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PLANEACION Versión: 00 Página: 1 de 1

Fecha: 07-07-2020


Date: Wednesday, July 28th
WEEK Warm Up: Pause exercise (Back stretch)
4: Activity 1: The students will use Google to make a reach
Openin about the favorite cartoons and in Paint here they will copy, Computer
g and paste and save several pictures to create a collage and Internet
interes present to classmates.
tin g Time: 45 minutes

Date: Wednesday, August 04th

Warm Up: Brain Gym (Cross Crawls)
WEEK Activity 1: The students will use shapes tool to make an
5: animal and then, they will use the color box for painting their
Applyin drawings. Computer
g tools Microsoft

Time: 45 minutes

Date: Wednesday, August 11th

Warm Up: Pause exercise (Shoulder rolls)
Activity 1: The students will access to the Web “Arbol ABC”
Explori They Computer
ng links
will find different math and school games for kids to play. Internet
Time: 45 minutes



Date: Wednesday, July28 th

WEEK Warm up: Brain gym (Energy Yam)

Craftwo Activity: We will give an overview of the indigenous cultures
ks Then we are going to talk about the importance of respecting people Worksheet,
of others cultures in Colombia, finally we develop worksheet # 20 pencil case.
Underta Time: 45 minutes
Date: Wednesday, August 04th
Warm up: lectura de cuento
Activity 1: The student will watch these videos about job of
Elaborado: Paula Vanessa Causil Revisado: Aprobado:

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Fecha: 07-07-2020

Agricult peasant or farmer.

ure What Farmers Do for kids Coloring book,
Then, the teacher will talk about peasant of farmer daily live and pencilcase
why this is important for the society, then the student have to color
pag 35 on coloring book. Desarrollo de guía # 21 como tarea)
Time: 45 minutes

Date: Wednesday, August 11th

Warm up: week song / polyglot video
Activity: The students are going to watch this video (73) Healthy
Eating for Kids - Learn About Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins,
Vitamins and Mineral Salts - YouTube smile and learnd
Then, the teacher talks about healthy food and she show pictures
abouth vegetables and fruits finally ask to kids what is their
favorite healthy food.
Finally the children have to develop worksheet # 22.
Time: 45 minutes



WE Date: Thrusday, 05 August Polyglot
EK 4: Warm Up: strech arms and legs World
Colombi Activity: The teacher through pictures talk about Colombian food, TV
a n then we are going to play concentration game with pictures paste on Polyglot book
food the board. Finally children have to develop the guide # 20.

Date: Thrusday, 12 August

Warm up: week song
Activity 1: We are going to talk about Colombia flowers and
we are going to watch this video
Week 5 Pencil case
Flowers Tv, worksheet
of Then, we are going to develop the guide # 21.
a Date: Thursday, 19 August 2020
Warm up: polyglot video/week song
Activity 1: We are going to talk about Colombia trees and we
Week 6 are going some images about the must common trees in
trees Colombia (Palma de cera, Guayabo, Guayacán, Cafeto, Pencil case
of Tv, worksheet
Mandarino, aguacaterio, etc.)
Then, we are going to develop the guide # 22.

Elaborado: Paula Vanessa Causil Revisado: Aprobado:


PLANEACION Versión: 00 Página: 1 de 1

Fecha: 07-07-2020

WEEK Date: Monday, 26 July
4: Warm up: Polyglot song (Shapes)/ week song Notebook
Number Activity: The students will practice writing the number 11 and Pencil,
11– draw eleven oranges. Colors
molded Time: 45 minutes
– logic
blocks Date: Tuesday, 27 July
-chess Warm Up: week Song
Activity: We will solve the math guide # 22 Pencil case,
Time: 45 minutes worksheet.

