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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila

Discipline and Ideas in the

Applied Social Sciences



Quarter 2
Module 5

Most Essential Learning Competencies:

1. Explain each of the function of Applied Social
2. Identify situations that would require or
necessitate the performance of the various
functions in local settings.

Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will disturb
you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to successfully
enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have fun!

1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of
this module.
2. Write on your notebook the concepts about the lessons. Writing enhances
learning, that is important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers using the answer key card.
5. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!


 Expectations - These are what you will be able to know after completing the
lessons in the module.
 Pretest - This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to be
mastered throughout the lesson.
 Looking Back to your Lesson - This section will measure what learnings
and skills did you understand from the previous lesson.
 Brief Introduction - This section will give you an overview of the lesson.
 Discussion - This section provides a short discussion of the lesson. This
aims to help you discover and understand new concepts and skills.
 Activities - This is a set of activities you will perform with a partner.
 Remember - This section summarizes the concepts and applications of the
 Check your understanding - It will verify how you learned from the lesson.
 Posttest - This will measure how much you have learned from the entire

Specifically, this module will help you to:
 Explain each of the function of Applied Social Sciences.
 Identify situations that would require or necessitate the performance of the
various functions in local Philippine setting.
Let us start your journey in learning more on applied and
social sciences. I am sure you are ready and excited to
answer the Pretest. Smile and cheer up!

Do you recognize job conditions or occupations in which the value of applied social
sciences is highly visible? To answer the question, complete the concept map.

Why are the Applied Social Sciences important?

Great, you finished answering the questions. You may request your
facilitator to check your work. Congratulations and keep on learning!

To prove your understanding of the past lesson, you should be ready to

accomplish this task. You may do the following.

Directions: Modified True or False. Write T if the sentence is true. If false,

explain what made the sentence false.

______1. Communication is defined as an act with one or more persons, of

transmitting noise-distorting messages within such a context, with some impact
and with some opportunity for feedback.
______ 2. The communication components are recipient, receiver, message,
channel, responses, context, noise, and effect. The interaction of these elements
characterizes a precise amount.
______ 3. Communication is versatile, unverifiable, and unavoidable, affected by
culture, influenced by ethics, competence-based, affected by changes in media and
technology, and has nothing to do with it.
______ 4. Communication is not a directional and one procedure, but is a flexible,
complicated, interpretative, and simultaneous process. The interactions of
components in the effective communication is generally described using strategies,
namely: transmission, interaction and transactional models.
______ 5. Communication occurs at various levels, which include intra-personal,
inter-personal, group, public, mass, and computer mediated.

Applied Social Sciences emerged as a response to the specialization of social
science expertise that dominated the twenty-first century. However, integration between and
among the various social science disciplines and rendering their practical application were
deemed necessary by the twenty-first century scholars. This contemporary approach to
understanding and addressing personal or societal problems with the use of social sciences
is the main goal of applied social sciences. Applied Social Sciences employ various
principles and theoretical frameworks of social science disciplines to understand society and
to deal with it differently and innovatively.


Lesson Functions of the Applied

5 Social Sciences
Social science refers to the various fields that research about society and
investigate how people communicate and establish culture. It is a wide range of
fields that include history, political science, sociology, psychology, economics,
geography, demography, anthropology, and others. Applied social sciences, on the
other hand, were formed as a reaction to the compartmentalization of social science
knowledge that was widespread in the late 1990s and until the end of the twentieth
century. Scholars argued that there is a need for more collaboration within the
social science disciplines. This means that the various areas of social sciences need
to work together effectively to resolve issues. This multidisciplinary approach to the
study of various social problems is the main subject of applied social sciences.
Applied social scientists use and borrow various ideas, theoretical models, and
hypotheses from social science backgrounds that can help them understand
society and the different challenges and issues they face. Applied social sciences
may also offer potential approaches to these complex societal problems
(Gouldner,1989). Students who study applied social sciences are provided with
ample experience and preparation to pursue careers in psychology, social work,
and communication. Such occupations provide professionals the ability to support
underprivileged, disadvantaged, and voiceless groups of society, such as the elderly
and indigenous groups, to change their circumstances and secure their rights.
Graduates in applied social sciences will also function in non-governmental
organizations, heritage sites and museums, and government departments. Jobs
can also be found in the areas of business research, public policy analysis, political
research, public relations, and human resources.


An applied social scientist should use his/her experience as a Personal

Development Counselor in self-development. Being an applied social science
specialist, he/she may help address a variety of specific human problems. This
includes participation in therapy or clinical advice using therapeutic techniques,
such as gathering case histories, informal assessments, and skill and aptitude
tests. Self-development counseling can be offered by psychologists or life coaches,
psychiatrists, hypnotherapists, and personal growth psychologists.

