family's happy appearance, Chu Feng can not wait, want to become a core

At this time, Chu Feng’s door was suddenly ringed.

After opening the door, Chu Feng discovered that the sweet and beautiful
Su Mei was standing in front of the door with his hands on his back and
smiling at himself.
Martial God Asura Chapter 12: ? role (plus 10)
"Chu Yuejie, how come you came out." Chu Feng asked inexplicably.

Chu Yue was smiling and ran to the front of Chu Feng. With the white jade
hand, he gently punched Chu Feng’s chest and said with joy:

"You kid, I said how you stayed in the outer door so calmly, and caught up
with me for a long time."

Chu Feng's scratched his head: "Chu Yuejie, today is really a trouble for
you, I see you Chu League gathering, but also disappointing."

"It's okay, it's good to let them learn long lessons, and save you from
bullying the whole day."

"For Chu Fengdi, tomorrow, the elixir will hunt us together. It is difficult
for one thing to be caught by oneself."

"Forget it, my relationship with them, you know, even if I am willing to

join the Chumeng, they will not." Chu Feng shook his head.

"Don't worry about it, this matter is handed over to me. In short, you will
come here to find us tomorrow." Chu Yue added a piece of bamboo to Chu
Feng, which is a gathering place of Chu League tomorrow.

"Okay." Seeing that Chu Yue is so persistent, Chu Feng can't bear to refuse.

After comforting Chu Feng, Chu Yue jumped to the house, she was really
happy, because Chu Feng gave her a big surprise today.

The people in the world are respected by strength. At present, Chu Feng
has shown a good strength. She thinks that the Chu family may recognize
Chu Feng.

And Chu family can unite, regardless of each other, is her biggest wish.
"Chu Wei brother, you..." Just arrived in front of the house, Chu Yue found
that the people of the Chu League have already come out.

"?" Chu Cheng and Chu Zhen, awkwardly stunned Chu Yue, and then
quickly left without saying anything.

"Chu Yue, I am not the big brother to say you, today's business, you are too
biased that Chu Feng."

"This is good, let the Chu Feng take away two of the fairy grasses, but let
me wait for him to be humiliated. Now everyone is mad, are you
satisfied?" Chu Wei severely rebuked stand up.

"Chu Wei Brother, when I was wrong, I still can't do it. Then Chu Fengdi is
also a Chu family."

"You see, you have seen the strength of Chu Fengdi. He is not a waste in
your eyes. And we are in need of manpower, so let him join us."

Hearing Chu Yue said that Chu Wei suddenly changed his face, but he just
wanted to open his mouth, but his eyes flashed a strange look, and then he
sighed helplessly:

"Oh, I really served you this girl."

"Well, look at your face, I will give him Chu Feng a chance, you will bring
him with him tomorrow."

"Great, I know that Chu Wei is the best." Chu Yue excitedly jumped up,
laughing very bright.

"Okay, take a break early." Chu Wei shook his head and walked to his

"Chu Wei brother also took a break earlier." Chu Yue smiled and waved to
Chu Wei, watching Chu Wei leave.

Chu Wei promised Chu Feng to join the Chu League, which made Chu Yue
happy, but she did not see, Chu Wei turned, the sinister smile of the mouth.
"Chu Yue Shijie, that is called Chu Feng's hidden deep enough, I have been
in the outer door for so long, I have not heard his name, it seems that he is
the first to go to the inner door assessment."

Just then, a teenager came over. Like Chu Feng, he was a new disciple this
year and joined the members of the League of the League today.

"You are right, Chu Fengdi stayed at the outer door, must be for the reward
of the assessment, do not know that he did not get it." Hearing this, Chu
Yue is also suddenly realized.

"Chu Yue Shijie, you think too much, this year, the outside door can
appear a sly character, the first time I was taken away by that person."

"Your Chu Fengdi said that the strength is not bad, but compared with that
person, it is not influential." The teenager laughed.

“What is the role?” Chu asked curiously.

"That is quite embarrassing, a fourth-order beast, nine third-order beasts,

thirty second-order beasts, but the blink of an eye is all killed by him."

"When the genius disciples of the outer door arrived, they only saw the
dead body of the beasts in the ground. Is this strength, you say no?"

"So powerful?" At this moment, Chu Yue was also shocked by his face.

She is also a person who has experienced internal door assessments. She
knows the power of the agency and knows the terrible beast.

And before everyone can't get there, it's enough to kill so many beasts. She
can imagine how powerful this person is, and that at least Lingwuwu can
do it.

"What is that person called?" In shock, Chu Yue would like to know the
name of this embarrassing character.

"Hey, I want to know who he is."

"But unfortunately, the man deliberately concealed his identity. After
taking the reward, he did not open the gate of the underground palace, but
hid it, so no one knows who he really is." The young man shook his head
and left.

"That man is really strange, so powerful, so low-key, is there any secret

that is ulterior?"

At this moment, Chu Yue became more and more curious about the so-
called sly character.

Because she knows that this is likely to represent, another talented disciple
will rise in the inner door.

"Well." Suddenly, Chu Yue was shocked, because she suddenly thought of
a weird scene.

When Chu Chengchu really left the brothers, he did not go to his house.
The direction of their walking was in the same way as Chu Feng.

At this moment, Chu Yue realized that it was not good, and rushed to catch
up with Chu Feng’s previous departure.

The inner door is very large, and Chu Feng and Chu Yue’s house are
separated by a long distance.

However, Chu Feng did not panic and walked slowly until he came to a
remote and uninhabited place before he stopped.

"Don't be sneaky, come out." Chu Feng turned his eyes to the dark corner
behind him.

"The alertness is good. It seems that I really underestimated your kid." The
voice just fell, and the two familiar figures came out. It was the two
brothers Chu Chengchu.

At this moment, Chu really looks a lot better, but the color of anger is not
reduced at all. He is now even killing Chu Feng’s heart.
"Chu Feng, give you a chance, hand over the three fairy grasses, and then
squat in front of my brother to admit your mistakes, I will spare you
once." Chu Cheng stared at Chu Feng, the words filled with absolute

"Why, are you going to rob me?"

"What about robbing you?"

"The robbery needs strength."

"Strength? I will tell you now, what is strength."

Chu Cheng's figure changed, and a blast of wind was picked up. In the
blink of an eye, he came to Chu Feng's front, his hand was eagle claws,
and he hit Chu Feng throat.

I have to say that Chu Cheng’s strength is several times stronger than Chu,
even in the ranks of Lingwu, it is not weak.

However, he is facing Chu Feng, even the fourth-order beasts can be a slap
in the face.
Martial God Asura Chapter 40: I am Su Mei’s
heart (plus 28)
"Give me away, and then dare to block the way of Miss, I will abolish
you." But Chu Feng just walked out of the mission to receive the place,
they heard a sharp girl voice.

"Su Mei?"

Hearing this voice, Chu Feng couldn't help but be surprised. He thought
that it was Su Mei who had any trouble, and he quickly walked in the
direction of the sound.

Sure enough, not far away, Su Mei’s figure was discovered, but at the
moment Su Mei’s side is surrounded by more than a dozen Kendo League

They did not hide their breath, so Chu Feng was able to clearly sense that
the strength of these dozens of people is mostly in the spirit of Wu Wu,
and the strongest is a young man, is the strength of Lingwu six.

It was a tall boy with a white face and a big eyebrow. It was a standard
little white face. At the moment, he was facing the evil smile of Su Mei.
Nima, a member of this group of martial arts, actually played in the
public. .

However, it may be due to the special status of Su Mei, the white-faced

man is very arrogant, so the Su Mei is extremely unhappy, and has a great

Upon seeing it, Chu Feng, who wanted to go to the front, immediately
stopped the pace. Because of the strength of Su Mei, he understood it. It
was the seven weapons of Lingwu. These people dared to entangle Sumei
and simply found death.
However, it is clear that this girl did not want to expose her strength. She
did not take the shot, so Chu Feng simply joined the crowd to watch the
crowd, and smiled in the heart: "I see how long you can bear this

"Su Mei girl, my sword is really like you, can't you give me a chance?"

"Not to mention, in the entire inner door, on the house, on the strength, on
the appearance, in addition to my sword Chen who can match you?"

The white-faced man named Jian Chen was full of affection and white, and
a pair of thieves were aiming at Su Mei, aiming at the seductive place, and
could not help but lick his lips.

"You....." Su Mei's patience has clearly reached the limit, and what she
can't stand most is being entangled.

But when she was about to erupt, she suddenly saw a familiar figure in the
crowd. She suddenly took the opportunity to put away the angry look.
Some embarrassed said to Jian Chen: "Actually, I already have a
sweetheart. ”

"What? You have a sweetheart? Who is it?" And listening to Su Mei's

words, the sword Chen seems to have suffered a huge blow, and suddenly
became excited.

Su Mei is a proud smile, randomly pointing his attention to the crowd,

using the extremely gentle language to say: "Dear, someone bullied me,
you look at it?" And the person she looked at, is It is Chu Feng among the

"I am doing" Chu Feng screamed, he could not think of So Mei found so
soon, and was also put together, Su Mei this is obviously to take him as a

Despite his unhappiness, as a man, how can Chu Feng retreat in the face of
all the condensed eyes, not to mention that he was originally intended to
solve the problem for Su Mei.
"Baby, I just arrived, which **** bullies you, I will help you teach him."
Chu Feng pretending to go out from the crowd, came to Su Mei, he smiled
evilly and made a stunned move.

With a big hand and a wave of wind, he swept through the wind, and
actually brought the delicate little beauty of Sumei into his arms.

This scene can be described as stunned. People are wide open mouths, and
some people even drop their eyes.

Who is Su Mei, the genius in the inner door is no one knows no one, the
famous beauty, although there are not many people who have seen her, but
anyone who has seen her will be fascinated by her beauty. .

Many people even think of her as the goddess in the heart, and those who
have high strength and strong background have directly pursued the
offensive against Su Mei. In fact, this sword is only one of them.

"You...." In the face of so many people being eaten tofu, Su Mei is also
angry with his eyes.

However, considering that he had thought about it, he still resisted the
anger. Not only did he not have an episode, but it was a happy smile. The
bird was in the arms of Chu Feng.

At this moment, Chu Feng can feel that the two groups are softly attached
to the chest, the feeling of comfort, suddenly let him hit a spirit, then
could not help but hold the Soviet Union in the arms a little, enjoy this
Kind of soft.

"Fuck, who are you?"

The goddess of her own is embraced by others in front of her. The

swordsman only feels angry and tempted, and the murderous murder is
already emitted.

"Who am I? I am Su Mei's sweetheart." Chu Feng looked up and said

"You are a trick." Su Mei screamed in her heart, because it was a man who
could hear the meaning of Chu Feng’s words. He meant that Su Mei was
attached to him.

"Mom, Laozi has abolished you." Jianchen finally broke out, pulling out
the black iron sword behind him, and stabbed it against Chu Feng.

"Dear, help me teach him."

However, what makes Chu Feng speechless is that Su Mei, who is a bird,
has pushed him out, and that force is very good. He goes straight to
Jianfeng’s Jianfeng, which is simply cheaper for Chu Feng. Carry out
naked revenge wow.

However, Chu Feng is now what strength, Lingwu seven heavy are not
enough to watch, let alone a Lingwu six heavy?


On the side of Chu Feng's body shape, he escaped the attack of Jian Chen,
and then lifted his leg and directly turned the sword to the individual.

"Kids, you are looking for death", the remaining dozens of members of the
Kendo League, waving the black iron sword in their hands, ruthlessly
slashed Chu Feng.

However, they are the opponents of Chu Feng, just the blink of an eye, a
full dozen people, all of them were beaten by Chu Feng's nose, bruised,
rolled over and mourned on the ground.

"Treading" Chu Feng stepped on the body of Jian Chen, and said with
domineering: "I will harass my baby later, I will kill your full teeth."

Then, Chu Feng smiled and came to Su Mei’s body. He was so rude that he
would put Su Mei in his arms. “Tell one, baby went to my meeting.” Then
he swayed to his house. go with.

"Who is this kid, even with Su Mei....."

Looking at the pictures of the two people who are escaping, when people
question their identity, they can also hear the heartbreaking sound of the

Along the way, Chu Feng was very rude. He held Su Mei in his arms
tightly, ignoring the white eyes that Su Mei had thrown at her, and the
small hand that sneaked his arm.

The idea of ??Chu Feng is like this. Even if I endure the pain, I will take
advantage of you. This is not to take up the white, you take me as the price
of the shield.

"Trick or treat, you are enough."

Just entering the house of Chu Feng, Su Mei pushed a handful of Chu
Feng, and a blast of wind rushed over. Su Mei and his fierce rear legs
swung over to Chu Feng.

"I am going~"

Chu Feng was shocked, because this Su Mei is stronger than him, both in
speed and strength.

This girl is actually a martial arts!

Martial God Asura Chapter 51: Boundary
At this moment, Su Mei, put on a pink long skirt, black long hair scattered
on the shoulders, and a big bow on the top of the head, this dress, coupled
with her sweet face, is really fresh and refined, Beautiful colors can be

"What's the baby, this has just been separated for a little while, you think
about me?" Looking at the freshly dressed Su Mei, Chu Feng could not
help but ridicule.

"Call me again, believe it or not, I tore your mouth?" Su Mei gnashed his
teeth, and the sweet face suddenly became fierce.

However, in Chu Feng’s view, such a Sumei is more lovely, and smiles:
“How can I not even call the baby, but I am your sweetheart!”

"You are a trick!"

Su Mei's snow-white jade hand grabbed Chu Feng's arm, and the ****
were like a pair of pliers. The face of Chu Feng was twisted into a ball, and
a big mouth, a burst of ghosts and screams rang through the inn:


After a while, the two appeared on the streets of the ancient wilderness.

It turned out that many strong people gathered here, some people took a
fancy to the business opportunities, and when they waited for the news of
the cemetery, they took out the rare treasures and sold them here.

After Su Mei learned that she was curious and eager to play, she pulled
Chu Feng and ran out.
At this moment, the two walked on the ancient road. Chu Feng was such a
stupid boy, but next to him was a little girl like Su Mei, which attracted a
lot of envious and jealous eyes.

However, Chu Feng apparently was in Fuzhou and did not know how to be
blessed. He looked at the piece of iron on his arm. Chu Feng succumbed:
"Death, you are too embarrassed, and you are all green."

"Hey, look at you still dare to take advantage of me again." Su Mei smugly
grinned, and then looked around with joy, and then grabbed Chu Feng's
hand and ran to a stall.

This place is full of jewellery used by girls. The materials are very unique
and there are all kinds of colors. Su Mei is deeply attracted and carefully
selected before the stalls.

This can make the old aunt of the stall happy, and began to forcefully
introduce to Su Mei, and looked at the face of the old lady's smirk, Chu
Feng gave him an evaluation, profiteers!

Bored, Chu Feng swept his gaze to the other side, only to find an old man
lying not far away.

This old man is really not really ruined, and his hair doesn't know how
many days he hasn't washed it. He is stuck in one piece, one by one.

The face is covered with mud, the clothes are covered with patches, the
patches are patched, and a cloth pocket is slanted, and there is nothing in
it. One leg is long and one leg is short. A pair of broken shoes, with
exposed feet on the front and a heel on the back.

He did not set up stalls like other people, so he was soliciting business
everywhere. Instead, he was lying down, and Erlang’s legs were old and
tall. He was just like the uncle, and he didn’t look at the guests.

Don't look at the old man's unfair business, but a bunch of books in front
of him, but attracted Chu Feng.
In fact, there is nothing special about the surface of this book. It is ruined,
and there is a layer of ash on it.

However, Chu Feng, who has spiritual strength, finds that there are one in
the book, which contains strange fluctuations.

"Grandpa, how do you sell this book?" Chu Feng went over and asked.

The old man didn't even lift his head, but he extended a finger to Chu Feng
and put a word on it.

"A copper coin?" Chu Feng tried.

"I am jealous, a copper coin, do you want to have a meal?" However,

listening to Chu Feng's words, the old man actually sat up and angered.

"Grandpa, are you talking about one or two silver?" Chu Feng's surface is
polite, but his heart cursed: "You look like this, saying that you want to eat
rice, it is an insult to the rice flower."

"A spiritual bead, you can take it all!" The old man said one word at a

"I rely on, why don't you rob, you have to break the book, so much
money?" At this moment, Chu Feng is also angry.

However, the old man was calm and lying on the ground again, saying a
word: "Love buy or not."

Immediately afterwards, he said to himself: "I have these books, but the
ancestors passed down. There are treasures in them. But ordinary people
can’t see the change. If it’s not hard, I won’t take them out. Sell."

"Old ancestors? You can really pull this old man, who is your ancestor?"
At this moment, Su Meina smashed it.

"My ancestor's coming is big, he is a spiritualist!" The old man proudly

"The spirit of the division? You will blow it!" Su Mei obviously does not

"If you love or believe it, there will always be people who know the goods
to buy." The old man closed his eyes and talked.

And listening to the old man's words, Chu Feng is a tight heart, if the old
man said that it is true, then Chu Feng feels at this moment, it may be a
relic of a spiritualist.

"Su Mei, do you have a pearl, lend me one!" Chu Feng bit his teeth and
said to Su Mei.

"Why are you doing, you really want to be the old man?" Seeing, Su Mei is
somewhat reluctant.

"If you have, please lend me!" Chu Feng extended his hand to Su Mei.

"You stupid, I have never seen you so stupid." Although Chu Feng was on
the mouth, Su Mei took out a pearl from his pocket and handed it to Chu

"Thank you." Chu Feng took the Lingzhu and handed it directly to the old
man: "Grandpa, these books, I bought it!"

"Wow, it’s really a pearl, the little girl is very rich." The old man grabbed
the spirit beads and began to examine it carefully. He drummed it in his
hand for a while, and then he put it in his hands. in.

"I see you see Lingzhu for the first time?" Looking at the old man's
excited appearance, Su Mei is very dissatisfied.

Chu Feng did not speak, and the fabrics of the stalls directly put the
dozens of books directly on the shoulders.

"Hey, little brother, you are very visionary. As an appreciation for you, I
will give you a present." But as Chu Feng was about to leave, the old man
took out a thing from the worn cloth pocket.
It is a purple disc. It is made of special wood. It is written on the four sides
of the north and south. It is engraved with life and death. In the center of
the wooden plate, there is a strange spell, which is also portrayed.

"What is this?" Su Mei grabbed the past and looked up curiously.

"Hey, little girl, this thing can be big, it is a must-have thing for the
spiritual master."

"You can live and die, you can be judged good and bad, named the spirit of
the compass!" The old man said with a nose and eyes.

"Hey? So evil, how is this thing used?" Su Mei asked.

"This..... This is the thing used by the rulers. Where do I know, hey, you
study it yourself, we will have a period!"

The old man touched the dry beard, and his eyes turned a little, seemingly
afraid of Chu Feng’s remorse, and turned and ran away.

"Look, I will say that he is a liar!" Looking at the back of the big man's
stride, Su Mei's sigh.
Martial God Asura Chapter 52: Spiritual skill
Taking advantage of a broken book, Chu Feng returned to the inn with joy.

At this moment, Su Mei is no longer a gas-filled, but a sweet smile on his

face is also very happy.

"Hey, you guy, is it in this pile of bad books, found the baby?" After
entering the room, Su Mei smiled.

"You have just bought this girl."

Looking at the singularly beautiful Su Mei, Chu Feng realized that the
gimmick had previously deliberately pretended to be like that. Apparently
she had already discovered the intention of Chu Feng.

"The old man is ghosting. If you don't say anything, give him a pearl. He
will definitely sit on the ground. If it is not for me to sing against you, you
can get it easily."

"Right, what baby you have found, find out and show it to me." Su Mei
can't wait, help the cloth pocket smashed down from Chu Feng's shoulder.

After Chu Feng broke through the pile of books, he finally picked out a
book. The book was also covered with dust, but it was very different from
other books.

Although the book is worn out but intact, and looking at it alone, it gives a
sense of simplicity, and Chu Feng can feel it in his hands. The material of
this book is special.

After Chu Feng’s hand was written, after the dust was removed, several
large characters appeared and “fine mystery skills” emerged!

"Fine and mysterious skills" Su Mei grabbed the past, carefully pondered
for a while, only a little surprised: "If this mysterious technique is true,
then you can make a big profit."
"Although the mysterious skills, only the spiritual people can cultivate,
but the market value is absolutely no less than a thousand Lingzhu,
strange, the old man will hide this good thing in the book, hey, I know, I
guess The old man must not be literate."

"So expensive?" Hearing Su Mei said that Chu Feng was shocked first, but
then followed by a big joy, because this way, he really got a big bargain
this time.

"That is of course, let's take the spiritual core of our Qinglongzong.

Although he has spiritual strength, he has no cultivation method. If you
sell this magical technique to him, he will even higher. The price, because
this thing is a priceless baby." Su Mei proud of the road.

"Haha, then after I finished the cultivation, I sold this thing, and didn't
make it big?" Chu Feng was ecstatic, a thousand Lingzhu, I am afraid that
he could directly break through Yuanwujing.

"Look at your unspoken sample. This cheat is just a mental control

technique, not a practice method for the spiritual master."

"If you can master the power of enchantment and become a spiritualist,
there will be many sects to join you. At that time, the sacred door to you
will be enough to make you a real rich man."

"Do you know how many envoys can we get every month in the Qingling

"How many?"

"One pearl per month, one oracle is equivalent to one thousand beads, and
one pearl is equivalent to one thousand beads. That is to say, he can get it
in Qinglongzong every month. Millions of spirit beads." Su Mei said.

"My goodness, one million pearls per month? This is incredible." Chu
Feng was shocked. Now for him, a pearl is extremely precious, and one
million can’t imagine .
"Even if it is such a condition, the spiritist is only reluctant to accept it. If
he does not look at the treasure of my Qinglongzong, he will not promise
to be the elder of Qinglongzong." Su Mei continued.

"Hidden? What treasure?" Chu Feng is full of curiosity.

"You should know that in the Linglong Mountain of Qinglongzong, there is

a tomb of the bones? People have guessed that the tomb of the bones is a
treasure, and the spiritual master is directed at this treasure." Su Mei

"It was there." Chu Feng was shocked again, he never imagined, so the
horrible place may be a treasure.

However, if you think about it, he can understand. After all, the spiritual
power he has now is not born with, but acquired at the Tomb of the Tomb,
so he feels that the Tomb of the Tomb is really a treasure. .

"What's wrong with you? Why are you doing this?"

"Nothing, nothing." Chu Feng hurriedly shook his head. He couldn't tell Su
Mei. He was caught in a tomb of Wanling, where he saw an old man who
was shining and got spiritual strength. These facts are too ridiculous, so
Chu Feng will not tell anyone easily.

"Well, I see you can't wait to try to cultivate this mysterious technique, I
won't bother you."

Su Mei returned the mysterious skills to Chu Feng, and handed out one of
his pockets and handed it to Chu Feng: "Hey, this is a reward for shopping
with me!"

Looking at the eyes, Chu Feng found Su Mei's palm, and placed a similar
thing, but this is obviously not an ordinary kit, because its material is very
special, and the surface is engraved with a spell.

After seeing this thing, Chu Feng suddenly took a breath and shouted: "Qi
Kun bag?"
Qiankun bag, but the size of the kit, but the built-in Qiankun, has a huge
space, can store a variety of items, and does not have a heavy weight, is a
storage artifact.

However, this Qiankun bag is complicated to make and the price is

extremely high. It is not something that ordinary people can use.

Chu Yuanba once wanted to buy a Qiankun bag, but in the end, because the
price is too expensive, so give up, so for Chu Feng, this is extremely
extravagant, but at this moment Su Mei actually wants to give it to

"What do you want to do, practice well." Su Mei put the Qiankun bag into
the hands of Chu Feng, and he was ready to leave.

"Su Mei, why are you so good to me?" Holding the Qiankun bag in his
hand, Chu Feng looked at Su Mei's eyes full of gratitude.

"No, it’s just that I have all the members of the Wing League, but you
don’t have it. It’s too shabby. After a few days, the graveyard is open. You
can’t carry two big parcels like the elixir hunting. It’s strange to be robbed
when it’s time.”

Su Mei smiled, and did not give Chu Feng an answer, but just after leaving
the door, he turned back: "If you really don't understand why, you can
think of it as me simply want to draw you."

After saying this, Su Mei left, and looking at the door that was slowly
closed, Chu Feng’s heart was a warmth, no matter what the reason, but Su
Mei was really good to him.

Sitting on the bedside, Chu Feng couldn't wait to open the magical
technique, which found that this mysterious technique is indeed a skill to
control mental power.

You can let the mental power swim, carefully observe something, as long
as the mental strength is strong enough, even if someone hides the breath,
you can see through his strength.
Even the mastery can make the invisible mental power interfere with the
other's consciousness and play an unexpected role in the battle.

All in all, this mysterious technique is definitely a good thing. For Chu
Feng, it will be of great use.
Martial God Asura Chapter 53: Charm map (plus
In accordance with the cultivation method of fine mystery, Chu Feng
began to practice his spiritual control.

Almost every moment, except for eating and sleeping, I was studying all
the time. During the hard work of Chu Feng, more and more people
entered the ancient city of the wilderness. Later, the ancient city of the
wilderness was full, and many people had to be stationed outside the
ancient city of wilderness. .

As Sumei expected, the people of Qinglongzong did arrive. Although the

Qinglong sects did not have as many people as Qianfengzong, they were
all core elders and core disciples, and they were elites.

With the advent of more and more forces, this ancient wilderness city has
become a mixed place, and conflicts occur almost daily. Looking at such a
situation, Chu Feng knows that after the cemetery is opened, there will
definitely be a scene. **** battle.


At this moment, Chu Feng stood at the window and looked at a

Qianfengzong elder on the street. Suddenly his eyes closed and his mouth
smirked and smiled: "Lingwu is nine-fold, and the elders of this thousand
winds are very common."

After a few days of cultivation, Chu Feng has mastered the control method
of mental power. As long as the strength of the other party is not too
different, Chu Feng can see through their cultivation.

"This thing, you should be able to push the spirit to push it." Closing the
window, Chu Feng took the bounds of the compass.
These days, in addition to reading the mysterious skills, Chu Feng will
also look at other books that will be scoured from the old man, and some
of them are actually a quotation of a spiritualist, which is recorded in the
world. The role of the compass.

Chu Feng also knows that this spiritual compass is indeed a treasure, can
find a trace of vitality in the formation, can find a way in the maze, say
simple, this is a tool for treasure exploration.

"?" Chu Feng thought of a move, an invisible mental power overflowed

from the brain, like an invisible snake, wandering in the air, and finally
integrated into the bounds of the compass.


At the moment when the mental power was integrated, the font on the
bounds of the spirits actually launched a faint gleam, and began to move
away from the bounds of the compass, and began to spin around the
bounds compass.

"Sure enough, baby!" See Chu Chufeng overjoyed, he knows that this
bounds compass is the real thing, and just take it into the tomb, it will
certainly play an unexpected role.

After all, the cemetery of the Xuanwu dynasty is not to be thought of, but
it is sure that the authorities will be in a state of crisis. This is why all
parties have sent top experts.

And Chu Feng has this spiritual compass, even if his strength is not good,
but it will take up some opportunities, at least in the ancient tomb.

"?" Chu Feng put the compass on the Qiankun bag, and the spell on the
Qiankun bag rotated, and directly inhaled the bounds compass that was
several times larger than it, and this is the mystery of the Qiankun bag. .

Chu Feng sat patted the pocket of the waist and sat down on the bed, but
suddenly he blinked again, suddenly remembered the top of his chest, the
strange spell from the tomb of Wanling.
"I don't know this thing, can I use my mental power to find out one or

Think of it here, Chu Feng is not too slow, a glimpse of the spirit into the
chest of the spell, and this investment does not matter, the strange spell,
there really is a slight fluctuation.

Upon seeing it, Chu Feng quickly stood up and began to control the mental
power in the brain, which was continuously injected into the chest. At this
moment, the strange spell attached to his chest actually penetrated his
clothes and floated. Out.

And in front of Chu Feng, a huge drawing was formed, and with the
continuous infusion of Chu Feng's spiritual power, the drawing composed
of the spell began to slowly rotate. Although it is very complicated, Chu
Feng can still see it. This should be a map.

"Is it true that the Tomb of the Tomb is really a treasure? And this is the
map that opened the tomb of the bones!"

Chu Feng is very excited, because this is mostly explained that this strange
spell is not only harmless to him, but it is probably a fortune.

"?" is just that, just as the map is about to take shape, Chu Feng’s head is
stinging, and the mental power is actually consumed.

"It seems that I want to interpret this map, I need a lot of mental strength."
Chu Yan sighed the painful head, Chu Feng did not sorrow and laugh.

Because today's harvest is really too big, as long as he thinks of his own
body, hiding a map that can unlock the treasure, who will be excited.

After the mental strength was restored, Chu Feng tried to put his mental
power into his own Dantian, because the things hidden there were his most

Just because of it, his Dantian seems to have a barrier, and the mental
power can't enter at all. This result made Chu Feng very depressed at first,
but Chu Feng was ecstatic.

If his mental power can't penetrate his dantian, it means that other
spiritual people can't detect his dantian, so that he has the secret of Shen
Lei in Dantian, he won't be human. Know.

In a good mood, Chu Feng walked out of the inn to breathe, but just did
not go far, it was attracted by a curse.

"Mom, let you steal, see if you still steal it, die called Hanako, kill you!"

In a certain alley, two big five big three big men are encircling a person, it
is a messy hair, and the clothes are ruined.

In the face of this kind of thing, Chu Feng did not want to control it, but
Chu Feng was shocked to find that such a flower, in the beating of the
Dahan, was actually unmoved, but he was still eating his own buns.

Out of curiosity, Chu Feng spread his spiritual power, but after he passed
through the flower, he came up with a result. It was an ordinary person
who had never cultivated a martial arts. But how can ordinary people have
such a good system?

"Stop!" Feeling wrong, Chu Feng blocked.

And when someone saw it, the two big men also rushed to stop, especially
after seeing the appearance of Chu Feng, he felt that he was a man of
martial arts, so his attitude was very polite.

"What happened?" Chu Feng asked.

"This is called Hanako stealing our steamed buns." One person replied.

"The bag he stole was counted on my account, and I went to get ten more
buns." Chu Feng handed the bronze to the big man.

"Yes is..." and the big man is not too slow, and soon he gets ten buns and
leaves the literate.
At this moment, there are only two people in the alley, Chu Feng and
Huanzi. Chu Feng carefully looked at this flower.

I found that the other party was not very old, but the middle-aged
appearance, and the eyes were sluggish, like unconsciousness, Chu Feng
gave him a buns and he ate it. If he didn’t give him, he wouldn’t grab it.
He just looked at the steamed bun in Chu Feng’s hand. , constantly
swallowing saliva.

"this is....."

At this moment, Chu Feng's pupil suddenly enlarged, and he was shocked
to find that the big man had a strange scar on his forehead, saying that the
scar was not appropriate, because it was born and brought out of the flesh.

The reason why he said that he is strange, it is because its shape is very
weird, like a flame, and gives a sense of life, as if burning.

Out of curiosity, Chu Feng explored his fingers and wanted to touch the
flaming scar.

"What are you doing!"

But Chu Feng just touched the scar, but the big man suddenly screamed,
like a person, a hand like a steel pliers, firmly grasped Chu Feng's wrist.

At this moment, Chu Feng’s face changed greatly and it was not good. He
can clearly feel that the layer of horror is enough to make him suffocate
the pressure, is rushing out of the palm of the man, pouring into his body,
so that it will not go out for a while, he will burst and die.
Martial God Asura Chapter 54: Madness called
Hanako (plus 36)
The tyrannical pressure, like a stormy wave, followed by waves,
constantly pouring into Chu Feng.

The terrible power is to smash and smash the five internal organs of Chu
Feng. The pain of the bones makes Chu Feng want to scream.

But the most strange thing is that he actually can't make a sound, as if
even the voice has been deprived, in the face of this power, lost all the
ability to resist.

"It's you!!!"

But at this moment, it was called Hanako, but he was screaming, as if he

was frightened, not only loosened the palm of Chu Feng’s hand, but also
stepped back backwards until he leaned against the wall before bending
down. Curled up in the corner.

However, he still sneaked at Chu Feng from time to time, but the more he
was aiming, the more he was afraid. At the end of the day, he began to
shake his head with both hands.

Such a change made Chu Feng feel overwhelmed. After looking around for
a circle, he found that there was no semi-personal shadow. This means that
Huazi was talking to himself, but this made Chu Feng feel wrong, and he
dared to ask him. Road: "Do you know me?"

"Don't come over, I beg you, I beg you to let me go, I have done what you
want me to do, please let me go, I still don't want to die!"

But Chu Feng is not close, it is called Hanako, and suddenly he swung his
sleeves, a strong wind swept through, and when the wind dissipated, Chu
Feng’s horror discovery, it’s called Hanako It disappeared without a trace,
and even a trace of breath did not stay.
At this moment, Chu Feng’s complex face is extremely complex, and the
heart is very surprised. Because the previous scene, people can see that the
crazy madman is a savage, a strong martial artist, a real strong, strong to
the deep Unpredictable, it is impossible to determine the repair.

However, the most surprising thing about Chu Feng is that Huazi seems to
know him, and he is very afraid of him. Although he does not know the
specific reasons, Chu Feng feels that the flower is likely to know his life.

For his own life, his father Chu Yuan never mentioned it, and Chu Feng
never asked, because he used to think that his parents have abandoned him,
and he has no reason to go to them. Such parents do not It is worth looking
for him.

However, when he met this called Hanako, his thoughts have completely
changed. Why is it that the flower that he wants to get will be crazy, what
does he have to do with himself? Who is his parents? Or is it happening
many years ago?

All kinds of doubts, such as the tides flooding into Chu Feng's brain, made
him more curious about his own life. He felt that everything might not be
as simple as he thought. His own life experience did not seem as ordinary
as he expected.

"Hey, look for you for a long time, how do you run this." But at this
moment, a sweet voice sounded, and I was looking at Sumei who was
standing at the alley and looking at him, and began to walk to him. Come,
it seems that there is something urgent.

"What's wrong?" Seeing, Chu Feng rushed to sort out the emotions and
asked with a smile.

"The location of the cemetery has been announced. Now the forces of all
parties have already rushed there. We must also pass as soon as possible,
otherwise we will not be able to eat even the leftovers." Su Mei was eager
to face, and Chu Feng left.
As Su Mei said, the map of the cemetery was finally announced, but no
one knows who the person who published the map is, but people can be
sure that the person who got the map alone has gained huge benefits. .

The forces of all parties are brought together, and people are advancing to
the place where the cemetery is at the fastest speed. At this time, the
gunpowder flavor of the various forces is getting stronger and stronger,
especially Qinglongzong and Qianfengzong. Between, size and friction
continue to occur.

This makes Chu Feng happy, glad to listen to Su Mei's words, did not wear
the costumes of Qinglongzong, otherwise with the strength of several of
them, if the people of Qianfengzong stare, most of them will die.

"Look, that is the core disciple of my Qinglongzong."

"Are you playing again? The ancient tomb has not yet been opened. If you
really find the treasure, then you don't want blood to flow into the river?"

In the desert, Chu Feng and his party saw a disciple of Qinglongzong, and
they had a conflict with more than a dozen Qianfengzong disciples.

The person in Qinglongzong, dressed in a blue robes, is obviously a core

disciple, and Qian Fengzong, although a crowd of people, is an inner

The core disciples have a spiritual and martial arts, and they have
cultivated Xuan Gong and mastered four martial arts skills. Therefore, in
the face of a group of rabble, he has taken the absolute advantage and soon
knocked down all the disciples of Qian Fengzong. The marvel of countless

"Oh, it seems that my choice of Qinglongzong is still right. Sending an

elite is better than bullying a shrimp and crab." As a person who is a
Qinglongzong, watching the victory of his own Zongmen, he will always
feel great.
"Don't do anything, our current status is just a passerby!" But Su Mei, who
has always liked to watch the lively, has been extremely abnormal at this
moment. Not only does she stop to watch, but it speeds up the pace of
moving forward.

"Sumei Shimei!" And when the call came out, people realized that the core
disciple of the Qinglongzong actually knew Sumei.

Upon hearing this call, Su Mei did not stop, but accelerated the speed of
the move, but the one quickly caught up and stopped in front of Su Mei.

"Su Mei Shimei is really you, how my brother told you not to look back."
The core disciple smiled.

"It turned out that Zhou’s brother couldn’t think so smartly, I met you
here.” Su Mei pretended to be the same.

"Hey, don't call such a foreigner, just call me a distant brother." The core
disciples were full of evil smiles, while talking at the same time a pair of
thieves, restlessly swept on Su Mei's body.

At this moment, Yimeng and others screamed badly. Anyone can see the
core disciple and want to plot against Sumei.

If you change to others, the people of Yimeng have long come forward to
block and even teach, but now they are not only the disciples of the same
sect, but also a core disciple. For such people, even members of the squad
are also How much is taboo.

After all, they can become core disciples, and their strengths are very
strong. They can all be called dragons among people, and Zongmen’s
status is extremely high. It is reasonable to say that their inner disciples,
when they meet core disciples, must go forward. Shi Li, how dare to

"Su Mei Shimei, should also come for the cemetery of the Xuanwu martial
strong, look at your dress, certainly afraid of encountering unnecessary
trouble, but you do not have to fear, follow me to ensure that no one dares
to bully you. ”

Between the talks, the core disciple smiled shamelessly, actually sticking
out a black hand, wanting to go to Su Mei, and this guy is very fast, almost
no chance to respond to Su Mei, intentionally to take advantage of Su Mei.
Martial God Asura Chapter 55: Xiaoye is called
Chu Feng (plus 37)
However, just when he was about to succeed, Chu Feng suddenly appeared
next to Su Mei, and took Su Mei into his arms, which made Su Mei escape
the black hand of the core disciple.

In this scene, the core disciple can change his face, and his eyes will
suddenly shoot two cold eyes. The kind of gaze, I can’t wait to kill Chu
Feng on the spot.

However, Chu Feng simply ignored him, but smiled and looked at Su Mei
in his arms: "Baby, do you know him?"

Upon seeing it, Su Mei smiled sweetly and said, "I am not familiar."

"Hey, don't chat with unfamiliar people in the future, girls should pay
attention to the size." Chu Feng talked while listening to Su Mei's hair,
regardless of the feelings of the core disciples.

"Know it." And Su Mei is also a bird like a human being, as if the two are
really lovers.

"Kid, who are you?" The core disciple turned pale, and endured anger,
pointing to Chu Feng.

It’s hard to be here. I met Su Mei’s little beauty. I thought I could take the
opportunity to take advantage of it, but I couldn’t think of a halfway to kill
this kid, which made him extremely unhappy.

"Who are you?" Chu Feng did not answer, but instead eagerly asked.

"Who am I? I am the core disciple of Qinglongzong, Zhou Zhiyuan."

"Hey, are you Zhou Zhiyuan?"

"it's me."
"Have not heard."


This time, it is said that the core disciple Zhou Zhiyuan, even the
onlookers of the wing alliance members also shocked a underground bus.

This Chu Feng is also too big, so dare to slap the face of the core disciples,
but also the slap in the air, everyone realizes that Chu Feng is going to be a
big disaster.

"you wanna die!"

Sure enough, that week, the hegemonic shot, he picked up his arm, the
hard palm of the hand with a burst of wind, fanned to Chu Feng's cheek.

At this moment, Su Meiliu's eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, and the aura
of operation is going to be shot, but it feels a soft force to push her away. It
is Chu Feng.


After pushing Su Mei away, Chu Feng turned his head to the side, and
avoided the slap in the face of Zhou Zhiyuan. At the same time, he took a
step forward and hit it with a palm, then slammed it against Zhou
Zhiyuan’s chest.

"This kid"

Seeing Chu Feng not only avoided his attack, but also issued such a fierce
attack on him, which made Zhou Zhiyuan shocked and rushed to run Xuan
Gong, and the fists of Chu Feng’s face-to-face fists huddled together.

"?" two punches, the powerful force makes both of them back a few steps,
although Chu Feng face calm, but that week, Zhiyuan can change his face.

Lingwu Liuzhong, a six-handed boy of Lingwu, struggled with him, and

even struggled to fight up and down, and the feeling of the numbness that
he had uploaded at the moment, let him know the body of the boy in front
of him, it seems very Yes, it is simply a steel bar.

"There are two sons, you can dare to report the name!" After discovering
that Chu Feng was not simple, Zhou Zhiyuan did not take another shot, but
instead asked Chu Feng.

"Small grandfather does not change his name and does not change his
family name. Qinglong Zong's inner disciple, Chu Feng is also!" And Chu
Feng is head-high, and his name is loud.

"Chu Feng, very good, I remember you."

"A disciple in a district, seeing the core brother not only does not pray, but
also dare to disrespect me, you better not let me see you again, otherwise
you will not be able to eat and walk."

After I finished these words in icy cold, Zhou Zhiyuan and the sinister
stunned Chu Feng, and he quickly left.

"Chu Feng brothers, you are too powerful, that Zhou Zhiyuan is the core
disciple who has cultivated Xuan Gong. He has the strength of eight
strengths, but you can hardly pick him up, and I will not suffer, my white
is really admire. ”

"Chu Feng brothers, if you are in this strength, you can definitely rank in
the top ten, and I will admire Ye Taozi."

"Spiritual power, really great, Chu Feng brothers when you are developing
in the future, don't forget our brothers."

After the long walk in the week, the white owls, Ye Taozi, Long Xiu, and
other brothers who had not been close to watching in the distance all came
together, and their faces were full of admiration.

The combination of Lingwu Liuzhong and Lingwu Eighth can be handled

with ease and comfort. These strengths are simply unheard of and unheard
However, they were shocked and surprised. They did not doubt Chu Feng’s
system too much. They simply thought that Chu Feng relied on his mental
strength to become so strong.

"We are still on the road as soon as possible. I believe that the masters of
Yuanwujing have already arrived at the cemetery. If they don't hurry, they
will not be able to fish." Su Mei looked at the map and called for her

When people stepped on the road again, Su Mei quietly walked to Chu
Feng's side and whispered: "You guy is terrible."

"What's wrong?" Chu Feng is somewhat puzzled.

"You just used the breath method, otherwise you can't resist the punch of
Zhou Zhiyuan."

"Yes, I used the breath method. Is there any horror?"

"You guy, know how long it took me to practice the breath method?"

"how long!"

"I have spent the whole year mastering this breath, but you have only used
it for a few days!"

"You want to boast that I am too smart, or want to say that you are too

"You are this trick"


A scream rang, and Chu Feng’s arm was green again, and for the two of
them, Bai Yu and others have long been used to it.

In fact, people with discerning eyes can see that the relationship between
Su Mei and Chu Feng is unusual, so even if they are on the road, they will
deliberately open a distance to avoid disturbing the two.
Looking at the fangs and licking his arms, Chu Feng, Su Mei snorted,
softly said: "Thank you."

"Thank you?" Chu Feng is a little confused, I don't know what this Shantou

"You are a smart person, I think you must know that you have been
offended by Zhou Zhiyuan, what will be faced in the future, but you still
choose to help me, I....."

"What to say, don't think about it, you remember, don't say a core disciple
in the district, even if a strong person dares to bully you, I will stand
before you without hesitation and help you teach him!"


"Because, you are the person I want to protect Chu Feng!" After saying
this, Chu Feng smiled and continued on his way.

However, Su Mei stopped in the same place, a pair of beautiful eyes

flickering, the mood on her face is very complicated, she felt for the first
time that this young boy who had just met soon was so reliable.

Suddenly, Su Mei smiled and shook her hand with her little hand. She
chased it over to Chu Feng. She smiled very sweetly, really sweet, because
this sweetness was made by heart.
Martial God Asura Chapter 56: Dare to approach,
kill (plus 38)
Chu Feng and others, following the map all the way, finally came to the
so-called cemetery before the sky was dark.

At this moment, the cemetery has been opened. Although there are still a
large number of people flowing inward, it is already invisible to the
Yuanwu martial. This shows that the top leaders have already stepped into

"Sure enough, can you only get some leftovers?" Looking at such a scene,
it is a bit of a disappointment.

"If you don't hurry in, I'm afraid I can't even see the rice." But Chu Feng
didn't care, smiled, and took the lead and rushed in.

The cemetery was built under the desert, and its scale is beyond people's
imagination. On both sides of the wide passageway, it is covered with
luminous stones. The road paved by this mysterious stone is bright as

Less than 50 meters in front of the passage, there is a circular hall. The
hall is brightly lit, magnificent and beautiful. Chu Feng is the first to see
such a luxurious interior.

However, this circular hall is not the end, but there are dozens of passages
here, and each passage is deep and can't see the end.

"Chu Feng, which one should we take?" Looking at the labyrinthine

passage, Su Mei and others turned their attention to Chu Feng. At this
moment, Chu Feng, who has spiritual strength, has become a group of
them. The backbone of the heart.

"These channels are too deep, and they are not detected at all. They can
only bet on luck."
Chu Feng shook his head helplessly, but he did not hesitate. He took a note
and chose a passage, and rushed in, and Su Mei and others followed

Not long after entering the channel, many doors were found on both sides
of the channel, and some doors have been opened. It is faintly visible that
there are a lot of elixir inside, and many people are in the room, killing
them in order to seize the elixir.

"Come on, open this way."

Chu Feng spread the spiritual power and found the most sturdy black iron
gate. When he came to the front of the door, he showed the second style of
the Thunder, and saw a ray of lightning. The black iron door lock was
broken by Chu Feng.


Open the black iron gate, suddenly a burst of aura came to the fore, the
earthly medicine, the heavenly medicine, the fairy medicine, everything,
there are thousands of plants, dazzlingly placed on the bracket of the

"Where is this cemetery, it is a treasure house!"

When you see it, everyone is overjoyed, because they know that this time
they have to make a fortune, because there are at least dozens of rooms in
this channel.

"White Dragon, White Tiger, Ye Taozi, Zhang Tingzi, you four are
guarding the door, Bai Yu, Su Mei, and we are collecting the elixir."

Then, Chu Feng and Su Meibai rushed into the three, picked up the
Qiankun bag, and began to collect these elixir, no matter whether it is the
next product or the top grade, all the elixir will not let go.

"Let it go, let's kill you if you don't let it go."

"This room is open to us, and the medicine here is for us."
"Fart, the things here are all things without the Lord. Are you saying that
you are yours?"

But at this moment, there was a loud drink at the door, and I looked back
and saw that the dragon brothers and brothers were fighting with a group
of big men.

This group of big Han does not know which force they belong to, but the
strength is not weak. Five of them are all seven of the Lingwu, and have
already suppressed the brothers and sisters.

"Trick or treat, they want to take advantage of the fishermen." Seeing, Su

Mei and Bai Yu are very angry.

Because when they opened the black iron gate, they saw this group of
people. This group of people did not open any door, but stood in the
passage to watch the changes. After the opening of Chu Feng and others,
they rushed. Come over.

"You continue to collect, I will stop them." Chu Feng threw his Qiankun
bag to Su Mei, and strode over to the group.

At this moment, the big man is fighting fiercely with the dragon brother
and the tiger brother. Chu Feng is like a ghostly killing. He sees the
thunder and the rushing, the blood is flying, just the blink of an eye, there
are five screams coming out. Three Lingwu six heavy, two Lingwu seven
heavy Dahan, has fallen in a pool of blood, no breath.

This scene can scare the group of big men, and quickly put away the blade
of the hand, back, pointing to Chu Feng said: "Boy, how dare you die,
know who we are?"

"?" However, the voice of the man just fell, Chu Feng appeared like a
ghost in front of him, the palm of his hand is like a blade, only the cold
light flashed, the man has been flying his head, is the first place.

After cleanly killing the man, Chu Feng’s body was covered with blood.
He stood in front of the black iron gate, and there were two cold awns in
his eyes. He only said five words: "Dare to approach, kill!"

The powerful murderousness, like an invisible hurricane, scared the group

of big men back and forth, looking at the six members who died on the
ground. Although this group of people was angry, no one dared to go

They were all scared by Chu Feng's power. Don't look at Chu Feng's still
young, but everyone can see that this boy is very hot and can be said to be
a real killer.


Biting his teeth, a big man who seemed to be the leader snorted. The group
of guys looked at Chu Feng with a meaningful look and rushed to other

At this moment, the dragon brother, the younger brother, Ye Taozi, Zhang
Tingzi and so on, the look of Chu Feng is also extremely complicated,
because in the end they are still teenagers, although they have experienced
a lot, but they have not touched their lives.

However, Chu Feng is different. The murderousness that he emits is like a

fake. He really kills people, and he has already done so, and he still has no
mercy when he does it. So only people like Chu Feng, The murderous
scent will be cold and bitter, making people feel fearful.

At this moment, the three people secretly rejoiced, fortunately Chu Feng is
their teammates rather than the enemy, if they can not imagine, in the face
of such an enemy, what kind of dangerous situation.

"Don't be in a daze, you all go in and collect the elixir, here I can be
alone." Chu Feng is four people.

"Well" and the four people rushed in without hesitation. At this moment,
Chu Feng's position in their hearts has already changed. Where is the
newcomer who just joined the squad, and became the leader of their
After this, Chu Feng and others have successively opened a few black iron
gates. The elixir in each room is much richer than that opened by others.

In the meantime, there were also many people who didn't have long eyes
and wanted to grab the labor results of Chu Feng and others, but only one
result was obtained, that is, death.

At the end of the day, the murderousness of Chu Feng was getting more
and more concentrated. Almost everyone just looked at him and hurriedly
circumvented it. He was afraid of getting this comet, because the bitter
murder was not a joke.

After waiting for the rooms on both sides of the passage, only a few of
them have not been opened yet, Chu Feng decided to stop robbing these
people, but to continue to deepen. As for the purpose, it is to take the lead.

Although so far, they have received nearly 10,000 elixir, most of which are
under the elixir, and the best is just the elixir.

As for the best spiritual medicine "Lingzhu" has not been discovered so
far, they all agreed that there is a better baby in the depths of this
cemetery. After all, this is the cemetery of the Xuanwu strong.

Only when they reached a certain level, a strong **** smell spread, and
when they entered a spacious hall, almost everyone was shocked by the
Martial God Asura Chapter 57: Yukong old man
(plus 39)
The spacious hall is full of dead bodies, which can be seen from the
clothes. These people are the people who broke into the cemetery.

Around the corpse, there are still many humanoid monsters. They are
called humanoid monsters because they are extremely ugly and bloody,
like those who have been shed by the epidermis. It is very scary.

And their body, actually exudes the atmosphere of the martial arts, the
weakest is also the six weapons of Lingwu, but several of them are
actually Lingwu Jiuzhong.

At this moment, these strange monsters are eating their flesh and blood on
the body, which is even more ferocious and terrible than the beast.

The most important thing is that there are hundreds of these monsters,
which occupy almost every part of the main hall. In this way, if you want
to reach the other side of the main hall, unless there is a strong man of
Yuanwujing, it will be a master of Lingwu. Furious and rare.

"It’s a blood corpse, there are so many blood corpses, this... it’s too cruel!”

At this moment, Su Meiyu's hand covered the small mouth, and a pair of
beautiful eyes were rounded, full of incomparable shock.

"Su Mei, do you know these things?"

Chu Feng is also thrilled. Through mental observation, he can discover

these monsters. Except for the absence of the epidermis, almost all parts
of the body are no different from people, and this is mostly a description
of these monsters.

"There is a poison in the world called blood poison. The blood poison is
made up of thousands of exotic poisons."
"As long as someone swallows this poison, and can't dissolve the
medicine, it will be deprived of the intellect within half an hour. From then
on, it will become immortal, and it will become a walking-like killing
tool. Because of the change, it will fade off the skin and cover it. Only
**** muscles are left, which is called a blood corpse."

"Some people in order to prevent their cemetery from being stolen, will
use this poison to make blood corpses, and put them in their cemetery. I
can't think of it... I don't think there are so many blood corpses here. The
owner of this cemetery is too much. Cruel."

After Su Mei’s remarks, everyone is taking a breath of cold and turning a

living person into such a monster. This is indeed awkward.

"So Su Mei, do you know what features these guys have?"

Chu Feng and others stood outside the temple, and the blood corpse could
see them, but they did not attack them. But the people in the hall were
obviously killed by blood corpses, so Chu Feng felt that this blood corpse
was neither A complete human being must have some weakness.

"The blood corpse has no eyes, no intelligence, only the desire to kill.
They rely on the sense of smell to distinguish between food and the same
kind. Except for the same kind, all creatures close to their sense of smell
will be ruthlessly hunted by them." Said.

"You mean that they rely on the sense of smell to distinguish between
friends and foes?" Chu Feng shines.

"Yes," Su Mei nodded.

"If this is the case, I have a way to go." Chu Feng laughed.

"What is the way?" Hearing him like this, everyone is excited, and the
front is already a dead end, but if Chu Feng really has a way to pass, then
waiting for them will be a huge treasure.
"It’s just a little thought. As for the use, you need to verify it. You are
waiting for me here."

Then, Chu Feng stepped into the hall, his compact breathing and running
Xuan Gong, went straight to a Lingwu six-heavy blood corpse flew away.


Just as Chu Feng was close to the **** body within ten meters, the blood
corpse actually made a low-pitched like a beast, and his mouth screamed
and screamed, like a hungry tiger, and rushed over to Chu Feng.

"??" but only see Chu Feng arm waving, cold and glamorous, that a
complete blood corpse, was actually smashed by his shackles, scattered
everywhere, and the blood corpse is very strange, don't look bloody, But
after being smashed, it did not spill a drop of blood.

"This kid is terrible." Looking at the neat incision of the blood corpse, and
then look at the palm of Chu Feng, Bai Hao and others took a breath.

Although the cultivation to their extent, the flesh is indeed as strong as

steel, ordinary weapons are hard to hurt them, but such as Chu Feng, such
as the blade, and so sharp, but also really rare, at least at their level, the
basic No.

However, when Chu Feng made the next move, they were completely
shocked. I saw that Chu Feng had killed several blood corpses one after
another, and then tied the broken limbs of the blood corpse with the
clothes of the deceased. , tied to his waist and legs.

"Chu Feng, what is this guy doing, even taking **** bodies, so
disgusting....." Zhang Tingzi, a girl, covered her hands and could not bear

"Continue to look at it, he must have his thoughts." But it is Su Mei gazing
at Chu Feng tightly, looking forward to his next step.
At this moment, a surprising scene took place, and Chu Feng went so far
as he started, and his goal was the center of the **** corps.

This can scare Su Mei and others. The **** bodies in the center of the hall
are very powerful. Some of them have reached the Lingwu Jiuzhong. If
they are attacked by the group, even Chu Feng will be killed in an instant.
He is simply court death.

But the next moment, they were shocked again, because they were shocked
to discover that Chu Feng was in the **** corpse, and the blood corpse
actually ignored Chu Feng, as if it could not smell its taste.

"I know, it uses the smell of blood corpse to cover up his breath, thus
avoiding the perception of blood corpses." Finally, Su Mei said with

"It turned out to be the case, this method, he can think of it." At the same
time, other people are also suddenly realized, his face is also showing a
look of admiration.

Afterwards, everyone used Chu Feng's method to successfully avoid the

blood corpse, and finally arrived safely at the other end of the hall, and
finally can continue to deepen.

After walking a kilometer along the passage, there was a stone door in
front, and after the door was pushed open, Chu Feng and others were very

At this moment, what is floating in front of them is a huge cave. The cave
is very wide, up to a hundred feet, and it is a rocky world. The rocks here
are very special, and they are shining green and beautiful. Pretty.

However, they can only look at the beauty of the cave and cannot touch the
rock, because at this moment they are on a cliff.

On the top of the cliff, a stone monument of up to ten meters is erected.

On the stone monument, there are several lines of characters in the dragon
and phoenix dance:
"The old man is a 10-year-old martial artist. At the age of 16, he entered
the Yuanwujing. At the age of 25, he entered the Xuanwujing. At the age of
40, he was already Xuanwu Jiuzhong. After he was over 100 years old, he
still couldn’t comprehend the mysteriousness of Wu’s day. He finally
failed to set foot in the heavenly environment and could not feel it. The
feeling of traveling the sky."

"Unfortunately, the old man has worked hard for decades, and finally
created the martial arts "Oysters". Although he has not entered Tianwu, he
can also walk in the air and feel the mystery of walking the sky."

"The imperial technique is the blood of the old man. There were all the
characters who wanted to learn. They were all rejected by the old man.
Now the Emperor is in the tomb of the old man. When I come to take it,
my heart is very hard to learn. If you want to get the wind, you have to
look at the strength of everyone."

"It turned out to be him!" After seeing the handwriting on the tombstone,
Su Mei was shocked.

"Su Mei, do you know him?" Chu Feng asked curiously.

However, it is still not for Sumei to speak. Bai Yu took the lead to say: "If
you didn't guess wrong, this predecessor was a hundred years ago, the first
master of Qingzhou in Qingzhou, the old man."
Martial God Asura Chapter 58: Yanjia Road is
narrow (plus 40)
"The old man of the emptiness is actually him?" Long brother and tiger
brother were shocked, apparently they also heard the name.

"The Royal Air is the eternal school of the emptiness of the elderly, but
few people know the name of the martial arts, so now, this is definitely the
cemetery of the old man." Su Mei explained.

"I don't think this senior man will be buried here. No wonder no one knows
where he is going." Ye Taozi also exclaimed.

"Look, there is something under the stone tablet." At this moment, Zhang
Tingzi suddenly exclaimed and ran to the stone monument.

At this time, people also noticed that there was a wooden box under the
stone tablet. When they opened it, everyone was happy.

The golden light in the box flashed, and all of them were actually Lingzhu.
Although the box is not big, the size of the Lingzhu is very small, so there
are at least hundreds of Lingzhu, hundreds of Lingzhu, and each of them.
It can be divided into a dozen or so, this time it is really making a big

But when the dragon brother and other brothers were ecstatic and
separated, the Chu Feng went to the end of the cliff and looked down, not

The cliff was deep, but on the edge of the cliff, there were several vines
falling down until they fell into the mist and disappeared.

The fog covered everything, and I couldn't see the world below, but the
faint Chu Chuan could feel the murder of the smoldering underneath the
"The air technique is a peculiar martial art. At the beginning, the old man
of the emptiness relied on it. He could walk in the air, and he traveled
thousands of miles a day. Although he did not enter the heavens, he was
already envied by the majesty of the heavenly environment. ""

"But it is a pity that the old man is strange and strange. Not only has he not
joined any forces, but he has not had a friend. How many young people
want to enter under his door, but only one result is obtained, and that is

"So the airspace technique has long been lost for a hundred years. It is
estimated that the airspace technique can be classified as at least seven
martial arts, but you must know that in my Qingzhou territory, the best
martial arts are only six martial arts, and I am Qinglongzong. There are
not even six martial arts skills."

"This time, if someone can successfully get the Royal Air, it is really big."

"I have to say that we have gone through the big luck this time, and we
accidentally bumped into the cemetery of the old man, but it is a pity that
our strength is not good enough to pass the big game." Looking down The
clouds, Su Meimei flashing, holding a small mouth, it is a pity.

"Is this old man really so powerful?"

Chu Feng has never heard of it. The name of the old man in the air, he
suddenly felt that he was like a poor boy who grew up in a remote
mountain village. He didn’t understand anything.

Su Mei and others, who are grown up in the city, are rich and young
masters, even if they are of similar age, but they are much more
experienced than others, and in fact they are.

"When the first master of Qingzhou, you thought it was a joke?"

"If the news of the cemetery of the Imperial Air cemetery is passed down,
it is enough to shake the entire Qingzhou, the forces of all parties will be
crazy, and will send the top experts in the first time."
"At that time, I didn't say that we couldn't get into the cemetery and fish in
the water. Even Qinglongzong and Qianfengzong were not qualified. At
that time, it would be the world of first-class sects, so I said, we are gone.
Yun." Su Mei said.

After listening to Su Mei's words, Chu Feng's eyes were getting brighter
and brighter. He stared at the misty sea below, and suddenly he had a crazy

The emptiness that has been lost for centuries is probably in the clouds
below. He has no reason to miss it.

At this moment, a loud noise came from behind the cliff. Looking back, Su
Mei and others were all face-changing, and even Chu Feng was frowning.

Six tall men, each with their own eyebrows, and their imposing manners,
all wearing blue robes and exuding the spirit of the spirits. These are all
the core disciples of Qinglongzong, and there is also an acquaintance. It
was Zhou Zhiyuan who had an entanglement with Chu Feng before.

"Hey, I don't think there is already a person who has already gotten the
first place. If you look at this, but you still haven't grown up, how can you
come here?"

"It seems that we are underestimating the people here. Sure enough, apart
from a few of us, some people know how to pass the blood corpse."

Those core disciples, after seeing Chu Feng and others, were very
surprised, but they can see in their words that they did not put Chu Feng
and others in their eyes.

"It’s really a narrow road, Su Mei’s sister, we met again.” At this moment,
Zhi Zhiyuan smiled and opened his mouth.

"Su Mei? Mo Fei, this is Su's sister. They were a few of them before, and
they disrespected you?" Seeing, some people asked.
"Yes, that is, they, especially the kid, can be described as daring." Zhou
Zhiyuan pointed his finger to Chu Feng, who was on the cliff, and showed
a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Zhiyuan, how do you want to deal with the kid, we help you." The eyes of
other people have become cold and cold. As a core disciple, they have
been offended by the inner disciples. For them, this is intolerable.

