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Comments by Sales Team

1- Mr. Adil
By developing client profile we get complete details about him i.e. understand who your ideal customer
is, age gender, income, personality type, preferences, behavior. By Client profile we get complete data
and we can use it as Client History. Also gain additional insight into what made them select your
business over others Formally or informally ask:
 How did you originally find our company before contacting us?
 Why did you originally buy from our company?
 Why do you continue to buy from our company?
 What do we do that others don’t?
2- Billal Abbasi

Reference to the context:

1) Profiling.
a) First Look.
b) The Way how client greet you should respond accordingly e.g If h/She say Assalam-Alaikum you should
respond in a very positive manner with smiling face and say Walaikum Salam. In this way client feel ease
and will be comfortable while discussing about the event.
c) Assess the clients (Profiling).
i) General Character (Categorized as follow).
ii) Financial Status (By their appearance, or by informal conversation). In my opinion when you are judging
client financial status that point is very critical because most of the clients are price conscious, when
they have already so many options in the market. So you should be alert enough while quoting the price.
If you think h/she is not comfortable with the rate so you should start justifying with our premium
products that must have competitive edge from the market. Last but not the least if they still don’t
agree with the price rate so we should fall back from the package and give them other option. Our prime
focus is to retain the client at any cost.
iii) Record Keeping: We can have short notes of the client what you have discussed earlier so that you don’t
behave like an alien in second meeting. Try to note some discussion e.g If a client tells you I found very
difficult to locate you so in second meeting you should remember that and frequently ask “Sir have you
find any problem while approaching us?”. That gives client a comfort zone and it gives an impression
that someone is try to care for me so H/she will not disappoint me in my event.
iv) Aesthetic Sense (Aesthetic Sense or Design Sense).
d) Assessment of Scope of Event.
2) Confidence.
3) Discussion & Planning of Event:
a) Menu.
b) Setup
c) Service.
4) Costing n Terms & Conditions.
5) Recording.
6) Handing over to reservation team: (Now our company have two departments for client handling e.g
Sales team and Reservation team. Sales team get the event from the outside they lock the event on
some ground basis and handed over to the reservation officer they do all execution of the event. So this
point is very tricky when you are handing over the event to someone else so sometimes you missed
things which you commit with the client. In my opinion when we are handing over the event to the
reservation officer we should call the client as well discuss everything in front of them so there should
be clarity about everything.
7) Handing Over To Operation ( HTO ) :
a) Catering:
i) Food & Beverage.
ii) Service.
iii) Setup.
b) Event Design & Décor.
c) Lights & Power Generation.
d) Entertainment.
e) Temperature Control.
3- Ahsan
Profiling 1.1.5: Sometime when client feel comfortable
check the customer status whether he is getting information for his event from someone other.
1.2 Single male or female need to attend very carefully.
4- Usman
1.1. First Look
1.1.1. Look at the client directly with confidence and have a Continuous Eye Contact with Client.
1.1.2. After Knowing the Clients Personality Start Informal discussion which really helps in Knowing the
Likes and dislikes, Preferences and Behavior of the client. General Character (categorized as follow ;)
Following are the general Characteristics of a Customer which will help us while profiling.
 Age Of the customer
 He is Decision maker or Not
 Educational Back Ground
 Residential Address
 Customer Life Style
 How did Customer Approached Us i-e any Reference, Mail, Social Media, Etc
 Limitations of the Customer in any
After knowing the above things client can easily be further characterized in to the followings Financial Status. ( by their appearance, or by informal conversation)