There are various forms of self-help or personal growth guidance that can be
provided by an applied social scientist which shall include the following:

1. Life Coaches for Personal Development

Life coaching is a discipline that discusses personal goals, business.

achievements, general circumstances, and changes in an individual’s personal life,
relationship, or career. A life coach discusses the client's current situation, learns
what barriers or problems a client faces, and selects a course of action to help the
client achieve the kind of life he or she wishes to have.
2. Career Counseling for Personal Development
Career counseling is one of the most common forms of personal
advice. This is for the people who are entering the job market, looking for career
changes, and wanting to advance in their current careers. Career Counselors look
at the client's personal strengths and weaknesses in the job market, career goals,
and life options.
3. Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy is a type of behavioral therapy that uses the power of positive.
reinforcement to bring about a subconscious shift in one's thoughts, emotions, and
actions. Hypnotherapist seeks to change one's state of consciousness to calm the
conscious part of the mind while at the same time relaxing and concentrating the
subconscious part. A heightened state of consciousness, achieved using trained
calming methods, helps the hypnotherapist to make effective recommendations.
4. Personal Growth Counseling for Personal Development
Personal Development Counseling focuses on evaluating the client's life,
aspirations, and various facets of life. A good personal growth advisor, though
forward-looking and focused on promoting growth, requires time to reconcile
history and present in the service of a better future. This style of therapy combines
the methods and strategies of life and career therapy into the more exploratory
practice of conventional personal counseling.


In professions related to communication, such as mass media,

advertisement and business, persuasion is highly critical. To convince someone
means being able to convince others to change their attitudes or behavior about the
issue through the communication of messages in an atmosphere of free choice. A
person cannot be convinced unless he / she is rooted in social sciences. It is very
important to remember that anyone who hopes to communicate or creates
advertisements that wish to inform a client, or a consumer must be informed first
about the culture of the people with which the message is communicated. A strong
foundation of applied social sciences in anthropology and sociology is important in
persuading people as these disciplines can help practitioners understand people's
behavioral values and practices.


Applied social sciences are also used in the arts and entertainment sectors.
Arts and entertainment represent the culture and society of a country. In order to
be able to understand and examine innovations and emerging trends in the arts
and entertainment field, it is important to be informed about people's social and
cultural conditions. The social sciences are applied to these important aspects as
they research the anthropological and sociological conditions of society.
When new methods and distribution mechanisms for entertainment have
proliferated, it has become extremely important to consider the needs of the
consumer. To get the attention of the audience, it is necessary to cope with the
changing demands of the viewers. Applied social sciences prove to be significant in

this regard, as a strong foundation in the study of people's viewing behavior and
habits is underscored in this multidisciplinary sector.


In the field of journalism, applied social sciences are also significant. The
news and current affairs field stresses the need for accurate, unbiased, and honest
coverage of the political and other relevant developments that have taken place.
Practitioners in applied social sciences have ample experience in this regard as they
have a strong foundation in history and political science. Applying these areas,
applied social scientists have enough expertise to be able to write and publish news
correctly and critically.
Social scientists working in business organizations and public relations
organizations are relevant because they serve as information researchers. Called in
practice as market analysts, applied social scientists may use their expertise and
experience to plan and handle the organization's research projects. They perform
surveys, collect and analyze data to help their clients understand their business
and make educated decisions about future policies and initiatives.
Applied social sciences are important to market research because of the
exemplary foundation of social science experts, particularly anthropology,
demography, and sociology. These fields are important to be able to understand
and evaluate the target consumers, competitors, and the industry. Appropriate
information on current and future customers is given to businesses by market
analysts. Essentially, market research allows businesses to make informed
strategic decisions on the production and marketing of their new goods and


Advocacy organizations are formed to inform and educate people on public
concerns and to influence the formulation of policies. Advocacy organizations also
play a significant role in the advancement of political and social structures. Applied
Social Sciences are a strong context for coordinating and mobilizing activism as
this multidisciplinary area explores legislation, governance, social and political
dynamics. Such areas are overly critical contexts for advocacy research.
The advocacy work has various activities. These tasks include knowledge of
Applied Social Sciences. It shall contain the following:

1. Community organization and mobilization- Helping to organize voters and

create influence through their communities.
2. Dissemination of information- Providing the right information to societies
and citizens on important political, social, and economic problems impacting them.
3. Study – Performing studies that represent the needs of the communities.
4. Training- Training sessions to teach successful strategies and skills for
personal and community development.