"We are enshrined in the life of the cold brothers, and collect the spiritual
beads at the cliffs of all channels. Anyone who obstructs us will be killed."
Zhou Zhiyuan said.

"Zhou Zhiyuan, as the same door, do you dare to kill us?" Su Mei yelled.

"The same door? Why don't you wear the costumes of Qinglongzong? If
you don't wear Zongmen costumes, you don't put Qinglongzong in your
eyes. You don't think of yourself as a Qinglong sect. For such people, we
should have to eliminate it."

"But Su Mei's sister, don't be afraid, I can't bear to kill you, Zhou Zhiyuan,
I will only enjoy you, hehe...." The words here, Zhou Zhiyuan's mouth
reveals a shameless smile.

"You........." Hearing this, Su Mei’s small face was white and it was really
angry. She couldn’t think that this week, Zhiyuan would be shameless to
this point.

"Zhiyuan, this is not very good, how to say she is also the sister of Surou."
Another core disciple spoke up, although the mouth said so, but a pair of
eyes have long been restless a lot of Su Mei's body.

"Everyone, I think you must know that Su Rou is the first beauty of my
Qinglongzong, but that Su is so arrogant, we can't get close, and we are
destined to miss it."

"And her sister Su Mei, regardless of appearance or body, is no worse than

her, will grow up in the future is also a goblin, and now there are great
opportunities, do you not want to taste, this petite beauty?" Zhou Zhiyuan
It is also direct, but directly said his intentions.

"Haha, Zhiyuan brother, since the words have already said this, I still
hesitate. Spring is worth a thousand dollars." Finally, one of them could
not wait to force Chu Feng and others to come.

In this scene, it is said that Bai Yu and others, even Su Mei is also a
wrinkle, and became extremely nervous, six core disciples, this is
definitely not what they can cope with.
Martial God Asura Chapter 59: Guild Wars (plus
"Several brothers, you just want the spirit beads. The spiritual beads here
are all handed over to you, can't you?"

"No, not only Lingzhu, everything here is for you."

In the face of Zhou Zhiyuan and others who are forced to come forward,
the dragon brother and the tiger show the color of fear, and the body is
also beginning to tremble. He even removes his own Qiankun bag and
wants to hand it over.

"Why, don't want to die, yes, you are begging for mercy, and we are
screaming at us for a hundred heads. We will consider you two dogs!"
Zhou Zhiyuan and other six people approached Chu Feng and others.
Teasing the two people.

At this moment, the dragon brother and the tiger brother actually had some
movements, facing the choice between life and death, even though they
knew that even if they were begging for mercy, the other party might not
spare them, but they still wanted to try and make the last for survival.

"White Dragon White Tiger, don't lose the people of my wing!" Seeing
that the two really want to kneel, Su Mei screamed in anger.

However, despite this, it is completely impossible to prevent the two men

from slowly lowering their knees and the lower waist plate. They seem to
have made a decision.

"As a man, a little dignity."

But at this moment, Chu Feng came over. After he glanced at the dragon
brother and brother, he walked to the front of several people and swept the
fearless eyes to the six core disciples.
"Do you know that you have committed a capital crime!"

"Kid, what do you mean by this?" Hearing this, Zhou Zhiyuan and others
who are proud of this are not allowed to see.

Chu Feng is a strange smile, blink of an eye: "I mean, you dare to sin
against Su Mei, it is a crime of death!"


As soon as the voice fell, Chu Feng’s body was like a wind, and he flew up.
He actually took the lead in launching an offensive against six core

And he was fast, almost rushing to the front of the six core disciples, such
changes, even the previously imposing Zhou Zhiyuan and others, was also

"Unreal palm!!!" Chu Feng runs Xuan Gong, a few palms, and the palm of
the sky, the sky is slamming out, it is hard to know which one is true,
which is true.

"I actually practiced the illusory palm to this point, and it really means a

"But kid, you are too small to see me waiting, today let you know the gap
between the inner disciple and the core disciple."

Surprisingly surprised, the core disciples are the people who have seen the
world after all. They quickly adjusted their mentality and operated Xuan
Gong. They also displayed three martial arts skills and fought with Chu
Feng to one place.

However, this fight does not matter, but the six people were once again
surprised. A disciple in a district, a district of Lingwu six, only with an
imposing manner, can actually pick them up six undefeated, this can really
let them Some are unacceptable.
In particular, their attacks are obviously from the back, but Chu Feng is
like a long eye behind him. If you don't look at it, you can easily avoid it,
which makes them feel very surprised.

"This kid has cultivated Xuan Gong. Don't care about it. Use his full
strength to kill him. Otherwise, he will endless troubles." Zhou Zhiyuan,
who had worked with Chu Feng, knew that Chu Feng was not simple. He
didn't want to spend more time with Chu Feng. Four martial arts were

"Whering", he opened his arms and gave birth to a violent wind. A strong
power, from his body, burst out, punching Chu Feng.

This punch, the speed is very fast, almost lightning, even if Chu Feng can
not dodge, and this punch is very powerful, if it is hit, Chu Feng will be

"Four martial arts, don't think that only you will."

But even so, Chu Feng is not afraid at all. He only masters the fist, only to
see the thunder and lightning flashing, and the iron fist of Zhou Zhiyuan,
blasted in one place.


The two punches are opposite, not only the harsh roar, but also a slap in
the face, while the two men retreat, even the other five are also a few steps

"Thunder three styles, this kid has mastered the four martial arts of

"Together, this son must be removed today."

At this moment, several other people finally realized the power of Chu
Feng. They dared not to have any slightest intentions. They showed their
own unique studies. Six powerful four-stage martial arts were attacked by
Chu Feng.
"Zi La La"

The so-called double-fighting and hard-fighting four hands, only the

Lingwu six-weight Chu Feng, facing the full attack of the six Lingwu eight
heavy, is also somewhat unbearable.

In the face of this situation, he had to display the first type of the Thunder
three styles, to avoid the attack of Zhou Zhiyuan and others at an absolute
speed, but the eye-catching people have seen it, Chu Feng is already in a

"Chu Feng, I will help you." At this moment, Su Mei resolutely jumped in.

And at this moment, her body blooms like jade, and every stroke of each
stroke will make the air turbulent. This **** will also have four martial

"I am coming too." Immediately afterwards, Bai Yu also jumped into the
battle circle. Although he did not practice Xuan Gong, he also mastered
four martial arts skills and was very skilled in his work.

Although the other party is a core disciple, but after all, it is a spiritual
repair, so after the addition of Su Mei and Bai Yu, Chu Feng's pressure has
indeed been alleviated.

In this case, Chu Feng once again counterattacked and launched a fierce
attack against Zhou Zhiyuan. Under the pressure of Chu Feng, Zhou
Zhiyuan, the core disciple of the Tang Dynasty, was defeated by Chu Feng
and completely suppressed by Chu Feng.

"?" Finally, a thunder flashed over, Chu Feng hit a fist in Zhou Zhiyuan's
chest, shattering the core disciple's chest, blasting five feet far.

"Hey," I felt the pain from the chest. Zhou Zhiyuan’s painful squeaky
mouth, I wanted to stand up, but found that this moment is no longer the
ability, he was severely injured by Chu Feng.
What scares him most is that Chu Feng is slowly coming to him. Every
time his footsteps fall, his heart will tremble once, as if this is not the
footsteps of Chu Feng, but the footsteps of death.

"How can this kid be so powerful, is this still human?"

Zhou Zhiyuan was extremely unwilling, although he knew that Chu Feng
was very strong, but he did not think that Chu Feng would be strong
enough. Under the single-handedness, he was almost completely not an

Especially today's Chu Feng, it is only the strength of Lingwu Liu. If Chu
Feng is like him, it is all awesome. He can't imagine how much Chu Feng
would be strong, is it Yuan Wu The strong man of the situation, he can
also fight?


But at this moment, suddenly a scream came and looked back. Chu Feng’s
face could not help but change. I saw that the white scorpion was severely
wounded by a core disciple. The blood of the big mouth sprang up and
dyed his red. Clothes.

"White ?"

Seeing that Bai Yu was hit hard, Su Mei was shocked, and at this moment,
the other five people shot together, and the five black hands were extended
to Sumei with the siege, and the position they attacked was actually It is
the forbidden zone of Su Mei's jade body.
Martial God Asura Chapter 60: Thunder third
style (plus 42)
"court death!"

Seeing such a scene, Chu Feng's face suddenly changed greatly, and the
coldness reached the extreme. He shouted and screamed, and the body
actually shot and thundered.

The thunder and the surging, like the essence, generally surround the body
of Chu Feng, and as the mind turns, it turns into five dragons, and roars
away against the five core disciples.

Everything happened too fast, only between the electric and the Flint, even
Su Mei did not react to what happened. She only felt that the glare of
lightning was shrouded in front of her eyes. The powerful energy shook
her out a few meters and fell on it. Ground.

When she looked up, Lei Guang had faded, but the scene in front of her
made her eat too much. She was shocked to discover that the five core
disciples who had previously besieged her had already fallen to the

And their blue robes have been burned out, the body has been burnt into a
dark, long ago, there is no breath, the body still exudes a scorching smell,
the death is very scary.


At this moment, Zhou Zhiyuan, pale, like a white paper, a pair of lips can
not tremble, a pair of eyes smashed round, exclaimed in an incredible

"Why, this is the legend, the third style of the Thunder three?!!"
"What? The third type of Thunder three styles? Isn't it the only ancestor of
Qinglongzong's founding ancestor, can the Qinglong Daoist be able to
display it? Is it... Chu Feng just..."!"

After listening to Zhou Zhiyuan's words, Su Mei could not help but cover
his lips. A pair of beautiful eyes could not blink, and the two rows of long
eyelashes were slightly trembled, showing an incomparable shock.

As for the white pheasant, the dragon brother and the tiger brother, Ye
Taozi Zhang Tingzi and others, even more shocked Zhang Da mouth, Chu
Feng cultivation has become a move that has not been built except the
opening ancestor, this kind of thing is very shocking.

At this moment, they suddenly felt that they were wrong. Although they
were already the strength of Chu Feng, they were shocked once and for all.
For Chu Feng’s talent, I felt admired once and for all. The view on Chu
Feng changed once and for all.

But this time they really discovered that they still looked down on Chu
Feng, a younger boy who was younger than them. They had an incredible
talent, and they were incredible, and they stabbed their nerves once and for
all. Let them be stunned.

Chu Feng did not have much volatility in a single blow, but Chu Feng did
not fluctuate too much, because the Thunder three styles he realized
sooner or later, today is only an opportunity to gain anger, as far as the
power is, he expected, because this third style However, it is equivalent to
the five-stage martial arts move.

"Tread, step, step" Chu Fenghua solved the crisis of Su Mei, and then
turned around again and step by step to Zhou Zhiyuan.

"You... you dare to kill the core disciples, you.. you are dead!" Looking at
the murderous Chu Feng, Zhou Zhiyuan knew that he was already in
danger, so he did not ask for mercy.

Suddenly, Chu Feng hit a single palm, and a thick thunderbolt was sent
from the palm of his hand and squatted on Zhou Zhiyuan’s left leg.
"Hey~~~" The burning sensation of the hot and torn, let Zhou Zhiyuan
burst into tears, and then looked at his left leg, which was already burnt
and completely abolished.

"You are mixed.....??~~~~" I wanted to curse, but when another thunder hit
the right leg, he made another scream.

Followed by, Chu Feng continued to display two thunder and lightning
three styles, and all the hard limbs of Zhou Zhiyuan were abolished. The
pain caused his face to twist into a group, tears and nose flowed out.

"Chu Feng, if you have something, you will kill me. I will not let you go
when I am a ghost!" Looking at Chu Feng, who finally came to his eyes,
Zhou Zhiyuan’s eyes were full of anger.

"Oh, you let me kill you, I will kill you?" Chu Feng suddenly smiled,
laughing very loudly, no one knows what he is laughing, but this kind of
laughter is very uneasy.

"Remember, the weak, even the power to decide to die!"

Suddenly, Chu Feng’s finger shot a thunderbolt and even shot into Zhou
Zhiyuan’s mouth, burning Zhou Zhiyuan’s tongue and burning his lips,
only to hear his terrible cry, but I couldn’t hear his words anymore and
eventually passed out.


Looking at such a scene, Bai Hao and others could not swallow a slobber,
the throat rolled for a while, and the forehead was infiltrated with a large
piece of cold sweat.

Chu Feng’s means are somewhat cruel, cruel to let them cold in their
hearts, and secretly swear by their hearts, they must not be enemies with
Chu Feng in the future, because such opponents are terrible.

And when everyone, for Chu Feng’s move, squeezed his sweat, he
suddenly turned his head and his face was filled with a bright and sunny

"I have a lot of scale, and the spirit beads on them are still there. It seems
that they have collected a lot, about one thousand two hundred, and
everyone has it."

When Chu Feng said this, he once again surprised Su Mei and others. If
you don’t look at it, you can know how many pearls are on these people.
This is too powerful.

According to Chu Feng, they went to search for the carbonized corpses,
and they found that Lingzhu was still there, but their Qiankun bags in
Lingzhu had been refining, and the number of Lingzhu was really one
thousand. More than two hundred.

"Chu Feng, we have harvested a total of 1,380 spirit beads this time, and
we can get so many Lingzhu. Thanks to you, we each have a hundred, and
the remaining 680. Lingzhu, all belong to you." Ye Taozi will take a large
number of Lingzhu, and got it in front of Chu Feng.

Chu Feng was also polite, and the Qiankun bag spell at the waist was
running, and he took up six hundred beads. As for the remaining eighty, he
handed it to Su Mei.

"What are you doing?" Su Mei is puzzled.

"I owe you, whether it is the one that you borrowed from me, or the bag
that sent me, I can't do it."

"Are you so clear with me?" Su Mei is not happy.

"It's not a clear distinction. This is called a gracious report. If you don't
accept me, it will be uncomfortable." Chu Feng forced the big pearl to the
hands of Su Mei.

Looking at Chu Feng like this, Su Mei first glanced at Chu Feng, and then
licked his mouth, but still put the 80 spirit beads into the Qiankun bag.
This trip has been greatly rewarded, beyond their imagination. However,
people also know that they can get so many Lingzhu, but they rely on Chu
Feng. If they are not Chu Feng, they have no chance to live.

However, just as a group of people, ready to return, the final Chu Feng was
suddenly shut down the stone door, and he was still standing at the end of
the cliff.

"Chu Feng, what are you doing, are you crazy?" Seeing, Su Mei was
shocked, and realized what he was, hurried back, but it was too late.

"Wait for me in the wilderness, I will go back to you."

Chu Feng smiled slightly, and then only listened to the "?" sound, the stone
door has been closed, let Su Mei how to beat, but can not shake the points,
can not open again.
Martial God Asura Chapter 61: Royal air
After the stone gate was closed, Chu Feng could still sense the breath in
the passage until he decided that Su Mei and others had left, and he was
relieved to come to the top of the cliff.

Along the vines, Chu Feng began to climb to the foggy sea below. When
approaching the foggy sea, Chu Feng spread the spiritual power, but found
that there was a strange gas in the foggy sea that could interfere with his
mental power. Can't penetrate at all.

Especially after entering the foggy sea, the white one is blocking the line
of sight. Even with the strength of Chu Feng, the visual distance is no
more than ten meters.

Fortunately, after diving for a few tens of meters in the fog, I finally
reached the bottom. Although the fog was still there, the feeling of
stepping on the rock made Chu Feng’s hanging heart finally settle down.


Chu Feng took out the spirit of the compass, suddenly radiant, visible
distance instantly increased several times, have to say that the light of this
thing is very strange, as if you can penetrate the fog, it is really the magic
of treasure.

"It seems that this is really a crisis."

Looking at the sign of the bounds compass, Chu Feng quickly knew the
direction he was going to move forward, but at the same time he also knew
that there were countless hidden murders around him, and he would be
killed if he was not careful.

Fortunately, he has this kind of spiritual compass in hand, otherwise he

will enter this place with his strength, but it is really fierce and less, I am
afraid that nine lives are not enough.
Take the bounds of the compass, walking in the white misty underground,
Chu Feng faintly can hear the beasts of the beasts in the distance, and there
are extremely strange calls, even the painful mourning of people, and help

And the more the voice, the deeper the denser the closer, and later, Chu
Feng could even see some of the bodies that had just been eaten.

Feel the strong oppressive atmosphere, can hear some beasts walking in
his not far away, but even stronger than the Lingwu nine masters, the nine-
order beast.

It is said that the 9th-order beast is already the strongest level of the beast,
and the stronger than the beast is the spiritual monster.

Although the monsters do not kill them casually, the ability to cultivate is
far above the beasts, and they have wisdom that is not weaker than human
beings, even stronger than human beings. The most important thing is that
the beast is strong and naturally strong. It is a beast. The most noble blood
of the class, it is said that even if it is a newly born monster, the innate
strength is also in Yuanwujing.

The powerful monsters can also speak human words and even morph the
adult shape. Some monsters do not like the mountains and forests, they
will transform into adult forms, enter human society, live the same life as
human beings, and really do not live up to the word "demon".

There is a crisis here, and then I think of the strength of the old man in the
air. Chu Feng has no doubt that he will catch a few monsters and throw
them here.

But fortunately, after a careful walk for a full hour, the dense fog in front
gradually faded, and finally finally reached the cloud and walked out of
the fog.

"Call, it’s always calculated."

At this moment, even Chu Feng could not help but sigh with relief,
because the former foggy land is like hell, and it is extremely depressing
in it.

"I am going, how big is the cemetery of the old man."

Looking up and watching, Chu Feng can not help but feel helpless. What is
in front of him is not the treasure he expected, but it is a deep passage.

However, this passage is very wide, very bright, and has a majestic
atmosphere. It continues along the passage, and Chu Feng once again
smells a **** smell.

This smell is very strong, and it is so strong that Chu Feng's mental power
is still undetectable, but the smell has already floated. Chu Feng took the
bounds of the compass and found no dangerous signs ahead, so I can safely
move forward.

The more the advance, the stronger the **** smell, and even the end of the
people even have a sense of nausea, and when Chu Feng entered a hall
here, he was shocked by the scene.

The hall has several passages, and the number of passages is the same as
that seen at the entrance. This means that no matter which passage you
take, you can finally get there as long as you can pass through the foggy

But in addition to these passages, there is a ladder in the center of the main
hall. The ladder leads straight to the top and can't see the end. It is just the
way to continue.

But the focus is on the hall at the moment. The dense bodies are all dead
bodies, and all the people of the various powers have it, and it can be seen
that they are all strong, even the masters of Yuanwujing, and the most of
them are Qianfengzong. People, it is obvious that they used a big hand for
this cemetery.
But the most bizarre thing is that so many bodies, but only did not see the
Qinglongzong people, and the death of these people, very fierce, not like a
simple fight to die.

Although there is a big glimpse in front of the scene, Chu Feng is not
willing to guess too much. Anyway, there is a bounding compass in hand.
As long as the compass shows that it is safe, most of it is no danger, so
Chu Feng stepped on the corpse and began to climb. Climb the high ladder.

However, before reaching the top, Chu Feng heard two voices, which can
be heard faintly. It was two old men, and the contents of these two
conversations made Chu Feng not happy.

At the end of the high ladder, it was a strange room. The reason why he
was strange was that the structure of the room was very special and there
was a faint gas visible to the naked eye.

In this room, standing two people, an old man with a hairy face, the body
actually exudes a terrible pressure, this turned out to be a Xuanwu strong.

The other one, wearing a white robe, was engraved with a dense spell on
the robes, and covered the face, only to see a pair of eagle-like eyes, this is
actually the spirit of the Qinglongzong, Elder Zhuge.

But at the moment, both of them stood still, their hands raised high, and
the face appeared tough, because above them, the roof of the room was

The roof is a kind of metal, but it is cold and very heavy. If the two don't
support it, they will be crushed into meat.

"It’s not the Lord of the Winds, if you are not there, the old man is afraid
that he can’t resist the cold iron.” Elder Zhuge laughed.

"Funny, who are you, using the life of my thousands of elders to crack the
big battle, it is too poisonous." Qian Zongzong was full of anger, as long
as he thought of the previous scene, he is still angry.
"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that you and I must
work together at this moment to find a way to break this cold iron, or you
and I will be buried here." Elder Zhuge laughed.

"You want me to cooperate with you? There are no doors!" Qian

Zongzong, the Lord, snorted, he did not believe this despicable mysterious

"I want you to come here. The picture is rich. There is no need to lose each
other's lives because of the previous unpleasantness. Now that the air
technique is in front of you, don't you want to get it?"

Between the elders of Zhuge, they turned their eyes to the corner of the
room, where there was a delicate jade platform, and there was a crystal-
like object above the jade platform, floating in the air.

Although this thing is a translucent body, it exudes a faint radiance,

especially the words carved on the jade body. It is already a description of
what this is, and it is the eternal study of the old man of the emptiness!
Martial God Asura Chapter 62: Fisherman
"When are you a fool? You first spread the news of the cemetery, seduce
me to wait here, and use me to crack the killing here."

"You are using such a vicious means. You will be so kind, give me the
royal air technique?" Qian Zongzong, apparently do not believe the words
of the elders of Zhuge.

"The two predecessors, do not have to fight, not as good as this wind, how
to enjoy it for you by the younger generation?" Just then, at the bottom of
the room, suddenly a voice came.

After the sound came, both of them were shocked because they couldn’t
think of it. Besides them, there are still people who can come here alive.

Just under the shocked eyes of the two, Chu Feng slowly came up from the
entrance, smiling and looking at the two, but when Chu Feng saw the
elders of Zhuge, but could not help but shine.

Seeing the white robe engraved with a spell, Chu Feng’s first instinct is
that this may be a spiritualist.

However, compared to Chu Feng, the thousand wind lords and the Zhuge
elders are shocked. They never imagined that they would be able to find
them here. It would be such a young boy.

Suddenly, Chu Feng’s brow was slightly wrinkled. He could feel a strong
mental force attacking him and testing his body.

The other person's mental strength is very strong. He does not know how
to resist. He is worried that if he is absorbed into his chest by his mental
strength, the map of his spell will be exposed.

Fortunately, the mental power passed by his chest, but did not cause any
reaction, which made Chu Feng's heart down, he thought of a possibility.
That is the map of the curse of his chest. It is likely to be activated only by
his mental power. If this is true, then he will not have to worry about it in
the future. Other spiritual people can detect his secrets.

"Lingwu six heavy, only such a repair, can actually come here, must rely
on the bounds of your hands in the compass." Elder Zhuge took the lead.

"Lingwu six heavy?" Hearing this, the thousand wind lords, even more

For him in Xuanwujing, Yuanwujing is a **** for him, and Lingwujing is

simply the **** in the slag, but at this moment such a **** has come here,
naturally surprised him. .

"This predecessor really has a good eyesight." Chu Feng smiled at the
elders of Zhuge, and did not talk nonsense, striding toward the direction of
the wind.

"Looking for death." Seeing the situation, the Qianfeng Zongzong was
furious, and the pressure of the majestic thoughts swept out and pressed
against Chu Feng.

At the moment of "detestable", Chu Feng can feel that the invisible
sensation of pressure on the whole body will penetrate his skin and
penetrate his bone marrow, which is terrible.

However, this pressure, and the pressure that the madness called Hanako
brought him on that day, is very different. It can be said that the pressure
of the flower called the flower on the day, so that Chu Feng almost blasted
and died, but the pressure of the thousand winds Chu Feng is still
affordable, not fatal.

"Tread, step, step." Endured the pressure that oppressed the flesh, Chu
Feng took the first step, the second step, the third step, although it was
very difficult, but he did move on.

"A very good flesh." Seeing such a scene, Elder Zhuge could not help but
"You old guy, still don't shoot, do you want this little boy to get the
benefits of the fisherman?" Seeing the elders of Zhuge, just watching and
not intervening, the Qianfeng patriarch is even more angry.

"Oh, you can't say that, this little friend can come here with this kind of
cultivation, which is enough to show his extraordinaryness. Maybe he is
the old man of the emptiness, and the most interesting person can be said."
There is a generosity of adult beauty.

"You're doing this stuff, wait until I'm going to break you down."

The master of the Qianfeng sect was bitten by Zhuge’s old-fashioned teeth,
but looking at Chu Feng, who is constantly approaching the wind, he no
longer talks nonsense, but will wave after another wave of constant
pressure to Chu Feng. I swept away and wanted to stop Chu Feng’s

But no matter what, Chu Feng's body is too strong, this even the strength
of the Yuanwu martial arts are taboo, Chu Feng can not only withstand, but
also can take the pace to walk forward, although very difficult, but this is
already very bad.

"Give up, this little friend has the spirit, your pressure can not shake his
will, as long as his physical body can withstand, you can not rely on the
pressure, and let him yield." Elder Zhuge reminded again, a pair of old
eyes Slightly picked up, staring at Chu Feng's every move.

After a difficult journey, Chu Feng finally came to the jade platform where
the wind was placed. At this moment, although he was pale and his body
was wet with sweat, he was extremely excited.

Grabbing the crystal clear jade, the spiritual air condensed into the air,
Chu Feng took a shot to his own brain, and this moment his face is also
unable to change, a needle pain in general, Start spreading in his brain.

This kind of pain is very strong, which makes Chu Feng unbearable, and
his hands begin to roll around and shout loudly.

Seeing such a scene, the elders of Zhuge laughed happily and said: "This
little friend forgot to tell you that this martial art formed by spiritual
power is not so well cultivated."

"If you want to cultivate such martial arts, you must first have a strong
willpower. It is necessary to have mental strength. But even so, if there is
no certain cultivation, it will not be able to withstand this power."

"If you can't bear this power, then it will swallow up your mental power,
take away your life, drain everything from you, and then float out of your
body, waiting for the owner who fits it."

"It's not a coincidence that your strength is not within the requirements of
this force. It seems that you are going to be fierce today."

Listening to the words of the elders of Zhuge, the incomprehensible

Qiansong Zongzhu is also a big joy: "I will know that you are an old thing,
and will not easily let this air technique be handed over. I know that you
are poisonous. But I can't think of you as vicious."

"Haha, there is no means, the old man is not worthy of being a

spiritualist." Elder Zhuge did not agree, but was proud.

Chu Feng, who had the heart to listen to what the elders of Zhuge said, he
only felt that his mental strength was rapidly losing, and he had already
dried up, and the tingling of the brain became more and more clear, which
made him unable to bear it, as if he had lost his life.

"Oh ah~" Finally, Chu Feng made the last scream, and he fell to the ground
with powerlessness, without a little voice.

"How are you dead? Why is the air-to-air technique still not floating?"
Qian Zongzong asked eagerly.
In fact, the elders of Zhuge had already overflowed their mental power to
observe Chu Feng at the moment, but when the mental power was
withdrawn, he frowned and said: "This kid is still not dead."
Martial God Asura Chapter 63: Strange hall (plus

In the meantime, Chu Feng opened his eyes, and in the first moment of
consciousness recovery, Chu Feng was a big joy.

Because he found out in his mind, there is a lot of information, and that
information is the cultivation method of the air. However, Chu Feng’s
inner joy was stunned by the scene before he could laugh.

"This...what is this place?"

At this moment, Chu Feng’s eyes are not the strange room, but a strange
temple, a truly strange hall.

High, not top, as if you can go to another world, the walls around, non-
wood, non-ferrous, non-ferrous, such as diamonds are bright, and the
mirror is generally smooth, very beautiful.

However, at this moment, Chu Feng’s most shocking thing is that across
the wall, the wall that leads directly to the sky has a gate.

This gate is very large, more than a few times larger than the gates of the
ancient wilderness, and its shape is very weird, like a devil's mouth,
extending from the wall.

And above the gate, it is also covered with thick chains, each one is one
meter thick, densely covering the entire door, as if it is holding a terrible

When the mental power is detected, Chu Feng is even more eclipsed,
although Chu Feng can still feel through a closed door, the other side of
the door, exudes a very terrifying atmosphere.
The breath was very cold, very ice, very dark, as if it was not something in
this world, it was terrible to let Chu Feng's hair roots stand upright, and
the backs of the wind burst into flames.

"God, I won't die, isn't it the legendary hell?" Chu Feng had such an idea,
because he felt that everything in front of him was so unreal, so dreamy, so

"Hey! It's really you, you are finally here! Haha, that's great, great!"

But at this moment, Chu Feng’s body suddenly heard a sound of joy, but
this sudden sound could scare Chu Feng.

"What?" Chu Feng was scared of a spirit, and stood up fiercely, only to
find that behind him, there is actually an egg.

Yes, it is an egg, and it is a black egg. This egg is not an egg, because it is
even higher than Chu Feng. There should be no such big egg in the world.

"What are you, **** Chu Feng, **** it, how stupid you are, come to me
for so long, I don't know if I am bored to die!!!"

Suddenly, there was another voice in the giant egg, and the voice was very
sweet, very nice, like a whisper, like a gold, silver, and copper bell. It can
be said that Chu Feng had heard the best sound.

"Mother egg? This turned out to be a mother egg!" Chu Feng stunned,
since it is the voice of a girl, then this must be a mother egg.

"You are the mother egg, you are the egg, the quail egg, the bastard!!!" The
sharp curse sounded inside the giant egg, and even the giant egg began to
shake, as if something had to break out.

At this moment, Chu Feng’s eyes were blurred, and the surrounding scenes
began to rotate rapidly. When everything returned to normal, Chu Feng’s
horrific discovery, he was lying on the ground and returned to the
cemetery. In the room.
"This...does it say that I just had a dream?" Chu Feng was very surprised,
until he found his mind, the cultivation method of the Royal Air is still
there, and it was relieved to breathe a sigh of relief.

"This kid is really not dead, how is it possible, is he not recognized by the
Royal Air?" Almost at the same time Chu Feng opened his eyes, the roar
of the thousand wind lords also sounded.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. With his cultivation, how can he smelt

that special martial arts." And Zhuge elder, although he could not see his
expression, but he could hear his voice, he has How surprised.

Upon seeing it, Chu Feng smiled a little and couldn't help but stand up and
patted the clothes. He said to the two: "I am sorry that the two
predecessors, I let you down, not dead, and live well, as you want. What
about Yukong, oh..."

"Here!" Chu Feng ordered his own head.

"You confuse this, the old man has abolished you." Upon seeing it, the
thousand winds and sects screamed, and they loosened the cold iron on
their heads.

"Banglong" but just released, the cold iron suddenly fell, the whole room
was trembled violently.

In the face of this situation, the Qianfeng Zongzhu had to rush the top of
the palm that had just been released, otherwise they would all be crushed
into meat.

"Zi La La" sees, Chu Feng is also afraid to delay, display the first type of
Thunder three, they rushed to the entrance, because in front of the two
Xuanwu strong, his situation is too Dangerous.

If it weren't for the cold iron that completely contained their power, I am
afraid that as long as people move their little fingers, it is enough to crush
him to death.
"This kid is actually the person of my Qinglongzong!" And looking at the
moves of Chu Feng, the elders of Zhuge suddenly appeared in front of
them. As the elders of Qinglongzong, he recognized the appearance of Chu
Feng at a glance. Martial arts.

After Chu Feng fled the room, he quickly returned according to the
original route. He did not know when the two strong men would get out of
trouble, but he knew that they must have a way to get out of trouble. At
least the spirit master knew the method.

In this case, the only thing he can do is to run hard, and along the way, Chu
Feng saw too many bodies, the cemetery of the old man, it really triggered
a **** battle.

Many people who are inferior in strength have paid the price of life for the
heart of greed. Even many masters of martial arts have been put together.
But the biggest winner of this tomb stalking trip is obviously Chu Feng.

However, when Chu Feng thought that he was safe, he never thought that
the real danger had just arrived.

"Kid, I was finally found by you." After a roar of himself, the thousand
winds and patriarchs chased them.

It’s just that at the moment, it’s quite awkward, not only because of the
mess, but also a little bit of blood on his body. The hair is scattered like a
madman. It is obvious that he fled the cemetery and paid a price.

"Mom, really should not go back to the ancient city directly, I should
choose to detour."

However, Chu Feng at the moment, there is still the mood to observe
these, running Xuan Gong, the Thunder first show out, open the arms, take
a step, play the life and start to escape.

But even so, how can he pass the Xuanwu martial force fast, the powerful
oppressive feeling behind him, almost lightning-like flying, and soon Chu
Feng fell to the ground, smashed into the sand in.
At this moment, Chu Feng’s heart has only one thought, that is, it’s dead.
This guy can damage a lot of elders and disciples because of the air
technique. Now he will catch him. Maybe he will open the scoop, so if you
can see if Find out the air technique.


Suddenly, Chu Feng felt wrong again. The strong sense of oppression
disappeared out of thin air, and when he looked back, he was even more
surprised. He was so empty behind him that he didn’t even have a personal

“Is it an illusion?”

"No, it's definitely not an illusion, but what is this all about?"

However, just as Chu Feng was puzzled, why did the thousand wind
patriarchs suddenly disappear, and on the cemetery that was dozens of
miles away from Chu Feng, the Qianfeng patriarch, who was also lying
dead, sat here. His face is full of shock.

At this moment, he had no demeanor of the Lord, his lips could not
tremble, and even his body was desperately screaming, and his eyes
looked straight at the opposite person.

Sitting there stood a flower, the hair was messy but his eyes were like a
blade, and at his forehead, there was a scar like a flame.
Martial God Asura Chapter 64: Burning Flames
(Additional 44)
"You.. Who are you?" Qian Zongzong, the singer, said this sentence with

Looking at the middle-aged man like a Hanako, he was really afraid to

take care of himself. Although the person did not give off a hint of breath,
he looked like an ordinary person, but looking at his eyes, he was from the
heart. The chill was cold, and the cold gas penetrated into his bones.

Especially before, although he did not see how he came here, but he had a
vague feeling that he came here from heaven, which shows what, this
shows that this is at least one Tianwu. The strongest.

Tianwujing, that is the realm that no one in Qingzhou has ever reached.
Only the hegemon of the Kyushu mainland, the Jiang Dynasty, there is
such a powerful figure, this is definitely the realm that the Kyushu
mainland's peak power can reach.

However, as far as he knows, even among the Jiang dynasty, the characters
who can reach the heavenly environment are also old people who are
similar to his age, but this is also a middle-aged man. It is difficult for him
to accept.

"You shouldn't shoot him." The man named Hanako spoke up, and his
voice was very calm, exuding the arrogance of a king, and he was in the

"Who shouldn’t be the one who is going to be... is that kid?"

"I'm sorry... I don't know Taishan. I don't know that the little friend has a
relationship with you. I also hope that you have a lot of adults and spare
me a life."
After all, it was the lord. He quickly thought of the different kinds of Chu
Feng. If Chu Feng had a relationship with this, and he wanted to kill Chu
Feng before, then he is really alive at the moment. It is.

"Please, spare me... spare me..."

Thinking of this, Qian Zongzong’s lord actually collapsed, and constantly

swayed at the front, completely ignoring his superb status and status.
When life was threatened, he chose to give up everything. Including his


Just then, in the distance, there was a thundering sound like a thunder.
After a while, Yangsha began to look at it. I saw a dense figure and was
rushing to the cemetery. Their clothes were actually thousands. The army
of Fengzong.

Qianfengzong is different from Qinglongzong. Although they are very

close to this wilderness desert, this cemetery is in the world, but it is the
elder of Zhuge of Qinglongzong.

Therefore, Qinglongzong had a clear purpose at the beginning. The core

disciples collected treasures from all over the cemetery, but no one entered
the cloud. The first time they collected the treasures had retreated.

The Qianfengzong, who did not know the truth, continued to send to the
strong after the cemetery was opened, and sent many people to vow to
swallow the treasures here, but did not think about the elders of Zhuge,
and suffered heavy losses.

The Qian Qianzong army is also a person who does not know the truth. It
is the support force that has just arrived. However, after seeing this scene,
they are speechless.

"Bold, who are you, dare to be bad for my patriarch."

The core elders of Qianfengzong recognized their own masters at a glance,
but when they saw their own lords, they were arrogant and angry after they
were begging for mercy, and they did not want to lead the army and killed
them. come.

For such a scene, the Qian Zongzong lord, regardless of disregard,

continued to slap the head of the flower, and hoped to be forgiven, because
he knew that in the face of this character, it was not able to win by number.

"Even if I don't kill you, he won't let you go, let me send you a ride, it's
better than he to shoot you."

Calling Hanzi slowly closed his eyes, and suddenly the flames of the
eyebrows radiated a red glow of fire. Between the hair and the dance, he
only heard the loud noise of "Boom". Within a radius of ten miles, it
turned into a sea of ??fire.

This sea of ??fire rises to the sky, up to a few feet, the raging flame is like
a dragon, sometimes like a tiger, roaring in this desert.

Almost instantaneously, he swallowed up the army of Qianfengzong, and

Qian Qianzong, who was previously in a state of arrogance, was like an ant
on a hot pot. He lost all his abilities and began to roll and roll in this
flame. He kept mourning. .

In an instant, all kinds of screams resounded, and even the lord of the
thousand winds could not resist the high temperature of this horror.

But the madman called Huazi, in this flame, was unaffected, even his
clothes were not ignited, so he calmly walked in the flames.

Although his clothes are unbearable, even though his hair is messy, his
momentum is unparalleled, like a king, exuding the king of the world.

"I burn the flames of the heavens, and I can refine all living beings. I burn
the heavenly religion, the people who want to rule the world, my burning
heavenly Son, invincible...."


Suddenly, this extraordinary and powerful man, his eyes flashed, and he
began to grow up and screamed. He grabbed his long hair with both hands
and began to sway and roll in this flame. He used his body to collide with
the desert land. Strong power, even the desert is constantly shaking.

I don't know how long it took, he gradually subsided, and the flame began
to fade slowly. The eyebrow of the eyebrows was restored, and even his
former king's temperament disappeared.

The eyes are no longer so fierce, but full of sluggishness, and look very
nervous, like what is fearing, while shaking the left and right, while

"I am damn, I am damn, I should not break into your territory, spare me,
spare me, I don't want to die...."

"I promise you, I will protect him, I will protect him, as long as you are
willing to let me go, I will do everything for you....."

After this day, the desert became a restricted area. Even though the raging
flame is no longer there, no one can enter the high temperature here, and
this sudden fire has become a shocking news. It was passed on to the
ancient city of the wilderness.

"You let me go, I am going to find him."

"Su Mei, you calm down, the cemetery has become a restricted area, even
the strongest of the Yuan Wujing can not get close, you can not go in."

"Let me let go, it’s been three days, Chu Feng hasn’t come back yet, don’t
you worry? Lose him at the time to save you, don’t hesitate to fight for
yourself!” The gates of the ancient wild city, Su Meizheng and Bai Yu, etc.
The man was pulling, his face was full of anxiety and anger.
"Hey, what is this, so lively?" But at this moment, a voice suddenly
sounded and looked up, everyone could not help but be overjoyed.

I saw Chu Feng, standing not far away, staring at them with their eyes
closed, but at the moment Chu Feng’s shape is a bit ruin, like a beggar.

"Chu Feng." But what is unexpected is that even if Chu Feng's style is so
unbearable at this moment, then Su Mei is thrown into the arms of Chu
Feng, and hugged him tightly, even the corners of his eyes emerged. A
touch of tears of joy.
Martial God Asura Chapter 65: Sky price
"You guy, where did you go, how come back so long." Su Mei looked up
and licked her mouth, some complained.

"Hey, I have a little trouble." Looking at the wet Su Mei, Chu Feng's heart
was warm, could not help but open his arms, took advantage of Su Mei's
soft little waist, holding this little beauty tightly In the arms.

"Trick or treat." I felt the uneasy hands of Chu Feng, and then looked at
the white people behind him. Su Mei realized that she and Chu Feng’s
movements were somewhat indecent, and quickly broke away from Chu
Feng. The small face was already red. Like a red apple.

"?" and looking at the small face red Su Mei, Chu Feng is more
reminiscent of licking his lips, this hoe's feel, really good.

Afterwards, Su Mei and others did not ask Chu Feng anything, and Chu
Feng naturally did not have the pain of the egg, to tell them that he got the
Royal Air, and was chased by the Qianfeng Zongzhu, in order to avoid
being When I caught it, I took a long journey and walked back to the
wilderness for three days.

However, when Chu Feng learned that the cemetery had burned a raging
fire, and Qian Fengzong suffered heavy losses, even after his son was still
missing, Chu Feng was also shocked.

Because this thing is really too strange, there is a sea of ??fire in the
desert, and it is just the location of the cemetery, and after the fire is
dissipated, there is still a very high temperature, even the strong Xuanwu
strong can not step into It’s a bit scary to be a forbidden place.

For this matter, some people say that it is a trap set by the old man, so that
all those who dare to step into his graveyard and disturb his peace will be
buried with him.
But more people feel that even if the elderly are in the middle of their
lives, there is no such means. How can they make such a trap after death?
There are other reasons. Some people think that this is a disaster of

Regardless of how others guessed, Chu Feng knew that if the thousand
winds of the patriarchs really disappeared and ruined the words in the sea
of ??fire, the loss of Qian Fengzong would probably be reduced to a third-
class sect. It is also impossible to compete with Qinglongzong.

On the same day, Chu Feng and others rushed back to Qinglongzong,
because after some time, they went to the assessment of the core disciples.
Originally Baiji and Sumei were determined to participate, but this time
they knew that I’m afraid There must be one more person in the league.
That is Chu Feng.

"Call, six hundred beads, I don't know where I can break through."

After returning to the Qinglong Emperor, Chu Feng couldn't wait to open
the Qiankun bag, took out the six hundred beads, and looked at the golden
pearl, he didn't mention how beautiful it was.

Six hundred Lingzhu, at this moment, Chu Feng can definitely be regarded
as a real rich man. As for the richness to what extent, I am afraid that it is
equivalent to all the family property of the Chu family, and this so-called
all family property naturally includes all the Chu family. industry.


Chu Feng grabbed a large number of Lingzhu and directly threw it into his
mouth. He had the gods and thunders in it, and he did not worry that he
could not consume these beads. He only worried that these beads were not

As Chu Feng expected, when the big pearls entered the body, it was almost
instantaneously refining by the suction of the gods, and the majestic aura
rushed into the dantian, and even let it feel a bulge, but this feeling It’s just
a moment, as for why it disappears, it’s natural because all the auras have
been eaten by the gods.

According to his estimation, he has broken into the Lingwu Sevenths. It is

more than enough. After all, he has broken through the five spirits of
Lingwu to the six weapons of Lingwu. In the end, he did not use four spirit
beads, but Chu Maple apparently underestimated the greed of Shen Lei.

After the fifty pearls entered the body, the aura in Chu Feng Dantian,
although abundant, was not limited, but there was no sense of

"I don't believe it, I can't feed you!" Chu Feng grabbed another Lingzhu,
and it was just fifty. After this time, the dantian in Chu Feng finally
ushered in the long-lost. Variety.

Nine thunder and fierce beasts, screaming and snarling, although the
outside world could not hear a trace of sorrow, but it was constantly
lingering in Chu Feng’s ear. This feeling is getting stronger and stronger,
like the nine thunder and beasts, and he is coming. The closer you are, the
more gradually you integrate.

Breakthrough, and finally broke through, the spirit of the seven, the kind
of breath that changes from the essence of the aura, it must be the spirit of
the seven heavy, not only the price of it, but it is a hundred beads, this It is
simply unthinkable to change to others.

What is Lingzhu? This is the best medicine. Even many people are willing
to use it when they are at the top of the peak of Lingwu. Through its
powerful aura, they break through Yuanwu.

However, Chu Feng, just from Lingwu Liuzhong, broke through to Lingwu
seven heavy, even used a full hundred, if this kind of thing spread out,
even can scare some people, one hundred beads only break through such a
layer Realm, this is really too defeated.

Of course, Chu Feng’s Lingwu is not the same as ordinary people.

Especially after practicing Xuan Gong, now he is not afraid of even the
masters of Lingwu, and he is not even in the eyes.

Unless the opponent is like him, he has the ability to go against the sky,
otherwise Lingwu territory, I am afraid no one can compete with Chu
Feng, his opponents only exist in Yuanwujing, and this power is absolutely
more horrible.

"Hey, let's go on, who raised you?" Chu Feng's helpless face, looked at the
five hundred beads in front of her eyes, did not continue refining, but in
the pockets of Qiankun.

Because he knows that the demand for the **** thunder is getting more
and more horrible, I am afraid that it will be swallowed up by the five
hundred pearls, and at most it will only fill in half full, and it will not
break through.

In this case, he does not need refining. It is better to keep these beads for
future needs. After all, he does not want to meet the money again. He
borrows money from people. As a man, this is not What a good thing.

"Hey, Chu Fengdi.... Are you there?" At this moment, the sound of Chu
Yue suddenly came from outside the house.

Upon seeing it, Chu Feng rushed out and opened the gate of the mansion.
Sure enough, Chu Yue was standing in front of the door, and Chu Xue was
also standing beside him.

"Chu Fengdi, you finally came back, honestly confessed, where have you
gone these days?" Seeing Chu Feng, Chu Yue was surprised and then

"Where I didn't go, I just did a few sectarian tasks." Chu Feng smiled and

"Zongmen task, just do the sacred door task? I can hear that you are the
first beauty with the inner door, Su Mei girl went out together." Chu Yue's
mouth, picking up a smirk.
"Amount...." was said by Chu Yue, Chu Feng turned out to be speechless,
and I didn't know how to explain it.

"Haha, okay, don't tease you. Actually, we only passed you here this time.
Since you are back, let us go and have a look at the fun."

“Hot, what is it?”

"Chu Fengdi, have you heard of the practice?"

Martial God Asura Chapter 66: Practice array
"The practice of martial arts, but where is the core disciple practicing
martial arts?"

The practice of the martial arts, Chu Feng naturally heard, it is a kind of
cultivation treatment that Qinglongzong core disciples can enjoy, entering
the pressure will multiply, but whether it is cultivation of martial arts, or
exercise, will get better results.

"Yes, but now, this cultivation is not only enjoyed by the core disciples.
Now it is OK at the inner door. Today, the practice is officially open, so we
want to go to Wuji Pavilion to see the excitement and see. Chu Yue

"There is such a thing." Chu Feng secretly hid himself, he now got the
cyber technique, and he was worried about where to practice, but he
couldn’t think of this time, the inner door opened up the practice array,
which is simply prepared for him. .

The three walked along the way and began to walk to the Wuji Pavilion.
On the way, Chu Feng’s mentality found that Chu Yue had stopped at the
Lingwu Four, and has not yet broken through to Lingwu Wuzhong.

"Chu Yuejie, haven't broken yet?" Chu Feng asked.

"Yeah, I don't know why, I can't break through. It may be that my

understanding is too bad." When it comes to this matter, Chu Yue looks a
bit ugly.

"Chu Yuejie, this refining, will certainly be able to break through." Chu
Feng put his hand into the Qiankun bag, took out two beads.

"This...this is ....." Looking at the Lingzhu in the hands of Chu Feng, Chu
Yue and Chu Xue are both open mouths, a pair of beautiful eyes, showing
the color of horror.
Although this is the first time they saw it, the oncoming aura still made
them guess that this is probably the best medicine, the pearl.

"This is the Lingzhu. After swallowing, it can be transformed into aura,

and it will be absorbed." Chu Feng took the small hand of Chu Yue and put
the pearl in his hand.

"Chu Fengdi, this is too expensive, I can't."

"You are only a six-pronged person now, which is also very useful for you.
You still keep it yourself."

However, the first reaction of Chu Yue is to evade. The price of Lingzhu is
that she knows that such a valuable item, and it is still two, she is naturally
embarrassed to accept.

"Let you hold it with you, I still have this thing. If you don't hold it, you
will look down on my younger brother." Chu Feng overbearing put two
beads into the pocket of Chu Yue.

"Chu Fengdi, this....."

Some people in Chu Yue do not know how to be good, but in her heart, I
still want to accept it. Lingzhu can definitely help her to break through to
Lingwu Wuhe, and there will be a lot of aura remaining in the body. Her
cultivation help is really too big, not to mention two.

If Chu Feng didn't give her, she really didn't know that she would like to
enjoy the monkeys, so at least his father had never enjoyed this spirit.

"I will return to me after the big deal." Chu Feng was afraid that Chu Yue
had a heartfelt burden and started a joke.

"Eng" and the lively Chuyue, at this moment, it was extremely dignified
and nodded.

For such a Chu Yue, Chu Feng is also quite helpless, but can understand
that if someone else gives him something too expensive, he will also have
a burden.
However, at this time, Chu Feng found Chu Xue next to Chu Yue, his face
was not quite right, this little girl licked his mouth, his big eyes flickered,
the expression, two words called envy, three words called Very envious,
the four words are very envious, in short, she is envious of Chu Yue.

"Chu Xuemei, for so many years, when my brother has not sent you
anything, this Lingzhu is the first gift that my brother sent you." Chu Feng
took out a Lingzhu and handed it to Chu. snow.


"Don't take this one, let you take it with you, otherwise you will look down
on my brother."

"Chu Fengge, thank you."

Chu Xue was ecstatic to take over the Lingzhu, and the white face of the
white singer was happy. I couldn't put it in my hands for a long time, then
wrapped it up with a handkerchief, and I was careful to put it in my own

"Chu Fengdi, your kit is so special, it won't be..." At this moment, Chu Yue
suddenly found that Chu Feng's waist was a bit special.

"Hah, this is Qiankun bag, Su Mei sent me." Chu Feng smiled and walked

Chu Yue and Chu Xue, but stayed in the same place, the faces of the two
were full of shock, looking at the boy in front of them, they produced the
same feeling.

That is the distance between them and Chu Feng, and it is getting farther
and farther. Although Chu Feng is getting better and better for them, their
status and status are no longer the same level, as if they are already two

The trio talked and laughed all the way, and soon came to the Wuji
Pavilion. Only then did they find that today's Wuji Pavilion was already
full of people. There were many people on the third floor and three floors.

Chu Feng opened the road, with Chu Yue and Chu Xue crowded into the
crowd, which caused a lot of complaints, but when they turned around and
saw the wing medal of Chu Feng’s chest, no one dared He made a half-
satisfaction and took the initiative to give way to Chu Feng.

After crossing the wall, Chu Feng finally knows what people are watching.

At the gate of the Wuji Pavilion, there was a stone high platform, an elder
standing on the high platform, and a strange house behind the elders.

This house is very strange, green and green, like jade, but the most
peculiar thing is that he can block Chu Feng's spiritual strength,
presumably that is the so-called cultivation array.

After hearing the opinions of the surrounding people, Chu Feng also got a
message. There is only one cultivation group, only one person is trained at
one time, and if you want to practice in this cultivation, you must take out
a fairy grass.

It is because of such an expensive price that there are many people on the
scene, but no one is willing to go on stage.

After all, a fairy grass is a big price for many people. There are not many
people who are willing to take it for a training opportunity. But for Chu
Feng, it is better.

"Let's leave, let go." But in Chu Feng, just after walking down the high
platform, there was a cry in the crowd behind him.

Looking back and seeing, I saw a team of people killing him. This is the
martial arts person, and the sword that has a festival with Chu Feng is also
among them, but at the moment it is the most attractive to Chu Feng’s
eyes, but it is tall next to Jianchen. juvenile.

This young boy is quite similar to Jian Chen, but his breath can be very
good. He has already reached the level of Lingwu, and this strength is not
achieved by many core disciples.

Looking at people's respect and fear of him, Chu Feng does not have to
think about it, already knows who he is, presumably he is the brother of
Jian Chen, the lord of Jiandao League, Jian Fengyi.

"It's you!" Just then, Jian Chen also recognized Chu Feng at a glance.

"Brother, do you know him?" asked the sword seal.

"Big brother, he is the one who beat me that day." Jian Chen roared in

"Hey?" and heard this, the sword seal one is once again turned his
attention to Chu Feng, but at the moment his gaze, but it is already
showing the murder.
Martial God Asura Chapter 67: Backing (plus 45)
Suddenly, the sword seal was slightly swaying, and it disappeared like a

When he appeared again, it was already in front of Chu Feng, a strong and
powerful fist, constantly zooming in front of Chu Feng, this guy actually
ignored the direct shot of the occasion.

However, he underestimated Chu Feng. He thought that his fist could

directly kill Chu Feng, but he did not know that his fist was so weak in
Chu Feng’s eyes.

Chu Feng mouth slightly upturned, step forward, the shoulders slightly
twitching, the right arm slammed out, the shot is a punch.

The two fists broke out, the speed of the fast, the strength of the
tyrannical, even the air was rubbed out of the sound of rustling, as if it
would burn.


But in the fist of the two, when they are about to collide in one place, a
figure suddenly appears before the two, and two powerful palms have
already held the wrists of Chu Feng and Jian Feng, and will The human
attack was hard to stop.

"Yuan Wujing?" The feeling of strength from the wrist made Chu Feng
shine in front of him and looked up. It turned out that the elder of the
sergeant above the high platform had shot.

However, at that moment, the elder of the sergeant was also watching Chu
Feng, and in his eyes, there was still a stun.

Because he can feel from the strength of the two fists, Chu Feng’s boxing
power is obviously on the sword seal, but Chu Feng is obviously only the
spirit of the seven spirits, and the sword seal is already Lingwu Jiuzhong. .
"What happened, why do I feel aura?"

At this moment, an old voice came from the direction of Wuji Pavilion. A
black-haired old man came out of it and saw that it was obviously an elder
of the sergeant, and his status seemed to be older than the middle. Still

"Responding to the elders of the king, these two disciples have previously
played against each other." Seeing, the middle-aged old man went back to
the road.

"Hey?" The elder Wang looked at Jianfeng one first, and then severely
reprimanded Chu Feng: Why are you shooting here, don't you know where
this is? There are no rules of the door in your eyes. ”

"This elder, don't you see it, is he taking the shot first, I am just defending
it, is this still wrong?" Chu Feng was indignant.

Hearing this, Wang Elder is also a brow wrinkled. He can't think of a

disciple, dare to face him in such a positive direction, but despite this, he
still looked at Jianfeng Yi, asking in a rather soft tone: Feng Yi, did you
first shoot him?"

At the moment of "I...", the sword seal was a little speechless, because he
did not care. After all, in the previous scene, there were countless pairs of

"Well, the next time I notice, as a representative of the inner disciple, must
pay attention to the influence?"

"The disciple knows."

"Well, you kid has never come to Wuji Pavilion. Why is it here today?"

"Returning to the elder Wang, today's disciple is here to feel the mystery
of this cultivation."

"You kid, you will become a core disciple in a few days, but also come
here to feel, but it does not matter, since it is here, go up." Wang Changla
smiled and waved his hand.

"Thank you for the elders." And the sword seal is not too slow, take out a
fairy grass from the Qiankun bag, and respectfully hand it over to the
middle-aged old man, and then walk to the high platform.

However, when he walked to Chu Feng, he said in a voice that only Chu
Feng could hear:

"Kid, can't you see it, do I have a backing in this inner door?"

"In addition, don't think that if you join the wing alliance, you can be safe
and sound, dare to shoot my brother, and the king of heaven can't keep
you." After saying these words, the sword seals a big sleeve and makes a
big stride. The high platform climbed away.

At this moment, Chu Feng’s face was also ugly, and the angrily said to the
elder Wang: “It’s obvious that I came first, why should I let him go first?”

"The so-called capable person lives, Jianfeng Yi is one of the best disciples
of my inner door, and naturally has the priority to enjoy the power of
inner-door cultivation resources."

The elder Wang said it slowly, but in his eyes, there was already a violent
beating, and he was obviously dissatisfied by Chu Feng’s repeated

"Then how do you know, I am not as good as him?" Chu Feng does not

"Haha, are you excellent? A disciple of Lingwu, who is a district, is also

arrogant and arrogant, and he is arrogant. How did my Qinglongzong
appear like you?" The voice of the elder Wang became colder and colder.

"I am good, not you can judge, in the end you are just an inner door elder,
you have no right to judge a person's qualifications." Chu Feng has long
seen that the elder Wang and Jianfeng have a relationship, so The attitude
is also simply becoming arrogant.
"A arrogant boy, how dare you talk to me like this?"

"As an elder is not fair, what qualifications make me respect?" Chu Feng
disdainfully grinned.

"Let's give up, I won't give you some lessons today. You really have to be
lawless." Finally, the elder Wang, can't stand Chu Feng's repeated
collisions, the big sleeves, the powerful palm, he took a picture of Chu
Feng. Come down.

"Yuanwu triple?" Chu Feng could not help but be shocked. He did not
think that this old man would be a trio of Yuanwu. If he was a Yuanwu,
then Chu Feng could still cope, but it was Yuanwu triple. If you want, Chu
Feng can be fierce.



But at Chu Feng, thinking that he was going to have a big disaster, the
elder Wang was exclaimed, and then stepped back a few steps, it seems to
have suffered a huge impact. When it was set, his face changed. It was
very pale.

"Wang Elder, this is not appropriate for the juniors, is this not

At this moment, people noticed that there was a white-haired old man
beside Chu Feng, and this Chu Feng also knew that it was the elder of the
sergeant, Ouyang Elder, who was registered for him that day.

But what he didn't think was that the elder's strength would be so strong.
He wouldn't say silently to his side. Even if it was a previous blow, he
didn't feel it, but it was unpredictable. Yes, the old man’s atmosphere is
very rich, at least far above the elder of the king.

"I will see the chief lord!" Seeing Ouyang Elder, Wang Elder, and middle-
aged and old, all face changes, and rushed to give them a big gift.
"The main event? This is the principal of the martial arts cabinet?" Chu
Feng suddenly realized, some surprised to see the old man next to him.

"How can this boy know Ouyang Elder?" At this moment, the sword seal
that has already been on the high platform is also frowned.

He used to rely on the family and had some relationship with the elder of
the king, so he could board the high platform, but he could not think of it.
Chu Feng actually knew the principal of the martial arts cabinet.

And look at this appearance, the relationship between the two is still very
good, otherwise how can Ouyang elders shoot for their own subordinates
because of Chu Feng? At this moment, Jianfeng realized that it was not

"I just didn't investigate what happened, but in my martial arts, I only
came to this rule first."

"Chu Feng, go up, and the fairy grass will be exempted." Ouyang elders
are not nonsense, and they waved their hands to signal Chu Feng to go up.

"Thank you for the elders." And Chu Feng was not polite. First of all, he
was grateful to the elders of Ouyang, and he went to the high platform in
the eyes of the public.

However, when he came to the side of Jianfeng, Chu Feng could not help
but pause and smiled:

"It seems that you are on the back of this inner door, isn't it?"

"In addition, I am not only dare to shoot your brother, I dare to shoot you,
it is best not to let me touch you, otherwise I will let you eat and walk."
Martial God Asura Chapter 68: Fear after a while
"What, didn't you say anything?"

"This is the best, you better give me a quiet, otherwise I am afraid that
when you meet you next time, you will accidentally kill you, haha..."

Looking at the face of iron blue, staring at himself with a sullen look, but
even a fart can not put the sword seal one, Chu Feng haha ??smile, dash on
the high platform, into the green house.

At the moment, the sword is sealed, the fists are clenched, the squeaking
sounds, and the flames in the heart seem to break out at any time. Don't
mention more fires.

As the ally of the Kendo League, one of the most eye-catching disciples of
the entire inner door, when it was provoked by such people, even the ally
of the squad has never been to him.

But now, even if he is angry again, he can only bear it. In this martial arts,
he does not dare to do it. In front of the elder Ouyang, he is even less dare
to do it. After all, the elder Ouyang, even if it is a core disciple, must
Respectful to him, let alone him?

"Who is that kid? I dare to talk to Jianfeng like that. Do you want to live?"
Looking at such a scene, some people were worried about Chu Feng.

"I know him. He is Chu Feng. Some time ago, he killed Liu Meng alone
and abolished Liu Mang’s life."

"I told you, don't provoke him. Compared with Jianfeng, this Chu Feng is
even more dangerous and more horrible. This guy is not afraid of fear, and
his shot is extremely hot, and he is a mixed-race little demon."

However, some people recognize Chu Feng, especially those who saw Chu
Feng killing Liu Meng. They still remember the scene of the day and still
feel chilling. In their hearts, Chu Feng has already branded a terrible

However, compared with others, the most complicated look at the moment
is Chu Yue and Chu Xue, both of whom are Chu family members. They
deeply understand Chu Feng’s past.

However, they all know that the boy who had been bullied at the Chu
family has now become the object of all the juniors of the Chu family,
reaching the height they can only look up to, and will go further and

As the inner disciples are constantly hotly talking about Chu Feng, Chu
Feng has stepped into the so-called cultivation array.

"A good mysterious array, should this be the hand of the spiritual master?"

At this moment, Chu Feng is not in a simple room, but another world.

Under his feet was a muddy swamp. His head was black clouds and
lightning. He was surrounded by storms and his ears were thundering.

Despite his spiritual strength, knowing that all of this is false, but
fantasizing, but at least in the naked eye, everything is so real.

The main thing is that being here is indeed a huge pressure for Chu Feng.
Even if I don’t do anything, just standing still and stressing, even weak
people, even if they don’t move, they can’t stay here. For a moment, don't
mention any martial arts.

However, such an environment is exactly what Chu Feng needs. He likes

this stressful environment very much, because only in this way can he be
stronger and more convenient for him to practice.

Chu Feng slowly closed his eyes and began to sort out the information in
his mind, the information about the Royal Air.