A good customer never compromise of the quality and agrees to pay the Value. During the discussion
the Sales person can easily judge the Clients purchasing power if he has noted the general
characteristics of the Customer Correctly.
5- Farhan
Describe the perfect customer?
To me, the ideal customer loves your product and sees the value in the goods or services you provide
and is not hesitated or shy about sharing that opinion with others.
He or she is engaged with and responsive to your new products and offerings, and doesn’t shop
exclusively from the sale section.
A sales person should be welcoming & have a eye to eye contact with confidence so the impact should
be made on customer.
Questions should be asked from customer.
How many of your guests are going to attend the event?
What type of the event it is?
At what location this event takes place?
Identify Their End-Goal Wants & Needs:-
What customer wants? What they are thinking to get? And at what cost, all things should be kept in
mind by the sales person and make a reasonable package to make the customer realize that he is doing
for me.
The Chooser vs. the User
If a customer is comparing apple with banana firstly clear his mind that he can’t compare apple with
banana! Make the customer to realize that he was comparing wrong by not telling that you are wrong
by the specifications that on which he is comparing it with.
6- Wassi
In my opinion complete script should be written for the questions asked by customers in our daily sales
practice. everyone should follow it.

Profiling the Customers, Define your customers with the following criteria:
 Demographics – their age, gender, income, etc.
 Psychographics – their personality type, preferences, etc.
 Behavior – their similar likes and dislikes, sports, hobbies, etc.
B2B companies should also note characteristics of your ideal businesses to work with, including:
 # of employees
 Revenue
 Geographic scope
 Type of business
 Decision-making
 Budget
Understand Their Purchasing Process, Review the needs and benefits that make your customers
buy your service.

 Where do they begin their research?

 What is their problem or need?
 What are the benefits to finding a solution?
B2B companies should also think about:
 Do they make purchases by impulse?
 Do they seek out referrals?
 Will they need approval by a committee before making a decision?

Tip: Keeping and updating records regularly in a more effective central record of customer details (at
Least famous corporate clients) makes easier to identify and resolve any problems and speeds up
bookings. Better access to information helps us deal with customers more quickly. (comply with data
protection rules)
Tip: Profiling existing customers also makes it easier to find new ones. You can look for similar
prospects, and sell to them in a similar way.


DO ensure that management objectives are aligned with service promises to customers
DO make sure departments talk to each other
DO manage customer expectations effectively
DO listen to frontline staff, what's working and what's not. (For other departments like Ops & Fnb)
DON'T oversell yourself to your customers
DON'T hide behind the environment, systems or processes

7- Haroon

Reference to the context:

8) Profiling.
a) First Look. First impression is the last impression. Never forget that you only have one opportunity to
make the first impression with customers so don’t lose it.
b) Assess the clients ( Profiling ).
i) General Character ( Categorized as follow ).
ii) Financial Status ( By their appearance, or by informal conversation ) This is very important. Since I’m
lucky to have an office from where I can see the parking lot, its very easy to make some initial
assessment of client when He comes out of his car and off course his dress code. As per my experience,
clients wearing National Dress have more potential and far richer than someone wearing a neck tie
who’ll just waste your time collecting information.