Applied Social Sciences educate the people about the realities of life and the
issues facing the country. Via mass media, applied social sciences inform a person
about the various events and phenomena that are taking place. People are made
aware of the recent developments in science, technology, and other related fields of
information. Applied social scientists are qualified to communicate and appreciate
social realities. These social realities provide a strong theoretical and practical

basis for social work sciences for social workers, enabling people, families, groups,
and societies to practice social work. Social work promotes personal and social
well-being in the society. Through social work, some develop their skills and their
abilities to use their own resources and empower the rest of the members to solve
problems. Social work deals not only with victims and family problems, but also
with social concerns such as poverty, homelessness, and domestic violence.
Human rights and social justice are also part of the social work profession Social
workers are working function in a variety of environments, such as family care
agencies, children's and organizations, general and psychiatric hospitals, school
boards, correctional institutions, welfare agencies, federal, and provincial
departments An increasing number of social workers also work in private

There are different areas where social workers are needed. These include the

1. Child welfare (public and private agencies)

Social workers in these departments can open protective case of family
violence, child neglect and, where possible, take preventive measures. They may
also employ foster parents to or direct the placement of children in preventive care.
Some social workers rely on cases of child adoption.
2. School social worker
Schools also hire social workers to help students adapt to the school
environment. Social workers help students, parents, and teachers deal with issues
such as aggressive behavior, drug problems, broken families, and other family-
related issues that may affect student performance in schools.
3. General and psychiatric hospital
Social workers are critical members of the medical care team. They serve as
mediators between the medical staff and the patient, as well as with community
services. Across these, social workers are also active in policy research, policy
formulation and policy preparation in various national agencies and local
government units.
4. Health and community services centers
Social workers offer support to individuals or families, as well as assistance
to disabled people. Some of them serve as community planners who help people
identify their needs and recommend solutions to address those identified needs.
Some are interested in dealing in parent-child relationships and marital
5. Correctional field
Social workers are also part of the clinical recovery program for juvenile or
adult offenders. They can be assigned as classification officers, probation officers or
parole officers. Parole officers help released inmates adapt to life in the community
while dealing with the terms of their probation.

6. Policy analysis, development, and planning

Social workers are also active in policy research, policy formulation and
policy preparation in various national agencies and local government units.

7. Academe and research

Social workers are also involved in educational science. They are hired by
universities to teach and conduct research.
Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences
by Dela Cruz AR et. al. (2016) p.

Activity 1.1 Scenario Building
Direction: Apply the functions of applied social sciences through scenario building.
As HUMSS student now try to imagine yourself after 10 years (Year 2031)
working in any of the following field utilizing the importance of Applied Social
Sciences (psychology/counseling, social work, communication, public relations,
human resource, business/political research). Explain your work and functions in
the society.

Activity 1.2 Self-explanation
Direction: Explain the following effect of applied social sciences processes and
provide instances apart from those mentioned in the module to explain your
1. Awareness and knowledge
2. Attitude and value change
3. Behavioral change


Activity 1.3 Individual Design

Directions: Students will have to assess objectively how functions of the Applied
Social Sciences have been fulfilled in the following activities. Choose only one.
1. Counselor and client relationship or specific counseling approach –
Interview a counselor or watch a YouTube video to specifically determine
which functions are at play during counseling.
2. Community Immersion – Watch a YouTube video about how a social worker
determine which functions of Applied Social Sciences are at play. Observe
how Social Workers organize and mobilize the community.
3. Compare of the programming of any two Networks – Compare and contrast
the programming of any two networks for two days. Observe which functions
of Applied Social Sciences are evident in the programs.

Points to Ponder

Direction: Explain the following functions of Applied Social Sciences.

1. Self-Development
2. Persuasion


3. Art and Entertainment


4. News and Information

5. Organizing, advocacy, and mobilization


The functions of applied social sciences are as follows:

 Self-development concerns the method of self-improvement. By carrying out

self-development practices, individuals are given the ability to take
meaningful action to make themselves better people.
 Persuasion belongs to the act of forcing a person to alter his intellect,
attitude, and actions.
 Art and Entertainment belong to the numerous television programs and
radio programs that the public can watch or listen to.

 News and Information is concerned with the role of disseminating news and
information through various types of media.
 Organization, activism, and mobilization concern the role of bringing people
together in the group, asking them to share their opinions on certain
conditions in their respective communities and getting them to follow
concrete methods to solve their problems.
 Training involves the provision of teaching moments in which people can
think about themselves and their surroundings.
 Appropriate socialization is a mechanism in which individuals develop skills,
values, norms and beliefs, among others. There are various agents of
socialization, such as family, friends, education, and mass media.

True or False. Identify it the statement is True or False. Write the answer for each
item on the blank.

______________________ 1. Applied social scientists use and borrow different

concepts, theoretical models and theories of the social science disciplines which
can help them understand society and the different problems and issues that it

______________________ 2. Social work focuses only on individual and personal


______________________ 3. Personal growth counseling focuses the evaluation of a

client's life, goals, and the different aspects of life.