"Seven-segment body martial arts, Yukong technique, is divided into four

major stages. At the foot of the primary stage, the wind is strong, and the
footsteps are like flying. At the intermediate stage, the electricity is
generated at the foot of the intermediate stage. If it is as fast as the
thunder. At the advanced stage, the feet are shining, and the moment
comes. There is nothing to eat under your feet, but you can pedal your feet
and go to the sky.

Although the introduction is simple, it can only be the seven-segment

mark. It has already told Chu Feng how difficult it is to practice martial
arts. After all, in today's Qinglongzong, the best martial arts is only five
segments, but the more This is the difficult martial arts, but the more Chu
Feng wants to cultivate.

"Wang elder, just don't blame the old man for you?" Inside the martial arts
cabinet, Euyang elders are talking to the elder Wang.

"The main event is a matter of concern. It is a subordinate thing, but how

can you blame you?" Although the elder Wang said this, he could not think
so at all.

Under the public, the elders of Ouyang retired, although they were not
injured, but as a guardian elder, he still felt his face clean.

"I want you to stop the Chu Feng, it is for your sake, then we are also the
brothers of the same period, I do not want to see you offend a future
talented person." Ouyang elder laughed.

"Mr. Master, what is your intention? What is the background of Chu

Feng?" At this moment, Wang Changsong finally realized that it was

"There is no background, but the Chu Feng itself is a bit."

"Is it worth it? That Chu Feng is just a hairy boy. Why don't I see where he
is outstanding?"

"Oh, with mental strength, isn't that enough?"

"What, that kid is."

Hearing this, Wang’s face could not help but change. He finally knew why
even Ouyang’s elders had to turn to Chu Feng.

"Thank you for the main event, today, otherwise, I am afraid I will follow
Li Yi's footsteps."

At this moment, the elder Wang was afraid after a while, even his hands
were a little trembling. After a long time, he shook the gods and began to
thank Ouyang elders.

Because he remembered a past few years ago, an elder in the inner door
had some unpleasantness with an inner disciple, and the elder of the inner
door was called Li Yi.

It is reasonable to say that the inner disciples are still young, and it is not
so young as Chu Feng is so young. There are also a few contradictions
with the elders.

After all, the disciple is a disciple. He has offended the elders. Most of
them have to suffer. The disciple is not under the pressure of Elder Li Yi.
At that time, everyone felt that the disciple was dead. After all, he was still
so small. It is not a good thing to offend a high-ranking elder in the inner

However, until the disciple became a blockbuster, after becoming a core

disciple in a period of time, people discovered that this disciple turned out
to be a rare martial arts wizard.

The most shocking thing is that one year after the disciple became a core
disciple, Elder Li Yi was killed and cut off under the martial arts of
Qinglongzong on the way home.

This incident, although no murderer has been found so far, in fact many
people can guess who the murderer is, then the disciple who had a conflict
with Elder Li Yi, who is called cold innocence, is now the strongest of the
core disciples. One of them is the only one with spiritual strength.
"Oh, I don't want you to say, according to my observation, today's Chu
Feng, compared to the original cold acquitt, can be much more powerful,
this child will become a big weapon in the future, the most important thing
is that this kid is full of embarrassment. "Euyang elders smiled.

However, after listening to this, the face of Wang Chang-Lao, who had just
turned around, suddenly became pale, without a trace of blood. He
couldn’t speak for a while and fell into meditation.

"Well, this matter has passed. I believe that he will not be embarrassed
with you in the future. However, it is difficult to say that the sword seal."
Ouyang elders smiled and went to the window to look at the cultivation
array below.

"This practice is a good thing to hone the heart and the body. The
requirements for physical strength and perseverance are extremely strict. I
don't know how long Chu Feng can last."

"Master, as far as I know, the best score of the core disciple seems to be
three hours, and this Chu Feng is still too weak now, I guess he can last
half an hour is good." See, Wang Changlao Guess.

"Well." After considering one or two, Ouyang elders did not refute, even
he felt that the strength of Chu Feng can last for half an hour, it is a
miracle, after all, in the spirit of the environment, no one can still In the
practice array, it took half an hour.
Martial God Asura Chapter 69: Create a myth
The core area of ??Qinglongzong is the place where the core elders live
with their disciples.

Here, it is a restricted area for inner-door elders and inner-door disciples,

but there is a place here, but it is a restricted area that even the core elders
and core disciples are prohibited from entering.

This is a vast palace, although magnificent but not luxurious, on the

contrary, it reveals a quaint atmosphere and even a mystery.

Here, it is the only sect of Qinglongzong, the elder of the guest, the
residence of Zhuge Liuyun.

Within the hall, Zhuge Liuyun sat on a quaint stone chair, still wearing the
white but full of spelled robes, and the white robe covered everything he
had, only a pair of deep eyes.

In front of him, a man is half-squatting on the ground. This is a core

disciple, but he looks like a ten-year-old, but his body is a calm and
sophisticated person who does not belong to this age. This person is a core
disciple. Among them, the only disciple with spiritual strength is cold and

"Not guilty, have you been with me for a few years?" The voice of the
elders of Zhuge came from the white robe.

"Returning to the Master, today, the disciples follow the Master for just
three years." Cold innocence and respectful return.

"I haven’t been aware of this for a long time. It’s really a rush of time. You
have worked for me in the past few years. I am satisfied with your
performance. Now I will give you the last task. As long as the finish is
beautiful, I will officially accept it. You teach your enchantment as a
"Master, I don't know what the task is? Even if you go to the fire, the
disciples will not leave." I learned that the elders of Zhuge should
officially accept them as disciples, and they are innocent and sinful.

"Help me find someone." Zhuge is old.

"I don't know who the teacher is looking for?" cold pleaded.

"A teenager who is about fifteen years old, but who has mastered my three
styles of Qinglong Zonglei. This boy, like you, has spiritual strength and
has had a relationship with me, but I don’t know his surname. Who is the
name, I don’t know if he is a disciple of my Qinglongzong."

"The young man with mental strength? And also master the thunder of the
Qinglongzong?" At this moment, the cold innocence looks a little change,
and I can't help but say: "There is no such person in the core disciples."

"So I want you to check, whether he is an inner disciple or a disciple of my

Qinglongzong, you have to find him."

"As long as he finds him, you can formally become my disciple. I believe
that this is not difficult for you."

"This trip to the cemetery, I played against the sect of the thousand winds,
and suffered some trauma. I will retreat from today, I hope that you can
find the boy on the day of my departure."

"The disciple must do his best."


"Following." After a respectful response, he sinned and walked out of the

palace, but his face was a bit ugly at the moment, and even a bit cold.

"Cold teacher, what is the elder of Zhuge looking for you?"

"Yeah, cold teacher, but what is the task?"

Two core disciples outside the palace came over. This is a man and a
woman. The man is called Gaole and the woman is Liu Bing. Don’t look at
their age is bigger than cold innocence. Getting started is colder than
innocence, but actually they It is the two confidants of cold and innocence.

"Go to the inner door to check, there may be a teenager who has cultivated
the Thunder three styles. If it is found, it will be secretly destroyed. Do not
let anyone know that it is your hands, even Zhuge Liuyun can not know.
"Cold sinless cold road.

"We will do this." And Gao Le Liu Bing did not hesitate, and after that, he
quickly retreated.

Cold and sinless turned his head and looked at the palace where Zhuge
Liuyun was located. There were bursts of cold in his eyes:

"Old things, I have been selling for you for three years. You want to accept
other people as disciples at this time. If you are not good to me, you will
blame me for being unjust to you, and you want to accept others as
disciples. There are no doors."

For the core area, the inner door is unknown, but at this moment, there are
more and more people gathered outside the martial arts club, and people
are attracted by the green houses above the high platform.

In particular, the elders of Wuji Pavilion, all of them are tight-fitting,

staring at the practice array, because it has been three hours since Chu
Feng entered the cultivation circle.

"The main event, that Chu Feng will not have any accidents, for three
hours, I am afraid that even if you are ....." Some elders, began to worry
about Chu Feng.

"No, if Chu Feng is unconscious in the practice of martial arts because of

lack of physical strength, the practice will stop working, but at this
moment the practice is not only still running, but also more powerful,
which shows that Chu Feng is still insisting, at least he is still fine.
"Ouyang elders shook their heads, but the eyes flashed with amazement.
Three hours, even if he is, he is now practicing in this practice, and he may
only insist on three hours at most. After all, this is the elder who is only
weaker than the lord, and he personally arranged the cultivation. Array.

However, Chu Feng, but with the seven masters of Lingwu, insisted on
three hours in the practice, beyond the limit time that this core disciple
can bear, and still insists, this really makes Ouyang elders admire.

Only when Chu Feng was in the practice group, after four hours, this
admiration became shocked.

Especially when Chu Feng came out of the self-cultivation group, people
saw that Chu Feng was so relaxed and hung with a smiley face, and he
began to wonder if he really spent four hours in the practice.

I doubt that the cultivation team really has the pressure that is unbearable
as the legendary ones. Fortunately, after Chu Feng came out, he resolutely
walked into the cultivation circle and wanted to find out.

But the result of that attempt made him know that this practice is
absolutely worthy of the name, because the disciple of the good deed, just
went in for a moment, then he was unconscious and was carried out by the
elders of the guard.

"God, so to speak, Chu Feng really spent four hours in the cultivation
array, and it was not affected at all?"

"It’s terrible. Is that guy still a human? It seems that there is a enchanting
inside my door."

Looking at the disciple who was lifted out by the elders and squirted in the
mouth, people were exclaimed. Of course, they did not exclaim the
disciple, but exclaimed Chu Feng who had previously walked out calmly.

After this incident, Chu Feng undoubtedly created a myth in the inner
door, but did not care about these Chu Feng, he is happy, it is because he
has initially mastered the Royal Air.
Although it is only the primary stage, but the speed of the wind, Chu Feng
is very satisfied, at least this royal air in the body, facing the strong man of
the Yuan Wu situation, he can not win, but can also escape safely, but The
trump card means of escape.

As time went by, it was time to go to the core disciples' assessment days.
On the night before the start of the assessment, Su Mei, who had
disappeared for several days, actually went to the door.
Martial God Asura Chapter 70: Jealous (plus 46)
In the sky, a round of high moons hangs, on the ground, a pair of lonely
men and women.

On this quiet night stone road, Chu Feng and Su Mei walk side by side.
Through the bright moonlight, Chu Feng will occasionally sneak up on Su
Mei, who is next to her eyes, and can not help but secretly admire, this girl
is really beautiful.

The slender eyelashes, the hydrated eyelids, the tall, pretty nose, the pink
mouth, the perfect curvature of the chest, and the white skin like snow, it’s
really beautiful. It’s hard to say that it’s a fairy.

Seeing into the gods, Chu Feng did not hold back, he opened his arms and
extended his black hand to Su Mei, so he screamed and rang again.


"Rely, don't you hug it, you don't want to bite it." Chu Feng looked at his
hand, the two rows of neat little teeth, painful grin.

Fortunately, his skin is thick and thick, comparable to reinforced iron

bones. If it is not Su Mei, I am afraid that he can bite a large piece of
meat. It is obvious that this girl is really afraid to shut down.

"Who makes you take advantage of me, stinking!" Su Meizhen took a look
at Chu Feng, and then said: "I heard that you are practicing, waiting for
four hours, is this true?"

"Hmm, what's up?"

"You guys are really enchanting. Don't you know that the practice group,
even the core disciples, can only stay for up to three hours? Now you have
become the freak of the inner door."

"Is it? It can only be said that those guys are too wasteful."
Chu Feng is not talking about big words. If it is not on the same day, he
feels that he has mastered the cyberspace technique, and there is no need
to waste time. Even if he spends a few hours in the cultivation camp, it is
completely ok.

"It's not that they are too wasteful, you are too abnormal." Su Mei stunned,
and suddenly she narrowed her eyes and laughed and said: "When you
wait, you will meet all the members of the squad, is it nervous?"

"What is nervous?" Chu Feng did not agree.

He thought that Su Mei came to him so late. It was a wonderful thing, but
he did not know that it was a gathering of the members of the wing. As for
why the party was gathered, it was naturally because of the core disciples
of tomorrow.

The members of the wing league counted Chu Feng, only a total of thirty-
three, but this year's core disciples assessment, but at least 12 people
participated, and these twelve people can be said to be the strongest 12
people in the wing league.

This represents the inner door of the squad, a revolution will occur, not
only to select the new ally, but also to plan the assessment.

Because of this core disciple assessment, not only has the wing alliance
been established for a long time, but the Kendo League and the Tianxia
League have also waited for a long time. This assessment will not be as
simple as the surface, and it is likely to be a confrontation between the top

"I know that you are so heartless, you will not be nervous because of
them." Su Mei smiled sweetly, showing a little appreciation in his eyes.

Accompanied by Su Mei, Chu Feng came to a mansion, which is the

residence of the wing ally, and is now the gathering point of the squad, and
now all the members of the squad are in this house.
Entering the mansion, Chu Feng felt a few eyes condensed and began to
sweep back and forth on his body. There were surprises and surprises, as
well as disdain and doubt.

However, Chu Feng first felt it, but it was the strong atmosphere of these
people. The wing alliance is not a genius alliance. The original dragon
brother and brother-in-law, in this wing alliance, can only be regarded as
the bottom of existence.

Among the 30 figures in the main hall, Chu Feng also found a few familiar
people, such as Bailong, Baihu, Ye Taozi, Zhang Tingzi, Bai Yu and others,
these are Chu Feng saw.

"This is the Chu Feng brothers, I am the wing ally, Situ Yu." A handsome
man, led many members of the squad, came to Chu Feng.

This Situ Yu, the age and the sword seal is similar, even the repair is also
the same as the Lingwu nine, even the breath, even more than the sword
seal one. However, although he is gracious on Chu Feng, but Chu Feng can
feel that this does not seem to be so kind.

"Hey! My older brother is talking to you, haven't you heard it?" Just in the
martial arts of Chu Feng, a black-faced boy rushed out from Situ Yu.

The age of this boy should be similar to that of Chu Feng. Even if it is too
big, it is only two years old, and it has a repair of eight martial arts. It is
not bad at this age.

However, his attitude at the moment is very bad, blowing his nose and
blinking at Chu Feng screaming, seeing it looks like Chu Feng.

"Small light."

Upon seeing it, Situ Yu glanced back at the black-faced boy, and
immediately apologized to Chu Fengdao: "This is my brother Situ Liang,
the character is a bit violent, but in fact the heart is not bad, but also hope
that Chu Feng brothers do not mind. ”
"Do not worry, I Chu Feng has always been very graceful." Chu Feng did
not care to wave his hand.

"You...." That Situ Liang, was smothered by Chu Feng's arrogant gesture,
and even his nose was smouldering, but he was stopped by Situ Yu.

Later, Situ Yu introduced the members of the wing alliance for Chu Feng.
Although these people are still polite on the surface, Chu Feng can feel
that some people are obviously disgusted with him.

Most people who are disgusted with Chu Feng are male. As for the reason,
Chu Feng is not hard to think. It must be because he recently walked very
close to Su Mei. After all, these men’s eyes on Su Mei are not very good.

However, apart from the individual male members, the female members
are very kind to Chu Feng, but Chu Feng does not know that the reason
why they are polite to Chu Feng is because Chu Feng has become more
famous inside the door, after all, female Children will have an
inexplicable affection for good boys.

"Since my wing members have arrived, then talk about business, please
take a seat." After a short chat, Situ Yu solemnly said.

At this moment, the members of the wing alliance are also all of them, but
Chu Feng suddenly found a problem. Thirty-three chairs in the hall, of
which thirty-one have already sat on the person, there are two positions

One in the first place, next to Situ Yu, at this moment, Su Mei is being
guided by the seat of Situ Yu and Situ Liang.

The rest of the article, at the very end, is logically nothing, just a seat.

However, Chu Feng found that this position is sorted. It is said that the top
players are the masters. The ones sitting at the end are the poorer
generations such as the dragon brother and the tiger. This shows that
Yimeng treats him as waste wood. It is.
"Chu Feng, brother, sit here." Just then, a girl next to the end of the
vacancy opened.

This girl is pretty good, her face is white and has a pair of big fox-like
eyes. A long hair is scattered on her shoulders. It is a beautiful woman,
especially on the chest. It is very bulging, and the purple robes are
bulging. It seems to be like a general desire.

The main thing is that at this moment, this big breasted woman is
squinting at Chu Feng, which is obviously to seduce Chu Feng.

To put it bluntly, Chu Feng is a man. Although he is upright, it does not

mean that he must refuse the seduce of women. Therefore, he simply does
not care about it, but smiles and sits on the end of the seat.

"Chu Feng, younger brother, I heard that you are so fierce. Some time ago,
Liu Meng was given a flat." After Chu Feng was seated, the big breasted
woman actually grabbed Chu Feng’s arm and put the two groups. The soft
and sly paste came over.

"Wow." This is the voice of Chu Feng at the moment, because the two
groups are soft and so sticky, Chu Feng feels only two words, comfortable!
This is the real big breast, Su Mei is not fully developed, obviously can
not compare with her.

"You, get up." But at this moment, a fierce scream, but suddenly screamed
beside him.

Looking up and watching, Chu Feng and the big-breasted girl, and even the
entire hall are shocked.

I saw Su Mei’s hand with a small waist, and the other fingered Chu Feng’s
big-breasted woman, licking her mouth and squinting her eyes. On the
sweet little face, there was a layer. Visible to the naked eye.
Martial God Asura Chapter 71: Give me a quiet
point (plus 47)
"Xiaomei, you....." The big breasted beauty seems to be very afraid of Su
Mei, and she is at a loss.

"I will let you stand up." Su Mei snorted.

And this sound was to scare the big breasts, and the little face suddenly
became pale, and quickly got up and stood aside, and even dared not say


Su Mei snorted, first glanced at Chu Feng, this time before sitting in the
place where the **** were located, pointing to the position beside Situ Yu,
said: "Sit over there."


The big-breasted beauty didn't dare to neglect, and when she lowered her
head, she quickly walked over to Situ Yu, and did not look up, but sat
down in vain.

This scene, but let people stunned and stunned, what is going on here,
anyone with eyes can see it, this is Su Mei jealous.

Whose vinegar to eat? Eat Chu Feng's vinegar! Su Mei, the innumerable
person who pursued, but no one succeeded, the first small beauty inside
the door, actually eating Chu Feng's vinegar, this is absolutely a
sensational thing.

But think about it, this is not an accident. After all, the two have been
walking very close recently, and there are even more rumors that Su Mei
secretly loves Chu Feng.
Even so, this is still unacceptable to many people, but Bai Hao and others
are quite relieved, because Su Mei is more excited, they have seen it.

However, compared to the white scorpion, the face of Situ Yu may be

somewhat unnatural. Although he is trying to hide it, it still shows some
uncomfortable feelings. This guy is also jealous.

"You are a girl, really hot, why are you so people." Chu Feng smiled.

"I like it, do you care?" Su Mei's stunned Chu Feng, then turned his head
and ignored the Chu Feng.

After this small storm, this so-called meeting officially began. First of all,
I said that the 12 people who participated in the core disciplinary
assessment included Chu Feng, Su Mei, and Situ Yu.

The remaining nine people are also the masters of Lingwu's eight-fold
cultivation. It is not difficult to pass this examination as a core disciple.
Therefore, it is basically certain that Yimeng will leave twelve people.

However, for this situation, Situ Yu had already prepared, that is, his
younger brother did not participate in the assessment of the core disciples
this year, so Situ Liang wanted to stay in the inner door, and he would pick
up his class and become the ally of the wing.

There is another thing, that is, Situ Yu suggested that after becoming a
core disciple, Yimeng continued to keep, and did not want everyone to go
their own way.

Situ Yu, who has already been a member of the former wing, but now has
become a core disciple of the brothers and sisters, and wants them to lead
the squad, to create a world in the core disciples, but was rejected.

So there is a serious problem at the moment, that is, to build a wing

alliance in the core area, only this group of people, after all, is a re-
established wing alliance, so it is necessary to re-elect a ally, this is now
The issue under discussion.
"Study brother, this is still used for discussion. Since the brothers and
sisters of the past refused to lead us, the position of the lord is naturally
still sitting by you."

"Yeah, Situ Brother, I would like to ask the current wing alliance, who has
this ability besides you." Members, unanimously recommended Situ Yu to
continue to be the ally.

"Hey, everyone is a dragon among people. I don't think anyone wants to be

a fence. So it's fair to be fair. You don't have to recommend me like this.
You can say your true thoughts."

Situ Yu pretended to be excused, but everyone can see that he is very

happy, happy people recommend him to continue to be a ally.

For this Situ Yu, Chu Feng gave evaluation only three words "hypocrite"
so he did not bother to listen to what these people said, at this moment his
attention is all placed on Su Mei.

This girl hasn't said a word to Chu Feng for a long time. The little hand
dragged her chin and looked up. She didn't know where to look, but what is
certain is that she definitely didn't care about what Situ Yu was discussing.

"Hey, hoe, is it angry?" Chu Feng ran over and asked with a smile.

"Who is angry? Who is angry with someone? Who is worthy of my

anger?" Su Mei grievously stunned Chu Feng.

"I'm not angry, are you doing?" Chu Feng questioned.

"I am listening carefully to Situ Yu's big brother." Su Mei eloquent.

"Well, what do you say about Situ Yu just said?" Chu Feng smiled.

"He said ...." Su Mei is speechless, she did not listen at all, how could she
know what Situ Yu is talking about.

Turning around and looking at Chu Feng's face with a smirk, she only
knows that Chu Feng's way, the gas of the lower teeth, can not wait to bite
Chu Feng.

"Well, don't be angry, how can I tell you a story?" Chu Feng said.

"What story? If you want to talk, you can talk about it." Su Mei snorted,
but still made a look of lucidity.

"Three little white rabbits have picked up a mushroom." "Two big ones let
the little ones get some wild vegetables to eat together." "Small said that I
don't go, I am gone, you have eaten my mushrooms." Big said, no, rest
assured, so the little white rabbit went ~~~"

"But it has been a long time since the little white rabbit has not come back.
Two big discussions, don't wait, we ate."

"At this moment, the little white rabbit suddenly jumped out from the
jungle next to him, and said with anger, look, I know you have to eat my

"Ha ha ha, can you say that little white rabbit, hasn't you left?"

"Guess what?"

"Haha, definitely, it’s so cute, so funny...."

Su Mei was teased by Chu Feng, and the pleasant laughter was very
pleasant. It only sounded at this time, but it seemed that it was not the
time, and it has attracted everyone’s attention.

"Come on, I will tell you one more." Seeing Su Mei finally laughed, Chu
Feng is also coming, and his arms are stretched, ready to show his skills

The actions of the two people may have caused Situ Yu’s dissatisfaction.
He looked at his sweetheart and laughed in front of others, but he did not
pay attention to what he was saying. His heart was blocked.

At this moment, Situ Liang suddenly patted the table, and stood up and
pointed at Chu Fengdao:
"My older brother is talking, you give me a quiet!"

Hearing this, Chu Feng did not change his face, but slowly stood up and
walked to Situ Liang without rushing.

Suddenly, Chu Feng’s big hand slammed, only listening to a crisp sound of
“?”, a loud slap in the face, and then fell on Situ Liang’s face.

Powerful force, directly to Situ Liang to the ground, a mouth, actually spit
out a blood with three front teeth.

This scene, but the people present were frightened, Chu Feng actually
directly hit the people, and the fight is still the future ally of the squad,
Situ Yu's younger brother, this is too bold.

However, for everyone’s surprised eyes, Chu Feng simply ignored it, but
pointed to Situ Liang on the ground, the evil road:

"When I talk, you **** me quiet!"

Martial God Asura Chapter 72: Abuse, Situ Yu
(plus 48)
"I want to kill you."

Situ Liang looked at the blood on the ground and the three front teeth. He
was very angry and mad. He broke out the power of the eight spirits, and
the atmosphere swept away like a whirlwind. He rushed over to Chu Feng.

However, just as Situ Liang had just rushed to Chu Feng and was about to
launch an attack, he saw Chu Feng lifting his leg and kicking him away

And this time, the power used by Chu Feng was obviously much larger
than before. The powerful momentum made the seat next to Situ Liang
shattered. After flying a few meters, he slammed into the wall.

"This guy is so strong."

At this moment, many of the members of the Wing League who saw Chu
Feng for the first time were full of shocks. They were obviously only
seven of the spirits, and they could even crush the martial arts of Situ
Liang. This kind of strength can really hold people down.

Even those who wanted to shoot Chu Feng dispelled this idea, especially
the recent rumors of Chu Feng, who realized for the first time that this guy
is probably a role to play.

"Chu Feng, you are too much too much. The members of the wing league
are like a family. What do you mean by Situ Liang?" Situ Yu yelled.

His own brother, who was so humiliated in front of him, had already
burned his anger in his heart. If it was not his own identity, he had already
started to work on Chu Feng.
"A family, does he have to be my family? Do you have to take me as a

"I told you that I will play this set in front of me, not to mention that it is
not a family. Even if it is a family, I want to fight anyone who wants to
play it." Chu Feng is cold and cold.

"Well, whoever you want to fight, I will take a look today. How much do
you have in the end, how dare you be so arrogant." Situ Yu had to start
talking, and Chu Feng was equally eager to try.


At this moment, Su Mei was screaming and went to the two people and
said, "What are you doing, guilty? You will be on the day of assessment
tomorrow, you are fighting now, are you going to take the injury tomorrow
to participate in the assessment? ”

"Xiaomei, everything you saw before, not that I want to shoot him, it is
him..." Situ Yu wants to explain.

"I have seen it, just, Situ Liang is not right." Unexpectedly, Su Mei did not
hesitate, he chose to favor Chu Feng, and he was partial.

Listening to Su Mei’s saying, Situ Yu seems to have heard his

heartbreaking voice, and finally can’t control himself, and no longer talks
to Su Medo, but points to Chu Fengdao:

"Chu Feng, is a man, don't stand behind the woman, you don't like to fight,
I will accompany you today."

"Well, do you think I will be afraid of you?" Chu Feng grabbed Su Mei's
wrist and took Su Mei to the back.

"You two give me a hand."

Upon seeing it, Su Mei was a little angry, but she couldn't break away from
Chu Feng's palm, and when a reiki came into her body, it made her body
"Chu Feng, you....." Feel the pressure of the whole body, Su Mei was
shocked, because this kind of pressure, it is no longer a spiritual martial
art, it is comparable to the strong man of Yuan Wujing.

"Small beauty, you can rest assured that as the ally of the wing, I will
focus on the overall situation. I will discuss with Chu Feng today, and I
will not use martial arts." Situ Yu vowed.

"Hey, are you going to let me?" Chu Feng smiled contemptuously.

"It's not for you, just don't want to hurt you. After all, you are the
recommended person of Su Rou elders and Ouyang elders. Even if I let it,
I will only give Su Rou elders and Ouyang elders a face." Situ Yu said.

"A big tone, I have to look at who is who."


Chu Feng was too lazy to crap, directly shot, very fast speed, in the blink
of an eye came to Situ Yu, a very fast turn, the beautiful whip legs pumped


However, in the face of Chu Feng's aggressive offensive, Situ Yu only

snorted, and did not put Chu Feng in the eye.

The right arm was slightly lifted up, so casually, I wanted to use this to
block Chu Feng, but he paid a painful price for it.


In the middle of a blow, Situ Yu’s right arm seemed to have withstood the
power of the scorpion. When a pain came from his arm, a powerful impact
was brought to him.

Upon seeing it, he rushed to run Xuan Gong, but it was too late, and the
powerful impact made him fly all over.
However, this Situ Yu is a master of Lingwu Jiuzhong. He is known as the
strongest disciple of the inner door. Therefore, there are naturally some
means. Only when his body rotates in the early sky, a beautiful rotation
removes the momentum of the body. Finally, it landed firmly on the

"take the move"

But he just looked up, but Chu Feng is already in front of him, this time a
huge fist, is already facing his face.


Everything came too fast, and Situ Yu couldn’t dodge at all. He only felt a
burning tingling on his cheek. The whole person had already flew out
again, and this time, he fell on the ground and rolled two times in a row.
Only stabilize the figure.

"Oh my God, that Chu Feng would actually be....."

Chu Feng's speed is too fast, the shot is only between the electric and the
flint, many people have not even seen how it happened, they found that
Situ Yu has been like a watermelon, rolled to the side, and when he got up,
the cheeks have It is slightly swollen and it seems that it is not light.

"How could this be the case, how can the speed and strength of this guy be
far above me, he is obviously only a martial arts, is he really a

Situ Yu was shocked. He did underestimate Chu Feng. He never thought

that Chu Feng would be so powerful, so strong that even he would fight the
flesh and could not walk through Chu Feng for two rounds.

"Wingmen League lord, but this is the case." Chu Feng clap his hands, his
heart is laughing, and he is more than the flesh, is simply looking for
"Chu Feng, repair is going crazy, you can win me because I didn't use
martial arts."

"If I use martial arts, it is far from my opponent, just because of your
current cultivation." Situ Yu said unwillingly.

In front of his own members, in front of his own sweetheart, he was

defeated and defeated so badly that he could not bear it, so he had to find
his face.

Moreover, he knows that Chu Feng entered the inner door for a very short
time, so he felt that Chu Fengqiang was only strong in the essence of the
flesh. If he used martial arts, he could completely suppress Chu Feng.

"Hey, since you have said this, then I want to see you, how much you have
used martial arts." Chu Feng swayed at Situ Yu and gestured for him to try
Martial God Asura Chapter 73: Reminder (plus
" satisfied with you."

Upon seeing it, Situ Yu was not nonsense. I saw that it was screaming. The
entire hall was not shaken. A majestic breath rushed out of its body. At this
moment, his body actually changed qualitatively.

His arms and thighs were doubled in an instant, almost smashing the
purple robes on the body, and you can clearly see through the clothes, his
piece of strong muscles.

And his skin turned into gold, and even the hair became golden, his eyes
were red, and his breathing became rough and powerful.

At this moment, Situ Yu, where is the gentle and elegant winged ally, is a
living golden monster, especially the scent of his body, but also has a
fierce beast-like oppression.

"Four sections strengthen martial arts, Golden Lions change!"

"I don't think that the lord has already cultivated the golden lion to this
point. It seems that this time Chu Feng will be defeated."

"Yes, the Golden Lion is a four-stage intensified martial art. It is a place

where the cultivator can be tempered. It is already invulnerable. The water
and fire are not invading. It is an invincible body. Even if the Chu Feng
body is strong, it is absolutely impossible to hurt. There are only a few
shares to the lord."

Looking at the changes of Situ Yu at this moment, some of the male

members of the Wing League believe that Chu Feng is definitely defeated,
and they can't help but feel the hearts of the people, because they really
can't understand the arrogance of Chu Feng. The most important thing is
that they I can't understand the appearance of Chu Feng and Su Mei's

As for the female members, although they all found the greatness of Chu
Feng, they were amazed at the strength of Chu Feng. However, when Situ
Yu exhibited this trick, they also felt that Chu Feng was a fierce.

Only Su Mei, Bai Yu, Long Xiu and other brothers are silent, because they
know that Chu Feng has a stronger martial arts.

"Chu Feng, you admit defeat now, I can put you in a horse, otherwise if I
take this form, I can't guarantee not to hurt you."

Situ Yu spoke up. At this moment, his voice was strong and powerful, as if
a fierce beast roared. It was no longer a human voice, and it was somewhat

"Since you are so confident, then you will come over, I want to see, how
did you hurt me." Chu Feng smiled indifferently.

"Since you want to be hurt like this, if you don't fulfill it once, you won't
be disappointed."

Situ Yu moved. Every time he took a step, he would be shocked by a crack.

He rushed up and the whole hall trembled like an earthquake.

Looking at the front of the forced Situ Yu, Chu Feng is a strange smile, the
body shape of a vertical Thunder will be displayed, broke out and ran out.

"Hey, want to run, run off?"

Seeing that Chu Feng escaped, Situ Yu thought that Chu Feng was afraid of
him. He laughed with a smirk and chased it out. As for Su Mei and others,
he followed closely and rushed out in the first time.

However, just after stepping out of the mansion, people couldn’t help but
because Chu Feng did not escape. Instead, he stood in a wide area outside
the mansion and extended his hands to make a gesture of contempt for Situ
"Finding death" Situ Yu roared, like a nine-order beast, with that terrible
power, once again rushed to Chu Feng.

"Zi La La"

But at this moment, I saw only Chu Feng’s thoughts, and my eyes were full
of traces, and then I only heard the sound of “????”, and began to sizzle on
her body. The whole person was shrouded in white lightning. It turned into
a thunder.


Then Chu Feng's arm was lifted high, and the thunder and lightning on his
body was shot. The destructive power even directly smashed the stone
road under the foot, and several deep craters continued to appear around
Chu Feng.

"This....this terrible breath, what is going on? How can he exert such a
terrible martial arts?"

At this moment, people were exclaimed. They all saw it for the first time.
Such horrible martial arts, both on the power and in the breath, have
completely surpassed the golden lions that Situ Yu has shown.

At this moment, Chu Feng’s fingers sneaked out, and a Rayman burst out.
Almost at the same time people reacted, the Raymond was already on Situ
Yu’s chest.



A scream rang, and Situ Yu was shot down for dozens of meters. When it
fell, it was restored to its original appearance, but the face was full of
painful colors.

At the same time, the Lei Mang of Chu Feng was also dissipated in an
instant. Except for the damaged track marks on the ground, there was no
trace left. Like the lightning on his body, there was no such thing as

"Chu Feng, you are crazy, actually used this martial arts to shoot my big
brother, do you want to kill him?"

At this moment, Situ was frightened, and while cursing loudly, he ran to
Situ Yu, and even tears appeared in his eyes.

Because the power of Chu Feng’s outburst was too terrible, at least in
Lingwu, he has never seen such a strong pressure, such a hegemonic
martial arts, so he is really worried, worried that Situ Yu will be Chu Feng
hit this kill.

"Small, I am fine."

However, at this moment, Situ Yu was slowly standing up. He first looked
at his chest and then sighed helplessly. This was the face of Chu Feng’s

"Chu Feng brothers, thank you for your mercy, my Situ Yuji is not as good
as people, lost!"


When Situ Yu’s words came out, people couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of
relief, because they could all hear what he said. It’s obvious that Chu Feng
had previously left his hand, otherwise Situ Yu at the moment could never
be so sound.

"You don't have to be polite to me. I will leave you a little life, but it will
give Sumei a face."

"Small beauty, let's go, I will send you back." Chu Feng put a gesture on
Su Mei, and then he went away, and Su Mei also rushed over, leaving only
the Weimeng and others...

Looking at the back of the two people, the faces of the wingmen are full of
complex emotions, and the heart is still unable to cope. Today, Chu Feng
really left a deep impression on them.

They finally understand why Su Mou Ouyang elders will recommend Chu
Feng to join the wing alliance, and finally know why Chu Feng is so
arrogant, because he does have this capital, and is more enchanting than
the rumors.

In the past, they all felt that they were martial arts geniuses, but after
today, they knew that in front of Chu Feng, they really did not deserve to
be called geniuses.

"Chu Feng, you can't go on like this." Outside the house where Su Mei
lived, Su Mei was full of dignity.

"What do you mean?" Chu Feng is somewhat puzzled.

Martial God Asura Chapter 74: Assessment (plus
"Even if you have the spirit, you can't cultivate like this. Don't you know
that the practice of martial arts is about gradual progress? Your rapid
breakthrough will make it difficult for you to achieve much success in the

"If I want to, with my family's financial resources, I can completely break
through to Lingwu before the age of 12, but you know why I am now
fourteen, but only awesome?"

"That is because the continuous breakthrough in the use of cultivation

resources is equivalent to destroying the rules of martial arts, bringing
power, but also burdening the body, which will reduce future

"Even if you can become a master of Lingwu in a short period of time, but
you will face it in the future, it is impossible to break through the dilemma
of Yuanwu in life. Do you understand what I mean?" Su Mei's mood is
somewhat excited, but it can be seen She is really worried about Chu Feng.

Looking at such a Soviet Union, Chu Feng is also a hilarious, but also
some distressed, he naturally knows that the cultivation of a martial arts,
stressing the gradual progress, can not be eager for quick success, but this
is only limited to ordinary people, and Chu Feng obviously can not be
treated as ordinary people.

Therefore, Chu Feng knows the most about his body. However, his body
has not been burdened by a quick breakthrough, but it is becoming more
and more powerful.

It’s just that he can’t tell the truth to Su Mei, because he doesn’t know how
to explain his body. He can’t say that I not only have spiritual strength, but
also a special system. Is there a **** mine in Dantian?
This kind of secret, Chu Feng will not easily tell anyone, if you can, he
will conceal for a lifetime.

"I know the girl, I will pay attention." I do not know how to explain, Chu
Feng had to smile and perfunctory.

"Hello, let me do it. I don't want you to have a good future, but you have
ruined yourself because of your quick success." Looking at the smiling
Chu Feng, Su Mei was a little angry and turned into his own house.

Looking at the back of Su Mei's departure, Chu Feng's heart is a warmth.

There is such a gimmick that cares about himself. I have to say that this is
a happy thing.

The next morning, the day just dawned, Chu Feng had already got up,
because today is the day for the core disciples to assess.

The core disciple, the key training object of Qinglongzong, is also the
main force of Qinglongzong. Their status and internal disciples are simply

First of all, the core disciples will enjoy the best cultivation resources of
Qinglongzong. Secondly, their families will also be protected by
Qinglongzong. If anyone dares to move the family of Qinglongzong's core
disciples, it is equal to Qinglongzong.

Moreover, not all of the core disciples are Zhou Zhiyuan's stream. In fact,
many core disciples are very strong, and most of them have entered the
Yuanwujing. They are all very talented people, and even some core
disciples can Competing with the core elders.

Take Surou, if she did not choose to be an elder of the inner door, she is
now a core disciple. That is to say, among the core disciples, there is a
possibility that there is such a powerful role as Surou.

Therefore, compared with the inner door, the core area is the place where
Chu Feng wants to go. It is more challenging. He likes this kind of life.
This kind of life has to force himself to become stronger.
The location of the core disciples assessment is also a huge underground
palace. However, the scale of this underground palace can be much larger
than that of the inner door. The organs involved are also more dangerous.

The most important thing is that the internal assessment organs are
constantly changing, and the organs of this core disciplinary examination
change almost every year. There are no tricks, no one knows what this
year's organs will look like.

Of course, as long as you have absolute strength, even the more difficult
institutions can pass.

At this moment, the twelve members of the wing alliance have finally
entered this huge underground palace.

"Hey, this time the squad is really big, and there are so many people."

"It’s only twelve people. Can this be counted as a big deal?"

"Yingmeng has only a total of thirty-three members. This time, it can be

said that nearly half of the personnel have been used. Isn't it a big deal?"

"You really said this, hahaha....."

Chu Feng and other wingmen members, just entered the hall of the
underground palace, they heard a sound of irony.

Looking into the distance, not far from the two teams, one team is the
Kendo League, and the other team is the Heaven League.

Chu Feng, a member of the Kendo League, saw that they had dispatched
30 people. In addition to the sword seal, the Lingwu Jiuzhong, there are
three Lingwu eight, and the rest are all Lingwu.

The Tianxia League is also 30 people, one of which is Lingwu Jiuzhong,

two Lingwu eight, and the rest are also Lingwu seven.

As for the stalwart teenager who has the strength of Lingwu and the
previous satirical alliance with the sword, it is naturally the ally of the

"How did the Tianmeng League come together with the people of the
Kendo League?" Seeing the harmony between the Heavenly Alliance and
the Kendo League, some members of the Yimeng League felt that they
were not quite right.

"You don't have to pay attention to them. This core disciple assessment is
different from the internal assessment. It depends on personal ability."

"You see that the entrance is not unified, but everyone can only enter one,
that is to say, the level inside is to be completed separately."

"But I have to remind you that after going out of the underground palace,
it does not mean that the assessment has passed. After leaving the
underground palace, we will enter a garden."

"There are a lot of elixir in the garden. This is a reward for everyone
through the underground palace. But how many rewards you can get
depends on your skills."

"And the most important thing is that the time limit for assessment is two
hours. That is to say, after entering the underground palace, we must walk
out of the garden within two hours, otherwise the assessment will fail."

Situ Yu did not pay attention to the people of Tianxiameng and Kendo
League. Instead, he told Chu Feng and others about the places that should
be paid attention to in this core assessment.

Although the number of people, the wing alliance is not as good as the
League of Heaven and Kendo, but to the overall strength, the advantage of
the wing is absolute, especially the Chu Feng this enchanting, they simply
do not worry about anything.

Therefore, they are not afraid that Kendo and the Alliance will be against
them. They only care about whether they can become core disciples.
Because if the assessment fails, it will return to the inner door to continue
cultivation. This is a shame for the people of Yimeng, and it must not

"Chu Feng, I heard from my sister that the garden was built by the
Qinglong Taoist ancestor, so it is called Qinglong Garden."

"There is a kind of flower in the Qinglong Garden, called colorful flowers.

The colorful flowers are seven colors, very beautiful, but the colorful
flowers are especially rare. They are even more rare than the elixir. Not
everyone has a chance to see them, but I really want to see." Su Mei said
to Chu Feng, the eyes are full of yearnings.

"Reassured, I will let you see." Chu Feng smiled.

"Don't say stupid things, the Qinglong Garden is very big, and the other
colorful flowers are really rare. They are not so good to find. They can
only look at the chance." Su Mei did not believe Chu Feng's words.

Chu Feng was a slight smile, no longer explained anything, but when he
passed by the sword seal, he suddenly stopped and said to Jianfeng: "Don't
let me see you in the Qinglong Garden, otherwise I will Your mom doesn't
know you."

After saying this, Chu Feng did not give the sword a rebuttal opportunity,
with Su Mei will quickly step away, which can make the sword a
Martial God Asura Chapter 75: Similar genius
"Sword seal one, who is that kid, dare to talk to you?" Looking at Chu
Feng's cool back, the world's allies are full of surprises.

The master of Yimeng, he basically knows all about it, but he has never
seen Chu Feng, and he has only talked with Jianfeng in the wing league.
Only Situ Yu is alone, so Chu Feng’s move will make him I was shocked.

"A boy who is impatient, I will let him pay for it." The sound of Jian
Fengyi is very cold, showing that he is really hateful to Chu Feng.

"Haha, that is of course, this time the wing league does not want to have
someone pass the assessment, and wait until the Qinglong Garden, you can
learn how to teach the kid."

"Oh, I’m going to deal with Su Mein’s head. I will leave it to me for
treatment. Although I can’t move her, it’s always good to take advantage
of it.”

The world’s allies smiled shamelessly, and then they smacked into the ear
of the sword. They whispered: "Sword seal one, are you sure that the organ
crack map you made is correct? But don't be wrong, but harm I am a

"Do not worry, this is absolutely true, as long as the method of the agency
map is done, I guarantee that they can safely pass customs."

"You just need to slap them and let them get through the customs. This
time we have to block all the people in the phoenix in the Qinglong
Garden. We must not let one pass the assessment." Jianfeng said with

"This is nature. The people of his wing are all considered to be geniuses.
This time we let them lose face. Just think about the members of the
squad, and evaluate the impact of all the news of failure after returning to
the inner door. I am excited to die." The Allied League leader laughed

"Hey, genius? It's just a self-righteous fool. The members of Yimeng are so
arrogant at the inner door. Now in the core, they are not all defeated in that
hand." The sword seals a disdainful way.

"You mean the first disciple of Qinglongzong, Gong Luyun?"

"Besides who else he is!"

"Indeed, that Gong Luyun is really amazing. It is said that he is about to

step into Xuanwujing. I don't know if it is true or not!" Referring to Gong
Luyun, the face of the Allied Lords also showed admiration.

"Yeah, I said that after Zhang Tianyi, I was one day after the emergence of
Qinglongzong. Now I am only twenty years old. If I really step into
Xuanwu, then the achievements in the future are really limitless. Imagine
the position of the future sovereign. It’s none other than him.” Jian Fengyi
also admired it.

"Sorry, let everyone wait." At this moment, a gentle and clear voice came,
and Su Rou led a group of elders to debut.

When Surou appeared, all the people of the three parties could not help but
be quiet, because they all know that although Surou is beautiful like a fox,
it is gentle to people, but her means are many people are afraid. At least in
the inner door, no one dared to offend her.

After Su Rou appeared, he detailed the rules of assessment, almost the

same as Situ Yu said. After the rules were finished, the entrances of
several entrances were slowly opened. Chu Feng and others all rushed in
the first time. Go in.

"Hey, is this used to give me a try?"

At this moment, Chu Feng looked at the organ with the black iron blade in
front of him, and there were only a few places where he could fall. His
heart was filled with joy.


Suddenly, his foot whirls and his toes are gently dripping. He only listens
to the sound of "?". The whole person flies up like a string of arrows. He
tramples on the black iron blade and plunges into the depth of the passage.

Yukong, as a seven-segment martial arts, even if Chu Feng only mastered

the primary stage, but his speed is far beyond people's imagination. If you
talk about the strength of the foot, I am afraid that the strongest of the
Yuan Wujing can not be compared with Chu Feng. ratio.

With the speed of the wind, Chu Feng liked the wind in the palace, he did
not crack these organs, but he crossed all the organs.

This so-called core disciple assessment is simply pediatric in front of him.

Just a short moment of effort, Chu Feng is already stepping out of the
underground palace, and what is displayed in front of him is the so-called
Qinglong Garden.

At the foot is a verdant grass. There are all kinds of exotic flowers and
grasses in front of me. The light bird's songs are constantly ringing. When
a light breeze slams through, there is a scent of scent, surrounded by birds
and flowers. It is absolutely true here. A paradise.

"There are a lot of elixir here, but it doesn't make much sense to me except
for the best medicine."

The first thing Chu Feng did was to spread out the mental power and
carefully sense the surrounding environment. He found that the Qinglong
Garden was very large and indeed planted many elixir.

However, Chu Feng did not pick it, but his body shape was plunging into
the depths of the garden. He had no interest in other elixir except Lingzhu,
but what he was looking for now was a colorful flower. .
"Elder Su Mei, why did Chu Feng have not moved, can he say that he
wants to give up this assessment?" In the observation room of the
underground palace, Su Rou and other elders gathered here.

Here, although we can't see the internal situation of each channel, we can
see the changes of the organs. At present, the assessment has begun.
However, the channel that Chu Feng has stepped in has not been triggered,
which makes many people feel puzzled. .

"Go, let me see."

Surou, who was very optimistic about Chu Feng, slightly wrinkled her
eyebrows and pushed the door out. As for the other elders, they rushed out.

But when they opened the channel where Chu Feng was located, people
were shocked because they found that although the passage mechanism
was intact, Chu Feng was indeed gone.

For this phenomenon, almost everyone can guess one or two. After all, as
long as the strength reaches a certain level and masters the superb body, it
is true that you can pass through the underground palace without
destroying the institution.

But this kind of thing, at least it must be done by people in the Yuanwu
situation, but Chu Feng is only a seven-handed spirit, so when this
situation happens to Chu Feng, people are naturally surprised.

"This kid can be compared with him." Surprised, Surou slowly closed his

She suddenly remembered the genius who was many years ago. The one
who created the wing alliance and swept the strong in the core area, has
entered the Xuanwu territory at the age of sixteen and became the first
disciple of Qinglongzong. Today's Chu Feng is indeed very similar to the
one in that year.

In Su’s eyes, only such people can be called true geniuses.

Martial God Asura Chapter 76: Abolished,
"Tread on step..."

A brisk pace echoed in the passage, Su Mei was swinging his soft body,
swaying the glittering sweat, running excitedly, because the door leading
to the Qinglong Garden was already in sight.

As long as the door is opened, it is equal to her passing the assessment and
becoming a core disciple. The most important thing is that the colorful
flowers she wants to see are in the world behind the door.


With a dull voice, the thick door was slowly pushed open by Su Mei, and a
touch of sunlight poured down, so that Su Mei could not help but close his
eyes and feel the warmth of the face.

Only when he opened his eyes again and saw the picture in front of him,
the cheeks that were originally smiling, but instantly solidified, replaced
by a rich horror.

Not far from him, there is a person, the blood of this person's face, is
struggling to support the body, wants to climb, and this is actually the ally
of the squad, Situ Yu.


However, Situ Yu had not stood up yet, but with a forceful foot, he stepped
on him, and the powerful force made him squat down, and a mouthful of
blood spurted out his mouth.

The man who stepped on Situ Yu was the sword of the martial art sergeant,
and at the side of Jianfeng Yi, he stood still, the lord of the Alliance, Luo
"What are you doing?" Seeing such a scene, Su Mei was furious and angry
at the same time.

"Hey, this is not the first little beauty in my inner door, Su Mei Shimei."
Looking at Su Mei, Luo Wu smiled excitedly.

"Su Mei, run fast, they have joined forces, it is necessary to target my
wing!" Seeing Su Mei, Situ Yu shouted.

"Give me shut up!" However, the voice just fell, the sword seal is a fierce
kick, this ankle kicked in the stomach of Situ Yu, hurting him curled into a
ball, can not speak.

"You two of these tricks." Faced with everything in front of him, how
could Su Mei escape, and the angry ones rushed over.

However, she is only a martial artist. How could she be the opponent of
Jianfeng and Luowu, and they will soon be subdued by two people, but
they did not harm Sumei, but only took out the special ropes and tied
Sumei. .

"What do you want to do?" Su Mei snarled in anger, although she and Situ
Yu, not as close as Chu Feng, but also a very good friend, seeing Situ Yu
being abused by the two, she can't bear it.

"Hey, Su Mei's sisters don't get excited, we just want to let the members of
your wing alliance all fold here."

"If I say that you still don't understand, I can tell you clearly that this
year's assessment, the members of the wing will all fail." Situ Yu smiled.

"Trick or treat, you are illegal. After the assessment is over, I will tell my
sister, I will let you pay the price."

"Haha, Su Mei girl, you are too high to see your sister, I admit, we are
afraid of her at the inner door, but when we become core disciples, she
still manages us?" Luo Wu did not agree.

"Well, this is what you said, then we will walk." Su Mei’s wicked way.
"You don't have to take your sister to scare us. We also know that you have
many friends in the core, but since we decided to do so, we are naturally
not afraid of you and your sister." The sword seals a disdainful way.

After that, the disciples who passed through customs clearance entered
Qinglong Garden, but all the disciples of Yimeng would be beaten by
Jianfeng and Luowu.

Later, eleven of the 12 people who participated in the assessment of

Yimeng were all planted in the hands of Tianxia League and Jiandao

The most unexpected thing about Su Mei and others is that the members of
the Tianmeng League and the Kendo League all passed through the
underground palace, and even the members of the Lingwu Sevenths
passed, and the speed of customs clearance was amazing.

At this moment, members of the Tianmeng League and Kendo League are
insulting members of the squadron. Almost every member of the squad is
already swollen and covered with scars, but no one shouts, but bites his
teeth and endures. The abuse of the other party.

"Oh, strange, how did the kid still have no customs clearance? Will it be a
failure?" Looking at the road, Luowu was somewhat disappointed.

"He is best to fail, otherwise I will make him the worst one." Jianfeng said

"You'd better let go of us now, then give us a slap in the face, beg for
acknowledgment, or wait until Chu Feng comes here, he will not let you

Su Mei’s wicked way, she is really angry at the moment. Looking at my

partner, one by one is so badly beaten, she is really a murderous heart.

"Oh, the original kid is Chu Feng, Su Mei Shimei, you seem to have
confidence in that Chu Feng, you two will not have a leg?" Seeing, Luo
Wu smiled and walked to the side of Su Mei.
"They naturally have one leg, and the kid is Su Mei's sweetheart." Situ Yu

"Really, the eyes of Su Mei Shimei are too bad. How can you look at such
a weak boy? It would be better to look at me than to see him, hehe..." Luo
Wuzhen came down, Suddenly held Su Mei's chin with his hand.

"Get out, you dare touch me, I will tell my sister to kill you in the future!"

"Yes, look at what you are now, I am afraid I will not do anything to you,
will you say bad things to your sister?"

"But don't be afraid, I just want to kiss you, come baby, let me taste your

Su Wu first licked his lips, and then his mouth slammed, and the big lips
like the cockroaches kissed the sweet cheeks of Su Mei's white.

"court death!"

But before he could touch Su Mei, he screamed like a thunder, and saw a
blast, and Chu Feng appeared like a ghost in the side of Luo Wu.

"?" Chu Feng's palm is like a hawk's claw. He slammed Luo Wu's neck and
directly pressed him to the ground.

"I want to kiss, I will let you kiss, my mother will let you kiss."

After Luo Wu pressed to the ground, Chu Feng raised his left hand and
held his palm into a fist. He continued to punch a few fists against Luo
Wu’s mouth. After several punches, Luo Wu was already full of blood.
The mouth and teeth are broken, even the chin is dropped, and the mouth
will vomit blood.

"Give me back."

Upon seeing it, Chu Feng screamed, and the big hand died and held Luo
Wu’s mouth. It was useless to let Luo Wu struggle again. In the end, he
had to swallow all the blood and teeth.
"This....this guy."

Looking at Chu Feng and Luo Wu not far away, this can frighten the
people of the Tianmeng League and Kendo League, and even the sword
seal is also a change of look.

What is the strength of Luo Wu, he is very clear, it is Lingwu Jiuzhong,

and masters Xuan Gong and four martial arts, if otherwise the two can not
be so relaxed, they will defeat Situ Yu.

However, it is such a tyrannical Luo Wu, in the face of Chu Feng, there is
no power to fight, what does this mean? This mostly indicates the strength
of Chu Feng, which is far above Luo Wu.

Just when people were swearing at the gods, Chu Feng suddenly stood up
and watched Luo Wu. He had already spit foam, his eyes turned up, and he
passed out.

Chu Feng at the moment, his face is cold, his eyes are cold, and there is a
chill in his body, so that when he looks at him, he will shudder and

"Little beauty, how do you want to deal with this group of people."


"Roger that."
Martial God Asura Chapter 77: Seeking for mercy
Chu Feng step by step toward Jianfeng and others, his purple robes are
windless, his eyes are cold and suffocating, and his body is smashing with
a bitter killing, like a **** of killing.

In the face of such Chu Feng, the Tianmeng League and the martial arts all
the people are scared to retreat, and even worse, even the legs are softly
planted on the ground, even rolling and want to escape.

Only when the sword seal stood still in place, he did not want to run, but
could not run. As the ally of the Kendo League, how could he make such a
shameful thing before his hand.

However, the pressure of Chu Feng brought him at the moment, but it
really made him feel uneasy, especially after watching Chu Feng, the
tragic Luo Wu, he knows that he is probably more and more fierce.

"Chu Feng, what do you want to do." Jianfeng said in a panic. Because of
the abolished meaning of the previous Su Mei sentence, it really made him

"Sword seal one, I told you, don't let me see you in this Qinglong Garden,
otherwise my mom will not know you."

Chu Feng face with a faint smile, continue to approach the sword seal, but
in the view of the sword seal, Chu Feng's smile, but it is so cold and

"I want to abolish me, then I have to see if you have this strength."

Seeing that he had no retreat, the sword seal screamed, not only did not
retreat, but took the initiative to attack, want to pre-emptive.

He pulled out the black iron sword behind him, and the cold light
shimmered. He smashed against Chu Feng, and several swords of aura
condensed and flew out. Like a meteor, he cut through the sky and made a
sound of sorrow. , almost closed the road ahead of Chu Feng.

This is not a simple swordsmanship, but a four-stage martial arts, and it

was born with the sword of the sword family, and it is the most vivid use
of this martial arts.

"It is the lord who has already applied this meteor sword to such a point."

Seeing that the swordsmanship is like a meteor, the martial arts disciples
are overjoyed in their hearts. At this moment, their fear to the innermost
heart, as if they saw hope, suddenly felt that perhaps their own lord could
defeat the sorrowful maple.


However, when the dense swordsmanship plunged into front of Chu Feng,
I saw Chu Feng’s thoughts moving, his body covered with a faint thunder,
and when the sword gas hit the thunder, it was like a wooden bump into
the iron. The walls have been broken and shattered and dissipated.


This scene is not to mention others, even the sword seal is also a big
surprise, his Meteor sword method has been repaired to Dacheng, even if
the master of Yuan Wujing, facing him this move can not be careless,
otherwise it will be hit hard, but now actually The resolving of Chu Feng’s
understatement, even his footsteps, failed to stop.

"I don't believe it."

When the sword seals down, the Jianfeng turns, and several swords are
flying, but this time it is not concentrated on Chu Feng, but aimed at Su
Mei behind Chu Feng.

"court death"

Upon seeing, Chu Feng Jianmei stood upside down, and a big hand waved
a thunder and lightning from his palm. It was like a jump of thunder and
lightning, and all the swords were smashed. Then Chu Feng was a wave,
and the thunder and long whip was drawn. The sword is sealed.

"The condensate shape, this guy actually masters five martial arts?"

The sword seal is a big surprise, and it can condense the aura into a body.
This method can be used for most martial arts, but like Chu Feng, it turns
the aura into a substantial lightning, from the appearance and essence,
completely close to the ontology. Only five martial arts can do it.

"Oh, what kind of guy is this guy."

At this moment, he finally knew Chu Feng's power, but in the face of the
sweeping thunder and lightning whip, he dared to think too much, and
quickly set up the Xuan iron sword in his hand to block Chu Feng's attack.


However, the thunder and lightning whip swept, and only between the
sparks and the sword, the black iron sword in the hand of the sword was
actually swept into two breaks. At the same time, the long whip was
sucked on the body of Jianfeng Yi. .


This whip directly pumped the sword to a few meters away. When people
landed, people saw a **** wound on his waist and even saw the forest


But at this time, Chu Feng continued to wave the thunder and whip in a
row, and the body of the sword was so squandered, not only the blood of
the sword was blurred, but even the arm was alive and broken.

If there is still a breath in Jianfeng, people really doubt that he is dead, but
even if he is not dead, such an injury may have to be raised for at least
three years and five years, otherwise he will recover.
"Chu Feng brother, we are wrong, spare us."

Suddenly, all the disciples of Kendo League have collapsed, and even their
own allies have been labeled as such. They can completely think of what
they will be, especially when Chu Feng starts, they have no doubt that this
guy will They are killed alive.

"Uncle Chu Feng, please spare us a living road, we will not dare to be an
enemy of your wing in the future."

At the same time, the members of the Tianmeng League all collapsed, and
they did not live to confess to Chu Feng's gimmicks. They were also really
afraid. In the face of such Chu Feng, they would not be afraid if they were
not afraid.

"If you are begging for mercy and acknowledging that it is useful, then all
those who make mistakes can be spared from punishment. I just want to
tell you today, what price will be paid for the people around me Chu

However, no matter how many people ask for mercy, Chu Feng’s face is
not moving, and suddenly his pupils shrink, and the thunderbolt in his
hand will pick up again.


For a time, in this Qinglong Garden, there was no screaming, and almost
no one could get through the whip of Chu Feng, but Chu Feng would take
at least ten for everyone, even if the other party had already passed out,
but Chu Feng would not Keep your hand.

"Chu Feng, enough."

Finally, Su Mei opened her mouth and looked at the crowds of flesh and
blood. Even though she was angry again, she hated them again, but at the
moment, she could not afford a bit of resentment. On the contrary, there
was a bit of sympathy.
After Su Mei’s opening, Chu Feng naturally stopped. He and Situ Yu did
not have any friendship. The reason why they treated Jianfeng and others
was that they had to have a personal grievance with Jianfeng. .

However, compared to Su Mei, that Situ Yu and others can be shocked. He

finally knows that Chu Feng really stayed with him on the same day, and
he was afraid of the provocation of Chu Feng on that day, because he was
more than this. Whether he is strength or means, he seems so unbearable.

"You guy, I used to go through the underground palace, but why not wait
for me here, is it the elixir that is so important to you?"

"If you come one step later, I will..."

After being tied by Chu Fengsong, Su Mei complained a bit, because she
felt that Chu Feng mostly picked the grass in the Qinglong Garden.

"Hey, you wait."

Chu Feng did not refute the complaints of Su Mei. Instead, he smiled and
jumped into a grass in the distance, but when he appeared again, Su Mei’s
expression was instantly solidified.
Martial God Asura Chapter 78: Talent test
Chu Feng at the moment, with a bright smile on his face, very warm, warm
enough to melt the heart of the person.

But the most eye-catching thing at the moment is Chu Feng's right hand,
where he holds a bouquet of flowers, very beautiful, because this flower
has seven petals, each with a different color.

Under the sunshine, it is very beautiful, as if covered with a layer of faint

colorful brilliance, surrounded by a few butterflies flying around, showing
how fragrant this flower is.

Colorful flowers, extremely rare, can only be touched by the edge of the
colorful flowers, at this moment in the hands of Chu Feng actually have a
large number.

"The elixir is of course important to me, but this colorful flower is more
important, because you want to see it, so I have to help you." Chu Feng
smiled and sent the big colorful flowers in his hands to Su Mei.

"I....." Su Mei took over the colorful flowers, but I didn't know what to do.
I only felt that my heartbeat was speeding up, my heart was sour and
warm, my eyes were already a little moist.

"I won't be moved to cry." Seeing, Chu Feng smiled.

"Get out of the way, who cried."

Su Mei took a look at Chu Feng, and actually took the tears back, then put
the nose on the colorful flowers, took a deep breath and felt the aroma of
the nose, she smiled happily.

