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Information Technology

Course Title: Management Information
course code: MGT 811

Topic: Data Resource Management

• Instructor:
• Engr. Dr. E.C. Amadi
• Foundation of data concept
• Types of database
• Data warehouse and data mining
• Database management approach
• Implementing data resource management
• Database structures
• Accessing databases
• Database development
Data are a vital organizational resource that need to be
managed like other important business assets.
Today’s e-business enterprises cannot survive or succeed
without quality data about their internal operations and
external environment
The following must be paid attention to
1. Database management
2. Data warehousing
3. Data mining
Foundation of data concepts

• Character
• Fields
• Records
• File
• Database
Types of database
• Operational databases (subject area database,
transaction databases, production databases)
• Distributed databases (servers)
• External databases (www)
• Hypermedia databases (hyperlinks)
Task: 1. Create a dropbox account and save all our
assignments in a folder with our name
Send the folder containing the files to
Data warehouses

a data warehouse stores data that have been extracted

from the various operational, central and other
databases of an organization. It is a central source of
data that have been cleaned, transformed, and
catalogued so they can be used for managers and
business analytics

Data Mining

This is a major use of data warehouse databases. In data

mining, the data in a data warehouse are analysed to
reveal hidden patterns and trends in historical business
This helps managers make decisions about strategic
changes in business operations to gain competitive
advantages in the marketplace.

Database management
How databases are created, interrogated, and
maintained to provide information needed to end users
and their organizations

Database management system (DBMS): interface

between users and the databases
Database interrogation: query features

Other areas

• Implementing databases
• Challenges of data resource management
• Accessing databases
• Data planning and database design


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