______________________ 4. Advocacy works focus only on community organizing and


______________________ 5. The Applied social science was developed as a response to

the compartmentalization of the social science knowledge that was common during
the late 90s and until the end of the 20th century.

II. Answer the following:

1. Explain the different roles of the applied social sciences? Discuss each feature
and provide examples to illustrate the response.
2. Can you describe and explain the various circumstances or settings in the
Philippines where the different roles of applied social sciences can help?
3. How do you use applied social sciences for advocacy work?
4. How do you make use of applied social sciences in policy study and analysis?


Applied Social Science University of York, Social Work and Social Policy
Department Retrieved http://www.york ac uk/show/about/what-is-applied-
Applied Social Sciences. Retrieved degrees/applied
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Bastow, S. Dunleavy, P.Tinder, u. The impact of the social sciences How academics
and their research make a difference Sage publishing Retrieved from Impact ol the social
sciences.pdf (2014)
Bouteller, R. Gassmann, Roeder, S. What is the difference between social and
natural sciences? Retrieved http:// (2011).
Calhoun, C. Communication as Social Science (and More) International Journal of
Communication, Retrieved http:// (2011)
Communication as an academic discipline. Retrieved
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Commer, S & Hackney, H (2008).Counseling Strategies and Interventions . Boston
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California : Western Psychological Services.
George, R & Cristiani, T. (1986). Counseling Theory and Practice. New Jersey:
Prentice Hall.
Gibson, R. & Mitchell, M. Introduction to Counseling and Guidance. New Jersey:
Pearson (2008), Mcleod, J An Introduction to Counseling. Buckingham &
Philadelphia: Open University Press, 2003)
Gladding, Samuel T. (2000).Counseling: A Comprehensive Profession. (Fourth
Edition). NJ and Ohio: Merrill and Prentice Hall,
Gouldner, Alvin W. (1989) "Explorations in Applied Social Science." Sociological
Practice: Vol. 7: Iss. 1, Article 5. Available at: http://
Larsson, A. Wieselgren, P. (2013) Contextualizing social science In R. Danel, A
Larsson, & P. Wieselgren (eds) Historical Sociological, and Global
Perspectives, Lund, Sweden: Nordic Academic Press.
Moursund, J. (1993). The Process of Counseling and Therapy. New Jersey: Prentice
Nystul, M. (1999) Introduction to Counseling An Art and Science Perspective. MA:
Allyn Bacon
Nelson-Jones, R. (2004).Theory and Practice of Counseling and Therapy, London
Sage Publications
Nisbet R Social Science. Encyclopedia Britannica Retrieved from http:l/history- htm
Repko, Allen F. (2008). Interdisciplinary Research: Process and Theory. London,
Los Angeles, New Delhi, Singapore: Sage.
Schertzer, B. & Stone, S. (1974). Fundamentals of Counseling. Boston: Houghton
Mifflin Company.

Schertzer, B. & Stone, S (1981). Fundamentals of Guidance. Boston: Houghton
Mifflin Company.
Sheppard, G Notebook on Ethics, Legal Issues, and Standards for Counsellors.
Retrieved wp-content/uploads/2015/05/NOE
What-is-Counselling-A- Search-for-a-Definition.pdf

Websites us
pearsonhighered/samplechapter/013265797X.pdf Retrieved on August 18, 2014

Management and Development Team

Schools Division Superintendent: Maria Magdalena M. Lim, CESO V
Chief Education Supervisor: Aida H. Rondilla
CID Education Program Supervisor: Amalia C. Solis
CID LR Supervisor: Lucky S. Carpio
CID-LRMS Librarian II: Lady Hannah C Gillo
CID-LRMS PDO II: Albert James P. Macaraeg

Editor/s: Hernani D. Patches Jr. (Content)

Joe D. Verzosa (Language)

Writer: Fructuoso O. Salao

Name ____________________________________________ Grade and Section ___________
School: ______________________ Date: _____________ Subj. Teacher: _______________

Quarter: 2 Module No.: 5

MELC: 1. Explain each of the function of Applied Social Sciences.
2. Identify situations that would require or necessitate the performance of
the various functions in the local Philippine settings.
Topic: Importance of the Applied Social Sciences

Journal Entry

We will look back at what we have covered, and we will synthesize the
importance of the Applied Social Sciences.

Directions: Write a short essay that will explain the functions and purpose of the
applied social sciences and its allied professions in the following aspects:

a. Guidance on personal life and career growth

b. Social work
C. Communication

Lesson 1 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 2
1. D Answers
Answers may Answers
2. A may vary may vary
3. B Test II.
4. A Answers
5. C may vary

6. B Test III.
7. A
Answers may
8. B vary
9. D
10. A


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