The smile is very sweet, very beautiful, and it’s really a smile for the Iraqi
people. It’s fascinating, and everyone on the scene is fascinated. Even Chu
Feng is no exception.
However, few people know that Su Mei’s smile is so happy not only
because of the colorful flowers in his hands, but also the people who are
willing to pick flowers for her.

"Let's go, let's wait for the next two hours, we will all fail." After the joy,
Su Mei smiled and reminded.

"Then what do they do, the injury is so heavy, if it is not treated in time,
will it not die?" Some people worry that although they are not beaten,
most of them are only skin trauma, and those of the heavens and the
martial arts. People can't compare.

"Do not worry, I have a light weight, they will not kill." Chu Feng

"Well, don't worry about them, wait until the time for the assessment is
over, my sister will enter this Qinglong Garden and see that they will heal

"In addition, the matter is that they are not right. My sister will not pursue
our responsibility. It is important to hurry out of this Qinglong Garden."
Su Mei said.

"I know where the export is, come with me." Chu Feng smiled and took the
road to everyone.

"You guy, this is the first time I have come here, how can I know where the
exit is?" Su Mei followed, some doubtful.

"In order to help you pick these flowers, I have run through the entire
Qinglong Garden. Now I can't get familiar with it here. Don't say where an
exit is, the elixir here is also picked up by me." Feng smiled and patted his
own Qiankun bag.

"You guy."

Hearing Chu Feng said that Su Mei was both shocked and moved, and
shocked the speed of Chu Feng. The big blue dragon garden is that it may
not be able to finish the day, but Chu Feng actually in a short time, all
After a long walk, how fast is his speed?

As for moving, naturally, Chu Feng is trying to help her pick the colorful
flowers, so she will walk in the Qinglong Garden so hard, so at this
moment for Su Mei, this innocent girl, obviously moved more than shock.

Sure enough, under the leadership of Chu Feng, Chu Feng and others soon
came to a magnificent palace, and here is the exit of the Qinglong Garden,
the entrance to the core area.

Entering the palace, there is a large hall in front of the main hall. There is
a stone platform in the center of the main hall. There is a triangular stone
on the stone platform. The stone is up to one meter. It is divided into
green, yellow and red from bottom to top. The colors are very beautiful.

The main thing is that on the sides of the stone, there are six old people
sitting, each with white hair and wrinkles. When you look at it, you know
that it is nearly 100 years old.

Don't look at the six old people are very old, but the breath on them is
extremely strong, and the power of Chu Feng can't find their strength. It
can be seen as an extraordinary generation.

At this moment, they are closing their eyes and raising their eyes. After
hearing the movement, they slowly opened their eyes. However, after they
saw Chu Feng and others, there was a strange look in the old eyes.

After all, Situ Yu and others, the scars on the body and face are so obvious,
it is not the injury of the organs, it is obviously man-made, but these old
people have not asked much. After all, the battle between the disciples,
they have seen too much. .

"That is a colorful flower, so many, are you illuminating the colorful

flowers of the entire Qinglong Garden?" It was an old woman who was
very surprised to see the colorful flowers in the hands of Su Mei.
For the old woman's problem, Su Mei can only laugh back because she
does not know how to answer, and her heart is full of happiness.

"Well, come over and test it." Another old man said.

Upon seeing it, Chu Feng and others did not hesitate and went forward to
come to the strange three-colored stone.

In fact, the so-called test is to test their talent value, this talent value will
be announced in the core area, known by all core elders and core disciples,
the level of talent value is closely related to the training that will be
obtained in the future.

As for the test method, it is to infuse an aura into the three-color stones.
As long as the concentration of the aura is high enough, they will activate
them and bloom with dazzling light.

Green stands for inferior talent, yellow stands for medium talent, and red
stands for superior talent.

Most of the core disciples are inferior talents, and a few people can
activate the yellow part and gain a medium talent. As for the talent of the
red part, only two people have been activated so far.

One was the first disciple of the year, Zhang Tianyi. The other is the first
disciple of today, Gong Luyun.

"I will come first."

As the ally of the wing alliance, Situ Yu took the lead and went up. He is
very confident about his talent, so he feels that there is no problem in
activating the yellow part. After all, before Chu Feng, he is also the first
among the inner disciples. people.

And see Situ Yu put his hand on the test stone, other people are also
nervous, even Su Mei is no exception, after all, this test will represent
their future achievements, related to their future.

With the infusion of a reiki, the test stone produced energy fluctuations,
followed by the green part at the bottom, which glowed green.
Martial God Asura Chapter 79: Amazing
discovery (plus 51)
"This..." Looking at the green light, Situ Yu was greatly lost. He couldn't
think of it anyway. With his potential, he was just a subordinate talent.

For such achievements, although the elders did not have great joy, they did
not lose, and the emotions were quite stable. Shen Sheng said: "Inferior
talent, next."

After that, several other wing members went forward to test, although they
all activated the green light, but the light is strong and weak, at least not
like the Situ Yu, the light shines.

For such a scene, Situ Yu secretly hid the joy, which at least illustrates the
talent, he is always better than some people, but the six elders, the
expression on his face has become low, apparently has begun to be

"Inferior talent, next."

Finally, it was the turn of Su Mei. After the achievements of those people
in front, Su Mei was not confident at the moment. With his heart in his
heart, he was uneasy and extended his white jade hand. If he watched it
carefully, he could even see her hand in her hand. Slightly trembling.

In fact, before and after Su Mei, the eyes of the six elders became
dignified. After all, Su Mei was the sister of Su Rou, and when Su Rou was
a core disciple, he was also recognized as a genius, so these six The elders
are very much looking forward to Su Mei.

"?" a glimpse of the aura, the yellow part of the bloom has a dazzling light.

At this moment, Su Mei's nervous mood suddenly stabilized, replaced by

incomparable joy, the smile on her face can fully see how happy she is.
"Good, medium-qualified, and so strong, it seems that you are better than
your sister's martial arts talent."

After so many talents in the front, even if it is a very poor person, Su Mei's
results are undoubtedly bright, the six elders are nodding nod, the face for
the first time a satisfactory smile.

Even Situ Yu and others were amazed at Su Mei's talent, but when they
were amazed, Su Mei and others all turned their attention to Chu Feng.

They are all looking forward to the fact that this young man who has just
entered the inner door and has come to participate in the assessment of the
core disciples will have such a talent. It is the same as Su Mei, and can
still create the myth of Zhang Tianyi and Gong Luyun.

As for Chu Feng, it is also full of confidence. He walks up to the test stone
and presses the powerful palm on it. The mind moves and enters it with a

When spiritual power enters, everyone can feel that the test stone
fluctuates, but after that fluctuation, the result is surprising.

There is no light, not to mention the red part and the yellow part, even the
green part is not a slight reaction, Chu Feng's aura did not activate a ray of

"Hey, hey"

In the face of this strange situation, Chu Feng brows slightly wrinkled, and
then poured into two aura, but the result is still the same, that is, there are
no traces of light in all three parts.

"I rely on, what is the situation." Chu Feng is very speechless, can it be
said that his talent is so bad? Even the weakest green part can't be

Do not say Chu Feng, even Su Mei, who is full of confidence in Chu Feng,
Situ Yu and others, is also shocked, because Chu Feng’s strength has
proved his talent for cultivation, how can it be such a result? .

"This kind of strength, this qualification can also pass the assessment, it
seems that you are using special means?" The old woman, looked at Chu
Feng with disdain.

"What do you mean by this?" Hearing this, Chu Feng is also somewhat

"Hey, what do I mean, isn't you still clear?" The old woman snorted.


"Chu Feng!"

Chu Feng wanted to refute, but was stopped by Su Mei. These core elders
are no more elders than the inner door. Even she has to be respectful and
addictive. It is not Chu Feng who can offend at will.

And Chu Feng is not a string of fools, can understand the meaning of Su
Mei, although the heart is extremely uncomfortable, but still tolerate it,
after all, he can not even activate the test stone, plus his repair, it is easy to
let People doubt.

"Forget it, and he said what to do, wherever depends on strength, without
certain strength, even if it becomes a core disciple, it is only difficult to be
stepped on."

The other elders, looking at Chu Feng's eyes, are also full of contempt, and
even have a touch of anger, they can be seen that Chu Feng is not relying
on his own strength, came here.

"Old Li, you should have seen the results of the test just now, and these
children will be handed over to you."

The six elders got up and prepared to leave, but at the time of leaving, they
did not forget the words of Su Mei:
"Su Mei, we are very optimistic about you, I hope you can be as good as
your sister, but make friends, you must polish your eyes, or you will delay

Looking at the back of the six elders, Chu Feng’s inner anger swelled, but
in the end he was forced to endure because he knew he had to endure and
challenge the unbeaten. It was irrational behavior.

"Chu Feng, just fortunately you did not get angry, those who are my
guardian of the Qinglongzong six old, each is a master of Xuanwujing."
After the six old men left, Su Mei quietly reminded.

"Hey, a few little friends, congratulations on becoming a core disciple,

come with me to pick up something." At this moment, an old voice came
from the corner of the hall.

At this time, Chu Feng and other talents noticed that there was still an old
man there.

The old man, fluffy white hair is very rare, there is a baldness, and the
wrinkles on his face are also dense, plus his camel back, giving people the
feeling that it is like a dead person, and even some Scary.

However, Chu Feng did not dare to look down on the old man. He found
that the old man’s breath was no worse than the previous six elders. If the
six are strong people in Xuanwujing, then the old man is very May also be
a master of Xuanwujing.

Under the leadership of the old man, Chu Feng and others replaced the
blue robes of the core disciples, and each received a token and a banner.

Tokens also represent the identity of the core disciples, and behind the
tokens, they have addresses in the core area. As for the banner, they are
required to bring them back to the family.

This banner is the symbol of Qinglongzong. Only the forces protected by

Qinglongzong can get such a banner. People call this flag the Qinglong
After receiving the contents of the core disciples, Chu Feng and others
also walked out of the hall and went to the core area they had longed for.
The old man who was called the old man of Li Zong, who was called Lao
Li, slowly went to the test. Watching the stone before.

"Strange, look at what the little devil had done in the Green Dragon
Garden before, should be a genius, how can you not even talk about the
next talent."

The old man carefully observed, seems to want to find some reasons, but
failed to find anything wrong, until he turned his eyes to the top of the test
stone, suddenly suddenly brightened, and then his face changed.
Martial God Asura Chapter 80: Peerless Wizards
The top of the test stone is red, but if you look closely, you will find a
black dot with a sesame size at the top of the red part. The most strange
thing is that at this moment, the small point is flashing black. Rays.

"Is it true that just that kid, activated this legendary part."

At this moment, the old man's eyes could not blink, his breathing was
fluctuating, and even the body that seemed to fall apart at any time was
trembled violently.

The complete test stone, this is four colors, the top is not red, but black,
but that black is a legend, it is said that no one in the whole Kyushu
mainland can activate it.

If you can activate the red part, it is a well-deserved martial arts genius,
then the person who can activate the black part is simply a legendary

It is also because no one can activate the black part, so people think that
the black part is useless, no one can activate it at all, or it is simply
deceptive, so gradually test the stone, only three colors are left.

"Is this true? Is this really true?"

Looking at the black dots flashing with strange light, the old man felt
unbelievable, and could not help but lick his own eyes, but when he
opened it, he found that the light was there, but it was gradually
disappearing and eventually returned to its original state.


When all the previous things were discovered and they were true, the old
man could not help but close his eyes to calm the emotions of the moment.
It was only after a long time that he slowly opened his eyes, but his old
eyes were already incomparable. Exciting color.
He looked at the direction in which Chu Feng and others left, whispering:
"It seems that it is a day to revitalize my Qinglongzong, but this matter is
not trivial. It seems that it needs to be long-term."

For the things in the temple, Chu Feng and others are completely ignorant.
At this moment, they have entered the core area, looking at the
magnificent palaces in front and the wide stone road, they finally know
that the new journey will begin here.

"This is the core disciple of this year, how can it be swollen?"

"Maybe what happened, but the signs that look at their chests should be
members of the wing league. Is there no one in the World League and
Kendo League this year?"

"That little girl looks good. This age passes the assessment, and most of
them are a goblin. I just don't know the fairy, who will be conquered by the

There are many core disciples gathered outside the square. They all know
that today is the day of core assessment. Therefore, they all want to see the
core disciples of this year. Why do they look like this, they gathered here

And Chu Feng looked at the people around him. Chu Feng was also found
among the core disciples. It is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,
although most of the dozens of people watching at the moment are
spiritual, but many have entered the Yuan Dynasty. Wujing.

As far as he knows, the core disciples of Qinglongzong, although far less

than the outside disciples and inner disciples, but also have about 2,000
people, two thousand are young, they have extraordinary strength, it is no
wonder It will be the focus of Qinglongzong.

Because these two thousand people are much higher than the value of
hundreds of thousands of people at the inner and outer gates, whether they
are elders or future masters, they must be chosen from these two thousand.
"This breath...."

Suddenly, Chu Feng brows slightly, and he casts his sharp eyes on the
distant streets, because he felt a strong breath on the other side, and is now
coming to them.

Sure enough, at the end of the street, there were more than a dozen figures.
These dozens of people are all young, there are men and women, but the
various devices are so grand, the appearance is extraordinary, not only
handsome men, so Temperament is also very human.

Although Chu Feng can feel the power of these people, but can not sense
the strength of these people, it can be seen that they are not only a simple
Yuan Wujing, it is likely to have entered the late Yuan Wujing.

At the moment, the most attractive Chu Feng is the young man who is
headed. This man’s appearance is not as good as the few people behind
him, but the temperament that he exudes is far from Other men are

"Xuanwujing, the core disciple, is already a master of Xuanwujing?"

Chu Feng secretly amazed, although it is not certain, but the feeling of
deep bottomless, only the strongest of the Xuanwujing, so Chu Feng feels
that most of this is already stepping into the Xuanwujing.

"Gong Luyun, the first disciple of Qinglongzong." At this moment, Su Mei

spoke up.

"He is Gong Luyun? No wonder..."

And listening to Su Mei said that Chu Feng can almost certainly determine
that this is a Xuanwu situation is undoubted, after all, Gong Luyun's name
he also heard that the first disciple has such strength, it is not too much.

"Not only Gong Luyun, the predecessors of my wing league are among
them. I saw that the woman who talked with Gong Luyun did not. She is a
veteran of my wing league, called Han Xue. The eighth person in the
Qinglong list is my wing. One of the outstanding representatives of the
League." Su Mei pointed to a side of Gong Luyun, a glamorous woman.

“The eighth place in the Qinglong list?” Chu Feng once again marveled
that there is a Qinglong list in the core area, which has a total of ten
rankings, and those who occupy these ten rankings represent the strongest
of the two thousand core disciples of Qinglongzong. Bit.

So when I learned that Han Xue was the eighth person in the Qinglong list,
Chu Feng was somewhat surprised. After all, she was not old enough. It
can be said that she is not simple.

"Haha, it’s really Han Xue’s sister. Is she coming to welcome us?” Situ Yu
and others saw Han Xue, and they were equally excited.

Although they are infinitely inside, they enter this core area, but they are
only a group of people. The potential here is that everyone will not be
worse than them, but if there is a backing, then naturally it will reduce a
lot of troubles in the future. This Han Xue is the backing they want to

"Han Xue Shijie."

Excited, some people shouted loudly, and his shouting did indeed attract
the attention of Han Xue, and even Gong Luyun also turned his eyes.

"Han Xue Shimei, those disciples, do you know?" Gong Luyun asked.

"Well, they are members of the wing league, and they have just become
core disciples today." Han Xue laughed back.

"Wing League? Didn't you tell them that in this core area, it is forbidden
to form a league?" After seeing the medals of Chu Feng and others' chests,
Gong Luyun's eyes were slightly stunned and flashed a touch of
Martial God Asura Chapter 81: Insult
"Gong Shixiong, is it really not allowed to form an alliance in this core
area in the future?" Han Xue whispered, seemingly afraid of Gong Luyun.

"This is of course, I said that as a core disciple, you only need to be loyal
to Qinglongzong. You are not allowed to gang up and form your own

"I don't care about the inner door, because there are all the people in the
world, they don't have any effect on my Qinglongzong, but in this core
area, I don't allow Gong Luyun, and anyone wants to form an alliance."

"Han Xue Shimei, I look at your face, I will not hold them a few, you tell
them, quickly remove the flag of the wing, and there is no wing member in
the future, they have only one identity. That is the core disciple." Gong
Luyun's voice was a bit cold.

"I know, I will go and talk to them." Han Xue did not dare to have a slight
scorn, nodded and then came to Chu Feng and others.

"Han Xue sister, I want to die you." After Han Xue approached, Su Mei
rushed into Han Xue's arms, and Han Xue was also full of smiles, showing
that the relationship between the two is good.

"Xiaomei, do you really intend to continue to form a wing alliance in the

core area?" Han Xue laughed.

"Well, we think so, is there anything wrong with it?" The clever Su Mei
heard the meaning of Han Xue's words.

"It is indeed possible to change it. But recently, Brother Gong issued an
order that prohibits the formation of any alliances and forces in the core
area. Now all the alliances in the core area have been dissolved." Han Xue
"Gong Shixiong? Is Gong Luyun's brother?" Hearing this, Situ Yu and
others could not help but look at Gong Luyun, not far away, and there was
a fear in his eyes.

"Besides him, who else can have such strength, so..."

"Mr. Han Xue, we understand what you mean, we will not form a wing
alliance in this core area."

Situ Yu decisively took off the medal of the chest. Upon seeing this, other
members of the wing alliance also took their own medals.

However, Su Mei Liu Mei slightly wrinkled, said: "Han Xue Shijie, this
matter has not been discussed?"

"Xiaomei, I know that your feelings for this wing league are very deep. I
don't think so. But the situation in this core area is different. It depends on
personal strength. The role of the alliance is really not great. What's more,
Gong brother has already spoken. Who dares not to." Han Xue bitterly

"He Gong Luyun said that he was only a disciple. Even the elders did not
oppose it. What qualifications do he have to say?" At this time, Chu Feng
spoke up.

He knows Su Mei better. He knows that Su Mei wants this wing alliance to
continue to exist in the core area. Although he does not know what it is
because of it, he feels Su Mei's thoughts.

This is also Chu Feng, why he chose to stay in the wing league after he has
no use value for him, because he left it for Su Mei.

"This is?" See Chu Feng opening, the Han Xue Liu Mei light pick, and cast
a strange look.

"Hey, I forgot to introduce to Han Xue, who is Chu Feng, a new member of
my wing." Su Mei quickly introduced.
"Oh, look at this appearance, Chu Feng's younger brother should not be
old, not too deep in the world, and the seriousness of some things is not

"Xiaomei, his work will be done by you, remember that this wing must be
disbanded." After saying this, Han Xue turned and left.

"In fact, I am very curious, how serious this so-called seriousness is." Chu
Feng opened his mouth again, because he could not stand the threat of

Hearing this, Han Xue suddenly turned his head and seemed to want to say
something, but after seeing Su Mei, he calmed down and said to Su

"Xiaomei, don't say that it is not reminding you to be a sister. Now in this
core area, no one dares to defy Gong Luyun, so you still give up the wing
alliance, which is a good thing for you."

"Han Xue Shimei, is there any trouble?" At this moment, the voice of
Gong Luyun suddenly sounded, and the first disciple of Qinglongzong
came over.

At this moment, Situ Yu and other people's faces are greatly changed.
Although they are in the middle of the door, they are really afraid of this
Gong Luyun.

"Gong Shi brother, there is no trouble, just talk a few words with the
younger brothers and sisters." Han Xue smiled and said.

"Hey, I don't think it's that simple." Gong Luyun smiled and walked over
to Su Mei and Chu Feng, in an absolute tone:

"I want to say that Han Xueshi has already told you that I have only given
you a choice. I will take down the medal of the chest and I will have
nothing happened."
After listening to this, Su Mei was hesitant, but slowly raised her hand and
prepared to take the medal, because she had already clearly felt the
badness of Gong Luyun.

But at this moment, Chu Feng grabbed Su Mei’s hand, and then smiled at
Gong Luyun: “Gong Shixiong, our wing alliance will not affect other
people, no need to disband it?”

"?" who could have thought, then Gong Luyun did not say anything, raised
his palm, and fanned over Chu Feng’s cheek.

"Hey." At this moment, Chu Feng was shocked and rushed to run the Royal
Air. He saw the wind swelled under his feet and disappeared. He appeared
in a place ten meters away.

"This kid, so fast." Seeing this scene, all the core disciples were shocked
and able to escape from Gong Luyun's hands, but not the average person
can do it.

"Oh." However, Gong Luyun was cold and screamed. He saw a figure in
his body. He appeared like a ghost in the back of Chu Feng. A big hand
was caught from behind.

"Well." At this moment, Chu Feng could feel that a powerful force
enveloped his body and almost lost the strength to escape. In the face of
the master of Xuanwujing, he was still too weak.

"?" that Gong Luyun grabbed Chu Feng's neck and suddenly pressed down.
He actually pressed Chu Feng into the ground, and the powerful power
made Chu Fengyi fall into the mysterious stone underneath. Surrounded by
a large crack.

"You remembered me. In this core area, no one dares to refute my Gong
Luyun. Anyone who dares to refute me has only one end, that is, like you,
like a dog lying on the ground."

Chu Feng held his hands on the ground, running Xuan Gong hardened the
strength of the whole body, wanting to hold up the body, but the palm
behind the neck, but like a mountain is generally pressing him, not to
stand up, even breathe It is also getting more and more waste.

"Gong Shi brother, we disbanded the wing alliance, and this will be
dissolved. Would you please let him go?"

Looking at Chu Feng, who had fallen into the mysterious stone, Su Mei
cried out, and took off the medal of the chest, and ran to Gong Luyun
before begging.

"This sister, ask for mercy, you said it is useless, I want him to tell me
personally." Gong Luyun said, a handful of Chu Feng from the Xuanshi.

"I am embarrassed", but Chu Feng has just left the mysterious stone, and
turned back to a big sticky, then flew to the Gong Luyun.
Martial God Asura Chapter 82: Combat

The crystal clear and shiny big sticky, dragging the tail like a comet, flew
to the face of Gong Luyun at lightning speed.

Everything came too suddenly, and with such a distance, when Gong
Luyun reflected it, it was too late to listen to the sound of "?", and the
stickyness fell on his face.

"I want to kill you." Touching the slimy face on the face, Gong Luyun was
mad, and the master fist punched Chu Feng's head.

This punch is not the same, even the air is torn by it, making a roaring
wind. It has been difficult to parry Chu Feng, and the hair is blown up in a
mess. Even the face is pressed by the force of the force. Changed shape, if
this fist is hit, even if Chu Feng is a copper-iron bone, it will certainly be

In the face of such a scene, some people couldn't bear to look at it again,
and closed their eyes because they thought that Chu Feng was mostly
desperate to die here, but there was no way. Who made him angered Gong

The first disciple of Qinglongzong has a very high position in

Qinglongzong. Everyone knows that he will be the future sovereign. In the
face of the future lord, what is the life of a small core disciple, even if Chu
Fengzhen The murder of Gong Luyun will not receive any punishment, at
most, he is trained a few words.

But compared to those who can't bear to look at it, more people are
gloating to look at it all. Not only is there no sympathy on their faces, but
they are very much looking forward to it.

I am looking forward to Chu Feng being killed, looking forward to the

**** splash, looking forward to the **** scene, because they feel that this
is justified, offending the first disciple, it should be.


But everyone thought that when Chu Feng died, a dry palm was like a sly
palm, but suddenly appeared, grabbed Gong Luyun's wrist and stopped his
falling fist.

"It's him?"

This change is surprising, but when people see the person who shot it, it is
even more shocking. The one who stopped Gong Luyun was actually a
thin, thin, hunched old man. The shape is a living dead, somewhat scary.

As for the identity of this person, everyone knows that it is guarding the
Qinglong Garden, the elder who is responsible for receiving the new
disciple, no one knows his name, but people call him Li Elder.

This elder Li’s position in the core area is not high. At best, it is just a
young man who is playing even more. All elders look down on him, and
even all disciples despise him, so no one puts him in the eye.

But now, he actually took a shot from Gong Luyun, which is naturally
shocking, because people suddenly realized that this unremarkable old
man is not a weak person, but instead is a strong person.

"Step aside."

Gong Luyun, who is on the spur of the moment, did not give this face to
the elders of Li, and he wanted to turn the elders apart.

However, this is not a problem. He was shocked to find that he could not
move at all. His wrist was locked in the hands of the old man and could
not be moved halfway.

"Gong Luyun, you are the first disciple of Qinglongzong. I want to protect
the same younger brother. What kind of practice is this?" Li grew up in a
hurry and smiled, but he smiled somewhat. terror.
"As the first disciple of Qinglongzong, he has the right to control the same
door. He uttered madness and did not put my words in his heart. I am
blaming him. Is there anything wrong with it?"

Despite the surprise of the strength of the elder Li, Gong Luyun is still
reluctant, because he feels that in this Qinglong sect, in addition to the
lord, there is only the guardian of the six old, and the elder of Zhuge is
worthy of him. Dear, other elders do not have this qualification.

"If you just punish, you have already done this before, this is the case." Li
Changchang smiled coldly, and suddenly a big hand waved, then Gong
Luyun was actually smashed out, and the powerful force made him back a
few steps.

"This old man is very good."

At this moment, the onlookers were even more shocked. If he said that he
had just taken a shot from Gong Luyun, indicating that his cultivation was
not weak, then his actions at the moment indicated that his strength is very
strong, at least Gong Luyun is still strong.

Xuanwujing, the elders of Xuanwujing, do not exceed ten in

Qinglongzong, but each one is in a high position and has a high status and
is respected by the core disciples.

But this elder, with such strength, why should he act as such a humble
errand? This really makes people think of it, but in any case, from today,
the disciples have a new understanding of the elder Li.

"Do you want to protect him?" Was opened in public, Gong Luyun felt that
there was no face, and the chill on his face was cold to the extreme.

"Not to protect him, just do not want a good seed, was killed." Li Chang

"Good seedlings, you really can see him." Gong Luyun sneered.
"Is this son a good seedling, I will know it in the future, but you have been
practicing it for many years, and bullying him is too shallow, and it is
somewhat immoral." Li Chang Lao laughed.

"I am immoral? You mean that I have been practicing martial arts for a
long time, and bullying him for a short time in martial arts?"

Gong Luyun is even more annoyed. He thinks he is a genius of martial

arts, and everyone around him thinks so. When did anyone dare to say
this? He said that he had been practicing martial arts for a long time and
bullied the newcomers who had just cultivated martial arts, which made
him unacceptable.

"Otherwise?" Li Changzuo sneered.

"Well, I will give him ten years. If he still can't beat me in ten years, I
want you two to give me a mistake." Gong Luyun was completely angry,
and pointed to an elder saying this. Kind of words.

For such Gong Luyun, the elder Li smiled and did not answer, but looked
at Chu Fengdao next to him: "Little friends, what do you mean?"

"Ten years are too long, and one year is enough." Chu Feng smiled.

And when he said this, he said no one else, even the elder Li who spoke for
him was shocked, one year? Is this kid not in the pit? It doesn't matter if
he loses, even I will admit his mistakes with him.

Thinking of this, Li Elder quickly smiled and asked: "Little friends, one
year, can you be sure?"

"One year is enough, because I have always had a hatred for Chu Feng, I
don't like to delay for too long." Chu Feng firmly replied.

"Haha, a arrogant boy, one year a year, don't say that I bully you, you don't
need to beat me after one year, as long as you can block me three tricks, I
will win if you win." Gong Luyun pointed to Chu Feng Sneer.

Chu Feng is a light smile, said: "No, I will kill you after one year."
Martial God Asura Chapter 83: Nobody wants to
bully me.
"Do you want to live with me?" Gong Luyun sneered.

"I want to live and die with you, afraid?" Chu Feng asked.

"Afraid? I will be afraid of you? Haha.... It’s ridiculous." Gong Luyun

laughed and laughed loudly, as if he heard the best laugh in the world, and
then said to everyone:

"Today, I have set up a life and death bureau with this one. After one year,
I am still here. I will be able to stop my three moves. I will be here by
Gong Luyun. There is absolutely no complaint."

Gong Luyun’s words are overbearing and arrogant. It is obvious that he is

full of confidence in himself. The strangest thing is that people even
recognize his self-confidence. It seems that this moment, people have seen
the appearance of Chu Feng’s tragic death one year later. .

What can you do in one year and one year? Do not say that Chu Feng is
still a spiritual place, even if he is already a Yuan Wujing, it is impossible
to enter Xuanwujing within one year.

What's more, Gong Luyun is now the first genius of Qinglongzong, and his
strength is likely to increase a lot in this year, so people think that Chu
Feng's chance of winning is almost zero.

"However, after a year, if you can't stop me three tricks, I will kill you
alive, no one can save you."

Gong Luyun pointed to the words of Chu Feng, and he quickly left without
a cold cry, and those who came with him also sneered at Chu Feng and
chased the past.
"Chu Feng, I am sorry, I blame me..." Su Mei came to Chu Feng and
looked at Chu Feng, whose face was covered with blood, and cried again.

"It's okay, just a small injury, don't cry."

Chu Feng wiped the tears of Su Mei's cheeks, then turned his gaze, and
Situ Yu and others not far away, smiled and said: "You don't have to be
afraid, since they are no longer members of the squad, we have nothing to
do with, I will not I am tired of you."

"Chu Feng, we...."

After listening to Chu Feng’s words, Situ Yu and others changed their
faces. They did not dare to be close to Chu Feng. They were really afraid
that Chu Feng would hurt them. Who would let Chu Feng offend the first
disciple, Gong Luyun.

"Oh, you don't have to look at me with such a false look. I don't owe you to
Chu Feng. You don't owe me Chu Feng. From then on."

Chu Feng waved his hand at Situ Yu and others. Although his mouth was
full of smiles, his eyes were extremely cold. He didn't need such a false
and false friend.

Seeing Chu Feng, Situ Yu and others did not make a fuss. They looked at
Chu Feng with a meaningful look, and they each left. At the moment, they
must have a relationship with Chu Feng, otherwise they will be in great

"This little friend, in a year, how many times do you have the confidence
to win that Gong Luyun?" At this moment, Li Chang asked.

"Oh, don't worry about this elder, now I don't even have a grasp of it." Chu
Feng is also frank.

"What? If you don't have one, you will dare to set a life and death bureau.
Are you not burying my old man?" Li Changchun suddenly blows his
beard and squints.
"Hey, I just thanked the elders for helping me, but Chu Feng is not even
sure of it, but there will be a 10% grasp after one year?" Chu Feng

"You kid, where is the confidence?" Li Chang looked at Chu Feng with a

"My self-confidence comes from stress. If I win in a year, I will die, so I

must win." Chu Feng smiled again.

"Hey, now the young man." Li did not say anything, but took a roll of
paper from the Qiankun bag and went to a notice wall in the square to open
a piece of paper and paste it up. .

At this moment, a lot of disciples are surrounded, because they know what
it is, that is the assessment results of Chu Feng and others, and what I want
to know at the moment is, what kind of talent is Chu Feng, dare to provoke
Gong Luyun.

However, when Chu Feng’s information was posted on the bulletin wall,
everyone was dumbfounded and the talent was unknown. What is the
situation? Staying in the core for so long, it is the first time I saw
someone’s talent is unknown.

"Oh, he failed to activate the test stone, so the talent is naturally

unknown." Seems to know the doubts of everyone, Li Changla smiled and

"What? Didn't activate the test stone? That doesn't mean that he doesn't
even have the next talent. I rely on it, it's so embarrassing, is it a waste
material for a long time?"

People exclaimed, looking at Chu Feng's gaze more contempt, and for
everyone's remarks, Li elders did not comment, after putting 12 rolls of
paper, they waved their sleeves and walked into their ancient In the palace.

"This old man is really not easy."

Chu Feng wanted to thank him again, but seeing that Elder Li didn't even
look at him, he didn't want to go. He didn't have a past, because he knew
that Elder Lee had to save his own plan, but he still didn't know why.

And now he said that thank you more, it is useless, because thank you
should not use your mouth to say, but should use actual actions to do, Chu
Feng to do, is to defeat Gong Luyun one year later, only this is the best
Thanks to the way, at least let everyone know that this elder Lee saved him
today and did the right thing.

In the voices of countless people, in the eyes of countless people, Chu

Feng took the core disciple token and went to his place of residence in the
core area.

From the beginning to the end, Su Mei was with her side, simply ignored
the words of others, just looked at Chu Feng with distress, which made
Chu Feng's heart very warm.

"Chu Feng, I blame me badly, I am tired of you."

"You leave Qinglongzong, go to my family, protect you by my family,

don't fight with Gong Luyun." After entering the palace, Su Mei hurriedly
opened his mouth.

"What do you mean by this? Want me to be a tortoise turtle?" Chu Feng is

somewhat unhappy, although he knows that Su Mei is good for him, but
still very uncomfortable.

"You don't know the background of Gong Luyun. The power of his family
is not worse than that of Qinglong. The reason why he came to
Qinglongzong cultivation is to become the lord of Qinglongzong and want
to occupy it."

"Don't say that after a year, your hope of winning him is very small. Even
if you can win him, you can't kill him, because if you kill him, his family
will kill you."
"In short, this battle, you have almost no hope of winning, he and his
family, will not give you this hope." Su Mei said solemnly.

"Oh, if this is the case, I will not only kill him, but will destroy his

"Su Mei, I know that you are good for me, but I Chu Feng has always been
afraid of things. Today, since I dare to fight with him, I will definitely go
to the appointment on the day, even if it is me who died, I also recognize
it. ”

"I Chu Feng is not afraid of death, I am afraid that the sacs are alive.
Today, Gong Luyun is so humiliating to me. He will go back a hundred
times to humiliate. Otherwise, what is the meaning of my life? Is it that I
live in the world and let others insult? of?"

"No, I Chu Feng is not the master of anger. No matter who the other person
is, I don't want to suppress it. I can bear it for a while, but I will not endure
the humiliation of the world. Anyone who oppresses me will let me He
paid the price."

"He Gong Luyun dares to oppress me, I dare to kill him Gong Luyun, his
family dares to oppress me, I will dare to destroy his family, if all the
people dare to oppress me, I will kill the world, unless I die, otherwise the
whole world No one wants to oppress me Chu Feng!"
Martial God Asura Chapter 84: Variety bow (plus
After listening to Chu Feng’s words, Su Mei was stunned. She was deeply
attracted by Chu Feng and was attracted by the momentum. She had a
strange feeling that she thought that Chu Feng’s In a big way, this boy can
do everything he says.

"Xiaomei, I know that you will not be like Situ Yu, but now I am offended
by Gong Luyun, so I don't want to hurt you." Suddenly, Chu Feng said.

"Chu Feng, what do you mean by this, the matter of today is because of
me, if it is not me... you can't happen this kind of thing, because you have
suffered such a big grievance, if I am away from you Go, then I am still a

"It is true that Gong Luyun is very powerful in the core area, but I am not
afraid of him, not only in the Qinglong Zong, I am not afraid of him, even
in the Qinglong Zong, I am not afraid of him." Su Mei said firmly.

Looking at such a Su Mei, Chu Feng does not know how to be good, Su
Mei is not afraid of Gong Luyun? Of course, I am afraid, after all, in this
core area, it is Gong Luyun’s world. Even her sister Surou may not be the
opponent of Gong Luyun.

However, it is precisely because she is afraid, but she can firmly say these
words, Chu Feng can not bear to persuade her, because he did not want to
live up to this piece of Su Mei's mind.

"Well, I really can't take your gimmick. If so, you can accompany me to
Wuji Pavilion."

"Well, I am trying to cultivate five martial arts."

At this moment, Su Mei once again became the lively and cheerful
gimmick, and leaped and ran out, and Chu Feng also followed.
The core area is very large, but the disciples are only about 2,000 people,
so after some things happen, the biography is very fast, just like the battle
between Chu Feng and Gong Luyun, just a short moment of effort, it has
spread throughout the core. zone.

Coupled with the appearance and name of Chu Feng, it has been hung on
the bulletin wall, so most of them have an impression on Chu Feng, so
when Chu Feng and Su Mei went to Wuji Pavilion, almost everyone saw
him. People will always talk to him about it.

For this situation, Chu Feng had expected it to be ignored, and Su Mei was
the same. The two men walked into the Wuji Pavilion with a smile and
started to choose their favorite martial arts.

The martial arts pavilion in the core area is much smaller than the martial
arts pavilion in the inner gate. There is only one floor, but it is very
delicate. The worst martial arts here is also three martial arts, and the best
is the five martial arts.

Of course, in addition to martial arts, there is also Xuan Gong, but Xuan
Gong is also a primary Xuan Gong, for the two people who practiced the
breath method, the role is not great, so they mainly want to choose a
martial arts.

"Five martial arts and versatile bows, so strange names."

After a round of laps, Chu Feng was attracted by a martial art called a
variety of bows, and could not help but read it, and this view Chu Feng is
more like it.

This is a concise martial art. It is very difficult to control the aura. It is to

excrete the aura, consolidate into a weapon to fight, and can be condensed
into various forms according to your own preferences.

It can be a sword and a sword, an axe, a fork, a crowbar, a whip and a

hammer. It can be condensed and equipped with attacking routines for
these weapons.
But the most difficult thing to consolidate is a bow. If the bow condenses
out, it can turn the spirit into an arrow and shoot it ten miles away. The
speed is fast and almost no one can hide. It is a very powerful means.

Therefore, this changeable bow, in the five-stage martial arts, is definitely

a superior martial arts. Of course, its difficulty in cultivation is also very

"This is the book." After the finalization, Chu Feng took the martial arts to
register, and after Su Mei selected a martial arts, the two went out of the
martial arts.

Only at this moment outside the martial arts pavilion, but a group of
people gathered, and this group of people have a bad face, has stopped the
two people's way.

"What do you want to do?" Looking at the dozen or so core disciples

around, Su Meiliu's eyebrows wrinkled slightly and asked loudly.

She actually deliberately did it. After all, she was still at the door of Wuji
Pavilion, so she wanted to lead the elders in the martial arts cabinet and
wanted to ask the elders to help.

However, the elders clearly heard the call of Su Mei, but they did not pay
attention to it. Instead, the disciples of Wuji Pavilion ran out and watched
the excitement.

"This sister is the sister of Surou's sister, Su Mei?" asked a disciple.

"Is there something?" Su Mei's face is cold.

"Oh, I heard that Su Mei is a medium talent, and this core area is also rare,
so it is really powerful. It seems that you will see your name on the
Qinglong list."

"But Su Mei's sister, with your genius, why should you stay with this guy,
you are so close to him, it is not a good thing for you." Another man, sneer.
"I like to stay with whom, it is my business, it has nothing to do with you."
Su Mei cold road.

"Oh, Su Mei Shimei, I am just sincerely advising you, I can't think of you
so unappreciated. If so, then I will tell you the truth, this Chu Feng
offended Gong brother, he could not stay in the core."

"Today we are here, is to teach this arrogant boy for Gong brother, I hope
you stay away from him, or hurt you, don't blame us." The man's face also
became cold.

"I want to teach me for Gong Luyun, or do you want to learn from me, so
that Gong Luyun can look at you differently?"

"Waste is really a waste, and only you can think of this way, to shoot Gong
Luyun's flattering, but you are a flatterer, I am afraid it can't be filmed."
At this moment, Chu Feng suddenly sneered, watching The eyes of
everyone are full of disdain for contempt.

The strength of these people is not weak, but it is not too strong. It is the
strength of Lingwu Bazhong and Lingwu Jiuzhong. In this core area, it is
the real bottom.

Therefore, Chu Feng can also think that the reason for them to find their
own troubles is nothing more than to attract Gong Luyun's attention, so as
to get some benefits, but their strength, Chu Feng really does not look in
the eyes.
Martial God Asura Chapter 85: Crisis
"I don't think I can watch it so fast. I can see if this Chu Feng can survive
for a year. It is hard to say."

"Yeah, offended Brother Gong, how to survive in this core area, even if
Gong brother does not shoot, there will be many people take the initiative
to find him trouble, his strength is really difficult to mix."

Looking at the scene in front of me, the onlookers sneered again and again,
and they all felt that Chu Feng would be madly flat today. After all, Chu
Feng’s strength is only a matter of strength, plus the bad talent. In this core
area, I’m afraid People can hit him to find his teeth.

This is also the reason why those Gong Luyun's dog legs have not yet been
shot by Chu Feng, because they think Chu Feng is too weak and has
disdain to Chu Feng.

"Why, do you have this group of wastes come one by one, or are you
coming together?" Chu Feng glanced at the crowd and said

"A arrogant boy, a waste that is not counted as a talent, and dare to say that
we are waste. If you don't give you some lessons today, you really don't
know what is called heaven and earth."

One of the core disciples, Chu Feng was not light, striding forward, and a
powerful big hand caught Chu Feng, this guy actually went straight to

"?" can be in that big hand, when it comes to Chu Feng, Chu Feng’s palm
is firmly grasping his wrist, and the powerful force has made him difficult
to enter half an inch.

"This kid has blocked the attack?"

The onlookers were surprised. Although the strength of Chu Feng’s
disciple was very weak, it was a martial arts. However, it was more than
enough to deal with Chu Feng’s martial arts. How could it be so easily
blocked by Chu Feng? ? However, when the next scene happened, their
surprise was completely shocked.

Chu Feng's wrist was slightly forced, and he slammed down, only listening
to the "click", the arm of the core disciple had been broken by Chu Feng.

However, this is not over yet. Chu Feng lifted his leg and went straight to
the left leg of the man. He clicked again and the left leg of the man was
broken and began to roll.


Just as people were surprised by this effort, Chu Feng’s figure was like a
ghostly plundering in front of a disciple, a boxing out, and the sly fell on
the man’s face, directly hitting the person’s chin. .

"This animal, gave me abolished him." Looking at the blink of an eye, the
two fallen, this group of disciples were completely angry, and the group
attacked and rushed to Chu Feng.

"Oh, it’s just right."

However, in the face of the group attack, with all kinds of beautiful
martial arts, with all kinds of powers, Chu Feng is just a sneer, and a glare
flashes, the body is instantly shrouded by thunder.


The thunder and lightning, like the fall of tomorrow, the glare of the light,
so that the onlookers dare not open their eyes, the powerful power makes
them retreat.

However, when they felt that the power had receded, they couldn't help but
open their eyes. When they watched, one by one was a face-changing and
Twenty people who had previously besieged Chu Feng were all lying on
the ground. Everyone was black and black, burned not lightly, was rolling
over and rolling, and the pain was terrible.

Looking at Chu Feng again, even the hair was not damaged, and the body
was not contaminated with a little dust. I was looking down at the people
on the ground and mourning, cold and cold: "I want to teach me Chu Feng,
you are not qualified yet."

When this words fell, Chu Feng swept the cold eyes to the crowds, and
anyone who saw Chu Feng’s eyes was undoubtedly not chilling, and his
heart rose in a burst of frost, and he could not help but step back. Even the
strongest people in Yuanwu are no exception.

Looking at these schadenfreudes that were still full of faces, now they are
all people with a nervous look. Chu Feng’s mouth sneaked a sneer and left
with Su Mei.

"God, how is this kid so horrible, what is the momentum of his body,
where is a garbage in the spirit of the martial arts? People who are simply
connected to the Yuan Dynasty may not have it."

"Not only that, the martial arts he just showed is not a simple five-stage
martial arts. It seems to be..."

"What is it?"

"The kind of momentum should be the Thunder."

"How is it possible for the Thunder III? The Thunder III is just a four-
stage martial art. It can be just a power, obviously a five-stage martial

"Yes, the Thunder III is indeed a four-stage martial art, but you should all
know that if the third style of the Thunder three is practiced, then it is a
five-stage martial arts."

"You... what do you mean?"

At this moment, people simply can't continue to think about it, because the
Thunder three styles, after all, is by far the only means to master the
talents of the Qinglong Dao.

There have been countless people who have cultivated, but no one can
master it. But now it seems that Chu Feng seems to have mastered this
legendary martial arts, which is how people can not be shocked.

"Hey, it seems that this kid is not simple, no wonder dare to provoke Gong

"Just martial arts, it must be the third type of Thunder three, I can't think
he has cultivated to this point, it seems that the people who are cold and
sinless for us to find, most of them are him."

Just then, somewhere outside the martial arts hall, there was a man and a
woman. They looked at the back of Chu Feng’s departure, and the cold
eyes in their eyes.

"Look, those two are not Gaole brothers, and Liu Bingshi sister."

"The two of them were the strongest players in the Qinglong list. After
being defeated by cold innocence, they took the initiative to remove the
name from the Qinglong list. They haven't seen them for a long time, and
they will not be here."

"I heard that since they were defeated by cold innocence, they have chosen
to follow cold and innocence, and now they are doing things for cold

"Oh, that cold sin is really horrible. It is the only disciple of my Qinglong
sect. Although Xiu Wu’s talent is not as good as Gong Luyun, his spiritual
strength is not what Gong Luyun does not have."

"Yeah, now only 19 years old, has been ranked third in the Qinglong list,
saying that it is not the second day of my Qinglongzong. I believe that the
second position of the Qinglong list is also his sooner or later."
Referring to the cold and innocence, the faces of all the disciples have
emerged with admiration. After all, that person is another recognized
genius after Gong Luyun.

After Chu Feng left Wuji Pavilion, he and Su Mei parted ways. He did not
return to his place of residence, but left Qinglongzong. He wanted to turn
himself into a good news for his core disciples and personally brought him
back to the Chu family. Flag, personally inserted in the town of the

However, Chu Feng did not know that when he left Qinglongzong, the two
core disciples of Yuanwujing had quietly followed him.
Martial God Asura Chapter 86: Mysterious master
In the core area, in the garden of a mansion, cold sin is feeding a beast.

This is a nine-order beast. It grows like an elephant. It looks like a

monkey, but its sharp teeth are very fierce, but this beast is in the face of
cold and innocence, but it is very well-behaved.

It is only awkward to eat the food on the ground, does not attack cold
acquitt, and even let the cold innocence touch its hair, and there is no

It is not this fierce beast that has the ingenuity and has changed the cruel
nature, but it is deeply suppressed by the cold and innocent power. It is a
pet that is cold and sinless, conquered by power.

"Cold teacher, you have found the person you are looking for." Gao Le and
Liu Bing, standing behind the cold and sinless, they are very respectful
and even fearful of cold and innocent attitude.

"What is the background of that kid?" Cold and sinless while teasing the
beast, while asking questions, he never even looked back.

"He is called Chu Feng. He is only fifteen years old this year. He is from
the Chu family in the mountain town. He has the spiritual repair of the
Seventh Emperor. Today he has entered the core area and become a core

"But this is not tame. Not long ago, when the public slammed Gong
Luyun, it was learned by Gong Luyun. If it wasn't for the elder of the
Qinglong Garden, he would have been killed." Gao Le said.

"Elder Li, he is going to shoot!" Hearing the elder Li, the cold sinless eyes

"Yeah, as you said, the elder Li did hide the strength, at least the master of
Xuanwujing." Liu Bing rushed.
"That is of course, he can conceal others, but can't escape my feelings. My
mental power has long discovered that he is not simple, but why did he
save the Chu Feng, what is their relationship?" Cold innocence Fall into

"It shouldn't be, Chu Chufeng's origin is very normal, not to mention the
one-year life and death agreement with Gong Luyun, even if we don't deal
with him, Gong Luyun will kill him a year later." Gao Le continued.

"Hey? It’s really a arrogant boy, but he must be resolved as soon as

possible. This can't be delayed." Cold innocence reminded me.

"Reassure, this kid has left Qinglongzong and returned to the Chu family.
He should want to personally send the Qinglongqi back to the family. After
all, the Chu family is only a small force, and the Qinglong Banner will
help him a lot.

"And we have sent the Zhao brothers to assassinate him, although the kid
is a bit of a means, but after all, the Zhao brothers are Yuanwu triple, they
are tacit understanding, solve the kid is absolutely more than enough." Liu
Bing explained.

"Git" and heard this, that cold sin does not like to anger, suddenly stood
up, pointing at the two scouted: "Don't you understand what is called a
night dream? Or, I teach you this. I don’t bother to do small things, do I
have to let me personally?"

Seeing such cold innocence, Gao Le and Liu Bing's face was also changed,
scared to retreat again and again, and then sang in unison: "We will go to
solve him."

Gao Le and Liu Bing hurriedly left the Qinglong Zong, the two riding a
fast horse, rushing to the Chu family, and Liu Bing's hand is holding a
triangular yellow charm.

This sign flashed a faint light, and as the two went forward, the light was
getting brighter and brighter. When I saw this, Liu Bing was brows and
suddenly caught the horse. The nervous way: "It's not right."
"What's wrong?" Seeing, Gaole is also getting nervous.

"This is the locator of the Zhao brothers. They should follow the Chu Feng
and go to the Qinglongzong territory, but at this moment the position of
the locator is displayed, they are nearby." Liu Bing said.

"What, can you say?" Hearing this, Gao Le was also frowning and became

"??" two people jumped fast, began to follow the locator's instructions,
searched nearby, and soon the two entered a jungle, and the light on the
locator is getting brighter and brighter. A flash of light, but always

When the two men walked two kilometers in the forest, they were shocked
to find that there were two figures in the distance not far from the front,
lying in the grass, both of them dressed in casual clothes, but that looks
exactly like them. Meet the Zhao brothers.

Only the two people at the moment have already lost their breath, but the
most strange thing is that the body surface of the two people has no scars.

Gao Le leaned down and pressed his hand on the chest of the two. After a
groping for a while, the brow was locked and the road was dignified:

"The internal organs have been shattered, and they have been killed by the

"How is it possible, that Chu Feng is only a martial arts, how can it have
such a powerful pressure." Hearing this, Liu Bing's face is also pale.

With the pressure to live the other side of the earthquake, it is at least
three times higher than the other side, and this is Chu Feng can not do,
which shows that Chu Feng has a helper, and that person has at least the
strength of Yuanwu.

"It seems that I was guessed by cold innocence. We looked down at Chu
Feng." Gao Le sighed helplessly.
"What to do? There is a master in Chu Feng, and the weakest is also the
Yuanwu six, but it is likely to be stronger. If the person has the strength of
Yuanwu, even if we join hands, it may not be I can deal with him."

Liu Bing had no idea. After all, he and Gao Le are now both Yuan Wu and
eight. In the face of this unknown enemy, they are also devoid of

"If you go back like this, you will be blamed for being cold and guilty. He
knows his means. We are only his jealousy. He will not have a soft touch
on us. You should not want to taste it any more. The poison is bitter."

"No, of course not!!!" Hearing the word poison, Liu Bing's face suddenly
became iron blue, his eyes filled with the color of fear.

"So, this Chu Feng must be killed, otherwise the cold sin will not continue
to give us antidote, as long as I think about that taste, I would rather be
killed." Gao Le firmly said, and that Liu Bing also No longer hesitating,
but nodded.

Chu Feng did not know about the cold innocence and wanted to harm
himself. Therefore, naturally, I don’t know that there are two people who
want to assassinate themselves. They have been secretly solved.

At this moment, his mood is very good, because after a few days of
rushing, he has returned to the backing town. As long as he thinks that he
will become a core disciple, he will tell Chu Yuan, Chu Yuan’s delightful
appearance, Chu Feng could not help but laugh. Sounds come.

"This breath is uncle!"

Suddenly, Chu Feng’s look changed a lot, because he felt that not far away,
there were several breaths that were orthogonally entangled. Obviously
someone was fighting, and one of them turned out to be his uncle. Chu
Martial God Asura Chapter 87: Chu family is
On the road leading to the town, Chu Renyi and the Chu family, who are
from Chu family, are being besieged by a group of people.

At this moment, most Chu family members have been seriously injured
and lying on both sides of the road. Even some of them have been killed.
Only Chu Renyi, who is full of spirits and martial arts, is still struggling.

However, facing the six elites in front of the eyes, several enemies of
Lingwu and seven heavy, Chu Renyi obviously lost, his body has long been
scarred, gasping with a big mouth, his eyes infiltrated his powerlessness.

"Chu Renyi, I can't think of it. We have been waiting for you for a long
time here. No one can save you Chu today. How many people will you die
from the Chu family?" A man headed by him, the evil way.

"Ma Zhong, my Chu family and your horse family have no enmity, why do
you want to unite Xu family, it is not good for me Chu!" Chu Renyi asked

"Haha, Chu Renyi, why do we join hands to deal with your Chu family, you
know in your own heart, thinking that this thing can be won by others?"
Ma Zhong sneered, while killing the machine and revealing to Chu Renyi.

"Together to deal with my Chu family, it depends on whether you have this
ability." But at this moment, a loud voice suddenly exploded like a

The sudden voice shocked the Ma family and rushed to look back, but it
didn't matter, everyone was shocked.

I saw a teenager, riding a high horse, slowly coming towards them, and
this nature is Chu Feng.
"This is the boy of Chu family, Chu Feng, how did he come back?"

"No, you look at his clothes, that is... the costumes of the core disciples of

When the Chu family met, these people had seen Chu Feng, so they
recognized Chu Feng at a glance, but when they saw Chu Feng’s core
disciples, they were shocked.

It was only a month away from the Chu family association. However, Chu
Feng, who was only a disciple at the time, became a core disciple in such a
short period of time. This is hard to imagine.

Even if people know that Chu Feng's talent is good, he will become a big
tool in the future, but he can't think of it. His talent will be so good, it is
beyond imagination.

"Chu Feng, run fast." Suddenly, Chu Renyi shouted.

"Encircle him, can't let him run away." Seeing that, Ma Zhongzhong also
reflected, and quickly instructed everyone to encircle Chu Feng.

As for Chu Feng, I didn’t put this group of people in my eyes. I just stood
on the high horse and stood in the same place. I looked at the crowds who
were nervous and shunned and blocked themselves.

"Haha, you are a good devil, so you become the core disciple of
Qinglongzong at such age. If you let me grow up again, then it will be
enough." After seeing Chu Feng being retired, Ma Zhongcai laughed with
peace of mind.

"Yes, today, the Chu family must be wiped out, or it will endless."

Others are also attached. After all, Chu Feng's talent is too horrible, so
strong that they are afraid, if they do not kill Chu Feng, then their troubles
will be too great in the future.

"Trick or treat, I want to kill all of my Chu family, you dream." And this
moment, that Chu Renyi is like crazy, rushed over.
Today, the Chu family is already in a difficult situation. Almost all of the
mountains and towns will be destroyed. The Chu family’s hopes are placed
on the juniors. Obviously, Chu Feng is the biggest hope among the juniors.
Although he does not like Chu Feng himself, but as a Chu family, he must
keep Chu Feng.

"Hey, I can't take care of myself, I want to save others, I will kill them all."

Ma Zhong snorted, carrying a black iron knife, he slashed away to Chu

Renyi, while other people, all killed Chu Feng, recruiting hot, really want
to kill.


Ma Zhongtong is a martial arts bastard, but it is in the prime of life, and

Chu Renyi has been seriously injured, so his knife is extremely powerful, a
few knives, Chu Renyi will be extremely difficult, it is slow, difficult to


But at this moment, the screams began to scream behind him. At first, Ma
Zhong did not agree. He thought that he was his own, and was in the midst
of the abuse of Chu Feng.

But the more I heard the more wrong, the sound seemed to be from his
men's hands, and seeing not far away, the Chu family was surprised and
with a look of joy, he finally realized that maybe things are not as smooth
as imagined.


Feeling wrong, Ma Zhong swayed a trick, he flashed aside, and looked at

him suddenly and was shocked. He saw that he was a man and a man, and
he had already had the first two places and had no breath.

And then look at Chu Feng, the blood of the body, but unscathed, is
stepping on the body of a horse family, wipe the blood on the man's
clothes, seems to feel the eyes of Ma Zhong, could not help but turn
around, Showing a touch of evil laughter.

"you you...."

At this moment, Ma Zhong was scared to pale, and even stepped back,
even the black iron knife in his hand was also thrown on the ground, a
careless, actually passed a sound.

Because he couldn't think of it, Ma's masters were so many that they
would be slaughtered by Chu Feng in the blink of an eye, and the means
would be so cruel, and each one was smashed.

The one in front of him is still an unconventional boy. It is simply a

savage, murderous devil, especially after Chu Feng’s gaze is cast, the
murderousness on his body, he is suffocating.

Chu Feng ignored the reaction of Ma Zhongzhong, but walked step by step
to him. He dropped the horse to the black iron knife of the land and picked
it up. After looking at it, he said: "Good knife ""

The voice of "?" just fell, and a cold mangling passed, only the blood was
sprayed out like a note, and Ma Zhong’s tragic sounds were not sent out, so
he had already landed.

And looking at such a scene, even Chu Renyi and the Chu family were also
scared and trembled, and the cold sweat appeared on their foreheads.

Because this is really incredible, let's not say why Chu Feng's strength is
so powerful, and it is even simpler to kill a spirited person.

At such a young age, how can he be so arrogant? It is said that Chu Feng is
still a fifteen-year-old boy. This kind of thing is not necessarily the result
of these adult men.

"Da Bo, what happened?" Chu Feng threw a black iron knife to the side,
and quickly asked, because he can see that the Chu family seems to be in
big trouble.
"Fenger, Chu family has a big problem." In the question of Chu Feng, Chu
Renyi reacted from the shock, and excitedly told Chu Feng about the
Martial God Asura Chapter 88: dead
It turned out that during the time when Chu Feng and others left, there was
a big event in the Chu family. In the mining area behind the mountain, a
rare iron ore was dug up, and after exploration, many mineral sources were

This black iron ore is the best raw material for the production of the blade.
Its value is higher than that of the gold mine. It is simply a treasure, which
can make the profits of the Chu family more than hundreds of times.

Therefore, when the Xuan Iron Mine was discovered, the Chu family was
also happy to start secret mining and carried out strict security measures.

However, there is no wall that is impenetrable in the world. I don’t know

who sent the news of the iron ore mine. When the news was leaked out, it
quickly attracted the embarrassment of the forces in the town.

Under the leadership of Xu’s old rival Xu Jia, the Xu family united two of
the strongest families in the mountain area, Ma and Wang, to attack the
Chu family and want to divide the Xuan Iron Mine.

Chu Renyi handled the business outside the town. After learning the news,
he rushed back in the first time, but he did not want to be ambushed by the
Ma family. If Chu Feng arrived in time, he must be killed.

"A good home, he is really tired."

After hearing the incident, Chu Feng gasped his teeth and murdered his
eyes. Even the horses did not go up. The body shape ran wildly toward the
Chu family.

"Fenger, don't go, it's too dangerous." Seeing, Chu Renyi rushed to stop.

However, the speed of Nai Chu Feng is too fast. He only saw a blast, and
Chu Feng disappeared. At this moment, Chu Renyi, who wanted to say
something, had to swallow the later words.
After a long time, he only slowed down, and he was very surprised: "The
speed of Maple, is his strength, is beyond the spirit of the spirit?"

And listening to the words of Chu Renyi, those Chu people who were
seriously injured, are also shocked and open their mouths, so that the age
of power is beyond the spiritual environment, what is this concept? It's
almost beyond what they can afford.

The backing town is the foundation of the Chu family. The order here is
maintained by the Chu family. The people here are also protected by the
Chu family. It is not an exaggeration to say that this town is a small

Because of the recent incident of the iron ore mine, the Chu family has
long been in the town of the mountain, and arranged a layer of defense to
avoid the disadvantage of the Chu family.

But now, under the joint efforts of the three kings of Xu Ma, the layers of
defense in the mountain town have been broken, and the people in the
town have almost been slaughtered, and only the Chu family is still doing
the final struggle.

However, in the face of the joint efforts of the three parties, even if the
Chu family is stronger, it is also invincible. Anyone who has a Chu family,
except for the old, the weak and the sick, is already dead and wounded, and
the loss is extremely heavy.

At the moment, it is still possible to fight, only Chu family master Chu
Yuanba, and Chu Yuan and other Chu family masters, they are guarding
the Chu family’s last line of defense, protecting the Chu family’s old and
weak, and protecting the Chu family. Foundation.

However, the Chu Yuanba is even more powerful. Facing the joint efforts
of the three masters of Xu Ma, it is naturally invincible. At this moment,
his face is pale as paper, and his body is covered with blood. He is
coughing heavily on the ground.
"Father." Seeing that the Chu Yuanba was unable to fight again, Chu Yuan
rushed to the side of the Chu Yuan tyrant and swept the vigilant eyes
around him, fearing that some people would kill his father.

After the Chu Yuanba was defeated, the Quartet forces also stopped
fighting, and this **** battle finally ushered in a brief peace.

"Chu Yuanba, I see that you are a personal thing, give you a personal face
of death, you do it yourself." One of the slightly fat, short-haired black-
bearded old man is the owner of the Xu family.

Looking at the three old men in front of me, and then glanced around the
Chu family who suffered heavy casualties, Chu Yuan’s sorrow and sorrow:

"My Chu Yuanba can do it myself, but please let me go to my Chu family."

"I promise that my Chu family will leave this backing afterwards and will
not return."

"Haha, if you are a fool, or you take us as a fool, let go of your Chu family,
do you want us to let the tiger go back to the mountain, leaving behind

"Chu Yuanba, you can only blame you for not knowing the current affairs.
If you promise to share the mysterious iron ore with my three families,
what can be said today, you can only say that your Chu family will fall to
the point of today, they are all by you. Harmful."

"You Chu family will not leave alive today, you all do it yourself, we will
leave you a whole body."

Xu Jiajia’s voice is cold and incomparable. After so many years with the
Chu family, he has long been hated by the Chu family. How can he give the
Chu family a chance to breathe?