Date: Wednesday, 28 July

Warm Up: Brain gym (Cross Crawls)
Activity: We are going to watch the video about the number 11, then, we are going
to follow numbers in correct way.
pencil case

Date: Thursday, 29 July

Warm up: Song of the week
Activity: the teacher is going to do a review about all numbers then
children are going to paint squares according to the quantity 8,9, 10,
11 Notebook,

Time: 45 minutes

Date: Thursday, 29 July

Warm up: Polyglot song (Numbers)
Activity: We are going to make a review about the numbers and
then we are going to play concentration numbers game. The on piece
of paper
Time: 45 minutes
Date: Friday, 30 July
Warm up: Brain gym (Lazy Eight’s)
Activity: The students will work on the Chess book # 22
Capturing with a rook Chess book
Time: 45 minutes

Week 5
WEEK Date: Monday, 02 August

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Fecha: 07-07-2020

Number Warm up: brain gym (eight lazy)

12– Activity: The teacher will teach the number 12 by counting objects. Crepe
molded Then, they will create and decorate the number using confetti o paper,
–chess crepe paper. notebook
Time: 45 minutes

Date: Tuesday, 03 August

Warm up: Stretching exercises
Activity: The students will work on the Chess book # 23
Movement of the bishop Chess book
Time: 45 minutes

Date: Wednesday, 04 August

Warm up: Brain gym (neck circles)
Activity: We will solve the math guide # 23
Time: 45 minutes Guide,
pencil case
Date: Thursday, 05 August
Warm up: Polyglot song (The plurals)
Activity: In the notebooks kids will have a number box where kids
will practice counting, they have to paint the dots in each box
pencil case
according to the number.

Date: Thursday, 05 August

Warm up: Song of the week
Activity: The children have to count 12 circles mark it with color.
pencil case.

Date: Friday, 06 August

Warm up: brain gym (cross crawls)
Activity: the teacher will review numbers and quantities then, the
children have to count and write the corresponding number

Week 6
Date: Monday, 09 August
Warm up: Song of the week (Walking - Walking)
Activity: The students will practice writing the number 12 and
draw 12 rectangles in their notebooks.
12– Notebook,
Time: 45 minutes
Inside colors.

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Fecha: 07-07-2020

Date: Tuesday, 10 August
Warm up: Polyglot song (Opposites)
Activity: The teacher will teach the prepositions (inside /
outside) through the video “Inside and Outside | Comparison for
Kids | Learn Pre-School Concepts with Siya” Hula hoops, rope, toys
Then, we are going to make a circle with rope and they have to put
outside or inside the toys or other objects according to the teacher
Time: 45 minutes

Date: Wednesday, 11 August

Warm up: week song.
Activity: We are going to play with this numbers soup, the student
will need to find the number 10, 11 and 12 in the soup, we are
going to indicate with the color orange de number 10, color purple the Colors,
number 11 and color green the number 12 notebook,

Date: Thursday, 12 August

Warm up: Song of the week ( Walking – Walking)
Activity: The teacher will do a review of inside and outside using the
children's pencil case and colors, then the children will look at the
picture and color the animal outside the tent. Colors,

Date: Thursday, 12 August

Warm up: Polyglot song (School supplies)
Activity: We will solve the math guide #24. The teacher will
make a review about the preposition of place with some
pictures on
Date: Friday, 13 August
Warm up: week song
Activity: The students will work on the Chess book 24


Date: Monday, 26 July L a n g u a g e
WEEK Warm Up: lectura de cuento. Tijeras, hojas
4: Activity: Se realizará la presentación de la letra S y se explicara reciclables o

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Fecha: 07-07-2020

Reconoci como se debe realizar el trazo de la s, luego se va a mostrar las cartulina, flash
e ndo siguientes palabras: Suelo, Sapo, Sopa, Silla y Serpiente; y van a cards
mis buscar donde está la letra S. después de ello se realizará trabajo
ciudades de recortado en hoja reciclable.
con la
m iento,
Time: 45 minutos
ó n,
a ción, Date: Monday, 26 July W r i t i n g
asociaci Warm up: Song of the week
ó n Activity: Se observará el siguiente video
letra aprende la Colores
objeto. letra s con sara la serpiente, luego los niños deberán realizar la Cartilla,
Transcri pagina 36 de la cartilla de lenguaje. pencil case
b iendo Time: 45 minutes
nombre Date: Tuesday, 27 July R e a d i n g
Warm up: active pause
Activity: Se realizará lectura de palabras que inicien con la
letra S y luego la profesora les leerá un cuento y luego les
preguntara que palabras con la letra S recuerdan. Al final se Hojas
repasará escritura de la letra en el tablero o en hojas reciclables. reciclables,

