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Taty: Hey, Raiza, what are you doing?

Raiza: I'm working out, I need to take advantage of the exercise bike I
Taty: Oh, great, you're right. Wait, what about that stereo? It's pretty big,
how much did it cost you?
Raiza: Hmm, about 100 dollars.
Taty: Wow, that's cheap. I see a lot of interesting things in your house,
what do you use that piece of furniture for?
Raiza: That's where I keep my make-up, most of the time when I do my
make-up I use the light ring to take pictures of myself.
Taty: Oh, that's too cool, what did it cost you? Pass me the contact.
Raiza: I'll be selling them soon for $7.
Taty: Wow its very cheap. So let me know.
Raiza: Of course, but I have a problem, I don't know how to make the
Taty: Ohh, don´t worry, I will help you, I am an expert.
Raiza: Ok Taty, thank u so much. So, see you later
Taty: Ur welcome Raiza, call me soon.

 Taty: Hi Raiza, what it’s that?

 Raiza: Hey Taty, come here. It’s a ring of light
 Taty: Oh, that’s beautiful. Its very nice
 Raiza: Yeah, and it only cost $7 dollars.
 Raiza: But I have a problem, I don't know how to make the
 Taty: Ohh, don´t worry, I will help you, I am an expert.
 Raiza: Ok Taty, thank u so much. So, see you later
 Taty: Ur welcome Raiza, call me soon.
Hey, Raiza, ¿qué está s haciendo?
Estoy haciendo ejercicio, necesito aprovechar la bicicleta está tica que
Oh, genial, tienes razó n. Espera, ¿qué me dices de ese equipo de sonido?
Es muy grande, ¿cuá nto te costó ?
Hmm, unos 100 dó lares.
Wow, está barato. Veo muchas cosas interesantes en tu casa, ¿para qué
usas ese mueble?
Ahí guardo mis maquillajes, casi siempre cuando me maquillo utilizo el
aro de luz para tomarme fotos.
Oh, eso es demasiado genial, ¿qué te costó ? Pá same el contacto.
Yo los venderé pronto en 7 dó lares.

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