But at this moment, there was a sudden scream of screams outside the Chu
family, and the voice was connected, even a few sounds, and the horror
was terrible.

At this moment, all the people in the Chu family have changed their faces,
especially the Xu family, the Wang family and the Ma family, but they
suddenly become uneasy.

Because now the Chu family people have been forced into the Chu family,
and now at the Chu family, all of them are their people.

However, the miserable screams only lasted for a while, and soon fell into
silence, but this silence was even more disturbing.


"Homeowner, help!"

Suddenly, a master of Xu's family, panicked from the Chu family door ran
in, running while shouting for help.


But before he could run out of three steps, he saw a cold wind blowing
behind him, and a black iron knife was flying.

"??", the head of the Xu family, under the gaze of countless eyes, flew into
the sky, and finally fell to the ground like a watermelon, and his body still
stood in the same place, keeping the running action .


At this moment, Xu family, Wang family, are all surprised, his face
became pale, because the Xu family who was killed, but a master of

Lingwu is eightfold, so it is easily strangled by people, and still in front of

the three homeowners, you can imagine how powerful the shots are.
And just as everyone's nerves were tightly stretched, a crisp footstep
suddenly sounded outside the Chu family, breaking the silence at the

But the footsteps that are not in a hurry, at this time, are so disturbing and
even fearful that almost every landing will make people's heart twitch

Finally, under the gaze of everyone, a figure appeared in people's eyes, it

was a teenager.

A boy in a blue robe and holding a big flag in his hand.

The banner is very special. It is engraved with a blue-colored dragon, with

three large characters in the middle. It is the symbol of Qinglongzong.

But compared to this domineering Qinglongqi, the boy is obviously more

fearful. The tender face is covered with blood, and the **** smell is on his
body, and the murderous gas is forced.


Suddenly, the big flag in the juvenile's hand suddenly fell, only to listen to
the "squeaky" sound, then inserted the big flag into the slate, shaking out
the road crack.

"Today, I am guilty of my Chu family, and die!"

Martial God Asura Chapter 89: It’s your turn
(plus 53)
"Today, I am guilty of my Chu family, and die!"

Chu Feng's voice is powerful, every word is full of people's hearts, almost
everyone who hears this sentence can not help but tremble, the back of the
spine rises in a cool breeze, even the Chu family is no exception.

Because the boy in front of him is so terrible, the blood filled with the
murderous murder, people dare not regard him as a teenager, but
involuntarily treat him as a devil, killing the devil who does not blink.

"Who are you?" Xu Jiajia, the first to shout. And everyone is eager to
know this answer.

Although from the costumes, it can be seen that Chu Feng is the core
disciple of Qinglongzong, although it can be seen from the Qinglong
Banner that Chu Feng is the core disciple of Qinglongzong.

However, at this moment, Chu Feng was full of blood, and even his face
could not be seen clearly. People did not know who he was, and he just
claimed to be a Chu family, which naturally made people feel

Because they did not know, when the Chu family appeared such a teenager,
when the Chu family appeared a core disciple, even the Chu family did not

"Chu family, Chu Feng!" Chu Feng coldly back.

"What? Chu Feng?"

"Is it Maple?!!!!"
However, Chu Feng’s words came out, and it was a great uproar in the

The name Chu Feng, long before many days ago, is within a hundred miles
of the backing of the mountain. It can be said that no one knows no one.

However, as far as we know, Chu Feng is only fifteen years old, and at the
beginning it was only a six-pronged spirit. How could it become a core
disciple? How could it be so easy to kill the master of Lingwu?

Although I couldn't believe it, after careful scrutiny, people were shocked
to find that whether it was the figure or the outline, it was very similar to
Chu Feng.

Especially the most important point, Chu Feng is indeed a disciple of

Qinglongzong, and if there is a core disciple in the Chu family, only Chu
Feng is the most promising.

"I was actually you, the little devil, that you interrupted the waist of my
grandson, "Xu Tianyi"?" Xu Jiajia’s lord asked.

"It is his skill that is not as good as people. It is kindness to interrupt his
waist." Chu Feng did not agree.

"You!!!" Xu family is angry, and they have to shoot.

But before he could be shot, he was stopped by the Wang family and the
Majia family, and he was dignified:

"Don't you see what he got in his hand? That's the Qinglong flag!!"

"How about the Qinglong Banner, my son is not able to get out of bed, so I
can't get out of bed anymore, maybe I can't repair it in the future. I have to
kill him today." Xu Jia's family snarled in anger.

"You are crazy? Qinglongqi is the symbol of Qinglongzong. If you have

Qinglongqi, it is equal to the protection of Qinglongzong. You dare to
move that Chufeng. In the future, it will be you, even our two families will
have a big disaster."
The two owners are really scared. They are not afraid of the Chu family.
However, they have to be afraid of the Qinglongzong. Although
Qinglongzong is in Qingzhou, it is a second-class sect, but for them it is a
real behemoth. .

Needless to say, Qinglongzong sent a large army. As long as they randomly

sent several inner-door elders, they could easily destroy their families.
They did not dare to provoke them, and they did not dare to offend.

"You are crazy, now we have a way back? You don't look at it, this Chu
family has been made us like."

"Now we have no retreat. This Chu Feng we kill, we must also offend the
Qinglongzong, we will not kill, Qinglongzong will not let us go."

"But if we kill this Chu Feng now, Qinglong Zong will not receive the
news so quickly. We can also roll the cover and leave. If it doesn't kill him,
Qinglong Zong will soon send people to kill us. Stay." Xu Jiajia said with

And listening to this, the two owners are also in silence, because they
suddenly feel that the Xu family said it is right, now they have forced the
Chu family to this kind of field, with the Qinglongzong, the backing Chu
family, how Will let them go.

They are indeed on the road to the end, killing the end, there is still a
glimmer of hope, but if this time to stop, it is a dead end.

"Fenger, run fast, don't care about us." Feeling the situation is not good,
Chu Yuan shouted loudly.

"Fenger is going fast, only to retain his life, can revenge for my Chu
family!" At the same time, the Chu family leader Chu Yuanba also

Seeing the situation, Xu Wangma's three forces are all prepared for
prevention. They want to prevent Chu Feng from escaping, especially the
three homeowners. They are also emitting the atmosphere of Yuan Wujing.
It is ready to shoot Chu Feng.


But at the time, Chu Feng not only did not retreat, but took a step forward.
On the face full of blood, she raised a confident smile and said: "I said,
today I am guilty of my Chu family. ,dead."

The voice of "?" just fell, and a blast broke out. Chu Feng has disappeared.


Almost at the same time as Chu Feng disappeared, a few screams came
from the hospital, and I watched and watched. I saw that several Chu
family members were already in the same place and were killed by Chu

“?” But when people discovered this situation, Chu Feng disappeared
again, followed by several Ma family members.

"Bick, take a shot, kill him."

At this moment, the Xu family’s snarl screamed and rushed over to Chu
Feng, followed by the owner of the Wang family and the vest, and

At this moment, Chu Yuanba, Chu Yuan and other Chu family people are
all nervous, deeply Chu Feng pinched a cold sweat, because no one thinks,
only the Lingwu seven Chu Feng, can be in three yuan The hands of the
martial arts master escaped.

Although Lingwu and Yuanwu are only one word apart, the realm between
the two can be said to be the separation between heaven and earth. It is
simply an insurmountable gap that cannot be compared.

Surprisingly, despite the momentum of the three homeowners, the speed is
extremely fast, the strength is even stronger, but it can not keep up with
the speed of Chu Feng, every time is a slow step.

They can only watch their own people, one after another, in the hands of
Chu Feng, but there is no way, because Chu Feng's speed is too fast, so far
beyond common sense, simply can not capture.

In this case, it is only a moment's effort. Within the entire yard, except for
the Chu family, the Xu family, the Wang family, and the Ma family are
only three, and that is the three homeowners. As for the other Everyone is
dead, and they all die from beheading.

"Funny, I have to kill you all the time." Looking at the dead body, watching
the ones, so died, the three homeowners angered to the extreme.

At this moment, Chu Feng suddenly stopped the pace of walking, standing
in front of Chu Yuanba and Chu Yuan, and turned the cold eyes to the three
homeowners, cold and cold:

"It's your turn!"

Martial God Asura Chapter 90: Lingwu Battle
At this moment, Chu Feng suddenly became a blood man, and his body
was full of blood, but no blood was his, it was all the blood of the enemy.

The **** Chu Feng stood here, and it seemed a bit scary, especially the
sharp eyes, as if it had been dyed into a **** color, it really was a red eye.

"A arrogant boy, I am not living away from you today. I am a master of

Although Chu Feng at this moment has already shown the strength of the
world, but already angered to the home of the Xu family who lost their
senses, where they have taken care of so much.

The air around him has long been distorted, and the layers of force
continue to overflow from the body. The powerful pressure has turned into
an invisible hurricane, sweeping everything around him. If Chu Feng is
resisting, I am afraid that everyone in the Chu family will be promoted.
Heavy pressure.

As for the two families of the Wang family and the Ma family, the same is
true. They watched their loved ones, and one after another died in the
hands of Chu Feng. One by one fell in front of themselves, and their inner
pains were extremely painful.

In particular, their family members were all killed by their heads, and
even one whole body did not stay, which is how they can bear.

"Chu Feng, you gave me a life!"

The Wang family's family took the lead, and the big hand grabbed the
void, and Yuan Li rushed out and turned into a two-meter-high transparent
giant hand, grabbing Chu Feng.
This is not the same as a small one, although it is only a three-stage
martial arts, but the master of this Yuan Wujing exhibition, re-constructed
by Yuan Li, that power has turned over dozens of times.


However, even with such a terrible attack, Chu Feng did not change his
face without fear. He moved his hand and raised a handful of illusory
palms, and actually crushed the martial arts of the Wang family.

"Tread on step...."

However, Chu Feng is still a master of Yuanwujing, although he blocked

the martial arts of the Wang family, but the tyrannical Yuanli ??, or Chu
Feng shocked back a few steps.

"Kid, see if you can pick it up, I am a rock punch."

Seeing Chu Feng retreat, the three homeowners are all overjoyed. The
Majia family rushed to take out their hands and counted the boxing out.
The fists of Yuan Dao’s power were like a boulder, and they emerged

And the direction he is attacking is not only Chu Feng, but also a family of
Chu Chu behind him, he wants to kill.

Chu Feng said nothing, his legs were slightly removed in a horse-like
shape, and the robes on his body began to have no wind, and two
Raymonds suddenly appeared in the eyelids.

"Zi La La."

Countless roads of thunder and lightning, like the rushing thunder snakes,
emerged from the Chu Feng body, intertwined, flying and rushing between,
actually formed a dense wall of thunder, the fist that the condensed force
of the force, all resisted Come down.

After blocking the attack, Chu Feng was angry again, and the thunder
snake abandoned it as an attack, like a violent thunder and lightning
dragon, with the harsh roar, dazzling thunder, and rushed to the three

"This kind of power, this form is a five-stage martial arts, and that kid will
actually have five martial arts skills."

The three homeowners changed their minds because they couldn't think of
it anyway. Chu Feng had mastered five martial arts skills. If the four
martial arts skills can only be longed for them, then the five martial arts
can only hope.

After all, the four martial arts, only the core disciples can be cultivated,
and the five martial arts, even if they can practice, but also have absolute
comprehension to practice.

Even if they are now Yuan Wujing, if they give them a five-stage martial
arts practice, they may not be able to master them so well, not to mention
that they have no chance to practice five martial arts.

So at this moment, when they saw the Thunder three styles displayed by
Chu Feng, they were shocked and angry. When Feng Feng was so old, he
could master the five martial arts. Qi is a jealousy.

They have lived for half a lifetime, but they have not had the opportunity
to practice even four martial arts skills. However, Chu Feng is so old, but
has cultivated five martial arts skills, which makes them feel very unfair.

But in the world, where is the fairness, this is the world where the fittest
survives, and the age when people eat.


Surprisingly, the three homeowners were not scornful, and each showed
their own martial arts to fight against Chu Feng’s attack. Although they
were far from the martial arts, they were far less powerful than Chu Feng’s
five martial arts, but their heritage, their Yuan Li, but made up for it all.

The roar of the roaring sounds, the energy of the road was smashed, and
the power was filled with lightning. It swept through the courtyard. The
stone debris on the ground flew, and the surrounding buildings shattered.
Even the Chu family who had already retreated was shocked. Back.

"It's so good, Maple can actually be a master of Lingwu and he is a master

of three yuan."

At the moment, Chu Yuanba seems to have forgotten his own injuries. He
is staring at the battle between Chu Feng and the three homeowners.
Because this difference is a realm, it can be invincible. It is simply He
smelled what he had never seen before.

"Chu Feng is very good."

In addition to the Chu Yuan Pa, other Chu family members also looked at
all this, but looked at the shocking scene in front of them, the devastating
attack, in addition to shock, they also had a complex emotion.

Because throughout the Chu family, including Chu Yuanba and Chu Yuan,
no one has ever thought that when the Chu family encounters a crisis, the
boy who is in front of them will be the boy.

This young man who was looked down upon by them, was insulted by
them since childhood, was bullied by them, and was discriminated against
by them when they were young.

However, even though it is hard to imagine, the boy who is in front of

them is the boy. He has cast aside the prejudice against him and has cast
aside his humiliation. At this moment, he is protecting his whole family
with his own life.

When a family survives and is handed over to one's hands, this is nothing,
because there is always one person in each family, which is the soul pillar
of all.
But when the survival of a family is handed over to a boy who has been
cast aside by countless people, this is a truly shocking scene that is enough
to shock people's hearts.

"Chu Feng refueling"

Whether people like it or not, but this time, this sentence is what every
Chu family screams, because at the moment, the survival of their Chu
family is indeed in the hands of Chu Feng.
Martial God Asura Chapter 91: Unite

The battle continued, and Chu Feng’s strong three-dimensional

powerhouse, although not prevailing, still stood in an invincible position.

This unheard of miracle is actually performed in front of everyone. The

Chu family are eager to hope that Chu Feng can win, because that means
not only that they can survive, but also that the Chu family may take a new
peak. .

There is a teenager who can make a miracle. They know that the Chu
family will no longer be ordinary, at least not huddled in this small town.

"Zi La La"

Suddenly, a few thunder snakes were superimposed and swept past. It was
like a thunder and a long whip. The martial arts of the three homeowners
were all scattered, and the three of them were slammed back and forth.

"Kids, Hugh to be crazy." One trick to eat, the three homeowners

counterattack at the same time, condense a more powerful force, display a
stronger martial arts, launched an impact on Chu Feng.

However, even if the attack of the three homeowners is stronger, but in

front of the Chu Feng that Thunder, but also in vain, can not hurt Chu

"This kid is still not a human being. Is the aura in his body endless?"

"Don't worry, this kid has mastered the five-segment martial arts, and
certainly cultivated Xuan Gong. The aura of his body is very normal, but
the five-stage martial arts consumes aura very much. With his cultivation,
it can't be supported for a long time."
"Yes, even if his aura is strong, there will always be exhaustion, he will not
consume us, and if he goes on, he will lose." The three homeowners

Because the quality of Yuanli and Aura can be described as different, so

Chu Feng can temporarily compete with them because of the power of five
martial arts, but they feel that Chu Feng’s aura will dry up sooner or later,
and at that time, they can naturally Conquered Chu Feng.


But at this moment, Chu Feng raised the road to the wind and suddenly
disappeared. When Chu Feng appeared here, it was already behind the
horse’s family, and the knife-like palm was already on it. The neck is
slashed away.


Everything came too fast, and it was too sudden. I saw Chu Feng’s palm
full of lightning, like a sickle, and a blood sprayed out. The Ma’s family
had not reacted yet. The head of the man landed, and his face still had a
smug smile.

"Old guys, fight with me, don't care."

A blow to kill the Majia family, Chu Feng's mouth smashed a sneak sneer,
and then stepped forward, and turned into a blast again, disappeared.

"This kid is too fast, be careful."

See you, the remaining two homeowners, the eyebrows of Jinzhou, did not
dare to have a little care, the two backed back, began to guard against


At this moment, Chu Feng suddenly appeared, his arm swayed slightly,
and the lightning that was absorbed in his hand suddenly overflowed and
turned into a Thunder sword, slashing away from the backs of the two.
"Kid, don't underestimate me." The two homeowners also displayed a
tyrannical means to resist Chu Feng's attack.

"?" can only see Chu Feng smile, the Thunder sword has not yet fallen, but
the body shape once again disappeared, plundered behind the Wang family.

"Be careful!" Xu Jiajia, the first to react, hurriedly shouted.

However, it was too late, Chu Feng was already shot, the Thunder passed,
and only listened to the "squeaky" sound, the king's family also flew up
the head, and died.

Looking at the blink of an eye, the two people who were killed by Chu
Feng, the anger on the face of the Xu family was no longer there. Instead,
they turned out to be fear. In the face of the threat of death, he finally felt
the fear.

At this moment, he had an idea that they had a battle with Chu Feng. There
was never a hope of winning, because the boy seemed to have not played
against them seriously from the beginning, more like playing with them.

"You, you, I am fighting with you!"

Knowing that his life will be rested, the Xu family will have to let go and
try their best to launch the most violent attack on Chu Feng.

However, in Chu Feng's view, even a strong attack is useless to him,

because in front of his air defense, in front of the absolute speed, only
Yuan Wu's heavy strength is really not enough.

"?" Chu Feng's figure is a vertical, like a ghost, came to the back, with a
big hand wave, it will easily kill the Xu family.

Since then, all the masters of the three-dimensional martial arts have died
in the hands of Chu Feng, and they are no different from their men and
their families. They have all been smashed their heads.

At this moment, everyone in the Chu family couldn't help but breathe a
sigh of relief, because Chu Feng's performance was too unexpected, and it
was so strong that it could not be described.

At this moment, there is no cheering and cheering, and some are only
silent. Silence to the breath, only to hear the heartbeat, people's excited

One is only a Lingwu seven, but can kill three young people.

A teenager who is only fifteen years old but has become a core disciple of
Qinglongzong and masters five martial arts skills.

Such a teenager, no matter where it will be called a genius, but such a

genius, belongs to the Chu family, all Chu family know that their Chu
family is not only saved, but also destined to rise, as long as the boy is

When the war ended, the Chu family began to clean up the bodies all over
the town, and both the Chu family and the town people got a decent burial.

However, the heads of the Wang family, Xu family, and Ma Jiazhi were all
hung on the wall of the back town. This can be said to be a chicken and a
monkey, but it is actually a kind of force to show off.

Chu's conference hall, this place where Chu Feng was not qualified to
enter, all the Chu family or the backbone is here, and Chu Feng, is sitting
on the first place.

"Fenger, according to what you said, has already sent an invitation letter to
the various parties in the backing."

The injury of Chu Yuanba has been dealt with, but the backbone of the Chu
family is now reporting some things to Chu Feng, and the attitude is very

"Well." Chu Feng nodded, did not say anything, even did not even look at
Chu Yuanba, but continued to look at the books in his hands.
For this attitude, Chu Feng, Chu Yuanba can only make a laugh, as for the
other backbones of the Chu family, they dare not say anything more,
because now in this Chu family, it is not Chu Yuan, nor Chu Yuanba, but
Chu Feng.

This has nothing to do with seniority, which has nothing to do with

seniority, because Chu Feng has this strength, after all, without him, they
are all dead.

"Fenger, I don't know if you are sending invitations to these forces. Why is
it?" Finally, Chu Yuan opened up, because now he dares to speak to Chu
Feng, and he is only his righteous father.

After hearing Chu Yuan’s opening, Chu Feng merged the books in his hand
and raised his head and smiled slightly:

"I just think that it is time to unify the forces in the mountains."
Martial God Asura Chapter 92: Chu Feng's life
At the end of the Chu family meeting, Chu Feng and Chu Yuan returned to
where they lived in the past.

"Father, I have something to ask you." Father and son were alone in the
room, Chu Feng asked.

"Maple, what's the matter, but it's fine." Chu Yuan looked at Chu Feng, his
eyes filled with love and pride.

Chu Feng’s performance surprised him once and for all. Now he has saved
the Chu family and has become the greatest pride in his heart.

Upon seeing it, Chu Feng did not drag, but smiled and said the question he
always wanted to ask: "Father, who is my biological parent, why should
they abandon me?"

"This...." Chu Feng said this, Chu Yuan, who was still full of joy, his face
suddenly became stiff, and obvious changes have emerged.

"Father, is there anything unspeakable?" Chu Feng saw that it was wrong.

"No, there is nothing to hide, just Maple, I don't know about your parents."
Chu Yuan explained with a smile.

"You don't know? Is it that I am not coming back?" Chu Feng was a little

Since the ancient town in the wilderness, after encountering the one who
was strong and unfathomable, but mad and mad, Chu Feng felt that his life
was not simple, so he couldn’t wait to ask Chu Yuan.

However, if Chu Yuan is really his own, then it means that all the clues are
broken. He can't get any information about his parents from Chu Yuan.
"No, it is not like this. In fact, I take care of Maple, but I am entrusted by
people." Chu Yuan explained, but as can be seen from his expression,
things do not seem to be simple.

"Is it supported? Who is responsible for it? Why does the father know that
the person is definitely not my parents?" Chu Feng eagerly asked.

Looking at the eager appearance of Chu Feng, Chu Yuan’s face is

constantly changing, as if he is doing some psychological struggle, and
finally sighs, saying:

"Hey, since you want to know this, I will tell you."

"This incident has to start from fifteen years ago. In that year, I took a Chu
family and went to a distant door. I passed a mountain forest on the way."

"In the mountains, I met a man who was holding a child and asked me, but
surnamed Chu."

"Because I was in the delivery of goods at the time, it was really

suspicious to add the man's dress, so I did not answer his question

"But whoever thought, the man did not move, and my two men smashed
and died, turned into a blood."

"At the time, we were all scared. I wanted to turn around and run, but I
couldn’t help but smother all of them. I couldn’t move at all."

"You can surname Chu? The man asked me again. At that moment, I
realized that it was probably the man who killed me and banned me."

"But the first time I met these strong men, I was already full of fear, and I
could still notice his words, just staring at him."

"And at this moment, I was shocked to find that there were two flames in
his eyes. At the same time, all the goods I carried were actually burned by
a flame, and even the car took the horse, but it was only instantly Turned
into ashes."
"At this time, he has shown impatience. I can clearly feel the murder that
he exudes. It is the most terrible killing I have ever felt in my life, as if he
was from hell."

"At the time, I felt that I was already dead, but he did not touch me.
Instead, he said again: I will ask the last time, can you name Chu?"

"This time, I dare not hesitate again, quickly answering his questions, and
telling about his family and the residence of the Chu family."

Speaking of this, Chu Yuan's face is full of sorrow, Chu Feng can guess
why he is embarrassed, naturally because his greed and fear of death at
that time, and confessed to the Chu family everything, and feel

After all, if the man has a hatred with the Chu family, Chu Yuan’s words
will completely sell the Chu family. Everyone in the Chu family can’t
escape, but now the Chu family are still there, that means the man should
There is another purpose.

"Father, what about it later?" Chu Feng was eager to know the result.

"Later, he killed all the buddies who accompanied him, leaving me alone
and entrusting the child to me, and that child is you."

"After I took you, the man told me that you must raise your health and
treat yourself as if you have already, but your name cannot be determined
by me. It must be called Chu Feng."


At this moment, Chu Feng was shocked, even though he guessed from the
beginning that the child might be him, but the heart was still shocked at
the moment, because he never imagined that his name was not actually
Chu Yuan. It was taken up early in the morning.

Especially when I think of the man again, he asks Chu Yuan’s question
again and again. Chu Feng is not difficult to think that his biological father
is probably also a surname Chu, and he is entrusted to Chu Yuan, probably
just do not want Chu Feng. Change the surname.

"At the time, I dared to refuse, and naturally promised."

"Just, he made a few requests, that is, you can't tell you where you came
from, you can't say that you are my own, you must tell you from the
beginning, you are my son. Most importantly. The thing is, you can't do
things that hurt you, you must let you grow up healthily."

"Whether it is violated, the result is one, that is, he will destroy the entire
Chu family, leaving no room for it."

Chu Yuan said the truth, Chu Feng finally knows why he did not ask, Chu
Yuan never talked about Chu Feng's life experience, and when Chu Feng
asked about his own life, Chu Yuan would be so upset, even afraid, It has
always been threatened by him.

"Father, you know what the man is calling, and can he have any special
signs on him?" Chu Feng asked with dignity, because he had a vagueness
in his heart.

"He didn't say what he called, but at his forehead, there was indeed a
strange birthmark, like a flame, very strange." Chu Yuan replied.

At this moment, Chu Feng is quite calm, because this is similar to the
answer he guessed. His life experience is indeed related to the day of the
game called Hanako.

"Father, what did he say later? Can you mention my parents?"

"No, he didn't mention my parents to me."

"Then why do you say that he can't be my father?"

Listening to this, Chu Yuan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. This
slowly began: "Because when he gave you to me, he was relieved, as if he
had got rid of a heavy burden, and I soon changed a person and shouted
like crazy."
"I still deeply remember the madness he said at the time."

"What did he say?" Chu Feng was impatient.

"He shouted at the sky: You saw it, I have done what you said, can you let
me go, I beg you to let me go!!!"
Martial God Asura Chapter 93: gift
Chu Yuan, the vivid depiction of the original scene, still has a shocking
look on his face, as if the original picture, once again appeared in front of
his eyes.

Chu Feng can also see that the day's events have indeed had a great impact
on Chu Yuan, at least in his heart, leaving an indelible shadow.

Looking at Chu Yuan, Chu Feng is also immersed in meditation. He knows

that Chu Yuan is right. The mad man should not be his father, or he might
not say those strange mad words.

But anyone who is a bit wise can hear from it that the madman who
handed Chu Feng to Chu Yuan should be trusted by others, and even can be
said to be forced by others, and he is afraid of the one who is coercing
him. People, and that person, is probably the family of Chu Feng.

However, the man is already tough to the point where it can be

intimidating. Who can coerce him and make him so fearful?

"Where did I come from? Who are my parents? Why do they have to
entrust me to others?" This is the biggest question in Chu Feng's heart at
the moment, because the more he understands, the more he discovers that
his life is so special. And behind that, there must be something hidden.

"Father, what about it? Does that person say anything to you?" Chu Feng
asked urgently.

"Then he disappeared. I didn't see how he left. If it wasn't you in my arms,

I would really suspect that he had never seen it. But the facts tell me that
everything is true. ”

"And I took you back to the Chu family. Because the goods were burned,
my men died. I can't tell the truth, so I can only lie and say that you are on
the road."
"But after learning about the incident, my family did not agree with me to
adopt you. I feel that you are unlucky."

"But today, I believe that everyone will not think that you are unlucky,
because you saved the entire Chu family, but I am telling you the truth
now, I don't know if that person will..." Here, the color of worry on Chu
Yuan’s face is more intense.

After all, the strength of that person is too terrible. Chu Yuan doesn't even
know. When he said this, if he can hear it, he always feels that he is in
crisis. That person may appear at any time, but in the face of Chu Feng’s
questioning, he is I can't bear to tell the truth, I can't bear to look at Chu

Because now, he knows the truth, Chu Feng, this terrible talent, is
absolutely born, after all, his life is full of legendary.

"Father, don't worry, I think that person, most of them are already
unconscious. I am afraid that he has forgotten the things that were
entrusted to you and will not come to you again."

"Not to mention, even if he comes back, there is still me. Since he has
entrusted me to you, it will definitely not be against me."

Chu Feng couldn't help but think of the scene in the old wilderness of the
day. He really felt that the man was already mad. Because of this, Chu
Feng became more curious. What did he experience? Who drove him
crazy? Is it his own? parents?

In short, at this moment, various questions are lingering in Chu Feng, so

that he is somewhat unclear, and these questions have prompted Chu Feng,
more and more want to know the truth of the matter.

Where did you come from? Who is the parents? The main thing is, why
should parents entrust him to people? What happened in the past? This is
the answer that Chu Feng most wants to know.
"Oh, I hope, but Maple, no matter what happens in the future, you are my

"Although I know that you are so good, there is no relationship with me.
Your excellence is completely inherited from your parents, but in my
heart, you are my son."

Suddenly, Chu Yuan’s relief is seemingly obsessed with life and death. For
him, it is enough to have the son of Chu Feng in this life.

"Father, don't say this. If you don't have you, I may have starved to death.
How could it be today, no matter how others look, but in my Chu Feng
heart, you are my father, a qualified father."

Chu Feng said that the truth is true. If Chu Yuan did not adopt him in the
past, he might not be so dedicated to others. Even if he followed the mad
man, he might be impulsive and beat him alive.

Therefore, Chu Feng is grateful to Chu Yuan, and also has true feelings,
although now has a yearning for her own biological parents.

However, the feelings of this decade have made Chu Feng feel that Chu
Yuan is his biological father, because so far, let him experience the
affection, let him feel the father's love, is Chu Yuan.

However, Chu Feng no longer blames his own biological parents, because
he feels that most of them are unspeakable, otherwise they will not ask
people to take care of themselves or even threaten.

At the moment, Chu Yuan, already excited, couldn't speak, and there was a
little tear in his eyes. He was really touched by Chu Feng's words.

Because he felt that he was not a due diligence as a father in these years.
He did make Chu Feng suffer a lot of grievances, and if it was not because
of the threat of the madman, he might not raise Chu Feng.

"Father, I have a gift for you." Chu Feng took a Lingzhu from the Qiankun
bag and handed it to Chu Yuan. He saw that there were nearly a hundred.
"Fenger, this is too precious, I can't."

Looking at the golden pearl, Chu Yuan was shocked and shocked.
Although he had already discovered Chu Feng’s Qiankun bag, he couldn’t
think of it. Chu Feng’s Qiankun bag contained so many Lingzhu.

You know, so many Lingzhu, for the entire Chu family, are considered to
be great assets, and Chu Feng has to give him all, naturally he is

"Fenger, you are now the key period of Xiuwu. With your talent, these
beads can completely help you break through the Yuanwu situation. You
still keep it yourself." Chu Yuan began to push away.

Chu Feng is a slight smile: "Father, Lingzhu I still have, you will accept it,
and all the forces in the back of the mountain in two days will be invited,
and there will be a storm at that time."

"Today, Grandpa is seriously injured, and all the burdens must be pressed
against your head, so you must break through the Yuan Wujing within
these two days, otherwise it will be difficult for those forces to surrender."

"In two days, broke through to Yuanwu?" Chu Yuan was in a tight heart,
although his mouth was detached, but his heart was still very eager to
enter Yuanwu, and look at Chu Feng’s hands so many beads, maybe It
really can make him successful.

"Receive it."

In the repeated request of Chu Feng, Chu Yuan also had to accept, and with
the help of Chu Feng, refining these spiritual beads, want to rely on this
huge aura, in one fell swoop to break through the dream of the Yuan

At the same time, another scene is taking place in the heart of

Cold and innocent, standing in a dimly underground palace, his face is
very ugly, and in front of him, Liu Bing stood there, his face covered with

Looking at Liu Bing like this, cold sinless brows wrinkled and asked
dignifiedly: "You mean that someone secretly protects Chu Feng, and at
least is a master of Xuanwujing?"
Martial God Asura Chapter 94: He De He can
"Absolutely a basaltic environment, or with the cultivation of Gao Le, it is
impossible to be killed by people in an instant, and it is still only using the
pressure." Liu Bing said in a trembling, his face was full of panic.

On the same day, after she and Gao Le found out that they were wrong, in
order to avoid cold acquittal, they chose to continue to chase Chu Feng.
When the two of them rested, Gao Le went to solve the problem. But just
after leaving, Liu Bing felt very strong. Energy fluctuations, and that
direction is the orientation of Gao Le's solution.

Liu Bingwen sneaked in, but found that Gao Le had been killed, and like
the Zhao brothers, there was no scar on the surface, but the internal organs
were shattered, apparently being crushed and killed by the pressure.

Therefore, Liu Bing did not dare to continue to catch up. Instead, he
escaped from the first time and explained everything to cold innocence,
because today’s opponent is not something she can deal with.

"It seems that I underestimated the Chu Feng."

Cold innocence fell into meditation, and Liu Bing stood in the same place,
looking at the cold and sinless with the fearful eyes, dare not say a few
more words, it is obvious that he is really sinless, really afraid.

"Liu Bing Shijie, I will handle this matter personally, you have a good
rest." Suddenly, cold innocence from the Qiankun bag, took out a white
jade vial and handed it to Liu Bing.

"Thank you cold teacher." And seeing this white jade bottle, Liu Bing is a
big joy, and quickly picked up the past, I don't want to open the bottle cap
and drink the liquid in the bottle.

"Liu Bing Shijie, what is the difference in the taste of this antidote?" Cold
and sinless, standing with his eyes, staring at Liu Bing with a strange look,
and a cold smile on his mouth.
"This time, the taste seems a bit sweet." Liu Bing wiped the corner of his
mouth, but suddenly his face changed greatly, pointing to cold innocence
and shouting: "You, you, you..."


Soon, Liu Bing couldn't speak, his face turned from white to green, from
green to purple, and the body began to emit white heat, putting his hand
into his throat, as if he wanted the liquid just to come out. But it is simply

"It is unfavorable to do things, what to use for you." Looking at Liu Bing,
who suffered from pain, there was no sympathy on the cold and innocent
face until Liu Bing fell to the ground, and after he had no breath, he
sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"Deliberately let her come back and ventilate the letter, so that I can
retreat if I know it? Interestingly, I want to see if anyone is playing with
me. Can you save the Chu Feng?"

When I thought of it, I went to the table with cold innocence and took out
the rice paper to start writing. At the beginning of the letter, I wrote:
"Father, I am in trouble with Qinglongzong. Can I ask my cold family to
come out and solve the problem?" ”

The passage of time has passed two days in the blink of an eye, and it has
come to the Chu family to invite the back of the mountain, the days of
many forces.

Outside the town, the heads of Xu, Ma, and Wang’s family are still hung,
and it is terrible to look at it.

In the town of the mountain, in the performance of the military field, it is

full of banquets to welcome visitors from all walks of life.

Although the surface is full of laughter and laughter, everyone talks about
each other's wine, but the atmosphere is vaguely wrong.
After all, the Chu family’s excavation of the black iron ore has already
sensationalized the entire backing of the mountain, and the battle between
the Chu family and the Xu family’s family has also been rumored.

The Chu family was able to fight the three families without defeat, and
killed the homeowners of the three-dimensional martial arts. It can be seen
that the strength of the Chu family is the first in the whole mountain.

At this time, the Chu family feasted the forces of all parties. Anyone with
a clear eye could come up with the intention of the Chu family. Therefore,
don’t look at these people’s faces, but they are actually reluctant, they are
the reason Will come, completely because of fear of Chu.

"Why didn't you see Chu Yuanba, such an important day, shouldn't it be
hosted by Chu Yuanba?"

"Chu Yuanba is really powerful. Actually, he can win the three with one
enemy and three. However, since he did not come out today, I think that
most of him is also seriously injured, so it is not good to bring a face."

"You are right, I guess most of the time, but it is only Chu Yuan’s words,
can he live in the game? After all, what is the presence of Yuan Wujing?

"I believe that when necessary, Chu Yuanba will still come out. Without
certain certainty, the Chu family will not invite everyone here, but who the
teenager is, can actually sit in such an important position."

When there was a lot of discussion, some people pointed their fingers to
Chu Feng, who was next to Chu Yuan. Although Chu Feng’s name was
already famous, there were some people who had never seen Chu Feng.

"That is the genius of the Chu family, Chu Feng, seeing that the
appearance should have become a core disciple, it is really powerful."

"So, the Qinglong Banner is true? No wonder, it is no wonder that the Chu
family will have such a big move. There is Qinglongzong shelter.
Nowadays, there is no one who dares to move him."
"That may not be the case, although the Wang family Xu Jia Ma family
has been badly hurt, but the mountains, and Li Jia and Zhao Jia, their
strength is not much weaker than the original Xu family, now the two Yuan
Wujing homeowners Already present."

"If the Chu family is just a simple Liwei, let me wait for the idea of ??not
playing the iron ore mine, but it is not the case. But if he wants to be a big
one, then he will unify the back of the mountain. I am afraid that many
forces will not agree. If I join forces, I believe that the Chu family will
also have a headache."

People are guessing the purpose of the Chu family's banquet, and many
forces have passed the wind in the dark. If the Chu family really wants to
unify the back of the mountain, then they will join forces to resist.

"Father, it's almost time to start." Chu Feng made a look at Chu Yuan.

"Well." And Chu Yuan stood up and said in a bright voice: "First of all,
thank you for taking the place of my Chu family and attending this party."

"I think everyone knows that the Chu family suffered a big robbery in the
past two days. The three great families besieged me Chu, and wanted to
rob me of the assets of Chu, but unfortunately, they paid a price for their

"This war, although I won the Chu family, but it has caused many
townspeople to be killed, many families have suffered misfortune, which
has caused me to reflect. I rely on the many forces in the mountains to
enjoy the resources of the mountains. I should be like a family. Can you
kill each other?"

"In the end, I thought of a solution. The so-called no rules are not square. I
think that in the back of the mountain, there should be some rules, and this
rule is maintained by everyone."

After this, Chu Yuan said some so-called rules, but in fact it is to restrict
the development of the forces of all parties and provide the greatest
benefit to the Chu family.

Suddenly, a wine table was smashed, a nine-foot-high, dark-skinned, full-

faced man standing up and pointing at Chu Yuan:

"Chu Yuan, just because you want to lead me, etc., how can you?"
Martial God Asura Chapter 95: I am jealous
The great man who is a singer is a family of a family. His age is similar to
that of Chu Yuan, and he has the strength of Lingwu. Therefore, he is not
satisfied with Chu Yuan.

For the move of Dahan, Chu Yuan did not change his face, but walked
slowly and walked toward the big man. At the same time, Chu Feng and
other Chu family members followed closely.

I have to say that the movement of the Chu family has indeed brought a
strong momentum. They walked all the way and let many people around
them burst into trepidation. Because many of the heads hanging outside
the town have proved the heart of the Chu family. .

However, compared with others, the big man who is arrogant, but there is
no fear, but staring at Chu Yuan who walked in front of him:

"Chu Yuan, you Chu family wants to rely on the mountain, but also to find
a decent figure to talk, you let Chu Yuanba out, or you want to lead us, it
really does not match."

"?" can be a big man's voice just fell, Chu Yuan suddenly shot, a loud slap
in the face, has fallen on the face of the big man.

The powerful force of "?", the big man was shot dozens of meters away, all
the way to fly, the tables and chairs were broken, and many people
onlookers were hit hard by his hard life.

However, this is the result of Chu Yuan’s stay. If not, Chu Yuan’s slap can
completely smash his head.

The big man slowed down, his face was covered with a surprise color,
while his face was stunned and panicked:

"You, you, have you entered the Yuanwu situation?"

"Yuan Wujing, can you say that Chu Yuan stepped into the Yuanwu

When Dahan’s words came out, the people onlookers were equally
shocked. Only then did they think that the atmosphere that Chu Yuan had
exuded was really wrong. It was not aura, but Yuan Li, and Chu Yuan
really stepped into Yuanwujing.

However, Chu Yuan did not answer the question of Dahan, but walked to
his front again. He lifted his leg and was only one foot. He only listened to
the "click" and actually broke the left leg of Dahan.

"Ah~~~~~" Dahan screamed and began to mourn with his legs.

Looking at the painful big man, Chu Yuan’s face did not have a trace of
sympathy, but sneered: "This time, I still deserve it?"

Looking at this scene, people can't help but breathe a sigh of relief,
because this time, Chu Yuan has unabashedly released his own breath, and
Yuan Wujing is undoubtedly.

"Chu Yuan really entered the Yuan Wujing. It turns out that the Chu family
has two masters."

"No wonder, it is no wonder that even the Xu family is in the family, the
three are united, and it is not the opponent of the Chu family. The Chu
family is too strong."

At this moment, many people who wanted to fight against the Chu family
dispelled this idea because they suddenly realized that they
underestimated the Chu family. The strength that the Chu family now
possesses is not that they can compete.

"It's not that you look down on you. It's just that if you have a heavy
weight, you really don't deserve it."

At this moment, an old voice suddenly sounded somewhere, and looked at

it. I saw a skinny, but old man standing tall.
The old man was too thin and too tall. He stood there like a dry uncle,
giving a sense of crumbling, but the eyes were so bright that people
couldn't dare to glimpse.

"It’s Li’s family, he really came.” And when I saw this old man, many
people were exclaimed, because this one in the back of the mountain is
also a resounding figure like Chu Yuanba, also a Yuanwu. A heavy

"Old Li, don't talk so directly, how do you want to leave some face for the

At this moment, another old man stood up. The old man was also very
thin, but he was very short and looked like a monkey.

But don't look at this old man's ugly, but the breath is extraordinary, but
also has a heavy repair.

"Sure enough, they are prepared." Chu Yuan brows slightly wrinkled,
because the old man like a monkey is the owner of the Zhao family. These
two can be said to be in the back of the mountain, except for the Chu
Yuanba, the old one. The strongest two of the generation.

The strength of Zhao Jia and Li Jia is actually not lost to Xu, but it has
always been low-key. It belongs to the kind of sullen and rich man. The
most important thing is that they have always had close contacts and
excellent relations. Come, obviously, it is necessary to work together
against the Chu family.

"Chu Yuan, go call your old man, you and our brothers are not equal."
Zhao family, waved to Chu Yuan, but never saw Chu Yuan, obviously not
Chu Yuan is in the eye.

“Hey, it’s not equal, it depends on strength.”

Chu Yuan snorted and rushed to the two. Now he is a heavy weapon of
Yuanwu, and his confidence is multiplied. Coupled with his youthful
strength, he has not put these two old antiques in his eyes.
"Oh, it’s a pity that I finally entered the Yuanwu situation." The Zhao
family’s lord first sighed, and then stepped forward, actually swept back to
Chu Yuan, and soon the two fought together.

The two will exert Yuanli's display, and the powers are different. Many
people are shocked by their hardships. The wine tables around them are
shattered and their feet are in ruins.

However, after some tricks, it quickly confirmed the truth, that is, **** is
still old and spicy. Although Chu Yuan is also a heavy weapon, but the
control of Yuan Li is obviously not as good as that of Zhao’s family, and
soon falls into The downwind.

"The Chu family is very vocal, and wants to unite me. He really doesn't
put me in the eyes. Today, I will let him know about Chu. We are not so
bullied. Let's join hands and give this Chu home." ""

Suddenly, many places in the martial arts blasted the pot. They were the
people of Zhao and Li. They had already left the Chu family without
leaving their hands.

"Yes, if you want to be our boss, you still have to see if he has this strength
in the Chu family. Everyone joins hands to destroy him."

Seeing the momentum of the Chu family, it was actually suppressed. Many
forces joined the war circle and began to attack the people of Chu.

At this moment, the whole battlefield was in chaos, but the most eye-
catching battle circle was the position of Chu Yuan and the Zhao family.
However, Chu Yuan at the moment was obviously not supported, and there
was a great loss.

"Chu Yuan, today you have a life to rest." Suddenly, another figure joined
the battle circle, actually the Li family.

Li Jia's family, the shot is a palm, palms green light, emitting strange gas,
is a very hazy martial arts, five poisonous hands.
At this moment, the Chu family are all secretly screaming badly. They
have already fallen into the Chu Yuan of the downwind. It is difficult to
deal with the Zhao family. At this time, the Li family’s master shot, he
simply can’t dodge, this blow If it is hit, it will not be dead or disabled.


But when Li’s parents were old and they were about to succeed, a figure
appeared like a ghost in the home of the Li family, and the hand cloth
lightning, like a sharp blade, actually pierced the neck of the Li family.


Then the big hand waved, only a touch of blood splashed, the Li family
was flying, the body fell.

However, this is not finished, the figure actually shot again, went straight
to the Zhao family, and by the same means, after the head of the Zhao
family was destroyed, it fell to the ground.

Everything happened too fast. People basically didn't see who the shot
was. The two-member family members had already been in the same
place, and the one who died was called a simple one.

When everything is over, people will look at the person who shot, but they
are all shocked, because they found out that the person who shot is
actually a teenager, the genius of Chu family, Chu Feng.

For the horrified look of everyone, Chu Feng ignored it, but turned his
eyes to the crowds around him, to the cold road:

"Today, my Chu family will reunite this mountain. If anyone dares to

oppose it, no matter who it is, I will swear it."
Martial God Asura Chapter 96: Zijin Token (plus

Chu Feng’s words came out, and the crowd was exclaimed. The chaos that
was in a mess was actually quiet because of Chu Feng’s words. Everyone
stopped fighting, but looked at Chu. maple.

At this moment, people learned the most shocking truth. The Chu family
was able to defeat the three major families. It was not Chu Yuanba but Chu
Yuan, but the 15-year-old boy.

After all, Chu Yuanba's strength is stronger, but according to people's

understanding, he is only similar to the family of several major families.
As for Chu Yuan, they have just seen the strength, but not as good as Chu

However, the strength of Chu Feng, they are even seen by their own eyes,
it is so strong that they are unacceptable.

At this moment, most people are stunned and feel overwhelmed because
they cannot accept it and cannot accept Chu Feng with such terrible

A teenager who is only fifteen years old can easily kill Yuan Wu’s strong
man. This kind of thing is like a fantasy, but when everything happens,
people have to accept the fact that they What I should do now is not to
express shock, but to make a choice.

"My Tian family agrees with the Chu family's point of view. From now on,
I am willing to abide by the rules set by the Chu family and listen to the
Chu family order." Some people took the lead in stating, this is a good
force that had been handed over to the Chu family before.
"My Qiao family is also willing to return to the Chu family." After that, all
the forces that remain neutral have begun to vote for the Chu family.

In the end, even those who had previously opposed the Chu family and
shot the Chu family had chosen to rely on the Chu family. They were not
willing, but in the face of the absolute strength of Chu Feng, they had to do

Because no one knows how strong Chu Feng is, but he easily kills two
masters of Yuan Wu, but it is an indisputable fact. He is a disciple of
Qinglongzong and an indisputable fact.

Therefore, people know that as long as there is Chu Feng in the Chu
family, there is no one in the mountains, no one can resist the Chu family,
because this boy is actually too terrible.

Even if they have heard of the name of genius, they have never seen the
true genius, but today they opened their eyes and knew what a true genius
is. The true genius is even the cultivation that is absolutely impossible to
win. But it can also easily kill the predecessors who are one level higher
than themselves.

When the entire theater, almost everyone said that they obeyed the Chu
family, Chu Feng slowly set foot on the high platform, scanning the crowd:

"Since all of you have expressed your attitude, then I will not go out of my
way. From today, all the rest of the town, by my Chu family, I only want
two words, obey."

"What I want is your conviction, not oral, for the sincerity, please kneel

"What? What does this mean?" and Chu Feng said this, everyone was
shocked and felt overwhelmed.

"I didn't understand enough? Then I will emphasize it again. I want you to
give me all the time." Suddenly, Chu Feng's face turned cold, and a strong
murderous air filled the whole battlefield.

At this moment, people are scared and trembled. They dare not hesitate to
have a little hesitation. All of them are on the ground. Almost all of them
are still in the military field, and only the Chu family is still standing.

Everyone has surrendered, whether it is to the Chu family before, or to

remain neutral, even to the Chu family, and even Zhao Li, whose
homeowner has been killed by the Chu family, all collapsed.

Those people are not without dignity, but in the face of the threat of death,
they have to put down their dignity.

Looking around, the crowd of people all lying on the ground, the Chu
family is amazed.

In particular, many of them, who were still fighting with them, wanted to
put them to death, but in the twinkling of an eye, they were in front of
them, which made the Chu family feel unbelievable.

Especially Chu Yuan, he stood next to Chu Feng and looked at his son,
who is only fifteen years old. His heart is extremely complicated, because
he feels that Chu Feng is more like a family owner than himself.

No, it can't be said that it is the owner of the house, because Chu Feng's
temperament is not comparable to that of a small family. This is the true
king's style.

"Chu family is really a great prestige, I don't think it's true that this
mountain is really the world of Chu."

"You really have no interest in it. You have to kneel down on a kid who
doesn't have a long hair. Do you still have dignity?"

But at this moment, a loud voice suddenly sounded, and I fixed my eyes. I
saw a group of people slowly entering the performance field, and talking
to the head was a lean old man.
This team of people, the people present are aware, but it is a group of
forces in the mountains, called the Tigers Escort, and the capable old man
is the treasurer of this Escort, known as the Lin treasurer.

This forest treasurer is a foreign household. With his own strength, he took
a ticket with his own staff and helped the parties to **** the goods. It also
won a place in the back of the mountain.

However, compared with the family like Chu, the Tigers are still inferior.
Usually, he is too late to respect the Chu family. Today, he dared to say
this, which is really puzzling.

"Funny, a countryman outside a district, dare to talk like this, I see you are
really impatient."

"Yes, dare not obey the Chu family, he is looking for death."

At this moment, I still don't wait for the Chu family to speak. Several of
the forces that belonged to the Shunchu family took the lead in blasting
the pot, and the imposing rushed to the people of the Tigers.

They naturally want to win the favor of the Chu family. After all, the Chu
family's reunification is a foregone conclusion. As long as there is Chu
Feng, the achievements of the Chu family can be said to be infinite. At this
time, it is they who shoot Chu. The best time to flatter.

Only in the face of the large number of people who were murderous and
forced to attack themselves, Lin’s treasurer was not afraid of fear, but took
a token from his arms. After raising it high, he said loudly: “I have Zijin.
The token is in hand, who dares to move me?"

"What? Zijin Token!!!"

When people heard this, people were shocked. The murderous people also
stopped their pace and focused their eyes on the token.

This does not matter, people's faces suddenly become iron blue, an
invisible fear flooded the heart, not to say that it is not good for the tiger's
darts, some people have begun to retreat.

Five hundred miles away from the back of the mountain, there is a city
called Zijincheng. The Forbidden City is strong in strength and is in
charge of a thousand miles of land. It is the true ruler of the mountain.

However, because the backing is too remote and the resources are not
strong, the Forbidden City did not manage the backing. This has caused
many families to jointly occupy the backing.

And the Zijin Token is the confidant of the owner of Zijincheng City. If
you can see the token, see the token, see the city owner, everyone must
bow down.
Martial God Asura Chapter 97: The army is
coming (plus 55)
"Purple gold token, it is really a purple gold token, this old man, how can
there be such a thing?"

Everyone's face has changed, because the meaning of this Zijin token is
quite small, and it has deterrent power than the Qinglong Banner brought
back by Chu Feng.

In the end, the Qinglongzong is even more powerful, and it is only a sect.
He can deter the forces of all parties, but he cannot command the forces of
the parties.

However, this Zijin City is different. Although it is not as good as

Qinglongzong, it is the hegemon of this side. The so-called strong dragon
is hard to suppress the head snake. It is such a meaning.

And there is a chain relationship between the city and the city. Zijincheng
is a second-class city. He leads his own land, but on his top, there is a first-
class city, which is in terms of strength, not inferior to Qinglong. city.

On the first-class city pool, there is also the Wangfu. The strength of the
palace is very strong, and it is not even weaker than the first Lingyun sect
in Qingzhou.

But the most important thing is that behind the palace, there is a huge
monster, that is, the Imperial City of Jiang, the overlord of the entire
Kyushu continent.

That is to say, although the Jiang Dynasty did not restrict the development
of various parties, it did not directly manage the Kyushu region, but in fact
he had established a complete management system in Kyushu, and
everything in Kyushu was in Jiang. The dynasty is in control.
This also created a situation, the Zongmen is stronger, but it is always a
party, and the parties are weak, but behind him there is a dynasty to be a

Zongmen can shoot other sects, but there are very few sects, dare to
provoke which city, because they can not afford.

Therefore, for many families who are within the jurisdiction of

Zijincheng, the name of Zijincheng is more scary than that of
Qinglongzong. The deterrent power of Zijin Token is far more than that of

"When you see the Zijin Token, you don't hurry down." Seeing the people
revealing the fear, the Lin treasurer came to the arrogance, and even
pointed at the crowd, shouting loudly.

When he said this, it really shocked everyone. Actually, many people

slammed down, especially Zhao and Li. It was like seeing a straw, and
actually turned the head of the Lin. Come.

For such a scene, Chu Feng brows slightly wrinkled, seeing everything in
his eyes, he suddenly understood a word, know what is called, the wall
grass fell with the wind, because at this moment, there is such a group of
people in front of him.

"Why don't you still squat, don't you dare to put this purple gold token in
your eyes, dare not put the master of the city in your eyes?" Seeing that
there are still many people who have not squatted, the Lin treasurer

"I see who dares to kneel down to him." Seeing, Chu Feng is also a big

After listening to Chu Feng’s words, those who wanted to kneel down were
indeed entangled and caught in a dilemma. Although Zijincheng is very
powerful, after all, the Emperor of the High Mountain, only one token, can
only Play a deterrent role.
At the moment, Chu Feng is the most powerful person here. If they are
anxious to Chu Feng, they will kill them all directly with Chu Feng’s

"Chu Feng, your kid is so bold, he dared to defy the rules of Zijincheng.
Seeing Zijin Token is not only guilty, but also dare to scare others. Do you
want to be against Zijincheng, right against the Jiang Dynasty?" Lin
treasurer pointed at Chu Feng and screamed.

"How about doing it right, you believe it or not, I will kill you now." Chu
Feng said coldly.

"Fenger, don't mess around, his purple gold token is true, you must not
shoot him, otherwise Zijincheng will not let you go."

See Chu Feng really murdered, can be frightened Chu Yuan, and quickly
hugged Chu Feng's sleeves, I am afraid that Chu Feng shot the Lin.

"Ha ha ha, Chu Yuan, count you to know." Looking at Chu Yuan’s look,
Lin’s shopkeeper screamed loudly and then shouted:

"I don't want you to say that the big man of Zijincheng now knows the
situation in the back of the mountain and discovers the black iron mine. At
the moment, the big man of the city is leading the brigade and rushing
here. I believe it will arrive soon."

"So, from now on, there will be Zijincheng personally managed in the back
of the mountain, and I am the owner of the city, personally appointed

"The Chu family found that the iron ore mine has made meritorious work.
The mining of the black iron ore in the future is still done by you.
However, all the ore that has been mined must be handed over to
Zijincheng, and no corruption is allowed. Otherwise, it will be ruined."

Lin’s words have already explained everything. Now the army of

Zijincheng is rushing here. This is called Chu Feng and others. Don’t mess
with him, otherwise the Chu family will not escape.
As for the purpose of Zijincheng, it is for the iron ore mine, and if you
want to ask Zijincheng how to know the news of the black iron mine, it is
not difficult to understand, just look at the purple gold token in the hands
of the Lin treasurer. Know.

It must be the old man who told the news to the Forbidden City, and the
owner of Zijincheng felt that he had made a good job and rewarded him.
The Zijin token and the future control of the territory were evidence.

"This is not old."

At this moment, Chu Feng, although his face does not change, but his fists
in the sleeves are already clenched. He really can't think of it. In this
backing, there will be such a sinister old thing.

But anger is angry, Chu Feng is still sensible, what he can do now is not to
shoot this forest, but to wait quietly, waiting for the big army of
Zijincheng to arrive, and then make a decision.

In fact, as the Lin treasurer said, in the dozens of miles away from the
town, a group of people wearing armor, holding the blade, neatly lined up,
are approaching.

This is a large group of people, there are thousands of people, the strength
is not to be a small glimpse, the weakest is also Lingwu Wuzhong, and
those who ride horses, all of them are all masters of Yuanwujing,
especially headed by That person, the strength is even more extraordinary.

This is a middle-aged man. He is not wearing armor, but wearing a loose

robes, purple robes, dragons on the top, and still carved in gold, very

Don't look at his wearing is not simple, his face is not simple, the body
exudes a unique temperament, this temperament is not what people around
him, the most important is his strength, he is actually a The master of
Yuanwu Jiuzhong, only one step, can step into Xuanwu, and he is the
owner of Zijincheng, Chen Hui.
Recently, there was a shortage of resources in Zijincheng. Chen Hui was
worried about the above tax. He got the information at this time. He heard
that he discovered the iron ore mine in the back of the mountain. This
made him ecstatic. Not only did he reward the person Zijinling. The card
is personally brought to the back of the town.

At this moment, he was talking to his own men while he was humming a
little song. Suddenly he found a person in front of the road and stopped
their way.
Martial God Asura Chapter 98: Pressure on
At this moment, Chen Hui and many of the soldiers were all bright,
because the beautiful woman who stood on the road and stopped them
from going to the road was a beautiful woman.

It's really beautiful, beautiful to people, only to take a look, it can not help
but speed up the heart, the white skin, the sweet face, the proud figure, is
the stunner that all men yearn for.

However, although this woman is beautiful enough, the temperament she

exudes is not simple. In particular, she dares to stand alone. In front of the
army of thousands of people, it is enough to explain her courage and the
poor people.

"This girl, I don't know the name of the surname, you are waiting for us
here, but something?"

After all, Chen Hui is a city owner. The old-fashioned experience makes
him feel that the beautiful woman in front of her is mostly a poor person,
so she simply stops to ask.

"My name is Surou, but I am the elder of Qinglong Zongmen. I am waiting

for Chen Chengzhu here. There is indeed something I want to help Chen
Cheng." Su Rou smiled.

"I don't think that the girl is so old, she did the elders of Qinglongzong,
Chen really admire, what the girl may say bluntly." Chen Hui responded
with a smile.

"I know that Chen Chengzhuo’s trip is for the Xuantie Mine in the town of
Shanshan. But the Xujia Iron Mine is found by the Chu family in the
mountain town. Now there are Chu families in charge, and I have some
relationship with the Chu family, so I hope Chen The city owner can give
me a face, do not intervene in the black iron mine." Su Rou laughed back,
the tone is also polite.

And listening to this, Chen Hui is not changing his face, abnormal calm,
he smiled calmly: "Surou girl said this wrong, this backing is within my
jurisdiction, then relying on the mountains Man, to be under my control, to
rely on the things in the mountains, but also to be in charge of me."

"I don't want to say that the iron ore mine is a huge wealth. I can't make it
happen. I said that I don't know anything about the girl. I don't have to sell
it to you because it is the internal affairs of my Zijincheng. It’s not you,
even if you are the lord of Qinglong, you have no right to interfere.”

"Chen Cheng is really a big tone. You said that Qinglong Zong has no right
to interfere with your Zijincheng, and I Surou wants to intervene once in
the rescue. I want to see if you can pass my permission today, but from Go

Suddenly, Su Rou’s fingers came out and pointed at the road ahead. An
invisible energy erupted and poked a deep hole in the road ahead.


Then Su Rou's arm waved, and the dust was everywhere, and a deep ditch
appeared on the road, separating the road.

"It’s a mad gimmick, I have to see, how do you stop me waiting."

Seeing Su Rou's move, the soldiers of Zijincheng were all extremely

angry, driving the horses under their arm, releasing a layer of layers of
force, and then rushing toward Su Rou.

"Rumble rumble"

The horses galloped, and the power was lingering. Under the trampling of
the iron hoof and Yuan Li, the earth under the feet made a harsh roar, and
began to violently tremble, and the power was really stunned.
However, for the actions of the generals in Zijincheng, Surou did not
change his face, just laughing at it all, until the army was about to step
into that limit, Su Rou’s face changed slightly.

I saw a flurry of dancing in the white dress, and in the weak body, there
was a layer of gas visible to the naked eye.

The gas was extremely powerful and swept away. Those who were in the
Yuan Dynasty were all turned upside down and were blown back by the
hard life.


At this moment, Chen Hui shines brightly, because he already feels that
the breath that Su Rou is now exuding is not Yuanli, but Xuan Li, the
young beautiful woman in front of him is actually a strong Xuanwu.

Xuanwujing, although he is only a line apart, but the strength can be a

world of difference. If the strength of Surou is strong enough, even if they
are shot together by the army of thousands of people, they may not be the
opponents of Surou. This is Xuanwujing. Great.

Once, there was a strong man of Xuanwujing’s peak, who had killed a
second-class sect. He had to know that the second-class sect, not only had
hundreds of thousands of disciples, but also the strongest of Xuanwujing,
but in that place. In front of it, it is still vulnerable.

Therefore, when Chen Hui discovered that Su Rou turned out to be a

master of Xuanwujing, his calm and unrelenting face finally emerged with
a worrying color, a dignified road:

"I can't think of Surou girl, it is so powerful, the strong man of

Xuanwujing can indeed block me."

"Just, as an elder of Zongmen, you should know the rules of the Zongmen.
If you obstruct me like this, would you not be afraid of getting trouble for
Qinglongzong in the future?"
"Trouble? You really don't put Qinglongzong in your eyes, or don't put me
in the eye? Although there are rules in Zongzhou that Zongmen can't
interfere in the city, it doesn't mean that I am afraid of you."

"I asked you to help me before, and you not only don't know what to do,
but also dare to threaten me by identity."

"Well, I am changing my mind now. I am not asking you for help, but
ordering you to do things for me." Su Rou walked slowly and took the
initiative to cross the boundary and walk toward Chen Hui.

"What do you want to do? You dare to be against me. It will cause a great
disaster for Qinglongzong. You can't afford this responsibility!" At this
moment, Chen Hui was completely panicked. In the face of a Xuanwu
strongman, he also Nothing.

"Dare to talk to me, can you carry this responsibility?" Su Rou's smile
became colder and colder.