Date: Wednesday, 28 July W r i t i n g

Warm Up: Polyglot video/ active pause (arms)
Activity 1: Vamos hacer un repaso de cómo se escribe la S y
vamos a jugar juegos de clasificación de que imagen comienza Flash cards
con S, L, M y P. (Anexo)
Time: 45 minutos

Date: Thursday, 29 July Reading

Warm Up: ronda a la rueda, rueda
Activity 1: Los estudiantes observarán las imágenes (sapo, mesa,
oso, pasea, Susi, sopa, suma) y recortaran, pegaran y escribirán el
nombre en el cuaderno haciendo repaso de las sílabas vistas y Cuaderno,
énfasis en el grafema “s”. cartuchera

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Fecha: 07-07-2020

Date: Friday, 30 July L e n g u a j e

Warm Up: Song of the week
Activity 1: Se hará la página 37 de la cartilla de lenguaje.
Time: 45 minutos

Week 5
Date: Monday 02 August Language pencil case
Warm up: Canción de la semana
Activity 1: Vamos a practicar la escritura de la M, P, L y S
con pintura en un papel craft o hojas blancas y luego los niños van
a elegir una cosa que comience son cada una de las letras Time:
45 minutes

Date: Monday 02 August W r i t i n g

Warm up: lectura de cuento Hojas
Activity 1: Los estudiantes trabajarán la Cartilla reciclables,
de Lenguaje en la página # 38. pencil case,
WEEK Time: 45 minutos pinturas
Identifi Date: Tuesday, 03 August Reading
co la Warm up: Canción de la semana Cuento,
letra s, Activity 1: la Teacher entregará a cada niño su nombre en un cartilla,
ecucha trozo de cartulina, cada niño deberá escribirlo sin guía, pero con cartuchera
ndo ayuda y dirección de la teacher.
música Time: 45 minutos
apresta Date: Wednesday, 04 August W r i t i n g
miento, Warm up: Pause Exercise (Shoulders up and down) Cartuchera,
escitur Activity 1: Los estudiantes rodearán la palabra adecuada con pencil case
a cada imagen y van a practicar su lectura de palabras con las
cursiva combinaciones silábicas de las letras “m, p, l, s”. (Ver imagen
, anexo 3)
del Date: Thursday, 05 August R e a d i n g
nombre Warm Up: lectura de cuento Flash cards
Activity: Realizaremos lectura de sílabas con la letra s, al
final los niños deberán realizar la pág. 40 de la cartilla
Time: 45 minutos

Date: Friday, 06 August Language Cartilla,

Warm Up: Brain gym (cross crowls) cartuchera.
Activity: Para iniciar la clase la teacher realizará un repaso
de las consonantes vistas, luego en el cuaderno realizaremos
actividad de aprestamiento en el cuaderno.
Time: 45 minutos

pencil case

Week 6

Date: Monday, 09 August Language

Warm up: lectura de cuento
Activity 1: Se hará ejercicio de lectura y búsqueda de Hojas
palabras que comiencen con la S y L, Luego los estudiantes reciclables,

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Fecha: 07-07-2020

realizarán un dibujo de su parte favorita del cuento. cartuchera

Time: 45 minutos

o con
la letra
am Date: Monday, 09 August Writing
iento, Warm up: Song of the week
escritu Activity 1: Los estudiantes van a realizar la página 39 de la
ra Cartilla de Lenguaje.
Time: 45 minutes
Date: Tuesday, 10 August R e a d i n g Cartilla de
de Warm up: Active pauses: head movements lenguaje,
palabr Activity 1: Se dibujará en el cuaderno la siguiente sopa de letras cartuchera.
as con con palabras que comiencen con S (Semilla, Sol, Sal, Silla, Suelo,
“m, p, Suma, Sopa y Sapo) y con diferentes colores van a señalar las
l, s”, palabras que encuentren
rib Cuaderno,
iendo cartuchera
Date: Wednesday, 11 August W r i t i n g
Warm up: Canción de la semana
Activity 1: la teacher hará repaso de las consonantes vistas,
después de ello los niños deberán realizar juego de concéntrese
de letras con las imágenes correspondientes. (Anexo 4)
Time: 45 minutes