2. Profiling
2.1. First Look
2.1.1. Look at the client directly with confidence – Eye contact is of foremost importance. The ability
to make good eye contact is a social skill that can earn you lot of money all along with success. I always
maintain a very strong eye contact with guests & clients as this makes one look dominant, powerful and
confident. Would you believe, nowadays working ladies have a more skilled, effective and competent
eye contact as compared to gents. I am of the view that constant eye contact improves the quality of
2.1.2. Confidence can be shown by how you stand and Greet and welcome the clients. You have to
make your visitors / customers special therefore it’s vital for us to stand up and greet them with a smile.
I never make the customer feel that they are just a part of my commission making scheme. I make them
feel like a class fellow and the first thing I ask them is their name. People love to hear their names. Once
you start calling them by their names your relationship will become deeper & stronger. And, Please
don’t call them the usual good old boring “SIR”
2.1.3. Greet the client and welcome the client.
2.1.4. Greeting the client in a way that you “break the Ice “between you and your client. Never get
straight to business. Have a chit chat about traffic, weather, a bit of Political scene, sports, stock
exchange, movies etc. By doing this your lead will mature almost by 50%
2.1.5. Informal discussion can really help. As mentioned above
2.1.6. Make the client feel at ease. Offer him tea, coffee, cigarettes, juice, biscuits.
2.1.7. Assess the clients (profiling) General Character (categorized as follow ;) When customers recognize that your venue and staff have a friendly environment that makes
them feel special, significant, respected, and gives them a sense of belonging, expect these customers
always wanting to come back to your venue
All clients are not a piece of cake. We all come across bad clients as well. A bad client doesn’t necessarily
mean the one who takes ages to pay but sometimes a bad client can be the one who creates
unnecessary problems. Therefore we should take note of the early warning signs from day one. For
instance, when I suspect the client to be tricky, I always write against his name “Be Careful of this Guy”
Last but not the least. A person who walks into your office for the first time is a stranger, therefore we
are spending more efforts with strangers to create an impression that will ultimately turn them into a
prospect client or even a friend.
8- Raheel
Is the act or process of assessing information about a person or a client based on known traits or
So in my opinion generally following is a great structure for our profiling process and we can divide this
basically in four sections. Or F.A.A.P can be its abbreviation! As it is a process and a sequential process it
should not be in any other sequence.
Please understand we cannot write or attempt to write all FAQs in our profiling in fact we should
compile another document where all possible FAQs can be stated with precise answer for all to learn.
We must define and categorize personas of our client more accurately hence more discussion needs to
go in that. These personas are usually based on combination of (G.F.A) General Character, Financial
Status and Aesthetic sense and past history of the client and his events. As we have no system of
persona creation hence we cannot record clients profile also and cannot develop products based on
specific profiles.
A. First Look & welcome
1. Look at the client directly with confidence
2. Confidence can be shown by how you stand and Greet and welcome the clients.
3. Greet the client and welcome the client.
4. Greeting the client in a way that you “break the Ice “between you and your client.
5. Informal discussion can really help.
6. Make the client feel at ease.
B. Assessment of the clients
1. General Character (categorized as follow)
i. Exciting (A client with great repute, or with previous good record, and with great Potential.)
ii. Great (A client with Ok repute, or with ok Previous record, and ok Potential)
iii. Careful (A client with no repute, or with no record and ok Potential)
iv. Difficult (A client with OK or No repute, and/or with record or no record but is very demanding and
entrust worthy, and with Great or Ok Potential)
2. Financial Status. (by their appearance, or by informal conversation)
i. Low Medium (Just basics, no third Party, keep less involvement)
ii. Medium (Basic Menu upgrade, no third party, Keep minimum involvement)
iii. Medium-up (upgraded Menu, involve third Party, Keep medium Involvement)
iv. Up-scale (Give complete solution)
3. Aesthetic Sense. (Aesthetic Sense can be assessed by following)
i. What the client is wearing
ii. what color the bride and groom are wearing
iii. What are their choices as per the event?
C. Assessment of Scope of Event.
1. Ask the client three basic questions i.e.
2. How many guests are you expecting?
3. What Type of the event it is?
4. Where is the location of the event?
D. Pitch Assessment & planning
Then we need to ask following questions; off-course keeping relevant profile in mind;
 what can I offer the client e.g. menu, setup etc....(i.e. what is available on the date)?
 what value added can I add to make more money (that can be in food, service or in setup)
 What external value added service can we involve to make the event special.
 How can I make my offer unique?

To Me... Profiling means to observe carefully and assess ---- their Age, Income and to assess
personality & Preferences, etc.

Age.. will determine your dialogue with an older person will be different than a younger client.

Income.. Client's Attire will tell you their worthiness.

Personality.. may only be determined if you can maintain a dialogue with your client, and observe his
body language, is your client comfortable with you and absorbs your pitch and revert backs either politely
or carelessly. Is he focused? Or is he shopping within his mind somewhere else?

References given in SOP, a & b doesn't make sense. First look is the initial step towards profiling. It is
only through the eye contact you start processing your profiling.

Also iii & part c are linked together. Aesthetic sense of the client will automatically come out when he or
she describes their event.

That's All for now.

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