"You... what do you mean by this?"

Looking at the tough momentum of Surou, Chen Hui is driving the horse
under his body and constantly retreating. He subconsciously thinks of a
bad situation, that is, the beauty in front of him is definitely more than that
simple, otherwise he I will never say this.

"I want to say that you have to talk about status with me, and you are far
from worthy."

Surou's wrist turned, and there was a token. After seeing this token, Chen
Hui and the generals behind him were all face-changing, an indescribable
fear color, and they poured into the face.

Suddenly, Chen Hui jumped from the war horse and slammed it in front of
Surou, asking for the terrifying voice:

"I don't know if Miss II is here. I have been offended before, and I asked
the second lady to sin."
At this moment, whether it was the soldiers who were on the battle, or the
soldiers behind them, all of them brushed down and began to ask Su Rou
for pleading for mercy.

Because Surou’s token is also from a city, and this city is a first-class city,
and the identity of Surou is the second daughter of the city of Suzaku.

But this is not the key. The key point is that this Zijincheng is managed by
Suzaku City, and Surou is just Chen Hui’s immediate superior.
Martial God Asura Chapter 12: ? role (plus 10)
"Chu Yuejie, how come you came out." Chu Feng asked inexplicably.

Chu Yue was smiling and ran to the front of Chu Feng. With the white jade
hand, he gently punched Chu Feng’s chest and said with joy:

"You kid, I said how you stayed in the outer door so calmly, and caught up
with me for a long time."

Chu Feng's scratched his head: "Chu Yuejie, today is really a trouble for
you, I see you Chu League gathering, but also disappointing."

"It's okay, it's good to let them learn long lessons, and save you from
bullying the whole day."

"For Chu Fengdi, tomorrow, the elixir will hunt us together. It is difficult
for one thing to be caught by oneself."

"Forget it, my relationship with them, you know, even if I am willing to

join the Chumeng, they will not." Chu Feng shook his head.

"Don't worry about it, this matter is handed over to me. In short, you will
come here to find us tomorrow." Chu Yue added a piece of bamboo to Chu
Feng, which is a gathering place of Chu League tomorrow.

"Okay." Seeing that Chu Yue is so persistent, Chu Feng can't bear to refuse.

After comforting Chu Feng, Chu Yue jumped to the house, she was really
happy, because Chu Feng gave her a big surprise today.

The people in the world are respected by strength. At present, Chu Feng
has shown a good strength. She thinks that the Chu family may recognize
Chu Feng.

And Chu family can unite, regardless of each other, is her biggest wish.
"Chu Wei brother, you..." Just arrived in front of the house, Chu Yue found
that the people of the Chu League have already come out.

"?" Chu Cheng and Chu Zhen, awkwardly stunned Chu Yue, and then
quickly left without saying anything.

"Chu Yue, I am not the big brother to say you, today's business, you are too
biased that Chu Feng."

"This is good, let the Chu Feng take away two of the fairy grasses, but let
me wait for him to be humiliated. Now everyone is mad, are you
satisfied?" Chu Wei severely rebuked stand up.

"Chu Wei Brother, when I was wrong, I still can't do it. Then Chu Fengdi is
also a Chu family."

"You see, you have seen the strength of Chu Fengdi. He is not a waste in
your eyes. And we are in need of manpower, so let him join us."

Hearing Chu Yue said that Chu Wei suddenly changed his face, but he just
wanted to open his mouth, but his eyes flashed a strange look, and then he
sighed helplessly:

"Oh, I really served you this girl."

"Well, look at your face, I will give him Chu Feng a chance, you will bring
him with him tomorrow."

"Great, I know that Chu Wei is the best." Chu Yue excitedly jumped up,
laughing very bright.

"Okay, take a break early." Chu Wei shook his head and walked to his

"Chu Wei brother also took a break earlier." Chu Yue smiled and waved to
Chu Wei, watching Chu Wei leave.

Chu Wei promised Chu Feng to join the Chu League, which made Chu Yue
happy, but she did not see, Chu Wei turned, the sinister smile of the mouth.
"Chu Yue Shijie, that is called Chu Feng's hidden deep enough, I have been
in the outer door for so long, I have not heard his name, it seems that he is
the first to go to the inner door assessment."

Just then, a teenager came over. Like Chu Feng, he was a new disciple this
year and joined the members of the League of the League today.

"You are right, Chu Fengdi stayed at the outer door, must be for the reward
of the assessment, do not know that he did not get it." Hearing this, Chu
Yue is also suddenly realized.

"Chu Yue Shijie, you think too much, this year, the outside door can
appear a sly character, the first time I was taken away by that person."

"Your Chu Fengdi said that the strength is not bad, but compared with that
person, it is not influential." The teenager laughed.

“What is the role?” Chu asked curiously.

"That is quite embarrassing, a fourth-order beast, nine third-order beasts,

thirty second-order beasts, but the blink of an eye is all killed by him."

"When the genius disciples of the outer door arrived, they only saw the
dead body of the beasts in the ground. Is this strength, you say no?"

"So powerful?" At this moment, Chu Yue was also shocked by his face.

She is also a person who has experienced internal door assessments. She
knows the power of the agency and knows the terrible beast.

And before everyone can't get there, it's enough to kill so many beasts. She
can imagine how powerful this person is, and that at least Lingwuwu can
do it.

"What is that person called?" In shock, Chu Yue would like to know the
name of this embarrassing character.

"Hey, I want to know who he is."

"But unfortunately, the man deliberately concealed his identity. After
taking the reward, he did not open the gate of the underground palace, but
hid it, so no one knows who he really is." The young man shook his head
and left.

"That man is really strange, so powerful, so low-key, is there any secret

that is ulterior?"

At this moment, Chu Yue became more and more curious about the so-
called sly character.

Because she knows that this is likely to represent, another talented disciple
will rise in the inner door.

"Well." Suddenly, Chu Yue was shocked, because she suddenly thought of
a weird scene.

When Chu Chengchu really left the brothers, he did not go to his house.
The direction of their walking was in the same way as Chu Feng.

At this moment, Chu Yue realized that it was not good, and rushed to catch
up with Chu Feng’s previous departure.

The inner door is very large, and Chu Feng and Chu Yue’s house are
separated by a long distance.

However, Chu Feng did not panic and walked slowly until he came to a
remote and uninhabited place before he stopped.

"Don't be sneaky, come out." Chu Feng turned his eyes to the dark corner
behind him.

"The alertness is good. It seems that I really underestimated your kid." The
voice just fell, and the two familiar figures came out. It was the two
brothers Chu Chengchu.

At this moment, Chu really looks a lot better, but the color of anger is not
reduced at all. He is now even killing Chu Feng’s heart.
"Chu Feng, give you a chance, hand over the three fairy grasses, and then
squat in front of my brother to admit your mistakes, I will spare you
once." Chu Cheng stared at Chu Feng, the words filled with absolute

"Why, are you going to rob me?"

"What about robbing you?"

"The robbery needs strength."

"Strength? I will tell you now, what is strength."

Chu Cheng's figure changed, and a blast of wind was picked up. In the
blink of an eye, he came to Chu Feng's front, his hand was eagle claws,
and he hit Chu Feng throat.

I have to say that Chu Cheng’s strength is several times stronger than Chu,
even in the ranks of Lingwu, it is not weak.

However, he is facing Chu Feng, even the fourth-order beasts can be a slap
in the face.
Martial God Asura Chapter 40: I am Su Mei’s
heart (plus 28)
"Give me away, and then dare to block the way of Miss, I will abolish
you." But Chu Feng just walked out of the mission to receive the place,
they heard a sharp girl voice.

"Su Mei?"

Hearing this voice, Chu Feng couldn't help but be surprised. He thought
that it was Su Mei who had any trouble, and he quickly walked in the
direction of the sound.

Sure enough, not far away, Su Mei’s figure was discovered, but at the
moment Su Mei’s side is surrounded by more than a dozen Kendo League

They did not hide their breath, so Chu Feng was able to clearly sense that
the strength of these dozens of people is mostly in the spirit of Wu Wu,
and the strongest is a young man, is the strength of Lingwu six.

It was a tall boy with a white face and a big eyebrow. It was a standard
little white face. At the moment, he was facing the evil smile of Su Mei.
Nima, a member of this group of martial arts, actually played in the
public. .

However, it may be due to the special status of Su Mei, the white-faced

man is very arrogant, so the Su Mei is extremely unhappy, and has a great

Upon seeing it, Chu Feng, who wanted to go to the front, immediately
stopped the pace. Because of the strength of Su Mei, he understood it. It
was the seven weapons of Lingwu. These people dared to entangle Sumei
and simply found death.
However, it is clear that this girl did not want to expose her strength. She
did not take the shot, so Chu Feng simply joined the crowd to watch the
crowd, and smiled in the heart: "I see how long you can bear this

"Su Mei girl, my sword is really like you, can't you give me a chance?"

"Not to mention, in the entire inner door, on the house, on the strength, on
the appearance, in addition to my sword Chen who can match you?"

The white-faced man named Jian Chen was full of affection and white, and
a pair of thieves were aiming at Su Mei, aiming at the seductive place, and
could not help but lick his lips.

"You....." Su Mei's patience has clearly reached the limit, and what she
can't stand most is being entangled.

But when she was about to erupt, she suddenly saw a familiar figure in the
crowd. She suddenly took the opportunity to put away the angry look.
Some embarrassed said to Jian Chen: "Actually, I already have a
sweetheart. ”

"What? You have a sweetheart? Who is it?" And listening to Su Mei's

words, the sword Chen seems to have suffered a huge blow, and suddenly
became excited.

Su Mei is a proud smile, randomly pointing his attention to the crowd,

using the extremely gentle language to say: "Dear, someone bullied me,
you look at it?" And the person she looked at, is It is Chu Feng among the

"I am doing" Chu Feng screamed, he could not think of So Mei found so
soon, and was also put together, Su Mei this is obviously to take him as a

Despite his unhappiness, as a man, how can Chu Feng retreat in the face of
all the condensed eyes, not to mention that he was originally intended to
solve the problem for Su Mei.
"Baby, I just arrived, which **** bullies you, I will help you teach him."
Chu Feng pretending to go out from the crowd, came to Su Mei, he smiled
evilly and made a stunned move.

With a big hand and a wave of wind, he swept through the wind, and
actually brought the delicate little beauty of Sumei into his arms.

This scene can be described as stunned. People are wide open mouths, and
some people even drop their eyes.

Who is Su Mei, the genius in the inner door is no one knows no one, the
famous beauty, although there are not many people who have seen her, but
anyone who has seen her will be fascinated by her beauty. .

Many people even think of her as the goddess in the heart, and those who
have high strength and strong background have directly pursued the
offensive against Su Mei. In fact, this sword is only one of them.

"You...." In the face of so many people being eaten tofu, Su Mei is also
angry with his eyes.

However, considering that he had thought about it, he still resisted the
anger. Not only did he not have an episode, but it was a happy smile. The
bird was in the arms of Chu Feng.

At this moment, Chu Feng can feel that the two groups are softly attached
to the chest, the feeling of comfort, suddenly let him hit a spirit, then
could not help but hold the Soviet Union in the arms a little, enjoy this
Kind of soft.

"Fuck, who are you?"

The goddess of her own is embraced by others in front of her. The

swordsman only feels angry and tempted, and the murderous murder is
already emitted.

"Who am I? I am Su Mei's sweetheart." Chu Feng looked up and said

"You are a trick." Su Mei screamed in her heart, because it was a man who
could hear the meaning of Chu Feng’s words. He meant that Su Mei was
attached to him.

"Mom, Laozi has abolished you." Jianchen finally broke out, pulling out
the black iron sword behind him, and stabbed it against Chu Feng.

"Dear, help me teach him."

However, what makes Chu Feng speechless is that Su Mei, who is a bird,
has pushed him out, and that force is very good. He goes straight to
Jianfeng’s Jianfeng, which is simply cheaper for Chu Feng. Carry out
naked revenge wow.

However, Chu Feng is now what strength, Lingwu seven heavy are not
enough to watch, let alone a Lingwu six heavy?


On the side of Chu Feng's body shape, he escaped the attack of Jian Chen,
and then lifted his leg and directly turned the sword to the individual.

"Kids, you are looking for death", the remaining dozens of members of the
Kendo League, waving the black iron sword in their hands, ruthlessly
slashed Chu Feng.

However, they are the opponents of Chu Feng, just the blink of an eye, a
full dozen people, all of them were beaten by Chu Feng's nose, bruised,
rolled over and mourned on the ground.

"Treading" Chu Feng stepped on the body of Jian Chen, and said with
domineering: "I will harass my baby later, I will kill your full teeth."

Then, Chu Feng smiled and came to Su Mei’s body. He was so rude that he
would put Su Mei in his arms. “Tell one, baby went to my meeting.” Then
he swayed to his house. go with.

"Who is this kid, even with Su Mei....."

Looking at the pictures of the two people who are escaping, when people
question their identity, they can also hear the heartbreaking sound of the

Along the way, Chu Feng was very rude. He held Su Mei in his arms
tightly, ignoring the white eyes that Su Mei had thrown at her, and the
small hand that sneaked his arm.

The idea of ??Chu Feng is like this. Even if I endure the pain, I will take
advantage of you. This is not to take up the white, you take me as the price
of the shield.

"Trick or treat, you are enough."

Just entering the house of Chu Feng, Su Mei pushed a handful of Chu
Feng, and a blast of wind rushed over. Su Mei and his fierce rear legs
swung over to Chu Feng.

"I am going~"

Chu Feng was shocked, because this Su Mei is stronger than him, both in
speed and strength.

This girl is actually a martial arts!

Martial God Asura Chapter 89: It’s your turn
(plus 53)
"Today, I am guilty of my Chu family, and die!"

Chu Feng's voice is powerful, every word is full of people's hearts, almost
everyone who hears this sentence can not help but tremble, the back of the
spine rises in a cool breeze, even the Chu family is no exception.

Because the boy in front of him is so terrible, the blood filled with the
murderous murder, people dare not regard him as a teenager, but
involuntarily treat him as a devil, killing the devil who does not blink.

"Who are you?" Xu Jiajia, the first to shout. And everyone is eager to
know this answer.

Although from the costumes, it can be seen that Chu Feng is the core
disciple of Qinglongzong, although it can be seen from the Qinglong
Banner that Chu Feng is the core disciple of Qinglongzong.

However, at this moment, Chu Feng was full of blood, and even his face
could not be seen clearly. People did not know who he was, and he just
claimed to be a Chu family, which naturally made people feel

Because they did not know, when the Chu family appeared such a teenager,
when the Chu family appeared a core disciple, even the Chu family did not

"Chu family, Chu Feng!" Chu Feng coldly back.

"What? Chu Feng?"

"Is it Maple?!!!!"
However, Chu Feng’s words came out, and it was a great uproar in the

The name Chu Feng, long before many days ago, is within a hundred miles
of the backing of the mountain. It can be said that no one knows no one.

However, as far as we know, Chu Feng is only fifteen years old, and at the
beginning it was only a six-pronged spirit. How could it become a core
disciple? How could it be so easy to kill the master of Lingwu?

Although I couldn't believe it, after careful scrutiny, people were shocked
to find that whether it was the figure or the outline, it was very similar to
Chu Feng.

Especially the most important point, Chu Feng is indeed a disciple of

Qinglongzong, and if there is a core disciple in the Chu family, only Chu
Feng is the most promising.

"I was actually you, the little devil, that you interrupted the waist of my
grandson, "Xu Tianyi"?" Xu Jiajia’s lord asked.

"It is his skill that is not as good as people. It is kindness to interrupt his
waist." Chu Feng did not agree.

"You!!!" Xu family is angry, and they have to shoot.

But before he could be shot, he was stopped by the Wang family and the
Majia family, and he was dignified:

"Don't you see what he got in his hand? That's the Qinglong flag!!"

"How about the Qinglong Banner, my son is not able to get out of bed, so I
can't get out of bed anymore, maybe I can't repair it in the future. I have to
kill him today." Xu Jia's family snarled in anger.

"You are crazy? Qinglongqi is the symbol of Qinglongzong. If you have

Qinglongqi, it is equal to the protection of Qinglongzong. You dare to
move that Chufeng. In the future, it will be you, even our two families will
have a big disaster."
The two owners are really scared. They are not afraid of the Chu family.
However, they have to be afraid of the Qinglongzong. Although
Qinglongzong is in Qingzhou, it is a second-class sect, but for them it is a
real behemoth. .

Needless to say, Qinglongzong sent a large army. As long as they randomly

sent several inner-door elders, they could easily destroy their families.
They did not dare to provoke them, and they did not dare to offend.

"You are crazy, now we have a way back? You don't look at it, this Chu
family has been made us like."

"Now we have no retreat. This Chu Feng we kill, we must also offend the
Qinglongzong, we will not kill, Qinglongzong will not let us go."

"But if we kill this Chu Feng now, Qinglong Zong will not receive the
news so quickly. We can also roll the cover and leave. If it doesn't kill him,
Qinglong Zong will soon send people to kill us. Stay." Xu Jiajia said with

And listening to this, the two owners are also in silence, because they
suddenly feel that the Xu family said it is right, now they have forced the
Chu family to this kind of field, with the Qinglongzong, the backing Chu
family, how Will let them go.

They are indeed on the road to the end, killing the end, there is still a
glimmer of hope, but if this time to stop, it is a dead end.

"Fenger, run fast, don't care about us." Feeling the situation is not good,
Chu Yuan shouted loudly.

"Fenger is going fast, only to retain his life, can revenge for my Chu
family!" At the same time, the Chu family leader Chu Yuanba also

Seeing the situation, Xu Wangma's three forces are all prepared for
prevention. They want to prevent Chu Feng from escaping, especially the
three homeowners. They are also emitting the atmosphere of Yuan Wujing.
It is ready to shoot Chu Feng.


But at the time, Chu Feng not only did not retreat, but took a step forward.
On the face full of blood, she raised a confident smile and said: "I said,
today I am guilty of my Chu family. ,dead."

The voice of "?" just fell, and a blast broke out. Chu Feng has disappeared.


Almost at the same time as Chu Feng disappeared, a few screams came
from the hospital, and I watched and watched. I saw that several Chu
family members were already in the same place and were killed by Chu

“?” But when people discovered this situation, Chu Feng disappeared
again, followed by several Ma family members.

"Bick, take a shot, kill him."

At this moment, the Xu family’s snarl screamed and rushed over to Chu
Feng, followed by the owner of the Wang family and the vest, and

At this moment, Chu Yuanba, Chu Yuan and other Chu family people are
all nervous, deeply Chu Feng pinched a cold sweat, because no one thinks,
only the Lingwu seven Chu Feng, can be in three yuan The hands of the
martial arts master escaped.

Although Lingwu and Yuanwu are only one word apart, the realm between
the two can be said to be the separation between heaven and earth. It is
simply an insurmountable gap that cannot be compared.

Surprisingly, despite the momentum of the three homeowners, the speed is
extremely fast, the strength is even stronger, but it can not keep up with
the speed of Chu Feng, every time is a slow step.

They can only watch their own people, one after another, in the hands of
Chu Feng, but there is no way, because Chu Feng's speed is too fast, so far
beyond common sense, simply can not capture.

In this case, it is only a moment's effort. Within the entire yard, except for
the Chu family, the Xu family, the Wang family, and the Ma family are
only three, and that is the three homeowners. As for the other Everyone is
dead, and they all die from beheading.

"Funny, I have to kill you all the time." Looking at the dead body, watching
the ones, so died, the three homeowners angered to the extreme.

At this moment, Chu Feng suddenly stopped the pace of walking, standing
in front of Chu Yuanba and Chu Yuan, and turned the cold eyes to the three
homeowners, cold and cold:

"It's your turn!"

Martial God Asura Chapter 99: Reward and
In the Chu’s performance field, there was silence and the tense atmosphere
reached its peak.

Because people can already see that the dust is flying in the distance, you
can hear, the horses roar in the distance, and the army of Zijincheng came.

"Fast, let me go to meet the master of the city." The Lin treasurer
screamed and walked quickly to the town, and he already regarded himself
as the manager of the backing.

When I saw it, the people in the martial arts field did not dare to neglect,
but rushed to follow up. If they had a suspicion about this forest
shopkeeper, then when they saw the Zijincheng army, their suspicions
would have disappeared. I completely believed in the previous words.

Looking at the crowds that are surging, although Chu Feng is not willing,
but there is no way, they have to go to the mouth of the town to meet the
owners of Zijincheng.

Although in his heart, he did not put a Zijincheng in his eyes, but before he
had no absolute strength, he had to temporarily surrender, at least not to
sin against others for no reason.

"Chu Feng, you Chu family, just saw the Zijin token did not kneel, I will
report to the city owner." At the mouth of the town, Lin shopkeeper said
coldly to Chu Feng.

"You are free." Chu Feng gave him a look, too lazy to spend more time
with this talented villain.

"Hey, wait until you have a bitter to eat." And the Lin treasurer is also a
cold scream, the sneer of the corner of the mouth is more intense.

Under the eyes of countless people, the roaring sound was getting closer
and closer, and people quickly saw the figure of the Zijincheng army
between the dust.

Looking at the helmet, the neat and orderly Zijincheng army, almost
everyone was shocked by the momentum.

At this moment, those who have a holiday with the Chu family are sneak
in their hearts. I feel that most people in Chu family are in a difficult
situation. Just think about the arrogance of Chu Feng before, and then
think about the situation that Chu Feng will face. They are not excited
about it.

Under the tight eyes of the people, the army of Zijincheng, under the
leadership of Chen Hui, has come to the village entrance of the town.

"I will wait to see the city master!"

Upon seeing it, the Lin treasurer hurried down, and at the same time many
people present at the scene collapsed. Even the Chu family were stunned.
For the highest-ranking person in Zijincheng, they dare not have a slight
scorn. But Chu Feng is still standing on the ground.

"Bold Chu Feng, see the city master, not fast down." Lin shopkeeper
pointed to Chu Feng Daxie.

"There are gold in the knees of men. In addition to the benefactors of my

parents, Chu Feng is not even awkward, how can I worship others."

Chu Feng’s statement is to look at Chen Hui’s. There is no fear in his eyes,
but he is very open. Because this is his heart, except for the benefactors of
his parents, even if he is killed, he will not worship others. This is a matter
of dignity.

People, even if they give in, also have a bottom line, and Chu Feng’s
bottom line is that they can fight, but they will not kneel down when they

When Chu Feng said this, he could scare Chu Yuan and others, and they
felt that Chu Feng would anger Chen Hui.

As for the Lin treasurer and others, they are overjoyed. Although they
know that Chu Feng is daring, but they did not expect to be so daring, this
is simply in front of everyone, provoking Chen Hui, playing Chen Hui’s

But everyone, waiting to watch a good show, want to see Chen Hui how to
deal with Chu Feng, Chen Hui is a slight smile, jumped from the
immediately, and went to Chu Feng.

At the same time, several of the generals behind him, all of them jumped
from the beginning, followed by Chen Hui, and walked to Chu Feng.

"You are Chu Feng?" Chen Hui smiled and looked at Chu Feng, and there
was a touch of appreciation in his eyes.

"It is me." Chu Feng is not humble.

"Sure enough, the hero is a teenager. It is rare to have such an age at such a
young age." For Chu Feng’s attitude, Chen Hui was not angry and laughed,
and then he swept his eyes around the Chu family: "Which is Chu Feng's

"Returning to the city master, in the Chu Chuyuan is Chu Feng's father, the
child is still young, the speech may be too straight, but also look at the
city's main adults to bear with." Chu Yuan thought that Chen Hui would be
unfavorable to Chu Feng, and rushed for Chu Feng .

"Hey, what the Chu family said is, you can have such a son is your
blessing, and it is also the blessing of my Zijincheng. This must be
cultivated well."

"You Chu found that the iron ore mine has merits, so I reward you Chu
Feng, a thousand Lingzhu, so that his cultivation can go further, glory for
my Zijincheng in Qinglong Zong."

"As for the Xuan Iron Mine, you are responsible for mining by the Chu
family. The mining income does not need to be handed over to Zijincheng,
and all of them belong to Chu."

"In addition, from now on, this is the back of the mountain, and it will be
managed by your Chu family. Whoever dares not listen to your Chu
family's order will defy Chen Hui, I will dispose of it according to law, and
will never be merciless."

Chen Hui’s voice was extremely loud, and with the silence around him, all
his words were clearly printed in the ears of everyone.

At this moment, except for the people of Zijincheng, almost everyone is

stunned and surprised. They don’t know that those who want to see the
Chu family’s ugliness, even Chu Yuan and other Chu family are also
inexplicable, I don’t know. Take measures.

What's happening here? The owner of Zijincheng City not only did not
punish the Chu family because of Chu Feng’s attitude, but also rewarded
Chu Feng with a thousand beads, a thousand beads!

This is not counting, and the Xuan Iron Mine is handed over to the Chu
family. The value of the Xuan Iron Mine is far more than a thousand
Lingzhu. If it is fully exploited, the absolute value of tens of thousands of
Lingzhu is incalculable. property.

The most important thing is that the Chu family is still in charge of the
territory of the mountain. What is going on? If the Chu family is in charge
of this, then what is the Lin treasurer?

"The master of the city, this .... you ..... Didn't you say that this is in the
mountains, is it managed by my tiger?"

Sure enough, at the moment, Lin’s shopkeeper couldn’t stop any more, and
suddenly stood up and trembled to Chen Hui’s face, whispering in a
tremulous tone.
Seeing the situation, Chen Hui's face changed slightly, and his indifferent
eyes looked at Lin's treasurer, saying: "You are not good at character, not
worthy of working for me, come, ah, take back the purple gold token of
this person, pull it down!" ”
Martial God Asura Chapter 100: Killing
Chen Hui gave an order, and the two generals rushed over, and they
smashed Lin’s treasurer and dragged him to start walking outside the

"The master of the city, please spare, the master of the city, forgive!"

This can scare Nalin's treasurer, but even though he is begging for mercy,
both Chen Hui and the two generals are expressionless.

Until the two generals, after dragging them to the open space, one of them
pulled out the knives from the waist, and the hand slammed the knife and
clicked. The Lin dispenser was already headed.


This scene can really scare everyone, almost everyone is shocked, full of
fog, feeling overwhelmed.

"The master of the city." After killing Lin’s treasurer, one of the generals
handed the Zijin token of Lin’s treasurer to Chen Hui’s hands.

Chen Hui took the token and smiled and said to Chu Feng: "Chu Feng,
have you heard of Suzaku City?"

"Well?" Chu Feng couldn't help but see that he had limited experience and
really had never heard of Zhuque City.

Upon seeing it, Chen Hui smiled slightly and patiently explained: "Chu
Feng, I believe you should know that my Kyushu continent was ruled by
the Jiang dynasty. In order to better rule the Kyushu, the Jiang dynasty will
hand over the Kyushu. It is run by the nine royal palaces, and the rule of
Qingzhou is the Qilin Wangfu."

"Kirin Wangfu, in order to better govern the order of Qingzhou, selected

eight first-class cities and pools in the Qingzhou area, one hundred and
sixty-two second-class city pools, the situation of the Isaac network,
covering the entire Qingzhou, and these cities, Both have jurisdiction over

“My Zijincheng is a second-class city. The one that manages my

Forbidden City is not the Qilin Wangfu, but the first-class city of Zhuque

After listening to Chen Hui’s remarks, Chu Feng’s influence on the various
parties in Qingzhou has indeed a new concept.

Chu Feng had always felt that the Jiang dynasty was the hegemon of the
Kyushu continent, and the various sects of the sects of the sects of the
sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the
sects of the sects of the sects of the Qing dynasty. of.

It can be said that the Jiang dynasty's means are very high, and a
hierarchical management system has been implemented. Although it does
not interfere with the development of the sects of the various parties, it
actually firmly holds the Kyushu mainland in its own hands.

"If Qingzhou is divided into eight parties, then the top manager of our
region is Suzaku City. After ten days, Suzaku City will hold a rookie

"This so-called rookie conference is a discussion between juniors, but the

age limit must be within 18 years old."

"And Chu Feng's younger friends are still young, but in my Forbidden
City, I am also a junior among the juniors, so I want Chu Feng Xiaoyou to
represent me Zijincheng to participate in this year's rookie conference."
Chen Hui continued sermon.

“What good is it for me to attend this rookie conference?” Chu Feng


"If you just participate, it does not have any benefits, but if you can get the
first place in this rookie conference, there are rewards of 5,000 spirit
beads." Chen Hui explained.

"That's good, I will participate." Chu Feng nodded, five thousand Lingzhu,
but it was very tempting for him.

"That's the matter." This Zijin Token is given to Chu Feng Xiaoyou. With
him, you can freely enter and exit my Zijin City. After five days, come to
Zijincheng to find me. I will send someone to send you to Suzaku. city."

Chen Hui, after handing this Zijin token to Chu Feng, he led the army of
thousands of people to leave, leaving only a group of people who have not
yet shaken their hearts from the previous shock.

Looked at the left hand of the Zijin Token, and looked at the thousand
beads in the right hand tray, Chu Feng brows slightly wrinkled, he always
felt that this matter is awkward, but can not find the reason.

After thinking for a moment, without answer, Chu Feng simply stopped
thinking about it, but raised the money token in his hand and said to
everyone: "Now, who else is not convinced me?"

"I will wait for the Chu family and swear allegiance."

The Chu Feng voice just fell, the people around them all brushed down and
sweared, with a thunderous voice, sworn up.

If they said that they were forced by Chu Feng's strength before they
surrendered to Chu Feng. At this moment, they are forced by Chu Feng's
background, they have to surrender to Chu Feng, with the Forbidden City,
the main owner of Chu Feng, they really do not dare to offend Chu Feng.

"Very good, but I Chu Feng said, I am not asking you to take it orally, but
to be convinced by you, I Chu Feng will never leave the unfaithful person

"So anyone who is willing to loyal to my Chu family at the center needs to
help me with Chu."
"Give me the tigers, the Xu family, the Ma family, the Wang family, the
Zhao family, and the Li family."


When Chu Feng’s words came out, the people present at the scene were
shocked. Even the people of Chu’s family were equally astonished,
because they couldn’t think of it anyway. Chu Feng would kill them after
Zhao’s family.

This kind of means is not unreasonable. It is something that many adults

can't do, but at the moment, only Chu Feng, who is fifteen years old,
actually said it.

However, this kind of surprise only lasted for a while, and soon someone
started to work with Zhao, Li, and the Tigers. In order to show loyalty,
they had to do so.

Under the leadership of Chu Feng, despite the fierce tiger's darts, Zhao and
Li's people resisted, but they were quickly killed. These forces, who came
to the town today, were all killed and not surviving.

However, this is not complete. After solving these people, Chu Feng
gathered the people present and rushed to the Tigers, Xujia, Wangjia,
Majia, Zhaojia, and Li’s nests to take them back. The territory was
completely eradicated.

While Chu Feng personally directed a massacre, Chen Hui was also
leading his army and returned to the Forbidden City.

"The master of the city, really want to give the Xuan iron mine, all to the
Chu family? Then what should we do this year's tax to Zhuque City?"
asked a general worried.

"What can I do? I can't defy the identity of this person. This year, Zhuque
City's tribute tax is not paid, and I am punished most, but if she offends
that, she will say something bad to her father, maybe I will The head is not
Mentioning this matter, Chen Hui is also helpless, and still remembers the
previous scene, still feeling a while.
Martial God Asura Chapter 101: Not good
"I really don't know Chu Feng's kid, where the blessings he cultivated, and
the relationship with Miss Surou, can make Miss Surou secretly help him,
and even let me not disclose that she is helping."

The face of the general's face emerged with envy, thinking of Su Rou's
sweet face, perfect body, and extraordinary talent, and the background of
the monks, is simply the goddess of countless people want to climb the

"They have a relationship with Qinglongzong. It is normal. Don't look at

that Chu Feng is still young, but his previous calm attitude is not the
average person. This is mostly an individual." Chen Hui explained.

"Even if he is a talent, but after all, he is too young, I use to observe his
breath, but it is the seven-pronged repair of Lingwu, so give him a rookie
conference place, will definitely drag me Zijincheng's hind legs."

"How do you say these words in front of Miss Surou? The identity token of
Miss Surou, you also saw it with your own eyes. It is indeed the daughter
of the city owner. Did she let me give Chu Feng a rookie meeting place, I
dare not Give it?" Chen Hui is not happy.

"The master of the city... I... I just think, Miss Surou said, give Chu Feng a
place, maybe he can help me to win the first place in Zijincheng, this is
really too much to see Chu Feng."

"After all, the rookie conference, the city's rookie gathered, with the repair
of Chu Feng, it is too weak." The general said.

"I have thought about this question. Maybe Miss Surou is reminding me
that I want Zijincheng to take this rookie conference seriously."

"Because I heard that this year's rookie conference is very special, the city
that won this championship can be exempted from taxation. Although it is
only a hearsay, but Miss Surou said so, it may be true." Chen Hui
contemplating .

"The master of the city, you should not really put this hope on the body of
Chu Feng?" The generals are somewhat worried.

"Of course not, that Chu Feng is a personal talent, but as you said, today's
strength is still too weak. If you want to win the championship of this
rookie conference, it seems that you want to swear that the girl is called
back." Chen Hui In the eyes, there is a color of thoughts.

"Missy Miss? Missy is indeed a rare genius. Now she has become the core
disciple of Ling Yunzong. If she can come back, the champion of this
rookie conference will surely win."

"Just..... Missy left in the past, the rookie conference in previous years,
never came back, will she come back this year?" The generals were
somewhat worried.

"It’s different in the past, unless she can bear it, watching me, my father is
in dire straits, otherwise he will definitely return this time." Here, Chen
Hui could not help but close his eyes and reverberate in his mind. Past

In just one day, Chu Feng led many forces and leveled the old enemy of
the back.

This is not just to eliminate hidden dangers, but to stand up and let
everyone know the consequences of being enemies with Chu.

After this incident, all the people in the whole backing of the mountain
have a new view on Chu Feng. This is not only a gift of talent, but also a
very special means. People are admired and afraid. So old is so, then The
achievements in the future are simply limitless.

After all the work was done, the Chu family began to rebuild the backing
town. Chu Feng did not return to Qinglongzong, but prepared for the
rookie meeting a few days later.
Five thousand pearls have unlimited temptation for Chu Feng, especially
when they think of the one-year contract, and they are starting to count
down. Chu Feng’s desire to become stronger is even stronger.

After one year, he must win, so he must become stronger within this year.
Even if he can't reach Xuanwu, he must be able to defeat Xuanwujing.

However, today, he is still only a spiritual martial arts. Even if he does not
reach the Yuan Wuwu, he will face difficulties and it is very serious.

However, Chu Feng regards this as a test. As a kind of motivation, he

dared to say it for another year, because he still has some grasp.

Because of his special system, as long as there is enough spiritual beads,

the realm is not a problem. Therefore, for Chu Feng, what he lacks most is
only Lingzhu, so he wants to get the spirit beads insanely. Any chance to
get a spiritual bead.

At this moment, Chu Feng is practicing in the back of the mountain behind
the town.

His breath is much richer. He broke through and used Chen Hui’s one
thousand pearls to finally break through to Lingwu. According to Chu
Feng’s estimate, if he can win the 5,000 pearls of the rookie conference, It
is not a problem to enter the Lingwu Jiuzhong.

However, this rookie conference will have talented characters carefully

selected by the city, and Chu Feng will not be 100% sure to win the

Although in Qinglongzong, who is under 18 years old, Chu Feng is

outstanding, but he is not sure that he is not the strongest in the area
controlled by Suzaku City.

In order to ensure that we can win, we must become stronger, so Chu Feng
at the moment is cultivating the ever-changing bow. This is the only way
that Chu Feng can use at the moment.

At the moment, among the hands of Chu Feng, holding a golden long gun,
this long gun is radiant, as if the black iron can be easily penetrated, and
the weapon that is condensed by the third style of Chu Feng is even more
powerful. .

And this long gun in the hands of Chu Feng, is even more overbearing, like
a dragon, sweeping all directions, the momentum is like a rainbow, a shot
hit, the light is the wind, you can put a big tree, far from the breakdown.

The changeable bow, just three days, has been completely mastered by Chu
Feng, and this is the terrible thing of Chu Feng.

"Who?" Suddenly, Chu Feng realized that a person is looming close, the
man intentionally hides his breath, but is still captured by Chu Feng's
spiritual power.

“It’s really spiritual and very sensitive, and it’s no wonder that the old guy
will look at you.”

At this moment, a weird laughter suddenly sounded in the forest,

accompanied by that paragraph, a figure also slowly entered the sight of
Chu Feng.

This person is not very old, he is not older than Chu Feng, he is very
handsome, and his face still has a faint smile. Although it seems easy-
going, Chu Feng feels a killing in this person's eyes. .
Martial God Asura Chapter 102: Helpers
"Who are you?" Chu Feng carefully guarded against the man in front of

"You don't have to be so nervous. When you talk about my identity, you
should also call me a brother. As for my name, I am not guilty." Cold
innocence smiled.

"You are cold and innocent? There seems to be no festival between us. Do
you want to go out for Gong Luyun?" Chu Feng naturally heard the name
of cold and innocence. Among the core disciples, the only one who is
mentally active except him. people.

"Oh, is it really spiritual, has you seen me the motivation to find you?"

"But I am not in the forefront of Gong Luyun, and Gong Luyun has not
qualified for me to do things for him. I am removing obstacles for
myself." Cold sinlessly smiled and approached slowly to Chu Feng.

"How do you know that I am mentally motivated? Sweeping obstacles?

You and I will meet, how can I become your obstacle?" Chu Feng, while
procrastinating, retreats to the extreme, he is looking for escape
opportunities. .

"You don't have to know this, and I advise you to give up the idea of ??
running away, because in front of me, you can't escape." Cold innocence is
full of confidence.

"That may not be."

Seeing his own thoughts have been seen, Chu Feng is no longer
procrastinating, while Xuan Gong is running, the Royal Air is also
displayed, the aura penetrates the meridians under the feet, and the blast
has risen from the soles of the feet.
"?", Chu Feng drifted like a wind, and quickly fled to the depths of the

"There are some means, but unfortunately the realm is too low." Cold
sinless smile, stepping forward, but also turned into a blast, chasing away
to Chu Feng.

Can have such a speed, he is not a special body of martial arts, but relying
solely on his own cultivation, the 19-year-old Qinglongzong second day,
has been the repair of Yuanwu Jiuzhong Just one step away, you can step
into Xuanwu and sit on the same level as Gong Luyun.

"This guy is so powerful." Chu Feng has already played the ultimate in air
defense, but not only can not get rid of cold innocence, and the other party
is still approaching quickly, the pressure of Yuanwu Jiuzhong is already
suppressing his speed. .

"Give up, just because you are doing this now, even if the talent is good,
you can't escape from me."

Cold sinless fingers pointed at Chu Feng, a fine light burst out, the power
is strong, there will be several big trees in the blink of an eye, actually
locked the position of Chu Feng in advance.

"I want to kill me, it's not that easy." Chu Feng bit his teeth, the pace of his
feet changed, the white blast suddenly disappeared, replaced by the road

These thunder and lightning are obviously different from the three types of
Thunder in Chu Feng. They are actually dark blue, and the speed of
walking is extremely fast. Just like a few small Razers, they want to put
him around the feet of Chu Feng. The sole of the foot is separated from the

Suddenly, Chu Feng’s toes suddenly slammed into the ground, and it
swiftly plucked dozens of meters away. The pace was so fast, the speed
was so incredible, not only succeeded in escaping the cold sinless attack,
but also began to The speed of terror, rushing away from the distance,
turned cold and innocent.

"A good mysterious body, this is not the martial arts of my Qinglongzong.
What is the source of this kid?" Cold sinless eyes flashed, revealing a
touch of unexpected color.

Then the pace of his feet changed, and a mysterious pace evolved. The
speed increased several times, and he once again caught up with Chu Feng,
and the speed of catching up this time was even faster.

"Oh, you still can't get rid of it."

Chu Feng is somewhat unwilling, he clearly has been successfully

displayed, the intermediate stage of the Royal Air, but in the face of Yuan
Wu Jiuzhong cold innocence, he still seems powerless, after all, the realm
of the gap is too big, even if the other side is only the initial stage The
body martial arts, can still catch up with Chu Feng.

"Chu Feng, you want to escape today." Cold sinless fingers and points, a
few brilliant light burst out, such as raindrops generally flew away to Chu
Feng, almost inevitable.

This is a five-stage martial art, especially under the cold and innocence.
The power is not at all Chu Feng can resist. If it is hit, it must be alive to
play adult meat sieve.

“This breath?” But at this moment, Chu Feng suddenly became overjoyed
because he felt a familiar atmosphere and was approaching.

"?" is not enough, just in Chu Feng feel this breath of effort, a white
shadow appears like a ghostly behind Chu Feng, it is Surou.

"???" Surou's sleeves waved, and a mysterious force came out. A mirror
was formed before getting up. The cold and innocent attack hit the mirror,
and it was bounced back and attacked. It has doubled in a blink of an eye.
Seeing the situation, cold innocence did not panic, but the pace to go, the
body shape to swim, the attack that rebounded back, one by one to hide.

"Surou elders."

At this moment, Chu Feng’s heart was overjoyed. Su’s strength was seen
and very strong. Especially after the atmosphere she had just exuded, Chu
Feng realized that Su Rou was not a Yuan Wujing. Into the Xuanwujing.

Although I don't know why Su Rou will appear here, Chu Feng knows that
most of the crisis he faces now can be resolved.

"I can't think of secretly protecting this kid, it is actually Sue Sue's sister."
Cold innocence smiled at Surou, but it was also some accident.

"Although I know that someone will be unfavorable to Chu Feng, but I did
not think that it will be you, are you not in harmony with Gong Luyun?
Why do you want to help him?" Surou smiled and did not treat the enemy.

"Oh, interesting, why do you think that when I shot Chu Feng, I would
definitely help the Gong Luyun? Can't you because of personal

"But then, Su Sister, I really admire your means, Gaole and Zhao brothers,
how to say is also the core disciple of Qinglongzong, especially the Gaole,
and you are old acquaintance, why are you? I have the heart to bear a
poisonous hand on him?" cold sinned and asked.

"I am poisonous to Gaole? I don't understand what you mean!" And

listening to this, Surou is a face change, full of puzzles.

"Hey, it’s really like being dressed up. You are a woman who is really
poisonous. It seems that you can’t leave it.” Cold and innocent mouth,
picking up a cold smile.

"A big tone, just rely on your strength, and dare to say this to me?"

"Although I don't know why you should shoot Chu Feng, but the same as
the Qinglong sect, you have to do this for the younger brother. As an elder
of Qinglongzong, you must give you some lessons." Su Roo turned cold,
talking I have to shoot.

At this moment, a majestic pressure suddenly enveloped the mountain

forest, and at the same time an old voice also sounded:

"If you want to teach sin, you have to pass the old man first!"
Martial God Asura Chapter 103: Enchantment
The majestic pressure swept down, and even the towering trees swayed.
The flowers and plants at the foot were even more messy, and the area was
no longer peaceful.


Chu Feng and Su Rou are both surprised, because they can all feel from
this breath, this is a master of Xuanwujing, and even that kind of breath,
even stronger than Surou.

Under the pressure of this pressure, an old man slowly walked out of the
forest and came to the side of cold innocence.

The old man was wearing a black suit, less than five feet tall, and his
appearance was not good, but the wrinkled old face exuded a sigh of relief.

The old man’s age is really big enough, the walk is shaking and shaking, as
if he will fall down at any time, then he will fall to the end, life has come
to an end, but Chu Feng and Surou are afraid to sneak into him. Because
the atmosphere that covers them now is indeed from the old man.

"Old ancestors" saw this, cold and innocent and respectful.

"Leng family ancestors, I can't think of you even out. It seems that you are
a cold family. This time it is really ironic and you want to deal with Chu

"It’s just that I am very curious, how Chu Feng has offended you, so that
you have to set him to death." Su Rou seems to know the cold family

"My family's sin is the hope of my cold family. All the people who block
his way, my cold family will spare no effort to eradicate, even if Miss
Surou's identity is special, but my cold family will never be merciless."
But he laughed very scary.
"What do you mean, I want to connect with my Sue, but also to eradicate
it?" Su Rou asked coldly.

"Miss Surou, why do you know what to ask?" The cold family ancestors
laughed very sinisterly.

"Hey, that depends on you, is there any skill?" Surou grabbed Chu Feng's
arm and turned to escape.

However, it is not yet waiting for it to leave. The pressure that covers this
area is extremely strong. It is like an invisible cage, and the two are firmly
sealed here.

"Xuanwu triple!!" Surou was shocked. Each of Xuanwu’s circumstances

was a huge gap. Unless it was a talented generation, it would not be able to

Do not look at this cold family ancestor, only two times higher than Su
Rou, but it is already Su Rou can not resist, even in front of him has lost
the ability to escape.

This is the terrible thing of Xuanwujing. One weight is higher than one
weight, and each weight is extremely difficult to break through. This is
why there are many strong Xuanwu strong people in Qingzhou, but there is
no reason why they can enter Tianwujing.

The way to cultivate martial arts is to use the atmosphere of the heavens
and the earth to develop the limits of the body, the level of physical
fitness, and the strength of its own comprehension, which determines the
length of the road to repairing martial arts.

But the only certainty is that the more backward the cultivation, the more
difficult it is to control, the mystery of the body is difficult to open, but
the strength gained is also stronger.

"Miss Surou, you can only blame yourself, blame yourself for your own
business and catch your own life."
The cold family ancestors began to step by step, watching Su Shi Chu
Feng, who had been pressured by himself and sealed his actions. The smile
on his face became more and more intense, just like watching the ants of
two palms, as long as he moved a little. With your fingers, you can easily
kill the two.

"Cold old man, you dare to shoot me, if it is known by my father, it will
definitely destroy your cold home." Seeing, Surou is also panic, the
strength of this old guy is no small, she does not have the ability to resist.

And Chu Feng, even the ability to break free, this cold family ancestors is
too strong, if not at this moment Surou is protecting her Chu Feng with her
breath, I am afraid that the pressure of the cold family ancestors is enough
Maple suffocates.

"I don't need you to say that I know that your father will know the
situation, what kind of situation will my cold family face, but
unfortunately, he will never know that you are killed by me." The cold
family ancestors slowly lifted up In the palm of your hand, a terrible
energy gathered by Xuan Li is condensing in the palm of your hand.

"How can you know that Surou's father won't know about this?" But at this
moment, another voice rang in the forest.

This voice is very strange, not from one point, but from all sides,
obviously not so loud, but it is shocking, as if this voice is from the
bottom of my heart.

"who is it?"

This voice can scare the cold family ancestors and cold innocence, because
just hear this voice, they can also tell that this old man is definitely a
master of martial arts.

"?" feels wrong, cold sinlessly rushes to spread the mental power, want to
detect the position of that position.
"Hey," he just used his mental power, and he screamed, holding his head in
his hands, and slammed it.

"Sin, what's wrong with you?" When I saw this strange scene, I could scare
the cold family ancestors, and once I came to the cold and innocent, I
helped him.

The cold innocence at the moment is already pale, his eyes are round and
round, his eyes are filled with the color of fear, with the trembling lips,
whispered: "Yes.. is... is a world Spirit teacher!"

"What?" Hearing this, the cold ancestor is also a big change, the spirit of
the division? That is a very good character, how can it appear here?

"Old ancestor, run!!" But at this moment, cold sinlessly suddenly thought
of a person, and hurriedly shouted loudly.

Seeing the horror of cold innocence, the cold family ancestors are too late
to think about it, and they must escape if they are cold and innocent.


"Wow wow" just ran two steps, the cold family ancestors actually
screamed, rebounded back, as if hit the wall.

At this time, Chu Feng and others were also horrified discoveries. In the
place where the old ancestors were bounced back, a translucent wall
actually emerged, and the wall was spreading. The two of the cold family
were sealed.

"Drink!" The cold family ancestors stood up and raised their hands and
punched the translucent wall.

This boxing force is not the same, not only condenses the mysterious
force, but also a kind of martial arts. It is such an attack. After the wall
that looks like a thin ice, it is just a loud noise, but it is not Can shake the
wall half a mile, even a crack did not hit, but instead look at the fists of the
cold family ancestors, it is already blood and DC, was hit hard.
"What is this ghost thing?!"

The ancestors of the cold family were anxious. The translucent wall had
already been sealed from the top of his head and in all directions, and he
was locked in it. At this moment, he was shrinking. If this continued, he
would have to be alive and explode.

Thinking of this, the ancestors of the cold family once again exerted more
powerful and powerful martial arts, once and for all impacted the
mysterious wall, powerful power, so that the earth under the feet vibrated
constantly, and even Chu Feng's feet appeared a road crack.

However, it is such an attack that interferes with the outside world, but it
is also unable to shake the mysterious wall, or even change at all, the
speed at which the wall shrinks toward the two.

Compared with the desperate resistance of the cold family ancestors, the
cold innocence is already like a dead gray, standing in the same place, the
body can not shake, open:

"Old ancestors, this...this...this is the enchantment!"

Martial God Asura Chapter 104: test
"The enchantment technique?"

Cold innocence, this words, not to mention the cold family ancestors, even
Chu Feng is also very surprised.

The technique of enchantment, that is the means of the spiritual master. If

the strange wall at the moment is really an enchantment, that is to say,
there is a spiritualist who is helping them at the moment.

Suddenly, the cold sinlessness squatted on the ground and began to

continually gimmick.

While trying hard, he asked for mercy: "Master, you are not guilty, you are
given a chance to be acquitted, and you will not be guilty again."

The act of cold and innocence makes people feel overwhelmed, and at this
moment, the old voice is ringing again:

"I know that I shouldn't do this, but I just do it. You don't put me in the eye
at all."

A figure appeared like a ghost in the enchantment. It was really silent, as

if he had stood there from the beginning, but he was not noticed.

After seeing this, Chu Feng and others were shocked, because for this,
whether it is Chu Feng or Su Rou, or cold innocence, they all know.

The white robes are engraved with spells, covering the whole body, only to
see a pair of deep eyes, this is the elders of Qinglongzong, the Zhuge

"Zhuge Elder!" Surou took the lead.

"What? He is the elder of Zhuge?"

Chu Feng is even more shocked, because he has recognized this, it was in
the cemetery of the old man, the spiritist.

However, Chu Feng never imagined that this spiritualist would be the
spiritualist of Qinglongzong, the elder of Zhuge who would not even
offend the lord.

"Master, I really know what is wrong, please give me a chance."

Cold innocence is still begging for mercy, his face is full of fear, his head
is already awkward. Because he really knows the old man too much, this
means is more than a few times more than him.

"I have given you the opportunity, but you are not sure. If you do what I
said, today I will officially accept you as a disciple and teach you the
technique of enchantment."

"But unfortunately, you finally failed to pass my test and chose the road I
don't want you to go."

"Actually, I have given you enough warnings to tell you not to shoot this
Chu Feng again, but you are dull. Until I appeared, you didn't think that
the person who secretly protected Chu Feng would actually be I."

Speaking of this, the elders of Zhuge held up slightly, and the enchantment
that locked the cold innocence accelerated the speed of contraction.

In the face of this situation, the cold family ancestors began to exert their
attacks desperately, but still no effect.

After seeing Zhuge Liuyun insisting on taking his own life, the cold
sinlessness no longer asks for mercy, but stands up and points to the Zhuge
Liuyun, and begins to curse loudly:

"Zhuge Liuyun, I have been sinless for a full three years, loyal to do things
for you, no complaints, you are now trying to kill me for such a kid."

"You still have no heart, you are not as good as a pig, you are a cold-
blooded monster!!!"
However, no matter how cold and innocent, how to insult, Zhuge Liuyun
has no movement.

Until the enchantment, the two men were squeezed into two bloods, and he
waved his sleeves and summoned the enchantment filled with blood to the

At this moment, a strange scene happened, and the enchantment wrapped

in cold innocence and the body of the cold family was actually integrated
into the body of Zhuge Liuyun.


This scene made Chu Feng shocked, because it was the flesh and blood of
two people, how could it be swallowed up by Zhuge Liuyun, and there was
no trace left.

Could it be that under the white robes, it’s really not a person, but as cold
and innocent, is it a monster?

Mo said that it is Chu Feng, Su Rou is also a wrinkle of Liu Mei, a horror
in his heart.

Let's not say that the strange means of Zhuge Liuyun, just that he can, cold
and sinless, who loyal to his three years of killing, can be seen, Zhuge
Liuyun is a decisive and decisive person.

"Suerou Elder, trouble you to avoid it, I have something to talk to and chat
with Chu Feng."

Zhuge Liuyun has a very gentle tone of voice, emotions are not affected at
all, as if he swallowed cold innocence, just did a very common thing.

"Following." At this moment, Su Rou hesitated, but after thinking about it,
he left.

Although this Zhuge Liuyun is very dangerous, since it can do this for Chu
Feng, most of them will not be difficult for Chu Feng. In addition to the
special nature of Chu Feng, she can also think of what Zhuge Liuyun is
looking for.

"Elder Zhuge, the disciple of the day did not know your identity, and there
was a crime of gaining. I also hoped that the elders of Zhuge would
forgive me." Chu Feng quickly made a mistake for the day.

"Haha, Chu Feng Xiaoyou, the day's things don't have to be in my heart. If
I want to pursue it, you won't live to this day."

"Actually, I am looking for you today, I want to accept you as a disciple."

Zhuge Liuyun laughed and said it was direct.

"What are you talking about?" And at this moment, Chu Feng was
surprised to open his mouth, feeling so incredible.

The spiritist, Chu Feng is now aware of it, is a group of people with
special abilities.

For example, the technique of enchantment is the strongest defense

method, especially when he has witnessed the power of the enchantment,
he wants to master such a means.

The most important thing is that the spirits division is regarded as a guest
by all parties and will be invited by high rewards. As long as they become
a spiritual master, it means that Chu Feng no longer needs to worry about
cultivation resources.

However, at the moment, the spiritual master has to accept himself as a

disciple. Happiness comes so suddenly. It really makes Chu Feng have a
kind of illusion that he is stunned in the sky.

"You don't want to be too happy too early. I want to be a disciple of Zhuge
Liuyun. I have to pass my test." Zhuge Liuyun laughed.

"The teacher is on the top, no matter what the test, the disciples are willing
to accept." Chu Feng half-squatted on the ground, decisively worship the
Looking at such a clever Chu Feng, Zhuge Liuyun nodded with
satisfaction, took a quaint book from Qiankun bag and handed it to Chu

"This is the cultivation method of the enchantment technique. If you can

grasp the power of enchantment in a month, I will accept you as a

"Thank you for your respect." Seeing, Chu Feng was overjoyed and
quickly took over the quaint book.

"Don't be too happy, it's too early. If I don't guide you, you can understand
one tenth of them. It's not bad."

"Remember, if you can't comprehend this tenth in a month, I won't accept

you as a disciple, I will kill you."

"Ha ha....." After saying this, the elders of Zhuge disappeared in the
strange laughter.

In Chu Feng’s heart, it was angry and chilly, because he could hear that
Zhuge Liuyun’s words were not like joking.
Martial God Asura Chapter 105: Gong family
At the moment, Surou is walking alone in the forest. Liu Mei is slightly
wrinkled and thinking about something. Chu Feng was stared at by Zhuge
Liuyun. She didn't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing.

"Elder Su Rou, there is something the old man wants to talk to you."
Suddenly, Zhuge Liuyun appeared silently in front of Su Rou.

At this moment, Su Jiao’s heart was somewhat nervous. She was somewhat
afraid of Zhuge Liuyun.

Although the strength of this is also a Xuanwu situation, but it is hidden

deep, at least she can not see through the real cultivation of this, what is
the level.

However, it is undeniable that this strength is above the Qinglong

Emperor's protector, and is recognized as the second master of

"Elder Zhuge, there is nothing to say." Su Roo sorted out the mood,
respectfully said.

"I don't want to know, you help Chu Feng, for what purpose, but from now
on, you can not follow him."

"I want him to face the difficulties alone, only then can he grow faster, you
understand people, I think you understand what I mean." Zhuge Liuyun's
dignified way, there is a threat in the words.

"I understand." Surou did not dare to refute.

"Well, you are going to say goodbye to the kid, then why should you go."
Zhuge Liuyun's big sleeve waved, and disappeared in the same place, but
his tone was cold, and his attitude towards Chu Feng was a world of

For such a Zhuge Liuyun, Surou Liumei was slightly wrinkled and angry,
and wanted to say something, but considering the skill of the person, he
swallowed those words in his heart.

Chu Feng at the moment, sitting in the same place, looking at the
enchantment technique, suddenly turned back, smiled and said: "Suzou
elder, thank you for your help."

"You guys with mental strength are really terrible. It’s just that you have
long eyes behind you." Surou smiled and smiled, and he was very

She walked over to Chu Feng and smiled and said: "You don't have to
thank me for your kid. It's Su Mei's gimmick to entrust me, let me take
care of you."

"That said, you guys are really bold, dare to provoke Gong Luyun, and set
such a gamble, I really don't know if you should brag about it, or you
should be too stupid."

"??" Chu Feng just scratched his head and smirked. I don't know how to
answer it.

"Well? Look at what." Looking at the smirking Chu Feng, Surou is also
quite helpless, could not help but look at the books in the hands of Chu

"Oh, this is amazing. With it, you can become a spiritual master." Chu
Feng opened the book and showed the four characters of the enchantment
in front of Surou.

"Elder Zhuge received you as a disciple?"

Surou was shocked. The beautiful little face suddenly changed color.
Although she had some hunch, she never imagined that Zhuge Liuyun
would teach Chu Feng's enchantment so quickly.

To know that cold is not guilty, but for the whole year of Zhuge Liuyun life
for three years, but nothing, and eventually fell to the end of the Zhuge

However, Chu Feng, obviously only met with Zhuge Liuyun for the first
time, even got the cultivation method of the enchantment technique, this
gap is too big.

"Which is so easy, he wants me to master the primary enchantment within

a month, but this book is really difficult, it seems that this is not a small

Chu Feng made a big fortune because of his hard work. He did not say that
if he could not pass the test within a month, Zhuge Liuyun would take his

Not to mention, just just watched for a while, he has already seen some
doorways, if not considering that Su Rou is still there, he will definitely
try it.

"The blessing of your kid is really a lifetime. If you can become a disciple
of Zhuge Liuyun, you should be able to save your life after a year of

Surou really feels happy for Chu Feng. If Chu Feng can really become a
spiritual master, it is also a great event for her family.

After all, the reason why she helped Chu Feng was to take a fancy to Chu
Feng’s mental strength, because her family is in need of a person like Chu

"No, after a year, I am not saving my life, but killing him." Chu Feng said
solemnly, his eyes were full of determination.
Looking at Chu Feng's serious look, Su Jiao was shocked. I wondered why
she had a strange thought, as if after a year, Chu Feng could really do it.

Especially when she saw it with her own eyes, Chu Feng’s view of Chu
Feng had completely changed after she led the Chu family to kill those

Her evaluation is that Chu Feng is too powerful. Although she is only
fifteen years old, her heart is far more than her peers, and she is not even
worse than her. The most important thing is that the means are enough.

If we continue to grow, the achievements in the future will not be

measured. Even she thinks that this Qinglongzong, even if it is within the
territory of Qingzhou, may not stay in Chu Feng, Chu Feng must be on the
mainland of this Kyushu.

"Chu Feng, you should not look too small at Gong Luyun, his family
occupies a first-class city."

"And that first-class city pool is in the top three in the whole Qingzhou,
the strength is not weaker than the Qinglong Zong, and even more."

"The most important thing is that Gong Luyun's grandfather has a very
close relationship with the Kirin Wangfu. If his Gong family has an
accident, the Kirin Palace will not stand by."

"So, after a year's battle, you can win the Gong Luyun, but you can't
poison him. Otherwise, Zhuge Liuyun can't keep you." The more I think
Chu Feng has value, Su Rou does not want Chu Feng to have an accident. .

Hearing this, Chu Feng is also immersed in meditation. He is not an

irrational person. Although he really wants to kill that Gong Luyun, after
learning that Gong Luyun has a strong background, he has to think

If not, even if he can escape and leave, but the people around him may not
be able to escape, he does not want to cause trouble after his own, the
consequences of his own relatives.
After that, Su Roo chatted with Chu Feng for a while, mostly to persuade
Chu Feng not to be too impulsive, and the gentleman’s revenge for ten
years is not too late.

Also let Chu Feng concentrate on cultivation, do not have too much
pressure, if necessary, her family will also contribute, at least Bao Chufeng
a life.

After hearing this, Chu Feng is also vaguely heard that Surou’s family
should also occupy a first-class city, and its strength is also very strong.

Therefore, he has already guessed why Zijincheng’s attitude is so

abnormal. It must have been Sulu’s strength, but Surou did not mention it,
and he did not ask much.

After Surou left, Chu Feng returned to the Chu family. After he closed the
door, he began to seriously study it. This enchantment technique, this
thing that changed his destiny.
Martial God Asura Chapter 12: ? role (plus 10)
"Chu Yuejie, how come you came out." Chu Feng asked inexplicably.

Chu Yue was smiling and ran to the front of Chu Feng. With the white jade
hand, he gently punched Chu Feng’s chest and said with joy:

"You kid, I said how you stayed in the outer door so calmly, and caught up
with me for a long time."

Chu Feng's scratched his head: "Chu Yuejie, today is really a trouble for
you, I see you Chu League gathering, but also disappointing."