Flash cards
Date: Thursday, 12 August R e a d i n g
Warm up: brain gym (lazy eight)
Activity 1: Los estudiantes trabajarán completando las palabras
con las sílabas del grafema “s”.

Date: Friday, 13 August L a n g u a g e cartuchera
Warm Up: active pause,(arms)
Activity 1: Vamos a jugar a pescar las letras, los
estudiantes van a imprimir y recortar el siguiente
Luego vamos a escribir detrás de cada pescado la letra M,

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Fecha: 07-07-2020

P, L y S y vamos a colocar un clip en cada pescadito y vamos

a realizar una caña de pescar con un palito o esfero, lana o
hilo y un clip amarrado o pegado, que será el que sirva para
Hojas iris,
enganchar en la pesca.



Date: Sport 26 July
WEEK Warm Up: Brain gym (Cross Crawls)

Volleyb Activity: The students will do back, arm, hip and neck stretch,
all then we are going to play bowl, we will need some recycled plastic Plasti
bottles and a ball, the students will throw the ball and try to c
knock down the plastic bottles. Bottl
Time: 45 minutes es
Date: Thursday, 29 July
Warm up: stretching arms
Activity: Use cones or other markings to create two small boxed
areas 10 to 15 feet apart. Put one player in each box and a player
between the boxes. The players in the boxed areas volley the ball balls
back and forth and the middle player tries to block the ball. The
volley team gets 1 point for five consecutive legal volleys without
either player leaving his box. The blocker gets a point for every
block. The first to 5 points wins. This game teaches hitting and
blocking skills.

Date: Friday, 30 July

Activity: Teach children how to control the height of their
volleyball bumps with this simple drill. Each child gets a volleyball.
WEEK Call out “Big Bumps!” when you want the children to hit the bumps
5: high in the air. Wait until all children have steady control over
Space- their big bumps then call out “Little Bumps!” and have the children 2 Balloons
time hit shorter bumps. Change between the two more quickly as
children get comfortable.

Date: Monday, 02 August

Warm Up: Pause exercise (Back stretch)
Activity 1: The students will play with 2 balloons, the students
are going to throw it in the air and the balloon cannot touch the
ground, then we are going to try again but now with 2 balloons at
same time.

Date: Thursday, 05 August

Warm Up: Song of the week
Activity 1: The students will play with their parents. They will
stand holding their rackets and they will try to pass the ball back
and forth from one racquet to the other. After several
successful trials, they will move back so they have to make a
gentle toss to get the ball from one racquet to the other.
Time: 45 minutes

Date: Friday, 06 August

Divide your group into two-player teams, featuring a receiver and
a hitter. The first two players stand parallel to the net, about 10
feet apart. Throw the ball to the receiver, who tries to propel

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Fecha: 07-07-2020

the ball to the hitter. The hitter tries to hit the ball over the
net. Either player can hit the ball one more time, if necessary, to
get it over the net.

Date: Monday 09 August

WEEK 6: Activity: Take a sturdy ladder, preferably a wooden one, and Rack
Hold support it with pillows at each end so that the ladder lies et
a horizontally just a few centimeters or inches above the ground. Ball
tenni Cone
s Challenge your toddler to walk on the ladder from one side to the s
rack other, carefully balancing with each step. As they learn how to
et walk, you can suspend the ladder at different heights to make it
more challenging.

Date: Thursday, 12 August

Warm up: active pause (legs)
Activity: Hit the target. Use hula hoops or chalk to designate
targets on the ground, then have kids aim bean bags or balls (even
Date: Friday, 13 August hoop
Warm up: Stretch legs s
Jump the brook. Set out two jump ropes, or draw two chalk lines
to represent the brook, and have kids try to jump over it. Try
making it wider in some spots and narrower in others for a few
levels of challenge.