"It's okay, it's good to let them learn long lessons, and save you from
bullying the whole day."

"For Chu Fengdi, tomorrow, the elixir will hunt us together. It is difficult
for one thing to be caught by oneself."

"Forget it, my relationship with them, you know, even if I am willing to

join the Chumeng, they will not." Chu Feng shook his head.

"Don't worry about it, this matter is handed over to me. In short, you will
come here to find us tomorrow." Chu Yue added a piece of bamboo to Chu
Feng, which is a gathering place of Chu League tomorrow.

"Okay." Seeing that Chu Yue is so persistent, Chu Feng can't bear to refuse.

After comforting Chu Feng, Chu Yue jumped to the house, she was really
happy, because Chu Feng gave her a big surprise today.

The people in the world are respected by strength. At present, Chu Feng
has shown a good strength. She thinks that the Chu family may recognize
Chu Feng.

And Chu family can unite, regardless of each other, is her biggest wish.
"Chu Wei brother, you..." Just arrived in front of the house, Chu Yue found
that the people of the Chu League have already come out.

"?" Chu Cheng and Chu Zhen, awkwardly stunned Chu Yue, and then
quickly left without saying anything.

"Chu Yue, I am not the big brother to say you, today's business, you are too
biased that Chu Feng."

"This is good, let the Chu Feng take away two of the fairy grasses, but let
me wait for him to be humiliated. Now everyone is mad, are you
satisfied?" Chu Wei severely rebuked stand up.

"Chu Wei Brother, when I was wrong, I still can't do it. Then Chu Fengdi is
also a Chu family."

"You see, you have seen the strength of Chu Fengdi. He is not a waste in
your eyes. And we are in need of manpower, so let him join us."

Hearing Chu Yue said that Chu Wei suddenly changed his face, but he just
wanted to open his mouth, but his eyes flashed a strange look, and then he
sighed helplessly:

"Oh, I really served you this girl."

"Well, look at your face, I will give him Chu Feng a chance, you will bring
him with him tomorrow."

"Great, I know that Chu Wei is the best." Chu Yue excitedly jumped up,
laughing very bright.

"Okay, take a break early." Chu Wei shook his head and walked to his

"Chu Wei brother also took a break earlier." Chu Yue smiled and waved to
Chu Wei, watching Chu Wei leave.

Chu Wei promised Chu Feng to join the Chu League, which made Chu Yue
happy, but she did not see, Chu Wei turned, the sinister smile of the mouth.
"Chu Yue Shijie, that is called Chu Feng's hidden deep enough, I have been
in the outer door for so long, I have not heard his name, it seems that he is
the first to go to the inner door assessment."

Just then, a teenager came over. Like Chu Feng, he was a new disciple this
year and joined the members of the League of the League today.

"You are right, Chu Fengdi stayed at the outer door, must be for the reward
of the assessment, do not know that he did not get it." Hearing this, Chu
Yue is also suddenly realized.

"Chu Yue Shijie, you think too much, this year, the outside door can
appear a sly character, the first time I was taken away by that person."

"Your Chu Fengdi said that the strength is not bad, but compared with that
person, it is not influential." The teenager laughed.

“What is the role?” Chu asked curiously.

"That is quite embarrassing, a fourth-order beast, nine third-order beasts,

thirty second-order beasts, but the blink of an eye is all killed by him."

"When the genius disciples of the outer door arrived, they only saw the
dead body of the beasts in the ground. Is this strength, you say no?"

"So powerful?" At this moment, Chu Yue was also shocked by his face.

She is also a person who has experienced internal door assessments. She
knows the power of the agency and knows the terrible beast.

And before everyone can't get there, it's enough to kill so many beasts. She
can imagine how powerful this person is, and that at least Lingwuwu can
do it.

"What is that person called?" In shock, Chu Yue would like to know the
name of this embarrassing character.

"Hey, I want to know who he is."

"But unfortunately, the man deliberately concealed his identity. After
taking the reward, he did not open the gate of the underground palace, but
hid it, so no one knows who he really is." The young man shook his head
and left.

"That man is really strange, so powerful, so low-key, is there any secret

that is ulterior?"

At this moment, Chu Yue became more and more curious about the so-
called sly character.

Because she knows that this is likely to represent, another talented disciple
will rise in the inner door.

"Well." Suddenly, Chu Yue was shocked, because she suddenly thought of
a weird scene.

When Chu Chengchu really left the brothers, he did not go to his house.
The direction of their walking was in the same way as Chu Feng.

At this moment, Chu Yue realized that it was not good, and rushed to catch
up with Chu Feng’s previous departure.

The inner door is very large, and Chu Feng and Chu Yue’s house are
separated by a long distance.

However, Chu Feng did not panic and walked slowly until he came to a
remote and uninhabited place before he stopped.

"Don't be sneaky, come out." Chu Feng turned his eyes to the dark corner
behind him.

"The alertness is good. It seems that I really underestimated your kid." The
voice just fell, and the two familiar figures came out. It was the two
brothers Chu Chengchu.

At this moment, Chu really looks a lot better, but the color of anger is not
reduced at all. He is now even killing Chu Feng’s heart.
"Chu Feng, give you a chance, hand over the three fairy grasses, and then
squat in front of my brother to admit your mistakes, I will spare you
once." Chu Cheng stared at Chu Feng, the words filled with absolute

"Why, are you going to rob me?"

"What about robbing you?"

"The robbery needs strength."

"Strength? I will tell you now, what is strength."

Chu Cheng's figure changed, and a blast of wind was picked up. In the
blink of an eye, he came to Chu Feng's front, his hand was eagle claws,
and he hit Chu Feng throat.

I have to say that Chu Cheng’s strength is several times stronger than Chu,
even in the ranks of Lingwu, it is not weak.

However, he is facing Chu Feng, even the fourth-order beasts can be a slap
in the face.
Martial God Asura Chapter 40: I am Su Mei’s
heart (plus 28)
"Give me away, and then dare to block the way of Miss, I will abolish
you." But Chu Feng just walked out of the mission to receive the place,
they heard a sharp girl voice.

"Su Mei?"

Hearing this voice, Chu Feng couldn't help but be surprised. He thought
that it was Su Mei who had any trouble, and he quickly walked in the
direction of the sound.

Sure enough, not far away, Su Mei’s figure was discovered, but at the
moment Su Mei’s side is surrounded by more than a dozen Kendo League

They did not hide their breath, so Chu Feng was able to clearly sense that
the strength of these dozens of people is mostly in the spirit of Wu Wu,
and the strongest is a young man, is the strength of Lingwu six.

It was a tall boy with a white face and a big eyebrow. It was a standard
little white face. At the moment, he was facing the evil smile of Su Mei.
Nima, a member of this group of martial arts, actually played in the
public. .

However, it may be due to the special status of Su Mei, the white-faced

man is very arrogant, so the Su Mei is extremely unhappy, and has a great

Upon seeing it, Chu Feng, who wanted to go to the front, immediately
stopped the pace. Because of the strength of Su Mei, he understood it. It
was the seven weapons of Lingwu. These people dared to entangle Sumei
and simply found death.
However, it is clear that this girl did not want to expose her strength. She
did not take the shot, so Chu Feng simply joined the crowd to watch the
crowd, and smiled in the heart: "I see how long you can bear this

"Su Mei girl, my sword is really like you, can't you give me a chance?"

"Not to mention, in the entire inner door, on the house, on the strength, on
the appearance, in addition to my sword Chen who can match you?"

The white-faced man named Jian Chen was full of affection and white, and
a pair of thieves were aiming at Su Mei, aiming at the seductive place, and
could not help but lick his lips.

"You....." Su Mei's patience has clearly reached the limit, and what she
can't stand most is being entangled.

But when she was about to erupt, she suddenly saw a familiar figure in the
crowd. She suddenly took the opportunity to put away the angry look.
Some embarrassed said to Jian Chen: "Actually, I already have a
sweetheart. ”

"What? You have a sweetheart? Who is it?" And listening to Su Mei's

words, the sword Chen seems to have suffered a huge blow, and suddenly
became excited.

Su Mei is a proud smile, randomly pointing his attention to the crowd,

using the extremely gentle language to say: "Dear, someone bullied me,
you look at it?" And the person she looked at, is It is Chu Feng among the

"I am doing" Chu Feng screamed, he could not think of So Mei found so
soon, and was also put together, Su Mei this is obviously to take him as a

Despite his unhappiness, as a man, how can Chu Feng retreat in the face of
all the condensed eyes, not to mention that he was originally intended to
solve the problem for Su Mei.
"Baby, I just arrived, which **** bullies you, I will help you teach him."
Chu Feng pretending to go out from the crowd, came to Su Mei, he smiled
evilly and made a stunned move.

With a big hand and a wave of wind, he swept through the wind, and
actually brought the delicate little beauty of Sumei into his arms.

This scene can be described as stunned. People are wide open mouths, and
some people even drop their eyes.

Who is Su Mei, the genius in the inner door is no one knows no one, the
famous beauty, although there are not many people who have seen her, but
anyone who has seen her will be fascinated by her beauty. .

Many people even think of her as the goddess in the heart, and those who
have high strength and strong background have directly pursued the
offensive against Su Mei. In fact, this sword is only one of them.

"You...." In the face of so many people being eaten tofu, Su Mei is also
angry with his eyes.

However, considering that he had thought about it, he still resisted the
anger. Not only did he not have an episode, but it was a happy smile. The
bird was in the arms of Chu Feng.

At this moment, Chu Feng can feel that the two groups are softly attached
to the chest, the feeling of comfort, suddenly let him hit a spirit, then
could not help but hold the Soviet Union in the arms a little, enjoy this
Kind of soft.

"Fuck, who are you?"

The goddess of her own is embraced by others in front of her. The

swordsman only feels angry and tempted, and the murderous murder is
already emitted.

"Who am I? I am Su Mei's sweetheart." Chu Feng looked up and said

"You are a trick." Su Mei screamed in her heart, because it was a man who
could hear the meaning of Chu Feng’s words. He meant that Su Mei was
attached to him.

"Mom, Laozi has abolished you." Jianchen finally broke out, pulling out
the black iron sword behind him, and stabbed it against Chu Feng.

"Dear, help me teach him."

However, what makes Chu Feng speechless is that Su Mei, who is a bird,
has pushed him out, and that force is very good. He goes straight to
Jianfeng’s Jianfeng, which is simply cheaper for Chu Feng. Carry out
naked revenge wow.

However, Chu Feng is now what strength, Lingwu seven heavy are not
enough to watch, let alone a Lingwu six heavy?


On the side of Chu Feng's body shape, he escaped the attack of Jian Chen,
and then lifted his leg and directly turned the sword to the individual.

"Kids, you are looking for death", the remaining dozens of members of the
Kendo League, waving the black iron sword in their hands, ruthlessly
slashed Chu Feng.

However, they are the opponents of Chu Feng, just the blink of an eye, a
full dozen people, all of them were beaten by Chu Feng's nose, bruised,
rolled over and mourned on the ground.

"Treading" Chu Feng stepped on the body of Jian Chen, and said with
domineering: "I will harass my baby later, I will kill your full teeth."

Then, Chu Feng smiled and came to Su Mei’s body. He was so rude that he
would put Su Mei in his arms. “Tell one, baby went to my meeting.” Then
he swayed to his house. go with.

"Who is this kid, even with Su Mei....."

Looking at the pictures of the two people who are escaping, when people
question their identity, they can also hear the heartbreaking sound of the

Along the way, Chu Feng was very rude. He held Su Mei in his arms
tightly, ignoring the white eyes that Su Mei had thrown at her, and the
small hand that sneaked his arm.

The idea of ??Chu Feng is like this. Even if I endure the pain, I will take
advantage of you. This is not to take up the white, you take me as the price
of the shield.

"Trick or treat, you are enough."

Just entering the house of Chu Feng, Su Mei pushed a handful of Chu
Feng, and a blast of wind rushed over. Su Mei and his fierce rear legs
swung over to Chu Feng.

"I am going~"

Chu Feng was shocked, because this Su Mei is stronger than him, both in
speed and strength.

This girl is actually a martial arts!

Martial God Asura Chapter 89: It’s your turn
(plus 53)
"Today, I am guilty of my Chu family, and die!"

Chu Feng's voice is powerful, every word is full of people's hearts, almost
everyone who hears this sentence can not help but tremble, the back of the
spine rises in a cool breeze, even the Chu family is no exception.

Because the boy in front of him is so terrible, the blood filled with the
murderous murder, people dare not regard him as a teenager, but
involuntarily treat him as a devil, killing the devil who does not blink.

"Who are you?" Xu Jiajia, the first to shout. And everyone is eager to
know this answer.

Although from the costumes, it can be seen that Chu Feng is the core
disciple of Qinglongzong, although it can be seen from the Qinglong
Banner that Chu Feng is the core disciple of Qinglongzong.

However, at this moment, Chu Feng was full of blood, and even his face
could not be seen clearly. People did not know who he was, and he just
claimed to be a Chu family, which naturally made people feel

Because they did not know, when the Chu family appeared such a teenager,
when the Chu family appeared a core disciple, even the Chu family did not

"Chu family, Chu Feng!" Chu Feng coldly back.

"What? Chu Feng?"

"Is it Maple?!!!!"
However, Chu Feng’s words came out, and it was a great uproar in the

The name Chu Feng, long before many days ago, is within a hundred miles
of the backing of the mountain. It can be said that no one knows no one.

However, as far as we know, Chu Feng is only fifteen years old, and at the
beginning it was only a six-pronged spirit. How could it become a core
disciple? How could it be so easy to kill the master of Lingwu?

Although I couldn't believe it, after careful scrutiny, people were shocked
to find that whether it was the figure or the outline, it was very similar to
Chu Feng.

Especially the most important point, Chu Feng is indeed a disciple of

Qinglongzong, and if there is a core disciple in the Chu family, only Chu
Feng is the most promising.

"I was actually you, the little devil, that you interrupted the waist of my
grandson, "Xu Tianyi"?" Xu Jiajia’s lord asked.

"It is his skill that is not as good as people. It is kindness to interrupt his
waist." Chu Feng did not agree.

"You!!!" Xu family is angry, and they have to shoot.

But before he could be shot, he was stopped by the Wang family and the
Majia family, and he was dignified:

"Don't you see what he got in his hand? That's the Qinglong flag!!"

"How about the Qinglong Banner, my son is not able to get out of bed, so I
can't get out of bed anymore, maybe I can't repair it in the future. I have to
kill him today." Xu Jia's family snarled in anger.

"You are crazy? Qinglongqi is the symbol of Qinglongzong. If you have

Qinglongqi, it is equal to the protection of Qinglongzong. You dare to
move that Chufeng. In the future, it will be you, even our two families will
have a big disaster."
The two owners are really scared. They are not afraid of the Chu family.
However, they have to be afraid of the Qinglongzong. Although
Qinglongzong is in Qingzhou, it is a second-class sect, but for them it is a
real behemoth. .

Needless to say, Qinglongzong sent a large army. As long as they randomly

sent several inner-door elders, they could easily destroy their families.
They did not dare to provoke them, and they did not dare to offend.

"You are crazy, now we have a way back? You don't look at it, this Chu
family has been made us like."

"Now we have no retreat. This Chu Feng we kill, we must also offend the
Qinglongzong, we will not kill, Qinglongzong will not let us go."

"But if we kill this Chu Feng now, Qinglong Zong will not receive the
news so quickly. We can also roll the cover and leave. If it doesn't kill him,
Qinglong Zong will soon send people to kill us. Stay." Xu Jiajia said with

And listening to this, the two owners are also in silence, because they
suddenly feel that the Xu family said it is right, now they have forced the
Chu family to this kind of field, with the Qinglongzong, the backing Chu
family, how Will let them go.

They are indeed on the road to the end, killing the end, there is still a
glimmer of hope, but if this time to stop, it is a dead end.

"Fenger, run fast, don't care about us." Feeling the situation is not good,
Chu Yuan shouted loudly.

"Fenger is going fast, only to retain his life, can revenge for my Chu
family!" At the same time, the Chu family leader Chu Yuanba also

Seeing the situation, Xu Wangma's three forces are all prepared for
prevention. They want to prevent Chu Feng from escaping, especially the
three homeowners. They are also emitting the atmosphere of Yuan Wujing.
It is ready to shoot Chu Feng.


But at the time, Chu Feng not only did not retreat, but took a step forward.
On the face full of blood, she raised a confident smile and said: "I said,
today I am guilty of my Chu family. ,dead."

The voice of "?" just fell, and a blast broke out. Chu Feng has disappeared.


Almost at the same time as Chu Feng disappeared, a few screams came
from the hospital, and I watched and watched. I saw that several Chu
family members were already in the same place and were killed by Chu

“?” But when people discovered this situation, Chu Feng disappeared
again, followed by several Ma family members.

"Bick, take a shot, kill him."

At this moment, the Xu family’s snarl screamed and rushed over to Chu
Feng, followed by the owner of the Wang family and the vest, and

At this moment, Chu Yuanba, Chu Yuan and other Chu family people are
all nervous, deeply Chu Feng pinched a cold sweat, because no one thinks,
only the Lingwu seven Chu Feng, can be in three yuan The hands of the
martial arts master escaped.

Although Lingwu and Yuanwu are only one word apart, the realm between
the two can be said to be the separation between heaven and earth. It is
simply an insurmountable gap that cannot be compared.

Surprisingly, despite the momentum of the three homeowners, the speed is
extremely fast, the strength is even stronger, but it can not keep up with
the speed of Chu Feng, every time is a slow step.

They can only watch their own people, one after another, in the hands of
Chu Feng, but there is no way, because Chu Feng's speed is too fast, so far
beyond common sense, simply can not capture.

In this case, it is only a moment's effort. Within the entire yard, except for
the Chu family, the Xu family, the Wang family, and the Ma family are
only three, and that is the three homeowners. As for the other Everyone is
dead, and they all die from beheading.

"Funny, I have to kill you all the time." Looking at the dead body, watching
the ones, so died, the three homeowners angered to the extreme.

At this moment, Chu Feng suddenly stopped the pace of walking, standing
in front of Chu Yuanba and Chu Yuan, and turned the cold eyes to the three
homeowners, cold and cold:

"It's your turn!"

Martial God Asura Chapter 106: Jieling Space
(plus 56)
The power of enchantment can only be used by the spirits, because
ordinary people simply cannot touch.

The power of enchantment is not the power of the world, but the spiritual
world, a mysterious world.

The spiritist uses himself as a conductor to communicate with the spiritual

world, and to introduce the power of enchantment into his own body and
then display it.

To communicate with the spiritual world, you must use your own spiritual
strength to build a spiritual space in your spiritual world.

As long as you construct a spiritual space, you can open the door to the
spiritual world and use the power of enchantment. Therefore, what Chu
Feng wants to do is to condense his own spiritual strength and build this
spiritual space.

This is a very superb means. It is a difficult task to have enough control

over mental strength and to spend a lot of mental energy.

Just like building a house, mental strength is the raw material, and the
strength of the mental power determines the quality of the house.

However, when Chu Feng had just mastered this means, he entered his
spiritual world and wanted to build his own spiritual space.

However, he was shocked to discover that in his spiritual world, there was
already a space for spirituality.

"What is going on here?" Chu Feng at this moment has entered his
spiritual world.
This is a vast and innocent world, like being in the stars, but the lingering
light is not a star, but a floating gas.

Chu Feng can walk in the air and walk freely in this world. He wants to
reach any corner, and everything is under his control.

Right now, not far from Chu Feng, there is a huge palace, very beautiful,
full of light, shining, like crystal.

The shape is also very weird, indescribable, but it is unusually spectacular.

It is located in this vast spiritual world, extending beyond the end, as if it
were leading to another world.

Chu Feng believes that this must be the legendary spiritual space, but he
can't figure out, his spiritual world, how can there be such a magnificent
spiritual space?

Such a spiritual space can be built up with a lot of mental energy. What
kind of perfect control is necessary to create it, at least he can't do it at all.

"Hey, what do you want, don't come in quickly, you are a trick, how long
will I have to wait!"

Just in the effort of Chu Feng's god, a sweet voice suddenly sounded in the
spiritual space, very pleasant, just Chu Feng has heard, the best voice.

However, after this sound, Chu Feng was shocked again, because this
voice Chu Feng heard, in the world that he thought was a dream, I heard it.

"Is it true that everything is true?" Chu Feng felt incredible, but still a
figure, jumped into the spiritual space.

The boundary space is like a palace, but it is better to say that it is a

towering tower, and there is no door, but Chu Feng can pass through the
wall and step into it.

When Chu Feng entered, he quickly lost the ability to walk freely and
travel to the sky, and landed firmly on the ground.
At the moment, the scenery in front of Chu Feng’s eyes, Chu Feng has ever
seen, such as crystal walls, extending beyond the end of the end.

On a wall, there is a strange door, with layers of chains on the door, and a
horrible atmosphere inside the door.

The main thing is that there is a black giant egg not far away. At this
moment, just like the words, Chu Feng is screaming.

Isn't everything in this all the dream that Chu Feng saw on the day? But
now Chu Feng knows that this is not a dream, but his spiritual space.

"Oh, Chu Feng, you stupid, you finally came in again."

"It's too stupid, too stupid, know how long I have been waiting for you, for
fifteen years."

"Oh, eh, oh, oh, it's too bad to understand. It's just too bad."

The beautiful voice kept ringing from the black dome, and the words were
messy, but it was very nice, like a child who was awkward.

But the most important thing is that she not only knows Chu Feng’s name,
but also said that she had waited for Chu Feng for fifteen years, which
made Chu Feng feel surprised.

"What exactly are you? How do you know my name?" Chu Feng asked, he
looked at the black egg far away, not close.

"You are what you are, you want to call me Queen, the Queen knows?"

"I am in your spiritual world, you can share your vision and hearing with
you. Everything you have experienced in these years, I have experienced it
with you. How can I not know what you are called? I have known what you
have done. "There was an unpleasant voice among the black eggs."

"In my spiritual world? Are you saying that you have been in my spiritual
world for fifteen years? Why did you enter my spiritual world?" Chu Feng
was shocked.
"Where do I know that the Queen woke up and was in the spiritual world
of your kid, and was blocked by this abominable enchantment, and could
not move."

"I think most of the good things that your parents do." The black egg
continued to scream.

"Then, do you know who my parents are? What are they called? Where are
they from, where are they now?" Chu Feng eagerly asked.

"I still want to ask you, it is best not to let me know who they are,
otherwise I must let them pay the price, dare to seal this queen in the
spiritual world of your stinky boy, it is awful."

Although the sound was very good, Chu Feng could hear that the black
egg, who claimed to be the Queen of the Queen, was very angry at the
moment, and he could even hear the black egg grinding.

"Is it true that this spiritual space is built by my parents for me?" After
listening to the black egg, Chu Feng also fell into meditation.

"Crap, no one is helping you build it, or you can't build it yourself. Can
you build it out of such a powerful spiritual space?" The black egg hits the

"In this way, the person who helped me build this spiritual space should be
very powerful? Is it also a spiritualist?" Chu Feng asked.

"It is natural to be able to build such a spiritual space. It is not right. What
do you mean? You want to say that this Queen is weak?"

"I tell you, if it wasn't for the Queen who was injured, no one can seal the
Queen, no matter how great the people who help you, just let the Queen
know who he is, he will definitely let him pay the price, it will definitely

"I don't see a trace of your egg, I am just curious."

"What are you curious about? What are you curious about, etc., eggs? You
are the egg, you are the egg, the dog egg, the bastard, you want to call me

"Good egg, then you can tell me, what is your name? Where is it from?"

"Get out of the way, you want to set the bottom of the queen, the door is

Chu Feng wanted to find out something from the black egg, but later found
that this guy is also a question.

And her mouth is very strict, never willing to reveal her identity, but Chu
Feng feels that if someone deliberately seals her in her spiritual world,
there must be any metaphor.

At least that person will not harm himself, or he can completely kill
himself in the first place.

Why do you help it build a spiritual space, and seal it in its spiritual space,
which can harm your own things, which is too much effort.

So Chu Feng concluded that the man would not harm him, but help him,
and he felt that it was probably his family.
Martial God Asura Chapter 107: Unlock the seal
(plus 57)
After learning about this, Chu Feng’s inner inexplicable warmth, because
he knew that his family did not care about him, but he had already laid a
solid foundation for him.

He felt that there were reasons for his family to abandon him, and he had
to know the reason, to find his family, to find his parents, to know what

"Hey, hey, what are you thinking about, you are not going to release the
queen." See Chu Feng fell into meditation, the black egg yelled.

"I said that you are underestimating my IQ, or overestimating your IQ?
Your resentment is so heavy, I let you out, I am looking for death?"

Chu Fengyi took a look at it and then ignored it. Instead, he sat down and
began to sort out the thoughts in his mind and wanted to communicate the
power of the enchantment.

"Hey, Chu Feng, this stinky boy, dare to ignore this queen."

"Trick or treat, want to communicate the power of enchantment, this queen

can teach you."

"You still want to win the Gong Luyun, this queen can help you!" The
black egg began to shake vigorously, it seems that Chu Feng ignored her.

"Can you really help me communicate the power of enchantment?"

Chu Feng looked at it with suspicion. It wasn't that he wanted to take the
opportunity to take risks. It was just that he had just tried it. Only then did
he know that even if he built the enchantment space, it would be difficult
to communicate the power of enchantment.
"Of course, you are a white queen?"

"The power of enchantment is within this enchantment space, but it is not

used for you."

"If you use mental power to communicate, you need to explore it little by
little, and you will have to spend a few days to communicate with a little
bit of enchantment."

"But I have a spell. As long as you use this spell, you can make the power
of enchantment work for you."

"Of course, how many enchantments can be used, but also your own
strength, because the strength of the enchantment is equal to the strength
of your mental strength," Black Egg explained.

"Curse? Wouldn't it be a spell that would let me unpack the seal?" Chu
Feng didn't believe what the black egg said.

"Hey, hello, what are you afraid of? This is your spiritual world.
Everything is under your control. Can't I hurt you at all?"

"But I told you, I was sealed. Not only was my body bound by this odious
thing, but my cultivation was also bound. My strength today is far less
than you."

"Otherwise, how can you ask me to unlock the seal for me? I have already
smashed this broken thing." The black egg was a little angry.

Chu Feng thought about the black egg, and felt that it didn't make sense.
Then he asked: "You can tell the spell and listen to it. I will try it."

"I oh, you want to empty the white wolf!!!" The black egg came with a
scornful voice.

"What do you want to do, will you tell me the spell?"

"It's very simple, to help this queen open this seal."

"There are no doors!"

"Hey! You are still not a man. How can you be so timid? The Queen said
that my cultivation was sealed and I could not hurt you, let alone this is
your spiritual world."

"Less flickering me, this space is very strange. I don't control it at all.
Otherwise, how can I not use the power of enchantment? Need to

"Stupid stupid fool, the queen swears to heaven, it will definitely not harm
you, I am actually very kind."

"I only heard someone say that it is best not to let her know who sealed her
here, or else let the person pay the price."

"I want him to pay the price, but isn't he taking his life? If you change it to
be you, you have been locked up in a place for fifteen years, you haven't
eaten or drunk, and you don't even have a person who talks with you. You
will No complaints?"

"In your fifteen years, although you have not been less tempted by the Chu
family, there is no less grievance, but at least some people can be angry
with you, me? I can't find the person I want to find."

"I am here to wait for you, but you are not easy to come in, actually do not
want to let me out, you are simply a super invincible big bastard..."
Speaking of it, the black egg, actually passed There is a crying sound.

Such a sweet voice, crying so sad, it is really unbearable, especially after

hearing her words, Chu Feng's heart can not help but soften.

After careful consideration, Chu Feng felt that what she said was not
unreasonable, so she asked: "How can I help you unlock the seal?"

"You can't solve the seal in my body, but you can help me break this thing,
at least let me be free in your spiritual world."
"As for the method of opening is very simple, just use your strength and
force a punch."

“Really so simple?” Chu Feng is somewhat suspicious.

"It's that simple, don't believe you try it." Among the black eggs, there was
a spoiled voice.

"Well, you will step back, lest I hurt you with a punch."

Before Chu Feng went to the black egg, he first checked it with his mental
power and found that the black egg was very strange. He could not
penetrate it so far.

Biting his teeth, Chu Feng suddenly banged out, only to hear the sound of
"?", the black egg appeared a concave punch, numerous small cracks
emerged and began to spread outward.


The cracks spread rapidly and the sound of crisp sound continued. This
strange black egg was actually broken by Chu Feng and began to shatter
and fall off.

At the end of the day, the huge black egg was split into two halves,
scattered, and at the same time, a beautiful shadow appeared in front of
Chu Feng.

This is a young girl. The skin of the white sputum is better than the winter
snow. The skin is rosy and radiant. It makes people look at it and know
how smooth the skin is. People can't help but want to touch it.

But now, the most attractive thing for Chu Feng is the woman's face. The
logo on the face of the goose is a pair of watery eyes. In the black pupil, it
seems to be a galaxy, deep and attractive.

Under the beauty is the delicate Qiong nose, under the nose of Qiong, is a
pink mouth, lips slightly raised, beautiful and seductive, extremely sexy.
A black hair scattered on the white shoulders, very attractive, this woman's
body is also perfect, bumpy, very full.

She also wears a skirt that is also very distinctive. It is made of black
feathers. I don’t know what the feathers are, but it’s beautiful.

Especially this black skirt, very short, on the snow and white shoulders,
the snowy white legs, between black and white alternately, like an elf,
beautiful to suffocate.

Beauty, really beautiful, is Chu Feng’s life, the most beautiful woman ever

If we say that the sisters of Su Shisu and Sumei are the best of the world,
then the beauty of this girl can definitely confuse all beings.
Martial God Asura Chapter 108: Two monsters
(plus 58)
"Look at what you see, the age is so small, have you grown up?" The girl
was beautiful and moved, and cast a scornful look.

"You are wrong, this is not called color, but called appreciation." Chu Feng
wiped a mouth, only to find that he did not live up to the saliva.

"Cut, there are still many reasons." The girl stunned Chu Feng, and the
mouth was slightly upturned, showing a very sweet smile.

"Wow, it’s still free to feel free."

The girl was very happy. She first opened her arms and turned a circle in
the same place, and then began to run around in this spiritual space.

It is like a playful child, but in fact, it is more like a bird that has gained

"This girl, I don't know what to call?" Chu Feng asked.

"What girl? Call me Queen!" The girl corrected.

"Queen's adult? Clearly a little girl, tell me what you are, or I will call you
an egg." Chu Feng laughed.

"Get out of the way, you are the egg, your whole family is an egg!" The
girl actually spit out a small tongue against Chu Feng, and made a face,
this is called a naughty.

If it is not because she has been in her spiritual world for fifteen years, and
she has mature wisdom 15 years ago, Chu Feng really doubts that this is a

"Hey, the egg, the person who wants to be honest, should you tell me the
spell that condenses the power of the enchantment."
"I am not a human, can you not talk about integrity?"

"You...." Chu Feng is speechless, he has seen shameless, but rarely seen
shameless than him, I can't think of losing to a gimmick today.

"Haha, okay, although I am not a human being, I am very honest, so you

just promise me, and later call me Queen, I will tell you the spell."

"Queen's adult!" Chu Feng cried decisively.

"I am going, you are really unfair." The girl stunned Chu Feng and read a
piece of words that Chu Feng could not understand.

And her voice just fell, Chu Feng can feel that in this spiritual space, there
are countless strange transparent gases, and began to rotate around the girl.

Suddenly, the girl turned her finger to Chu Feng, and the gas poured into
Chu Feng’s body.

"The power of enchantment?" Chu Feng discovered that these strange

transparent gases are the power of enchantment.

"This spell can only be used if I read it, but as long as I am there, the
power of enchantment here will be used for you." After the power of
enchantment was introduced into Chu Feng, the girl smiled proudly.

"The Queen is really amazing. You said before, you can help me win the
Gong Luyun, don't know how to help me?" Chu Feng asked with a smile.

"Of course it can help you. As long as you become a qualified spiritualist,
you will be treated as a guest everywhere, and there will be countless
people to benefit you."

"Although I don't know what kind of ghost thing you have in this guy's
Dantian, but that thing can really help you quickly refine the elixir. With
it, your cultivation speed will be very fast."

"But, if you want to make you a guest, you have to do things for others, so
all you have to do is become a qualified spiritualist." The girl explained.
"Qualified spiritualist? What is a qualified spiritualist?" Chu Feng asked.

"For most people, as long as they can use the power of enchantment,
arrange the enchantment method, and defend the big squad, it is already a
spiritualist, but in fact it is not a spiritualist."

"A qualified spiritualist must not only master the strongest means of
defense, but also master the strongest means of attack, use enchantment
for defense, and use the spirit of attack. This is the real spirit."

After listening to the girl's words, Chu Feng was so excited that she finally
knew the role of this girl. This is simply a mentor who taught him how to
become a spiritual master.

"I know the enchantment, what is that spirit?" Chu Feng asked excitedly.

"The power of enchantment is the energy from the spiritual world, just like
the aura, power, and mystery from the human world."

"And the spirit of the spirit, it is a creature from the spiritual world, has a
strong power, and can be attached to your body."

"That is, if there is a bounded spirit, I am willing to work for you, even if
you are now a martial arts, but when it is attached to you, you are a master
of Xuanwujing." The girl explained.

"So powerful, then what can I do to communicate with the spirit? Is the
spirit also in this spiritual space?" Chu Feng began to look around and
look for the figure of the spirit.

"Of course not, the spirits live in the spiritual world, and with your current
spiritual power, you can't communicate with it."

"Don't say it is you, even if it is the elder of the dog, you may not be able
to let the spirits work for him. In fact, he is not even a true spiritual
master." The girl scorned.

"What? Even the elders of Zhuge can't do it?" Chu Feng is speechless. The
spirit of Zhuge Elder is definitely better than him. If the elders of Zhuge
can't do it, his hopes will be even worse.

"Don't be discouraged, someone has prepared a big gift for you, grabbed at
least two spirits, and is inside your enchantment space." The girl suddenly

"Really, where is the spirit?" Chu Feng understands the meaning of the
girl, it must be his family, ready for him.

"There are two spirits for the time being, one is very powerful, the other is
very weak, but no matter which one, it will not work for you in vain, so I
want to know, which one are you interested in now?" Chu Feng.

"First talk about the weak one." Chu Feng thought about it, and thought it
would be more appropriate to control the weak first.

"The weak one, behind the gate." The girl, pointing her finger, the door
that screamed of horror.

"The original place is the spirit of the spirit?" Chu Feng could not help but
swallow, although he did not see the so-called spirit, but he also knows
that the spirit of the inside is certainly terrible.

"Yeah, otherwise what do you think is there? The spirit is very violent and
will never work for you."

"And it's weak, it's just for you. If you let him out, your mental power can't
bind it."

"It will occupy your body, use your body as a medium to survive in the
human world, and with its temper, I am afraid that you will be destroyed
by the Kyushu continent."

"Is it so powerful? My body is locked with such a terrible monster!" Chu

Feng was surprised, but more and more, his family was amazing.

Not only will the unfathomable madman be forced to be half-mad and

half-stupid, but in his body, he will put a monster that can destroy the
Kyushu continent. This is too much.
However, at this moment, Chu Feng suddenly remembered that the girl
said that it could only destroy the monsters of Kyushu mainland, but it was
very weak, which means that there is a more terrible monster.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng couldn't help but be cold and sweaty, creepy
and nervous, but found that there was no place to hold monsters except the

"The other one? Where is the very powerful one?" Chu Feng asked

"?" sees Chu Feng asking, the girl is a strange smile, and then pointed to
herself: "That is powerful, has been released by you!"
Martial God Asura Chapter 109: I am really
"It's you?"

Chu Feng was shocked, and he jumped a few meters back.

After opening the distance with the girl, Chu Feng once again used the
spirit to observe the cultivation of the girl, but found that the girlish
atmosphere is not ordinary, not like a man of martial arts.

But he still didn't dare to have a big idea. Don't look at this girl's beautiful
face, it is harmless to humans and animals, but she is not a human being,
but a spiritual, can stay in Chu Feng's spiritual world for fifteen years.
Don't eat monsters that don't drink and don't die, God knows what kind of
means she has.

"Haha, am I so terrible?" Seeing the fear of Chu Feng, the girl's jade hand
covered her mouth and was teased and giggled.

"You are playing with me?" Looking at the girl who was leaning forward
and leaning back, Chu Feng filled the black line of the brain and felt that
she might be fooled.

"Playing what you do, don't I be as powerful as that? Tell you, it's best not
to mess with the Queen, or the Queen will eat you."

Suddenly, Chu Feng’s figure was vertical, and he came to the girl behind
the lightning. His hands slammed out and grabbed the girl’s wrists. The
girl’s hands were behind her back and the girl was pressed to the ground.

"Oh, what do you want? Let me go!"

The girl was anxious, struggling while screaming, but her strength was
almost insignificant for Chu Feng, and it didn't help.
"You stink, I really lie to me." Seeing the girl really did not repair, Chu
Feng's nervous mood finally settled down.

"Trick or treat, let me go, or the queen can't spare you."

"Oh, dare to resist, do not give you some lessons, you really do not know
who is the master here!" Chu Feng rises on a whim, raises his hand and
pats the girl's rich hips.

"Ah~~~~~~" However, Chu Feng’s hand just fell, and there was a scream
of earth-shattering.

Originally Chu Feng just wanted to teach the girl, took a picture on her
hips, but one did not control, the result turned into a catch.

This kind of grasp does not matter, this feeling is called a good, although
through the black feather skirt, but Chu Feng still feels like touching the
girl's smooth skin, soft and elastic, flexible and soft In the middle of the
belt, it is simply a slap in the face of fire. If you want to stop, Chu Feng is
already unable to let go.

"Trick or treat, I dare to take advantage of this queen, I want to kill you."
The girl was completely angry, the white cheeks, the red like a ripe apple,
the anger in the eyes, just spray Come out.

"False is definitely a mistake, I didn't mean it."

After all, Chu Feng was still a young girl. When he was seen by a girl, he
was also a little embarrassed. He opened his hand with a red face.

"I killed you." However, just let go, the girl suddenly turned around, fangs
and claws, and murderously rushed to Chu Feng.

Upon seeing it, Chu Feng was also a little panicked. When he was opposite
to the girl’s eyes, he felt a dangerous atmosphere. He shot the
subconscious and grabbed the girl’s wrist again. He pressed the girl down
and pressed hard. Too fierce, like a hungry tiger, the whole person is
pressed up.
"Ah~~~~~ You are rogue, what do you want to do to me?"

At this moment, the girl was crying loudly, because Chu Feng was pressing
under her body. She felt a mighty foreign object leaning against her. She
thought of what she was the first time, and she was afraid that Chu Feng
would make it to herself. What a bad thing, had to display a pitiful and
weak measure.

"Amount....sorry, natural reaction."

Chu Feng also reacted, knowing that he had done something shamelessly,
and quickly removed from the girl's body, but the hands were still dead,
according to the girl, I was afraid that she would come back.

"Trick or treat, no one dares to treat this queen like this, you are dead."
Chu Feng just moved away, the girl will roar, it is obvious that Chu Feng
really touched her bottom line.

"Oh, you stupid, really bullying and hard, just give you a good face, you
dare to threaten me. Believe it or not, you dare to threaten me, I will take
you down now."

Chu Feng threatened to say that in fact, at this moment, Chu Feng did not
dare to look at the girl, because it was just the same, Chu Feng was really
** burned, a little out of control.

If it is not worried, the other party is not human, and doing things for men
and women will have any bad influence on themselves. Chu Feng may
indeed be, will press the girl under her body and feel the wonderful taste
of the woman.

"Do you dare, if you dare to do that kind of thing to me, I will blew my
body and go with you." The girl gnashed her teeth, and the beauty was
filled with firm determination.

"I am joking, you should know me, my Chu Feng is not that kind of
Upon seeing it, Chu Feng was also guilty. Although the girl did not have
any repairs, he felt that the girl was not like a joke, so she had to let go of
the girl with a smile.

"Amu" and at this moment, the girl actually grabbed Chu Feng's arm and
bite it in one bite.

Seeing this scene, Chu Feng wanted to scream, because he looked at the
girl's posture, he would definitely bite off his piece of meat, but when the
girl went down, Chu Feng was completely relieved.

The girl did not repair, and Chu Feng said that Lai said that it is also a
martial arts, and because of the sake of Shen Lei's boarding of Dan Tian,
??his aura is very strong, running through the whole body, making his
body into a reinforced iron bone, the girl's mouth, Chu Feng It really
doesn't hurt, it doesn't feel.

"Ah, you are a smashing egg, your arm is not made of iron!" Sure enough,
after a bite, the girl burst into tears with her red lips, because she not only
did not bite Chu Feng, but also hurt her teeth. .

I don't know why, looking at the tears of the girl's eyes, the heart of Chu
Feng is sour and sour, the needle is as painful, this is the first time there is
a girl.

"Well, I am not wrong, I will let you just lie to me!"

Although I don’t know where this feeling came from, Chu Feng didn’t
want to let this girl cry, so she rushed to admit her apology and picked up
the girl like a child.

It is also strange to say that although the girl claimed to be the queen, it
really seems to be very deep in the world, but her temper is really like a
child, Chu Feng said a few soft words, really just fine.

"You are a trick, I have lied to you, I am really amazing, but my repair is
sealed." The girl was grievances, and she seemed to want Chu Feng not to
believe her.
"Then you know how to unlock your seal?" Chu Feng brows, some

"I don't know." The girl shook her head.

"That's good." Chu Feng took a sigh of relief.

"You are a trick." The girl screamed and rushed over to Chu Feng again.
Martial God Asura Chapter 110: Psychic contract
After some physical contact, Chu Feng determined that the girl did not
pose any threat to him.

Instead, the girl is in a danger. After all, she is so beautiful, and she is
imprisoned in this spiritual world. She cannot escape. The most important
thing is that in this spiritual world, Chu Feng can touch her. The.

Nima, this is simply in her own body, imprisoned a worldly unparalleled

beauty, and still soft, soft, easy to push down, but fortunately Chu Feng is
not that kind of person, otherwise ....

"Hey, quail, what do you want?" Looking at Chu Feng, who stared at
herself, with a smirk in her mouth, the girl yelled.

"I said the egg, you said before, as long as you and I are one, you can help
me win Gong Luyun, is it true?" Chu Feng smiled and laughed, it was evil.

"You are going to die, the ghost is going to be one with you." The girl's
gnashing teeth, seven cigarettes, a pair of beautiful rounds, but how to
look how cute, how to see how to recruit people.

This is really true. When a person is beautiful, even if he makes an

unbearable expression, it is also a kind of beauty.

"You see, isn't that what you said, just..."

"It's possession, it's not fit, you stink!"

"With the body, how to possess?" Chu Feng is very curious.

"As long as you enter into a psychic contract with me, I can share the
spiritual world with you, and as long as you are willing, you can enter your
body from your spiritual world and pass on my strength to you."
"Just, my current repair has been completely sealed, and I don't know how
to crack it. I only have to re-cultivate, so if you want me to help you, you
must help me to practice, as long as you help me to practice in Xuanwu
within one year. The environment will naturally be able to compete with
that Gong Luyun." The girl explained.

"What? Help you cultivate? I have time to help you cultivate to

Xuanwujing, you may have been in the sky." Chu Feng was depressed.

"Hey, can you cultivate to Tianwujing in a year? You can hardly cultivate
even Xuanwujing, but if you will help me, within a year, I will be able to
cultivate to Xuanwujing."

"In addition, my cultivation does not delay your cultivation. On the

contrary, you help me to practice and improve your enchantment." The girl

"Really?" Chu Feng suspicious.

"Of course." The girl is very confident.

"Then you talk, how can I help you." Chu Feng asked.

"There is no free lunch in the world, and the spirits will never work for
you humans in vain. The spiritualist, the reason why you can get the power
of the spirit, is because you need to provide the source of the spirit."

"The source, what is that?"

"In your world, all martial artists have their own origins, whether they are
born or dead, as long as the body is not destroyed, the source will not be

"This source has no effect on you, but it has a huge temptation for me and
other spirits, because it can help us and improve our cultivation quickly."

"For example, as long as you can find a martial artist in Xuanwujing, let
me absorb his origins, then I can reach what you call Yuanwujing. How is
it faster than you practice?" The way of laughter.
"The martial arts of Xuanwujing? You don't want to say so easy or not? If I
can catch the martial arts of Xuanwujing, let you use the source, I still
need you to help me?" Chu Feng was extremely depressed.

"Stupid, is it that you didn't understand me? I said, whether it is life or

death, as long as the body is not destroyed, there is a source that can be
absorbed, you can't catch the living, can you still find the dead? Don't
forget that you are a spiritual master!" The girl is also a little depressed.

"Is it dead?" Chu Feng was shocked.

"Of course, or today, the **** Zhuge elder, why should you swallow up the
cold and sinless and the stinky old man? Also, did you not find that when
you entered the cemetery of the old man, you did not find the remains of
the old man?"

The girl shared the sight and hearing with Chu Feng. Chu Feng grew up
and went through everything she experienced.

"When you say this, I understand it, but you are not saying that the elders
of Zhuge do not have the ability to let the spirits work for him? Then how
did he swallow up the source?"

"He does not have the ability to let the spirits work for him, but he must
have communicated to a spirit, and now he is enshrining the spirit, but the
spirit, has not yet concluded a psychic contract with him. ""

"However, your boy is lucky, the Queen is willing to conclude a psychic

contract with you, but only if you have to help me get enough resources."

Having said that, the girl's hands are intertwined and a strange handprint is
produced. At the same time, her skirt dances and the slim jade body emits
a strange light.

The reason why this light is strange, it is because this is actually a black
light, black is represented by darkness, and darkness is just in the opposite
direction of light. At the moment, this extremely dark black is actually
shining, naturally very strange.
But the most strange thing is that the black ray body actually slipped down
the girl's jade body, forming a strange pattern on the ground.

This pattern seems to be a monster's face, horrible and horrible, and it is

constantly squirming. When people look at it, they are erected and

"What do you want, don't hurry up and come in."

The girl opened her mouth. At this moment, she was stunned by the
strange black light, but the beautiful face not only did not change, but it
seemed more glamorous, as if this was the real she.

"No, you let me stand on the face of the monster?" Chu Feng was a little
scared. He felt that the face was a living thing, as if he could swallow

"Trick or treat, this is the Queen's psychic enchantment. I want to be a top-

level spiritualist at the beginning. I want to conclude a contract with this
Queen. I am ignored by this Queen. Now the Queen has signed a contract
with you. You are not willing?" Upside down, some are angry.

Upon seeing it, Chu Feng bit his teeth, or stepped in, but just stepped in,
Chu Feng felt that a swallowing force swallowed himself, and the brain
was blank, and then lost consciousness.


I don't know how long it took, Chu Feng slowly opened his eyes, only to
find that he was in the Chu family's room, and kept the action of sinking
consciousness into the spiritual world.

"Well? It's okay!" Chu Feng took a sigh of relief. She thought that she was
in trouble and had a girl's plan. But now, obviously, there is no, after all,
she is still alive.

"Hey, stinky Chu Feng, still not going to the Queen, looking for the
source!" But at this moment, the girl's voice suddenly sounded in Chu
Feng's ear.

"Eggs!! You came out, where?" Chu Feng was shocked and looked around,
but did not find the girl's figure.

"Stupid, I am still in your spiritual world." The girl's voice rang again.

And listening to this, Chu Feng is a big joy, whispered: "In this way, we
Martial God Asura Chapter 111: Wan Wenpeng
After Chu Feng and the egg psychic, the two can talk with the heart, and
outsiders can't detect it.

Under the guidance of the egg, Chu Feng not only quickly grasps the
power of enchantment, but also can arrange a simple enchantment, and
display the enchantment of the first level, which is considered to be half of
the spirits.

On this day, Chu Feng came to Zijincheng. After all, it was close to the so-
called rookie conference, and today it is just Chen Hui, let Chu Feng come
to Zijincheng.

Zijincheng is worthy of being a second-class city, with wide streets and

busy streets. The shops along the road are full of people. The wealth of the
city is not expensive. The prosperity of this city is not comparable to the
ancient city of the wilderness.

After all, the ancient city of the wilderness is just an ordinary city, and
Zijincheng is a second-class city with administrative power. It is a city
protected by the Jiang Dynasty. The two are in a different position.

Chu Feng dressed in the costumes of Qinglongzong’s core disciples,

walking in this purple gold city, but also won the appreciation of many
people, after all, Chu Feng’s age is really small, so such an age, it will
always make people bright.

However, this kind of appreciative gaze will only emerge in the eyes of
ordinary people. When Chu Feng came to the gate of the city's main
government, he encountered two people who looked down on Chu Feng.

"Hey, look, isn't that a disciple of the second-class Zongmen


"It’s ridiculous, it’s eight-pronged. It’s already a core disciple. Hey, I want
to be both brothers and brothers, but in Lingyunzong, it’s just an inner

"Hey, second-class sect, how can you compare with Lingyun? Our core
disciples are all people, and their core disciples are far less than our inner

Two teenagers walked down from a luxurious carriage and saw a cold
whisper after Chu Feng, and their eyes were full of contempt.

They are not older than Chu Feng, and the costumes are indeed the
costumes of Ling Yunzong. Presumably, this is the person who represents
Zijincheng and participates in the rookie conference.

However, for the ridicule of these two, Chu Feng did not pay attention, but
went straight to the city government, but just walked to the front door,
they were stopped by the group of guards at the door.

"I was invited by Chen Hui to represent Zijincheng in the rookie

conference." Chu Feng said.

And listening to this, the guards brows slightly wrinkled, the face became
quite unpleasant, after all, calling the name of the city owner is a taboo.

However, after carefully scrutinizing Chu Feng, they did not get angry, but
said poorly: "Please show your invitation!"

"Invitation?" Chu Feng stunned, and Chen Hui did not give him any

"There are no invitations, is it to come to the fore?" At this moment, the

two disciples of Ling Yunzong came over and laughed at Chu Feng, and
each took out a letter and handed it to the guard.

"Two young masters, please come with me." After confirming the
invitation is correct, the guard is very polite to these two Ling Yunzong

"This little brother, don't you know that those who participated in the
rookie meeting are all elites of Zijincheng? Don't say that you are doing
this kind of cultivation. The identity of your Qinglong sect is not worthy
of participating in the rookie meeting."

"Yes, the second-class sect of the district, I also want to represent my

Zijincheng to participate in the rookie conference? It is really delusional!"
However, the two Ling Yunzong disciples did not follow the guards, but
instead ridiculed Chu Feng.

"Hey, let's go, the participants of the rookie conference are all carefully
selected by the city owner. If you don't receive the invitation, it is not
enough." Even the guards are driving the Chu Feng, obviously Chu Feng It
was the self-recommended by Mao, not the invitation of the city owner.

"Do you think I am posing?" Chu Feng did not change his face, asked

"Here is the city's main government, you better not to hang around,
otherwise you have a good look." The guard face turned cold, it is already

"Hey, I opened my dog's eyes and showed it to me." Seeing, Chu Feng was
not nonsense. After taking out the purple gold token, he directly lost the
face of the guard.


After catching the token, the guardian wants to worry, but after seeing the
token, it is a big change, because it is a purple gold token, which is the
object equivalent to the identity of the city, only the closest to the city
owner can enjoy.

At this moment, the guard knows that he has made a big mistake, no
matter who Chu Feng is, but as long as there is a Zijin token, it must be the
existence he can not afford.

"Small sin should die, I don't know your identity!!!!"

Thinking of this, the guards actually "slammed" and fell to the ground, and
asked Chu Feng for mercy, even the body was shaking, showing that he
was really scared.

At the same time, all the guards around have collapsed. Seeing the tokens
as seen by the city owner must be worshipped.

However, compared to the group of guards, the two disciples of Ling

Yunzong are even more ugly as paper. They can’t think of it anyway. The
second-class sect of the sect, there is a Zijin token, but even They don't
have it.

Fortunately, their special status is the disciple of Qingyun, the first door of
Qingzhou. Otherwise, even they have to kneel down to Chu Feng, which is
a shame.

Chu Feng was too lazy to care for them, but under the leadership of the
guards, entered the palace, and came to a hall.

This hall is full of five boys and girls. Looking at the appearance, they are
no more than eighteen years old. Each is outstanding in appearance,
extraordinary in appearance, and is a disciple from the first class.

For these people, even the guards of Zijincheng are not afraid to neglect,
because they are all very talented, and their achievements will not be
limited in the future. They will become the pillars of this Zijincheng
sooner or later, and even Zijincheng simply cannot keep them.

As for the origin of these people, it is natural that this represents

Zijincheng, see the candidates of the rookie conference, and if you count
Chu Feng, it is just eight people.

When Chu Feng and the two Ling Yunzong disciples walked in, everyone
was bright, but the amazing eyes were the two behind Chu Feng.

As for the look of Chu Feng, it is somewhat wrong. After all, as a disciple
of the first-class sect, from the bottom of my heart, I will look down on
the disciples of the second-class sect, even if it is a core disciple, it is also
not in the eyes.

As for Chu Feng, they are too lazy to be close to them. After all, these
people are only the spiritual repairs of Lingwu. Although they are higher
than Chu Feng in the realm, Chu Feng wants to kill them, just like
pinching the ants. Generally easy.

"Look, it’s Wan Wenpeng!" But at this moment, several of the hall
suddenly stood up and looked at the hall with surprise.

Upon seeing it, Chu Feng also cast his gaze and found that a handsome boy
was slowly coming in with a group of guards.

This is also a disciple of the first class, but he is not an inner disciple, but
a core disciple of the first class.

"There is always one, and it is okay." Seeing this, Chu Feng is also a slight
smile, because the young man's cultivation is indeed stronger than the
other, it is Yuan Wujing.
Martial God Asura Chapter 112: Competition
"Wan brothers, I don't think you have become the core disciple of Feng
Zong. It is really the first person in my Zijincheng junior."

"Wan brother, at the age of 18, he stepped into the Yuanwu situation, so
that the younger sister is envious."

"The million brothers are out, this time I am Zijincheng, I will definitely
get the first place in the rookie conference."

After Wan Wanwen’s appearance, the rest of the young girls in the temple
were all in front of them, and they were close to the Wan Wenpeng. They
should all be old acquaintances.

"You really look at my Wan Wenpeng. I don't want to say that there are
many talents in other cities. I just say that this Zijincheng, I don't dare to
call it the first."

Wan Wenpeng shook his head modestly, but he could see from his smile
that he liked people to praise him like this.

"Hey? Is it difficult to be among the juniors in Zijincheng, and there are

more people than Wan brothers?" People expressed surprise.

"Don't you know that I am a lady of the city of Zijincheng, Chen Xiaoxi,
who entered the Yuanwu Kingdom a year ago, is it now the core disciple of
Ling Yunzong?" Wan Wenpeng smiled.

"The news of the Wan Brothers is really well-informed. We just learned

about it soon. I don’t think that the Wan brothers know it." The two
teenagers who had ridiculed Chu Feng before, they are the inner disciples
of Ling Yunzong, naturally. Know the things of Ling Yunzong.
"In this way, is this really true?" At this moment, the other few were
shocked. Ling Yunzong was the first door in Qingzhou and could become
the core disciple of Ling Yunzong. The pride of the sky, the status of
identity is definitely not what they can compare.

Even the Wan Wenpeng is also the core disciple of the first-class
Zongmen, but he is still a bit worse than Ling Yunzong’s core disciple.

"Chen Chen is really powerful, but I heard that many years ago, she died
because of her mother's death. She has not returned to Zijincheng for
several years. I am afraid that this year's rookie conference will not come
back because in her eyes, Zijincheng's honor and disgrace. It has nothing
to do with her." Someone sighed.

"Who said that I won't come back." But at this moment, a fierce voice
suddenly sounded outside the hall, and everyone was shocked to watch.

I saw a young girl standing outside the temple, watching a few people in
the temple coldly, and behind her, Chen Hui and the generals were
standing there, no need to think about it, this one The girl is Chen Ruyi in
the mouth of people.

"This...." I saw Chen Xifu, the teenager who had previously opened, his
face was pale, and he dared not speak again.

"I regret your sister, are you? Can you still recognize me Wan Wenpeng?"

Upon seeing it, Wan Wenpeng sorted out his robes and smiled. He was a
little girl when he left Zijincheng. But now he has grown into a slim girl,
although his face has changed a lot. But the unique cool temperament is
still there.

"Chen Hui, the journey to Suzaku City is far away, let's go early."
Surprisingly, Chen Chenxi did not even look at Wan Wenpeng, and also
called his father's name.

For this situation, Chen Hui just laughed and arranged the carriage, ready
to take Chu Feng and others to Zhuque City.
As for the Wan Wenpeng, it is ugly, standing in the same place, I don’t
know how to be good. Because he can't think of it anyway, Chen Chen will
treat him like this.

"Hey, this girl is arrogant, but it is also a bit of pride."

For this scene, Chu Feng, who is a bystander, smiles a little, because he
has already seen that Chen Yuxi has a dual cultivation of Yuanwu. This age
is indeed extraordinary, at least in his Qinglong. Zong, very rare.

After that, Chen Hui called out ten carriages. Each carriage was very
luxurious. There were all kinds of food in the carriage, and there were also
servants. It is obvious that Chen Hui pays great attention to Chu Feng and

However, it is normal to think about it carefully. After all, the ten are
within a thousand miles, and the best juniors are talented. The
achievements in the future are limitless.

Maybe no one can become a big man in Qingzhou in the future. At that
time, he said that he is a purple gold city, even if Suzaku City is not in the

For this kind of character, even if Chen Huigui is a city owner, he will not
be offended. He can only flatter and even please.

Ever since, under the **** of the Forbidden City army, ten luxury
carriages have advanced into Suzaku City and finally arrived at their
destination five days later.

Built in the mountains, Suzaku City is not as luxurious as expected, but a

quaint city filled with ancient and mysterious atmosphere.

Suzaku City's strength is similar to that of the second-class Zongmen

Qinglongzong, but on the status, it is not lost to the first-class sect. As for
the reason, it is naturally because of the refuge of the Jiang dynasty.
Therefore, even if all parties are talented, they are all disciples of the first-
class Zongmen. In this territory of Zhuque City, they dare not be
disrespectful. On the contrary, they all want to have some relationship with
this Zhuque City.

Of course, in this world of strength and respect, they are not afraid of
Suzaku City, but the Jiang dynasty behind Suzaku City, the behemoth who
ruled Kyushu.

At the moment, in the city of Suzaku, on a magnificent giant square, 20

teams of people stood neatly, and the 20 second-class cities under the
jurisdiction of Zhuque City have arrived.

Twenty city owners, each with their own inviting young talents, walked
down from the carriage, and the disciples from all sides of the Zongmen,
dressed in distinctive costumes, gathered in the center of the square.

"Hey, this is not Chen Hui."

A group of people came to Chen Hui and others. The head of the fat man
was a fat man with a big head. He was a city owner of a second-class city.
He had some festivals with Chen Hui, so the two had never been together.

Behind the fat man, he followed a group of boys and girls, each of whom
was proud and uninhibited, and wanted to raise his face to the sky.

"What's the matter?" Chen Hui brows slightly, looking at the ten young
girls behind the fat man, all from Ling Yunzong, and one of the teenagers,
actually a core disciple, he knows that the fat man came to the

"Hey, what have you said, you and I have known each other for a long
time, can't you say hello if you have nothing?"

The fat man smiled slightly, squinting at his eyes, and looked at Chu Feng
and others behind Chen Hui. When he saw Chen Yuxi, he couldn't help but
frown, and his eyes flashed a little unpleasantly.
I thought that this time, I invited so many talented people, I can suppress
Chen Hui in the momentum, take the opportunity to humiliate, but I can’t
think of Chen Hui, but I also found the core disciple of Ling Yunzong. It is
difficult for him to speak.

However, when he looked around and saw Chu Feng, he was overjoyed and
immediately said: "Chen Hui, are you no one in Zijincheng? How can you
find the disciples of Qinglongzong?"

"If Zijincheng can't find a decent junior, you can tell me, brother, I borrow
you two, hahaha..."

He said this sentence very loudly, deliberately let the people around him
hear it, and it is not true. When he said this, all the people in the city pool
cast their eyes on it, and after seeing Chu Feng, they all smacked in the
corner of their mouths. radian. For this kind of scene, the disciples of the
second-class Zongmen really can't take it.

For this situation, Chen Hui does not know how to refute. In fact, if it is
not Surou’s request, he is not willing to invite Chu Feng here. After all, all
the cities and towns are invited to be first-class disciples. Only in
Zijincheng, he found a second-class disciple. From the front, it is not

"Do you look down on the people of Qinglong Zong?"

But at this moment, a woman’s voice suddenly sounded, and she waited
and watched. Everyone couldn’t help but see a pair of beautiful sister
flowers, who were slowly coming, and they were wearing them. The
second-class sect of the "Qinglong Zong" costume.
Martial God Asura Chapter 12: 狠 role (plus 10)
"Chu Yuejie, how come you came out." Chu Feng asked inexplicably.

Chu Yue was smiling and ran to the front of Chu Feng. With the white jade
hand, he gently punched Chu Feng’s chest and said with joy:

"You kid, I said how you stayed in the outer door so calmly, and caught up
with me for a long time."

Chu Feng's scratched his head: "Chu Yuejie, today is really a trouble for
you, I see you Chu League gathering, but also disappointing."