PLANEACION Versión: 00 Página: 1 de 1

Fecha: 07-07-2020

Week Date: Monday, 26 July School
4 Warm up: polyglot video supplies
Schoo Activity 1: The teacher and students will play Simon says, for
l example: “touch the eraser” and then they have to repeat
suppli sentences, in order to practice the vocabulary pronunciation.
es  It is a table.
 It is an eraser.
 This is a sharpener.
Time: 45 min

Date: Tuesday, 27 July

Warm Up:  polyglot video/week song
Activity:  The students will watch two videos about school objects. Notebook, pencil case
Then, the students will find a schoolbag drawn in their notebooks
and they have to paste the school supplies according to the
teacher instructions. (annexe 5)
Time: 45 minutes 

Date: Friday, 30 July

Warm Up: Song of the week
Activity: We’re going to play a game. The teacher will put
Flash cards
different school supplies flashcards in the classroom, where the
parents are going to hide these elements and the student has to
look for the school element said by the teacher. The student win if
he or she found the correct one and says the name. 
Time: 45 minutes 

Week 5

Date:  Monday, 02 August

Warm up:   Active pause (head – arms)
Week Activity 1: The students will watch this video
5 (learn feelings
Moods and emotions for kids- preschool learning) the we are going to paint
in each fingers one of the emotions. Then, the students will
practice the vocabulary pronunciation.   

Time: 45 minutes 

Date: Tuesday, 03 August Polyglot

Elaborado: Angie Garcia Ruiz Revisado: Marcela Garzón Aprobado: Marcela Garzón

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Fecha: 07-07-2020

Warm Up: Week song (Emotions Hockey Hockey) video

Activity 1:  The students will work on the Polyglot Book page 69 Glue, pencil
about the moods. We are going to draw and color in the face the case
corresponding mood. Then with a red color we will connect the

Time: 45 minutes 

Date Friday, 06 August

Warm up: Week song ( Make a Circle) Flash cards
Activity: We are going to play a match game and then we are going
to play Simon Says according the teacher instruction. 
Time: 45 minutes

Week 06

Date: Monday, 09 August

Warm up: Brain gym (botones del pensamiento)
Activity:  First, the teacher will play guessing games, the teacher Polyglot book,
Week choses a student and the student express the emotion without glue
6 talking, then we will sing the song called “If you’re happy” and at
Moods the same time they will make the actions.
Then children have to work on their Polyglot book the page 81,
put in the correct space the different types of meat and then
we will make a line with different colors.

Time: 45 minutes 

Date: Tuesday, 10 August

Warm up: polyglot video
Activity 1:  The students will watch the polyglot video about Polyglot
moods and then, they will work in the Polyglot Book page 71. We are book
going to find the page 121, in this page there are some images to
complete the faces. 
Time: 45 minutes

Date: Friday, 13 August

Warm Up: Pause exercise (Shoulders up and down) 
Activity 1:  The teacher will hand out a small paper circle to each
child and encourage them to make a feeling puppet and finally, each
child will share their feeling puppet with the group.
Then, they will practice the language structure:
 How does she feel today?
 I am… (Happy, sad, worried, bored)

Time: 45 minutes 

Elaborado: Angie Garcia Ruiz Revisado: Marcela Garzón Aprobado: Marcela Garzón

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Fecha: 07-07-2020



Col Date: Monday, 26 July Colors
or Activity: Desarrollo de actividades de conteo y asociación
boo cantidad número.

Date: Tuesday, 27 July

Activity 1: analiza las imagenes y organiza la secuencia.


Date: Wednesday, 28
Activity 1: asocia las imágenes

Date: Thursday, 29
Activity 1: desarrollo de concentrción. Memotest Invernal

Date: Friday, 30
Activity 1: Guia visoperception.