"It's okay, it's good to let them learn long lessons, and save you from
bullying the whole day."

"For Chu Fengdi, tomorrow, the elixir will hunt us together. It is difficult
for one thing to be caught by oneself."

"Forget it, my relationship with them, you know, even if I am willing to

join the Chumeng, they will not." Chu Feng shook his head.

"Don't worry about it, this matter is handed over to me. In short, you will
come here to find us tomorrow." Chu Yue added a piece of bamboo to Chu
Feng, which is a gathering place of Chu League tomorrow.

"Okay." Seeing that Chu Yue is so persistent, Chu Feng can't bear to refuse.

After comforting Chu Feng, Chu Yue jumped to the house, she was really
happy, because Chu Feng gave her a big surprise today.

The people in the world are respected by strength. At present, Chu Feng
has shown a good strength. She thinks that the Chu family may recognize
Chu Feng.

And Chu family can unite, regardless of each other, is her biggest wish.
"Chu Wei brother, you..." Just arrived in front of the house, Chu Yue found
that the people of the Chu League have already come out.

"哼" Chu Cheng and Chu Zhen, awkwardly stunned Chu Yue, and then
quickly left without saying anything.

"Chu Yue, I am not the big brother to say you, today's business, you are too
biased that Chu Feng."

"This is good, let the Chu Feng take away two of the fairy grasses, but let
me wait for him to be humiliated. Now everyone is mad, are you
satisfied?" Chu Wei severely rebuked stand up.

"Chu Wei Brother, when I was wrong, I still can't do it. Then Chu Fengdi is
also a Chu family."

"You see, you have seen the strength of Chu Fengdi. He is not a waste in
your eyes. And we are in need of manpower, so let him join us."

Hearing Chu Yue said that Chu Wei suddenly changed his face, but he just
wanted to open his mouth, but his eyes flashed a strange look, and then he
sighed helplessly:

"Oh, I really served you this girl."

"Well, look at your face, I will give him Chu Feng a chance, you will bring
him with him tomorrow."

"Great, I know that Chu Wei is the best." Chu Yue excitedly jumped up,
laughing very bright.

"Okay, take a break early." Chu Wei shook his head and walked to his

"Chu Wei brother also took a break earlier." Chu Yue smiled and waved to
Chu Wei, watching Chu Wei leave.
Chu Wei promised Chu Feng to join the Chu League, which made Chu Yue
happy, but she did not see, Chu Wei turned, the sinister smile of the mouth.

"Chu Yue Shijie, that is called Chu Feng's hidden deep enough, I have been
in the outer door for so long, I have not heard his name, it seems that he is
the first to go to the inner door assessment."

Just then, a teenager came over. Like Chu Feng, he was a new disciple this
year and joined the members of the League of the League today.

"You are right, Chu Fengdi stayed at the outer door, must be for the reward
of the assessment, do not know that he did not get it." Hearing this, Chu
Yue is also suddenly realized.

"Chu Yue Shijie, you think too much, this year, the outside door can
appear a sly character, the first time I was taken away by that person."

"Your Chu Fengdi said that the strength is not bad, but compared with that
person, it is not influential." The teenager laughed.

“What is the role?” Chu asked curiously.

"That is quite embarrassing, a fourth-order beast, nine third-order beasts,

thirty second-order beasts, but the blink of an eye is all killed by him."

"When the genius disciples of the outer door arrived, they only saw the
dead body of the beasts in the ground. Is this strength, you say no?"

"So powerful?" At this moment, Chu Yue was also shocked by his face.

She is also a person who has experienced internal door assessments. She
knows the power of the agency and knows the terrible beast.

And before everyone can't get there, it's enough to kill so many beasts. She
can imagine how powerful this person is, and that at least Lingwuwu can
do it.

"What is that person called?" In shock, Chu Yue would like to know the
name of this embarrassing character.
"Hey, I want to know who he is."

"But unfortunately, the man deliberately concealed his identity. After

taking the reward, he did not open the gate of the underground palace, but
hid it, so no one knows who he really is." The young man shook his head
and left.

"That man is really strange, so powerful, so low-key, is there any secret

that is ulterior?"

At this moment, Chu Yue became more and more curious about the so-
called sly character.

Because she knows that this is likely to represent, another talented disciple
will rise in the inner door.

"Well." Suddenly, Chu Yue was shocked, because she suddenly thought of
a weird scene.

When Chu Chengchu really left the brothers, he did not go to his house.
The direction of their walking was in the same way as Chu Feng.

At this moment, Chu Yue realized that it was not good, and rushed to catch
up with Chu Feng’s previous departure.

The inner door is very large, and Chu Feng and Chu Yue’s house are
separated by a long distance.

However, Chu Feng did not panic and walked slowly until he came to a
remote and uninhabited place before he stopped.

"Don't be sneaky, come out." Chu Feng turned his eyes to the dark corner
behind him.

"The alertness is good. It seems that I really underestimated your kid." The
voice just fell, and the two familiar figures came out. It was the two
brothers Chu Chengchu.
At this moment, Chu really looks a lot better, but the color of anger is not
reduced at all. He is now even killing Chu Feng’s heart.

"Chu Feng, give you a chance, hand over the three fairy grasses, and then
squat in front of my brother to admit your mistakes, I will spare you
once." Chu Cheng stared at Chu Feng, the words filled with absolute

"Why, are you going to rob me?"

"What about robbing you?"

"The robbery needs strength."

"Strength? I will tell you now, what is strength."

Chu Cheng's figure changed, and a blast of wind was picked up. In the
blink of an eye, he came to Chu Feng's front, his hand was eagle claws,
and he hit Chu Feng throat.

I have to say that Chu Cheng’s strength is several times stronger than Chu,
even in the ranks of Lingwu, it is not weak.

However, he is facing Chu Feng, even the fourth-order beasts can be a slap
in the face.
Martial God Asura Chapter 40: I am Su Mei’s
heart (plus 28)
"Give me away, and then dare to block the way of Miss, I will abolish
you." But Chu Feng just walked out of the mission to receive the place,
they heard a sharp girl voice.

"Su Mei?"

Hearing this voice, Chu Feng couldn't help but be surprised. He thought
that it was Su Mei who had any trouble, and he quickly walked in the
direction of the sound.

Sure enough, not far away, Su Mei’s figure was discovered, but at the
moment Su Mei’s side is surrounded by more than a dozen Kendo League

They did not hide their breath, so Chu Feng was able to clearly sense that
the strength of these dozens of people is mostly in the spirit of Wu Wu,
and the strongest is a young man, is the strength of Lingwu six.

It was a tall boy with a white face and a big eyebrow. It was a standard
little white face. At the moment, he was facing the evil smile of Su Mei.
Nima, a member of this group of martial arts, actually played in the
public. .

However, it may be due to the special status of Su Mei, the white-faced

man is very arrogant, so the Su Mei is extremely unhappy, and has a great

Upon seeing it, Chu Feng, who wanted to go to the front, immediately
stopped the pace. Because of the strength of Su Mei, he understood it. It
was the seven weapons of Lingwu. These people dared to entangle Sumei
and simply found death.
However, it is clear that this girl did not want to expose her strength. She
did not take the shot, so Chu Feng simply joined the crowd to watch the
crowd, and smiled in the heart: "I see how long you can bear this

"Su Mei girl, my sword is really like you, can't you give me a chance?"

"Not to mention, in the entire inner door, on the house, on the strength, on
the appearance, in addition to my sword Chen who can match you?"

The white-faced man named Jian Chen was full of affection and white, and
a pair of thieves were aiming at Su Mei, aiming at the seductive place, and
could not help but lick his lips.

"You....." Su Mei's patience has clearly reached the limit, and what she
can't stand most is being entangled.

But when she was about to erupt, she suddenly saw a familiar figure in the
crowd. She suddenly took the opportunity to put away the angry look.
Some embarrassed said to Jian Chen: "Actually, I already have a
sweetheart. ”

"What? You have a sweetheart? Who is it?" And listening to Su Mei's

words, the sword Chen seems to have suffered a huge blow, and suddenly
became excited.

Su Mei is a proud smile, randomly pointing his attention to the crowd,

using the extremely gentle language to say: "Dear, someone bullied me,
you look at it?" And the person she looked at, is It is Chu Feng among the

"I am doing" Chu Feng screamed, he could not think of So Mei found so
soon, and was also put together, Su Mei this is obviously to take him as a

Despite his unhappiness, as a man, how can Chu Feng retreat in the face of
all the condensed eyes, not to mention that he was originally intended to
solve the problem for Su Mei.
"Baby, I just arrived, which **** bullies you, I will help you teach him."
Chu Feng pretending to go out from the crowd, came to Su Mei, he smiled
evilly and made a stunned move.

With a big hand and a wave of wind, he swept through the wind, and
actually brought the delicate little beauty of Sumei into his arms.

This scene can be described as stunned. People are wide open mouths, and
some people even drop their eyes.

Who is Su Mei, the genius in the inner door is no one knows no one, the
famous beauty, although there are not many people who have seen her, but
anyone who has seen her will be fascinated by her beauty. .

Many people even think of her as the goddess in the heart, and those who
have high strength and strong background have directly pursued the
offensive against Su Mei. In fact, this sword is only one of them.

"You...." In the face of so many people being eaten tofu, Su Mei is also
angry with his eyes.

However, considering that he had thought about it, he still resisted the
anger. Not only did he not have an episode, but it was a happy smile. The
bird was in the arms of Chu Feng.

At this moment, Chu Feng can feel that the two groups are softly attached
to the chest, the feeling of comfort, suddenly let him hit a spirit, then
could not help but hold the Soviet Union in the arms a little, enjoy this
Kind of soft.

"Fuck, who are you?"

The goddess of her own is embraced by others in front of her. The

swordsman only feels angry and tempted, and the murderous murder is
already emitted.

"Who am I? I am Su Mei's sweetheart." Chu Feng looked up and said

"You are a trick." Su Mei screamed in her heart, because it was a man who
could hear the meaning of Chu Feng’s words. He meant that Su Mei was
attached to him.

"Mom, Laozi has abolished you." Jianchen finally broke out, pulling out
the black iron sword behind him, and stabbed it against Chu Feng.

"Dear, help me teach him."

However, what makes Chu Feng speechless is that Su Mei, who is a bird,
has pushed him out, and that force is very good. He goes straight to
Jianfeng’s Jianfeng, which is simply cheaper for Chu Feng. Carry out
naked revenge wow.

However, Chu Feng is now what strength, Lingwu seven heavy are not
enough to watch, let alone a Lingwu six heavy?


On the side of Chu Feng's body shape, he escaped the attack of Jian Chen,
and then lifted his leg and directly turned the sword to the individual.

"Kids, you are looking for death", the remaining dozens of members of the
Kendo League, waving the black iron sword in their hands, ruthlessly
slashed Chu Feng.

However, they are the opponents of Chu Feng, just the blink of an eye, a
full dozen people, all of them were beaten by Chu Feng's nose, bruised,
rolled over and mourned on the ground.

"Treading" Chu Feng stepped on the body of Jian Chen, and said with
domineering: "I will harass my baby later, I will kill your full teeth."

Then, Chu Feng smiled and came to Su Mei’s body. He was so rude that he
would put Su Mei in his arms. “Tell one, baby went to my meeting.” Then
he swayed to his house. go with.

"Who is this kid, even with Su Mei....."

Looking at the pictures of the two people who are escaping, when people
question their identity, they can also hear the heartbreaking sound of the

Along the way, Chu Feng was very rude. He held Su Mei in his arms
tightly, ignoring the white eyes that Su Mei had thrown at her, and the
small hand that sneaked his arm.

The idea of Chu Feng is like this. Even if I endure the pain, I will take
advantage of you. This is not to take up the white, you take me as the price
of the shield.

"Trick or treat, you are enough."

Just entering the house of Chu Feng, Su Mei pushed a handful of Chu
Feng, and a blast of wind rushed over. Su Mei and his fierce rear legs
swung over to Chu Feng.

"I am going~"

Chu Feng was shocked, because this Su Mei is stronger than him, both in
speed and strength.

This girl is actually a martial arts!

Martial God Asura Chapter 89: It’s your turn
(plus 53)
"Today, I am guilty of my Chu family, and die!"

Chu Feng's voice is powerful, every word is full of people's hearts, almost
everyone who hears this sentence can not help but tremble, the back of the
spine rises in a cool breeze, even the Chu family is no exception.

Because the boy in front of him is so terrible, the blood filled with the
murderous murder, people dare not regard him as a teenager, but
involuntarily treat him as a devil, killing the devil who does not blink.

"Who are you?" Xu Jiajia, the first to shout. And everyone is eager to
know this answer.

Although from the costumes, it can be seen that Chu Feng is the core
disciple of Qinglongzong, although it can be seen from the Qinglong
Banner that Chu Feng is the core disciple of Qinglongzong.

However, at this moment, Chu Feng was full of blood, and even his face
could not be seen clearly. People did not know who he was, and he just
claimed to be a Chu family, which naturally made people feel

Because they did not know, when the Chu family appeared such a teenager,
when the Chu family appeared a core disciple, even the Chu family did not

"Chu family, Chu Feng!" Chu Feng coldly back.

"What? Chu Feng?"

"Is it Maple?!!!!"
However, Chu Feng’s words came out, and it was a great uproar in the

The name Chu Feng, long before many days ago, is within a hundred miles
of the backing of the mountain. It can be said that no one knows no one.

However, as far as we know, Chu Feng is only fifteen years old, and at the
beginning it was only a six-pronged spirit. How could it become a core
disciple? How could it be so easy to kill the master of Lingwu?

Although I couldn't believe it, after careful scrutiny, people were shocked
to find that whether it was the figure or the outline, it was very similar to
Chu Feng.

Especially the most important point, Chu Feng is indeed a disciple of

Qinglongzong, and if there is a core disciple in the Chu family, only Chu
Feng is the most promising.

"I was actually you, the little devil, that you interrupted the waist of my
grandson, "Xu Tianyi"?" Xu Jiajia’s lord asked.

"It is his skill that is not as good as people. It is kindness to interrupt his
waist." Chu Feng did not agree.

"You!!!" Xu family is angry, and they have to shoot.

But before he could be shot, he was stopped by the Wang family and the
Majia family, and he was dignified:

"Don't you see what he got in his hand? That's the Qinglong flag!!"

"How about the Qinglong Banner, my son is not able to get out of bed, so I
can't get out of bed anymore, maybe I can't repair it in the future. I have to
kill him today." Xu Jia's family snarled in anger.

"You are crazy? Qinglongqi is the symbol of Qinglongzong. If you have

Qinglongqi, it is equal to the protection of Qinglongzong. You dare to
move that Chufeng. In the future, it will be you, even our two families will
have a big disaster."
The two owners are really scared. They are not afraid of the Chu family.
However, they have to be afraid of the Qinglongzong. Although
Qinglongzong is in Qingzhou, it is a second-class sect, but for them it is a
real behemoth. .

Needless to say, Qinglongzong sent a large army. As long as they randomly

sent several inner-door elders, they could easily destroy their families.
They did not dare to provoke them, and they did not dare to offend.

"You are crazy, now we have a way back? You don't look at it, this Chu
family has been made us like."

"Now we have no retreat. This Chu Feng we kill, we must also offend the
Qinglongzong, we will not kill, Qinglongzong will not let us go."

"But if we kill this Chu Feng now, Qinglong Zong will not receive the
news so quickly. We can also roll the cover and leave. If it doesn't kill him,
Qinglong Zong will soon send people to kill us. Stay." Xu Jiajia said with

And listening to this, the two owners are also in silence, because they
suddenly feel that the Xu family said it is right, now they have forced the
Chu family to this kind of field, with the Qinglongzong, the backing Chu
family, how Will let them go.

They are indeed on the road to the end, killing the end, there is still a
glimmer of hope, but if this time to stop, it is a dead end.

"Fenger, run fast, don't care about us." Feeling the situation is not good,
Chu Yuan shouted loudly.

"Fenger is going fast, only to retain his life, can revenge for my Chu
family!" At the same time, the Chu family leader Chu Yuanba also

Seeing the situation, Xu Wangma's three forces are all prepared for
prevention. They want to prevent Chu Feng from escaping, especially the
three homeowners. They are also emitting the atmosphere of Yuan Wujing.
It is ready to shoot Chu Feng.


But at the time, Chu Feng not only did not retreat, but took a step forward.
On the face full of blood, she raised a confident smile and said: "I said,
today I am guilty of my Chu family. ,dead."

The voice of "唰" just fell, and a blast broke out. Chu Feng has


Almost at the same time as Chu Feng disappeared, a few screams came
from the hospital, and I watched and watched. I saw that several Chu
family members were already in the same place and were killed by Chu

“唰” But when people discovered this situation, Chu Feng disappeared
again, followed by several Ma family members.

"Bick, take a shot, kill him."

At this moment, the Xu family’s snarl screamed and rushed over to Chu
Feng, followed by the owner of the Wang family and the vest, and

At this moment, Chu Yuanba, Chu Yuan and other Chu family people are
all nervous, deeply Chu Feng pinched a cold sweat, because no one thinks,
only the Lingwu seven Chu Feng, can be in three yuan The hands of the
martial arts master escaped.

Although Lingwu and Yuanwu are only one word apart, the realm between
the two can be said to be the separation between heaven and earth. It is
simply an insurmountable gap that cannot be compared.

Surprisingly, despite the momentum of the three homeowners, the speed is
extremely fast, the strength is even stronger, but it can not keep up with
the speed of Chu Feng, every time is a slow step.

They can only watch their own people, one after another, in the hands of
Chu Feng, but there is no way, because Chu Feng's speed is too fast, so far
beyond common sense, simply can not capture.

In this case, it is only a moment's effort. Within the entire yard, except for
the Chu family, the Xu family, the Wang family, and the Ma family are
only three, and that is the three homeowners. As for the other Everyone is
dead, and they all die from beheading.

"Funny, I have to kill you all the time." Looking at the dead body, watching
the ones, so died, the three homeowners angered to the extreme.

At this moment, Chu Feng suddenly stopped the pace of walking, standing
in front of Chu Yuanba and Chu Yuan, and turned the cold eyes to the three
homeowners, cold and cold:

"It's your turn!"

Martial God Asura Chapter 113: cheat
The sisters of the flowers all have the appearance of a beautiful country,
big and charming, small and sweet, each with its own style, each with its
own taste.

When these two appeared, the beautiful women present were suddenly
eclipsed. Only Chen’s unique glamour can be compared with the two.

Everyone present was attracted by the sisters' flowers. Apart from the
beauty, the identity of the two was amazing, because behind them,
following the many strong people of Suzaku City, each of them was
repaired. Not weaker than the city owners present, they are all Yuanwu

The most important thing is that these strong people, the two beautiful
women, are really respectful, like subordinates, which makes people very
curious, can make the Supreme City's strong, treat like this, who is this
sister flower?

"These two are the two thousand golds of the city of Suzaku, Su Su and Su
Mei." But there are also sharp-eyed people who recognize the identity of
the sisters and shout.

And when the person opened his mouth, it even provoked people to be
shocked. How could a pair of beautiful women with special status be
Qinglongzong people? In their capacity, even if they enter Lingyunzong,
can they be completely? Why do you want to enter a second-class gate?

All kinds of doubts have come and gone in the hearts of the people, but the
most depressing thing at the moment is the fat man, because at this
moment, Su Su and Su Mei are leading the strength of Suzaku City, and
they are coming to them with imposing manner.

"You just said that my disciple of Qinglongzong is coming to the end. Is

this not to put my Qinglongzong in my eyes?" Su said with a smile, but his
eyes looked like a knife, and he saw the fat man tremble. I don't know how
to explain it as well.

At this moment, the fat man, the plain intestines are all green, regret that
he should not use Chu Feng as the title, to humiliate Chen Hui, because he
can’t think of it anyway, the two thousand golds of Suzaku City are
actually Qinglongzong people, and One of them is an elder.

"I asked you what you said!" Seeing that the fat man did not answer, Surou
suddenly screamed, and he exerted a heavy pressure on Xuanwu. He scared
the fat city owner back a few steps and slammed into the ground.

"Xuanwu is a heavy one! Is it a basaltic one at such a young age?"

At this moment, everyone was shocked. Even the expressionless, always

cold Chen Yuxi is also a bright spot, because the age of Surou is just a
young woman in her early twenties, so she entered the Xuanwujing. These
talents are unimaginable.

"You all listened well. Don't think that you are a disciple in a first-class
sect. You will look down on the second-class sect. When my Qinglong sect
is brilliant, no one dares to look down on the entire Kyushu continent."
Said proudly.

At this moment, on the vast square, there is no sound, no one can say that
no one dares to refute Su Rou’s words. In fact, Su Rou’s words are indeed

Even in Qingzhou, the most beautiful Lingyunzong is only in the scenery

of Qingzhou. If he is placed on the whole continent, the first door
comparison with his eight states is actually only the end.

However, Qinglongzong is different. Don't look at the second-class sect.

But under the leadership of Qinglongdao, Qinglongzong was able to
compete with the Jiang dynasty. Zongmen, who was the first strongest
player in Kyushu. The strength of its strength is simply horrifying.
The glory of Qinglongzong is unrepeatable, and it is unprecedented.
Although the Qinglongzong is indeed declining, no one can deny that it
once had the glory.

"Soft child, what are you doing?" But at this moment, a powerful voice
suddenly burst into the sky, like a thunder falling down and slamming into
the ears.

When we look at it, people are all face-changing. Twenty city owners are
evenly brushed on the ground, and they sing in the same breath: "See the
Su Mark City Lord!"

The owner of Suzaku City, the father of Surou Sumei, Su trace appeared.
He is three meters tall and tall. His posture is strong and strong, and he is
wearing a golden armor. It is like a **** of war. Every time you take a
step, the earth will tremble slightly.

Seeing this, even those pretentious first-class disciples are also tight-
looking and dare not be disrespectful, because this Su-mark is the number
one figure in Qingzhou.

The strength is unfathomable, and the status is higher than that of the
second-class sect. Even if the sect of the first-class sect, he will not be
scornful if he sees him, let alone these disciples.

"You don't have to be extra rites." Su trace laughs very easy-going. He

walks to Sue and says: "How can you talk to your elders like this?"

"Father, this thing can't blame the sister, they look down...." Seeing, Su
Mei quickly rushed for Surou.

"Oh, this matter has passed, and I will take it again."

Su traces his hand, and then he will apologize a little, and said a few words
to the fat city owner. In fact, he belongs to a slap to give a sweet date.
Surou just did it. He saw it with his own eyes. It was only at this time that
I came out to speak, but I wanted to let Su Rou to suppress the fat city
owner for him.
After all, it is his meaning to send Su and Su Mei to Qinglongzong. In the
bottom of his heart, he does not like others to say that Qinglongzong is
not, because it is tantamount to denying his decision, but this kind of
thing, he is the city owner. It's hard to say, after all, because of this kind of
thing, to train your own subordinates, there is something that can't be said.

At this moment, the city leaders, who also led the talents of their
respective regions, came together, and everyone politely became a group.
At this time, Su Mei took Chu Feng to the side.

"Chu Feng, this rookie conference, you will enter the Ghost Forest, the
ghost forest is a cursed land, where a group of cruel beasts live, that is the
ghost beast."

"Ghostly beasts are born with a spiritual repair. With the growth of the
body, the strength will be extremely strong. Adult ghosts and beasts will
have a purple horn on their foreheads. Ghostly beasts, the strength will
reach the spirit of the nine."

"Your mission is to hunt adult ghost beasts. Based on the ghost angle, the
day is limited. The top ten who hunted the ghost beasts will return here for
a test. The winner's city. You can get rid of this year's tribute tax and get
five thousand Lingzhu as a reward for cultivation." Su Mei gathered in
Chu Feng's ear and said quietly.

"Getting the first place can not only get five thousand spirit beads, but also
avoid the tribute tax. The original Chen Hui old guy got more benefits than
me." Chu Feng secretly snarled.

"What do you want? Let's close this up." Su Mei, put a scroll into the
hands of Chu Feng.

"This is ...." Chu Feng opened his hand and saw that this small scroll
should be a map.

"This is a map of the Ghost Forest, the black part is where the adult ghosts
and horns gather. The larger the black area, the more the number of adult
ghosts and beasts will help you hunt adult ghosts and beasts."
"But remember, the red part must not go, there is often a strange red mist,
a misty moment, must die, as horrible as the Qinglongzong's Wangu
graveyard." Su Mei whispered.

At this moment, Chu Feng finally understood Su Mei’s intentions. After

the reel was put into the Qiang Kun bag, he gathered in Su Mei’s ear and
smiled and said: “Is this cheating?”
Martial God Asura Chapter 114: Ancient funeral
(plus 59)
"Of course this is not cheating!" Su Mei quickly explained.

"What is this?" Chu Feng is very curious.

"This, at most, it is my personal friendship, a little help for you." Su Mei's

sweet smile, and then pointed to the people not far away, whispered:

"You should never care about it. These are not the disciples of
Qinglongzong, but the disciples of the first-class Zongmen. What they
have learned, in some respects, is indeed stronger than us."

"However, I am optimistic about you. Although they are now better than
you, they are older than you. I believe that when you are 18, you must be
better than them."

After saying this, Su Mei took a small hand and jumped to the side of
Surou. The two sisters waved their hands to Chu Feng and left together.

Looking at the sister flowers, Chu Feng’s heart is full of various kinds of
complexities. Although he had previously speculated that Su Rou and Su
Mei’s identity was special, they did not expect it to be so powerful.

At this moment, Chu Feng suddenly became a little confused. He felt that
his own guess was wrong. The sisters spent in Qinglongzong should not be
trying to win over people with potential. Because of the strength of his
family, there will be many powerful ones. People, willing to work for
them, why bother?

"What purpose do you have, why do you want to draw on me like this?"

Chu Feng is very embarrassed in his heart. Although Su Su and Su Mei are
very good to him now, he will not forget that the sisters first came into
contact with him because of their purpose.
"That is called Su Mei's little girl, most of whom like you, boy, don't let
people down." Suddenly, a pleasant voice sounded, the egg of the spiritual
world opened.

"Hey, how do you know?" Chu Feng asked with a smile.

"This is a woman's intuition, but you better not have bad thoughts about
her. The girl is still small. Don't break someone else. I suggest you start
with that sister."

"I am going, what are you thinking about in your mind?" Chu Feng
naturally understood the meaning of the words in the egg, but could not
think of it, this girl can actually say so straightforwardly.

"Don't pretend to be serious, you dare say you don't want to start this pair
of sisters?"

"I want to start with you most." Chu Feng smiled evilly.

"You dare!" The egg was a little embarrassed, and quickly transferred the
topic: "This time you kid, maybe you have to go for the Universiade."

"What do you mean?" Chu Feng did not understand.

"The red fog that Su Mei said, most of the time there is a place to bury!"

"Ancient funeral? What is that!!!"

"If you said it, you don't understand. When you enter the Ghost Forest, you
can find out about the red field. If it is really a funeral, you will get some

The egg is sold out, and Chu Feng does not ask more, because she knows
that the egg will not harm her. After all, the two have now concluded a
psychic contract. If Chu Feng’s life really does not happen, then his The
spiritual world will also collapse. At that time, most of the killing of the
egg was to kill Huangquan.
After that, Su Shi, the main city of Suzaku City, announced the
competition method of the rookie conference. As expected by Su Mei, it is
only one day that the only ten of the ghosts and horns can be hunted. The
qualification of the fight, and the final winner, naturally is the champion
of the rookie conference.

In addition, Su marks also distributed a map of the Ghost Forest to each of

the 200 rookies. Each of them painted a red ** field, clearly telling
everyone that the red ** domain must not step in, otherwise it will be

The specific reason is that Su marks did not say that it is very dangerous,
and the map of the Ghost Forest has only painted a red field, but there is
no black field mentioned by Su Mei.

After some rules, Su Shi took Chu Feng and others away from Zhuque City
and entered the Suzaku Mountain and came to the so-called Ghost Forest.

The black forests are endless, and the wood is like iron leaves. This is still
a tree. It is a weapon. The most important thing is that in this forest, you
can't hear any animal tweets. The quiet is a bit strange.

"Kids, don't drag us back, otherwise you will look good." Lin Zhong, a few
people in Zijincheng, after looking at the eye with a threatening look, they
swept deep.

For their contempt, Chu Feng is a slight smile, like them, Chu Feng is
really too lazy to deal with, hit them, they will dirty their hands.

Seeing, wearing a figure, with a variety of beautiful body, plunging into

the depths of the Ghost Forest, Chu Feng is not in a hurry to put the map in
his hand into the Qiankun bag, took out the Su Mei to him map.

After careful consideration, Chu Feng chose a strange route, he

interspersed several places, the most concentrated place of ghosts and
beasts, and the end of the route is the Su Mei and Su Shi, the red that is
forbidden to step into **area.
Chu Feng exhibited the air technique, the speed was invincible, and rushed
in the forest, and soon discovered the so-called ghost beast.

The body is like a horse. If it is a giant elephant, the body is dark, as if it is

covered with black armor. The temperament is violent. In addition to the
same kind, if you see other creatures, you will launch a fierce attack, such
as other beasts.

However, the beast is a beast after all, in front of Chu Feng, it is simply
vulnerable, even if it is an adult ghost beast that grows purple tentacles, it
is not the opponent of Chu Feng.

Chu Feng walks all the way, all the ghosts and beasts he meets will not let
go. After the killing, they will use the psychic method, and use the power
of the egg to devour the origins of these guys, although they are based on
their cultivation. It is also very weak, and the help to the eggs is minimal,
but Chu Feng will not waste.

When Chu Feng killed the ghost beast, there were two hundred, he finally
came to the so-called red ** domain, but here is only relatively quiet, not
seeing the so-called red fog .

"Are you sure that there are benefits here?" Chu Feng was disappointed.
He observed it with spiritual strength, but he didn't have it at all. He found
nothing here.

"Your mental strength, or don't take it out and humiliate. If the ancient
funeral can be seen by your spiritual power, then it is not buried." The egg
is stunned.

"What should I do?"

"Take out your bounds compass and use it to detect."

After listening to the words, Chu Feng suddenly realized that he quickly
took out the spirit compass and took out the devil's compass. There was
indeed a weird inspirational figure, but Chu Feng could not see it, but the
egg saw it. doorway.
According to the instructions of the egg, Chu Feng began to arrange a
junction in a special area, because Chu Feng's technique is hard and the
mental strength is insufficient, which can consume a lot of time for Chu
Feng, and it is only late at night. carry out.

When the jiejie squad opened, the jiejie array disappeared. Instead, it was
a deep hole that was deep and bottomless. It was dark and could not see
the bottom, but there was a strange sound, from the hole. Out, if you listen
carefully, you will find that it is like a woman crying.
Martial God Asura Chapter 115: Graveyard level
Night, the stars of the sky, dull. Only one round of the moon, bright and
bright. But it was constantly covered by the drifting dark clouds, and when
it was hidden, it sprinkled the faint moonlight.

Ground, row iron trees, erect them. Like a rooted mace, it rises from the
ground. Chu Feng's surroundings are quiet, and even a gust of wind has
never been blown up, but this special silence is to set off the sound of the

"I rub, are you sure to let me go down here? What is it in the ghost, not a

Chu Feng was a little uneasy. He heard such a miserable voice for the first
time, and it came from the bottomless hole. It was like a ghost from hell.
It was telling his own grievances and it was very infiltrating.

"Afraid of fear, don't forget that you are a spiritualist, destined to deal
with ghosts, or how can you help me absorb their origins?!" Eggs scolded.

"No, let's engage in a half-day spiritual master is a natural tomb?" Chu

Feng said nothing.

"Otherwise, do you think that the spirits and spirits can capture things that
ordinary people can't capture, and the cemetery of the strong martial arts
contains a lot of treasures, which is the best shortcut for repairing martial

"It’s so hard to repair a martial arts. Only a fool can't take this shortcut."

"If it is said by you, what is the screaming thing below, is it really a


Chu Feng's heart is tight, and the devils and ghosts are legends, but as his
vision develops, he discovers that there are monsters in the world,
monsters, and martial arts. He will also go into flames and slaughter the
world. If so inferred, the so-called ghosts may still exist.

"What is terrible about the ghost, have you already seen it?" The egg

“When did I see the ghost?” Chu Feng thought about it, but never
remembered that he had seen the so-called ghost.

"At the beginning of the tomb, the old man you saw, isn't it?" The egg

"What? That is a ghost? How is it possible, he is so powerful!"

Chu Feng was shocked, because the old man he saw that night made him
very impressed. Although he did not give off any breath, Chu Feng still
felt his power, strong enough to describe it, so he never imagined it. That
person will be a ghost.

"The cultivation of Wu will reach a certain level, and the knowledge of

God will become very powerful. After death, the gods will not be
destroyed, and will float everywhere. This is what you call ghosts."

"But the spiritual spirit of the spiritist is very strong. After the death, the
mental power and the gods are combined to control the movement of the
gods and continue to survive in another form."

"Although not as strong as before, but also with anti-day means, the old
man you saw that day is such a strong, and your mental power is blocked,
and that is what helped you."

The egg was told one by one. Although Chu Feng was unconscious in the
past, but the egg was not there, she saw the old man and everything he had
done to Chu Feng.

After listening to her words, Chu Feng also suddenly realized that she had
long been mentally motivated, but because of special reasons, she could
not be stimulated. That is to say, his spiritual strength is also born with.
"Where there is such a powerful god, there is a lot of underground burial
in the underground, but there are so many bones in the tomb of the 10,000
bones, plus the old man’s unspeakable, so most of them will not be simple
ancient. The burial is probably a burial." The egg continues to tell.

"What is the burial?" Chu Feng is very puzzled, but can also hear the
power of it.

"You stupid, really do not understand anything, forget it, in order to make
you a qualified spiritualist, I will tell you about it, so as not to go out in
the future."

"Remember, the cemetery of ordinary people is called a tomb. Although

the tombs will also have some organs, some secrets will be hidden. But it
is also an ordinary person who can crack. Only the low-level spirits will go
to the tombs. The cemetery of the empty old man is the tomb."

"And those cemeteries that are pregnant and sensible are ancient burials.
The ancient burials are not buried for a long time, but a kind of scale for
measuring the level of cemeteries. It is very dangerous in ancient burials,
and there are institutional traps that ordinary people cannot perceive. Even
in a strange situation, only the spiritual master can perceive the crack, so
the ancient funeral is the place that reflects the value of the spiritual

"As for burial, the burial is not a simple master of martial arts. It is
probably a murderous thing. What is this kind of thing, it is impossible to
determine, it may be a person, or it may be a beast, it may be alive or it
may die. ”

"Most of them are strong enough to be a certain point. After death, they
will be a disaster in the world, or there will be no dead monsters at all.
They are sealed somewhere. This kind of cemetery is very dangerous. If
you enter it, most of them will go back, and may even release the sky. The
devil is a disaster."

"So this kind of cemetery is called a burial. Unless there is a spiritual

master who has the ability to pass the sky, no one will dare to open it,
which will cause a great disaster.

"There is such a thing, no wonder, it is no wonder that the elders of Zhuge

will be interested in the tomb of Wanling." Chu Feng suddenly realized
that the value of the original spiritual division was reflected in the

"The tomb of Wanwan is very powerful. Most of them are burial. The
danger is dangerous. But it must contain huge treasures. If you can absorb
the remains of the old man, my strength will definitely rise. It’s a pity that
you can’t touch the tomb of the bones now, or 10,000 of you, not enough.”

"But the old man seems to have something to do with your help, so I will
leave that map on you, but there is a mystery in the map. If you don't reach
a certain strength, you can't open the ancient funeral."

"But if you open the Tomb of the Tomb in the future, the old man will
definitely wish you a helping hand, at least it will give you some benefits.
Of course, as long as it is good, you must pay a price."

"And the burial is too dangerous for you. Even if you have a map in hand,
you can't open it. So right now, don't think about the burial, but you should
explore this ancient burial. ”

When the egg is said to be here, it seems a bit exciting. After all, in the
good old burial, most of them have the body of the master of martial arts.
The strong source is the thing she most yearns for.

"Well, since they are all here, you can't go empty-handed!"

Chu Feng nodded and did not jump down. When he jumped into the black
hole, he hurriedly displayed a variety of bows, condensing two daggers in
his hands and inserting the dagger into the rock wall of the black hole. Go
down a little bit.

At first, Chu Feng's speed was very slow, but he quickly became proficient
in this kind of action and began to dive quickly. The more he dive, the
clearer the cry of the woman, the more fluent Chu Feng, the
unrecognizable back. The wind, I feel a chill.

"Don't be afraid, this is mostly a wandering soul. It may be a master before

life, but it is not your opponent after death. Your enchantment technique
can restrain it." It seems to feel Chu Feng's inner panic, the egg dignified
reminder Road.

"Well." Chu Feng nodded, fixed his mind, continued to dive, and finally
his feet stabilized, came to the bottom.

This is a huge cave. Although it is dark, it can feel its empty space. Chu
Feng takes out the spiritual compass and instills it in a spirit. It suddenly
shines brightly, and the dark cave is illuminated.

"This is!!!" However, when the vision became clear, Chu Feng was a face-
changing change, and was shocked by the scene before him.
Martial God Asura Chapter 116: Surou mother?
On the uneven rock wall, it depicts a strange pattern, which seems to be a
spell, and it is not a spell. It gives people an unspeakable feeling. In short,
it makes people feel uncomfortable.

Not far from Chu Feng, there are piles of white bones. Although it is not
like the bones of the tombs of the bones, the number in front of them is
really surprising.

"Wow, a lot of sources, fast, help me absorb them." The egg is ecstatic,
like a treasure.

"Wait, the ghost is watching us!" Chu Feng was in a tight heart, and found
a figure behind the pile of white bones.

It was a beautiful woman, wearing a silk long dress, long hair in the back
of her head, dressed properly, makeup atmosphere, at this moment is
staring at Chu Feng, and the mouth is constantly crying crying.

This is the so-called ghost. To be precise, this is a **** after death,

because her body is almost transparent, and it is a faint glimmer of light,
not a physical body.

However, after careful scrutiny, Chu Feng was surprised. She felt a sense
of familiarity from the face of this beautiful woman. The beautiful
woman, who looks like a sister of Surou, is somewhat like a god.

"You are?" Reminiscent of an amazing possibility, Chu Feng quickly


"唰" can be Chu Feng just opened, but the gods know that there is fear, the
body shape turns, and it is gone, the speed is very fast, and the blink of an
eye has disappeared.
"There is no wisdom in the knowledge of God, and there is only instinct.
Something you ask her, she will not answer, because she has no memory at

"In addition, I should have been dead for a long time. My knowledge will
soon dissipate. Today's strength is very weak. I can't hurt you at all, so I
don't have to worry about her."

"Now, you will help me to swallow these sources. The complete body of so
many martial artists, the source of which is very strong, will definitely
make me a big rise, maybe I can enter the peak of Lingwu!"

The egg reminded that it was terrible that she swallowed the source for
cultivation. Before Chu Feng let her swallow it, the source of two hundred
adult ghost beasts has already made this unscrupulous gimmick The power
of Maple has now reached the level of Lingwu. If the origin of these bones
is swallowed up, it can indeed break through to the peak of Lingwu.


Chu Feng nodded, no nonsense, began to devour the origin of these

remains, the invisible suction spread, the mountain-like bones, the
invisible gas emerged, this is the source, the naked eye can not see, only
the spirit Can you detect it.

The layer of the original source flooded into the body of Chu Feng, and
was swallowed up by the eggs. In the spiritual world, this girl sits cross-
legged, like cultivation, refining these sources, and her cultivation is also
beginning to advance by leaps and bounds.

"Fast, go, help me find the body of the gods, and be able to condense the
gods. At least there is also the cultivation of Xuanwujing before the birth.
If she refines her origin, I will be able to step into the Yuanwu."

After swallowing all the bones here, the egg and egg really entered the
Lingwu Jiuzhong, she became more and more excited, because she
increasingly felt that this is a ancient funeral, she can get great benefits
"You are too arrogant."

Chu Feng is extremely speechless. It is reasonable to say that his

cultivation speed is already against the sky, but compared with this hoe, it
is not worth mentioning. Half a day's time, from the repair to nothing, into
the Lingwu nine, this It’s too horrible.

Marveled at the amazement, but not at the foot of the criminal decision,
holding the bounds compass, began to plunder the depths of the cave,
followed the crying to find the woman's body, and on the way to find, Chu
Feng was not curious to ask : "Where did the bones come from? Look at
that, should it have been dead for a long time?!"

"Do you still ask questions, whether intentional or not, those who are
victims of the ancient funeral." The egg explained.

After listening to this, Chu Feng secretly stunned. Although those people
have become white bones, Chu Feng can also feel from the power of the
source. Those who should be Yuan Wujing before life, so many different
circumstances are so dead. At least it shows that this ancient burial is very

However, at this moment, there is a bounding compass in hand, and the

dangers are predictable, so Chu Feng is not too worried. His thoughts still
remain on the beautiful woman. He has a hunch that the woman is likely to
be with Su The soft sisters are related.

"Isn't that the mother of the two hoes? Then, here is the cemetery of the
woman of the city?"

But when I thought about it, Chu Feng didn't feel right. If the beautiful
woman is really the mother of Su's sister, how can Su's wife be buried
here, not even a tombstone, and why is she crying? And still crying so

With all kinds of questions, Chu Feng walked in this cave. Under the
guidance of the bounding compass, he finally heard the miserable cry
again. When Chu Feng came close again, he was shocked to find that next
to the beautiful woman. It does have a body.

The body has long been corrupted into white bones, but the clothes on the
body are still there. Although it is somewhat broken, it can be seen that it
is the silk dress worn by the beautiful woman. Obviously, this is the body
of the beautiful woman. .

"Too good, it is really the remains of Xuanwujing, although it is only a

heavy one, but it is also okay. As long as it is refining, I will be able to
break through the Yuanwu situation." The sound of the joy of the egg in
the mind.

"No, the source of this woman can't make you refining." Chu Feng stopped
the road, although he was not sure, but he felt that this beautiful woman is
probably the biological mother of Su Luo sister, for the friend mother. The
body, Chu Feng does not want to destroy.

"Are you stupid? But it is the source of the food, and it will not destroy her
body. Moreover, she has already died. Today, this **** does not have the
intelligence. It is now weaker and will soon dissipate. of."

"She's the origin, if I refine, I can reach Yuan Wujing, and it will be of
great benefit to you. If you are now a martial artsman, you can defeat the
strong man of Yuanwujing."

"But if I attach your body and transfer my strength to you, you can reach
Yuan Wujing. At that time, even the master of Yuanwu is not necessarily
your opponent. Do you want to miss such a good opportunity? ”

Listening to the egg, Chu Feng is also moving, Yuan Wujing, if the truth is
as the egg said, can borrow her strength to their own strength, let their
strength reach Yuanwujing, this is Chu Fenglai It is indeed a huge
temptation to say.

Because according to the current strength of Chu Feng, if he can reach

Yuan Wujing, he said that Yuanwu triple, I am afraid that the Yuanwu four
can be a battle, such a powerful force, how can Chu Feng not want,
especially It was the time when the battle was over that year and the
countdown had already begun.
Martial God Asura Chapter 117: Land of burial
“Does it really hurt the body itself?”

Chu Feng said with a dignified question. In fact, he had previously

absorbed the origin of the bone. He already knew that it would not damage
the bones, but he still felt a little uneasy. In fact, in his heart, he always
felt that it was disrespectful to absorb the origin of others. .

Others, Chu Feng will not have any self-blame, but feel reasonable,
because he does not take, other spiritual masters will also take, but this,
but the soft mother Su Mei's mother, so Chu Feng will naturally hesitate.

"Absolutely will not damage her body."

It seems that Chu Feng has a burden in his heart. The egg and its dignity
are sure to cut the road. He added: "This is definitely not her graveyard. It
seems that she is likely to break into it here too. kill."

"You just let me absorb her source, I may be able to help you find out, her
cause of death, I think you as a friend of the sisters, you should want to
know, how do their mothers die?"

The egg is very clever, not only Chu Feng sees that this beautiful woman
may be the mother of Su Luo sister, she also saw the clue.

"Well, then it depends on you."

Chu Feng nodded, it is so mysterious, it is likely that as the egg said, there
will be huge treasures here, if the body of a strong man who is buried here
is absorbed by the egg, the egg can be Reach the Xuanwujing.

For Chu Feng, it is a happy event, because it represents that he will have
the ability to defeat Gong Luyun, although it is not his own cultivation, but
at the very least his own means.

But Chu Feng just wants to be close to the body, and the beautiful woman
rushed over to Chu Feng, and the mouth actually appeared, like a ghost-
like sly, very terrifying.

And that kind of momentum is very special and very strange, but what is
certain is that the strength of the pressure is comparable to that of Wuwu
Wuzhong, which is not something Chu Feng can handle.

"Oh." Feeling wrong, Chu Feng subconsciously displayed the Royal Air,
thunder and lightning, and then pulled out a few meters.

"Boom" this blow, the beautiful woman slammed into the ground, although
the rock on the surface is very hard, but still scattered by the shattered
stone, a half-meter deep pit, the strength of this beautiful woman, How
strong is it.

"呜嗷" hit the plane, the beautiful woman actually hit again, and this time
the speed is faster, almost blink of an eye.

"Don't panic, use enchantment."

The sound of the egg sounded, at the same time, Chu Feng body, actually
sent a feeling of enthusiasm, an extremely powerful aura, began to emerge
from the body, instantly filled the whole body, Chu Feng's cultivation,
actually reached Lingwu Nine.

For this change, Chu Feng had expected it. He knew that this was not his
own cultivation, but that the egg was used to lend her to Chu Feng.

"嗡" Chu Feng thought of a move, you can communicate with the
enchantment, the power of enchantment surged out of the mind, silently
appeared in front of you, forming an invisible wall, blocking in front of


The beautiful woman collided with the enchantment, and a loud bang
came. There was a crack in the enchantment, but at the same time, she also
slammed and flew backwards.

When it landed, Chu Feng was horrified to discover that the place where
she had previously collided with the enchantment had exhaled the heat,
and her face was full of fear.


Chu Feng was shocked. The defensive power of this enchantment was
really right. Now he is only mastering the primary means, and he can
resist the enemy with the strength of Yuanwu. If he masters it in the future,
he can defend against the enemy. Invisible, will become his strongest

"Oh, now, she is blocked by enchantment. Although she is not intelligent,

she will also subconsciously guard the body. However, the enchantment
technique restrains the gods. Even if she has the power to crush your
enchantment, she does not dare. Close," reminded the egg.

Chu Feng did not hesitate, the thoughts turned, the layers of enchantments
continued to condense, and the three layers of the outer three layers began
to block the beautiful woman, until Chu Feng felt that the mental power
was about to be exhausted.

The spirit and the power of enchantment are the same. As a cleric, how
strong the spirit is, you can use the strength of the enchantment. Therefore,
while enchanting, the spiritual power is also consumed, in the spirit of Chu
Feng. Force, arranging so many enchantments is already his limit.

"Fast, absorb its source!" The egg cheered excitedly.

At the same time, Chu Feng came to his body and began to help the egg
absorb its origin. This time, because the egg has given strength to Chu
Feng, when Chu Feng absorbs the source, he can clearly feel it. His breath
suddenly soared.

Soon, the smell of his body has undergone a qualitative change. It is no

longer a reiki, but a force. After smoking the source, the egg actually
entered the Yuanwujing.

"Haha, success." The egg is ecstatic, jumping and jumping in the spiritual
world of Chu Feng, don't mention how beautiful it is.

But at this time, Chu Feng discovered that the beautiful woman who was
imprisoned in her enchantment actually dissipated at a rapid speed and
soon became invisible.

"Damn! You sly, lie to me!" Chu Feng suddenly realized that knowing that
he was fooled, absorbed the source of others, does not cause damage to the
body, but it will completely dissipate his knowledge.

"Isn't it a god, even if I don't absorb her source, she will quickly dissipate.
Are you turning her face for her and me? It is me, not her!" The egg didn't
admit it. On the contrary, it seems to be aggrieved.

"Forget it, things have happened, I don't want to argue too much with you,
but I don't want to happen this time for the second time. In addition, you
remember that Chu Feng really needs your strength now, but it is not
without you. ”

Chu Feng is really angry. After all, it is likely to be the birth mother of Su
Su and Su Mei. Whether she is not intelligent or not, she will completely
dissipate because of herself. Chu Feng always feels awkward.

"Well, know you are amazing, can't you deceive you next time? I will tell
you a secret." The egg smiled mischievously.

"What secret?"

"I'm sure that the mother of the sister flower is killed by others, because in
her identity, there can be no treasures on the body, but you look at her,
although the clothes are intact, but they have not seen the Qiankun bag,
and her sternum. Fragmentation is obviously caused by external forces."

"Of course I can see, but the question is, who do you think killed her? Who
took her bag?" Chu Feng asked, he actually wanted to help Su and Su Mei,
find out the killing. The culprit of their mother.

In addition, Chu Feng also wants to get the treasure here, because he not
only found that the beautiful woman's Qiangbao bag disappeared, before
they absorbed the pile of bones of the source, and did not leave any

This is mostly explained that the treasures on them have been taken over
by others, so Chu Feng would like to know who the man is. The most
important thing is that he wants to know if the person is still alive.

"Where do I know, I haven't seen it with my own eyes, but it must be


"You are a dead girl." Chu Feng was quite annoyed and felt like he was
being played by the egg.

"Hey, you don't have to be excited. If I didn't guess wrong, the people who
killed the sisters and mothers are mostly dead. Because there are more
horrible things here, most of them are not a ancient funeral, but a Burial!"
Martial God Asura Chapter 118: Infinite treasure
"Fatrous burial?!" Chu Feng was shocked. He knew the level of the
cemetery. Although he did not know what the burial actually represented,
he knew that this was the most murderous place.

"Yes, this spell on the rock wall is a curse, it is used to bind evil spirits."
The egg tells.

"Evil spirit? What is that?" Chu Feng asked.

"The evil spirit is actually the spiritual spirit, but when the spiritual spirit
breaks away from the **** of the spiritual master, and lives in the living
world in its own form, it is called evil spirit."

"Evil spirits are representatives of evil. In order to seek strength, they will
slaughter the souls and absorb the source, so they will be called evil

"The most important thing is that after the spirit and the spirits have
concluded a contract, they can enter the spiritual world of the spiritualist,
and then use the body of the spiritualist as a medium to display their own
strength. In short, the spirit is actually bound by the spirits. Bound."

"But when the spirit is strong to a certain extent, it can break the contract,
break through the **** of the spiritualist, and step into the spiritual world
with its own will. If you want to break this contract, you need at least the
cultivation of the heavenly environment. Otherwise it can't be done."

"Tianwujing?" Chu Feng was once again shocked, but that is the realm of
the Kyushu mainland, the strongest peak.

"So, the strength of each evil spirit is very strong, at least it has the
cultivation of the heavenly environment, and the exit here is full of magic
spells, indicating that the evil spirits must be imprisoned here."
"Do you think that the place where the evil spirits are imprisoned will be a
simple ancient burial? Can a person who can imprison evil spirits be a
simple person?"

"Speaking of it, I really look down on the Kyushu mainland. At least in

this Qingzhou, there should be a guy who has had a bad time, and the evil
spirits to guard the cemetery, which proves the means of the owner."

"So powerful, then we still have to go deeper?" Hearing the horror of the
egg, Chu Feng also had no confidence in his heart.

Tianwujing is a legendary realm for him. There is a spirit of strength in

Tianwujing. I am afraid that if people breathe a sigh of relief, they will be
able to smash themselves. If they see it, they will probably lose it. Small

"Don't be afraid, the curse can bind the evil spirits, so as long as there is a
place to drop the spell, you are safe, at least the evil spirit can't hurt you."

"In the burial, there are endless treasures. You can continue to explore.
Even if you only get the tip of the iceberg, you can make a good start and
get great benefits. Maybe you can get it, enough for you to step into the
cultivation resources of Xuanwujing." Said the egg.

Listening to the egg, Chu Feng suddenly came to the power and began to
explore forward. The cave world is getting wider and wider, and the so-
called magic curse is more and more dense, although it has not been seen.
The surrounding rock walls, but at least the magic spells under the feet,
but more and more.

According to the egg, the evil spirits held here are certainly fierce,
otherwise it is impossible to arrange such a powerful curse, such a curse
can not be arranged by the general spirits.

The deeper the Chu Feng is, the more shocked it is. It is too big. It is like a
bottom world. It seems that there is no margin. Even he does not know
how long he has gone, how many miles he has gone, but he can listen in
front. The sound of roaring to the water.

"Beautiful lake!!!"

Continue to move forward, and it is a vast lake in front of Chu Feng. The
lake is soaring, and the water is slamming against the water, giving a
rumbling sound. On the surface of the lake, there are countless fireflies,
emitting a green light. It is their radiance that makes Chu Feng recognize
that it is a vast lake.

But when you look closely, Chu Feng finds that it is impossible to be a
firefly. It is much bigger than a firefly. It is impossible to tell what the
object is, but it does have a green light. It is very strange.

The distance is too far away, and Chu Feng’s mental power cannot be
touched. It is impossible to tell what it is and whether it is dangerous.

He continued to move forward, and his vision finally became wide. He

could see that there were countless white bones on the waterfront, and it
was densely covered with shores and extended into the lake.

It’s terrible. I don’t know how many people died, at least tens of
thousands, and these bones are different from the outside. Most of them
are broken and broken. They are killed by external forces. What they see at
the moment is only the number of shores. I don't know how many bones
there are.

"What happened here, how did you die so many people." Chu Feng was
shocked and cautiously approached, and found that under the white bones,
there were different shimmers.

"It's a spiritual bead, not just a pearl, but a pearl. God, there really is an
endless treasure."

Such a distance, Chu Feng's spiritual power finally played a role, can be
found, the bones of the sea, buried endless spirit beads and Yuanzhu, do
not know how many, can be said to be countless.
"Don't go." But Chu Feng just wanted to step in, but was stopped by the
sound of the egg.

"What's wrong?" Chu Feng did not understand.

"The surface in front is covered with white bones. It is impossible to see

whether there is a curse, but what is certain is that there is no source
within these bones, and the source has been drained."

"The scope is the range in which the evil spirits can attack. Whoever goes
in and dies is a trap that tempts people to step into the trap." The egg was
dignified and reminded.

"So, is there really a bad spirit to guard? Is there a way to escape his
induction and let me enter? There are not only pearls, but also pearls in the
bones, and many, if I can get them, Can be repaired as a big move."

For Chu Feng, who urgently needs to cultivate resources, the treasure in
the bones is so tempting. If you get all of it, as long as you get a part, Chu
Feng’s cultivation can also rise, and you can step into the yuan. Wujing,
even have the opportunity to step into the Xuanwujing.

"If you want to die, you will pass, don't be blinded by the interests. In the
tens of thousands of bones, every pre-life repair must be above you. Now
it is not all tragic."

"This burial can only be explored here. As long as there is no martial art
teacher in Tianwu, you will find it here sooner or later. The treasure here is
yours sooner or later. You can take it later and then take it again, but you
must not be sure when you are not sure. And rush into it."

Chu Feng is not unwise. Naturally, he knows that the egg is right, so after
looking at it, he had to wipe his mouth and turn and retreat.


But at this moment, a shrill roar, suddenly bursting in the lake, the horror
of the sound, as if from the evil spirits under the nine secluded, inspiring

At the same time, the calm Hu Bo, even the waves rolling, the green light
spots on the lake, actually made a strange scream, lightning-like flying to
Chu Feng.
Martial God Asura Chapter 119: No doubt this

A few rays of light came from the wind, and there was a dense green
meteor group, which swiftly flew and made a strange cry.

It turned out that it was not a firefly, but a group of green monsters that
looked like mosquitoes. With a pair of wings flying in the air, the volume
was high, and the eyes were red-blind and scattered all over the place. It
was terrible.

The strength of each of these monsters is very different, at least

comparable to the human martial arts masters, tens of thousands of people
gathered together, the power is even more horrible, just like the tens of
thousands of troops composed of Yuan Wujing masters, facing Chu Feng


When the egg screamed, he transferred his power to Chu Feng again to
improve Chu Feng’s cultivation.

And Chu Feng did not dare to neglect, the body's strength to run, they will
display the Royal Air, and quickly fled.


But at this moment, Chu Feng’s feet bloomed with dazzling brilliance, and
the curse that was painted on the rock wall actually emitted a red light,
which reflected the world of the cave.

"Puff puff...."
At the same time, the faint green radiance has been plunged into the red **
domain, but just entered, they have exploded, and even a residue has not
left, completely disappeared.

"This is a great curse!" Chu Feng was shocked. If it weren't for the curse of
the curse, I'm afraid he couldn't escape.

"Don't stop, run!" Just as Chu Feng stopped to watch, the egg was

"Rumble", and at this moment Chu Feng was shocked to discover that in
the lake, there have been waves of waves, and the huge waves of several
feet, like fierce beasts, are rushing in the direction of it.

The most important thing is that in the blue spray, two green lights were
shot. It was a pair of eyes, very big and too big to describe.

Just looking at one eye, Chu Feng's body trembled fiercely, a touch of
indescribable fear, born from the heart, no oppression, no deterrence, just
this gaze, it is enough to make people feel guilty.

Needless to think, Chu Feng already knows what it is, it is probably the
evil spirit of the egg, and what Chu Feng can't imagine is that a pair of
eyes is still the case, then how big is its body? !

Feeling is not right, Chu Feng began to desperately flee, but despite the
speed of the Royal Air, it is already terrible, but still lost to the surging

The hustle and bustle of the sky is rumbling, and it is already pouring into
the red magical area of the demon spell. It may be that the thrust is too
strong, and its speed is not proportional to its volume, and the surging is
forced to Chu Feng.

"What happened, the magic spell failed?" The curse did not stop the huge
waves, which made Chu Feng somewhat afraid. If the evil spirit catches
up, it will definitely die.
"The huge waves are not evil spirits. How can the curse be blocked? You
can rest assured that the evil spirits are not afraid to get close to the curse,
as long as you don't get caught in the lake by this huge wave." The egg

At this moment, the huge waves are already coming, and a wave of
powerful waves is already rushing down to Chu Feng.

"Hugh to look down on me!"

This wave is no longer able to escape. When I see that I am going to drown
myself, Chu Feng is a little on the toes. Even with the help of the power of
the huge waves, the wave of the wave has been resolved.


At this moment, Chu Feng could hear, and there was a terrible roar again.
The voice was deafening. Fortunately, the distance was far away. If the
roaring sounded in front of him, Chu Feng felt that he might be roared by
this sound and lived to death. .

"It's terrible, is this evil spirit!"

Because the evil spirits did not dare to step into the area of the curse, so
the huge waves it provoked also began to subside, and looking at the
dissipating waves, Chu Feng finally took a sigh of relief.

The evil spirit is terrible. If you don't obey the egg, you can't leave the
area where you can drop the spell. You will be killed by it. Even the source
will be sucked, and it will die extremely thoroughly.

"The evil spirits are not terrible, but you are too weak. Look carefully. The
huge waves just surged. It is very likely that some white bones in the lake
will be shocked. Maybe there will be something you need." .

"It's really right for you." And stepping on the wet rock, with the light of
the bounds of the compass, after a search, Chu Feng is a big joy.
Sure enough, as the egg said, under the impact of the huge waves, many
white bones were washed out, not only white bones, but also spiritual
beads, there are several beads in front of them, scattered everywhere, in
the shallow water, exudes crystal The light.

"The huge waves that have just been hit are very big. There are spiritual
beads to look for in front of you. If you search carefully, you may find how
many Lingzhu can be found. Even Yuanzhu may not be able to find it."

The egg is also happy for Chu Feng. Although this Lingzhu has no effect
on her, it has great use for Chu Feng. Now she has gained great benefits in
this burial. Naturally, she does not want Chu Feng to return empty-handed.


Chu Feng is not too slow, began to search carefully in this area, after about
two hours of search, Chu Feng found more than 3,000 beads, and seven

A pearl is equivalent to a thousand pearls. That is to say, Chu Feng has

more than 10,000 pearls in this trip. If the rookie conference can win the
championship and get 5,000 more pearls, perhaps Chu Feng is expected to
hit. Yuan Wujing, such a harvest can not be said to be rich, at least not

Knowing that the front was no longer accessible, Chu Feng began to
return, and when he climbed out of the dark cave, he was shocked to find
that it was already a sunny afternoon.

"I rely on it, this is a miserable, will not miss the time of the rookie

Chu Feng is quite speechless. In the burial, he is too cautious, but he

ignores the problem of time. He never thought that he had stayed in the
burial for so long, and now the time has passed, and then he will not hurry.
It is very likely that I will miss this rookie conference.
Although, in the burial, Chu Feng has received more than 10,000 Lingzhu,
but for those who urgently need to cultivate resources, the 5,000 spirit
beads rewarded by the rookie conference must also be obtained.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng rushed to lift the enchantment. After the
enchantment was lifted, the black hole leading to the burial disappeared
and was replaced by the green lawn. The ordinary people could not see the
clue. After doing this, Chu Feng also began to desperately rushed to
Zhuque City.

In fact, this rookie conference did come to an end. In the square of Suzaku,
in the square, all the rookies who participated in the rookie conference
began to carry their own spoils and returned.

And in the square, there are five more than the fighting platform. I want to
set it up for the future champions, but outside the square is a sea of people.
This celebrity city’s celebrities are coming, I want to see all parties. What
kind of style will the city's rookie have?

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