Date: Monday, 02 August

Activity 1: Memotest pirata (

Elaborado: Angie Garcia Ruiz Revisado: Marcela Garzón Aprobado: Marcela Garzón

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Fecha: 07-07-2020

Date: Tuesday, 03 August

Activity 1: con las letras m,p, s, realiza la siguiente

Date: Wednesday, 04 August

Activity 1: Repasa con un copito de algodón las silabas vistas
como se muestra.

Date: Thursday, 05 August

Activity 1: un lindo manicure realizaremos como se muestra
en la imagen.

Date: Friday, 06 August

Activity 1: Guia de visoperception

Date: Monday, 09 August

Activity 1: Inserta palitos o limpiapipas

Date: Tuesday, 10 August

Activity 1: realiza los trazos como se muestra

Elaborado: Angie Garcia Ruiz Revisado: Marcela Garzón Aprobado: Marcela Garzón

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Fecha: 07-07-2020

Date:Wednesday, 11 August
Activity 1: unos los puntos

Date: Thursday, 12 August

Activity 1: Cuenta y escribe el resultado

Date:Friday, 13 August
Activity 1: Guia de visoperception


 Week 4: El oro y las ratas: ni%C3%B1os/el-oro-y-


 Week 5: La oveja y el cerdo oveja-y-el-


Elaborado: Angie Garcia Ruiz Revisado: Marcela Garzón Aprobado: Marcela Garzón

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Fecha: 07-07-2020

 Week 6: Juan y el caldero


Songs of the Week

Week 4: Make A Circle

Week 5: Emotions Hokey Pokey

Make a circle, big big big.
Small small small.
Big big big.
All right everybody, let's do the Emotions Hokey
Make a circle, small small small.
Hello hello hello.
You put your HAPPY face in, you take your
HAPPY face out,
Make a circle, round and round.
you put your HAPPY face in and you shake it all about
Round and round. Round and round.
You do the hokey pokey and turn yourself
Make a circle, round and round.
Hello hello hello.
Everybody turn around! (clap, clap)

Make a circle, up up up. You put your sad face in you take your
Down down down. sad face out
Up up up.
you put your sad face in and you shake it
Make a circle, down down down.
all about
Now sit down
you do the hokey pokey and turn
yourself around
Everybody turn around

You put your angry face in You

take your angry face out
You put your angry face in and you
shake it all about
You do the hokey pokey and turn
yourself around,
Everybody turn around! (clap, clap)

You put your scared face in You

take your scared face out
You put your scared face in and you
shake it all about
You do the hokey pokey and turn
yourself around,
Everybody turn around! (clap, clap)

You put your surprised face in You

take your surprised face out
You put your surprised face in and you
shake it all about
You do the hokey pokey and turn
yourself around,
Everybody turn around! (clap, clap)

You put your silly face in You

Elaborado: Angie Garcia Ruiz Revisado: Marcela Garzón Aprobado: Marcela Garzón

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take your silly face

You put your silly face in and you
shake it all about
You do the hokey pokey
and turn yourself around,
Everybody turn around!
(clap, clap) Everybody turn

Walking around the circle

Walk around the circle.

Walk around the circle.
Walking, walking.
We all fall down.

Gallop around the circle.
Gallop around the circle.
Galloping, galloping.
We all fall down.

Shhh! Let’s tiptoe!

Tiptoe around the circle.
Tiptoe around the circle.
Tiptoe, tiptoe.
We all fall down.

I’m so sleepy!
Sleepy, sleepy, sleepy.
I’m so sleepy.

Wake up, everybody!

Come on, we’re going to hop!
Hop around the circle.
Hop around the circle.
Hopping, hopping.
We all fall down.

Let’s twirl!
Twirl around the circle.
Twirl around the circle.
Twirling, twirling.
We all fall down.

Let’s hop and twirl!

Hop around the circle.
Twirl around the circle.
Hopping, twirling.
We all fall down.
Elaborado: Angie Garcia Ruiz Revisado: Marcela Garzón Aprobado: Marcela Garzón

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Fecha: 07-07-2020

Elaborado: Angie Garcia Ruiz Revisado: Marcela Garzón Aprobado: Marcela Garzón
Anexo 2

Anexo 3
Anexo 4

Annexe 5

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